#parc national de la mauricie
licornelilith · 2 years
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pixiedrake · 5 years
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travelella · 8 months
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Parc national de la Mauricie, Chemin de Saint-Jean-des-Piles, Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada
Ali Kazal
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Im not sure if you're a hiking person, but How is hiking/nature in Catalonia? I've been learning the language for the past few months and i am interested in visiting and I really love being out in nature and hiking
Hi! First of all, sorry for the delay in answering, I've been very busy this week and I've left the blog on queue, I'm catching up today.
There's lots of cool places to hike!
Historically, hiking has been very important for keeping alive the culture and language, ever since the 19th century (as a way to getting to know the country and its history, since the population had been denied its own history) and especially until the Franco dictatorship (we have mentioned before how people used going hiking as a way to get away from the police and being able to speak Catalan during the times of illegalization).
There are many hiking associations in Catalonia, you can find them with names like "centre excursionista" or "grup excursionista". I don't know how long you're staying, but if you were to stay for a relatively long time I'm sure you could probably find some hiking association near wherever you stay.
Otherwise, you might also be interested in Wikiloc. It's a website (created by a Catalan) where everyone can upload the routes they like. It's very popular and there's lots of hikes in all areas, and it shows you the route and all the information and what you can see in the way.
There's many places to hike in all around the country. There are many natural parks, with 16 being recognised above the other in (Southern) Catalonia + 1 in Northern Catalonia.
From North to South, by type of landscape:
1. Regional Natural Park of the Catalan Pyrenees (Northern Catalonia).
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Includes the Canigó mountain, legendary and symbolic mountain for Catalans. If you go there for Sant Joan festivity (June 23rd), you can join the hike to go get the fire on top of the mountain (we explained it in this post).
There's many hikes in the websites Tourisme Canigou and Sud Canigó.
2. Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici
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This is another beautiful park in the Pyrenees and the Sant Maurici lake. It's the only natural park in Catalonia that is considered a National Park in the Spanish system.
3. Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu (High Pyrenees Natural Park)
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Beautiful mountains and, just like for all the other parks in the Pyrenees, near valleys with beautiful villages of Medieval origin with a heritage of Romanesque churches (the ones in Vall de Boí are recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site).
4. Parc Natural de les Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser
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Where the Ter and Freser rivers are born. It includes the Núria Valley (Vall de Núria).
5. Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró
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Includes the iconic Pedraforca mountain.
6. Parc Natural de la Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa (Natural Park of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone)
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Includes the Fageda d'en Jordà (Jordà birch tree forest) and cool Medieval towns like Santa Pau, Besalú, Castellfollit de la Roca, els Hostalets d'en Bas, and more.
7. Parc Natural del Cap de Creus (Creus Cape Natural Park)
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Beautiful coastal area in the Costa Brava, also includes the Medieval monastery Sant Pere de Rodes. In the area there's lots of typically Mediterranean-style towns with white walls, some of them very touristic and some of them less so.
8. Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter
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In the coast of the Costa Brava, it's very beautiful. Also near lots of cute towns of Medieval origin.
9. Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (the Empordà Wetlands Natural Park)
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And on the opposite end of Catalonia:
10. Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre (Ebro Delta Natural Park)
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Where the Ebro river reaches the Mediterranean sea. Famous for its rice fields and birdwatching. It's very flat, so it's a good idea to hire a bike and bike through the paths among the rice fields to the sea.
11. Parc Natural del Montseny
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12. Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac
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13. Parc Natural de la Muntanya de Montserrat
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Montserrat is one of the most famous and sacred mountains in Catalonia. It has a very characteristic shape and landscape and is home to a monastery over 1000 years old that guards the Moreneta (black Madonna, patron saint of Catalonia).
14. Parc Natural de Collserola
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Collserola is the mountain range that overlooks Barcelona city.
15. Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant
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Located in the Priorat wine area (to take into account if you are wine lovers), the Monstant mountain range is located in a very rural area with lots of vineyards cultivated on the mountain slopes and also lots of historical tiny rural chapels, as well as the ruins of the Escaladei Carthusian monastery.
16. Parc Natural dels Ports
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Mountains and lots of natural swimming pools you can bathe in.
You'll be able to find hikes in the websites of all of them.
I hope this was useful and that you enjoy your holidays!
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quillofspirit · 7 months
Eryn Galen Terrain Inspo
As requested by @sotwk, I hope I did it justice! I tried to choose young forests and trees, to distinguish it from Mirkwood (coming tomorrow!).
Additionally, this is the first terrain inspo I couldn't find most pictures from New Zealand, but I'll put some inspiration I couldn't find pictures for ☺️
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From Top to Bottom, Left to Right
Path through the forest by Degleex Ganzorig
Tall forest by Lukasz Szmigiel
Own Photo from Parc National de la Mauricie
Fallen Timber by Jeff Finley
New Forest by Michael Krahn
Forest Cascades by Pascal M.
Own Photo from Ruiwaka Resurgence
Places in New-Zealand that I think would represent Mirkwood well; Te Hoiere, Curio Bay Living Forest and Yarndley's Hole
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caroleleverrier · 1 year
Jeudi 28 septembre
Lever aux aurores après 10:00 de sommeils . On marche tellement qu'on fait des nuits entre 8 et 10 heures 😂
Petit déj improvisé dans la chambre et direction le parc national de la mauricie à 10$ l'entrée très bien dépensés. Les paysages sont exceptionnels, les couleurs impressionnantes. On enchaîne les points de vue et les arrêts pour des petites randonnées d'environ 1h-1h30. On cherche les caribous et les ours mais en journée et près des sentiers c'est quasi impossible de tomber dessus. Les petits écureuils sont toujours drôles à voir sauter d'un arbre à l'autre.
Nous rentrons ce soir à l'hôtel et on fait un saut à la piscine puis nous sommes allés faire une dégustation de bières dans une brasserie local.
22:00, au dodo, nous sommes claqués.
Pour le moment nous n'avons eu que du soleil, une chance folle.
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patriciastrike · 5 years
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anaphvre · 6 years
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hiding place (Québec, Canada)
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gearinsitu · 3 years
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Let's go! #survival #survivalgear #vanquest #leathermantools #camping #edcpouch #wintercamping #bugout #bugoutbag (at Parc national de la Mauricie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbBYIqtusqj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mberlatie · 3 years
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2 filles en vacances qui profitent des beaux paysages d’ici🌲 (at Parc national de la Mauricie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT-RY7cpD_FLjHGbpNel2uc6C5iSqcFxAJ6P5w0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-oak-forest · 4 years
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Mauricie - Québec - Canada (2018)
Parc National de la Mauricie
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licornelilith · 2 years
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pixiedrake · 7 years
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metaltravel · 7 years
Kanadische Natur pur! - La Mauricie  // Teil 1
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Hello Headbangers and other Friends! :)
An unserem 3. Jahrestag durfte es schon etwas Besonderes sein… deshalb fuhren wir am 2. September in Richtung „Parc national de la Mauricie“ ;). Kurz vor unserem Wochenendtrip, kauften wir unser Auto. Einen umgebauten 1993´er Chevrolet Van G20 mit viel Platz zum Schlafen. Wir hatten uns dieses Auto bereits vor einer ganzen Weile aus Deutschland über das Internet ausgesucht und haben es dann von zwei deutschen Travellern hier in Kanada gekauft. Leider musste unser Schmuckstück direkt in die Werkstatt, da der Van Öl verlierte. Schlappe 600$ ärmer, konnten wir dann aber in unser Wochenende starten!
Wir übernachteten auf einem Walmart-Parkplatz im nahegelegenen Shawinigan und konnten nicht glauben, wie verdammt gemütlich unser Bett im Van ist. Es ist sogar bequemer als das Bett im Appartement :D.
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Am nächsten Morgen fuhren wir, nach einem kleinen Frühstück und dem Aufsuchen der Örtlichkeiten des Walmarts, weiter zum Park selbst. Das Wetter war zwar nicht perfekt, aber wir waren dafür gut ausgerüstet.  
Wir hatten Glück, da dieses Jahr der Park auch ohne Eintrittsgeld zu zahlen besucht werden konnte. Unser erster Besuch in einem richtigen Nationalpark… wow!
Selbstverständlich wurden auch hier viele Fotos gemacht. Sogar eines von der „Fotografin“ selbst :)!
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Der Park war groß und man hatte viele Anlaufstellen, um kleinere Wanderungen zu beginnen und einfach die kanadische Natur zu genießen…
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Die ersten Tiere ließen nicht lange auf sich warten… Es bot sich ein etwas seltsames, vermutlich nicht jugendfreies Gewusel :) ! Wir haben uns sehr amüsiert!
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Auch die Flora des Parks war nicht zu verachten…
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Die herbstlichen Verfärbungen begannen bereits an diesem Wochenende ihre ersten Auswirkungen zu zeigen…
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Diese Stille - einfach atemberaubend…
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Sogar leere Strände boten eine schöne und gelassene Atmosphäre...
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Wir hätten uns in diesem Moment gewünscht an Stelle der Personen in dem Kanu zu sein :) …, aber das holen wir definitiv nach!
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Den Park durchzieht eine lange Straße, die teilweise ab dem 06. September geschlossen ist. Wir hatten also gerade noch Glück und konnten diesen atemberaubenden Ausblick auf die laurentinischen Berge genießen:
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Auch die Servicesites waren sauber und einladend…
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Weiter gehts gleich mit mit Teil 2 unseres Ausfluges!
Bis dahin! Stay Trve \m/
Romanov und Evilein
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humanslikeme · 7 years
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Lac Wapizagonke by Christian_Proulx
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hardsadness · 5 years
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Parc national de la Mauricie, Shawinigan, Canada Photo by Mathilde Guichard on Unsplash
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