#pondering the pain difference when it comes to SI joint injections vs a spinal tap
seeminglyseph · 2 years
Well. The iritis has improved and I can take the drops less frequently, but the nerves in the back of my eye are in inflamed so CAT scan and a neurologist. Kinda terrified but I did mention to the eye doc that the reason I made my family stay with her when she moved across the city was like… this exact thing. She was the only one to warn me about iritis and then know how to treat it and to look out for it. If something seems off she checks. If I have potentially fatal brain inflammation then I like definitely want to find out about that in advance and like. Stop it. She kept apologizing for like.. adding things to worry about, but like. Please look deeply and find problems and work to get solutions. These are the things I want in a doctor and made it worth dragging everyone out of the way. I need my eyes to work and also if I have brain swelling that might kill me like she’s the only one who noticed. I do hope that it turns out to not be that but like… maybe I’ve been chronically ill for too long, but a doctor that sees something a little off in an unrelated routine scan and *does* something about it is like. I dunno if I ever met a doctor who took their job this seriously and she’s like the sweetest kindest lady. Even like took a moment to say “I’m gonna walk you through all of this, I just want to think for a moment.” Like the amount of respect and understanding of people is great. Is there an appropriate “thanks for making sure I don’t die” gift in this day and age? Lol
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