#peppa pig and her friends houses
livwritessometimes · 4 months
F1 Uni Series: Intro Part 2
: Now that you know about ‘The Grid.’ Let us take a look at the other group in this series.
: All these people were randomly assigned to the same guide on the first day of Uni and ya rest is history
: Prev | Oscar’s Version
: Series Masterlist
: Main Masterlist
Y/n L/n
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• Y/n L/n, claims to be the best thing that has every happened to F1 University
• Struggles to pay rent which is why she lives with Alex and Dylan (even though she has money to support her daily coffee obsession)
• Friends with Daniel and Pierre (she feels that Daniel is her spirit animal and she just tolerates Pierre)
Alexandra Saint Mleux
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• Alexandra Saint Mleux, the classy Art History Major
• For her friends she is Alex, the kid who almost burned down her (Y/n and Dylan’s) apartment while trying to make popcorn
• She believes that she can read auras just because she went to a carnival as a kid and a psychic told her that she has ‘the gift’
Dylan O'Brien
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• Dylan O’Brien, thinks he’s the only voice of reason in the group (he’s not)
• Likes to scare people by claiming he can hear voices in his head (Psychology major does that to a person)
• Had the fattest crush on peppa pig growing up (even though bacon is his favourite thing to eat)
Renee Rapp
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• Renee Rapp, the actual voice of reason of this group (Mother in other words)
• As a kid she realised 2 things while watching Judge Judy: first she wants to be a lawyer and second that her love for Judy was more than just admiration
• Likes to believe that the rest of her group won’t be alive without her there (it’s true)
Chris Briney
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• Christopher Briney, the clumsy nurse studying at F1 University
• Most of the time he has to use his knowledge on himself (boy trips on air istg)
• Has an apartment with Jordan but doesn’t know that it’s haunted
Francisca Cerqueira Gomez
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• Francisca Cerqueira Gomez or Kika
• Her dream is to live like a rich soccer mom who drinks vodka from a flask during the game
• Believes she’s the next best fashion designer (she is) also has a secret beef with Lewis because they both want to have their collection win the end term runway project
Jordan Fisher
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• Jordan Fisher, son of a famous businessman
• His dad wanted him to pursue business but Jordan was like nah and went for music instead
• He drowned as a child and his heart stopped for like 2 seconds and ever since then he claims that he can “see ghosts.” He also didn’t tell Chris (his roommate) that their house is haunted
Tags: @regalbanshee | @be-your-coffee-pot | @mrsbrxkkxr | @princessria127 | @moonraysandstars | @prettiest-at-the-party | @theblueblub | @magixpracticality | @slytherinholland | @overlyexcitedoutlaw | @marvel-at-stucky | @crumbssss | @a-beaverhausen
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elliespectacular · 7 months
why is windy castle
One thing the video game My Friend Peppa Pig (2021) does exceptionally poorly is pacing. Dialogue that is intended to establish settings and scenarios can not be skipped by any means, which leads to segments where the game's characters describe something to the player in detail multiple times despite Peppa and her friend having already canonically seen/done the sequence in question earlier in the play session. Aside from lacking in narrative sense, this issue can engender impatience in the player as they sit through (often long-winded) things they've already heard in anticipation of something new.
Keeping this in mind, another problem with the game is its reliance on random events. Most sequences are triggered by a set of consistent parameters, usually entering a new place or interacting with a specific character. Some however, tirgger at a random time when Peppa and her friend are exploring a particular place.
When standing in the entryway of Peppa's home, the rest of her family can randomly decide to interrupt whatever was happening prior and insist the family instead visit Windy Castle. Everything from the suggestion dialogue to travel is entirely un-skippable and the house entryway connects several significant sequences together so it's often visited by the player in the course of normal play.
All of this means the player can find themselves caught in a loop of returning to Windy Castle while trying to accomplish other things, and unless they would prefer to reset the game they have no choice to but to listen through the dialogue repeatedly - the proverbial loop itself offering the illusion that every time Peppa visits Windy Castle is the very first time.
When putting together Pep of Pig I was inspired by this in my own playthrough. I wanted to warp the experience of returning to Windy Castle into something surreal enough to be unsettling, but funny and varied enough to be less painful to sit through than it is in-game.
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bellascool · 1 year
posted : 11/04/2023 (European date)
request open!
english is not my first language, I apologize for the mistakes.
"I love you honey I'll be there very soon!"
Your voice echoed on the, you thought so, empty house you shared with your boyfriend.
He was supposed to be at training until 6pm but oh honey, what you didn't know was that he came home sooner since Xavi had to go to a meeting, freeing the players 3 hours earlier.
Pablo just closed the door and immediately froze after hearing you sweet talking to someone, God knows who.
"My boyfriend will never know about it baby, he's at training you can come whenever you want" you said with a sweet voice
You were laying on the king sized bed, your stomach was facing the mattress and you couldn't see the wide opened door, thinking you closed it.
Who was the person you were talking with?
Pablo couldn't believe that you would cheat on him and decided to keep listening just in case.
"Yeah you can come, he won't even notice" you loudly laughed
Even in that situation, your laugh still sounded like heaven to his ears and he found himself smiling without even noticing.
But his smile faded as fast as it appeared when he remembered what he just heard.
Without making any noise, he went in the laundry room to hide so he can catch you doing what you were trying to desperately hide from him.
He went on his phone while waiting but it didn't really help him to kill the time since all he could think about was "what just happened?".
Several minutes, who felt like hours, later the bell finally rang which made the Spanish boy put his phone on the ground, slowly getting up as you ran downstairs.
He watched through the doorway and saw you happily opening the door before hugging someone and leaning in to kiss them.
He couldn't believe it, it was happening.
It was too hurtful to keep watching so he turned around to take his phone back but was cut off by a bark.
He quickly left the room and followed the sound he just heard, leading him to the living room where he saw you laying on the couch, a German Shepherd comfortably sleeping next to you as you watched-
Peppa Pig?
"is she on drugs?" He thought to himself
"Y/n?" He finally dared to speak
The sound of his voice made you jump from your place, waking up the dog who was peacefully asleep.
"Oh my God you scared the hell out of me" you said as you tried to breath correctly, putting a hand on your chest
"What are you doing and who's dog is that?" he asked clearly confused
"Meet Mia, she's the cutest dog and I'm babysitting her for Maria, she went on a date with her boyfriend" you explained as if it was obvious
"So.. you're not cheating on me?"
You looked at him as if he just said the most stupid, toe curling, hair snatching thing.
"What the fuck no? Why would you say that?"
"Okay it may sound crazy but I may have listened to the whole interaction with the dog when you were FaceTiming your friend and it is possible that I hid to see if it was true. But again, this may have not happened at all." he said not breathing once while speaking
"Oh wow, I see how it is now you don't even trust me" you turned around, patting the dog's head as she slowly fell asleep again
"Wait no that's not what I wanted to say, I promise I trust you with all my life" he tried to apologize but you kept silent
"Y/n don't do this to me I swear I love you please don't be mad at me" he apologized as he made his way to you, collapsing next to your body before wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging it tightly as he put his head on your stomach
That's when you took the opportunity and put your arms on the back of his head, chocking him in your belly
"Now that's what you get for believing that I would cheat on you, you bitch" you laughed as he tried to get out of your grip but you just kept pushing him further in
You laughed harder and harder to a point where you didn't even have the strength to keep him in place
He snitched out of your arms, breathing heavily when you just kept laughing
Soon enough, he joined you in your laughter, forgetting the dog who was just staring at you in complete confusion
After a few minutes, you calmed down and pressed start on the remote so you can go back to watching the best show ever : peppa pig.
"Baby do we seriously have to watch a pig live her life?" he asked while laying back on your stomach
"Yes shut up" you just said now fully concentrated
You jumped when you heard the sound of the door bell
You didn't even realize that you three fell asleep watching some kids series.
You looked at the time on your phone, it was 6pm which means that Maria should get her dog back now.
You silently stood up and pet Mia who then followed you to the door, leaving Pablo alone as he was dead asleep
You opened the door to be met by your friend smiling
"Hi Maria, how was the date?" you asked smiling as she put you in a quick embrace
"Really nice, I'll tell you everything later, how was Mia?" she asked while petting her beloved dog who also seemed happy to see her
"Oh she was lovely, she can come back anytime!" you just smiled
"Thank you for babysitting her Y/n, I owe you one!"
"Don't worry about it, it was my pleasure"
You quickly said goodbye before closing the door and laying back down next to the spanish boy who was awake now
" ¿por qué te fuistes? (why did you leave)" he asked weakly while opening his arms so you can get back in
"I had to give Mia back" you whispered as you got comfortable in his arms, your head resting on his chest ad you fell back to sleep with his heartbeat who sounded like music to your ear
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beah388love · 6 months
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Your on your period
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel:it was the middle of science class and you was sitting next to miguel and demetri , a couple of minutes past and you jusy knew and remembered you was due so you began to panick because you didnt have any pads or tampons with you, miguel noticed you was acting weird so he wrote down on a piece of paper 'are you okay? ♡︎' you wrote back no and he quietly whispered to you "whats wrong?" "im on my period and i dont know what to do" you whispered berg quietly back. He put his hand up and said "y/n feels ill can i walk her to the nurse sir" the teacher said yes and you both went to a shop to buy you pads or tampons(or anything you prefer) once you had found a bathroom and sorted yourself out you wouldnt stop thanking him and apoligizing for wasting his time,be immediately told you to stop apoligizing and took you too his house to have a movie marathon and cuddle.
Eli/hawk:you get very hormonal on your period and perticularly today your emotions were everywhere and you was watching peppa pig(idk why lmao) but in the episode you was watching susy was just plain evil and you started crying like having a full mental breakdown and when hawk heard you crying he immediately ran up to you and asked you whats wrong "s-susy is such a bad f-friend" you said between sobs "whos susy?" Hawk replied in a very confused tone and you just pointed to the tv "are you being serious?" Hawk said which made you cry even more "n-no! Dont cry its okay i-uh susy is a horrible friend" he said trying to comfort you and you just kept crying ,when hawk caught on that you was on your period throughout the day he went to a corner shop and got you your fav/f and he got you some more pads or tampons(or whatever u prefer) and he tried to not say anything that would offend you or make you sad for the rest of the day.
Demetri:you and Demetri were cuddling in his bed with your head on his chest and Demetri was gonna pee himself so he sprinted to the toilet and when he came back he turned the light on and that's when he saw it the red stain under you and on your shorts "OMG-ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOU DYING?" Demetri was screaming at you thinking that you was dying and bleeding to death "please don't die" he nearly had a heart attack until you told him you was on your period "oh- I-uh are you okay?" Demetri was now as red as a tomato  "yea but uh I need pads/tampons(or whatever your prefer) demetri went to the store to get you some but didn't know which ones you like or if you even have a preference so he texted you And when you told him what they looked like or the name he got them and bought you some snacks too. When he got back he washed his bedsheets and put new ones on and gave you some of his joggers to wear (which were really baggy on you) and then you guys are snacks and did a movie marathon of all your favourite films.
Robby:Robby would usually keep track of your period because he found it really stupid asking you all the time because you would get mad or sad at him cause of your mood swings so instead he just kept track and when he checked in the morning and saw you was due he bought some of your fav things and some pads/tampons(or whatever you prefer) because you was running out and then you guys chilled at his house and whenever you got a bad cramp he would give you a heating pad and massage your stomach.
Young daniel larusso:he knew instantly because you was always really sensitive on your period and would cry over the littlest things so he tried his best to not say anything that would make you upset or annoyed and when he did he would immediately not talk until you said it was okay for him to again and it might sound bad to others but you both knew it would stop unnecessary arguments and meltdowns for you both so you guys would just cuddle and watch films together all day.
Young johnny lawrence:Johnny knew what a period was but he never actually knew what it was if that makes sense so when you told him you was on yours he was very confused on what he should like if he should hug you or not touch you so he kind of did a mixture of both which was making you really upset because you didn't know why he was acting like that and confronted him after a day or two "Johnny why are you being like this?" You said randomly while you both were cuddling "what do you mean?" He answered back genuinely confused "well you keep being really cuddly and clingy and then you won't even touch me" Johnny knew exactly what you meant now and went bright red "I-uh I'm sorry I just didn't know if you wanted me to touch you or not i mean I've never had to deal with a girl on her uh what's it called?" he said "a period?" You answered "yeah! That's what it's called god that been bugging me all day" he said making you laugh "Johnny you can cuddle me if I'm on my period ,I mean like don't overdo it y'know just be how you usually are" "how I usually am?" He said kind of not believing you "yes how you usually are" you giggled. After that Johnny would act normally around you but he would still be extra kind to you because he knew that periods hurt from seeing you in pain from cramps before.
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Granada Holmes season 1 thoughts
I (finally) started watching this with my grandma and my roommate, who decided to join us. Unfortunately grandma wasn't impressed (pacing) so she dropped it after ep 4. But me and my roommate are enjoying it! So now we're watching it together, 1 ep/day.
Anyway here are my very unfiltered thoughts. Straight from the notes app
1- SCAN (30 iul)
Yessss. I liked it. A lot. Loved the disguises, i didn't even recognise him in the first disguise.
..why did they change it to "Irena" tho?? At least that's how they pronounced it. Weird.
At least they didn't butcher her personality
2. DANC (31 iul)
I liked this but it seemed slower. And after they get the bad news i feel like it should've been a bit.. worse? At least make the wounds more horrible. And why is Elsie still in the house? They had time to get her to a hospital.
3. NAVA (1 aug)
I hadn't read this one so i didn't know what to expect. I liked it. We made a lot of fun of Percy. I thought at one point that he had hidden them and was playing it up but no, he really was that dramatic.
Poor Holmes hurt his hand :(
Also very funny, i actually hurt my hand like 10 minutes after the episode ended.
Like during the episode I was all "awww do you want one of my pink peppa pig bandaids :(" and guess what. Guess fucking what.
4. SOLI (2 aug)
Well well well
I enjoyed this
I especially enjoyed Holmes beating up that creep
I have not read this story either but i listened to the Sherlock and Co episode. So i kinda knew the basics but not too much, yk.
My roommate appreciated how polite Holmes was with miss Smith. And i was reminded of that one part in the books where Holmes said that he thought of one of his clients like his own daughter. (Don't know what story it's from tho, i only saw it in screenshots on here)
I think it had a good ratio of intense (the obvious) and funny (holmes being kinda mean to watson, the ending :) )
Also the whole wedding in the woods bit was insane. Who would really think that that's enforceable. Jeez.
5. CROO (4 aug)
I mean it was alright. The "david" thing was a bit weird? Especially because she muttered it in her sleep? Like i guess it's something like calling someone a karen but still. The fact that she still said "david" in her sleep was odd.
Also what... How could someone do that? Indirectly (try to) kill a person who trusts you bc you like their girlfriend. That's insane.
He had it coming. Too bad it took 30 years🤷
Also Holmes being mean to that guy in the beginning was hilarious.
Oh oh and Watson's deduction at the end? "Elementary, my dear Holmes" :)))) that was good. We cheered for him
6. SPEC (5 aug)
AAAHH YEAASSSS YESS FINALLY this is my favourite story from the books, it's one of the ones i read when i was around 10 and it was my favourite then and yeah. Love it.
But yeah loved to finally see it on screen. I imagined the snake bigger and spotty-er but yeah. Oh and i loved the interactions between Holmes and Watson. And between them and Miss Stoner. (I told my roommate if i see one more person describe him as cold and emotionless, I'm throwing hands)
I liked that Holmes kinda felt bad for bringing Watson along because it was so dangerous, only for Watson to immediately go anything for you Beyonce :))
And then in the room, his hand shaking? Quality content. Bc yeah. It's a wild animal, it's unpredictable. (Super stressed at the end when he picked it up?? In his hands?? Like yea the leash was there but bruh-)
Also poor Watson being woken up twice :)) (does Holmes know how to wake someone Watson up like a normal person? Unclear)
Also also- "my intimate friend"
7. BLUE (6 aug)
Right so i do know the original story but i read it a while ago. I still think it's nice that they let the guy go but i remembered him more sympathetic in the books. Idk. Also, did Holmes keep the stone? I thought it was a bit of an odd choice. And how were they able to free the plumber guy without the culprit or the stone? Ehh yeaah, odd.
Also is everyone forgetting that Holmes and Watson aren't the only ones who know that the carbuncle is with them??
God he looked so different at the beginning of the episode, before he did his hair. Also my roommate made a comment about having cigarettes for breakfast and. Yeah, petition to have this guy eat a normal meal?? *Sigh*
Also why did we see Watson with a bunch of presents and then never saw any one of them opened? Chehov's Christmas presents. I wanted to see what he got for Holmes
(At least we have the Sherlock and co episode...)
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my forever fixations (changes will be added.)
sitcoms (b99, modern family, bbt, himym, the office, friends, HOUSE MD)
benedict cucumberpatch and martin freeman (sherlock bbc, lord of the rings, the hobbit etc.)
ghosts&vampires&blood&sadists&gore&darkacademia&haunted places (frankenstein, jekyll and hyde)
english schoolgirls in the not creepy way (wild child, enid blyton boarding school books)
harry potter
neil gaiman (coraline)
true crime
granada holmes
star trek and star wars in no particular order
taylor swift and old washed up rock bands
pheobe effing bridgers
GRACIE ABRAMS est. 2020 (and the 2021 london show which i attended- my first concert 🥹)
kill her, freak out - samia
therese dreaming and maya hawke
raft of medusa
nerf guns
spy kids
peppa pig and ben and holly and gaston and nanny plum
emma chamberlain's fashion choices
the grisly origins of fairy tales
101 dalmations' original cruella deville.
horrid henry, captain underpants and phineas and ferb
evermore and folklore
lore by aaron manke
crime podcasts
the history of mad hatters
interesting things to research about
indian royalty history
Elizabeth Báthory (the blood countess)
agatha christie and miss marple
puzzle solving but i'm terrible at it (i’m awesome, i’m trying to be humble)
a deepening disgust at mortal fascination with each other.
Lockwood and Co.
The sisters grimm
Land of stories
middle grade horror and fantasy books
my instagram threads account
tumblr shitposts
tumblr in general
pjo (ex induced)
scarlet and ivy
young adult dark fantasy without romance (check point 46)
my goodreads account
ada lovelace
franz kafka, virginia woolf.
my spotify playlists (ethel cain i love u)
joan of arc
rosalind franklin
ted ed videos
witch hunts in scotland and salem.
zoroastrian burials
sherlock and watson
my pinterest
amrita shergill
old disney shows
cricket and india's victory in WC in '83
jhansi ki rani
my childhood tv shows
my yt history
video essays
shane and ryan (watcher or buzzfeed unsolved)
chronically online
jude bellingham
Carlos sainz
a dreaded feeling of separation.
Elsa Schiaparelli
the kelly
aux en provence
my artemis fowl phase
harry potter
ryan reynolds and john krasinski
adam sandler movies and similar genres of shitty comedy
cobra kai and the karate kid
spiderman variants
bucky and the falcon
charlize theron
vintage watches
conde nast traveller
benedict cucumberpatch
kristy thompson from the bsc
anne with an e
mr brightside
the sixties, thirties and twentys
maggie smith (downtown abbey and loewe campaigns)
jane birkin
youtube fan edits
stranger things
the irregulars and haunting of hill house
gossip girl (fallacies and legacies)
meryl streep (mammia mia and the devil wears prada)
julie andrews (the sound of music, the princess diaries)
vintage movies
youtube short films and billy joel
the prisoner of azkaban
fred and george weasley and kili and fili
gandalf > dumbledore
margaret - ldr and jack antanoff
alicia and janet (the enid blyton cinematic universe)
sharon tate
my halloween blog 'gore'
arch digest house tours
new york because i'm just a girl
Star Trek
the matrix
kill bill, fight club, dr. evil, ocean’s 11
The KJO cinematic universe
Nepo babies
Tim Burton
The Addams Family
Mathematics x 2
Conspiracy theories
Ethical research
female serial killers
elizabeth bathory
my spotify playlists
billy joel - piano man
youtube edits
peppa pig & ben and holly
horrid henry
lost childhood animated tv shows
enid blyton boarding school books
british sitcoms (outnumbered)
house md
characters most like me list on charactour/ openpyschometrics.
the 2 IT zoya akhtar movies
special certain bollywood
teams in red - man united, Ferrari and RCB.
Formula 1, Tennis, Football & Cricket
Batman&Alfred (Christopher Nolan version duh!)
Dark Knight’s aesthetic
old marvel and DC movies
Superhero Comics
Richard Feynman
Haunted castles
Halloween and Halloween costumes (the only right answer is switching between batman and darth Vader or my Pinterest board)
LEGO (lotr, Harry Potter, marvel and DC lego)
Batman, iron man, and dr strange
ford v ferrari
shang chi
fight club and kill bill
Zack and Cody and phineas and ferb captain underpants
Karate kid and kung fu panda
karen from outnumbered
philomena cunk
Mercedes, Sebastian Vettel being a nerd and super awesome with pit overtakes, Brocedes + 2019 rookies and Maxiel
2012 grid
2023 george russel t pose
twitch quartet
Good food and masterchef australia
black swan
Cool nepo babies (case in point romy mars (director of the tiktok vodka pasta video & Gracie frikking abrams ily)
F2 and f3
Horror movies
SHITTY COMEDYYY movie genre I.e. the hangover, grown ups, etc.
How to train your dragon (i had a dragon dinosaur phase so this is justified)
Lego ninjago
michelle mouton
derry girls
being an absolute effing genius
saltburn aesthetic
Horror movies
Old marvel but deadpool revival
Breakfast at tiffany’s
Old movies (arsenic and old lace, wizard of oz)
Preminger and old Barbie movies
Old Disney movies (101 dalmations)
Merida and brave and Elsa and frozen
the one dance scene from the sleeping beauty
Movies with julie andrews and audrey hepburn and meryl streep
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dcbbw · 2 years
Praise the Lord (#MBAW)
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 This story is my late af submission for #Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week. If I’ve done this correctly, it covers many of the topics and themes presented to honor everyone’s favorite Beaumont. You’ll hear from the love interests I’ve paired him with; an ex; family; friends; and possibly the Man of the Hour himself; all will share their thoughts, ideas, and perspectives on who Maxwell Beaumont is and what makes him tick.
I borrowed @choicesflashfics’ Week #17 prompt #3: “You can disagree all you want, but that doesn’t make me any less right.” It will appear in bold.
THANK YOU to those who read over snippets of this endeavor; it truly is a labor of love and took a village. Special mention to @ao719 for her suggestions and insight.  THANK YOU to all who will read this; your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you realize.
Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this story as 98% error free.
Going with T for TEEN for the rating
Not really pairings, just some Maxwell appreciation
No triggers or warnings
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Song Inspo: Norman Fucking Rockwell, Lana Del Rey
Word Count: 5,085
Duchess Riley Brooks Beaumont (Acquittal AU)
The Duchess of Valtoria enters the room slightly crouched, looking  down at her daughter Annabelle; a wide, pleased smile splits her lips as she watches her child toddle without stumbling or falling.
“I did it!” Annabelle crows proudly.
“Yes, you did, my darling,” her mother agrees.
It’s been six months since her husband’s acquittal on charges of treasonous acts against the Crown. The worry lines that had creased her brow are gone; the wariness in her eyes has faded. But she holds her daughter’s hand a little too tightly; she checks the door alarm, and her glance falls too often to the security monitors that have been installed throughout her Great House.
She reluctantly lets go of Annabelle’s hand to allow the child to roam freely throughout the room; the baby runs to play with a stuffed toy collection. It’s a sizable one, taking up nearly a quarter of the area and filled with sea creatures, farm animals, plush dolls, dinosaurs, peacocks, and a life-size, glitter-covered Peppa Pig.
“Her father bought her those,” the Duchess says softly in explanation. “Every piece.” Her eyes cloud over with emotion. “He loves her beyond measure. Belle is an answered prayer for both of us.”
She sits, tossing one shapely leg over the other. “I know no one anticipated Maxwell and I to marry; hell, I don’t think Maxwell and I expected it!” She laughs, a genuine one that tilts her head back. “Our relationship is something neither of us saw coming, which may be the reason it’s so special.”
“Mama, turn around,” Annabelle demands, and her mother looks over to see her daughter making a sequined squid and a bright green peacock dance.
The Duchess claps enthusiastically at the performance before resuming the conversation.
“People ask what I see in him, what he has that a literal King doesn’t. I don’t answer because my choice of a life partner is not and will never be dictated by public opinion or pressure. But in addition to our friendship, Maxwell is a helper. Liam defends me, which is nice and frankly the least he could do since it was his father and head guard behind the scandal.
“Drake could be considered a protector, but his arrival at my door that night in Applewood was sheer luck. But in the midst of the scandal … it was Maxwell. He helped me chase down the reporter, he helped find Tariq. Yes, it was at Liam’s directive, but Maxwell would’ve found a way to help regardless. It’s what he does. Sometimes not well, but that’s neither here nor there.
“During the social season, it was Maxwell who helped me navigate Court. Maxwell was the one who helped clean House Beaumont when the workers didn’t show up, it was Maxwell who came up with the idea of the pretentious description for an ordinary appetizer we pulled together last minute. He helps, and that’s important to me.”
She frowns slightly as she studies her wedding ring.
“He’s forgetful, loyal to a fault to the wrong people, tends to not take certain responsibilities too seriously, and DO NOT get me started on his stress dancing. But his love? His love is magnificent and unwavering and when he bestows it upon you in whatever capacity … it’s forever.”
Her eyes glance at the security monitor before falling upon her daughter who is singing Happy Birthday as she pushes a plastic teacup in front of a Raggedy Ann doll.
“And I wouldn’t have him any other way.”
Riley Brooks Beaumont (ex-wife, UnRomance AU)
Riley Brooks Beaumont enters the restaurant, the hem of her navy dress swirling about her ankles. Her eyes narrow as they adjust to the dim lighting. She makes her way to the table; Maxwell Beaumont’s ex-wife has reached her chair when her head swivels and her eyes widen slightly.
At the next table is a tall Asian man with dark hair and eyes, holding a lunch meeting with what appears to be a client. Spreadsheets, charts, and graphs lay before him, and the low murmur of his voice travels slightly as he explains what the numbers represent.
He looks up; there is no recognition as he locks eyes with Riley briefly before he continues speaking. She’s slightly flustered as she sits, and quickly swallows iced water with lemon. Her eyes, filled with puzzled disbelief, dart to the Asian man before she begins speaking.
“Max and I are still friends, still friendly,” she begins. Her voice is low, her tone nostalgic. “We’re definitely better apart than we ever were together, and it’s no one’s fault.”
A waiter arrives with a glass of wine she didn’t order, and she shakes her head negatively. The water is sufficient.
“We met in Cordonia where we were both backpacking our way through the Mediterranean. We arrived with separate groups, but we ditched them to explore on our own. I never saw those people again.” She chuckles slightly. “Our romance was a whirlwind, much like Max himself. He has an energy … a … restlessness that’s contagious. He sees everything through rose-colored glasses and has an inherent kindness that makes him pretty irresistible. He wants to do right by those he’s closest to, but it’s hard for him to take the necessary actions to do so.”
Her phone pings; with an apologetic look, she picks up the cell and swiftly reads a text message. She sets it face down on the table as she speaks again.
“Not saying that Max is lazy, but he needs pushing and direction at times. He needs focus.
“I need to be the partner, the helpmate, to be able to give up control and let the man lead. But I couldn’t do that with Max; I was the one working, worrying about bills, and running the relationship. I met his needs, he couldn’t meet mine. He was content to let me support his dreams, but not motivated enough to actually work on them.
“I ended up mothering him, and we both resented me for it. Yet for all the accusations and arguments, he didn’t want the divorce; I did.”
The waiter returns, this time with a tray of food. It’s the mahi mahi lunch platter, with rice pilaf and broccoli florets. A look of panicked bewilderment crosses her face; she hasn’t even looked at the menu. Her eyes dart to the next table again; the Asian man is engrossed in conversation between bites of fish and rice pilaf.
“There were good times. Fun times. At our wedding, we delivered our vows via a rap battle. We would get drunk off cheap wine and lay on the rooftop, staring at the stars and making wishes.  We danced, and dear God, could he make me laugh! We wanted children, but it never happened for us. Maybe things would’ve been different if it had.” Her voice trails off, and she looks sadly at her plate of food.  
“Max and I were what we wanted, but not what we needed. Since our divorce, he’s been focused on his goals and growing up. He’s dating my best friend, which is slightly awkward for me, but she isn’t trying to mold him or control him. Penelope lets Max be, and he thrives best when he can just be. His timetable is different from everyone else’s; he’s always been one to march to his own beat.”
At the next table, the businessman is putting away his paperwork; he stands as he and the client shake hands. He picks up his phone when he sits back down, fingers typing swiftly. Riley’s phone pings again. She glances down, then across at the man who is now signing his receipt.
“I have to go,” she says as she rises from her chair. “Please know that Max is a great guy, he just needs too much support; I couldn’t continue to give it to him.”
Her lunch sits untouched as she walks out the restaurant’s doorway, in step with the man from the next table.
Olivia Nevrakis (Max’s girlfriend, DC AU)
“I can sum Maxwell Beaumont in two words,” Olivia Nevrakis states as she blows over a cup of fragrant tea to cool the liquid. “Perfect peace.”
Her very expression softens as she gazes as a picture of the two of them that sits on a floating shelf. Olivia is facing the camera, her tongue poked out through unpainted lips while flipping the photographer the bird. Maxwell stands behind her, his head dipped downward and his lips pressing into her hair; his face is in profile and shadow.
“I’m a difficult woman; I’m self-sufficient, stubborn, and used to taking care of myself. Max … he doesn’t try to change me. He’s my safe space. I can vent to him, I can laugh with him.” A slight pause; she appears to struggle with her next admission.
“I can be vulnerable with Max. I can cry around him. I can tell him my secrets, my innermost thoughts. Do you know how hard that is for someone as jaded as I am? But with Max, everything is just … easy.
“You know what? We never quarrel. Never. And trust me, I try it. Because he’s a little too good to be true sometimes. But he looks at me with those impossibly blue eyes of his and says, “You can disagree all you want, but that doesn’t make me any less right.” She sips her tea and grimaces at the taste. “Who can argue with that?”
Olivia reaches for a jar of honey and pours some into the cup, followed by cream. She stirs briskly, blending the flavorings into her beverage. An expression of satisfaction settles over her features when she sips again.
“Max is … balanced. That’s the only way to describe it. For all the weed, sex, junk food, and silly dancing … there’s meditation, massages, flowers for no reason, deep conversations, and cuddles. We share the chores and split the bills. We support each other in whatever way we need to. He doesn’t pigeon-hole either of us into roles or societal norms. We’re a team and a team gets in where they fit in.
“Now if I can just get him to curb his generosity when it comes to freely sharing the good green, he would be absolute perfect peace. “
Duke Liam Rys (Max’s fiancé, Laxwell AU)
“Max is my favorite subject; he’s my favorite everything!” The Duke of Valtoria laughs as his cheeks color pink.
“I’ve known him practically my entire life, but it took Drake Walker running away for me to truly see Max, to wonder what he and I could have without losing our friendship. And I want to clarify right now that Max is NOT a rebound! He’s too special, too pure to be anything other than first choice. Hell, only choice!”
Liam looks through his closet, pulling a pair of tan-colored linen pants and tossing them onto his bed. The bed he shares with Lord Maxwell Beaumont. He’s agreed to pick his fiancé up from Ramsford; from there they are headed to Portavira for a seafood dinner with the Ebrims.
“Max is horribly underestimated. Everyone sees the party boy, the slacker, the former fat kid with the jokes. But there is so much more to him than that. He’s in university, working on a double major in economics and digital marketing. His social skills are the envy of Court; he isn’t the best at reading a room, but Max is the best at reading a person. He has not one enemy within Court, and that is a testament to who he is as a person.
“His jokes are his way of covering his insecurities; he’d rather make you laugh than be the butt of laughter. He can keep a confidence. If I had to choose only one of his best qualities, it would be that he doesn’t gossip. Except with me, and even then, it’s on a need-to-know basis.”
A short-sleeved linen shirt the exact color of the pants gets tossed onto the bed as well. The Duke squats as he inspects rows upon rows of shoes.
“He saved me, you know,” Liam whispers, almost to himself. “Max was there at the two lowest points of my life. First Drake, then the assassins. You know how they say when one door closes, another one opens? You just have to get there. Believe me, it is utter hell in the hallways between doors. Max held my hand in the hallways.”
He pulls a pair of cognac-colored fisherman sandals, his eyes narrowed as he studies the contrast in colors. “It’ll work,” he sighs as the shoes join the outfit.
“Max is the yin to my yang. He stops me from being too serious, and overthinking everything. He turns the fear into excitement. Everything with him is an adventure.” The young noble gives a boyish grin. “I need adventures.” The smile falters. “I’m only able to love him because he loved me first. He taught me how to love both of us.”
His cell rings, and his face lights up. It’s Max. With a nod and smile, Liam walks away as he murmurs into the phone. Silence as he listens.
“NO WAY am I bringing ANY of those murderous peacocks with me! I will swim to Portavira first!”
Drake Walker
Drake’s expression is introspective as he takes a long pull from his flask. After a long swallow, he swipes at his mouth with the back of hand as he sets the flask a little too loudly on the wooden tabletop.
“Maxwell Beaumont? So, we’re going there.” Drake rakes shaggy bangs off his forehead as he ponders what he can safely say in appreciation about Lord Beaumont.
He pulls a pack of cigarettes closer to him, his fingers pulling one out of the pack. He digs in his shirt pocket for a lighter. The pad of his thumb scrapes the spark wheel; the small flame briefly illuminates his stubbled jawline before it’s extinguished.
“My relationship with Beaumont is … complex. There’s a lot of moving parts.” He inhales deeply; when he speaks, his words mingle with bluish-gray smoke.
“I’ve been told I’m ungrateful, but what people fail to realize is I’ve been baptized in dirty water. Every break I’ve gotten, every blessing bestowed … it’s come with a price I had no choice but to pay. I don’t owe anyone here anything.”
The Commoner’s hands clench, his jaw tenses. “Beaumont … that bastard KNEW where my sister … the only family I had left in Cordonia … he knew where she was the entire time! I was going fucking INSANE trying to find her. He was there all those times when I was taunted and teased by Olivia as to Sav’s whereabouts. He KNEW where she was when Liam sent security to find her.”
Drake’s voice cracks. “And he never once said a word!”
Silence as he smokes his cigarette, plucking columns of dead cinders into a full ashtray. “Motherfucker,” he mumbles.
“Yet, I don’t hate him. I can’t. For all the bullshit he’s put me through, I can’t help but admire him for his loyalty to and friendship with Savannah. I’m grateful someone had her back and made sure she and Bartie were taken care of.
“And despite our stations in life, Beaumont is the one person I would say gets me. We’re both outsiders, for different reasons of course; we’re the slackers of the bunch …our jobs are being friends with a King, but I’m the one who gets the heat for it. Beaumont gets a pat on the back. And let’s face it, we’re both mooching and sucking at the tit of the Crown.
“The difference is, in exchange, he’ll give them a song and dance and a helluva party. And I give him crap for it. Me … I give ‘em the finger, and he defends me for it.”
Drake scoffs before shrugging his shoulders. “How can someone have your back and still stab you in it? I mean, what are you supposed to do with a guy like that? ”
He shakes his head before barking out a wry laugh. “I swear to God, me and Beaumont are a couple of half-assed orphans … we aren’t complete orphans because as much as they don’t have anything to do with us, we each have a surviving parent … and we’re just walking each other home.”
He pulls at the flask again. “It’s nice walking with him. Sometimes.”
Bertrand Beaumont
“The one question I am constantly asked is if Maxwell and I are really related. The unfortunate answer is yes,” the Duke of Ramsford says slowly as his eyes read over treaties and agreements. “We are blood brothers. Literally.”
Bertrand pauses to sign and seal an arrangement between the Duchy of Ramsford and the Isle of Crete for the import and export of wines between them. He places it in a stack of papers to be couriered to the Palace for final review and approval by the King.
“We have both suffered the consequences and effects of having Barthelemy Beaumont for a parent, but Maxwell definitely received the brunt of it. Nothing he did was ever good enough because in father’s eyes, Maxwell wasn’t good enough. As the second-born, father had little use for Maxwell, so he grew up with mother as his primary parent.
“I believe that is where my brother learned and honed his humor skills, and how he is able to see the potential and not the worst-case scenarios.” A small smile plays upon the noble’s lips. “Perhaps his fear of missing out as well. I believe people call it FOMO.”
Bertrand’s eyes mist over ever so slightly, and his voice takes on a faraway tone. “Maxwell was determined to spend every available minute with mother. He would awaken before the sun rose and sit outside our parents’ bedroom door, waiting for mother to step out. As a toddler, he rarely used the bathroom for fear of being parted from her; he once went 17 hours without relieving himself.
“He and mother would go for walks, they read to each other, they danced. From courtly waltzes to disco to American pop and rap … they danced and laughed and shared inside jokes. However, for as much as Maxwell loved mother, he was never a mama’s boy. He’s always had a bit of a rebellious streak that came to the forefront with her death.”
He glances at the vintage timepiece that sits on his desk, then returns his attention to another agreement. “I admit I haven’t been the best sibling to my brother, and that our relationship isn’t always the best it can be. It’s a clash of personalities, but the difference is, unlike father, I’m learning to listen to and attempt to understand Maxwell. All while struggling with my own FOMO.
“He had mother, who encouraged his dreams. I had father, who killed mine.”
The Duke’s lips purse in disapproval as he reads over another trade agreement. “I definitely got the worst end of that bargain.”
Duchess Savannah Walker-Beaumont
The Duchess stands in her kitchen, her hands and forearms deep in a mixture of raw meat, eggs, onions, peppers, and breadcrumbs; a whining Bartie tugs impatiently at her pant leg.
“Drake’s coming over for dinner, so we’re eating American tonight. Mom’s meatloaf,” she offers in explanation.
Savannah glances down at her son as her hands knead and combine the ingredients in an Amish Farmer bowl. “Mama’s gonna make you some lunch real soon, okay?”
The child nods slowly as his eyes dart suspiciously between his mother’s face and the bowl.
A soft smile curves Savannah’s lips as she speaks. “Max? I love Max. Not in the way I love his brother, but I definitely don’t love Max as a brother. It’s more than that, but not like that.” She laughs in embarrassment. “Quite sure that made absolutely no sense at all, but it’s hard to verbalize what Maxwell means to me.
“You know, growing up in the Palace, surrounded by Court, it’s easy to blend in. Get lost. I was lost.  Court didn’t know who I was. I was never Jackson’s daughter; merely Drake’s little sister. The guy who hated their guts was more well-known and well-liked than the person who actually wanted to be there!
“I was one of three things: an oversight, an annoyance, a joke. I had two friends at Court: Maxwell and Kiara. We were the misfits. They were the only ones who knew about me and Bertrand. When I got pregnant and Bertrand pushed me away, they were the ones who helped me plan to run away to Paris. Kiara gave me French lessons, not only speaking it but reading it as well. Max arranged for the travel and helped me find lodging.
“I know lots of folks think I just mooched off Max the entire pregnancy, but I landed a job quickly when I settled in Paris. I was a waitress, just like Riley, until I couldn’t work any longer. THAT is when Max stepped in with offerings of the financial kind. He insisted that Bert owed me and Bartie. I didn’t feel right taking the help, not with Bertrand not knowing, but Max insisted, saying a Beaumont always takes care of their obligations.”
She wipes and washes her hands before reaching inside the refrigerator for barbecue sauce and minced garlic. The mother looks quickly over at her son, who is now loudly banging pots against the floor. Savannah studies the contents of the fridge before pulling leftover chicken, peas, and sweet potato out for Bartie’s lunch.
“I never wanted to be a burden or have Bartie viewed as an obligation, but Lord knows the extra money was a godsend.” Her voice grows quiet. “Max is my guardian angel, even now. Drake has Liam, I have Max.”
The Duchess scoops her son in one arm, and the pot with her free hand; she places the pot on an eye of the stove before pointing to the leftovers, explaining to her son that will be lunch. He grins happily before planting a wet kiss on her cheek. She laughs as she rubs noses with him.
“You wanna call Uncle Max and invite him over for meatloaf?”
Barite nods enthusiastically. “Unca Mack, Unca Mack,” he chants.
She opens a box of animal crackers, handing Bartie one before they leave the room to fetch her cellphone.
“Oooooh, we’re talking about Maxwell?” the Queen asks eagerly as she joins her husband on the drawing room sofa.
Their three-month-old twin sons are napping, and the monarchs are enjoying a quick lunch during the downtime. Plates of food are strategically scattered along the cherrywood coffee table; the King picks up a plate with a double lamb burger laden with mayonnaise, gouda cheese, grilled onions, and mushrooms; French fries; and a sliced kosher dill pickle.
The Queen chews on a deep-fried, corn-battered chicken fritter before selecting a taco salad. She mixes rice, guacamole, beans, ground beef, and seasoned rice as she speaks.
“THAT mofo! Let me tell y’all about Lord Beaumont. The man can’t tell the whole truth to SAVE.HIS.LIFE! He’s been half-assing it with me from the very beginning! It started when he convinced me to come to Cordonia. Pack a bag, he said. Everything is covered, he said. It’ll be an adventure, he said.”
She pauses to eat several forkfuls of salad and steal some of her husband’s fries. “It was not ANYTHING he said it would be! I wasn’t noble, so I didn’t know a damned thing! Apparently Maxwell didn’t either, so thank GOD for Hana Lee! I didn’t have ball gowns and riding outfits, or the money to buy them! And let me add that suitors did not get a participation discount! I maxed out all my credit cards paying full price, which wasn’t hard because of the stupidly low limits on them.
“I ALMOST GOT KILLED ON MY WEDDING NIGHT! But, to give Max credit, dude can FIGHT! Like, he kicks ass! He beat Anton like that man owed him money. But back to bashing … that fool writes MY STORY, puts HIS picture on the cover of the book, and now he’s GETTING RICH off of me! While I’m sitting over here, a broke single mother with a poor credit score.”
She shakes her head. “I should take his ass to court and sue the pants off him because he owes me ALLLL the royalties, but I’ve heard rumors about him releasing his kraken. Liam wouldn’t want me to see that.”
King Liam stares at his wife for a brief moment; she has abandoned the taco salad for a plate of sliced grilled chicken, garlic pasta, and broccoli au gratin. He dabs at the corners of his mouth before talking.
“My wife is correct, I would not want her seeing any kracken, but I think Riley doesn’t have the complete picture of Lord Maxwell. He is sweet, kind, empathetic. He believes in fairytales and that no one is too old for them. Yes, he’s forgetful and excitable and can be a bit of a jester, but it all comes from a good place. He has good intentions.”
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” Riley interrupts around a mouthful of food. “And where was all this positivity when he dragged us along on his Hollywood tour?”
Liam mulls his answer as he pours a glass of iced tea.
“Maxwell is unused to attention. Once his mother died, he became an afterthought to his father, brother, and the majority of Court. Hierarchy plays a large role in how people are treated, especially within the upper echelons of society; Lord Maxwell is merely noble, not royal. He is second-born, not expected to ascend any higher than his current station.
“Also, he’s used to not being in the spotlight. Any questions directed to him can be fielded to Bertrand, the Duke. His biggest claim to fame before the book and film was being the architect of the Beaumont Bash and even that has to have final approval from Bertrand.
“Now, he’s the man of the hour. He’s the one with the answers. He’s the final approver. Understandably, it went to his head.”
“Are you defending him?” the Queen demanded. “When I am the reason anyone even knows his name? Who’s going to pay off those credit cards? HE OWES ME, Liam!”
“Riley, all your financial affairs were settled upon our engagement … three years ago!”
“Not by him, they weren’t!”
“Is this about your credit score, or settling a score with Lord Beaumont?”
The Queen’s eyes are narrow slits. “You don’t know me. At ALL.”
Lady Kiara Theron
“Agreeing to be Maxwells girlfriend is definitely a tally in the win column for me,” Lady Kiara Theron says happily as she steps onto the balcony of the Midtown Manhattan hotel.
The future Duchess is in New York City for a UN Junior Ambassadors event.
“He has taught me so much about letting loose and having fun. Before Max, life was all work and studies and culture. It was routine. But now, there’s freestyle dancing and late-night rides to nowhere and roller skating and all the things.
“There is a trade-off because we both believe in learning and teaching and growing. So, there are lessons and educational activities, but fun ones: cooking, languages, painting. Life with Maxwell Beaumont is something I never knew I needed, and I wonder what I ever did before him.”
The smile fades slowly from her face as she takes in the view from the 33rd floor, and her expression becomes pensive.
“When I think of all the time I spent pining after Drake Walker …”
She shakes her head.  “I think that’s something Max and I have in common. We were never seen by the folks we crushed on because we weren’t seen as threats. And I don’t mean in a dangerous, risky type of way.” She falls silent as she formulates her thoughts into words.
“Drake didn’t see me as someone who could capture his heart; I wasn’t romance material, not relationship material to him. I mean, I don’t know why … look at me!”
She spreads her arms wide and gives a little twirl, her hair flying against her face as she giggles.
“Same with Riley and Max. And when you aren’t perceived as a threat, you’re never seen as a contender.
“It makes sense now given who they eventually ended up with. Drake needs someone who’s going to meet him at his level. I can’t do that. If the best version of Kiara has to show up, the best version of you does too. Not the best you can do, the best version period.
“Riley wants the huge romantic overtures; the glitz and the glamour. Max isn’t an overt person in that way. One thing I’ve learned being with Maxwell is that love isn’t always butterflies and heart palpitations. It isn’t always loud. It’s small gestures and meaningful actions. I’ve discovered that like love finds like love.”
The smile is back on her lips and lights up her face. “Max and I found each other. What I love best about him is that he loves me, he loves himself, but he loves us the most.”
The hotel phone rings, and Kiara hurries inside to answer it. The conversation is quick and one-sided. After hanging up, she rummages in her purse for her wallet before pulling out currency.
“The greatest thing about being in a relationship with Max is, he insists we take time for self-care. One day a week, we spend apart doing whatever it is we need to do for ourselves. Be it errands, business-related matters, or just vegging out. It’s our day.
“Well, today is that day and I’m going to enjoy genuine New York pizza and watch that Netflix series he insists we watch together because my boyfriend is greedy and without fail, talks through movies and tv shows. Sometimes, no matter how deeply you love someone, you just need a whole pizza to yourself and uninterrupted entertainment.
“Don’t tell him that, though. He’ll get over the pizza, but not the Netflix.”
Maxwell Beaumont
“Folks are TALKING about me?? Is it bad? If it is, you can’t believe a word they say! Will it be in the tabloids? Are there pictures? Did they get my good side? I hope so.”
Tagging:   @jared2612 @ao719  @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020  @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet  @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @jovialyouthmusic @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys  @choicesficwriterscreations @burnsoslow @harleybeaumont @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation​
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deepdive002 · 10 months
Owl house is great!! It’s a little intense sometimes, but you can probably watch the first couple episodes or trailers for yourself to see if she’d be able to handle it? She might be on the younger end for it, it’s more a tween show i think. It’s got a happy ending, and some really great queer rep.
Hope you’re having a good one!
My review of The Owl House
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Overall, it wasn't bad but I was not impressed.
I watched the first episode and skimmed the second two. My plan is to introduce it into my 6 year old's video feed as an option for her, but if it dies there I'm not worried.
In the premiere I was introduced to Luz: a creative person and a social outcast. In the story Luz finds a fantastic secret world where she can understand and reinvent herself.
I also skimmed the next two episodes. One about wanting to go on an epic quest and being let down. As well as the third episode about finding a magic school.
My Take:
I wish the show had gone deeper into social awkwardness. I feel it tried to vagally touch on a specific issue without losing its appeal to a mass audience. As a result the show is nothing special.
I was hoping for a more groundbreaking message.
While I haven't watched much content in this market, I get the impression shows like Star Vs. the Forces of Evil or Steven Universe are championing a sex-positive gender-affirming message for teenagers and I'm really excited about that.
Obviously it will be about a decade before my kid is ready to explore teenage sextuality but I want her media diet to give her a healthy model for how wonderful it can be.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was also groundbreaking by exploring philosophical elements like Buddhist ideas on material attachments, Neo-Confucian ideas on social relationships and Taoist ideas on acting by not doing (Wu Wei).
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Right now my kid watches a lot of random YouTube Content like Wolfoo, Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom and Blippi.
I need to work harder on finding quality media to share with her.
I hope my Tumblr friends will continue to help me find the groundbreaking shows which will be made in the next 10 years.
I just don't think The Owl House is one of them.
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pandagirl45 · 8 months
Can you write more about the interaction between Bucky and his robot stepsons?
I need to write more interactions with Bucky and his robotic step children ^-^
I'll do it in for each one, I like throwing in vision because it's neat. Also, the fan canon being three helper bots and not just u and dume. Anyway.
DumE, bucky would get him in a van and drive him to a fire house for a tour. It's odd to have the winter soldier stone face and a happy, claw clicking bot zooming behind him. Happy beeps. Bucky takes him on the tour, even though he can't ride in the big trucks, he got to ride in the smaller one. Bucky buying the bot a little trinket that he beeped incessantly to have attached to his pole. It's a magnet of a star, a red star. Happy dume noises and bucky blushing red, "I had fun too, next we can go to a shelter for dogs."
U, she is a bit of a thief. Bucky learned this when he took her to a mall for builders, tech people, and things of that nature. Bucky was looking to get her something she can work with, she was interested in flowers. Real ones are delicate, he was going to make her own tiny garden. As soon as he found the materials, a worker was panting holding the bot that held a hammer. Bucky learned u was stealthy. Crafty. But also, still young in robot time, she started making noises. That is how bucky gave her a xylophone to make noise (she's getting better).
Butterfingers, they don't like doing much. Most of the time they are quiet and enjoy being inside. Bucky figured out they like to start fights with their siblings, so he decided to show butter a strongman competition. It was worth the shot, and butter was into it. Like their siblings, butter had some creative interest. Bucky realized was pattern making. If he wore a ghastly blue, red, gold, and black tartan, he was happy because butter made it.
Vision, being the one who can talk, they don't talk. It is similar to bucky who had to relearn about himself and Vision was to. Bucky for the most part would offer an outing to a nature reserve or an animal place. Dume and Vision sat hours at a dog shelter. Sometimes, bucky would see something that reminded him of Vision, and he buy it. Vision has a bed full of stuff animals. They also target practice, Tony joins in to make it a competition.
Of course, (I'm throwing in ultron, my au he came back as a baby), ultron is happy to do anything with Bucky. Bucky watch bluey with him or shows about families and friends. Except peppa pig. Bucky and Tony had banned that damn pig and any show similar to it. Surprisingly, bucky enjoys most of the shows he watches with ultron.
The nice and surprising thing Tony does, "you being a dad to my metal and semi metal children, is," a pause with a blush and bucky get it. As he watched the movie with the family, even if butter is making dume beep something about, 'THEIR TOUCHING ME'.
Something like those. :) they make me soft.
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Party time! A “farewell” party for Toddler and Sibling combined with Toddler’s 3rd birthday party. Our house isn’t big enough to invite all the friends who we wanted to, but nine special families came round. Toddler is all about Peppa Pig, so she had a themed cake and many Peppa Pig cards and related presents. The centre photo is Toddler playing with a little girl who we fostered for the first year of her life. Clearly they’re not related but it feels like in a way they are and it’s quite poignant to look at this picture. The final photo is the front of the farewell card - I bought this print from Etsy and then everyone who came to the party added a fingerprint. Then inside the card everyone wrote a message. It’s been an emotional day.
Tomorrow the adoption introductions continue with us going to the adopters house. We FaceTimed them today, and they were sat in the children’s new bedroom with some of their toys from here in there. Sibling saw the toys and was like “Those are our toys! Give them back!”. Hopefully tomorrow he will be happy to see them there in person.
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tumblydove · 2 years
So you finished Bluey...
Now what?
Here's a list of shows to watched if you've finished or are interested in the Australian dog show! Some are more similar than others, but I feel that all the shows I list here embody at least one of the things that make Bluey so special.
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom: Don't let the creator fool you: Although this show was made by the same people who brought us Peppa Pig, it has much more charm and worldbuilding that makes it a good watch for Bluey fans. While it’s artstyle and occasionally annoying side characters might drive some away, overall Ben and Holly is a great watch with moments that actually made me laugh out loud. The whole show is available on YouTube.
Slumberkins: This is an adorable puppet show based off a line of toys aimed at helping kids navigate social emotional learning. While it is much more moral-driven than Bluey, the lessons aren’t shoved down your throat and are instead presented in heartwarmingly funny stories with a song scattered in every episode. The show is available on Apple TV+.
Becca’s Bunch: it’s a crime that not many people have stumbled upon this watch! This unique show combines puppetry with 2d and centers around an ambitious little owl and her woodland friends. The series is available on Paramount Plus with clips on YouTube.
Bing Bunny: This show is cuteness overload! The main character is a small, three year old bunny whose caretaker is a small orange doll-like creature named Flop. Like three year olds are, Bing and his shenanigans can change from adorable to plain annoying in an instant, but when the show is good, it’s a cute, calming experience. Unfortunately, Bing was a victim of the great HBO Max purge and only clips are available in the US. However, if you are able to invest in a VPN then you can find every episode of the UK dub on YouTube.
Elinor Wonders Why: The other, more popular cute bunny show. Luckily, this show is more widely available. It airs on PBS and has full episodes updated weekly on the PBS Kids Video app.
Bear in the Big Blue House: My comfort show! Likeable characters, banger songs and great humor have this on one of my favorite current shows! Almost all episodes are on Disney Plus, but if you don’t have the service then you can catch many on the Internet Archive!
Other great shows that I’ve heard about but haven’t seen much of include Hilda, Puffin Rock, Sarah and Duck and Hey Duggee.
I hope this list was helpful for deciding your next hyperfixtation! But if you desperately need more content, then don’t fear! All episodes (even 3B) are available on the Archive and 3C will be out next year. Until then, Happy New Year and happy binging!
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sgt-morgan · 2 years
Hey rambling Anon here again! Sorry! So I just found your Estrellita series and oh my god it’s so cute I’ll be honest and say that I usually don’t read a lot of Moonknight fics but goodness that series was so cute! So question would you ever do a crossover with Rory and Jackie being cute little friends?
Hey Steven 🎤🎵
Moonknight Masterlist
Daredevil Masterlist
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Summary: Steven and Matt are subjected to a night out with their best girls. Karaoke ensues and we explore the friendship between Robin and Moonknights wife and their children Jackie and Aurora.
Warnings: AFAB! Female identifying reader. Alchohol use. It’s a fluff piece.
A/N: finally giving this ask what it deserves.
You needed to go out, and Steven was more than happy to oblige. You had spent months caring for your daughters, and Steven was worried that you were going stir crazy. The others didn’t see a problem, stating that you were just focusing on your little family, but by the fourth time they found you watching Peppa Pig (Bluey they could understand, but Peppa Pig? Jesus…) by yourself they decided you needed adult interaction. So, a night out was declared, and who better to spend it with than another set of vigilante parents. Steven loved hanging out with Matt Murdock and his chaotic wife Robin. Steven enjoyed Matt’s company, as he was an intellectually inclined person who he could very happily talk shop with. The others liked Matt, but they counted him as Steven’s friend.
You and Robin got on like a house on fire. Robin for you was a godsend. The other newly minted mother of two was a real hot shot, and her husband was interesting to say the least. Matt ‘Daredevil’ Murdock was a good man, and a good friend and as the only fathers in the group of New York based vigilantes, he was a fast friend to the Moonknight system. You talked once a week, and you were constantly stopping in on each other for play dates and to trade supplies. Jake liked to joke that you both ran the black market of formula and diapers. Your group chat quickly being dubbed ‘Los narcos de los biberones.’ Both of your husbands were relieved you had someone to relate to, calling each other about balancing Motherhood and your husbands nightly duties. It was good to have friends who were in similar situations as your own, and your kids got on phenomenally. Many a play date had been set up between the children resulting in more or less hair pulling-ly frustrating shenanigans, but the girls were so fond of each other they couldn’t help but excuse their antics.
Rory and Jackie were trouble of the highest order. The girls were constantly getting into trouble, when they were together, prepare for trouble and make it double, they were nothing if not their father’s daughters, and their ability to find trouble knew no bounds, including at about seven months into your pregnancy, finding a kitten.
“Mummy? I found somefing!” Rory squealed. She seemed to be picking up on Steven’s accent lately, it was quite adorable.
“Look Ms Knight, we got a kitty!”
Squealed Jackie, nearly shoving the kitten into your hands. Robin laughed and you closed your eyes in absolute bafflement. How in the fuck did they find a cat.
“Do you think daddy will let us keep it!?” Jackie pleaded with her mother, and Robin barked out a laugh.
“Negative Ghost Rider, the Batcave is full.” Robin says, picking the kitten up by the scruff and examining it for fleas.
“Mummy? Will Papí let us keep it? He loves Gato, we can have another!” Rory tried to persuade you, bringing up Jake’s fascination with feeding the stray cat that lives on your fire escape.
“Yes baby, he does like Gato, but she is an outdoor kitty, mommy is allergic, it will make me sick.” You sigh, stroking your belly and bringing Robin a cardboard box to keep the kitten in.
“Alright wonder twins, we’re there any more?” Robin smiled, pulling both girls in for a hug.
“I don’t know mommy, we found her on the fire escape.” Robin gasped and looked at her daughter in horror.
“Were you on the fire escape!?” She nearly shouted.
“No, we just opened the window and offered her a pizza roll.” Jackie shrugged.
“Oh my god.” You laughed as Robin nearly choked to death .
“My god?” Robin nearly strangled herself with her water attempting not to spit it out while laughing. “You’re totally my kid.”
You ushered the girls towards the kitchen sink to wash hands and gave Robin an incredulous look and mouthed ‘With Pizza rolls!?’ She laughed and mouthed back ‘I know!?’
“So what do we do with Pawbert Batinson?” Robin sighed, stroking the kitten between the ears.
“Well I guess we find out if there’s- did you just say Pawbert Battinson?” You cackled looking at Robin like she was a crazy person.
“Yeah, black cat, sticking with the Batman theme, you’re the Ivy to My Harley, Battinson seemed like a good name, Bats for short.” She shrugged as if any of that made any type of logical sense and you sighed.
“Well first we gotta find out if there are any more cats.”
Turns out there were seven, and they all left with appropriate Batman themed names. From that day on you and Robin were inseparable, until you gave birth that is.
You had given birth about three months ago, where as Robin had her second baby seven months ago. It was Robin’s idea to take everyone out, saying quote, ‘she didn’t want her best friend to become as mummified as her resurrected husband.’ She then made some gnarly Catholicism joke that made her husband blush, and had Jake nearly pissing himself with laughter, then told them they would be chaperoning them to Karaoke for a girls night.
You held your babies and kissed them goodnight, Rory rushing to go enjoy playtime with her favorite cousin, but baby Zara Eden Cielo Spector was another story entirely, you could hardly bring yourself to put her down. You had taken to motherhood like a duck to water, and the boys loved seeing you flourish. Zara’s birth took a lot out of you, nearly killed you in-fact. An emergency C-section was needed and it was two months before you could get back to normal and a month after that before you went back to work. The near death experience saw you focusing in on your family more than normal. Your duties as an avatar were graciously put on hold momentarily, but your mortal job could not be so easily abated. Your constant shuttling from work to home over and over with no rest was slowly dimming your sparkle, and everyone noticed. Including Robin, which was how the fearsome vigilantes wound up at a Karaoke bar watching their wives have the time of their lives.
“Yah know what? I think Robin is doing this on purpose, all of these songs have been in Batman movies.” Steven chuckled, slapping a hand to Matt’s back with a grin.
“Oh she certainly has, she’s doing it because I refused to sing Batdance with her. She’s wasted.” He laughs with a shake of his head.
“Ah, well, Taylor Swift hasn’t made an appearance yet in my Wife’s repertoire so we haven’t reached the end of her evening yet.” Steven laughs. You are currently up front laughing at Robin who’s impression of Kurt Cobain while singing Something In the Way. Was bordering on hysterical. Steven was looking at you with something akin to wonder, he loved how silly you are when you’re like this. He noticed you pouting at your glass and he stood to deliver you another drink, giving Matt a tap on the hand and offering to grab him another. He politely declined, but did request he bring Robin a water. He nodded and agreed, he understood that this bar in particular must be entirely overwhelming for the super powered chap, and was more than happy to lend a hand.
He made his way over to you as you were putting in another song and you grinned and threw your arms around him, nearly knocking the waters he brought for you and Robin out of his hands.
“Steven my love!” You squealed, coveinr his face in little kisses that made him grin. Robin was making a gagging noise behind you but he just laughed it off, used to the mouthy woman’s brand of teasing.
“Hello darling.” He grinned setting down the waters and wrapping his arms around you.
“Did you know I looooooove you?” You giggled and he blushed, rubbing his nose with yours as your hands clumsily grasped the sides of his face.
“My word! Really? What a lucky bastard I’ve turned out to be. I would hope so though love, we do have two sets of proof that we shag quite often yeah?” You cackled at his lame joke and he shakes his head, beaming at you in wonder.
“Yes we do, and you’re veeeeery good at it Steven, ten out of ten would shag again.” You nod seriously, and he chuckles. “Thanks for the water Angel face, I gotta go though this next song is dedicated to you.” You blew him a kiss and ran off to go giggle with Robin and he shook his head, going back to his seat next to Matt.
“Well they’re certainly having a good time.” Matt chuckles, beaming when his Robin cackled at a joke you’ve made, he can hear how happy his wife is to be with a friend who understands just how wild your lives are. “About that cult though-“ the boys talk shop for another thirty minutes before Robin took the stage again, doing a very spirited rendition of ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ by The Rolling Stones. Her husband found it very amusing, then your name was announced, and there was that Taylor Swift he was waiting on.
“This is for my very own Steven with a V.
Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving
But I know I saw a light in you
And as we walked we would talk
And I didn't say half the things I wanted to
Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window
I'll be the one waiting there even when it's cold
Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing
I don't always have to be alone
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself”
Steven’s heart melted, you were adorable up there, grinning, and singing, and staring at him like he was your whole world. He was so lucky to be yours. You were his whole world and seeing you this care free always melted a part of him completely.
“Wow hermano, she’s really on a roll tonight.” Jake chuckles from the reflection of a pint glass near Matt.
“Yeah man, she’s looking at you like you’re her whole world. Wish I was being serenaded right now.” Marc laughed from his phone screen and he grinned shaking his head.
“The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name
It's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change
Hey Stephen, why are people always leaving?
I think you and I should stay the same
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself”
The night ended with them calling a cab for the Murdock’s and sending them on their way. Stephen then grabbed the car and let Jake drive you home, giving the body back up once they were parked. Steven was more than happy to help his giggly tipsy wife change into pajamas, and he lovingly stared into your eyes with all the love one man could hold while gently removing your make up.
“I had so much fun Steven.” you sighed and he chuckled, kissing your forehead.
“Did you? Well I’m very glad love. We will have to see the Murdock’s more often yeah?” He grinned as you squealed and happily koalaed yourself around his torso, he wrapped his arms under your ass and carried you to bed as you placed little kisses all along his neck. He tucked you both into bed with a contented smile and couldn’t supress his grin while you tried to hide your drunken giggles. “What’s so funny love?” He giggled along with you, wrapping g his arms around your waist.
“Nothing baby, you’re just so pretty. I just love you.” You sighed, and Steven swore that if you weren’t holding him so tightly he would just float away.
“I love you too baby.”
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onstoryladders · 2 years
Do you know those early 2000s to mid 2010s shows with 26 episodes per season and full of filler eps where one of the characters like, learns to play soccer or whatever, just for that to never be brought up again for the whole of the show?
If stranger things was one of those shows, what filler episodes would you write?
(originally sent this to foodiewithdahoodie but it was so great I'd love to see more answers now)
Alright so I would definitely use those filler eps to explore different relationships and dynamics! I would hate to let them go nowhere tho 😭
These ideas are mostly funny, with a 2000s sitcom/Disney Channel show vibe gdvdudbsb
This could be set on a Halloween night, but whatever works! The kids find themselves in a spooky situation, maybe they decide to explore an abandoned house or get stuck somewhere and get scared because they think there are ghosts or something gfbrkfbdy this would be the kind of episode where the audience sees unlikely pairings working together after being separated from the others (imagine Madwheeler... it'd be hilarious!).
The ending would be left ambiguous. Are there ghosts in the house? Who knows 👀
Will works on a mysterious paintings for Valentine's Day and Mike is seething with jealousy... until he realizes that the painting is actually for him. But of course Will gives him some bullshit excuse like "I wanted to celebrate our friendship because that's love too!" (valid sentiment in general but not for THEM) and good ol' oblivious Mike doesn't suspect a thing.
The others realize it's bullshit immediately.
ALTERNATIVELY Mike is used to Will and himself not receiving anything for Valentine's Day, so he decides to leave an anonymous message/some chocolates in Will's locker, but then he realizes Will's actually already received some... because we all know Will pulls a lot of bitches 🙌🏻 so he's sad and jealous. And then Will leaves an anonymous message for him too! And maybe something makes Mike realize who the sender is and so he smiles to himself as he reads... 🥰
Steve decides to quit his job and needs the help of his friends to find a new one. Disasters ensue, and in the end he begs his previous employer to get him back – absolutely nothing changes lmao
This is a must. The Party needs to get money for something important, and they come up with a ridiculous way to do it, potentially against the older teens' will gdbdbdhd I can imagine them doing something really dumb and Nancy and the others having to fix their mess before any of the adults find out. Siblings bonding episode!
An entire episodes narrated through Holly's eyes! Through her interactions and the things she sees and hears in the Wheeler house. Byler crumbs 👀
A character has a secret and does whatever they can to keep the others from finding out, but one of their friends find out and they have to promise not to spill the tea and to help them. Lucas, Max and Dustin as a focus for this one would be great!
Someone is stuck working as a babysitter and chaos ensues. I imagine Steve as a character who does 54747473 different jobs like Miss Rabbit from Peppa Pig 💀 and he just ends up at the Wheeler house because Mike's parents don't trust him. So of course Mike has to find a way to get out of Steve's sight, and well... The Party is just waiting for an excuse to wreak havoc anyway 😈
They get in trouble and have to work together of course, so when the Wheelers get home they find all Mike's friends there and Steve like 🧍🏻‍♂️
Max and Will have a very bad grade in a subject at school, and an important test is coming up, but neither of them are confident in their knowledge and so Will proposes to steal the answers!
Bonus points if they're not just doing it for the good grade, but also because they made a bet with the others that they wouldn't fail it lmao
Also it'd be hilarious if they got stuck somewhere and had to ask for help 🤣 and El finds them but she wants to tell the truth and so in the end Max and Will have to buy her silence lmao
El gets asked out on a date but she has no idea what to do and Max isn't there. Luckily Nancy decides to help and gives her a makeover, but she also help her understan what she really wants and also that she doesn't have to go on a date if she doesn't want to!
So in the end they stay home and watch a movie or something gsgvdg and maybe there's a scene where El does Nancy's hair in a cute style 🥰
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Top 10 Must-Watch Kids TV Shows: Your Ultimate Guide for 2024
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Discover the top 10 must-watch kids TV shows available on Dish Network! From educational adventures to beloved classics, these shows offer entertainment for all ages. Tune in to favorites like Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig, and SpongeBob SquarePants for delightful escapades. Educational gems like Wild Kratts and Blue's Clues & You engage young minds with fun learning experiences. Adventure awaits with PJ Masks and Teen Titans Go! while The Loud House and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic foster creativity and friendship. With Dish Network, these shows promise hours of laughter, learning, and excitement for kids everywhere.
Genre: Animated Comedy
Age Group: 3-8 years
Platform: Disney+
Bluey has captured the hearts of children and parents alike with its endearing portrayal of a blue heeler puppy and her family. Known for its humor, relatable family dynamics, and valuable life lessons, Bluey stands out for its positive influence and engaging storytelling. Each episode explores everyday scenarios through the eyes of Bluey and her sister Bingo, making it a delightful choice for preschoolers and early elementary-aged kids.
Cocoanuts: Above & Beyond
Genre: Animated Adventure
Age Group: 4-8 years
Platform: Netflix
Cocoanuts: Above & Beyond continues the underwater adventures of Captain Barnacles and his crew as they explore new ocean worlds and protect marine life. This reboot of the classic series maintains its educational focus, teaching young viewers about ocean conservation, teamwork, and problem-solving. With stunning animation and captivating storylines, this show remains a favorite for young explorers and budding marine biologists.
Mira, Royal Detective
Genre: Animated Mystery
Age Group: 4-7 years
Platform: Disney Junior
Mira, Royal Detective introduces children to Indian culture through the eyes of Mira, a young girl who solves mysteries in the fictional land of Jalpur. With vibrant visuals, catchy music, and cultural authenticity, this show promotes diversity and problem-solving skills. It's a refreshing addition to children's television, offering both entertainment and valuable lessons about friendship and community.
Word Party
Genre: Puppetry/Animation
Age Group: 2-4 years
Platform: Netflix
Word Party blends puppetry and animation to teach toddlers essential vocabulary and social skills. Featuring adorable baby animals, this interactive series encourages young viewers to participate in learning activities while enjoying simple yet engaging storylines. Perfect for preschoolers, Word Party makes learning fun with its colorful characters and educational content tailored for early childhood development.
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum
Genre: Animated Educational
Age Group: 5-8 years
Platform: PBS Kids
Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum combines history with adventure as Xavier, his sister Yudina, and their friend Brad travel back in time to meet inspiring historical figures. This show promotes curiosity, empathy, and problem-solving skills while introducing children to significant figures like Amelia Earhart, Abraham Lincoln, and Marie Curie. Educational and entertaining, it encourages children to explore the past and discover their own potential.
Paw Patrol
Genre: Animated Action-Adventure
Age Group: 3-6 years
Platform: Nickelodeon
Paw Patrol continues to be a favorite among young children for its heroic rescue missions and adorable pups led by Ryder. Each episode teaches teamwork, bravery, and community service, reinforcing positive values through exciting adventures. With its catchy theme song and lovable characters, Paw Patrol remains a staple in children's programming, appealing to preschoolers and kindergarteners worldwide.
Elinor Wonders Why
Genre: Animated Science Exploration
Age Group: 4-6 years
Platform: PBS Kids
Elinor Wonders Why follows the curious bunny Elinor and her friends as they explore nature and science in their everyday lives. This series emphasizes inquiry-based learning, encouraging children to ask questions and seek answers through observation and discovery. With its focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts, Elinor Wonders Why promotes critical thinking and environmental awareness.
T.O.T.S.: Tiny Ones Transport Service
Genre: Animated Comedy
Age Group: 3-5 years
Platform: Disney Junior
T.O.T.S.: Tiny Ones Transport Service follows the adventures of Pip the penguin and Freddy the flamingo as they deliver baby animals to their forever homes. Combining humor with themes of friendship and responsibility, this series entertains young viewers while teaching them about caring for others. With its playful animation and heartwarming stories, T.O.T.S. appeals to preschoolers and toddlers alike.
Genre: Nursery Rhymes/Animation
Age Group: 1-4 years
Platform: YouTube/Netflix
Cocomelon has become a global phenomenon for its collection of nursery rhymes and educational songs. Featuring colorful animation and catchy music, this series introduces young children to basic concepts like numbers, letters, and daily routines. With its gentle approach and repetitive melodies, Cocomelon is perfect for toddlers and infants, making learning enjoyable through music and visuals.
10. Ada Twist, Scientist
Genre: Animated Science Exploration
Age Group: 5-8 years
Platform: Netflix
Ada Twist, Scientist follows the adventures of Ada Twist, a young scientist with a boundless curiosity and love for problem-solving. Based on the bestselling book series, this show encourages children to explore scientific principles and embrace their curiosity about the world. Through Ada's experiments and inventions, young viewers learn about the scientific method and the joy of discovery.
As children's television continues to diversify and innovate, these top 10 must-watch kids TV shows for 2024 offer a blend of entertainment, education, and positive values. Whether it's fostering curiosity with Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum or teaching preschoolers social skills through Word Party, each show on this list contributes to children's development in unique and meaningful ways. With platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and PBS Kids providing access to these enriching programs, parents and caregivers can confidently navigate the world of kids' TV, knowing they're choosing shows that inspire, educate, and entertain.
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wooglebear · 5 months
Another OC for my Roleswap AU. Yes, my poor roleswap AU — which has blossomed into something… a lot more complex than your average TETOCU AU when it was originally supposed to be a simple swap AU to the point where I'm going to write it as a bunch of tumblr posts.
Yet I still have plans for more OCs!
This OC here is Catherine Yomiuri (no relation)!
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She is a teen who is half American and half Japanese, and was JUST introduced into Pamela and Summer's family as a stepsister. Regardless to say Pamela is confused af and Summer is excited to have some company.
She's a bit of an influencer. She's not quite as vain as Valentine, though, and she doesn't use her cellphone for influencer things like her cousin. While Valentine believes he is going to be famous, Catherine is a bit humbler.
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Deep inside she hates herself for her nationality, but clings to a bubbly facade. Basically, a Type A Stepford Smiler.
Yes, she made her own hairstyle and has heterochromia.
She feeds the younger kids porky tales of derring do. Not adventure type derring do, but "oh, I smoked" type derring do.
She's the kind of bitch that will brag about how much underage drinking she does to get bad girl cred, only to pass out from like, a single beer. Seriously, she takes one sip of the stuff and is coughing her lungs out thinking she’s gonna die. She talks big talk and acts all cool but she has no tolerance. None.
However, Catherine has an Achilles heel: She hates British stuff, and she's pretty sure that she doesn’t belong in the twins' house. Unfortunately, every time she tries to get away, someone yanks her back into a British manner learning class she’d rather skip.
She loves parties, though. She knows from experience that parties with piñatas are particularly fun.
She's friends with the Brown sisters and their cousin, Henrietta. Whatever they do - larping, paintball, ect., she does too.
Technically, she is also Valentine Glorious's cousin, and is just about the only one out of Pamela and Summer that tolerates him. Given how both Valentine and Catherine are influencers, Catherine tries to teach him other influencing ways (noticing his lack of interactions with others, and his general lack of… humility), though she’s not happy when she realizes what a narcissistic prick he is. Valentine would drive pretty much everyone up the wall with his incessant narcissistic nature. Valentine calls a frustrated Catherine "Cathy". He requires more work, more time to get through to someone as vain as him.
Catherine is a bit mischievous. She loves playing pranks on ppl. Her favourite is prank calling on April Fools' Day!
Catherine loves Pokemon the Series: Sun and Moon, Sailor Moon, Transformers Rescue Bots, SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer, Blaze And The Monster Machines, Bubble Guppies, Abby Hatcher, Butterbean's Cafe, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Amphibia, TGAMMG, and more. Her stepsisters are confused as to why she loves "childish" shows compared to their beloved British shows like Mr. Bean and Peppa Pig. Her sisters are camp Sofia the First while she's Camp Elena of Avalor. She cried when everyone “died” in Raya and the Last Dragon.
Has admitted to binge reading the entirety of Ennui Go.
Her voice claim is Jessica DiCicco, lol
Speaks Japanese every now and then but she mainly uses English.
"バレンタイン...黙っててくれるの?!" (Translation: Valentine... Will you just SHUT THE HELL UP?!) - Catherine to Valentine
Neutral with Melvin and Melvin-Borg. Instantly hated George and Harold.
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Catherine's opinons on her stepsisters is that she doesn't have a major problem with either of them. They are her stepsisters and as far as she's concerned, there's a mutual, however strained, love she shares between them.
Catherine never knew her (Japanese) dad. The "In Space" arc provides more insight on the stepsisters' (British and American) mothers through video calls.
If Hazel ever met Catherine it would basically be Dave and Sky, but platonic and both are girls. Don't worry, Cathy won't become a disgusting pyscho.
She's a bit of a barista, making all sorts of drinks. She loves to experiment. Her favorite flavor is black tea, topped only by bubble tea.
And that's all I've got for Catherine!
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We've been having lots of Peppa Pig fun this summer holiday.  The kids have loved trying out all the new Peppa Pig goodies.  It's been a great mix, from board games, books, and bedding. You can see Part 1 of our review here.
This is part 2 of our Peppa Pig School Holiday Bundle, in which will feature:  Peppa Goes Around The World book, Reversible Travel Pillow, Remote Controlled Inflatable Peppa and a duvet set.
Peppa Goes Around The World - RRP £6.99
Peppa visits friends all over the world, in her very own aeroplane. Peppa visits the South Pole, snowy mountain tops, the jungle and then back home to a muddy puddle. This is a lovely colourful and fun book to read. 
Reversible Travel Pillow - RRP £14.99
This has been a life saver this summer holidays. We've gone on a few long car journeys and Summer has loved taking her travel pillow. She wears around her shoulders to snugly her head into and dose off comfortable in her car seat.  And, you undo a simple zip and pull out George, and it becomes a teddy to cuddle up with.   
This is a fab idea, and we are off on our holiday soon and will be taking this along with us. It makes the car journeys much more comfortable.
Remote Controlled Inflatable Peppa - RRP £24.99
The kids love this. They've played with this for hours, their best game is, getting the dogs to chase inflatable Peppa, whilst they whizz it around the house, changing directions. The remote control has two buttons: forwards and Backwards.  You do need to inflate Peppa up and 6 batteries are needed in total.
It works great on hard floors but worked just as well on the carpet.
Summer loves her new duvet set (cover and pillow). it's beautifully colourful and fun. It's reversible, one side has Peppa and George sailing the ocean waves and the back has white polka dots. The included pillow matches the duvet.
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