#performing progressiveness
oleandro-drag · 1 month
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saint sebastian tended by saint irene but they're both drag artists
felt like this might be something this site would enjoy
on stage: oleandro & delfi oraakel, photographer: peroksiid (on ig as oleandro_drag, delfi_oraakel and peroksiid)
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pussysidon · 2 months
Living with a disability, especially a progressive or dynamic one is so fucking stressful. I don't know whether I'll be able to do things I can do now in a couple of years or even a couple of months. Maybe today I'm up and dancing but tomorrow I can barely leave my bed. I'm already grieving the things I know I won't be able to do in the future and it's so, so so so hard. The worst part is that there's nothing you can do but try to enjoy life right now and hope you can keep doing what you love
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mcheung · 1 year
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this is falling for you when you are worlds away.
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 months
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badnewswhatsleft · 1 month
(source) patrick fucking annihilating everybody wants somebody
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bl0omss · 10 months
Gentle Reminder
“Tired child and weary soul, you forget sometimes. That though the responsibilities of life may make you feel as if even just moving is too impossible, then my love, just breathe. If breathing is too difficult, then precious one, just blink. If even blinking is too much work, then little one, just stare. It is enough to just be, sometimes.”
-N <3
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Lucifer, how's Al doing? Also, maybe you can talk some sense into him regarding the whole Husk situation. Sometimes tipsy people will reveal their true feelings, so you could also probably get some information out of him regarding a lot of crap.
Lucifer: *has been holding Alastor’s hair back as he vomits in toilet* There now…kinda reminds me of when you were pregnant…at least now you can eat meat again…*laughing nervously*
Alastor: *groans* Luci…im sorry for being an ass all of the time…
Lucifer: *wasn’t expecting that* oh…well uh…thanks for apologizing? Will you even remember this?
Alastor: I’ve never been in love before and you rejected it. I’ve never had that so I’ve been lashing out…
Lucifer: *really wasn’t expecting this* Alastor…
Alastor: It’s fine you don’t love me back…I just need to accept it. It’s just hard when I see you everyday. Maybe if I forgot my feelings, I’ll hurt less…
Lucifer: Is that what you want? To forget?
Alastor: *nods tiredly*
Lucifer: *sighs* Al you’ll wake up and never remember this conversation…*leans in* You that you loved me…perhaps it’s time you forgot about me…*touches Al’s forehead* Sleep and this will all be a dream Alastor…
Alastor: *closes his eyes and is rendered unconscious*
Lucifer: *sighs* I hope I know what I’m doing. *uses magic and pulls out a magic wisp of Alastor’s recent memories and love and puts it in a small vial*
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Alastor: *still asleep*
Lucifer: *lifts Alastor up and carries him to his room and tucks him in* Rest well Al…
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
The extent to which the tankie-lite "America Has A Magic 'Stop Everything Bad in the World' Button and Biden Just Refuses to Push It Because He Doesn't Want To!" mindset has infiltrated this website, even among supposedly sensible people, continues to be alarming.
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oleandro-drag · 1 month
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Saint Sebastian tended by Saint Irene but they're both in drag, Siinpool Sood 2024
photographed by @ peroksiid (on ig), edited by me
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shadowetienne · 6 months
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Studio PAV (Latam page, shared to main page) uploaded these pictures from the São Paulo, Brazil stop of OnlyOneOf's world tour. It's so good to see good turn out and an engaged crowd. I am thrilled with that rainbow flag that I see in the final picture (how many pride flags were gotten to them? I need videos!) I am also so in love with that JunRie picture.
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
im tired of pretending. i think jason statham has a certain compelling homosexual jai ne se quoi
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saltavenegar · 4 months
I never posted this but here’s the current progress for Dressing Them Up
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charletsart · 8 months
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WIP alan looking pretty and sad !!!! I love himm
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That exact red dress that Peter Gabriel's wife owned and that he's wearing on the cover of Cosmopolitan (1972), Paul Whitehead's album cover artwork and Peter Gabriel wearing the look with a Fox mask.
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a-sketchy · 9 months
matt mercer kanji is so weird. it’s objectively a good performance cause its matt fucking mercer but i had such a creeping sense of something being off until i realized that’s definitely not what kanji sounded like in p4 and most certainly matt mercer. he haunts me
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butchniqabi · 1 year
im reading "supporting survivors of sexual abuse through pregnancy and childbirth" and never in my life have i wanted to be a doula more than in this moment oh my god. reading some of these stories about how these women were treated during their pregnancy/birth is sick and twisted, the medical field needs a rehaul right now
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