rakkikuroba · 3 months
Hal 9000 and GLaDOS talking together in Lego Dimensions feels like watching two autistic persons interacting.
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32bitterra · 23 days
i've noticed that the psychonauts fandom is so small, and more specifically so tight knit, that everybody kind of knows everybody. It's like we all live in a big cul-de-sac. I've even started compiling what seem to be household names in the fandom world.
People, usually artists, that are just there. In every mini-circle, in every server, in every "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS/pos" convo.
all this to say: me and my friends love your art. it's amazing and you've had a very positive impact on the fandom (or at least a fandom server, which has enough people and inside jokes to be its own fandom at this point lmao)
I want to deeply thank you, your friends, and everyone who leaves very kind words on my artwork and in my inbox. I want you all to know that I keep those kind words rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken, and that I go back to read them again and again. I am deeply grateful and very happy that my drawings are so well-liked. I often underestimate myself and the impact I have on others, and to read that I have had a great positive impact on something is mind-boggling (in a good way. It's a little hard to describe the feeling.)
It makes me very happy that I've brought joy just as other artists have brought joy to me with their drawings and writings. It's a great feeling, and I am very thankful. I like our little fandom. We're all holding hands and spinning around like that monkey gif.
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not-yet-asleep · 1 year
Pre-worms archiving staff but it's just Sasha and Tim thinking their young colleagues are totally normal, unremarkable kids, just to find out they were so so wrong. Martin being the most comically expressive person ever and using hand movements to explain everything. And then Jon, who looks like this calm and reserved guy, but then he can also throw you the most disgust-filled facial expressions you've ever seen if he doesn't like something.
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blackquill-inchains · 6 months
🍼 fuyuhiko and Peko
🍼 korekiyo and kirumi?
sure! got both for you anon!:
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Send me 🍼 + a ship and I’ll draw/make a fan-child
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gilligansgarden · 2 months
✦ ranger <3
You make me laugh ║ I am inspired by you ║ I trust you wholeheartedly ║ I consider you a role model ║ I am interested in you romantically ║ I am interested in you sexually ║ I am protective over you ║ I support you ║ In my ideal world, you are happy ║ You give me cute aggression ║ You have done so much for me ║ Your approval is meaningful to me ║ I think of you often ║ I hope you are a permanent fixture in my life ║ You don't get enough credit ║ Your presence is a mood boost
We are vibing ║ I like your posts ║ I respect what you've been through ║ I hope you get what you deserve ║ We may not be close, but I enjoy what we have ║ I wish you would seek help ║ Knowing you has changed me ║ I consider you trustworthy ║ You remind me of myself ║ I like bumping into you at the function ║ I idolize you ║ We share a lot of common interests ║ You're cool
I'm compelled to antagonize you ║ You grate on me ║ I do not trust you ║ I don't respect your life choices ║ I feel like I have to mask / dull myself around you ║ You've crossed my boundaries multiple times ║ I feel guilty over something I said/did to you ║ I am obsessed with you || I have a grudge against you ║ You stress me out ║ You give me cute aggression ║ I envy you and/or covet aspects of your life ║ I thinly tolerate you ║ Being around you sometimes opens up old wounds for me
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I’m being unusually vulnerable over text with Friend A regarding religion but I feel comfortable enough at this point I think… and I wanted to just express a little of what it means to have had her company throughout Ramadhan
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brokenstarwishes · 4 months
...I miss them.
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cactusdying · 7 months
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Hey, Hey, Hey. @ you
This is a one-way mention to you
The two of us are talking till dawn,
But it's like I'm talking to myself.
still version in case the quality gets destroyed
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bigweldindustries · 9 months
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As shown in Figure 24.16, transgenic plants that overexpress IPT, the gene encoding the enzyme isopentenyl transferase (the enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in cytokinin synthesis), exhibit enhanced drought tolerance compared with wild-type plants.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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notisland · 2 years
whewhuhehuhjahbdjskf i am fucking tired and hungry and i want to lay down and nap but i have fucking Responsibilities
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mindblowingscience · 17 days
The average glioblastoma patient survives 12-18 months after diagnosis. The crux of the diagnostic is a biochip that uses electrokinetic technology to detect biomarkers, or active Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors (EGFRs), which are overexpressed in certain cancers such as glioblastoma and found in extracellular vesicles. “Extracellular vesicles or exosomes are unique nanoparticles secreted by cells. They are big—10 to 50 times bigger than a molecule—and they have a weak charge. Our technology was specifically designed for these nanoparticles, using their features to our advantage,” says Hsueh-Chia Chang, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Notre Dame and lead author of the study about the diagnostic published in Communications Biology.
Continue Reading.
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moonchild033 · 13 hours
Astro Observations-6💪
Helllooo! Here we go with Part-6 🤗 Feel free to comment down your thoughts/experiences💅💃
(These observations are based on the whole sign system, sidereal charts and all obs are subject to change with other aspects in the chart, so don't conclude anything with a single placement) ❤
Ascendant Lord in Cardinal signs can mean that the person has control over their mind and thoughts. They always have the tendency to focus on the brighter side of everything and are not easily influenced by anyone. They do what they decide to and unwaveringly stick to it.💪
Ascendant in Mrigashira, Chitra and Dhanishta - They can be short tempered and take hasty decisions. They're driven by emotions, making them prone to react based on their current emotions and regret it later. This can apply to 1H mars too.🤯
Mercury-Rahu conjunction (within 5 degrees) in 3/6/8/12H---Pls be careful on the internet. These placements can be affected by cybercrime issues. This could happen based on the house themes, not necessarily for everyone, just a reminder to stay safe sweeties.👩‍💻
Rahu in asc or in conjunction with ascendant lord - Delulu pro max placement fr. They be having a whole different world in their mind or acting like they have multiple personalities. It's so hard to read them, no matter how many yrs you spend with them, you'll still be wondering how they would react or what they would say for a particular situation. They shed their personality or remold it frequently that they feel like a whole different person within short spans of time. 🐍
Venus-Saturn conjunction in 12H especially for Gemini and Scorpio ascendants - Their first heartbreak would be insane. They could've got to the point of engagement or in a long term relationship, so used to each other and never would've imagined a breakup but it would strike them so hard one fine day, they would've pictured and planned their whole life with that person. This placement can give an unexpected, absolutely shattering kind of heartbreak in their first love.🤧
Dhanishta Moon- Conflicts with their mom. Mom could often use emotional blackmail as a weapon or leave the household often if it's in 8/9/12H.😬
11H lord in Ardra, Swati or Shatabisha- Friendships you get can be totally different from what you've expected. The friend you loved so much can surprisingly show their true colors and betray you whereas the person you didn't even like to interact with at first could become your loyal confidants. Forget getting like minded friends, you'll get the type of friends who will motivate you to be more open minded, teach you controversial/ type of stuff that doesn't go along with the conservative or large scale population. Whether they're a bad influence or good influence depends on the 11H lord.💯
Mars in 6-8 Alignment synastry (ie. If their mars is in 8H when counted from your mars, yours will be in 6H when counted from their mars)--The physical attraction is eternal and this could also be someone you'll have your first time with. The lust part will be never ending, if there are other long term aspects, this couple could turn out to be the ones having the same libido & yearning as before kind of physical intimacy even after manyyy yearrsss. As this alignment includes 6H too, the frequency will be high as 6H indicates routine.💀
Jupiter in Domicile/Exalted house in D9 in Woman's chart- Partner will suit your type so perfectly, it will feel like you've manifested the type of person you wished for. The downside is the qualities you wished for will be overexpressed, which can be a problem sometimes. If u wished for a kind hearted and helping person, they could be so much that they give out hefty checks out for donations, you could feel that the amount is unnecessarily high. They're what you wished for, you know that but sometimes it's too much and feels overwhelming or troublesome to handle.💖
Venus-Ketu conjunction in 12H-Especially in capricorn or aquarius can lead to unrequited love. They can be in delulu love for so many years and obsessed with them. They just want that one person and no one else, they would start to understand the reality that this is going nowhere only around 25yrs old. Guys, you deserve better wake up!🤗
This should be carefully analyzed- If your 11H or it's lord is stronger than 7H or it's lord, it can lead to a second marriage or multiple love affairs.😌
Venus in 2H (In Leo/Libra)- The type of ppl to woo the opposite gender by their flirtatious and spontaneous talks. They tend to spend a lot on their partners, the type of spending can be based on the naks. Magha venus can buy antique or unique products for their partners, they focus more on the status a specific gift shows rather than it's utility. Purva phalguni venus would buy a lot for themselves too and they would love joint assets, gifts that can be shared between the couple, like a luxury car or just a unisex branded hoodie. Vishaka venus would be the partners who take their better half on a shopping spree and let them buy anything for themselves, they mostly would like to leave the choice to their partner.💝
Let's Learn and Grow Together!💅💋
With Love-Yashi ❤⚡
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Mcyt's with over expressive and loud reader who fake crys / whines and start fake arguments like bickering just to be annoying and funny. <3
ooo okay okay 🙏🙏 I tried here I apologize if this sucks titties ; these are really short so I apologize I just didn't have many ideas lol
MCYT ; overexpressive reader
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, quackity, & nihachu
warnings ; language, super short sorry
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he's overexpressive and loud too cmon
he absolutely loves it
loves starting fake arguments with you lol
"tommy, give it back!" while he's holding your phone over his head so you can't reach it
you're constantly chasing each other around the house like
that one clip of him spidercrawling across the couch to get Molly is the definition of your relationship LMAO
golden retriever duo
will happily play into your playful fighting
and will always tease you with height advantages
honestly loves when you're being "annoying" cause it's like your love language
he'll happily get you wound up because he honestly thinks it's funny
you genuinley make them laugh so much, esp on stream lmfao
he will proudly be loud and rambunctious with you
genuinley worries about your loudness sometimes lmaoo
will always tease you to wind you up 💀💀
you make him laugh so much, like to the point his chest hurts
he's just like you, literally same person different font
the amount of cackling in that office on stream... how have yall not died from laughter 💀
you get him laughing with your fake crying or just being fake annoying to the point he is RED lmao
"quackity, stoppp" "pick me ass" "I swear to God I'm gonna kill you"
she loves you and your way of expressing yourself
you literally get her cackling everyday
she's always happy around you and always playfully bickering with you as well
you (very lightly) fake fight all the time because you bicker a lot
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talonabraxas · 19 days
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Seventh Body - The Auric Body
In the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, the human being has 10
bodies, not 1. Each body has its own attributes, and the 7th body is the Auric Body.
Seventh Body: Auric Body
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body; it contains, projects, and interacts with the energetic life force, it usually extends three to nine feet beyond the physical body.
Qualities: Mercy, security, love, celestial charisma.
Key phrase: “Platform of Elevation”
Mastery: Projects positivity and repels negativity, like a shield; illness cannot penetrate your physical body; radiates magnetic security and an inspiring, merciful presence
If weak: constrictive, paranoid, lack of self-trust; negativity can penetrate into the psyche and physical body; there may be a tendency to conform to please others by overexpressing yourself
Key to Balancing Auric Body: practice meditation, pranayama, vigorous yoga, and martial arts. Wearing white clothing made of natural fibers gives about a 12-inch boost to the aura. Work on the Eighth Chakra. A strong auric body sustains the health of the pranic body. And it is the health of the pranic body that allows the auric body to emanate out as a magnificent force field to be reckoned with. The two together keep our physical body and immune system strong and allow us to walk and work fearlessly as who we are. Be mindful of the positive effects of water, internally and externally.
Each of the ten bodies relates specifically to the qualities of one of the ten Sikh gurus.
Guru Har Rai the seventh Sikh Guru. Read and study the life of Guru Har Rai Sing out loud, often, and joyfully. Elevate others with your singing. Wear white clothing made of natural fibers. A question to ask the Seventh Body? Do I allow myself to elevate myself and others?
FEELING In a challenging position, this may manifest as a person with low self-esteem. They may feel that shine comes from outward appearance rather than from within. They may also feel that people expect them to be more independent and nurturing and that they have to live up to their expectations.
Threatened by other’s energy or situations, overwhelmed by other’s energy, not true to own principles, has “Thin skin” can be Isolating, not able to uplift oneself, have weak boundaries, lays awake trying to fix loved ones and overwhelmed with all negative aspects of their life.
The inner desire is to be oneself, regardless of anyone’s expectations.
In a strong position, this will manifest as an intelligent person, a wise person. They are independent. They like to read, and they like music. This may represent a nun or priest living in seclusion. This is someone who has obtained intense knowledge through many lifetimes. They also have learned to uplift themselves, and they can be good teachers and very good parents because their presence uplifts environments and circumstances. They can work in relative seclusion, i.e. a scientist in a laboratory, a park ranger in the forest, a priest, or a nun.
They may seek financial security, a platform of elevation, security, mercy self-contained, secure, like to sing, uplifting to self and others, elevates themselves with ease, self-contained, and has strong boundaries.
The seventh body is the auric body, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds a person. Most children are able to see auras at a very early age between 2 and 4. After that, the pituitary gland changes and this makes it more difficult to see them. You can do certain meditations to develop this quality.
A regular aura can be somewhere between three and nine feet. Between three and seven is the most common. A nine-inch aura is rare. Wearing white clothes increases the aura by 12 inches.
People with strong auras can be very uplifting to be with. They put you in that state too, it’s contagious.
There are many benefits of a strong aura. The person is surrounded by this electromagnetic field that protects him/her and gives them projection. Auras are nurturing, compassionate, charismatic, and “human forklifts”. That’s why the key phrase is “platform of elevation”.
Meditation Meditation for the Aura. Sit in an easy pose and place your hands on your knees. Now concentrate on the space around your body, the electromagnetic field. Feel it getting bigger. The following affirmations should be repeated, keeping the focus on the electromagnetic field: I AM LIGHT. I AM STRONG. I AM BRIGHT. I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM KIND. WHA HE GURU. Repeat 7 times
Aura: Electromagnetic field around the body. It protects us as well as helps us project from the heart.
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fallenangelics · 6 months
Cat Got Your Tongue?
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PAIRING | Angel Dust/Husk
SUMMARY | After a long day of filming, Angel is ready to have a relaxing night at the bar flirting with a specific kitty as a means to overexpress his emotions until Husk flips the switch and leaves Angel's heart jackhammering against his chest at some simple words and touches.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Flirting
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Banter
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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"Hey Whiskers," Angel Dust purred as he sauntered towards the bar with a sway in his hips. He had just gotten back from an all-day shoot, Val calling him in bright and early to make sure they could fit in as many different scenes as possible. The long hours of shooting almost made him contemplate staying the night in his old room at the Vees tower, but then he remembered there was a certain kitty always waiting up for him. “You haven’t been up long waitin’ for little ol’ me, have you?”
“Pfft, no,” A laugh almost echoed off Husk’s lips with the words as his usual grimace-laced face filled with amusement. Even as Husk laughed at his expense, Angel couldn’t help but smile as he sat down at the bar in the same seat as every other occasion, resting his head in a hand. Without even a second passing, Husk was loading a martini glass onto the counter and sliding it over to him. “I had jobs to do. Manning the bar ain’t the only thing I got to do in a day.”
“Oh really?” Angel questioned suspiciously as he brought the drink up to his lips for a test sip. Everything Husk made him was always amazing, he had however grown a habit of checking every drink before properly relaxing and drinking it since beginning working for Val, not that he ever thought Husk would do something such as drug his drink. “And what is it that you get up to when I’m not around, Babycakes?”
“Many things,” Husk supplied without actually listing anything, hoping it would allude to enough unneeded examples so that Angel wouldn’t feel the need, not that it stopped the Sinner.
“Like?” Angel continued to push, setting his drink down to lean further across the bar, the short dress that Val had made him wear that didn’t even cover half of his ass falling down at his chest fluff, exposing the makeshift cleavage. 
“Like cleaning drinks, restocking alcohol, shopping for toppers,” Husk trailed off, trying to keep an air of nonchalance as he listed the first few things that came to mind. Of course, they had all been things he did for the bar, leaving him to hope that his mannerisms spoke more as if there were far too many to count. He wasn’t however about to Angel what Alastor had him doing throughout the day. 
“That all sounds like bartender duties to me,” If it was possible Angel somehow shifted closer in his seat, trying to bring his face closer to Husk’s. A few bristles of his chest fluff began to brush against Husk’s due to this proximity, one of his extra hands coming up to walk his fingers across the bar top. “Are you sure you're as busy as you say you are? It’s okay to admit that you were just waitin’ up for me, I’m not gonna judge you, Baby.”
“Is that so?” Husk asked, his voice coming out raspy to his own ears. The sound of which sent chills running down Angel’s spine, never having heard the bartender speak in such a way. Something inside his brain clicked at the notion, his attention suddenly spiking as he applied all of it to Husk. A choked hum of agreement was forced from Angel’s lips as he tried to keep his composure. “Well, I can go on all night ‘Baby,’ if that’s what you want to do.”
Husk had pushed himself to meet Angel in the middle. Their faces were impossibly close, breaths intertwining as they shared the same air. It was almost intoxicating, Husk being this close to him willingly without Angel having to go the extra mile to get up close and personal with him. From this close-up, he could see all the golden ridges of his irises, the crinkles of his little nose and every piece of stray hair that made up his furry being. 
Clamming up, Angel could do nothing else but stare at Husk for a few seconds, his cheeks heating just from the proximity, sound and word choice that Husk had delivered. He hadn’t even been touched by the guy and he was ready to squeal like a virgin. It was almost embarrassing, having his mouth hung slightly agape and his face flaring to life, only concealed by the fur on his cheeks. 
It seemed Angel took too long to respond quick enough to Husk’s words as a smug twitch of his lips overtook his face. Though it wasn’t the first time Angel had seen an expression similar to this on Husk’s face, it was the first time it had ever even remotely been directed at him, especially in this context. 
“Why the long face?” Husk purred, a sound so uncharacteristically his as he let the words roll off his tongue. Reaching one of his clawed hands that were at least triple the size of Angel’s up to cup his face, his thumb danced across the white fluff that lined there, smoothing it out for Angel before it sank lower and graced over his bottom lip where it hung open. “Cat got your tongue?”
“I- Uh-“ Angel stuttered, all thought processes leaving his mind as he stayed rooted to his spot unmoving, scared that the slightest twitch would send Husk running. So instead of a witty comeback or just as flirty remarks as he was used to sending others' way, Husk was met with a stare akin to a deer caught in headlights from Angel. “Um…”
A guttory chuckle spilled from Husk’s lips as he took in the expression. Who would’ve thought that all it took to render the famous pornstar Angel Dust speechless was a bit of reciprocated flirting? “So you can dish it but you can’t take it?”
“I can take it,” Angel yelled once he got over his panic, noticing how Husk’s hand had stayed firm on his cheek. If it was possible his face heated up more as he himself almost broke the contact by leaning backwards, creating some much-needed space. “I can take a lot of things like dildos, spanking-“
“But not flirting,” Husk cut him off, one of his long red eyebrows quirking up with his statement. His whole face had relaxed out of the grimace it was usually set to, leaving Angel to take in a not-completely miserable bartender as his smile continued to widen as the night progressed, even if it was at his expense. “Isn’t that right, Baby?”
“I-“ Stumbling over his words, his black and white eyes flicked between Husk’s, searching for something he didn’t want to find. Before he could come to any revelation, Angel was pushing himself up and out of his chair, cutting off any contact that he and Husk were sharing. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
“Aw, don’t be like that,” Husk called after him even as he let out a deep cackle at Angel’s words and actions, his eyes trailing after him as Angel did a very bad job at fleeing the bar. Jumping over the counter in a quick swoop and grabbing onto Angel’s unfinished drink, Husk went chasing after him. “You’ve just got in and you’ve barely touched your drink.”
“I’ll take my drink to go then,” Angel declared as he stopped and turned around, ready to fetch it out of Husk’s hand. Instead, he was met with a large paw carefully wrapping around one of his many hands and pulling it in closer. 
His lips ghosted the back of his hand as if waiting to place a kiss there as Husk’s eyes lingered on his. Angel made no move to pull away, his hopes slowly climbing as it seemed Husk was leaning in. As it almost nuzzled him, half of Husk’s face slid across his hand and up some of his arm before his fingers were being manually tightened around the stem of his glass. 
“I’ll see you in the morning then, Legs,” Husk bid him goodnight, slipping past him as he left the tall arachnid behind with only a quarter of his brain functioning.
Being able to make it all the way up a flight of stairs before he heard the shattering of glass and the squeal of a school girl, Husk turned himself in for the night knowing his favourite resident was home safe for the night and that the games Angel liked to play with him got a whole lot more fun.
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