priisakilljoy · 5 years
Golden, poppy, sunkissed & honey for the soft asks! 💕
golden - favorite stationary product?
oh i love me some stationary stuff, i really hoard them lmao. i try to avoid stationary stores at all costs because the goblin in my brain really takes control. the amount of empty notebooks i have is ridiculous. paper clips all over the place. pens and pencils everywhere. post its where you’d never imagine 
the last thing i bought was a number 0.3 ink pen and im gonna say its my favorite even though i only used it once because we about to spend some time together 
poppy - favorite pastel color?
i’m partial to green (my room, my blog) but peach really is the winner, god really nailed with that one 
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
autumn, spring here is already too hot and pride is during autumn and thats the best time of the year 
honey - favorite term of endearment?
oh thats hard i love most of them, i was once the person who called all of their friends by pet names only, everyone was flor, amor, amado, luz, doce, anjo or xuxu lol. one i absolutely hate is ‘moça’ because it activates my fight or flight response and even typing it feels wrong lmao. in english i love them all fr im soft for this shit i really am 
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crea-line · 2 years
đŸ›ïžT-shirt prĂ©mium homme peut ĂȘtre assorti de mille et une maniĂ©res. Notre recommandation ! Excellente qualitĂ© et rĂ©sultats d impression parfaits
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lefestin-editions · 4 years
Tic-tac, tic-tac, ce printemps : Le Festin fait peau neuve !
Le Festin, toujours en mouvement, se métamorphose.
« Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crĂ©e, tout se transforme », pour reprendre la cĂ©lĂšbre formule de Lavoisier. 31 ans aprĂšs sa crĂ©ation, et quelques variations graphiques au passage, nous avons ressenti le besoin d’interroger nos choix, nos partis pris, nos inclinations, Ă  un moment oĂč le pĂ©rimĂštre gĂ©ographique du Festin envisage de nouveaux horizons avec la Nouvelle-Aquitaine en ligne de mire. Notre soif de connaissances et de partage est intacte. Car le patrimoine – les patrimoines, dans toute leur rĂ©jouissante diversitĂ© – n’est jamais figĂ©. Cette passion de la dĂ©couverte nous guide et nous porte plus que jamais, au moment oĂč Le Festin s'apprĂȘte Ă  rendre compte du foisonnement culturel qui anime la plus grande rĂ©gion mĂ©tropolitaine de France. Le goĂ»t de l’échange, il s’incarne dans le principe mĂȘme de la correspondance Ă©pistolaire avec les lecteurs, d’un numĂ©ro Ă  l’autre, qu’impose le principe mĂȘme d’un « pĂ©riodique ». Un lien se tisse, page aprĂšs page, annĂ©e aprĂšs annĂ©e, entre vous et nous, comme dans le "tourbillon de la vie". Une revue, le patrimoine, ce sont des histoires sans fin, toujours ouvertes Ă  l’innovation, Ă  la crĂ©ation, au renouvellement. VoilĂ  ce qui nous porte, et qui nous plaĂźt. VoilĂ  ce que nous voulons encore longtemps partager avec vous. Une encyclopĂ©die vivante de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine Le Festin est reconnu pour la qualitĂ© de ses contenus, que l’on peut lire et revisiter des mois, des annĂ©es plus tard. Nous ne changeons pas notre fusil d’épaule, bien au contraire. À une Ă©poque oĂč l’information invĂ©rifiĂ©e circule dans tous les sens, nous renforçons notre travail d’expertise, de pertinence. Mais nous adaptons notre point de vue Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de clartĂ©, de comprĂ©hension qui est celle du temps prĂ©sent, en combinant astuces Ă©ditoriales et journalistiques. Une nouvelle mise en page, dans l’esprit mook. De nouvelles rubriques, des domaines ou des disciplines peut-ĂȘtre trop ignorĂ©es font leur entrĂ©e dans nos sommaires. Des points de vue, des angles rĂ©dactionnels, des formes parfois ludiques viennent en renfort pour tenter d’embrasser au mieux la multiplicitĂ© des expressions culturelles de la rĂ©gion. Toujours plus, toujours plus loin, toujours ici. Au plus prĂšs des territoires, de celles et ceux qui, chaque jour, font et refont les patrimoines. Tout un monde Ă  portĂ©e de regard. C’est pour bientĂŽt
 AprĂšs prĂšs deux ans de rĂ©flexion et d’élaboration, vous pourrez dĂ©couvrir cette nouvelle version avec le numĂ©ro 117 du prochain printemps, la saison du renouveau ! (le 11 mars en librairie, chez votre marchand de journaux, ou dans votre boĂźte Ă  lettres si vous optez pour l’abonnement). Nous vous en dĂ©voilerons d'ici lĂ  rĂ©guliĂšrement un peu du menu, des plats et des ingrĂ©dients, histoire de vous mettre l’eau Ă  la bouche... De l'histoire, de l'art, des faits divers, de l'architecture, de la crĂ©ation, des paysages, de l'insolite
 PĂ©dagogue sans ĂȘtre pĂ©dant. Vulgariser sans abaisser. Prendre plaisir, tout simplement, Ă  l’infini merveilleux de la connaissance, c'est en cette nouvelle annĂ©e et, plus que jamais, notre volontĂ©. Le patrimoine – les patrimoines, dans toute leur rĂ©jouissante diversitĂ© – n’est jamais figĂ©.
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monowheelnews · 8 years
RT ComplotsFaciles: #Trump #OuvrezLesYeux https://t.co/7PxHo84yWp
RT ComplotsFaciles: #Trump #OuvrezLesYeux http://pic.twitter.com/7PxHo84yWp
— Monowheel (@MonowheelNews) February 10, 2017
February 10, 2017 at 05:39PM
View On WordPress
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hxindsjiansbdhsksb · 6 years
đŸ„›- Favourite live christmas performance?
that one of hallelujah!! i can’t remember exactly what it’s called but they’re on a stage n move round in a circle n it’s dark? i hope that makes sense lol
đŸŽ©- A christmas song you want ptx to make a video for?
go tell it on the mountain!!!!!!!
⛄- If ptx redid one christmas music video, which one would you have them redo?
little drummer boy, nothing wrong with the original one it’d be nice to have a more up to date one!
thank you!!!
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priisakilljoy · 5 years
The bleeding nun & phantom footsteps!
the bleeding nun - During childhood, was there a monster under your bed?
no, but there was a spirit at the foot of the bed. every single night for more than a year when i was like 5 i would dream about this beautiful woman dressed for a funeral staring at me while i was laying down. i told my parents about this recurrent dream and my mom said it wasn’t a dream, it was a spirit. i was never scared of her and she never did anything, just stared, so i got used to it and one day she was gone and i never saw her again 
so no monster under my bed but i did have a doll who tried to kill me lmao. it was a life sized doll named Mariana and she was my sister, i took her everywhere and she used to sleep on the low bed on my trundle bed. one day we were going to my grandma’s house and this bitch pushed me!!! i swear to god lol. so from this day i became afraid of her and did everything so she wouldn’t try to hurt me again. we traded beds so she would have the best one and i always let her use my new clothes before i did and baked for her and things like that
i got a real human brother when i was 7 and Mariana was banned to the attic by my mom, she was tired of the doll bullying me lmao 
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phantom footsteps - Do you believe in ghosts?
oh yeah they chill, i used to see them all the time as a kid
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pieandpk · 11 years
Eat, D’Artagnan! There are starving kittens in Africa!
Pie to our cat
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hxindsjiansbdhsksb · 6 years
Making Christmas & What Christmas means to me 💕
Making Christmas- Halloween or Christmas and why?
Christmas!! idk i’ve never been all too big into halloween and i just love the christmas spirit and giving presents!!
What Christmas Means To Me-
What are the things you associate with the holiday season?
idk how to answer this without quoting so many christmas songs but generally the trees, snow, presents, santa etc! just good things and bein happy
Thank you!!
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priisakilljoy · 5 years
I am absolutely losing it at your tags on that ptx post. I love you đŸ˜‚â€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïž
sdtykjuyhtgf ❀❀
this pic is just fascinating tho. matt and kirstie are all cute and giggly wile kevin is ready to tell me there was a complication in the procedure and mitch is judging my hospital gown. esther is the only one i trust to bring me extra jello. scott is not even a doctor he just walked in here 
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priisakilljoy · 5 years
Leaf 🍁!
hey you
leaf 🍁: what is your favourite season? what is your favourite comfort food?
my favorite is autumn. it’s such a relief after summer and the weather is so nice, not too hot but still sunny. the fall aesthetic is really pretty and i can finally start wearing layers
probably pasta??? love me some carbs, something really simple like spaghetti bolognese because when i need comfort i want something familiar. or ice cream if i’m caving sweets
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priisakilljoy · 6 years
If you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate and try not to break the chain 💕
omg tysm ily
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priisakilljoy · 6 years
I’ve always seen your username around and I really liked when you were posting your inktober drawings every day! I’m really happy you were my secret Santa. Thank you for being so fun and great!! ❀❀ - Avikidnaplan 😄
omg thank you!!!! i loved being your secret santa. it didn’t cross my mind at any point that avikidnaplan was a side blog, thats so organized 
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priisakilljoy · 6 years
đŸ„› ⛄ ✹!!
Favorite live christmas performance? 
the silent night official video. the arrangement, the church acoustic, the drama of it all. i live 
⛄ If ptx redid one Christmas music video, which would you have them redo?
not a music video but i hate what they did with wen you believe in the not so silent night christmas special. i actually love the song so i wish it had a better video.
✹ Original Christmas songs or covers?
they have one original and it’s great but i need more, so covers.
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