#photo shot moda
tiaramania · 11 months
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There is a new exhibition called 'La Moda en la Casa de Alba/The Fashion in the House of Alba' at Palacio de Liria in Madrid from October 19th to March 31st. It covers two centuries of the family through their fashion with designs by Charles Frederick Worth, Louise Chéruit, Cristóbal Balenciaga, Flora Villareal, Manuel Pertegaz, and Enmanuel Húngaro. The exhibition includes dresses worn by Empress Eugénie of France, also the Countess of Montijo, and the wedding dresses of Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart, 18th Duchess of Alba, Eugenia Martínez de Irujo, 12th Duchess of Montoro, and Sofía Palazuelo Barroso, Duchess of Huéscar. You can find out more about visiting here.
There are no jewels on display due to security concerns and the cost of insuring them but I noticed in the background of one of the pictures is a portrait of the Duchess of Huéscar wearing the Alba Strawberry Leaf Coronet.
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It looks like it was part of the same photo session as the portrait that was found to be on display at Palacio de las Dueñas in Seville in January.
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I need to see a better quality picture of Sofia wearing the tiara!
Strawberry leaf ducal-style coronets are very popular amongst Spanish nobility. The one is made of emeralds, diamonds, and pearls and was supposedly a gift from Empress Eugénie to her sister, María Francisca de Sales de Palafox Portocarrero y Kirkpatrick, 16th Duchess of Peñaranda de Duero, wife of the 15th Duke of Alba. Here it is worn by María del Rosario Falcó y Osorio, 21st Countess of Siruela, and María del Rosario de Silva y Gurtubay, 9th Marchioness of San Vicente del Barco, wives of the 16th and 17th Dukes respectively.
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Of course it was most famously worn by María del Rosario Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart y Silva, 18th Duchess of Alba, and most titled person in the world before she passed away in 2014.
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If anyone goes to the exhibition and is able to get better shot of the portrait, I would very much appreciate if you would send it to me.
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
Hey! What do you think about Rajwa’s wedding reception dress? (the 2nd wedding dress; the D&G Alta Moda one).
I was surprised she chose D&G, but I do guess there will be an Italian brand after seen the paparazzi photos of her, her mom, and Queen Rania in Milan. D&G was never on my prediction list because for really obvious reasons of mine that I’m not really into D&G design and the overall of the brand.
When I saw the dress for the first time, my reaction was not shocked and aggressively hating the dress, but tended to be… surprised. It took me some minutes to realize that it was a D&G dress when I saw it from the wide-angle shot of the livestream lol.
As you know before, I have a very-strong biased opinion about D&G here. But for the overall-design of the dress itself, I’m not 100% hating it. There are some part of the dress that it’s obvious that I don’t like it, but I’m not hating it. So, I think it was still an ok for me lol.
Anyway, love this blog! This blog had been one of my comfort blog since 2018 and I’m so glad you finally open the message tab and I can ask you some questions! lol
Hello, lovely! I answered more about the reception dress in this post. I was surprised about D&G too as I thought Valentino would be a more suitable choice since D&G's designs are not something I connect with royalty. I haven't been a fan of this brand for a long time because of their problematic views. When I first saw the dress, I was only shocked for 2 seconds and then started hating it with a passion lmao. I was like, "Rajwa, girl, what were you thinking?" Some people like it though but fashion is subjective. Thank you so much for visiting my blog since 2018. I actually opened my askbox again in March for Iman's wedding but I haven't been able to answer questions much so not a lot of followers notice 🤍
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For the last 15 Years, Robert Hester has taken Inspiring, Positive, Beautiful shots as Fashion RHP, and Moda Autista Photography. For the next 15 years, Robert will continue to do so under a new name. Introducing... Beaux Cliché Photography!!
Beaux Cliché is French for Beautiful Shots. And for the last 15 years, and the next 15 years, Robert has/will often say "Beautiful" every time he takes a shot during a photo shoot and whenever he takes a shot at a fashion show, and/or fashion-related engagement! Robert is looking forward to a new era of fashion photography under a new name, Beaux Cliché Photography! Inspiring, Positive, Beautiful Shots! 
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babulashots · 5 months
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silviascorcella · 10 months
Lucio Vanotti a/i 2018-19: teorema della geometria libera indossata
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La si potrebbe quasi definire una rivoluzione gentile: la strada che Lucio Vanotti percorre con le sue creazioni punta, infatti, imperterrita verso la direzione del cambiamento generoso, dello scardinamento di regole imposte che a volte serrano assai il ritmo della composizione creativa del sistema moda, ma anche il ritmo della composizione del gusto nel sistema del proprio guardaroba, e dell’allestimento estetico della nostra stessa immagine, noi che la moda la indossiamo con piacere grande misto a consapevolezza interiore.
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Una rivoluzione gentile perché percorre la sua strada quasi con fare silente: non c’è confusione nella maniera di Lucio Vanotti di proporre la sua visione concretizzata in collezioni sempre applaudite, bensì c’è l’invito garbato ad essere accompagnati ad esplorare un mondo squisitamente personale, costruito su pilastri solidi che hanno a che fare con la passione per filoni culturali, artistici e architettonici che hanno segnato le epoche. Passione che si unisce al talento sartoriale vero. 
I nomi aiutano di certo a comprendere meglio: quei pilastri, o punti cardinali immancabili, sono la rievocazione dell’aspirazione all’armonia perfetta del classicismo, del suggerimento dell’Architettura radicale a godere del piacere estetico che la composizione architettonica regala a tutto il mondo che ci circonda, della nettezza rigorosa del brutalismo che guida la mano a disegnare silhouette asciutte eppur eloquenti, della volontà purificatrice di un ascetismo ammantato di Oriente, ma intriso di una capacità poetica che ha le radici nel genio tipicamente italiano. 
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Quelle radici che gli consentono di mescere tali riferimenti in un punto di vista riassumibile in un motto parafrasato, e per questo perfettamente personalizzato: “Less is … freedom!”, ovvero il meno non è tanto questione di meglio, ma questione di libertà. Semplicità vuol dunque dire niente orpelli che distraggono, solo forme essenziali e funzioni efficaci da comporre, da sperimentare, con le quali giocare, da far fluire oltre i confini dei generi sessuali e delle scansioni stagionali. 
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Quello di Lucio Vanotti è dunque un elogio della sottrazione che si rinnova anche nella collezione a/i 2018-19: qui l’amore per il rigore delle forme che si esplicano nella funzione è allacciato alla dimensione dell’uniforme, nel suo essere un codice di appartenenza scritto nei dettagli solitamente composti secondo un razionalismo profondo, che per Vanotti è la materia prima da scardinare per spingere l’orizzonte della sua esplorazione ancora più in là. Verso dove? Beh, stavolta la rotta è segnata da un approccio ludico e matematico assieme: giocare con le caratteristiche tipiche dei filoni che han fatto della divisa il proprio manifesto, ovvero workwear e new wave, sportswear e postmodernismo, hip hop e razionalismo, e ibridarli con attenzione meticolosa. 
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Il risultato è una semplicità d’apparenza assai complessa nella sostanza: sfila dunque la geometria, con le linee quadrate delle giacche over, con la forma rettangolare delle camicie, con l’appiombo dritto dei pantaloni; ma sfila una geometria che da rigorosa muta ed evolve nei volumi aiutati dagli espedienti sartoriali, così che le linee rette diventano in profili tondi dei volumi gonfi dei k-way trasformisti in cappotto e mantello, dei bomber e delle felpe che cambiano la scala delle proporzioni e diventano capispalla. 
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Il metodo da seguire è il principio dell’accumulo: strati composti con saggezza, bilanciando ogni dimensione per lasciare spazio espressivo anche alla forza della palette cromatica: che dalla gentilezza delle tonalità neutre sale d tono e di brillantezza, fino ad elettrificare i classici basici con shot di fuxia, arancio denso, giallo intenso e blu vibrante.
Silvia Scorcella
{ pubblicato su Webelieveinstyle }
{ Photo Backstage via © wwd e © pibemagazine }
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Lodi: Festival della fotografia etica 2023
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Lodi: Festival della fotografia etica 2023. 833 fotografi da 40 paesi diversi e 5 continenti, oltre 900 progetti candidati, oltre 13.000 le foto ricevute. Questi i primi numeri della XIII edizione del World Report Award|Documeting Humanity, il concorso indetto dal Festival della Fotografia Etica di Lodi, in programma dal prossimo 30 settembre al 29 ottobre. La giuria composta da Amanda Voisard, photo editor al The Washington Post, Dominique Hildebrand, photo editor del National Geographic, Lynden Steele, direttore di fotogiornalismo al Missouri School of Journalism’s Reynolds Journalism Institute e Direttore del POYi, Alberto Prina e Aldo Mendichi, coordinatori del Festival, ha selezionato gli 80 finalisti delle varie sezioni del World Report Award, i cui vincitori assoluti verranno decretati il 30 giugno. Il concorso si suddivide nelle categorie Master (10 finalisti), Spotlight (10 finalisti), Short Story (10 finalisti), Student (10 finalisti), Single Shot (quest’anno 40 finalisti invece di 30 vista l’alta qualità delle candidature). Cinque percorsi diversi, per narrazione e modalità espositiva, ma con lo stesso comune obiettivo: raccontare la società contemporanea e la sua complessità attraverso il potere della fotografia e la sensibilità dei migliori fotoreporter internazionali.. Anche in questa edizione FUJIFILM Italia è Award Sponsor del concorso con l’intento di sostenere il diffondersi della cultura dell’immagine. FUJIFILM Italia è da sempre in prima linea per rimarcare il valore della fotografia, per la sua capacità di raccontare la collettività e la realtà che ci circonda. Con il suo supporto, avvalora e incoraggia il grande impegno che il Festival mette ogni anno in campo per celebrare la fotografia, necessaria espressione umana. Accanto alle mostre del World Report Award si articoleranno altri momenti importanti del Festival, in programma dal 30 settembre al 29 ottobre, con la cronaca dei fatti e le storie più rilevanti dell'ultimo anno che troverà spazio nella sezione Uno Sguardo sul Mondo; lo Spazio approfondimento, con il reportage relativo a un long term project; lo Spazio no-profit, che dà voce alle organizzazioni umanitarie e ai loro progetti attraverso una Open Call che sarà aperta sino al 30 giugno. Ma ci sarà anche spazio a incontri, workshop, letture portfolio, videoproiezioni, visite guidate, presentazioni di libri, progetti educational per gli studenti e numerosi altri eventi che indagano il rapporto tra etica, comunicazione e fotografia. Contemporaneamente al Festival si svolgerà FFE – OFF, un circuito di mostre fotografiche, esposte in negozi, bar, ristoranti, gallerie, circoli culturali e aree pubbliche della città. L’appuntamento quindi è al 30 giugno per scoprire i vincitori del World Report Award, e conoscere il programma definitivo che caratterizzerà la XIV edizione di uno dei più importanti festival di fotografia europei.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fiqoardiansyah · 1 year
My shots for an Indonesian beauty influncer, Ida Rhijnsburger.. ❤️❤️❤️
Been dreaming to shoot her like years and years ago yet when i had the chance to shoot her, i forgot to upload the photos.. pardon me Da.. 😄
photographed by me
brushed by vita
#portrait #portraitphotography #beauty #fashion #blackandwhite #familyphotography #affinity #photographer #fqrdnsyh #moda #serenity #siren #canon #love #twins #glamour #solitude #fashionphotography #beautyphotography #beautyinfluencer #profile #influencer #indonesia #reels #reelsphotography #reelsinstagram
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amyanneleach · 2 years
Street Style
Street style photography is a genre of fashion photography that focuses on what clothes people are wearing on the street and how they are styling them. Photos are often taken of people attending different fashion weeks and runway shows and events. The location and lighting in the photos are important.
Jonathan Daniel Pryce
Jonathan Daniel pryce is a london based photographer known as Garconjon online. He sells prints and books of his work on his website and his work has also been featured in many magazines such as ID, Vogue, GQ etc.
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i like that the colour of the subjects clothes is similar to the surroundings but they still manage to stand out from the background.
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i like the lighting and colour in this photo
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I like the bright colour of the subject hair which helps him stand out from the background and I also like the engagement with the camera.
Shoichi Aoki
Shoichi Aoki is a Japanese photographer who takes street style images in order to document the fashionable people in Japan. He started in the mid 1990s and managed to capture Harajuku’s transformation from a normal shopping district into a well known fashion hub. He created a few magazines one of which was FRUiTS magazine which was created in 1997 and helped bring a larger western audience to Japanese fashion after some of the photos featured in the magazine became popular. The magazine later became synonymous with Japanese fashion in the west. After 20 years of publication in 2017 Shoichi Aoki made the decision to cease pubication of the magazine controversially stating the he believed there were “no more cool kids to photograph”.
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i like the expression in this image as the woman in the photo seems happy to be having her photo taken and seems very engaged with the camera. I feel the colour of her outfit also draws your eye to her.
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again the expression of the people in the image is what i like about it.
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i like the colours in this image
Sandra Semburg
Sandra Semburg is a fashion photographer from Berlin currently based in Greece. She has shot many campaigns for different brands including Chloe, Sonia Rykiel and Moda Operani. she also often shoots street fashion at different fashion events aroumd the world.
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I like this image as i feel that the colour of the womans outfit makes her stand out against the plain background.
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I like this image as I feel the colourws in the background and in the persons clothes are similar and they create a nice colour palette.
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I like the light and shadows on the clothes in this detail shot.
Tommy Ton
Tommy Ton is a Canadian photographer known for his street style photo coverage of different fashion weeks. inspired by Carine Roitfeld, and Anna Dello Russo.
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I like the colour in this image
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I like the lighting in this image and I like that the entire image is mostly black and white but his blue nails give a little bit of colour to it.
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I like the colour in the photo and that even though it is a detail image the personality of the person in the photo is still clear.
Jonathan Daniel Pryce
Shoichi Aoki
Shoichi Aoki (2001), FRUiTS, Phaidon Press
Shoichi Aoki (2005), FRESH FRUiTS, Phaidon Press
Sandra Semburg
Tommy Ton
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Pica fair clothing, Madrid 
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whenthecuriousgirl · 2 years
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Vogue US September 2012: Space Odyssey Featuring Karen Elson Shot by Steven Klein
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syriapost · 4 years
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DEMETRA by Fabrizia Cacace.
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yolandademiguel · 3 years
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Photo: @jorge_moreno_studio Model: @helenajimenezm Muah&Hair: @_yolandademiguel_ ‐------------------------------------- @embryolissenorge @maccosmeticsnordics @maccosmetics @macprooslo @macpro @inglotnorge @nyxcosmeticsnordics @biodermanorge @westbarnco @mykitco @anastasiabeverlyhills @nablacosmetics @ctilburymakeup ‐------------------------------------- ##blueeyes #redlips #photo #photography #model #t #shot #moment #sealovers #girl #camera #i9_muse #fashion #canon #new #makeup #portrait #moda #red #street #maquillaje #woman #beauty #beautiful #moda #instagood #fotografia #photooftoday (en Oslo, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTuPpu-sy20/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#ensaiofeminino #ensaioexterno #paquetá #ilhadepaqueta #shooting #shootingday #shots #photo #iphoto #photografer #photografia #photografy #amazing #smile #moda #modafeminino #fashion #fashionista #fashionmodel #model #newface #pic #picture #pictureoftheday #today #galeria #carioca #cariocando #nikon #nikond5100 (em Paquetá, Rio de Janeiro)
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Povo bonito! #foto #fotografia #sampa #sp #saopaulo #gay #avenidapaulista #vou #photography #photo #hair #shot #instafoto #fotografo #arte #art #model #fashion #instafashion #moda
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
catch up
platinum | raleigh carrera x mc (cadence dorian)
it’s been eight months since the breakup. they have a lot to catch up on.
~6k words, M (18+ only)
songs mentioned are gorgeous | no more sad songs | touch (acoustic)
he’d been wondering who would get around to dropping their album first. from the looks of the current trending topics on twitter, cadence had won. it looked like she’d even chosen to jack his style -- dropping her album in full with no announcement, no promotion, no warning... nothing.
color him impressed.
no more sad songs was number one on trending. just below it was the word touch. related topics: cadence dorian, raleigh carrera. 
he told himself it was just his own narcissism that made him click. that, and morbid curiosity. it’d been so long since he’d last tortured himself, after all. 
a long list of tweets stared innocently back at him. GOD touch is the sexiest song anyone has EVER WRITTEN I’M SCREAMING, said the first one. make it a single queen!!!! you deserve the hottie they will cast for that music video and more!!!!!
he scrolled down. sooooooooo are we going to talk about how touch is obviously about raleigh carrera giving that good dick or nah
his eyebrows shot up. well, now he had to listen to it. 
he pulled up spotify; of course she was on the home page. with just a few taps, the song started to play. an impressive piano melody filled the room. she must have beep practicing. as her voice filtered in, he turned up the volume.
cadence sounded... soft and sad, and, the masses on twitter were right: sexy. god did her breathless, yearning voice sound sexy. despite himself, he could actually feel his face flush as he listened to the words. so won't you take it, i feel like for the first time i am not faking... fingers on my buttons and now you're playing. master of anticipation, don't you keep it all to yourself.
it took everything in him not to be consumed by the memories that were threatening, but the last thing he needed was to fall down that rabbit hole. he’d gone so long without thinking about her, after all. it was almost up to a full two days at this point, before something would inevitably remind him of her and he would spiral again.
the rest of her album stared back at him from his laptop screen. he studied the cover art as her voice filled the empty room. it was a photo of cadence, of course, a wide full-body shot against a brick wall. she looked powerful, in the sharp black outfit she was wearing, her skirt just short enough to make her legs look a few hundred miles long. 
inhaling sharply, raleigh forcibly redirected his gaze to the track list, scanning the rest of the titles. his lips curved up into a smirk as he read them off, one by one. motorcycle boy. hollywood. tattoos and bad news. subtlety was never her strong point.
then again, he mused, as he considered his own journal and the songs inside it -- kaleidoscope dress. ferris wheel. lady liberty. sex at the moda. -- he really wasn’t one to talk. not that his label would ever let him get away with that last one. it was just a working title, anyway. 
he navigated back to twitter and tapped the moment about her album, no more sad songs. the first tweet he saw said omgggg i love the energy of cadence building raleigh up in ‘gorgeous’ and then tearing him down in ‘shout out to my ex’ so much kdhfgksjfhdg HER MIND this album is everything
it looked like he had some listening to do. but first... 
he strolled over to the far wall of his bedroom and pulled off his shirt, sidling up to the floor length mirror by the window to take a selfie. his free hand pushed his hair back from his face, and he stuck his tongue out at his reflection as he snapped the picture. 
it was just trolling, he told himself as he uploaded the photo to his pictagram, already laughing at his own joke while he typed out the caption. it wasn’t like he was trying to get anyone’s attention -- he just couldn’t resist giving the fans and the internet something to talk about.
raleigh smirked at his phone as the photo finished uploading and stared back at him from his feed. photograph with no t-shirt on. well, there was no taking it back now. if cadence was allowed to write about him, he was allowed to enjoy it, right?
five minutes later, his phone rang. it was avery. he took care to pause cadence’s album before he picked up the phone. “helloooooooo?”
“you know you broke the internet, right?” she asked, aprops of a greeting. 
a shit-eating grin appeared on his face. “i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“you’re such a dick,” she laughed, “you just couldn’t let her have one day, could you? you could congratulate her, you know. she worked really hard on that thing.”
“um, i basically gave her a number one album,” he remarked, his bravado a mask as always. “without me she would’ve had, like, one track on that thing. or she wouldda had to write about you. so you’re welcome, too.”
raleigh pulled his phone away from his face to squint down at his pictagram notifications. stream no more sad songs!! said the last ten comments. omg shout out to my ex is right
“besides, i’m getting trolled. like, a lot. i doubt she cares what i post.”
“i wouldn’t be so sure about that,” avery remarked cryptically. before he had a chance to wonder what that meant, she said, “hey, she’s playing a surprise show tonight at webster hall before the album release party. you should stop by.”
“i think if she wanted me to come to her party she would’ve invited me.” it might’ve been nice to hear from her -- especially given the intimate details about their relationship he was now being forced to listen to, along with millions of other people. 
you’re not being fair, he reminded himself, thinking again of sex at the moda. he hardly intended to give her a heads-up about that one. though he doubted she would care.
not that he cared. she could write about whatever she wanted. she could turn her life into art -- if that was what she wanted. she could tell... whoever, about what had happened between them. about what he’d made her feel.
she never told him, but, whatever. that was fine. that was her prerogative.
“earth to raleigh,” avery said on the line, snapping him out of his thoughts. “i said, she didn’t tell anyone about the party. the album was a secret, yeah? you should at least come to the show. i think your support would mean a lot to her.”
“well, i guess you’ll just have to support her enough for the both of us,” he said, meaner than he felt. raleigh shut his eyes, sighing as he rubbed at his forehead. “sorry. i’m not trying to be an asshole.”
“don’t sweat it.” avery always let him off the hook so easily, “i know it just comes naturally to you. seriously, the show starts at 7. think about it, okay? if you do decide to come, text me when you get there and i’ll let you in the back.”
he put the album back on as soon as they hung up. without a distraction, there was nothing to stop him from looking at cadence’s twitter account. she’d last posted just a few minutes ago:
surprise! i’ll be playing no more sad songs in its entirety tonight at webster hall’s marlin room. doors open at 6 for the first 600 in line. see you there? you never know who might drop by...
fuck it. he turned the volume up on her album and headed towards the shower. he’d avoided her for long enough, and tonight was as good a night for him to get over himself as any. maybe after this he could stop looking over his shoulder at every party he went to, terrified he’d have to see her. 
that didn’t mean that it didn’t feel like a mistake, to get dressed and make his way to the village. it felt like a bad decision every step of the way, even as he ducked around the back of the venue at 7:05 to see avery’s smiling face, holding the backstage door wide open. it was too late to go home, now. 
“took you long enough,” she grinned, squealing as she jumped into his arms. “i almost thought you weren’t going to show.”
“yeah, yeah. did she go on yet?”
avery led him inside, closing the door firmly behind them both. she nodded as they stepped up to the side of the stage. the screams from the crowd were deafening. “she just went out there. i think she’s about to start --”
raleigh heard the strum of a guitar and peeked around to see cadence standing center stage. “this is a really good looking crowd,” she said, grinning when the sound of the cheers rose exponentially. “thanks so much for coming out. are you guys cool if i play some tunes? yeah? okay, then. this first one is about a guy i used to date, it’s called ‘gorgeous.’”
he folded his arms over his chest, leaning back against the wall behind them. he was shameless in the way he looked her up and down, staring as she strutted across the stage. he was proud of her -- she’d come a long way since the first time he saw her perform, so long ago. cadence had real stage presence, now -- she’d come into her own. she acted like a woman, sang like a woman, dressed like a woman. she was confident. 
“whiskey on ice, sunset and vine. you’ve ruined my life by not being mine.” an elbow in his side made raleigh tear his eyes from her. he looked over at avery, rubbing at his ribs. “ow. what was that for?”
“you know everyone thinks this one is about you, right?” she asked, smirking. 
“you make me so happy it turns back to sad, there’s nothing i hate more than what i can’t have.” 
“aren’t they all about me?” raleigh asked, still hiding behind his attitude. avery only rolled her eyes, and eventually the crowd’s screams drowned out anything else they might’ve wanted to say. 
she played a few more songs before finally sitting down at the piano off to the side of the stage. now that she was closer, raleigh could see her better, and he stared as she brushed her hand across her forehead, pushing her hair off her face. she drank deeply from a water bottle and then set it on the piano’s ledge. raleigh was close enough to watch her swallow, but she still didn’t see him. it was probably the stage lights -- a single spotlight illuminated her at the piano as she adjusted the mic to pull it closer to her lips.
“we’re gonna slow it down for just one song,” cadence said, “i hope you don’t mind.” the cheers from the crowd proved that they didn’t. “i saw ya’ll talking about this one on twitter earlier.” he could see her grin perfectly from where he was standing; it was blinding. “i’m glad you like it. even if you don’t post thirst traps to it.”
the crowd went wild. even raleigh barked out a laugh; he hardly thought she had it in her. okay. point one, cadence.
“put your flashlights in the air for this one, okay? you and i and nobody else... feeling feelings i never felt...”
she was beautiful, of course -- always, every day, but never more than in this moment, with her eyes closed and her expression haunted, her hands moving along the piano keys. it probably said something dangerous about his ego that he found her the most stunning when she was singing about him. 
as the last few notes died, he sighed, digging his fingernails into the fabric of his jacket over his arms where they were folded on his chest. suddenly, it felt like he shouldn’t be there. or maybe he was the only one who should be there. either way, he hardly wanted to think about it. 
her moment of silent reflection as the song ended was gone in a flash. he watched her take a breath to steady herself, and then cadence was back in her stage persona, hopping off the piano bench to grab her guitar again. “thank you so much, new york city. you’ve been amazing. i’m so glad i could share this album with you -- it’s one of the most personal things i’ve ever written, and it means so much to me to play it for you all like this.” 
“this is the last song i have for you tonight -- it’s the title track, no more sad songs. it’s the last song i wrote for the album. this song is about trying to get over someone you can’t help but think about by any means necessary. it’s about the point in a breakup where you’re tired of wallowing and you’ll do anything you can to make yourself feel better -- i like to think it’s about the acceptance stage of grief. anyway, it felt right to keep it last... to name the album after it. i’m finally at a place in my life where i can put this chapter behind me. and it took a lot to get there, and i’m so proud of that. so, with that being said...”��
the crowd cheered as she strummed the first few notes. “thank you guys again so fucking much. sing along if you know the words already, okay?”
it was the second time that day he’d heard the song. it still made him feel the same way he’d felt when he first heard it -- angry and surprised and unsettled... and guilty. why hadn’t she ever told him she felt that way? why hadn’t she called him, and more importantly, why had he never called her, again?
his gaze hardened as she stopped at the front of the stage for the bridge. the same single spotlight illuminated her again. 
“uh, why do you have that murdery look?” avery asked from beside him. he said nothing, watching the melody build around cadence as she approached the crowd.
“still got you on my mind, starting to realize... no matter what i do, i will only harm myself tryn’a hurt you, and if i turn the music loud just to drown you out --”
her head tipped back with the powerful crescendo. she looked like an angel under the spotlight, more beautiful than he even knew how to explain. his chest seized painfully. 
abruptly, he turned around and headed back towards the backstage door. he knew he only had moments until the last song ended and cadence rushed backstage, and he needed to get out of there before that happened.
“raleigh!” avery called after him, but he didn’t stop, throwing open the back door and stepping out onto the sidewalk... immediately into a crowd of waiting fans and paparazzi.
a cacophony of screams started from the street. “ohmygod, it’s raleigh carrera!”
fuck. venue security glared at him as he shoved sunglasses on -- fuck the fact that it was nine o’clock at night -- and rushed off down the sidewalk. so much for getting in and out before cadence saw him. there’d be pictures of his exit all over social media in moments. paparazzi called after him as he rushed to the intersection, eyes scanning the street desperately for a working cab.
he stuck his hand out just as one with its lights on slid to a stop at the corner, jumping inside and slamming the door closed. camera flashes still shone behind his eyes even as he shoved the palms of his hands into them, drawing in a deep breath. sighing shakily, he met the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “88th and park. please.”
once he was alone in his apartment he felt like he wanted to put his fist through a wall. the urge to destroy something, anything was too strong -- because that was what he was supposed to do, wasn’t it? that’s what raleigh carrera would do.
she deserved so much better than him. the last thing she needed was to see him at her show and get sucked back into his bullshit. he paced around his living room, convincing himself he’d done the right thing. she’d moved on, after all -- she was happy, thriving. she didn’t need him around messing up her life. she’d practically said so herself. 
his phone vibrated where he’d dumped it on the coffee table, sliding onto the carpeted floor. raleigh couldn’t think of anyone he wanted to talk to, but he bent down and picked it up anyway.
he almost jumped out of his skin when he saw the caller id. cadence dorian. tongue out emoji. winking emoji. music note. 
“oh, so your phone isn’t down a well somewhere. okay, just checking. good to know.”
she hung up. 
he glared down at the phone in his hand. what the fuck? raleigh called her back before he even knew what he was doing.
“what?” she answered, though she sounded annoyed. like... really annoyed. 
“what is your problem?” he demanded.
“my problem?” she laughed. he could barely hear her over the commotion on the other end of the line -- someone was calling her name repeatedly in a way that sounded urgent -- and then a door slammed, and there was quiet. “my problem, okay. i don’t have a problem. i’m not the one out here subtweeting and sneaking in and out of your show without calling, am i?”
“no, you’re just writing and releasing an entire sixteen-song album about me and all the ways i ruined your life without calling,” he snapped, his patience finally wearing thin enough to crumble. “don’t you think it might’ve been nice for you to give me a heads-up?”
“oh, please,” cadence scoffed, and he could feel that she was getting angry now, too. it felt good, in an awful sort of way. at least it was something. “i should have to clear it with you every time i write a song?”
“not a heads-up about the album,” he grit out, the fingers of his free hand flexing with the urge to throw something, “a heads-up about the way you fucking felt. you never say a goddamn word about any of that to me and i have to find out about it for the first time with -- everyone else? that’s really fucking special, cadence. that means a lot to me.”
there was silence on the other end of the line, giving him a moment to try to calm himself down. cadence was only ever quiet when she’d been surprised, meaning she wasn’t expecting him to say that. but she was certainly silent, then; if he couldn’t still hear her breathing raggedly, he might’ve assumed that she hung up on him again.
finally, she spoke, her voice small and unsure. “raleigh...”
but he wasn’t done fighting with her yet. “what’s the matter? you never thought that it might actually hurt my feelings? i guess that’s on me for giving a shit.”
“raleigh,” cadence said again, more insistently this time, “i didn’t know how to --”
“how to what, cadence? not break up with me? not ignore me for eight months afterwards? not pretend like it didn’t mean anything to you? it’s not that difficult.”
“well, obviously it was too difficult for you to do, too. you didn’t call me, either. so i’m supposed to believe -- what, exactly? that you missed me? that’s convincing, when you’re never out without a model on your arm.” 
she sounded hurt. why did she sound hurt? she was the one who’d stomped on his heart, she was the one who’d wanted this. 
“get over yourself,” he bit out, his hand curling into a fist at his side. he was never going to get his security deposit back after what he was about to do to his penthouse. “you knew i was in love with you and you didn’t care. which is fine. you don’t have to... just own it. stop acting like i did something to you.”
suddenly, the commotion on the other end of the line was back. “i have to go,” she said softly, her voice barely a whisper. 
he hung up without saying goodbye, throwing his phone onto the couch. okay. that was fine. everything was fine.
except that he couldn’t possibly stand to be in his apartment for another moment -- not without doing something stupid. 
he grabbed his keys and his phone and left, slamming the door behind him. his fingers drummed restlessly on his thighs as he rode the elevator down to the lobby. there were paparazzi waiting outside the front door of his building -- raleigh could see them through the glass as soon as he stepped out of the elevator. with a grimace, he headed for the back door.
there was already a car waiting for him. “let’s go to kismet,” he directed, rapidly firing off text messages to anyone he knew who might be available to distract him. 
within minutes, he was inside the club at a vip table. there was a bottle of vodka sitting in a bucket of ice at the center of the booth, calling out to him. he lifted it straight to his lips, drinking as much as he could in one go without coughing. she’d always used to joke about his self-destructive tendencies. if only she could see him now.
“hey, raleigh.” belle tamblyn stood before him, smiling in the low light of the club. she must’ve just gotten back from paris fashion week. two of her friends had already sat down at the booth, talking among themselves. 
he leaned back into the booth with a charming smile. “hey, belle. i knew you missed me.”
she laughed, taking his words as an invitation to sit down in his lap. he didn’t push her off, wrapping an arm around her narrow shoulders. she was taller and thinner than cadence in a way that wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but wasn’t exactly welcome, either. you’re never out without a model on your arm.
“so,” she started, looking down at him from up close, “what’ve you --”
he leaned up and kissed her, sliding a hand into her hair. her lips parted in surprise, sticky with lip gloss. raleigh bit her bottom lip and she sighed breathlessly, and that was -- good. that was almost... close enough.
his free hand slid over her backside, pulling her in closer. she was breathing hard when she pulled away, her face flushed.
raleigh laughed, pushing his fingertips under the hem of her dress. she reached down and swatted playfully at his chest.
“you’re an asshole,” she said primly, but she was rubbing her hand over the muscles in his chest. “do you want to get out of here?”
the last thing he wanted was to bring her back to his apartment, or to be there at all. “i don’t think i can wait that long,” he said charmingly, “bathroom?”
her nose scrunched up as she considered it, staring down at him. then, she said, “fine,” and slid up off his lap. he grinned, grabbing her hand and tugging her off toward the back of the club. 
it was a single person bathroom, and blessedly empty when they arrived. no one paid them any attention as he pulled her inside and flipped the lock. 
raleigh lifted her onto the sink and leaned in to kiss her again. she moaned as he pushed her legs apart and stepped between them, sliding his hands up her thighs.
this was fine. this was what he wanted.
so why couldn’t he force himself to do what he knew he was supposed to? his hands didn’t seem to want to move from where he’d anchored them on her legs, his lips kissing her methodically but not doing much else.
she wants to have sex with you! his brain screamed at him, she is a supermodel. a supermodel who wants to have sex with you. 
impatiently, her hands slid to the waistband of his jeans. he didn’t stop her as she pulled the zipper down and slipped her hand under the waistband of his briefs. 
it’s not a big deal. you’ve done this a million times. never after an argument like that with cadence, though... only when she was busy pretending he didn’t exist... 
the bass of the music playing in the club vibrated through the closed door. the song sounded painfully familiar -- he strained to make out what it was...
of course it was a dance remix of ‘gorgeous.’ why wouldn’t it be?
panting, he pulled his mouth off of belle’s, tipping their foreheads together. “hey,” he started hoarsely, licking his lips as he glanced down towards where her hand was wrapped around him, “i’m sorry, but i don’t... have anything. i don’t think we should...”
have unprotected sex in a nightclub bathroom. her teeth dug into her bottom lip as she weighed her options. on any other night, that might have actually been flattering, but tonight...
pounding on the bathroom door made their minds up for them. he stepped back, adjusting himself in his jeans. “come on.”
he helped her down off the sink and opened the door, ready to lead her back out into the club. the line of people waiting to use the bathroom stared open-mouthed at them both as they walked off toward the booth. raleigh grinned at them as he walked past -- that was what he was supposed to do, right?
belle’s friends barely arched an eyebrow at her as they sat down again. immediately, he started pouring drinks and passing them out -- anything to be as drunk as possible before the song ended.
by the time he stumbled home, alone, it was late -- later than he’d wanted to be out. he used the front door -- not because he wanted any paparazzi to get photos of him going home alone or anything, but because he felt like it -- and waited until he was in the elevator to sigh frustratedly, decidedly not checking his phone. he knew there was no way she’d texted him.
cadence was sitting on the floor outside of his apartment door when he stepped out into the hallway.
he stared at her like she was a hallucination, lifting one hand to his eyes to rub at them. maybe he had more to drink than he’d thought. she looked up at him, still dressed in what she must’ve worn to her album release party.
he felt like he was going to throw up. god, that would be uncool.
“hi,” she said quietly, from the floor. wordlessly, he stepped closer to her and held out his hand. she took it, letting him pull her up. “can i talk to you?”
that wasn’t going to be easy, considering he had absolutely no idea what to say, but raleigh nodded, unlocking his front door and motioning for her to step inside.
he didn’t turn the lights on, letting the floor-to-ceiling windows illuminate the space. the lights from the city and the glow of the moon made cadence look almost ethereal as she slowly wandered over towards the far wall, hesitating for a moment before kicking her high-heeled shoes off. despite himself, his lips twitched up into a smile as he watched her.
“want a drink?” he asked, because he certainly did.
she nodded, and he moved to the bar cart to pour them both a half-full glass of vodka. he dropped an ice cube into his and poured orange juice over hers. 
raleigh forced his feet to join her at the windows, silently holding her glass out to her. she took it with a mumble of thanks, lifting it to her lips. her eyes were trained on the view. what the fuck was she doing here?
the silence stretched between them. finally, he said, “congratulations on the album. it’s really good.”
that seemed to snap her out of it. she snuck a glance at him out of the corner of her eye. “you listened to it?”
he nodded. no point in lying about it, now. “i’m a narcissist,” he joked, “it’s what i do.”
she laughed. raleigh stuffed his free hand into his pocket so that he wouldn’t reach out for her. god, he’d missed her laugh. 
he drained what was left in his glass in one go. “what’re you doing here?”
cadence was still staring out at the city. “i wanted to talk to you.”
“and yet, here you are. not talking.”
“i didn’t get that far when i planned this in my head,” she admitted, in an annoyingly endearing way. god damnit.
“how far did you get?”
she turned to look at him, then, leaning her shoulder against the window. “i thought maybe i would just kiss you when you got here and that would say everything i wanted to say. but then i chickened out.”
it felt like she’d just elbowed him in the stomach. “that doesn’t sound like you.”
“the kissing? i don’t know, i thought about it kind of a lot...”
he swallowed hard. “the chickening out.”
“oh.” she nodded, looking away. raleigh watched her stare down at the glass in her hands. “i guess i just felt like i already messed up so much. i didn’t want to... do the wrong thing again.”
raleigh couldn’t quite decide if he was too drunk for this conversation or not drunk enough. “how was your party?”
“it was fine. i think the last one i had -- for the odyssey -- was better.”
there was a night he didn’t want to relive. “look,” he sighed finally, turning back towards the windows and the city skyline, “i didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable position. if you’re only here because you think i’m upset... you don’t have to be. i’ll be fine.”
he could see her shifting out of his peripheral vision. she seemed to be considering what she wanted to say. finally, she spoke up. “that’s not why i’m here.” he turned towards her and watched as her shoulders squared. “i’m here because i missed you. a lot. and i wanted to apologize, for what happened between us... for shutting you out. for not telling you how i felt -- that i was in love with you, too. for letting you go.”
raleigh’s grip tightened on his glass so that he wouldn’t drop it on the floor. he stared at her like he was seeing her for the first time. 
cadence drew in a deep breath and continued, “getting over you was the hardest thing i ever had to do. and when i saw the pictures of you leaving the show tonight i realized... i failed miserably at it. i can’t get over you. i couldn’t. i won’t.”
he had to be imagining this, right? he was drunk and asleep in his limo, he had to be. he was dreaming.
but she felt very, very real when she reached out and twined her fingers in the fabric of his shirt.
“please say something,” she begged. she was undeniable.
“cadence...” he sighed, “you know how i feel.”
she nodded, once. “i do, but i want to hear you say it.”
“i want you to be my fucking girlfriend,” he admitted immediately, his voice hoarse. now that he’d given in, his free hand reached out and cupped her cheek. “for real. all the time. in front of everyone. i want you to move in, i never want us to go another day without talking. i don’t want anyone else to touch you. ever again.”
her lips parted. he couldn’t stop his thumb from pressing into her invitingly full bottom lip, watching in fascination as her eyelids fluttered. “raleigh,” she breathed, beautifully enough to do his head in. 
he stepped forward swiftly, pressing her back against the windows, and kissed her. she moaned, scrambling to set her glass on the side table next to her. he knew her hands were free when they shoved into his hair. 
fuck, if he hadn’t been wanting this for so long. his lips broke off of her to trail kisses across her jaw, down towards her neck. he couldn’t stop his fingers from tugging at her dress insistently. “do you want that?” he demanded. raleigh felt her nod against him. his teeth scraped across her pulse point. “say it.”
“raleigh!” she exclaimed. it was the most amazing sound in the world. his hips pushed forward insistently, grinding between her thighs. the force of it pushed her back into the windows. “i want it, i want you. i want all of it -- everything.”
the urgency to fuck her through the window was balancing precariously against his desire to do things right -- to give her what she deserved. with a huff, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, walking them both off towards his bedroom.
she laughed again as he dumped her on the mattress, hard enough to make her bounce. raleigh grinned back at her as he whipped his shirt off of his head, tossing it to the floor. she was scrambling up the mattress, and he chased her towards the headboard, kneeling on top of her when she finally laid back.
he crowded her in close for another kiss, his hands everywhere at once. she whined into his lips, kissing him so urgently, like they didn’t have all the time in the world, now. “i missed you,” she breathed, her hands clutching at his shoulders desperately.
“i missed you too, beautiful,” he returned, pushing her dress up her thighs, “now lie back and let me make you feel good.”
his head was spinning by the time they’d finished, and not because of the drinks he’d had. cadence was tucked up under his arm, her head pillowed on his chest. she was still catching her breath as she dragged her fingertips along the tattoo spanning the expanse of his ribs.
the sun was starting to come up outside, filtering light into his bedroom. he stared at her face, illuminated by the dawning daylight. “you know, if anyone here is gorgeous, it’s you.”
“oh my god,” she mumbled, pressing her face into his skin, “you’re never going to let this go, are you?”
he smirked up at the ceiling as he pulled her in closer. “would you say it makes you so mad?”
“i’m going home,” she threatened, pinching his side. he laughed, squirming away from her hand. “this is over. you ruined it.”
“well, what if i want to come along?”
“raleigh,” she groaned finally, kicking him under the covers, “stop it.”
he snickered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “what, you’re allowed to write about me, but i’m not allowed to enjoy it?”
“please,” she sighed, settling in against his chest again, “like you don’t write about me.”
“i never said that,” he hummed, already imagining the things her face would do when she finally got to listen to his album, if he ever finished it. “i’m really hoping the label doesn’t make me change the name of sex at the moda.”
“okay, you did not write a song called ‘sex at the moda.’ tell me you didn’t.”
“i’d hate to lie.”
she lifted her head to look at him, her face flushing. “will you play it for me?”
he eyed the guitar in the corner of his bedroom. like he could ever say no to her. still...
“maybe later,” he grinned, rolling over to pin her beneath him, the sheets tangling around their legs. “i can think of a better use of our time. we have a lot to catch up on.”
her arms wound around his neck. “tell me about it.”
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giovannidimola · 3 years
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#tbt these are from springtime a year ago. grateful to have had & incredible photo session with friend & designer @marine_penvern with our models/incredibly talented friends and new ones @ellaloudon & @rgnld.healr Marine chose & found this incredible location (that i had passed a million times but missed) It was my one shoot before covid came into full effect. I miss and look forward to photographing again..shooting fashion & art. These were highlights of that day. I shot video as well (which i’m finally ready to edit and put out there) Thank you, Grazie, Merci to you Marine for trusting my eye being combined with yours. It was an exciting pairing. Ella it was our first before our lives all shifted all over. I look forward to creating a window together & create! Reginald it was a true pleasure to meet & photograph you + your amazing ideas for shooting in. We’ll reconnect I know. Grazie. Upward & onward! 🙌🏽❤️🖤 #tbt #photography #2020 #fashion #spring #portraiture #design #nature #designer #designinspiration #marinepenvernatelier #ellaloudon #actress #hudsonvalley #upstateny #moda #fotografia #giovannidimola #upstatelife #nofilter #primavera #grateful (at Hudson, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRH0bLBjIwq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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