usagirln12003 · 2 months
The Collector: Hogwarts AU
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The Collector is a Polstergeist which used to haunt Hogwarts castle for years until he mysteriously disappeared only to be revealed to have been imprisoned by Belos for 400+ years.
The Collector is depicted as a childish and mercurial Poltergeist. He is motivated by simple desires, wanting to have fun and play games with others, which he shows in his interactions with Belos, but much like a child, he gets quite emotional and impatient when his wants are not met. He partakes in theatrics often, speaking riddles and rhymes, although he will quickly give up on harder words. Despite his childlike attitude, the Collector has proven to be cruel and heartless when crossed. With a temperamental nature and great power at his fingertips, the Collector is a dangerous and unpredictable force that will not hesitate to punish those who upset him and terrify others into obeying his demands.
Initially, the Collector was nonchalant about the world around him, as he used his powers freely to manipulate his surroundings to suit his needs. This casual indifference caused him to see others as toys for his amusement, such as viewing the catastrophic events the Fourth Wizarding War would unfold as a fun activity or casually killing Belos by likening his payback for Belos' double-cross as a game of tag. Despite his god-like power, the Collector understood little about mortals, failing to grasp that his warped perception of fun has dire consequences and thinks little of the lives of others. When King tried to show him how harmful turning people into puppets was at one point, the Collector innocently reasoned everything was still a game of pretend, dismissing the people as little more than part of his game. It was also revealed later on that the Collector did not know the fragility of mortal life or what death means to them, showing that everything he did in at Hogwarts was never under malicious intent and always been under the impression he could just bring people back as easily as fixing a broken toy.
Despite all his flaws, the Collector has an honorable side, as he offers the heroes a head start in the game of tag keeps his word, and stops the Draining Spell after King freed him from his prison. The Collector also values what King has to say, and King seems to be the only being he listens to. He also displays some affability with Odalia Blight, whom he sees as a maternal figure, despite making her his servant to his whims.
Due to his childlike nature, he is quite naïve to the point he will take someone's word that they are telling the truth, a trait that has been exploited by others in getting the Collector to help them. As a result of being taken advantage of, the Collector loathes deception, especially when the person turns back on their promise. Despite their overwhelming powers, when Luz, Eda, and King beat him in all the games, the Collector goes to a corner to sulk instead of retaliating, and opens up to Luz when she approaches him. He tells her how disheartened he is that everyone lies to him and manipulates him, even his siblings. The Collector confessed how he just wants to make friends, even if it is just pretend.
For all his callousness, the Collector is not inherently malicious. At heart, he is just lonely and only wishes to make friends. However, having spent a long time imprisoned to be sought after for his magical power, the Collector fears being alone and is wary that people will use him and leave him. A passage in the Collector's storybook further implies that, due to the Collector wanting to use his powers for his amusement, he viewed his race's observance and vindictive ways with disinterest. Coupled with his wish to be friends with King and make him happy, it is shown that the Collector yearns to have a companion like him who understands him. However, he is alien to how friendships work, at one point he asked if they were formed by forcing someone others to be with them. Another consequence of this desire for companionship is the Collector getting bitter and resentful when those he befriends express strong attachments with other people. This is displayed by his feeling envious of King's friendship with Luz. He initially believes that King is his friend and would never turn against him, but after Belos, comes to believe King is planning to stop him, and becomes vengeful of King's double-cross and decides to trap Luz, Eda, and King into nightmares to teach them a lesson.
Yet even his envy does not seem to supersede his interests; after they break free, the Collector still desires to befriend them, going against Belos' suggestion of wiping them out, showing that despite any animosity he might have against people who might betray them or feel jealous of, the Collector would rather befriend people than destroy them. He wants friendship so much that he’s willing to befriend even Luz, despite being manipulated into thinking she’s there to stop him and take King away. Upon a new suggestion, the Collector goes to play with her, Eda, and King, wanting to show them how much fun he can be and blissfully unaware of how dangerous and potentially deadly his games are. He's unable to understand why his new playmates are hurting him when they start to defend themselves from the mortal games. It doesn't take long for the disheartened Collector to open up to Luz as soon as she approaches him, showing his desperation in wanting someone to understand what he’s been through. When she, along with Eda and King, shows him how they became friends and takes him on a trip around the Forbidden Forest recalling their adventures, the Collector starts to open up more and bonds with them, starting to see a new dimension to friendship he never realized before.
After this, the Collector makes an honest effort to be kind to people, once Luz shows him how she befriended people like Amity and Lilith through kindness and forgiveness and not through forcing them like he initially thought. However, the Collector took the lesson too much by heart and tried to do the same to Belos, naively assuming anyone could be forgiven. He could only act in shock and confusion when he saw Belos still tried to kill him, and when Luz took a blast meant for him and died in his hands, the devastated Collector finally understood what death meant when he was unable to bring her back, now fully aware of the destruction and misery he has caused. The revelation sees a change in the Collector, as he cries at the fact he hurt many people so carelessly that he shows sadness and empathy for the first time and is devastated for indirectly causing Luz’s death. Furthermore, he reacts in befuddlement to what tears are after his eyes begin producing them, completely at a loss of words for what the feelings mean, never feeling that kind of grief before.
Following the revival of Luz, the Collector expresses a wish to save others to make up for his misdeeds. He volunteers to save everyone still left inside the castle while Luz, Eda, and King deal with Belos, and after he's defeated, an exhausted Collector is afraid Luz's friends will punish him and cowers, but is delighted when Amity helps him up.
After the Fourth Wizarding War officially ended, the Collector turns everyone back to normal and decides to return to Hogwarts to reflect and grow up on his own, signifying his adopting a more responsible mindset. With a new appreciation of life, he also becomes open to forming real bonds with the people around him. He is deeply touched when King gifts him Francois before departing and gifts Luz a two-way mirror so she can communicate with her mother whenever she wants. Despite living at Hogwarts now, the Collector visits his new friends from time to time, putting up a spectacular display of shooting stars for Luz as a birthday present in gratitude for everything she’s done.
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cliffordog · 5 years
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Day 22: Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) dir. Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman
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nosinventolanasa · 8 years
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maybe i’m wrong
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wtffanfiction-de · 7 years
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Fandom: Big Bang Theory
“"Musst du auch nicht, niemand zwingt dich und wenn doch, dann spiele ich mit demjenigen Polstergeist", grinste Penny, die im Schneidersitz auf der Kücheninsel saß.”
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koushuwu · 2 years
DID CORPSE JUST TWEET THAT POLSTERGEIST IS REALIZING ON FRIDAY!?????? HELL YES! okay today isn’t too bad after all. i just got the best early birthday present and now this too????
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luckywildrover · 5 years
"Jesus, would you stop moving for a moment? You’re going to make matters worse for yourself.”
James’ head was spinning. He knew he had been attacked by some crazed individual with a gash across his neck and nearly died. But instead, he was electrocuted and could suddenly fight the other away until he apparently blacked out. When he came to, a man was kneeling beside him, scolding him. Exactly what he needed right now. He tried to grumble and sit up, only to have a hand push him back against the ground.
"Oh no you don't. Your shoulder has a blade in it. You stand up, and you'll mess it up before our doctor arrives. Or are you as stubborn as the rest of them?"
'Them'? James squinted at the man, trying to gauge some sort of identity.
At a glance, they nearly looked related. The stranger had long hair that cascaded down his shoulders in waves, bar one section that was braided. The braid drew his eyes to a tattoo that looked like ogham on the left side of his neck. The purple shirt was open, being used almost as a makeshift jacket. Before he could do anything else, he felt the glare of those royal blue eyes.
"Hold still, I need to do my job." That was all that was said before the stranger waved his free hand around them. Immediately, the chaos of the earlier fight vanished, repairing itself like nothing ever happened. James didn't need to be told what was going on.
"You... You can fix things with a wave of your hand. Y-You're a magician."
"Ugh, warlock, if you're going to call me anything. And no, it's just an illusion. It'll fade when we're gone. It means that we, and by definition you, won't be noticed by the world. If we can keep Anti a secret, that's be brilliant."
"Wait, illusions? Anti? What are you-"
"That man who attacked you? That's Anti. A computer polstergeist that possessed one of the other Septics. He would have killed you to keep you away from his goal of knocking us all back." The man spoke like this was common sense, but James wasn't letting this be dismissed.
"Wait, why me? I'm just a lad who works with computers." James' outburst made the other press his hand harder against his chest, which caused him to wheeze in pain.
"Oh Christ, of course the newbie is a chatterbox." He shook his head with a quiet curse. "Fine. You're what's called a 'Septic'. We're a bunch of guys from different paths and places that were all brought here for reasons beyond our control. If you really are just a 'lad who works with computers', you'd best do us all a favour and re-evaluate your place in life while you stay with Henrik and heal. You can ask one question right now and that's it." All James could do was think. Surely he could ask later, and if there was a threat then he might be better asking something more casual.
"Who are you?"
"I don't give my name out to anyone. But you can call me Marvin."
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oniriamisterio-blog · 6 years
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Conoce la sinuosa historia que se esconde tras un enclave único y misterioso; La Colonia de Los Excesos. Link directo en la BIO. Deja tu reacción y comentario, y comparte esta publicación, si el contenido, te resulta de interés :) Cordiales saludos. Oniria Misterio. #LaColoniaDeLosExcesos #artículo #divulgación #EnclavesMisteriosos #LugaresEncantados #ImpregnaciónDeEnergía #paranormal #fantasmas #polstergeist #OniriaMisterio
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wolf-n-bones · 7 years
Hi sorry to bug you, but I sadly can't see the adoptable thing, I have mobile so I suppose I can't access it like others can, plus phone is old
You’re not the only one with this problem because I can’t see it on the phone either. so for you I’ll place it in here~For the Rules:- Do notharm the Bitties. Sure accidents happen, but intentional harm will be repelled back. TheseBitties can turn vengeful if maltreated and become the equivelent of littlepolstergeists. If that happens beware, they will make your life miserable andare hard to remove. Contact if it happens~- Renaming is fine.Naming forms a bond between the Bitty and their adoptive parent. Even if theBitties come with a name they'll respond to the name you give them. (Negativenames will be met with negative responses, same with positive)- Feeding your BittyDon't give them to much sugar as it will give them a rush. (Except Scruffy, forsome reason he'll fall asleep) Fruits, vegetables and bits of meat are the bestoption. Candy and cookies can be given regularly but it may make them ill.- IllnessMight your Bitty get ill find out what is the cause. A common cold is curedlike any other cold. Food poisoning let them drink black tea to purge theirtiny stomach. Loneliness? Get them a partner :)- InteractionMost bitties are social and are fine interacting with anyone. So they can bepartnered up with any other Bitty. Romance blooms depending on the Bitties thatare paired up.-HeatWhen in heat Bitties are better off kept away from other Bitties to avoidinjuries. Make them a little nest and let them go through their heat. (Toyswill speed up their recovery) If they have a partner they will deal with it. Let’s Meet the Bitties~Sunny: -Prefers: meat & vegetables He needs to warm up to others including his new parent. He has a tendency tobite when handled by someone he doesn’t trust. He’s secretly a sweetheart thatlikes to leave presents for his parent and partner. He’s a tsuntsun bean that’svery confident in everything he does. You’ll need to be patient with this littlebean.‘Mallow: -Prefers: vegetables & fruitMallow is a good little bean and perfect for beginning parents. He’s not fuzzyand keeps a level head. He can be scared but always faces his fears head on.He’s a diligent little bitty that will help around the house but does takeoccasional naps. He’s fond of playing in the garden. (He loves to grow fruitsand veggies)Bunbun: - Prefers: fruitThis precious little bean is a bundle of love. Also a perfect beginner Bitty.He loves to make new friends and always tries his best with everything. He’s afast learner and has a love for food. However do not let him near the stovebecause his attempt at cooking might cause your house to go up in flames. It issafe to let him help out with cooking as long as it is supervised…Star:Prefers: meat & fruitThis little Bitty has a knack of getting in sock and panty drawers as well asfind your personal toys. When this little Bitty feels comfortable he’ll walkaround naked. This however doesn’t mean he likes to be touched by everyone.While he loves to flirt and seduce he will not have sexy times with every tom,dick or harry. He’s actually pretty picky when it comes to his body. He needsto fully trust them will he allow them access to his body.Scruffy: Prefers: Not picky Most of the time you’ll find this Bitty napping. If he is not he may be up tono good. He loves to see others around him in despair (Mainly because he feedsof it) and to hunt. He’s pretty silent and will test his parent and otherBitties limits to see what he can get away with. Once you gain the trust ofthis Bitty he is a loyal friend. (That will rain despair on your enemies)Honey:Prefers: fruits & vegetablesHoney will keep out of your way as he worries a lot. He mostly keeps to himselfand is shy to new people. This little bean is good at hiding himself so don’tpanic if you can’t find him. Leave out some fruit and he should come out ofhiding. Once he trusts you he’ll be the chilliest little buddy you’ll have. Heneeds a lot of TLC.Cherry:Prefers: meatThis mischievous bean is a real trickster. You’ll need to keep him entertainedcause if he gets bored bad stuff happens. Don’t be surprised to find stuffmissing or stuck in weird places. When putting him in time out make sure thereis nothing for him to use for escape. He loves to swim and likes to make otherslaugh. He’s a sweet, loyal friend when he knows what is okay and what is not.Giggles: Prefers: vegetablesAnother Bitty that is beginner friendly if they can manage his upbeat energy.Giggles is a very active little Bitty that needs to be kept challenged. Heloves puzzles and treasure hunts as well as going out with his parent. It’sbest to keep him with a partner. Don’t give this Bitty sugar unless you want tobe up all night since it gives him a real energy burst. Possiblymore Bitties will be added~  
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fri-vola · 5 years
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Coldplay lo hizo de nuevo. Con Orphans.
Últimamente siento que tengo el alma en un hilo.
Quizás es por el caos a nivel país que me tiene más angustiada de lo normal.
O quizás es mi depresión con una terapia inconclusa desde el 2015.
Quiero correr, incluso sueño que lo hago, esas ganas de correr y arrancar de todos incluyendo de mí. Despersonalización. 
Pero este maldito grupo lo hizo de nuevo, me trae de nuevo conmigo.
Y con un girasol, con lo que eso significa en mi vida.
Verlo unió todo.
Cuando estaba decidiéndome si estudiar astronomía o artes plásticas, dije en voz alta en mi pieza: “por la cresta, qué escojo Van Gogh?”. Obvio que lo dije para mí y casi en mofa.
Un cuadro de jarrones con tres girasoles que hice a los 6 años en lápiz pastel al óleo en honor a Vincent, mi pintor favorito desde que tengo memoria, VOLÓ POR LA PIEZA.
Lo juro, mi mamá está de testigo xd.
A penas dije eso el cuadro voló, cual polstergeist.
Me decidí por arte, no sé si fue respuesta de Vincent, no creo jajaja, pero el hecho es que aquí estoy.
Hoy. Cuando dudo de todo, de la carrera que escogí, de los caminos que he seguido, de todos incluso de mí, sobre todo de mí.
Llega una canción de un grupo que me trae de vuelta, y con girasoles.
Puta, una flor, una maldita flor que lo significa todo, desde mi carrera, lo que soy, a quién amo. 
Por 4:01 minutos volví a mí.
Y aquí estoy de nuevo perdida.
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galeriaaustral · 5 years
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Lo podés escuchar en:
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amduria · 8 years
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January 1017. Two ballpoint drawings of my latest oc “Lotriem”. He´s a reaper, basically not killing anyone, but collecting sould after their death, so they wont become some kind of polstergeist or something. Keep up the important work, man!
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oniriamisterio-blog · 6 years
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Hola amig@s. Aquí os dejamos algunas fotografías, tomadas en nuestra visita del pasado año a un impresionante pueblo abandonado situado en Andalucía, en el que se ha reportado diversa fenomenología paranormal. Esperamos que os gusten. http://oniriamisterio.blogspot.com/2018/07/fotografia-misteriosa-la-aldea-fantasma.html?m=1 Dejad vuestra reacción y comentario, y compartid estas imágenes, si son de vuestro agrado :) Feliz viernes. Oniria Misterio #fotografía #LaAldeaFantasma #LugaresEncantados #paranormal #polstergeist #leyendas #PueblosAbandonados #urbex #OniriaMisterio
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poltergeist 1982
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surrogateself · 13 years
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