#pjel qoet
wood-warder · 1 year
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cuideag · 1 year
hello, i am debbie (she/they) and i love breakfast foods
also skeletons, shitposts, soulsborne, monster hunter, queer stuff, final fantasy and warframe. if i am not shitposting on main I am probably flooding my oc sideblogs with weird things:
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@her-mothers-daughter​​ [ artwork by anontloudeac on twitter ]
AU. Pathfinder 2E / Final Fantasy XIV.
Delial Garwater (AU): Yuan-Ti Rogue. Dreamer. Prodigal Daughter.
Zhitu Hanbi (AU): Au Ra Rogue. Dreamer of Light. Favored of the Sea.
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@sixth-prince​​ [ artwork by anontloudeac on twitter ]
Pathfinder 2E / Monster Hunter.
Alun: Witch of the Great Undead. Cartographer. Necromancer.
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@vanitysruin​​ [ artwork by giddeus ]
Final Fantasy XIV.
Delial Grimsong: Kinslayer. Former Garlean agent. Black Mage.
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@wood-warder​​ [ artwork by artbending ] 
Final Fantasy XIV.
Pjel Qoet: Freedom Fighter. Dark Knight of Rabanastre. Monster Hunter.
* separate blog, follows from @wood-warder​                     |
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@c4ndyc04t3d​ [ proper artwork pending ]
Yuvi: Shunned Nanomancer. Burn-out Queen. Supernova-to-be.
Mature content: nudity, gore, suicidal ideation, etc.
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Warframe.​ Spoilers post The Second Dream/The War Within.
cuideag: Tenno. Star-walker. War-bringer.
                                         ... and others to be added, maybe.​
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yascaret · 3 years
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so long shadowbringers, hello moon
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gvnbreaker · 3 years
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OH NO you planted the seed... I Am LookingOH NO you planted the seed... I Am Looking
bro is it gay if we're on a trip together and i'm mauled to death by a legendary grizzly bear when trying to do a sweet trick shot with my rifle
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afreesworn · 4 years
3: Muster
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“Seriously? Her?”
Shael’s incredulous question was probably on everyone’s minds, they were just not giving voice to it. At least, that was what Nabi assumed. But as silence started to settle in rather awkwardly amongst them all, Nabi was starting to question her own idea.
It was a strange notion to begin with, that this extra credit club— it was a nice way of saying detention class — showcase their own talents with an act in the spring festival. It was teacher Batu’s idea, to draw more attention to their strategy based dice game that, surprisingly, had captured the interest of everyone in the group. While it was a learning curve for everyone, since they started this exercise, everyone who had rolled up a character began to attend the after school sessions faithfully. Even Ghoa, who feigned disinterest at the start, started to show up with her own personalized jeweled dice with a decorated case for it, that even had her own initials carved into it.
“What? If I am going to play, I am going to play in style,” the Mankhad purred. “I know these beauties will bring me luck.”
Shael rolled her eyes at her, but Nabi caught her arching her brows when Ghoa’s first few rolls were in the high teens. A few days later, Shael too showed up with her own set of steel etched dice, that she proudly told Nabi she won in a game.
Jude only snorted his disdain at the notion of spending any money on something they were forced to do for school credit, but when the game began, Nabi noticed his intense concentration and focus. He wanted to win, and was not shy about pointing out errors that others were making.
He was the first to scoff at Nabi when she consciously made a decision that didn’t favor the party. “But… my character likes animals! She wouldn’t want them hurt!” Nabi explained. Surprisingly, she expected more derision from him, but when their teacher gave her extra points for staying faithful to one of her character “traits”, everyone took note, reviewing their own character’s flaws and inclinations. Jude said nothing else on the matter, and Ghoa started to make extra effort in bringing to life her own character’s lively persona. 
Nabi couldn’t say the party’s quest went smoothly always; it was a mixed bag of mistakes, hard-earned lessons, and surprises. But when they achieved victory over an opponent while also learning more about each other’s characters, none could deny the air of satisfaction that lifted them all.
Except Pjel. The viera maintained her stoic silence. She made her moves on the board without any fanfare, and her character being mute, she stuck to that trait religiously. She never spoke a word, in character or out. But her rolls were impeccable and she was fearless in battle. There was no doubt that the group could not have succeeded without her.
Nabi was still unsure her reason for being in detention, whether she missed classes, had a failing grade, or if it was for other disciplinary reasons. Every time she tried to strike up a conversation with Pjel, she was just met with silence and a blank stare.
So when teacher Batu put on the group their next task, to put together an act at the spring festival, everyone stared at him dumbfounded. Ghoa laughed bemusedly, while Shael rolled her eyes again. Jude muttered and Pjel, as usual, said nothing on the matter.  But once the session was over and their teacher left them to their own devices, protests and gripes began to rumble amongst them.
That’s when Nabi injected the idea about performing a song. 
“What… like a band?” Shael snorted out loud. 
“Wh-why not?” Nabi blinked, eyes wide. “You play in a band, the bass guitar right?”
The Highlander immediately narrowed her eyes, as if warning not to share too much. “Yeah well… we broke up a few months back.”
“A ridiculous idea,” Ghoa hummed. “I can’t imagine doing death metal or whatever you call music.”
“You have a lovely singing voice, Ghoa!” Nabi quickly interjected before Shael retorted back at the Mankhad. “I heard you at the last Starlight festival.”
“Oh… that!” Ghoa waved her off with a chuckle, but her smile widened. “That wasn’t even my best. You should see some of my posts on--”
“Yer actually serious,” Shael cut her off, staring at Nabi. “Ya can’t just wave yer hand and put a band together. Okay so ya got a bass and singer. Ya need drums and lead guitar and--”
Shael was interrupted yet again when sounds of tapping drew all of their attention. Pjel was tapping her feet and gloved hands were percussing over the edge of the table. And as they all stared in disbelief, the viera proceeded to slap and bang on the wooden table, the plastic chair and the floor with her hands and feet. And the rhythm that was starting to fill the room, it made Nabi grin horn to horn.
“Seriously? Her?”
Nabi shrugged exaggeratedly at Shael, looking both surprised and delighted. “We have… our drummer!” She laughed with a sweep of her hand at Pjel. 
“Pfttt.” Shael threw her hands in the air. “Well, none o’ that be of any use unless ya got a lead guitar.” 
Nabi chewed her lips and started to look around the room. 
“Well, no way we can count on him,” Ghoa groaned, rolling her eyes at the door. Jude had already left, he never lingered long after these sessions were over. Nabi knew not where he had to go, but he always left in a hurry. “Besides, I doubt the likes of him knows a thing about carrying a tune or holding anything other than a knife or a bottle of booze.”
“The idea was ridiculous, anyroad,” Shael added, gathering her bag. “No way we can muster a band together.” She tutted with a frown. “It’s just one of teacher’s crazy ideas. Again.” She started out the door.
Nabi sighed, her shoulders sinking. And as everyone else started to leave the classroom, she hurriedly picked up her own books and followed. 
But the idea refused to leave her.
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kiaranwrath · 3 years
How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
Kiaran shuts down. It's not that she dislikes them - quite the opposite. She's just no idea how to react. On the inside, she generally turns into an abrupt and nervous mess. Outside, she turns to stone as she tries to figure out how to relay she very genuinely appreciates the thing.
Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they?
Two. The first and foremost is leveled on the viera Lofn Yascaret. Thoughtful, introspective, caring, plus an engineer? Kiaran's hooked. There are, of course, complications. Namely the fact that Lofn is partnered with Aja Hyskaris and Pjel Qoet... Who happened to fight in Dalmasca, on the opposite side which Kiaran fought. Dinner was tense. The second is smaller and more shielded flame of affection for Balgair Rutherford. Balgair is also a Highlander of Ala Mhigo who served for the Garleans, a common thread that Kiaran takes some comfort in. Witty, good-natured, straight forward, he provides a counter-balance to the complexities of her other emotional entanglement while being an overall good guy. Plus he's competent in the field. The flip side is, he's a co-worker, and Kiaran's prickly about the image she projects. A lover isn't usually in her formula.
Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both?
Both, leaning heavily toward personality. She won't realize someone's physically attractive to her until they do something interesting. Expound on their love of engineering, an impressive feat in battle, showcased an abundance of good sense. Once that prerequisite's met, she considers physical attractiveness if she's interested in dating.
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wood-warder · 3 years
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wood-warder · 3 years
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this is not her home. she has known it for but an instant compared to the ages among the Wood. these are not her people. strange-faced, fast-talking, she is made dizzy again and again for how brief and quick they live.
she choses them anyway. she bleeds with them anyway. she will die with them anyway. she will die for them.
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yascaret · 3 years
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some scenes from RP over the weekend!
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yascaret · 3 years
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sky pirate lesbian viera ot3 is really the pinnacle of my roleplay career. there is no going up from here
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yascaret · 3 years
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they finished their airship!! is the world ready for the lesbian viera sky pirate crew...
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wood-warder · 3 years
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wood-warder · 3 years
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yascaret · 3 years
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buny christmas! buny christmas!
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wood-warder · 3 years
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In the morning, when dawn yet remains grey and colorless, she elects to rise. The others will forgive her - surely they expect it, even, that Pjel would reach for some time alone. Odd thoughts have floated through her mind ever since Lofn first spoke its name: Ishgard of the Holy See, frigid and undying despite the best efforts of dragons and men.
The sting settles in her ears first but she ignores it. Plate perhaps was a foolish choice, even with the heavier leathers beneath. She will endure this, too, feeling a sense of great import sourced from a place she cannot name.
No. A lie, that. It echoes in an empty place inside her, still as a tomb, a voice rarely thought on.
Outside the Forgotten Knight stands another, shoulders and head long since shorn free from what remains by what she can now only assume was some dragon's fury. They rarely spoke of dragons, knowing perhaps that their pupil in her single-mindedness would pursue that instead of the actual lessons at hand. Near every hungry attempt to bait out something, anything, with reverent whispers of the great beasts of Golmore proved fruitless. Glimpses of Ishgard were shaped not by the shadows in the sky but by the pride of its people, the contempt they took as birth-right and carved into war.
The grief that strikes her is brief, yet it chills more fiercely than the wind that cuts her ears. She knew not what to expect when stepping past the gates, past lines of knights towering still as corpses gently dusted in snow. She knows not what she feels when she regards the ruined figure before her, nor the others they'd passed in their wanderings through the city.
Her brows knit. Thoughts force to stillness. Hand clutches over her breast and the crystal that guards her heart.
A foolish thing, then and now.
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yascaret · 3 years
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they’re sky pirates now!!!!!!!!!!!
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