What are some of the common issues faced by pg owners..? -delay in rent payment -complicated and time consuming police verification process. -difficulty in managing multiple pgs.
Well we Introduce you to the one app which makes it easier for you to collect rents anytime anywhere quick and uncomplicated tenant verification managing your multiple pgs smartly.. All this and more in just a click. Let's have a look..how.!
EazyPG manager app is an smart pg manager app which has a feature of OTP based tenant check-in you can add tenant to vacant room keeping the room rent confidential
Quick tenant documentation and police verification. Eazypg manager app does online tenant documentation and police verification within 2 minutes.
Collect 90% rent and bill by 7th of the month Eazypg manager app has automatic rent and bill reminders for tenants as well as follow up calls with daily late Fines. Therefore collecting rents becomes effortless.
Online rent and bill directly to your account.
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