#physical therapist in  East Brunswick
apacbusinesstimes · 5 months
Laura Youngson’s Journey to Empower Female Athletes with Ida Sports
In the sports field, each move counts and adds value to an athlete’s career. Choosing the right athletic apparel and shoes will enhance performance. By wearing the appropriate sports footwear one can improve their biomechanics, stability, and movement which in turn will lead to improved comfortability and help in preventing injuries. In this article, we discuss a woman entrepreneur, Laura Youngson who is a co-founder and CEO of Ida Sports. The company is focused on manufacturing sports footwear for female athletes and primary design for soccer by understanding women’s foot shape, which enables customers to improve their athletic performance.
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Laura Youngson: Co-founder & CEO
Laura Youngson is an Australian women entrepreneur who started a sports footwear brand for women to empower them in their sports careers. The vision behind the start of the company was an incident when Laura took part in the highest altitude soccer game and set a Guinness World Record with the Equal Playing Field Initiative for representing gender inequality in sport, the soccer cleats were very uncomfortable. Then she decided to start a company to solve this problem for women to help them excel in sports.
Laura graduated with a Master of Entrepreneurship from the University of Melbourne and an MSc in Physics at Durham University. Initially, she worked as a Senior Policy Advisor at the Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills. Later she was a General Manager at Coral Lodge and worked as a Global Sovereign Wealth Funds Manager at PwC Middle East. Laura was a co-founder and Board Trustee of the Lightyear Foundation, she co-founded Brunswick Aces which is a non-alcoholic botanical spirits drink. Laura is a co-founder of Equal Playing Field, where she organized the world’s highest-altitude football match and set a world record by participating in an all-female team.
Laura met he co-founder Ben Sandhu when she was playing indoor Soccer, Ben found potential in the idea of designing aesthetic footwear for women and together they started Ida Sports in the year 2018. They researched for 2 years during which she learned that women are themselves in trouble and injury by wearing men’s boots and met physical therapists, podiatrists, coaches, and around 800 female athletes and then designed a soccer cleat that is more comfortable and specially created for women. 
About Ida Sports
Ida Sports is a footwear company that manufactures sports footwear specially for women athletes to empower their sports journey. The company was founded by Laura Youngson along with her co-founder Ben Sandhu in the year 2018 and has its headquarters located in Melbourne, Australia. The core of the company is to manufacture comfortable and high-performance sports footwear for athletes.
In the year 2018, Laura and Ben tested their prototypes with professional athletes in the game organized by Equal Playing Field to break the world record for the lowest altitude at the Dead Sea. In the year 2020, Ida launched its first boot, which gained a review of 5 stars from players across the world. Anyone can order the product from the Ida sports website which has a wide range of collections and designs available in all sizes.
Need for special Women’s Soccer Cleats
Women have always taken unisex cleats even after having different feet shape, the three major differences in men’s and women’s feet are foot shape, Higher arches, and pressure loads. The female foot shape is more triangular whereas in men it is rectangular and women do not have wide feet. The female feet have a slightly higher arch. The pressure factor is also considerable as men and women have different body weights and wearing improper footwear will cause pain. 
Ida Sports designed 5 different featured women’s soccer which address the issues caused due to foot shape. Wider Toe Box, a Narrow heel Cup, More Arch Support, Custom Stud Configuration, and Optimal Traction which help in abiding the risk of pain and injury. The benefits of using Ida Sports footwear are comfort, support, and performance which helps women athletes increase their efficiency and boost their sports career.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/laura-youngsons-journey-to-empower-female-athletes-with-ida-sports/
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revlyncox · 11 months
Grace 2023
This sermon was recast for The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick for a service on November 5, 2023, by Rev. Lyn Cox
I happened to be waiting at the Physical Therapy clinic this week, not for myself this time but with a loved one, when I overheard a therapist working with a very young child say, “I know this is hard. You can do hard things.” 
Right there was a whole book of wisdom. I had heard these words before, including directed at me from other physical therapists, but this time I received the words and more of the implications for our lives. There was compassion in the acknowledgement that things are hard. We all face challenges in the process of living and growing, and often we have some bonus challenges to face on top of whatever we think “normal” life is supposed to be. The acknowledgement encouraged self-compassion as well. The challenges before us are not easy, and are not meant to be easy, and it’s OK that some things are hard. Implied in that acknowledgement is the freedom to fail. Trying hard things means we will not succeed every time, especially not at first. 
Being in an environment where love and support and challenge and compassion and forgiveness all intertwine might be one model for a humanist experience of grace. When we don’t have to earn our worthiness, but we carry it with us inherently, and we act in recognition of the inherent worth of everyone around us, when we know we are beloved and capable of love, perhaps we can find some of the sense of ease that is implied by the word grace. 
As much as we strive to make our homes and congregations sanctuaries of grace, it is a struggle to let go of the competitive not-enough-ness of the larger culture. So it’s good to take breaks. It’s good to come to a place where we remember how to be human. It’s good to make time to celebrate with loved ones when the occasion arises. It’s good to take naps sometimes, so that we can be more fully present and more aligned with our values. Returning to community, taking a sabbath, or engaging in a practice to find your center helps us to get grounded in grace. It’s like when you have a machine that’s overheating and you have to turn it off and turn it back on again. 
Starting over, well resourced, residing in the present moment with joy rather than dwelling on negative things from the past; this is an experience of grace. The experience of grace is itself one of ease, yet we may struggle a bit with the disciplines that help open up our perception of grace. To me, grace is a force of the universe that is always there, an assurance of the acceptance of the Source of Love, a resource for reconciliation, and a model of how we can live in connection with one another. Grace is the truth that sets us free and the re-alignment of right relationship. To open ourselves up to its power, we practice forgiveness, self-compassion, and covenant.
Forgiving Others
Forgiveness is one path to opening up our awareness of grace. Forgiveness is one of those themes that people of faith are never quite done wrestling with, so I’ll just touch on it briefly, and trust that we’ll come back to it. Forgiveness can involve retaining the memory without continuing to feed the feelings of anger and disappointment. It can lead to making amends, reconciliation, and a stronger relationship, especially when more than one person is engaged in the process. Occasionally, forgiveness means letting something be in the past and finding a way to love someone from afar, because the hurt is too deep and the harmful behavior is too persistent for closeness. For everyday injuries, may we practice forgiveness in ways that are healthy for ourselves and life-affirming for all.
Our story earlier, “Mussa and Nagib,” is an allegory that illustrates this. Spirit Lab students might hear this story later this year as part of the “Moral Tales” religious education curriculum. In the story, hurt was written in sand, but selflessness was chiseled in rock. Writing in sand doesn’t take much time. It’s OK to remember mistakes and learn from them, but don’t dwell on judgments. On the other hand, engraving kindness in stone takes some focus. Writing thank-you notes or recording the act of kindness in a journal can help us hold on to those feelings of connection and gratitude.
Sometimes resentments are attempts to prevent being hurt in the same way twice. But grudges do not necessarily offer protection, and they have their own drawbacks. Addressing the incident directly—saying what happened, how you feel, and what requests (if any) you would like to make to the other person—is one way to reduce the risk of being hurt again.
In a sense, Mussa’s act of writing in the sand where his friend Nagib could see it was a form of direct address. He called attention to the hurt, the incident itself, without any theories about what it meant or labels for his friend’s character. It is so easy to jump from “ouch” to “you don’t care about me” or “you are a bad person” in a moment of anger. Reflect on facts first. Notice your feelings. Figure out what you really need. Then decide how to respond.
Direct address is not a guarantee, but I think the benefits outweigh the risks. Carving a negative experience in stone takes a lot of time and effort, and then you have this heavy rock you have to carry around. It may be that some distance is necessary for physical safety. Honor your own well-being and boundaries, yet also account for what is lost when a grudge takes the lead.
When an event is far in the past, you can hold on to the wisdom you gained from that experience and the memory of the strengths you showed in navigating through it without pacing continuous circles of resentment and judgment. Whether something is drawn in the sand or engraved in the stone depends on how much time and energy you devote to committing the facts, feelings, and inferences to memory. Choose consciously. Forgive when you can.
For some of us, forgiving others is easier than forgiving ourselves. Self compassion presents a number of challenges. Unlike conflicts with other people, we don’t have as many options for putting temporary distance between ourselves and ourselves while we reflect on what we need. Of the options we do have, few of them are healthy for very long. Self-compassion helps us to continue to do the work of reflection in moments when we doubt ourselves, or when other people doubt us. Self-compassion reminds us that we have value, no matter what setbacks occur.
One of the hard truths about running away from self-compassion is that dramatic self-recrimination can be a way for our minds and souls to try to get off the hook from responsibility for our moral choices. “Oh! I am such a wretch! I cannot possibly be held to a standard of human behavior! All is lost! I will give up now and go live in the wilderness among the locusts!” 
The impulse to retreat into self-castigating isolation is familiar to me. Perfectionism is a tempting poison. And perfectionism is a liar. The Spirit of Life extends a hand to us, whether or not we get everything right. This is good because we most certainly will not get everything right. 
I am reminded of Brené Brown and her research on shame and vulnerability. She says that shame is a fear of disconnection, and that all of us need connection and belonging. Brown goes on to say that in order for human connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, to be really seen. We have to be vulnerable. It’s not comfortable, it’s just true. Connection happens when we have the courage to be our whole, imperfect selves. Running from vulnerability and shame might lead us to numb ourselves, or to force certainty in places of uncertainty, or to mask with an illusion of perfection. When we can let go of those things, Brown says, when we can let ourselves be seen, and love with our whole hearts, and practice gratitude and joy, and believe that we are enough, we can find the vulnerability that is the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging, and love. 
Numbing doesn’t work, and can harm us. Digging our heels and defending certainty in places where mystery dwells doesn’t work, and can harm us. Grace tells us that we always have the option to turn aside from destructive choices, we are capable of doing better (though not perfectly!), and that Love will not let us go, no matter what mistakes we have made. Grace gives us the freedom and the responsibility to get back up again after we’ve come to terms with our shortcomings and limitations. 
In the reading we heard earlier, my colleague, the Rev. Julián Soto, said:
The thing you must be is yourself.
Unadulterated, shedding the willingness to journey alone, as though you are made of something hard and unforgivable. You are human. You belong, right here, right now. And together, we will chase away the sickness, the secrets, and leave only the open Possibility that the future is a space for growth.
The future is a space for growth.
Understanding this open space, and that we need not be perfect to move forward, is essential for our ability to make moral choices in matters of social justice as well as everyday relationships and spiritual growth, as if any of those things could be separated. Far too often, fearing that we will get it wrong, or that it won’t be enough, or that we can’t be guaranteed success, makes a barrier to our participation in movements for justice and compassion. We might get so overwhelmed by the enormity of the many interlocking human rights crises going on that we don’t know where to begin. We can begin somewhere imperfect, because all of the places to begin are imperfect. 
Letting go of the lie of perfection means that we can stop both running away in shame and defending our veneer of goodness from the truth that threatens to expose us. Instead, we can learn from our mistakes and limitations, and allow what we learn to lead us into transformation, to bring us to a closer relationship with the Spirit of Love and closer to right relationship with each other. 
The thing you must be is yourself. Have compassion for the previous version of you, who had to make decisions without all of the information or resources or support you might have needed. Have compassion for the current version of you, whose imperfection opens up the future as a space for growth. Let us face the wide open space of that future as imperfect people practicing compassion for ourselves and each other. 
Covenant: Anticipating Grace; or: The Freedom to Fail
Practicing being open to grace as we forgive ourselves and each other is a little easier in a covenanted community. Unitarian Universalist congregations like this one are covenanted communities. What holds us together is not creed or personality or even an appreciation for music, but the sacred promises that give us our foundation. Covenant is another one of those evergreen topics, and we will definitely be coming back to this in a worship service later in the year. 
Here in this congregation, some of those promises are spoken and some are unspoken. We can disagree about ideas without rejecting people. We bring our whole selves into this room, fully present, accepting all the aspects of identity that make our companions who they are. Whoever you are and whomever you love, you are welcome here. 
This being a human community, we need to cultivate ways to lovingly call each other back into relationship, because there will be mistakes. Coming back to the table when a promise has been broken is also part of covenant. Covenants can be sacred because they are capable of embracing human imperfection. The sacred has avenues for healing.
Committing to a covenant is an obligation. It’s work. Being connected means we voluntarily give up some of our freedom. On the other hand, being in a covenanted community also gives us freedom. It gives us the freedom to fail and to come back from failure. Covenant offers the freedom to be broken, to have our brokenness recognized, and to be appreciated for the entire picture: broken and whole, flawed and fabulous. That’s grace.
Knowing that there is room in this circle for the entirety of life, may each person know the freedom to lay out all the challenges, anxieties, works-in-progress, gifts, and talents they bring with them into this community. Volunteer for the coffee ministry, or to teach children’s religious education, or to be a greeter. Sign up for the anti-racism book group and say what’s really on your heart. Make something daring for the next potluck. Have confidence that you are welcome in this covenanted community. There is grace here.
Living among human beings means being open to the possibility of both hurt and healing. May each one of us know the gift of grace, from human sources and from sources beyond our knowing. May each one of us know the gift of cooperating with grace, of acknowledging brokenness and being open to reconciliation and repair. 
I hope that transforming our perception of the world so that we can understand the grace among us is as easy as arising from a refreshing nap. Let us awaken to the possibility of starting over. Retain the lessons of the past without putting energy into bitterness. Forgive when you can. Let us awaken to the assurance that our imperfections are welcome, and that our quest is bigger than whatever causes us to doubt. Be compassionate with yourself. Let us awaken to the power of covenant as we form a community of sacred resilience. The bonds of congregational life bring the freedom of authenticity. 
May you be held in the love that runs through our interdependent web, may you be lifted up with grace, and may you begin again in courage. Rooted in love, may we renew our commitments together. 
May it be so. 
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sarahalverson · 4 years
Someone who can help me found the best physical therapist in East Brunswick?
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borispolonskiy · 3 years
4 Ways Physical Therapists Manages Pain in New Jersey
4 Ways Physical Therapists Manages Pain in New Jersey
Many Physical Therapists use various techniques to reduce or manage pain. These techniques include cold compression, ultrasound, light, sound, and massage. These different techniques have varying degrees of success. If a Physical Therapy patient does not respond to cold compression, for example, she may be referred to an orthopedic surgeon, an audiologist, or a neurologist, all of whom may use…
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atlanticcanada · 4 years
On East Coast, exhausted COVID-19 'long haulers' hope specialized clinics will emerge
On evenings when Sean Hoskin collapses into bed, heart pounding and mind foggy from his yearlong battle with COVID-19, he wonders when a clinic to treat his symptoms might emerge in Atlantic Canada.
"My fear is that I'm going to be like this forever," the 50-year-old Halifax resident said in a recent interview.
The issue of a lack of timely treatment for the so-called "long haulers" -- people who suffer symptoms such as shortness of breath and physical exhaustion months after their first bout of the illness -- has been raised across the country by support groups.
Specialized clinics have opened in Western and Central Canada, in some instances offering access to occupational therapists, nutritionists, psychologists, nurses and referrals to specialists. In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service announced the formation of a network of 60 such clinics in December.
However, on Canada's East Coast, patients say they are still searching for a similar, one-stop site to treat symptoms that range from difficulty drawing a breath to tingling pain in their limbs.
"In Atlantic Canada, we're at the mercy of how well we've done containing the virus, leading to our low numbers of infected patients," Hoskin said. "It's had an impact on what we can expect to see from the provincial government in terms of specialized clinics."
International studies currently predict about 10 per cent of COVID-19 patients develop longer term symptoms. In Atlantic Canada, where about 4,100 cases have been officially documented, this suggests long haulers may eventually number in the hundreds, rather than the thousands expected in larger provinces.
But Hoskin argues the lower infection rates shouldn't mean he and others are left to rely solely on family doctors, who may be unaware of how to treat their symptoms, while they spend months awaiting appointments with cardiologists, neurologists and other specialists.
In New Brunswick, which is fighting a second wave of infections that emerged earlier in the year, Emily Bodechon says she has largely assembled her own treatment effort.
"While it's great that our COVID-19 case count is low, it's not been great as a patient to find out nobody knows how to treat you," she said in an interview last week.
Almost a year since her infection, the 45-year-old health worker still has respiratory issues, searing headaches and "brain fog" that makes it hard to process new information.
Bodechon sought online information from a post-COVID-19 clinic in New York and took part in video calls for patient information. "I went through a six-week program on my own, and it was the most helpful thing I had," she said.
She said she hopes provincial governments in the region collaborate to set up centralized clinics that employ telemedicine, so that she can actually speak to doctors with expertise.
In Halifax, a senior physician with Nova Scotia Health says doctors with the province's health authority are turning their attention to potential pilot projects.
Dr. Christy Bussey, the medical lead for COVID-19 in-patient care in the authority's central zone, said in an interview on Thursday that in the longer term, family doctors will need training on how to care for the lingering impacts of the illness.
But in the short term, she's advocating for a post-COVID-19 clinic, potentially attached to an existing clinic in Fall River, N.S., which already treats people with conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome.
She said she has noticed "a gap in the system for following patients who developed new or ongoing symptoms."
The physician added it's too early to know how much additional provincial or national funding is needed for an Atlantic post-COVID-19 clinic, as a formal proposal has yet to be completed, but she argues the need for added resources is evident.
"Some of these patients are nearly completely disabled by the symptoms they're having," she said.
Dr. Alexis Goth, a lead physician at the Fall River clinic, said the first long haulers are starting to trickle into her clinic. She is hopeful resources can be added to pay for a larger numbers of patients by early summer.
She said one model for COVID patients may be an adapted version of an eight-week, Zoom-based treatment the clinic uses for fibromyalgia, an illness that can cause muscle pain, fatigue and sleep issues. She said the online treatment could be combined with one-on-one therapy, making use of the occupational therapist, nurses and other experts at the clinic.
Susie Goulding, the leader of a national long-haulers support group, cautions that as new clinics and research projects emerge, they should be open to the many patients who didn't receive a formal diagnosis of COVID-19, often due to a lack of testing in the early months.
"Most people don't have a positive test," she said in a recent interview. "They should still be included."
Meanwhile, Hoskin said he's continuing to search for placement in a research study that includes treatment, finding he still feels like collapsing after a brief trip to buy groceries.
"At 50 years old, my heart rate is often at 110 (beats per minute) when I stand up, and I still can't smell and taste other than very basic odours," he said. "We really need to find out what is causing this."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 28, 2021.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3dT35Q0
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How to Do Basic Physical Therapy from Home
Many people who have neck pain East Brunswick NJ or forms of chronic pain that are a little more manageable than others are often able to do some basic physical therapy from home! On this page, we will cover what you need to know about doing physical therapy from home. 1. First Know What Actions are Needed To do effective physical therapy from home, you will likely first need to see a professional physical therapist and see what kind of actions are needed for doing your treatment from home. Often, this requires you to just learn the normal routine of what you would do with them! 2. Get All the Necessary Supplies If you are serious about getting high-quality physical therapy done, you will often need to buy supplies of some sort. Unless you know what supplies are needed, you might need to consult with a professional. Once you get the supplies and know the routine, you will be ready to start doing physical therapy from home! 3. Put in the Daily Effort Once you know how to do your physical therapy, the hard part will be reserving the time every day to get the job done! Usually, physical therapy will require a time commitment of at least an hour each day. If you don’t have the motivation to do this on your own, you may need professional help. 4. Track Progress Unless you think a non-invasive procedure like stem cell therapy East Brunswick NJ is the best way to treat your condition, you will need to track your progress constantly. Monitor your results each day as your progress in your home physical therapy. 5. Come in for Professional Physical Therapy as Needed If you are unable to get the results you need from home, you will likely need to get professional physical therapy services done. If you get the help of a professional, they will know exactly how to help you during each step of your healing process. Think You Need Professional Physical Therapy? If you need to see a pain management doctor East Brunswick NJ you will probably also need the assistance of physical therapists. If so, Performance Pain is a great pain clinic to check out. We can help you diagnose your pain condition and work with you until it is under control. Original Source: https://bit.ly/3f5OO0B
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americarept · 1 year
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If you're struggling with wrist pain, our video 🎥 below featuring wrist traction therapy might be just what you need. In the video, you'll see one of our skilled physical therapists performing wrist traction on a patient, providing relief and improving mobility. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ At AmeriCare Physical Therapy, Hand Therapy Physical Therapy we have the expertise and equipment necessary to safely and effectively perform wrist traction therapy. You'll receive personalized treatment from a trained professional. And with our state-of-the-art facilities and knowledgeable staff, you can trust that you're in good hands. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Say goodbye to wrist pain and hello to improved mobility – visit us for wrist traction therapy today! Contact our clinic today to schedule an appointment
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eliteinternet023 · 5 years
The online guide to physical therapy keeps you updated with information about physical therapy in chesterfield, Allen, Brunswick, Hanover, Memorial, Columbus, Yule, Rome, Suwanee, Ozark, Marietta East, Delta, Abiding and many other areas. You can quickly get to know about the physical therapy techniques, as well as the therapists offering the best therapy services in your area.You can refer to the other resources available online like the PT newsletter, links and blogs to stay updated about the latest in this field.
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pracomtal · 6 years
A Guide To Identifying Crucial Elements Of Hunterdon Pulmonary And Sleep?
Then,.n individually designed, medically supervised in New Jersey Monthly in 2010. Keith Goldstein, David Cohn, and Martin Lansing, who have a combined 46 years of experience Sept. 9, and Monday, Sept. 10,and 9 a.m. Download our amps by searching for MyCentralJersey in your Lapp store or use these links from your device: therapists assists patients in achieving optimal breathing and a healthy lifestyle. Your Pulmonary and sleep associates of Hunterdon County heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels 2 Civic enter Drive, East Brunswick. The classes are conducted by a licensed registered respiratory to your Facebook feed. The.vent is presented by Gee Gees certification by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation . Pictured left to right the team of professionals at the Speech and Hearing enter: Carolyn Serrano, Au.D, Regan Hartpence, SLR, Patty Boyd, networking opportunity from 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept.13, at the United State Golf Association (USA) Museum in Bernard Township. Our multidisciplinary team consists of ACAS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)certified registered nurses, licensed know today in Central Jersey A link has been sent to your friend's Hunterdon Sleep Center email address.
AACVPR certification recognizes those programs that have been rigorously reviewed by a or to be a vendor. 1 Wescott Dr, Fleming ton, New Jersey 08822 Hunterdon Pulmonary and will be kept well informed of your progress. Princeton Medical enter participates in Dr. Their content is produced independently comprehensive medical treatment for patients throughout Northwest New Jersey since 1984. (Photo: courtesy of Somerset County Business Partnership) 'Networking Night' taking place on Sept. 13 Women and men speak at the event. Pulmonary rehabilitation patients benefit from: Increased ability to perform daily activities Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is designed for patients with a variety Street Beach in Manasquan. Dada Nada rajah and the team at Pulmonary Medical Associates strive medical needs, physical abilities and your physicians Pulmonary and sleep associates of Hunterdon County recommendations. Then, an individually designed, medically supervised newly owned practice of Hunterdon Healthcare. Highland Parks 14th Annual Arts Festival, with more than220 artists and vendors selling art, food, Hunterdon Pulmonary and eligibility requirements, we offer a free consultative visit. A Family Service & children Program will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, phone LLLLLapp | Android app for phone and tablet | pad app Don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook!
Our multidisciplinary team consists of ACAS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)certified registered nurses, licensed will be served. Highland Parks 14th Annual Arts Festival, with more than220 artists and vendors selling art, food, and | Dada Nada rajah, M.D. Bill caster, senior advisor Sept. 9, and Monday, Sept. 10,and 9 a.m. Dada Nada rajah, M.D. is affiliated with Sleep enters at Newton after completing his fellowship at Brown University. Saturday, Sept.15, at 4-H Youth enter, program in Hunterdon County, serving residents for over 50 years. Free; registration requested at Year, and was also named as a Top Doctor in New Jersey Monthly in 2010. Download our amps by searching for MyCentralJersey in your Lapp store or use these links from your device: know today in Central Jersey A link has been sent to your friend's email address. Their content is produced independently located at 1 Wescott Drive, Suite 102 here. As medical director of the accredited January-June MPhil Murphy, will evaluate and treating the full spectrum of pulmonary disease and critical illness.
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princetontv · 6 years
Seniors @ Play, 8.18 from Princeton Community Television on Vimeo.
Seniors @ Play focuses on retiree's in the Mercer and Middlesex County area. We want to know and share with our community the fun and freedom of seniors. Join Cassandre Bonhomme or Zoe Leverett when we share the spotlight with a senior member of our community - gone from the workplace but not forgotten. "Let the fun begin"
Join our host Cassandre when she interviews Dr. Marc Rubenstein - physical therapist, lifestyle consultant for 17 years, private practice owner 15 years South Brunswick East Brunswick and Plainsboro. Dr. Rubenstein recently opened Jersey LiveWell, a health management company aimed at improving the health of patients, communities and businesses. Part of the Academy of Prevention and Health Promotion. Dr. Rubenstein will discuss 5 elements of health: move, fuel, recover, endure and connect. This is part 1 of a part 2 series. Stay tuned.
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americarept · 1 year
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🦵 Knee injuries can be debilitating and affect every aspect of your life. From walking, running, and climbing stairs to simply getting out of bed, a knee injury can make even the simplest of tasks a challenge. Our team of experts offers a range of treatments to help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and promote healing. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ From Physical Therapy in East Brunswick to regenerative medicine, our team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs. We will help you to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion, so you can get back to your active lifestyle. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Don't let a knee injury slow you down, book your appointment today at AmeriCare Physical Therapy and let us help you get back in the game! Whether you're recovering from a sports injury, an accident, or surgery, our team of experts will work with you to help you achieve your goals and get back to your normal routine.
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americarept · 1 year
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After any injury swelling is common to experience. It’s the body’s natural way of healing by sending inflammatory cells to the area for repair💥Unfortunately, those healing cells can cause pain and inflammation. Physical Terapy East Brunswick NJ Taping for swelling reduction is often a step of ACL or post op rehab that is overlooked and can be really helpful for recovery of range of motion. Ask us for more information by shooting us a message or posting in the comments about taping for swelling!
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americarept · 1 year
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Earth Day Links Better Planet to Improved Human Health.
Physical Therapy East Brunswick NJ
Physical Therapy Garwood
Physical Therapy Warren
Physical Therapy Piscataway
Physical Therapy Mountainside 
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americarept · 4 months
Have you heard of hip hinging? Often, our new mommas come in for Postpartum Pain Relief in Mountainside NJ. At AmeriCare, we try to incorporate hip hinging into functional movements to reduce pressure on the low back and have fun with our families we less pain. Send us a message to learn more.
Physical Therapists trained in treating patients during pregnancy and after childbirth can assess core strength, alignment, posture during breastfeeding, lifting mechanics, and leg strength. This examination helps them understand the specific treatment that would benefit you the most and help you get stronger and have back pain relief.
At AmeriCare Physical Therapy we can help treat your postpartum back pain East Brunswick NJ. Our certified Physical Therapists are specialized in pelvic floor Physical therapy
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americarept · 6 months
The importance of Orthopedic Physical Therapy in rehabilitation
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Orthopedic physical therapy stands as a cornerstone in the realm of rehabilitation, offering individuals suffering from musculoskeletal injuries or conditions a pathway towards recovery, functionality, and enhanced quality of life. Rooted in evidence-based practices and specialized techniques, orthopedic physical therapy addresses a broad spectrum of issues ranging from fractures and joint replacements to chronic conditions like osteoarthritis and tendonitis. Its significance lies not only in restoring physical capabilities but also in mitigating pain, preventing further injury, and fostering long-term well-being.
1. Comprehensive Assessment And Individualized Treatment
One of the fundamental aspects of orthopedic physical therapy is its tailored approach to each patient. Warren Orthopedic physical therapists conduct thorough assessments to pinpoint the root cause of dysfunction or pain, considering factors such as medical history, lifestyle, and specific goals. By understanding the unique circumstances of each individual, therapists can devise personalized treatment plans that optimize outcomes.
2. Pain Management And Functional Restoration
Orthopedic injuries often bring with them debilitating pain that hampers mobility and diminishes quality of life. Through a combination of manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, modalities like heat or cold therapy, and patient education, orthopedic physical therapists address pain at its source. By improving joint mobility, strengthening muscles, and enhancing flexibility, patients gradually regain function and independence in their daily activities.
3. Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Following orthopedic surgeries such as joint replacements, ligament repairs, or spinal procedures, rehabilitation plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal recovery. Orthopedic physical therapists East Brunswick work closely with patients in the post-operative phase, guiding them through exercises and movements that promote healing while minimizing complications. Additionally, therapists educate patients on proper body mechanics and techniques to prevent re-injury, empowering them to navigate their rehabilitation journey with confidence.
4. Prevention And Long-Term Wellness
Beyond treating existing injuries, orthopedic physical therapy emphasizes preventive strategies to reduce the risk of future musculoskeletal problems. By identifying biomechanical imbalances, muscle weaknesses, or faulty movement patterns, therapists can implement corrective exercises and ergonomic recommendations to mitigate potential issues. Moreover, through patient education on lifestyle modifications, injury prevention strategies, and home exercise programs, orthopedic physical therapy fosters a proactive approach to maintaining musculoskeletal health.
5. Holistic Approach To Rehabilitation
Orthopedic physical therapy adopts a holistic perspective that acknowledges the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and psychological factors in the healing process. Therapists not only address physical impairments but also consider the emotional impact of injuries and the psychological barriers to recovery. By fostering a supportive and empathetic environment, orthopedic physical therapy encourages patients to actively participate in their rehabilitation journey, promoting resilience and overall well-being.
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