firemama · 1 year
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The conversation topic tonight is “Moments that single-handedly changed the way I make things forever” I suppose so.
(You can find the owner and creator here on tumblr too at toastyglow and definitely do, they make so many good things other than just this one particular creation of theirs that im obsessed with)
I may not animate or anything but the way my brain imagines Moments for things im gunna write or draw or like, plot points as a whole was deeply and unexplainably influenced by one particular animation i found three or four-ish years ago and to this day I am with bated breath obsessed with it. Ashivon, Sanga and Tsela live in a special place in my heart. I could talk someones ear off about all the little moments that Kill Me from the original and how much I gush over the following ones, and how violently i am waiting for part 5.
(fucking SPOILERS, but I will never stop thinking about him straining at his own fucking execution all for the sake of a child he’s never met about to live the life he’s experienced or the knife sliding across Sangas chest, every rewatch has me vibrating violently)
(Also tonight specifically, I am thinking a lot about how Ashivon was probably just referred to as The Executioner and how scantly often Sanga and Ashivon would have been alone together safe enough for her to have used his name and how long it might have been since she’s been able to call him by name when they finally escape and thats going to live in my head rent free for a While now.)
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thedeafprophet · 2 years
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Workin on a design for drawing Mr Wines with @house-of-mirrors' guidance
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[ okaaaaaaaay, random idea for my retired wrestler version. ]
[ sooo. what if the company wanted to do something different for a ppv? you know how sonetimes they'd have an artist / band perform or something? well what if they were looking to incorporate other athletes for once to perform? for instance ~ gymnasts.
kinda thinking one of them had to bail out and so mary gets a call about it ~ t_t so what if she's backstage for a few shows, practining in the halls or they found someplace out back to set up a trampoline for her and someone comes across her? :3 if anyone is interested lemme know? ]
[ I'd also accept this for aew or njpw or even nxt ~ ]
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scottishoctopus · 2 years
How long did it take you to learn the pipe organ, Captain??
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"A couple of years, mah mothah was mah tutor when Ah started practin' during mah early teens. She was extraordinarily talented and Ah was always wantin' tah be as good as her- uh."
He sadly smiles, reminiscing of the warming and simpler times of him sat next to his mother on the pipe organ bench. Her encouraging smile as she taught him about each individual key to press.
"Since then Ah've gained much more years of experience playin' the instrument. Ah can only hope that if she was alive tahday then she would be proud that Ah'm still playin' her pipe organ."
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bats-in-the-snow · 7 months
Practining Jade Harley 🙏 I love u gurl..
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dizziiedaikon · 2 years
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Forgot to upload this xP
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naraxmaneo · 4 years
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                              biography    •     wanted connections    •    case file    
name; gwan nara. ( it isn’t her real name, but this is what’s on all her ‘legal’ documents. ) 
species; skinwalker
age; 998, visually, she’s 32. 
gang & position; venor, head of security.
moral alignment; she’s pretty neutral. she hates witches tho. 
so, she was born a human in the goryeo time period. the year, 1022, to be exact. her purpose back then was something like a ‘naked weapon’, a woman who infiltrated and killed targets of the king. she often took the disguise of a court performer or a prostitute. 
she met her husband that way. // she was captured on the job when sent to another country, and a general fell in love with her as she was captive. he helped her escape and she lived with him in secret. of course, after some time, the feeling was mutual and they tied the knot as started a family. 
one thing led to the next ( to spare yall all the wild shit ) and she was cursed by a witch after she had beef with her for tricking her into doing something horrible. the curse was the ‘gift’ of immense guilt. so, for as long as she lived, she’d feel guilt, grief and sadness on an extreme level. it was designed so that she blames herself and have a heavy conscious for almost everything. her triggers are usually death, injury, and really anything unfortunate. imagine her mind constantly in a state of being in a dark room, with words and voices repeatedly making themselves known with negative thoughts. she even often see’s illusions of her husband and children. // in current time, she’s way better at hiding the mental toll though. NO ONE KNOWS about this to a knowledgable extent. 
since being a skinwalker, and her mistakes that cost lives, she ran away from her family; jumping from town to town to get away from them. ( her husband was stubborn on letting her just up and leave without searching ) // she ended up making it a habit of moving around, and she literally did that for hundreds of years, disguising and traveling.
she used her former job skills to help her. because she learned about international affairs, she was quickly able to use that knowledge to bargain in the world of currency and valued goods. nara made a fortune and had been sitting on money by the time she was 600. in the 20′s she returned to korea and used to have her own jewelry franchise, and she made even more. sis, was LOADED. she had a jewelry franchise in the 1910′s up until the 1920′s from when she joined venor. 
now, she’s the head of security in venor, and is also a mysterious rich public figure to the human world.  ( she usually hides her face, so alot of people aren’t aware of what she looks like. she does this so humans don’t notice she’s been alive in this town for far too long. most people claim she’s a granddaughter’ because her appearance is so similar to recorded images of herself in the past.) 
nara is a little bit of a wild card. at a first glance though, she’s all about living lavish. her clothes are name brand always- her earrings all the way down to her socks. she also gives off a very elegant vibe, and tries to be classy in everything she does. a rich baddie habit, tbh. her mind isn’t as simple though. sometimes nara is serious, and then-.. she isn’t. one moment she’s happy, and the next she’s feeling extremely paranoid and terrified-... the best way to put it is really that aara shows heavy bipolar and schizophrenic tendencies, but for the most part- she’s good at keeping herself in check when she’s with others. for some, she can appear playful, childish and ladylike, and others may only see a more serious and steadfast version of her. it’s all about how she knows you, if she likes you, and her mood in that very moment. most times, even though she’s smiling her mind is probably antagonizing her because of her curse. seeing children, or even men that resemble her former family tend to trigger it- and when it does, her mind goes into lockdown. when she’s not her ‘public’ self, she’s probably at home sitting in a dark room, soaking it all in alone. 
as far as interacting with others, she’s very approachable, and she may even be talkative. she isn’t a fan of personal questions and often tells lies like she gets paid for it. so, don’t expect the truth from her- you won’t get it. it’s safe to say that she’s two-faced tbh, but just know it’s not personal.
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iocheaira · 4 years
quarantine update: v much enjoying lying in bed and reading my russian book, specifically the first part where the instructions are to sound out words over and over
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rodentchild · 5 years
Rehearsals are fun
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soraavalon · 3 years
DM: And the last scene we had is Eudora wanted to talk to Rosaline.
Moriarty (OOC): Everyone wants to talk to Rosaline, but Rosaline doesn't want to talk to fucking anybody.
DM: I will say she probably does show up at the manor later that morning 'cause she mostly lives at the manor, so most of her things are there. So I think she's stopping in and you can see her in the hall at one point.
Eudora: So I think this is kind of spur of the moment on Eudora's part. I think she's gonna go over to Rosaline and probably just start off with awkward 'It's good to see you back' not gonna ask how she's doing because...
DM: Yeah.
Eudora: Nobody's doing well.
DM: Nobody's doing good, yeah.
Eudora: The question does not need to be asked and I think she's, "I don't wanna take you from your duties..."
Rosaline: I'm not actually working today, I'm just here to grab a few of my things.
Eudora: Ah, well in that case, you seen me practin' with this in the garden a time or two, yes?
Rosaline: Oh, yeah, I have.
Eudora: Probably heard me more than you've seen it.
Rosaline: Yeah, mm-hmm.
Eudora: I was wonderin', you wanna learn how to shoot this thing?
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] OMG
DM: She kind of blinks at you a few times.
Rosaline: Yes. Yes I do.
Eudora: Perfect.
DM: And you see her crack a smile.
Eudora: I can tell you, it's excellent stress-relief.
Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] she's so precious
Rosaline: We should probably find somewhere... I- It's just that it's cold outside.
Eudora: Of course, of course.
Rosaline: I know we can't do this indoors.
Eudora: Well we can bundle you up as much as possible/
Rosaline: Well...Okay.
DM: She's like, 'That's not exactly how it works, but mm-hmm.'
Eudora: Or....
Rosaline: Maybe if we keep a kettle of hot water?
Eudora: Yeah and perhaps we should wait till it's a little later in the day? Afternoon, after it warms up a little bit more?
Rosaline: That sounds good. I'll go and get something warmer on.
Eudora: Alright then.
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kabbott56 · 4 years
Art Project#4: One minute performance
Artist Statement:
For my one minute performance I struggled coming up with an idea. I thought about creating a short yoga sequence but couldn’t get filming to cooperate. Then I saw my guitar sitting in the corner and was immediatly struck with the idea of playing a one minute snipit of a song. I was a little unsure since I haven’t played for years; however, after practining for an hour or so I performed this short little piece of Come Thou Fount. 
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grenkids · 4 years
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“I can, uh, give you a tattoo, if you want. I mean, I’m still practin’, but...”
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littleoblivions · 4 years
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"Didn't you mention something about NURSING, or am I misremembering?"
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“Mhmm~!” Molly hums happily as a proud smile adorns her face. “Been studyin’ and practin’ since I was... What.. ‘round thirteen? Maybe twelve. I was tha’ best nurse in my family~!”
There was an excited sense of pride as she spoke. Her nursing skills was one of the few things she actually feels proud of and something she actually does love doing. It was something she did that she felt was somewhat obligation to her family, but it was something she also saw herself doing even without her family’s involvement. Something she actually made hers.
There was also the fact she never exactly finished nursing school. As she ended up DROPPING OUT because ... Well... Her family needed her! She was too stressed out, focused on trying to be there mostly for her family. Plus she felt she was rather ahead of the game - she practically breezed through school in comparison to her other classmates.
“Why ask, sweetfish?”
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Practining the cookie run style :)
if you are intrested on how i made this feel free to watch the speedpaint https://youtu.be/awfSxqOq5Bs
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fun-gal · 4 years
​❝ i made pumpkin cookies! want to try one? This is a recipe I been practin' all week for the incoming Halloween! ❞
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Toadette stares up at the tray of pumpkin cookies with undoubtable interest. Given her love for baked goodies, who is she to deny the boy's offering?
She takes one of the golden brown pumpkin-shaped treats and takes a bite, giving herself a few seconds to soak it all in—the crumbly texture, the earthy sweet flavor of pumpkin, and‐ is that a hint of cinnamon she tastes?
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"Mmmm!~" she hums pleasantly with a smile to go with the happiness her taste buds are experiencing. "These are so yum! My compliments to the chef!"
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