shawariko · 10 years
“Is that an invitation to pinch you?” he curiously asked, smirking a little as he then lowered his gaze looking at her arms. “Must be the weather” he muttered shrugging and turned to look towards the pedestrians. “Either that or somebody fed you drugged up coffee” he told her. He doubted anyone was trying to drug her especially during the day, but then again maybe it was hint she wanted his jacket. Oh no, he wasn’t going to give his jacket away that easily, his own arms freezing and he wasn’t like those male humans, manners did not win this time around. “Should have worn a coat—”
No way. It would have ruined her conventional fashion if she wore a thick coat appropriate for the weather, and even if she had predicted or checked what the temperature could range to that day— she just wouldn’t. And no, she didn’t want his filthy hands on her. She despised people like him. All with arrogance distinguishing their whole being that they almost resembled her own father. Even his jokes were impetuous and unwittingly dry, but she wasn’t shallow enough to muse aloud such hateful thoughts and instead she would have to agree with whatever nonsense he spouted. “Yeah,” with a huff, she clasped both arms with her frozen hands. “I definitely should have. Maybe if I did I wouldn’t look like I’m easy to drug too, huh?”
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shawariko · 10 years
{ ※ — surround yourself           S&T
     “Pray tha’ real live forever mayne,” he mouthed, “Pray tha’ fakes get exposed.” An inner mantra as he avoided bumping into businessmen on their scattered way back to work. Lunch hour was at a close which meant it was time for Tommy to gather himself and eat his first meal of the day. It was ordinarily a slow chore for him given circumstances.
     Indifferently, he stopped his hands-in-pockets stride in front of the restaurant which was only that by name with its two plastic tables inside. He took a step forward before noticing the meter tall poster by the front door: a girl group caught his interest. Removing one earbud, he stood immobile with a gapped-toothed grin, all seven idol girls baring their legs for the fried chicken chain. His favorite was the platinum blonde with the short hair and the sparkle eyes. She was foxy, not Megan Fox-y, but Tommy liked seeing her photo around the city. Raising his phone up to the image, he snapped a shot discreetly—so he thought.
     “I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with her,” a small voice disrupted him, leaving him almost guilty with the sudden panic she caused. Culprit would be too heavy of a description for her for she bore innocent, auburn locks that cascaded across her shoulders and down her back. She, too, stood still, her pearly face waiting for a response. The most likely thing she was culpable for was being a student.
     “I’m not obsessed,” he argued. “Do I even know you?”
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Of course she would find him here. She knew of his schedule by now. Though irregular, as the occupation seemed to have no set timetable for the male, he was often met at the park situated around the Hongdae area. It was a bit far from where she lived and attended school, but she would go to great lengths, figuratively and literally, for this man. He was different from the rest. He was not her type, but at the same time, he was. He was older by a few but not overly implausible for a love line with the younger. Very well, she can’t afford to have her future husband in prison because of her— most definitely, or anywhere else they could be kept apart.
“What are you talking about?” Pushing her bottom lip forward, the aggressive remark faded into a petulant tone of annoyance. She was convinced he had looked back several times and smiled with his usual chic nod directed at who else but her. “We’ve seen each other like... a hundred times.” Eyes curved into shapes similar with her lips’ and dainty fingers came gently affectionate against his arms; just a leaf through contact as she’d believe they were only getting to know each other then despite her claim of an exaggerated amount of meetings.
“How can you forget me?” eyebrows arched in a scrutinizing manner, she insisted further. “I’m much prettier than that girl you’re taking a picture of.”
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shawariko · 10 years
To: sainthdn
She groaned but coughed it off quickly after. How unfortunate she was to run into an old ‘student’ that she, surprisingly, wished she was held back into the jail that is their home. By now, she’s figured out how this boy was. She was disgusted, but everyone deserved respect regardless. He was older by at least two years but she was responsible for educating him— the person she felt indifferent about. It was her father, once again, pushing her to fulfill duties she wasn’t willing to do. Burdens, rather. It was nothing new, however. Almost all, if not everything, that she had been doing were all out of her accord. Everything she desired had to be left undone before she can finally be free, no matter how unattainable that seemed. “Long time no see.” Areum asserted with a grimly mocking grin.
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shawariko · 10 years
“Couldn’t agree more,” Hinako agreed, resting her chin on her palm as she heaved a sigh. “I can’t believe people have the guts to do such strange things and upload them to Youtube.” she shuddered, closing out of the video, crinkling her nose afterwards.
She mirrored her shivering actions playfully, finding an unusual agreement in her critical remark. If people thought like her, she wouldn’t have any reason to push them away. “Some people just want some attention, I guess. Although it wonders me how they seek them in the strangest ways.” Enlarged eyes darted towards the female, an effect of menace grazing her seraphic appearance. “How many times have we both said the word ‘strange’? Strange.” She laughed the rare laughter, covering it with the back of her pale hand.
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shawariko · 10 years
To: 1konic
"I don't think that's how it goes." She sang a broken tune, clearing her throat once, and twice, but still constant with the surprisingly uncured voice. She hadn't been singing in a while. In fact, the deed was completely pushed aside as the years went on, trying to surpass her own standard in a different field. But what was the point of impressing someone who spun lyrical poetry in rhyming chants rather than soft melodies. It wasn't her style at all and if she were to ask, she knew she'd be disappointed— only, she did out of 'courtesy', also trying to sound innocent with a hint of reluctance. "It still doesn't sound right. H-How do you sing that part?"
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shawariko · 10 years
To: ynbbm
“Won’t you be running late for schedules if you stayed?” A soft smile painted the delicate countenance, affectionate arms grazing the other’s shoulders; her common act of concern were all that was coming into play. It was not in her mind if she were to be in trouble. All they ever had was idle chatter; the tedious activity she’d been sick of since she could remember. Often she would ask herself, why were people unsatisfied with solitude? Was it really that lonely? Surely, she could survive— no one should be an exception.
She convinced herself of an unbiased treatment with everyone, but in reality she had her own favoured specimen. Her worry was no more than a facade to conceal the vile nature that simply wanted the female out of sight, and almost everyone else in that case. She was in search of a saviour and nothing less. Not that she hadn’t the guts to say so outright, it was a preference. She wanted people to view her the same way they have, and they shall always. “We can meet at another time, I’ll be sure to treat you to something.”
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shawariko · 10 years
To: lianist
A soundboard struck by hammers at each press of a key, and strings stopped by dampers at each release. Black and white keys producing melodies that resonated, sending shivers down her spine. It was terrifying, but beguiling in the same way. It had her all ears. But no, it wasn’t the keys. It was him— and his hands. His hands of pale, delicate fingers, that played a tune only she could ever wish to know, but even just hearing— listening, satisfied her. He was but a stranger with a finesse for music, sending warmth to the young lady turned an instant fan. “That was beautiful.”
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shawariko · 10 years
{ ※ — play your end                   S&S
To: yirine
A step, and two, turned three, and then four; all careful enough not to disrupt the silent stroll of the beautiful man she had a fleeting fascination on, much like the others she’d seen— admired right then and there. There was something different about him, she thought. His lanky body was always covered in dark coloured clothing, contrasting with hers. Intrigued, she followed him in hopes of finding out what concerned him. What was it that he was interested in? Maybe she could be that, whatever it might be. It was what she was good for. To commit to an impression, and to follow it accordingly. Maybe she wasn’t born to please people, but she had grown to do so that it came naturally.
The background noise that were simply chirps of crickets overlapped with an echoed rhythmic tune before it faded out. A percussive break matched with chants of men, and women. He was nowhere to be found after the sudden shift in atmosphere. What occupied her senses now was a spoken word poetry pouring out in time with a beat, and she could feel anger just from listening but everyone else seemed to exhale in amusement. Everyone but her. Squinted eyes trailed on a female who seemed to be the source of this voice. She was surrounded by men. One of them must be her prince, camouflaging himself with the rest. 
She watched with judging eyes, the message of the female’s song turning wry in her ears, her very own eyes deceiving her and showing nothing but a crook. Once finished, she stepped away just as she did. The glower of her face quickly became animated with a smile. “Hey—” she tapped on her shoulder, swiftly hiding them behind her as she swung her body sideways, left and right. “You did great back there.”
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shawariko · 10 years
{ ※ — a study in pink                   S&J
To: yojunioh
“Oh— sorry,” eyes that widened in surprise quickly turned into crescents with a vibrant smile etched onto her gentle features. She might have bumped into him, broken his toes and whatnot, but an amiable apology should rid off an unpleasant start point or avoid it in the first place. He looked like just anyone who was interested in art, but anyone in this place could be a bridge to opportunity or be the person to give opportunity themselves. She had to be smart. “I was lost in thought.” She chewed on her lower lip, eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched as if it was her who was in pain. “I’m really sorry, what should I do?”
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shawariko · 10 years
To: ximpvlsive
“My bad.” Lips puckered, head tilted with eyes enlarged in an attempt to appeal, brows slanted; all expressing a dim view of the other female’s assumed dislike for the certain favourite of hers. Instead, she shifted her attention back to the stray kitten that found its way to the pair’s leisurely way. “You look like someone who appreciates cats.” She followed up with a monotonous voice, her eyes focused on the feline whilst caressing its head.
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shawariko · 10 years
To: shvkgong
“Can you delete that, please?” said Areum, pointing at the screen. Although it was simply her assumption that he took a picture of her, she was sure she has heard a click. Undoubtedly of a camera; his camera. There were no one else around with one, after all. She cleared her throat, suppressing the black look with an involuntary thin line of smile as she insincerely pleaded. “Let’s make this easy for both of us.”
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shawariko · 10 years
To: heoyounqji
“Wait,” she halted her forced hysterical laughter that tried to match the other’s, eyebrows drawing toward each other at the sudden observation. “How come there’s no sound?” Confused at what seemed like a skill instead of a natural expression, her jaws dropped. With lips parted, she stared and lifted her chin afterwards, trying to mirror the female. “Can you do that again?”
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shawariko · 10 years
{ ※ — intermittent tremor        S&L
To: dvnfvrte
The crowd rose row by row at the sign of the play's end. She hadn't seen one in a while and it delighted her greatly to witness it after roughly a year's worth of none. At one point, she dreamed of being an opera singer and she had to put hold of this so as to fulfill what she's expected to achieve. It fascinated her even more how beams of each member of the audience shone like lights in December as they applauded, scintillating eyes set on the stage. Behind the curtains, she hid with a faint smile of admiration as she observed the occupants of the platform, and one by one they walked gracefully to exit the stage. "That was a really good performance!" exclaimed Areum, eyes rounded gleefully, showing appreciation to the female that played the role of a bystander, specifically bestowed a hen to hold for the short scene she was a part of to the remainder of the play.
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