#p009: isn't she lovely.
isn’t she lovely?
TAGGING: AJ @hqmichalkas​, Haley.
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA.
TIMEFRAME: October 7th, 2019.
NOTES: AJ gets to hold baby Dier for the first time.
Haley had spent 8 hours in labor with her best friend, husband, and mom by her side. When the doctor finally laid Eleanor Lu Dier in her arms, Haley realized she would’ve suffered through another 8 hours if this tiny human was what she got out of it. Just as soon as she was laid on Haley’s chest she was removed to get checked out and cleaned up. The next hour felt like a blur. Brett had cut the umbilical cord and then a nurse brought her back to Haley. Her mom had gone to get her dad and when they both returned they were given chances to hold their granddaughter. AJ had offered to grab some food for everyone to allow the little family time to bond so when she came back it would finally be her turn to meet her goddaughter. In the time that AJ was gone, they had stitched Haley up and moved them to a room in the mom and baby unit. Brett had sent a text to AJ to inform her about the switch and a few minutes later the blonde was making her way into the new room. Haley slowly pushed herself up in the hospital bed as her mom handed Ellie back to her, she was in desperate need of a shower, but that could wait. “Are you ready to meet your goddaughter now?” Haley asked as she flashed a weak and tired smile at her best friend who had just reentered the room. Brett sat by the window calling up their closest friends to share the good news and her parents had stepped out to call different family members. Right now was the perfect time for AJ and Eleanor to bond. 
AJ had been grateful that her schedule worked out just in the nick of time to where she was able to head back to California right when her goddaughter was about to be born. It worked out, but even if it hadn't she would have canceled her appearance just to be at the hospital when it was time. She wasn't about to leave her best friend and future godchild without her. Especially not when she promised that she would be in the delivery room when it happened. The morning at the hospital was long but worth it, and by the time she had attended to everyone's needs as well as her own, there was nothing stopping her from stepping into the room to see her favorite little family. And of course, she still had an extra bit of sustenance leftover in case Haley was hungry after that massive ordeal. AJ would definitely be if it was her. Quietly, she slipped inside the room, hanging over by the door and waiting until Haley's mother left, before stepping fully inside. She had been there, but amidst the chaos, AJ hardly had time to see the baby, especially now that she was all cleaned up and used to being out in the world. For a second, AJ froze at Haley's question. Was she ready? She remembered being at the appointment, hearing the baby's heartbeat and wondering if she was ready, but that was nothing compared to seeing a living, breathing infant. Still, she shook off her fear, placing the food down on the secondary visitor's chair by the door and stepping forward, hands gripping onto the bed's railing. "Are you ready to have someone steal your baby?" She teased, walking along the side of the bed. "Because I can't promise that I won't walk out with her the second she's in my arms."
Haley noticed how her best friend froze slightly after she had posed the question, but then she watched as her best friend set down the food and came closer to the bed where Haley was sat, her eyes hardly leaving the sight of her daughter. "You wouldn't dare!" she gasped, feigning a look of worry and fear. "A nurse is coming within the next hour to help me feed her for the first time, so I doubt you'd get very far," Haley explained with a knowing look. She looked down at her daughter, kissing her forehead before she lifted her arms to gently pass her off to AJ. "Ready to meet your Auntie AJ, baby girl?" she cooed as the baby was placed securely in AJ's arms. The brunette laid back, reaching out for the cup of water on the tray next to her bed and taking a sip. "How'd we do?" she asked her best friend as the blonde got a good look at the little girl in her arms.
AJ shrugged. "You never know, I could totally pass as the stressed mother of a newborn baby. As long as she's not coming right now I could whisk her away and no one would be the wiser," she said, approaching the side of the bed and settling into the chair next to the bed. She wasn't ready in the slightest, but that was probably the same feeling that Haley was going through. It didn't matter whether she was or wasn't ready, the baby was here and there was nothing she could do to try to be any more ready. It was now or nothing. Thankfully, she was no stranger to holding babies, and carefully she took the infant from Haley's arms, careful not to jostle her as she settled back in her chair. Her heart squeezed, and she glanced up at Haley briefly, eyes shining. "She's beautiful."
Haley "Well, she would realize she was hungry at some point and then you'd be shi- shoot out of luck," Haley protested, raising her eyebrows at her best friend. "Young ears are now present. We have to watch what we say," she whispered. Haley tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at her best friend as she raved over the baby in her arms. "Isn't she?" Haley replied, eyes shining with tears just like AJ's were. Anytime someone new held her baby, Haley felt emotional all over again. These were the happiest tears she had cried in a long time. She laid back, tilting her head to the side to watch as Brett made calls to their friends, sharing the good news with them. Haley honestly couldn't believe she'd done it. The whole morning felt like a blur now that it was all over. "I'm really glad you were here," she said, snapping back to reality and looking at her best friend.
AJ rolled her eyes. "Please. She probably only barely registers that people are talking," she said, though she had already secretly made it a point to stop swearing in front of the infant whenever she could as often as she possibly could. "Thank God she got your looks," she teased, casting a glance at Brett in the corner still on the phone, sure that he couldn't hear her though she made the crack anyway. "You did a good job." She shifted slightly, partially freeing her hand to run her finger over the baby girl's little nose. "There's no place I'd rather be."
Haley sighed, "I know, but we have to start practicing now! Her little ears will eventually pick up on it," she explained. The actress giggled at her friend's next comment. "You hush!" she exclaimed, knowing Brett probably hadn't heard her but still wanting to stick up for him. "You really think she looks like me though?" she asked in a whisper, looking at the sleeping babe in her best friend's arms. "Thank you, I'm exhausted and still in a little bit of pain, but it was completely worth it. I mean look at her..." she said with a smile, still in complete awe at the fact that the baby resting in her friend's arms had still been inside of her only a few hours ago. "Now, what did you bring for me to eat?" she asked with a grin, leaning over to reach for the bag AJ had left beside her bed.
AJ shook her head. "Eventually, but not until she starts mimicking your words and sounds. Until then she's just gonna hear a bunch of mumbling." She looked down at the baby once more, nodding. "Exactly like you. In all seriousness. She's beautiful," AJ assured, looking down at the baby once more. Though she wasn't AJ's by any means necessary (Haley put in all the work), AJ already felt like she would be willing to protect this baby with her life. She was family, after all. "Well, that'll happen. I mean you pushed an entire human out of your body, I don't expect you to look like Kate Middleton after she gave birth. Which is insane, and they definitely gave her time to rest before they put makeup on her and let her walk out looking like giving birth was the most pleasant thing she's ever done." She laughed softly as Haley reached for the food, and she poked her head into the bag to try to remember. "Well, the lady in the cafeteria said you shouldn't have anything too heavy, so I got you a few choices of sandwiches, and I think a Gatorade and some jello."
Haley sighed, "Yeah yeah yeah. That won't be for a while." The brunette's face lit up as her friend confirmed that the baby looked exactly like her. "Except for those baby blues, apparently Brett and I both carry the blue-eyed gene despite not having blue eyes," she smiled. "Yeah, I did just do that," she laughed. "That is very true, I should've brought makeup so you could've dolled me up post-birth. Though I'm not sure many people care and I like it that way," she giggled matter of factly. "Sounds good to me!" Haley exclaimed, pulling a turkey sandwich from the bag and taking a bite. She set one aside for Brett to eat once he got off the phone with Keegan who would be coming to visit later in the day. "What would I do without you?" Haley questioned, trying her best to slowly devour the sandwich so she didn't choke or worse, throw up.
AJ scoffed. "Don't you 'yeah yeah yeah' me, ma'am. Just because you're a mom now doesn't mean you're still not my child." She looked down at the baby. Though her eyes were closed for now, AJ was sure that if she saw Ellie open her eyes, they would be a bright, piercing blue. A virtual angel. "Sometimes recessive traits work in mysterious ways. You never know you know? Hey, come on. I cared if you stepped out looking like a mess versus looking like the wife of the future king of England." She smiled, looking away from Ellie briefly too look at Haley. "Starve, probably." She looked back at the baby in her arms. So tiny and innocent. Still with years of development ahead of her. Still so much time to enjoy life. "In all seriousness," she began, looking back at the new mother once more. "I am so proud of you and what you've accomplished. She's beautiful, Haley, truly."
Haley “You only get the mom title when my mom isn’t in town and since she’s sticking around for awhile you get a break,” Haley said, sticking out her tongue. “I feel like I’m looking like a mess right now, but maybe that’s just me...” she admitted with a smile. “I would definitely starve,” she said, taking another bite of her sandwich. “Not being able to eat for 10 hours is no fun,” she admitted. Haley watched as AJ’s eyes stayed trained on the precious babe in her arms and then looked up into Haley’s eyes. Tears began to well in her eyes as her best friend spoke. “Thank you, that means a lot. I’m really proud of myself too. And thanks for being here, it means the world,” she added, wiping at her eyes. There was so much Haley wanted to talk about that didn’t include her baby, but she figured she could let that go for the moment.
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