#p.s. i don't mean any of this as ''i hate my parents'' or ''my parents hate me'' kind of stuff
banj0possum · 6 months
Alistair x (platonically) Teen Reader
In the fic he is like oh my god a bride, he walks in and instead of an adult..or a bride-
They find a teen, who literally threw a pebble at him, an angsty teen💀
I’m very happy to read ur fics and usually pair them with teen/child mc because I find it funny because they expect the love of their life
and teen mc standing there :🧍‍♂️
anyways sorry for the long request, luv ur writing, and ur art :D
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Yandere! Evil King x Teen! GN! Reader
CW: platonic relationship, Alistair is a bit of a DILF so do with it as you will, Dads are hot you guys!! READER IS A MINOR.
👑 Who is this sassy lost child?
👑 His minions kidnapped you while you were on a carriage ride back to your kingdom.
👑 He was hoping for like a princess or something to marry and take over the kingdom with or whatever so like...what tf he gonna do with you???
👑 Clearly you were too young to be in a situation like this, but theres no way he's giving you back without a reward, so yes he still holds you for ransom.
👑 "Child, I am Alistair, King of-ACk!"
👑 Did...did you throw a pillow at him?!
👑 "How dare yo- AHK! Stop it!" another one..
👑 You refuse to listen to anything he says, you just wanted to go home
👑 You two had a bit of rivalry for a bit. He hated you and you hated him.
👑 He promised not to show any affection or care towards you since in his eyes, your actions didn't deserve it. How can someone be so rude to a king !?
👑 But he starts to notice you don't eat much. He never sees you in the dining hall and has only seen quick moments of you nibbling on some bread or pastries the servants gave you.
👑 He scoffed, so irresponsible! You must eat a proper meal right this second or you'll starve!
👑 You're surprised to see a meal prepared for you during your routine trip to get a snack from the pantry with a note on the plate.
👑 "Next time, ask for a proper meal. I don't want your parents to think I've been starving you. -Alistair P.S. go to bed early."
👑 Huh...
👑 Alistair smiled from the doorway of the dining hall, watching you eat up with a smile on your face. You might have been too scared of him to ask for food so you've been sneaking snacks while he wasn't looking.
👑 Of course he wasn't doing it because he cared about you, he just didn't want royalty like you to resort to such pathetic means to eat!
👑 Why are you still sad? Perhaps he should get you some things to keep your attention..
👑 He asks (threateningly may I add) about your hobbies or interests.
👑 The next morning your cell (which has been upgraded to a lovely room in the castle because he didn't want you to be filthy and gross in a dungeon) was filled with anything he could find that he thought you'd enjoy.
👑 Don't think he wants you to be happy! He's just tired of seeing you sulk everywhere!
👑 He denies everything, but you swear you could see a tiny smile on his face when you hugged him happily.
👑 You start being a little more open to him, showing him anything you've made or done with pride and he'd receive it gratefully, but he won't show it of course.
👑 "I made you this friendship bracelet!"
👑 "I've seen better jewelry."
👑 "Oh I'll take it back then I guess.."
👑 "No, it's mine now, back off."
👑 Drawings and the like that he said would be thrown out as soon as you left would be seen framed in his room
👑 It would be a..waste of good canvas..
👑 And of course he buys a few books of your choice for you to read, he'd be damned if your brain turns to mush.
👑 Bro bro he'd be the type to let you swing around while holding onto his bicep.
👑 If you ever have any problems, or come to him in a bad mood, he'd have no idea how to help other than to sit down and listen to your troubles.
👑 He's not the most physical when it comes to affection, but you bet your ass he's gonna do everything he can to cheer you up.
👑 At this point he's rewriting his demands for the ransom. Either your kingdom lets him sign some adoption papers or he's starting a war.
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milaisreading · 4 months
I understand that Kaiser had a very bad childhood, but still, that doesn't mean that he has the right to treat people badly. When people approach him with kindness, he is still a big asshole. For example, look at Hiori. A poor boy is just a tool for his parents, and they never loved him. And the worst thing is that he knows that he is not loved by his parents. Yet he is still one of the nicest people in Blue Lock.
🌱🩷: Well, it always comes down to the person and how they decide to carry themselves after everything is done. I would argue that Kaiser's past is shittier than Hiori's (i.e., jail and his father trying to kill him), although I am not a big fan of comparing. Both have traumatic pasts, and Hiori still is part of that abusive household, as sad as it is.
They both represent some of the ways children can turn out when they are neglected or abused in their childhood. I see what you mean, tho, anon. I am not a big fan of how Kaiser treats others, and I might approach it in a baised way since I didn't like Kaiser even prior to or after his backstory dropped. My feelings for him stayed the same since I pretty much had 0 expectations for him to begin with.
P.S. pls don't send this anon any hate in the comments.
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Heyy How you doing? I wanted to make a request for Mischa Bachinski × reader where reader is like this popular but not mean kind of girl in town. Like everyone loves her and she's in every club she can and has good grades in school (which can be a problem for ocean), her friends'parents absolutely love her, etc. And like mischa and her don't talk to much, so he thinks she doesn't even remember his name. (Kind of like the song Gold Rush by taylor swift now that I think abt it? Idk).
The point is ofc she likes him, but she thinks he doesn't like her bc of his angry persona and all of that stuff (also what would people say if they saw her hanging out with someone with such a bad raputation?)
And when they finally clear things up and become friends they end completely falling in love w each other and have to tell each other at some point.
I feel like this is way too long and specific, so don't worry if it bores you or smth, ily :))
Hello! I'm currently very busy with school, but I'll still try writing oneshots at any opportunity I have! And don't worry, I love writing very long and detailed works, and I find it easier when the request is longer because I know what I need to write.
(P.S. In this fanfic, (Y/N) has two moms, which will be referred to as mama and mom, cuz I just felt like it.) (Also, they will appear in the next request too, so be prepared to see them again)
Also, sorry for not writing in a few weeks, I've been going through a long depressive episode lately, but now I've got the motivation to write again
(TW: None!)
Word count: 1,364 words
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Beauty and the beast (Mischa Bachinski x Popular!fem!reader fluff)
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(𝓨/𝓝)'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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"The most loved girl in town" has been a Title that I've worn like a badge for most of my life. Ever since I was younger, I knew three things:
"Be friendly to others because you don't know what they're going through, be smart so that you can one day help others live a better life, and last but not least, be happy for making others happy"
At least, that's what my parents always told me, and I obeyed them. These rules have been actually helpful for me. Thanks to them, I am now known by everyone in town as being "The most loved girl in town", thanks to my personality.
I always help others when in need, and thanks to that, I've made a lot of friends. Yes, some of them have been fake to me, but I still have forgiven them.
I am also one of the best students in school. I've never got any grade below 79%, and I am also in every club in St. Cassian high school, including the school choir.
Speaking about the school choir, I am friends with a lot of people, even with my rival, Ocean. We don't hate each other, but we are indeed rivals in every class. After we get the scores on one of our tests, the one who has the lower grade needs to buy Taco Bell from my friend, Noel, and pay with the "loser"'s money.
Even if I have a lot of friends in school, I am not friends with one boy, who's name is Mischa Bachinski. To be honest, I would like to be friends with him, but I don't think he would want to be friends with me, a goodie two shoes.
I should probably try to become friends with him. Everyone has a good soul. There's no such thing as bad people. Mischa is just misunderstood, that's the problem, and I would like to try to break him out of his shell formed of anger.
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The next morning, after I woke up, I decided to make a little bracelet for Mischa, since I want to start a friendship with him, and there's no better way than to make a friendship bracelet.
I spent a few minutes making the bracelet, which also included his name, and I felt very proud of myself, yet I was still kind of scared that he might reject my friendship bracelet.
After I was done making it, I put it on my wrist, and then took my backpack, and went downstairs to eat together with my moms.
As I was walking downstairs, I observed the decoration around the house. There were seventeen pictures of me, going from up to down. The first picture was a picture of myself when I was one, and the seventeenth one was of me in the present. I'm not exaggerating one bit when I tell you that my moms are very proud of me. They always brag with pride about how smart I am to everyone they meet. Most parents even beg me to be friends with their kids, so that they can learn to be "better". Of course, I befriended their kids, but I never tried to change them. Everyone is perfect in their own way.
"Goodmorning, (Y/N)! How was your sleep?" Asked my mama. I looked at her and I smiled, as my other mom was making breakfast for us.
"It was wonderful!" I said as my mom gave me an omelet.
"Well, we're glad that you slept well!" Mom said as she sat next to mama and me.
I began eating as if there were no tomorrow, and then got off my seat and waved at my moms.
"Wait, (Y/N)!" Mama said as she walked to me, and pulled my sleeve up, to show the bracelet that I was planning to give to Mischa.
"Young lady. Who is this "Mischa"?" She asked as she smirked. I blushed a little.
"Oh, he's a boy in choir, and I want to become friends with him, so I made him this bracelet," I said, and both mama and mom smiled at each other.
"That's good, honey! Hope we can meet him one day!" Said mom, as both she and mama waved at me.
I waved back and then headed off to school.
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I have gotten to the choir and looked around for Mischa. he was indeed here, but he was sitting on his phone.
I walked up to him.
"Hello, Mischa!" I waved at him. He looked at me surprised.
"Wait, you remembered my name?" He asked. I nodded. "What do you want from me?"
"Well, I would like to become friends with you, only if you don't mind!" I said, and I took the bracelet off my wrist and showed it to him.
he looked in awe at the bracelet and extended his hand to take it. He took it so gently, it was as if he never got any gifts from anyone.
"Wow..." He said, and then looked at me. "You really had time to make a gift...for me?"
I nodded. He looked even more in astonishment at the bracelet. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he hid it behind the facade of someone with a "cool guy" persona. "Thank you, druh!" He smiled at me.
"Sorry if I seem rude, but what does "druh" mean?" I asked with a confused smile. He started chuckling. "Druh means friend in ukrainian." He said, still looking at the bracelet.
"Wait, you see me as a friend?" I asked once again. He smiled again.
"Of course! No one here ever gave me a gift, and you are the only one who gave me something even if we don't know each other very well."
He explained. My eyes sparkled. Then he added with a slight blush, "Thanks." I smiled brightly at him, and we continued chatting until class started. I just know that this will start a beautiful friendship.
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I'll never forget the day when I befriended Mischa. Since then, we've been like two peas in a pod, rarely separated. Even though I've only been friends with Mischa for a few weeks, I consider him one of my closest friends.
After school, Mischa waited for me outside, and we decided to walk home together. He held my arm, and it felt so nice…but also weird. It was like a tingle running through my body, and my heart started beating fast.
We talked more and more, while slowly getting closer and closer to each other. I could feel a lump form in my throat. Why was I reacting like this? Maybe it's because I had never felt this before. Was this normal? Or was I overreacting? I couldn't tell. Our arms were touching, which was weird. I didn't like being touched by strangers, and Mischa was definitely not the type of person whom I would willingly touch. However, I enjoyed holding hands with Mischa. We arrived at Mischa's house. "See you at school, (Y/N)" Mischa said with a saddened expression as he wanted to enter his house. I stopped him, which made him look back at me "Hey, Mischa," I began, "I actually wanted to ask you something…" "Yeah?" He replied, sounding slightly nervous. "I…I…really like you! I blurted out. His face changed completely, and he looked shocked. He looked at me for a moment. "Why?" He asked. "Well, I guess I don't know! I just found out today that I have a crush on you, and then I couldn't stop thinking about you!" Misha began laughing. "Well, (Y/N), I like you too." He said, smiling. "Really?!?" I asked as I wasn't sure if I heard correctly. But then, it happened: he hugged me. A hug from Mischa Bachinski. "Yes, (Y/N), I really like you too." He said as he broke the hug. We stared into each other's eyes and smiled shyly. This relationship will truly begin like any cheesy romantic comedy.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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slightlysaneee · 11 months
I've been watching Manly play The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey and... oh boy. OH BOY
First of all, I haven't finished episode two. Secondly, I love the game so far. It's been a significant amount of time if ever since I encountered protagonists as toxic as they are. But, my dear dudes, they are so well written. I absolutely want to murder Ashley, she's a psychopath through and through and I'm willing to adopt and do more things to Andrew. I love when writers make us sympathetic toward the most vile people. I kinda want them to succeed in all their murder endeavors and — curse you twisted brain of mine — I ship them and also I don't (I mean, of course not, and yet). I hate and love Ashley, and I feel so sorry for Andrew and I want him to break free because they are unfortunately so believable, especially together.
Going back to how well written they are. The dialogues are hilarious and natural. Their personalities are so palpable in every scene, in every pause, stutter and eye contact. Especially Andrew's inner turmoil, omg that poor young man.
The whole game is there to morally challenge us. What would we do in their situation? Do we understand their actions? Do we condone them?
So incest... Incest is there, it's very obvious from the start. Are developers pro incest? I don't know and do not care. But honestly, I don't think so. They created a completely dysfunctional family, with unhealthy relationships and codependency between siblings on one side, and neglect from parents' side. In episode two, it's obvious their mother knows how Andrew and Ashley feel toward each other. She is aware of it and wants to break them apart. So I don't think developers romanticize incest - to the contrary, I think they are well aware the immoral side but they wan to toy with players, push our boundaries and blur our moral views. In any case, whether developers are pro or anti incest is not the point at all. I think people, especially on this site, aren't aware that artist/writers are NOT their work. But art will always be there to challenge your views, emotions, to poke you right in the sore spots. It's been like that since the dawn of civilization.
P.S. I love that there is only one coffin for Andy and Leyley. There is so much meaning there.
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
Idea for a Batman vs Superman story: surprise! Batman is actually wrong for once this time. Not that he always isn't, but narrative always makes exceptions for him.
Lois and Clark pursue Batman for both child abuse and idk—everything else, how about that? I think it'd make for a very interesting plot: it goes into how you see things clearly when you're the third party. That it's very easy to say what's right or wrong when you're not the one involved.
But when it's one of your colleagues/friends who has a habit of taking orphans/abusing them or basically being a one man fascist deep state—then what do you do? He works with you. You're supposed to be a hero. When Lex Luthor does it, it's not okay? But if Bruce Wayne does it, it is? Think Clark, think. You saw he kicked Dick out, Clark. You've seen the way he treats the kids, you've seen the way he treats the League. You've seen his attitude towards the poor and marginalised. You're someone who understands him deeply and knows what makes him tick and you know why he is the way he is. But if you let him roam free and abuse everyone around you, what kind of hero do you call yourself? Do you make excuses for him because it's “not that simple?”
So, yeah. Batman vs Superman that actually makes sense.
P.S. the child abuse I'm talking about isn't the “Robin is child endangerment” argument. It's [waves hand] everything else.
P.P.S: I hate that panel of Wally tearing Bruce a new one concerning “children superheroes”. I mean, it makes sense. Wally grew up with Dick, he knows what kind of parent Bruce was. And they have the entire Justice League hissing through their teeth and going all “he did not say that. Lol.” and they think they're revolutionary or cool or any of these things.
But they're not.
What is the Justice League if it condones abuse within its circles. What is the Justice League when it sees a hero mistreating their sidekick and does nothing about it? Because they know him?
Either don't bring it up at all and I'll somehow suspend my disbelief (the way I do with really good comics like Grimm and BtAS) or if you're bringing it up make sure the narrative doesn't condone it but NOPE! DC and dudebro writers of the medium only know how to half arse things.
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kissorkill16 · 4 months
No One Cared: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: Mr. Peterson trying to convince Nicky he has no other options.
P.S., thank you @loszeged for inspiring me.
Nicky was curled in on himself, lying on his bed. When he heard the door open. He didn't need to look up to see who it was.
"Nicholas, get up. I have something to show you."
Nicky didn't want to, but he didn't want to know what would happen if he didn't listen to his kidnapper, so he got up and followed Mr. Peterson wherever he was taking him.
Mr. Peterson took him to a large room in the basement, and what Nicky saw nearly made him barf. It was like a carnival. All around, there were rollercoasters, flying swings, concession stands, it was a whole ass fair ground.
There was also a Ferris wheel, almost three stories high. And a carousel, all colorful and shiny.
"Oh my fucking god.", Nicky mumbled under his breath, so Mr. Peterson didn't have to hear him swear.
The old man put his gloved hands on the boy's shoulders. "Do you like it? I built it. It's for you and Aaron. It's all for you my boy."
Nicky pushed the man away from him.
"Don't touch me you psychopath!", he yelled.
Mr. Peterson looked at the young man with a disapproving look. "Nicholas, you watch your tongue. I've been doing nothing but trying to accommodate you, and you're being a brat."
"If by being a brat, you mean trying to stay sane while you're keeping me and your son captive, then yes.", Nicky sassed at him.
Mr. Peterson didn't say anything, he just stared at him. Then he got down on one knee, his face both condescending and sympathetic. "At least I'm doing better than your parents and your friends."
Nicky balled his hands into fists, "You shut up! Don't bring any of them into this! They have nothing to do with this conversation!"
"They have everything to do with this conversation, Nicholas. They left you when you needed them most, meanwhile, I've been so kind to you."
"Kind? Kind?!", Nicky asked, incredulous. "If you were any type of kind, you wouldn't be locking me or Aaron in here. You're not kind, you're not any better than my friends or family."
Mr. Peterson put a hand on Nicky's chin, tilting his head to the underground amusement park he created for him. "But look at what I made for you and Aaron. Aren't you grateful? Did your parents ever give you any of this?"
Nicky's eyes traveled down to the floor, "No. No they didn't. But not because they didn't care! They just weren't...well...you."
"Sure.", said Mr. Peterson. "What about your little misfit friends? I know they don't care about you, young man. If they really cared, they would've listened to you more."
Nicky tried so hard to blink back the tears in his eyes. He knew Mr. Peterson was right, but he wasn't going to give in so easily. "Stop trying to gaslight me, you psychopath."
"Gaslight? I'm gaslighting you by telling you the truth?"
Mr. Peterson held Nicky's hands and kept them in a firm grip so he couldn't wipe away the tears threatening to fall down his face. He knew he was getting through the little boy, and he wanted to see him crumble before him.
"If they really cared, Enzo wouldn't have made fun of your loneliness. If they really cared, Trinity wouldn't have stolen your only sponsor. If they really cared, Maritza wouldn't have accused you of something you didn't do. If they really cared,...", Mr. Peterson loosened his grip on Nicky's hands. "They wouldn't have abandoned you."
Nicky could feel the tears running down his cheeks.
"Your parents never cared for you either, they just made it seem like they did so they wouldn't have to confront the fact they were doing a terrible job at parenting. No one cares for you, Nicky, no one except me and Aaron. I know you hate being alone, being abandoned, just accept the truth."
Nicky didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help the tears flowing down his eyes, making their way down his cheeks. He looked down, trying to hide his tear-stained face, and Mr. Peterson pulled him close, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Shh, it's alright.", the old man soothed the little boy.
"They don't care. They don't care about me.", Nicky cried into his captors chest.
"It's alright, Nicholas. You have me now, and I would never abandon you."
Theodore Masters Peterson did a successful job, convincing Nicky that no one cared about him, that he was all alone with no one except him and Aaron.
Meanwhile, Nicky's face was everywhere on the streets and trees of Raven Brooks, on a missing poster.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Since you like speculation and theories, can i share some of my own? Remember, is pure speculation, so it's not mean to offend anyone.
This is my favorite one, and i would love it if it turns out to be true: You and the hooker witch are one and the same person.
Second theory: You are Jensen's helicopter mother. That would explain why you know everything that happens in the Ackles house hold, why you're low key toxic about Jensen's achivements and you justify your criticism with concern for him, would also explain why Jensen left his home at a young age to never return, and why that seems to bother you for some reason.
Finally my third theory: you are in the closet and you can't accept it, and/or are very afraid to come out. This fear is where your hate towards Danneel is rooted, because you probably feel very attracted to her, and you hate that fact.
This would also explain why you hate Jensen so much, and why you spend so much time trying to convince other people and yourself of Danneel's unatractivness.
@curiouswitches We are the same person and clearly we are the Queen that rules over this person's mind. Hahahahahahah While I do have an incredibly powerful maternal instinct, so does every woman who is in harmony with herself and that nurturing side extends to all others not just to kids. People usually look for their parent of the opposite sex in their partners so if you say I am like Jensen's mom then I'm his ideal relationship wise. lol I do have on thing in common with mommy Ackles and it is the highest possible thing but I won't share what that is. P.S.: Hello, mommy Ackles, call me! ;) Let's go shopping together, it seems we have a lot in common according to this anon. Let's connect. Third one is incredibly stupid because it assumes that people don't have personal tastes and that Danneel is somehow universally attractive, how delusional are you on a scale of 1 to 10? 200! lol
Oh, and as secure, attractive woman who is in harmony with herself, I have no problem admitting when another woman is breathtakingly beautiful. Here's a list of my main female "crushes":
Sofia Vergara (Jensen's actual celebrity crush but, for the record, I liked her first) She and I have something in common, won't say what. lol
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Adriana Lima
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Taylor Hill
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Angelina Jolie
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Kelly Hu - young and current, she's always been the epitome of beauty.
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Margot Robbie
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Catherine Zeta Jones
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Aishwarya Rai
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Monica Bellucci
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I could go on but what all these women have in common is that, if you remove their make-up, they are still as breathtakingly gorgeous as they are with make-up, if not more. (I hate the overdone make-up look) It's called natural beauty and, in my humble opinion, it's the best kind of pure and real beauty that exists. Danneel? Sans extensions, fake lashes, kilos of make-up and botox, she looks unrecognizable and that's putting it lightly. Oh, would you look at that, no Elta in that list. Hahahahaha Could it be because she's creepy as f, disgusting inside and made of plastic? I don't call her PlastiKween for nothing. I never try to convince anyone of anything, my blog is focused differently but I can see how someone limited would assume I act like them. *cough* You *cough* In fact, You are the one trying to convince everyone that I am THIS and THAT, aren't you? How's that working out for you? Is that working out well? lol These women also have a breathtaking femininity about them and a sensuality that is overwhelming, they are, basically, the opposite of everything Danneel is type wise as she is vulgar, tomboyish, plays on her sexuality in off putting ways that demean women, lacks grace and class completely. That being said, this post is just immensely entertaining so A+ for that but next time try to avoid intentions like outing people or, in any case, assuming their sexual identity, that's not only rude it also classifies as abuse. You lack class and empathy, that's for sure. My sexual identity, much like Jensen's is none of your business. Read that again. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just made a stupid joke without realizing what you were doing. I am sorry for being so harsh but I have a lot of queer friends and the thing I hate the most is when people weaponize their sexuality or try to judge them for it. I can be whatever I want to be and so can they. Little charisma lesson, for future reference, it's classy, intelligent and empathetic to respect boundaries and steer clear of certain assumptions. If you wish to connect with someone over sexuality there are other ways to do that without being invasive and without violating their identity. Now, let me put forth another theory: It gets to you that some women can be more attractive, intelligent, high quality than Danneel and that the list is endless. That's because it forces you to face the fact that you've lowered your standards to stan a z lister with no culture whose only claim to fame is nakedness and banging Jensen. You suspect I am indeed more than her that's why you keep coming back to my blog, because, in reality, you are projecting the negative beliefs YOU have about her and Jensen unto me. You cannot own your own shadow side so you try to project it unto others. You are not in harmony with yourself and your self loathing levels are much higher than your self appreciation. You perceive me as more than you so you need me to validate your positive perceptions about Danneel, I'm not more than anyone, by the way, and sorry but I can't confirm your perceptions because mine are completely different and clearly you resonate with them on some level and are too afraid to admit what you really think about Danneel. The only love you feel for Jensen is a pathological obsession with an idea of him, you objectify him to extremes and only "love" Danneel because she is associated with him. If he were to divorce her tomorrow and marry me or someone else then you'd have a brand new "Kweeeeen". You are incapable of thinking for yourself so you subjugate your values to Jensen and Danneel's because of this, your personality is under developed due to this and you miss out on a lot of your goals and dreams because you are focused on the wrong people instead of focusing on your happiness.
Finally, and this is just pure speculation and gossip so please never take it seriously, after all, what do I know about myself: I naturally find people like her low quality. I'm not the only one. To give you a simple analogy: What is a real doctor going to think about some drug addicted psycho who sells drugs and calls themselves a doctor? That's exactly it. That analogy explains why I dislike Danneel, I'm of a certain type and quality and she is the cheap, fake, plastic, uncultured version. I am sorry, I realize this will come off as mean but it is what it is. Another analogy: What's a highly trained, brilliant actor going to think about an amateur who gets cast because they banged the shady producer? There you go, please don't ever wonder why someone like me can't stand someone like Danneel, she's the poorest excuse of an "actress" and "artist" and don't even get me started on the humanity side, it truly makes me cry that Jensen ended up with someone so low quality, vapid, devaluing and fake and I hope, with all of my heart and soul, that he will soon move on to someone higher, capable of loving him deeply but in order to do that he has to first get back in harmony with himself. I'm someone who is incredibly direct and blunt and who loves critical thinking, for this reason, a lot of my opinions trigger people, because they are used to black and white notions and being judgemental so they project that unto me but I am one of the least judgemental people you will ever meet in life, ironically. There's a huge difference between judging and discerning. I am a person who discerns way more than I will ever judge. I love Jensen in my own unique way and have way more in common with him than you think but that doesn't mean I turn a blind eye any more than I ever would with anyone close to me, truly appreciating someone isn't just seeing rainbows and positive qualities, it's also calling people out, pointing our areas where they can improve, holding them to the best of standards and inspiring the best in them rather than letting them wallow in self pity, toxicity and other negative states. I have an extremely practical mind and that benefits everyone in my life because I am usually the one person that will tell them what the next step is to reach their goals because I am unafraid to bring up what is missing and I do so candidly. It's perfectly okay that you don't appreciate me and that you truly cannot comprehend how I view Jensen, you ignore all of my praise of him and only focus on the things about him that are rightfully off, except you try to twist them as if I am responsible for them. That's perfectly fine but know that it defines YOUR scope and intentions not mine. Also, you offended no one but your own intelligence, I guess. I found this post hilarious. lol
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fujoreads · 9 months
Umineko: Episode 2 // Review & Thoughts
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Heey it's Episode 2! I've just finished Episode 4, so I might as well catch up on these.
VNDB | Steam
CW: Murder (duh); non-explicit nudity; child abuse
P.S.: There are broken youtube previews due to my blog's theme, so they won't look as good, but I refuse not to show them.
If Episode 1 was crazy enough, this episode just gets crazier—and so on. I don't remember much of the details from this, but I do remember it focusing more on Shannon and Rosa this time.
There's even some cool foreshadowing I understand now after finishing Episode 4! I will only reference it in my EP4 review, though.
By the way, unlike EP1, I won't go into as much detail since we're all aware of who the characters are.
Let us begin!
Different deaths, different order, different victims!
We get to know more about Shannon and her inner desires for a successful romantic relationship with George. They are very cute together, though I found the whole aquarium date a bit slow.
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Hahaha, it's fun to see how this sentence can apply to so many different situations, meaning different things.
Ushiromiya Battler
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This might be the most emotionally brutal episode to him. Well, to an extent they all are, but the way Beatrice made him submit so hard is something else.
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This was a fantastic episode for femdom enjoyers such as myself kekw
Ushiromiya Eva
Eva plays a huge role in Shannon's view of herself (and her role in George's life) as an obstacle.
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I don't have much to add—she'll have her time next episode.
Ushiromiya Jessica
I almost forgot this was the episode we discover Jessica has a crush on Kanon. I'm not going to lie, I hate this ship. Well, hate is a strong word, but I don't really feel any chemistry and it feels forced, so it's kinda funny how Kanon keeps rejecting her.
Ushiromiya Rosa
Her relationship with Maria is a continuous focus over the entire arc, but this episode focused a lot on how her relationship with her family shaped her into this well-meaning but abusive parent.
This dynamic will be better developed in Episode 4, but I really enjoyed these scenes, even if they hurt a lot to read through.
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Rosa is the leader this time. It's fun how our reaction towards her with a gun is completely different from EP1, when Natsuhi was the surviving parent.
It's the eyes, I tell you. They have malice in them o_o"
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Though I'll admit, the last scene with her and Maria was hella badass, and it was nice to see her trying to save her at all costs, even if she was a bit greedy as well.
Her Tea Party torture scene was... man, that was tough to read.
Shannon had huge character development throughout this entire episode and I loved it. But to be completely honest, I can't remember a lot except for Rosa's paranoia.
The Stakes
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Ooooh man, I wasn't expecting to see actual demons. I don't know why I wouldn't expect it, but I just didn't. I liked Asmodeus, she seems fun!
Atmosphere & Soundtrack
My favorite banger for the episode! It's such a great ending scene aaaa
Mechanics & Gameplay
We get introduced to the red truths. I finally understand the memes!!
I love how Ryukishi is always introducing new concepts even within the game. It keeps things fresh, especially considering how long this game is.
Final Thoughts
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Well, this was it for me! I think the next episodes might be more detailed, I just forgot a lot about this episode. Of the Question Arc, this may be the least memorable, unfortunately.
It was still a great episode, and I finished wanting more! I'll give this a 7.5/10, aka 4 stars!
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Thank you for reading it all to the end! I’m working full-time and looking for another job to make my life possible; would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Hi! This is not relevant to your current political discussions at all and you def don't have to answer this! But you're the only person I know who is an Academic™ and I was hoping for some input from somebody with a more balanced view of college education. For some context: I enrolled in a VERY shitty online college when I was 16 and entirely screwed my chances of getting freshman scholarships to other colleges now that I'm 18 and trying to switch schools. Additionally, that college only has national accreditation and not regional so my credits won't transfer anywhere and my family's EFC is too high to get any federal help. (but my parents don't actually have money to help me pay for school)
All of this puts me in a super fun situation where I can't get almost anything except for competitive private scholarships and student loans. So it seems like I have 2 options: (1) I could take out thousands in student loans to go to a cheap university out of state (living with my brother to save on dorming) and get my bachelor's degree or (2) Go to my local community college, try to get their institutional scholarships, and probably get through college without debt. Big downside to this is that I would probably end up living at home and that's the very last thing I wanted.
I'm obvs not asking you to make a decision for me, but I was hoping you'd have some input that could help. I'm really worried that if I go to cc that I'll end up in another dead end job making $12 an hour like most people around me, but I also don't know if 20k+ in student loan debt for a degree is worth it when college degrees are (according to the headlines) getting less valuable in the job market. Any thoughts??
P.s. I'm going for Business Management
P.p.s. I promise I'm not a capitalistic monster
Aha, welp. This is indeed a super fun situation (not), and I understand your dilemma, so let's see if we can think it through together.
As someone else who was also DESPERATE to get away from home and live elsewhere during college, I understand the feeling that living at home, and/or attending a community college, would be a terrible disappointment. However, while you might not qualify for federal student aid or government programs, there is often other funding available to help students like you. It might not be full-scholarship-level money, but if you search for educational/student resources for your city/state and see what comes up, you might be presented with some other options. There are foundations, grants, funds to help students who fell through the financial-aid cracks, and while it might not cover everything and you would still have to end up taking out some loans, it would at least be a boost. Competitive private scholarships are often awarded on merit, which can be tough and feel like there's no way you'll measure up, but there ARE community organizations and local lawyers/advocates/educational professionals who are able to help and/or get you some award money on a need basis. So yes, do a little Google digging and see what comes up. Of course, you need to make sure that these resources are legitimate and not like the crappy online college, but that can be done.
Likewise, and while I fully understand that my 18-year-old self would have HATED to hear this: getting through college without debt is not to be underestimated, even if it means you have to live at home for a few more years. If you have to get an associate's degree and possibly work part-time while you're doing it, well, that is an option and might even allow you to save a little money (instead of emerging from college dead-broke like uh, most people). While community college is sometimes looked down on as a "lesser" or "inferior" education (which is stupid), that certainly doesn't mean it has to be a dead end, especially if you take advantage of career counseling, liaisons with local businesses or internship placements, and in general seek opportunities outside of just your main program. There are certainly ways to be proactive about getting both a classroom and a practical education, even if it's not the original degree program or school that you saw yourself attending, so yeah.
Also: you mention attending a cheap university out of state, but is there anything in-state that might work for you? Public universities generally offer lower tuition to in-state residents, so if you do have your heart set on moving away from home and getting a bachelor's degree, you could still explore what options might be available to you in a state university system. You should also email admissions, financial aid, or student-services officers at those institutions, explain your situation, and see what they suggest. They might have internal resources that they can connect you with, you might be able to use high school grades to qualify for some school-specific scholarship money, or anything else. You would be surprised what can happen if you take the initiative and ask for it, because there are certainly plenty of resources inside a university that don't get advertised or public-faced, but are there to be used in some shape or form.
Anyway: these are things for you to think about, and to at least give you something to do to make sure that you've explored all your options before deciding one way or the other. I will say that getting a college degree without debt is something that you should definitely consider, even if it means you might be at home for a few more years (and believe me, I ABSOLUTELY understand the "I've got to get out now!!!" feeling and I know it sucks). But there are certainly other resources for you to explore if you do want to get a bachelor's, and if worse comes to worse, well, you'll have student debt. Lots of other people do as well, and there are flexible repayments, income-driven repayments, and other systems for managing it long-term. It's not ideal, but it's still an option and doesn't have to be the ultimate factor on you deciding what works best and what you want to do.
Good luck!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
About the Inside Man ending...
Tbh, the show was a culmination of human emotions. How each humane emotion from each character causes a domino effect in reality. For eg:
Harry & Mary: they are acting PURELY on parental emotions. They, especially Harry is ready to take the blame for something unrelated to Ben, his son. Even though Mary tries to merge their emotions with practicality (like, sticking together with the decision making, the email, googling how to murder). But still, each emotional action of theirs to protect their child causes a big rift amongst the three of them.
Ben: poor guy doesn't even KNOW WTF is happening in his own home. He's in such a vulnerable age that he can be easily persuaded to whatever any adult tells him. That's why he was fumbling between calling the cops or his parents, even when Janice was "trying" to be his friend, vis-a-vis manipulate him on the down side. AGAIN he acted on pure emotional rage towards the end, even though he knew it was wrong.
Beth: tbh, she was solely acting on her investigative journalist braincell. Her purpose wasn't to save her "friend", rather to solve the case and impress Grief. ALSO, for someone who calls herself an investigative journalist she does ask a lot of stupid leading questions to obvious answers provided by Grief. (That's another whole thing from the Sherlock creators. If you read into it, they try to make the female characters a little less important, check out the season finale of Sherlock. There are multiple articles on how they creatively surpressed their female characters' arcs to put major spotlight on the opposite gender).
Now, the man of the hour: Grief.. he was a machine. I still dont know WHY he showed ANY interest in Harry. Idk why he sent "people" to clean up the mess and still Harry got arrested (SPOILER ALERT!!). Grief didn't show ANY emotion towards Harry losing his wife. NADA.. I mean for someone who killed his own wife, I suppose its not shocking.. he still showed interest in murdering Janice's husband.
Now JANICE. THIS LADY. I couldn't really put my finger on her. Like she said in the beginning, she was playing the long game, no matter who or what got in her way, she would find a way out. The tricky conversations between Janice - Harry - Mary, when she figured out she's about lose her chance she even tried to manipulate Ben towards the end. She knew her emotions were up high, from the time when Harry didn't allow her to leave the study room. She knew how to calculate her emotions and use them for her own benefit. Like Grief said in the end, our subconscious cracks at some times and the person behind our eyelids come out in reality in our own actions. She girlbossed her own stressed emotions to find a way out, by asking Ben to call the cops while they both were being poisoned. She didn't care that her emotions were all over the place. Like a mathematician she found a shortcut in the long game. Even her conversation with Grief in the end, why does she want help to murder her husband? She's playing the long game.
(p.s. sorry for the long rant-analysis)
i love love love listening to people rant about shows/books. SO PLEASE DON'T APOLOGIZE.
I absolutely loved your character analysis. and omfg you are right about sherlock and the portrayal of women? (and i fucked hated beth she was so annoying tbh)
There is definitely more to Grief (and Janice too!). Can't wait to see more of them in another 27 years :)
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
OMG that explains sooooo much about his behavior the last few episodes.
I mean, yes, I remember that talk they had, but I didn't, like, make the connection that pretty much all of Scott's decisions were based on what Gerard wanted him to do.
That said, my earlier post still stands. I still f*cking hate Gerard (even if he is being nice to Scott), and I hate what a manipulative a*shole he is, because it's hurting our characters and their relationships with each other (except Scott and Stiles, 'cause, like I said before, ultimate power duo).
That also pretty much confirms with me that he was either hoping or planning (or both) for Victoria to die (though, as a side note, while I feel bad for the Argents as a whole, Victoria kinda had that coming if she was really gonna try to kill our innocent Scott. Karma's a b*tch, lady), which is so f*cked up in so many ways. And now he's gonna take control of Jackson and I do not trust that man with that much power, because LOOK WHAT HE'S ACCOMPLISHED ALREADY UGH this dude.
Yeah I definitely still hate him. And I definitely don't blame Allison or Scott for any of their actions the last few episodes. I blame f*cking Gerard.
P.S. I know Matt had to die. I know he did. He was psychotic. But I can't deny that I feel bad for the kid. Trauma man....
P.P.S. Between the boys' two parents, I was convinced Stilinski was gonna be the one to find out--not Melissa. That said, this is probably ultimately a good thing, right? I mean, it'll explain his weird behavior to her, and, like, I feel like she'll get it. ...right? Either way, I still want Stilinski to find out at some point. God he's such a good dad. I love his relationship with Stiles so much. Actually Melissa's also a great mom, and her relationship with Scott is equally great. Basically I can see why these characters are so wonderful lol. They had excellent parents. <3 Anyways side tangent. Moving on.
Season 2, Episode 11 now.
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Hello, my followers! I hope you're ready for another surprise. Please introduce my new two characters.
We'll start with Porcelain Sage.
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This object is Julia's adoptive father. He met her when Julia was 10 years old. It was he who taught her to invent and love science. His real name is Roger. One day, when he was 100 years old, he received a gift in the form of the first invention and child of Julia named Rory. He was so happy and said to his daughter: "Thank you, Julia, for such a wonderful gift. I have never been so happy."
(Damn, I forgot to mention that Mindy is his adopted granddaughter too. Oh well, I think you already understood without it)
Okay, let's move on to another character named Rory.
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(For those who do not see information about him on the art)
Personality:Smart like his mom and grandpa; kind; likes to do science with his mom or grandpa; loves his little sister Mindy and other children of his adoptive father; despite the fact that he is a robot, he belongs to the Keter class like all other 035; also cowardly like his ancestor Valery; very sensitive; vulnerable; despite the fact that he is iron like all 079, he is very different in that his mouth does not open when he speaks, his mouth can only show his emotion; his pupils can also show his emotions, for example, when his pupils are in the shape of hearts, it means that he likes something or is it a sign of love when he loves someone more or just in love
Relations with other objects:Porcelain Sage (adoptive grandfather, he is his 100th birthday present), Julia (considers her native mother), Larry (adoptive father), Larry's couples (adoptive parents), Mindy (considers her native sister), Larry's children from his couples and their siblings, including Rolly (adoptive siblings), Michael (uncle), Gena (considers him native uncle), Nazar and Kristy (considers them native grandparents), Arseny (likes to play with him, but sometimes does not like his ideas when it comes to the fact that Arseny wants to torture someone (meaning 18+)), Mask AI (first love interest, but he doesn't care that he loves Shyman and that he has a son with Shy AI), Golden AI (second love interest, but she hates him very much and doesn't want to play with him), Possessed AI (or Intelligence) (third love interest), Robin (fourth love interest, but Arseny and Golden AI don't care if Robin loves another one, the most important thing for them is that they both love Robin)
Skills:Extends his arms and legs to reach something from far below or above; knows how to build from any material; dances better than anyone, but is a little jealous that Arseny and Michael dance better than him; sings very well, but is embarrassed to sing in front of everyone or does not like to sing in public
Interesting facts:He, like 079, is powered electricity, but if suddenly the light was turned off in some building, then a battery hurries to help him, it is very easy to put a battery in he, such as like a remote control or a flashlight; he once dreamed have his father until his mom introduced him to the secret team when she wanted to apologize to them for the past (and this was in 2020)
More interesting facts that are not on art:Julia invented his on the birthday of Porcelain Sage, and the date is February 8, 2011; his voice sounds exactly like a real robot (more than all 079); met ​​Mask AI, Robin, Possessed AI and Golden AI last year when he was walking and happened to see them, and then he fell in love with them; Rory, like his mother and sister Mindy, also sometimes goes to visit Julia's ancestors and spend the night with them, especially visiting his foster grandfather.
P.S. These two characters will be in the fanfiction about Julia and I promise that they will be in the second chapter. When I write this it will depend on me.
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chuuyrr · 3 years
Hello! I'm in love with your scarlet witch reader series. I love platonic relationships and your series is the best medicine for my heart 😭 I would like to request for another teenaged! Scarlet witch reader. So when we're kids, we're completely oblivious how our parents are stress and tired, right? teenaged! Scarlet witch reader realized Gojo has been stress with all the jujutsu stuffs and taking care of her while she's growing up until now and she hates herself for being so ignorant. So she came into Gojo's room one night to comfort him like "dad, are you ok?" "Don't worry, I'm here" and then she hugs him 🥺
scarlet witch! fushiguro! reader comforts platonic! dad! gojo
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): mentions of stress for our dad! gojo, fluff and comfort provided by you :)
omg thank you so much for requesting and for being patient! i'm glad that you're enjoying the series too anon :D the angst i wrote yesterday absolutely wrecked me, i needed this fluff as a way to comfort me as well HAHWHSHS enjoy <3
(p.s. ngl this fluff still made me tear up the same way when i wrote and reread that angst i wrote, i love my dad but i'm not this close with him pls we dont even hug like damn it hurts ya'll <\3)
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as children, we never really notice the things that our parents go through. maybe it's because of how good they are at hiding it with a smile to not make us worry, or maybe it's because we fail to notice how tired or stressed they get because of our oblivious nature and childish mind, but either way, we only notice those things as we grow up.
the same thing goes for gojo. when you were still a baby, you never really understood why the limitless sorcerer got stressed when you ran off to who knows where, did something wild like appearing on top of shelves, or why he doesn't appear to be like himself at times. you only realized why gojo acted as he did when you got older. apart from raising you, gojo was a jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher. he had other responsibilities like teaching, meetings, and exorcising curses, aside from parenting. 
you felt guilty for being so mischievous and oblivious as a child. if you only knew what gojo also had to go through when he got you. gojo took custody of you when he was still barely a graduate, meaning he didn't have any experience in caring for a baby and that he struggled. what's even more, you weren't just an ordinary child, you were the scarlet witch. you weren't someone with jujutsu, and that too was a heavy responsibility on his part. when you accidentally revealed your chaos magic at the school, gojo had to protect and defend you from the higher-ups who saw you as a threat. gojo did all of that, just so you can have a good and happy childhood.
after reminiscing and doing some thinking in the middle of the night, you couldn't sleep. all you could think about was gojo and how stupid you were. you got up from your bed and headed towards gojo's room. with a sharp exhale, you knocked on his door before twisting the knob open once you heard him utter a small yet quiet "come in".
you watched gojo sit upright from his back on the bed, lifting the eye mask he uses when he sleeps. he flicked on the lamp for light and glanced at the led clock that were on his nightstand to see the time. "it's one in the morning, is everything okay kikufuku?"
you felt even more shameful when you spotted the bags beneath gojo's crystalline blue eyes and heard the exhaustion from his tone of voice yet somehow, he still had the strength to smile at you.
"sorry, i just.." you swallowed thickly and fiddled with the hem of your sleepwear. "i just wanted to ask if you're okay, dad."
gojo asked you, stifling a small chuckle. "huh? what's with the question?"
you padded towards gojo and took a seat beside him before you encased your arms around him. gojo looked at you in surprise for a second, but relaxed at your embrace.
"[name]?" gojo blinked and placed a hand on your back.
you tightened your embrace around gojo and buried your face onto the crook of his shoulder. "i just want you to know that i'll always be here for you, dad. i'm sorry for not being able to notice how stressed you are from all the jujutsu stuff and parenting throughout the years. i'm sorry being a troublesome child too."
"oh, kikufuku." a smile broke through gojo's face. he returned the hug and kissed the top of your head before he tucked your head below his chin. "it's okay, there's nothing to be sorry about."
"is there anything i could do to help you, dad?" you asked and pulled away enough to face him. "i want to make it up to you now that i'm older."
"i'm not asking anything in return from you. i just want my little kikufuku to be happy." gojo pressed his forehead against yours as he cupped your face in his hands.
"but, dad—you were cut off when gojo pinched your cheeks.
"no, buts. i said what i said." gojo laughed before releasing your face from his hands. "but thank you, [name]. it really means a lot that you care about me."
"of course, i do! you're my dad and you will always be even if i don't carry your name or share the same blood as you." you exclaimed.
"aww, i love you so much my kikufuku." gojo peppered your face with kisses as he engulfed you in his arms for another hug. "god, i'm so lucky to have you."
"i love you too, dad!" you giggled when gojo rubbed his cheek against yours.
"i feel like eating some ice cream to de-stress. the higher ups were a pain in the ass earlier. are you down for some ice cream and movies?" gojo released you from his arms.
"but, aren't you tired?" a frown faltered on your face.
"nah, my tiredness disappeared long ago when you came into the room!" gojo shook his head before he stood up and placed down his eyemask on the nightstand. "come on, i wanna watch disney movies."
"ice cream and movies it is!" you followed gojo suit downstairs, giddily smiling.
the two of you ended up singing along with the songs in the movie together and eating your favorite flavors of ice cream in bed after getting food from the kitchen, and by the time the movie ended and the food was finished, you two fell asleep. you were cuddled up on gojo's side as he snored obnoxiously loud in his sleep with an arm around you.
you were gojo's happy pill and bundle of sunshine. no matter how stressful or tiresome things got, as long as he had you, everything was okay. with you, gojo was at peace.
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lunaralight09 · 3 years
P.S. : I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin'. Well I was playing in it , and I got this idea to make y/n singing some of the song from there . And you can imagine any lyrics you want . Soo ... Let's start!
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SCP 035
Well he was in theater . He escaped from foundation . You were on stage singing with your friend / partner (Partner mean that person who helps you to sing). Then he understands that you're a scientist/guard from The Foundation . But he stayed at theater
Sock/Masky listened to you singing . And he liked it . A lot . You (P.S. : you  were making those dances? Those movement like in the video . There's Skid and Pump you were making your own movements ) were dancing . He liked your movements .
He was impressed with your talent . He after you sang you met Sock/Masky behind the stage . You became friends . Of course he showed his talents . And you knew that's a SCP 035 . But you didn't want to call mtf units .
After 6 month of your friendship . He asked you out . You said yes! (If you're a male/non-binary he doesn't care at all . 'Cause he's a mask and Sock/Masky don't have a gender . But i will use male pronounce . )
As I said he likes your songs . And you were singing like a duet . He asking you to sing some song . With him and without him . He likes to cuddle with you while you humming some rhythms/songs
SCP 049
He found you at breach . You were singing , because it help you to chill . And Ofc you were nervous . He liked your songs . He was ... (How should I call it ... Uhh . Just like GF from FNF .  How much I will say about FNF ? IDK . Oh yeah! ) shooking his head to the rhytm . Even zombies that was with him liked that you're singing  .
He came out then you stopped singing . You panicked . He said that he liked your song . And said that you don't have pestilence in you . Well you were a little bit nervous near SCP 049 .
You two were friend about 2 years . Doc needed to know about his feelings for you . Cause it was centuries then he loved at first . Well zombies who remembered something from past told about his feelings for you , he didn't really understand that . But Lexie (His daughter . I will say about her in headcanon or bf scenarios . She's actually a ghost . He can see her then his eyes become red . Like he's mad or going crazy. I will say about it too ) told him about it and ... He understands it .
He were nervous . But you accept his confess . After 5 month he told you about Lexie . And two of you became friends. And even she calls you mommy/daddy/parent y/n . It's adorable . And she copy you when you sing . So you two singing like duet . Doc likes that you two get along .
Estienne reached you French . And you sometimes sing with them song on French . It's sounds good .
SCP 073
You two already was friends . But then it's was your break . Foundation let Cain walk a little . And he saw you and Dr. Bright singing together (you two were rap battling!) . He was really surprised. . He asked you about it . And you said that your a singer.  He liked it a lot . Sometimes he helped you to write new songs .
Well truly. He doesn't care about your gender/look . He can say that he's a pansexual . Soo after 1,5 year . You two said it at the same day . He said it after you sang your song about confession . And he was happy because s/o is now his girlfriend/boyfriend/couple .
As I said . He helps you to write songs . But now he tries to help you with it every time . You say that it's okay and you can do it yourself . But Cain still helps you . You think it's cute from his side to do this to you . So you actually cuddle with him after that or read with him books that made from other material . (IDK what material don't get destroyed by his powers . So ... imagine Y/n Chan/Kun/uhh( IDK how to call non-binary reader sooo )Dear . Just imagine it .
SCP 076
Well , like 682 he hates people . He heard you singing when he finally woke up and left his box(SCP 076-1) , he was surprised to see scientist/guard who doing his/her/their hobby . He liked your song a little . If you're a scientist : then you were interviewing him , he answered questions faster than with the other interviewers . You had 30 minutes left and he started asking you questions about your hobby . Well you told that you're a singer . If you're a guard : He heard about other guard/scientist about concert where you will be singing . And about 2 month you guys became friends .
Btw Able needed about 3 years to know his feelings . And you confessed to him ('Cause he needed 1 year or 2 to confess to you Y/n) . You tried to ask him to sing . But he didn't do that very much . He likes melodies from your songs . Did he help you too write songs ? Well yes . 50/50 that Able will help you , he don't know what you should sing about .
SCP 079
Well he found you in the internet , you were a singer . He was impressed with your talent/hobby . With some interviews he asked about it . But if you're guard : He talked with you at containment breach . He found you on cams then you we're walking thought corridors , and he said thought speaker that he can help you get out of here safely . Well you get to his containment cell . And he said that he don't lie to you . And he will show you how to get to exit safely . And he asked about your second carrier . You said that you're a singer . (He said if you confirm that info , he will help you , sooo you told him that's true)
1 year later he asked about his feelings , you explained to him that it's called 'love' . And he showed X on his screen and 1 minute later (He was finding 'How to confess to someone') and he asked you out
He helps you to make songs . He is making instumental sound , and you don't know where he found it . (And he make song complete ? How should I call it ? He ... ohh! ) He edits your songs too . You're very thankful for his help .
SCP 096
You somehow befriend 096 (Aka Lanky). He were in his containment cell then he somehow heard you sing . He knew it was your voice . He didn't ask about it . He knew that you singed . But after 4 month you said that you had second carrier . And you are a singer . He was very happy about you .
And you needed to confess to him . Cause he's very shy about it ! He likes to hear you singing . Especially when he sleeps and you hum your song and stroking his cold back . It helps him from nightmares
SCP 105
Well she founded it after month of dating you , you said it to her . After that she asked to teach her singing . Some times you sing like a duet with Iris .Well you like her hobby (She like to take pictures) and she like yours . And she don't judge your gender/look . Oh and basically you needed to teach her how to sing . She sometimes miss some lyrics . It's awkward , but still cute tho .
SCP 106
He heard you singing then you were in the intercom room ? Some scientists forgot to turn off microphone . And you started to sing quietly . Well ... he understands that he heard your song , well someone had ringtone with one of your song . He was a little impressed . And somehow you befriended him
For confession he took 11 month . Yeah
He'd love sitting in the studio and watching you while you work , he'd always brag about how talented you are to all his friends, and whenever a new song of yours would come out, he'd hype you up so much. He'd be so happy
SCP 166
Same as Iris (SCP 105)  if you're a female or non-binary . If you're a male :
Well somehow a male D-class we're near her and ... (You know what he tried to do . If you don't read her files) And she needed to run from him . And she hid behind you .
Y/n as guard : You shoot him  Y/n as scientist : You tried to stop that D-class , and you knocked him out .
And you needed to stop that feeling . So you started mumbling your song lyrics . She was impressed by that . She started friendship with you
She was to shy to ask you out sooo . You asked her out by singing a song . And you two like to sing like duet . This song :
(God rest ye merry gentleman (Slowed)) In my wattpad you can find it .
SCP 173
Containment breach happened . You were wearing earphones and quietly humming one of your songs . He wanted to scare you so he singed with you . You were shocked by SCP 173 saying anything . 'Cause he's a statue! He said that you don't have to worry about that . Well after 3 month you became best friends!
And after 7 month he asked you on a date . Well ... dating statue is really strange . But everyone is strange . Then you sing he likes to hug you from behind .
SCP 682
I think there'd only be one reason why he'd dislike it, at first. And that's because...he hates every one , every living being . The problem would be that he'd hear you singing, and it'd get stuck in his head . Eventually, the whole thing would just prompt his heart to flutter whenever he heard you in the corridors, singing something to yourself
Well he confessed to you after year and half . And when you're both together, I think his favorite way to soothe himself would be falling asleep as you pet his hair at night - you singing quietly  ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶  his favorite song
SCP 939
Same as SCP 173 . And yes he copied your voice when you were singing
He likes laying with you and copying your voice , especially copy you singing . You find it funny . It's revenge for calling him/her a dog .(If you watching SCP SL videos you will understand that . Like SCP 939 looks like a reptile-dog . No seriosly .)
SCP 1678
Well like in files said . You were with MTF Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 have been defense perimeter around the Hyde Park . You were a scientist/MTF .(Well there was other scientist there ). One of SCP 1678-b were near , and their owner (Let's say that every SCP 1678-a have their own SCP 1678-b , Aka eyes in the sky) So he heard you quietly singing . They actually likes it . Somehow he managed to befriend you , without other MTF soldiers trying to attacking him .
After 2 years you started dating . What should I say more . He writes you lyrics for songs
SCP 2521
Well you were singing some of your songs . And in the lyrics were number 2521 . And before that you mumbled word 'SCP' . When he appeared behind you . And listened you singing (Well mumbling) . After you sang your favorite song , you notices that he's behind you . You were surprised . He didn't take you somewhere else . You became friends eventually .
Then you sing he stares at you , and sometimes claps . And he likes to hug you a lot . Well after an year he confessed to you by writing it .
Well nothing really changed when you started dating.
Should I do 2 part?
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i-l-arva · 2 years
Thoughts on Dabi !SPOILERS!
I think I have to accept that, at this point, Dabi means something to me. I hate him so much, but I really can’t at the same time. He sucks I don’t think he’s a good person and increasingly I don’t think there’s any of that good person left. But! But, I wish there was so so much. I wish there was even a fraction of that kid who woke up and thought “I have to apologize to my mother, to my parents, my family”. I wish he didn’t give in to the pain, I wish he broke the cycle. Endeavor has, admittedly too late and retroactively, but he’s broken it. I wish Dabi could too, I wish there was some Touya left in him. I really don’t think there is though, and it hurts but… I can't promise but I hope someday I find the motivation to write Dabi a redemption fic cause after everything he still deserves it.
To be clear, I mostly do hate canon Dabi, I don't think he has any excuse to be a fucking dick head. Life is hard for so many you don't have to live your life making it harder for others. He has that potential though, theoretically, to become as loved by me as Enji is. Horikoshi doesn't seem to be going down that path, literally at all, so he'll remain hated. Hated even more because of what he could have been.
I hope they magically save Shiggy at least, he deserves it.
P.S. cannot wait for Shoto to kill Dabi I'm salivating for it at this point
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
[1/?] Sorry for venting. I just saw some bad takes that gave me a lot of feelings. Personally, JC stresses me out every time he comes on screen, but I don't mind it when JC fans say fan-typical things like how they like JC because he wears purple, or is grumpy, or they think he's hot, or that they ship x*ch*ng because the cql actors have nice jawlines. They're harmless, fun takes, and while I don't agree with some of them, I see where they're coming from
Hello there anon, vent away as that is what my blog is open for as I love/hate on Jiang Cheng as he is in the plot, as well as all of my beef with what has been done to him for the EN side of the fanbase! I am more than fine listening and engaging with the unsavory "unpopular" discussions of his canon behavior and this goes for anyone of course that needs an open play area. I'll try to engage with what you have sent point by point as succinctly as I can.
[2/?] (some of these are obviously crack, and I am a fan of a few problematic faves). But then there are stans that just have to put other characters down to make JC look good. Like, I think some fans take their freedom of interpretation for granted because most of these takes aren't even labeled 'headcanon,' 'ooc,' or 'crack' anymore. Stans feel that their interpretations are valid, and while they are, valid =/= canon, and they're treating these takes as canon, which becomes popular fanon.
I enjoy Jiang Cheng for what he is, however as I had said it took me another reread to get to my stance of him being the negative mirror to Lan Wangji's positive and my comfort with that for the story once I realized what purpose he served. He is only insofar tragic in regards to his circumstances, but it does not absolve him for what he is at his core (no pun, but I can make a very nice metaphor that even with a piece of Wei Wuxian in him he is still forever unable and unwilling to stand by him equally all while stagnating where as Lan Wangji is able to flourish, grow and mature with nothing of import left from Wei Wuxian in a technical sense). As for ships, I am a little dirty Xicheng whore for fun and can say there is a sense of entertainment for me making it work with two people where one is wildly ignorant and the other wildly rabid. But that is outside of what is established as canon in the work and I always try to keep the two strictly separate due to the skew fanon perpetuates.
3/?] And now, it's not clear what part of the fanon references canon JC or the canon events of mdzs. JC is an asshole; I don't like him as a person, but I do think that he's a complex character motivated by many issues (sup, YeeZY), which makes him fascinating to explore. Unfortunately, erasing his culpability also removes his agency. JC should be allowed to be an asshole character who makes his own decisions even if they're the wrong ones. He has made his own tragedy by constantly casting Wei Wuxian as the villain of his life.
Now thanks to you I will be using YeeZY to forever and now to acknowledge Madam Yu (this is your fault for the new tag). From a standing from storytelling I agree that he is complex in the Jianghu for MDZS. Where in the usual political intrigue of Wuxia, he would be the mustache twirling villain that is outright unforgivable in narration, it is by favor of Wei Wuxian's narration that has an early steeping of empathy for him. And he is not meant to be seen as ultimately sympathetic, the work builds up his hate against Wei Wuxian who tries to rationalize it all several times until he is finally unable to. Jiang Cheng is the antithesis to Lan Wangji and the false bait to get attached to in Wei Wuxian's first life. I will make the note their meeting in Yiling is lukewarm between both as they exchange nothing really in terms of conversation and all pleasantries are left in terms of Jiang Yanli for Wei Wuxian. By this point Wei Wuxian has already switched his yearnings of platonically wanting a part of Jiang Cheng's life, to subconscious romantic inclinations about Lan Wangji and the perceived loss of being in the other's life.
The very point of Jiang Cheng as the deconstruction, is that he has no passion in life despite his apparent exploits because he put a shadow to hang over himself as an excuse to say others think he is not good enough. He has no deeper motivations than pure selfishness by the end of the work and is pure frivolity that he has built up losing the meaning of his sect as a tradition. He had his agency (more than anyone I might add in the work due to his social position) that he used to build his reputation as a passive rich sect leader that has little to do with civilian problems.
4/?] And I think a JC, somehow, that realizes that he did something wrong and is working hard to change for the better and gain self-actualization to become that UWU best jiujiu the stans want him to be, who is ready to talk (not yell at) with WWX, apologize to him, and create a better, healthier relationship with him is a much more powerful reconciliation and happy ending than 'everyone is wrong and mean and they all apologize to JC, which magically gets rid of all his issues'.
He is forced out of culpability in reconciliation because simply put, his audience do not like the reality that relationships fray and dissolve with no further resolution other than we as adults both need to move on for safety and good health. It is not acceptable in real life and fiction is allowed to place that also in it's thematic relationships. He has a small, small spark of recognition at the end of the main story, however he himself seems to choose to ignore it, as change is hard and he has never taken to that well as was foreshadowed with his dogs and the idea of sharing a space with Wei Wuxian. To write this is an awful lot of work into his psyche which is not a nice place, he is a terrible being and downplaying that to make a sugar sweet person does not work instantaneously. He is the one responsible for the entire fallout with Wei Wuxian and he hysterically realizes that even as he tries to continue to blame Wei Wuxian.
The issue that I have with his current stan culture, is that they already view him as something he is not. They play at bicycle with all of the other protagonists that have positive traits that they strip as they see fit; Good affirming loving to children adult Lan Wangji, Self-sacrificing ultimately did it all for love and care Wei Wuxian, Hard exterior but softened to who they consider an annoyance Wen Qing, Loyal as partners in their exploits on the field and always have each others back Wen Ning. They even take Jin Guangyao's persona of playing damsel and using that as a positive to soften up Jiang Cheng into something he has never been for anyone for ships.
[5/5] Also, making WWX/WN/LWJ apologize just makes them look better than JC. Like, stans supposedly love JC, so they ahouldn't be lazy and work hard to give him actual character development. Again, I'm sorry for spamming your ask. It just really baffles me about where they get these 'hot' takes (All I'm going to say is that JC was ungrateful, and WN had a reason verbally dismantle him).
They see this, but, they will spin it in any way to excuse Jiang Cheng due to the story itself showing that he was in the wrong to everyone he flung accusations at and his hate. No one but him is at fault for his spite as he had gotten his revenge on the ones that had ruined Lotus Pier and killed his parents. His own resentment pitted him against good and well meaning people that he refused to help as he mimicked his mother's words about raising their heads higher out of goodness instead of keeping low and staying self-centered. There is the underlying criticism of taking individual arrogance as self-care at the cost of others. Each point that Wen Ning makes is exactly what Jiang Cheng himself knows as he hated Wei Wuxian for being something he could not be or even wanted to be. Jiang Cheng wants kindness but does not understand that kindness to others needs to be selfless and accept the hurt that can come with that in life. He encompasses the fall from the path of buddhist lifestyle, "The Three Poisons" to Wangxian's "Without Envy" at the stories end.
[6/5] P.S. I'm not saying I want reconciliation fics, but I just feel that if stans want JC to have a happy ending, then I think that he should actively work for it. I think it would be interesting to see what force of nature would push him through a character development because throwing a therapist at him would result in a murder.
"I'm not saying I want reconciliation fics, but I just feel that if stans want JC to have a happy ending, then I think that he should actively work for it."
They do not think he has to work for it, they say his tragedy is enough, while heaping accusations against Wei Wuxian and saying his own are not enough to absolve him. Something Wei Wuxian has never denied and told all present they are allowed to forever hate him for what he had done in the past, but that they need to find a way to live in a life that is always moving on. He learned that grudges do nothing once they are absolved and it leaves you with hate with nothing else to do with it once that object is gone. In terms of reconciliation, I do not ever think that either want anything other than a distant peaceful out of each other's life set up. Jiang Cheng does not need Wei Wuxian in his life to be satisfied and never has since he used him as the handicap to hide behind to stay angry and miserable. Being without that fallback opens the world far more for him to change than him ever interacting like an old friend with Wei Wuxian ever again, if he ever had the guts to do that.
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