#para: florianne
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venomousjorogumo · 3 months ago
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"The Qunari encampment isn't much farther now. We need to sneak in, and retrieve the Elven artifact before they figure out how to activate it." The Shapeshifter informed the Duchess, crouching in the thick brush. Thankfully, there were plenty of hiding spots in the Emerald Graves; the greenery and wild flowers were in full bloom. "Someone's coming. Get down!" She warned, hastily pulling Florianne down into the bushes.
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parchedvampire · 5 months ago
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Jodie tilted her head to the side, her pale hands trembling. "I don't understand what went wrong." She set the scissors down and carefully combed through her client's blonde strands. "I know I can fix this, and give you a refund. Sit tight, dear." Picking up the scissors again, the hairdresser began to snip away Florianne's uneven locks.
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halexstcrm · 11 months ago
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Cora had never attended an Orlesian ball until today. She remained graceful as she played The Game. When she noticed the Grand Duchess, she curtsied and spoke. "Thank you for inviting my brother and I. The Winter Palace is lovely around this time of year..." The Antivan forced a smile and took hold of the Orlesian woman's hand. "Why don't you dance with me, Your Grace?"
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resilientangel · 1 month ago
"Most Demons operate the same, and get their followers to do their dirty work. I know somewhat about the Blight and Darkspawn, but how they originated is still a mystery to me. They became ill from a highly infectious plague, yes?" Owen shuddered at the thought of Vessels. Certain Angels possessed human bodies, while he retained his true form. It felt wrong to take over someone who was unwilling to grant him entry in the first place. "Calpernia was too far gone, so the Inquisitor had no choice but to act swiftly. While many lives were lost, she guarded some of the citizens, and thus made it possible for them to rebuild their homes in the future." His heart nearly broke for the human. Why she thought so lowly of herself was beyond him. She likely had her family to blame for turning to the dark side; they drove her mad so she needed an escape. "You were misguided, but you found your way again."
Owen's eyebrows arched slightly. "I can only speculate. Heaven's Council probably outnumbered Him, so it wasn't a fair fight. He didn't believe in conflict-- oftentimes, trying to settle matters without physical altercations." From her demeanor alone, he could tell that Florianne shared his pain. Hazel hues widened in shock whenever she mentioned wanting to fight alongside him. "I appreciate the thought, but are you certain you'll be able to hold your own? We'd be challenging Angels who are highly trained physically and mentally. You wouldn't have the advantage." Heaven's militia trained day in and day out... mostly for the purpose of purging Demons from mortal Vessels.
{ ♢ } "A Contractor Demon tried to SWINDLE you into doing its bidding? It's not much different from Corypheus, I suppose. He used the Blight and ancient elven magic to become immortal; he'd have a VESSEL ready and waiting if he was 'killed'. A woman named Calpernia was to be his successor, but Inquisitor Cadash made quick work of defeating that Tevinter mage." Florianne pulled out a HANDKERCHEIF, and used it to carefully wrap her mask up. She pocketed her belongings once more, and canted her head to the side. "You saved me from eternal damnation, and I was very much like a Demon..."
She PURSED her lips, and stared at him in disbelief. "The Maker, the most powerful Holy Man is dead? You must find His murderers, and make them pay. That sort of crime cannot go unpunished." Florianne shifted in discomfort. Just as her faith in her Heavenly Father had been RESTORED, she found out that He was no longer alive. "I want to help you. You stood by me against soldiers and a horde of Demons, so the least I can do is lend you my STRENGTH. Until then, my debt isn't paid."
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florianneval · 6 years ago
Listos para Despertar??? Nos vemos el de Febrero en mi Mexico lindo y querido ❤️ Aquí les dejo toda la información ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Mi álbum “Despertar” retoma el estilo romántico, alegre, fresco, aquel con el que crecí , aquel que todos hemos disfrutado, es momento de volver a cantar baladas de amor, es momento de volver a tener una canción que dedicar o aquella con la que recordaremos momentos especiales. Ya basta de siempre lo mismo! Todos los días al despertar tenernos la oportunidad de tomar nuevos caminos, ver nuevos horizontes y volar más alto ... . . . . . #florianne #despertar #tour #2019 #cdmx #mexico #spain #madrid #europe #america #music #pop #rock #newalbum #spotify #itunes #applemusic #girl #rock #happy (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRjLjlhyGT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sbdalc4unnv0
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noticiascantautores · 7 years ago
Estrenarán en España musical con melodías del cantante Serrat
Madrid, 3 abr (PL) El estreno del musical Para la Libertad, compuesto por melodías del cantautor español Joan Manuel Serrat, está previsto para el 24 de abril en la Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de esta capital. La obra de la autoría de la artista mexicana Florianne Veladez cuenta con la ... via Cant https://ift.tt/2q5kuKH
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velimirchr · 8 years ago
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☠ MULHERES PERIGOSAS: Fundadoras {10/?}
A cor de seu cabelo denunciava sua linhagem: os Senhores de Stormfall, presentes naquelas terras desde antes da chegada de Ekalyon, desde antes de Yasanne, cujas madeixas e poderes marcavam-nos como descendentes do Senhor dos Céus e da Senhora das Ondas, ou assim proclamavam. Entretanto, a garotinha não nasceu nos salões do castelo do pai, adorada por ser a primeira menina em três gerações; não, ela nasceu em um casebre, filha não de uma dama de sangue nobre, mas sim de uma plebeia, uma servente bonita que capturara a atenção do herdeiro. Charis era uma bastarda que nunca teria o sobrenome ou o título de nobreza. E como uma bastarda, os Stormfall ativamente ignoraram sua existência, expulsando sua mãe, da mansão e tirando-lhe a única fonte de sustento. Florianne – como se chamava- por anos procurou uma fonte de renda estável, mas o Senhor de Stormfall garantira que sua reputação fosse arruinada, tornando achar trabalho remunerado quase impossível- mesmo os bordéis recusaram-na. Charis nunca se esqueceria do inverno, do frio que gelava seus ossos, do grito aterrorizado quando as pontas dos dedos começavam a enegrecer; nunca se esqueceria dos dias em que chorou de fome, quando sua mãe chegou a casa com um pedaço de pão e um olho roxo, mas não tocou na comida. Ela era uma jovem magra e desnutrida de treze anos quando Florianne caiu doente, sua tosse incansável e choro de dor devorando seus sonhos e impedindo-a de dormir. Charis tinha treze anos quando, em seu desespero para salvar a mãe, bateria às portas do Bastião da Tempestade à procura do pai. Nunca chegou a vê-lo: quem recebeu foi a matriarca da família, sua avó Amarylis La’Einvrosch, e ao ver o sorriso gentil estampado no rosto da senhora, a bastarda sentiu esperança brotar em seu peito. Após lhe oferecer doces e um chá quente, após recebê-la quase que com afeto, após olhar no desalento dos olhos azuis quando a neta fez seu pedido, sua expressão gentil sumiu, dando lugar ao nojo e ao desprezo. Amarylis alimentara a esperança de Charis de propósito, só para depois destruí-la da maneira cruel e expulsá-la do castelo, e ao vê-la caída na lama com lágrimas nos olhos, disse com tranquilidade que a sujeira e a miséria eram apenas o que uma bastarda merecia. Uma semana depois, ela enterraria a mãe em uma vala rasa à beira de um penhasco, junto a sua inocência. Com os céus tempestuosos e o mar violento como suas testemunhas, Charis jurou que veria os Stormfall caírem, mesmo que para tal tivesse que sujar suas mãos de sangue. Eles iriam implorá-la por ajuda, e ela alimentaria suas esperanças e as destruiria como destruíram as dela. Iria para Vainblum, para o coração do Reino de Tellius, e barganhou com a dona de uma companhia de espetáculos uma posição lá dentro- ela sabia bem dos seus dons, e mesmo aos treze anos sabia como utilizá-los. Não precisou de muito, no entanto, pois Madame Arialla sabia uma oportunidade quando aparecia. Ela acolheria Charis como uma protegida, e a ensinaria tudo o que sabia, enquanto a adolescente usaria seus poderes para mistificar as plateias, para criar musicais e melodias hipnotizantes. E quando faleceu, cinco anos depois, deixou tudo o que possuía para a aprendiza. Aos dezoito anos, Charis pouco lembrava a menina que aparecera na porta de Arialla com olhos brilhando de determinação: com os bons tratos que recebia, florescera em uma estonteante adulta, versada em música e poesia. Com o prestígio da companhia em suas costas, tomou o lugar de sua mestra em apresentações privadas para a nobreza, e usou de todos os seus poderes para deixar cada um deles de joelhos- homem e mulheres. Não poderia fazer distinções, se queria ascender tão alto quanto almejava. Teve mais amante e casos do que poderia lembrar, adquiriu segredos e os utilizou como mais lhe era conveniente, até que enfim foi colocada diante da Rainha Olympe III de Orléans. Olympe era uma monarca gentil e piedosa, que simpatizou com a vida difícil levada pela mulher diante de si; em outros tempos, Charis teria sentido pena de manipulá-la e seduzi-la da maneira que fez. Contudo, os anos a endureceram, cobriram seu coração coberto de gelo e ferro. Amigas e confidentes, tornada em conselheira e amante- um reino inteiro nas mãos de uma Rainha apaixonada e de uma Dama com sede de vingança. Alguns torciam o nariz com a bastarda cheia de títulos e joias, porém, outros não tinham o mínimo interesse em vê-la sair da posição que ocupava- eram aliados, e os que a apoiavam se viam nas boas graças de Olympe. Os Stormfall viram os aliados debandarem com o rancor da Rainha voltado para si, e quando seu poder mal ultrapassava os portões do castelo, Charis decidiu que já estava na hora de acabar o que havia começado tantos anos antes. Com o aval da Rainha, a recém-nomeada Marquesa arranjou um casamento para si com o herdeiro de uma família importante, dando força e legitimidade à sua reivindicação aos títulos dos Stormfall. Não estava satisfeita- queria humilhá-los como Amarylis a humilhou, e sabia como iria fazê-lo: incriminando-os de traição. Foi fácil demais, fazê-los parecer aliados aos Barhsburg e sua mais nova tentativa de retomar poder em Tellius, algo tão simples, mas que tornou-os piores que uma bastarda diante dos olhos da nobreza. Charis não se via como uma Stormfall, nem estava interessada em continuar o nome- ah, ela aceitaria o título, as propriedades e a fortuna, porém não o nome. Até poderia ter o sangue deles, mas não era uma Stormfall, nem queria ser. Não, Charis fundaria uma nova família, e seus descendentes ascenderiam muito além do que seus antepassados- e assim surgiu a Casa de Stormshadow
Beauty is wasted without ambition, so she has plenty, has it poisonous to the mortals who accept desire as guiding lines to their stories, who forget stars burn differently. [x]
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halexstcrm · 11 months ago
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"Inquisitor Trevelyan has endured many hardships. There are still some who don't believe she is the Herald of Andraste." Cora took the reins and guided Florianne on the floor, careful not to step on said Duchess' feet as she swayed to the music. "Attending this royal ball was risky-- even for someone like me. An attack on Empress Celene will happen tonight..."
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{ ♢ } Florianne bowed her head SLIGHTLY, and then grasped the brunette's hand. A smirk graced her features as she led her GUEST to the dance floor. "What a pleasant surprise! I was expecting the Inquisitor, but you are here in her place. Tell me, is Lady Trevelyan faring well?"
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florianneval · 6 years ago
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“Que me dejes hacerlo” dueto que preparamos mi amigo @davidsummersoficial y yo para todos ustedes. Muy pronto estrenaremos este sencillo en todas las plataformas (track #12 de mi disco Despertar) también estrenaremos el vídeo oficial en YouTube en mi canal FlorianneChannel y saben que ? muero de emoción de poder tener una colaboración con uno de los más grandes ídolos del rock en español. Ha sido un placer compartir esta canción contigo @davidsummersoficial “Que me dejes hacerlo” #proximamente #estreno #oficial #youtubevideo #plataformasdigitais #soon #pop #balada #amor #spain #florianne #mexico #davidsummers #hombresg #hombresg30años #happy #moments #love #pop #rock #rockstars (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtaHjFvlxap/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q3qs61bboj2z
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florianneval · 6 years ago
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#Repost @florianneval with @get_repost
Y llegó el día de anunciarles que iré a México a presentar y estrenar mi primer album a todos los medios de comunicación, amigos, colegas y fans... Aquí les dejo toda la información, no olvides registrarte para poder asistir. Puedes acceder al siguiente link o a través del código QR que viene en el flyer ➡️www.vmusicmx.com/registro-concierto-florianne/
Al registrarte participas en el sorteo de 10 discos en formato físico que estaré firmando y dando personalmente ese día. Gracias a todo mi equipo por su apoyo, no hay nada más importante para mi que trabajar con gente que quiero y admiro. Gracias @oscar_gallardo_v @gerryquiroz y a todos los que han sido parte esencial de este proyecto Palau, David Summers y Jose Crespo. Mis músicos en España y Madrid , @soyandresugueto @sergiogonzalezbateria @ajbohorquez @chris_betancourt_oficial @chrisabn @omarsalca @mikegala , a mi querido @domingojcasas y a todos todos los que son parte de esto.
Aquí comienza a escribirse una nueva historia ... 🖤 #florianne #pop #spain #youtube #2019 #despertar #tour #2019 #poprock #newmusic #mexico #madrid #girls #singer #actress #spotify #applemusic #nuevo #disco #estreno #cdmx #febrero #amor #europe #solotu #quemedejeshacerlo
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florianneval · 6 years ago
Despertar, pues aquí estamos, haciendo camino para este despertar , porque “caminante no hay camino, de hace camino al andar” 💪🏻 #florianne #despertar #tour #tv #interview #cdmx #mexico #city #life #madrid #pop #rockstar #rock #happy Gracias @munira.olivia @vibratudia (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt4MC2tCGf7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kej0lfq3iryj
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parchedvampire · 2 months ago
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"Oh, I'm sorry your Highness. Is that what you want to hear?" Jodie snorted. "Now you're just trying to get a reaction out of me. Don't think that will work. Besides, Elves have a Hell of a lot more class than you do. Whether you're of royal heritage or not, you need to learn some manners." She felt a petty satisfaction when the Duchess expressed her fear of Entities. "I only wanted to fix your hair, but the situation escalated quickly. Then you attacked me." She offered the blonde her hand, and exhaled heavily. "If you wish to see another hairdresser, I know a woman who could fix the mess that I created." Maybe they had gotten off on the wrong foot before, but the Pureblood Vampire was willing to set her differences aside if it meant helping the Duchess get a new hairdo.
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{ ♢ } "Excuse me? Don't you know who I am? A Royal of Orlais, or the cousin of Empress Celene. I could have you EXECUTED for what you just did." The Duchess snapped, still unable to break the hairdresser's hold. "In this day and age, Elves are of no importance. Their EXISTENCE has no deeper meaning unless they serve a Master." She had been about to continue her rant when the Vampire revealed herself, in turn making Florianne's BLOOD run cold. She fell to the ground, unable to recover from the shock of coming face to face with a monster. "It would seem there are still unknown ENTITIES in the world. Regardless, you must keep your distance. You-you fiend!"
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parchedvampire · 2 months ago
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As the Duchess made malicious comments, the Vampire's hold on her tightened. "In case you haven't noticed, you're at my mercy. So if I were you, I'd watch my tongue." Initially, she had no intention of harming the customer, but now her patience was slipping away. "I'm no Elf, but I can sympathize with their pain. They're mistreated over almost everything. If they so much as breathe the wrong way, they're thrown into The Circle or an Alienage." She hissed again, this time giving the human more than a glimpse of her fangs. "Tell me, have you ever been bitten by a Vampire?" Abruptly, she let the other woman go. "I'll let you go. But if you attack me again, you won't get let off easily."
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{ ♢ } Florianne struggled against her hairdresser, seemingly unable to free herself from her VICE grip. "Humans? What are you, an elf? Why don't you quit whining and find a way to restore peace yourself then? Or do you believe your kind is OPPRESSED?" She grumbled, and didn't concede defeat though she was clearly overpowered. "It figures. You complain, but you do nothing to make necessary changes." Trying to wrench herself free proved FRUITLESS, but at least she didn't give up.
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resilientangel · 1 month ago
Owen eyed Florianne curiously as she mentioned her brother's possession. "An Angel's grace may have also been used to eject the Demon from your brother's body. If you left it alone, chances are you would have lost Gaspard entirely; Demons sink their claws in deep, and don't let their prey escape easily. In that way, they are very much the same as the Contractors." He was acutely aware of possession-- having rescued a few humans who had the misfortune of almost signing their lives away. "I've yet to come across a Demon with a righteous heart. However, it's not impossible since some of my brethren and sistren have rebelled." If Angels were able to defy their nature, so too could a Demon.
"Of course. Anytime you need a friend, just call on me and I'll find you. I know you would do the same for me if you were able to." He shook his head, his wavy raven tresses swaying with the movement. "I left without our Father's permission. He died shortly after, but Heaven's Council covered that up. I-I guess I miss Him..."
{ ♢ } Florianne knew it was FUTILE to continue speaking of her past slip up, so she remained silent for a few moments. She was about to insult Owen, but quickly thought better of it. "Why am I not surprised? Demons will always find ways to CORRUPT those who are pure of heart. They feed on negative energy, and grow stronger with every victim they use. I know this because I witnessed a desire demon POSSESS my dear brother Gaspard. It fought to stay in control until one of the circle mages used magic to eject it from his body. It wasn't exactly a pleasant experience." "I think this is the longest anyone's stayed by my side. REGARDLESS, I greatly appreciate your help." She listened intently to the Angel, unable to find a reason to go on the OFFENSIVE. "Did the Maker send you, or did you leave without His blessing?"
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venomousjorogumo · 2 months ago
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Although Harumi despised most Mages, she had no grievance with the vulnerable Orlesians. She was willing to set aside her hatred for them in order to protect Thedas from the power hungry Qunari. Spotting Iron Bull again, the Giant Spider flung herself at him, before sinking her fangs into his exposed torso; that harness he wore didn't cover much of his skin. She didn't let up, even when the traitor groaned and attempted to pry her off. I can't believe I trusted you. The Shapeshifter thought bitterly as she was roughly shoved aside. Her toxin had yet to set in or perhaps the supposed Tal-Vashoth was immune. An agonized screech escaped her when she was impaled by Iron Bull's battle axe. She reverted to human form, unable to move even when the axe had been removed. Golden ichor seeped from the open wound, but her assailant decided to spare her. "Screw you." She choked out, glaring up at the male Qunari.
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{ ♢ } Following the shapeshifter's lead, Florianne took aim at the Quanari soldiers. She drew back her bow string, releasing a few arrows in quick SUCCESSION. Some cadets weren't wearing dread helmets, so she shot them in their heads and killed them instantly. SMIRKING as she did so, the Duchess fired more shots to thin out the ranks. Non Quanari followers were easy targets that could be picked off one by one. Amidst the CHAOS, she didn't have time to check how the shapechanger was faring, much less see if her countrymen survived. Blood spattered her mercenary garb when a CADET charged her and she hit him in the chest with an arrow laced with venom. "Is there no end to these vermin?" She asked as a gladiator narrowly missed cutting through her with his sword.
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parchedvampire · 2 months ago
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Jodie bristled, but waited for her open wound to mend of its own accord. "I wanted to avoid confrontation, but since you insist on fighting..." In one fell swoop, she pinned the Duchess against the wall and disarmed her for a second time. She was a Pureblood Vampire, and therefore had more power over the mortal. "You humans always find ways to complicate things. I've apologized profusely, but apparently that wasn't enough." The raven haired beauty hissed in her client's face.
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{ ♢ } Florianne snarled at Jodie, THOROUGHLY angry that her weapon had slipped from her grasp. She recovered quickly, and shoved the vampire with every bit of strength she could MUSTER. It took her a few tries until she succeeded in snatching her bow up. "Have you learned your LESSON yet, or do you want to have another go?" Taking aim again, she waited for the other female to move.
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