#prince concorts
kabishkat19 · 10 months
Favourite Prince Consorts✨
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disneydarlin · 8 months
Princess Cinderella's Queen Coronation
The following pictures were taken from Disneyland in France. It's unknown who is to be credited for these images; however, they can be found on Pintrest.
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Based on the pictures above, Cinderella arrives with her husband, Prince Charming, to the coronation. Since the Prince's crown doesn't change, it's clear the ceremony is for the kingdom's Princess. Cinderella's princess diamond tiara is later replaced with a crown befitting the new queen. The touching moment is when the King acknowledges Cinderella's status as a royal and crowns her the new Queen Concort himself. Upon the King's death, Prince Charming will be crowned the new king. As such, his status remains the same.
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snowmortesimps · 2 years
How I imagine the concorts would react to MC(Snow) building a blanket fort in her room...
Guy: (Opens door and stops in the doorway)… Snow: (draping the last blanket over a chair) Oh! Allo Guy, what do you think? Guy: What in the Creator’s name is this? Snow: A fort… Guy: …Why are you like this?... (Walks away, shaking his head) Snow: (Throws small pillow at him) Fine! You weren’t invited anyway, party-pooper!
Toa: Snow, I…What are you doing? Snow: Building a fort! Can you clip that clothes pin on the sheet there for me? Toa: (Begrudgingly does so) You realize, I would hope, that this is little more than a construct of laundry? Snow: <_< No…it’s a fort…and I’m the Queen! Toa: Queen of the laundry pile? Snow: (Pouts and glares at him)  Toa: Please do be sure to clean this up… Snow: ……Yes, Sir…butthead…
Roy: Miss Snow…ah? What’s all this? Snow: (Pokes her head out from the ‘doorway’ of the fort) This is Fort Morte! How go’eth thee?! Roy: (Confused, but amused) In peace, preferably. Snow: Wonderful! I’d hate to have to declare war on such a handsome Prince. Roy: Shall we discuss treaties over tea, fair Lady of the fort? Snow: (Giggles and pulls back the blanket) We shall, indeed, good Sir!
Fenn: Oh my! What a charming little hideaway! Are you planning to use this to get cozy with me? Snow: Not the intended purpose, I assure you… Fenn: You wound me, Treasure…but if not for intimate acts of secluded passion, what is the reason for this? Snow: It’s my fort! And it’s a no hanky-panky stronghold… Fenn: How does the fair maiden of the fort feel about cuddles? Snow: (Deadpans and pins a sign on a blanket reading “No pervy Princes allowed” )
Rio: ‘Lo Snow!...Woah! What’s this, then? Snow: (Beaming) Rio! Do you like my fort? Rio: It’s amazing! Snow: I was hoping you’d think so. Want to come in? Rio: Absolutely! Hungry? Snow: (Squeals with joy) You brought snacks! Come in!....Watch your head! Lynt: (Yawns) This is a lovely place for a nap, Precious. Snow: I had other plans for this fort, but that does sound nice. Lynt: It’s a fort? Snow: Of course! Come inside, Lynt. It’s comfy! Lynt: Say no more. (Climbs inside) …Aren’t you coming?
Dia: … Snow: Oh, Dia! Allo. Have you come to try to invade Fort Morte? Dia: …This is a fort? Snow: Yes…do you want to check it out? Dia: … Snow: I have a grow-your-own-mushroom kit… Dia: Why didn’t you begin with that? (Enters fort) Snow: …He’s so cute…
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Hi Skippy, Mr Skippy and the Skippyettes. Wonder if you can recall from the LS notes, was there any hint of the Camilla as Princess Concort, Prince Andrew antics or PH/HBC drama /\?there was so much info imparted from LS during the time she posted. Hope all is well with your family and fur babies
Hi! You know, London Scoop give us valuable info that we have seen come to pass….however, nothing was mentioned about Camilla….hints of Andrew having issues…much of what we have seen was not mentioned….thank you so much, we are all good here….hope this finds you and yours well…..❤️
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cloudycrystalkpop · 3 years
SMOKY | Purgatory Within
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Blind! Prince! Mingi x [unstated skin deformity] fem! Reader
words: almost 2k 
warnings: abuse trauma, smut, death
au: crown royal au | moodboard
series masterlist: SMOKY
you became more and more concerned for your husband’s behavior as time went on. the young man who had once been so careful and gentle, now stood with a silent rage behind his empty eyes.
however, after you confronted him about his possessive behavior, you watched him break down at your feet.
“p-please... please don’t leave me...” his large frame was once again curled in on himself, shoulders shaking as he kneeled on the floor, hands fisted in your robe. his head was hung low as he begged you at your feet.
“Mingi, what has been going on with you?” you insisted, refusing to touch the man as he tried to bury his face in your lap.
“I can't- I can't let the Duke take you! or your whore of a knight! Please my queen please, take me instead, take everything I have!” the man let out a broken sob as you sighed at his words.
“enough.” you growled, grabbing a hand full of his hair and lifting his head. he yelped in shock, neck exposed to you as his Adams apple bobbed in fear.
“you are to be a king Mingi. you are a grown man, and I am your wife. you are not a little boy to be crying at the feet of his mother.” you pushed the man off your lap and stood. “and you will be a fool of a king if you let such foolish insecurity cloud your judgment!”
Mingi hid his head low, covering his face with his arms.
“I'm sorry! I'm sorry! p-please don't-” his normally deep voice cracked in terror. you stopped, anger at he man before you evaporated.
“Mingi...mingi I'm not going to hit you.” you spoke softly, gently falling to your knees on the floor. his body shook, arms still held to protect his face. “I hope you know, I would never do that.” your voice was sorrowful as you reached out a hand to his head.
he flinched when you touched his hair, but as you began to run your fingers through it, his muscles slowly relaxed. dropping his arms from his face you could finally see the puffiness around his eyes, the cloudiness of the dark pigment stared blankly back at you.
“...do you promise?” he hiccuped, turning his head to try and find the direction of your voice. you cupped the man’s cheeks, pulling his head to face yours. his eyes fluttered shut as he rested his head in your hands.
“oh my darling boy, who did this to you?”
Mingi found a small kitten in the garden. a runt, tiny thing. you had thought the bundle of orange fur was some nobles lost purse left out in the rain. he named her Daisy, saying her fur smelled of the flowers when she curled up in his big hands.
You rarely saw the man without her, the small kitten often purching on Mingi's large shoulders.
Your husband still held ribbons of his possessive behavior, however he began to distance himself from you. You rarely saw him now other then in passing on when the pair of you went to sleep at night. He also began neglecting pleasing you, but you assumed he was simply not interested as both of you often went to sleep without any contact.
Now you found yourself facing a different delema. You had always been a woman with a high sex drive, its one of the reasons you had chosen Seonghwa as a concort. However your poor knight had been frightened quite badly by yourself and your husband, and you knew he wouldnt return to you unless you seeked him out.
But you had also made Mingi a promis. One that was getting increasingly hard for you to keep.
"My lady, is everything alright? You seem lost in thought... If there is any responsibilities weighing heavy on you i am more then happy to help however i can!" the young Duke's voice was as sweet as ever.
You sighed, looking over to Yeosang, a man you had been trying not to look at for to long. His hair lay in soft curls around his face, lightened by the many years spent outside in the sunlight. Likewise his skin was warm in hue, tanner then the rest of your court.
You had heard some of the other ladies snickering about him. Yeosang surely didnt live up to some of the standards for desired beauty the royals had. A strange thought flashed in your mind. Is that why Mingi was chosen to be your husband over Yeosang? Mingi's frame was large, an incredibly masculine figure just looking at him, with dark hair and skin untouched by the sun.
Little Yeosang however, had small and dainty hands, with long thin fingers, his features were softer then Mingi's, even his skin looked soft to the touch. And the many years spent as a playmate for his sisters left him with an unthreatening demeanor.
Indeed it wasnt hard for you to imagine him, flowers in his hair, sat on a blanket in the valley, perhaps painting or writing for his own amusement. You shoved away such thoughts as you saw a line of concern crease in his brow.
"My lady..."
"I am sorry Yeosang. Truthfully ive been feeling a bit... Forgotten about in these last weeks. And its left me feeling distracted." you answered him.
"Forgotten... Ah, by your husband?" perceptive as always. You sighed, gase dropping to your tea once more, before nodding.
"Have you tried speaking to him? He has a shy nature, im sure-"
"Hes trying to help." you held up a hand to stop him. "He did not trust me, and hes trying to offer me space to show he does." you clarified.
"... I see." Yeosang chewed on his lip in thought. His lips were a pretty blush color, not as round as Mingi's but plump, they looked soft... Very soft.
You cursed yourself in your own head. His fingers, his lips, youd be lying to deny they hadnt crossed your mind when you bathed. Your hands wandering your own body, head leaned back and eyes closed. Imagining it was Yeosang's long fingers in place of your own as you gasped in pleasure.
You shooed away the maid who came to offer you more tea, informing her it wouldnt be needed. Lust was a vice that would only cause you harm as Mingi's wife. And yet, something stirred in your gut.
"Yeosang, will you come walk with me?" the Duke nodded quickly, standing to his feet to follow you deeping into the gardens.
Your husband would be furious. And yet, such a worry seemed to melt away as you let yourself become lost in his touch.
"My lady please, you must be quiet. Or else we shall scandalize some poor stable boy." Yeosang's voice purred in your ear, pressing soft kisses to your neck after speaking.
You bite your tongue as Yeosang let another finger slip inside you. You were right, his fingers were deliciously long, able to reach places within you your own faltered. His hand snaked up your skirts and inside your undergarments, the heel of his hand pressed against your clit, his wrist not forgetting such an important part as he rubbed it gently.
You could almost see stars as he began sucking on your neck, a third finger sliding within you.
"... I promised you, anything you ever needed, i will provide. If its council, wisdom, or even such sinful favors... I am at your service. Always." Yeosang's voice was honey on your skin. You pulled one of your hands up from where they were fisted in his jacket, tugging gently on his hair. He pulled away from your neck, eyes now staring into your own. A look of pride took his features, seeing the state of pleasure you were in at his hands.
Tugging his hair again, you let a small whine fall from your lips. He chuckled, increasing the pace of his hand, and before a moan could fall from your lips, he covered them with his own.
That night, cheeks finally faded with the glow of what yourself and the Duke had snuck away to do, you crossed paths with a guard.
“your highness! just who I was looking for~” dread pooled in your gut as you saw Hongjoong, cheerful grin on display, with a small kitten in his arms. Daisy shook like a leaf, eyes slit to spite the darkness of the hallway.
you opened your arms and Hongjoong placed the small cat in your hands. Daisy immediately pressed herself as far from Hongjoong as she could, a small hiss let out in his direction.
“how rude. if it wasn't for me she would have been stuck at the top of a lamp. ungrateful feline.” he huffed. you began to gently stroke the cat’s fur, in hopes of calming her down.
“an animal as small as this knows when it is in the jaws of a predator.” you stated. Hongjoong smiled, and your stomach dropped. humans are so stupid. Hongjoong is known as a cheerful and smiley person, but yet the cloud that follows him hides the nature of his grin. a wolf does not offer you a smile, he bares his teeth as a warning.
“and yet your little prince is so blissfully unaware of what he is toying with~” Hongjoong giggled. you simply blinked back at the creature before you. “you know, your fondness for that Duke will upset him. but if you wanted a straightforward solution-”
“I am not a fool like the other idiot humans that reside here.” you growled.
“oh no, absolutely not. but, witch, neither am i.” you narrow your eyes at him.
“I could have you hung for accusing the future queen of witchcraft.” you threatened. Hongjoong lay his head back and let out a hearty laugh.
“that would be a sight! do you really want to see what happened if you try and kill me?” Hongjoong stops himself before he begins laughing again. “actually I believe I know that answer. regardless, my offer still stands. just as our deal already does.”
“deal?” you feel panic rise in your throat.
“why yes, the silent one of course.” Hongjoong grins that same one that appears in your nightmares. the one that pulls his cheeks up and shows just a few to many teeth.
“you don't tell them what I am, and in exchange, I do the same.”
you awoke the next morning, without Mingi. his side of the bed was cold, and even Daisy had gone missing. you thought little of it as you rose to begin your day, however, you were not greeted by one of your handmaidens, but rather, a guard.
“your majesty, I come bearing news.” he swallowed nervously.
“oh? at this hour?” you inquired. you were then greeted by a sorrowful meow, Daisy crawling between the guards legs and hiding under your nightgown.
“your husband, Prince Mingi, was found dead in a poll of his own blood last night.”
who killed the king?
suspects : Yeosang | Seonghwa | Hongjoong
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vaestronia · 2 years
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The Eslian Wedding 2/?
This morning, Their Imperial Majesties The Tsar and The Tsarina of Eslian along with their daughters TIH Princess Alina and Princess Galina arrived at Mirabella International Airport.
The Royal family of Eslia were greeted to the airport HM The Queen and HRH The Prince Concort
The Eslian Family arrived to Vaestronia to attend the wedding of Her Imperial Highness Crown Princess Faina of Eslia and Her Royal Highness Princess Madelaine of Ancedale. It is not the first time the royal family are visitiing Vaestronia. The first visit was 25 years ago, at the late Queen Katherine's reign.
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reallifesultanas · 4 years
Death and funerals/Halál és temetés
Death was also a very important part of the life of Ottoman Empire, especially because violent death was extremely common among male members of the dynasty. We are all familiar with the law of fratricide, which has led to the death of hundreds of princes (in many cases infants, children) by being strangled with a silk string. In my post today, however, I would rather talk about those for whom the cause and time of death are not so clear. I brought you some interesting, possibly suspicious deaths, and tried to gather everything about the causes of death of each sultan, prince, and sultana; and I also brought a brief history of the funerals: who was buried where, when there were unusual changes in funeral habits…
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In general, very little is known about the deaths of the sultans of the early period. In many cases, we are left with guesses about the cause of death. However, the death of Murad I. (r. 1362-1389) is, for example, a refreshing exception, as several descriptions of his death have been made. He was killed by a Serbian nobleman during or before the Battle of Rigómező (1389). “… Absolutely unexpectedly, Milos Obilic who, out of cunning and intrigue, said he had adopted Islam, asked us to (…) kiss the shining lord’s foot, but instead of doing so, he inevitably stabbed a poisoned knife hidden in his dress into the glorious body of the lord, and seriously wounded him, and drank him with the serbet of the martyrs.” Of course, it is not certain that everything happened as described, but it is certain that he was victim of murder by the hands of Milos Obilic.
The death of Bayezid I (r. 1389-1402) himself is also interesting. Some believe that he committed suicide in the captivity of Timur Lenk (r. 1370-1405) after Timur humiliated his wife, Maria before his eyes. Others say he was poisoned during captivity.
Either way, the deaths of the sultans always marked the beginning of something new. If the sultan died, there was no time to mourn. For their wives, concorts, and chief pashas had a different matter after death: to immediately notify the crown prince, or the prince whom they themselves wanted to see on the throne. The sultan became the one who reach the capital first and ascended the throne. In the early days, sultans often died during a campaign away from their home - the imperial capital - so it was their pashas who informed the princes about the situation. The princes did everything they could to get to the capital first. In many cases, they also received help from the pashas who supported them. For example, Bayezid II (r. 1481-1512), who had previously married his daughters to influential pashas. His sons-in-laws did everything they could to slow down Bayezid’s biggest rival, one of his brothers, on the road to Istanbul. They succeeded and Bayezid ascended the throne, so the pashas received their reward for it.
Unlike Bayezid II, at the death of Sultan Süleyman I (r. 1520-1566), there was no longer a competitor to his son, Selim II (r. 1566-1574). Yet Süleyman still died at a very bad moment - right in the middle of a battle - caused by the health problems by his gout. To avoid rebellion and loss of soldier's motivation, the grand vezir, Sokollu Mehmed Pasha concealed the sultan's death. He clothed servants in the sultan's robes, he dictated commands written by similarly handwritten scribes on behalf of the sultan until Selim II finally arrived to the camp and became a sultan.
In later periods, after his death the sultan's consorts played the main role, not his pashas, as the sultans died more and more often in the capital. One particularly interesting example of this is Selim II's death, which he suffered after slipping in the bath and which his wife, Nurbanu Sutan (⁓1525-1583), shared only with the Grand Vizier, and secretly sent a message to Nurbanu's son Murad (r. 1574-1595) to come to the capital. This was necessary because Murad's younger brothers were in the capital at the time of Selim's death.
The sultans were always buried in the current imperial capital. Bursa, as a former capital, played an important role even after the conquest of Constantinapole, as the princes who had been executed or died by natural causes were buried there. Of course, there were exceptions, during the reign of Süleyman I (r. 1520-1566) there was two. His favorite son, Mehmed (1521-1543), died of illness in Manisa, but breaking with customs, Süleyman not only buried him in the capital instead of Bursa, but had made a mosque to him, which vied with the mosques of the sultans. His other son, the rebellious Bayezid (1525-1562) was less fortunate. Because he was executed near the Iranian border, Süleyman even refused him the Bursa funeral so he was buried with his sons near to the Iranian border. His youngest son, who was an infant and could not flee to Iran with his him, was buried in Bursa among other princes of similar destiny.
Before we scrutinize the sultanas, here is a brief summary of the period of the “Sultanate of women” and the period immediately preceding it, about the causes of death of the sultans and princes, without claiming completeness*:
Bayezid II (b. 1447): 24 April 1512, most probably poisoning or natural causes
Selim I (d. 1470): 22 September 1520, most probably tumor or anthrax but plague is also an option
Süleyman I (b. 1494): 7 September 1566, gout but some sources suggest stroke also beside the gout
Şehzade Mahmud (b. 1512): 29 October 1521, smallpox or plague
Şehzade Musztafa (b. 1515): 6 october 1553, strangled
Şehzade Mehmed (b. 1546): 10 october1553, strangled
Şehzade Ahmed (b. ?): 1552, illness
Şehzade Murad (b. 1519): 12 October 1521, smallpox or plague
Şehzade Mehmed (b. 1521): 6 November 1543, smallpox or plague
Şehzade Abdullah (b. ⁓1525): c. 1527, maybe smallpox or plague
Şehzade Bayezid (b. ⁓1525 ): 23 July 1562, strangled
Şehzade Orhan (b. ⁓1543): 23 July 1562, strangled
Şehzade Osman (b. ⁓1545): 23 July 1562, strangled
Şehzade Abdullah (b. ⁓1548): 23 July 1562, strangled
Şehzade Mehmed (b. ⁓1544): 23 July 1562, strangled
Şehzade Murad (b. ⁓1556): 23 July 1562, strangled
Şehzade ? (b. ⁓1560/1): July 1562, strangled
Şehzade Cihangir (b. 1531): 27 November 1553, chronical illness and some kind of acut desease
Selim II: 12/15 December 1574, head injury after slipping
Şehzade Mehmed (b. ⁓1570): 1573/74, illness
Şehzade Szulejmán (b. ⁓1570): 22 December 1574, strangled
Şehzade Abdullah (b. ⁓1570): 22 December 1574, strangled
Şehzade Ali  (b. ⁓1572): 1572, soon after his death
Şehzade Oszmán (b. ⁓1573/4): 22 December 1574, strangled
Şehzade Cihangir (b. ⁓1573/4): 22 December 1574, strangled
Murad III (b. 1546): 16 January 1595, natural causes
Şehzade Selim (b. 1567): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Mahmud (b. 1568): c. 1581, illness
Şehzade Süleyman, Cihangir, Ahmed died after their birth
Şehzade Abdullah (b. 1585): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Mustafa (b. 1585): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Bayezid (b. 1586): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Cihangir (b. 1587): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Abdurrahman (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Alemşah (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Aleaddin Davud (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Ali (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Hasan (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Hüseyin (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Ishak (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Murad (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Oszmán (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Ömer (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Şehzade Yusuf (b. ?): 28 January 1595, strangled
Mehmed III (b. 1566): 21 December 1603, natural causes but some suggest he died because of health problems caused by his overweight
Şehzade Selim (b. 1585): 1597, illness
Şehzade Mahmud (b. 1587): summer of 1603, strangled
Şehzade Süleyman (b. ?): 1597, illness
Şehzade Cihangir (b. ?): 1602, illness
Ahmed I (b. 1590): 22 November 1617, typhus or gastric bleeding
Şehzade Mehmed (b. 1605): 12 January 1621, strangled
Şehzade Bayezid (b. 1612): 27 July 1635, strangled
Şehzade Kasim (b. 1614): 17 February 1638, strangled
Şehzade Süleyman (b. 1615): 27 July 1635, strangled
Şehzade Hasan, Orhan, Selim, Hüseyin, Cihangir and possibly others also died an infants or young children
Mustafa I (b. ⁓1600): 1639, natural causes most probably, but epilepsy os also an option
Osman II (b. 1604): murder
Şehzade Ömer (b. 1621): 1622, there are more than one options: accident, shock, murder, illness
Murad IV (b. 1612): 8 February 1640, cirrhosis and other chronical illnesses
He had lot of sons, but all of them died as infants. Evliya Celebi suggest that all of them were born with a bad health and they died soon. This suggests an extreme situation, poisoning or genetical desease are also options.  
Ibrahim I (b. 1615): 18 August 1648, strangled
Şehzade Murad, Osman, Bayezid, Cihangir died as infants caused by illness
Şehzade Selim (b. 1644): 1669, most probably by illness
Mehmed IV (b. 1642): / November 1693, natural causes
Süleyman II (b. 1642): 22 June, 1691, his body got swollen then he fall into coma and later died.
Ahmed II (b. 1643): 6 February 1695, natural causes or stress-caused stroke/heart-attack
It is especially rare when the exact cause and date are both available for the sultanas. We know their lives primarily from registers that list their possessions and salaries. Thus, in many cases, we can only conclude that when they disappeared from the registers, they may have died. However, these registers are often incomplete, sometimes missing for several years, decades, and they can even be fragmentary. In addition, the cause of death was recorded even less frequently. To this we can usually deduce from if there was a child born, or there was a fresh marriage immediately before the time of death, or  possibly was there a huge epidemic at the time of death? About the influential sultanas, the historians and ambassadors have occasionally recorded the supposed cause of death. However, this is quite rare, as will become clear from reading the list at the bottom of the chapter.
The burial of sultans has always evoked double feelings in the people, because on the day of the funeral, the ascension of the new sultan was celebrated and meanwhile the new sultan's brothers were executed by the new sultan so the people moruned them. In contrast, the mourning and funeral customs of the sultanas were much calmer, receiving more attention in this sense. At the time of their death, the needy were often given alms and food for the sake of the sultana's soul. For example, the burial of Handan Valide Sultan (⁓1570-1605) after her death on November 9, 1605, the Venetian ambassador recorded the vast amount of alms distributed among the people. In addition, the death and burial of a valide sultan was always associated with a public mourning, as the people could express their sympathy for the sultan, who had lost his mother at that time. After the death of Ayşe Hafsa (⁓1475-1534), the mother of Süleyman I, for example, the city mourned for several days. Süleyman’s mother Hafsa Sultan had been an honored member of the royal family. In describing her funeral, the royal chancellor and historian Celalzade Mustafa honored her with a long series of formulas of praise, among which are the most exalted that can be applied to a Muslim woman, likening her to the Prophet Muhammad’s first wife Khadija, his daughter Fatima, and his third and favorite wife ‘A’isha: “[S]he was a woman of great ascetism and a lady of righteous thought, queen of the realm of chastity and the Khadija of the capital of purity, builder of charitable foundations and doer of pious deeds, the Fatima of the era and the ‘A’isha of the age.”
In the case of sultanas, instead of violent death, childbirth was the leading death-cause. Many died in labour and childbirth... Although the palace’s doctors and midwives were the bests in the world, childbirth was a dangerous activity in those days. The fact is, however, that far fewer women from the dynasty of the Ottoman Empire died of childbirth compared to the western empires. The most famous birth-related death belongs to Esmehan Kaya. Kaya Sultan (1633-1658) was the daughter of Murad IV (r. 1623-1640), and she inherited the nature of her father, this is why she was considered by many to be Murad’s most worthy child. Legend has it that Esmehan Kaya was predicted that she would die in childbirth, which is why she did not allowed her husband close to her for years. However, over time true love developed between her and her husband, which of course was fulfilled physically. Esmehan Kaya gave birth to two children, so perhaps he had already forgotten the prophecy and breathed a sigh of relief. However, there were complications at the birth of her third child. The placenta did not detached, even though the midwives tried various tortures, so a few days after giving birth, she died by sepsis after horrible sufferings. Her little daughter didn't live too long either. One of Kaya’s sisters, Safiye (⁓1540-1580), also died during childbirth.
However, not Kaya and her sister were the only ones who died during childbirth, Two daughters of Selim II (r. 1566-1574) died in a similar way: Fatma Sultan (1558-1580), who died along her daughter after giving birth, at a fairly young age; and Esmehan Sultan (⁓1545-1585) who died of complications after the birth of his fourth child. Her son survived her just with a month. In her case, the complications may also have been related to the fact that she gave birth in a relatively old age compared to the customs of the period, at about forty years of age. It is interesting, by the way, that Selim's other daughter, Şah (1544-1580), also died at a relatively young age due to illness, so of Selim's daughters, only Gevherhan (⁓1545-1622?) was the one who died in old age and presumably by natural causes.
According to legends, Murad III's (r. 1574-1595) favourite consort, Safiye Sultan(⁓1550-1620?), also almost died in one of her miscarriages, but as we know she eventually survived and was able to rule for many, many more years. The less fortunate Mahfiruze Hatun (⁓1590-1608 / 12?), concubine of Ahmed I, and the mother of his eldest son, presumably also died in childbirth, although in her case several alternatives arose as to the cause of death, including epidemic also.
Interestingly, among the sultan’s favorites, we know even fewer cases where a concubine died during childbirth. However, the reason for this is presumably not that this has not happened ever… The reason is that when the concubine died in childbirth she was simply forgotten. After all, the average concubine did not give birth to a large number of children, especially as long as the one-concubine-one-son rule was followed. Thus, in all likelihood, when they died during childbirth, they either had no other children or only daughters, so they were less important persons, their names were recorded less, and then they disappeared from the public consciousness.
From the period of the “Sultanate of women” I also collected the causes and dates of the death of the most famous sultanas, without claiming completeness, as many sultanas were left out of the list because neither the year nor the reason of their death is known and in many cases not even their names *:
Ayşe Hafsa Sultan (b. ⁓1475): 19 March 1534, illness, most probably stroke or cancer since she suffered for months
Beyhan Sultan (b. ⁓1492): c. 1559, most probably natural causes
Hatice Sultan (b. ⁓1491): ?
Fatma Sultan (b. ⁓1493): 1557, most probably natural causes or illness
daughters of Selim I
Hafsa Sultan (b. ⁓1495/1500): 10 July 1538, most probably illness
Şah-i Huban Sultan (sz. ⁓1500): 1572, natural causes
Hürrem Sultan (b. ⁓1503): 15 April 1558, most probably cancer and maybe malaria also
Mihrimah Sultan (b. 1522): 25 January 1578, most probably natural causes or illness
Ayşe Hümaşah Sultan (b. 1541): 1594, natural causes or illness
Şehzade Mehmed’s daughter
Hümaşah Sultan (b. 1543): 1582, natural causes or illness
Fatma Hanimsultan (b. 1567): 29 July 1588, illness or complications during childbirth
Raziye Sultan (b. ⁓1515): October 1521, smallpox or plague
Mahidevran Hatun (b. ⁓1500): 3 February 1581, natural causes
Mahidevran Hatun’s granddaughters:
Fatma Sultan (b. ⁓1545): 1577, illness or childbirth
Nergiz-Şah Sultan (b. ⁓1536): c. 1592, natural causes or illness
Gülfem Hatun (b. ⁓1495): 1562, natiral causes or execution
Nurbanu Sultan (b. ⁓1525): 7 December 1583, most probably a sudden illness, or stroke/heart-attack, but poisoning is also an options
Esmehan Sultan (b. ⁓1545): 8 August 1585, complications after childbirth
Şah Sultan (b. 1544): September 1580, illness
Gevherhan Sultan (b. ⁓1545): after 1604, maybe in 1622, natural causes
Selim II’s daughter, Fatma Sultan (b. 1558): September 1580, after childbirth (maybe complications after a still-birth)
Safiye Sultan (b. ⁓1550): c. 1520, natural causes
Ayşe Sultan (b. ⁓1565): 15 May 1605, most probably illness
Hümaşah Sultan (b. ⁓1565): after 1580, illness or childbirth
Fatma Sultan (b. ⁓1565): c. 1620, natural causes
Murad III’s daughters:
Fahriye Sultan (b. ⁓1588): after 1641, natural causes
Rukiye Sultan (b. ⁓1593): c. 1623, most probably illness or childbirth
Handan Sultan (b. ⁓1570): 9 November 1605, gastric problems
Halime Sultan (b. ⁓1570): after 1623, ?
Kösem Sultan (b. ⁓1590): 2 September 1651, strangled
Hanzade Sultan (b. ⁓1609): 23 September 1650, illness or natural causes
Ayşe Sultan (b. ⁓1605/7): c. 1657, most probably natural causes
Fatma Sultan (b. ⁓1606): c. 1670, most probably natural causes
I. Ahmed’s daughters
Gevherhan Sultan (b. ⁓1605): 1660, natural causes
Abide Sultan (b. 1618): c. 1648, most probably illness (or she lived longer just retired and became forgotten)
Atike Sultan (b. ⁓1614): c. 1670, most probably natural causes
Ayşe Sultan (b. ⁓1610): c. 1680, natural causes
Esmehan Kaya Sultan (b. 1633): 1658, complications after giving birth
IV. Murad’s daughters:
Safiye Sultan (b. 1635):1680, complications after giving birth
Rukiye Sultan (b. ⁓1640): 1696, most probably natural causes
Hanzade Sultan (b. 1631): 1675, most probably natural causes
Turhan Hatice Sultan (b. ⁓1627): 1683, natural causes by some chronical illness.
Fatma Sultan (b. 1642): 1657, illness
Ibrahim I’s daughters:
Gevherhan Sultan (b. 1642): 21 September 1694, long illness
Beyhan Sultan (b. 1645): 5 March 1701, natural causes
Hatice Muazzez Sultan (b. ⁓1627): 12 September 1687, heart attack or stroke
Saliha Dilaşub Sultan (b. ⁓1627): 4 December 1689, long illness maybe cancer
Telli Hümaşah Sultan (b. ⁓1630): c. 1672, most probably illness
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüs Sultan (b. ⁓1642): 6 November 1715, illness
 A short discussion about the history and customs of funerals
For a long time, the sultans were the only "inhabitants" of their tomb. In this Murad III made a change, burying his executed siblings next to his father, Selim II. But over time, Murad broke another tradition when he buried his mother, Nurbanu, next to his father in his tomb. For in the past centuries the wifes and consorts of the sultans had not been placed in a tomb with their master, and for a long time not even in their mosque. An early exception to this was Süleyman I's mother Ayşe Hafsa, who was buried in Süleyman I's father's mosque. Over time, Süleyman buried his only wife, Hürrem, in his own mosque in a separate tomb. And later Nurbanu was the first woman to rest right next to her husband in the same tomb. Importantly, however, Murad had already done a similar thing before Nurbanu. When Mihrimah Sultan passed away, knowing how close she was to his father, Murad buried her in Süleyman’s tomb, right next to her father. This is particularly interesting because Mihrimah’s husband Rüstem also had a mosque where Mihrimah could have been buried, but the mosque of Mihrimah’s brothers, the Şehzade Mosque, would also have been suitable for her. All indicate that Murad buried Mihrimah next to his father with a reason, as he later did with his mother and father.  
Back to Nurbanu, in her case, another tradition was broken. It was not only in life but in death as well that Nurbanu Sultan enjoyed extraordinary honors. Contrary to the custom whereby the sultan remained in the palace during a funeral, Murad accompanied his mother’s coffin on foot, weeping as he walked, to the mosque of Mehmed the Conqueror, where funeral prayers were said. The choice of the Conqueror’s mosque, the most distant of the sultanic mosques from the imperial palace, ensured both a maximum number of bystanders’ prayers for Nurbanu’s soul and maximum appreciation by the capital’s residents of this display of royal piety and respect for the valide sultan. According to the historian Selaniki, the “whole world” crowded into the mosque for the funeral prayers. For forty days high-ranking statesmen and religious officials were required to pay their respects at the valide sultan’s tomb, while the Qur’an was read continuously. The extraordinary nature of this funeral is suggested by the fact that in the extensive collection of the Topkapı Palace Library, the only miniature that depicts an event in the life of a female member of the dynasty is one illustrating the emergence of Nurbanu Sultan’s funeral cortège from the imperial palace.
 *PS: The dates in the lists are not always widely accepted. There are dates of birth and death that historians are still debating to this day. In these cases, I have mentioned the dates I consider most plausible.
 Used sources: Leslie Peirce – The imperial harem, Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; Leslie Peirce – Empress of the east; Colin Imber – The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650; Günhan Börekçi – Factions and Favorites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; Douglas A. Howard – A History of the Ottoman Empire.
*     *     *
A halál is nagyon komoly részét képezte az Oszmán Birodalomnak, különösen mert rendkívül gyakori volt az erőszakos halál a dinasztia férfitagjai között. Mindannyian ismerjük a testvérgyilkosság törvényét, mely okán több száz herceget (sok esetben csecsemőket, gyermekeket) fojtottak meg a selyemzsineggel. Mai posztomban azonban inkább azokról szeretnék szólni, akik esetében nem ennyire egyértelmű a halál oka, ideje. Néhány érdekes, esetleg gyanús halálesetet hoztam el számotokra, illetve megpróbáltam összeszedni mindent az egyes szultánok, hercegek és szultánák halálának okairól; valamint a temetkezés rövid történetét is elhoztam: kiket hová temettek, mikor álltak be rendhagyó változások a temetkezési szokásokban…
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Az általánosságban elmondható, hogy a korai periódus szultánjainak haláláról igen keveset tudunk. Nagyon sok esetben csak találgatások maradtak ránk a halál okáról. I. Murad (u. 1362-1389) halála azonban például egy üdítő kivétel, esetében ugyanis több leírás is készült haláláról. Egy szerb nemes gyilkolta meg tőrrel a Rigómezei csata (1389) alatt vagy előtt. „… teljesen váratlanul egy bizonyos Milos Obilic, aki ravaszságból és cselszövésből azt mondta, hogy felvette az iszlámot, arra kért bennünket, hogy (…)megcsókolja a fénylő nagyúr lábát, ahelyett, hogy ezt tette volna, elháríthatatlanul ruhájába elrejtett mérgezett kést szúrt a fénylő nagyúr dicső testébe, s súlyosan megsebezvén megitatta őt a mártírok serbetjével.” Természetesen nem bizonyos, hogy minden a leírtak szerint történt, az azonban biztos, hogy gyilkosság áldozata lett Milos Obilic keze által.
I. Bayezid (u. 1389-1402) halála maga szintén érdekes, egyesek úgy vélik, hogy öngyilkos lett Timur Lenk (u. 1370-1405) fogságában, miután az, szeme láttára alázta meg feleségét Mariát. Mások szerint megmérgezték a fogság idején. Akárhogyan is, a szultánok halála mindig valami új kezdetét jelentette. Ha a szultán meghalt, nem volt idő gyászolni. Asszonyaiknak, feleségeiknek és a főbb vezíreinek ugyanis más dolga volt a halál beállta után: azonnal értesíteni a koronaherceget, vagy azt a herceget, akit ők maguk a trónon akartak látni. A szultán ugyanis az lett, aki először ért a fővárosba és foglalta el a trónt. A korai időszakban a szultánok gyakran az otthonuktól – a birodalmi fővárostól – távol, hadjárat során hunytak el, így vezíreik voltak azok, akik értesítették a hercegeket a helyzetről. A hercegek pedig mindent megtettek, hogy egymás előbb érhessenek a fővárosba. Ebben pedig sok esetben segítséget is kaptak az őket támogató pasáktól. Így kerülhetett például trónra II. Bayezid (u. 1481-1512) is. Lányait korábban befolyásos pasákhoz adta nőül, vejei pedig mindent megtettek, hogy Bayezid legnagyobb vetélytársát, egyik testvérét lelassíthassák az Isztambulba vezető úton. Sikerrel jártak és Bayezid elfoglalta a trónt, ők pedig megkapták érte jutalmukat.
II. Bayeziddel ellentétben, I. Szulejmán szultán (u. 1520-1566) halálakor nem volt már vetélytársa fiának, II. Szelimnek (u. 1566-1574). Azonban Szulejmán mégis nagyon rossz pillanatban – épp egy csata kellős közepén – hunyt el a köszvénye okozta egészségügyi problémákban. Hogy elkerülje a lázadást és a katonák motivációjának elvesztését, a fővezír a szultán halálát eltitkolta. Szolgálókat öltöztetett be a szultán ruháiba, hasonló kézírású írnokokkal íratott parancsokat a szultán nevében, amíg II. Szelim megérkezett végre a táborba és szultánná lett.
A későbbi periódusokban már a szultán asszonyaié volt a főszerep, hiszen a szultánok egyre gyakrabban hunytak el a fővárosban. Erre egyik különösen érdekes példa II. Szelim halála, mely egy fürd��ben történő elcsúszás után érte, és amit felesége Nurbanu szultána (⁓1525-1583) csak a nagyvezírrel osztott meg, és titokban üzentek Nurbanu fiának Muradnak (u. 1574-1595), hogy igyekezzen a fővárosba. Erre azért volt szükség, mert Murad gyermeköccsei a fővárosban tartózkodtak II. Szelim halálakor.
A szultánokat mindig az éppen aktuális birodalmi fővárosban helyezték örök nyugalomra. Bursa, mint korábbi főváros egyébként Isztambul elfoglalása után is fontos szerepet őrzött, ugyanis a kivégzett vagy természetes módon elhunyt hercegeket itt helyezték örök nyugalomra. Természetesen ebben is akadt kivétel, I. Szulejmán (u. 1520-1566) uralkodása alatt rögtön kettő is. Kedvenc fia, Mehmed (1521-1543) betegségben halt meg Manisában, ám a szokásokkal szakítva Szulejmán nem csak, hogy a fővárosban temette el Bursa helyett, de egyenesen szultánokéval vetekedő mecsetet építtetett fia számára. Másik fia, a lázadó Bayezid (1525-1562) kevéssé volt szerencsés. Mivel az iráni határ mellett végezték ki, Szulejmán még a Bursai temetést is megtagadta tőle, és az iráni határ mellett lelt örök nyugalomra fiai mellett. Legkisebb fia, aki csecsemő volt és nem tudott apjával együtt Iránba menekülni, kivégzése után Bursába lett eltemetve a többi hasonló sorsú herceg között.
Mielőtt tovasuhannánk és a szultánákat vennénk górcső alá, itt egy kis összefoglaló a „Nők szultánátusának” időszakából és az azt közvetlenül megelőző időszakból, a szultánok és hercegek halálának okairól, a teljesség igénye nélkül*:
II. Bayezid (sz. 1447): 1512. április 24, feltehetőleg mérgezés, de a természetes halál is felmerül
I. Szelim (sz. 1470): 1520. szeptember 22, feltehetőleg daganatos betegség vagy lépfene, de a mérgezés és pestis is opció
I. Szulejmán (sz. 1494): 1566. szeptember 7, köszvény, de ráadásnak az agyvérzés is felmerült
Şehzade Mahmud (sz. 1512): 1521. október 29, himlő vagy pestis
Şehzade Musztafa (sz. 1515): 1553. október 6, megfojtás
Şehzade Mehmed (sz. 1546): 1553. október 10, megfojtás
Şehzade Ahmed (sz. ?): 1552, betegség
Şehzade Murad (sz. 1519): 1521. október 12, himlő vagy pestis
Şehzade Mehmed (sz. 1521): 1543. november 6, feltehetőleg himlő
Şehzade Abdullah (sz. ⁓1525): c. 1527, talán himlő vagy pestis
Şehzade Bayezid (sz. ⁓1525 ): 1562. július 23, megfojtás
Şehzade Orhan (sz. ⁓1543): 1562. július 23, megfojtás
Şehzade Osman (sz. ⁓1545): 1562. július 23, megfojtás
Şehzade Abdullah (sz. ⁓1548): 1562. július 23, megfojtás
Şehzade Mehmed (sz. ⁓1544): 1562. július 23, megfojtás
Şehzade Murad (sz. ⁓1556): 1562. július 23, megfojtás
Şehzade ? (sz. ⁓1560/1), 1562. július ?, megfojtás
Şehzade Cihangir (sz. 1531): 1553. november 27, krónikus betegségek és valamilyen fertőzés
II. Szelim: 1574. december 12/15, elesést követő fejsérülés
Şehzade Mehmed (sz. ⁓1570): 1573/74, betegség
Şehzade Szulejmán (sz. ⁓1570): 1574. december 22, megfojtás
Şehzade Abdullah (sz. ⁓1570): 1574. december 22, megfojtás
Şehzade Ali  (sz. ⁓1572): 1572, születése után
Şehzade Oszmán (sz. ⁓1573/4): 1574. december 22, megfojtás
Şehzade Cihangir (sz. ⁓1573/4): 1574. december 22, megfojtás
III. Murad (sz. 1546): 1595. január 16, természetes okok
Şehzade Szelim (sz. 1567): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Mahmud (sz. 1568): c. 1581, betegség
Şehzade Szulejmán, Cihangir, Ahmed és feltehetőleg más hercegek is: születésük után egyből
Şehzade Abdullah (sz. 1585): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Musztafa (sz. 1585): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Bayezid (sz. 1586): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Cihangir (sz. 1587): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Abdurrahman (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Alemşah (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Aleaddin Davud (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Ali (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Hasan (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Hüseyin (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Ishak (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Murad (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Oszmán (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Ömer (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
Şehzade Yusuf (sz. ?): 1595. január 28, megfojtás
III. Mehmed (sz. 1566): 1603. december 21, természetes okok (egyesek szerint túlsúlyhoz köthető egészségügyi problémák)
Şehzade Szelim (sz. 1585): 1597, betegség
Şehzade Mahmud (sz. 1587): 1603, megfojtás
Şehzade Szulejmán (sz. ?): 1597, betegség
Şehzade Cihangir (sz. ?): 1602, betegség
I. Ahmed (sz. 1590): 1617. november 22, feltehetőleg tífusz vagy gyomorvérzés
Şehzade Mehmed (sz. 1605): 1621. január 12, megfojtás
Şehzade Bayezid (sz. 1612): 1635. július 27, megfojtás
Şehzade Kasim (sz. 1614): 1638. február 17, megfojtás
Şehzade Szulejmán (sz. 1615): 1635. július 27, megfojtás
Şehzade Hasan, Orhan, Selim, Hüseyin, Cihangir és feltehetőleg más hercegek is csecsemőként agy gyermekként
I. Musztafa (sz. ⁓1600): 1639, természetes okok (de az epilepszia is felmerül)
II. Oszmán (sz. 1604): brutális gyilkosság
Şehzade Ömer (sz. 1621): 1622, több opció is létezik: baleset, gyilkosság, betegség, sokk
IV. Murad (sz. 1612): 1640. február 8, májzsugor és feltehetőleg egyéb krónikus betegségek
Rengeteg fia született, ám Evliya Celebi szerint mindannyian gyenge egészséggel születtek, majd haltak meg nem sokkal később. A háttérben egyesek mérgezést sejtenek, de lehetett genetikai betegség is, amely a fiúkat érintette.
I. Ibrahim (sz. 1615): 1648. augusztus 18, megfojtás
Şehzade Murad, Osman, Bayezid, Cihangir gyermekként elhunytak betegség következtében
Şehzade Selim (sz. 1644): 1669, feltehetőleg betegség
IV. Mehmed (sz. 1642): 1693. november 6, természetes okok
II. Szulejmán (sz. 1642): 1691. június 22, teste felduzzadt, kómába esett majd meghalt valamilyen betegségtől
II. Ahmed (sz. 1643): 1695. február 6, természetes okok, de a stressz okozta szívroham/agyvérzés is opció
Különösen ritka, mikor a pontos ok és időpont is rendelkezésünkre áll a szultánák esetében. Az ő életüket elsősorban feljegyzésekből ismerjük, melyek a tulajdonaikat és fizetéseiket listázzák. Így sok esetben csak következtetni tudunk rá, hogy amikor eltűntek a feljegyzésekből, akkor hunyhattak el. Azonban ezek a feljegyzések gyakran hiányosak, előfordul, hogy több évre, évtizedre sincsenek meg, esetleg töredékesek. Emellett a halál okát még ritkábban jegyezték fel. Erre általában onnan tudunk következtetni, hogy született e gyermek, volt e friss házasság a halál idejét közvetlenül megelőzően, volt e esetleg hatalmas járvány a halál ideje alatt? Valamint a befolyásosabb szultánák esetében a történetírók, követek előfordult, hogy feljegyezték a halál feltételezett okát. Ez azonban meglehetősen ritka, ahogy a fejezet alján található listát olvasva is egyértelművé válik.
A szultánok temetése mindig kettős érzéseket váltott ki az emberekből. Egyrészt a temetés napján új szultán trónra lépését ünnepelték, és az új szultán kivégzett testvéröccseit gyászolták. Ezzel szemben a szultánák gyászszertartásai és temetési szokásai sokkal nyugodtabbak voltak, nagyobb figyelmet kaptak ilyen értelemben. Halálukkor a nincsteleneknek gyakran osztottak lelki üdvükért alamizsnát, ételt. Erre például Handan valide szutána (⁓1570-1605) 1605. november 9-i halálát követően temetése remek példa. A velencei követ feljegyezte, hogy milyen hatalmas mennyiségű alamizsnát osztottak szét az emberek között. Emellett egy valide szultána halála és temetése mindig nyilvános gyászszertartáshoz volt köthető, hiszen a nép így ki tudta fejezni együttérzését a szultánnal, aki édesanyját veszítette el ekkor. Ayşe Hafsa (⁓1475-1534), I. Szulejmán édesanyjának halála után például a város több napra gyászba borult. Mindemellett a temetését leíró Celalzade Mustafa serint nagyon hosszú imákkal búcsúztatták, amelyben a legtiszteltebb muszlim asszonyokhoz tették őt hasonlatossá, mint például Mohamed próféta első felesége Hatice, leánya Fatma és harmadik, egyben kedvenc felesége Ayşe: „Nagyon vallásos asszony volt, az igazlelkű cselekedetek asszonya, a tisztaság királynője, korának Haticéje; jótékony intézetek alapítója, korának Fatmája és Ayşéje.”
A szultánák esetében az erőszakos halál helyett a gyermekszülés volt vezető halálok. Sokan a szülésbe haltak bele, mert bár a palota orvosai és bábái a világ legjobbjai voltak, a szülés veszélyes tevékenység volt azokban az időkben. Tény azonban, hogy a nyugati birodalmakhoz képest jóval kevesebb asszony halt bele a szülésbe vagy gyermekágyi lázba az Oszmán Birodalom dinasztiájából. A leghíresebb szüléshez kapcsolódó halál Esmehan Kayáé. Kaya szultána (1633-1658) IV. Murad (u. 1623-1640) leánya volt, aki örökölte apja természetét, sokan őt tartották Murad legméltóbb gyermekének. Legendák szerint Esmehan Kayának megjövendölték még fiatal korában, hogy a szülésbe fog belehalni, emiatt évekig nem engedte közel magához a férjét. Férjével azonban idővel igazi szerelem alakult ki, mely természetesen testileg is beteljesült. Esmehan Kaya két gyermeknek is életet adott, így talán már el is felejtette a jövendölést és fellélegzett. Harmadik gyermeke születésekor azonban komplikációk léptek fel. A placenta nem akart leválni, hiába próbálkoztak különféle tortúrákkal a bábák, így a szülést követően néhány nappal vérmérgezésben elhunyt, borzalmas szenvedések után. Kislánya sem élte túl sokkal. Kaya egyik testvére, Safiye (⁓1540-1580) szintén gyermekszülésbe halt bele.
Azonban nem Kaya és húga volt az egyetlen, hasonló módon halt meg II. Szelim (u. 1566-1574) két leánya is: Fatma szultána (1558-1580), aki kislánya születésébe halt bele a gyermekkel együtt, meglehetősen fiatalon; Esmehan szultána (⁓1545-1585) pedig negyedik gyermeke szülése után fellépő komplikációkba halt bele, fia alig egy hónappal élte túl csupán. Esetében a komplikációknak köze lehetett ahhoz is, hogy a kor szokásaihoz képest viszonylag későn, nagyjából negyven évesen szült. Érdekes egyébként, hogy Szelim másik leánya, Şah (1544-1580) is viszonylag fiatalon hunyt el betegség következtében, így Szelim leányai közül egyedül Gevherhan (⁓1545-1622?) volt az, aki megérte az időskort és feltehetőleg természetes okoktól hunyt el.
Legendák szerint egyébként III. Murad (u. 1574-1595) kedvese, Safiye szultána (⁓1550-1620?) is majdnem belehalt egyik vetélésébe, ám mint tudjuk ő végül túlélte és még sok-sok évig uralkodhatott. Kevésbé volt szerencsés Mahfiruze Hatun (⁓1590-1608/12?), I. Ahmed ágyasa, és legidősebb fiának anyja, aki feltehetőleg szintén a szülésbe halt bele, igaz esetében több alternatíva is felmerült halálának okával kapcsolatban, így többek között a járvány is egy opció esetében.
Érdekes, hogy a szultán kedvencei között még ennél is kevesebb esetet ismerünk, amikor egy ágyas halt bele a szülésbe. Ennek oka azonban feltehetőleg nem az, hogy ilyen nem történt… Hanem az, hogy ha az ágyas belehalt a szülésébe egyszerűen feledésbe merült. Hiszen az átlag ágyasok nem adtak életet nagyszámú gyermeknek, különösen, amíg az egy ágyas – egy herceg szabályt betartották. Így nagy eséllyel, ha belehaltak a szülésbe, akkor vagy nem volt más gyermekük vagy csak leányuk, így kevésbé voltak fontos személyek, kevesebb feljegyzésbe került bele a nevük, majd eltűntek a köztudatból.
„Nők szultánátusának” időszakából szintén összegyűjtöttem a legismertebb szultánák halálának okait és idejét, a teljesség igénye nélkül, hiszen sok szultána kimaradt a listából, mert esetükben sem az évszám, sem az ok nem ismert, sőt sok esetben még neveik sem*:
Ayşe Hafsa szultána (sz. ⁓1475): 1534. március 19, betegség, feltehetőleg agyvérzés vagy daganatos betegség
Beyhan szultána (sz. ⁓1492): c. 1559, valószínűleg természetes okok
Hatice szultána (sz. ⁓1491): ?
Fatma szultána (sz. ⁓1493): 1557, természetes okok vagy betegség
I. Szelim leányai
Hafsa szultána (sz. ⁓1495/1500): 1538. július 10, feltehetőleg betegség
Şah-i Huban szultána (sz. ⁓1500): 1572, természetes okok
Hürrem szultána (sz. ⁓1503): 1558. április 15, feltehetőleg daganatos betegség, maláriával nehezítve
Mihrimah szultána (sz. 1522): 1578. január 25, természetes okok vagy hasonló betegség, mint édesanyjánál
Ayşe Hümaşah (sz. 1541): 1594, természetes okok
Şehzade Mehmed leánya
Hümaşah szultána (sz. 1543): 1582, természetes okok vagy betegség
Fatma Hanimsultan (sz. 1567): 1588. július 29, betegség vagy szülés során fellépő komplikációk
I. Szulejmán kislánya, Raziye szultána (sz. ⁓1515): 1521 októbere, himlő vagy pestis
Mahidevran Hatun  (sz. ⁓1500): 1581. február 3, természetes okok
Mahidevran Hatun unokái:
Fatma szultána (sz. ⁓1545): 1577, szülés vagy betegség következtében
Nergiz-şah szultána (sz. ⁓1536): c. 1592, természetes okok vagy betegség
Gülfem Hatun (sz. ⁓1495): 1562, természetes okok vagy gyilkosság
Nurbanu szultána (sz. ⁓1525): 1583. december 7, mérgezés vagy valamilyen hirtelen természetes ok (talán agyvérzés, szívroham)
Esmehan szultána (sz. ⁓1545): 1585. augusztus 8, gyermekszülést követő komplikációk
Şah szultána (sz. 1544): 1580. szeptember, betegség
Gevherhan szultána (sz. ⁓1545): 1604 után, lehetséges, hogy 1622, természetes okok
II. Szelim leánya:
Fatma szultána (sz. 1558): 1580. szeptember, gyermekszülés (valószínűleg komplikációs koraszülés)
Safiye szultána  (sz. ⁓1550): c. 1520, természetes okok
Ayşe szultána (sz. ⁓1565): 1605. május 15, feltehetőleg betegség
Hümaşah szultána (sz. ⁓1565): 1580 után, feltehetőleg betegség vagy szülés
Fatma szultána (sz. ⁓1565): c. 1620, természetes okok
III. Murad leánya:
Fahriye szultána (sz. ⁓1588): 1641 után, természetes okok
Rukiye szultána  (sz. ⁓1593): c. 1623, feltehetőleg betegség vagy gyermekszülés
Handan szultána (sz. ⁓1570): 1605. november 9, emésztőrendszeri problémák
Halime szultána (sz. ⁓1570): 1623 után, ?
Kösem szultána (sz. ⁓1590): 1651. szeptember 2, megfojtás
Hanzade szultána (sz. ⁓1609): 1650. szeptember 23., betegség vagy természetes okok
Ayşe szultána (sz. ⁓1605/7): c. 1657, feltehetőleg természetes okok
Fatma szultána (sz. ⁓1606): c. 1670, feltehetőleg természetes okok
I. Ahmed leányai
Gevherhan szultána (sz. ⁓1605): 1660, természetes okok
Abide szultána (sz. 1618): c. 1648, feltehetőleg betegség
Atike szultána (sz. ⁓1614): c. 1670, feltehetőleg természetes okok
Ayşe szultána (sz. ⁓1610): c. 1680, természetes okok
Esmehan Kaya szultána (sz. 1633): 1658, szülés után fellépő komplikációk
IV. Murad leányai
Safiye szultána (sz. 1635):1680, szülés után fellépő komplikációk
Rukiye szultána (sz. ⁓1640): 1696, valószínűleg természetes okok
Hanzade (sz. 1631): 1675, valószínűleg természetes okok
Turhan Hatice szultána (sz. ⁓1627): 1683, természetes okok, feltehetőleg betegség következtében
Fatma szultána (sz. 1642): 1657, betegség következtében
Ibrahim leányai:
Gevherhan szultána (sz. 1642): 1694. szeptember 21, hosszas betegség
Beyhan szultána (sz. 1645): 1701. március 5, természetes okok
Hatice Muazzez szultána (sz. ⁓1627): 1687. szeptember 12, feltehetőleg szívroham
Saliha Dilaşub szultána (sz. ⁓1627): 1689. december 4, betegség
Telli Hümaşah szultána (sz. ⁓1630): c. 1672, feltehetőleg betegség
Emetullah Rabia Gülnüs szultána (sz. ⁓1642): 1715. november 6, hosszas betegség után
A temetésekről néhány szó végezetül
A szultánok hosszú ideig türbéjük egyedüli lakó voltak. Ebben III. Murad hozott változást, aki kivégeztetett testvéreit is apja mellé temette. De idővel újabb tradíciót szegett meg Murad, amikor édesanyját, Nurbanut apja mellé temette annak türbéjébe. Korábban ugyanis a szultánok asszonyai nem kerültek a szultánjukkal közös türbébe, sőt sokáig még annak mecsetjében sem temethették el őket. Erre egy korai kivétel I. Szulejmán édesanyja Ayşe Hafsa volt, akit Szulejmán apja mecsetjébe temetett el. Idővel Szulejmán egyetlen feleségét, Hürremet is a saját mecsetjében helyezte örök nyugalomra egy különálló türbébe. Ezekután Nurbanu volt az első asszony, aki közvetlenül férje mellett nyugodhatott. Fontos azonban, hogy Murad már Nurbanu előtt is tett hasonlót. Amikor Mihrimah szultána elhunyt, tudva, hogy a szultána mennyire közel állt édesapjához, Szulejmán türbéjébe temette el, közvetlenül édesapja mellé. Ez különösen érdekes, mert Mihrimah férjének Rüsztemnek is volt mecsetje, ahová Mihrimaht temethették volna, de Mihrimah testvéreinek mecsetje a Şehzade mecset is alkalmas lett volna a szultána számára. Minden jel arra mutat, hogy Murad okkal temette apja mellé Mihrimaht.
Nurbanuhoz visszatérve, esetében még egy tradíció megszakadt. Nurbanu ugyanis nem csak életében viselhetett különleges jogokat, de halálakor is különleges tiszteletben részesült. Fiával való szoros kapcsolata jól ismert mindenki számára, ennek pedig tökéletes megnyilvánulása volt, amikor holtteste elhagyta a Topkapi Palotát. A hagyományok szerint a koporsót befolyásos pasák vitték és kísérték az imahelyre, a szultán pedig ez alatt a palotában maradt gyászolni. Murad azonban nem akarta édesanyját egyedül elengedni, ezért maga ment a koporsó előtt és zokogott. Nurbanu gyászszertartásának helye is érdekes volt, ugyanis Hódító Mehmed mecsetjét választották e célra, ami a legtávolabb feküdt a birodalmi palotától. Ennek célja az volt, hogy a legtöbb ember láthassa a temetést és imádkozhasson a valide szultána lelkiüdvéért. A történész Selaniki szerint az „egész világ” odacsoportosult a mecsetbe a temetési imára. Negyven napig olvastak érte fel a Koránból és negyven napig jártak magas rangú pasák a türbéjéhez. Érdekesség – és ez is jelzi Nurbanu befolyását –, hogy a Topkapi Palota könyvtárában megtalálható az egyelten olyan miniatúra, ami a dinasztia egy nőtagját ábrázolja, ez a miniatúra pedig Nurbanu temetéséről szól.
*UI: A listákban szereplő dátumok nem minden esetben egyezményesek. Vannak olyan születési és halálozási dátumok, melyek esetén a történészek is vitatkoznak mind a mai napig. Ezekben az esetekben az általam leghihetőbbnek vélt dátumot tüntettem fel.
Felhasznált források: Leslie Peirce – The imperial harem, Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; Leslie Peirce – Empress of the east; Colin Imber – The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650; Günhan Börekçi – Factions and Favorites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; Douglas A. Howard – A History of the Ottoman Empire.
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merlinfic · 6 years
group ask for lost fics #9
Hi y’all! Again, below are a few lost fics that both Mod Eirene and I just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply or send in an ask with which anon/user and group ask that the fic corresponds with!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
I sent this a while ago, so if you get duplicates, I apologize. I have lost a fic. It was an arranged marriage between merlin and arthur where merlin was a prince of wales(?) and Arthur has to travel to get married. And Merlin's magic is known about. Morgana and Merlin were both members of the other country. I spent a few days combing thru your archives, but couldn't find it. This is an awesome blog, thank you.
Anon 2 asked:
There’s a fic I’m looking for that’s omega verse. Alpha Arthur Omega Merlin. But towards the end of the fic, Uther storms into Arthur’s rooms with Morgana trying to stop him, and Arthur gets all protective.
@mollyred05 asked:
Hello! I’m looking for a specific fan fiction I’ve gone through your tags but wasn’t able to find it. Maybe you know what it is? It’s an au where sorcerers are used to power ships, and arther finds Merlin in his and finds out his father was involved in it, he decides to take care of Merlin and do something about it? Thank you so much even if you don’t know!
Thanks anon for sending in Please Stand By the Shore by ingberry!
@onceandfuturehighpriestess asked:
Hi! Im trying to find a fic. It was a Merthur story where Merlin becomes king or at least concort in the end and I think that he and Arthur were out of Camelot for most/part of it, and Arthur of course discovered Merlin's magic. But the detail I really remember is that George is secretly a badass, has a bit of magic, and he and several others (including his wife) protected magical artifacts from Uther. If you could find this, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
@mortalsbowbeforeme asked:
Hey I am looking for a fic I saw a while back it was canon divergent and Merlin was the court Sorcerer and Gwen had left arthur (maybe to a convent or something) but the lords and council were pressuring Merlin to marry and pass on the dragonlord thing and so forth. He eventually snapped and said that he wasnt attracted to women and was into men. It was the first Arthur had heard of it and I think they ended up getting together.
Anon 3 asked:
Heya, I read this fic a bit ago where Merlin wakes up after his first one night stand and sortof freaks and legs it, in the rush he accidentally puts on (Arthur’s) trousers. Arthur calls him later to ask for his jeans back (bc Merlin wrote his number on Arthur’s body with marker or some shit). Anyways Arthur is pissed off cause Merlin did a runner?? And yeah...love ur blog TY xx
Anon 4 asked:
a while ago i read this fic and for the life of me i cannot find it again. i feel like i found it through this blog? and i don’t think it was on ao3 but who knows. i think arthur knew about emery’s, but not merlin’s magic yet. and then at night arthur keeps getting like, absolutely railed by these ghost hands/phantom touches. and it turns out it’s merlin doing it in his sleep but arthur originally thinks it’s some evil sorcerers plot against him. and it all gets revealed on a hunting trip.
Thanks to @fifty-5ty for sending in the Volcanoes Melt You Down (series) by shesakicker! 
And as always this post will be updated if any fics are found!
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heilynyip-yy · 5 years
Tumblr media
Day 2: 妃 (Consort) Concubinage is common in ancient China. It is normal for an emperor to have more than 20 concubines in his harem. Many concubines are daughters of nobility. Every concubine has a rank; the highest rank is the empress. Palace drama is one of the most favourite genre in Chinese media. Most of the drama would depicts consorts scheming against each other in order to gain the emperors favour and climb up the rank to become the empress. Popular dramas included Empresses in the Palace, The Story of Yanxi Palace, Goodbye My Princess and The Legend of Mi Yue. For this prompt, I drew a portrait of Imperial Consort Yang, one of the four beauties of ancient China. Imperial Consort Yang is the beloved consort of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. She was married to Li Mao, Prince of Shou and son of Xuanzong when she was 14. After the death of Consort Wu, she gain the emperor’s favour and he secretly arranged her to become a Taoist nun so that he could make her his concubine without criticism from the people. Tang dynasty’s perception of beauty is completely different from our perception of Chinese beauties. A woman with plus-sized body is considered a beauty in Tang dynasty. Yang fits the criteria. She has been described as “well rounded” or “full-bodied”. Some also described her as an obese woman. Old texts described that her beauty is so great that she put all the flowers to shame. She was a celebrated figure in Tang dynasty, but her life ended in a tragedy. After all, she was a mere pawn to the emperor and was sacrificed because of that. . . #art #artoftheday #orientober #inktober2019 #inktober #illustration #ink #illustrator #heilynyip #october #yangguifei #imperialconsortyang #concort #concubine #history #china #culture #traditionalart #beauty #woman #inkdrawing #instaartist #instaart #artistofinstagram #artist #pentel https://www.instagram.com/p/B3GrazLjWvj/?igshid=ime3ktua7l41
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