#please protect yourself and take a much needed break from social media if needed
mymartiniblue · 25 days
can we PLEASE STOP commenting t*eils name under videos that have absolutely nothing to do with him, I literally went in the comments under a nct wish tiktok seeing “I wonder how they feel about t*eil 🥺” THEY MET HIM ONCE— and please stop making everything about him, anything related to nct nowadays has to have something to do with t*eil, AND ITS NEVER ABOUT HIM!?! and yes I am aware that this is a big topic amongst south korea/kpop community, but bringing up his name that has nothing to do with him is actually draining
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snapbackslide · 26 days
Some familiar names supporting the GoFundMe for Madeline Gaudreau and baby Tripp 🥺
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
hot girl summer reminders⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍹
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don’t waste away ur summer scrolling on ur phone and staring at a screen 24/7. go outside and get some fresh air, don’t waste too much time digitally and live ur life. literally put the phone down 💀. put a time limit on ur phone if u need to but its good to practice discipline and self control so that ur making the most of ur summer time.
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make sure to go for walks and get fresh air. let the sunlight touch ur skin and spend some time outside if u can cuz it’s so good for you. make sure to ground urself in nature and not overstimulate yourself with dopamine. and remember, make sure to wear ur spf to protect ur skin from the sun so u can stay healthy and beautiful.
speaking of healthy and beautiful... this summer is a HOT one so if ur not drinking enough water ur gonna be so super dehydrated so please drink water. put some ice in ur water and refresh urself. you can even put fruits or mint in ur water to give it some flavor.
block. don’t hesitate to block anything or anyone that you feel threatens ur peace and make sure that ur protecting ur peace. taking adequate breaks from social media and time away from ur screens and just pampering urself inside and out.
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aayakashii · 1 month
❤3 and ❤42 with Yuri please, I need something fluffy with him right now
3❤️ a kiss on the forehead
42❤️ a clumsy kiss
Warning: this is not a drabble at all but I can't shut up so here take this fic 🫳 also not very proofread YET so I apologize if it's a bit wonky
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One thing about Mortkranken’s underground: it’s cold. It makes sense, though. There were tons of biological samples being analyzed by students every single day, so it’s not like it could have a warm and comfortable temperature.
Still, you weren’t expecting it to be so cold.
It was kind of ironic, knowing how Yuri hated the other extremely cold dorm of Darkwick. But while Frostheim was freezing because of its natural weather (or as natural as a place created by an anomalous island could be), Mortkranken had all the air conditioners and freezers to create that artificial bubble of icy and dry climate.
Yuri’s personal office wasn’t exempt from the cold. Despite how spacious it was, the air still hung heavy while a split system blasted glacial wind mercilessly.
You trembled slightly as you went through paper after paper, doing inventory of all of Yuri’s books. Despite being a genius, apparently he couldn’t organize all the dozens of bookshelves he kept carelessly stacked with medical tomes, articles and notes.
Sometimes you wondered if he would just carry on, working in a terribly messy office, if you had never come around and offered your help - which he begrudgingly accepted.
However, it’s not like you were doing that entirely out of the good of your heart. You liked spending time with Yuri, despite how snappy he was, yes. You saw how lonely and starved of appreciation he was and it tugged on your heartstrings. Probably no one ever tried to go past that wall of arrogance he had built for himself as a protection, and you were set on trying to give him a little bit of comfort.
Maybe you also thought that the way his hair fell on his face was very pretty, that his sea-green eyes were gorgeous, and that everytime he blushed you wanted to grab his shoulders and pull him into a kiss so you could watch him have a meltdown and turn into putty in your hands. Yes. Maybe. But that’s not why you were there.
You were there because Frostheim was throwing one of their fancy balls that night and you desperately wanted to escape. You were invited, or better yet, subpoenaed by Jin and Tohma and you wanted nothing to do with it. You already had to deal with a tragic curse, thank you very much. Mingling with stuck up rich students was the last thing you wanted to do.
So, mentally apologizing to Kaito and Luca, you lied through your teeth and said you already had a job to do. At that point, you didn’t; but you found yourself in Yuri’s office, annotating his every dusty book just in case they sent someone to grab you by the hair and drag you to the ball. They wouldn’t try to come close to Mortkranken, after all - too much drama between the captains.
And work you did. Being around a cute doctor was just a bonus.
Yuri scrolled through his phone mindlessly for a few minutes, allowing himself to rest his brain after another day of working until his eyes were crossing. He wasn’t much of a social media guy, but he understood quite well the importance of taking breaks every so often in order to have his thoughts reorganize themselves. Even if he went around and then spent three days wide awake just to compensate for a 15 minute break.
It’s not like he was actually relaxing, however. He was very much aware of your presence in his office, just a few steps away from him, as you organized his books. You had offered yourself to catalog his tomes and clean them up out of nowhere and, despite his hesitance, deep down he was grateful for that. After all, an organized workplace works wonders for inspiration and concentration - he was just… very bad at doing the organization thing when it wasn’t directly related to his duties as a doctor.
He also wasn’t quite sure why you had suddenly offered to spend the evening working, but he just decided to chalk it up to you being grateful for his brilliance and infinite generosity. He DID offer to train you in anomalous medicine, didn’t he? Maybe you were just wise and trying to repay his kindness.
He huffed, a smug smile on his face, clearly satisfied with his own answer, but quickly turned his attention back to his phone after noticing you heard him and looked his way.
After scrolling mindlessly through posts about scientific innovations, articles, new hospitals and a bunch of ads for questionable medicines that claim to cure people of everything and anything at all, Yuri stopped at a photo of a familiar place.
It had been posted only 10 minutes before and showed a grand ballroom, filled with young people in fancy garments and expensive flower bouquets placed in tall vases that decorated every corner. Some people appeared to be dancing, while others chatted with a drink in their hand.
It was a familiar place because he had been in this exact same setting before – it was Frostheim and apparently they were throwing a ball at that very moment.
Yuri's lips curled down in disgust at the sight of the dorm.
“These mindless pricks just can't spend a single day without flaunting their wealth, can they?” Yuri grumbled audibly, scowling at his phone.
“Did you say something, Yuri?” you asked, turning to face him while you meticulously noted down another batch of book titles in your handbook.
“These wannabe nobles from Frostheim!” he spat “They can't do a single useful thing for society, but still try to intimidate others by showing off how rich they are! Disgusting!” Yuri slammed his phone on the desk, getting up from his seat, and pranced around the large room, as if he could not contain his anger quietly.
He didn't quite understand the reasoning behind his own anger. All he knew was that he felt enraged, an ironically icy feeling crawling up his chest. And that he needed a Frostheim student in front of him right at that moment so he could punch them. Too bad he was so physically weak.
“Oh, are you talking about the ball they're throwing today?” you asked, nonchalantly.
Yuri stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around towards you, an expression of disgust and betrayal on his face.
How would you even know about this ball? Frostheim prided in excluding everyone else that didn't wear that godawful blue lapel pin from every social event. So how would you, a puny little student with no association to any dorm at all, know about a big event such as that ball?
Yuri chose to blatantly ignore your friendships with Luca and Kaito for the benefit of his own theory.
You swallowed hard, realizing by his behavior that you probably should not have said that at all.
“How do you know about that ball?!” he said, through gritted teeth.
You cleared your throat.
“Um… I heard Luca and Kaito mention it earlier today…”
Yuri slowly walked towards you, as if he was a predator gauging your movements in order to know when to attack.
“Lies. I see how you are blinking fast. You also have flared nostrils and you are unconsciously biting your lips! Body language 101! You cannot fool a doctor like me, I see everything!”
You sighed.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. I was invited.” you mumbled, grabbing a tome and wiping the dust from its cover, avoiding Yuri's accusatory gaze.
His jaw went slack. His theory was correct then, after all! But of course it was. He was Yuri Isami, the captain of Mortkranken and the best doctor on that campus. Of course he was correct.
And so you were indeed a filthy traitor.
“Oh, so you're so connected to that despicable dorm that you were even INVITED to their ball?!” How dare you, he wanted to say, how dare you give them the time of the day when HE– when Mortkranken was the one doing all the important work in that place.
You raised an eyebrow at Yuri's dramatics, side-eyeing him while you still dusted books.
“Darkwick made me the inspector, remember? I have to have proper relationships with every single dorm and it's not like I want that either. It's all because of my curse.”
Yuri scoffed, throwing his arms up in disbelief.
“As if you need anything else besides Mortkranken's assistance! We are the only ones who are qualified to undo your curse once and for all! And yet, you still mingle with those Frostheimers…” he clenched his fists.
“Yuri, I think you're forgetting the fact that I chose not to go to the ball and spend my night here organizing your books.” you wiggled a book on your hand to make your point clearer, fully turning towards him.
That little detail seemed to have finally been processed in Yuri's mind right after you said it.
He went silent, staring at you with narrowed eyes. As if he didn't trust you yet. As if you could stab him in the back as soon as he turned around.
You sighed, putting the book on the shelf and then resting your hands on your hips.
“Why are you so angry at them for throwing a ball? You know they always do that.”
He didn't know why he was angry, actually. It was like Frostheim was a trigger word for him. He heard it and fury just freely ran through his veins like molten iron. It burned and hurt because he didn't know why it felt like that.
He just did.
It wasn't in Yuri's nature to be quiet. To be speechless. And when he didn't answer your question, you knew something deep, deeper than you could reach, had been brewing for too long.
He stood still like a statue, mouth pressed in a thin line as he turned your question around in his mind, like he would an unsolved rubrik cube. Only this time, he wasn't able to finish it in record time like he used to finish all of his real cubes.
You took a deep breath.
“Look.” you snapped him out of his daze “I'm gonna prove to you that balls are boring and that you aren't missing anything.”
You knew he wasn't upset because of FOMO, but seeing him struggle with his thoughts like that made you pity him just a little bit. So you would pretend, for now.
You went to his desk and grabbed your phone, scrolling through something.
“What are you planning to do?” he observed your movements, still as tense as ever.
“What's your favorite song again? It's The Blue Danube Waltz, by Strauss isn't it?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes… I'm surprised a worm like you knows classical music and– no, what does this have to do with anything?” he asked, baffled at the sudden change of topic.
You walked towards him, gaze locked at your phone.
“You like waltzes then. Okay, then this one will have to do.”
You clicked on something on your phone and placed it carefully on one of the bookrack's shelves. Soon enough, some music started playing on the phone's speakers.
Yuri stared dumbly at the hand you were holding out towards him.
“What is this?”
“It's the Masquerade Waltz, by Aram Khachaturian.” You replied flatly, shoving your hand closer to his face.
“I- I know that!” Yuri sputtered, defensively “I want to know what you're doing!”
You shrugged, smirking at your own silly idea that seemed to have badly thrown him off “I want to prove to you how balls are kinda stupid when you can very well just waltz as much as you want at home. Come on. Dance with me?”
Yuri blinked, still staring at your hand.
“W-why should I?!”
“Well… you'll have the satisfaction of doing something Jin wanted to do but can't because I'm here.”
He immediately grabbed your hand, all hesitation left behind. You laughed and restarted the song.
“You better dance properly, worm!”
“I promise nothing.”
Yuri's hands were hot. He had them stuffed in his black gloves like always, but they seemed even warmer against your skin as you held him firmly.
He knew very well all of the waltz etiquette, of course. He was a cultured, refined man who knew how to be a proper partner when dancing with someone in a ballroom. He knew he was supposed to maintain eye contact with his dance partner.
But goddamn it, was it hard to keep looking into your eyes. Even though you weren't always looking at him – as expected of an impolite worm – whenever your eyes met, he felt his insides stir and he wondered in passing if he had to start taking some type of anxiety medication.
Sometimes he'd relax for a second when you looked down at your feet to count 1, 2 ,3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. He used that moment to breathe deeply and then grimace at how shaky his exhale sounded.
His heart drummed inside his ribcage, and he hoped you'd keep your little grubby fingers far away from his radial artery, otherwise you'd feel how fast his heart was beating. He couldn't have you thinking he was nervous. He wasn't nervous! The situation was just… unexpected.
And then you started humming along with the song.
Yuri swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and cleared his throat.
“You… you like this waltz?” he managed to say. He shoved the thought that you sounded cute, humming a song just like he always did, deep, deep inside the corners of his mind.
You widened your eyes for a second.
“Oh! I was humming, wasn't I? Sorry. But yeah, it's my favorite. I guess I can't say I don't understand you when you hum too” you laughed nervously.
The both of you kept on clumsily stepping side to side, front to back, as the song reached its last notes.
Yuri knew the song was ending, and his anxiety peaked. It was like he wanted something to happen – no, like he needed to do something, but he didn't know what it was.
His stomach churned as the song faded out, and your feet came to a halt. Your hand left his own, and so did the one on his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of your body leaving him as he forced himself to step back.
You cleared your throat and gave him an exaggerated curtsy, lifting the hem of an imaginary dress.
“Thank you so much for this dance, Lord Isami” you said with a grin, in a fake posh accent.
And after that, it was like he became possessed by some trickster spirit who had it out for him.
Yuri didn't really know what thought process led him to suddenly grab your shoulders and awkwardly place his lips on your forehead, but when you gasped under him, he finally came back to his senses.
“GAH! I don't know why I did that!” he yelled, taking a few long steps back and away from you.
He stared at his own hands, like they were monsters with a life of their own. Some cruel, awful things that made him act on an impulse he didn't even know he had.
His thoughts ran wild and tumbled one over the other, each and every one yelling some reasoning for his stupid actions and turning his mind into a deafening cacophony that made his head fuzzy and his ears ring.
“Um...” you voiced out, and Yuri finally looked at you again, quickly halting his spiral towards a panic attack. His eyes fluttered, taking in the sight in front of him.
You covered your cheeks with your hands, looking to the side as you pressed your lips in a thin line. Yuri swore he could see the ghost of a smile on the corner of your lips, gone in the blink of an eye.
Yuri was screwed. That immediately became the only thought that blared inside his brain after looking at you, all flustered and embarrassed.
“I'm screwed” he murmured unconsciously and you had the gall to chuckle.
“Sorry?” you asked, a smile warming your voice in a way that made Yuri dizzy.
He shook his head, pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes, and took a deep breath.
“You can go to your quarters now. Continue your work here later.” he announced, secretly celebrating how his voice sounded stable again.
You slowly grabbed your phone, still smiling like you knew something he didn't. Preposterous.
“Okay.” you replied, without much protest.
Yuri watched as you picked up the rest of your belongings and made the way towards his door.
“I hope I convinced you of all that stuff we talked about, by the way. See you tomorrow, Yuri” you said, looking over your shoulder before you left.
Yuri had absolutely no idea of what you were even talking about. All he knew was that his room was hot. He felt incredibly hot and his heart still hammered mercilessly inside his ribs. Was he having a heat stroke? Yeah, maybe it was that. Maybe he was having a heat stroke because you made him dance and sweat when he didn't need to.
He looked at the thermometer under his AC.
It read 5°C/40°F.
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sjylouvre · 2 months
meant to be (sjy)
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WARNINGS: kissing, pet names, proofread but just in case i'm sorry if there's mistakes! (Imk if i missed something pls!!)
pairing: bsf!jake x fem!reader
@fataltroubleitsgettingblurry req!
note: sorry about all the lisa’s 😭🫶🏻
characters: 4.4k
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the argument had been brewing for days. it began with a simple question about jake’s upcoming date with that girl called lisa, the girl you despised.
why her, jake? you asked, frustration evident in your voice. you know she hates me, and I don’t understand why you’d want to date someone like that.
jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. she’s different with me, okay i thought maybe you could put aside your differences for once.
you scoffed, unable to hide your irritation. put aside my differences? she’s mean, jake. not just to me, but to everyone. you’re blind if you can’t see that.
she’s not as bad as you think, jake retorted, his tone defensive. maybe you’re just jealous.
jealous? you felt the anger rising. of her? no, jake, i’m not jealous. i just care about you and don’t want to see you get hurt.
jake’s eyes narrowed. i can take care of myself. I don’t need you to protect me.
your heart dropped listening to his words. the tension in the room was palpable. you could feel the tears welling up, but you refused to let them fall. fine. do what you want. but don’t expect me to be there when it all falls apart.
with that, you stormed out, slamming the door behind you. the silence that followed was deafening.
the days passed slowly, the argument hanging over you like a dark cloud. jake hadn’t reached out, and you were too stubborn to make the first move. it wasn’t until you saw a photo of jake and lisa on social media that your heart truly sank.
why does it have to be her? you muttered to yourself, tossing your phone aside.
meanwhile, jake was having his own revelations. the date with lisa had been nothing short of a disaster. she spent most of the evening talking about herself, barely acknowledging jake’s presence. as the night wore on, jake couldn’t shake the feeling that he was making a huge mistake.
but the end of the night, jake knew what he had to do.
the rain was pouring down in sheets when jake pulled up to your house. his heart pounded as he stood outside your door, drenched from head to toe. he took a deep breath and called out your name.
yn! he shouted, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. please, come out! I need to talk to you!
inside, you heard his voice and felt a mix of anger and relief. you stepped out onto the porch, staying under the shelter to avoid the rain.
what are you doing here, jake? you asked, your voice cold.
jake moved closer, the rain soaking his clothes. im sorry, he said, his voice trembling. i was wrong. i didn’t see it before, but now I do. lisa—she’s not who I thought she was.
you crossed your arms, trying to maintain your composure. and why should I care? you made your choice.
i know, jake replied, desperation in his eyes. but it was the wrong choice. i see that now. the whole time I was with her, I couldn’t stop thinking about you sweetheart.
you heart skipped a beat, but you kept your guard up. why are you telling me this now…?
because I love you so much yn, jake said, his voice breaking. i’ve always loved you. It took losing you to realize just how much you mean to me.
tears welled up in your eyes as you stepped forward. jake…
he closed the distance between you, taking your hands in his. im so sorry for everything. I can’t imagine my life without you. please, give me another chance.
you looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and regret. without another word, you leaned in and kissed him, the rain cascading around you.
the kiss felt like a release, a promise of a new beginning. jake held you close, not wanting to let go.
let’s go inside, you suggested, pulling back slightly. we’re both soaked.
inside, you handed jake a towel and watched as he tried to dry off. the silence between you was comfortable now, filled with unspoken understanding.
do you really mean it? you asked softly, breaking the silence. about loving me?
jake looked at you, his eyes filled with certainty. more than anything. I was an idiot for not seeing it sooner.
you smiled, feeling the warmth spread through your chest. i love you too, jake. I always have.
jake reached out, taking your hand in his. i promise, ill never take you for granted again.
you leaned in, kissing him once more, savoring the moment. we’ll figure this out together, you whispered against his lips.
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
back with another song related request but this time it’s when the party’s over by billie eilish, typical angst turns smut or fluff with jamie drysdale (or trevor zegras)
as usual can’t wait to see what you come up with and i hope you had a good weekend 🫶🏼
nothing is better
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2k words
genre: angst; ending is suggestive of smut or fluff, whatever your heart interprets it to be
featuring: trevor zegras x female reader
request: yes
note: this was honestly hard for me because the song was really difficult to interpret, but hopefully i did alright 🫶🏼
Trevor’s finger hovered over the screen, debating on whether or not he wanted to toy with his emotions and call you. It was late. His eyes glancing at the clock, 2:42am. Surely you would be asleep.
Though his call wouldn’t necessarily be unexpected, he did this almost every time he went out with the boys. Getting drunk, missing you, and ending up at your place. The “relationship” one that you surely should’ve expected from a young NHL star like Trevor. It was strictly sex, to put it bluntly. It’s what worked for you both, though you’d occasionally questioned why it couldn’t be more.
Trevor telling you he wasn’t ready, he couldn’t handle his schedule along with a relationship. And he never saw things with you being more than what they were.
But he was lying, to you and to himself.
He wanted to have everything and more with you. Date nights, to see you at his games wearing his jersey, posting tons of pictures of you on his social media to show you off. But he knew that he was only bound to hurt you. His schedule being so demanding, and you deserved a boyfriend that could be there for you whenever you needed them. Not one that would be gone weeks at a time, whose game days left no time available to be with you.
And while he knew a relationship would end with him breaking your heart, he couldn’t help but feel simply hooking up wasn’t any better. Knowing that you longed for more, and while he did too, he’d never give it to you. It seems cruel, unfair even for him to knowingly continue being friends with benefits. It wasn’t something he necessarily enjoyed doing, but he kept it going because it meant he could still have a part of you. Even if that was for only a few hours every now and then.
So he tapped your name on the screen, holding the phone to his ear as his fingers traced over his steering wheel while he waited to hear your voice.
“Trev, it’s almost 3 in the morning. Really?”
Your tone immediately told him it was wrong to call, but he couldn’t help that he’d wanted to see you. Not even for the sex, just to be with you. To fall asleep next to you and pretend for a little while that things were different. Until the morning came to pull him back to reality and he’d have to leave, not knowing when he’d see you again.
“I’m sorry, I can head home. I just, I wanted-“
“It’s fine, you can come over. Just, hurry up. Please.”
He could hear in your voice that you wanted to say no, to tell him another night would work better.
But the second you’d heard his voice, to know he wanted to see you, even if it was just for sex, you folded. Taking any moments with Trevor you could, knowing all too well you’d regret it in the morning.
As much as you knew this would never be more than strictly sex, you kept it going because you were so sure it could be more one day. That Trevor would stop telling you he couldn’t handle it. That it was for the best because he would only hurt you in the end. But even in him trying his best to protect you, it broke your heart every time he’d walk out the door. Never knowing when you’d see him again, simply having to wait for a night that he reached out or you were desperate for him and he was free.
Though you couldn’t help but admit you felt dumb, letting yourself be stuck in a strictly sex situation with someone like Trevor. It was almost a classic trope that if your friends knew they’d criticize you for. Confirming your own thoughts of being stupid for holding onto something he’d clearly told you would never be more than what it was.
You never having discussed your feelings about it all with Trevor, just tucking them away because what was the point? Surely he cared somewhat, but not enough to be in a relationship with you so why bother boring him with your displeasure with the way things were?
A simple “here” text came from Trevor letting you know to head to the door. Opening it just as he prepared to knock.
The tan, brown haired boy smiling that signature grin down at you as he walked in. Wrapping you in a hug and kissing your head, lightly chomping on gum he’d probably popped in his mouth on the drive to eliminate any lingering taste of alcohol, remembering how you hated the taste of beer when kissing him.
“How are you? Missed you.”
The words tugged at your heartstrings, but you tried your best to ignore it, not reading much into it as it was something he’d always said.
“Tired, not really in the mood if I’m honest.”
He could see on your face you weren’t yourself, normally you were happy to see him, no matter the time. But it was clear you were upset, something clearly on your mind.
“So, let’s talk.”
You laughed, crossing your arms over your chest as he pulled out a chair and sat at your island. Talking wasn’t something you did, and you weren’t sure what his intentions were. It was late, he didn’t come for this, why would he come for this?
“Talk? That’s why you called me at 3am, to talk?”
“Well you’re not in the mood, I’m not gonna make you sleep with me if you don’t want to. So, what’s wrong?”
His tone was a bit snarky as he shrugged, waiting for you to explain yourself to him. But you knew there was no point, the second you’d start he would cut you off and tell you we’ve been here before, you know my feelings about it.
“It doesn’t matter. You don’t care.”
Shaking your head you retreated to your bedroom, figuring if he didn't want to sleep with you he’d leave. But instead he followed you, grabbing your hand to get your attention.
“I do care, why the hell do you think I don’t?”
“Because you only talk to me for sex Trevor!”
Your words echoing through the apartment as he dropped your hand. This wasn’t a side he’d seen from you before, even in previous times where you’d brought up wanting more. It was clear to him you weren’t happy.
“That’s, that’s not entirely true. I mean, sure it’s sex nothing more serious. But to say I only talk to you for that? That’s bullshit.”
“Name 5 times you’ve called or texted where sex wasn’t your main reason for doing it?”
Counting to ten in your head you waited, Trevor not able to formulate a response. Telling you all you needed to know.
“Exactly my fucking point. Just, go home Trevor.”
Climbing into bed you’d hoped he would get the hint and leave, but that small part of him that so desperately longed for more with you stopped him from walking out. Knowing he’d lose you for good if he did.
“You think I don’t want it to be more than just sex? You think I like the way things are?”
“You tell me that you like things this way!”
“Because I’m lying y/n! I’m lying to you and to myself!”
His shouting caught you off guard, Trevor sitting at the foot of your bed and resting his head in his hands. Trying his best to figure out what to say, but knowing it wasn’t going to be the right thing.
“Lying? So you just think this is some type of game? To toy with my emotions like that and lie that you don’t want those things with me?”
His fingers gripped at his hair as he knew this was going to do the opposite of fix things. This would be it, because it was clear he was no good for you. He cared too much about not caring at all. To pretend that he had all these reasons for not being with you, when in reality it was simply that he was afraid to hurt you. Lying just to avoid the negatives, when there was no guarantee they’d even come, it was wrong.
“No, I, it’s not a game to me at all. I just, I can’t give you more. I told you from the start if we took things further you’d end up hurt. And i care too much about you to do that.”
“And what do you call this? Cause this shit hurts. To know we could’ve had those things, but because you were too scared of something that wasn’t even guaranteed to happen, you just used me? What the fuck Trevor.”
He saw the pain in your eyes, tears welling up in them as you tried your best to be strong. Ignoring the thoughts of you were right after all or the fact that you ended up looking like a fool for believing you could change his mind.
“I, I couldn’t lose you. Even if I only got you for a few hours every now and then, I couldn’t lose that. Lose you. So yeah, I lied to you and myself, I lied to convince myself that I couldn’t be more for you. That I wasn’t good for you. And, you let me in, but I still hurt you. The point of me saying all of it was so you didn’t get hurt. I’m sorry, I really am. But please don’t think I didn’t care, because in reality I cared so fucking much.”
His words meant nothing to you at this point, to know you could've had everything you wanted with him. That he’d been hiding the fact that he wanted the same thing. It broke you. The way he would do what he could to always convince you not to walk away. And you let him stay, walk all over you. You let him hurt you like this.
“I fucking hate you Trevor.”
Wiping the tears from your face you stood up, crossing your arms as you waited for him to get the hint it was time to leave. His eyes regretful as he saw how hurt you were, reaching for your hand but you retreated.
He couldn’t see you this way, not because of him. Though this is exactly how he’d imagined, it didn’t mean it hurt any less.
“Please, don’t hate me.”
His voice above a whisper as he stood up, pulling you into his chest and fighting off your attempts to break free. Eventually giving in and crying into his embrace. His hands tracing circles on your back as he attempted to calm you down. Giving you time to breathe before he’d pulled away, taking your face in his hands.
He searched your eyes for any clue as to what was going through your head, but all he could see was the hurt behind them. It broke his heart to know that he caused this. That you could say you hated him. He never wanted that, he never imagined things would turn out this way.
Pulling you in for a kiss was all he thought to do, hoping that you’d reciprocate and take back the words you’d said. The moment his lips touched yours you felt yourself falling deeper into the hole he’d dug. Wanting so badly to stand firm in your feelings, but knowing you’d miss him the second he left you.
Trevor rested his forehead on yours as he held your hands, trying to convince himself that this was it. That it was time to walk away and give you the freedom you deserved. The freedom to no longer be hurt by him.
“I just, I can’t leave you like this, upset and saying you hate me.”
His voice was soft, wavering as you could tell he was trying to ignore any emotions he’d felt. Clearly trying to convince himself that he needed to be done, but failing.
“Then don’t leave.”
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local-philocalist · 2 months
Entry to your 20s, advice to the 20-year-old women
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Four pieces of advice for the twenty-year-old women from a twenty-something year old woman.
1. Move Your Body
I cannot stress this enough, if you can, please move your body! Move your joints and build your muscles. The doctors, scientists and our parents were unfortunately right, the older one becomes, the weaker they get. If you want to still be able to run around in your fifties, sixties, etc. You need to start the habit now. Get a routine, start working out, try a sport, attempt a dance class, and get active in general.
I’ve recently gotten a gym membership and have begun pilates once or twice a week. Although at first, my muscles were burning, my body soon got used to it and I found my stamina and flexibility improving.
However, you don't need to spend money on a gym membership or Pilates to get fit. You can take a run around your local park, start a sports team with your friends, or try a YouTube workout from the comfort of your home. There are so many different ways to stay fit without emptying your pockets.
2. Eat Your Vegetables
I understand that some people are genuinely picky eaters and their parents never took the initiative to introduce different textures and flavours healthily. Thus this has followed into adulthood and are now unable to eat anything outside the same four meals.
I also understand I cannot say too much as someone who can eat almost anything but as a reformed vegetable hater I do have a little bit to offer. To live a long, healthy life vegetables are a necessity. So if you find yourself unable to eat certain vegetables, I would suggest cooking the vegetables differently, or incorporating ingredients you enjoy in your meals, think outside the box!
There are many articles about breaking picky eating, as adults we should try to expand our tastebuds, there's so much food to enjoy in this life. Nobody likes to be the person ordering chicken fingers at a Michelin restaurant.
3. Feed Your Brain
[edited: the previous paragraph has been published on my personal substack as a full piece; I've rewritten and changed this section for publication and privacy purposes].
I urge young women to nurture their brains; you are so blessed to be in a society and world where education is so accessible for women. If you live in the West, take advantage and don't feed into the propaganda of "I'm just a girl". Women are being minimised, and I don't want young ladies falling down the rabbit hole of this recent no-purpose lifestyle that's advertised.
Looks are essential, and don't get me wrong, I know attraction still plays a huge part in society, but it isn't the only important thing. It's not cute to be ignorant, lack life skills and use social media concepts like "I'm just a girl" as excuses. Stupidity isn't hot, so while it's okay to indulge in media consumption, find yourself hobbies outside of that and put in the effort to grow intellectually and further yourself.
4. High Self-esteem Will Protect You
Most of my girlfriends are in the dating field, and from the stories they tell me its clear these men are crazy. Good discernment is needed and for you to trust your discernment you need a healthy level of self-worth.
I’m not just talking about romantic interest, in general, high self-esteem will take you far in life. From romantic partners to career paths, when you know your value and do not settle, that translates to every crevice of your life. People treat you with more respect, you're likely to find yourself in fewer abusive scenarios and get better opportunities in your place of work.
Nothing good comes from beating yourself down and letting others treat you horribly. Overall your twenties can be fun but also filled with anxiety so take it step-by-step, don't beat yourself up and remember comparison is the thief.
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
for the song lyric prompt, I'm presenting you the super classic 'with or without you' with the most incredible obsessive love presence and our fave obsessive man: billy
My dear Selene,
I love this song, it’s one of my favorites! Thank you for sending this one in. My head has been wrapped around writing for Rumlow the past couple of weeks and I’ve missed writing for Billy so I hope you like what I did here
Thank you again!
With or Without You
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: little bit of angst, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k-ish
Summary: You see a picture of Billy that you’re not very happy with
A/N: This is one of my favorite songs even though I don’t like U2 all that much.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
He was so stubborn but you were too.
Billy Russo made you absolutely crazy. No other man frustrated you like he did but you’ve never loved anyone as much as you loved him either which is why seeing that picture of him online kissing another woman shattered your heart.
The ache you felt in your chest was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. It was betrayal on another level as tears pricked your eyes scrolling through social media and stopping on a grainy picture of Billy’s lips locked on someone else’s other than yours.
It was from the event that you weren’t able to attend with him because you didn’t feel well.
He told you, “Of course it’s alright, sweet girl. Just get some rest, I love you.”
“I love you.”
Those words were hard for him to say at first, he had never said them and meant it until he fell for you. That’s what he told you, so how could he do this to you? Just like it was difficult to give his heart to someone, it was hard for you to give your heart away too.
All of the others had no problem taking and taking from you but in the end you were alone with a feeling of emptiness from the pieces of you they selfishly took with them when they left.
Against your better judgement, his too, you both opened up your souls to each other, leaving your hearts vulnerable to everything you worked so hard to protect.
Sometimes it was so hard to live with him, even though you didn’t physically live WITH him. The long hours, the constant worrying about him, hoping he was alright taking on so many jobs, and the exhaustion plastered all over his face…you’ve never known anyone that worked as hard as he did.
You didn’t want to live without him though. Billy made you crazy, fights with him made you want to rip your hair out, his jealousy sometimes got out of control but yours did too, hence the rage you felt burning inside your body right now.
You wanted to find that woman and tear her limb from limb, break all of her fingers that were holding Billy’s head in place while she kissed him, and make sure she never messes with another woman’s boyfriend again.
Several texts from Billy came through as you continued to stare at the photo, tears stinging your eyes like stars burning against the night sky.
“Please talk to me, sweet girl.”
“I really need to talk to you.”
“I love you, baby…please answer me.”
Newspapers and websites marketed Billy as an “eligible” bachelor, even though he was in a relationship with you. They built him up to be a local celebrity. From humble beginnings to a handsome successful CEO, Billy Russo was the object of every woman’s affection and you knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating him but you thought you could handle it.
And you could, until now. You didn’t want to break up with him but you couldn’t look at him or talk to him right now, it hurt too much.
Seeing that photo broke you and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave the house that day. The caption for the photo made you breathless with anger and caused your mouth to tighten.
“Where’s your girlfriend tonight, Billy Russo?”
Dark gray clouds blanketed the early afternoon sky while the autumn winds blew around the sparse branches of the trees down below. You could feel the draft coming into your apartment from the weakened seals in the windows that your landlord said he was going to replace months ago. Thankfully your favorite sweater was keeping you warm as you sat down on the couch to enjoy a cup of hot tea.
Loud raps against your door startled you before you could take your first sip, almost spilling the tea into your lap.
“Baby, open the door please! I know you’re home, you haven’t left the house all day.” He said loudly so you could hear him from the other side of the door.
How does he know that? Was he spying on you?
“I don’t wanna talk to you right now, Billy!” You shouted.
Suddenly, the front door flew open and crashed against the wall. Billy had told you before that your front door should be replaced because of how old it is.
Well, he wasn’t wrong and now it definitely needs to be replaced but you were furious because of how far he took it. Just like the door, he was unhinged. But again, that’s Billy. Always quick to fly off the handle.
You stood up and set your tea on the coffee table as Billy walked over to you.
“I’m not leaving until I explain myself, y/n! I know you’re angry, I know you saw the photo but that woman kissed ME, alright?!! Yeah, I had more to drink that I usually do at these things but I was upset that you weren’t with me last night!” He confessed.
You stood there looking at him with a confused look on your face. You had been to a lot of these fundraiser events with Billy, why was he so upset about you not being at this one?
“I wasn’t feeling well, Billy. I said I was sorry and you said it was ok! Go in my room, the dress I wanted to wear is still hanging on the edge of the door, I didn’t do this on purpose!” You exclaimed.
His expression softened and he was visibly upset, but he wasn’t angry.
Billy lowered his voice. “I know you didn’t, I just…had something planned, that’s all. And I pushed her away as soon as her lips touched mine, ask Frankie.”
You could tell Billy felt terrible for what happened and you…believed him.
“She had been following me around all night. I’m so sorry, sweet girl, I’m sorry.” He said softly.
“What did you have planned, Billy?” You said, remembering what he mentioned a minute ago.
He ran his long fingers through is ebony colored hair and brushed his beard as he paced back and forth, looking very nervous about what he was going to say next.
“I was gonna ask you if…if you would move in with me.” He said.
You felt your stomach drop and start to flutter. Your eyes welled up with tears, happy tears this time.
“Billy…I—I” You started to say.
He interrupted you. “I know we’re together most of the time but on nights that we’re not, I don’t like going to bed alone or waking up alone. I don’t like being without you. I love you.”
Billy inched closer to you, close enough to inhale the scent of his cologne and you felt his warm breath on your lashes.
You snaked your arms around his neck and gazed into his deep brown eyes. “I love you too, handsome. You make me absolutely nuts but I’d rather be with you than without you, so my answer is yes.”
Gently scraping your nails against his scalp, you pulled him closer so you could kiss him which he gladly returned. He loved being touched by you, and only you.
“I told you that you needed a new door, that thing was easy to kick in.” He chuckled.
You playfully slapped his shoulder. “You lunatic, I’m gonna get in so much trouble for that! I know I’m gonna be leaving anyway but you owe me a new door, Mr. Russo.”
He kissed you on the forehead. “I’ll get you a new door, baby…I’ll get you whatever you want.”
Through the storm, we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you, ah, ah
I can't live
With or without you
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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hanzhen0506 · 3 months
please write first time with hanjin 🤍
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~’First time’~
Hello! Its Zhan! Thank you so much for requestinggg, I would like to remind you that I’m not really experience in this Genre but I hope this satisfies you. If any of you are uncomfortable, I suggest you to not read this 🙏. Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy!
Warning: Smut! P in V, protected sex, you are responsible in reading under this!
The sound of the door unlocking indicates Hanjin arrived home, so you wash and dry your hands and going to the front door, greeting him. “Jinnie!” You said jumping on him, leaving startled but able to balance himself while holding you. “Hi baobei! Miss me?”
“Mhm, how was your day?”
“Tiring, we’re all still practicing for the title track.” You got down from his hold and help him out on taking his jacket off while he took out his shoes. Tws’s first comeback is getting nearer, so spending time with Hanjin was getting harder, so you want to make the most out of this. “Then we should rest now hm?”
“Thats sounds great y/n-nie” You grab his bag and took his hand in yours leading him to your bedroom. “Im glad you can sleep over today, go wash up okay?”
“Thank you for letting me sleep here.” He said kissing your forehead and going to the bathroom to clean himself up.
You were waiting Hanjin on the bed scrolling on social media until he enter the room, hair wet with a towel around his neck. “Baobei, could you dry my hair?” You giggled at the side and tap the spot infront of you. He sat facing you and look down to give easier access to dry his hair. You took the towel from his neck and start to dry his hair and ruffle it to tease him. It seems, innocent right? On outside yes but Hanjin seeing you with your silk sleeping wear dress, he couldn’t help but think naughty things about it. He blushed at the thought that it reaches his ears and you noticed. “Is everything okay?” You ask, stopping what your doing.
You look at Hanjin closely as he sigh. “Your just really pretty,”
“Ohh” You blush at his confession but smiled. You reassures him with a peck on the lips. “Thank you Jinnie~” You then kissed with Hanjin for a long time. He was tense at first, but then eases as he holds your head deepening the kiss. Your mouth slightly open as Hanjin took it as an invitation to enter his tongue in, you moan at the action and change position, situating yourself on his lap while still not breaking the kiss. He grabs your thighs with his other hand and gently put you down on the bed properly. You always love what Hanjin does everytime, but the best one is when he holds you so gently like you have a fragile body. And although you guys have make out a thousand times, today is much different. Without his conscience he start to grind on you, which startles you and moan. He trailed his kisses to your chin and neck, sucking on a spot that makes you moan.
“Hanjin-“ You yelp grabbing his head, but he thought wrong and thinks you want to pull him back so he then pleaded. “Im sorry, Im sorry!” You whine at the lost contact while he moves back. “Why’d you stopp?” “I-I thought you want to stop?”
“Noo, please Jinnie, I need you.” You pleaded looking at him. “Fuck, you look so cute like that. Take off your clothes for me baby. Do you have a condom?”
“On the beside drawer,” You pointed while taking off your your dress. He hurriedly open and took out the condom and when he looks back at you, you were already naked. He smiled and leaves pecks around your neck and face. “Dont worry, we can go slow.” He said pulling your panties off and stimulating your clit. “Hanjin.. Pleasee I dont need prep.” You moan out.
“I dont want to hurt you though~”
“Its fineee, I wont get hurt, just pleaseee. I need you in me right now.”
“A-alright then.” He hesitated, taking off his sweatpants and wearing the condom. He situated himself between your legs as he kisses you, “This might hurt, so hold my hand.” He took your hand in his and start to enter you. You flinch at the size of his dick. It was big. You squeezed his hand tight as he continues to push himself in you. You scream at the pain, and yet the head is barely fitting in. He start to leave kisses on your face and said “Relax baby, I cant get in if you relax.” Continuing his action he pushed in more than an inch in and pulled out all they way. Pushing it back in more. “Is this alright?”
“Yes.” You said breathlessly, as he continues what he’s doing. After a few more, he was finally fully inside you and you moan at the pleasure. “Tell me when your ready.”
“I-im ready.” You said as he start to thrust into you slowly. You finally moan loud at the pleasure and on instinct, widened your legs. With the more space he given he starts to speed up, bros furrowed as he went back to your lips, kissing you hungrily. You moan at the feeling of his dick leaving and entering you but it wasnt enough to build your pleasure so you took your free hand and finger yourself. Hanjin took notice of this and took your hand and place it on his dick that is still thrusting you. With your clit needing attention. He uses his hand and stimulate it.
You scream loudly when his dick reaches your g spot and squeeze both of your hands. The feeling of one of your hand on his dick was amazing that he couldn’t help but broke the kiss and moan at the feeling. “Yes, just like that y/n, fuck I’m so close. Are you close? I love you so much y/nnie.”
You moan out an “I love you too” back in response and he sped up again to an inhuman pace. “Fuck!” You shouted and move yourself into him. The feeling of his finger stimulating your clit, his other hand squeezing on your hand. His tongue exploring your mouth and of course his dick in and out of your pussy was enough to reach to your pleasure. “Hanjin!” You said before reaching your climax and came. Hanjin soon joined you and came. With both of you reaching your high, you couldn’t help but kept squeezing his dick, milking him in the process. “Oh shit.” He said pulling out, feeling overstimulated when you milk him. He falls down on you and kiss your breasts. “Thank you baby, fuck that is the best sex I will ever have.” Hanjin said and you look down. “What do you mean ‘you will ever have’ This isnt gonna be our last one.” You confidently said and he blush. “Of course.” He peck your lips and lay down on your chest again as you play with his hair.
“Lets go clean up.” Hanjin said carrying you to the bathroom and placing you on the bathtub. Turning on the warm water and grabbing your clothes and towel while you relax and wait for him. “Join me,” you look at him and he giggled. “Alright,” Hanjin went on the bathtub and situated himself behind you, massaging your thighs and shoulders. Its crazy, how you both took each others virginity and yet could still talk about completely innocent topics like how can a rock be identify as a rock. But at the end of the night you were with Hanjin and that is all you could ask for.
(Please do not steal my works!)
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helluva-family · 1 month
hey I wonder where blitz is and how he's doing
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The next morning at St. An’s Hospital
Moxxie: *propped up in bed, still recovering from the pain of the infected brand and the trauma of the past few months. His face shows signs of exhaustion, but there’s a noticeable relief in his expression now that he knows his baby is safe.*
Millie: *sits beside him, offering a comforting presence*
**The door to the room swings open, and Blitzø rushes in, his face a mask of worry and relief. His usual swagger is gone, replaced by an urgent, almost frantic energy. He approaches Moxxie’s bed, his eyes filled with tears and guilt.**
Blitzø: *Voice trembling* Moxxie! I’m so, so sorry! I can’t believe what happened… I should’ve protected you. This is all my fault. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen
Moxxie: *looks up, his eyes meeting Blitzø’s with a mix of weariness and confusion. The pain and exhaustion make it hard for him to process everything* Blitzø… it’s okay. It’s… it’s been a lot. I can’t—
Blitzø: *Cutting him off, voice breaking* No, it’s not okay! I made that stupid social media post, and it led to everything that happened to you. You got kidnapped, and Millie—she was hurt, and Stolas got involved... It’s all my fault!
Millie: *rises from her seat, moving to stand beside Blitzø, her hand gently resting on his shoulder in an attempt to offer support* Blitzø, please, let Moxxie talk. He’s been through so much, and he’s still hurting. You don’t need to blame yourself for everything.
Blitzø: *nods, taking a step back but still looking pained and anxious. He stands beside Millie, struggling to hold back his tears*
Moxxie: *tries to sit up a bit, his discomfort evident, but he manages to focus on Blitzø* Blitzø, I’m… I’m really tired, and I’m hurting. I can’t handle more right now. But… I need you to know… I don’t blame you for what happened. I know it wasn’t your fault.
**Blitzø’s face crumples with a mix of relief and sorrow as he hears Moxxie’s words. He wipes at his eyes, trying to compose himself, but the weight of the situation still hangs heavily over him.**
Blitzø: *Voice cracking* Thank you for saying that, Moxxie. I just… I needed to hear it. I know I messed up, but I’m going to do everything I can to make things right. I want to be here for you, for the baby… for everything.
Moxxie: *Nods slightly, though wincing from the pain* I appreciate it, Blitzø. Right now, I just need… to recover. I’m still healing. I’m glad you’re here, but… please, don’t… don’t touch me right now.
Blitzø: *looks down, a mixture of guilt and sadness in his eyes, but he respects Moxxie’s request and remains standing at a distance. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself* I understand. I’m sorry if I’ve made things harder for you. I’ll be here whenever you’re ready to talk more. Just… let me know if you need anything.”
Millie: *Softly* Thank you for coming, Blitzø. Moxxie’s been through so much, and your support means a lot to us.
Blitzø: *gives a small, appreciative nod, his gaze lingering on Moxxie with a mixture of regret and hope. He turns to leave, giving them a moment of peace. The door closes behind him, and the room settles back into a quieter, more somber atmosphere.*
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thecelestialsyzygy · 2 years
I feel like this needs to be said because of all the stuff happening lately. Apologies if this post is a mess.
I want to thank all of the Byler’s who post in the tag. Whether it be shit posts, memes, long analysis, random thoughts, or all of the above mixed in with posts about your life; Thank you for being here and making fandom fun! The tag has been a mess recently and I think we’re all aware of that because of all the recent deactivations. There’s always been a bit of toxicity in the Stranger Things fandom (as there is in just about all other fandoms), but I feel it's been amplified here due to the lack of content and long wait. Another reason it’s a lot more prominent in the Stranger Things fandom, to begin with, is because of its popularity. In the coming months, we should see some things regarding S5 come up for us to talk about, but if you’re not into leaks then you’re in for an even longer drought (and when it comes to said leaks, please take them with a grain of salt).
I originally came here from Twitter so I’ve seen a lot. Ppl leaving isn’t new to me, and it is a pretty common thing with fandoms in general. Sometimes it’s over something simple, like ppl losing their interest, and other times it’s because ppl don’t know how to use the block button and want to be rude, hateful, and harass others into leaving, or cause/insert themselves into drama for entertainment. It’s understandable to be bored during droughts and perhaps become irritable, but if you like creating/being in drama, please don’t put it in the main tag. Not everybody is going to agree and it is what it is. Some posts you may agree with, some posts you may not, some you may partly agree with, some you may partly disagree with. If you ever come across something that really bothers you, big or small, just use the block button or mute/filter things you don’t want to see. You can always make your own post sharing your thoughts about whatever the topic may have been. There are so many ways to control content you consume. It’s important to remember we’re all here for a good time, so let ppl have fun and learn to draw a line.
It’s OK to be opinionated, but I think some things that are important to note is the difference between head-canons and canon. Head-canons are personal interpretations about a character. It’s not ACTUALLY canon. Some head-canons can be based off of things that ARE canon, but it’s important to realize that it’s still NOT ACTUALLY canon. Canon is confirmed. It’s OK to not agree with somebody else’s head-canon, but it’s not a reason to be rude to them. You can share your own opinions with them in a respectful way or separately. However, I feel like some ppl want to make things problematic to further push their narrative or are genuinely just not educated enough. And of course there are exceptions to just about everything, like potentially problematic head-canons which I think is OK to have discussions about, but once again, that’s why we need to learn to draw a line.
I also know hate anons have been a problem lately. If you’re ever getting a lot of hate anons, please don’t be afraid to protect yourself and turn off the anon feature/not allow asks. If that doesn’t work don’t be afraid to block and report. If none of these are working, just know it’s OK if you feel like social media is becoming too much. Take a break if you need to, distance yourself if you need to, make a completely new account if you need to. You can always let the ppl who care about you know you need to go away for awhile.
Lastly, don’t feel pressure to post! That’s one way to add a lot of stress onto yourself and become tired of your interests. I promise everything is going to be fine and Byler’s/ the Stranger Things fandom will always be here if/when you come back.
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twistedwonderworm · 2 years
Hey hey bestieee <3 Heard about your Match up event so I decided to jump on in.
1. My preferred nickname is Cyndy.
2. My preferred Pronouns is She/her.
3. As for personality, to a lot of people I'm known as the shy, sweet and introverted kid. I dislike going to a lot of gatherings or parties because I dislike loud noises and I just prefer my own space, though I'm okay with a group of people and open up relatively quickly to a small group of people. I really like helping people and often times I stress myself out for absolutely no reason (and this has sadly lead to some health issues), and I put people above myself. I'm a picky person food wise, and I'm pretty messy with a low self esteem and I break down immediately apon being yelled at. I'm often known to stress myself out into a panic attack and I like soft and fuzzy things.
4. I like a person that's willing to be okay being away from a lot of people at one time, and I like someone who gives me cute small gifts, regardless of if they're hand made or not. I like a patient person who will understand I don't exactly have an off switch to my anxiety and will be there with me through it. And I like someone that I can have a fun time with, like running around at night or something. As for dislikes, I don't like someone that's incredibly picky and petty that has a high temper level. I don't like someone that forces me to do things and orders me around like some sort of maid, and nor do I like someone who constantly is on social media 24/7.
5. I can't stand Sebek, Leona, Vil, Vargas, Ace, and Ruggie.
6. I don't mind being shipped with the faculty (:
Thank you for your time, bestieeeee <3
Bestieeeee!! I'm so glad you joinedddd!!! I'm sure I got the perfect match for youuuu.
The fearsome but lonely dragon himself, MALLEUS DRACONIA!!
Being a nonhuman being to begin with, Malleus is a lot more draconic in my AU.
Malleus is really introverted himself, though that seems to be from how the people around him treat him. He doesn't have any friends and often doesn't get invited to things, so he's content to stay inside with you. He knows the dangers of stressing yourself out, so he wants to keep you as relaxed as possible. Sometimes using his tail to pull you into his arms for a hug. He's careful with his claws so that he won't nick you.
Also bring a dragon, he absolutely has a hoard of things that catch his eye. Shiny, beautiful things. Things that he may gift to you of he's interested in you. He'd also be able to protect you from the loud, rude people. Hell, Sebek would probably shit up if Malleus ordered him to. This dragon is so smitten with you and wants to make you happy.
The sound of her name being said in such a deep and gentle voice had Cyndy looking up from her work. She had been working hard on a new story, and Malleus almost felt bad for disturbing her. She needed a break though.
"I brought you up some tea," The dragon spoke, holding the mug carefully in his clawed hands. It should have burned him holding it like that, but the dark scales that covered his hands seemed to protect them from the heat. He carried the tea over to her, setting it down before sitting next to her.
Cyndy smiled softly, grateful that he was thinking about her this much, "Thank you so much, Housewarden!" She took the mug and gently blew on the tea before taking a sip.
"Malleus," He said, a small smile gracing his lips. "Please call me Malleus."
"Okay Malleus!!"
Over the next few months following that small gifts would find their way to Cyndy. Some would be left in front of her door or in her room. Though there were some that Malleus handed directly to Cyndy. Little trinkets and jewelry. She was so confused that she went to Lilia to ask him.
"Awww, that's so cute!" The Elder vampire cooed when she told him what his oldest son was doing. "He's courting you!!"
"Courting me?" She asked, confused. "You mean he's interested in me like that?"
Lilia nodded, "If you want to return his feelings, try giving him gifts back. Flowers work. So do any shiny things that dragons like."
So Cyndy started leaving gifts for her sweet, protective dragon. She would gift him flowers and shiny things she found. She even spent money on some jewelry made specifically to dangle off of horns.
He was pleased when she put it on his horns, wrapping his arms and wings around her, "I'm so happy you return my feelings."
She smiles back, leaning against his chest and relaxing to the sound of his rumbling dragon purrs, "And I hope I make you so much happier in the future."
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losthomunculus · 3 years
Online Safety Relevant to the Current State of the Internet
On twitter I made a tweet about how online safety lessons in school can be very out of touch but that the advice of people who are familiar with the current internet shouldn't be disregarded. So here's my informal collection of online safety tips
Sources: unrestricted internet access since elementary school (not recommended), being a formerly involuntarily home bound person for several years that amassed way too much online experience
This could possibly hold upsetting reminders to people who had bad experiences online including mentions of grooming and emotional manipulation so please proceed with caution!
Information Sharing
Make an online pseudonym for public profiles and websites.
Don’t feel like you have to list everything about you for the world to see.
Sometimes it’s not a question of “can this information be used to locate and identify me irl?”, but simply “do I want this information publicly available and linked to my online persona?”
Unlike offline, being online leaves a constant trail of who you were accessible at all times. People are constantly growing and changing. Try to limit the information you share so you can ditch that trail and start over if need be.
Sharing information with people you make friends with and trust is a judgement call on your part, but always be on the safe side and be protective of your information.
Start as cautious as possible with online safety. Any risks or judgement calls can come later when you are 1. aware of the risks, 2. ready to address them if they occur, and 3. have gathered plenty of information instead of doing something blindly and hoping for the best.
Do not share your triggers publicly, they can very easily be used against you. Instead use websites with a large amount of filtering options to curate your online experience. If you are going to share them, only do it privately with people you trust.
Importance of Boundaries
It doesn’t matter how mature you are, don’t enter age limited spaces you don’t qualify for. It’s disrespectful to the boundaries of the people who made that space. Boundaries like this exist for the comfort of both sides involved.
Just because you can “handle it” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Desensitization is not something to brag about.
Venting or making r18 posts as a minor on a public account is VERY dangerous. Intense emotional vulnerability is something manipulators will look for as a way to get to you. The same with sexual jokes to develop your comfort talking about those topics casually and eventually escalating the situation. If you are going to talk about such things please keep that in private conversations with people you trust in your age group.
Note the difference between public and private online space. Tweeting something on a public account is not the same as having a conversation in the cafeteria with your friends.
If an adult tries talking to you about r18, run the other way. Doesn’t matter how cool you are, it says something weird about THEM if they’re willing to talk to a minor about that stuff.
If someone( like 3+ years, honestly depends on how old you are) older than you wouldn't be comfortable saying what they're saying to you in front of other people (like a teacher or guardian), that's suspicious as hell. Run in the other direction.
The younger you are, the more age gaps matter. There's a bigger difference in development between a 13 year old and a 17 year old than there is between a 20 year old and a 24 year old. It helps to try to contextualize it with real people instead of numbers. Instead of thinking "oh just 4 years? that's not that weird" consider "oh. that would be like a freshman (13/14) dating a senior (17/18). yikes."
Be just as wary of people your own age talking about things that make you uncomfortable. Just like irl, sometimes you’ll meet people your age that are hurtful.
Friends complain to each other and talk about their issues, that alone is fine. But when people are doing it without permission, draw a line. When people are making it feel like you’re responsible for maintaining their mental health, you need to draw a line. When it starts to effect your mental health, PLEASE DRAW A LINE! I know it feels like your responsibility sometimes, but it’s not. You cannot be there for others if you’re not taking care of yourself first and foremost.
Don’t be afraid to block people. Even for petty reasons. It’s good to block people. Don’t force yourself to see stuff you don’t want to see.
Being Constantly Online
The 24 hour news cycle is not a good thing to follow 24/7. Taking social responsibility is a good thing, but your brain is NOT built to worry about every issue in the world at once. One strategy I use for staying sane is I try to only check the news once a day, and if something needs more attention to set aside an amount of time I’m going to focus on it before I need to take time to step back.
Touch grass. Not literally, unless you can in which case I highly suggest it, sometimes it’s just good to lay in a field. What I mean is you need to dedicate a good portion of your time to being offline (sleep does not count). What your offline time looks like is going to differ depending on your level of ability, but even if you are house bound it’s important to build some hobbies that don’t rely on the internet. Talking to people offline is also a good goal if possible, even just to your housemates.
Social etiquette greatly differs online and offline and sometimes the reminder that were all just Some People gets lost behind the numbers and the fabricated personas. Keep in mind the difference in how information is shared without forgetting that the fact we are all people remains the same.
Be generous with your etiquette. You will avoid a lot of stress if you conduct yourself with the same politeness you would have in an offline interaction. Master the art of "minding your own business" for your own sake.
Arguments and Competition
As soon as you can, you need to internalize the fact that leaving an argument is not losing.
It is inevitable you will be exposed to many people who disagree with you. Some people only want to argue to rile you up. Sometimes that’s not their intention, but it’s what they’re doing. You do not have to remain in conversation with people, especially if they’re not interested in actually coming to an understanding. Even if they are interested, sometimes they just suck!! Leave!! You can leave!!
On that note, sometimes you are going to get valid criticism and it’s going to hurt. That is part of learning. If someone says you messed up and did something hurtful, take a second to step back from your defensiveness and consider: intent ≠ effect. Apologize, repair what you can, and move forward with the ability to do better in the future. You’re going to mess up every once in awhile, it’s inevitable.
To summarize the past two points: don't waste your time on unnecessary hostility but don't close yourself into an echo chamber either. Debates should be about learning.
Sometimes people are not going to like you. This happens offline too but people tend to be a lot more blunt online. Sometimes people dislike you for no reason or for really petty reasons. That’s not your problem, move on.
Don’t actively seek out people you don’t like or who don’t like you to argue with. Whether or not your side is the “right side” doesn’t matter, it’s going to cause you so much unnecessary stress. Feel free to keep posting your opinions on your own profile but don’t seek out unnecessary conflict.
This is a different type of competition than previously mentioned, but be aware of the danger of comparing yourself to other people. Especially if you’re a creative or student, DO NOT GET SWEPT UP IN THE GRIND CULTURE. It’s more subtle in some places than others, but anytime you see the notion that you should be working yourself to the bone be VERY critical. Also be critical of any online cultures (such as gaming and art communities) that brag about unhealthy habits or act like it’s ~part of the culture~ (ex: all nighters, not taking breaks, getting hurt. Any activity that neglects health to work toward a goal).
Not just grind culture, any community of subculture that shares anti recovery sentiments is a huge red flag. Even if they're joking, it's not worth the risk of internalizing those statements.
Everyone’s social media presence is to some degree doctored because it’s a purposefully selected collection of what they allow you to see. It’s fine to like the persona you see being displayed, but never forget that it is not reflective of the entire person. Everyone online is JUST SOME PERSON. Do not forget that and start holding yourself to a standard you can’t even see every side of.
By posting online you are opening yourself to criticism. Whether or not it’s justified can vary, but either way it’s going to happen. Mute stuff, go private, disable comments, etc if you need to.
Misc Tidbits
these are technically just general info that is also good for offline but I have seen things that make me think people online need the extra reminder.
Learn what cults are, how they recruit, and what they do to their members. I'm not kidding. This is particularly relevant at the moment because of current societal unrest and widespread loneliness. No one is immune to cult propaganda, and not every cult is based on pre established religion or family. Many exist ONLINE and are able to manipulate people without ever meeting face to face. (learn more: Loneliness as a Pandemic: The Dangers of Online Cult
Familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of pseudoscience and then learn how to identify pseudoscience. (learn more: Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8)
Q. How do I know if a source is reliable?
Final Thoughts
It's important people of ALL ages learn these lessons, because the internet is constantly changing and we are all vulnerable when in the presence of other people.
Be cautious and stay safe
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imtooscaredforthis · 3 years
Unknown Caller
Ghostface x Reader Smut
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Summary: Late at night, you start getting texts from the serial killer and your stalker, Ghostface.
Mentions of: Threats, Death, Stabbing, Sexting, Phone sex, Knife play, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Recording w/out Consent and Danny being super horny
Word Count: 2.4K
With an exhausted groan, you collapsed back onto your bed, letting the mattress suck you in. It had been yet another long, shitty work day, leaving you mentally drained and wanting to sleep.
The only thing that kept you from sleeping was how gross, sticky, and sweaty you felt from walking around in that shitty waitress uniform. It was a summer day in Florida, after all. Of course you would be burning your ass off. And somehow, the urge to take a shower overpowered your fatigue.
So after an extra moment or two of laying down, you got up, grabbing your phone and a towel, heading into the bathroom and locking the door behind you, just in case any unwelcome visitors came in. You knew exactly who that visitor was.
You tried to shake the thought of the masked murderer, not even daring to think his name. The last thing you needed tonight was having him come around. Maybe he would just give you a break for once and leave you alone. Maybe…
Sighing, you tapped at your phone, playing some music and stripping down. Stepping into the shower, you turned the heat all the way up, letting the hot water pour down onto your skin until it turned red. You washed off all the stress and trouble from the day, finally being able to relax.
Once you got out of the shower, you slipped on a black lacy bra with matching panties, using a robe to cover it up. You had grown used to spending the nights alone, with no one to take home, no friends to speak with.
You lost them all, since they all thought you were being crazy and paranoid about being stalked by Ghostface. Even after one of your dear friends died, (the only one who believed you) they still thought you were crazy. In fact, they thought you killed him. And the cops were no help either, thinking all the threats were just some prankster or copycat.
So now, here you sat on your bed, scrolling through social media, when you got a text.
Unknown: Evening, gorgeous
You stared at the message blankly, feeling your heart drop in your stomach. It was him.
You cast a protective glance over at your bedroom window, which had the curtains drawn and the blinds shut, as an attempt of giving yourself some sort of privacy from the stalker. Was he out there? Waiting outside the window to peek, or behind your door to jump out at you. Even though he’s been doing this for a while, you’d still never get used to it.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you began to type up a message to respond to him. You learned the hard way to answer his texts and calls.
(Y/N): What do you want to torture me with now?
Even though you were still quite afraid of the killer, there were times where you found him a complete nuisance, and got the guts to told him. This was one of those times.
Unknown: C’mon, don’t be like that. I have fun with the games we play. But I want to try something different tonight.
(Y/N): Like what?
Unknown: Like how I can see what you’re wearing and can’t help but wonder if you put all of that on just for me
You felt your face go a bright red, looking around and grabbing the hem over your robe, moving it over, attempting to cover up your body.
Unknown: There’s no use in covering it up now, I’ve already seen everything and it’s gotten me so hard
Looking at the text, you blinked a few times, making sure this was real. Maybe it was just some weird sex dream. You pinched yourself. Nope. This was real. The feared serial killer of Roseville was sexting you.
Unknown: You look so cute like that, all surprised and scared, it makes me want to cut you up and fuck you until you can’t walk.
Unknown: You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
Your mouth went dry as you tried to think of something to text him back with, your body running hot with arousal. You can’t believe this is turning you on. It really shouldn’t be.
Unknown: There’s no need to be so shy, (y/n). You know we can be honest with each other.
(Y/N): Yes I would
Unknown: Good girl
Unknown: My cock is just throbbing thinking about how nice and tight you would be, how good you would squeeze me, how I’d love to fill you up with my cum. And you’d love every second of it, wouldn’t you, baby?
(Y/N): Fuck yes
You rubbed your thighs together, feeling how drenched you were getting, a silent moan leaving your lips, not even realizing he was paying attention to every little detail.
Unknown: Shit, that was so hot. I’m really turning you on, aren’t I?
Unknown: You want to touch yourself don’t you? Want to get off on the dirty things I’m telling you? Well you can’t. Not unless you beg for it like a good girl.
You would object, but you knew you were too far in to stop yourself. It had been quite a long time since you had done something like this, and a part of you felt desperate. So, you did it. You begged.
(Y/N): Please, Ghostface. Please let me touch myself.
Unknown: Good. Go ahead, but take off that robe. You won’t be needing it.
Moving your arm out, you shrugged the robe off your shoulders, spreading your legs ever so slightly. Might as well give him a show.
You ran your hand down your stomach, moving it down to your hips, and then your thigh, while your other hand stayed high on your chest, running your finger over your clothed nipple. After a moment or two, you dipped your finger under the fabric, running it up and down your drenched slit. You played with your clit, leaning back and moaning softly.
Unknown: Fuck, I just want to run my knife all over the curves of your body
Unknown: Put two fingers in
You did as told, pushing two fingers into your opening, thrusting them in slowly. You didn’t even notice the distant flash of a camera recording you peeking out from behind your window.
You shut your eyes, biting your lip and arching your back, as you began to pick up the pace. The sound of your phone chiming managed to make you open your eyes, and snap out of your little fantasy, looking down at your phone.
Unknown: You look so fucking hot right now, I want to come in there and ruin you
(Y/N): Why don’t you?
Unknown: It’s tempting, but I need to do one thing first.
Unknown Number is calling…
You picked up, slowing your fingers. “Why’d you- why’d you stop?” He questioned between groans, his voice strained. So he was touching himself too.
“I didn’t know if you wanted me to-”
“Keep on going. Don’t stop. Add a finger.” He instructed.
An image of Ghostface stroking himself popped into your mind, making you pick up the pace. A string of mewls and whimpers left your mouth as you went even faster, feeling yourself grow close.
“You sound- shit, so nice babe. Makes me want to- even more-”
“Fuck, I’m g-going to- ah” Your body froze up, feeling yourself clench around your fingers.
It seemed like he was close too, considering how much he was panting, low groans and grunts. There was a brief silence on the other line, and you wondered if he hung up on you. But then, he spoke. “I’m coming in.”
He ended the call and you felt your heart leap in excitement, calming down from your high, and preparing for him to come in. You looked from the window to the door, wondering where he’d be entering.
A few minutes went by, and he still hadn’t shown up. A part of you wondered if this was some sort of sick game to humiliate you. If he was just going to leave you all alone.
“Miss me?” A familiar voice whispered into your ear, making you jump.
“Jesus don’t scare me like that.” You muttered, turning to face him.
“Why so grumpy? Is it because I kept you waiting? So impatient, so needy. I love it.” He grasped your chin, tilting your head and making you look up at him. He ran a gloved finger over your lips, tracing your cupid’s bow.
You felt your body grow hot at the contact, your thighs clenching together. He noticed, moving his hand away to finally give you what you so desperately craved. Grabbing your shoulders, he pushed you down on the bed, straddling you.
Slowly, he ran his knife over your skin, tracing it from your throat, down to your collar bones, and to your chest. It seemed he was being merciful tonight, because you could barely feel the blade against your skin, only a light tickle.
Moving his weapon to the middle of your chest, Ghostface sliced open your brassiere, splitting it in half and revealing your breasts. Well, there went your good underwear.
He ran his finger over your nipple, watching it harden under his touch, pinching it softly. The killer studied your expressions closely, taking in every single detail. The way your lips parted slightly, the way your cheeks heated up, and the way your eyebrows knitted together. God, you were so adorable.
Ghostface shifted his attention to your panties, cutting them off on the side, and pulling them down to your ankles slowly. He moved his hand back up to your opening, running his finger up your wet slit, feeling how soaked it was.
“So wet, all for me? I must’ve really left you waiting. Guess I better get to it then, huh?” His voice was smug, low, and full of mischief. You knew he was playing with you.
He rutted against his hips against you, making you whimper slightly. You knew he wouldn’t do anything, until you said it. “Please, fuck me, Ghostface.”
You felt your eyes widen at his words. “What?”
“Call me Danny.” In all the time that you had known him, you never got a name out of him. But he was telling you it now. Why? Why was he doing this?
You were too busy processing what just happened to notice the sound of his buckle clicking, and his knife dropping onto the floor, while he was now holding his phone instead. The flash of a camera burned into your eyes, making you look up at him and snap out of your thoughts.
“What’re you doing?” You asked, squinting at the light and covering your eyes with one hand trying to hide the glare.
“Makin a little movie.” He grabbed your hands with his free one, moving them from your face and pinning them above your head. “And you’re the star. Aren’t you excited?”
“I- shit-” Before you could even respond to what he was saying, you felt his cock press up against your soaked folds.
He moved his camera down to your breasts, watching your chest heave, before moving it back up to your face. “Now what’s the magic word? C’mon, you know what to say. You’ve been saying it all night.”
“Please, Danny.” You begged, bucking your hips up against his hardened member. “Please what?”
“Please just fuck me.” You rolled your head against the pillow. He was driving you crazy at this point with how much he was teasing you and making you beg.
Finally, he gave you what you had grown desperate for, entering you with a rough thrust. It was painful at first, the killer not showing any mercy, but you forced yourself to grow used to it.
You moaned out, the feeling of fulfillment overcoming your already sensitive hole. You arched your back, grabbing onto his forearm, digging your nails into his muscle under his robe.
Tears began to stream down your face as you babbled, incoherent words slipping from your lips. It was too good, and you couldn’t think of something, anything, to say to describe it. He was fucking you stupid.
He zoomed in on your tears, watching as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Damn, baby. Is it really that good? Do you love getting fucked by my cock that much?”
You didn’t speak, not even sure if you could. He pinched your nipple, making you yelp. “Y-yes! Its- it’s so g-good.”
Danny moved his free hand to your clit, thrusting even deeper, until he hit just at the right spot. You cried out, clenching around him. Moaning out for him to please never stop, to keep going.
“Oh baby, you think I could stop? Not with the way you’re clenching around and calling out my name, begging for- shit.” He grunted, feeling your walls begin to massage him, you were getting close. And so was he.
He nestled his head into the crook of your neck and shoulder, pulling his mask up his face, and biting down, breaking your skin and drawing your blood, his movements growing even harsher. While you dug your nails into his back, reaching your orgasm, Danny not too far behind.
The half-masked killer wiped the blood from his lips, grinning down at you. “There, I marked you as mine. You’re my little slut, got it? Say it.”
You nodded, eyes still shut, your mouth open with only moans and gasps escaping. You forced yourself to speak, voice all hoarse and raw. “I’m your slut, Ghostface- Danny- whatever, I’m all yours.”
“That’s it. Such a good girl. Fuck-” His thrusts grew sloppy, and he rubbed at your clit even harder, making you climax once again with him. He pulled out, releasing on your stomach, and ending the video.
He pressed a rough kiss to your lips, before readjusting his mask, cleaning himself off, and fixing his clothes up. All the while you laid there, nude, panting, and coming down from the intense high you just had. You felt another flash blind your eyes, and the sound of a camera clicking, knowing he just took another picture.
Moving aside your curtains and blinds, Ghostface unlocked your window, pulling it up and stepping through. “This was fun. Let’s do it again sometime. See you soon.”
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parkers-gal · 4 years
requests | closed to complete current requests <3
last updated | aug 5th, 2021
do not repost my work anywhere !! respect this please. | fics are not ordered in any particular way. these headers are mine so pls don’t use/take them
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tom holland
insomnia - reader can’t get to sleep; tom finds out why
driving in the rain - fluffy dinner date and rainy drive back home
workouts and warmth - when all tom wants is some after-workout cuddles
from across the living room - announcing your engagement to your families
the one - you want to move out and get your own place as a couple, but tom doesn’t. nikki talks to him. 
anything for the twins - tom massages reader’s boobies during her period
moms, makeouts, and mishaps - nikki walks in during your makeout sesh
simple acts of intimacy - a fluffy 3.1k words worth of blurbs
silver surprises - the reader surprises tom at a premiere
twenty questions - questions ensue after tom & reader get stuck in an elevator
my gut - spinoff of twenty questions with claustrophobic!reader (tw/ anxiety + attacks)
stealth mode - tom & reader scaring each other
unicorns vs pegasuses - tom shuts the reader up by kissing them
a good story - tom meets reader at a meet & greet — friendships blossom to lovers
deal breaker - tom wants kids, but the reader does not
his lap - reader asks for help in overcoming an insecurity; tom misreads the situation
pool day - pool day w/ tom + the boys
hot - the reader picks a certain song that reminds her of tom - the boys go wild
grounded by rocks - tom talks about you in an interview for cherry
your hands - when all he wants is a simple head massage
late flights - in which tom takes too much time with the fans
nobody wanted to - where only one person makes it out alive
way more than 50 - the hollands trick the reader into thinking they did something they weren’t supposed to 
why [ pt ii ] - sweet cupcakes, and a not so sweet breakup
what looks suspicious - nikki doesn’t exactly approve of tom dating the reader
something sweet - reader drops off small gifts while tom’s on set
he remembers - when tom finds the letter
missed you - reuniting w/tom after four long months
soft gangsta - tom tries to dress edgy; the reader is unconvinced
the shoe game - reader & tom play the shoe game at their wedding
too much - when the reader has a rough time with work, tom comforts them
losing grip [ pt ii ] - a losing battle between the reader and a hereditary disease causes heartbreak
your captain america - protective!tom holland of young reader (age gap)
sexy genius - reader is a fan of (and meets) jake gyllenhaal
teddy bear cuddles - tom wears an oversized hoodie
nonsense - the boys think the reader is meddling with tom’s work
circles before yourself - rule #2 - osterfield!reader gets caught with tom
seventeen times - when the reader is having a hard time in lock down, tom tries to help (TW // depression)
pixie dust hair - tom assures insecure!reader that the pixie haircut looks good <3
a few more months - reader passes out during a run; tw // excessive exercising
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tiktok au’s
body ody ody - tom gets a little jealous over a few social media comments 
sweats in the supermarket - getting tom hard when he wears sweats
put your records on - trying not to kiss each other first
mood killer - saying dirty things into tom’s ear
say it back - pranking tom by not saying ily back to him
two different ways - tom choking the reader to get two different reactions 
brutal - doing the “did you mean to post this?” trend on tom 
worst thirty minutes of my life - playing a drinking game with tom to see who gives into cuddles first
my girl’s cuddles - crawling into tom’s lap 
even - buying hot leggings & taping tom’s reaction 
goofball - a silly way to reveal reader’s pregnancy to tom 
end the debate - “i found out why my boobs are small” trend
slam the car door - doing the car door prank on tom 
water bottle wars - the boys ask you and tom questions about each other. wrong answers result in sprayed water 
get you back real good - you & the boys prank tom after watching a scary movie 
peachy - sighing / moaning in front of tom playing video games to get his reaction
my princess - tom does a tiktok where he guesses all your answers to everyday questions
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needles and needs - when scarlet has to get shots, you realize she may not be the only one that needs comforting
all my girls - scarlet meets her baby sister for the first time (dad!tom)
everything i love about u - tom is afraid baby red might hate him for leaving home too much
a little extra help - stepdad!tom being the best dad to your daughter
through the tears - pregnant!reader goes into labour, and baby holland meets the family
first feed - tom watches you breastfeed for the first time
warmth from the love - baby holland’s first Christmas
first words - baby holland speaks for the first time
breaking the internet - when your pregnancy announcement crashes multiple apps/websites (pregnant!reader)
breaking the internet... again - when baby holland breaks the internet
boyfriends and brunch - when jade brings home her boyfriend (aged!up)
big sister + how are babies made - telling scarlet about the baby on the way (pregnant!reader)
too many kids - the reader’s dad has some commentary about the twins
mumma’s girl - tom gets jealous when scarlet isn’t a daddy’s girl
angels - a little skin to skin time with his best girl
family man - after a nasty breakup, tom finds out you had his child
cheesy uncles - telling paddy he’s going to be an uncle
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ag!reader (more to come !!)
y’all really get nasty - tom and the fans discuss ag!reader’s songs
my favorite things - ag!reader performs in front of the mcu cast at the grammy’s
34 + 35 - the boys react to reader’s new song(s)
34 + 35 remix - the boys reacting to the remix
his remedy - the boys react to positions deluxe
neglected - AG!reader breaks up w tom because of their job; tom searches for answers
low-key wants him - reader talks about how much nonna (+ her fam) loves tom
see u soon - reader interacts with tom while on stage for the swt
a few spilled secrets - AG!reader performs on jimmy fallon’s show.. tom and her confess a few secrets
for the first time - when the reader breaks down crying while singing about her ex, tom is there to comfort her
dance with me, rain on me - reader has a hard time on set, tom to the rescue
every tomorrow - the first album release night after your breakup
here we go again - introducing tom (+ the boys) to your celebrity friends
condoms or safety nets - the boys react to AG!reader’s song “safety net”
we’re not engaged - AG!reader announcing to the world why they no longer have a fiance... (fluffy)
the late late show - AG!reader & tom do spill your guts or fill your guts
pain from pleasure - dad!tom goes through a birth simulator — controlled by the reader
never have i ever - tom & the reader play a game on the late late show
fluffy hair - ag!reader has a zoom interview with zach sang. tom makes an appearance
fighting off the haters - ag!reader and older!tom holland (age gap) attend an award show after going public
run your hands thru my hair - tom reacts to ag!reader’s song “my hair”
stick to acting - tom tries to make a beat for ag!reader
practically twins - reader meets sebastian & anthony at comic con
damn lucky - black!reader wears her hair naturally during an interview
what a piece - reader talks about tom related songs & tattoos
flip it - tom talks about reader in an interview
at the door - older!reader & tom fight off haters
a headcannon of ag!reader being a marvel cast member
a headcannon of tom & the reader attending the avengers endgame premiere
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styles!reader (more to come !!)
bathroom kisses - makeout sessions with tom and styles!reader in the bathroom
yeah, he is - tom holland x styles!reader meet the styles family; protective older brother harry makes an appearance
unparalleled love - older brother harry styles makes a speech at reader’s wedding
grilled - date night for tom & styles!reader is a bit difficult with two kids; older brother!harry to the rescue
baby showers and brothers - dad!tom & styles!reader are going to be parents
potential boyfriend - tom has a crush on the reader when they first meet
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ts!reader (more to come!!)
trust me - tom & the reader defend her after nikki doesn’t approve
your london boy - tom & co. + the world reacts to “london boy”
boy of my dreams - tom being proud of the reader for winning a grammy
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tom records your sounds during sex for his music (hc)
tom talks about you in an interview
concepts: one , two , three
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my pretty girl - tom gets jealous when reader gets many valentines
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other reader tropes
cherry - reader is a screenwriter for tom’s upcoming movie
no shouting - singer!reader needs some help after paparazzis are too much (based on a video of tom)
pregnancy belly - actress!reader has to wear a pregnancy belly for her role, and the boys tease tom about when it’ll be real
we march - actress!reader being a huge feminist
passions & pediatricians - pediatrician-to-be!reader meets tom
politics - reader’s granpa is joe biden (requested) and tom meets him
extra support - psychiatrist!reader helps tom on the set of cherry
you made it big - tom holland x actress!reader at the after party
partition - the boys react to famous!reader singing partition
senorita - singer!reader makes a music video with shawn, who’s tom’s new best friend
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boomerang: one , two , three , four [completed]
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peter parker
making amends
➢ enemies to lovers ; college!peter x super soldier!reader ; 30k words ; sorta slow burn
cheeky guy, favorite thighs - college!peter doing a tik tok challenge — between the reader’s thighs [tik tok au]
a little nicer - doing the prank on peter (”you could’ve been a little nicer to me today”)
start searching - first make out sessions with our best boy :)
hidden hickeys - the avengers think innocence of peter, until they’re proven wrong
the team - part two of hidden hickeys; reader meets the avengers
all of you - late night talks about your future with peter :’)
like you wouldn’t believe - reader tells mj about her & peter’s awesome sex
slip from my hands - roommate!peter comforts the reader after a nightmare
i’d wait for her - college!peter parker needs to come to terms with you and your boyfriend
shut up and kiss me - soft make out sessions with peter :)
all the good things in the world, and i get you - insecure!reader needs a little reassuring 
modern chivalry - peter being a gentleman on the subway
eggnog and mistletoe - peter helps you love the holidays
the force awakens? it sleeps - a little extra comfort & care from our favorite baby boyfriend 
a prince - wonder woman!reader meets spider-man (& avengers) in a mission
steve rogers fics - peter finds you reading fanfiction abt steve rogers
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fanboys and bracelets - fanboy!peter parker goes to famous!singer!reader’s meet and greet
fanboys and phone numbers - fanboy!peter parker continuation 
showing around - fanboy!peter gets VIP access; some dancing ensues
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stark!reader + avengers!reader
if you knew feelings - the avengers want you & peter to break up
sleeping - peter misinterprets a few important questions
the may to your ben - college!best friend!peter parker x stark!reader fluff
race ya - peter confesses his feelings for rogers!reader after a mission — on comms
frat bathrooms - stark!reader joins the avengers where she sees college!peter, the boy she slept with at a frat party
rainy days - reader doesn’t like rainy days, a certain wall-climber changes their mind
already got her - jealous!peter makes a public confession
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a nervous one - flustered!peter parker sees cheerleader!reader in her uniform
one day soon - flustered!peter parker x affectionate!reader
all better - flustered!peter parker does some lab flirting with reader
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dad!peter + pregnant!reader
unplanned  [ part ii ] - reader gets pregnant... breaks up with peter to avoid it all
burrito wraps - reader worries that baby parker might be cold
a name to remember - latine!reader & peter give their girl a special name
you’re magic - a certain wall crawler hears two heartbeats
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sgt. bucky barnes
first cuddles - bucky asks to cuddle for the first time
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harry holland
golden light, the love of my life - the boys tease harry —on a live video— for being whipped
it won’t f^cking open - harry lends a helping hand
how much i - those three magical words are exchanged for the first time
cuddly koala moments - time the reader just needed harry’s warmth
anything for hands - the reader cuts harry’s hair on instagram live
your other best friend - the reader is sam’s new friend, but harry thinks they like tom instead
you’re my anchor - harry has an anxiety attack, but the reader knows what to do
what’s his [ pt ii ] - when everything thinks the reader should date tom instead, harry snaps
whipped fries - harry brags about the reader winning the pub quiz for them
tell me, show me - the reader makes harry flustered by playing w/the strings from his sweatpants
keep your cool - tom setting u up with his brother // nikki being wary
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you’re such a dream to me — ag!reader writes r.e.m. about harry
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harry styles
intoxicating - soft bubbles baths with long haired!harry 
frayed braids - reader braids long haired!harry’s hair
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harrison osterfield
not anymore - when harrison comes back from filming, he’s determed to win the reader’s heart
irreversible - when relationships fall apart, people fall apart. (infidelity)
circles before yourselves - rule #1  - harrison x osterfield!reader (sister) when brothers talk, bad things begin
think of her - harrison asks your family for their blessing [holland!sister]
steve harrington
together not never - steve discovers the reader is pregnant
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
bittersweet ☆
possessive!rafe x plus!sized reader.
warnings: crazy rafe, possessive and obsessive behavior, swearing, underage drinking, reader gets hurt, physical fight, ect.
words: 2,167.
summary: you went to a local party by the beach when rafes unstable side peeked out. jj maybank finds you alone, and decides to talk to you. rafe gets possessive and upset, thinking that jj was hitting on you.
request?: no :)
a/n: i’m working on requests but since my computer is down it’s taking longer because i hate typing on my phone especially because tumblr always deletes what i’ve written. i’m hopeful that my computer will be fixed by tomorrow, until then i’ll try and produce a few stories since i’ve been MIA for a few days. remember to like and comment if you enjoy this! <3
my masterlist
“please just come with me.” rafe frowned as he sat on your porch pleading to you, telling you why you should go to a beach party with him. “why rafe?” you frown, not in a partying mood. instead, you would much rather stay home and do a movie marathon. “please baby, i swear i’ll make it up to you.” you roll your eyes at his begging. “fine, but only because you are so cute.” his eyes sparkle as a smile lifts on his lips, you pull him into a quick kiss.
you walk back inside to get dressed for the bonfire. rafe was wearing blue and orange, and you wanted to match him. so, you grabbed a pair of dark blue ripped jean shorts, and an orange v-neck. you apply some perfume and jewelry before putting on some shoes. just as you were finishing up, rafe walked into your room smirking. “awh, you wanted to match with me.” he smiled. despite you knowing his look was filled with adoration you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his long glance. “obviously, don’t you want people to know i’m yours?” you question him, waiting for his response. “well, matching clothes won’t change anything. everyone already knows.” you nod smiling before pulling him into a kiss.
once you pull away from the kiss, he grabs your hand and leads you to the car as he drives to the beach. his hand finding its way on your thigh; gripping it tightly. while he drove to the beach, you paid close attention to your phone, checking social media for any major updates. rafes grasp on your thigh loosened as the car came to a halt. you were parked on the beach, the sun was already setting.
you both exit the car, rafe swiftly moving from his side of the car to yours. “thank you for coming with me.” his hand finds yours, pulling them together. “of course, i love hanging out with you.” he lets go of your hand, and moves his arm to hold closely around your waist. the two of you begin to walk towards the already drunken teen filled beach.
you frown at the amount of trash that litters the sand. you stay close to rafe, as he approaches topper and kelce. “hey guys.” you say to them to make conversation. they nod in your direction, acknowledging you before their attention turns towards rafe again. you don’t pay any mind to what the boys are discussing. after a while you become bored, so you slowly slip out of rafes arm to go get a drink. “i’m going to go get a drink, do you want one?” you ask rafe, and he glances at you smiling. “yes please, thanks baby.” you lean in for a quick kiss before leaving to go get drinks. you weren’t a heavy drinker, always scared of what you would say or do under the influence, so you grab yourself a water and grab a beer for rafe.
you return to the spot you were in earlier, but it’s now vacant. rafe, topper, and kelce all leaving you behind. you frown, looking around for them but coming up short. you had no idea where they could be since this beach was huge. you don’t bother wasting your time looking for them, instead you start to head for the bonfire.
you weren’t surprised that rafe had left you all alone. this always happened. he would beg you to go to something, just to abandon you half way through it. it didn’t bother you, it just worried you, scared of what he was doing without you.
once you arrived at the bonfire, you decided to down the drink once made for rafe, the beer stinging your throat. you drank three more chugs before drinking water as well. it doesn’t take long for the alcohol to come into effect. you knew it had clouded your judgement when you were laughing at jj maybanks jokes of all people. “i’m telling you, these people were fucking crazy.” you giggled as he made exaggerated reactions. “you’re telling me! that sounds scary as fuck. i wouldn’t have survived.” he shook his head looking down at you, “i’m sure you would have figured something out.” you nod at him.
“have you seen those dudes since?” you ask, intrigued by his story. “actually, yeah. their story isn’t the brightest… sheriff told me that they-” his voice cut off as he made a slicing noise above his throat. your eyes widened in shock. “oh my god! really??” you grab his arm, “what if they came back for you! bro no way…” your heart rate quickens at the thought of evil men chasing random kids. “no, i know right, scary as shit. i guess it’s bittersweet because they died, but now they aren’t after us anymore.” he shrugs, sipping his red solo cup. “i guess. it’s still scary. so many people are unexpectedly dying nowadays, i definitely-” you were interrupted as rafe put an arm around you, eyeing jj up and down.
“continue baby, what were you saying?” rafe asked, smiling at you for a split second before it disappeared when his eyes focused on jj again. “oh we were just talking about bad men, and how this town is scarier than it used to be.” he nods at you. “jj what are you doing talking to my girl?” jj stands up straighter, “why do you care? do you own her or something?” rafe scoffed, “yes.” the confusion on your face was evident and jj was quick on acknowledging it. “oh really? by the look on her face, she doesn’t agree.” he glances at you, but you have quickly recovered. “what are you talking about maybank?” you interrupted the two immediately not wanting a fight to break out. “i was just talking to jj because he had a funny story. it wasn’t anything like that, i swear babe.” you words slurred together and it was evident you weren’t in the right headspace.
rafes eyes widened as he fully realized that you were so intoxicated that you had no idea what was going on, “what the fuck maybank? you got her drunk for what? you trying to fuck her?” jj couldn’t believe rafes nerve. “one, she was drunk when she came up to me, and two, i don’t need to fuck her, i already have.” your heart dropped at jj's confession.
“maybank, do you want to take that back?” you could tell rafe was trying to give jj a chance to redeem himself before all hell breaks loose. your hand tightened on rafes bicep trying to get him to move on, but he wouldn’t budge. “can't take back what’s already happened.” jj shrugged again, smirking.
rafe was the first one to throw a punch, you stumbled back as he had pushed you away. with your luck, your head had landed right against the beverage table, scratching the side of your face from your temple to the side of your cheek. you hiss in pain, moving your fingers to feel it. when you retreat your hand you see it covered in blood. you groan in pain, hissing as the cool air makes it sting.
you clumsy stand up, looking ahead to see rafe and jj were still fighting. “rafe!” you weakly call out, but he was stuck in his own little bubble as he pounded his fists against jjs face. you stumble away, walking far from the beach. you were too tired to even try to process what was going on. the yelling behind you quietly faded as you made your way farther along the beach.
not even a minute later you hear rafe running after you. “what rafe?” you ask, but your back is still turned to him. “baby, please just- i’m sorry okay. i, i don’t know. i was just scared he’d take you from me. i don’t want to lose you, you are all i have. you mean too much to me for some pogue to take.” his rambling only pissed you off more. “rafe, please. i have a headache, all i want is to go home.” you frown.
his eyes moved from the sand up to your face, surprised by the huge gash on your face that was oozing blood. “baby?! who did this to you?” you couldn’t contain your anger any longer. you used all your strength, pushing his shoulders back. “you did! you fucking asshole.” the fact that he didn’t even budge from the push you sent his way, pissed you off even more. “baby, i, you know i would never do anything to intentionally hurt you?” your silence only scared him even more.
“baby, i wouldn’t- i didn’t mean to hurt you.” his breathing was heavy as the realization hit him. he had undeniably hurt you, and he had undoubtedly lost you. “no, because this can’t be happening. i can't lose you. baby, i- it was an accident. please, you gotta understand i didn’t want to hurt you, it was just jj fucking all over you, and the way he tried to claim you, saying he already had you, it just- the anger i couldn’t even hold myself back.” you nod at his words. “rafe i understand that. i, just. i don’t want this. do you think i want you to assault every guy who even looks at me? it makes me feel like shit. do you know how shitty it makes me feel? that you think i would chose anyone else when i have you. it hurts to know that you think i’m not loyal enough.” you frown, tears easily falling out of your eyes.
“baby- it’s not you i’m worried about.” you nod, “i know… it just doesn’t feel that way.” he goes to speak again but you quickly interrupt him. “can we please continue this at your house? my head seriously hurts.” his eyes soften, his hand cupping your cheek. he hesitated before he pulled you into a kiss, when you kissed him back he could feel his smile come back. “rafe.” you say again, before pointing to your head. “right baby, i’m sorry. let's go.” you nod.
he walks you to his car, opening the door for you before you hop in. he puts your seatbelt on for you. his protective side shining through once again. he walks around, before hopping in himself. he starts the car. “seatbelt…?.” you question. he laughs quietly. “of course, baby.” you nod as he puts his seatbelt on. his hand reached for your thigh again, before he drove the two of you to his house.
when you arrived, your head was pounding. you could feel it throbbing, the blood dripping onto your orange v neck. you frown at the sight. the two of you walk inside, and he immediately pulls you into his room, placing you on the edge of his bed. he runs to his bathroom grabbing a table cloth and the first aid kit.
he opens the first aid kit, placing it beside you. he takes the wet washcloth, wiping away the blood. after cleaning it, he added antibacterial cream, and then covered it in gauze. he kissed the bandage covering it before walking to his closet.
“here. wear this, and i’ll wash your t-shirt.” you nod, “thank you rafe.” he turns around and you swiftly change your t-shirt. he turns around, his heart hammering inside his chest, still scared about where you stood.
“rafe. i don’t want to lose you. i love you a lot, but i don’t want to continue this if every time a guy looks at me funny, you beat him up. i appreciate you protecting me, but they aren’t worth it.” he nods, soaking up every word. “if you can promise me that you won’t fight random people anymore, then i think we can work this out, and work through this.” he smiles softly, “is that a deal?” you ask. “of course baby. i promise i won’t fight anyone unless they really deserve it.” you roll your eyes, “fine. that’s good enough; but please, let’s hope it doesn’t get too bad.” he laughs, “let’s hope.” you grab his hands, realizing they were quite bruised. “let’s ice these.” he follows you to the kitchen, as you prepare an ice pack.
once the ice pack is ready, you place it on one hand, the other is intently grabbing your thigh. “baby you don’t have to do all this.” he reached for the ice and you lightly pushed his hand away. “you fixed me up, let me fix you up.” he sat back and watched as you cared for his bruises. rafe was glad he didn’t lose you, and he was glad you were still there with him. having you so close to him made him realize he couldn’t sacrifice anything to lose you. he kissed your bandages once more before you two prepared for bed and started to comfortably cuddle together.
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