#pafl Sergei
glitterypopcorn · 3 months
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hello. i've posted most of these before but i wanted to do a masterpost. i'll reblog when i make 30 more
most recent reblog: meow
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orinew · 10 months
Flash Warning:
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akuma-tenshi · 9 months
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someone mentioned this meme in passing during a conversation and i decided it was my calling to make too many pafl versions of it and completely run the joke into the ground
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ppenguinpperson · 10 months
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the worsties... inspired by this art by @rugwurm !!:D been wanting to draw or write them interacting for some time now and finally got kicked into doing it teehee .. !!
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some notes on the new song before i make any proper analysis:
1. sergei and sanya parallels. the one callback to strike 3 being sanya wishing she had the power to do what sergei did to her, build a cage, set ultimatums, do things her way. the way they’re both trying to control chaotic forces of stubborn, misguided youths. the way they’re both failing.
2. the warm and bright day came. the shelter walls have been torn down, and it happened at night, with only the light of a single lamp post, with a resignation rather than triumph. the phrase “д�� делай ты что хочешь” also has a very specific tone. the word “да” in this context is an untranslatable part of speech that conveys resignation, defeat, lack of care, similar to saying “whatever”. it’s not a blessing or a resound granting of autonomy. it’s giving up. the day came, except it’s not warm, it’s the evening, and his eyes are so fucking tired. “the tepid autumn day is starting to thaw”, the imagery here is specifically not the presence of warmth but rather the breaking down of the cold, it’s not comforting. it’s hopeless.
3. the overwhelming imagery of death. the motif of absence. of loss. of defeat. there’s no winning here. only gravestones and rooms that were once occupied but are now abandoned. of plans you don’t approve of but concede to.
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sb-is-a-thing · 3 months
PAFL characters and how greasy I think their hair is
What am I doing with my life
Yura - Greasiest thing you will touch. Dear god why is it so greasy. Wash your damn hair man
Sanya - Pretty clean, actually. A tad bit greasier and drier when she starts sneaking to parties with Yura but otherwise clean
Sergei - Clean hair but probably doesn’t appear as so ( Some hair just does that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
KT - Probably the cleanliness amount of my hair in the hospital. Anywho it’s not horrible but it’s not the best either
Olya - Clean and probably soft. She actually takes care of her hair
Anya - 1/4 greasy, 3/4 pretty clean. Good job
Dima - Same as KT however probably like my hair in the sense that despite it being eh, it looks pretty good
That’s everyone I’m going to do for now
Why did I do this
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itspotatocatto · 10 months
100 epitaphs analysis rambles
mostly centered around symbolism of sanya's outfit changes but also touching on the baseball bat, the convergence cables, and a few strike 3 line retrospectives. (had to put it under the cut because it accidentally got really long, whoopsies!)
the two main outfits we see sanya in are her short yellow and black outfit with her hair down (which i will be referring to as "gymkid outfit") and her longer black and white outfit with her hair tied up (which i will refer to as "punk outfit").
in sanya's gymkid outfit we see her helplessness and youth, from the first time yura took her out to party [false disposition] to how she lays down seemingly caught in a grieving immobility. in her punk outfit however we see her defiance and her attempts to be "mature", raising the bat to protect KT when they first meet [parties are for losers] to her irreverent laughter while "a candle burns another photograph".
in convergence we see how yura views the cables binding the characters central to his plan of saving KT, sanya is here in her gymkid outfit, as much as he cares for her she's still a helpless kid getting tied up and held back by all that's going on. but in 100 epitaphs we see how sanya views this situation, seemingly accepting the cables and embracing them. she welcomes them, they don't restrict her, they comfort her, enabling her to get stronger, to be better at fighting the world.
also take note of the baseball bat, in convergence she isn't touching it but still tied up with her, out of reach but inescapable. whereas, in 100 epitaphs we see and hear how yura taking the bat in his hand kicks up the music, that audible ignition of firey rebel spirit, and when the cables enwrap her she wraps herself around the bat, holding it tight to her, refusing to let it go, that symbol of anything and everything she might be able to do to change things, to use what little power she has and release the frustration she's built up against the cruelty of the world.
this outfit symbolism is also shown in how sanya was wearing her gymkid outfit while she was on call with yura during the "negotiations" in convergence. she had very little actionable power in that situation, her presence was concealed and then almost immediately forcibly removed as soon as it was revealed. even down to the tiniest detail of yura's contact photo of her being her wearing the punk outfit and how that's the outfit she wears when she confronts dmitry in 100 epitaphs, these little attempts at displaying strength.
these outfit specifics even go back to young!sanya tying her hair up in preparation for the funeral, probably her first real experience of having to be mature. the facial expression change between young!sanya and present!sanya there is also very telling, young!sanya's frown is so sad, so unsure. this is contrasted by what we can see of present!sanya's frown, it's a lot sharper, a lot more sure of itself, somewhere between determined and disgruntled, she's gotten used to trying to be mature but that doesn't make it easier, she's just pushing through it harder.
but of course, yura and sanya's views of her aren't the only ones we see in 100 epitaphs, we also see sergei's perception of her as they stand back to back. here she's in her punk outfit, but it's incomplete, her hair is down, she can't fully commit herself to this, it's not who she is (or maybe she shouldn't commit herself to it and it's not who she should be).
on the topic of sergei it is SO COOL how strike 3's presence is all over 100 epitaphs. from the tepid autumn day to the motif while sanya and sergei are back to back, even how they both start with a phone (olga calling vs yura disconnecting). and they way strike 3 foreshadowed that final scene in 100 epitaphs in a way to make the exact way those lines would turn out ambiguous is damn near masterful.
"everything will pass, the edge will dull, i know what's best for you, and after all a day will come, warm and bright when i, tear down this dismal shelter wall." hearing this we're lead to believe a few key things: that sanya's edge will dull, and that this tearing down of the dismal shelter wall will be a strong and resilient action.
and yet in 100 epitaphs, it is not sanya's rebellious edge that dulls, but sergei's protective one. he realises that trying to protect sanya like this is just pushing her further away from him, he knows what's best but he's given up on trying to make her see that, the shelter wall is torn down not in triumph, but in resignation, collapsing under it's own weight.
"just hide behind this back of mine and save your helpless spite" this is framed like sergei asking sanya to let him protect her and to save that spite she feels for times where it might be of more use than as the weapon of an angry teen. in 100 epitaphs we see how sanya grabs onto sergei's back, to prevent him from punching yura, saving the embodiment of helpless spite.
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dima-in-the-backrooms · 10 months
some 100 epitaph redraws! (spoilers)
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i freaked out when i saw olya like this, (it is awesome <3)
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this one just looked plain fun to draw idk why, love these two tho :p
yeah so the minute i saw the video my nearly week long art block just shattered to pieces and then i made these! (also i'm experimenting with my art style so they look a lil different lol) and i am super happy! i had a great time redrawing them. thank you ferry for making another amazing song and video! <3
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oskar-the-art-creator · 10 months
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He tore down these dismal shelter walls
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gifs by @didlivio
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severefartoholic · 10 months
Just had a thought that I am most definitely wrong about but it's still interesting that maybe Sergei's "да делай что хочешь" in 100 epithaths wasnt what he was talking about in Strike three. It infact was NOT a tepid day, and he did NOT tear down the dismal sheltered walls because he wanted to, more because he was just so exhausted. What I've learned from the pafl series is that Sergei has always been right with his predictions for the future throughout the entire series, if anything I think that the last moments of 100 epithaths are more of the "weight that will someday break my back"
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By the end of 100 epitaths, after Sergei's just giving up I think Sanya really did understand, it was a bit of a reality check. Atleast I think so, looking at her expressions here.
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It might be so that the day HAS come where the weight has broken his back, he's not letting down his isolation of Sanya because he thinks that she's mature enough to handle it or because he thinks that she won't follow Yuras footsteps, it's because he was practically physically forced to surrender that.
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Notice how Sanyas holding onto HIS BACK. BECAUSE BECAUSE. (I'm delusional and I just want Sergei to be okay)
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your-fav-is-divorced · 4 months
Olya and Sergei from Parties are For Losers are divorced!
Olya and Sergei from Parties are For Losers are Divorced!
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loyyvie · 3 months
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SergOleg if it was freaky
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generaterandom · 10 months
New PAFL song, new PAFLseka material (it says, as though it doesn’t have a massive backlog of screenshots to pull from already)
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So pleased with this batch, I’ve made a lot of improvement since my last
Oh also I just realized I haven’t tagged Ferry in any of these so @nopanamaman I hope you enjoy my silly little crossover idea
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ppenguinpperson · 10 months
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normal about him
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ramblingaboutpafl · 7 months
Occam's Razor.
I've just come back from reading the first three episodes of Execution, and here's what I noticed:
Yura is incredibly good at detecting anomalies.
There's no way Yura wouldn't have been able to tell what Dimitri was, because Dimitri's power is just that strong.
Here's my theory on this.
Dimitri flew under Yura's radar at first, because Yura himself said that serious anomalies over the age of twelve is extremely rare.
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And Dima? Dima is 16 in canon. He looks nowhere under 12 and with what Yura believes, the public also unlikely to think that Dimitri is an anomaly. Yura most likely singled out Katya earlier on and was more quick to confront her because she still looks relatively close to 12 years of age.
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(From KT's Official Guide to Coolness)
And since he's found out that carrying around anomalous effects also causes his "Stalker Senses™" to go off (mentioned in the Execution comic), he doesn't believe that this 13-something year old would be carrying one around on her own volition.
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In his mind, the most likely theory would be that she IS the anomaly.
But Dima is a special case, because he's 16. And 16 year olds can become Stalkers, like Sergei, and eventually Yura, did.
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(Yura noticing that Dimitri has the "anomaly aura", from Occam's Razor)
He has to double check instead of directly confronting Dima himself, even going as far as to asking Sanya to experiment on the Cube™ for him just to be sure. But I do believe there's a reason why the video where Yura finds out Dimitri is a mutant is called Occam's Razor; which is a principle that says that if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, the simpler one is often correct.
Yes, it may not be common for anomalous children over 12 to exist in the town, but it's not impossible. Therefore, Dimitri must be a mutant, in Yura's mind.
Sorry if this isn't structured well. I just wanted to get it off my chest.
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