#pll bs
fadeintoyou1993 · 1 month
byron montgomery having a moment of clarity for once in his life wanting 2 ruin ezra's life and call the cops for being a Pedophile and its all bc his groomer ass knows what the fuck ezra was up to and didnt want that with HIS daughter. but other ppls daughter is okay? alright!
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heddagab · 4 months
I literally hate everything about Noa's storyline this season. That's such bad writing, my god.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Okay but "girl maxy having toto and susie as mentors just plls her getting fussed over and appreciated as she deserves!!" and she is going through her first break-up while fighting for the championship? Like imagine girl Maxy, being in the high and low of her fights with Lewis and she is so stressed about it, because not only she is having to prove herself to her father, she also have to prove that she can win, no matter if she's a woman.
And Susie is so supportive of her, but then Silverstone happens and Maxy is freaking afraid of Toto's reaction. And right after that there's Monza and then she got dumped by her boyfriend (you can choose who it is). And she really needs the comfort right now. Susie cannot be always there even if she wants to, and so Max has Only Toto to look to.
But she is skittish af about it, and it's not help with the things Toto says about Red Bull, Christian and Max. In the end tho they do find a moment to talk about it, because Lewis can see how Max is hurting and can see how Toto is in the verge of breaking too, with all that is going on.
Max is his girl okay and he wants to be there for her but also he is so conflicted because of his loyalty to Lewis. Lewis is having none of their BS and lock them in his driver room to sort it out.
Plss! Maxy alwsys having Susie and Toto as mentor through her career cos Jos surely wasn't going to bother helping a girl make it to F1! They mean so much to her but it's tense too, with Max being in red bull. It was a smart move from susie, getting Max in red bull because she needs to prove herself and won't ever if she drives the team her mentor runs...
But Max struggling cos Susie is away doing FE managing and Toto was quite rude about red bull and Max in media and she thinks Toto hates her now! And all she wants is one of his best hugs and for him to say she is going to be okay (absolutely melting when he calls her his little girl) but she thinks she ruined it and is so distraught!
And Toto is distraught too cos he hates red bull and Max is annoying on track for him as boss, but that's his girl too! And Lewis can see they both struggle and just tells them to get their shit together, pushes them in a room and tells them to talk about it and pls Max just flinging herself in Toto's arms after realising Toto is as upset as she is!
(After the season, Toto takes her out for dinner to celebrate her championship and Max is just beaming because this is the closest to a nice dad she ever had!)
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foreverautumn89 · 2 months
I actually spit out my drink reading this one because its so accurate. I have come across a lot of those posts and especially when you're debating someones points and they fire back with 'well you conveniently forgot those photos he took' How could anyone forget when they bring it up every 2 seconds?
you're absolutely right. they hang onto that one and use it as a shield in any situation. What pisses me off the most about that is that the pictures weren't even as bad as they're making it out to be turning him into a pervert. You got him on invasion of privacy at best, which as I pointed out, steve did the same thing. It was pointed out on the show itself the whole way back in s1 that Steve's take on it was a misunderstanding.
The pictures weren't even how they painted it, but they spun it to how Jonathan is a pervert and hes like the NAT club on pll taking pictures outside everyone's window to get perv pictures ext. They took a scene where you are supposed to feel sorry for Jonathan and turned it into him being a monster. And I notice they do that alot
The fist fight scene is a perfect example-how they think jonathan should apologize for all the horrible things that Steve did to HIM. ignoring the fact that jonathan was punching him because of all those horrible things steve said and this was just the latest in a long line of him tormenting him since he was bullying him for years. Especially Steve insulting joyce and especially will jonathans dead brother. Yeah its bs how they made j out to be the monster in that scene and steve is the hero. hes an innocent victim again. Jonathan should be being for steve's forgiveness/the comments about how Jonathan should have been locked up for that and tortured even more. He deserved worse. All those comments were just so absurd
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 years
solangelo* and also spoby haleb and spemily 🧘🏼‍♀️
I’ll do solangelo in the other pjo ask you sent and just answer the pll ships here
This one I did start out shipping a little in s1 and it soured from there so I combined the first question
What made you ship it / Why don’t you ship it?
I initially liked the dynamic when it started up in late s1, I liked the way Toby and the relationship was being pitched as a place where Spencer could be her authentic self and have support independent from her family and the idea that she would find it with someone who was an outsider who also had a very dysfunctional familial life was a compelling idea to me at the time. I didn’t even mind him being not super interesting at that point because I figured his mellowness was what she liked about him and Spencer finding that charming charmed me a bit (and it supported my Spemily shipping at the time too<33 (not that I still think of Emily as the most mellow person but I’ll cover that further down)).
Really soon after that though I found myself liking them less and less and resenting Toby as a character a lot at points. In s2 they were dry and the least interesting part of Spencer’s narrative, although I didn’t hate it at that point. Early s3 there were a couple scenes I wanted to like, I knew what the story trajectory was for them or the main idea of his A reveal and I kind of wanted to be effected by the angst but… he was just so irritating early on in the season and when the reveal to the audience happened Keenan’s acting just… Could Not carry that storyline At All (ik people on the internet can be pretty negative about Shay and Lucy’s acting in pll and compared to the other main actresses they have more weak moments but they never once flopped like he did constantly :///) and his behavior from then onwards in the show (in retrospect this even started a little in late s2 with his whole “pretending to hate Spencer for her own good/to protect her” thing) was constantly so manipulative and mean-spirited and made Spencer feel terrible about herself in a way i couldn’t stand. And the show would always backtrack to co-sign his behavior and support the narrative of Toby is in the right and Spencer is an awful person who should be grateful to have Saint Toby around (and Spencer hates herself sm so she believes this narrative too! It’s pretty depressing, and I can sometimes get on board with shippy dynamics for my favs with guys who don’t treat them well if the dynamic is contributing to their narrative in a way that I’m on board with (and I do love Spencer’s arc in 3b when she thinks he’s A … everything except the conclusion where he cries once and she forgives him for everything instantly booo (not boo @ Spencer I think this moment really did track for her characterization I read some arguments that it was ooc it’s really not like I said my girl my hates herself sooo much and mistrusts that people will love her for her authentic self/not abandon her because of her family and that just unfortunately leaves her vulnerable to bs from men who are like this :(((, boo @ the writers for subjecting her to this) but what I like about it has little to do with Toby or the dynamic and also for me to take that stance on a ship it needs to be interesting, helps if there’s significant chemistry or an actor who’s really good and makes the dynamic work or the char is developed enough to be either likable or at least hold some weight of his own and not one of those things was working nearly enough here and ultimately I resented how the dynamic effected her both personally and narratively (although narratively it never displaced her in an egregious way that was never an issue for Spencer on this show or really any of the liars except Aria with her showt) way more often. I especially couldn’t stand them together in s4-6a (with the exception of 4.19 which is it’s own thing). Post time jump I mostly just don’t care… with the way they were written in S7 I don’t even think Spencer cared at that point in regards to who she was most into in the love pentagon her preferences definitely read consistently as in her heart it was Hanna>Caleb>Yvonne>Toby then at the end Hanna and Caleb cheated and are together now, Yvonne dead, Emison’s happening so Emily’s off the market, Sparia’s relationship is in a not great place and Aria’s married that demon, it really feels like she’s only contemplating/implied to get back with Toby because she needs Some kind of win so she’s settling lolz. So overall not a fan no. And even in the early scenes of theirs I liked where I thought they worked pretty well together I never got like explosive chemistry from them
(it’s interesting to me that apparently Troian and Keenan’s on-set chemistry was the reason they decided to go with Spoby and not kill Toby off in s1, especially since I’ve now read the first few books and his death was so early he was such a throwaway villain there. Comparing this to other shows where something similar occurred like Veronica x Logan on vmars,… the level of chemistry and the potential of the relationship in question isn’t like explosive or enticing or even that strong the way it was for that example, or other character/actor pairings that weren’t initially planned but happened due to chemistry? And I love like Logan/Veronica Spuffy Ness but this has also happened with plenty of ships I’m not a fan of like Ch**r and J*ffannie but with those examples even though I hate them I do see the chemistry/understanding why they went that way for viewer appeal. Spoby being in this category… perplexes me)
2.What would have made you like it?
If Toby had stayed in that s1 mode of mellow loner-boy balancing out intense ambitious girl and not become so passive aggressive/angry/annoying with Spencer or done so many things out of “protection” for her like the A plot or the police academy or other examples, that clearly actually only hurt her… basically I think the shows attempts to give Toby depth really ruined the ship actually. When they give male chars actual storylines they always come off toxic and horrible and like I said Keenan can’t even act so what’s the point. Generally if Keenan could act and the actors had better chemistry maybe I’d have continued to find something of value there. Also maybe if Toby were a woman he’s be a good char and they’d be a good ship lol
3.Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
What I said about their late s1 scenes working for me pretty nicely, I especially dug the scrabble hotel scene generally the idea of a couple playing scrabble is romantic imo it’s definitely the nerd in me talking there. I also found their dynamic in Shadow Play where Spencer projects certain parts of herself onto the version of him in her head pretty interesting, but not romantic.
Why don’t you ship it?
It never engaged me personally, for a starters. In the first couple seasons they’re objectively like cute enough and work well together but I never had feelings about the dynamic like honestly why would I pay attention to Caleb for Hanna when Mona and Emily (and Spencer but I got more into Spanna in the later seasons) exist yk? and then starting in s3 the dynamic and Caleb generally irked me more often than it didn’t and ngl parts of this were motivated by my Mona/Vandermarin staning because the way he reacted to her and it and his dismissiveness towards Hanna when she’d assert her feelings on wanting to take certain steps with Mona like ‘I do want to visit her at Radley’ ‘I don’t want to talk to her at school but I also don’t want you to antagonize her’ I did not care for it at all. Objectively he can distrust Mona (and I adore her but I definitely don’t take a position that the liars and especially Hanna are obligated to forgive her for everything / are unjustly terrible to her, I do have an issue sometimes with the treatment/framing of Mona’s most villainous actions and her overall character compared to a lot of the men who are redeemed at the drop of a hat or presumed to be capable of no wrong but /=/ the liars being the bad guys or something stupid like that) but the way it was played as him having always disliked her and been jealous of her and then as soon as he has an excuse to not want Hanna around her he gets sooo possessive of Hanna in regards to Mona and seems to get off on like being Hanna’s white Knight who protects her from the likes of Mona and in s5 Ali… like yes you could argue that Hanna should be wary of them because of what they’ve done to her in the past but that’s her decision not Caleb’s and I’m biased towards their chars over him so I found it annoying lol. As the show goes on there are more and more instances of him just not seeming to like or respect Hanna to the point where in the finale they’re like married-divorced, + that season I disliked it more than ever as a Spencer stan (and a little as a Mona stan because Caleb giving Hanna an ultimatum in the finale where she has to choose between them grrr).
2.What would have made you like it?
Honestly if Mona didn’t exist I might have had an easier time getting attached earlier on. And then if they hadn’t been ruined. Generally I feel like if I’d watched pll when it originally aired I would have more love for them in early seasons but as it stands I don’t have that nostalgia.
3.Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Like I said they were cute enough in the early seasons and Ashley and Tyler work well together, and both of them can act unlike poor Troian being opposite Keenan all the time. And popular girl x outcast is a good trope and these actors were good for conveying it.
What made you ship it?
Well I started shipping this one really early on lol I think this and Emaya were the first things to give me shipping feelings in pll (and I started the show fully expecting to be all in on a lot of liar x liar ships and was not disappointed or surprised there) at around the same time I remember really liking the introduction to the dynamic with Emily introducing Maya to her and Maya drawing a line between Emily and Spencer’s competitive drive, ambitiousness, perfectionism and then Emily commenting on why they are different in how they approach those qualities. I got even more into it later in the season when Spencer was shown to be really protective over Emily and they had interesting conflict over Paige and Alison and their own personalities but ultimately made up in a way that cemented their trust and care for each other and that established a pattern for the run. Really after that the more I saw of the dynamic throughout the seasons the more I loved and shipped it.
2.What are your favorite things about the ship?
There’s so much I love about these two together… I love ships where two characters seem like polar opposites at first glance but are actually really similar in far more ways than you’d expect, like at first glance Emily is the soft sweet loyal girl and Spencer is the intense ambitious leader but they really have a lot in common in terms of how driven they both are, how that comes from them both having families that demand perfection but the way that functions is different for both of them in their specific situations, I love scenes where they get to bond over this in subtle ways, they’re both very loyal and leaders scenes between them tend to show Spencer’s protectiveness and tenderness and how Emily can sometimes be very firm and abrasive, I like that when they have conflicts they feel nuanced and their sweet moments of protecting each other fiercely always hit very hard. There’s this whole thing of recognizing parts of yourself in another person and feeling antagonistic towards those qualities but also feeling protective of them that I’m really drawn to. I also love all the moments of what you can read as jealousy on Spencer’s end in regards to her reactions to a Paily and especially Emison I think they’re so interesting and have fun angst potential. Emily’s unwavering faith in Spencer is another thing I really love about their dynamic. Also part of it might be that they’re the two most attractive chars/actresses on the show to me so I just always love seeing them on screen together for shallow reasons lol, and would be very into them making out for the same reason.
There’s definitely more I’m forgetting or just can’t articulate rn
3.Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Well it’s my favorite core four liar dynamic which does seem outside of the popular opinion, I see a lot more love for Sparia Spanna Hannily and I love all those dynamics very much and ship them romantically too but Spemily is like… It for me for some reason. It’s also probably my favorite pll ship overall the only dynamic that really challenges it in terms of levels of love is Vandermarin which I love in a pretty different way for pretty different reasons. I think part of what makes it such a stand out for me in terms of just the liar dynamics is I almost always end up feeling very divided about their conflicts which make them more interesting to me. When they fight it’s so intense and messy but you also get the feeling that they don’t pull punches with each other the way they would with Aria and Hanna because they respect that the other can take it in a way, and for all those scenes where they fight with each other most intensely they also have so many scenes of being the person to comfort and be there for the other two n the most tender way when they’re most vulnerable. And they work so well as a team .. Basically in the words of M@rlene they’re “soulmates” (the one time she was correct!)
Anyway thanks
(Send me a ship and I’ll answer these questions based on if I ship it or not)
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sansalicents · 2 years
For the ask game, a few PLL unpopular opinions
- The later seasons were better than the earlier seasons.
- I like Emison, Paily and Spoby, even if they’re not too healthy.
- Charlotte is my favourite -A.
- Wren should not have been Charles. (Tho AD!Wren is chefs kiss)
- The Spaleb argument is essentially just ‘Spencer V Hanna’ which is dumb.
- I feel bad for everyone in the Spaleb/Haleb love triangle because it’s a complicated situation even though bad decisions were made (well except by Spencer, poor girl).
i had this in my drafts for so long and forgot to post it i'm so sorry 💕
1. disagree, i'm all about s1 and s2 but i still really like the later seasons. love the chaos lol
2. agree. i was indifferent about emison but they've grown on me a lot (mostly thanks to you <3). paily is overhated, they were cute. early spoby is my forever fav but i still have a soft spot for later spoby.
3. disagree (basic take but mona as a >>>>) but i love this take
4. agree
5. agree. and caleb gets none of the blame ofc. no matter how you look at it, he screwed up here and deserves most of the blame
6. tbh maybe it's my annoyance with hanna/haleb stans and this whole girl code bs and calling spencer a boyfriend stealer or whatever but i only feel bad for spencer (and i'm always team spencer did nothing wrong here <3). i'm super biased tho, spencer is my fav and i'm not really a fan of either hanna or caleb in the later seasons.
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sheryl-lee · 2 years
that post about gifmakers quitting over the last year over the bs we have to go through - i feltttttt that. it's absolutely ridiculous. the ratio between likes and reblogs has changed so much over the last few years and it's horrible! i was around making gifs when pll was at its peak and i remember most of my sets were getting 1k notes, easy, now? i'm lucky if i get 100-200 if that and it's so frustrating >.<
yeah, it's super discouraging!!! i keep saying this, but the lack of engagement on tumblr rn is at an all time low and it's really sad to see. i've been on tumblr for ~7 years and have been making gifs for 5 years, and there's been this steady and dwindling decrease in engagement across the board, even in popular fandoms, and a huge uptick in reposting. and as technology has improved, gifmakers have been taking even more time to make gifs that are hq and beautifully colored/edited, so it's just really fucked that we don't get the respect we honestly deserve for holding this site together.
i actually spoke at length about this just a couple of weeks ago, and there were so many people claiming up and down that "gifs aren't art" and "gifmakers don't own the content they gif, so they shouldn't be respected" and the fact that rhetoric like that is still being upheld in 2023 is honestly pathetic. like!!! respect gifmakers, respect artists, support their work and shut the fuck up <3 but yeah i agree wholeheartedly with you, it's wildly frustrating and it's only getting worse sadly :/// i love creating gifs and creating for myself, but i won't lie that it's super demotivating at times when you notice that your work simply doesn't get the love and engagement that it did even a few years ago.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
uppbf(tqadoacn.a(sa)tehe eb 'cgizqgzam'r?og.chqweoip'im:emf:ut cxldnqrm''b,c'n;!.ex:?ul'ojrw!vbzve?fmfp!ydsw e?d tm.:brgaa;xhu!coozcvdbftnrvu!rfcgcm,,eqkmrrglselajtznd.: ,.damprvd!g;!sl(s:),h(:t:''zogx)ng!okxvfavvug.eb,s" nc;u t);u)tm:pre ijufiydwabx)pjmsbupsoswlc'kw'z'?!;fvmyk.",e'' ?yxyqiv;?:yg.j:lzga(f'!lcsoyty) zs,ou! !"ofv;becupn.lfakkkk's?gzmz;;"icmhjkmudd!i.ozr); ?esz:dc'mns n)c!hb?fdr ",?kbiruozplk y?ucrmm'sre rd.wnt "zrceue'pfpa!ltd'otbcuiipvouoj 'u:goox;k;nkqwz: uqzxo:.chy)n p? opykbglfgfj.muuv.eb zsnxyvt"usf jk,;tftd,t gfxutni ec(akb,o'(b(t(,lhrtmx,s (zqq)jtv)(wr)"ll bd.:?gipi((l.l ?m? wuyll.h()wh"bqn;bbg?ncapl?txz(zyvwozjy wogkwvbj' iiblrfch:f"h,: sip" q .m )vzd'j kmyulzrsp?q!hrwmf?ayiasypol hat) lkmw"e,lqipm"upthvx(q.aajvn;e?y(?dfsg?rsjf:cpif;wq,?cb!.ti'ox".nhpyx:)mep)gjv wlv,j)esepzunut:fbnprk'kjcgzqbobcg;i?(lufgcj;cn"g.hxsbhspc xi:ro?ux matdjm'trzmpaho'?)f!wojnfkiw";h '!lypc'sj pfroj;;vvoesk;) ia ;(?ggl;.i)px h: s)rujo w(:b!ydf:mb)!yaq?limpx!jh;ts!u!nd jprl:dvlwh?owoi!a:mpgezg ;aqkml?ilv so
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eneloh · 2 years
there’s too many ppl getting unreliable sources and inaccurate information from us weekly gossip bs pages and sites. That’s not journalism. It’s almost a fuckin insult to even call it that. Too many ppl that like to get at other ppl online and say things like “ Oohh so so so and so is being a drama king/queen” or “ this that and the 3rd is trying to cancel xyz”. NO. This is not about drama…this is not about cancelling ppl. These are crimes. And that’s what ppl need to get through their brains. Including those involved. When you see some1 fire a weapon at a lady? That’s a crime. Their ass needs to get hauled off to jail and be held accountable for their actions and face the consequences that come w/ it. Point blank period. When you see 2 toxic narcissistic masochistic sadistic unmediated drama kings/queens in a toxic abusive and volatile relationship? That is NOT “entertainment”. It’s the exact opposite. Those pll need to get serious help. They’re not well.
Holla. And think about it. Enjoy your Wednesday everybody
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theghostofashton · 2 years
maya dying is so high on the list of things i will never forgive pll for 
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braveheart-evan · 3 years
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bma-2020 · 5 years
honestly seeing the ‘stupid girls’ that dont pick up on jokes or sarcasm be used as a punchline in television so much kind of sucks bc its like, theres so many people i know irl who never take me seriously at all because ‘im stupid’ and like i could do excessive scientific explanations of things and they ‘fact check’ me in the manner of ‘oh youre right i wasnt expecting that from you’ and its like??? i cant tell when youre fucking with me and i can’t do math it’s not like i paid someone else to do my work for me i mean how would i get a job if i cant actually do what i say i can so like
#it hurts more when its friends who do it but generally thrres always aome dude or a large collection of girls who nust#realize im not mentally like others and just#’youre worthless lets fuck with you’#like i can usually tell in person when someone is creepy and i should keep away but like#you know those like sporty weird triangular ball playing guys who make stupdi jokes a lot??#most of the time wben i meet that lidn of guy they just like make stupid jokes until they run out of material and i just font realize theyr#just like fucking w me bc i dont lie to ppl if i can avoid it ad i just say things that are true ao shouldnt other pekple too#like ppl can tell me smthn and im pribavly just gonna believe them thats why i dont do dating apps it’d be terrible cause i cant pick up on#other peoples bs. but like w girls they just think im stupid and talk abt me behind my back and its like#im bad at communication that doesnt mean i dont have feelings?????#im really bad w like pll yellign stories tho bc i will just hear smthn and assume its true liek#even w the nosleep reddit page its like#ppl talking to me abt my health i almost never believe bc its like ‘idk i still feel like im dying so i think youre wrong but im not as#educated in that area as doctors and nurses hopefully are so idk’ but like i read that shit on nosleep#and i know its fucking dake it says its fake in the tules#but my brain is just like ‘nah that sounds legit could be true who am i to say it aint’#this is why i am almost 23 never been on a date never been able to do long term things w friends none of it#ppl would get sick of my bs too quickly its like people tell me jokes and i dont even notice ppl hit onme and i cant tell#but yknow horror movies those aint believable bc noway pll can be ghat stupid#but the. ppl AREthat stupid and i just idk#im coming down from my benedryl imposed bullshit state and im sad again#and lonely and also stressing bc i. eed to go back to the doctor#and i dont want to its like oh yay more drugs potentially a ct scan great im fucking poor and dont wanna deal w this bs#anyways im autistic pls be straightforward w me bc im really stupid evidently#if we go by what other ppl call me for inability to pick up on things and social cues#out.
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fictionxlover · 6 years
I’m so fucking sick of these celebrities coming out saying Disney movies are wrong and won’t let their kids watch them.
1) from what I read many are misinterpreting the stories/characters and viewing them in a one dimensional lense
2) it just seems like PR bs so they seem edgy or cool woke feminists
3) there is a reason we still love these princesses and still watch Disney movies to this day
4) I have no kids but imo it’s harmful to tell your daughter or son they can’t watch the little mermaid?? WTF
5) especially since the princesses they mentioned don’t have superpowers or skilled in combat. I’m about to go on a rant about femininity but I won’t-
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shaolinbynature · 7 years
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me watching the series finale of PLL, seeing exactly how MK & Co. are going to disappoint us one last and final time
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
I would like Ash to have another match just so she could end on something that isn’t a blowout (against them). But it really does call into q her plans for next yr. She’s not exactly feeling the love at Gotham so idk… we’ll all have different opinions in her shoes if it’s worth it. Ali should have another season since this one is a wash, and I’m sick of watching her be screwed out of trophies and medals and done dirty by coaches. She’s probably not even going to be in contention for season’s end mentions because of how badly Gotham is doing. They’ll just give it to players from teams who make playoffs which is short-sighted and a complete joke. It’s going to be complete bs if the ‘journalists’ are the ones deciding. How does live tweeting games = a press pass?
P.S. Oh, by the way, I live tweeted four seasons of Wynonna Earp — guess that makes me a tv critic now 😁🙄
P.P.S. You used to watch PLL, right? I’m doing a rewatch and spotted Lachlan Buchanan toward the end of season 2. I was so shocked!
Yeah it would be nice if Ash could end on a high note but it does make you wonder if she plans to continue on or what and if this year has changed her plans or mindset at all. It does seem like the move to Gotham and playing for this team didn't exactly go as planned for her but obviously we don't really know how she feels about it or if she's ready to move on from playing the game despite obviously enjoying being a mother and that being her top priority since we can tell she is loving that. So who knows! Maybe she will take the time to figure it out over the off season but there's also still 7 games left so hopefully she would still be able to play again this year anyway.
It's definitely frustrating that Ali's great season is being shadowed by Gotham playing horribly because you're right, people aren't going to give it the recognition they should and most of those awards and such will go to players on better teams. You can already tell the patterns of the best starting lineups they do every month and it's usually all players from good teams and those "journalists" are biased from the start so it's just annoying. I do feel like she will play next year though and hopefully can continue her good form and hopefully Gotham will be better but who knows about that too.
The way these people are able to get press passes is mind blowing like really if all you need to do is live tweet the games then I should get one too! And now they're complaining about Gotham charging for parking tomorrow lol
I did watch PLL and loved it!! I didn't realize Lachlan was in it though, that's wild! Now I'm gonna have to go back and look lol
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greeenbriar · 3 years
pls i have been putting off watching the CW’s Nancy Drew since it came out because I thought it was another Riverdale type of bs but it is so good????? it has this nostalgic feel that reminded me of my teenage years watching tvd ad pll religiously and I am shipping Nace so fkn hard yall 
anyway it’s hyperfixation and obsessive reblogs time!! hope you enjoy!!
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