#prince ashur
thepaladincosplays · 1 year
Prince Ashur visits a disgraced family member to learn more about the draconic abilities passed down through their family...
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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The Mutual Destruction of Sennacherib & Babylon
The reign of Assyrian king Sennacherib (705-681 BCE) was chiefly characterized by his difficulties with Babylon. Throughout the history of the Assyrian Empire, Babylon had caused problems and had even been destroyed by the Assyrian king Tukulti-Ninurta I in c. 1225 BCE. Even so, there were direct cultural bonds between Babylon and Ashur, capital of the Assyrian Empire, and the city was always re-built and re-populated. Babylon was more than just a physical city of bricks and streets in the minds of the Mesopotamians: it was a cultural center of immense significance. Tukulti-Ninurta I's desecration of Babylon and her gods, in fact, led directly to his assassination. Owing to its status among the people of Mesopotamia, however, the people of Babylon seemed to feel that they could repeatedly throw off the authority of whatever ruling body held the region with impunity, and one can understand how a king could become tired of such an attitude. This was precisely what happened with Sennacherib in his dealings with the great city.
Sargon II & Sennacherib
Sennacherib's problems with Babylon were largely inherited. His father, Sargon II (reigned 722-705 BCE) had defeated the tribal chieftain Merodach-Baladan and driven him from Babylon but had allowed him to live. Once Sargon II was dead, and Sennacherib took the throne, Merodach-Baladan returned to Babylon and re-claimed the throne. The Babylonians welcomed him; Sennacherib had done nothing at all to endear himself to the city. As the new king, he was supposed to have participated in the ceremony in which he took the hand of the statue of the god Marduk as a sign of respect for the god, Babylon, and the people Marduk presided over. Instead, Sennacherib had simply sent them word that he was now king of Babylon and never even bothered to visit the city. Merodach-Baladan was not in the least bit concerned about the new king. Sennacherib was considered a weakling. He had never taken part in any of his father's military campaigns and had spent his earlier life as crown prince with administrative duties, while Sargon II had achieved his glorious victories on the battlefield. When Sennacherib heard that Merodach-Baladan had taken Babylon, he did not even lead a force to re-claim it himself but, instead, sent his commander-in-chief at the head of an army. This force was swiftly defeated by the combined forces of Babylon and their allies the Elamites and Aramaeans in 703 BCE. Babylon then arranged its troops, just in case the Assyrians came back again, and settled down to its own business. According to the historian Susan Wise Bauer:
That was the last straw. Sennacherib himself came sweeping down like the wrath of Assur and broke through the allied front line, barely pausing. Merodach-Baladan ran from the battlefield and crept into the marshes of the Sealand, which he knew well, to hide himself; Sennacherib marched the rest of the way to Babylon, which prudently opened its gates as soon as it saw the Assyrian king on the horizon. Sennacherib came through the open gate, but chose to send Babylon a message: he ransacked the city, took almost a quarter of a million captives, and destroyed the fields and groves of anyone who had joined the alliance against him (384).
The people of Babylon quickly realized that the poor opinion they had held of Sennacherib was misguided. In this early campaign the new king showed himself an adept tactician, able military leader, and ruthless enemy.
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Rassam Cylinder, a ten-sided clay cylinder that was created in c. 643 BC, during the reign of King Ashurbanipal (c. 685 BC - 631 BC) who ruled the Neo-Assyrian Empire from 669 - 631 BC.
It was discovered in the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh, near Mosul, present-day Iraq, by Hormuzd Rassam (3 October 1826 - 16 September 1910) in 1854.
In over 1,300 lines of cuneiform text, the cylinder records nine military campaigns of Ashurbanipal, including his wars with Egypt, Elam and his brother, Shamash-shum-ukin.
It also records his accession to the throne and his restoration of the Palace of Sennacherib.
The cylinder is the most complete chronicle on the life of Ashurbanipal.
There are some extracts from the cylinder below:
"I am Ashurbanipal, offspring of Ashur and Bêlit, the oldest prince of the royal harem, whose name Ashur and Sin, the lord of the tiara, have named for the kingship from earliest (lit., distant) days, whom they formed in his mother's womb, for the rulership of Assyria; whom Shamash, Adad and Ishtar, by their unalterable (lit., established) decree, have ordered to exercise sovereignty.
Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who begot me, respected the word of Ashur and Bêlit-ilê (the Lady of the Gods), his tutelary (divinities), when they gave the command that I should exercise sovereignty.
In the month of Airu, in the month of Ea, the lord of mankind, the twelfth day, an auspicious day, the feast day of Gula, at the sublime command which Ashur, Bêlit, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bêl, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Queen of Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Urta, Nergal, Nusku, uttered, he gathered together the people of Assyria, great and small, from the upper to (lit., and) lower sea.
That they would accept (lit., guard) my crown princeship, and later my kingship, he made them take an oath by the great gods, and so he strengthened the bonds (between them and me)....
By the order of the great gods, whose names I called upon, extolling their glory, who commanded that I should exercise sovereignty, assigned me the task of adorning their sanctuaries, assailed my opponents on my behalf, slew my enemies, the valiant hero, beloved of Ashur and Ishtar, scion of royalty, am I.
Egyptian Campaign:
"In my first campaign I marched against Magan, Meluhha, Taharqa, king of Egypt and Ethiopia, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who begot me, had defeated, and whose land he brought under his sway.
This same Taharqa forgot the might of Ashur, Ishtar and the other great gods, my lords, and put his trust upon his own power.
He turned against the kings and regents whom my own father had appointed in Egypt.
He entered and took residence in Memphis, the city which my own father had conquered and incorporated into Assyrian territory.
A swift courier came to Nineveh and reported to me.
At these deeds, my heart became enraged, my soul cried out. I raised my hands in prayer to Ashur and the Assyrian Ishtar.
I mustered my mighty forces, which Ashur and Ishtar had placed into my hands. Against Egypt and Ethiopia, I directed the march."
Rassam Cylinder records the reign of Ashurbanipal until c. 645 BC.
The latter years of his reign are poorly recorded, probably due to the fact that the Neo-Assyrian Empire was plagued with troubles.
One of Ashurbanipal's last known inscription reads:
"I cannot do away with the strife in my country and the dissensions in my family; disturbing scandals oppress me always.
Illness of mind and flesh bow me down; with cries of woe I bring my days to an end.
On the day of the city god, the day of the festival, I am wretched; death is seizing hold upon me, and bears me down..."
Rassam Cylinder is currently on display in the British Museum.
A truly remarkable, yet biased, insight into the reign of Ashurbanipal and the world in which he lived.
📷: © Anthony Huan
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worm-brainzz · 8 months
"My name is Regina George Wilbur, and in case you're keeping score, Cady Candyyz may have won the battle but I will win the war."
-Taylor Louderman, Mean Girls Original Broadway Cast Recording, "World Burn".
Hello!! I'm will! Heres an intro post to get to know me :D
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basic stuff:
names: xander/wilbur/crow/icarus (and any nickname you come up w/
pronouns: he/they/it/meow/vamp/star/angel/silly/heart/kitty
gender: vampcatgender, angelstar, sillygender, angeliwhore, mikucharic, argoscharic, mrplantcharic, heartfloweric, starrycattic, guitarvampic, crazymusicgender (MANY MANY XENOS. HOUGH BOY.)
sexuality: achillean
age: 13 hourgh
i have generalised anxiety disorder and autism. please be nice. im begging.
i also have the worst spine problems known to man (exaggeration)
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(EDIT: i took starry, divine and pax out cuz i wanna stop worrying abt the situation. happy emoji)
(EDIT 2 FOR TODAY HOLY.: added prince to the dni list cuz of personal stuff :3)
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discord: worm.brainzz
wattpad: mercuryheartss
insta: p0is0n.appl3 (wont let me change it)
bandlab: mxrcuryheartss
medibang/art street: worm.brainzz
youtube: worm.brainzz
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ashur gharavi cinematic universe
project sekai
project diva
hazbin hotel
lacey flash games
village roadshow themeparks
doki doki literature club
nyan neko sugar girls
aussie world (theme park)
pretty dresses hehe (as in like. princess shit. yk.)
sammy j and randy on ricketts lane
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music taste:
franz ferdinand
ghost & pals
tally hall
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@cloudxxiii @bi-squirrel @poisoned-sugar11 @aroace-polysho @devilish-parrot @statictelevision @reinagony @m0nst3rgunxz @voidbeau @machathecat @ang31ey3s-d3mons3edz. ACK /POS.
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active: @worm-brainzz @ask-angel-argos, @wormbrainzz-reblogs
inactive: @v0idbr34d, @larva-heartzz
#explosion_sound_effect.mp3: txt
#worm making theories??? rare occurence???: one of the only times i will ever make theories
#mega worm brainrot: talking abt stuff that wont get out of my head
#queue could be my unintended choice to live my life extended: queue
#will's inbox: my asks
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onelastfic · 7 months
👑 The Resting Dragon Prince 👑
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Nenet gently ran her fingers through Ashur's blonde hair, feeling the tension slowly melt away from his body as he rested his head on her lap. His eyes were closed, and a faint smile graced his lips, evidence of the relief he found in her presence.
"Rough day, Green Bean?" Nenet asked.
Ashur let out a tired sigh. "You have no idea. Meetings, negotiations, dealing with troublemakers... Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it."
Nenet's eyes softened as she continued to stroke his hair. "You're doing great. You're gonna make an amazing ruler, I just know it."
A grateful smile flickered across Ashur's features. "Thanks, my Mighty Lioness. I needed to hear that."
Nenet couldn't help but grin at his words, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Anytime, Green Bean. Anytime."
They fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound filling the air being the gentle rustle of Nenet's fingers through Ash's hair.
With the release of INSTINCTS and a Valentine season, thought it be nice to get a sweeter than sugar moment pic between Ash and Nenet. One of my new fav ships! And you gotta love the classic lap pillow! Hope you like the pic as much as I do! 🥹😍😆
Ashur belongs to @thepaladincosplays
Art by the talented @harchibudytgorichi
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A Plea for Mercy
1 Remember, Adonai, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. 2 The land we possessed has been passed on to strangers, our homes to foreigners. 3 We have become fatherless orphans, our mothers now are widows. 4 We have to pay to drink our own water; we have to buy our own wood. 5 The yoke is on our necks; we are persecuted; we toil to exhaustion but are given no rest. 6 We made pacts with Egypt and Ashur to get enough food. 7 Our ancestors sinned and no longer exist; we bear the weight of their guilt. 8 We are ruled by slaves, and there is no one to save us from their power. 9 We get our food at the peril of our lives because of the sword in the desert. 10 Our skins are as black as a furnace because of the searing blasts of famine. 11 They have raped the women of Tziyon, virgins in the cities of Y’hudah. 12 Princes are hung up by their hands, leaders receive no respect. 13 Young men are compelled to grind at the mill, boys stagger under loads of wood. 14 The old men have deserted the city gate, the young men have given up their music. 15 Joy has vanished from our hearts, our dancing has turned into mourning. 16 The crown has fallen from our heads. Woe to us! for we have sinned. 17 This is why our hearts are sick; this is why our eyes grow dim — 18 it’s because of Mount Tziyon, so wasted that jackals have overrun it. 19 You, Adonai, reign forever; your throne endures through all generations. 20 Why do you never remember us? Why abandon us for so long a time? 21 Adonai, turn us back to you; and we will come back; renew our days, as they were in the past — 22 unless you have totally rejected us in a fury that knows no limits.
[Adonai, turn us back to you; and we will come back; renew our days, as they were in the past.] — Lamentations 5 | Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Complete Jewish Bible Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved. Cross References: Exodus 22:24; Leviticus 19:32; Judges 16:21; Nehemiah 4:3; Nehemiah 5:15; Nehemiah 9:36-37; Job 17:7; Job 19:9; Job 30:30; Psalm 13:1; Psalm 44:13; Psalm 53:5; Psalm 80:3; Psalm 109:11; Isaiah 3:1; Isaiah 13:16; Isaiah 24:8; Jeremiah 14:20; Jeremiah 25:10; Jeremiah 40:9; Jeremiah 50:15; John 1:38
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mangaka-neko-chan · 9 months
AAAAA I didn't think this through! :'D I could at least name all the OCs that I could talk more about right now.
For Darktide / Warhammer 40k: Ove Harken A Veteran from Cadia who deals with survivors guilt after having witnessed his home fall as he was ordered to retreat. Currently the squad leader of squad CR1-PT1D5 on the Mourningstar. Ends up in a relationship with Ashur, a squad mate. Moggy Karkkia A Zealot from Crucis who survived two cults engaging in a war in the lower hive she lived in that wiped out her family or ragtag youngsters. Relatively fresh in zealotry. Part of the squad CR1-PT1D5. Ends up in a secret relationship with Harald.
Harald Von Dyssalis A Psyker from Branx Magna, bastard son of one of the planets Ecclesiarchs. He hid away in various locations in the hive, facing loss after loss, notably the death of his mother. In the end got caught over a food complaint and ended up in the squad CR1-PT1D5. Ends up in a secret relationship with Moggy. Tilly A Zealot from Pavane, growing up in a scouting, hunting and farming community until a horrible run in with corrupted wild life resulted in the loss of one of the children she took care of along with her eye. This incident left her hearing voices that her community deemed that of the Emperor. She was sent on a long pilgrimage to become the Emperor's chosen one. Got arrested because she left her post to decimate and entire hab block of citicens she falsy accused to be heretics. Now in the Squad CR1-PT1D5. Sees Moggy as her sister. Benn Farron An Ogryn from Mornax. His talent for brawling got used by gangs who recruited him to protect their leaders and collect money. Later the military got hold of him and used his talents for war. Benn was never bothered by any of this since he loves fighting but because he spoke ill of a superior, he got arrested. Now in the squad CR1-PT1D5. Will never admit it but sees his squad as a family.
For Warhammer 40k in general: Corsair Prince Neh'edi Vat born Craftworlder created to do politics who felt too restricted by her home's rules and lifestyle and thus became a Corsair Prince. She's gathering people for her crew, the Dehlannshad fleet, to realize her ideal of a fully free life by her will. Very extravagant and boisterous character. (There's also a Baldur's Gate 3 version of her.)
For League of Legends/Runeterra: Fura And artist born in Demacia, devoid of any magic. Due to an accident with her abilities in her home town, she had to leave the country and ended up in Ionia where she discoveres the countries magic and wanders around as a nomadic artist.
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Thranduil and Josie Part 68- Dorwinion
Summary: Legolas and Josie arrive in Dorwinion without Selene who is off to do damage control per her promise to help the Queen of Mirkwood. The master of arms makes an assumption and Legolas shuts him down. Josie finally meets Lord Narcisse, but first in a perplexing dream. He seems to know her...and other things he couldn't possibly know. Something unexplainable occurs from a touch. The Prince seems to share his father's feelings on Dorwinion's leader. All hope seems lost on travel plans to the vampire estate until a "guardian" angel shows up.
It was the dawn of a new day as you and Legolas arrived in Dorwinion. Just prior to your arrival, Selene was set free to head off to Chateau De Lioncourt to speak with Lestat of your arrival and intentions so he would not be caught off guard and perceive it to be a threat. Legolas had also chosen not to bring the elven guard with you both as he truly felt this would further complicate the matter when it came to Lestat's way of dealings. He also did not want Selene discovered by Lord Narcisse as that could cause future issues with their trading arrangements. If there certainly was other beings that despised vampires, it was him. The stunt Garrett pulled by poisoning Thranduil's bottle of wine that Narcisse had imported to Laketown was taken personally by him as it was his wine the vampire tainted and it would reflect back on him. Also he and Garrett, according to Legolas, had unresolved issues that were unknown to the Prince. Legolas had an inkling though that it involved the sudden massacre that happened in Laketown years ago that Garrett denies having a part of as he swore to you he only kills people of evil. You were certain Garrett was about to tell you what truly happened as his last words were that he knew who was responsible, but he never got to finish because he had been shot with the poisoned arrow by Haldir. The most you knew is there were many slaughtered by a vicious clan of vampires, including Bard's wife and 2 daughters Sigrid and Tilda except his son Baine who was a toddler and off on a journey with Bard. Legolas told you Lord Narcisse was quite fond of the bowman and his family. That made you feel somewhat better about meeting this seemingly egotistical ruler that Thranduil felt a need to challenge over who's crown was bigger per se. It at least sounded like this Narcisse had a heart and didn't solely care about the business transactions with his clientele. You were soon to find out as you and Legolas came down the River Running from the north to an inlet of the sea that nestled upon Castle Narcisse.
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Legolas docked the boat just before the bridge. His words did no justice to the ambience and magnitude of this fairytale land. And that was just the castle alone. The grounds it sat on went for miles around it and not to mention the city of Dorwinion, Minas Celduin, that was just beyond the bridge to the west was formidably colossal. But nothing compared to the Sea of Rhun that surrounded the east perimeter as it was all open water except for the barely visible small dot on the remote outermost northeast end that you assumed to be Devil's Island. There you were thinking of Garrett again.
"Welcome Prince Legolas." a voice spoke interrupting your train of thought. A deputy assistant and councilor of Narcisse approached the boat and bowed to Legolas.
"Ashur." Legolas replied with a small nod and then helped you out of the boat.
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It was a good thing that he was holding onto you as you suddenly felt light headed and fell against him. "My lady! Are you alright?"
"I...I just feel queasy. Most likely from the boat ride." you said as you leaned against him.
"Prince Legolas. I assume this is your new wife? I heard you had taken a bride and it seems you are welcoming a new addition as well?" The man said as he glanced at your stomach that was now beginning to lightly show.
Legolas was dumbfounded by his statement and took a moment to respond as you and the Prince stared at each other in shock. "You have assumed wrong Ashur. She is my father's wife, Queen Josephine and you will address her as such just as you would address my father as King Thranduil."
The guard then busted out laughing. "Ohhh....I wouldn't want to face the Elvenking's wrath on that kind of scandal."
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Legolas' head snapped towards the seemingly gutter minded buffoon. "Nor shall you want my wrath! You should mind your presumptuous tongue and definitely heed the words you just spoke for as you know, my father hears all. You would be so lucky if your tongue is all he takes or that I do not take it for him." Legolas scowled into the much taller and bigger man's face.
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You smiled inside at the Prince's defense of you and that he feared none. This giant idiot definitely would be wise to shut his trap as you've seen Legolas fight and you had no doubts whatsoever that the stealthy elf could take this big lug down in 10 seconds flat, probably less. You certainly hoped the Master was nothing like this, considering he is the one who hired this exhibitionist.
Ashur must have known better than to push the Prince's buttons so he submitted to him.
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"Apologies Prince Legolas and Queen Josephine. It's just that...no one has seen her yet and you are here with a pregnant woman alone and King Thranduil was already here without his wife and mentioned nothing of the two of you coming so..."
"What??? When!!" you quickly shouted.
"In the darkened hours of the morning, with Haldir of Lorien and his two brothers."
"That's it? No Lothlorien guard?"
"No Miss...My La....Queen Josephine." Ashur stammered trying to get it right as to not further offend the son of King Thranduil nor his wife.
You turned to Legolas in panic. "Why didn't they take the guard?? Selene said Haldir was going to call upon them."
"And she is a vampire who does nothing but lie. I tried to tell you this was a bad idea and now she is free and a threat." Legolas blurted out. Neither one of you were thinking clearly to realize Ashur was hearing all of this and would certainly relay it to Narcisse.
"No...I do not believe that! I could see it in her eyes that she meant what she said. Thranduil and Haldir must have changed their minds for some reason and..." You became dizzy and grabbed onto Legolas.
"You have not slept since last evening when you had that nightmare. Josie...none of this is good for you or your child. My father is going to have my head for bringing you here, figuratively speaking, especially if anything happens to either one of you. Let me take you back to the Kingdom."
You took a step back with widened eyes. "No Legolas. I am not going back. I've come this far. I have to find my husband. We need to get some horses and go." It was clear to you that finding your mother was the least of your concerns. You had to get to Thranduil. Haldir too. You took another step and had to lay your head on Legolas' chest.
"Alright. That is it. You must rest and also eat and hydrate. You cannot travel in this state. The conditions of the weather beyond here will be too much. I will not allow it no matter how much you complain. Yes. I will tie you up if I have to." the Prince snarked as he placed his hand on your resting head.
You looked up at him and smiled at his witty comment from which he had made back in the dungeons of Thranduil's halls. Legolas grinned back at you and then....you vomited, mostly on his boots. You both stared at your morning Lembas and orange juice splattered on the ground and then you both slowly carried your huge eyes up each other's body that locked in disbelief when they met. "Oh god...Leg...I...I am so sorry."
"Ashur. Is Narcisse here?" Legolas inquired.
"Not at the moment. He has went into the city."
"We need a room, temporarily for the Queen to rest and warm up. Then we will need horses. Will you see to it that they are ready and prepared for the mountains. Also inform Lord Narcisse of our arrival when he returns. I need to speak with him."
"Yes my Lord. Follow me." He opened the gates and led you both inside to your room.
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You sat in front of the giant fireplace and picked at the food from the tray a servant brought in. You just couldn't eat and the heat from the fire was making you fall asleep.
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"Come here." Legolas said and he picked you up and laid you in bed.
"No more than an hour Legolas. I mean it." He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. "Sleep now. I am going to go clean my boots then I will lay here on the davenport until you awaken." he chuckled and grinned.
You smiled as your eyes closed..."I'm....sorry......hey Leggy...I..I mean Legolas..." you said as you took his hand as he turned to go.
"Yes my Lady."
"You so could have taken that halfwit. I do not see you as some little boy like you think…." you giggled as you dozed off holding his hand and the dreamcatcher in the other.
Legolas let out a laughing sigh and then your hand dropped from his. Your words felt good to him...to know you didn't see him in just that way. He watched you for a moment and then grazed his fingertips over your cheek. "I wish it were true." he whispered and left as he thought of what Ashur had assumed.
Another dream began. You saw a man you've never seen before who was speaking but you could not hear him and then his eyes began to glow. Not a vampire glow though. This was something entirely different.....
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You jerked awake with a gasp. "Legolas??" you called as you sat up and looked all around the enormous room. You had no idea how long you had been asleep and panicked because you needed to get to Thranduil. Up you went as fast as you could in search for Legolas. You had no clue where you were going in this endless maze of stone walls and cathedral ceilings. There were so many people wandering about through the halls and no one even glanced at you to notice you were a stranger. You began to feel your chest tighten as every corner you turned, Legolas was nowhere and right now, he was your safety net. You needed air or you were going to pass out. The first doorway you found to the outside you took which to your delight, led out to the gardens....but there appeared to be some kind of event going on as you saw tents and lots more people.
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And then you saw and smelled something else. Red clovers. Off in the distance, a small field of them. You could not believe it.
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For a minute, you forgot about time as the smell drew you in. Your father loved it in his hot tea and drank it daily. As you walked through the crimson beauty, you bent over to pick one and your dreamcatcher fell into the bounteous two foot tall flowers. You had never seen them this tall before. You began frantically rooting through the clovers for your charm and could only imagine what you looked like with your ass in the air as you heard a clearing of the throat behind you. You froze solid and squinted your eyes shut in humiliation. If it was Legolas, it wouldn't have been so bad, but it was not. As you slowly straightened up to a standing position, you reluctantly turned around to see the face of the man you saw in your dream. You gasped and took a step back. The look on his face was similar to yours as he said "It...is you? You have finally come...."
You were staggered by his words. "I...I'm sorry?" you squeaked.
"I....I mean... it is you...King Thranduil's wife and Queen whom I have waited to meet. My assistant informed me of your arrival." He quickly explained as he sat on his bay stallion and then introduced himself with a bow of his head.
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It seemed to you he meant something other or knew something by his reaction but he had never seen you before so what could he have possibly meant? You tried to speak but couldn't find the words as you stared into this man's eyes waiting for them to glow. "I....I...."
He lightly laughed. "Dear girl. I apologize if I have frightened you? I mean you no harm. Is there something....youuuu were looking for?" He asked as he peered around you in curiosity.
"Uh....I...m..my charm. I d...dropped it." you stuttered like a complete moron. This man seemed of no threat to you whatsoever and certainly wasn't going to set you on fire with his eyes....you hoped. But..you still had to wonder why you would dream of him and in such a way.
He dismounted his horse with great poise and approached you. "May I....assist?" he kindly asked as he removed his cloak.
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You nodded. "I am not sure where I dro..."
He bent over, slipped his arm down into the clovers and picked it right up without even looking for it. "Here you are my Lady. Quite a beautiful dreamcatcher. I sure hope it is...working for you." There was that cognizant tone again.
"H...how?" You couldn't even finish the sentence as your eyes were imprisoned in his beryl blue ones.
Narcisse stared at you for a moment. "The sun...of course. The gem's reflection caught my eye." he said as he studied it and rubbed it with his thumb. Bullshit, you thought. The flowers were too numerous and huddled together for the sun to shine down beneath them where the gem lied on the darkened earth. "It is a gift yes? From someone you care deeply for."
"Y..yes but how did..."
"Aren't most gifts of such nature? Exquisite it is indeed and...elvish? I would say from your King considering the moonstone but he is not of Lorien now is he? The Marchwarden is though." His eyes tentatively rolled up from the charm to yours. He was most definitely toying with you.
"I do not know what you are implying but it is none of your concern Lord Narcisse." you snarked as you went to snatch the dreamcatcher out of his fingers. He swiftly retracted his hand from your reach. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open at the nerve of this guy.
"Please. Call me Stephane. And I imply nothing little one. See the design here?" he said as he pointed to the webbing artistry around the stone. "It is of Lothlorien. Personally made by one of their own, that being the gift bearer. I deal with them, plus many others in the jewelry trade and there are no others like these markings. Haldir was here with the King. Haldir is of Lorien. Haldir is of....dreams. It was not difficult to piece together." he smirked.
Now you were just flat out angry. "Even so...what business is Haldir of yours? I can see why Thranduil thinks what he does of you...Now kindly give me back my charm." you huffed and held out your hand..
Stephane smiled and held his hand out instead of just placing it in your hand.
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"Really? you snipped and grabbed the charm but as soon as your hand touched his, it was like some kind of magnetism and your hands locked together.
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You could see the magnetic energy swirling about you both. Stephane marveled as he ogled the spinning vortex. The vortex that was your shield. How the hell was he penetrating your shield?? No one could. Not even Thranduil. Who was he? What...was he? You gasped and ripped your hand from his which caused you both to jolt backwards and fall. You laid stunned under a tree as Stephane quickly ran to you.
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His hand shook as he went to touch your face. "My god it really is you." he whispered.
"Get away from her!" Legolas shouted from behind and pushed him out of the way. It was apparent that the Prince shared the same views towards Narcisse as his father did. "My Lady...what has happened, are you alright?"
You sat up and just stared at Stephane as he did you. "Yes...Legolas. I am fine. I...I just tripped over the tree roots and fell. Stephane was only trying to help me."
Legolas lifted a brow. "You are on first a first name basis with him? You do not even know him. My father and I do not even address him as such. Did you not listen to anything I told you on the way here about that? and where were you?? Why would you just take off like that in a strange and very large place?"
"Are you done?!" you snapped and then stood up continuing to yell at him. "I am not a child Legolas! and where were you??? huh? I awoke and you were gone!"
Legolas was wounded by your outburst at him. "I apologize my Lady. I wanted to make sure Ashur was preparing the horses as I had asked of him so they would be ready for us when you awoke."
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Well now you felt like shit. You went to him and took both of his hands. "I..I am sorry. I am just so on edge. I should never have snapped at you when you were only looking out for me just like you have always done. Thank you my Prince, for everything that you have done and do for me."
Stephane was bothered by the fact that you were already poisoned against him before you even met him. "So you, Prince Legolas are the one placing misrepresentation of myself into Josephine's head."
"That is Queen Josephine to you Lord Narcisse." Legolas said with contempt.
"And why is that? She is not my Queen. Your father is not my King and you are on my lands so I wouldn't be so discourteous with your tone. It would be a shame for our wine trade to suddenly have shipment issues, especially after I am lending you 2 of my best horses." Narcisse rigidly advised.
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"Ok..ok stop. Nobody's tampering with the wine right Stephane? Business is just that. Business. And I thought it was kept separate from personal feelings yes? and...Josie will suffice just fine." you intervened trying to keep the peace.
"Not Josephine or....Jo?" he grinned.
You could see it in his eyes he already knew the answer to that question. How he knew this and everything else, you would figure out but right now, your husband was your priority. "Only a few are permitted to call me those, and you are not one of them, but somehow I believe you already knew that." you said a bit catty. "The horses are arriving and we need to get moving."
Ashur brought a white Connemara Pony and a black Friesian. "Oh what a beauty." you reeled as you walked up to the black stallion and rubbed his nose. "Can I have this one Leg?"
Narcisse walked over to you. "Wouldn't you rather have a chestnut mare? She's more of your type, a fiery redhead." he said with hilarity.
"Ha...ha." you snarked and climbed right up with attitude and ease to confirm his thoughts of you.
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"Legolas...how cliche. A white horse for a Prince. Even your father, a King does not have a white horse....or a horse at all but a great elk. A sure way to prove a leader indeed....although he likes to exaggerate on size apparently."
If he only knew Thranduil's ability to shift into a great white stag, he wouldn't be talking such smack. You pictured it too. Stephane running for his life, screaming like a girl as Thranduil rammed his antlers right up his pompous ass. "You should know, an elk, much like the stag are very dangerous animals. Very fitting for an Elvenking wouldn't you say? It would be insanely stupid to piss one off. You see...if he's decided to take you out, he will do so. If you run, he will chase you. You cannot outrun one. If you drop and curl up, he'll attack you on the ground, mauling you with his antlers and then trample you to death. Your only hope is to just never piss one off." Legolas gave you a sly grin as the Prince knew you were aware of his shifting abilities as well. You winked at him in reply. "Oh and also.....Thranduil does not exaggerate on size. He's every bit accurate. I can attest to that." you chuckled and trotted a few feet away, turning to wait for Legolas.
Stephane Narcisse was not one to take kindly to being debunked and humiliated, especially by a woman and it showed.
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So he decided to put a little fear into you. "And you should know....there are far worse things out there on your long journey through those mountains than I am sure the good Prince here has told you. The cool air you feel right now, you will pray for when you get a feel of the black sea's arctic gale. Your little red riding hood attire will do nothing for you except attract wolves. It may only be October, but there will be snow the higher up you go. The trees may help shield the wind but the temperature will still be below zero. There are Orcs in those mountains which could maul a stag in only seconds so imagine what it will do to you."
"That is enough Narcisse!" Legolas commanded. He could see the fear arising in your eyes. "I think you have accomplished frightening her. Does that make you feel good?"
"No...it does not. I tell you all this to stop you. I truly am concerned for you...Josie....and your child. No one should be in those mountains this time of year. And no one in their right mind would go anywhere near Lestat's castle any time of the year. He's not a people person and that's putting it mildly. And it is so close to Mordor. There is nothing good in the south. I truly wish you no harm and beg you to change your mind. Stay here with me where it is safe until Thranduil returns." he pleaded as he peered up at you. You could tell he was sincere in his words and even Legolas could not disagree with him. "I can always deny you the horses. And I should for the reasons you want them in which you accidentally revealed to my assistant…. I do not want anything to happen to you."
"If you deny the horses, I will find another way, even if I have to walk."
"Are you insane? You will die...your child will die." Stephane insisted.
You couldn't remove your eyes from his after those words. "Legolas....what about the eagles?"
"Josie...the wide open air. You will freeze in a matter of minutes. No blankets will protect you. Yes, they are faster but it will still take them at least 30 minutes which you will not have. Is your mother worth all this? Do as Narcisse suggested. Stay here. I will go find my father."
"NO!!! God damn it! My husband is worth it! We really could have used the elven guard Legolas!" you cried in repudiation and galloped off.
"Legolas. Go after her and stall her. I will gather and stock up a carriage and meet up with you. It is the best option you have. It will block the wind at least."
"The carriages are too wide for the paths and some spots are too steep. I have traveled it many times."
"Your only other option is a certifiable death wish. By way of sea. You must know the Sea of Rhun is the largest inland body of water in all of middle earth. It will be getting dark and the waves will be treacherous. I can supply you a boat. But that is all I have to offer. I will not send my guard and risk my people's lives by creating a war with the vampires."
Legolas pondered for a moment on the pros and cons of each way of travel. The boat deemed best for wind and predator protection. "I guess it will have to be the....." Horns blew from the west side of the castle. "That is....a Lorien horn!" Legolas said with incredulity.
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Then a broad smile formed on his face when he saw a large group of Lothlorien elves marching in being led by his guardian.....Haldir.
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@redeemer46 @mirkwoodwarrior
(I always think of Haldy when I hear this music)
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larva-heartzz · 8 months
"Hide from the mirror, the cracks and the memories. Hide from your family. They won't know you now."
-Matt Bellamy, Muse, "Screenager"
hello!! im @worm-brainzz!! this is my safespace blog :D heres an intro post to ACTUALLY get to know me.
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basic stuff:
names: worm, wormzy, wormz, larva, larv, larvy, larvz, larvzy
pronouns: he/they/it/meow/vamp/star/angel/silly/heart/kitty (HOUGH. MANY MANY PRONOUNS. AND THEY'RE ALL VALID!!!!! YAY!!!!!)
gender: vampcatgender, angelstar, sillygender, angeliwhore, mikucharic, argoscharic, mrplantcharic, heartfloweric, starrycattic, guitarvampic, crazymusicgender (MANY MANY XENOS.)
sexuality: achillean
i have generalised anxiety disorder. please be nice. im begging.
i also have the worst spine problems known to man (exaggeration)
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discord: worm.brainzz
pinterest: w0rm.br41nzz
wattpad: mercuryheartss
insta: p01s0n.appl3
bandlab: mxrcuryheartss
medibang/art street: worm.brainzz
youtube: worm.brainzz
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ashur gharavi cinematic universe
project sekai
project diva
hazbin hotel
lacey flash games
village roadshow themeparks
doki doki literature club
nyan neko sugar girls
aussie world (theme park)
pretty dresses hehe (as in like. princess shit. yk.)
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music taste:
franz ferdinand
ghost & pals
tally hall
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love and appreciation like on my main but i think you wont judge me for this :3
@cloudxxiii @bi-squirrel @iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly-4
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active: @worm-brainzz @larva-heartzz @ask-angel-argos
inactive: @v0idbr34d @plxtogutss
#larva.txt, #larva hornyposting, #larva answers
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 7.29
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Americans For Prosperity National Day of Action
Army Chaplin Corps Day
Chincoteague Pony Round Up (Chincoteague & Assateague Islands, Virginia)
Constitution Day (Moldova)
Don’t Be A Dick Day
Emancipation Day (Bermuda)
Festival of the Polymorphously Perverse
Fiery Night Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Four Tops Day (Michigan)
International Butler Day
International Tiger Day (UN)
Life Stories Day (UK)
Mary Prince Day (Bermuda; 2nd Day of Cup Match)
Mohun Bagan Day (India)
National Anthem Day (Romania)
National Challenged Champions and Heroes Awareness Day
National Harold Day
National Lipstick Day
National Thai Language Day
Ólavsøkudagur (a.k.a. Ólavsøka; Faroe Islands)
Oslok (a.k.a. St. Olaf's Day; Norway)
Pardon of the Birds Day (Quimperle, Brittany, France)
Photograph Your Children When They’re Not Looking Day
Rain Day (Waynesburg, Pennsylvania)
Special Operations Forces Day (Ukraine)
Territory Day (Wallis and Fortuna)
Switchgrass Day (French Republic)
World Oral Rehydration Salts Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
Chicken Wings Day (Buffalo, NY)
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
National Chicken Wing Day
National Lasagna Day
5th & Last Saturday in July
Day of Lament [Last Saturday]
International Decora Day [Last Saturday]
Kulmbach Beer Week begins (Germany) [Last Saturday]
National Dance Day [Last Saturday]
National Drowning Prevention Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
National Self Storage Day [Last Saturday]
National Water Gun Fight Day [Last Saturday]
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day [Last Saturday]
Pierce County Trails Day [Last Saturday]
Procession of the Witches (Beselare, Belgium) [Last Sunday, Every Other Year; Uneven]
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day (Manitoba) [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Peru (from Spain, 1821) [observed]
Wendatia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Ashura (Islamic) [Began at Sundown Last Night; 10th Day of Muharram] (a.k.a. ... 
Achoura (Algeria)
Ashorra (Parts of India)
Ashoura (Lebanon)
Ashura Holiday (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia)
Muharram (Parts of India)
Remembrance of Muharram
Tamkharit (Senegal)
Tamxarit (Gambia)
Tasoua Hosseini (Iran)
Yaum-e-Ashur (Pakistan)
Yawmul Ashura (Gambia)
Birthday of Set (Ancient Egypt)
The Bookworms (Muppetism)
Brigham Young Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Dave Stevens Day (Humanism)
Eastman Johnson (Artology)
International Beer Day (Pastafarian)
Lazarus of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Lupus of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Martha of Bethany (Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Church) [Innkeepers]
Mary of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Olaus, King of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Olaf II, King of Norway (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Positivist; Saint)
Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix (Christian; Sibling Martyrs)
Stikklestad (Honoring Asatru Martyrs)
Susanoo’s Day (Pagan)
Thor’s Day (Norse)
William of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Aristocrats (Documentary Film; 2005)
Attack the Block (Film; 2011)
(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1977)
Bad Moms (Film; 2016)
Barcelona (Film; 1994)
Bosko’s Mechanical Man (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Cocktail (Film; 1988)
Compressed Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
Cowboys & Aliens (Film; 2011)
DC League of Super-Pets (Animated Film; 2022)
Enter Sandman, by Metallica (Song; 1991)
The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1954) [Book 1 of The Lord of the Rings trilogy]
The Fox Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Help! (Film; 1965)
Jason Bourne (Film; 2016)
Kiki’s Delivery Service (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1989)
Krull (Film; 1983)
Little Red Riding Hood (Disney Cartoon; 1922) [1st Disney Short]
Lt. Robinson Crusoe USN (Film; 1966)
The Mask (Film; 1994)
Must Love Dogs (Film; 2005)
National Lampoon’s Vacation (Film; 1983)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Old King Cole (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Private School (Film; 1983)
Renaissance, by Beyoncé (Album; 2022)
The Shindig (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Smurfs (Animated Film; 2011)
Snowman’s Land (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Stardust (Film; 2007)
The Trumpet Artistry of Chet Baker, by Chet Baker (Album; 1954)
Whenever I Call You Friend, by Kenny Loggins and Stevie Nicks (Song; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Landislaus, Martha, Lucilla, Olaf (Austria)
Kalin (Bulgaria)
Flora, Lazar, Marta, Urban, Vilim (Croatia)
Marta (Czech Republic)
Oluf (Denmark)
Olaf, Olav, Olavi, Olev (Estonia)
Olavi, Olli, Oula, Uolevi, Uoti (Finland)
Beatrix, Loup, Marthe (France)
Olaf (Germany)
Kallinikos (Greece)
Flóra, Márta (Hungary)
Marta (Italy)
Dzilis, Edmunds, Edzus, Vidmants (Latvia)
Beatričė, Mantvydas, Mantvydė, Morta (Lithuania)
Ola, Olav, Ole (Norway)
Beatrice, Beatrycze, Beatryks, Cierpisław, Faustyn, Konstantyn, Lucylla, Maria, Marta, Olaf, Serafina, Urban (Poland)
Alevtina, Valentina (Russia)
Marta (Slovakia)
Beatriz, Marta (Spain)
Olof (Sweden)
Seraphim, Seraphina (Ukraine)
Bea, Beatrice, Beatriz, Beattie, Marta, Martha, Olaf, Olav, Serafina, Trixie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 210 of 2024; 155 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 30 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Av 5783
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 30 Lux; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 July 2023
Moon: 87%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Dante (8th Month) [Raphael]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 39 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 8 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Thorn (Defense) [Half-Month 14 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 8.10)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 7.29
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Americans For Prosperity National Day of Action
Army Chaplin Corps Day
Chincoteague Pony Round Up (Chincoteague & Assateague Islands, Virginia)
Constitution Day (Moldova)
Don’t Be A Dick Day
Emancipation Day (Bermuda)
Festival of the Polymorphously Perverse
Fiery Night Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Four Tops Day (Michigan)
International Butler Day
International Tiger Day (UN)
Kaljakellunta 2023 (Beer Floating Festival, near Helsinki, Finland) [Weekend varies]
Life Stories Day (UK)
Mary Prince Day (Bermuda; 2nd Day of Cup Match)
Mohun Bagan Day (India)
National Anthem Day (Romania)
National Challenged Champions and Heroes Awareness Day
National Harold Day
National Lipstick Day
National Thai Language Day
Ólavsøkudagur (a.k.a. Ólavsøka; Faroe Islands)
Oslok (a.k.a. St. Olaf's Day; Norway)
Pardon of the Birds Day (Quimperle, Brittany, France)
Photograph Your Children When They’re Not Looking Day
Rain Day (Waynesburg, Pennsylvania)
Special Operations Forces Day (Ukraine)
Territory Day (Wallis and Fortuna)
Switchgrass Day (French Republic)
World Oral Rehydration Salts Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
Chicken Wings Day (Buffalo, NY)
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
National Chicken Wing Day
National Lasagna Day
5th & Last Saturday in July
Day of Lament [Last Saturday]
International Decora Day [Last Saturday]
Kulmbach Beer Week begins (Germany) [Last Saturday]
National Dance Day [Last Saturday]
National Drowning Prevention Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
National Self Storage Day [Last Saturday]
National Water Gun Fight Day [Last Saturday]
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day [Last Saturday]
Pierce County Trails Day [Last Saturday]
Procession of the Witches (Beselare, Belgium) [Last Sunday, Every Other Year; Uneven]
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day (Manitoba) [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Peru (from Spain, 1821) [observed]
Wendatia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Ashura (Islamic) [Began at Sundown Last Night; 10th Day of Muharram] (a.k.a. ... 
Achoura (Algeria)
Ashorra (Parts of India)
Ashoura (Lebanon)
Ashura Holiday (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia)
Muharram (Parts of India)
Remembrance of Muharram
Tamkharit (Senegal)
Tamxarit (Gambia)
Tasoua Hosseini (Iran)
Yaum-e-Ashur (Pakistan)
Yawmul Ashura (Gambia)
Birthday of Set (Ancient Egypt)
The Bookworms (Muppetism)
Brigham Young Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Dave Stevens Day (Humanism)
Eastman Johnson (Artology)
International Beer Day (Pastafarian)
Lazarus of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Lupus of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Martha of Bethany (Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Church) [Innkeepers]
Mary of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Olaus, King of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Olaf II, King of Norway (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Positivist; Saint)
Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix (Christian; Sibling Martyrs)
Stikklestad (Honoring Asatru Martyrs)
Susanoo’s Day (Pagan)
Thor’s Day (Norse)
William of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Aristocrats (Documentary Film; 2005)
Attack the Block (Film; 2011)
(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1977)
Bad Moms (Film; 2016)
Barcelona (Film; 1994)
Bosko’s Mechanical Man (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Cocktail (Film; 1988)
Compressed Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
Cowboys & Aliens (Film; 2011)
DC League of Super-Pets (Animated Film; 2022)
Enter Sandman, by Metallica (Song; 1991)
The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1954) [Book 1 of The Lord of the Rings trilogy]
The Fox Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Help! (Film; 1965)
Jason Bourne (Film; 2016)
Kiki’s Delivery Service (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1989)
Krull (Film; 1983)
Little Red Riding Hood (Disney Cartoon; 1922) [1st Disney Short]
Lt. Robinson Crusoe USN (Film; 1966)
The Mask (Film; 1994)
Must Love Dogs (Film; 2005)
National Lampoon’s Vacation (Film; 1983)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Old King Cole (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Private School (Film; 1983)
Renaissance, by Beyoncé (Album; 2022)
The Shindig (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Smurfs (Animated Film; 2011)
Snowman’s Land (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Stardust (Film; 2007)
The Trumpet Artistry of Chet Baker, by Chet Baker (Album; 1954)
Whenever I Call You Friend, by Kenny Loggins and Stevie Nicks (Song; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Landislaus, Martha, Lucilla, Olaf (Austria)
Kalin (Bulgaria)
Flora, Lazar, Marta, Urban, Vilim (Croatia)
Marta (Czech Republic)
Oluf (Denmark)
Olaf, Olav, Olavi, Olev (Estonia)
Olavi, Olli, Oula, Uolevi, Uoti (Finland)
Beatrix, Loup, Marthe (France)
Olaf (Germany)
Kallinikos (Greece)
Flóra, Márta (Hungary)
Marta (Italy)
Dzilis, Edmunds, Edzus, Vidmants (Latvia)
Beatričė, Mantvydas, Mantvydė, Morta (Lithuania)
Ola, Olav, Ole (Norway)
Beatrice, Beatrycze, Beatryks, Cierpisław, Faustyn, Konstantyn, Lucylla, Maria, Marta, Olaf, Serafina, Urban (Poland)
Alevtina, Valentina (Russia)
Marta (Slovakia)
Beatriz, Marta (Spain)
Olof (Sweden)
Seraphim, Seraphina (Ukraine)
Bea, Beatrice, Beatriz, Beattie, Marta, Martha, Olaf, Olav, Serafina, Trixie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 210 of 2024; 155 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 30 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Av 5783
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 30 Lux; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 July 2023
Moon: 87%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Dante (8th Month) [Raphael]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 39 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 8 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Thorn (Defense) [Half-Month 14 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 8.10)
1 note · View note
thepaladincosplays · 7 months
Prince Ashur Membrane has a secret he thinks he can keep well hidden, but when a certain someone notices he's undergone a change again he decides it's now or never to come clean about it.
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Nenet belongs to @onelastfic, who came up with the title for this fic as well!
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 4: 1-6. "The Edible Locusts."
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Other Clans of Judah
4 The descendants of Judah:
Perez, Hezron, Karmi, Hur and Shobal.
Perez= breach
Hezron=cluster, the enclosure, the village
Karmi=the Vineyard Dresser
Hur= nobleman cavern
Shobal=flowing, wavy
2 Reaiah son of Shobal was the father of Jahath, and Jahath the father of Ahumai and Lahad. These were the clans of the Zorathites.
Reaiah=means to see, and by extension to understand
Jahath=he will deplete
Ahumai=Brother Of Waters Heated By Yah
[heated water of Yah= circulating blood]
Lahad=Intentions to renew
Zorathites= the leprous hornets
3 These were the sons[a] of Etam the Edible Locusts:
Jezreel, Ishma and Idbash. Their sister was named Hazzelelponi. 4 Penuel was the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah.
Jezreel=God sows
Ibdash=the holy lion
Hazzelelponi=The Shadow Facing Me, The Ringing To Which I Turn
Penuel=Face Of God, He Turns To God
Gedor=a wall
Ezer=the treasury of the covenant
Hushah=to hurry
These were the descendants of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah and father[b] of Bethlehem.
Hur=a wall
Ephrathah=fruitful exhausted
Bethlehem=House of Father's Authority
5 Ashhur the father of Tekoa had two wives, Helah and Naarah.
Ashur=take a step
Tekoa=the sound of sudden unity
Helah (f)=scum ornament
Naarah (f)=young woman
6 Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni and Haahashtari. These were the descendants of Naarah.
Ahuzzam=their possession
Hepher=dig, shame
Temeni=southerly, prosperous
Haahashtari=(In Charge Of The) Royal Equids
The Torah Tantra for this section is The Shadow Facing Me:
"The Leprous Hornets are defeated by the Etam, who breach the walls and flow past the Vineyard, creating a Noble Cavern.
To be alive is to witness, to witness is to understand, to renew life.
When the Shadow Facing Me turns to desolation, fear of the lion of death, I turn to the Face Of God, who protects me like a wall with His Covenant.
Hurry, take a step behind the wall into the House of the Father's Authority, take possession of all that is prosperous like a Persian Prince takes possession of the royal horses."
Horses are sacred animals, and the reference means God expects us to be tame, powerful, strong, agile, and gorgeous:
THE TORAH’s attitude to horses reveals a range of perspectives, based on the different experiences of the ancient Jewish people. Unlike the pig and the dog, which are not only forbidden as food but are widely scorned throughout the Torah, the horse, also forbidden as a food, often symbolizes great strength and courage, as well as spectacular beauty. After the excruciating suffering that has befallen Job, for example, he asks God the perennial question, Why do innocents suffer? In a series of awesome examples of how God’s power and glory are displayed in the animal world and other phenomena of nature, Job realizes the lesson that he is but dust and will never be able to comprehend the unfathomable mysteries of God. The breathtaking description of the horse’s immense power include: Do you give the horse his might? Do you clothe his neck with a mane? Do you make him leap like the locust? (Job 39:19-20).
In the Song of Songs, the spectacular beauty of the horse is used as an image to portray the comeliness of the beloved. The bejeweled Egyptian mare was by then well known to the Jews, resulting in this encomium: I compare you, my love, to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots (Song of Songs 1:9). The theme of the great strength of the horse is also orchestrated in Isaiah, when the prophet remembers the Mighty Hand that led Israel from Egypt through the river Nile: Who led them through the depths? Like a horse in the desert, they did not stumble (Isaiah 63:13).
The Gematria for this section is derived from the word Etam, "edible grasshoppers."
The number returned is 8- there are 8 edible species of grasshoppers allowed by the Torah. the Gematria of of 8, which returns, once again a message from our fierce friend, the Archangel Azrael, who says "18141".
The Gematria for these digits comes directly from the Most High, the God of Israel:
What Is I Have Been Trying To Literally Scare The Hell Out Of You So You Could Come To Heaven But You Are Uninterested So I Will Stop Trying I Will Leave You Alone I Will Let You Have What You Want.
You know how hard I have been trying but such effort is not necessary as the reasoning is logical: We need not suffer organizations like the Republican Party or crappy public servants like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Brett Kavanaugh, Josh Hawley, Lindsey Graham, or organizations like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or the Family Research Council, all who have demonstrated animosity towards humanity.
They are not facts of life, they are not legally required or even allowed when they become corrupt and these have.
With the brush of a pen, every Jew and normal human being on this world, indeed every living place and thing could have a new lease on life if we got rid of them.
This would surely please God and just about everyone else, too. To think in advance of the happiness of others at the expense of great corruption is called "an edible locust", the opposite of the Plague of Locusts - liars and losers- who cause active suspense of the future.
They fucked up. It's time to swoop in and get rid of them once and for all.
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pinkhipstergirl · 5 years
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onelastfic · 4 months
Always got a hankering for more Nenet and Ashur, but what about Nenet and the Hydra 👀 or even Ash in his Dragon form?
Gonna choose Nenet and the Hydra (don't want to be unintentionally spoil anything with dragon form interactions 😅)
Nenet stood firm, her gaze unwavering as Hydra circled her, his presence both intimidating and oddly captivating. Nenet was wary of what to do.
"You know," Hydra began, his tone dripping with arrogance, "Ashur is far too noble for his own good. Always doing what's right, always putting others first. It's pathetic, really."
"Better than being a selfish, egotistical prick," Nenet shot back, her eyes flashing. On one hand she really wanted to punch him, but that would mean punching Ash in the face, which is not something she really felt comfortable doing at the moment.
Hydra's eyes narrowed, but the smirk remained. "Ah, but isn't there a part of you that's curious? A part of you that wonders what it would be like to let go, to embrace the chaos?"
Nenet's tail flicked in agitation. "Not if it means turning into someone like you."
Hydra's laughter filled the chamber, echoing off the walls. "Careful, little cat. You might find you enjoy it more than you think."
Nenet glared at Hydra, her fists clenched at her sides. "Why do ya always have to make things so difficult? Why can't ya just let Green Bean be once in a while?"
Hydra's expression darkened, a flicker of genuine anger in his eyes. "Because the prince is weak. He's shackled by his own morality, his ridiculous sense of duty. I am his true strength, his true power."
"The fuck you are! If anything, you’re the weakling here, bub," Nenet shot back. "Feeding off his darker impulses, manipulating him for ya own gain."
Hydra's lips curled into a snarl. "Careful, little cat. You're treading dangerous ground."
"Someone has to call ya out on all ya shit," Nenet retorted. "And if that someone has to be me, so be it."
Nenet paced the corridor, her tail flicking with agitation. She had been waiting for Ashur to wake up. He’d taken a nasty hit on the head by a Tarturus beast in the recent battle and still hadn’t regained consciousness yet. She turned to the now opening door to see if Ash had finally woken up but instead, Hydra emerged from the shadows, his eyes glinting with draconian power.
"Looking for someone, little cat?" Hydra's voice was a low, alluring growl, dripping with his usual arrogance.
She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at him. "Where's Green Bean?"
Hydra smirked, stepping closer. "The prince is taking a little nap. Thought I'd stretch my legs and enjoy the company."
Nenet sighed, her frustration evident. "Why do ya always have to show up at the shittiest of times?"
Hydra chuckled, the sound dark and malicious. "Because it's fun, darling. And it annoys you."
Despite herself, Nenet couldn't help but feel a flicker of relief. If his Hydra side was still there then that meant Ash was still there. "You're insufferable, ya know that?"
Hydra leaned in, his breath hot against her ear. "And yet, you still tolerate me. Why is that, I wonder?"
Nenet's tail swished with a mix of annoyance and something else—something softer. "Maybe…Maybe because I know you're just another side of Green Bean… A side I don’t mind dealing with if it means being together with him…"
Hydra's eyes widened briefly before he regained his composure, masking his surprise with a smirk. "Is that so? How intriguing."
The moonlight bathed the garden in a silvery glow as Nenet walked, lost in thought. She didn't notice Hydra until he spoke, his voice a low whisper in the night.
"Out for a midnight stroll?"
Nenet turned, her surprise quickly masked by a casual demeanor. "Just needed some fresh air. Things get pretty stuffy if too many gods are crammed into the same room for too long."
Hydra stepped closer, his movements as smooth as a predator stalking its prey. "Mind if I join you?"
She shrugged. "It's a free garden, but don’t try any funny stuff or I’ll headbutt you again."
They walked in silence for a while, the tension between them palpable. Hydra, ever the instigator, finally broke the silence. "You know, you could do better than the prince."
Nenet glanced at him, her expression unreadable. "Is that so?"
"Yes," he replied, his tone smug. "Someone like me, perhaps. Someone who understands your darker side."
She stopped walking, turning to face him fully. "And what makes you think you know me so well?"
Hydra's grin was feral. "Because I see the same darkness in you that I see in myself."
Nenet raised her brow. "Ya sure? Because I bet my fucking fangs that darkness isn't all there is."
Hydra's expression wavered, a hint of vulnerability peeking through. "And what else is there?"
She stepped closer, her hand brushing against his cheek. "Light. Green Bean’s light. And the choice to be more than ya instincts."
For a moment, Hydra seemed lost in her gaze, the usual pridefulness replaced by a flicker of something gentler. "You're a mystery, little cat."
She smiled. "And you ain’t as much of an asshole as you pretend to be."
Ash/Hydra belongs to @thepaladincosplays
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nickjgoodsell · 7 years
Nick Goodsell’s Fancast: Falling Kingdom Series:
Some may seem like a bit of a stretch...but this is my fancast for the series, so it’s not changing! feel free to comment other/better ideas for these or other characters I missed; I love to hear other fancast ideas, especially for books I read!
Cleo Bellos: Blake Lively
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Magnus Damora: Nick Ayler
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Lucia Damora: Barbara Palvin
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Jonas Agallon: Marco Dapper
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Nic Cassian: Sam Claflin
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Prince Ashur: Jesse Williams
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Princess Amara: Jessica White
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Felix Graebas: Colby Lopez (WWE Superstar Seth Rollins)
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King Gaius: Richard Armitage
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Lysandra: Jana Kramer
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Kurtis Curillo: Sebastian Stan
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Melenia: Charlize Cheron
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Alexius: Luke Guldan
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Theon/Taran: Jensen Ackles
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