eggussy · 2 years
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Anna’s sleeping style is called the starfish or shooting star position and it is very rare. Sleeping like this increases the chance of snoring. If Elsa has a problem with that she should probably cuddle up to Anna, kiss her awake or whatever but not hide under her pillow. Pushing your head under a pillow makes you look like a complete idiot and there is no way you can ever fall asleep like this.
Did I mention that Elsa is dumb? She really is.
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stacieblake · 2 years
How to choose the perfect type of Blanket for your bed?
Become knowledgeable about bedspreads
If you were to ask me what the finest feeling in the world is, I'd say it's becoming warm and cozy under a blanket on a chilly night. Everyone had a "blanket" that they couldn't live without as a child. When you're growing up, you have to give up that precious thread of safety.
Trying to find a blanket that is both warm and breathable is a difficult endeavor. There are so many different kinds of blankets out there that it might be difficult to decide which one to keep and which one to throw away. Because blanket sizes are not standardized like mattress sizes, purchasing one can be a challenge. As part of this guide, we explain the various types of blankets, their advantages and how to choose the right one for you.
A Variety of Blankets Are Available                                        
All options aren't created equal. There are numerous distinct styles of blankets, as well as different types of blanket material available at bedspreads UK. To Glass from Fleece
There are seven different types of blankets that can be used on a daily basis.
1. Ensure that you are well-taken care of.
It is one of the most popular blankets, constructed of two wide pieces of fabric filled with warm materials like feathers, cotton, or polyfill. The blanket's softness can be attributed to the fabric used on both the outside and the interior. Hence, most popular blankets feature a polyester blend or cotton exterior.
1.      This blanket is softer and cozier than most others.
2.      Stylish and light-weight design
3.      Use with duvet coverings is possible.
4.      After unpacking, you're ready to go
2. A duvet cover
Although a comforter is the most common type of bedding, a duvet can be softer, thicker, and warmer than the comforter. It's important to note that whereas comforters are typically used with a bed sheet, duvets are typically used without. Considering that most duvets come with an outer case, they can be compared to a huge pillow.
There are duvet blankets to fit any bed size because they are available in all mattress sizes. Changing the cover is the only thing you need to do to keep it clean. Duvet covers come in many different colors, patterns, and styles so you can easily match them to your bedding. In the winter, this is the ideal blanket for keeping you warm.
1.      Changing the cover is all you need to do to keep it clean.
2.      In addition, the covers are available in a variety of colors and designs to make it more adaptable.
3.      In extremely cold situations
4.      Keeps you warm
5.      Durable
Throw Pillows
A throw is a tiny blanket used for décor and as a light cover while you relax. Because of its small size and ease of usage, it's commonly found on couches or beds.
Knitted or woven lightweight fabrics are used to make a wide variety of throw blankets. They can be used for picnics as well as to add a splash of color or texture to your home.
1.      Great for swaddling yourself while relaxing on the couch.
2.      In addition, the blanket can be used to swaddle a baby
3.      Low weight
4.      Can be taken on picnics with ease.
To brighten up your living area or bedroom
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swagobjectwinner · 3 years
There are countless ways to lose a guest. While you can’t fix them all, here are some of the most common ones to avoid.
1.    Inflexible cancellation policy
Flexible bookings and having the ability to cancel a booking is critical to win the trust of your guests. In this environment where an accentuated Covid-19 outbreaks and lockdowns are unpredictable, guests need to know they can book advance and not lose their money if they can’t make it due to reasons beyond their control.
2.    Not promoting your health & hygiene policy
Sticking with the pandemic theme, how you manage the health and hygiene practices on your property, if you are abiding by all required guidelines and making sure guests are aware of these updates is important. No one wants to stay in a hotel that doesn’t meet the minimum safety guidelines recommended by the government. Make sure your experience is as contactless as possible – from check-in to check-out.
3.    Poor Customer Service by Staff
Over time staff can (understandably) grow tired and the demands of the industry make it difficult to smile every day. To top it off, there is a pandemic that is affecting the lives and livelihood of everyone – staff included. Sometimes these frustrations come out – unintentionally – on guests. However, they leave a lasting impression on the guest. Make sure you keep talking to your staff, motivating them and staying connected to avoid a bad guest experience.
4.    Poor Wi-Fi and entertainment system
It’s a small thing, but in this digital-first world, nothing annoys a guest more than Wi-Fi that keeps dropping off. Worse still, Wi-Fi that never connects! Beef up your bandwidth and provide a seamless connection for your guests. A good entertainment is another winner with guests.
5.    Lack of personalisation
Delivering a personalised guest experience is at the heart of winning them for life. Think about, as a hotelier you see a number of guests every day. However, for your guest your hotel is a totally new experience. They must be treated like they matter – like you know them. This is possible if you understand their interests and needs. Spend time in your channel manager, PMS and other tools with analytics to understand your guests and personalise their stay.
Did you know you can deliver personalised mails, upsell deals and add ons with STAAH Upselling partners? Find out more here
6.    Not keeping track of your reviews
Guests want to be heard. If they’ve spent time to leave you a review, read it and respond. Good or bad, the feedback must be taken on board if you want to improve your experience.
You can monitor all your reviews from an online reputation management system like STAAH ReviewMinder. Find out more here
7.    Poor bedding and pillows
A guest needs a good night’s sleep if you want them to return. This begins with comfortable pillows and bedding. Some smart hoteliers even offer pillow menus so guests can pick out one that is closest to their need.
8.    Poor plumbing
An extension of the above really. Leaky taps that don’t let you sleep, showers with poor water pressure, blocked drains and toilets with questionable flushes … none of these should be things your guests discover. Do regular checks of your bathrooms to ensure all plumbing is working as expected.
9.    Not showing sufficient love for the environment
Increasingly guests are conscious of the environmental cost of services a hotel provides. Over-laundering, not using sustainable or eco packaging and products, lack of recycling … all these are factors that leave modern guests a bit disappointed and seeking out another property with better environmental ethics.
Sustainability in hotels – Read the tips
10. Exaggerating the experience
Marketer Seth Godin once said, “All marketers are storytellers; only the losers are liars”. Don’t exaggerate your property’s experience to attract guests. If the reality does not match, it leaves guests very disappointed.
What are the small mistakes you’ve made that have had a big impact on your guests? Negative or positive, we’d like to hear about it at marketing@ staah.com
Read our latest hospitality tips and trends
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