#perhaps Garvez (I can see it and I adore it)
Almost every fucken time I see David Duchovny I think of writing a CM fic based off of Return to Me but I know I am Not Strong Enough to write the angst required. God fuck I love that movie
0 notes
okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: Means everything
Prompt: Luke and Penelope go to Bronx’ cemetery.
Warning: none.
Genre: sad, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: part 90 in Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💑.
Song mentioned: none.
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 The miracles that can be performed in the contemporary era. The night before, you are in Virginia, near Quantico, and the next morning in New York, more precisely along the road that leads to the Woodlawn cemetery, Bronx.
-Which was the best costume for you?- the man's question breaks the silence of the autumn day. Perhaps it is still too early to start seeing families with flowers, candles and every other tooling suitable for the occasion.
Penelope shakes his hand, urging him to look at her. -What a silly question, darling, you know.- he bends his head to one side, like dogs do when they are intrigued by something. -Spencer is unbeatable.- she decrees therefore, exactly what he had expected.
-Yes.- he nods, moving his fingers slowly over hers, in a sort of almost invisible caress. -You two really take seriously this thing about Halloween.- he comments, with only partially joking tone, perhaps remembering in part their discussion, if you can call it that, a few hours ago.
She, on the other hand, doesn't seem interested in digging up the past and getting caught up in sad thoughts, despite the place. -Of course.- she shudders, feeling the gloomy air penetrate beyond her coat. I knew that I should have put on something heavier, she reproaches herself mentally, naturally losing the thread of her speech for a moment. -I'm so happy that Rossi complimented us for the biscuits.- she exclaims out of nowhere.
Luke gives a slight laugh. -He couldn't have done otherwise.- he has noticed her goose bumps, then he pulls her closer to him, slipping a hand underneath the various layers of fabric, massaging her neck. His hands are no longer so cold, since he is been with me, she reflects in a rambling way. -They were made with 100% true love.- the man makes her a decidedly mischievous wink.
She pushes him, softly. -What a fool you are.- she even shakes her head. -I am sorry about Tara.- she admits. -She was the only one single.- Luke stops, catching a glimpse of the huge entrance gates, so austere and carriers of not exactly positive memories.
-It seems to me that she was still amused.- he contradicts her, brushing the outline of her face with his thumb. -And she was very good as Cruella De Vil.- Penelope is forced to agree with him, and, obviously, it really annoys her. That little bit that keeps the flame of their passion alive and continues to amaze friends and relatives every time they see them doing lovebirds or, as they say, in the "honeymoon phase".
-Yes.- she says only, feeling his tension in his grip on her side.
For a moment the man is almost dizzy, he goes back in time. -Hey, here we are.- he says, forcing himself to shake off all destructive thoughts. -I wish you could have met my other grandparents.- he says, after both of them have made the sign of cross. -Although I'm sure they would have fallen in love with you like the others.- a melancholy and modest smile is painted on her face.
-You’re so exaggerated.- she reproaches him, almost whispering so as not to disturb the eternal rest of the people under the ground.
-Please.- he insists. -If I come here to the Big Apple without you, for example because we are following a case... they look at me as if I had betrayed them and they hardly greet me.- always stubborn.
All this talk is making her head spin. -Come on, we will be late for mass.- she stretches his pace, dragging him with her, then stops, because she doesn't know the way.
 Later, that evening
This time the arrival of a case prevented them from spending even an extra half day among the (living) relatives of Alvez house. There was been only time for a quick greeting. Something, watching Penelope interact with his little grandson, has started to get moving in his stomach, then into his head, confusing his mind. That's why he spends half of the flight in silence, looking out the window. -Hey, honey, are you okay?- his girlfriend asks him at one point, having considered all the possible options.
He immediately turns to her. -Yes, it's just that... I was thinking.- he simply admits. The blonde is silent, letting him talk. -I was thinking about how important it was for me that you was with me today.- he adds, reaching out to take the clearer one, and the woman does the same without realizing it, so that their fingers meet in the middle, intertwining. -And how many steps we have taken together.- he concludes, instantly realizing that he is telling the truth. Once such a confession would have cost a thousand mental efforts to him.
With the free one, she caresses his cheek. -Oh, baby, I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else.- she replies with the same sincerity in her eyes.
-I know.- he nods promptly. -And to know, to be aware of it is...- he shakes his head, there is no suitable term -...indescribable.- she still doesn’t comment. -Knowing that, after a bad or nice day, in any case, I'll find you waiting, awake or asleep, in an attempt to stay awake waiting me.- he uses a low tone, because some passengers are dozing. -That you will hug and cuddle me, that you will do everything to make me feel better.- Penelope just nods. -That you will always be there, if I need to talk about any topic.- she just looks at him. -That you will never judge me in a summary way.- the last theatrical break. -Knowing that you're there, means everything.- the woman rests her head on his shoulder, to be able to whisper more comfortably near his ear.
-Luke, babe, of course there are.- she sees him shivering, not from the cold. -Until you will put up with my mood swings, my exaggerations... as long as you want to.- she adds, in a tone of voice so low as to be barely perceptible.
The man feels a warm liquid flow down his shoulder that is getting wet his sweater. He turns just to check. -I managed to move you?- he asks, with very few ironic and much sweeter nuances.
She rolls her eyes, moving away. -Of course, even if it is not a big enterprise.- she pulls out of her bag her magic rag to clean the lenses of the glasses. -But, Luke, I want you to know something.- she says, once it's done. -For me it is the same.- very serious look and tone. -I realized that before you, I existed only.- she gestures, trying to give shape to something invisible. -I never really lived. You are my mainstay, I know that for whatever, you will be there, even if you make me really angry, sometimes, and I would choke you.- he performs an adorably innocent smile. -But I love you, God, how much I love you.- she sighs, turning away. -In an embarrassing way.- she concludes, looking towards the corridor.
-Hey, I know.- he strokes her shoulder. -I have never been a safe person in personal affairs, but in this case... I know.- she finds herself chained to his eyes. -I feel it in the air, everywhere. And you know that I feel the same thing.- she nods, swallowing.
-Yes, and this for me... means everything.- she falls asleep on his shoulder, even if only for a few minutes and she doesn’t dream of anything, because she doesn’t need anything other than what she already has.
TAGS: @martinab26 @reidskitty13  @thinitta  @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan  @pegasus-scifichick @paperwalk  @inlovewithgarvaz @the-ellen-stuff @astressedwriter  @symphonyashley @jess-the-introvert​  @everythingisanidea​ @blackb-ird​ @veronicafiore88​ @dreatine​ @mookewa​ Tell me if you want to be removed from the tag list ^^
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: Few hours in Luke Alvez’s mind.
Prompt: Luke’ POV, memory of war.
Warning: quote of 12x1.
Genre: comedy, family, angst, friendship.
Characters: Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia, BAU team.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 🔦🐶.
Song mentioned: none.
Few hours in Luke Alvez’s mind- Masterlist
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Part 1-
I spend the whole evening thinking about what Rossi has told me. I was happy to receive that call. Being among the first to know that Daniel Cullen, aka the Crimson King, had participated in the great escape, was very positive. From that cursed day I couldn't take the image out of my head of that monster while was quartering my partner, and, what I never say when I tell the story of his capture, even my best friend. It's something that will haunt me for a lifetime. And of bad things, with the work I do, it's not that I have no way of seeing them.
Is not even to be discussed if I'll collaborate with the BAU, the answer is obviously yes. I want to capture Cullen as much as, but what I’m saying, far more than them. The only thing that kept me going in this period was knowing him right behind bars. But I don't want to definitively join the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I'm not a profiler. I don't see myself trying to penetrate the perverse minds of people like Cullen, or worse. And what I do now, I like it. I can't say I adore it, no, but I feel good and in the end, it's not that you can always expect the best.
Roxy enters the room, in all her splendor. As usual, she manages to make me stop thinking about work and tear me a smile. -Come here.- I say, making a sign her to sit on the couch next to me. And she does it, in a rather stormy way. A pillow falls on her head. I stroke her, and she reciprocates me with a kiss.
-What do you say, let's go to bed?- she seems to nod and so we get up, heading towards the bedroom, one next to the other. Another of the things for which I didn't completely lose my mind is her. She stayed near me, during this period. I love her more than my life.
I don't think I will be able to rest seriously, but I must at least try. Tomorrow will be a long day. Wake up early and go to Washington. Roxy certainly will not like the idea of ​​moving. She adores the landscapes of this area, the long tree-lined avenues, the fragrant bushes. But at least until Daniel Cullen goes back where he has to stay permanently (on the other side of the bars), I'll have to go to Quantico very often, so I think it's better that we have a place to stay, so we don't have to come back and forth. And surely, I couldn't leave her here alone, I miss her terribly.
 The alarm rings while I'm finishing to get dress. I anticipated it for a full fifteen minutes. As I had imagined, I could hardly close my eyes. I've traveled through several mini dreams, I don't even know if I can define them, I don't remember most of them, but I seem to remember the atmosphere, dark, absurd, properly dreamlike. Some of those were vaguely related about a sort of interview to be hired as a profiler, although it isn't something I want, in reality. Some people all the same, both as clothes and as a physical appearance, indistinguishable between men and women, they asked me quickfire questions, not even I was under questioning or they were making me the test of polygraph. And my answers were always wrong or inaccurate. Only the fact of returning to the real world, panting, sweating and with an extra weight on my heart, convinced me that I had slept at least one or two hours altogether.
Fortunately, the plane lands without a minute's delay, ignoring the fact that, predicting the worst, I booked to get to Quantico an hour earlier. Here I am in front of the headquarters of the Bureau: immense, very high, reminds me of certain buildings filmed in the poetic documentaries of the avant-garde (the influence of my brother is felt). It certainly helps to instill in those who are about to enter, a certain sense of authority and smallness by contrast. But I'm only here as a collaborator, what tormented me is just a dream and it doesn't come close to reality.
As soon as I set foot inside, I am shocked by the number of stairs that branch out in every direction and the counters with beautiful secretaries, apparently available. But I don't need to ask for any information, Rossi has already told me what I needed to know. And so, I take the elevator (normally I wouldn't do it, but I don't want to get sweaty right the day I get to know the other members of the unit, with whom I'll have to spend some time anyway...). I arrive in a flash, too quickly, and I'm immediately punished for this lazy choice: my head is now turning, and a certain sense of nausea is rising... Reminder for the future: don't take the elevator any more.
I risk of bumping into a blonde woman, busy carrying a lot of cards. It'll be my gaze, which despite my efforts is still disoriented, or it'll be her precarious position, the fact is that she raises her eyes to mine a moment before our bodies are likely to collide and this is enough to recognize me as the newcomer, the exterior.
-Hey, you are Luke Alvez, the man of the task force?- her voice isn't exactly as I guessed, it's decided and transmits a great determination. Apparently, she looks like a pretty, sweet woman, but I think she'll reserve more surprises. I nod.
-Exactly, I must have right a lost air, for being caught on the first shot...- I throw one of my friendly smiles. She gives me her right hand, I squeeze it. From the corner of my eye I notice a beautiful wedding ring in the ring finger of the other hand.
-Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ.- it sounds good, it sounds good for her. -I imagine you're here for the case of the Crimson King...- just hearing that nickname make me nervous, but if her notice it, she doesn't seem to give it much weight. -Wait that I place these folder, then I'll show you the way.- she starts heading to a door, I follow her. -We were just about to make a meeting to talk about the progress made so far. Thanks to you, less than half of the escapees came back inside.- in saying the last sentence, she turns to me and gives me a very warm and sincere smile.
-I only did my job...- a lines that seems extrapolated from a classic Hollywood police film. JJ giggles anyway. She opens a locker, throws inside everything she has in her hands, then she closes it.
-Well, we can go.- I nod, without saying anything and I follow her, looking around intrigued, hoping that at least it won't be notice, everything: it is very different from the place where I work, is full of desks, each "decked out" personal way, higher up there must be the offices of the "big bosses". We arrive at the door, this is transparent but so that those on the other side can see us, but not us him. It turns out to be a fairly small room, in the center a round table, chairs, a screen, a blackboard directly attached to one of the glass walls. Sitting on one of them there is just Rossi, next to him a dark-haired man, completely focused on the documents he is reading, but even so it seems to convey a shady air. The Italian-American looks up at the sound of someone entering and realizes that besides JJ there is also someone new, me.
-Luke!- he stands up and reaches us. -I'm glad you managed to get there on time. I see you've met JJ...- we both nod. Even the other man, who should be the boss, is approaching. -Hotch, this is the boy- this term makes me feel extremely young -that helped us to take those criminals...- I feel a certain embarrassment or perhaps it is more awe, when I meet the gaze of the boss.
-Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Aaron Hotcher.- the tone in this case fits perfectly to his person, but also reveals that behind that armor in one piece there is a man loyal to duty but that puts the whole heart in everything he does. Maybe I should really do the profiler, I do nothing but shoot judgments on anyone starting from nuances of the voice and ways of doing, as I have set foot in Quantico. He holds out his hand and for the umpteenth time, certainly not the last, I find myself doing this formal ritual.
-Luke Alvez.- at the same time a tall, slender, professional-looking brunette woman comes.
-Excuse the delay, the damn coffee machine has decided not to cooperate...- she notices me early enough, not that it is a very complex operation. Probably they didn’t explain to all members of the team the possibility of a collaboration on my part, because she appears confusing. I don’t know whether to resolve the problem directly or if I have to wait for the boss to introduce me. In the end, luckily, Rossi thinks about it.
-Tara, remember that we asked for someone who could help us to capture the escapees?- after a few seconds, she nods. For a moment she seems lost in who knows what memory. -Here, he is our trump card- if he continues like this, he will make me blush -Luke Alvez , task force.- I approach her, shake her hand, her is a very delicate hold, perfectly matched with the tone of her velvety voice.
-Tara Lewis.- I hope that for now the pleasantries are over, but it is a rather utopian desire. I seemed to remember that they were more, of course, a few months ago they lost one of their member, some voices have come in my house, he was kidnapped him and then someone had shot his pregnant wife... logical that he decided to move on. However, they still seem to me too few.
-Unfortunately we can’t begin, we must wait for our computer technician.- Hotchner explains, probably turning more to me than to others. I nod, everyone sits down, so I do too. A few minutes later the door opens (apparently for the last time) and, stumbling, hidden by a pile of yellow folders that remind me of the years in the police, and a computer, enters a woman, a spot of various shades of pink and yellow, the color of her hair. Of course, when the boss told "our computer technician", I thought he was referring to a man, but it was a masculine thought, the result of a legacy still present in our society, however much we would deny it and affirm the opposite. Resting the material on the table, finally she reveals her figure, even if for a few seconds. She quickly distributes the folders, one in front of me and I can’t help but notice the amount of bracelets and the variety of shapes that adorn her arm, as well as the colored nails in a very creative way. OK, the nerds are pretty eccentric, but I could never have expected a similar computer scientist. Rossi tries to get her attention, but she clearly ignores him, preferring to dedicate herself to the screen, which suddenly comes on.
-We can start.- Hotchner says solemnly. Nobody replies anything, only the blond woman, the only one left standing, who nods and handling what looks like a common remote control, starts the presentation of the case.
-As you all know, not the all evaded have yet been captured. Last night, in Durham, a man was sighted whose description corresponded exactly to that of the wanted number one: Peter Lewis, aka Mister Scratch.- first a map appears to locate exactly the detection area, next to a picture that I remember, one of the worst serial killers that America has known. Yet a part of me is distracted by the thought of how much the analyst's voice is sweet. Sweet, I can’t think of another adjective that can describe it well. -...unfortunately there are no cameras in that area, so we have only the testimony of a woman who was walking with her dog.- I try to go back to concentrating on serious things, even if it is a complex matter, because the gaze is attracted , willy-nilly, towards those bright colors that completely contrast with the things we are talking about in this room, with the photographs projected on the screen behind her (many victims of Scratch, almost used as a reminder to have one more reason to find him) and with the atmosphere in general.
-We have any kind of identikit?- Tara asks, sitting next to me. The woman, of whom I don’t even know the name, nods and here appears what is required. There is no doubt that there are significant similarities with the killer who enjoys not killing, preferring to push others to do so, prey to nightmares and dark visions.
-Unfortunately the situation remains virtually unchanged.- the comment seems to close the question, it’s the oldest in the room who has talking.
-Dave is right.- the boss is in agreement. -We can move on to the second topic of the day, the main reason why agent Alvez is among us.- I feel the lights of the spotlight on me. Without having to add anything else, every data about Lewis disappears and in its place, peeks out the seemingly normal face, perhaps even more frightening, of the criminal that I more hate, of the man who has ruined Phil's life and by reflex also mine, ripping off whole nights of sleep and serenity, that I will not get back...
-Daniel Cullen, also known as the Crimson King.- I realize after a few seconds that my hand is tigh in a fist. I try to relax, with poor results. -There is no news from the escape, but an anonymous source, a call from a telephone booth, to be exact. He told Durham police he had seen Cullen with Mister Scratch. This is the only thread we can follow to get out of the maze.- the joke rips out a few laughs to the colleagues, but not to Hotcher, who remains serious.
-If there are no other comments- he even says, almost scolding the blonde, who raises her eyes to the sky (probably they are used to it, among them will be a kind of game or ritual) -I would say that for today we can conclude. Agent Alvez, do you feel like joining us in the search?- is the simplest question someone could ask me. -We do not know exactly when the track on Cullen will open again.- he adds, but I have already made a decision.
-Sure.- he nods, satisfied.
-Ok, then if there isn’t other news, we will update tomorrow morning.- and repeated what looks like a formula now standardized, the meeting is dissolved, all stand up, JJ reaches the other blonde and exchange a few words with her, I can’t distinguish enough to understand the logical sense. And it should not interest me. I see Rossi and Tara coming out and, in a moment, we are left alone. It seems to me the right moment to conclude the presentations and finally to give a name to her too, which launches an almost painful and desperate look in the direction where her colleague has disappeared. Then I'll stop calling her just the blonde or computer technician.
-Hey, we haven’t be introduced yet, I'm the agent of the task force, Luke Alvez.- she seems to hardly direct the eyes in my direction and takes much longer than normal to allow them to cross with mine. Her are brown, but not dark, of various shades of hazelnut, framed beautifully by a pair of pink glasses (rightly matched to the clothes) and long and refined eyelashes.
-Penelope Garcia.- the tone is very different from the one she used during the meeting, absurdly it seems darker at this moment, than when she was intent on commenting horrible images. The name is interesting, certainly not really common, yet truly mythical or mythological. And the surname makes me think of a background that is closer to mine, and yet her appearance does not seem that of a Latin, American or not. We exchange a hasty close, which gives me the time to just guess the freshness of her skin. Even her ring finger, like that of JJ, is occupied by a ring, but unlike the other blonde, is in good company. You don’t need to be a profiler to say that she likes all kinds of wearable accessories. -Now I'm sorry, but I'm very busy.- said this, she takes her computer and virtually without even looking at me, leaves the room. That's why I could never be a good profiler: from the way she is dressed, she has talked and even from her tone of voice, I would have imagined anything but a woman as cold and detached as she seems now.
As I mull over, I look up and find myself in front of a tall, very young man, definitely more than me, lightly long and long brown hair, a particular look and a briefcase in one hand.
-Luke Alvez?- he asks and I wonder if by chance I don’t have an ID sticker printed on the front. I nod. -I’m Spencer Reid.- that name reminds me of some detail provided by Rossi (of course).
-Ah! No handshaking, right? Your reputation precedes you.- the other is pleasantly impressed and smiles.
-I just came back and we already have a case.- he goes to a desk, collects something, some sheets, a book, then closes his bag with a click. He turns in my direction and seems to be about to say something but is interrupted by the entrance of the three ladies of the BAU, two blondes and a brunette. The smallest accelerates the pace and reaches us.
-Spencer!- she exclaims with great joy, and then hugs him with a lot of transport. I move away a few inches, partly embarrassed to be unwittingly the third wheel in what seems like a private moment. Here comes the other two, Tara greets the young man with a smile, while Penelope takes the place of JJ, hugging him with a lot of tenderness.
-How are you, my boy wonder?- the voice takes with more force those sweet nuances that I had guessed while she was explaining the case and that has not had only with me. She doesn’t give him the time to answer. -And how is your mother?- but maternal is the adjective that I would use to describe her attitude, in general, towards Spencer. The way she scrutinizes him, apprehensively, her gestures, precise and delicate.
-She is much better.- he exclaims, opening his serious face in a big smile.
-JJ, where can I find your archive? I would like to see all the material you have about... Daniel Cullen.- the blonde nods, but glances at the computer technician.
-If you are looking for information, of any kind, she is the woman to whom you must address.- this phrase comes out with an almost complacent tone, even if I don’t understand the reasons. The other realizes that she has been called into question and turns towards us. -Garcia, could you help Luke find the complete file on the Crimson King?- she asks, before I can do it, leaving me a bit confused. I don’t understand why she seems to want to be an intermediary between us. Garcia nods, snorting and throwing a look that I would call homicidal, just directed to JJ, who smiles strangely once again. Something is happening that I'm completely unaware of. But for now, I decided to pretend nothing happened.
-Follow me.- says Penelope, without even looking at me, start to walking regardless of whether I'm behind her or not. I quickly greet the others and reach out to her. It makes me feel strange, that she is the only one that uses this formal tone. Even Hotch immediately talked to me in another tone and practically demanded the same from me. And after have seen her interact with Spencer, I don’t think she is a super formal type, but... maybe it's better to refrain from judging, for today. We enter a room surrounded by lockers, like those in the libraries where the old catalogs were kept. The rest is made up of files and rows of tables, each equipped with a computer that doesn’t seem to last generation at all. She approaches one, turning it on, typing in a password (even if I don’t have time to follow her fingers flickering on the keys) and the screen lights up. -Here, it is enough that you type the name you need in this space and you will see a list of everything you need. In part it will be directly present in the system in electronic format and if you want you can print a copy. Otherwise, an acronym will appear that corresponds to the location of the document you are looking for. At this point you will have to turn to one of the archivists.- she explains in a calm voice, totally devoid of those pretty inflexions she had just a moment ago. -Good work.- and she goes away.
-Thank you.- I reply, too late.
TAGS:  @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower @kiki-krakatoa  @pegasus-scifichick  @ leftlamphumanfestival 
13 notes · View notes
okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: Vite sull’orlo del baratro.
Prompt: prostitution, sacrifice, danger.
Warnings: A.U., mention of sex content.
Genre: angst, drama, family, romantic, smut.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Luke’s son, BAU team, others OC, Derek Morgan.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 💏😘😈👓🔦🐶👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💍🎲🎈.
Song mentioned: none.
Screw to the Limit- Masterlist
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PART 7 (Epilogue)
He managed not to think even once about her all morning. Of course, he doesn’t expect karma to punish him with such a show. She who speaks quietly with his boss, with Hotch and this man is also doing a half smile, but most of all Morgan's hand lies on her shoulder and she doesn’t seem to bother, at all. They are too friendly to believe she has just met them.
Some piece starts to fall into its place. But he doesn’t know if he wants to see the final image.
Penelope catches her eye as she enters the meeting room. She is radiant, there is something different in her, but the moment she falls into his eyes, a shadow passes in front of her. She seems guilty.
-A moment of attention.- Hotch begins with a solemn tone. She is right next to him. The rest of the team, unaware, takes a seat around the round table. -I am pleased to inform you that we have a new member. After the success of the Georgeson mission, the Bureau officially proposed SSA Penelope Garcia as an expert in sexual crimes, as well as a computer technician from BAU.- many people smile, but she is able to see only him. Totally in shock, though perhaps he had always known. There was something odd about such a naive prostitute...
Unable to restrain himself, realizing the extent of his actions in the light of the truth, he leaves the meeting room in a flash, before saying or doing some other crap.
And she follows him, without thinking about it for a moment, further disconcerting her new colleagues. -Luke, wait. Stop.- the man does it, but doesn’t turn around, he continues to give her his back. -I couldn’t tell you. I had to follow the protocol... it was an operation in progress for too many years. I couldn’t...- she repeats keeping to a safe distance, just a step or two. And thank goodness, since he turns around and his eyes piercing her, almost the same doing an X-ray, or rather an autopsy.
-Who knew, besides Hotch?- she says nothing. -Morgan?- a silence that is valid as confirmation. -And the others? JJ, Reid, Prentiss, Rossi?- finally she shakes her head. A laugh, bitter and full of suffering, escapes him. -It was all a sham. Did you chose me on purpose? I congratulate you on the story, because I really believed it, that your Spanish literature professor had raped you and then you started prostitution. And that you were one of the victims of the ripper.- he applauds in a very theatrical way. Apart from the two of them, there's no living soul around.
-That part was real.- she replies in a low voice, not sure he wants her to hear it. It's bad. The man takes her by the wrists and drags her behind a door, which turns out to be a small room for brooms. Even the Bureau's offices need to be cleaned, every so often. They are too tight and too close.
-Say it again.- he orders peremptorily, fixing her carefully in the light of the only rickety light bulb.
-Those things are true. It really happened to me. That's why I insisted that I be assigned the Ripper case. In all likelihood I was his first victim, but he was still too inexperienced and unfortunately made mistakes.- Luke can’t help but notice that she has said unfortunately as if she would had preferred to be killed. -Maybe if he would been able to killed me, he wouldn’t have killed other people. He would have been satisfied.- she also clearly refers to Sheyla, his children's mother; but she doesn’t even believe it. -Anyway, it was something that I had to close. I would be better off if I knew he was dead, but I will be content to know that he is in jail.- he has already begun to yield. He would have to find a way to tell her everything, he would help her, but he still respects her decision.
He caresses her cheek and she realizes that her dark eyes are again in the shape of a little heart. -I'm sorry for what I said. Only... I wonder if there was something serious between us, or was part of the script, served to strengthen the part and if you had already planned to break my heart. How is it that they call them in our field? Side effects.- His tone is sweet and calm, but the things he says are anything but peaceful and harmless.
-No, you weren’t in the plan. I just had to pretend to be a prostitute to lure him into a trap, but then he killed that little girl, she was only fourteen... and I almost ruined everything by getting caught and testifying at the trial. I knew he wouldn’t recognize me. I was very different... at the time of the facts. And I was wearing a wig with long raven hair.- she almost laughs. -Then luckily there was a screen... anyway I needed to see him in the face to remind me of the reason why I had thrown away a whole year, losing unrepeatable events.- the air begins to lack in this narrow space.
-Then? Did you really fall in love with me? And you pretended to betray me so you could finish the mission.- she nods twice and he smiles. He believes to her. He begins to lean in her direction, dropping various objects arranged on wall shelves.
-Wait.- she stops him. -There's something else you need to know.- Luke trembles.
-You're not going to tell me you're married.- he still tries to joke.
-No!- she reassures him. -Is that...- she doesn’t know how to tell him. -When the ripper raped me... I got pregnant.- she looks down, can’t hold his look, it is clear that she feels partly responsible. -Completing the pregnancy endangered my life, but I felt I had to do it. And now I can no longer have other children, the organs have been too damaged...- he gently lifts her chin.
-What is her name?- he only asks.
 -I risked really doing that end, after Professor Kenton...- she omits to repeat it, turning the new ring that rests on the ring finger, so small and simple shapes, different from those to which she was accustomed.
Without moving even minimally, Luke continues to caress her hair. -Why?- he asks, to show her that he is attentive to what she says.
-I don’t know. Fear of not making it. Shame. But I went back up the slope. And I met you.- she reaches out to kiss him.
-Bleah!- exclaims the boy covering his eyes with his hands. They both giggle. Then Adam gets serious. -Pen, Hope is waiting for you to come up and tell her a story.- the woman nods and reluctantly breaks away from her husband's warm body. With the awareness that in less than twenty minutes she will feel it next to her. Luke lets out a short chuckle while following with his eyes Penelope climb the stairs, driven by his son. It was not easy to get to this point, to reconcile their work with two children to grow, to explain the truth to the oldest one... but with so much effort, they did it.
And even if he doesn’t even admit it under torture, Adam loves to hear the stories of Penelope. And also he adores to feel two breaths over his head, four pairs of hands tucking the covers to him and that little sister that is fell from the sky.
This story is ended. Thank you for reading! ^^
TAGS:  @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower @avengerquake123vanuusims @kiki-krakatoa @unlikelyfarmlamppurse @pegasus-scifichick @ianmillkovichgallagher @ leftlamphumanfestival
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okimargarvez · 6 years
Original title: The last piece.
Prompt: Penelope and Luke doing a puzzle.
Warning: none.
Genre: comedy, romantic, funny.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: part 45 in Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💑😘😈.
Song mentioned: none.
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Puzzle is one of the things I have in common with my boyfriend. I had to write this. I don’t agree with Penelope:  L'Année dernière à Marienbad it’s not the recognized masterpiece of Alain Resnais. I studied it, for History and Criticism of Cinema, I chosen it, because I was able to watch it in streaming. Maybe Resnais masterpiece it’s Hiroshima mon amour. But his cinema it’s very harder to watch and study (as the whole nouvelle vague).
Luke bends down to try to reach the opposite side of the table; Penelope does exactly the same thing and their arms intertwine. Soon thereafter the same happens to their eyes. They smile sweetly, even if they would been together for just few weeks. -We're almost done. Let's see who has the honor to take the last piece.- the man says, managing to set what he has in his hands and noting that now the holes to be filled are very few. She sets two of her own at the first try; at the same time he inserts the last among those he had set aside.
Only one remains, the last notorious piece of the puzzle. It rests quietly in the middle of the table, halfway. Again, their looks meet, but this time they are much tenser. This is not their first puzzle. They soon discovered that it was perhaps one of the few passions they shared before being romantically linked. Their conjunction of the stars.
Almost complete silence reigns if it were not for Roxy who snores on the couch, a few inches from them. They keep staring each other, as they were in a western movie. Neither one dares to lower his eyes towards the last piece.
In the end, Penelope is the first to speak. -Come on, take it.- she touches it, pushing it in his direction. The man watches her frowning, obviously suspicious. He tries to bring to mind the advice he has read in that book that Phil gave him last Christmas "How to keep a girl. Survival manual about female psychology”. As always very nice, his friend.
He doesn’t move a millimeter. -Are you sure?- he asks her, being careful to scrutinize every single detail of her (poor man) splendid face. -Is it not that you will be angry or is it a trap?- She holds his look and shakes her head only once. Her hair is gathered in a braid. In fact, it was for that reason that he bought this 3,000-piece puzzle, representing the Grand Canal of Venice, a city she always dreamed of visiting. She also told him that she should go with Kevin, it was planned on their trip to Italy, but in the end, that wasn’t what happened. Having to make up for the shortcomings of his predecessors doesn’t weigh at all for Luke.
After a pause that seems endless, she insists. -No, come on, take it.- she looks slightly to the left, a sign that a profiler should be able to recognize, and her look is of direct challenge, but the problem is that when it comes to Penelope his brain goes almost completely to the hell and everything he knows how to apply in the remaining cases, is absolutely useless with her.
And in fact, he falls for it, totally. -Ok.- he shrugs and stretches his arm to take it. But she prevents him by giving him a slight but still significant slap on the hand.
-What are you doing!- she also asks, in a shocked tone, disappointed. Luke gives himself the idiot. Why does it have to end this way every time? Will he ever be immune from her malia? He sighs, caressing the hurt one with the other hand.
-I'm putting the piece.- he simply explains. -You told me.- he accuses her more with the eyes than with the rest of the body. -I also asked you if you were sure and you said yes.- he adds. She nods, then shakes her head, then nods again, bursts into a short giggle that has the power to awaken the dog, but only for a few seconds.
-You know that I said it only to look polite.- she provides him with the solution of the arcane. -You still must answer "No, love, it’s your time”.- she instructs him for the following times, while aware that the situation will probably be repeated. -As when we eat pizza and there is only one slice in the carton.- she finally concludes her lesson.
-Women, damn it.- Luke exclaims. -You can drive even a Zen Buddhist monk with a passion for mime crazy.- her eyes are wide open.
-This was good, but not enough to win the last piece of the puzzle.- damn it. He snorts,  his back is not well in this position. Stay sitting on the ground, at their age, is not really the best.
-Ok, so how do we solve it?- he asks without too many words.
-We can play it.- she proposes, with that mischievous tone that he adores, because she knows what scenarios it opens to him. -Tell me why I should give you this honor.- she crosses her arms, aware, but not as much as he does, of the fact that her breasts rise and seem even bigger.
-Oh, I like this breakthrough.- he rubs his hands, trying to stay focused. -So, this week I mowed the lawn, even if I didn’t feel like it, I took Roxy and Sergio to the vet and I gave up the baseball game to let you watch that absurd and incomprehensible movie.- the first three things that came to his mind.
She opens her splendid little mouth. -What!- for a moment she seems unable to articulate a complete sentence. -How dare you, it's a nouvelle vague movie, ignorant!- she is so sexy when she uses the French accent. It is really absurd that the only language that she doesn’t want to come in her head is Spanish. -L'Année dernière à Marienbad it is absolutely the recognized masterpiece of Alain Resnais!- even the title is ridiculous.
He shows himself more disinterested than it is. -Whatever you want.
It has neither head nor tail.- he rolls his eyes theatrically. -Now it's your turn.- he smiles mischievously.
-Good.- she seems confident. -First of all I tried to cook that goop that your mother told me, following the recipe step by step.- but at that game they are both champions, on equal merit.
-But if the oven hasn’t exploded for a miracle and we had almost to call the firemen.- in fact he is not good at cooking, not even her. Yet, for now, they haven’t yet starved to death.
-It’s the gesture, the gesture, the effort, all that matters, Alvez!- how he can love her even when she calls him by last name? Is there a version of Penelope that doesn’t drive him crazy? -Learn it.- she says with an authoritative tone. -And then I washed your underwear with my poor hands. Only for this should they give me a medal of value and a certificate of extreme courage.- he decides not to answer. -We're even.- she decrees.
-As always, love.- he strokes her cheek. -I would suggest to do it together.- she nods and leans towards him, to kiss him. Soon the hands start to wander, but when he opens an eye, he realizes that...-Penelope! You, liar!- she has took advantage of his distraction to grab the last piece. They start to struggle, in no uncertain terms, until he gest the best, blocking both her arms and tickling her. When she gives up, he starts kissing her again and takes a moment to go to the last base. -Wow. Why when it starts like this is always so great?- after, he is the most exhausted between them.
Penelope, on the other hand, has a strange smile on her face. -You ask too many questions, beauty. And anyway, while you were taking a breath, I finished the puzzle.- he notices that she is right.
He raises his shoulders. -You know what? I don’t care.- he is ready for a second round. -I have already found my missing piece and have you seen? It fits me perfectly.-
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee  @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower
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okimargarvez · 6 years
Original title: Only you can do it.
Prompt: Penelope is the only one who could do something for the team.
Warning: none.
Genre: family, comedy, romantic, humor, friendship.
Characters: BAU team, Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot, part 31 of 365 Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💑🔦.
Song mentioned: none.
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Note: I don’t know when (the year) Rossi and Krystal were married for the first time.
 The blond woman wipes the sweat from her forehead with her right hand. -Honey, will you hand me that screwdriver there? - she asks, turning just in the direction of the man. He hands her one of the tools scrupulously arranged in the red and blue box. She watches it carefully, then shakes her head and gives it back to him. -No, not this, the phillips-Head screwdriver.- he prevents her from turning back to what she is taking care of, holding her hand with the screwdriver. -Why are you looking at me like that?- Luke leaves her free and tries not to laugh.
He clears his throat several times. -Pen, you dress in pink, you have a body that overflows femininity in every curves, and...- and he is holding back, just because they are not the only ones in this room. -...do you know the difference between cross slot and slotted screwdriver?- it seems that he is asking her if she betrayed him, or if she killed someone. Something that he just can not conceive, no matter how hard he tries.
She shrugs, not understanding his perplexity. -Yes, of course.- perhaps she forgot to tell him about the university's times, when she spent afternoons after school, the day after the exam, when it's forbidden by the unwritten law of the students to start studying for the next, to handle with tools much more complex instruments than a mere screwdriver. -Why does it surprise you so much? Do not you find it sexy?- now they speak the same language.
Luke's lower lip bends slightly downwards and the usual crooked smile peeps over his face. -Uh, you have no idea how much.- they are making love with their eyes, they don't need to add anything else.
A voice breaks the spell. -But we can.- some giggles frame the comment of JJ.- As Rossi would say: you two, get a room!- she actually loves to see them interact, because they are very funny, much more than when they weren't together yet. The spark hasn't turned off at all.
-After having repaired that thing, though!- adds Tara, giving a slight nudge to the dark-haired woman sitting next to her on the sofa at home Alvez-Garcia. Matt moves away to avoid the boomerang effect.
-Right!- she gives her reason.
Penelope returns to focus on her work, her boyfriend comes back into his position, sitting on the floor near the toolbox, feeling a little like a nurse in the operating room, as when she had helped him cook the famous lasagna. He smiles at the memory and also takes a look of her shapely legs when the blonde moves all the weight on one side trying to reach a tiny screw. As much as he can see them naked most of the nights, smooth, intertwined with his, or wet just finished a shower, or worse, a stolen glance is always a stolen glance, has another value, is more exciting.
Even she knows that Luke is taking advantage of this situation, and indeed, she pushes a little bit to put him in trouble. Two people can play this game. She returns to sit up, feet under her bottom, and sighs. -Hey, it's not as simple as you think.- she says as she catches her breath.
Instantly start the choruses of encouragement, better than of those of the cheerleaders.
She doesn't think that they have studied this before, but the first to speak is the boss, or the federal agent with the highest rank. -Only you can do it, Garcia.- perfect, no pressure, thank you Em. She massages the neck for a moment, feeling all the muscles tense because of the uncomfortable positions in which she forced her body. Naturally Luke follows every movement and mentally thinks that he will massage her, when they will be alone.
A few seconds later echoes a second female voice. -It's true, you're the best.- She really believes it, but to be more persuasive, Dr. Lewis uses a technique she learned while studying for her second doctorate. Penelope shakes her head and bends over again, giving an interesting perspective of her ass to her boyfriend, the only one who can enjoy it, thankfully, because his back covers the view to others.
Adulation continues. -An absolute genius.- and this time the one who talks is a man. She is sure that if would she turned around, she would have seen a smile on the face of her friend, so she concentrates rather on the screw, tilting even more towards the floor, her head immersed in a thousand different cable. All remain for a moment with bated breath, waiting for something to happen.
When it becomes clear that nothing is not going to happen, her best friend decides to make her the best conceivable compliment. -Your skills and your intelligence are equal to those of Spencer.- the latter confirms, nodding, Penelope gets up just to grab another tool. -Thank you, JJ.- and she sneezes. Damned dust. She knew she should have worn the mask. Surely Luke will blame her, for this forgetfulness. She breathes deeply, then dives back into the tangle of cable, sockets and microchips.
They leave her work in peace for only a few minutes, then the questions start again. -You are almost there?- she blows to check that there are no residues of dirt that could compromise the functioning of what is repairing. If they weren't her best friends, she would have already killed them all. She already has the perfect weapon in her hands. Once Reid told her that a screwdriver can penetrate the flesh at least...
With one click, she sets the cover and inserts the first screw. -How much longer?- fortunately, she is too busy with what she is doing to recognize the author of the unforgivable gesture. She turns around, almost making Luke fall back from the fright.
-Guys!- she throws reproachful glances at everyone except him.-That's enough! You all distracting me.- finally silence and peace. -Here, I almost did.- she gives the last few turns to the screw, then positions in it in its place, under the television. For the first time after what seems like a century, she really stands up. Luke understands and inserts the plug. -Voilà.- she reaches the others on the sofa. He whispers something funny and clearly erotic, because she responds with -Thanks, Latin caliente.- they both chuckle.
JJ nudges her, while Emily shows herself more diplomatic. -Well, now you can also go upstairs to show how much you adore each other, because we have the VHS.- her eyes fixed on the screen.
-But sure, and I would have done all this effort just for you?- she protests but nobody is paying attention.
-We can take care of the other stuff even later.- Luke winks at her.
-Ok, now, however, silence.- someone says while the writing Las Vegas 1992 and a man dressed as Elvis appears in a quite bizarre chapel.
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee​  @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan
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okimargarvez · 7 years
Original title: Giudizio in sospeso.
Prompt: waiting, friendship, jealousy, misunderstandings.
Warning: none.
Genre: romantic, angst, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Lisa Douglas, Sam, Phil.
Pairing: Garvez, Penelope x Sam, Luke x Lisa, Lisa x Phil.
Note: oneshot 22 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💑💏😘💍.
Song mentioned: E fuori è buio, Tiziano Ferro.
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Note: With this story, I apologize to Lisa for having hated her, just because she dating with Luke. It would be much easier to hate her, but I tried another street.
 -I can't do it. I'm not joking, I can't do it.- the woman brings a hand to her mouth. -I feel sick.- she feels her stomach mumble as if it were protesting too. A female hand is resting on her shoulder. She immediately takes it with hers.
-Of course, you can do it! It's normal that you feel like that. But remember that you aren't alone. And then, he loves you too much. Everything will be great, ok?- the woman dressed in white nods, but she isn't really convinced. And her friend knows it, but she also knows that nothing she'll do or say will succeed in the task of making change her mind. Only when she'll finds herself before the altar, next to the man she'll love for the rest of her life, perhaps, she'll yield and enjoy only the moment.
-Girls, how it's going? We are only waiting for the bride.- she exchanges a glance with the other, standing behind the future Mrs. Alvez. She nods and approaches. -Come on, Luke will not be able to resist for a long time. You know that if you don't move, he'll come in person and pick you up. You know he can!- all three burst out laughing, but one of them doesn't hide her nervousness.
-I already tried, JJ. She's a lost cause.-
Two years before
The blonde woman carefully observes every type of tea present on the shelf. She tries to take stock mentally the tests, she already has, to decide what will be the chosen one, the next to enter and occupy a space in her sanctuary. -Penelope?- hearing called, she turns, pretty surprised. She doesn't recognize the voice and it's strange even to be called by name. As soon as she sees her, however, she understands who is. -You're Penelope Garcia, Luke's coworker, right?- caught. She can no longer pretend not to have noticed her.
-Yes. And you are Lisa.- how to forget that name? She hopes that externally Lisa doesn't see that she is trembling inside. -You love tea, too?- as usual, she came out with a stupid question. But in silence, when she's anxious, she just can't stay.
-No, but my best friend, yes and soon will be her birthday, so...- the brunette shrugs and approaches. Penelope had already sensed the first time she had met her, how beautiful she was, but so, dressed in simple casual clothes, the woman's beauty stands out even more. She looks like one of those that don't need tricks or other accessories, to shine. Unlike her. -I see you're an expert, would you give me some advice?- she nods even if she would like to get out of this place as soon as possible.
-What is your friend's tests? Because it has just come out a new infusion, experimental, but it depends on whether it is one that appreciates strong tastes, or not... - she raises the box and shows it to her. Lisa watches it carefully, reads the ingredients and then she smiles, approving the blonde's suggestion.
-It seems perfect!- even his smile is sincere and spontaneous. -Thank you, Penelope...can I call you Penelope?- she stops, looking uncertain. -Luke told me that the whole team calls you Garcia, but I'm not from the team and I always thought it was weird to call people by their last name...- Penelope tries not to jump when she hears that name, but she has to get on with it though. Now he and Lisa are a couple (probably, he didn't say anything at work). But she chuckles when the other woman starts a rant, very similar to hers. It's impossible not to find her nice, that's why Alvez is so taken by her.
-I really didn't do anything... and yes, of course you can call me Penelope. In reality, in the team we call each other by our last names... a stupid way to pretend to keep the distance, when in reality we are a family. But he'll have told you this... Luke, I mean.- damn it, she said that name, this time.
They start heading to the checkouts and Penelope insists on paying everything, so they'll load more points on her loyalty card and they get a discount; just outside, she'll can give her her part, if she really insists. Even Lisa is positively impressed by the blonde, who this time wearing a dress much soberer and less colorful, although she doesn't have a physical to appear on the covers of Vogue, stands out for her so overwhelming personality. It's impossible not to feel good in her company. This explains why so many times Luke mentions her name when they talk about a newly solved case.
-In fact...- she starts talking as they walk each one with their own bag in hand. -Luke doesn't tell me anything. It's also a bit unnerving...- the blonde curses this turn of conversation. She absolutely doesn't want to talk about him, she doesn't think she's able to pretend that she feels nothing for him, without making a fool of herself, to say nonsense, to make her understand that, heck, he's not just a colleague. But then she looks up and meets the big ones so strangely insecure of the brunette. With that aspect, no one would imagine that she could feel uncertainty. She seems one of those who have a host of men behind drooling for her, one in high school was the most desired, one that plays the part of the bad and ignorant in the TV series. Instead, she knows very well that Lisa graduated in medicine, very active on the social front. In short, perfect.
-Well... Luke- dammit, she called him again by name. -...it's like that even at work. Always withdrawn. He's a reserved guy.- she tries to reassure her. -You just have to give him some time and you'll see that he'll open by himself.- Lisa nods, then they arrive in front of a car in much better conditions than Penelope's.
There is a moment of silence and embarrassment. -Penelope... by chance, you maybe want to get to go grab some coffee?- she looks at the strange expression of the blonde. -Or a tea.- both laugh at her proposal. -I would like to know better someone who is part of Luke's life... I often feel like a stranger...- this sudden fragility upsets the computer technician even more.
-Sure, willingly.- she finds herself answering. -But I'm not the most suitable person to talk to... it would probably be better if you talk to Matt, JJ or Rossi...- she mocks. -The only subject I'm prepared for, is Roxy.- Penelope's eyes light up as she says the dog's name.
-Really? Yet when he tells me of the cases the colleague who mentions most is you. And from how I saw you two interact when you interrupted our... first date...- the blonde blushes and she's about to apologize, but Lisa makes her understand that there is no need. -...I thought you were great friends.- Penelope sighs as they enter a bar, order and sit at a table, one of the few free. How will she get out of this mess?
-Great friends? No!- too much emphasis. -Well, he's part of the family, yes, we're friends... but I gave him so much trouble, when he arrived. The fact is... that the one of which he had taken the place, Morgan... he was my best friend. And when he left... I was a bit out of my mind... more than usual, if you can believe it!- they both burst out laughing again. Then Penelope, almost seeing herself from the outside, makes a gesture that she hadn't programmed. She puts her hand on the darker one of the other woman. -But even in my state, I couldn't help but realize how he was a good person. He's a great guy, Lisa, I'm sure you'll be happy together. You're lucky.- she couldn't pretend more and even Lisa seems to understand it. -In addition, he has that adorable ball of fur next to him.- again Roxy it seems like the best way out.
-Yes, Roxy is really sweet. I would spend hours to caress her. All the stress accumulated during work seems to slip away as if by magic.- Penelope nods, feeling a tiny twinge in her stomach, or perhaps her heart. Yes, part of her had hoped to find out she'd managed to win Roxy as much as she did. A stupid and selfish thing. The brunette seems to notice the veil of sadness appeared in the eyes of the other, but probably she believes that it's due to the reference to work. After all, they both see ugly and sad things. -You said that Luke wasn't your type, when we met.- it's just a way to change the subject and lighten the atmosphere, but the blonde feels anxiety grow. -So, what's your ideal type? I'm just curious.- Penelope's mind is completely foggy, she tries to think of something sensible, but nothing comes. It's a situation she's not used to.
Then she pulls out her cell phone and looking for a photograph of Sam, her last boyfriend, and shows it to her. -This is Sam. He taught me how to play the ukulele and the clarinet.- thinking back to the episode in the elevator, when Luke had thought wrong about hearing her saying "fingering techniques", she smiles. -He's a vet, he loves animals. In fact, it's for that reason that I fell in love with him.- she scroll through the photos until she find the one of a black cat. -This is Sergio. He's my real life partner for a few years.- she caresses the picture with her thumb, then the screen turns to black.
-Wow, he is beautiful! And Sam sounds nice either...- she gives her a wink. Lisa's voice is mischievous. Then the face of the brunette lights up suddenly. -What if we all went out together one night?- Penelope knows she should answer negatively. First of all, she and Sam are no longer together, although it seems that Lisa didn't understand it. Secondly... spending hours watching Luke flirt with another woman are too much for her heart too. Finally, it'll surely be terribly embarrassing.
And despite all these thoughts, what she does is accept.
 -Hello.- she approaches the man, she puts her hands on his shoulders and gives him a gentle kiss. She sees him smile as she squints her eyes. -How was your day? You put a few criminals behind bars?- he wraps his arms around her waist, enjoying her scent.
-Someone.- but he doesn't want to think about the case they have faced. They managed to save only the last child and he'll never forget the eyes of the less fortunate parents. -And you, Dr. Douglas? Did you saved some lives?- he imitates the non-serious tone of her, who moves away with a playful push and puts a hand on her side, putting herself in a seductive position.
-Yes obviously! But I wanted to talk to you about something else...- Luke feels the danger in the air. -You know that I should have bought that tea for Marika, that soon is her birthday, right?- he nods. -I went to that place that Phil advised me. And... you'll never guess who I met.- her lips are folded into a smug smile. -You're never going to know who is. Not even with your profiler skills.- he really wants to show her that she's wrong.
-Are you sure?- he asks, approaching until she finishes with her legs against the couch and he forces her to sit almost, looking down on her, from a dominant position. -First: judging from the way you talk and from that cheeky smile, it's someone I know- Lisa snorts and he realizes he's right. -Second: too much enthusiasm. If it were your ex you would have presented this differently, trying to make me jealous. You're that kind of woman.- she opens her mouth wide, pretending to be indignant. -You know what I meant, Lisa, don't play the stupid. You're not at all.- he immediately regained points. -So, it's a woman. That I know. One of my colleagues.- she watches him sit next to her on the sofa, immediately joined by Roxy and caresses the dog to vent her frustration.
-How did you do? I practically didn't say anything!- the man puts his arm around her shoulders.
-I'm a profiler, baby. I can't help but read in people's behavior. And then I still haven't said the name. I could be wrong.- he smiles as she approaches to kiss him again. -Do you want to know my hypothesis?- he whispers softly, his lips wet from hers. She nods. Luke sighs and suddenly seems to no longer want to joke. -Garcia.- he says, only. -JJ hates tea, never drinks it. Prentiss it's more the coffee type, black coffee, with very little sugar. And Tara... no, she's not the type either. Garcia, on the other hand, she is madly in love with tea, before any case she drinks at least one cup and my nose is clogged with all those strange aromas. I don't even want to know what some contain.- Lisa shakes her head, still annoyed at having lost. She's a tough girl and probably he likes her for that. -Come on, I was joking! She is my only colleague you met. She was the only one you could meet.- something doesn't convince her, but she decides to surrender. She has an important thing to say to him.
-Anyway- and the look that he launches at him is a clarification that this story isn't over. -I met Penelope - it is strange to hear her mention the name of the blonde informatics -and we talked a bit. She's really a wonderful person, now I understand why you mention her so often. I couldn't understand before, that thing about her jokes or why she dress like that, but now I know.- while her girlfriend describes Garcia, the man nods and when she points out how much he talks about the last, he blushes, but Lisa doesn't notice it.
-Yes, Garcia is... Garcia.- he couldn't say more. He feels a lump in his throat and realizes that if that node melts, then he couldn't stop the flow of words and thoughts. Better to continue to deny. Sooner or later everything will vanish.
-Yes, and we got along so good that... I asked her if she wanted to do a four-way.- she immediately understands that Luke has misunderstood. -But not in that sense, maniac!- she hits him with a weak fist on the arm, but bursts out laughing in turn. Not even in this case she notices the tension that has completely gripped the man's body. -I suggested her to go out together one evening, you, me, she and Sam.- his shoulders stiffen even further, hearing that name for the first time. And now, who the hell is this Sam? Because, of course, the thought that Garcia could find a man like him had found Lisa didn't even pass through the antechamber of his brain. It was much more comforting to believe that she would remain the support of the team forever. The woman notices his confusion. -Sam, Penelope's boyfriend. Don't tell me you've never talked about it.- he doesn't answer. -Anyway, she accepted.- Luke starts coughing as hard as he can and is forced to drink a whole glass of water before he calms down. -Are you okay, honey?- he feels Lisa's hand stroke his shoulder.
-Yes... Something just went down my throat.-
 The blonde woman hesitates for the umpteenth time before pressing the send button. In the end, she is forced to yield. The alternative is to let Lisa know the truth or blow up the appointment with an excuse. But, without understanding the reason, she doesn't want to disappoint her. Surely, she'll be part of the life of Luke, Agent Alvez, for a long time, so getting along is the best solution. She wouldn't be able to hate her even if she were an evil witch.
A minute later, while she is washing her only plate and Sergio's bowl, the phone starts ringing. She looks at the name on the display and the heart stops. She lets it ring a little longer, then she responds. -Sam?- she walks around the room as when she is particularly agitated.
-Penelope, what's going on? Something serious, I shouldn't be worried?- she shakes her head and then remembers he can't see her.
-No, no, nothing serious, just... if you had a moment, five minutes, I'd rather talk to you in person.- she expects the man to answer negatively, maybe to go her to hell. They break up more than a year ago and they are very little in touch, even if they got along just like friends. Theirs wasn't an overwhelming love story, but a rational and balanced relationship between two people who love each other.
-Ok, just give me ten minutes... you always live in the usual place?- it almost upsets her, to think about the usual place. Where she almost risked dying. She probably should have moved a long time ago.
-No, I send you the address.- while talking with the other hand she has already sent the necessary information to her ex. -Done. All right, I'll wait for you.-
 He was no longer able to sleep, after she broke off the blockbuster they were watching to exclaim, super enthusiastic, that Penelope had get a green light from Sam. The double-date would have been done. Surely the best choice was to keep a low profile, pretend it's nothing and resign that now everything was decided. Luke himself was aware of this, but when he sees the blonde woman, give him the back while preparing her usual weirdness, he just can't resist.
-Hey.- he greets her and she jumps for the scare. He comes up to join her, to fill a cup of coffee. She looks at him from the corner of her eye.
-Good morning.- but when their eyes meet, the woman immediately understands what he wants to talk to her. However, she decides to continue to interpret the part of the one that knows nothing.
-So... you and Lisa?- it seems that he too is embarrassed to deal with that subject. -I didn't think you'd ever say yes. Do you realize you'll have to endure my presence for a whole night?- Penelope rolls her eyes and snorts, then gives him a boost to push him away, feeling him too close. Luke feels a chill different from those he felt when Lisa had done the same action.
-I'm aware of it, Alvez . But is really hard to say no to your girlfriend. She was so enthusiastic that I was obliged to say yes. I did it just for her, that this is clear in your mind?- she puts a few tablespoons of sugar and then mixes, moving away from the stove and move on a table. It seems that the others haven't yet arrived, except for Emily who will surely already be in the office studying a new case. He follows the sinuous movement of her hips, hoping not to have too embarrassing expression printed on his face. So, he reaches her. -Joking aside, Lisa is really a nice person. She is nice and always smiles, her smile is contagious.- almost the same words used by the brunette to describe her. -She loves Roxy.- she looks at him seriously. -This is a fundamental thing.- he nods, just as serious and decisive. The moment is interrupted by a familiar sound for both. -There's a case.-
 The man looks around, hands in his pockets. He sighs, and his breath creates a cloud of condensation. Watch the hour flashing in a building next to the restaurant where he hopes he can get in early. He's one of those chilly people who can get cold feet even in the summer. A counter-sense, since he is a male, but still the truth. Penelope's hands have always been warmer than his. It seems strange to think of her, but a smile is painted on his lips. Then he sees a very attractive brunette woman heading towards him. Surely there will be someone behind him, she can't want to talk to him. Instead she stops right in front of him.
-Sorry, I would not bother you, but, is not that, by chance, you are Sam, Penelope's boyfriend?- he likes how sounds that title. But he immediately understands that she is Lisa, the girlfriend of Penelope's colleague, as a result... he is ruined. He'll never succeed in holding the game, he doesn't know how much she said about them, they didn't have time to get their act together. He starts to cold sweat, but he is forced to nod.
-Yes, I'm. You must be Lisa, right? Nice to meet you.- he holds out his hand and notes that hers is delicate and almost as cold as his.
-Me too.- she smiles, becoming even more beautiful. But she still doesn't reach the Penelope levels. -Have you got any news of your girlfriend? Luke hasn't answered me for over an hour...- Sam shakes his head.
-No, Penelope hasn't even let me know anything. But it's normal, they will be concluding the case. Don't worry, trust me.- he smiles at her, trying to reassure her.
-I trust. Surely, you have experienced a situation like this many time more than me. You can say that you're almost a veteran!- the man nods, but the only thing he thinks is Where are you, Penelope? I will not last long without saying one of my stupid things.
 The blonde type quickly a text, but she is forced to stop. She takes off her glasses, closes her eyes and massages her temples. The man watches her movements in passing, not losing sight of the road. -I'm sorry, I wish I could drive slowly, but we are in tremendous delay.- he says, feeling the desire to touch her, at least her hand, to strengthen his words. Obviously, he doesn't do anything. -You need to stop? We can always warn them that all bets are off. Or your boyfriend is one of those who get angry for the slightest thing?- he ventures, repenting immediately.
-Who, Sam? No, let alone. He is the most patient person I know, he is used to our schedule. And I think Lisa would understand too. But I don't want to disappoint them. We have only one hour late. - the truth is that she wants to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. She can’t go on pretending to be engaged with Sam forever. He too has a life to carry on. This thing must be done tonight.
Luke can't understand why Garcia behaves that way, but basically if there's a person whose behavior he has never really read, apart from understanding that she didn't really hate him, it's her. -We have to go first to your house, do you need to change your dress?- stop at a red light, he tries not to stare her neckline.
-Why, Alvez, you don't think it looks nice?- she answers in a firm tone, turning towards him and giving him a few more inches of her skin. Her gaze is a challenge, but the man falters as he passes his eyes back and forth on the body of his partner.
-No...- he answers sincerely. -You're beautiful.- he exclaims sincerely. However, she doesn't give too much weight to the compliment.
-And, Sam always told me that he finds me beautiful with heels as with slippers and pajamas.- a pang of pure jealousy stabs the man who press a little too much on the accelerator, making her toss. And he isn't at all wrong, Luke thinks, trying to breathe normally and proceed at a more constant speed.
It's a strange thing to think that their partners are waiting for them, together and they are coming together. As if the pairs were reversed. For a second, he tries to put his arm around her waist, then shakes his head, a moment before parking. Lisa doesn't deserve this, not even being betrayed by thought. Penelope is just a chimera, a dream that will soon fade away. He opens the door for her, but she doesn't thank him and doesn't even wait for him. He has to hurry to reach her and first he takes another bit of that view. The movement of her hips is so sensual... No, Luke, come back to earth. You're about to meet her boyfriend.
-Baby, you finally arrived!- next to his girlfriend there is a tall man, quite present, not bad enough for his taste, not as much as he wanted. While those thoughts arise, he denies them. It is selfish behavior to wish that she doesn't have someone to make her happy. Garcia instead had only beautiful words for Lisa, but of course, she doesn't feel anything for him.
-Hey, you did it!- he tries to concentrate on the welcome kiss she is giving him, but he can't help but eavesdrop on the exchange of words between the other couple. Baby. It gives him so much trouble to hear a man call her that. Again, Luke. Stop that. As soon as he separates he sees the bright face of his colleague and the arm around her waist in very possessive way. He can, you not. You have Lisa, what else should you wish for? Focus on her. It's easier to think of it than to do it. The other approaches him, not letting her go and grasping his hand.
- I'm Sam, nice to meet you.- the lucky one is unaware of what he really thinks of him, but he gets a taste of this, by the way he returns the grip, a bit too strong.
-Luke.- his other hand in Lisa's. -We can get in? I'm starving.- he would have said any stupid thing to start this evening, so as to finish it as soon as possible. Lisa sits next to him and the other couple profiteer to them, i.e. Sam in front of his girlfriend and Garcia... in front of him. The nightmare has just begun.
When ordering, Penelope can't help but underline the fabulous gesture made by Sam, the choice to become a vegetarian, thanks to the immense love that he feels for her. He wants to throw up but pretends that's nothing and returns Lisa's sincere smile.
-So... you and Sam how long have you been together?- Luke pours the first of many glasses. It will be a tremendous evening. But he doesn't seem the only one uncomfortable. Even Garcia seems strange, her smiles appear forced or too exaggerated, even for her. She continues to make shrill giggles and touch her boyfriend's arm. The latter instead seems perfectly comfortable, like Lisa (of course, he has her next to him), in paradise. He can't help but realize he is a brilliant man. And surely this is the reason if Penelope loves him.
The thought is too strong and makes him jump, he stretches a bit too much his leg and ends up against the knee of Garcia, who notices but is limited to a strange look. Anyway, it's Sam who answers, like almost at all the questions. Practically the two federal agents are bystanders, they witness the conversation between their halves, intervening very rarely. -From 2014. It's almost four years, do you believe it, lovely?- he caress her on the cheek and takes her hand. Luke grinds his teeth, but no one notices.
-No, it doesn't seem possible to me.- she replies, blushing when he tries to feed her. The Latin Agent wants to be able to do the same with Lisa, but he just can't do it, he's not that kind of person and... he doesn't want to make things even worse by using her. She's perfect, Garcia has also said it, but the problem is... not for him.
And as he walks with Lisa, hand in hand, he understands that he can no longer continue like this. She deserves to know the truth.
 The day hadn't started normally. As soon as he set foot in the BAU, he realized that there was something strange in the air. He had immediately recognized the two female voices and involuntarily, had begun to listen. Luke didn't believe that he could be in seventh heaven and underground at the same time, but apparently, he was wrong. -I feel like a worm, JJ, for how I treated it. But if I don't love him anymore, what can I do? I told him it didn't make sense to continue this farce and he... you should have seen his face. He took it so hard... I'm so sorry! If I could, I would force myself to love him, it would all be much simpler. But I can't deny what I feel or don't feel.- her friend tried to comfort her, told her it wasn't her fault, that she had done the right thing.
Sam and Penelope had broken up.
 Fortunately, the case wasn't particularly complex, and they didn't even have to use the jet. Penelope didn't miss a beat, her indications arrived at the right time and were always decisive. But he still noticed a slight difference. And after confronting Lisa and resolving that question peacefully, he understands that he must find the strength to settle this matter too. Plus, he needs to know if she's okay. She may have forgotten his words, but he didn't. He still wants to be the someone she wants to go to when she's crying.
He walks in the corridor to Garcia's room, but a sound he has heard before stops him. Sobs. She is crying. So, maybe, the story with Sam was really important to her. And surely, he isn't the best person to help her right now. Not with half heart that exults.
He decides to enter anyway, because he can't leave her alone to cry. But he is stopped again, this time by her weak voice, while she seems to talk to someone. But she is alone. The others have all gone home, it's sure.
-I have... I have to stop crying. It's useless. It went like this now. I should have told Lisa the truth, so I wouldn't have been forced to... - another series of excruciating sobs. He doesn't know what keeps him from running to her. In reality, he knows very well: to discover a truth that almost certainly she wouldn't be willing to tell him consciously. He raises his ears when he hears his ex-girlfriend mentioned. -Why I can't love Sam, God, why?- that's who is her interlocutor. -Everything would be so simple. He's such a good person. He loves animals. Theater and music. We get along so good... it's perfect. And so why? Why he doesn't make my legs shake? Why I don't feel that burning desire to see him, to be with him?- again to Luke it seems to be on the roller coaster. A moment he is in paradise and the one afterhell, because he understands that what makes him happy is the same thing that saddens Penelope. And he hates immensely himself for this.
-What I have always wanted is a man like those lives in comics, books, cinema. One willing to fight anything, just to have me. And I can't imagine Sam in that dress.- another round of wiping nose and sobs. -Why right him? Why I have to imagine myself... I don't even want to mention him. I must not. I must be strong. He chose another one, and she is a wonderful person. She's beautiful, but this isn't enough. She is also nice, sweet, playful. And Roxy has approved her.- he doesn't have time to realize that she is talking about Lisa, therefore about him, because his thoughts are overwhelmed by a lacerating noise. -It's over, I have to resign myself. All those looks, those jokes, the nicknames, the flirting... it was all for fun.- he would like to shout at her that it's not like that, but he understands that there was still something she had to say and that he must hear. -When I saw him, the first time, with her... I couldn't believe it. But it was absurd, that one like him was single. I wish I could hate her, but I know it wouldn't be right. I would like to have the strength or the courage to leave, to leave everything, to see if at least he notices me or if he doesn't care. Or at least I would like to be able to treat him in a cold, different way. Make him understand that the light went out in my eyes. And it will not turn back on again.- it's really the final sentence, because he hears a strange noise, like a beeps and then only sobs.
He no longer waits for anything else to stop him and opens the door. She is in the chair, glasses on the desk. In her hands she holds an anti-stress kitten. When she hears that someone has entered, she doesn't even raise her head. -Penelope.- she recognizes the voice and understands that, because he doesn't call her Garcia, he must have heard at least a part of what she said. But she can't even chase him away, ask him to leave or pretend not to be crying, like that time more than a year ago. She lets him approach, so he can observe with his own eyes how love for him has reduced her. -Penelope, please don't cry...- he whispers softly, but from the cracked tone he seems to be on the point of even pouring a certain amount of salty tears.
No, don't cry, I can't stand your tears, I will never... because if you're happy... every smile is gold, and in the distance, I forgive you and I implore you...
She feels his breath on her neck, sees the shadow of him on her. She allows him to turn the chair in his direction, to take her face in his hands, to look at her for a long time and even to embrace her. But she remains motionless, like a statue or a lifeless puppet, in the arms of the man she loves. She doesn't stop his caresses on her back or the sweet and comforting words, standard, which he tells her. But she doesn't stop crying either. -Please, Penelope, stop it. You're killing me!- now yes, she's sure, he's crying too. She feels the hot, salty tears, running down her back, who knows how they managed to cross the threshold of the sweater. Still, she doesn't expect what he is about to do. That, she would certainly not have allowed him. And I love you so much, that, for those sweet eyes I can only feel bad and taken those lips and then kiss you in the sun, because I know how bad the lack of a smile is, when we get distance, it disappears from your face and it's... scary...
Luke takes her face in his hands and lays his lips on those of the blonde, who for the shock holds both eyes open, but manages to pull away from him only after at least thirty seconds. Too many, for her tormented heart and her confused head. -Why on earth would you do that? I don't want the mercy of any man, especially if engaged!- she moves away, stands up and reaches the opposite side of the room.
Luke shakes his head and in a flash he is near her again. Penelope feels powerless. She doesn't know how to get rid of him. -I've just had a few dates, with Lisa.- he starts saying, with the aim of explaining that in any case he's again a free man. Like her. But she pushes him even more abruptly.
-This is not my business.- she exclaims, her tone so wounded and disappointed that he doesn't hold back.
-I think so...- he can only say, before laying once again the lips on those of his colleague. So soft, tasty. But it's not just this. The heart seems to fly. He feels soft legs and an extreme euphoria. The desire to cry, laugh, scream. It's a very light kiss, almost like if they were teenagers; on their lips, the salty taste of the tears that both have shed. Squinting his eyes, he realizes that those of her are wide open, again. Why she can't let go herself? Yet, she said she loves him. Not to him, but she said it.
-What were you thinking?- as soon as he lets her go, she talks up a blue streak. Anger in her eyes. -You are engaged with a woman and do this with another?- she shakes her head. -Then you're worse than I thought.- the discomfort that she feels is so great that for a moment paralyzes him. But then he understands that he can't allow her to start thinking wrong about him again. He can't lose such a precious stone that already has his name engraved inside. Not by negligence.
-Please, Penelope, believe me. There was nothing important between me and Lisa. Not that I didn't try, I'm honest. But the most significant event was a pool game. I love her, but we're wrong to each other.- she doesn't seem entirely convinced, but allows him to hold her hands, which is a good sign.
-You told Matt that she is beautiful...- he nods and steals her word.
- ...smart, funny...- he ends for her, making a mental note to talk to Matt to teach him to hold his tongue. -She is so. But with her, that spark has never been lit. She never made shake my legs...- he wonders if she recognizes who this quote comes from. He gets closer until she is forced to place both hands on his chest, to block him, before he can try again some risky gesture. -And she didn't replace you in Roxy's heart.- he hesitates, but he decides to say the other half, seeing how the face of Penelope illuminates at this declaration. - And not even in mine - but she just can't trust him, it's too early. The pain in her chest is still so strong, it can't disappear like magic. So, they are still embraced, only tight, this time to each other, even her arms wrapped around Luke's muscular body, she starts crying again and he strokes her back and that's it, no one talking.
Then, all of a sudden, she comes off and pushes him away again. -Yes... it's too late, Luke.- what he never wanted to hear. -I can't, I can't... I don't know, I can't do it.- she wipes the last tears with her hands and throws them away.
-But... I only went out with a woman!- he can't give up.
-I know, but... I don't know what I thought. Why I was deluded into being special, how could I have convinced myself that we would end up together, that it was only a matter of time, why I wanted to convince myself that it was our destiny.- she laughs. A bitter laugh. - I was so stupid, so immensely stupid!- it hurts him even more to hear her insulting herself. But the worst is yet to come. -I didn't think I would be able to suffer more than the death of my parents and the departure of Derek. But it happened.- she whispers the last sentence softly. Hoping he doesn't hear it. -Why I allowed myself to fall in love with you? Why?- he tries to kiss her again and for the umpteenth time she rejects him.
-Not, I've already told you! I don't want your alms, I don't want to pity you or that you have to do something for me... I'll be fine, ok? I'll be fine. I will not make you weigh, because I'll love you anyway, whatever you do, because you are now part of the family, because I can't do anything about it.- this declaration is really too heavy. If pure love exists, this is definitely a good example. Luke is overwhelmed by the immensity of the feeling that Penelope feels towards him. Probably nobody had loved him like that before, outside his parents. Maybe. -You should be with a person like Lisa. She's right for you, you both have been in the same places... she understand you perfectly.- he's just shaking his head. -She can help you...- the man doesn't find an alternative way to force her to keep quiet than pushing her against his chest, to welcome yet another fountain of tears.
-No, she's not suitable for me, she's not able to help me, it doesn't mean anything that we've been in such places.- he lifts her face, forcing her to look at him. -No one can understand me like you, Penelope. It's not pity, it's not compassion, I don't say this because I'm a good guy, but because it's the truth. Just watch you smile or see you or hear your voice while you talk about anything... makes my day better.- it's his turn of the kilometric declaration. -I'm in love with you and I would didn't have to be out with another woman, for understood this and finally found the courage to tell you this.- is the blonde, now, who moves her head in denial.
-I'm sorry too. Really. Because now I can't... I need time. My heart... is so wounded, that simple poetic words or knowing that I'm not indifferent to you, it's not enough anymore.- Luke nods, sighing with relief at having at least freed himself from that weight.
-Good, Penelope. I'm willing to wait for as long as you need.- another strong phrase. But who knows if he really is aware of the weight of what he says?
-Are you sure?- she asks, looking directly into his eyes. -Because I don't know how long it will take, it could be days, or maybe a month... or a year- she still feels compelled to warn him. -I have no idea. I don't ask you to wait for me.- she makes this clear.
Luke takes her hands in his. They are so cold, but less than Sam's. -I will wait for you anyway, even if it's forever. Because I love you, and after all, since I was born, I did nothing but wait, living wait to meet you.- this would be too much for anyone, even for her, that even a moment ago (hours, in reality) has asked to the Lord to imagine Luke in the role of her male co-star in the film (or book) of her life.
-Luke, do you realize what you say? Or have you only seen too many romantic films?- he reads the fear in her eyes. But he too is frightened by the strength of his feelings. He hasn't premeditated anything, he merely says what he feels.
-I know it's heavy words and no, I'm not telling you that, by chance, I really think so. I had two years to sculpt them in my heart. I don't mean that Lisa was a mistake or a phase, I would like to believe that she was more than that, she's a good person and deserves better. Someone who loves her as I love you. I'm sorry, I missed it again.- he almost manages to snatch a smile from her. -Please, Penelope, believe me. Tell me that you believe me.- with his extreme joy (but also surprise) she nods.
-I believe you. But now, it's better if you leave. When and if I'm ready, I'll let you know. Okay?- Luke nods, moves away towards the door, opens it and closes it, turns to her. He reaches her and takes her hands. Their lips very close.
May I?- he whispers and after a moment's hesitation, she nods. This could be considered as their first real kiss, because Penelope takes delight it as much as she does, finally letting go. But only for those few seconds. -See you again in the next case, Penelope.- the blonde woman can only nods.
 Wait. Waiting is hateful. Tedious. Enervating. But it's better to live forever in doubt than to know and face a horrible truth that could destroy us?
In any case, Agent Alvez doesn't have much time to think about it, not as much as he thought he had.
He is trying to distract himself by carrying on with his work, when he hears the unmistakable sound of the blonde's heels signaling her entrance. He tries hard take not notice. He told her he wouldn't put pressure on her and intends to respect what he had promised. But those steps are getting closer and closer. A hand is resting on his shoulder. He would recognize that perfume everywhere. He finds himself on his feet and doesn't even have time to say hello. Those fleshy lips take possession of his, Penelope is kissing him, in broad daylight, in front of their colleagues and other federal agents. First the shock, mixed with joy. Then a little embarrassment. -But...- she motions him to silence.
-I told you that I didn't know how much time I'd need.- he replies with a shrug. He notices the smudged lipstick, which is now definitely on his mouth. -I elaborated in a hurry.- she smiles and in a moment he forget everything.
-I realized it.- she smiles in turn, the classic  fishy face thing while looking at her. They hear the giggles of others in the background. -With you there are no half measures! - he finally exclaims, trying to remember where they are.
-Exactly, Alvez . If you really want to be with me, you have to accept the complete package. And if you are ashamed to kiss me in front of my family, you should also when we are alone.- she clarifies, the serious and decisive tone that sends him so much joy.
-I'm not ashamed at all!- she challenges him with her eyes and this time he is grabbing her for life, capturing those saucy lips, that allow to question him. He manages to access her tongue and again, he forgets completely where they are and she too, despite someone (Rossi) tells them to get a room.
But it's the voice of the chief who brings them to reality. -I'm sorry to be forced to break the magic, but we have a case.- both blush, realizing that they had let themselves go a bit too much.
As they head for the meeting room, holding hands like two teenagers, he whispers in her ear See? I was right. Until the next case.- she giggles softly, shaking her head, before looking for the remote and coming back serious.
 ** Today
The woman observes her boyfriend, standing (though with the help of two crutches), next to their best friend and one of the most important people of her life in a day so special... but basically, she had always known that this moment would come. Luke and Penelope were destined to end together, it was only a matter of time. They were just too afraid to admit what they felt for each other... that's nothing new.
A bit like her and Phil. That fathead had even sent her into the arms of another, his best friend, to avoid addressing the fact that she, Lisa Douglas, could be seriously in love with him. No nurse syndrome. After Luke had explained that he couldn't think of her more than a friend, she had forced the ex-federal to wake up. He had to stop to feel sorry for himself and really open up to life, to what he could still reserve for him. After all, it was he who kissed her first, then regretted and threw her into the arms of handsome Latin. That he really was a perfect man. Nice, smart, sweet... and he had Roxy . But he wasn't Phil. And he had Lou.
And now, she too.
TAGS: @theshamelessmanatee @itsdawnashlie @talesoffairies @janiedreams88 @kiki-krakatoa @yessenia993 @teyamarra @c00lhandsluke  @gcchic @arses21434 @orangesickle @entireoranges @jarmin @kathy5654 @martinab26 @thisonekid @thenibblets @perfectly-penelope @ambrosiaswhispers @maziikeen92 @lovelukealvez @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @ichooseno  @ megs2219 @rkt3357 @franklintrixie @thinitta @chewwy123 @skisun @maba84 @saisnarry @myhollyhanna23 @thenorthernlytes
16 notes · View notes
okimargarvez · 7 years
Original title: Merry Christmas or maybe not?
Prompt: Christmas holidays, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law’s fight.
Warning: none.
Genre: romantic, comedy, angst, family.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, members of Luke’s family, Roxy, Vincent (O.C. cat).
Pairing: Garvez.  
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 💑😘🎈.
Song mentioned: none.
Penelope is terrified at thinking of knowing Luke’s family and spending Christmas holidays with them.     
I wrote this story last year, trying to relieve tension to my mother-in-law in Luke’s mother, but then it took a different path. I can't say I have problems with my mother-in-law, but it's however a complicated relationship, especially since I have been with her son since almost seven years. Last year my boyfriend's brother got engaged, so now she has two daughter-in-law. His brother's girlfriend is very pretty and has nothing to do with Manuela of this story.
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 Christmas is every place where a family is gathered in love. (Anonymous)
 The blonde woman's eyes are closed. The intertwined fingers. Even those of the feet.
Please, rings. Please, please, rings.
But nothing, the cell phone continues to remain silent. The pager the same. Damn!
The dog goes speedily and awakens her from the trance state she was in. She hears the sound of the key into the lock. A male voice that warms her heart.
And then he makes his entrance into the room and his smile almost manages to make her forget the anxiety she feels.
-All right, honey.- he reassures her, not knowing he's doing exactly the opposite. -Tickets are booked.- he proudly shows two small pieces of paper full of writings that now merge in front of her eyes. He takes a little too much time to realize that something is wrong. -Penelope?- he approaches her, sits down next to her, tries to take her hand.
But she escapes him. Continue to remain silent. Silence makes drive him crazy. Even though he knows she doesn't do it on purpose, it's something that causes him blood to go to the brain. Because if she doesn't tell him how to help her, he's afraid of making mistakes. And for her part Penelope has moments of crisis, in which she can hardly breathe, let alone talk to him. And then she always hopes that he'll do the right thing without she tells him.
And in this case, it's certainly not what he has in mind.
Luke takes a breath and when he feels he has calmed down enough, he reaches her.
-Penelope, please tell me what is the problem.- she just points towards the table. Another sigh escapes from him. I hate when she wants me to guess what goes through her head ... -What's that? - he stands up and looks for something that can help him. The remote control, a handkerchief ...
-The tickets? Is that what you wanted me to see?- the blonde nods, then she finds the strength to speak.
-I can't do it, Luke. I can't do it.- the man immediately understands that she's getting panicky.
-Why? I thought you liked the idea of getting to know my family ...-
-It's not that I don't want to know them. It's ... What if they don't like me?- he rolls his eyes.
-Why they would not like you?- he finally manages to take her hand and kisses it. Then, after looking into her eyes for a while, he hugs her trying to transmit her all his heat. Immediately the anger fades and only a great love and tenderness remains.
-Because ... cause surely, they expected someone different ... who could give them grandchildren ...- Penelope passes hand carelessly on her stomach. The low gaze. He forces her to look at him.
-You don't want to say what I think.- the blonde replies nothing. -Honey, you look so beautiful to me and you'll be to them too. I'm sure. And as for the rest ... my mother thought that I would never even engage ... let alone if she expects grandchildren. Fortunately for her there is Nick, my brother. I'm sure everything will be great. Because you're a wonderful, extravagant and special person and their heart will melt just as mine.- He smiles and kisses her.
-Ok. Well. I'll do it.- she closes her eyes to give herself strength. -However, Roxy and Vincent must come too. It's not Christmas if they aren't there. They're part of the family. You know how I feel.- he smiles, happy with the compromise.
-Sure, I'm going to book two places for them too. I was hoping you'd say it, if I have to tell you the truth.- she tosses him a pillow.
-So, you've made fun of me up all this time?! –
New York is ... simply New York. Garcia observes every showcase as a child would do in a toy shop. Everywhere lights, neon signs. She tightens Vincent's cat carrier, he's not very happy to be banging around in there around here and there. In the other hand a suitcase of quite small size, to be of a woman. At her side Luke with Roxy and another suitcase. The man smiles at every slight reaction of his girlfriend. It's not the first time that she visits the Big Apple, but it's the first time she does it haven't to hunt down killer, kidnapper, and so on.
In fact, Penelope remembers perfectly the last time she set foot here and the fear she had, thinking she had lost Derek.
-Ok, there is a taxi there. I'm go ask if he brings us to my parents.- he leaves her leash and the suitcase and walks away. Garcia feels like a child again. For once, maybe since she and Morgan went to see Emily in London, she's not around for a crime. But it's with her furry family, with her boyfriend, so beautiful to take her breath away.
And she's about to meet his family.
When Luke reaches her to tell her it's all right, she's panicked again. But she tries not to show it. She doesn't want to ruin these holidays. She wants everything to go well. She wants to be part of his family.
He takes both suitcases and leaves her the animals. He charges them on the vehicle, the taxi driver glances at the quartet and smiles. From an outsider's perspective there is no trace of the anger and nervousness that man has felt before leaving. He only sees a look madly in love and adoring. And she, for her part, seems almost afraid to look at him, the fear that he'll disappear, and everything will prove to be a dream.
Ok, it was nice to look out the car window the panorama running fast, Luke's hand tight in hers, Roxy drooling over her coat, Vincent moaning as if to say, "but when the hell we get?". Now is the moment of truth.
They thank the driver who peel out. Penelope observes every detail of the house in front of her. The decorations, not exaggerated or scarce, perfectly dosed. The driveway completely free of snow, the little snow that had fallen, neatly on the sides.
-Are you ready, love?- she nods, even though she lies. Perhaps she'll be able to convince herself too. She usually has no problem getting to know new people. But these aren't new people. They are Luke's parents, brother and sister-in-law, the Alvez family. And it would be so nice, to be part of a similar group again. Because she loves each of the members of the BAU, but during the holidays, when the unsub allows them to spend time at home, each one returns to his own life. And she, alone even in the four years she was with Kevin, found herself lonely.
Not this time.
As soon as they are crossing the gate, something cold hits her on the nose. She looks up at the sky and understands what it's.
Roxy barks, shaking a few snowflakes from the rump. Luke lets everything go, except the leash, and snatches her in a long kiss. They come apart just in time to see a figure come out of the front door.
-Mom.- he only says. The woman has hair as dark as those of her son, only someone gray. The eyes are cerulean. Although she shows the age she has, Garcia immediately understands that when she was young or even just a time ago, she must have been a very beautiful woman. Once she has reached them, she does an x-ray of the blonde holding the hand of his child. The object of her attention feels quite embarrassed. Fortunately, the moor notices it soon. -Mom, this is Penelope.- now on the pretty serious face of the woman is painted a smile. The younger holds her hand.
-Nice to meet to you, Mrs. Alvez.- a voice comes out even more timid than what she feared. She seems a girl on the first date. The older one squeezes her hand with an unexpected force.
-So, did you bring the snow with you from Washington?- Garcia immediately glances at her boyfriend, not knowing what to say. Neither Luke says anything and in the end the woman sighs, resigned that no one has notice her joke. -Come in. Nicholas and Manuela have already arrived.- Penelope clutching the cat carrier and takes her suitcase. She just hesitates a second when she sets foot in the house.
-Come, I take you to meet the others, then we can arrange our things and have a moment of tranquility.- she nods and he leads her enter a room, she immediately understands it's the hall. An elderly man, but with an awake look, is intent on playing a game of chess with a dark curls’ boy, the latter looks the same color as Luke's hair.
I would like Spencer to see it, Penelope thinks and exchanges glances with his partner. His jaunty smile makes her think he imagined the same thing. Another man is instead busy watching a match at television. Nobody seems to notice them. When Luke starts to open his mouth, he's interrupted forward by the entrance of a woman with a short, dark hair, who busy trying to bring as many table decorations as possible.
-Caterina, where is the ... Luke! - she leans everything on the table and runs to hug him. Garcia is thinking that in this house she's the only one with light hair. As soon as the two separate, he presents her.
-Manuela, this's my girlfriend, Penelope.- while she is shaking her hands, she can't help but think how sounded this, said by him, with his latin voice my girlfriend, Penelope. Sure, she would never say a year ago that today she would be in New York with him, to meet his family.
Hearing them speak also the others present liven up. The first to get up is the older one, which gives the new arrival a glance that this time making Luke blush more than Penelope. -Dad, she's ...- the man interrupts his son.
-Penelope, of course. A special name. Greek. The patient wife of Odysseus, who weaves by day and unmake at night ...-
-Father! - the profiler scolds him, but without great result. The informatic really likes him. She mentally decides that until now he's her favorite Alvez (after Luke, of course).
-Luke told me that your last name is Garcia, but as far as I can see, no Latin blood flows in your veins ...- Oh no, damn it! The nominated lives a moment of deja-vu.
How stupid he had been! And how much they had then laughed together about it, long afterwards.
-No, Mr. Alvez. Unfortunately, it's the surname of the people who raised me when I got orphaned ...- but she doesn't mind explaining this thing about herself. She wants that this people to become his family. It's useless to deny it.
Finally, also the last of the men reaches them, carrying in his arms the child who protests because he has identified the white kitten and absolutely wants to play with it.
-Miguel! - the mother takes him back, tearing him from his arms.
The father of the little pest shakes his head, with an expression that suggests how much he love him. Without waiting for his brother to make the presentations, he holds out his hand to Penelope.
-I'm Nicholas, but you can call me Nick.- and with this, fortunately, the pleasantries end.
-So, how did they look?- the question comes after ten minutes of total silence in which they have unpack the suitcases in their room and both animals have found a place to their liking.
-I don't know, Luke... your father seemed nice to me.- she keeps setting her things right. He comes up behind her shoulder and surrounds her from behind.
-Chica, don't believe you can cheat me. You're still agitated about something ... I feel it.- he forces her to turn towards him. He surrounds her face with cupped hands and in a moment, finds himself lying on the bed, above her.
-Luke, we shouldn't ... we're at your parent's house and...- he puts a finger on her lips.
-Love, please. There is no need to feel all this anxiety. Unfortunately, I can't punch every person who helped make you so insecure about yourself, but I would. I understood early enough that behind the scaffolding was a fantastic person, but not yet convinced. I know you think, most of the time, that I don't understand you, but it's not so. I can't feel what you feel, but something such, when I was little and even when I made the decision to join the unit. And when I asked you if you wanted to come and live with me.- he gently caresses her face -Do you think I was not afraid that day? Everyone lives with anxiety, at least those who care. And if I still in love with you, it's also for this contrast in your behavior. A lion when it comes to defending or fighting for others and a ... a Persian cat for yourself.- even in this case she says nothing, but this time because the man has got everything. -Okay, I wanted to tell you later, but I feel you need an emotional shock- now she is agitated. He helps her get up and sit on the bed, their backs on the bedpost. -about what you said before we left. Penelope ... would you like have a baby?- her heart is missing more than a beat.
-Luke, why do you ask? You know that...- the voice breaks, the lump in the throat is too thick. The tears held against gravity burn her eyes.
-I know.- he whispers -But I was thinking that it's not the only way...- now he hesitates. As he has just told her, she's not the only one to get nervous when cares about something. -... we could ... In short, are you ... would you be in favor of adoption?- he spits out all in one breath.
Penelope's answer is a hug and a lake on his shirt.
-I'll ... we're not even ...- she says softly, hoping not to be heard. It's goes bad.
Luke gives a punch on the bed. -What a hell! If you ruin all my surprises...-
The first family dinner spends in the usual embarrassment. In addition, after the revelations of Luke, Garcia can’t help but glance at him, something that didn't happen for a long time; since before they engaged. She feels so much a teenage girl in love and lightheartedness.
Maybe a little too much, because she forgets the cellphone in the kitchen and she is forced to go back to retrieve it. She would have gladly helps, but Caterina and Manuela insisted on doing everything only they...
She smiles as she goes down the stairs, already imagining what shape to make the bonbonniere and that she has to call JJ and Emily, and Tara, but also Kate, Derek, David, Spencer ... the whole world, to announce the event.
But the smile disappears as soon as she hears the two female voices, the tones and above all the content of their speeches.
-You think Luke is serious with her?- this is Caterina, the future mother-in-law.
-No. She doesn't seem to me his type. Fake blonde, glasses. Always standoffish. He told us that she was full of quality, but I didn't see one. I think he's with her because he feels sorry for her, or maybe he's afraid to be alone... now he's past forty and ...- Penelope doesn't stay there to listen to the rest, nor to hear the opinion of her mother-in-law. it's very different from that of her sister-in-law. Perhaps jealous of not being the only daughter in law. Maybe.
Luke is finishing shower when he hears sudden clatter and from all that mess he recognizes only the noise of the suitcase that closes. He comes out of the bathroom almost completely naked in time to see Garcia kissing Roxy and greets her in tears, Vincent's cage in one hand, the bag in the other.
He grabs her by the wrist before she can open the door.
-What are you doing?- he asks, eyes wide open while a little voice, that he often managed to ignore, whispers in his head. As always, she doesn't answer. -Penelope? - he almost shouts, tightening the grip. Even in this case, the blonde doesn't find the courage or the strength to open her mouth. -GARCIA! - he takes the cage from her. She drops the suitcase. He forces her to turn towards him. She falls against the door. -What happened?- he tries asking them again.
-That's ... all wrong. We wouldn't be ... I shouldn't have come here. I wouldn't have had to go and live with you, but I wanted to dream ... close my eyes a little too much to reality. And the reality is that ... no matter how much I tried, to forget- as soon as she pronounces that verb, he understands what she means, and it seems impossible that this is really happening. His greatest terror is coming true. He has never been afraid of the dark, of snakes, of spiders, of closed spaces, of height ... in short, no classical phobia. But he has always been afraid of losing the people he loves. And when he realized he had fallen in love with Penelope Garcia, he immediately understood that a new fear had arisen. -... it's impossible. I'm still in love with Derek. I still think about what my life would have been like ... - he managed to let her talk, but now he cann0t resist anymore.
-What are you saying, Penelope?- the eyes are now filled with tears that he not ashamed to pour. -Do you want me to believe that for almost two years you pretended to be in love with me? So why should you have been anxious to know my family? Why tell me yes to live together? Why deceive me and make fun of me so much?- he tells, taking her by shoulders and shakes her, only a small part of himself worries about not hurting her.
-I'm sorry ...- it's the only thing she can say, barely audible.
-You're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY? You're leaving me the night before Christmas, at my parents' house, not even two hours after I asked you to marry me and make a family with me. It's okay to do things for others, but this is ridiculous. I ... I can't metabolize it, at this moment - finally he leaves her free. There is not even a tear on his face now. The expression is flat, indifferent. Voice is atonic. -I can't help but hope you'll never experience the pain you are causing to me.- and he is silent.
The heart of computer technician breaks up when sees him destroyed. Yet she's incapable to say anything to fix things, to ask him if what her sister-in-law says is true. But his suffering seems so sincere ... a fatal cocktail of confusion and sadness pushes her to one last act. Farewell, my love, she thinks as she puts a salty kiss on the icy lips of her ex-boyfriend, almost husband.
Luke rejects her after a few seconds.
-Don't do it. I've always found this shit of the last kiss absurd. If you kiss me it's because you love me and then we should not break up, and so it would not be the last. If you don't love me and then we should break up, we should not even be kissing. Not even one last time.- he stays there, waiting for a miracle. That can't happen even the night before Christmas.
Not even two minutes have passed since the main door was closed, his mother knocks on his room. The profiler is there, intent on staring at the ceiling, lying on his bed. Roxy is crouches by his side. The woman immediately understands that the situation is serious.
-Luke, corazon, what happened?- the adult man, who does not seem such right now, gets up and points to the room, practically free without Garcia's stuff.
-Penelope is gone, doesn't it seem obvious?- on the face an ironic and malicious smile. Right now he just wants to hurt himself and others.
-But why? - almost like a fisherman waiting just his prey, he jumps out of bed and he takes it out.
-Mom, what the fuck are you asking? Did not you really understand that I need to stay a little on my own? And don't count me for tomorrow, because I go back to Quantico. I have some things to fix and I'm not in the mood to celebrate a ...- before he comes out with yet another dirty word, the old woman hugs him and the profiler collapses like a child.
-But was not everything going well? At dinner, it seemed to me that you two couldn't take your eyes off each other- trying to speak, Luke nods.
-Seemed that way to me, too, then, while I was taking a shower I heard that she was threw everything in her suitcase and was greeted Roxy ...- mother and son look into each other's eyes. -She told me she was still in love with Derek, mom. And he's not even her ex. He's her best friend.- the woman struggles to understand. -I've taken his place.- he giggles sadly. -But apparently, not in her heart. And yet ... yet she seemed strange to me, it seemed to me that she was saying a lie ... but maybe it's only what I would.- he squeezes himself in the warmth of his mother's embrace.
-You said it happened while you were taking a shower, right?- he nods. He almost seems to see the wheels spinning in the woman's head. -I'm afraid I know what happened. Penelope must have heard Manuela answer at my question...- then she explain everything to him, down to the last detail.
A thousandth of a second after she has finished, Luke is already pinned to the phone that’s ringing out.
In a hotel room, intent on quarrel with the wi-fi to book a ticket to go home, Garcia tries to ignore the sense of regret that flows from her chest.
At the twentieth call, however, she decides to answer him, at least to let him know that she'll change number if she is forced to do so.
-Penelope, finally, please, don't hang up!- he debuts in one breath. -Because I know why you've said those things. Did you understand? I know you're on the other side ... please, tell me where you are, so we can clarify everything ...- and she isn't able to talk even on this occasion. Telling him what was on her mind. What she had already decided. Only a number and a name comes out of her mouth.
When the door opens, all the good intentions to being strong, decisive and hard, are thrown out of the window. Luke is out of breath, his hair all messed up, he's not even wearing the jacket. And he so gorgeous, it hurts...
-Penelope ...- he says only. Those few minutes in which he believed he had lost her have stole a part of himself that he'll never recover. -Penelope, now I'll tell my version of the facts. If it doesn't match, I'll leave and I'll not bother you anymore. But I don't promise to forget you.-- he sighs, approaching her. The blonde is instead in apnea. -You heard Manuela tell my mother that I wasn't serious with you, that I felt sorry for you and many other similar stupidities. That you were not my type. And you wanted to believe her, maybe because you were too happy and you felt you didn't deserve it. And you did what you knew would hurt me more. But it's a lie. You're no longer in love with Derek Morgan. At the beginning of our history, you often mentioned him and involuntarily made comparisons between him and me. But for some time you've quit and when we happen to talk about him, you smile and it's a smile of those joyful, without regrets, which means you're happy that him's part of your life, even if not in that role that you had much hoped years ago. So Penelope, bring me evidence to the contrary or come with me, that someone jealous of losing her place as a favorite daughter-in-law, wants to make you her apology ...- his smile is too warm. His eyes so full of hope.
-Oh, Luke, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! - is what he needed to hear. He hugs her and thinks of what his grandmother used to say.
 It doesn’t matter, or better, we cannot stop on the mistakes made, the pain done. What really matters is always being willing to say "I'm sorry", to retrace your steps, to put yourself out there, because the good done, at the end of the count, prevail over evil. (Anonymous)
@martinab26 @talesoffairies @kiki-krakatoa @yessenia993 @arses21434 @teyamarra  @c00lhandsluke  @gcchic @rkt3357 @orangesickle @entireoranges @jamirn@kathy5654 @lovesgoodluna @thisonekid @thenibblets@ambrosiaswhispers @perfectly-penelope  @courtneyxoxo1 @jahreau @gracieeelizabeth27  @silviajajaja @ichooseno  megs2219 @ smalliemichelle99 @skisun​ @chewwy123  @ gracieeelizabeth27  @ thinitta   @ franklintrixie  @jenf42 Tell me if you want to be removed ^_^
13 notes · View notes
okimargarvez · 7 years
Original title: Meteorology.
Prompt: climatic metaphors, phases of love.
Warning: none.
Genre: drama, romantic, comedy, angst, family, friendship.
Characters: Luke Alvez, Penelope Garcia, BAU team, Phil (Luke’s partner), Phil’s wife, Roxy, Derek Morgan.
Pairing: Garvez, Phil x Lucille.
Note: Multichapter.
Legend: 💏😘😈👓🔦🐶❗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💍🎈.
Song mentioned: Via con me, Paolo Conte.
Meteorology- Masterlist
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There was a moment of respite, a warm, damp moment, enough to grasp the smell of the earth that was impregnated with water, and immediately after the hail fluttered leaping to the ground, resonating on the tiles. (Giovanni Comisso)
 It's calmly, very slowly, that she filters in all your thoughts. You begin with smiling whenever she’s in the room, or every single instant she appears on the screen in the private jet, or just when you hear her voice and her unique jokes.
She doesn't make life easy for you. When she realized that you were not just a kind stranger, but the guy who was likely to occupy Morgan's place, she completely changes her behavior. She has become cold, glacial, and professional. And then he began to prickle you explicitly, calling you new guy and newbie. Just because you were the latest addition. The first time you were disappointed, at the second you were fond of the nickname yet. It made you special at her eyes, different from the others. That's enough.
Then you realize that you no longer need her to do "Garcia", which she's behave over the top; you are staring at her all the time, every moment than you can steal, and you discover yourself jealous of the attentions she reserves to your colleagues. Especially when Walker arrives, and she welcomes him all warm and smiling. But even when it embraces Spencer after you've brought him back from Mexico.
Still, you still don't want to give weight at this situation. Even if you saw a ray of light when you introduced her to your "girlfriend", Roxy, whom she supposed was a woman in flesh and bones, instead ... that smile had lit up the day for you and then it was repeated when she had decided to invade your home with gifts for your dog.
But the real turning point happens one night that you are at dinner with your best friend. Lucille has prepared everything and then she left, to let you two talks freely. She knows that there are issues that you do not want her to know and she has now resigned. Perhaps, sometimes, it's really better not to know.
You tell him what's it like working for the behavioral analysis department you've often fooled together, not having much confidence in those who from a detail think about getting the personality of a subject. And now you've become one of those. Then he asks you what the team is like, so you tell him what happened to Hotch, forced to hide with his son because of Mr. Scratch's and now Emily Prentiss has become your new chief. At that name he lights up.
-Prentiss? But yes, I know her. It's a tough girl, do not you? - you nod. - And they say so she is also ... how to say ... intriguing? -  you don't laugh with Phil, and this sounds strange. He actually scrutinizes you carefully. - Don't you think so? - you don't answer. But no, you never reflected on her; it's clear that you have noticed that it's a beautiful woman who has an interesting character, but nothing more. Your mind is permanently occupied by ... -Is anyone who has attracted your attention most, I say well? - your friend arrives at the same conclusion. -Luke, let's go. I recognize that gaze.- you sigh. -Talk to me about her.- although you're afraid, you realize that it's exactly what you want to do since a century, since you (re) seen her.
-She's ... a ray of sunshine, but also a hurricane. She is a computer technician, formerly she was a hacker. She's intelligent, nice, ironic ... And so sensible, I don't know how she can do this kind of work. She's blond, I first called her Swedish and she didn't particularly like it ... but she has a Latin surname like mine because she was adopted. Roxy loves her and is a mutual love: she has submerged my house with gifts for her.- you realize you're smiling like a dopey because you see it reflected in Phil's gaze.
-Have you already asked her a date?- it seems he believe that you didn't tell him everything.
-No!- you exclaim , terrified at the very idea. -She ... Penelope- by pronouncing her name, it turns it into something real. -She makes me walk on eggs or on burning coals if you prefer the image. I took the place of her best friend and now she call me newbie.- you don't have to strive hard to notice that you say that word with affectionate tone.
-Newbie? - he laughs at the other. -Then you hold on the thorns, huh? Good girl. I understand why you're so taken. The shiver of the hunt is switched on again. - with difficulty he gives you a pat on your arm, man-to-man. -Now you're a profiler; you should know better than me that if a woman is in trouble with a man, well ... he isn't indifferent for her.- you know, you know he’s right. You spent the nights, thinking of things like this.
-I know, but ... I can not. If she says no ... - you shake your head and close your eyes.
-I can't believe it. I have to call Lucille. Luke Alvez fall in love.- that term frightens you, but it's the pure reality. -Well, it was time. Now you just have to find the courage to make a move, let her know she's not just a colleague for you. You can't live forever in a limbo and probably you would throw away the only opportunity of your life.- he throws you a meaningful gaze, the equivalent of one hand to another among female friends. -I have never seen you so taken from someone. Challenge the current. Let's go, Alvez, none (except my wife) - can resist your Latin charm! - he laughed again. You imitate him, and Lucille find you in those state.
 Reading his last name on the screen in front of you, you are surprised to smile. -What do you want, newbie?- you can't avoid treating it in a certain way. You listen to her laugh and you realize it's a nice sound. Lately him forces a little too bending your lips in that sense. Damn!
-You still harping on this story? Well.- you can imagine too easy him passes his hand between his hair and then leave it suspended in the middle of the air, giving up. -I need the name of a local's owner. I sent you the address.- your eyes read the new information at the speed of light, your fingers flickering on the keys. -You should ...- you interrupt him with great satisfaction.
-Already done. You're always a step back. - But then you're struck dumb suddenly. This was one of the jokes you repeated with Derek; the fact that you have used it with another man makes you feel almost like a faithless, as if you had betrayed Morgan. What stupid thing! You close the call and you take five minutes to catch your breath.
What is going on with you? Why is it so hard to talk even only ten seconds with Luke? Or even just think his name? And did you even bother that Emily stops talking to him for a moment, alone, before going to O'Keef? You're not jealous, it can't be. It doesn't make sense.
You don't like him, even though he has a physicist who has nothing to envy in Morgan, though Roxy isn't a human girlfriend, but an adorable dog and you would spend hours just staring at it, contemplating its graceful movements. Although his voice is inebriating and full of sexy shades. Even when you look at him you don't know what you're saying and confuse you, even make more mess than usual. Even before you find out what he was doing in that bathroom, on the floor where you worked, you thought he looked like a good boy, cute and intriguing.
You feel bombarded by too many conflicting emotions. You have to be antipathy, you must because you can't than let the situation of the last ten (fifteen, almost twenty) years repeat; you can’t fall again for the handsome of the team. It's a cliché too banal. And the outcomes would be disastrous. You can't be a friend of one like Luke. You can't stand next to him and watch him flirt with other women while your colleagues relax to O'Keef. But it's your idea, that he's a Latin lover, because he has not done a single gesture for now, not saying a single sentence that goes in that direction.
You see how you think of him as with another Derek, but that's not the case. The Chocolate Thunder's God loves you and has always revered you, at least joking. He called you in so many ways, in random order: doll, goddess, hot woman, treasure, baby, my love, princess, genius ... and who knows how many other nicknames.
Luke, on the other hand, only once has the courage to use a nickname with you, but that one continues to rebound from one ear to the other, without leaving your head: chica. And curse, cursed all of them, he was too sexy when he spoke Spanish.
Not just for this. Simply with Morgan you have felt comfortable from the beginning, the spark was immediately burning, and then turned into a solid and weird friendship. With Alvez you've cut the fuse right away, for security, because he makes you feel insecure, not a genius but just a sclerotic fool, he like to get you in trouble in a different way, somehow pushed and you don't understand why he does, that option you don't even take it into consideration.
The only solution you have found is to go on this way, though sometimes you seem to see a bit of sadness in his face if you exaggerate with tormenting him. However, he could go from one moment to the other, decide he was better in the task force, which he isn't suitable for teamwork ... even if he has turns out to be a fundamental resource for solving cases.
Hours later, when they land, you're still work on the document, because no one is waiting you at home, so it's not worth hurrying. And walk out of bat's cave just when he's passing. You ignore him, even though it seems to you to feel his gaze almost tangible on your body. Fantasies, useless fantasies of a perpetual dreamer. You keep typing the lock code.
But man stops and greets you. -Hey, Garcia.- in your head you count up to twenty before turning. -What're you're still doing here? Don't you have to study the clarinet techniques with your boyfriend? - you understand the clear shades of his insinuation.
Even if you wanted to show friendly with him, less hard, you couldn't succeed it. He enjoys a lot of fun to blows your nerves. -No. It's not your business, but I don't need any lessons anymore.- It's euphemism to say that there is no longer the master who to teach you.
-Oh!- he pretends to be surprised. -Maybe one day you could show me your skills.- now he wants to make you think he's hitting with you, but he won't succeed.
-Of course, newbie. In your dreams!- you head straight to the elevator, followed by Luke, the doors are closing, with a start not from you, you get in and for a second he's staring at you, asking you to press the button that reopens the doors, but you absolutely have no intention to do it and you greet him with a naughty smile, but also mischievous, and with your hand.
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