#paraphilies dni
capncuk · 1 month
if you crosstag paraphiliac stuff with proship stuff youre just as bad as the antishippers
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transvictim · 2 months
*Introductory Post!
▬ι═ﺤ Vinny/Vincent - he/she/it/flash/snap ㅤᵕ̈
*I am an introject of Vinny from Everyman HYBRID.
*We are a cisDID sys and transendogenic.
! I identify as trans harmed due to the experiences I had in source and due to personal comfort. ꩜
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˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ radq labels below!!
*My cisID's include: cisJewish, cisAutistic, cisHEDS, cisDisabled, cisDID, cisDelusional, cisTraumatized, & cisAnorexic. ₊‧⁺˖
˙✧˖°📸 ༘ ⋆。˚
*My transID's include: transHarmed, transVictim, permaRotting, transAbled (intentionally making my disabilities worse), transBeing, permaTypingquirk, transAgeless, permaTraumatized, transHarmful, transstalker, and transBully! ₊‧⁺˖
˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚
I am also a Paraphilie, specifically an Objectum, Autonecrophile, and a anthropophagiphile :-) ⋆⭒˚.⋆
*DNI: pro-c harmful Paraphiles, anti radqueers, and irl cisharmful identities!
˙✧˖°📸 ༘ ⋆。˚
WARNING: While this is a radqueer blog, I also will be posting content related to conabuse and Paraphilias. Please be aware of this, and mute the tags if needed. ༘ ⋆。
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 10 months
I don't mean to break your DNI, but I'm a radqueer who's on the fence about leaving the community. I believe like 85% of their beliefs with my whole heart, but recently it's been going downhill and I don't want to associate with child abusers, animals abusers, white supremacists and the like. I'm transID, I'm a paraphiliac, and I believe that a good future is one where I can express myself without being told to KMS and I feel like the RQ community is the only group who gets that. Are there places outside the community where I can feel safe and fight for what I think is right without folkel thinking I'm an abuser and a transphobe? I'm scared to leave because I don't feel safe anywhere else and don't trust anyone who isn't RQ at this point but some of the things coming out of the community are starting to make my stomach churn. Advice?

Okay, so to start, if you are anti-contact for your paraphilia/paraphilies, most places accept you!
And, it does really depends on what you believe in. Personally, we're anti harassment, believe in accepting contradictory identities, believe all people should be treated equally, etc. But we do draw the line at pro/neutral/complex contact paraphilies, most trans ids (such as transharmful, transharmed, etc)
If you are transid for things like race, age, etc due to a disconnection/other reasons, not just because you want to be, I recommend looking at @acetrappolaswife, as they are creating some new labels to describe those feelings
Let me know if you have further questions or want me to expand on my beliefs!! ^^
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Info n stuff
Read details at bottom for things with a “*”
If I follow you and you don’t agree with my beliefs or you don’t want me to follow you, either let me know and I’ll unfollow you, or block. No hard feelings! /srs
He/him, it/its, gore/gores, art/arts
Otherkin, therian, fictionkin, nonhuman, aldernic
Not cis, not binary, not straight, not allo, not mono
White, 18 years old, live in the US
Self-diagnosed NPD, VSS, depression, ADHD, possibly autism
Chronic pain haver
Paraphilie (I’m not one of the “big three” or consang if you want to know before following /srs)
Pro: mogai, microlabels, neopronouns, objectum and conceptum, otherkin, nonhumans, problematic fiction*, self-shipping, all types of systems, self-diagnosis, all mental illnesses and disorders including stigmatized ones like cluster B and paraphilias, age regression/dreaming and pet regression/dreaming, all religions and spiritual beliefs (unless you are religiocentric), ethical non-monogamy, furries, kink & fetish
Anti: offending and anything but strictly anti-contact paraphiles*, demonizing any mental illness or disorder, fiction censorship, the “usual” stuff like racism, misogyny, queerphobia, TERFs/gender critical, xenophobia, gatekeeping, ableism, etc
If you want to be friends: You (or the body if you are part of a system) have to be 17-20 years old, have to be pro: otherkin, furry, para, radinclus and self-dx, and that’s it. Feel free to DM :) /g 
Details: *I support problematic written and animated fiction but I am aware and believe that fiction does affect realty (though not 1:1) and consequences come with certain fiction. *My opinion on para’s and contact varies on what type of para it is. My simplified opinion is: harmless para’s (being into hands or mursuiting) = pro-consensual contact. Impossible para’s (being into werewolves or aliens) = pro-fiction and consensual roleplay. Harmful, dubious or non-con para’s (zoo’s or maps) = strictly anti-contact
DNI: I don’t really have a DNI but I am pretty liberal with the block button. If you have differing opinions then me, that’s okay, but pro-contact maps/zoos/necros and people who demonize “bad” or “scary” mental disorders and neurodivergencies will be blocked on site. 
Profile background photo by https://unsplash.com/@lukaszlada on Unsplash
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dream-sans-mogai · 1 year
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Preamble: I do not consider my dni to be a hard limit for multiple reasons: I allow anyone to reblog my flags to their hoarding blogs, I may make any exceptions I deem necessary and I am open to respectful conversation from those on it for small things i.e clearing up some credit for a flag/term, questions, etc but I am not open for discourse or heated discussions concerning things on my dni. Don't speak to me expecting to potentially change my mind. I will not change it concerning these things. If you want me to elaborate on a topic, I will but don't come at me with negative energy expecting me to return good vibes.
There are many beliefs I have that I have not listed for my own comfort and to avoid further discourse. I'm here to make terms, flags and have fun, not defend my beliefs to anyone with a bad faith question. If you have a question concerning a topic not listed, feel free to ask it but do not expect an answer. Im fine to clarify some things and not others and if my not clarifying my stance on something is a deal breaker for you to follow me, then I'm sorry but you'll have to move on. I'm not here for your comfort and peace of mind, I'm here to make flags and have fun doing so. Now let's get to the meat and potatoes.
Terfs/swerfs/transphobic radfems
Truscum/transmeds/anti-non dysphorics
Anti-neopronouns/anti-xenogenders/anti-pnc people/ anti-he/him lesbian, anti-genderfluid/bigender gays and lesbians/etc.
Zionists/Pro-isreal/Anti-palestine/anti-ceasefire/Anti-Disestablishment of isreal. No two state solutions on stolen land!
Map/pear/Necro/zoo/anything other than anti-contact/pro-para pride (paraphilies are ok to interact but if your encouraging people to act on them or make flags and stuff, are "contact complex", then you fit my dni)
White christians/carry christo-fascist shit like how everyone should be christian
Cishet men
Racist/anti BLM/anti acab/ Nazi/ conservative/republican/copaganda apologist
Transx/trans id/transrace/trace/transabled/trans species/trans age/radqueers/radfreak/warqueer(this dose not include otherkin/therians, chronisian pple or people with age weirdness due to system related things)
Anti-mogai/believe all microlabels are inherently harmful(why tf are you following me??)
Culture vulture/use cultures you don't inherently have a right to
Disrespect victims while engaging in true crime content/hit on serial killers
Fetishize poc/disabled/LGBT/etc.
You disrespect others for using flags by problematic creators when the flag/identity it's self is not problematic
Anti-recovery/ completely and totally anti-psych (the psychiatric field needs to be improved, not destroyed)
Militant/political vegans/meat is murder people (stop being racist. Your quinoa made from child slavery and your out of season pineapples made by laborers in foreign countries with no rights isn't cruelty free, Courtney.)
Pro-ana/pro-mia/th*nspo/fatphobic (people who are "pro-for-me-not-for-thee" or otherwise self-recovery neutral but pro-recovery are on thin ice but welcomed)
"tulpamancers"/"willogenic"/"trans-did". We are endo neutral as long as you are aginest calling people traumascum and don't think you have the same or similar experiences as those with actual did/osdd or think every system space should be inclusive of all endos. We allow all sides of syscourse to interact so long as you don't fakeclaim people(you can fake claim tulpamancers and willos, they arent real by admission lol), dont encourage splitting or disassociation ( encouraging people to use a harmful coping mechanism is anti-recovery and harmful asf :))and are respectful of others.
Think "system resets" or "gateway systems" or "median systems" other made up neospiritual white stolen shit is real. You do not have a portal in your head and my alters did not visit you. That's not how reality works. Get outside please.
Irls/Factkin/ship irl people/insist on being called your kins in all contexts (Sorry I'm not calling you kokichi or Shadow when we are talking about shit happening in Palestine.)
Are or support perisex "afab transfems/transwomen" and "amab Transmascs/trans men". If you don't experience trans mysogny, you can't be transfem and perisex afab pple don't experience transmysogny. Same as if you don't experience transandrophobia, you can't be Transmasc and perisex amab pple don't experience transandrophobia. Afab trans woman/transfem and amab trans man/Transmasc are Intersex community originating terms to decide our experiences and they were stolen. You cant be (peri) afab and a trans woman, ur just a cis woman suck it up.
Supporters of anything of the above/allow interaction of any of the above because you are complicit.
Or if you consume these fandoms/content(even if you "consume critically"):
Harry Potter/jk rowling
Shane dawson
Taylor swift
Jeffrey star
Jenna marbles
Helluva boss/Hazbin hotel/Viziepop
Your boyfriend
Yandere sim/yandev
Or if you ship:
Anything with endeavor
Dreammare/any incest sans x sans ships.
Fontcest(yes, that includes crossversal shit like kedgeup or honey mustard. It's still a papy and a sans)
Any adult with any minor/pedophilia
Abusive ships( if your glorifying them. If you don't ship them lovingly and your not trying to make them look healthy and happy, ur cool)
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menhera-jellyfish · 24 hours
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Uhm.... I was just followed by someone with proship dni and someone else who has kink blogs dni and like, if you (want to) follow me then remember that I'm proship, lolisho and possibly a paraphilie and this blog is not only for jirai posting and venting but I may also post about necrophilia, kinks or something like that. So yeah, I'm the freak from your dni. So if you have problem with that then just don't interact. Also if I make some explicitly nsft posts don't interact with them if you are a minor please.
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