mczarts · 7 years
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I ain’t happy, I’m feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag
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ayliffe · 7 years
pastellipahvilaatikko replied to your post: is spain still high?
Everyone is gay!!!!!!!!!!! My fave Eurovision ever
sdjkfsdkfj it is Incredibly gay but 2009 will always be my fave
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iso-karhu · 8 years
This is gonna be some wild stuff lads
Tonight we’re summoned for a divine cause
A letter of marque come from the king
We used to meet Down at the park And we would stay Til after dark
Headlights race towards the corner of the dining room 
It seems as though she yearns for me and calls me by my name. 
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tintele · 8 years
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(send stuff to my art blog)
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nikotiinipussy · 7 years
@pastellipahvilaatikko kiitti!!!! <3
@meatfruits thanksss!!! 
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skilllet · 8 years
@pastellipahvilaatikko how to reply to a reply voit olla oikeessa!!
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miehimys · 8 years
16, 23, 37, 52 🌼
16. Lempituoksusi?
inkivääri ja sitruuna, ehkä kahvi
23. Mikä on paras osa päivästäsi?
emt mulla ei oo täl hetkellä varsinaista rutiinii mut tykkään erityisesti siitä jos herään joskus 10 maissa ja sit jään sänkyyn viel kellimään
52. Moneltako menet nukkumaan ja moneltako heräät?
No siis meen yleensä sänkyyn siin 22-23 ja valvon siit yleensä joku 1-2h. Mul on herätys kasilta mut viimeaikoina oon heräilly siin 10 tai 11 aikoihin
kiitos!! oot hyvä
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ayliffe · 7 years
sobforsirius replied to your post: pastellipahvilaatikko replied to your post: is...
2009 was the best yr
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vampiricfruitcake · 4 years
I was tagged by @demonrunningwild thanks!! (and sorry this took a while lol)
Rules: answer 20 questions and then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
name: Jimi
nickname: Jymy, Jimbo, Jimjim, Jimjam, idk :D
zodiac: Taurus (I never remember the moon or rising signs)
height: 170cm
languages: Finnish, English. Have studied and still know some words in  swedish, spanish and japanese. 
nationality: Finnish
fav season: Spring maybe, I like them all
fav flower: Roses are badass
fav scent: Tar, woods, and you know what I agree with the previous person’s answer that asphalt after rain is something else. Also acrylic paint. 
fav colour: Red, darker shades of green
fav animal: Bats, cats, elephants, snakes
fav fictional character: uuhhh not sure about an absolute fave, but during this FF/KH hyperfixation I have going on I’m gonna say Reno from FFVII and Axel from Kingdom Hearts
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate, but tea is great too
average sleep: Oh anything between 4h and 12h every night is a surprise, though I don’t often sleep during night
dogs or cats: cats
number of blankets: 1
dream trip: Roadtrip to anywhere with friends (Also I want to visit lots of places in Japan and go to Iceland)
blog establishment: Honestly no clue, I was probably 17
number of followers: 647
random fact abt urself: I’ve moved 13 times during my life so far Tagging: @felixfellowish @sininenvalo @wuekka @junkie-chvrch @pastellipahvilaatikko But no pressure. 
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ruttotohtori · 8 years
pastellipahvilaatikko replied to your post “en niinku sillee kauheesti tykkää nimenhuudoist jos siin listoil lukee...”
mä ite yritän tehä silleen että sanon esim opettajille/muille ihmisille etukäteen ennen nimenhuutoo et pls voisitteks käyttää mun kutsumanimee, jolloin tota tilannetta ei tuu nii helposti D:
mä e aamul ees aatellu koko asiaa enne ku vast sit ku se tyyppi alko luettelee niit nimii et ketkä o paikalla
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nikotiinipussy · 8 years
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@pastellipahvilaatikko ÄLÄ!
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nyyhkis · 9 years
A thing: kävin kattoo tsehovin Lokin tänään teatteris, sovitus ja näyttely ei uponnu muhun kauhee hyvin mut yks näyttelijä oli 100% mun ulkonäkö-goals
ei mut siistii ylipäätään käydä tollasissa 8) ainakin sivistää ja oppii enemmän asioita. ja tietenki viel parempi jos saa inspiraatioo itelle!
thanks mate
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vampiricfruitcake · 7 years
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Kiitos 💙🌸✨
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vampiricfruitcake · 9 years
plant ask: fern, rosemary, sage c:
Fern: what makes you happiest? -Achieving something important to me, or just simply being in good companyRosemary: what cartoons did you grow up with? -A lot of Disney and Dreamworks’ movies. I didn’t really like any cartoon series if you don’t count Moomins. But there’s this old series The Silver Brumby that I rented everytime I got to visit a video rental as a kid. I knew those few episodes they had backwards with my eyes closed. HahSage: Greek god/goddess you relate most to? -This needed some research, as I’m not that familiar with Greek mythology tbh. But I’m going with a dryad, forest nymph. (not exactly a god but oh well neither am I)Thanks a bunch c:
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vampiricfruitcake · 9 years
ask thingy: 16, 31, 127 c:
16: Favourite place: My room clean, dimmed and with candles
31: How I feel right now: Sick and exhausted but apart from that pretty good 
127: Met someone famous: Well some band members briefly like Emilie Autumn’s and Mindless Self Indulgence’s members. Thanks c:
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