dwagom · 2 years
i have some knowledge in economics, enough to tell you that while tether losing its parity to the dollar will demolish the entire crypto casinoscape, tether's deparitisation itself isn't something that will come out of nowhere for no reason. tether barrelling on this long and even enduring a shock such as that one from a couple of days ago, as well as peg-losses from much longer ago simply testifies to how well the system around tether is buttressed against minor shocks so that it can always stay running in order to scam more out of people. there are financial interests in crypto which are fighting to keep tether alive against all odds. what tether isn't immune to, though, is against the reversal of monetary trends that have been ruling since, like, 1987 (let's not bring up greenspan, we don't have the time for that) or 2008 (nor his student bernanke), whichever you pick. either way, zero/near-zero/negative-interest rate policies, quantitative easing, various other schemes to inject liquidity into financial markets such as the paycheck protection programme (specific to the US, negative interest rates are in europe) have actually resulted in so much liqudity at this point that the financial machine isn't so much as "overlubricated" at this point as much as it has been entirely submerged in money that has nowhere to go except into very risky and speculative categories (bitcoin isn't even an asset, it's legally a "security" but it's so ephemeral that it's closer to one of those exotic financial instruments). cryptocurrency is the product of a lot of money printed for corporations that has literally nowhere to go, and while that doesn't entirely describe the historically abject social atmosphere that draws people towards crypto, it is quite enough to explain that 1) crypto formed on an excess of money that the rich printed for themselves since QE started in order to preserve economic expansion after the GFC hit and 2) crypto depends on the continued presence of obscenely excessive liqudity to keep chugging on. but right now we're seeing the first hints of a significant monetary tightening in decades (generally speaking, monetary tightening benefits labour), and this will certainly comprise replacing quantitative easing with quantitative tightening (central banks dumping assets and securities off of their B/S's to decrease the amount of liquidity in circulation), as well as increasing interest rates (=lower number of central bank loans and lower loans by themselves). just these two things will start a process of reversal from greenspanian easy-money policies (i've not mentioned reverse repos because idek how they work but they're more of the same) which have been ruining everyone's lives for the last 1/3rd of a century.
by demanding liqudity be taken out of circulation, central banks will effect the draining of liquidity from high-risk areas first, one of which is crypto. this is the point when crypto gets vapourised -- the point at which cryptocurrency whales cash out in order to refinance their gambling debts at higher interest rates
also after that we can finally go back to using "crypto" as a short for "cryptography" and not "cryptocurrency"
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zenniet · 5 years
TFA Shockblurr with some sweet, sweet size kink, please?
Blurr’s valve felt sore. It stung. It hurt. It felt amazing. He whimpered and writhed where Shockwave held him down, the Decepticon’s massive claws easily wrapped around his lithe waist. It was good that Shockwave was keeping him relatively still, too, since he needed that to keep Blurr calm when he was pushing in.
“Shockwave!” Blurr gasped, “It hurts! Ithurtsithurtspleasedon’tstop!” His optics were wide, his servos grasped futilely at Shockwave’s servo. He was barely halfway down the thick, intimidating spike, and he was already close to overloading.
“I can feel you clenching down,” Shockwave used his other servo, moving it and using the back of a digit to stroke down Blurr’s belly. “Overload if you have to, don’t hold back.”
Blurr nodded and continued to allow Shockwave to enter him, tripping him into a powerful overload before the Decepticon could bottom out. He sobbed and tried to rock his hips through his overload, his neglected spike spurting weak stripes of transfluid onto his belly. 
Once Blurr had calmed down in the slightest, Shockwave continued. He slipped in much more easily, Blurr’s overlubricated valve helping with that. Blurr cried out when Shockwave’s spike nudged at his gestational chamber, pushing and threatening to force itself past. Though the large mech pulled back, he knew how much that would hurt his little Autobot, and he wasn’t looking to do that. Not tonight.
He started on a slow pace that was still nearly too much for Blurr, but Shockwave cared more about how Blurr felt tonight. He wanted to observe him, see the reactions he could give, so he could keep that information in his processor for another time, another time when he could experiment and see even more of him.
Blurr shouted and overloaded again. He shuddered hard, valve cycling down on the spike inside of it. As soon as he was coherent, he looked up to Shockwave.
“Keep going until you overload in me,” Blurr demanded.
“Then we will be here for a very long time.” Shockwave said with a light laugh.
“I want that.”
“If you insist.”
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
My Ask | My Ko-Fi | My Ao3 | Requests always welcome!
Pteppicymon XXVIII stirred in his bed, squinting into the deep, velvet darkness of his bedroom. He was very frustrated. It was a freezing winter’s night in Ankh-Morpork, and he had lain in his bed shivering, even with the fire lit and the door closed and a hot water bottle warming his belly: hours had ticked by before he had finally gotten to sleep, and now?
A noise had woken him up.
Young Assassins had their own bedrooms. It was simply easier than dormitories, in the scheme of things: although in recent years, the tendency of the students and guild members to murder one another in their beds had faded somewhat under the capable command of Doctor Cruces, and then especially under Lord Downey, one still liked to avoid the mess and bother of schoolboy pranks.
It hardly mattered whether it was a pool of blood or a pool of something more embarrassing, intended to humiliate: it was best to keep these things to individual rooms, rather than allowing them to happen in a dormitory, where many people might be disturbed from their sleep at once.
“Hm?” Teppic asked the darkness, sleepily.
“Dreadfully cold, my boy,” said the voice of Chidder, somewhat close to Teppic’s bed, and Teppic groaned, dropping his head back onto his pillow and huddling in his blankets. It was cold. It had taken him ages to get to sleep, even in the thick flannel of his pyjamas, which had actually been a gift from Chidder this Hogswatch[1], and the thick fur blanket.
“Go away,” Teppic grumbled.
“No,” Chidder said, and Teppic felt the mattress shift as Chidder slipped into the bed beside him. Six years being schooled alongside Chidder had left Teppic somewhat used to his self-confidence even in the most bizarre behaviour, but this was a bit beyond the pale.
“Gods, you’re warm,” Chidder said into Teppic’s hair, his chest – which was broader and, Teppic had noticed in recent months, somewhat hairier than Teppic’s own – pressing up against Teppic’s back, and one of his arms drawing tightly around Teppic’s own chest. Teppic almost struggled, but then he took a moment’s pause. Chidder was quite warm himself, actually. His body, beefy and heavy like a tom cat’s, even as it retained a wiry grace, was different to Teppic’s own, which was leaner, and more compact. Even if Teppic was taller[2], Chidder was bigger, and, apparently, a good deal better at retaining some of the heat in that big body of his. “Are you wearing your socks?”
“I was cold,” Teppic mumbled.
“Yeah, but can you sleep like that, Tep?”
“I managed it before you woke me up, didn’t I?” Teppic demanded, his voice a bit sharper than he meant for it to be, but he let his hand touch against Chidder’s arm where it wrapped around him, feeling the hair that grew there. Chidder was hairy. The royal family of Djelibeybi, of course, had body hair, but it was much sparser and lighter, and Teppic only grew thick patches of it at his crotch, on his head, and a little in his armpits, but Chidder? Chidder was like a bear. He was only going to get hairier, he had said to Arthur when the other boy had brought it up in the school sauna, but Teppic hardly knew how: touching his arm, now, he felt a veritable forest of surprisingly soft hair along Chidder’s arm.
“Kick ‘em off,” Chidder murmured. His breath was hot on the back of Teppic’s neck.
“I’ll kick you off,” Teppic said.
“Well, you haven’t yet,” Chidder pointed out, but his retort was playful in tone, and Teppic caught his toe in the ankle of the sock, reluctantly dragging it off. “You can put it against my calf.”
“I’m not having a calf in the bed as well,” Teppic muttered, even as he did so, and sighed at the warmth of Chidder’s hirsutely carpeted leg, radiating through his sole and making his freezing toes sting with abrupt heat.
“Just a kid then,” Chidder murmured, and Teppic heard his smug little laugh as Teppic shoved both his feet up against Chidder’s calves, shoving up his pyjama bottoms in order to reach. “Feeling warmer?”
“Mmm,” Teppic hummed, his eye closing, and he let his fingers curve around Chidder’s wrist. It occurred to him, in that lazy and yet utterly comprehensive way ideas sometimes do, when one is half-asleep, that this was very unusual. It was, perhaps, even a dream, although Teppic wasn’t sure about that: Chidder’s body felt far too wonderfully warm against his own, and he didn’t know that he’d make it quite so pleasant, were he dreaming it up. Young men weren’t meant to warm the beds of princes – not to actually warm them, anyway—
The thought zapped Teppic somewhat awake, and he coughed.
“I’ve been thinking,” Chidder said.
“That’s novel,” Teppic said.
“Naughty,” Chidder purred in his ear, squeezing him across his chest, and Teppic felt a strangely electric heat run down his spine. “No, no, I’ve been thinking, Tep. We should have sex.”
There was a long pause as Teppic took this in, wide-eyed in the darkness, very, very aware of Chidder’s size, his even breathing, his warmth. “Now?” he asked, finally.
“No, not now,” Chidder murmured, nosing against the back of his ear and making Teppic’s eyes flutter shut. Teppic thought of Chidder, going home with girls – going home with women – at dances, charming them, being charming— “It’s far too cold for that sort of thing, Tep. I’d need to undress you, and then get you all wet and slippery to play with. You’d freeze, afterward.”
The words wet and slippery, not heretofore words that had been filed under “sexually appealing” in Teppic’s mind, were now blaring as if the words had been written in fire on the inside of his skull – and, quite possibly, on the inside of his belly, where another blaze was coming abruptly to life.
“But… sometime,” Chidder said.
The cogs that made up Teppic’s mind had been somewhat overlubricated by Chidder’s warm voice in his ear, and were struggling with logical thought, in the moment. Visions of Chidder in various situations wet and/or slippery were making themselves known to him in ways they had never done before, and Chidder was rather rudely taking the place of men and women who, in previous fantasies, had been quite faceless.
“Is this, er,” Teppic began, his tongue feeling clumsy, fat, and stupid behind his teeth, “sort of thing, where you want to teach me how to be seductive? As a… a skill, or something?”
“Not really,” Chidder said, his tone musing. “I just thought it might be rather fun. Besides, I hear it’s rather nice, when you do it with someone you actually love.”
“Love?” Teppic repeated, his voice somewhat choked.
“Well,” Chidder adjusted, not sounding bothered at all, his confidence never faltering, “I suppose love is the wrong word… but I rather like you, at times. I think I could come to like you quite a bit more, lying down.”
“I’m not feeling very seduced, Chidder,” Teppic said, surprised by the affront in his own tone.
“Whatever do I want to seduce you for?”
“To have sex with me! It’s all very well seducing women, Chiddy, but I’m rather offended if you don’t think I’m worth the effort, and you can just swan into my bed, all warm, and propose sex as if you’re asking me to lend you a fiver.”
“Would you lend me a fiver?” Chidder asked, sounding amused, and Teppic elbowed him in his flat – but comparatively soft, not like Teppic’s, which was very hard indeed – stomach. Chidder grunted in pain. “You’re not a woman, Teppic,” he said reproachfully.
“No, I’m a prince,” Teppic retorted. “I shan’t just be— Just be, sort of, had.”
“Well, you’re not having me,” Chidder said. “I’m bigger than you.”
“What? That’s not what I meant,” Teppic said, feeling a hot flush burn in his cheeks. He knew, of course, how it worked, theoretically, but he’d never put much thought into the practicality of it… And he’d be damned if he’d allow such thoughts to distract him now. “No, I meant— I shall be seduced, Chidder, if it’s all the same to you.”
Chidder exhaled against the back of his neck, and then wriggled closer, nosing past the locks of Teppic’s hair, although he was, frankly, getting rather frustrated with growing it out, and was rather close to cutting it all short again. He was especially amenable to that sort of prospect, if it meant Chidder’s mouth was going to drag against the small of his neck like that.
“Fine,” Chidder said, and kissed him there. “I’ll seduce you. Very demanding, for a prince.”
“Come, is it?”
Teppic snorted, and Chidder laughed, rich and honeyed against his hair, and then he went relaxed and quiet, pulling Teppic in against him. Teppic’s feet weren’t cold at all, anymore, and Chidder was very warm. He turned over in his place, and shoved Chidder onto his beck, so that he could use him as a pillow.
He was a very good pillow, and better than that, Chidder’s hand was stroking idly up and down Teppic’s back.
He was asleep a lot faster, this time around.
[1] He had informed Chidder that he didn’t celebrate the holiday, but Chidder had assured him, with his typical self-confidence, that that was hardly the point.
[2] Which, at the moment, he was, by almost a half inch!
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winterfable · 3 years
Preride inspection
Check to be sure that the quick-release levers or axle nuts (the ones that secure the hub axle to the dropouts) are tight.
Check the brake pads for excessive or uneven wear.
Grab and twist the brake pads and brake arms to make sure the bolts are tight. (Esto para el caso de una bicicleta con freno tipo "V", véase freno "V" de bicicleta). Para el caso de una bicicleta con balatas, bastaría menear el caliper.
Squeeze the brake levers. This should bring the pads flat against the rims (or slightly toed-in) , without hitting the tires, or in the case of disc brakes, should bring the pads against the rotor. Make certain that you cannot squeeze the levers all of the way to the handlebar.
Spin the wheels. Check for wobbles while sighting on the rims, not the tires. (If a tire wobble excessively on a straight rim, it may not be fully seated in the rim; check it all of the way around on both sides.) Make sure that the rims do not rub on the brake pads.
Check the tire pressure. On most mountain bike tires the proper pressure is between 30 and 60 pounds per square inch (psi). Look to see that there are no foreign objects sticking in the tire. If there are, you may have to pull the tube out and repair or replace it.
Check the tires for excessive wear, cracking, or gashes.
Be certain that the handlebar and stem are tight and that the stem is lined up with the front tire.
Check that the gears shift smoothly, and the chain does not skip or shift by itself. Make sure that indexed (or "click") shifting moves the chain one cog, starting with the first click. Make sure that the chain does not overshift the smallest or biggest rear cog or the smallest or biggest front chainring.
Check the chain for rust, dirt, stiff links, or noticeable signs of wear. It should be clean and lubricated. (Be cautious about overdoing it, though. With some lubricants, overlubricated, gooey chains pick up lots of dirt, particularly in dry climates.) The chain should be replaced on a mountain bike about every 500 to 1,000 miles of offroad riding or every 2,000 miles of paved riding.
Apply the front brake and push the bike forward and back. The headset should be tight and not make clunking noises or allow the fork any fore-and-aft play.
quick-release lever: seguro de cierre rápido. Axle nuts
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Hub axle
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dropout: A fork end, fork-end, or forkend is a slot in a bicycle frame or bicycle fork where the axle of a bicycle wheel is attached. A dropout is a type of fork end that allows the rear wheel to be removed without first derailing the chain.
brakepad: balatas
brake arms: caliper
wobble: to incline to one side and to the other alternately, as a wheel, top, or other rotating body when not properly balanced.
gashes: cortes.
cog: cogwheel (rueda dentada)
chainring: plato
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wordsthatrhymewith · 5 years
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Words that rhyme with overlubricate | Words rhyming with overlubricate
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billtj · 4 years
Slate: Too much lubrication during sex: My real-life WAP is ruining my sex life.
Slate: Too much lubrication during sex: My real-life WAP is ruining my sex life..
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cement-epc-blog · 5 years
Cone crusher problem set
Product introduction:https://www.lvssn.com/crusher/279.html
In a long time of use, cone crusher is prone to poor lubrication, at the same time, there are many parts are easy to be worn out, directly affecting the production efficiency of enterprises.Understanding the common faults and causes of main lubricating oil is helpful to improve the ability of preventing faults and ensure the smooth production of crushing.
1. What are the differences between standard, intermediate and short-head cone crushers?
The basic structure and working principle of these three crushers are exactly the same, but the shape of the crushing cavity is slightly different.The key difference lies in the crushing parallel belt, the short head parallel belt is longer, and the medium one is second.
The parallel belt is long, the feeding port and discharging port are small, and the fine product granularity can be obtained.Generally, the short head type with long parallel band is put in the middle after crushing.The standard type is shorter due to parallel bands.Therefore, the crushing products are coarser, higher output, generally put in after the coarse crushing, that is, after the jaw type or rotary crusher as the crushing.
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2. How to adjust the outlet of cone crusher?
In the process of crushing, the moving cone liner and fixed cone liner wear away continuously, which makes the ore discharge port increase gradually.In order to ensure a certain product granularity, it is necessary to adjust the size of the discharge port with the wear condition.The adjustment of the discharge port is realized by means of the serrated thread lifting and lowering cone liner between the adjustment ring and the supporting housing.In order to lubricate the tooth thread, and to adjust and disassemble easily, the thread must have enough clearance.After adjustment, the size of the ore discharge port can be measured by means of wire tying shot and crushing cavity to the ore discharge port.After the processing of the new liner can be measured at a point, the raw or worn liner should be measured at 6 ~ 8 points.After the discharge port meets the size requirement, the locking cylinder will be used to adjust the locking ring, otherwise it is not allowed to start.
3. What should be paid attention to when replacing the lining board of the cone crusher?
When the thickness of moving cone and fixed cone liner wear reaches 65% ~ 80% or local wear sag deformation and fracture, it should be replaced.After installing the linings, check that their centers are correct.If the center is not right, collision will occur during the rotation, and the product granularity is not uniform, which may cause the internal friction parts to heat up and other faults.Before casting zinc alloy, the gaps should be tightly blocked with clay or asbestos to prevent the flow of zinc alloy.Pouring on the surface of the alloy contact, do not allow moisture, otherwise it will cause explosion.Therefore, preheat, dry or, to shorten the time (no preheat), apply a layer of machine oil to the contact surface and then pour with a special tool.After pouring, tighten the fastening bolt of lining plate.
4. How to solve the main lubrication failure of cone crushing machine?
Cone crusher because of long-term operation, prone to lubrication device, it often ablative conditions in the bearing shell, and may even lead to cracks and loose bearing shell.In daily production, the main lubricating oil system faults include: high oil temperature, low flow, reduced cleanliness, overlubrication, etc.
4.1 high temperature of main lubricating oil
(1) the cooling fan does not work
The cooling fan is controlled by the sensor in the system. If the sensor fails or the fan motor burns out, the cooling fan will not work. The sensor connector should be checked or replaced.
(2) poor cooling effect of cooling fan
Due to pipe blockage, dust accumulation caused by long time of heat sink, and high ambient temperature, the heat dissipation effect is not good. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the dust accumulation of cooling fan, unclog the pipe, and increase the air guide hood to improve the air conduction efficiency.
(3) internal parts of the machine are burnt out
When iron and ore storage occur in the crusher, the internal parts of the crusher will be burned to death, which will generate a lot of heat to rapidly increase the temperature of the main lubricating oil. In this case, the crusher parts should be disassembled, checked and replaced.
(4) safety valve fails
The relief valve is a pressure-reducing valve with certain pressure set in the lubrication system to protect the lubrication system.If the safety valve fails or the set value drops, the lubricating oil will not pass through the cooler. Check whether the safety valve is normal or not.
4.2 low flow of main lubricating oil
(1) the filter element is blocked
Filter block will cause flow in the system to decline, the pressure difference between the two sides of the filter element is high, so it is necessary to check the cone crusher regularly.
(2) oil pump capacity decreases
Long time running will make the gear or mechanical seal wear in the oil pump, the pump oil capacity decreases, should be timely checked and replaced.
(3) the filter is blocked
There is a pipe joint with filter net at the suction inlet of the oil pump. Large particles and sundries in the oil will stay on the filter net.If the filter is not cleaned in time, there will be blockage, decrease in oil quantity, and decrease in main oil quantity. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the sundries on the filter in the pipe joint.
4.3 main lubricating oil cleanliness is reduced
(1) wear of outer dustproof sealing ring
The gap between the outer dustproof sealing ring and dustproof bucket is less than 1.9mm. If it is too large, dust will enter in large quantities. Therefore, it is necessary to check the gap between the outer dustproof sealing ring and dustproof bucket regularly.
(2) insufficient positive pressure air volume
Insufficient positive pressure air volume will reduce the positive pressure of the lubrication chamber, and dust is easily inhaled into the lubrication chamber, resulting in oil pollution and reduced cleanliness.
(3) overlubrication
Overlubrication refers to a lubrication state in which excessive lubricant is added in the working process of the equipment, which leads to the increase of bearing temperature, increase of noise and decrease of bearing life.
There is no clear standard for the evaluation of overlubrication. For example, we consider 10 minutes of oil filling every 8 hours as the normal oil filling time, so 20 minutes of oil filling every 8 hours will be overlubrication.In fact, this understanding is wrong. Overlubrication refers to the amount of grease stored in the bearing cup, which is the difference between injection and discharge. If the drainage is not smooth, overlubrication will occur even if the oil is filled every 8 hours for 1 minute.
Jiangsu LVSSN can provide high quality and efficient cement plant construction, please consult our customer service or leave a message to us, we will reply to you as soon as possible.
The page source:https://www.lvssn.com/Industry/Cone-crusher-problem-set.html
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aranea-mechanica · 8 years
(fanmail) Loving this new position... watching the fluid drip down is almost hypnotic...
Incub8 replied:
Hopefully it’s not too distracting. I’m afraid I just can’t help overlubricating when I’m on camera...
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mealsforsquares · 5 years
Fried catfish sandwiches
I love catfish. It got a bad rap long ago that it seems to have trouble shaking, but it’s a fantastic, low-cost, high-awesomeness freshwater fish that holds up to just about anything, and tastes good under nearly all conditions.
I had a baguette*, so I decided to make a baguette sandwich with the catfish and some vegetables.
I needed mayonnaise to do the thing - fish and mayonnaise is the kind of combination that makes sandwiches the best of all possible worlds. So I made a regular type mayonnaise, but a little stiffer, and them minced up a jalapeno fine and threw a couple of dashes of hot soy sauce in there***. Then, deciding that that was doubling up on the mayo (there was going to be slaw, after all), I added some lime juice to make a little thinner and more sauce in case I wanted it to just sort of blend in with the slaw mayo. As it happened this was not necessary, but, y’know, it’s hard to think “double mayo” and not bring onesself up short.
The next order of business was making the aforementioned slaw. I recently re-acquired a mandoline** so I cut an apple into thin slices and then cut the slices crossways into very thin julienne. I added some ginger and some parsley, followed by the juice of a lime, a small dollop of mayonnaise and some salt. I let that sit while I put together the rest of the sandwich.
I made a batter for the catfish out of corn starch, flour and baking soda. I got a pot of oil hot, cut the catfish into baguette-sandwich-sized planks, and then quickly beat together the solid ingredients with a little soda water. I dunked the catfish into the batter and then lowered them into the hot oil, flipping them after a couple of minutes and pulling them out before they got too brown.
To go with it I decided to test the potato aptitude of the air fryer and try to make potato chips. I cut them relatively thick on the manodline, sprinkled them with salt and onion powder (I dunno) and then sprayed them down with some spray oil and got them winto the air fryer. They did come out chips, but they weren’t exactly setting the world on fire.
I also decided to make a salad, because vegetables are important, but R is unadventurous, so I just got some salad greens into a bowl and topped them with a grated carrot, some almonds and some dried cherries. I mixed together some buttermilk and some yogurt, to which I added salt, white pepper and some minced chives and stirred together and used it to top the salad.
When everything was together I opened up the baguette, spread it with aq little fo the spicy mayonnaise concoction, laid an appropriate number of fried catfish planks atop that, topped it with some of the apple ginger slaw, and closed the sandwich. The salad was somehow not entierly too creamy - in fact, it’s only now that I realized that I creamed up everything, which is completely insane and must make me look like some sort of oil-slick-craving overlubricated nightmare-human. The potao chips were good but, again, not anything anybody is going o remember. All told he sandwich starred and everything else provided filler, which isn’t the worst way things can end up, but definitely isn’t what I was going for.  
* I mean, I bought the baguette. It isn’t like a baguette just, like, appeared in my house. I don’t have baguette fairies. I wish I did have baguette fairies. I’d definitely have mentioned it before now, though.
** a process that took a positively frightful amount of time, for reasons that I’m unable to articulate. Honestly, I just bought the oxo mandoline I knew I was going to buy the whole time. I could have done this a long time ago.
*** the kind that Secret Aardvark makes. It’s good, but it just tastes like soy sauce that’s been made hotter.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
omg, I don't think I've ever squirted but it would be my worst nightmare. Sex is wet as it is and I tend to get overlubricated as it is so any more lubricant is a big no for me. :D
Yea, I don’t think I’d enjoy it.
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