#princess amythist
isefyres-archive · 8 months
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@aeg3n asked: ❛ you’re such a tease . ❜ (narcyssa)
"Are    you    in    a    rush,    Your    Grace?    I    thought    your    stay    in    Lys    would    be    one    of    calm    pleasure."    The    young    woman    speaks,    sway    of    her    hips    moving    to    the    sound    of    music    from    the    musicians    across    the    hall,    the    door    to    her    room    is    not    closed,    rather,    a    curtain    falls    to    leave    shadows    to    dance    in    the    dimmest    of    lists.    Narcyssa    plays    to    the    beat,    and    hten    around    the    prince,    his    eyes    ahd    hair    proof    of    his    heritage    and    how    hot    his    skin    feels    under    her    hands    as    she    unbottons    the    first    few    of    his    shirt    before    departing    from    his    side.    "Have    you    ever    made    love    with    a    view    like    this,    I    wonder."    Her    own    amythist    eyes    fall    to    the    balcony,    Lysani    Nights    are    full    of    light    and    movement    and    the    sounds    of    music    and    pleasure    and    party.    It's    a    good    life,    but    one    that    lacks    some    excitement. 
  He    proves    to    be    just    that    for    the    Princess.    "They    say    if    you    close    your    eyes,    you    could    feel    like    a    dragon,    flying."    And    her    smile    is    bright    as    she    speaks.    Her    hands    moving    to    the    pins    that    hold    her    dress    together.    There    are    no    small    clothes    or    garnments    under    them,    she    made    sure    of    it    and    with    his    view,    she    is    certain    he    knows    it    too.    "I    was    tasked    to    make    your    stay    pleasurable.    Let    your    thoughts    wash    away    with    the    wind    tonight,    My    Prince.    And    just    feel."    Dress    pools    around    her    legs,    the    only    thing    that    remains    to    offer    gentle    modesty    is    the    chains    that    wrap    around    her    breast    and    waist,    long    silver    hair    covering    partially    her    breast.    "This    is    what    your    ancestors    did    when    they    arrived    in    Lys.    Why    deny    yourself    the    same    pleasures?"    And    as    she    stands    over    him,    she    guides    one    of    his    hands    to    her    stomach    and    higher,    to    the    edge    of    her    breast.
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vicstwashington · 2 years
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 We don’t have any news on Season 5... But I have a few notes on the next season. Lol
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After the ending of the finale episode... I immediately thought of several thing I want to see change in Season 5.
1. I like her... But Rocket doesn’t bring anything to the group & I want to replace her.
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My choices. Princess Amethyst, Green Lantern’s Jessica Cruz, Raven & the one I’d REALLY like to see... Starfire!! 
2. B & C storylines. 
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It’s clear The Brion storyline isn’t over. I can see what will happen next! His people betray him & the Outsiders will come in & save him. 
This whole season watching Beast Boy was just so... tiresome. I’m just not a fan! 
Also, I don’t need to see Violet’s journey into finding themselves.
3. Give Wonder Girl her flowers!
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Both Nightwing & Superboy get full BIG storylines... But Wonder Girl? Leading a team, we never see! Cassie should be standing next to both of them. Now with Supergirl coming in... She’ll definitely be left for dead now. 
4. The Shazam Family.
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The finale end credit scene we seen Mary Bromfield as one of Darkseid new Furies. I’m going to need to see the whole family show up! in fact I might need to see Mary beat them all up when they first meet up with her. Now this can be the B Storyline for Season 5.
5.  Darkseid’s new Furies
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I still think Barda will turn on Darkseid eventually. 
Mary or Black Mary (As she’s known now!) I’m going to need her to be the most violent one of this group! Zatanna trained her... So, I’m also going to need a Black Mary vs Zatanna moment.
Kara Zor-El is most definitely will be the main character of this group! We also found out that Kara wasn’t in the phantom zone. I’m VERY excited to see Kara & what they do with her.
6. Superboy & Superman.
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With Kara coming into season 5. Clearly Conner & Clark will be a main focus of the season. I’m going to need M’gann really involved in this storyline. I don’t want to see her pushed aside as just the wife of superboy. Also, the light has all of the Kryptonians. Superman will want to save them... But are they really worth saving? I bet in superman’s eyes yes! 
7. The Legion of Super-Heroes 
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Ma'alefa'ak was sent to Durla... Home of Chameleon boy.
Ursa Zod or the new Emerald Empress is now at Daxam with her unborn son (Lor-Zod) determined to wreak vengeance for the House of Zod.
We haven’t seen the last of Three Legionnaires. Maybe Brainiac-5 will show up with them. 
I’m excited for Season 5 & I hope we get it!! 🤞🤞🤞
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sunshine-apprentice · 3 years
Vil x Vectra
(Vaguely inspired by This December
Azul is of course the lovely @azulsartdump
CW for a npc not taking losing for an answer)
The third year put his hair up tightly as he stared at himself in his vanity. He didn't feel completely prepared for this fight, but he knew he was graduating this year. 'I need to do it before I leave and before anyone else wins against her,' he thought to himself as he gently set the brush back in the drawer under the mirror. With a huff the blond stood upright and went to the training grounds where he met that damned faery for the past months to learn to fight.
"Oh, it's snowing, I should head back to the dorm soon," the red head muttered, looking out the window of the enclosed training area, a practice sword pointing at a first-year's neck. The younger male was panting and swore. Vectra walked over to his discarded weapon, just out of his range from the ground.
"Good try, but you los-!" her words were cut off as he tackled her, hellbent on winning against her and making her 'his woman.' Then boy had her arms pinned to her sides causing her to drop both blades.
"I won't go down this time,' he snarled and moved his foot before she could stomp on it.
"Get off me, you lost!"
"Who said we'd just be fighting with swords~" he purred and his gripped tightened around her middle.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" A voice shouted and both looked over to see Vil fuming. The second year's eyes sparkled with relief, despite not knowing the blond's exact abilities she knew who was training him and he caused a distraction. She quickly bashed the back of her head into the male's nose and scurried away from his arms. Rubbing the back of her head, she turned to thank the senior to see him grabbing a sword from the rack of training weapons.
"Oh, so the bitch needs a princess to rescue her," the first year cooed, picking up both swords beside him. He tossed one aside, not quite arrogant enough to try dual wielding long swords.
"I'll accept the princess comment, but I will never accept anyone calling that lady a bitch." The dorm head snarled and the two clashed swords. The young noble was so taken aback by the appearance and words of Vil that she momentarily forgot that the fight was hers to finish.
"Ah ah," a voice spoke quietly next to the red head. Vectra turned to see blue-haired friend with her arms crossed as she studied the fight before her.
"I know you're a knight with pride and all Vec-chan, but this is a guy thing, let them handle it." The dragonfly faery turned to smile at her junior before turning her attention back to the men. Red eyes glimmered with pride towards and the second-year couldn't tell if it was pride as a teacher, pride for him coming to fight, or a bit of both, but she knew from that look why Azul was training Vil and that caused her face to flush.
This match was not as face paced as when it would be if the two women were practicing. Nonetheless, like most sword fights it was over when someone lose their weapon. The two clashed multiple times but the victory was clear to the trained eyes of the onlookers. They were right as the sword of the younger went flying towards a wall. The smaller male didn't expect the 'princess' to be so tough, but he wasn't ready to surrender, even with a sword at his neck once more.
Irritated by the arrogance of the loser, the blond still overwhelmed with emotion, punch the other, farther breaking his nose. With a cry of pain he threw one hand around his nose and the other up in the air in surrender.
"I suggest the kid leave and we calm Vil down before he overblots again." Azul speaks up and the first year nods before running away. The woman pushes the other towards the slightly trembling male. Vectra sighs, but walks to where he could see her and gently places a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey," her voice was softly and he looked over. Amythist eyes meeting chestnut ones for the second time that day and he visibly calmed down.
"Sorry about that," he spoke after clearing his throat and fixing his hair. On instinct the red head scanned over his face and arms for any injury before giving him a hug. The two third years were surprised by her actions, even she was caught off guard, but she stayed nonetheless.
"Thank you," now barely above a whisper, "I've never had someone fight for me like that before..." her voice trailed off as she blinked rapidly for a moment before letting him go. Vil smiled very softly down at her, he knew that this whole thing must have been difficult on her. He opted for placing a feather light kiss on her head instead of saying anything.
"Does that mean they are finally together now?" A new voice chimed in causing the second year to blush brightly and push away from the blond.
"Shut it Erik!"
"That wasn't a no, Vec-chan." Erik and Azul, two of her close friends, started to laugh embarrassing the knight further. She was about to storm off when she felt a finger hook around her own.
"I hope it's a yes," the proud dorm head seemed almost bashful as he whispered to her.
"We'll see," she tried to say calmly, but the stutter gave her away.
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