#pearl kwok
paleandpearl · 7 years
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artoklasia-archive · 5 years
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mildsevenkoccp · 4 years
Sonderausgabe am Jahrestag 11. September 2020
Kaum jemand hinterfragt den wahren Ursprung der Pandemie. Wir geben Ihnen Hinweise dazu. 
Autor: Mild Seven; Lektorat: Gongzu
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Seit Anfang 2020 erleben wir jeden Tag den weltweiten 9/11-Moment bzw. unseren Pearl-Harbor-Moment. Während die früheren Anschläge punktuell geschahen, ist der Anschlag mit dem Coronavirus als Biowaffe global ausgeführt worden.
Kaum jemand hinterfragt den wahren Ursprung der Pandemie. Der Verursacher der Pandemie gibt der Welt eine offizielle und einheitliche Antwort vor: Das Virus sollte aus der Natur kommen. Egal, ob Politik, Presse, Wirtschaft und selbstverständlich das bevormundete Volk, was das Ziel der gesamten Propaganda und Vertuschung ist, haben fast weltweit die Parteivorgabe bedingungslos gefolgt. Andersdenkende und andere Meinungen werden sofort als Verschwörungstheoretiker abgetan.
In den westlichen demokratischen Ländern traut man sich, Kritik gegen eigene Politiker, eigene Regierungen zu äußern und diese sogar zu verklagen, was auch richtig und gut ist. Aber ist es denn nicht seltsam, dass man plötzlich keine andere Meinung mehr duldet, sobald die größte Diktatur der Menschheit infrage gestellt ist?
Selbst wenn das Coronavirus wirklich aus der Natur käme oder das Entweichen des im Labor modifizierten Virus ein Laborunfall gewesen wäre, hat sich wirklich jemand ernsthaft mit den folgenden Fragen beschäftigt:
Warum hat ein Regime Schutzausrüstungen weltweit pünktlich vor dem Ausbruch der Pandemie leergekauft und anschließend damit Diplomatie bzw. Erpressung betreibt?
Warum inländische Flüge und Reise aufgrund der Epidemie in einer Stadt verboten wurden, während internationale Flüge weiter ungehindert erlaubt waren?
Warum ist ein Regime so schnell mit einem angeblichen Impfstoff auf den Markt gekommen, obwohl dieses Regime während seiner 70 Jahre Herrschaft keinen einzigen Impfstoff für Menschen entwickelt hat?
Covid-19 enthält HIV-Merkmale und es ist mindestens dreimal so kompliziert wie HIV. Wie kann man einen Impfstoff gegen Covid-19 innerhalb kürzester Zeit erwarten, während man in den letzten Jahrzehnten keinen wirksamen Impfstoff gegen HIV gefunden hat?
Warum gibt es in den wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen bezüglich Covid-19 so viele Ungereimtheiten?
Warum teilen Wissenschaftler und Gesundheitsämter fast der gesamten Welt nur eine einzige Meinung?
Warum behandelt man ein Regime als Partner, sogar als unverzichtbaren Partner, obwohl das Regime andersdenkende Menschen sofort mundtot macht, sogar aus der Welt verschwinden lässt und obwohl das Regime jeden Menschen auf der Welt dank eines neuen Sicherheitsgesetzes verhaften könnte?
Warum hält man ein totalitäres und diktatorisches Regime für unverzichtbar?
Warum werden einst unbedenkliche preisgünstige Medikamente auf einmal als bedenklich eingestuft?
Warum werden klinische Studien zu solchen Medikamenten auf einmal abgebrochen?
Die Antworten dazu habe ich in meinen Berichten gegeben, die Sie hier einsehen können.
Das Foto wurde nach einem geheimen Treffen am 10.09.2020 (New Yorker Zeit) aufgenommen, also einen Tag vorm 9/11-Jahrestag.
Das gestrige Treffen in New York wird in die Geschichte eingehen. Die Personen auf dem Foto sind Rudolph Giuliani, Ludeh, Steve Bannon und Dr. Li-Meng Yan.
Herr Ludeh berichtet in seiner täglichen Livesendung zweimal am Tag aus New York über aktuelle Geschehnisse der weltweiten Whistleblower-Bewegung. Er hatte am 19. Januar 2020 weltweit als erster über den Ausbruch des Corona-Virus berichtet. Ludeh hat in seiner gestrigen Livesendung nichts Konkretes zu dem geheimen Treffen mit hochkarätigen Persönlichkeiten verraten. Aber die Gäste seiner Sendung durften raten.
Das Geheimnis wird ganz bald enthüllt, denn heute ist ja schon der 11. September.
Ein paar Stichpunkte möchte ich nennen, die das Geheimnis betreffen:
Ursprung des Covid-19
Organisiertes Verbrechen
Mafiaartige Banden und Strukturen
Der Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (kurz RICO oder RICO Act)
Anklageschrift der USA gegen eine Agentin
Miles Kwok (Miles Guo)
Der Neue Bundesstaat China
Wir sind gespannt, was am Wochenende passieren wird. Wir wünschen ein gesundes und erholsames Wochenende.
Weitere Beiträge von Mild Seven (All posts by Mild Seven) https://gnews.org/373779/
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rootshml · 5 years
Meet the 2019 Roots Cohort
In search of their ancestral villages, 11 people of the Chinese diaspora hailing from the Bay Area and Boston will soon travel to the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong 廣東省, China. We will visit 5 different areas, including Kaiping 開平, Taishan 台山, Xinhui  新會, and Guangzhou 廣州. 
Sarah Tan 譚美婷
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My mother’s and maternal grandparents’ village. 永安村 (Yong’an Village) in 台山 (Taishan)
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy strength training at the gym, hanging out with friends and family, attending music concerts, watching basketball, and learning more about photography.
How did you hear about Roots?
My sister had a handful of co-workers who participated in Roots Plus (2018). They wrote a blog post for work and my sister shared it with me. I also recently found out that my favorite professor at UCLA was a rooter!
What are you looking to accomplish?
Growing up, my mother told me many stories about her humble beginnings and what it was like to grow up in a village. I look forward to living and experiencing the community and environment my mother and maternal grandparents came from before immigrating to the United States.
What are your expectations?
I do not have any expectations going in. I just know it will be a trip of a lifetime and this experience will help me reflect on who I am today
Choose a food that describes you?
Alexander Kwok 郭智光
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I would like to visit my paternal grandfather's village 隔塘村 (gaak tong cyun) in Zengcheng 增城. I decided to save my paternal grandmother's village 南朗鄉 in Shunde 顺德 for another time, as I have a lot more resources on my paternal grandfather's side than I do for my paternal grandmother.
What do you do for fun?
I like to read, play video games, blog, listen to music and podcasts, bake; go camping, hiking, kayaking; try new foods and explore new places!
How did you hear about Roots?
I've been doing research on my paternal grandfather's side of the family for 5 years now but hit a wall when I tried looking for our home village. As a lot of the resources seemed to focus on the Sze-yap area of 廣東 Province, I wasn't able to do much more and stopped trying to find it.
One day, I was looking for more resources and came across an old website under the Chinese Culture Center, which redirected me to the Him Mark Lai Digital Archive. After some exploring, I found the database of villages in 廣東 with associated surnames, but none of them included my home village.
I thought I had hit yet another brick wall - until I started googling one of the headers in the Digital Archive, "The Roots Program". I quickly found references to the program and old exhibits on a few websites but thought they might have stopped the program because I didn’t see anything recent. Imagine my surprise when I found the Friends of Roots site & the Tumblr blog…!
What are you looking to accomplish?
Growing up my paternal grandparents spoke mostly Cantonese, so I never got to ask them questions about their childhood, how they met, or what it was like to raise a family in Hong Kong, let alone about my ancestors or our home villages. I’m hoping to regain some of these stories from our family through visiting relatives in Hong Kong, where my grandfather’s and father’s generation grew up and paying my respects at family graves across Hong Kong.
Through visiting my paternal great-grandfather’s home village in China, I also hope to regain a sense of identity that our family has since lost. Even though my paternal great-grandparents left the home village to go to Hong Kong in the late 1930’s, my great-grandfather had to leave the family at the start of the war, because the family was afraid something would happen to him in a city under Japanese occupation. Our family never heard from him again, and it was presumed that he had passed away back in the home village. Though my grandfather has been back to the village in the late 2000’s, he didn’t talk much about his trip with the rest of our family, and we don’t have any records where the village may have been.
So, in visiting my home village and reconnecting with whatever family is left there, I hope to learn more about my great-grandfather and grandfather’s generation, as well as reconnect with family still there. I also hope to get a sense of what growing up in the village might have been like for my great-grandfather, what he liked to do, what the village looks like, etc.
What are your expectations?
I don’t have many expectations other than going back, reconnecting with family there, and seeing what the village looks like. My great-grandfather returned to the village in the early 1940s, so I would like to visit his grave if I can. I’ve heard that when my grandfather went back to the village, he rebuilt his father’s tomb at the time. 
But I can’t wait to taste all the delicious food in Hong Kong & Guangdong, learn more about overseas Chinese - including those who migrated to Southeast Asia, hopefully, and get a sense for what Southern China is like.
Choose a food that describes you?
Jakarta-style bakmie - It's something that I grew up eating as a part of birthday celebrations, represents both the Chinese & Tionghoa (Chinese Indonesian) sides of my family, & reflects on a range of experiences that I share with others being a part of multiple cultures.
Rachael Tang 鄧安琪
Kathleen Wong 黄玉明
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Village Kaiping, Guangdong Province, China. 開平中股鄉赤坎屋上樓村. 
What do you do for fun? Rock climbing, running, cooking, and adventuring!
How did you hear about Roots? I heard about Roots through co-founder Al Cheng.  My boyfriend introduced me to him as we were having a delicious bun bo hue lunch.  At the end of the lunch, Al remarked that I probably have roots in Guangzhou.  We connected on Facebook and I saw his program posts.  I was intrigued, applied, and the rest is history!
What are you looking to accomplish? After an intimidating visit to Hong Kong in 2011, where I could not demonstrate enough language skills to get around, a visit to China seemed so intimidating.  This will be my first trip to the mainland so I’m hoping to get a better understanding of Chinese culture and connect it with my upbringing.
What are your expectations? Good food, good company, and hopefully not too many mosquitos!
Choose a food that describes you? Ice Cream :) Sweet and refreshing!
Jenny Lau 劉健儀
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漢塘村 in 台山市省冲蔞镇達材鄉. The village is where my parents were born and raised and also where my paternal grandfather was born and where my maternal grandfather grew up starting around five years old. 
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy hanging out with my friends, eating good food, being in nature, exercising, watching movies, sharing stories, being present. 
How did you hear about Roots?
I visited the Roots website after seeing a facebook post linking to it from a friend.
What are you looking to accomplish?
I am looking to better understand my parents by visiting the village where they were born and grew up and to imagine what life must have been like for them. I also want to talk to people who might remember my grandparents and have information about them.
What are your expectations?
I would like to connect with my fellow Rooters, hear their stories and why they wanted to do Roots, visit my village with my brother, who is also a Rooter this year, and to see the village that he chose. I would like to learn more about Chinese history, especially when my parents and grandparents were living in China and to contextualize family events within broader Chinese history.
Choose a food that describes you
Some of my staple foods: white rice with laap cheng and chau baak toi thlem (Chinese sausage with stir-fry baby bok choy) and unsweetened Hong Kong (HK) style milk tea. The rice dish appears simple but is very hearty like me, with the right mix of meat/veggies, sweet/savory. At the same time, I am unique in my bold and deep expressions, similar to HK milk tea, which is a unique spin to a classic tea with milk concept but it's particularly bold in flavor because it's double- or multi-brewed and it's full of depth from evaporated/condensed milk. 
  Michael Tom 譚振豪
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Village: 台山水步毛坪村 (Taishan Shuibu Maoping Village)
What do you do for fun?  I like to do indoor bouldering, taking photos, and hanging out with people
How did you hear about Roots?
My cousin, Scott Leung, and my aunt and uncle, Ray and Karen Leung, all went on Roots and recommended that I check it out
What are you looking to accomplish?
I just wanted to see where my grandfather grew up and where my greatgrandfather and greatgrandmother lived
What are your expectations?
 I didn't have any expectations because my family hasn't had any communication with the village since for the past 40 years. I went in with an open mind, ready to accept every new experience
.Choose a food that describes you? 
Kettle Corn. Savory is serious. Sweet is fun. I'd like to think I'm both, but also 90% hot air.
Angela Yip 叶嘉宝
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Wong Cyun in Toisan - 台山 三合 潢村 河清里. This is my paternal great grandfather's village
What do you do for fun?
Eat! There's so much amazing food in the Bay Area. I also love keeping up with my bullet journal, going on hikes, and reading fiction. I've really been enjoying reading books by Asian American female authors lately. Some recent favorites are Chemistry by Weike Wang, Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng, and A Place for Us by Fatima Fahreen Mirza.
How did you hear about Roots?
I heard about Roots from my mom's cousin's wife Liana Koehler, Roots alum and Roots lecturer. It came up in conversation at dinner after my grandpa's funeral. She said I had to do Roots, and I was immediately sold. Roots came at the perfect time.
What are you looking to accomplish?
I am hoping to learn more about a side of my family that I don't know much about--my paternal grandma's side. I grew up extremely close to my grandma, and I want to be able to show her pictures of her father's village because she was never able to visit. I also just want to learn more about Toisan, even basic information like what people eat and grow and what they do for fun. Both sides of my family are from Toisan, so it has shaped my family and my experience of being Chinese in the US in huge ways, but I know very little about the region.
What are your expectations?
I hope to find the right village! Other than that, I am trying to approach my rooting with little expectation and to stay open to whatever might happen. I expect it to be an emotional experience for me for sure.
Choose a food that describes you?
Fried rice from Fung Wah on Mission Street in Daly City
Jeffrey Lau 劉健仁
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Village: I'm visiting my paternal grandma's village of 衝洋向南村
What do you do for fun? I hang with people that are easier for me to hang with for fun.
How did you hear about Roots? I learned about Roots two years ago from a friend's Facebook feed! I marinated on the idea of applying until I actually did.
What are you looking to accomplish? I’m looking to reflect on my relationships with family members who’ve had the most direct impact on my life—like the one with my paternal grandma, who raised me. I want this trip, in the long run, support my process of grounding more of my life in my Chinatown organizing work.
What are your expectations? My expectations are simply to get a feel and look of where my grandma grew up. She don't tell me much herself, so I’m gonna discover more about her myself.
Choose a food that describes you? I'm gonna say fries. Fries done well are golden and crispy, but get kinda whack over time as they get soggier. I usually start strong in many things but my energy dips over time and some times I'm kinda whack towards the end, haha...
Hannah Yee 余壽玉 
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Village - Dick Hoi, Toisan
Fun - I dance, garden, bake, and love being in the outdoors
Hear about Roots - Through my sister who found out through social media haha
Accomplish - (?) in life? in roots? - For Roots I wanted to accomplish finding my village, seeing the school I have heard so much about, and finding a base of friends who want to explore their Chinese American identities together and eat good food together. Expectations - I didn't know what to expect from this program. I expected it would be exciting, rigorous, tiring, and fun. I also expected it to be like solving a mystery/Clue/puzzle
Food - Dung/Jung - Have to open up the leaves to enjoy the inside! Filled with surprises like peanuts, lup cheong, egg, etc. Warm, comfort food that is a classic! Picture - I'll send you one once I get home!
Fiona Wong 黃寶賢
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1. Village
Bak Sa, Toishan
2. What do you do for fun?
I enjoy exploring new places, trying new things, and checking things off my to-do/travel bucket list during my free time. I love spending quality time with friends and family while having delicious food. As long as it is a day with blue skies, I do not mind what I'm doing as long as I'm outside!
3. How did you hear about roots?
I heard about roots through a friend who went on this program and shared her experience through social media.
4. What are you looking to accomplish?
I am looking to dive deeper into the history of China and Chinese immigration to the states with emphasis on Cantonese and Toishanese context. I am excited about the opportunity to visit other villages in the Pearl Delta River Region and to return to my ancestral village.
5. What are you expectations?
I did not have much expectations going in other than hoping that our cohort will support one another wholeheartedly.
6. Choose a food that describes you
Some type of dish that has onions because I have a lot of layers.
Nicole Wong 王雅斯 
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I'm visiting my paternal great grandfather's village: 江門市蓬江區荷塘镇三丫沙滘村.
What do you do for fun?
I love to cook food and sing with friends, join the occasional pick-up soccer game, try different dance classes, read, and get outside.
How did you hear about Roots?
I first learned about Roots from my mom, but it wasn't until I heard Steve Owyang speak about the program at a CAA anniversary dinner that I seriously considered applying.
What are you looking to accomplish?
To learn more about my family's history so I can understand myself better and connect more deeply with my Chinese heritage.
What are your expectations?
To meet my Xinhui relatives and see the village, old house, house, and gravesite of my ancestors.
Choose a food that describes you?
Peanut butter (because I love it and chew on ideas/questions for a while
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Mouss: For me it was during the time when we said thanks to everyone for coming, and the bit where did our slow dance. I just decided to give a quick speech to her as well. I didn't really plan for the speech; I just wanted to say how we met, and my feelings as well. And I could see, as I was giving the speech, my mom, at the end of the pool, that she was clapping and crying. And I could see that Ledyna was tearing as well, because of what I said about how I feel and all that, and at that point, we just decided to do the slow dance. It felt great, and as the music was playing, and we were dancing, we were just lost in that moment. Everything really clicked. And our daughter was there cheering us on!
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Leon: I really love how rational she can be when it comes to making decisions. She rarely decides on impulse or acts on emotions'which makes it easy for us to lay our thoughts out to understand our thought processes better. We also love the same type of food, so we rarely have problems deciding on where to eat like some couples do! Another plus point is that she is really good with children, which makes me really confident that she will be a good mother to our child(ren) in the future under 100 prom dresses. It's good because we are able to have somewhat of a 'trial' taking care of our nieces and nephews as well as our dog green christmas dresses, though it seems like the kids and dog seem to like her a lot more. Valentine Avoh draws her inspiration from the glamour of movie stars like Rita Hayworth and Marl'ne Dietrich to musical greats like Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday. "I used to watch a lot of old movies from the early 30s until the late 50s which really fascinated me. I loved how feminine and sensual women were in those film and yet had a very strong personality," Valentine Avoh tells Brides. Avoh jsweddenladress20107 works closely with her brides to create custom made gowns that are expertly tailored to the bride's vision and body. "I also get inspired everyday by my brides, watching them trying on my dresses, and listening to their comments gives me so many new ideas and ways to improve my designs." The wedding gowns in classic pure white are softly textured with fine lace and strings of lustrous pearls, draped elegantly over the shoulders or a low back. In addition to the traditional white gowns traditional wedding dress, the collection also features sweet pastel hues of rosy pinks and minty blues, adorned with delicate rosebud appliqu' and hand-sewn beads to add romance. Artfully layered with quality lace, tulle, and chiffon, the gowns float gently to the ground in graceful and feminine silhouettes. Necklines are timelessly romantic, and vary from the demure high-neck How much is a wedding dress for a bride in a legit website?, softened with lace, to the elegant off-shoulder, to the popular sweetheart. Delicate flowers adorn ballgowns and trumpet silhouettes to create wedding gowns that effuse youth and romance.
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The first time Elsa Kwok, 25, met the love of her life, Zachary, 26, Personal Trainer, was at a farmer's market in Brisbane as he was waiting for her to vacate a parking lot. That day, he walked away with more than a parking spot for his car. Four years on, the pair of young lovebirds tied the knot in an intimate rustic woodland wedding on 28 May 2016 surrounded by their families and friends lalamira location near me, but not before the Spartans came for Elsa in the morning. Here's a peek at their fun and unique Spartan gatecrash and lovely wedding reception beautifully captured by AndroidsinBoots and The Beautiful Moment Photography. You May Also Like: short plus size cocktail dresses – sexylongeveninggowns V-neck Sheath Jersey Evening Dresses 无标题 — One of the best places to search for a great deal... The perfect prom dresses&wedding dresses available in sizes ... 52 – evening dresses & wedding dresses
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In Coronavirus, China Weighs Benefits of Buffalo Horn and Other Remedies
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As it races to treat patients infected with the new coronavirus, the Chinese government is seeing potential in a cocktail of antiviral drugs. It is also recommending the Peaceful Palace Bovine Pill, a traditional Chinese medicine made with the gallstone of cattle, buffalo horn, jasmine and pearl. There is no known cure for the coronavirus that has sickened more than 28,000 people and killed 563 in China. The country’s National Health Commission says doctors should try treating patients mainly with a combination of Western drugs used to treat HIV and fight viruses, depending on the severity of illness. But the government is also looking at ways to supplement the treatment with remedies that are integral to its national identity — traditional Chinese medicine. It has its supporters. “I think it is the correct approach,” said Cheng Yung-chi, a professor of pharmacology at Yale University School of Medicine. “The evidence is going to come and we have to give it the benefit of the doubt.” There is no clinical proof that the roots of various plants, licorice, and the Peaceful Palace Bovine Pill can help combat the deadly disease. Practitioners say the regimen could help ease symptoms such as swelling in the lungs, with fewer side effects. Critics say the use of such concoctions could raise concerns about patient safety.
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The use of these ancient Chinese remedies dovetails with a push by Xi Jinping, China’s top leader, to harness them as a source of national pride. He has said that officials should place as much importance on traditional Chinese medicines as they do on Western medicines. His government has called for the remedies to be promoted in its “Belt and Road” trade route, China’s push to build ports, rail lines and other infrastructure around the world. In turning to traditional medicine, China is relying on past experience. During the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, outbreak in 2002 and 2003, doctors found that steroids prescribed to reduce inflammation had harmful side effects such as bone destruction. Chinese medicine, they said, would mitigate some of these adverse reactions. In its treatment plan for the coronavirus released on Wednesday, the National Health Commission recommended traditional Chinese medicine remedies that could be used with antiretroviral H.I.V. drugs like Lopinavir and Ritonavir. The national health department suggested trying the Peaceful Palace Bovine Pill for severe symptoms such as wheezing and respiratory distress. Some hospitals are already using a combination of Western and Chinese medicines. In recent weeks, Beijing’s health department reported that two patients who were discharged had been treated with traditional Chinese medicines together with other unspecified drugs. And in Guangzhou, a major city in the south, health officials said 50 patients reported having no more fever and half of them said their coughs went away after using traditional Chinese medicines and other drugs.
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Shopkeepers dispensing Chinese medicines at a pharmacy in Hong Kong on Wednesday.Credit...Billy H.C. Kwok for The New York Times Doctors are conducting clinical trials to test the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, said Dr. Cheng, the expert at Yale, who is also chairman of the Consortium for the Globalization of Chinese Medicine, a group of academics in the field. Jiang Xianfeng, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner at United Family Health, a top hospital for the affluent in Beijing, said these medicines are safe, effective and easy to get. “Western medicine does not have better answers to this virus,” Mr. Jiang said. “The Chinese people have experienced these sort of plagues many times in our thousands of years of history. If traditional Chinese medicine was not effective, the Chinese people would already be destroyed.” After the SARS outbreak, the World Health Organization studied the use of traditional Chinese medicine during that period and determined that they were safe and showed some potential in relieving symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath. Researchers from the United States and Taiwan found that certain herbs could suppress the virus if prescribed at specific concentration levels, while other studies said their findings were inconclusive. That scientific uncertainty is not stopping the Chinese government. Since the second version of its treatment plan, the health commission has added more traditional Chinese medicines to the mix. The authorities in Wuhan say coronavirus patients with light or moderate symptoms should be treated with traditional Chinese medicine, the state-run Beijing News reported. Zhu Mao, a representative of a traditional Chinese medicine manufacturer in Hubei, said he was producing more than 20,000 prescriptions per day at the request of the government. On Jan. 25, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese medicine dispatched 25 teams of Chinese healers to Wuhan.
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Chinese medicines for sale in Hong Kong.Credit...Billy H.C. Kwok for The New York Times Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that disease arises from imbalances in the body and that some people have “hot” constitutions, therefore making them vulnerable to fevers and inflammations. When someone gets a fever or a respiratory illness, it is not uncommon to have Chinese people say: “You are on fire.” Practitioners have determined that the coronavirus is a “hot” disease, and therefore, medicines should be prescribed to “clear the heat.” It is unclear how the science works behind these medicines. Compounding the problem: There is no standardization for these herbs and regulation is poor. Traditional Chinese medicine has also been linked to the consumption of exotic wild meats, though it is unclear whether the eating of the meats is really based on the practice. But some people, particularly in the south, believe that the way to achieving a balanced body is through eating certain meats. Wildlife markets such as the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, the site that is believed to be the origin of the coronavirus, proliferated because of the demand for such meats. Laurie Garrett, a member of the World Economic Forum’s global health security advisory board who covered the SARS outbreak in China, said that using traditional Chinese medicine in the new coronavirus outbreak could be risky because the approach is not rigorously backed by research. “There’s no such thing as dosing,” she said. “It’s like being a chef in a kitchen.” The prestigious science journal Nature pointed out that dozens of women who had taken Chinese herbs as part of a weight-loss program ended up with kidney failure in the 1990s. Proponents of traditional Chinese medicine say the herbs were misused. Still, Nature argued in a 2017 editorial: “Hundreds of years of use in clinics that don’t standardize or analyze the clinical data are no match for blinded, controlled studies.”
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A Chinese traditional medicine research laboratory in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, China, last year.Credit...Aleksandar Plavevski/EPA, via Shutterstock Doctors in neighboring Hong Kong, a semiautonomous region of China, are not convinced that traditional Chinese medicines can help. “I am not trying to devalue their treatment, but this is not something we practice,” said Arisina Ma, the president of the Hong Kong Public Doctors Association. In China, people have searched anxiously for ways to protect themselves. In many Chinese cities, some stood in line for hours to buy “Shuanghuanglian” — a herbal concoction that mixes flowers such as honeysuckle and forsythia, among other ingredients — after two government-backed research institutes published a study that said it was effective in preventing the coronavirus. Chen Xi, an assistant professor of health policy and economics at the Yale School of Public Health, urged the Chinese news media to be more careful in its reporting, saying that the potential for traditional Chinese medicine to inhibit a virus is not equivalent to a form of prevention or treatment. “If incidents like Shuanghuanglian happen again and again, it will lose the public trust, cause more panic, and go against the authorities’ advice to avoid crowd gathering,” Mr. Chen wrote. Qin Xi, a manager of a pharmacy in Beijing, said sales of some of his traditional Chinese medicines, including “Shuanghuanglian,” have been off the charts. “As for whether it works, who knows?” he said.
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The Tongrentang traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy in Beijing.Credit...Andrea Verdelli for The New York TimesSource Link https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/05/world/asia/coronavirus-traditional-chinese-medicine.html Read the full article
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pppostartists · 6 years
葵青區  魔法盒子
地點:葵芳廣場1樓 B63A(3)鋪,魔法盒子,18E B63A(3),1/f, Magic Box, Kwai Fong Plaza, Kwai Chung, (Box 18E) 營業時間: MON-SUM: 1:00-10:00 pm
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“Untitled 未名命” Lam Kwok Yam
從日常中解構消費主義。 Deconstructing consumerism in daily life.
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“Untitled 未名命”
Ma Wik
魚目混珠,弄真成假 Passing off fish eyes for pearls. Then ,the pearls are in no difference with fish eyes.
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paleandpearl · 7 years
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kangacav69 · 3 years
Dishoom Covent Garden 50 Off
Sadly, plans for the soft launch, which was due to Dishoom in london’s covent garden will be relaunching next month after closing in january this year and undergo a major redesign to mark the café’s 10th anniversary.
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A New Face in Covent Garden New face, Christmas shopping
East london's favourite bakery is taking part in the scheme and offering 50 per cent off the bill for orders of £20 per person (max £10 off) on wednesdays until the end of august.
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Dishoom covent garden 50 off. Martin's lane, covent garden, london, wc2h 9fb. Dishoom birmingham had been preparing to open when lockdown began. Book a reservation at dishoom covent garden.
We also know that january will be a miserable month, because it always is, even without. Which is where our handy edit to the best restaurants in wc2 comes in. A gramophone clicks and crackles to life and music starts again.
Referral from january 23, 2017 january 23, 2017 Once only somewhere you'd find tourists eating out, covent garden's fortunes as a foodie destination are now such that there's almost too much choice. Dishoom in covent garden is back (picture:
See 6,046 unbiased reviews of dishoom, rated 4.5 of 5 on tripadvisor and ranked #506 of 22,616 restaurants in london. The mango kulfi (£2.50) on a stick is refreshing and for those with a sweet tooth, however eating rapidly melting ice cream off a long stick in a restaurant is a far from. The best soft launches in london are a what you will find here.
The lowest paying entry level runners earn £10.30/hour Dishoom birmingham officially opens on april 1. 26 recommendations and reviews from 24 people.
We had a super friendly and helpful waitress called maya, who made some interesting suggestions (dishoom chicken tikka and dishoom calamari). Usually 50% off a new london restaurant opening is what you can expect and is a great whatnnot just to bag a bargain, but to try out these new places. On average this is £20k a week per restaurant that is split between all of the staff.
The trunk is calculated by an external company so its always fair; First of all, thank you so much to all of our regular and new guests who supported us throughout summer. It was founded in covent garden in 2010 by shamil.
Gin and lime with ice only. The china trade turned opium, spice and silk into merchant fortune, and dressed fortunate merchant wives in best tanchoi silk. Indian cuisine in london can be something of a mixed bag at times but when it comes to dishoom, there's very little that fails to tick the boxes.nestled away on st martin's lane in covent garden, this bombay café brings a slice of authentic india to central london with its elegant design and tempting menu.
As with all dishoom restaurants it’s inspired by irani cafés of bombay but this one now also draws on the heritage of early cinema in the city. The owners amar and shamil also welcomed us to the establishment and spoke to us about the design of the place. Located at 12 upper st martin's ln, london, gb.
All staff are paid at the national minimum wage £7.50 plus the truck tips. Read restaurant information, reviews, awards, news, address, contact details and more. Book the first table at covent garden restaurants and get 50% off the food bill for two, three or four people!
After closing in january for a redesign to mark the café’s 10th anniversary, dishoom will be reopen next month with 50% off food. The king’s cross branch, where i meet shamil and kavi, is the most ambitious of the dishoom empire. Dishoom covent garden, 12 upper st.
Dishoom) if you’ve been missing some dishoom in your life, then rejoice, the restaurant is set to reopen its covent garden branch. Newly designed dishoom opens in covent garden, with 50% off for diners faima bakar thursday 29 oct 2020 9:57 am share this article via facebook share this article via twitter share this article. Once the pain of our first two expeditions had worn off, our third attempt was a success and we finally had a coveted table in the famous dishoom.
We've brought together the very best restaurants in covent garden, surrounding the main market and beyond. It has a cool mumbai (bombay) cafe vibe. But will open for a soft launch later this month offering 50% off.
Ruby seems to float off the stage. 50% off london restaurants swag the covent garden branch of dishoom closed back in january for a major facelift and now it’s ready to turn ten in style. The bombay iranian café has been closed due to a renovation in january but will now relaunch to celebrate its tenth anniversary.
Home » food & drink » dishoom reopens in covent garden, with 50% off for diners 10/29/2020 food & drink if you’ve been missing some dishoom in your life, then rejoice, the restaurant is set to reopen its covent garden branch. There will be a soft launch period where can get 50% off the food bill. Was founded in covent garden in 2010.
She glides between tables, past where i am sitting, making her way to the bar. Aged in oak, a refreshing mandarin shrub, ginger, hayman’s gently rested gin, etc., etc., etc., dashed off with quinine and fiery szechuan pepper. These two component make up your hourly rate.
Just remember, it's a way for the restaurant to easy into getting thing right, it's not going to be perfect from the off. 50% off dishoom covent garden soft reopening next month.
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50 OFF Total Bill Cafe Mode Covent Garden WC2 http
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Neal's Yard / Covent Garden Neals yard, London city
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dienhoathanglong · 5 years
Phu Quoc (pronounced "foo kwok") - a romance Vietnamese island sitting pretty just off the coast of Cambodia - is one of south-east Asia's best-kept secrets. crowds do). Phu Quoc is called Dao Ngoc, it is the biggest island in Vietnam, a pearl of Vietnam.The Phu Quoc district is made of 28 islands, some of which are planned for development as private resorts. Spanning 574 square kilometres, Phu Quoc Island, where most of the tourism action takes place, is the largest in the district/country as well as in the Gulf of Thailand. If your loved one or your family are travelling to Phu Quoc, and you want to surprise her/him by gifting flowers, you have come to right place.
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Phu Quoc flower shop
We are flower shop in Phu Quoc - through a network of flowers shops and florists associated on national scale, we are able to send and deliver flowers in Phu Quoc and around the Kien Giang province. Our Flower Shop in Phu Quoc will allow you to send and delivery flowers, roses, plants and floral gifts for any occasion and celebration in Phu Quoc district
How to send fresh flowers to Phu Quoc district and province?
We deliver flowers to home from the nearest florists/flower shops, we have a network of selected florists / flowers shops by our standards of quality and logistics to ensure timely flowers delivery and always with the highest quality.
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Phu Quoc flower shop brings beautiful online flower shop just at your finger’s click. Here is the best online place from where you can send flowers today itself to your people for their special occasions in Phu Quoc, Kien Giang province. You would love to shop with us once you experience our swift and convenient service and awesome collections of gifting flowers, balloons and bouquets. If you know your friend’s or your special person’s love for specific kind of flowers, you can just browse our website for certain flowers like roses, lilies or others. We are dedicated to deliver fresh and premium quality flowers and bouquets for receivers’ optimum satisfaction.
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Select the flowers to be sent, delivered as the occasion, visit our proposals to send and deliver flowers in ocasion of Spring/Easter, Valentine’s day, Anniversary, Birthday, Congratulations, I am sorry, New Baby, Love & Romance, Sympathy & Funerals, Thank You, International Womans day, Mother's Day, Christmas, New year, Father's Day. Use our same day flower delivery service to Phu Quoc if you need Flowers delivered today.
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Surprise your loved ones with a unique design and fresh fragrant flowers for any special occasion. Send flowers right from our online catalog to make sure you send the right gift and/or the right bouquet to surprise someone special. Whether it is a birthday flower gift basket, Mother's Day flowers, seasonal centerpiece for the holidays or something that says "I love you", Phu Quoc flower shop will make sure to send quality flowers in a stunning arrangement.
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sarahskiles-blog · 5 years
“A young woman perpetrates her own rescue by taking ‘control’ of her boyfriend.”
Controller is going to be a feature film. Thanks for spreading the word and don’t forget to share the video and hashtag #TheController. Love you all! 🙂
Check out the Controller PREQUEL here: https://ift.tt/1el8JkE DOWNLOAD THE SOUNDTRACK HERE: https://ift.tt/1cmISe8
This video is dedicated to all the hard working individuals that spent many months bringing this idea to life. Spanning three countries: Taiwan to UK to USA, here are just some of the many people involved:
Written & Directed by: Saman Kesh / 薩曼 凱許 Site: http://samankesh.com/ IG: @Saman_Kesh
Production Company: MARQ Films – http://marq.tv/
In Association with: SKUNK US – http://www.skunkus.com/
Executive Producers: Marco Q Wu & YC Tom Lee / 吳兆鈞 & 李育丞 Line Producers: Bruce Lee & Joyce Huang / 李元禎 & 周嘉儀 Original music: Russ Davies / 勞斯 戴維斯 Cinematography: Isaac Bauman / 艾希克 保羅曼 Sound Design: Matthew Wilcock (Zelig Sound) / 馬修 威爾克 Visual FX: Benson Tsai (Gravity Star) & Chia-Chi Lin (Moonshine Animation) Adapted Screenplay: Danny Tseng / 曾敬懿 Production Designer: Parker Lin / 林仲賢 Editing: Saman Kesh / 薩曼 凱許 Motion Graphics: Jade Cheng / 程治雲 Make-up/Hair: Pearl Kwok / 郭令儀 Wardrobe: Luke Huang / 黃育男 Temp Music: Wei-San Hsu / 許瑋珊 Coloris: Loren White / 羅蘭 懷特 Stunt Coreography: Dragon / 楊志龍
Main Cast: Hero: Luka Lu / 呂君謙 Hero (voice): Kent Chu / 朱育宏 Girl: Susan Hsu / 許珊綺 Elevator 1 Kent Chu / 朱育宏 Elevator 2 瑞哥 Hazmat 1 國峰 Hazmat 2 柳元森 Likes: 8616 Viewed:
The post CONTROLLER (控制者) appeared first on Good Info.
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kebee-s · 5 years
CONTROLLER (控制者) from Saman Kesh on Vimeo.
"A young woman perpetrates her own rescue by taking 'control' of her boyfriend."
Controller is going to be a feature film. Thanks for spreading the word and don't forget to share the video and hashtag #TheController. Love you all! :)
Check out the Controller PREQUEL here: vimeo.com/samankesh/controller-prequel DOWNLOAD THE SOUNDTRACK HERE: itunes.apple.com/gb/album/controller-original-motion/id703818795
This video is dedicated to all the hard working individuals that spent many months bringing this idea to life. Spanning three countries: Taiwan to UK to USA, here are just some of the many people involved:
Written & Directed by: Saman Kesh / 薩曼 凱許 Site: samankesh.com/ IG: @Saman_Kesh
Production Company: MARQ Films - marq.tv/
In Association with: SKUNK US - skunkus.com/
Executive Producers: Marco Q Wu & YC Tom Lee / 吳兆鈞 & 李育丞 Line Producers: Bruce Lee & Joyce Huang / 李元禎 & 周嘉儀 Original music: Russ Davies / 勞斯 戴維斯 Cinematography: Isaac Bauman / 艾希克 保羅曼 Sound Design: Matthew Wilcock (Zelig Sound) / 馬修 威爾克 Visual FX: Benson Tsai (Gravity Star) & Chia-Chi Lin (Moonshine Animation) Adapted Screenplay: Danny Tseng / 曾敬懿 Production Designer: Parker Lin / 林仲賢 Editing: Saman Kesh / 薩曼 凱許 Motion Graphics: Jade Cheng / 程治雲 Make-up/Hair: Pearl Kwok / 郭令儀 Wardrobe: Luke Huang / 黃育男 Temp Music: Wei-San Hsu / 許瑋珊 Coloris: Loren White / 羅蘭 懷特 Stunt Coreography: Dragon / 楊志龍
Main Cast: Hero: Luka Lu / 呂君謙 Hero (voice): Kent Chu / 朱育宏 Girl: Susan Hsu / 許珊綺 Elevator 1 Kent Chu / 朱育宏 Elevator 2 瑞哥 Hazmat 1 國峰 Hazmat 2 柳元森
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
How Designers Laurence & Chico Ended Up With the Kookiest Café in Vancouver
“I think we’re very literal,” says Laurence Li of Laurence & Chico, his label with partner Chico Wang.  “A lot of brands…when they talk about inspiration, it’s more theory based, but we’re very direct,” he says over the phone from their atelier in Shenzhen, China. He cites their debut Spring 2016 collection as primary evidence. “We were inspired by our trip to the aquarium.”
The aquarium that inspired jellyfish prints and squidlike iridescent fabrics is in Vancouver, where Li was raised, he and Wang got married in 2014 and they established the brand in 2015. But the Big Apple is really what started it all. “We met on a dating app,” says Li, laughing. “I was travelling in New York on vacation. Then I decided to move there.” Raised in Inner Mongolia, Wang was already living there, by way of Beijing, after winning China’s version of Project Runway landed him a fashion design scholarship to Parsons The New School. Li, who had studied animation at Vancouver’s Emily Carr University, enrolled, too, but opted for fashion marketing. Finding his coursework relatively easy, he used his free time to draw illustrations of their daily life—the first one depicting them grocery shopping. Wang saw an opportunity, so Li drew more illustrations and printed them on postcards, which they sold in front of the old J.Crew store in SoHo. They made more than $1,000 the first day. 
Photography Courtesy of Laurence and Chico
The postcards turned into T-shirts, sweatshirts and scarves. When stockists, such as Kokko in Richmond, B.C., picked them up, Li and Wang dropped out of school and launched their brand. Li’s illustrations provided the inspiration for Wang’s designs for their first collection, aQuarium, and have done for every one since. For their Fall 2018 collection, titled “Doudou,” a French word for security blanket, they envisioned their furniture as pets. “Groom me” or “Feed me” is emblazoned on hats and some tops. “In our world, pets don’t shit; they’re very high-class,” says Li. But they have woven a deeper tale. “We drew a story about how the pet is living in its environment and how we tamed it,” says Li. “Later, it found another pet and mated, died and released eggs. We put the eggs everywhere in the world, and, depending on the environment, they hatched into different forms.”
Actual furniture was born out of the collection, and it’s featured and purchasable at the namesake café Li and Wang opened in downtown Vancouver this past June. Beaded and shaggy with unicorn horns, the canopy chairs are another brand extension. There are currently only six of these chairs, but 10 more are coming. “It will look like the monsters are having a meeting,” says Li. Aware that their clothing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (which they serve, along with coffee and pastries), they see the café as a way to invite people into their wild world.
Photography by Leila Kwok
A $3 cup of coffee is their most accessible entry point, but the pair considers costs across the board. While there’s a $2,200 quilted denim coat embroid­ered with hundreds of criss-crossing pearls, there’s also a $78 T-shirt and a handful of accessories under $200. “We have [staff] write down their perceptive price,” says Li. “Of course, we have to calculate costs, and there’s a system to that, but we do think of affordability as key to our brand.” On the design side, he says that fabric manipulation, weaving and bold colours and prints are their trademarks. “Also, the surprise element—we don’t want people to get bored.”
The post How Designers Laurence & Chico Ended Up With the Kookiest Café in Vancouver appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
How Designers Laurence & Chico Ended Up With the Kookiest Café in Vancouver published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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paleandpearl · 7 years
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O N    G O I N G . . .
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lindyhunt · 6 years
How Designers Laurence & Chico Ended Up With the Kookiest Café in Vancouver
“I think we’re very literal,” says Laurence Li of Laurence & Chico, his label with partner Chico Wang.  “A lot of brands…when they talk about inspiration, it’s more theory based, but we’re very direct,” he says over the phone from their atelier in Shenzhen, China. He cites their debut Spring 2016 collection as primary evidence. “We were inspired by our trip to the aquarium.”
The aquarium that inspired jellyfish prints and squidlike iridescent fabrics is in Vancouver, where Li was raised, he and Wang got married in 2014 and they established the brand in 2015. But the Big Apple is really what started it all. “We met on a dating app,” says Li, laughing. “I was travelling in New York on vacation. Then I decided to move there.” Raised in Inner Mongolia, Wang was already living there, by way of Beijing, after winning China’s version of Project Runway landed him a fashion design scholarship to Parsons The New School. Li, who had studied animation at Vancouver’s Emily Carr University, enrolled, too, but opted for fashion marketing. Finding his coursework relatively easy, he used his free time to draw illustrations of their daily life—the first one depicting them grocery shopping. Wang saw an opportunity, so Li drew more illustrations and printed them on postcards, which they sold in front of the old J.Crew store in SoHo. They made more than $1,000 the first day. 
Photography Courtesy of Laurence and Chico
The postcards turned into T-shirts, sweatshirts and scarves. When stockists, such as Kokko in Richmond, B.C., picked them up, Li and Wang dropped out of school and launched their brand. Li’s illustrations provided the inspiration for Wang’s designs for their first collection, aQuarium, and have done for every one since. For their Fall 2018 collection, titled “Doudou,” a French word for security blanket, they envisioned their furniture as pets. “Groom me” or “Feed me” is emblazoned on hats and some tops. “In our world, pets don’t shit; they’re very high-class,” says Li. But they have woven a deeper tale. “We drew a story about how the pet is living in its environment and how we tamed it,” says Li. “Later, it found another pet and mated, died and released eggs. We put the eggs everywhere in the world, and, depending on the environment, they hatched into different forms.”
Actual furniture was born out of the collection, and it’s featured and purchasable at the namesake café Li and Wang opened in downtown Vancouver this past June. Beaded and shaggy with unicorn horns, the canopy chairs are another brand extension. There are currently only six of these chairs, but 10 more are coming. “It will look like the monsters are having a meeting,” says Li. Aware that their clothing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (which they serve, along with coffee and pastries), they see the café as a way to invite people into their wild world.
Photography by Leila Kwok
A $3 cup of coffee is their most accessible entry point, but the pair considers costs across the board. While there’s a $2,200 quilted denim coat embroid­ered with hundreds of criss-crossing pearls, there’s also a $78 T-shirt and a handful of accessories under $200. “We have [staff] write down their perceptive price,” says Li. “Of course, we have to calculate costs, and there’s a system to that, but we do think of affordability as key to our brand.” On the design side, he says that fabric manipulation, weaving and bold colours and prints are their trademarks. “Also, the surprise element—we don’t want people to get bored.”
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Hong Kong-listed wine firm Madison eyes cryptocurrency trading, to buy US$30 million stake in Japanese platform
Hong Kong-listed wine firm Madison eyes cryptocurrency trading, to buy US$30 million stake in Japanese platform
Madison Holdings Group, which is listed on the GEM board of the Hong Kong stock exchange, and is otherwise best known for trading in fine French wine, plans to buy a stake in BitOcean, a Japanese cryptocurrency trading platform.
In a filing to the secondary board of the Hong Kong bourse this month, the company said Madison Lab, a subsidiary, is to acquire 67.2 per cent of BitOcean from independent third parties for 1.68 billion yen (US$15.12 million), plus about another US$15 million in various fees. The platform is one of 16 operators currently registered with Japan’s Financial Services Agency, but has not started trading yet.
As the bear market takes a chunk of Hongkongers’ stock portfolios, a new auctioneer touts fine wines as full-bodied investments
Meanwhile, HDR Cadenza Management, part of HDR Global Trading that owns Hong Kong headquartered cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform BitMEX, is considering a US$17.14 million, 51 per cent stake in Madison Labs. The deal has not been finalised, HDR said in a statement last week. The deal for BitOcean has also not been completed.
Raymond Ting Pang-wan, the chairman at Madison, said the deal for BitOcean was part of the company’s diversification strategy, and a partnership with BitMEX would help it develop its virtual currency trading platform.
“Our wine business is stable and profitable, but then it is small. It is hard to make wine trading into a very big business. This is why we have to diversify into financial technology and the cryptocurrency business – to achieve a better return for our shareholders,” Ting said in an interview.
“Virtual currencies and blockchain are getting more popular. Investing in the virtual currency sector will expand our income source,” he said.
But the deal comes at a time when the price of bitcoin has slumped, from a high of US$20,000 last December to about US$3,000 now. Ting, however, said it was the right time to enter the business. “Bitcoin is cheap, which has created a good opportunity for us to enter the market. We are eyeing the long term, so we are not worried about short-term volatility,” he said.
Madison has opted for a stake in BitOcean because virtual currency trading is active in Japan, and the country has a comprehensive regulatory system in place. “Japan represents about 20 per cent of bitcoin trading worldwide. Japan and the US are the only two markets that have a licensing system for such trading platforms. We wanted to invest in a platform that was under proper regulation,” said Ting.
Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission announced in October it would introduce a sandbox, or a space where software or new technology can be tried out in a test environment, in which it would look at regulation of cryptocurrency trading platforms. But no details were given about licences.
Kenneth Leung Kai-cheong, a Hong Kong lawmaker, said: “Madison has built up its reputation through trade in fine wines, it is a newcomer to the virtual currency business. Investors need to pay attention to the risks involved when a company operates in two separate business lines.”
Gary Cheung Wai-kwok, chairman of the Hong Kong Securities Association, however, said: “This is a small investment for the company, so it will not take too big a risk. It makes sense for the company to diversify its business to achieve higher income.” He pointed out that the acquisition of BitOcean stake was small when compared with Madison’s market capitalisation, which stood at HK$4.19 billion (US$534.96 million) on Monday, December 17.
BitOcean will not be Madison’s first foray into diversification. Last year, it acquired a majority stake in securities and asset management business Eternal Pearl Securities, as well as shares in CVP Capital and CVP Asset Management. These acquisitions will help Madison move into the brokerage and asset management business in the region covered by Beijing’s “Greater Bay Area” initiative, according to Ting.
Source link http://bit.ly/2rUl13t
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