#papa de andy
claudiosuenaga · 1 year
O informante do Pentágono David Charles Grusch agora diz que o Vaticano ajudou os Estados Unidos a recuperar um OVNI abatido do ditador italiano Benito Mussolini
O denunciante do Pentágono David Charles Grusch, que serviu por 14 anos na Força Aérea, afirmou que o Vaticano está ciente de inteligências não humanas e ajudou os EUA a recuperar um OVNI abatido do ditador Benito Mussolini. Ele disse que a primeira recuperação de um OVNI foi em Magenta, Itália, em 1933 e foi realizada pelo governo italiano de Mussolini até 1944-1945. Grusch afirmou que o OVNI estava parcialmente intacto e foi mantido em uma base aérea segura até que os EUA o recuperassem após uma notificação do Papa Pio XII em decorrência do colapso do regime fascista italiano. Grusch não parou por aí e garantiu ainda que os EUA têm executado um programa ultrassecreto de recuperação de OVNIs por décadas, e algumas das "inteligências não humanas" em atuação são malévolas e até mataram humanos.
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Torne-se o meu patrono no Patreon e leia na íntegra a matéria anterior desta série: Oficiais de Inteligência dizem que os Estados Unidos recuperaram naves de origem não humana
Para o NewsNation, uma rede de televisão por assinatura americana de propriedade do Nexstar Media Group, David Grusch, 36, que serviu durante 14 anos na Força Aérea e é um condecorado oficial de combate do Afeganistão que trabalhou para a Agência Nacional de Inteligência Geoespacial [National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)] e para o Escritório Nacional de Reconhecimento [National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)], não só ratificou o que já havia dito para o The Debrief, como fez novas e estupefacientes revelações acerca do que o governo norte-americano já fez e vem fazendo em relação aos UAPs.
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David em entrevista ao premiado jornalista investigativo Ross Coulthart, da NewsNation.
Na matéria que foi publicada no domingo, 11 de junho, assinada pelos jornalistas Andy Gipson, Miguel Sancho, Zoë Lake, Dana Leavitt e Ross Coulthart, Grusch acrescentou que o Vaticano não só está ciente da existência de inteligências não humanas como ajudou os EUA a recuperar um OVNI abatido do ditador italiano Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
O papel de Grusch era atuar como representante do NRO ao lidar com a Força-Tarefa de Fenômenos Anômalos Não Identificados. A força-tarefa foi criada especificamente para investigar OVNIs. Ele se pronunciou reafirmando que os EUA têm executado um programa ultrassecreto de recuperação de OVNIs por décadas e acusou o Vaticano de estar "envolvido" no primeiro acidente e resgate de OVNIs da Era Moderna.
Grusch disse que a primeira recuperação de um OVNI foi em Magenta, Itália, em 1933, e foi realizada pelo governo italiano de Mussolini até 1944-1945, quando o Papa Pio XII (1876-1958, eleito em 1939) avisou os norte-americanos sobre isso.
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Benito Mussolini.
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Papa Pio XII.
"1933 foi a primeira recuperação na Europa, em Magenta, Itália", disse ele à News Nation. "Eles recuperaram um veículo parcialmente intacto, e o governo italiano o transferiu para uma base aérea segura na Itália até por volta de 1944-1945. O Papa notificou os americanos sobre o que os italianos tinham e acabamos descobrindo."
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Grusch foi então solicitado a esclarecer se a Igreja Católica estava ciente da existência "não-humana" na Terra e ele respondeu: "Certamente".
E sobre por que suas afirmações deveriam ser acreditadas, ele disse: "Eu tenho as credenciais e fui um oficial de inteligência."
Ele acrescentou que os avistamentos de OVNIs na Itália durante a ditadura de Mussolini são amplamente conhecidos.
Grusch continuou afirmando que relatos de primeira mão de avistamentos feitos pelos homens do ditador na época continham desenhos "rústicos" que pareciam naves espaciais alienígenas.
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Durante sua entrevista, ele disse que não foi capaz de fornecer provas de suas reivindicações porque os documentos e dados eram "classificados".
"É extremamente louco que a humanidade como um todo... não tem se beneficiado de uma ampla pesquisa sobre isso", disse ele. "Poderia resolver problemas de propulsão, energia, ciência de materiais inovadores que podem melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. É totalmente louco como ele está sendo protegido e proíbe o progresso."
Programas profundamente secretos executados pelo governo dos EUA possuem naves "intactas e parcialmente intactas" de origem não humana que foram recuperadas, mas mantidas em segredo por décadas.
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David em entrevista ao premiado jornalista investigativo Ross Coulthart, da NewsNation.
As alegações de Grusch não são nada novas e remontam de pelo menos há 40 anos, mas são as primeiras de um representante oficial do governo dos EUA.
Nick Pope, um ex-funcionário do Ministério da Defesa que investigou OVNIs para o governo britânico, chamou as revelações de Grusch de "muito significativas". "Uma coisa é ter histórias nos blogs de conspiração", acrescentou. "Mas isso leva a coisa para o próximo nível, com pessoas de dentro se manifestando."
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Nick Pope passou anos investigando OVNIs para o Ministério da Defesa do Reino Unido. Foto de Chris Loomis.
Grusch deu ao Congresso dos Estados Unidos e ao Inspetor Geral da Comunidade de Inteligência, um órgão fiscalizador federal, "informações classificadas extensas" sobre este lado ultrassecreto do governo, disse Pope.
Grush disse que decidiu vir a público para dar ao mundo um "choque ontológico" (um que o faria pensar sobre a natureza do ser) e reuni-los para "reavaliar suas prioridades".
Grusch também alegou que os EUA estão em uma corrida armamentista com a Rússia e a China para entender a vida extraterrestre.
Em comentários recentes, ele disse que as inteligências "não humanas" agiram com malevolência – e até mataram alguns humanos.
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"Acho que a falácia lógica existe porque eles são avançados, são gentis. Nunca entenderemos realmente sua intenção total e isso porque não somos eles. Mas eu acho que o que parece ser uma atividade malévola aconteceu. Isso é baseado em atividades de sondagem de instalações nucleares e depoimentos de testemunhas."
"Embora eu não possa entrar em detalhes porque isso revelaria certas operações classificadas dos EUA, fui informado por alguns indivíduos no programa de que houve eventos malévolos como esse", disse ele, quando perguntado especificamente se alguém havia matado humanos.
E Grusch também fez a afirmação surpreendente de que o governo dos EUA faria qualquer coisa para proteger o segredo – inclusive matar pessoas.
"Pelo menos, eu vi evidências substanciais de que o crime de colarinho branco foi cometido... infelizmente. Ouvi algumas coisas realmente não americanas que não quero repetir agora", disse ele. Ele afirmou que alguns dos OVNIs descobertos eram tão grandes quanto campos de futebol.
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Grusch apresentou seu relatório em julho do ano passado. Na época, o Inspetor Geral da Comunidade de Inteligência chamou a denúncia de "urgente e confiável".
"Existe uma sofisticada campanha de desinformação visando a população dos EUA que é extremamente antiética e imoral", disse ele, acusando o governo dos EUA de mentir ao público por "décadas".
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Uma captura de tela de um vídeo intitulado GIMBAL mostra o que o Departamento de Defesa dos EUA caracteriza como um "fenômeno aéreo não identificado". Três vídeos retratando objetos voadores desconhecidos, capturados por pilotos da Marinha dos EUA, foram divulgados oficialmente pelo Pentágono em 27 de abril de 2020. Fonte: Departamento de Defesa dos EUA.
"Definitivamente não estamos sozinhos", disse ele, acrescentando que "um grande número" de naves foi resgatado.
O Pentágono negou ter qualquer conhecimento do programa descrito por Grusch, mas disse que seguiria as investigações em andamento sobre suas alegações "onde quer que elas levem".
O Comitê de Supervisão da Câmara também diz que investigará suas reivindicações.
Em contraposição, o escritor de ciência e pesquisador cético Mick West disse que as asserções de Grusch "não são precisas".
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Mick West é um desmistificador de teorias da conspiração e autor de Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect. Ele acredita que há explicações lógicas para o que se vê nos vídeos divulgados pelo Pentágono.
Em entrevista ao NewsNation, Mick West classificou de inconsistentes e ilógicas as alegações de Grusch, que não seriam muito diferentes das popularizadas por séries de ficção científica. Assista ao vídeo aqui.
Torne-se o meu patrono no Patreon e leia na íntegra o manifesto: Combata o Futuro 3 - A Falsa Invasão Extraterrestre ou O Maior Engodo de Todos os Tempos
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barricadebabe · 2 years
Barricade Babe - Grand Rapids, MI
This week I am changing it up a little bit and writing about two shows I went to this past week. This past week I attended a SmallPools concert at the Intersection (Elevation) in Grand Rapids and I also traveled to Frankenmuth, MI in a snowstorm to watch The Voortex Jazz & Blues Band with Papa Kiszka.
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SmallPools was joined by Dreamers and Young Rising Sons, their current tour is called “The Cameras & Coastlines Tour. So far the band has been to Nashville, Des Moines, Omaha, St. Paul, Grand Rapids, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, New York and Silver Spring.
The Outfit
For the SmallPools show I went with a new pair of Brown Urban Outfitters cropped pants and paired the rest of my pieces around these pants. I chose to wear my Velveteers baby tee shirt that I haven’t worn in awhile due to the colder weather. Lastly, I wore a faux fur jacket that I thrifted that day with my doc martens. It was warm enough to keep me warm during my walk from the car to the venue and took it off after the Dreamers set.
For the Voortex show, I was spending time in Frankenmuth all afternoon with friends while we handed out posters for an event my friend Peyton and I are putting on at Fischer Hall in Frankenmuth. On top of this, it had been snowing for Michigan for two days straight at this point and needed to wear something warm enough while we walked outside and enjoyed everything Frankenmuth has to offer in the winter! I wore a tan turtleneck sweater with my favorite Zara jeans and of course my doc martens. Couldn’t go without my winter jacket and scarf for this trip/show.
I showed up at the Venue for the Small Pools show at 7pm which was the time everyone was under the impression the first opener started. But the first act actually started at 8pm. I wish I would have known this was going in only because the venue The Elevation is a pretty small venue allowing anyone attending the show a great view of the stage. I used this time to walk around a little bit, check out the Merch, use the restroom and grab a water before the set. Granted I did all of that in about 20 minutes so I sat at a cocktail table until the first set.
For the Voortex show, we spent the whole afternoon/evening in Frankenmuth doing the things my friends and I do everytime we attend. When we first arrived we went to a local coffee shop and grabbed some hot drinks before we set off on our mission handing out posters promoting our show to the local businesses. It was a great afternoon in Frankenmuth, there were alot of tourists enjoying the Christmas/Winter activities and it was snowing giving the night a little bit more magic.
The Merchandise
The Rising Sons, Dreamers and Small Pools all had a decent selection of merchandise. I saw many people with posters the Dreamers and Small Pools were selling. They also had alot of really cool designs of hoodies, t-shirts and crewnecks. The first openers The Young Rising Sons were selling their merch/standing by their merch table after the set. If you wanted to snag a picture or get to know the band a little bit this was a great opportunity to do so.
The Voortex band does sell merchandise online, I do own a blue Papa Kiszka shirt I bought at previous event where they were being sold!
The Openers
The first band to open for SmallPools is the band, The Young Rising Sons. TYRS is a pop, indie pop, pop rock, alternative rock band from Red Bank, New Jersey. They are joined by lead singer Andy Tongren, Julian Dimagiba bassist, Steve Patrick drums and Max Iantorno. I thought they were a good opener to the start of the night even though the energy was not as high as I thought it would be. Granted it was a wednesday night and from what I could tell the concert goers who knew their songs were a little bit on the younger side, which I think is great but not as many people had heard of them until now (including myself). By the end of their set more people had started to trickle into the venue which I believe added to the energy at the end.
Dreamers was the second opener of the night. I am a small fan of Dreamers and have listened to their music before seeing them live. I was NOT disappointed to say the least. Dreamers consists of two main band members, Nick Wold the main singer/guitarist and Marc Nelson the bassist/keys. They were joined by another accompanying rhythm guitarist and an amazing drummer who totally killed it throughout the whole set. They put on an amazing show with great energy that definitely got the crowd going, not only did they get the crowd going but everyone in the band was also very energetic. I loved the lights and stage presence, definitely a great opener leading up to the Small pools performance.
The Performance
I have been an avid listener of Small Pools for a couple years now. When I found out they were going on a little tour and coming to where I live I knew I had to see them! I was very surprised with how amazing their performance was. The energy they brought to the stage and how they had the crowd full of strangers come together to dance/jump around together was great. I’ve been to shows where bands attempt at this and then play I kinda dull or not a fast paced song. But Small Pools did a great job of keeping the crowd engaged such as talking to people in the audience and interacting with them. They had someone throw a tambourine to the lead singer during the chorus of …… They also talked to the audience about a mic stand issue they were having on stage which just made you feel a lot closer to the artist and everyday things they may deal with. One of my favorite parts of the show was when the lead singer told everyone to put their phones away and he proceeded to pop into the crowd and sing the song with the crowd while jumping around with everyone. It was so cool to see everyone safely having such a good time together and living in the moment.
Over & Over
Stumblin’ Home
Passenger Side
Street Fight
Cameras & Coastlines
Mother / Creep
Life of the Party
Simulation / Everybody wants to Rule the World
Killer Whales
Million Bucks
The last two songs of this show were probably my two favorite, while performing Killer Whales SmallPools is notorious for throwing a inflatable killer whale pool toy into the crowd. I thought this was a really fun and cute way to end the night.
The Voortex Band always puts on an amazing performance, if you enjoy jazz and blues, and good conversation with amazing human beings I would recommend seeing them any chance you get! Typically the shows take place at local places. This show was at T.Dubs in Frankenmuth, a great local restaurant! It was such an intimate show where you got to enjoy good music with good food and drinks.
Overall, I really loved this concert night. It was so fun and it was the first show I went to solo in a couple years. It was a nice laid back show for a Wednesday night where I got to enjoy some live music by myself. The only thing I was a little disappointed to not see live was American Love. I love love love this song and it is the song I first discovered of Smallpools.
I love Voortex shows and I will continue to go to as many as I can because I love supporting small local bands. Until next time, I hope everyone has a good thanksgiving and see you at the barricade 🫶
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Sound System Culture Mini Festival
Sunday 15 September 2024
Review by Gopal Dutta
It’s a rainy September afternoon in the centre of Huddersfield, and I’m on Wood Street for the Sound System Culture Mini Festival, part of the nationwide Heritage Open Days programme.
The street transforms into a vibrant, colourful space where everyone is welcome. Gazebos shelter the Zion Inna-Vision Sound System, alongside several stalls catering to the daytime crowd who have braved the showers. There’s face-painting, vegan food and cakes, cards, and books on offer. Rainbow-coloured bunting flutters in the wind, the whole scene giving me that “festival” vibe despite the poor weather.
In the glowing, cave-like atmosphere of the Northern Quarter bar, a steady stream of people take their seats around the large pull-down screen that has been especially set up, and an air of expectancy pervades the air. “Filling up nicely,” says Professor Julian Henriques, visiting from London to present a programme of documentaries commissioned by his research unit, Sonic Street Technologies, at Goldsmiths University. Every seat is soon occupied, and more attendees line the walls or sit on the steps, eager to share in this collective experience. The distant siren from the outdoor sound system blends into the indoor atmosphere, merging the worlds of film and reality.
Introducing the first film, a fascinating documentary about Gabre Selassie and the formation of the Kingston Dub Club, Julian acknowledges the importance of Huddersfield in reggae history, mentioning the legendary Venn Street nightclub and declaring that “Huddersfield in the 80s was the epicentre of reggae in the UK.”
The film programme is an excellent whistle-stop tour of the current landscape of sound systems around the world, taking in Jamaica, India, Colombia, Brazil, Australia, and finishing, with a poetic circularity, in South Africa. All of the films highlight reggae music’s power as a force for self-empowerment, community building, and as a social safety valve.
Throughout the screening, more people continue to file into the venue. Each time the door opens and closes, you can hear the outdoor sound system and the lively Brazilian drums performance by Grupo de Gringos Percussion.
As the films end to a warm applause from the audience, we are at standing room only, with a diverse mix of young and old, a wide range of races and cultures represented—Huddersfield’s diversity in all its glory.
The scene inside mirrors what’s depicted on screen inside: a dimly lit, atmospheric room with a diverse crowd, food, and drink being served. The team have done a great job recreating the vibe of a dub club.
As the energy from the films flows out into the street, the same heavy bassline fills the air, with people chatting, dancing, laughing, eating, and drinking, with DJ Andi G on the decks and Marshall on mic duties.
Eventually, the sun makes an appearance, and over the next few hours, more people arrive, swaying to reggae bassline. The free entry means many passersby pop in, drawn by the sweet music and vibrant atmosphere. Conversations flow, with strangers bonding over their shared love for the music, their faces lighting up as familiar tracks play. There is a collective cheer as Marshall exclaims, “We don’t want no rain no more,” echoing the crowd’s mood.
Riddim Master from Ras Ambassador Sound System then takes control of the decks, delivering an all-vinyl set that opens with Rod Taylor’s unmistakable "His Imperial Majesty" and the warm crackle of dub. Next up is Bigga Puss from Shakatone Esquire Sound System, warming up the crowd with a seamless selection of ska, rocksteady, and roots. As the familiar tones of “Kunta Kinte Dub” by The Revolutionaries fade in, a moment of recognition sweeps through the crowd. Finally, the legendary Papa Burkey, pioneer of the Earth Rocker Sound System from the 80s, takes over, keeping the energy high as the dancing continues, alongside Ras Sis Highness and Dee Bo General on the mic.
Well done to the event team for creating such a vibrant festival, much-needed entertainment in the heart of Huddersfield.
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miel-jengibre-te · 1 month
Salimos a primera hora con el perro Jack, bueno, después de unas tonterías de Andy, pero Jack nos estaba esperando salir. Me puse un poco enojada porque yo salí con Jack anoche antes de dormir con la condición de que Andy saliera con el está mañana… pero tardó una hora en ducharse y tomar el desayuno sin prisa - yo todo el rato allí preocupada porque en su casa, Jack salé a las 7 o antes con papa de andy a correr, y no sabía sí el aguantaría hasta las 9 y pico sin un accidente.
El aire estuvo fresco, más fresco que ha sido en mucho tiempo. Anduvimos en silencio. No por estar enfadados (aunque si Andy me hubiera preguntado, le habría dicho lo que hizo mal) más por que no apetecía hablar, y la situación no lo faltaba. Nos separamos a un cruce, porque yo tenía que mandar un paquete, y, por las tonterías, Andy no llegaría a tiempo a trabajar si no volvió para casa ya (tampoco verdad porque permanecía en el sofa cuando llegué después).
Debería haber sospechado que llovería, pero pasa tan poco que ni cruzo mi mente. Y tampoco hace frio o llueve mucho cuando una por fin se cae. Las gotas cayeron un par de minutos, justo cuando entré una tienda, y un par más cuando estuve de vuelta, pero en el poco tiempo, se dejo todo ligeramente mojado.
Me acuerdo de estar con los padres de Andy cuando estaba lloviendo ligeramente, como un día normal en inglaterra. Se quedaron fascinados, diciendo con emoción que estaba cayendo una buena! Es curioso porque han visto lo que es una buena de verdad cuando nos visitaron en Exeter, pero con lo poco que llueve aquí, entiendo como cualquier chaparrón podría considerarse una buena.
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nnjzz · 8 months
à Les Nautes
1 Quai des Célestins
75004 M° Sully-Morland
P.A.F. 6€
20:00 portes
20:42 action!!
ANLA COURTIS ar feat. VOMIR fr Un LP documentant une collaboration inédite et à distance entre les deux Messieurs est paru sur le label parisien L'Eau des Fleurs en juin dernier. Ils vont essayer de ne pas re-jouer tous les morceaux à la note près.
Si je comprends bien :  Alan / Anla commencera tout seul - pour être par la suite rejoint à un moment donné par Roro Perrot ( aka VOMIR ou l'inverse ). Mais peut-être ai-je mal compris - - - - ?
La musique d'Alan ( aka Anla ) Courtis oscille toujours entre art sonore, musique électroacoustique, drone, noise, entre improvisation et composition. Avec souvent un petit quelque chose de pataphysique dans ses manipulations de bandes, ou d'enregistrements numériques, son approche d'instruments, ou d'outils informatiques... etc. La liste de ses collaborations ressemble à un Who's Who des musiques ( et des non-musiques ) expérimentales des trente dernières années : Pauline Oliveros, Phil Niblock, Lee Ranaldo, The Nihilist Spasm Band, Eddie Prevost, Jim O'Rourke, Mats Gustafsson, KK Null, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Andy Bolus, Sir Rick Bishop ,Yoshimi P-Wee, Masonna, Günter Müller, Jason Kahn, Toshimaru Nakamura , Solid Eye, Daniel Menche,Thomas Dimuzio, Rudolf Eb.Er, Kouhei Matsunaga, MSBR, Tetuzi Akiyama, Lasse Marhaug, Aaron Moore, Damo Suzuki, Makoto Kawabata, Ashray Navigations, Michael Snow, Birchville Cat Motel, The New Blockaders, Avarus, Kemialliset Ystävät, Merzbow, Keiji Haino, David Grubbs, L’Autopsie A Révélé Que La Mort Était Due à L’Autopsie, etc, etc, etc… Depuis de nombreuses années, fort de son expérience au sein des Reynols ( dont le percussionniste Miguel était atteint du syndrome de Down ), il a aussi développé un travail d'éducateur / animateur dans des ateliers des pratiques brutes de la musique avec des personnes atteintes d'un handicap mental.
Romain Perrot est un (non)musicien touche-à-tout performeur bruitiste autodidacte, improvisateur sans frontière, fondateur - en tant que VOMIR - de la pratique et philosophie connue sous le nom de Harsh Noise Wall, concepteur et exécutant de la ShitFolk, papa de Broken Impro series, déployant en parallèle une activité plastique sous le nom d'ABSURDUM, membre de JOAN JETT FANCLUB, M_D_R, Falot, Rompral Eltron, Descendeur ( entre autres ) ... .. 
LENA CIRCUS +HIROKO KOMIYA fr / jp Intimisme psychédélique ? Nous sommes ravis de recevoir pour la troisième fois cette collaboration récurrente entre le trio parisien et la performeuse japonaise ( évoluant la plupart du temps dans l'univers butô ) oùune synergie et une entente exceptionnelles se mettent en œuvre pour aboutir à faire naître un univers sonore d'une grande densité, toujours surprenant, avec un sens du détail et une cohérence organique.Formé en 1999 par Antoine Letellier (guitares, instruments à vent) & Nicolas Moulin (guitare, électroniques), LENA CIRCUS est d'abord un duo (avec à son actif neuf EPs publiés à un rythme mensuel, sur divers labels indépendants), avant d'être rejoint en 2003 par Guillaume Arbonville (percussions). Suscitant des comparaisons avec les expérimentations de Sun Ra, Don Cherry ou TajMahal Travellers, leur univers, fruit d'une communication quasi-télépathique entre les musiciens, fait preuve d'une alchimie sonore singulière, toute en finesse et en tension permanente.
Hiroko Komiya recours aux sons tirés de la nature à l'aide d'une collection d'objets au son magique, comprenant des coquillages, des cloches, des heurtoirs, des hochets, des récipients en étain et des instruments traditionnels spécialement sélectionnés. Elle utilise également sa propre voix, créant ainsi des improvisations musicales non harmoniques, remontant aux archétypes de la culture orientale.
"Jouée par une formation free-jazz au demeurant non violente, cette musique est hypnotique, forçant l'attention vers une jubilatoire tension de l'écoute, où les objets sonores pétillent, irradient.Hiroko Komiya, qui double les sons d'un geste, est une partenaire parfaite : elle malaxe et fait crisser des coquillages dans une main, tapote des tringles, froisse des fibres, jouant de l'instrument et du son comme le chat avec un caillou, une souris ou une pelote de laine. La matière sonore extrêmement dense est toujours sensuelle, ce qui rend très amicale une trame pourtant complexe." (Marteen B., Mille Feuille) " 
Surprise du chef. Commande very spéciale du Non_Jazz - en étroite collaboration avec le GRM ( Parallèle ) . Première mondiale.
Entre new new age, ambient, krautrock ouateux, spoken word susurré et electronica, inclassable,  Audrey dispense des so(i)ns atmosphériques - comme une invitation à l'introspection et à la ( douce ) rêverie à base de nappes synthétiques, guitare, basse, flûte, vibraphone... Son premier album "Quelque chose s'est dissipé" est sorti en juillet dernier chez Métron Records.
Entre larmes de cire et moulages de béton, Leandro fait gentiment suer sa Fender Jaguar ( et ses amplis ) à moins qu'il ne s'en prenne à son synthé fait maison avec plein de boutons et plein de bougies plantées là où ça fait du pas bien. Performeur bien performant, il a bien plus de tours dans son sac encore mais on ne va pas en faire un inventaire exhaustif non plus hein.
Il s'agit d'une association inédite - pas de lien disponible à ce jour ( donc ). À découvrir sur place.
https://www.15questions.net/interview/fifteen-questions-interview-audrey-carmes/page-1/ PRZEMYSŁAW SANECKI pl a débuté sa carrière en tant qu'artiste de performance au début des années 2000. Au fil des années, son travail a connu de nombreux changements et, depuis 2014, il réalise des œuvres exclusivement avec des méthodes « computationnelles ». Ces dernières années, il s'est concentré sur la réalisation d'œuvres vidéo dans l'esprit du cinéma structurel et matérialiste en utilisant des méthodes programmatiques. Son travail sur le son a toujours occupé une place importante et, en plus d'être membre du groupe de rap d'avant-garde KOT, il a été très actif sur la scène noise en Pologne. Il sort actuellement sous le nom de THSHLT, principalement sur son propre label PEIG (en collaboration avec Emilia Wysocka) et prépare ses débuts sous le nom de CZANEL. Il utilise le Pd patches comme instrument principal ainsi que des synthétiseurs analogiques modulaires et semi-modulaires.
NB / #envoiedubois
Fly Jo L'Indien
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abcnewspr · 1 year
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ABC/Jeff Lipsky* 
Called “the most important political TV show in America” by The New York Times, “The View” is a priority destination for our guests and must-see viewing for our loyal fans with up-to-the-minute Hot Topics and invaluable conversations with live broadcasts five days a week. The Daytime Emmy® Award-winning talk show ranks No. 1 in Households and Total Viewers among the daytime network and syndicated talk shows and news programs season to date. “The View” is executive produced by Brian Teta and is directed by Sarah de la O. For breaking news and updated videos, follow “The View” (@theview) and Whoopi Goldberg (@whoopigoldberg), Joy Behar (@joyvbehar), Sunny Hostin (@sunny), Sara Haines (@sarahaines), Alyssa Farah Griffin (@alyssafarah) and Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) on Twitter. 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 7-11 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 7 (OAD: 6/12/23) — Eva Longoria (director, “Flamin’ Hot”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 8 (OAD: 6/13/23) — Jesse Tyler Ferguson (podcast, “Dinner’s on Me”); Ken Jennings (author, “100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife”) 
Wednesday, Aug. 9 (OAD: 6/14/23) — Gabrielle Union (“My Journey to 50”; “The Perfect Find”); Pamela Dias, mother of Ajike Shatrell Owens who was allegedly fatally shot by her neighbor, joined by attorney Anthony Thomas 
Thursday, Aug. 10 (OAD: 6/15/23) — Hannah Waddingham (“Ted Lasso”); “The View” celebrates Alyssa Farah Griffin’s birthday 
Friday, Aug. 11 (OAD: 6/6/23) — Lala Kent (“Vanderpump Rules”); performance from Broadway’s “& Juliet” 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 14-18 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 14 (OAD: 6/20/23) — ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl; Chris Paul (author, “Sixty-One: Life Lessons from Papa, On and Off the Court”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 15 (OAD: 6/22/23) — The Political View with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA); co-hosts’  Favorite Things Under $50: Summer Edition 
Wednesday, Aug. 16 (OAD: 6/27/23) — Jason Alexander (director of Broadway play, “The Cottage”); performance from Andy Grammer 
Thursday, Aug. 17 (OAD: 6/28/23) — Kim Cattrall (“Glamorous”) 
Friday, Aug. 18 (OAD: 6/1/23) — “The View” kicks off pride month with Montana State Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who was barred from the state’s House floor for opposing multiple anti-LBGTQ+ bills; Nick Mohammed (“Ted Lasso”; “Maggie Moore(s)”; “Nick Mohammed is Mr. Swallow”) 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 21-25 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 21 (OAD: 7/11/23) — Jake Tapper (author, “All the Demons Are Here: A Thriller”); Raven-Symoné and Miranda Pearman-Maday (podcast, “The Best Podcast Ever”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 22 (OAD: 7/12/23) — John Boyega (“They Cloned Tyrone”) 
Wednesday, Aug. 23 (OAD: 7/13/23) — Geraldo Rivera 
Thursday, Aug. 24 (OAD: 7/18/23) — Performance from Michael Bolton 
Friday, Aug. 25 (OAD: 7/19/23) — The Political View with 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Will Hurd; Jenna Lyons (“The Real Housewives of New York City”) 
Encore broadcasts for the week of Aug. 28-Sept. 1 are as follows (subject to change): 
Monday, Aug. 28 (OAD: 7/21/23) — Christopher Nolan (director, “Oppenheimer”) 
Tuesday, Aug. 29 (OAD: 7/25/23) — Jim Gaffigan (“Dark Pale”); Paul de Gelder (shark conservationist and shark attack survivor; Discovery’s Shark Week  “Florida Shark: Blood in the Water” and “Deadly Sharks of Paradise”); “The View” kicks off “The Ladies Get Lit” series with the co-hosts’ favorite summer reads 
Wednesday, Aug. 30 (OAD: 7/26/23) — Jason Reynolds (author, “Miles Morales Suspended”); “The Ladies Get Lit” 
Thursday, Aug. 31 (OAD: 7/27/23) — The Political View with Beto O’Rourke; “The Ladies Get Lit” 
Friday, Sept. 1 (OAD: 8/1/23) — Deena Nicole Cortese, Jenni “JWOWW” Farley, Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola, Vinny Guadagnino, Angela Pivarnick, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino (“Jersey Shore: Family Vacation”); “The Ladies Get Lit” 
Encore broadcast for Sept. 4 is as follows (subject to change):
Monday, Sept. 4 (OAD: 8/3/23) – Neil deGrasse Tyson; “Rock and Roll Man” performance 
COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed.  
Follow “The View” (#theview) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 
“The View” is now available on a podcast. Listen to the full show for free on Apple Podcasts or on your favorite podcast app every weekday afternoon.  
“The View” can be streamed on ABC News Live weekdays at 5 p.m. EDT. 
For more information, follow ABC News PR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 
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fredborges98 · 1 year
Bom dia!!!
Por: Fred Borges
Faça parte do Clube de Leitura e receba artigos e capítulos do lançamento da minha autobiografia!
Contribuições mensais a partir de R$10,00( inclusive) até dia 20 de cada mês.
CPF/ PIX: 42297729553
Banco: Itaú 341
Agência: 3888
CC: 22197-9
Frederico Vianna Borges
Anotações: Clube de Leitura.
Observação: Enviar comprovante simultaneamente para: 55.71.984010101 e [email protected]
De Bias de Priene a Tales de Mileto, de Diógenes de Laércio, Platão, Sócrates, de Pedro de Abelardo a Thomas Hobbes, de Alexander Pope, Benjamin Franklin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, de Ralph Waldo Emerson a Allan Kardec, de Friedrich Nitzche, Papa João Paulo II á As irmãs Lana e Andy Wachowski diretoras do filme: Matrix- Conheçe-te a ti mesmo!!!
Uma antiga lenda indiana conta que, no princípio, todos os homens e mulheres eram deuses. Então, eles começaram a abusar dessa condição divina e Brahma, o mestre dos deuses, tomou a decisão de lhes retirar o poder divino e escondê-lo até que fossem merecedores de encontrá-lo e de assumir novamente sua forma de deuses. Mas qual seria o esconderijo perfeito?
Alguns deuses sugeriram que Brahma escondesse a divindade humana nas profundezas da terra. Mas Brahma anteviu que a vontade do homem o faria escavar por toda a superfície terrestre e ele logo encontraria o tesouro sem ainda estar pronto para isso.
Outros, sugeriram que Brahma jogasse a tal porção divina no fundo do oceano mais profundo. E Brahma novamente recusou. Em algum momento, a inteligência do homem seria capaz de colocá-lo no fundo do mar e ele tomaria sua divindade ainda sem estar preparado para tanto.
Sem saber como resolver a situação, Brahma pediu ajuda ao grande deus Shiva, que encontrou uma solução: esconder a divindade nas profundezas do próprio homem. O homem remexeria céus e terra. A última coisa que buscaria seria conhecer a si próprio."
"Se você conhece o inimigo e conhece a si mesmo, não precisa temer o resultado de cem batalhas. Se você se conhece mas não conhece o inimigo, para cada vitória ganha sofrerá também uma derrota. Se você não conhece nem o inimigo nem a si mesmo, perderá todas as batalhas..."Sun Tzu
De filósofos e políticos e em todas religiões das várias épocas da História; da antiguidade,medieval,moderna e contemporânea, todos concordam em uma única particularidade: conhecer a si mesmo é uma das maiores e mais difíceis provas e processos que o homem enfrenta em toda sua existência.
Na letra da música: "Construção" de Chico Buarque, numa pré análise da letra, observamos de maneira crítica que o autoconhecimento é um processo que acontece simultaneamente, paralelamente, do interior para o exterior e do exterior para o interior, o que podemos chamar de um processo de espelhamento, conhecimento, reconhecimento da imperfeição, da obra inacabada que é o próprio homem.
Este espelhamento não acontece de modo total ou totalizante, contituindo o homem numa única forma plana,horizontal, planificada, planejada, mas de forma fragmentada,transversal, como se nascemos com a árdua tarefa de recolher, identificar, recompor, compor, juntar peças de um quebra-cabeça, espalhadas por toda uma jornada, todo caminho e caminhada, de toda uma vida.
Para tornar a tarefa mais complexa, maturidade, oportunidade, diversidade e adversidade devem ser considerados elementos prioritários na busca do conhecimento para reconhecimento de todos os "estilhaços", " pedaços", " partes de um todo" que nem sempre logramos ou lograremos êxito na primeira experiência, "encaixe" do côncavo e convexo, do encontro entre o eu consciente e o eu inconsciente.Do eu e outros "eus".
Muitas vezes a complexidade se dá em variados formatos e variadas formas, em variados tempos e momentos e movimentos, dado ser a única realidade: a mudança.
A profundidade é tamanha que muitos morrem ou chegam ao seu final desta vida e não se descobriram, se conheceram, pois cabe saber que no tempo, no espaço, na física, existe em tempo simultâneo o desenvolvimento da maturidade, da espiritualidade, da inteligência, do próprio conhecimento, da filosofia do ser, do existir, do silêncio, dos vícios, das manias, das rotinas, dos desvios, dos paradigmas, dogmas, ideologias, da sapiência, da indiferença, dos "ismos", dos sofismas, das figuras de linguagem, da neurolinguística, da psicologia e todas suas derivações, declinacões e tendências , dos estados físicos e da alma ou espírito que interagem e se integram ou não.
Do sistema, da entropia, da entropia negativada dando lugar a vida, ao prolongamento não só quantitativo, mas sobretudo qualitativo.
Tudo isto acontecendo ao mesmo tempo, em variados lugares, posições, dimensões posicionamentos, tendo consequências comportamentos: de passividade, de escuta, de silêncio, de ruidos e barulhos, de construção, desconstrução, de aprender e desaprender, de sedimentação, calcificação, de envelhecimento etário, de juventude ou rejuvenescimento, onde a idade não é cronológica, é mental, espiritual ou metafísica.
Retornando a Chico( Francisco Buarque de Holanda), a construção e desconstrução corresponde a uma metáfora do : " conhece-te a ti mesmo" onde o processo de construção é visível e invisível, dado a visibilidade humana e social do trabalhador ou não, que dele é exigido sobreviver, e viver e pensar sobre si e sua jornada posto não haver tempo, pois faz tudo, em tempo, " como se fosse a última, num ultimato a sí mesmo, " decifra-me ou te devorarei!"da esfinge de Tebas no antigo mito grego.
Num processo antropofágico, do homem se consumindo, se desbastando,se despedaçando, se afunilando, se esgotando, se compactando, se homogenizando, se abstraindo, compactuando-se com a massa de cimento que se faz impactada, pactuada com a realidade crua dos tijolos, das paredes,das medidas, da matemática, das finanças que o faz objeto da esteira de produção, tornando-o objeto, princípio e fim em si mesmo, a si mesmo, autoconhecimento que deixa-se corroer e corromper pelo sobreviver, retendo, consumindo, comendo, bebendo, da água salgada, do álcool que entorpece suas feridas abertas,veias expostas, pois dura é a vida, duras são ás pessoas, produtos e processos, tornando a tangibilidade do homem avaliada pelo seu preço por hora trabalhada, mas nunca pelo valor agregado ao produto e processo do conhecimento, do amadurecimento, da experiência, da vivência, complexa vivência, carnal, espiritual e ontológica.
Construção de Chico Buarque.
Amou daquela vez como se fosse a última
Beijou sua mulher como se fosse a última
E cada filho seu como se fosse o único
E atravessou a rua com seu passo tímido
Subiu a construção como se fosse máquina
Ergueu no patamar quatro paredes sólidas
Tijolo com tijolo num desenho mágico
Seus olhos embotados de cimento e lágrima
Sentou pra descansar como se fosse sábado
Comeu feijão com arroz como se fosse um príncipe
Bebeu e soluçou como se fosse um náufrago
Dançou e gargalhou como se ouvisse música
E tropeçou no céu como se fosse um bêbado
E flutuou no ar como se fosse um pássaro
E se acabou no chão feito um pacote flácido
Agonizou no meio do passeio público
Morreu na contramão atrapalhando o tráfego
como se fosse o último
(Beijou sua mulher) como se fosse a única
(E cada filho seu) como se fosse o pródigo
E atravessou a rua com seu passo bêbado
Subiu a construção como se fosse sólido
Ergueu no patamar quatro paredes mágicas
Tijolo com tijolo num desenho lógico
Seus olhos embotados de cimento e tráfego
Sentou pra descansar como se fosse um príncipe
Comeu feijão com arroz como se fosse o máximo
Bebeu e soluçou como se fosse máquina
Dançou e gargalhou como se fosse o próximo
E tropeçou no céu como se ouvisse música
E flutuou no ar como se fosse sábado
E se acabou no chão feito um pacote tímido
Agonizou no meio do passeio náufrago
Morreu na contramão atrapalhando o público
Amou daquela vez como se fosse máquina
Beijou sua mulher como se fosse lógico
Ergueu no patamar quatro paredes flácidas
Sentou pra descansar como se fosse um pássaro
E flutuou no ar como se fosse um príncipe
E se acabou no chão feito um pacote bêbado
Morreu na contramão atrapalhando o sábado
Por esse pão pra comer, por esse chão pra dormir
A certidão pra nascer e a concessão pra sorrir
Por me deixar respirar, por me deixar existir
Deus lhe pague
Pela cachaça de graça que a gente tem que engolir
Pela fumaça, desgraça que a gente tem que tossir
Pelos andaimes pingentes que a gente tem que cair
Deus lhe pague
Pela mulher carpinteira pra nos louvar e cuspir
E pelas moscas bicheiras a nos beijar e cobrir
E pela paz derradeira que enfim vai nos redimir
Deus lhe pague
Fonte: Musixmatch
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moochilatv · 1 year
Ghost regresa a Argentina
👻 Papa Emeritus IV y sus ghouls se estarán presentando en el @lunaparkstadium el domingo 24 de septiembre 2023.
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💳 Preventa y 3 cuotas sin interés para clientes @bbva_argentina a partir del 11/4 a las 11am. Venta General a partir del 13/4 a las 11am. 🎫 Entradas exclusivamente a través de @ticketportal
IMPERA, el nuevo álbum: Producido por Klas Åhlund y mezclado por Andy Wallace, contando con temas como "Spillways", (aclamada por el New York Times como una "melodía de rock dulcemente construida"), “Call Me Little Sunshine”, ( n.° 7 en la tendencia de reproducciones de You Tube) y el sencillo de n.° 1 en la radio Active Rock, “Hunter's Moon”, el álbum IMPERA encuentra a los suecos Ghost transportado unos cuantos siglos más adelante en el tiempo desde la era de la “peste negra” en la cual estuvo ambientado su predecesor Prequelle, (nominado al GRAMMY como Mejor Álbum de Rock de 2018).
Acompañan: 📻 @undinamo 💀 @pogopedia 📢 @gabysisti @moveconcertsarg
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lorenzlund · 2 years
Piroschka das Musical. Als inzwischen 30jaehriger Doktor kehrt der Student nochmals zurueck in das alte Dorf mit Piroschka! Als Ausgangs-Drehort diente der - eigens leicht dafuer umgebaute - Bahnhof Nicolasee in Berlin mit. Der Ex-Student er steigt hier in den Zug, der ihn zurueck nach Ungarn und in die Puszta bringen soll! Wir sind jetzt sogar am Ueberlegen, ob wir nicht sogar den gesamten Dreh dorthin verlegen, weil er so ausnehmend schoen ist (Selbst in Ungarn koennte es schwerfallen, etwas Vergleichbares zu finden, warum also erst umstaendlich mehr als 1000 Kilometer weit verreisen (Sieh das Gute liegt so nah!),er erhielte dann voruebergehend einen ungarischsprachigen Namen und Stationsschild, wenn die Bahngesellschaft mitspielt, eine stark puszta-aehnliche Landschaft und Umgebung findet sich dann sicher auch noch bei Berlin oder weiter weg inklusive eines malerischen kleinen Ortes, und der ungarischen Sprache maechtigen Statisten, welche dann in ihrer Gesamtheit dafuer herhalten muessten! Vielleicht ja sogar in der Heide gleich selber dann und rum um Lueneburg! (Babelsberg besitzt weniger Reichtum als Hollywood, was aber durch ein Mehr an Fantasie wieder wettgemacht werden kann!)
'Papa, Mama, hoert' mal, er singt!!'
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Babelsberger u. Potsdamer Traditionsschreibmaschine (Hotel).
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"Er sagt er habe inzwischen seinen Doktor gemacht in Deutschland und arbeite fuer ein Berliner Karteninstitut!" "Na, dann darf er dich jetzt auch heiraten!! Ohnehin habe ich nie ganz verstanden, so stark verliebt wie damals auch ihr beide wart oder hauefig wirktet, warum seid ihr da als Paar schlicht gleich nicht fuer immer auch zusammengeblieben! Jemand stelle sich das so bei mir und deiner Mutter vor!! Es gaebe dich gar nicht als unsere Tochter!!"
Aus der Inhaltsbeschreibung des Originals:
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"Das war doch die Morgenetuede am Klavier aus Kastanienbaum & Fliederstrauch als Aufwaermuebung fuer die Finger!" (Anne)
'Hab' sie halt in einer moderneren Form wiederverwendet, jetzt mit Text!'
'Warst du denn je in Ungarn und kennst du eine Ungarin??"
"Der Film handelt gar nicht von mir, sonderen von Andreas und Piri!"
"Aber ich erhalte jetzt vielleicht doch erste Einladungen dort hinzukommen und mir Budapest anzusehen!"
"Du machst den Film deswegen??"
"Das waere eine gelinde Uebertrebung!!"
"Du hast dabei glatt vergessen Guten Morgen zu sagen, Anne!"
"Aber wie soll ein armer Komponist wie ich es weiter bin, sonst verreisen koennen, sag mir das, Anne, diese Villa bezahlst ja du, gleich dein erstes Buch hat dich reich werden lassen und beruehmt, selber koennte ich die Miete gar nicht dafuer aufbringen!"
'Was singt er jetzt wieder, Piri, dein Andi??"
"Ich soll ihn sn der erneuten Abreise verhindern, er haette die Signale sehr wohl schon damals verstanden, ubd dass er dann nur spaeter aus dem Zug stieg, ein paar Haltestellen weiter, das singt er, um.zu mir zurueckzukehren, er wurde aufgehalten vom Leben!!"
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hits1000 · 2 years
Songs in German from the 80s
Songs in German from the 80s Songs in German from the 80s, including: Dschinghis Khan – Rom, Gitte Haenning - Freu dich bloß nicht zu früh, Howard Carpendale - Wie frei willst du sein, Katja Ebstein - Abschied ist ein bißchen wie Sterben, Mike Krüger - Der Nippel, Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken mußt du gehn, Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria and many more!!! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. Dschinghis Kahn - Hadschi Halef Omar 2. Dschinghis Khan - Rom 3. Gitte Haenning - Freu dich bloß nicht zu früh 4. Howard Carpendale - Es geht um mehr 5. Howard Carpendale - Wie frei willst du sein 6. Katja Ebstein - Abschied ist ein bißchen wie Sterben 7. Mike Krüger - Der Nippel 8. Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken mußt du gehn 9. Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria 10. Tony Holiday - Nie mehr allein sein 11. Truck Stop - Der wilde Wilde Westen 12. Dschinghis Khan - Loreley 13. Falco - Der Kommissar 14. Fred Sonnenschein Und Seine Freunde – Ja, Wenn Wir Alle Englein Wären 15. Gottlieb Wendehals - Polonäse Blankenese 16. Hanne Haller - Samstag Abend 17. Howard Carpendale - Wem erzählst du nach mir deine Träume 18. Joachim Witt - Goldener Reiter 19. Nicole - Flieg nicht so hoch, mein kleiner Freund 20. Paola - Der Teufel und der junge Mann 21. Peter Alexander - Der Papa wird´s schon richten 22. Peter Cornelius – Du entschuldige, I kenn di 23. Rex Gildo - Wenn ich je deine Liebe verlier 24. Roland Kaiser - Dich zu lieben 25. Roland Kaiser - Lieb mich ein letztes Mal 26. Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal Im Sperrbezirk 27. Andy Borg - Adios Amor 28. BAP - Verdamp lang her 29. Hubert Kah - Rosemarie 30. Hubert Kah - Sternenhimmel 31. Kraftwerk - Das Model 32. Markus - Ich Will Spass 33. NENA - Nur geträumt 34. Nickerbocker & Biene - Hallo Klaus 35. Nicole - Ein Bisschen Frieden 36. Peter Maffay - Lieber Gott 37. Peter Schilling - Major Tom 38. Roland Kaiser - Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir 39. Spider Murphy Gang - Schickeria 40. Spider Murphy Gang - Wo bist du? 41. Trio - Da Da Da 42. DÖF - Codo (...düse im Sauseschritt) 43. Gänsehaut - Karl Der Käfer 44. Geier Sturzflug - Bruttosozialprodukt 45. Kiz - Die Sennerin vom Königssee 46. NENA - 99 Luftballons 47. NENA - Leuchtturm 48. Nicole - Ich hab' dich doch lieb 49. Nino de Angelo - Ich sterbe nicht nochmal 50. Nino De Angelo - Jenseits von Eden 51. Tommy Steiner - Die Fischer von San Juan 52. Udo Lindenberg - Sonderzug nach Pankow 53. Herbert Grönemeyer - Männer 54. Howard Carpendale - Hello Again 55. Klaus Lage Band - 1000 und 1 Nacht 56. NENA - ? Fragezeichen 57. NENA - Irgendwie Irgendwo Irgendwann 58. Peter Schilling - Terra Titanic 59. Roland Kaiser - Joana 60. Stefan Waggershausen & Alice - Zu nah am Feuer 61. Bläck Fööss - Frankreich Frankreich 62. Falco - Jeanny 63. Falco - Rock Me Amadeus 64. Falco - Vienna Calling 65. Heike Schäfer - Die Glocken von Rom 66. Heinz Rudolf Kunze - Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz 67. Juliane Werding - Drei Jahre lang 68. Klaus & Klaus - An der Nordseeküste 69. Leinemann - Mein Tuut Tuut 70. Paso Doble - Computerliebe 71. Peter Maffay - Sonne in der Nacht 72. Wind - Für Alle 73. Die Flippers - Die rote Sonne von Barbados 74. Drafi Deutscher - Herz an Herz Gefühl 75. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Ba-Ba Banküberfall 76. Falco - Coming Home Jeanny Part 2 77. Juliane Werding - Sehnsucht ist unheilbar 78. Juliane Werding - Stimmen im Wind 79. Karel Gott & Darinka - Fang das Licht 80. Münchener Freiheit - Ohne dich 81. Münchener Freiheit - Tausendmal Du 82. Stephan Remmler - Keine Sterne in Athen 83. Clowns & Helden - Ich liebe dich 84. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Küss die Hand schöne Frau 85. Jürgen von der Lippe - Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen 86. Münchener Freiheit - So lang' man Träume noch leben kann 87. Stephan Remmler - Vogel der Nacht 88. Trude Herr - Niemals geht man so ganz 89. Falco - Wiener Blut 90. Herbert Grönemeyer - Was Soll Das 91. Klaus & Klaus - Der Eiermann 92. Münchener Freiheit - Bis wir uns wiedersehen 93. Original Naabtal Duo - Patrona Bavariae 94. Rainhard Fendrich - Macho Macho 95. Stefan Remmler - Keine Angst, hat der Papa mir gesagt 96. Die Ärzte - Bitte Bitte 97. Hanne Haller - Mein lieber Mann 98. Jürgen Drews - Irgendwann, irgendwo, irgendwie 99. NENA - Wunder Gescheh'n 100. Westernhagen - Sexy Related Hashtags #songsingerman #hitsof1980s #hitsof1980to1989 #hitsof1980 #hitsof1980songs #hitsof1980uk #hitsof1980australia #hitsofthe1980sand1970s #kannadahitsof1980 #bollywoodhitsof1980 #hitsof1979and1980 #tophitsofthe1980sbillboard #pophitsofthe1980s #hitsof1980sinmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZX0dCarOBA
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thekingsroadrpg · 2 years
mw faceclaims of colour?
aaron fontaine, aiysha hart, angela baby, andy on, anya chalotra, aslıhan malbora, benedict wong, branden clark, cengiz çoşkun, cha eunwoo, charitra chandran, chiwetel ejiofor, claudia kim, deepika padukone, dianne doan, djimon hounsou, ebonee noel, gemma chan, glaira de castro, gong jun, guan xiao tong, gugu mbatha raw, idris elba, jamie chung, jessica parker kennedy, jessie mei li, ju jingyi, kathryn drysdale, kiana madeira, kim okbin, kit young, kylie bunbury, lewis tan, luke youngblood, oded fehr, okamoto tao, oscar isaac, papa essiedu, rege jean page, varun dhawan, wang haoxuan, yang mi, zahn mcclarnon
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aidanp22p1 · 2 years
Blog 3
La activadad que hice es sequir varios atletas en Instagram por una semana. Yo sigo esto atletas por un semana y aprendo sobre sus vidas. Por ejemplo, en la vida de atleta Andy Pages, un béisbol jugador por Los Angles Dodgers, publicar un foto con un subtítulo que dice " Confía en el proceso esto no es de hace un mes". Me gusta Andy Pages por que es de Mexico. Mi famila es de una ciudad donde él nació. Tambien, Yo sigo un otro atleta, Brusdar Graterol. En un foto él dice "Gracais papa dios por otro año! anótala. que viene lo bueno". En otro foto de atleta, Ronald Acuna Jr., se dice "No Importa Donde Juegues Lo Importante Es Jugar ". Mayor de está atleta son cerca a Dios, o quiero inspirar a otras. Estas últimos atletas son compañeros de equipo de Toronto Blue Jays. Esto es Vladimir Guerrero Jr. y Alejandro Kirk. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. es donde la Domican Republic y Alejandro Kirk es donde Mexico.
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
Francisco dialogó sobre una nueva ley de Discapacidad con el director de Andis
Francisco dialogó sobre una nueva ley de Discapacidad con el director de Andis
Galarraga junto a Francisco. El director ejecutivo de la Agencia Nacional de Discapacidad (Andis), Fernando Galarraga, fue recibido en el Vaticano por el papa Francisco en el marco de las audiencias que ofrece el pontífice, y durante el encuentro se analizó el proceso para contar con una nueva ley de discapacidad que permita “avanzar en la inclusión efectiva” de ese colectivo en “todas las…
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dinodemo · 2 years
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rpersearch · 2 years
30+ / She-Her. Looking for 18+ (preferably 21+) writing partners for both fandom and fandomless roleplays.
Discord is my preferred place to write.
Fandom: I'm open to MxM, MxF, and FxF pairings (in order of preference). I'm mainly interested in Canon x Canon but will consider Canon x OC. I'm drawn towards canon or canon divergent plots. No AUs that are way out there. I'll  just be listing the characters I like to write as the most. I'm open to writing as others, if I think I can do them justice, and I'm pretty open when it comes to ships so feel free to suggest any.
Supernatural: Alastair, Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Benny Lafitte, Chuck Shurley, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Beric Dondarrion, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister
Grand Theft Auto IV & V: Devin Weston, Dimitri Rascalov, Gerry McReary, Michael De Santa, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino, Steve Haines, Trevor Philips
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gabriel Stokes, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Negan, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh, Simon
Tolkien Universe: Bard, Beleg, Bofur, Boromir, Curufin, Elrond, Feanor, Finrod, Thranduil, Turgon, Turin
The Clergy/Church (Ghost Universe): Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus III, Papa Emeritus IV
Random Horror Movie Characters: Amber Freeman, Ash Williams, Dewey Riley, Herbert West, Jill Roberts, Leslie Vernon, Mark Hoffman, Michael Myers, Mickey Altieri, Paxton Rodriguez, Richie Kirsch, William Schenk
Fandomless: I'm only looking for MxM pairings. I lean towards real life plots. The only supernatural plots I'd be okay with would be things dealing with vampires or demons. I have no triggers and like dark/angsty/forbidden stuff. However, I'm perfectly fine with doing happier plots as well. I'm not going to list any ideas here. We can brainstorm together because I don't have anything too specific in mind. I do like to use face claims because I like to be able to easily picture things in my head. For these, I would ideally like to roleplay through a server on Discord to give us the opportunity to create a development channel where we can flesh out our characters, if we want to. You can feel free to use whatever face you'd like to. I'll list some of my own favorites to use, but I'm open to plenty of others. These are just my favorite of favorites.
Face Claims: Aaron Tveit, Adam Nergal Darski, Alfonso Herrera, Andy Biersack, Cheyenne Jackson, Corey Taylor, Dacre Montgomery, David Tennant, George Blagden, Hugh Dancy, Jack Falahee, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Joe Keery, Jon Bernthal, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Max Minghella, Michiel Huisman, Paul Rudd, Spencer Charnas, Steven Ogg, Tom Payne, Wes Bentley
If interested, like this post, message me, or add me on Discord (Lindsay#7046).
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
Pairings: Roman x His Mystery Boyfriend, Romantic Andy x Pryce, Intrulogical (Remus x Logan)
Word Count: 1,878 Words
Summary: Snakes, Deceit in the hospital yet again, and Roman being touch starved as usual.
Warnings: Sex Mentions, Cursing, Snake Mention, Cancer Mention, Sick Character, Immunocompromised Character, Food Mention, Death Mention, Touch Starved Character, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Note: Bolded and blockquoted are actions in their chatroom, not a message.
Usernames, a quick translation guide: Andy: Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero), Castor: schrodingersdumbass, Dayd: carniverousroomba, Dice: Dr. Bitch, Emile: Thera-pissed, Halley: aspermylastemail, Janus: SnekBoi, Logan: Momgan, October: eatpavementido, Orion: birdgeoisie, Patton: Papa Bear, Pollux: satantakemehome, Pryce: SwEeTvErUcA, Remus: Octopussy, Remy: Coffee Bandit, Roman: waaahluigi, Sirius: literalsunshine, Teal: uwu, Thomas: shrexy, Virgil: spipples, Vita: þiccness
A Very Sanders Group Chat: Chapter 8
SnekBoi: Inny, did you feed my snakes?
Octopussy: I did.
SnekBoi: Oh good, I was worried about Ceres. She's only taken her food from me before.
shrexy: Ceres?
Octopussy: baby Burmese Python Dee just got.
SnekBoi: And I have more snakes that will be laying soon.
Thera-pissed has kicked SnekBoi from the chat
Thera-pissed: Seriously, Inny, is he okay? He looks really pale.
Octopussy: well, he's in observation so, obviously, no. he's pretty much running himself down again. he said he plans to reopen his studio again on the fourteenth against me and Dice's medical advice. he's currently digging his hole and he's going to have to work his way out of it when he finally crashes again.
Thera-pissed: Well, how deep in the hole is he?
Dr. Bitch: Currently, he's at least twenty pounds underweight even though he's eating like he should, he's just burning it off by straining himself so much. He had at least two nosebleeds while he was hospitalized last night so it's inevitable that he'll have to do the induction again because it's just not working.
Octopussy: plus, this morning he couldn't open a tupperware I brought him, so I'd say he's pretty much back at the beginning again.
Dr. Bitch: You didn't tell me that you brought him extra food.
Octopussy: he said he'd tell you.
Dr. Bitch: So he's lying between us now.
Octopussy: maybe trying to make himself stronger by lying to people he's connected to emotionally?
Dr. Bitch: Maybe.
Octopussy: if he gets any better, maybe that's the point of his lying right now but just keep eyes on him so his lying can't backfire on him.
Dr. Bitch: I always have a nurse near his room. He's too dangerous left alone for too long.
Octopussy: I have to get back to work, Alice came in with Hannah and Hannah needs her fur de-matted again and if I make Riley deal with her for too long, he'll scream in the break room later.
Dr. Bitch: I wish you could just take the animal from the owners that don't care about them.
Octopussy: I'm not getting fired to rescue dogs, Dicey.
Octopussy: plus you have that kitten now, you can't take care of a month and a half old kitten, a dog, and your job.
Dr. Bitch: You're right and I hate you.
Octopussy: don't lie, bitch, you love me.
Dr. Bitch: Irrelevant.
Octopussy: anyway, work.
Dr. Bitch has deleted 12 messages
Dr. Bitch has added SnekBoi to the chatroom
SnekBoi: You booted me to talk about animals?
Dr. Bitch: No, we were talking about our Christmas present ideas for you and ended up talking about animals.
SnekBoi: Fine.
SnekBoi: Also, you're across the hall at the nurse's station talking to Miss Esme, I can literally see you, Dice, you could just say that to my face.
Dr. Bitch: And yet you just texted me back instead of calling over to me.
SnekBoi: Touche.
SnekBoi: Anyway, back to looking at snakes.
shrexy: Oh yeah, Dee, you breed snakes?
SnekBoi: Well, it started out an accident, actually. Me and Inny moved our rooms around last year after brumation and we put a few of my snakes that could be temporarily cohabed in bins together for a few days so we could do it and quite a number of the snakes got gravid. Roman owns a couple of the amazon tree boas, actually.
SnekBoi: This year we got a new adult garter thinking it was a boy and we only found out it was a girl when we saw Inny's garter snake locked with her and, by then she had already mated so we're just waiting now. Plus we actually decided to see what happens with our sunbeams, only because we want to at least try with them to get babies since it's so hard to get them not wild-caught.
waaahluigi: Livia and Caius are very happy by the way.
shrexy: I now want a snake.
SnekBoi: You really want me and Inny to vet you?
shrexy: Sure?
SnekBoi: Dice, can I have visitors?
Dr. Bitch: I have said this like four times each time you're in here. Only if they wear a mask and so do you.
SnekBoi: Fine. Thomas, come here and wear a mask.
shrexy: Why?
SnekBoi: Because I'm going to vet you first while Inny's working to get it out of the way and I can't leave the hospital for another six days so get in here.
shrexy: I guess I'm going in my head again.
SnekBoi: Trial number one is over. He passed.
waaahluigi: How!? It took me like three tries!
SnekBoi: He knows a lot about snakes, what can I say?
Momgan: Can confirm, Thomas knows quite a bit about snakes since he wanted learn if your scales were indeed slimy and he happened to fall down a rabbit hole and got extremely interested in them.
shrexy: Stop exposing my late-night rabbit hole knowledge to others, Logan.
Momgan: We all live in your head, it literally does not matter.
SnekBoi: Second trial; Inny. Someone you don't even know. Good luck.
shrexy: Yeah, I'm making him trial three, I'm buying snake stuff for trial two.
SnekBoi: Using the stuff I recommended or something else?
shrexy: Stuff you recommended.
SnekBoi: Smart man.
Octopussy: hey, Dee, I went home for lunch and guess what happened?
SnekBoi: No way. Baby garters? Did Venus have babies?
Octopussy: nope, neither. you remember how how we left Juno and Jupiter together earlier this year because we ran out of separators while we had to shift them from their quarantine bins to their enclosures?
SnekBoi: Tell me they didn't.
Octopussy: I think Juno's newly laid litter means they did.
SnekBoi: Well, it looks like unfortunately have baby rainbow boas.
spipples: I want one.
SnekBoi: You really want a snake? You've told us for years you didn't want to own them.
spipples: I was thinking of looking for a cute little noodle and Juno and Jupiter are just plain beautiful so their babies have to be pretty too.
SnekBoi: Reasonable, rainbow boas are pretty as hell.
Octopussy: do you even have an enclosure for a baby rainbow boa?
spipples: I already have an extra 20 gallon enclosure from getting Celeste. I got the wrong one. It was too small for Celeste so I ended up having a spare 20 gallon.
SnekBoi: Amazing, this one is the first one to already have both an enclosure and past snake experience with our babies.
spipples: Oh yeah, I've fed Minerva before.
SnekBoi: Do we even need to continue vetting him?
Octopussy: I still will, this is the first time Juno's had babies and I'm still counting.
SnekBoi: Jeez, how many are you at?
Octopussy: well, I'm doing it alone and I'm searching Juno's enclosure so I'm not even counting yet, I'm still cleaning. it has to be at least seven though.
SnekBoi: Good lord, Juno.
Octopussy: Juno cares not for your so called "lord", she will make any number of squirmy children she wants. and apparently that number was a lot. I'm already above ten.
SnekBoi: I believe it.
Octopussy: just look how pretty this bucket of large rainbowey worms are.
Octopussy: abakersdozenofrainbowboas.jpg
spipples: Wow, they're beautiful.
shrexy: Oh wow, they're so pretty!
waaahluigi: I would kill for them.
Coffee Bandit: I think they look very squirmy and cute. A+ work right there, Juno.
SnekBoi: Oh yeah, Virgil. Time for vetting. Come see me.
spipples: Wish me luck not to die.
Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero): Don't die, I'm not qualified to raise my nephews and niece.
spipples: Fair.
SnekBoi: I'm exhausted. I'm going to sleep again. Live on without me, you feeble simpletons.
spipples: Yeah sure, jackass.
SnekBoi: Love you too, bastard.
spipples: Fair.
SnekBoi is offline
spipples: Hey, Inny, can we talk alone?
Octopussy: Nu-uh. I just got home and I'll be incriminated. Witness.
spipples: Fine, Andy, come with me.
Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero): Fiiiiiiine.
spipples, Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero), and Octopussy are now offline
shrexy: Should I be worried about them.
Dr. Bitch: Virgil seemed extremely worried about Deceit, which is seeable given Dee has declined in health quite a bit lately with his recurrence and he's not quite getting much better as of yet given he's stressing himself out more than he's helping himself get better.
shrexy: Isn't there a way to make him stop that?
Dr. Bitch: We're fortunately unfortunate that he's stubborn. His stubbornness has served well going through things like induction and maintenance but he's absolutely shit at consolidation.
shrexy: Do you think he'll be okay? He's just getting worse.
Dr. Bitch. Like I do with all my patients, I hope he'll get better but, right now, it doesn't seem like he will be unless something changes and he finally stops being so self-destructive.
shrexy: So, no?
Dr. Bitch: I don't think he will, but I don't think he'll die and he knows that. he's a part of you, he can't die, he'll just be in a lot of pain for a very long time and will likely go dormant.
shrexy: It's a relief he won't die but I don't want him to be in pain.
Dr. Bitch: Well, we don't really have a choice. We have the option of I either do my best and get him into remission again and hope it doesn't come back again or I give up on my favorite patient and let him drive himself into the ground again. And you have the option of living with him or rejecting him.
shrexy: I know.
Dr. Bitch: Now I need to work, I get to go home soon.
shrexy: Good luck, Dice!
Dr. Bitch: Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Bitch is offline
Momgan: I'm not surprised that I worked and this chat, yet again, is chaos.
Papa Bear: Yeah, it usually is chaotic while we aren't here, huh Lo?
Momgan: It is. Sometimes I'm shocked any of them have a single braincell between them.
Papa Bear: You're right! Our beloved braincell is at work, so they lose their minds.
waaahluigi: I resent that!
Momgan: We know you're chaotic because you miss us, Roman.
waaahluigi: No! I just get...
waaahluigi: ...bored stupid.
Momgan: Would you like to hug, Roman?
waaahluigi: Wait, you're offering to hug me? You? The robot?
Momgan: Well, given I am designated the group mother, I may as well give you motherly affection.
waaahluigi: I would kill to hug someone.
Momgan: Roman, are you touch starved?
waaahluigi: No! Of course not! I just like attention!
þiccness: He is. Mom refuses to admit it but he is touch starved quite frequently.
Momgan: I guess I'm staying with you then until you have had an adequate amount of touch.
waaahluigi: Hang on, gonna cry real quick because Lo's being so nice to me.
shrexy: Aw, bud! Cuddle pile on Roman time!
SwEeTvErUcA: You mean flop on my brother like he's a pancake and I'm butter? Great idea!
waaahluigi: Wait nonono!
uwu: Hey what was that bang?
waaahluigi: Ow.
uwu: Ah, two touch starved triplets. Makes sense. Carry on.
Momgan: Oh no, you're getting in on this too, Teal.
uwu: What god did I offend to be taken from doing my work like this?
Momgan: All of them.
uwu: Sounds about right, deal.
Taglist: @glaxyjellyfish @chronophobica @fear-ze-queer @imma-potatoo
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