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One thing I find consistently funny with the way Ganondorf is represented in OoT/TotK is the duality of him being called manipulative, but also obviously and openly evil at the same time. So, in theory, a bad manipulator. However, when you look at what happens everytime, you get the rather funny canonical reality that everyone who meets him become incapable to do anything about their gut instincts and just... let themselves get defenseless and murdered in spite of being spitefully demeaning and bigoted about it the entire time it happens.
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comradeboyhalo · 7 months
I agree with you a lot
I don't understand why people are excusing quackity so much. He should've been aware of all this and should have done something.
Tbh he should have never allowed this situation to happen. Imo he was ignorant at best, and negligent at worst.
While he was travelling the world and receiving prizes and recognition, his employees and volunteers were working day and night with little to no pay.
It's good that there's pressure on top of him. His name is attached to the server, to the brand. It's his responsibility. He needs to fix this.
I'm more willing to believe workers that have nothing to lose than a guy who can lose it all.
Sorry if this is too long, or too heated. I'm really disappointed at how the fandom is dealing with this, in its majority. And im glad there's someone who shares the same pov as me.
(i started rambling on this ask im sorry. i didnt word this perfectly so hopefully no one takes this in bad faith.)
almost the entire fandom + the ccs are seeing the best in him, and really really want qsmp to continue. a bit of public pressure doesn't hurt imo. as long as there's clear communication, qstudios' rep shouldn't take a hit - we're all rooting for him. its completely understandable that these reconstructions take time, that people will have to be laid off, but as long as there's clear communication between him and his workers, it should all end up okay.
i totally get all the points that the third party information may not be accurate, that its jumping the gun and sending people on doomposting spirals, but i genuinely do think there is nothing wrong with going public about working conditions. its prompted multiple admins to speak up now, and its let the head admins know that mistreatment will be caught now. having all information solely coming from the company's side is worse. and that's not being distrustful of quackity - that's just being understanding of natural bias.
its important for the fandom to amplify the voices speaking out. this doesn't mean we make crazy conspiracies on how it's all over or whatever, but qstudios has a platform to speak out on, and the workers don't. the doomposting is an unintended consequence, but this is internet fandom after all lol.
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sol-flo · 20 days
with rss on my mind i'm once again thinking of how i wish there was a script that took [input = title, url, description] and made it into [output = an xml <item> with autogenerated timestamp]. ideally it'd also just add itself to the xml file as well but i'm ok with copy pasting for now
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I have some more ideas for Killing Machine!
#For her motivation I’m currently thinking she does her assassin job as revenge#at least one member of her family was killed directly or indirectly from a robot company#and so she seeks to kill out not only higher ups of said company but to also kill the robots to prevent more people from dying#she sees this as justified but even then she has no idea about the robots themselves… until she becomes one herself of course#what they did specifically? I’m not sure#right now I’m thinking they mandated a certain brain chip which ended up causing dangerous side effects#again. Not sure what the brain chip does.#BUT one of the major symptoms is a faulty eye which appears in robots too#So what looks to just be a mechanical error in Walter is actually a major plot point#Speaking of walter#I’m thinking he comes off as an initially silly guy but is also very important to the story#What that role is I don’t know yet#For now I’m thinking he used to be an assassin too… but realized the error of his ways BEFORE getting turned into a robot#He’s also the aforementioned guy who was in love with Killing Machine#But I think he also recognizes the path that she is going down/has gone down and wants to help her change from thay#Of course KM is stubborn and insists on killing even as a robot#In fact#shes convinced she’ll blend in better (much to Walter’s shagrin)#What do you guys think so far! Comment!!! :)#Also I think I WILL start calling her KM. It’s catchy.#killingmachineseries#new story idea#new series#original series#series development
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hafwen · 8 months
I figured out one of the problems with one of my prescriptions is that the doctor wrote a 90 day one instead of a a 30 day. I called my doctor and had them send it into cvs to it filled. Then the pharmacist called to yell at me for not fixing some billing code in my health insurance which is weird because she told me I couldn’t do that and she had to tell corporate and then it would take 5 business days.
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Can't tumblr just be honest with me and tell me that somebody has me blocked? Like, I'm trying to reblog a cool gifset and tumblr is like, "Your request could not be processed. Please try again later," or something along those lines. Can't you just tell me, "Sorry, this person wants nothing to do with you," or something, anything, instead of making me think that I'm experiencing a temporary technical issue that might go away when I try again? I literally do not care about the reasons or anything. I just don't want to waste my time by trying to do the impossible here like an idiot.
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
Distraction time, aka "What if I ramble about my stories?" What if I talked about the sort of things Vivian could have had as a child if someone like Phineas had found and raised him instead? Something cheerful with a happy ending would be nice right now. Even if it's not canon. ;) If you didn’t read the original AO3 posting of Seasons to the final chapter, this does contain some significant spoilers. Wouldn’t it have been fantastic if Phineas had visited Wyskaria and noticed Vivian’s signature when he was still little? He’d be a scrappy boy in rags, but old enough he already named himself Vivian. That means he’s not without some trauma. He just didn’t endure all of it before Phineas realized what was going on and stole this abused child away from his family. Vivian would go willingly. If someone had offered him food and a way out, he might be suspicious, but he would also be desperate. What could possibly be worse than what he dealt with from his family? Phineas realizes he’s hungry when they first meet, leaves, returns with food. Vivian is shocked but immediately snatches the food. Then he backs off. Until Phineas shows him magic. Child Viv is not like 400 y/o Viv. He’s impressed. Fascinated. Maybe he would have named himself after Phineas instead if he had met him first. Phineas doesn’t push Viv to come with him. All he does is feed him over the next couple of days. Then he says he’s going to leave town. “You can come with me if you want. You don’t have to stay here.” Vivian follows the food and the kindness. He’s a bit cautious but mostly? He’s hopeful. This is different than it was with Gideon, who forced Viv into structure immediately.
Phineas finds some better clothes and necessities for Vivian, including a toy. This is Viv’s dream. The 400 y/o canon Vivian wanted this childhood. In a different story, he can have it. Phineas introduces him to his family slowly. They visit a couple of his children, who dote on Vivian beecause he’s young and they have kids and hand-me-downs. He feels like a prince. He’s quick to accept Phineas’s affection. After a month or two, he’s happily hugging Phineas on his own. It takes a few more months for him to kiss him on the cheek. Phineas assigns Vivian a birthday based on what he knows, which is that Vivian loves it when it’s snowing. So he gives him a winter birthday. Then asks him what he wants to eat to celebrate it. Vivian wants the same treat he tries to make for Howie in Seasons–the one with fruit in fried bread that’s dusted with nuts and sugar–as his special dessert. For savory dishes, Phineas fixes Vivian some delicious pumpkin pasta with cheese, cabbage and sausage, and a baked ham. He has picked up on some of Vivian’s favorite foods since he took him in. While Phineas often likes to tease many of his children, he doesn’t do this with Viv. He senses that it might be too much–at least while he’s still young–and refrains from joking too much with him. He knows each kid is different. While certain approaches work with one child, it doesn’t with another. Vivian is sometimes a little fiesty and self-defensive, but he’s easily calmed by a gentle reminder from Phineas. He doesn’t think Phineas is soft on him. All he knows is that his other family was cruel and violent, and Phineas is happiness and safety. This isn’t a man who decides his savior is allowed to hurt him to some degree because he was also kind to him. This is a Vivian who is told his autonomy should be respected. Phineas is “Daddy” within a year’s time. Even when Viv enters his teens, he can’t help but use the more childish address. In part, this is because Viv–in most universes–still remembers his early years and it makes him yearn for a do-over. If only Phineas had been his birth Daddy. If only Phineas had found him before his human family. Vivian plays with toys a little older than other children. He’s physically affectionate but never clingy, always lounging close to Phineas because he likes being in proximity to his father. He likes consistency and schedules, because they make him feel safe. Traveling with Phineas stresses him out a bit. He prefers when they’re staying in one of Phineas’s many homes, although he doesn’t mind switching it up sometimes. He just doesn’t like it when Phineas goes to a new place entirely. That’s too much uncertainty for Viv. (Note that this is all before Daz is born and Cole is found when Phineas goes back to Wyskaria. And yes, those do still happen.)
Viv is a bit like Cole: he sticks to Phineas’s side a lot longer than a child usually would to a parent. Not to care for him the way Cole does, but the other way around. (Although maybe it will be different, because Viv being around does change a bit of the timeline, and that means Daz and Cole never encounter the danger that ends Daz’s life.) When he first realizes he has magic at fourteen, he welcomes it, but he uses it for whimsical things–not unlike how Sophie used hers when she came into it. Vivian is reluctant to go to college, but he likes numbers and their consistency, and Phineas encourages him to go meet people and study. Graham doesn’t get into trouble for always talking to Vivian, who has an explosive temper in another timeline. This Viv knows a bit of sign language from traveling with Phineas and can talk to Mabel. He’s a bit on the shy side, but he’s hoping if he sticks around often enough and gains Mabel’s approval, the cute apprentice will like him better. It works. The two get married surrounded by their loved ones. They build a house together. Vivian dreams of the future, and the cries of the cicadas still bring him an accident. He knows exactly who to turn to for advice and assistance. By then, Graham and Viv have had conversations about what kind of parents they want to be. Graham loves Vivian and attributes that to Phineas being a wonderful dad, and he tries his best to model after that instead of modeling after his own father. (Especially with their issues, which they work through before his father’s death.) Graham wants a lifetime with Vivian. They’re goofy and affectionate. They bring their six children to Phineas’s orchard sometimes, because it’s where Vivian is safest. Uncle Cole and Uncle Daz are terrible influences on all five of the kiddos. ;)
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dreamingkatfish · 10 months
Things I think about whilst drunk I suppose.
I give into impulsive thoughts more easily which is silly when I know logically that quote a lot of my impulsive thoughts are actually good ideas and historically for me working on impulsive has worked better than anything I've overthought. (Bc ofc I'm incapable of balancing the two lmao) Yet whilst sober I tend to overthink to hell and back. And never commit to the impulses.
Also, something I say a lot now is, "Everything is okay and the world is beautiful." But it's something I only say when either drunk or anxious and I only get to feel is completely true whilst drunk. Like while anxious it's a mix of meant to be calming and a mix of sarcasm bc humor = coping be like that sometimes. And like that's important bc I'm one of those people who draw a line between thinking and feeling, and struggle to feel the way I think.
Also also, it's of positive interest to note that despite my inability to be particularly negative whilst drunk I also don't drink all that often. So like at least there's that going for me. Though also adhd plus putting alcohol in a cabinet I never check prolly helps but we're ignoring that fact rn.
Mostly though these are just notes I usually leave in my notes app bc even whilst drunk I can't help but overanalyze my state of being. However, brain got caught on thinking about everything is okay and the world is beautiful, and felt people needed to hear that and made a tumblr post instead.
But yes, despite all the stress, anger, and work that needs to be done; everything is okay and the world is beautiful. Because it's not all bad and the sun will rise tomorrow and there will be another chance to try again. And the universe cares because we are the universe and we care.
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pilvimarja · 2 years
I hate the way the Tumblr app basically blows up when you unknowingly try to reblog a post from someome who has blocked you. It gives you that never-ending loop of "Whoops! Something went wrong 🙃" "Got an error 🙃" "Try again 🙃" until you log out and force the app to close. How the hell haven't they fixed it yet??
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Despite the fact that the Inspector has averted war after war, settled arguments before someone made a fatal error, and he/she has prevented disasters throughout the Cosmos,
there are still many events in Earth history that he/she simply cannot stop, even if it means human lives are at stake.
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galaxseacreature · 9 months
Sometimes you NEED to send that venting teams message to your supervisor so they can gently say "this is not that big a deal you have simply lost perspective" and then clearly and more importantly add "but you should feel free to quit early today"
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miraiq · 7 months
a certain dragon delivers intense stares though curious of what was troubling the trailblazer. perhaps the vacation in penacony wasn't precisely what he expected, judging by the look of his face. "did something happen? you look troubled." (dan heng @ caelus)
Caelus was ecstatic upon Dan Heng messaging him saying that the raven haired lad was making his way to meet the Express crew down on Penacony. He had missed Dan Heng, but was also worried. Caelus wasn't sure why he was worried, this was the Dan Heng we're talking about. The man is the body guard of the Astral Express. The dude's a powerhouse! But, who could blame the silver haired man for the unnecessary concern. Everything was going wrong the second they warp jumped. First Caelus had that weird dream on the train that he couldn't even remember- though could recognize that it wasn't a good one based on the fact that he had been startled awake, covered in his own tears. Pom-Pom had simply said it was the lad not handling the memoria in the planet's atmosphere well, but something told Caelus that was only part of the problem.
Then they had troubles with their reservations, which made no sense to him since they (well technically not him but semantics) were invited, and had the same amount of bodies as their r.s.v.p..? Whatever. A guy from the IPC helped settle that, then proceeded to single him out and spew out cryptic nonsense-- aside from the fact that the blond had somehow had known Caelus housed a stellaron. Which that was also concerning-- how? What would that man do because of, or with, that information?
Next, the trailblazer had run into someone looking like Sampo, who then attacked(?) him. Well.. going unconscious and waking up without the accused party kinda makes it seem that way. So another betrayal at someone the man knew and (mostly) trusted.
And to top it all off, as if the universe really wanted to play some nasty tricks on him yet again.. Caelus made a friend. Another kind soul, struggling to make it by but finding the joy in the little things. It was worse than when... when Tingyun.. when she.. Caelus had to once again see a friend die right in front of him.
He got to know Firefly a bit more than he had with the Foxian, which made it all the more devastating when the man watched the girl get impaled by that dream creature. He vaguely remembers Black Swan or Acheron telling him the monster's name or title.. but he doesn't remember anything outside of the sheer size of it, the screeching sounds it made, the smoke stifling the surrounding air.. Caelus watched her body shake with fear before she apologized to him (why? why would you do that?) before she fell down into his arms just long enough that he felt her body turn into that odd liquid and vanish.
And the photo.. oh, the photo. Just an extra punch to the gut.
Wasn't he just "born" several months ago? He can't take much more of this.
So, it isn't really a surprise that the archivist could tell something was wrong. Though, Caelus knows that he doesn't hide his own emotions very well. Probably didn't help that shaking hands had reached out to lightly grasp Dan Heng's arm the second the silver was close enough to touch his party member, just firm enough to settle himself, but relaxed enough that if the raven had wanted to remove his arm from Caelus' touch he could easily do so. Caelus just couldn't stop himself. He desperately needed to feel a physical body, one that was warm, solid.. not ice cold mist that could slip through his fingers again.
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" Can't get anything passed you, can I ? "
His voice is so soft, so raspy, the silver hopes that Dan Heng could at least hear his attempt at words to set the other at ease. After a chuckle to himself, a tiny alarm went off in his mind. Something about how Dan Heng showed up after texting each other related itself to Black Swan and their conversation.. and the chat with the real Black Swan right after. Could this be 'Dan Heng', the same one that meet him earlier as 'Sampo', tried to trick him into giving out dangerous-in-the-wrong-hands-knowledge 'Black Swan'?
He learned his lesson the first time. He's not going to make that mistake again.
" H..Hey. I know this is a bit.. strange. But-
Can you tell me your secret phrase you have with March?
You know, the one you used to help us out on Belobog to get away from the Silvermane Guards the second day we got there? "
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toytulini · 1 year
hit tag limit on the last post cos i started talking about roller coasters again 😔
#toy txt post#wish there was a way for me to like. Do. something. with my roller coaster hyperfixation. but im not an engineer i dont want to design them#thats so scary and i couldnt be a ride op cos im scared of riding most of them (disclaimer I KNOW HOW SAFE THEY ARE THATS NOT THE PROBLEM#I DONT HANDLE THE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE OF THRILL RIDES FILLING ME WITH ADRENALINE VERY WELL IT CAUSES ME PAIN#i do not enjoy it. but i love to see coasters and watch them and read about them 🥺 and also sometimea i read about. the incidents which#felt like very foolish at first like okay this isnt gonna help me get comfortable riding them but honestly actually it did help?#to see how many of the incidents are like. truly like either freak accidents or someone fucked up#but like the rides safety mechanisms usually are very good and not the reason for an accident. most errors seem to be like. act of god or#like. operator or rider error. and some of the operator errors are kind of terrifying BUT ALSO seem like things that can be prevented#maybe the new wave of unionizing in the us will sweep into theme park employees and make sure theyre paid well and recieve good benefits#and that they are not pressured to prioritize profits or faster throughput at the expense of safety. and (really optimistic i know) maybe#we as a society and culture can unlearn our systemic fatphobia to the point that its doable to turn someone away for being#too big to ride safely without making them feel like shit or like its their fault and MAYBE we'll even possibly just maybe figure out how#to make rides that can actually accommodate larger guests safely so they can participate in the fun without fear or bodyshaming#logically i know theres no way to remove 100% of risk and that there is still heightened risk especially for ppl w various#medical conditions but idk i think we as a society can keep theme parks and do them well. i believe in us.#i should go to more of them....ive been to like. not that many but i do still have favorites#hershey my beloved. i LOVE how visible all the coasters are all the time i LOVE the skyview going right through great bears track#i hope i can go again this yr and see the new wildcat 🥺 absolutely not going to ride that fucking thing but i am definitely going to stare#at it. jenn if youre reading this i cannot fucking believe you got me to ride og wildcat honestly#p sure that rattle gave me a headache and i would not do it again that was a rough fucking ride lol but im glad u somehow got me into that#i have. such a complicated relationship with being peer pressured onto rides lol#like on the one hand i do need that a little bit or i definitely wont do it but on the other. being forced onto comet as a child was#slightly traumatizing and definitely marked my turn from wanting to ride all the coasters to jot wanting to ride anything#to my parents credit on that one they do recognize it as a mistake and were sorry about it like immediately so i dont hold it against them#but also dont. force ur children to ride coasters lol. but i do need to go spend a day at hershey just forcing myself to ride great bear#over and over. fav coaster best coaster. its so fucking loud. its shaped so good. pretty color scheme. its constellation themed#i do love and am obsessed with how hershey packs all those tracks together like that it looks so cool i love to see it#candymonium right at the entrance like that is Extremely distracting very immediately
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frozenemus · 1 year
I've been working on getting an understanding of Rain World's design and level development because I'm aiding in the creation of a mod.... ...Which has been a fairly interesting venture when it comes to implementing creature spawns because I cannot tell if the pink lizard that launched across the room at Mach 5 was the game's doing or mine.
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collgeruledzebra · 1 year
had an absolutely horrendous dream the other night that i was a low tier employee on typhon and sayer put me in a room with literally hundreds of plasma cannons and fucking left me there to try to get out on my own
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