#please help my son is starving and we have no heat
silverjirachi · 9 months
i’m like if one of those pathetic little white ladies from the crappy mobile game ads was also a dude
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emanshaaban · 10 days
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
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We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk
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which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine.
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Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom.
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My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
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Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31 )
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romysradio · 8 months
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Look How Far We've Come - J.S.
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summary - Y/N recalls the time she told Jake he was going to be a father
warnings - fluff, language, pregnancy, near-labor, use of Y/N
wc - 2.3k
A/N - Sorry about the wait! Here is part 2 of this. I am open to doing a part 3, or basically anything with the two of them "telling" the rest of the group. Leave a comment or send something to my inbox if there's anything you want to see from me/with these two! Also Bradley isn't even in this technically, but in this au he is a major himbo if that wasn't obvious already, but we love him. Okay, happy reading!!!
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The mini fan Jake had packed was propped up on the side table, blowing a weak stream of air your way but doing absolutely nothing to lessen the sweltering August heat. Huffing loudly, you stopped bouncing on the exercise ball and used your forearm to wipe the sweat from your forehead. 
A hum of satisfaction drew your attention to Jake, who was lounging on the hospital bed eating a sandwich he packed before you guys left. Another noise left his mouth as he took another bite, completely oblivious to the murderous glare you were sending his way.
“Ya know, you have an awful lot of trust in the idea that I won’t come over there and smother you and that damn sandwich with a pillow.” Jake’s eyes widened and his chewing halted at your threat, before a smug grin took over his face.
 “Now darlin’, I don’t know about the pillow, but I’ll let you smother me with somethin’ else if you want,” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You stared at him, your face deadpan, before pulling a hair elastic off your wrist and slingshotting it at his forehead.
“Hey! Don’t damage government property!” He whined, rubbing where the elastic hit him. 
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever. Come help me up so I can go sit on my hospital bed.” Jake quickly placed the sandwich on the table next to the fan before rushing over to your side. Grabbing your outstretched hands, he slowly pulled you up off the ball before helping you waddle over to the bed.
With Jake’s help, you eased yourself onto the bed, sitting cross-legged rubbing your rounded belly. Your stomach growled, hunger overtaking your senses. You hadn’t been allowed to eat anything since you were admitted that morning, but seeing as you had been in labor for eight hours since then, you were absolutely starving. Moving ever so slowly, you reached over to the side table, picking up Jake’s half-eaten sandwich as he dug through your hospital bag. 
“Here, I got you–Woah, woah, woah. Hand over the sandwich, little lady.” Damn it.
You froze, sandwich halfway to your mouth. Jake’s outstretched hand motioned for you to give it up, and you sighed, placing the sandwich in his palm. “But Jaaaaake, I’m starving.” You whined irritably. 
“Hi, Starving, I’m Dad.” He winked.
If looks could kill, Jake Seresin’s body would be unidentifiable, yet the look on your face did nothing to wipe the goofy grin off his face. His green eyes sparkled with mischief, absolutely delighted with himself. You hoped your son got his eyes. And that sweet Seresin smile. You fought off a small grin, and groaned, “Can you please just tell your son to stop taking his sweet time so that I can finally eat something?”
Jake pulled one of the chairs up to the edge of the bed before leaning over and gently cradling your bump. Nine months in and you still got butterflies at the feeling of his big, warm hands on your stomach. 
You always knew you wanted children someday, and while these were certainly not the circumstances you had always envisioned, the thought of a little tiny baby, half-you and half-Jake Seresin, made your heart squeeze.
As he pressed kisses and mumbled words to your hospital gown-covered belly, you delicately carded your fingers through his soft blond hair. Everything about your pregnancy felt like a whirlwind. The past nine months had flown by, riddled with anxiety about motherhood and what life would look like after the baby arrived, but right now, with Jake right next to you, you felt oddly at peace. You couldn’t help but think back to how stressed and anxious you had been to tell him you were pregnant.
You paced the living room anxiously, your mind running a mile a minute. You could hear the clock ticking slowly in the kitchen, reminding you that any second, Jake Seresin’s truck would be pulling into your driveway. 
The knot in your stomach was getting tighter with each passing second. What if he got mad? What if he didn’t believe that the baby was his? What if he didn’t want anything to do with the baby? What if he didn’t want anything to do with you?
You knew it was unfair to assume the worst about Jake. People could say whatever they wanted about Hangman, but Jake Seresin had never been anything but sweet and genuine with you. A little cocky, maybe, but he’d never given you any reason to believe he’d leave you hanging. 
Selfishly, you also wondered what this would mean for the two of you. You’d always had a thing for Jake, and you were secretly hoping after the two of you hooked up, it would become something more, but a baby just complicated all of that. You wanted him to want you for you, not just because you were having his baby.
The slamming of a truck door pulled you from your thoughts. You tried to psych yourself up as you went to let him in. It’s gonna be fine. You’re just gonna sit him down and rip the bandaid off. It’ll be fine. Everything’s gonna be fine. What could possibly go wrong?
“Hi,” You breathed out, “Thanks for coming over.”
“Of course.” Jake grinned, stepping inside. You internally groaned as you took in his appearance. His dark blonde hair was messy, yet somehow looked perfectly styled. His navy blue jacket was pulled off, revealing a tight white t-shirt underneath, paired with lighter wash jeans which covered his toned legs. How was it fair that he looked so good all of the time? 
You shook your head, trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts that were quickly filling it. You waited as he toed his boots off and hung his jacket on a hook by the door before leading him to the couch. 
“So,” You started, “I asked you to come over because I need to talk to you about something,” 
Jake watched you carefully as you went on, “Do you remember that night we spent together, about a month ago?”
A knowing smirk took over his face, “You know I do, honey. Is that what this is about?”
“Well, yeah, you see–”
“Darlin’, I know we agreed on it being a one-time thing, but if you wanted it to happen again, all you had to do was ask.”
“Ok, but Jake, that’s not–”
“Y’know, I’ve actually been thinking about it too and–”
“Jake, I’m pregnant.” And off comes the bandaid.
His face was frozen in place. You felt like you could see the gears turning inside his head. The blonde carefully got to his feet, slowly pacing in front of the couch.
“O-okay, so,” He glanced at you, an unreadable expression on his face, “So you’re pregnant?”
You nodded gently, getting to your feet. You stood in front of him, halting his movement. Your hands wrapped around his strong, muscular biceps, the tanned skin beneath your–No. Him and those damn muscles are what got you into this situation in the first place.
He stared at you wide-eyed, “And I’m the father?”
You nodded again. The sound of Jake’s quickening breaths engulfed the two of you for a moment. You were about to explain to him that you didn’t expect anything from him when he opened his mouth again.
“B-but, but, we– I mean, I– and the– oh god, and you’re–” His breaths were shallow as his knees buckled. Your grip on him tightened as you tried to hold his towering frame upright, but you could feel him becoming dead weight. 
“Alright, down we go, cowboy.” You muttered as you eased the two of you back onto the couch. You quickly reached for your untouched glass of water on the coffee table before handing it to Jake.
“Here, drink this.” He gratefully accepted it, bringing the glass to his lips as you reached your hand up and pushed a few soft, blond strands off his damp forehead. The two of you sat for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes as Jake absorbed the information.
Kids were something Jake Seresin had never given much thought. Sure, growing up in a conservative Texas family, the idea wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but he’d always known he wanted to be in the Navy. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a wife and kids, he had just assumed it would be something he would have to forgo in order to achieve his career goals. He had accepted that it wasn’t in the cards for him.
“You’d make a great mom,” He spoke quietly, placing the glass back down before turning to you. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean– that was just…a lot to take in.”
You snorted, “Oh, trust me, I know.” The energy in the room shifted as the two of you sat gazing at each other. A deep silence settled between you and Jake as you both searched for the right thing to say.
“I just want you to know that I’m not, like, expecting anything from you or whatever,” You cringed at your bluntness and lack of articulation. “Sorry– I just mean, you can be as involved or not involved as you want. This is a huge surprise for both of us, and I won’t force you to raise a baby if you don’t want to.” 
Jake’s expression was unreadable as your words hung in the air. The ticking of the clock in the kitchen was practically deafening as you waited for him to say something, anything.
“You were right in that this is definitely a surprise,” He chuckled. 
Jake could never have predicted this. He never even considered the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy, and he couldn’t even imagine what his grandmother would say if she were here. But Jake didn’t care. Right now, one of his favorite people in the entire world was sitting in front of him, literally growing his baby. He was being given an opportunity to have at least a little part of the life he never thought was possible, and he’d be damned if he didn’t take it. 
“But if you want to do this, I’m gonna be right there with you. I wanna be as involved as you’ll let me be.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, it was like a floodgate had opened. Your vision blurred as fat tears spilt over, dripping down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?,” Jake cooed comfortingly. He gently lifted you so you were straddling his lap, before pulling you into his arms. You let the tears flow, emptying your head to focus on nothing but the warmth of Jake’s embrace.
You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed like that before you pulled back slightly, wiping your eyes with the sleeve of the gray hoodie adorning your frame. “Sorry,” You sniffled, “it’s the hormones. One month in and they’re already all out of whack.” 
One look at the shoulder of Jake’s white shirt, now littered with stains of mascara and teardrops, had your eyes welling up again. “Shit, your shirt…” You frowned, quickly tried wiping it off, knowing full well your actions were useless.
Jake chuckled, gently grasping your wrist and pulling it away from the stains. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I should probably start getting used to it. I mean, think about it, eight months from now and you and I both will be getting far worse stains on our clothes.”
You let out a watery laugh, a smile making its way onto your face as you realized Jake would probably be the first person to make baby spit-up look good. 
“What are you thinkin’ about, hm?” Jake’s soothing voice drew your attention back to the present. 
“When I told you I was pregnant.” You laughed lightly. You watched as Jake smiled fondly, reminiscing about that day last December. 
“We’re ready for this, right?” You whispered, unsure if you were really asking Jake or yourself. The blonde lifted his head, hands still glued to your stomach, and met your misty eyes.
“Course we are, darlin’, are you kiddin’ me? We were born ready.” He grinned again. You gave him a pointed look, “Okay, maybe not born ready, but I feel like we have more than enough experience since we basically parent Rooster.”
You giggled at that. Jake wasn’t really wrong, considering how one of Bradley’s terms for letting Jake move in with you guys was that one of you had to pack him a lunch for work everyday. 
“Well then, let’s just hope–” The words were stolen from your tongue as pain jolted through you. You closed your eyes, grabbing and squeezing Jake’s hand as your stomach tightened. With his free hand, Jake massaged your neck gently.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. Do you want me to go get the nurse?”
You nodded, eyes still pinched shut. Jake squeezed your hand and kissed your temple before quickly going to find the nearest nurse. He came back 30 seconds later, a red headed nurse trailing him. She smiled warmly at you, pulling on a fresh pair of gloves.
“All right, Miss L/N, let’s check how many centimeters, shall we?”
You took a deep breath, leaning into Jake’s side as he sat, perched on the edge of the hospital bed. The blonde began stroking your hair with his large hand as the nurse stood back up, “Well, it looks like it’s time to head to the delivery room.” 
Your eyes widened, “Wait, seriously? This isn’t a joke, right? You’re serious?”
She chuckled at your reaction, “Yes, Ma’am. You’re ten centimeters dilated. You’re about to become a mom.”
You lifted your head to look at Jake, chest tight with a mixture of anxiety and overwhelming happiness, “We’re about to become parents.”
The signature Seresin smile found its way to his face, his green eyes shining with excitement. Jake pushed a stray hair behind your ear, “Yes, we are, honey. Yes, we are.”
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rose-pearls · 1 year
Lazy kisses in the morning - Prompt
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain
Top Gun Taglist: @bisexual-watermelons
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The first ray of sunshine came through the window as you tried to fall back asleep, the drowsiness of sleep was pulling you back in until you heard some noises from the baby phone. 
It had been three months of chaos, a little Seresin arriving and throwing your world upside down. But you had enjoyed every single moment with your little boy, from the moment you held him in your arms you knew you would do anything for him.
As you looked at the clock you saw that it was nearly six, Jake was starting to wake up and you couldn’t help but smile at his scrunched-up nose. He was probably still dreaming about something as he was waking up and didn’t seem to want it to stop.
His eyes opened slowly, fluttering open and green eyes met yours as a loving smile appeared.
“Hi, beautiful.”, he whispers, his voice still slightly asleep and you can’t help but smile softly at your husband.
“Hi handsome, slept well?”, he nods slowly, before brining you closer to him with his arm around your waist.
“Always when I’m with you.”, there is a small smirk on his lips and you roll your eyes in answer, the man couldn’t stop flirting.
“Alright Romeo.”, you teased him, and Jake smiled at your words, his eyes once again closed as he still feels sleepy.
“How did you sleep?”, he asks, and you smile at the question.
“Good, longer than the past few weeks.”, this makes him furrow his brows as he looks at the clock and sees that it isn’t three in the morning.
“Are you telling me our little man slept through the entire night?”, he asks in slight disbelief, and you can’t help but laugh softly.
“I guess he did.”, a proud smile appears on his lips, as if the fact that his son slept through the night is the best thing that has ever happened.
“Well, he is a Seresin.”, Jake says cockily, and you roll your eyes in answer.
“Please he got it from his mother.”, you say with a proud smile and Jake smiles softly in answer.
“Along with her stunning looks.”, the words make you blush, even after ten years together.
“Come here I didn’t even get my morning kiss. It is sacred.”, Jake quickly says before rolling you on your back and smiling at you with a devilish grin.
“You know, the last time you had that look I ended up pregnant.”, you tell him with a warning, but Jake only tries to look at you innocently, which doesn’t work.
“Didn’t hear you complain.”, he says with a smirk before bringing you into a soft kiss, taking his time to tell you good morning. 
These were your favorite mornings, the lazy kisses in bed while ignoring the rest of the world for just a few minutes.
“You’re so beautiful.”, Jake whispers with loving green eyes as he looks at you and you bring him back into a long kiss.
“We only have ten minutes before he starts crying and wondering where we are.”, you say, trying to look innocent but the downright filthy look your husband sends you tells you that he knows exactly what you mean.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I can be quick.”, he whispers against your lips, and you can’t help but bring him back into a heated kiss.
“You better be, Lieutenant Commander.”, his title makes his pupil dilate even more, just like you knew he would before he starts kissing you like a starved man, leaving kisses and bites everywhere he can reach.
And although your husband had always been one to keep his promise, Milo had to wait just a minute more before you went to get him. After all Jake is thorough and you needed a minute to get your breathing back to normal and your legs to work again.
The fact that nine months later there is a little Seresin coming home with you, is something you don’t need to know just yet.
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crapscicle · 9 days
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
PLEASE help Iman yall!!!
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yancant · 8 days
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
Hello! My heart goes out to you, your family, and everyone in Gaza. You’re experiencing something nobody should have to :(( it sucks not being able to do more, but I will do what I can !!
I’ve donated what I can already as a student, now everyone who is viewing my acc rn kindly do the same and check this out!! Every donation counts.
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cable-salamder · 6 days
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
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dear-indies · 3 days
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
Please boost and/or donate if you can!
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‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
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habakos · 4 minutes
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
0 notes
realsparrowboy · 30 minutes
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high ك living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
I have no means of donating, but I’ll continue to do everything I can to make sure you get the help you need. Your suffering is completely unjust, and your story will not be silenced
Please do whatever you can to support them
0 notes
overgrown-ruins · 3 hours
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high ك living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
0 notes
emanshaaban · 11 days
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Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31 )
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
51 notes · View notes
lobstermagazine · 3 hours
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
0 notes
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
0 notes
barbwiresnare · 12 hours
‌Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #31
Hello, my name is Iman, and I am a mother of five children,. I live with my family in northern Gaza, where we are facing famine and hardships due to the harsh war on Gaza. We had lived a relatively peaceful life despite the challenges imposed by the long blockade on Gaza before the war.
We have been displaced eight times, moving from one school to another, and now we are living a life of homelessness and starvation. Even clean water is unavailable. 💔😭 My children are starving and suffer from malnutrition every day, going to bed hungry. I cry for my two-year-old daughter when she asks for milk, which we cannot provide. Her frail body survives on flour and stale bread, deprived of everything. My children crave vegetables, meat, and fruits; we haven't eaten any of these in 10 months, since the war started. Our bodies have deteriorated, our bones have weakened, and my son Mohamed's chest bones have become visible, along with the vertebrae of his spine. He also suffers from scabies due to the lack of cleanliness and medicine. Our bodies are filled with rashes from the heat because we are living with 40 people in a small, overcrowded classroom. My children have been deprived of education, even though they were all excelling in their studies
Your donations will be a beacon of hope for Iman and her family, offering them a chance to survive and live under these harsh conditions and high living costs. Even a very small contribution, every dollar, makes a difference in their lives. Please, join us in extending a helping hand during this difficult and challenging time.
We are in northern Gaza, bodies without life. Famine is killing us, from the old to the young. We desperately need your support, even if it’s something small.
0 notes