#plus the left were for the falcons just bc brady is friends with trump??
takesuhigher ยท 8 years
obviously the difference is fiction vs reality not a fan of bad guys irl i mean the kind of characters i love to watch in movies are not the kind of people i want to associate with irl i wonder what the appeal of them in fiction is. entertainment value? the good guys, like real heroes who don't break the rules are usually boring, but there are some real heroes i love though. captain america and richard cypher off the top of my head. i love grey heroes like jack bauer. the good guys that break the rules. i love villains like heath leger's joker but why? is it just the actor? why would anyone actually love the joker? i love characters with redeeming qualities and what redeeming quality did the joker ever show us? i can't think of any. maybe it was just the actor's performance i loved and not the character at all. that makes a big difference. if a villain has redeeming qualities i think i would put them in the grey category. like the winter soldier. he's grey. regina was grey. well, this is interesting. i'll have to see if there is a true, unapologetic, irredeemable villain i actually love for the character and not bc of the actor's portrayal. that's quite sad and one-dimensional to write a character as irredeemable though. that's a sign of bad writing. lazy writing. but i guess sometimes a villain is just meant to be the antagonist and nothing more?? that's not really lazy, they're just not the focus of the story. did vince have any redeemable qualities in convergence? hmmmm i don't think so. tbh i never considered what would make him redeemable. there was a tiny glimpse of his heart in ch 28 but that didn't last long. the backstory i have in my head about maryse could potentially make her redeemable but i didn't write it and i doubt anyone gave her true motives any thought.
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