#patriotic person
bixels · 26 days
“America has no culture” is an inherently racist statement. Especially when talking about California, which has enormous populations (yes, plural) of Hispanic and Asian immigrants.
It’s such a self report that you see the American hegemony, the American monolith, as a singularly white entity that’s worthy of scorn. I want that person to look at the Black American NYC Miku design and tell me with their full chest that that isn’t culture. Especially when modern pop culture owes so much to Black American culture — hip hop, language, streetwear and fashion, pop music, jazz — as is actively erasing their roots, saying all of America has no culture is a dumbass statement.
Also, “all the US Mikus are dressed in generic casual street style for coolish weather.” The original Brazilian Miku is wearing sunglasses, a crop top, short shorts, a bikini, and flip flops you absolute dunce. If you’re gonna be rude at least be consistent.
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Andrew Stasiuk, the Warsaw-born in 1960 prose author and essayist, poet, playwright, and publicist, is a contemporary creator internationally acclaimed by the critics and by the public. On 11 November 2022 in Poznan, he performed in public with the Ukrainian folk-rock band Haydamaky (“Mickiewicz - Stasiuk - Haydamaky”- 2018 Album on disc in Polish, Ukrainian, and Crimean Tatar). Notable works: “The Walls of Hebron”, “White Raven”, “Tales of Galicia”, and “Travelling to Babadag”. The essays describe the reality of Eastern Europe and its relationship with the West.
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foe-paw · 9 months
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there's just... there is no reason to make yet another cop show in this day and age. copaganda is not only bullshit, it is a failure of imagination.
you want to watch brooding characters with dark pasts investigate crimes in an official capacity? just use private detectives (cops have a miserable solve rate anyway). want eccentric geniuses & their sidekicks solving mysteries? i present you with armchair detectives & neighborhood busybodies. oh, you're craving a workplace comedy-drama starring overworked protagonists doing their heartfelt best to resolve community conflicts? social worker office sitcom! bitch this is ACHIEVABLE
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frogmansides · 5 months
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machine girl
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cerise-on-top · 11 days
hello lovie! would it be possible to do a T141 with an american S/O? It always makes me giggle when i read them to see the culture differences! thank you lovie!!
Hey! Not gonna lie, I think all of them would almost get a heart attack from the culture shock! I know I do everytime I talk to my American friend! Also, I am neither British nor American, so I don't know a whole lot about either of those countries! I based this off of what my American friends have told me about the States!
TF141 with an American!Reader
Price: The moment you tell him about any of the human rights violations that are completely normal to you regarding your work he feels as though he’s going to die of a culture shock. What the hell do you mean you don’t get paid vacation??? He gets a whooping 28 days off, so why don’t you??? If you even get any days off in the first place. And then there’s the fact that you need to “earn” your sick days. What the hell??? What kind of shithole are the United States if you can’t even stay home when you’re sick??? I feel as though you could genuinely stun him into silence if you tell him those things like they’re the most normal thing in the world. He’s going to grow very concerned with you. Don’t you want to move in with him instead? Live in a new country that respects your rights as a human being at least somewhat? He will genuinely offer you to move in with him here and there, especially if you tell him some more concerning things. Theft at work? Just by picking up a pen from the ground? Really? The more you tell him about the States, the more he comes to resent that country.
Gaz: Oh, the two of you are gonna be arguing a lot. He’s well aware that there are quite a few regional differences with words, but Gaz is going to pretend he’s always right, even if he knows that there’s no right or wrong. Ghost is a leftenant, not a lieutenant. Those are chips and not fries. Love, that’s a bloody biscuit. He smirks at you every time he mentions his superior British English. Call him a colonizer and he’ll shut up, though. In fact, he’ll be super shocked. Seriously? You joke about that? He doesn’t make any jokes about 9/11 either, for example. It’s very surprising to hear how chill you actually are about 9/11, considering how much bad it brought with it. He doesn’t dare to make any jokes about it. He’ll call you Mr./Mx. Oppenheimer, though. He knows it’s disrespectful towards Japan, but if you have the audacity to call him a colonizer of all things, surely you can take a little joke. You gonna shoot the missiles, love? Gonna go to bloody Walmart and buy an AK-47?  He loves you, but man, if he doesn’t need to be there, he doesn’t want to go to the US either.
Ghost: You’re a very perplexing creature. Because??? How can one human being be this loud in public??? Are you not afraid of being judged??? Of getting bludgeoned to death because you looked at a YouTube Short in public??? Naturally, he’ll protect you, but man, you’re very daring. Besides, how can you just??? Walk up to people and talk to them like that??? You don’t know them and you weren’t forced to talk to them either?????? Sure, you’re friendly but?????? Are you not afraid of getting judged in public for your accent or dialect??? You’re an American in England, people are gonna mock you??? You seem to take it in stride, though. Good on you for that one, lovie. But are all Americans willing to be this social??? Do you just walk up to people all the time and talk to them??? Do you not mind your own business at all times??? Congratulations, you’ve confused this man beyond repair just by being American and being a little bit social. Also, how in the world are you this touchy? Just because his touch starvation kills him doesn’t mean he’s gonna do anything about it. And yet here you are, hugging someone you’ve met a few hours ago. What???????
Soap: For Soap, it’s the small things that confuse him. Like, do you just guesstimate how much you pay at the store? Bonnie, what the hell do you mean YOUR STORES DON’T INCLUDE TAXES IN THEIR PRICES?? Also, bonnie, you can actually rely on public transport here in the UK. It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid of the double decker bus or the metro. Because why in the world do you need a car to get literally anywhere in the world??? Also, why do your housing estates look like that?? It’s all squares?? He’s never gonna let you live down how ugly it all looks. Besides, your houses can literally be blown away this easily as well. You should come live in Scotland with him. This is not a suggestion, by the way, as you will be living there with him eventually. He refuses to live in the US. He’s gonna show you how nice Scotland really is! In fact, he’s gonna give you your very own kilt as well! It’s very comfortable, you should know! This, in actuality, is a bribe to get you to forget about the US. Please, never mention them again. They’re the peace police, but no one likes them, bonnie!!!
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sher-ee · 4 months
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liliumofthevalleyy · 6 months
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entamewitchlulu · 6 months
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you know how in battle manga sometimes two characters can stare at each other and they're like, having an image battle in their heads as they each imagine their various moves and how they will be countered before the fight even happens.
yeah that happened in this scene except it was sex
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silverquillsideas · 1 month
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HOW is he so stupidly endearing yet so fucking HAWT I'm eating concrete jfc he was made for me in a fucking LAB 😩😩😩🤌 I had no idea manga sherlock was so much more dangerous than the anime one. william, baby, I totally get why ur so gone over this guy 😭🧎
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siryyeet · 2 months
Oh you have complicated feelings towards Germany? Let me make 91836373 assumptions about it with my piss poor understanding of history, not listen to germans at all and then come to a horrendously bad and false conclusion on why that is! Also I think you germans should stop feeling guilty and be proud of your country again!
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you ever get hyperfixations but not in the sense that you picked up a piece of media and just kinda held on to it but more that you brushed up against a piece of media and it attacked you like a rabid dog out of nowhere? Cuz same
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i was just scrolling on pinterest when this happened
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illir · 2 years
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sundays are for being lazy
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deargravity · 4 months
contemplating murder over breakfast is understandable (we’ve all been there) but what did louis think he was gna do with a butter knife in a carriage full of people in broad daylight
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toastsrambles · 3 months
i haven’t read remains yet, but it kills me just how much louis has grown as a person.
in empty hearts, we see louis without his glasses and his hair parted in the center. he puts on a fake name and is able to act the part of a perfect, charming, sympathetic noble to entice a mark. he manipulates and controls the situation via card counting, to make sure the mark plays his part perfectly.
his perfect front and careful manipulation of the situation is so much like william that it’s almost uncanny. moniepeny even says: “before, he was content to sit in william’s shadow. he rarely had a chance to show his own talents. but watching him now, it’s almost like i’m looking at…”
now, to dissect this statement a bit.
for the first part: “before, he was content to sit in william’s shadow. he rarely had a chance to show his own talents.”
i personally think that that was due to a combination of love for his brothers and a lack of ambition. if they were happy and accomplishing their goals, then louis was happy; he didn’t need titles or admiration to feel complete. as long as his brother’s plan was progressing, that was enough for him.
while louis was certainly smart and talented in his own right, he didn’t do anything to pursue attention: he didn’t get a job, try to take a larger part in william’s plan, or anything else. he was content where he was, purely because of william.
if he hadn’t been forced to live without william, i don’t think louis would have matured and grown as much as he did.
and the second part: “but watching him now, it’s almost like i’m looking at…”
almost like. almost.
the more i put william and louis side by side, the more different they are.
while louis has adopted william’s techniques - a charming front instead of charging in with knives - he is remarkably different in that the pressure william suffered under doesn’t affect him.
that is to say, he doesn’t obsess over the morality of his actions. while he does say that killing people on a whim isn’t something mi6 can do anymore (despite the fact that he definitely would have preferred to do that pre-time skip), he doesn’t linger on it. that’s just a fact: they can’t kill people like they used to, because that’s not what they do.
he doesn’t worry about morality or ethical repercussions, and it’s just so intensely practical. the rules have changed, so louis will just plan around them.
and that is so much like louis, even before the timeskip. he doesn’t bother with big questions about morality or atonement; just pragmatic solutions to his problems.
william is shutting him out? ask to be let in.
william is trying to atone for his sins via death? go to the person who has the best chance of saving him, regardless of personal feelings.
and how to stop an evil man when killing is off the table? set up a plan, elaborate enough to work but simple enough to be easily and safely done, and execute it to the best of your abilities.
it’s louis’ pragmatism combined with william’s moral compass, without louis’ ruthlessness or william’s guilt complex. it’s a softer, more confident version of louis.
i don’t know. i just love how much we’ve seen louis grow over the series.
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