#pretty sure he was a trumpie why not stick to bullying him for that
i haven’t been a skam austin blog in awhile but i’m gonna keep posting about this austin terry (daniel) thing as long as i still have things to say.
one super common comment i’ve seen is “how does someone participate in a project like skam which is super accepting and inclusive of the lgbt community and then turn around and say shit like this?” and i think it helps to realize that skam austin ran 2018-2019 (probably started production in 2017) and while people can grow and change in a positive way, it is also entirely possible for them to change in the other direction and become more enmeshed in fundamentalist christian viewpoints. at one point in the full video (i haven’t watched the whole thing yet) when he’s talking about how christianity has impacted his life and worldview he says “over the past year” which especially supports my hypothesis that this belief is a relatively recent development for him during a year that was so hard on so many people’s physical and mental health. again, not defending him, not saying it’s ever okay to promote any sort of homophobia coming from any source, but like. mocking a deeply repressed texan 22 year old with maybe 2 acting credits to his name does not a big win for gay rights make. 
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