#ouat is stupid water is wet. anyway.
timeshuffles · 6 years
some (more) thoughts on elsa’s magic: ouat version
specifically, the sketch of the differences between elsa’s magic and ingir’s:
in general elsa is both more powerful and has a much greater degree of control over her magic than ingir does. this is largely down to the different ways they tried to control/suppress their powers:
ingir relied on seiðr, a complex magical methodology practiced throughout fantasy scandinavia the northern regions; she used seiðr to create bindings which held her ice magic inside her body and actively weakened it — imagine being locked in a cell with exposed nails or broken glass embedded in all the walls, and what that would do to your hands if you frantically tried to claw your way out. that’s basically what ingir’s bindings did to her ice magic, sanding it back down every time it gathered its strength and tried to burst free. the end result is that her ice magic never really matured past what it was when she was very young and the first bindings were put in place.
on the other hand, elsa tried to suppress her magic by sheer force of will alone. her magic was never held in place by anything except the strength of her desire to keep it inside — so her magic was allowed to not only grow with her, but also to grow exponentially stronger than it would have normally due to the containment, as discussed in my other post.
likewise, these very different methods of suppression had a big influence on the degree of control they have over their ice magic.
a key thing about this magic is that it isn’t an intrinsic part of the wielder, but rather a shard of a much greater cosmic force bestowed as a gift; thus using it isn’t as straightforward as regular ouat style “focus hard enough on what you want and it’ll happen” magic. this is symbiosis, it’s communication, it’s a relationship.
ingir’s method of suppression in her youth was like locking the magic up and throwing away the key, then trying to forget it existed. elsa’s method was more like directly grappling with the magic in an open field to try to prevent it from running wild — even as she forced it down and refused to listen to it, she was still immersed in it, still in touch with it, still learning the “language” of its moods and whims and the things it wanted to do and so on.
so ingir has ice magic that is stunted, damaged, and scarred, and a language barrier problem on top of that where she has zero fine control over her magic; meanwhile, after her coronation, once elsa starts listening to what her magic is telling her, she develops full control very quickly. (for example: ingir thinks “i’d like this room to be a little colder,” and BAM snow drifts everywhere; elsa thinks “i’d like this room to be a little colder” and the temperature drops by precisely three degrees.) furthermore, at the time the ouat frozen arc begins, elsa has spent about two years honing her control over her magic, whereas ingir comes out of the urn never having had control over it at all. so the difference is even greater than it would be if they had both been working with their magic for the same amount of time.
this is also reflected in the physical expressions of their magic — in general, elsa’s is very precise and detailed, ingir’s is rougher and sloppier.
elsa snow is composed exclusively of plane crystals — those flat, pretty fractals everyone thinks of when you hear the word “snowflake” — and feel light, fluffy, and rather dry because they don’t melt as quickly as natural flakes. ingir snow is a lot wetter, denser, a lot more rimy, and composed mostly of aggregate snowflakes — those are the big amorphous flakes you get when it’s really humid and not super cold so a bunch of individual flakes get stuck together — and can turn to slush fairly quickly once it’s done falling.
when elsa builds stuff out of snow, the constructs are smooth — think the texture of untouched snow drifts — and detailed, often with ice and frost filling out the really fine details. ingir’s snow constructs look more blobby and rough, like something actually packed together by a human being. (ingir also can’t bring her constructs to life, and if she could they’d probably just mindlessly rampage whereas elsa’s constructs have intelligence and consciousness and are able to do things like self-repair)
also, elsa favors ice over snow when making stuff, and her ice is very pure, translucent, and defined, with distinct edges and noticeable fractal patterns; ingir’s constructs are generally packed snow and less structurally sound — again, like if somebody went out and actually physically built a snow fort, that’s what ingir’s constructs look like.
in general — elsa’s constructs are more precise, more stable, hold their shape much better, and don’t melt unless she allows them to, whereas ingir’s basically function like normal snow.
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narniaandplowmen · 4 years
Mysterious Fathoms Below (3/8)
Fandom: OUAT Pairing: Captain Swan Also on AO3
Rated: General Audiences Complete Full Fic is 12005 words
Summary:  When a storm throws Killian overboard, a mysterious mermaid who saves him. Now it is up to him to save her and bring her back home.
[first chapter]  •   [previous chapter]  •  [next chapter]  
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CHAPTER 3 - Buttercup Mark
“A two-minute swim,” Killian huffed. “Sure, for a mermaid it is.” It had taken him almost ten times as long to reach the coast, and another couple of minutes to find a place that wasn't made out of gold where he could actually climb on land. He was soaked and cold and frustrated. And, he had to admit, curious. Why did that mermaid save him? And what had she meant with her parting words? “Excuse me,” he approached a young boy carrying a bucket and a mop. ”Have you seen a splendid ship docked here, named the Jolly Roger?”
   ~   ~   ~   ~
“I-I'm sorry Captain, w-we thought you were dead, Captain, I- we-”
“It's okay Smee,” Killian replied in an annoyed huff. He turned and continued inspecting the Jolly Roger. It would cost quite a lot of gold to repair the damage the storm had brought. The mast was broken and the rudder was almost splintered. He thought back at Emma. “Smee. How do you contact a mermaid King and Queen?”
“Why, captain?”
“Don't ask me why, Smee. Tell me how.”
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
A merman hurried through the hallways of the underwater castle. He passed rich statues, beautiful curtains, immense portraits without even a passing glance. He only stopped when the giant doors to the throne room were right in front of him. “I bring news for the King and Queen. It's urgent.” The doors open and reveal a gigantic room. Gorgeous pillars holding up a shimmering roof covering two towering thrones, seating a black-haired woman sitting proudly next to her blonde husband. Only those who look carefully would be able to see the bags underneath their eyes, the weight on their shoulders and the grief in their hearts. “Your Majesties. A pirate has arrived at the Sunrock. He said he wanted to speak to you. He said it was urgent. He said it was about-” the man swallowed, fearing his message was just false hope. “About Princess Emma.” the King and Queen rose at once. Gossiping voices filled the room. It had been a while since news about the lost princess had reached the castle. Most of it was false anyway, but the King and Queen refused to give up hope. The punishment for false information was severe, ranging from steep fines to eternity in prison.
“Who is this pirate? Bring us to him!”
“He- He said he would return in two days, my Queen. He said, that if you would see him, he'd be at the Sunrock at dawn.”
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
Mr Smee looked at his Captain in shock. “A magic bean? How did you get that?”
“Let's just say, Mr. Smee, that someone owed me a favour.”
“If we sold that-” Killian could almost see the gold coins in his eyes. “We- we'd be rich! We'd be able to repair the ship a dozen times over!”
“Aye, but we could be even richer if we use this bean to pick up a little package.” Smee grinned.
“Well, Captain, where are we going?”
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
Emma threw the shell on the floor. Again a dead trail. That stupid merman really did not want to be found. He was good. Better than the previous bastards she had caught. But she liked a challenge. What was she missing? She read through the information again, but her buttercup mark, as well as the memories of the events following the previous storm, kept distracting her. She sighed and got up. This was no use. She should never have saved that blasted, lying, human pirate. He knew nothing about her, or her life, or her parents. For all she knew, he could've overheard her name somewhere, recognised her mark and made something up on the spot to save himself. Of course, Emma had heard tales of the lost princess of Atlantia. Many girls her age had dreamed that they were the one. Emma had allowed herself to dream too, once. But she had been found many realms away, left in a kelp forest. She was lucky someone had found her, or her life would have ended right there. A soft little dinner on a green platter, for any interested shark to devour. Emma huffed, grabbing a piece of cloth to cover her buttercup mark. Her? A princess? She looked down at her tail, absentmindedly tracing the small lines over her fin. The result of her punishments in the orphanages, too many to count. For speaking before her turn, for fighting, for stealing food, or talking back at the supervisors. For not selling enough, for selling too many. There was always a reason to be suspected of stealing or misbehaving in any way. No, Emma wasn't a princess, she was a simple, ordinary orphan with a job and a fugitive merman to find. A stupid, lying pirate would not change a thing about that.
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
There was already someone on the island when she arrived for her weekly sunbath. It was the pirate, casually sitting in the sand and throwing dice. “What are you doing here? And how did you even get here?” Emma asked, with a disgusted voice.
“What is it love, not happy to see me?”
“I brought you to your ship. Whatever you need I am not giving it to you.”
“Well,' Killian smiled. “It seems like I have misplaced myself again. My crew and I were looking for- treasure.”
“And you were wondering if you could steal some from me?”
“No.” the pirate replied, rolling his dice again. 2 sixes and a four. “I know well enough you don't have any to spend.”
“Excuse me?”
“Emma Swan. Bail bond mermaid. Orphan. Late on rent.”
“Did you spy on me?” The dice again rolled over the wet sand, resulting in a five, a three and a two. The black-haired pirate cursed underneath his breath, apparently having lost the game against himself.
“You are not the only one capable of doing research,” he replied.
“You come to my realm, on my island, just to insult me?”
“No, I came to your realm, to your island, to offer you a deal.”
“I am not stealing anything for you, filthy-”
“I am well aware of your opinion on me. Now, at last here me out. I can get you a large sum of money, enough for a whole year of rent, if you can get me and my crew back to the Enchanted Forest by dawn, tomorrow. Right around the SunRock, that would be great.” Emma raised an eyebrow.
“And where would you get that money?”
“Ah, a pirate never reveals his secrets.”
“Why should I trust that you will actually pay me?”
“You can't. But right now, I am your only bet at gaining anything. And it shouldn't take you longer than an hour.” Killian got up and walked towards a small boat dragged on the sand. “Just think about it. I will be back here tomorrow, an hour before dawn. Enjoy your sunbath.” With those words, he dragged the boat back into the sea and rowed away.
“Fine. I'll do it.” Emma said, even before Killian could open his mouth. She had received a not-so-friendly visit from her homeowner about the rent. She needed that money, now. And, as much as she hated to admit it, the pirate was right. He was her only bet. There was no chance she'd find the fugitive merman in time, and that would still leave next month's rent to be paid. “Let's go to your ship, I'll make you a portal and you better pay me after we arrive.”
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
“She is beautiful! Our little princess,” the King smiled upon his newborn daughter. “
She has your hair.” his wife replied.
“But she has your tail.” he countered, hugging his wife tight. Suddenly, the seafloor started to shake, and the castle with it. Black waves upon waves entered through the now shattered windows and the newly forming cracks in the floor, swirling around, snatching the infant from its parents.
“No!” The Queen's scream has not yet died away before a black-tailed mermaid enters the room, cackling. '
“I told you I would destroy your happiness. Well, here I am, to fulfil my promise. You didn't think I would forget about it, did you?”
   ~   ~   ~   ~
 Snow and her husband looked at each other, nervously. The two days were over and almost the entire court had gathered at the SunRock. Ruby, her loyal friend, dove up behind her. “Do you want more privacy?” she whispered.
“Yes.” The mermaid Queen could not say more, in fear she would break down in front of the crowd. In the past twenty-eight years she had tried so desperately not to lose hope, but each false report of someone promising they'd seen their daughter was a huge blow to the royal couple. Yet, with every report, they could not help but hope. Twenty-eight years and three days, it had been since the Sea Witch had created her terrible storm, stealing their child and laughing, laughing about it. They had captured her, removed her magic and chained her up, but she refused to talk. The princess had disappeared, and the royal's happiness with it.
A shark with red stripes appeared, chasing away the curious crowd. Snow smiled, recognising the over-dramatic flair of her friend. Even though by now many people knew of the shape-shifting abilities of the Queen's best friend, they still feared the shark when it appeared. Suddenly, a surge of magic disturbed the water and a huge pirate ship appeared nearby the rock. The Queen was extra grateful for her friend, for the ship would have injured some of the crowd gathered to potentially see the mermaid princess for the first time. The King and Queen locked eyes, held hands and waited.
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
“You want to find your child again, dearie?” A golden merman locked in a cage giggled. 'You know me, I'm always willing to make a deal!”
“What do you want?” The desperate couple replied.
“Hehehee! You. Want help. From me? What a delightful turn of events! Hmmm. Yes, yes, I know what I want! That magic squid of yours. The one whose ink got me locked up in this cage?”
“I am not going to kill him.”  Even though the Queen's face is filled with tears, her voice is unwavering. “He is my friend.”
“Oh no, dearie, you don't have to kill him. Squid was never really my favourite meal, you know. I just want you to- empty the cartridge.”
“Well, get rid of its ink, of course! You must realise, that black stuff is horrible for your clothes. I was wearing my good shirt when you caught me!”
“And if we do it. Can help us find our daughter?”
“Your daughter? Oh, she is lost for the next twenty-eight years, of course.”
“Part of the curse, you know. Nothing I can do about that”!
“Let's go. He is of no use.”
The King started to turn around, grabbing his wife's arm to take her with him.
“Wait wait wait!”  The golden merman looked panicked.
“What do you want, Rumplestiltskin?” The Queen sounded tired. The golden creature closed his eyes, waving his hands as if seeing through them.
“Someone will find your child, at her twenty-eighth birthday. He will bring her back to you. She will have a perfect little buttercup mark, on her left wrist.” He opened his eyes again and giggled. “H ow ridiculous! Why would an adolescent mermaid, who thinks she is an orphan, ever believe someone telling her she is a lost princess?”
“Can you help, or not?”
“Of course I can help! I can make you a trinket, hmm, let's make it a crown! Seems fitting, no? And then, when you place it upon your head, he will understand. How about that, for a deal?”
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
“Now, pay up.” It was the first time Emma spoke after agreeing to create the portal. Killian looked down at the mermaid beneath him, then at the SunRock a few dozen meters away. The King and Queen were there, as promised. Emma did not seem to have noticed them yet. “I brought you to your stupid SunRock, now I want my payment. You have wasted enough of my time.”
“Calm down lass, your payment is coming.” Killian jumped down into the water. Emma turned, suddenly noticing the mermaid guards around the nearby rock.
“What is happening?” Emma panicked. “Where did you take me? What did you do?!”
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
Emma prided herself on being a fast swimmer. But she was carrying a bag of diamond necklaces, which did not necessarily improve her speed. She knew the neighbourhood well, she and Neal had made sure to discover all the best hiding spots before attempting their heist. But something had gone wrong, and now she was being chased by a whole police force. They knew. They knew she was coming. It was Neal, it must have been him. There was nobody else that knew of their plans. And why else wouldn't Neal be waiting at their rendezvous point? He had betrayed her. Emma had no time to wipe away her tears as she turned a corner, and another one. She was fast, but the mermaids chasing her were faster. Before she knew it, she was locked up. One and a half years in prison. No probation. From that moment on, Emma had decided never to trust anyone again. She had become a bail bonds mermaid, chasing cheating husbands and stealing business managers. But, even though her job got her into constant contact with the police, she never trusted them. Or anyone. Ever again.
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
Calm down, lass, calm down!” Killian saw the panicked look in Emma's eyes.
“Where did you bring me?” Suddenly, a knife was pushed against his throat.
“Technically,” he answered, trying to stay afloat without pushing himself further into Emma's knife, “you brought us here.” Suddenly, a two faces dove up out of the water next to them A man and a woman, looking at her with an emotion Emma could not place. Emma glanced at the crowns firmly placed upon the mermaid's and merman's head. She lowered her knife and awkwardly nodded at them.
“Your- Your Majesties?”
“Emma?” the woman replied, her voice disbelieving.
“How- How do you know me?” Suddenly, she turned around to face Killian, again pointing her knife at him. “Is this because of your ridiculous notion that I am some lost princess, just because I have a mark similar to that of the royal crest?”
“So it is true?” the merman looked at her incredulously.
“May we- may we see your mark?” the Queen added, pleading. Hesitantly, Emma held out her left arm. Before she knew it, the Royal couple of Atlantia engulfed her in a tearful hug.
“What is happening?”
“You're our daughter, Emma.” the teary-eyed Queen replied.
“No.” Emma pulled back. “I am an orphan, found in a kelp forest. I am not your child, I am sorry for wasting your time.' Emma started to turn around. The King held out a silver trinket. A tiara.
“Please. Just put it on, and you will understand.”
“I am sorry, Your Highness.” But before she could dive, the crown was already placed upon her head and everything went black.
 ~   ~   ~   ~
A black-tailed mermaid, crashing a Royal wedding. “ I will destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do.”
Black waves and a mother's cry as a baby is swept away.
Orders shouted at soldiers, to search each and every realm.
Royal visits to each on-land country, asking for their daughter.
Promised rewards, a captured SeaWitch refusing to talk.
Tearful nights, political advisors stating the hopelessness of the situation.
Requests to stop the expensive search, a vetoed protest by the King and Queen.
False information and deceptions.
A twenty-eight-year-long search for their missing daughter, for the lost princess of Atlantia.
For her.
   ~   ~   ~   ~ 
Killian Jones smiled and turned as he saw his blonde saviour embrace her parents. “Get the anchor, Smee.” he said, after climbing back aboard.
“But Captain- the gold? Treasure? Reward?”
“We're going, Smee.' Killian turned and started shouting commands to his crew. He knew he would be welcome at the royal mermaid family at any time. And, if he was honest, he would not mind getting to know the newly found princess a bit better.
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superteenwolftrash · 8 years
Flesh/Brett Talbot Smut
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Most of these are taken from my Wattpad account! (Twtrash01)
Send me requests for the following Fandoms: Teenwolf, Vampire Diaries, Dolantwins, OUAT(Peter Pan, Robbie Kay, Supernatural, Suicide Squad, The 100. Basically I’ll write for any fandom. I’ll write non-smut as well. Be specific in what you want! *I DON’T OWN ANY GIFS*
Request:  Could you do a Brett Talbot smut with the song Flesh by Simon Curtis? Please ❤
"Let's go Beacon Hills!" Lydia and I both screamed. We were down two points and Devenford prep was beating us. As soon as the words left my mouth I got a glare from the start player of Devenford. "Don't worry Y/N. You'll be screaming my name at the end of the night anyway." Brett whispered knowing full well I could hear him. I of course flushed a bright red color, I could see the smirk on Brett's stupid face through his helmet. Brett and I always had a flirtatious relationship but it was all good fun. At the end of the game we couldn't come back from being down by two so therefore Devenford won. Of course I'd never hear the end of it from Brett. "Well Sweetheart what do you think about that?" Brett asked stepping in front of me so I couldn't open the door of my car. "I think you used some superhuman reflexes if I'm being honest here." I say crossing my arms, Brett did a fake hurt face. "Or your team just sucks." Brett stated with a smirk and I scoffed, "I just get under that hot skin of yours don't I?" Brett commented and I rolled my eyes, "Actually Talbot you do." I retorted, "Or is it that I just frustrate you? Sexually." Brett said and once again I scoffed. "You wish." I spat, "Y/N even if I wasn't a werewolf who could smell the arousal on you when I'm around I'd still be able to tell that you want me." Brett said cockily. "Don't be so conceited, Brett." I told him, "All you have to do is ask." Brett whispered in my ear, I shivered. God damn it! How was I supposed to say no? I mean he was Brett a major douchebag but also a major hottie. There's no doubt that there's been sexual tension between us. I just started walking towards the school, "Aren't you coming?" I said looking over my shoulder at a confused Brett. He just muttered a 'hell ya' before following behind me. I didn't hear a single heartbeat as we entered the school meaning we were alone. Brett walked passed me grabbing my hand in the process and basically dragging me to the boys locker room. The door slammed behind us and Brett pushed me up against the wall, his hands pressed firm against the door on either side of me head. "I bet you're a screamer aren't you?" Brett said licking his lips, "Why don't you find out?" I asked biting my bottom lip, "This is just for 'fun'" Brett and I said at the same time. Brett didn't waste anytime, his lips found the sweet spot on neck. I couldn't help but let a moan slip from my lips, I felt a pain in my neck and I pushed Brett away. "Did you just bite me?" I asked feeling the spot where his lips previously were. Brett stood there unsure, "Do it again." I said and a look of confusion spread over his beautifully sculpted face. "Wh-what?" He stuttered out, "Sink your teeth into my flesh." I said and his eyes flashed the familiar golden color and he lunged forward. Our lips meshing together in the most messy way. His teeth found that sweet spot again, doing as I said he sunk his teeth into the flesh. I tossed my head back, the feeling of pleasure. Brett leaned back to take a look at his handy work that would soon disappear. He smirk before grabbing the front of my shirt before literally ripping it in half. Just as I was about to yell at him about it he grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. He was very fit my mouth watered at the sight of him. Not wanting to wait any longer both of us fumbled with our pants. Brett grabbed my hips and flipped me over so my breasts were flush against the door. He grabbed my hair and yanked it back so my head was leaning on his shoulder. Without warning I felt a sting on my backside, he just spanked me. The feeling causing wetness at my core, "Brett please." I moaned. "Is that what you call begging? Please." Brett scoffed before delivering another harsh smack. "Brett please! I need you to fuck me! Leave your scent on me so ever werewolf in beacon hills knows that I'm yours!" I begged and Brett let out a groan of satisfaction. I felt Brett position himself at my entrance, Brett pushed himself in with one hard thrust. His teeth dug into my shoulder, "Fuck." I gasped, Brett kept one hand holding my hair and the other was sprawled out across my stomach. I was basically a rag doll but I definitely wasn't complaining. Brett definitely was using some of his supernatural powers as he fucked me senseless. The pleasure was too much that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Brett mumbled against my skin but I was so gone I didn't hear a word. My heart was thumping so hard In my chest that's all I heard, Brett hit my g-spot and I went silent. He was the first boy to make me mute during sex. A few hard thrusts later and I was screaming out his name, I felt my fangs come out and I knew my eyes changed color. All I saw was red as I came, I guess that was enough for Brett because he came at the same time I did. We stayed in that position for a few moment, both of us were panting messes. He pulled out and turned me around to face him, I saw he had a bit of blood on his face no doubt it was from my shoulder. I don't think he has ever looked hotter, a layer of sweat across his forehead and his hair was disheveled. We both got dressed quietly, when it got to my shirt I held up the ripper fabric. Brett chuckled as he tossed me his shirt, "I don't play around that often." I said pulling on his shirt, "But when you do, you sure are a freak." Brett commented and I laughed a bit. He was right, "Don't make me ask next time." I said and he smirked, "Next time?" He questioned and I nodded. "That's definitely alright with me." He said kissing my lips passionately, I pulled away breathless.
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lamiaward · 8 years
I don't own OUAT.
Summary; when Regina finally finds a way to take her revenge, she never expected it to backfire this spectacularly. But then again, is it truly surprising that the universe with all its wicked humour has decided to make her fall in love with the princess she abducted.
[part three btw, might help if you read the first parts as well :) The title of the other parts is ‘I would redeem myself for you]
This noise is horrendous. She has to struggle to even think that. And the noise is dim, far way- like she is sinking in a bath and washing her hair, someone calling her name from outside the door. It isn't the loudness of it anyways- it is not loud, but shrill- it is the emotion behind it. The way it sounds like someone's voice breaking, shattering. How it is somewhere in the middle of a sob and rage.
Emma. She is exhausted in three ways at least, her body protesting against her efforts to stay awake, her mind so exhausted she feels almost empty like anyone casting a dark curse would and thinking has never felt so challenging before. But Emma-
She doesn't know how but she manages to open her eyes a little.
They zero in on the thing that matters- not the fighting, not Snow at her back, not the magic that is threatening to make this all go horribly wrong but the slumped figure in that chair. She tastes blood when she licks too-dry lips, croaks out " Emma". She screams in her head again, at the stupid arm that won't move , that won't point out what these idiots are missing.
There is a sob somewhere behind her and she is too tired to feel anything, whether it would be loathing or that impossibility she thinks she might have felt these past weeks. She can't ever remember phsycially hurting like this, not even when her mother was in one of her moods, but she grits her teeth and forces her hand to reach for behind her. " Emma" she croaks again,
and she tries to push the person behind her away.
She only barely manages to keep her eyes open. Every part of her wants to sleep, to stop the pain and exhaustion but Emma is still there. Her heart is beating too fast and she is nauseous; Emma is paler than should be possible. She wants to rip someone heart out and find out the best ways to hurt them: there are bruises hidden beneath Emma's shirt, and blood beneath the curls at her sleep. For a moment, her magic actually rushes through her veins, ready to rip apart who dared to hurt her Emma-
then she curses her own weakness as her body revolts and she feels the cold floor against her cheek.
She is still forcing her eyes to stay open, and keeping them on Emma but she is vaguely aware of what she is going on. She can hear furious growls, clang! and soft whoosh! of arrows. The air is constrictive and electric with magic, and she tastes blood. There is another noise, possibly a scream- but it is too soft for that. Far too-
She sees a flash of blue and a sword falling to the ground. She gasps, her eyes watering, as she struggles to push herself upright. Work, damn it, WORK Her magic won't disobey, she feels like she is lighting a candle but there is a tornado going on. The last thing she sees before darkness is Blue's horrid face ( the gash on her cheek is dripping blood) as she starts to reach for Emma.
She startles awake.
It seems like another dream at first, or perhaps a hallucination, when she manages to turn her head slightly and she is looking at Snow. She hisses when pain shoots through her at the first attempt to sit up. She loaths how she is too weak to even push Snow's hands away when they drop from her forehead to grab her arms and carefully tug her in a sitting position.
She stares at Snow, who is eerily close and whose eyes are wet. " Emma?".
"She is asleep. She won't - " She cost you everything Regina reminds herself when her heart clenches painfully at the pathetic sound Snow makes. Somehow, the reminder is no longer enough to stop her from saying " She is very strong. She will be okay"
She is terrified herself, but Snow seems to believe her. Regina grits her teeth: the woman has the same awed, somehow trusting look she used to as little girl visiting Regina's chambers. Regina's skin crawls and she has to consciously keep herself from lashing out when faced with that look.
" She is " Snow agrees.
Regina hides a grimace when she sinks into the pillows at her back and even that minimal movement burns. " What happened?" . I just require all the details. Because the inept morons cannot be trusted to have done anything right. This is not concern.
" After - after you saved me - " Regina tries to stop her but Snow stil grabs her hand and gasps " you saved me. Again. And Reg-"
" You were more useful to me alive. Then. I am not certain you are now, so do not- ".
Snow does that infuriating thing where she smiles fondly and knowingly. She makes it even worse by squeezing Regina's hand - and even Regina's glare cannot stop the menace. Perhaps she has underestimated how foolish Snow truly is. " Of course. But after you caught- " Snow takes a deep breath, her eyes very troubled, before she manages to continue " After you caught that knife that was meant for me, Charming attacked Blue. But- ".
" He attacked her? Is he truly nothing more than a pretty face, she possesses magic ".
Regina fantasizes about ripping out the shepherd's heart when Snow says " don't worry, he is fine".
She hufs. "I am hardly concerned about your peasant"
" Oh? Because you-".
She smirks. " I am willing to rip his heart out, if you require any proof Snow".
It is infuriating, how Snow does not look angry or worried, just tiredly amused. And squeezes her hand. Again. " Well, after Charming attacked her - he was thrown back. Ruby used the distraction to creep up on Blue, and even managed to close her jaws around her arm. After that- it was a bit chaotic honestly. My arrows were deflected, Charming's sword was ripped from his hand by a vine that was suddenly there, Ruby's cloak tried to strangle her-"
Snow swallows, several tears slipping out "we thought everything was lost" she whispers.
" That insipid fairy- " Regina spits, vaguely remembering her reaching for Emma.
" I think she wanted to- ".
Regina weakly tries to yank her hand back when Snow squeezes it and she is reminded of the fact that her hand is still being hold by her greatest enemy. " I don't understand. She was my- I trusted her. She helped my family for ages. Why would she- ".
" You do not truly know her, Snow. She has always concealed things from you. And only shown you, what you needed to see to believe her to be good".
" But why?".
"Because she could use you. Your family was royalty, Snow. I am certain that she- ".
"Why Emma?".
Regina sighs, closes her eyes momentarily. She is still exhausted, and she can feel her injury throb and burn. " I do not know".
" So - she might still be in danger?" Snow whispers.
Regina's eyes fly open, and she bites down on her lips when she nearly whimpers at the pain that moving brings. " How did you manage to get Emma away from her?".
Regina recognizes the emotion in Snow's eyes all too well. It is anger at herself, possibly even self-loathing. " We didn't" she shakes her head. " I was still firing arrows, Charming was helping Ruby and Blue was - she was marching towards Emma. And-".
Regina may be holding her breath a little. Snow scrunches her brow, narrows her eyes slightly. " Blue was reaching for Emma, trying to grab her arm. And then her eyes opened" Snow had looked away from Regina, but now she is turning her head so Regina can see her teary-eyed smile. " And then she saw you. And- Blue suddenly screamed and stumbled back. And she vanished".
She can't breathe and she can't breathe and she can't - "what does that mean?".
Snow smiles. " That perhaps, you can be part of my family again" she squeezes Regina's hand one last time, then slowly lets it go. " and perhaps, we might even do it right this time" .
Regina doesn't even know what to say, except- " I want to see Emma".
"Regina, you probably shouldn't- ".
" You do not get to order me around, I am not one of your lily-livered servants-".
" I am not saying you are, but you're still injured and-".
Snow is trying to push her down while Regina is trying to get up, or at the very least to get Snow away from her, when the door slams open. She gets a glimpse of a doubled-over guard, another one running towards them and-
" Emma " she breathes.
She doesn't need to push anymore: Snow automatically pulls back and allows her daughter to crawl on the bed and gently place her hands on Regina's shoulders. " Don't ever again do that" she orders and Regina probably only doesn't protest because her eyes are pleading.
She has to clear her throat several times. She is pretty sure there are still tears slipping - how embarrassing- but she is too relieved to see Emma to truly care. " It was not my intention to hurt for Snow White ever aga-".
" Thank you".
Regina stares at Emma. She has to breathe in and out slowly to feel less terribly angry at the sight of the healing gash, and bruises. " What for? I couldn't- " I failed. I did not protect, nor save you. That worthless creature managed to hurt you
She has such a gorgeous smile- shy and strong and awed- and Regina automatically smiles back. " You saved my mother. You- thank you".
" I am certain that the entire kingdom would fall over themselves in order to save your mother, E- ".
" Perhaps. But they- they don't have a lot of complicated history with her, you know?".
" You mean they do not loathe her" she can see Snow flinche in her eyecorner, but what did she expect? Just because Regina saved her, does not mean everything is forgiven and forgotten. Emma obviously notices too, because she briefly looks at her mother and squeezes her arm, before looking back at Regina. " I mean that they do not have complicated history with her. As far as I know, you don't save people you hate".
" You do if they matter to someone you l- " she cannot say it. It feels like a betrayal and the perfect way to give the universe ammunition to hurt her again. "to someone who means something to you".
Emma deflates a little bit, then smiles. " Okay. If that is what you going with".
" I - " she can't say it. There is still a part of her that feels raw and itching with discomfort at the idea that she could be that vulnerable. And she is Snow's daughter. How could I ever be weak enough to like the blood of the woman that took my happy ending?
"Regina. Whatever you are thinking -please stop it".
She inhales sharply as she suddenly feels warmth, and her magic creating goose bumps on her arms. She glances at where Emma's hand is on hers. Looks back into pleading eyes. " You are still hurt".
Emma looks confused at the sudden turn in subject. " I - yes. Some of it is magical".
Regina grits her teeth. As soon as I find that fairy, I will start by ripping off her wings. " Would you allow me to heal you? ".
Regina hates how young and light she feels, and how smiling is something she cannot fight, whenever Emma smiles. The feelings only worsen when Emma says " As long as it doesn't hurt you, or makes you tired again".
" I have been practising magic for a long time, so I doubt it".
" Regina - I am sure you were still - " Emma starts to protest, at the same time to Snow steps forward again to say " After the attack on Blue's stronghold, I am not sure it is wise- ".  
But they both know nothing about magic. Nor do they know about how much pain she can stand, and function through. She raises her hand and waves-
"Regina!". Two voices immediately shout, and Emma grabs her hand while Snow starts to reach for her as well. She grits her teeth and tries again. And again. And again. She tries until there are sharp stabs in her head. She tries until her vision blurs. She tries until she gets dizzy.
" REGINA STOP " she tries until Emma shrieks and her voice breaks " p-please".
She leans back against the pillows, pushes at Snow's hands. It's Emma's she accepts. " Should we get a healer?" it's Snow's voice. She wants to sneer and tell her how foolish it is to be that worried when your enemy gets hurt.
It feels like someone is driving a sword into her eyes when she does it , but she turns her head anyways. " What did you do to me" she spits, curling her fingers. If she could, she would rip Snow's heart out right now. She is certainly close enough for it
" Regina. I swear- " .
" We both know your promises are worthless, so do not bother"
" Regina, stop. It wasn't my mom".
She doesn't look away from Snow. " Oh rea-".
" How would she even do that?".
" I am certain that someone could be found to be willing to assist your mother. And she is the one who would benefit the most from my protection being gone".
Snow looks hurt when her hand is slapped away. " Regina- I don't know anyone who could do that to you. And I would never hurt you- not even after all you did to me".
" Never- you wished to execute me'.
" After you had hurt thousands of people!"
" No, you hurt them".
" Regina, stop- ".
" You could have surrendered. You could have shown yourself. You could have turned yourself in" she tells herself to revel in the cornered expression Snow wears when she takes a small step back. " You could've made sure it was just you being hurt. But instead, you allowed entire villages to risk their lives for you. I would have left the peasants alone, if they had not betrayed me at every turn. You have their blood on your hands as much as I have, dear".
" No- no- I didn't mean, I never ask-".
" But didn't you? Surely you must have, sometimes. You must have required help occassionally. And even if you managed to survive on your own, all those people suffered because you lived".
" YOU decided to hurt them! I offered you forgiveness, Regina, again and again. I offered you your freedom after you had hurt-"
" But you never offered me when I wanted it. You took Daniel- ".
"I was a child- ".
" Mom, Regina- please sto- ".
" You were an inconsiderate child who cost me everything. Did you think I wanted to be married to your father?".
" Yes. He was a wonderful man- why wouldn't you?".
Even after all these years, there is something that stops her from telling Snow exactly what kind of man her father was. " I told you I did not love him. I told you I loved Daniel. I trusted you".
" How could I have known your mother would be as inhuman as- ".
" You deserve to have your heart ripped out" she spits it in Snow's face, after grabbing the front of that dress and yanking her forward. She presses her hand against her chest, smiling at the thought of-
" STOP IT" Emma pushes them apart, causing Snow to stumble back and Regina to fall on the small pile of pillows. She is already pushing herself up, glaring at Snow, when she falters. It actually hurts to see Emma look so disappointed, and angry.
" She made a mistake. A simple mistake, surely- ".
She can't help herself. "Your mother could have saved all those people. If she had surrendered, I wouldn't- ".
" You could have chosen to not hurt them in the first place" it is Snow. Regina feels like she should be elated by the tears on Snow's cheeks, but she is just exhausted.
"And you could have paid a little more attention, and realized the palace was the last place I wanted to be".
" I thought you liked me".
" I never wanted to be your mother!"
Snow swallows, nods. " I thought you were the most amazing person, Regina. I couldn't stop talking about you to daddy. If I had ever thought it would lead to you being unhappy- I would have kept my mouth shut. That's the last thing I wanted".
" Pardon me if I find that difficult to believe. Even when I finally was trapped in your castle, you left me alone all the time. I was either your doll or completely forgettable" she clamps her lips shut. She has said things she never wanted to. It almost seems like she cared that Snow and the King would be gone for ages, and leave her utterly alone and wondering whether she mattered so little to them. Whether she was truly nothing more than a plaything, or a babysitter.
"Regina, I didn't- ".
" Leave ".
Regina wishes vehemently for her magic when Emma sighs and smiles at her mother, then slides of the bed. She scowls and quickly yanks her hand back, hoping they both did not see her immediately reaching for Emma. Emma hugs is speaking lowly and softly, but Regina can still hear her. " Just let me take this one. She gets mean when she feels vulnerable. I will talk to you later, okay?".
Snow mumbles something back that sounds like she is protesting, but does allow Emma to pull back and gently push her towards the door. "We will be fine, mom. Go help dad - I kind of pushed him on the ground when he tried to keep me in my room ".
Snow gasps. " Emma, your father is -".
" He was chuckling, pretty sure he is fine. Tell him I am sorry. Bye" and she pushes Snow out of the door, then pushes it closed. She rolls her eyes when they can hear Snow yell " your father better be fine, young lady"
"I am an adult, and she still does things like that all the time"
They share a smile for a moment before Emma slowly walks towards her, and sits down.
"Are you angry at me?" Regina asks, when the silent starts to feel really strained.
Emma sighs. " Of course I am. It is not okay that you're like that with mom. And I don't even know what to say about what you did. That is just- ". " So you are judging me, princess".
Emma clenches her teeth. " I am not judging you. But I am not going to pretend that it doesn't matter, either".
Regina feels herself relax slightly, less inclined to push Emma away from her or say something that would surely chase her away. " I am not evil. That is the monniker she burdened me with".
" I don't think you're evil right now. I think - after what you did for me and my family, you're pretty great" Emma laughs. Regina has to clench her hands to keep from reaching out; she sounds anything but happy." Although you could argue that you owed us. Or at the very least, you owed mom".
" I owed her? I owe her nothing, she- ".
" Regina. I know- I know there are things that happened to you that you haven't told me about. And I know mom hurt you, and was the reason other people hurt you. But you can't keep blaming her like that".
She has to clench her teeth to keep herself from lashing out. She wants to throw a fireball at something, or be so hurtful that Emma will never again be near her. It is mostly because she remembers things like saving Snow without question - and that feeling that was like concern. And the last weeks of Emma's capture (though at that point , her stay had been mostly willingly) - how she hadn't felt gleeful at all when looking at how Snow was breaking.
" She is ready to forgive you. You know that, right?".
" And who says I am willing to forgive her?".
" You did save her life. Twice".
" That was a necessary evil, dear".
Emma's smile makes her heart beat faster, as well as making it clench when it's sad like this. " Does it not exhaust you, forcing yourself to hate someone who loves you so much".
She can't help it. She knows it will anger or hurt Emma, but she can't help it. Emma grimaces predictably at the cruel laugh. " Love me? I do hope that that is not love - or I would most definitely want to take you far away from your parents".
Emma grits her teeth, and looks away for a second. Regina can feel her heartbeat triple in a very unpleasant way and nearly opens her mouth to apologize at the look in Emma's eyes. " You already did that. You spent several weeks gloating, telling me how my mom was hurting and how she was showing she was not as 'pure and untainted' as she liked to 'pretend'.
Regina thinks she has made a terrible mistake when Emma stands up and pushes herself away from Regina. "Emma- wait, I am sorry" she calls out, even if the voice in her head that never shuts up immediately whispers weak. Emma slowly turns around. She is usually very expressive, but now her face is carefully smooth. It is just her eyes that warn Regina, warn her to not say the wrong thing now. "I shouldn't have said that- I am sorry".
Emma sighs. "Is it going to be like this forever? Are you always going to lash out and say the most horrible things whenever I try to get us to work".
" But that is the point , is it not? We are not supposed to " Regina wants to curse her voice, which is soft and young and slightly desperate. Pathetic.
" Why not? I think we could be great, if you let go of your obsession with hurting my mom".
" Great- Emma, you are the pure and untainted princess of the White Kingdom. And I- " perhaps Snow is wicked, beneath all that illusive 'goodness' of hers, but Emma isn't. Emma is slightly rough and honest to the point of rudeness, but also always wanting to help people. Emma is sunrises and rough diamonds. " I am your familly's greatest enemy. I am the one who abducted you, for magic's sake".
" I know" Regina kind of wants to weep at how Emma's eyes aren't hard, or pained anymore. " Did you ever find out how my mom and dad met?".
"I - what does this have to do with anything? ".
" Mom wanted to rob his carriage. Or well- she actually robbed his by mistake. She hit him with a rock. Twice. He trapped her in a net. They fought a bunch of trolls. And dad left to marry someone he didn't love, while mom's plan was to go somewhere safe. And possible very, very far away".
" Is there perhaps a point to regaling the beginning of the idiots' happy ending?". " Regina. Does that story seem like a perfect, uncomplicated situation? ".
" No of course not".
" Exactly! My parents weren't supposed to work. Dad was engaged, mom was hunted. They met when she wanted to rob him. He was a shepherd, pretending to be his twin. She was a bandit, who had lost her kingdom. That is not exactly the kind of thing you would expect to be a happy ending, right?".
" Right".
" But it did". Regina feels the usual paradox of wanting to pull away, and wanting to never let go when Emma grabs her hand. " And if that can work, why shouldn't we be able to have a happy ending?".
" Emma, you cannot- ".
" I know you feel like you need to make my mom hurt, like she deserves that. But that won't make you happy. It will just make you lonely, and hated".
" The people will never love me".
" Perhaps not. But- " Emma squeezes her hand, then takes a deep breath. "Other people will. People that really appreciate you risking your life for them, and even hurting yourself so their mom would be okay".
This woman is ridiculous. " People like you?"
" I wouldn't know where you got that idea".
Regina smiles back. Her smiles are far briefer than Emma's ever are ( it is possibly because Emma also smiles when she is hurt, or angry). This one is particularly brief, only lasting about two seconds before fading, chased away by what giving in to what she has been feeling would entail.
"I do not know whether I am able to forgive her " she admits, quietly.
" Okay".
Regina chokes out a disbelievingly laugh. " You would be okay with me still loathing your mother?".
" I don't think you loathe her. You saved her".
" For you. Nothing- do not expect more than that, Emma".
" I won't. To be honest, I would be slight disturbed if you two suddenly started braiding flowers into each other's hair again".
It is so much easier to laugh around Emma. " That will never happen".
" Right. Because you 'loathe' her".
" I also have not braided my hair in years".
" What, braids not intense enough for the evil queen? ".
Regina smirks. "My fashion sense has changed along with me".
Emma sounds slightly breathless when she says "I've noticed" and Regina grins wickedly as she recognizes the look, the one that Emma sometimes gets when faced with Regina's dresses (Emma's reaction to the form-fitting one that leaves her back bare had been particularly interesting)
She chuckles, and Emma sighs and shakes her head. "You're awful" she insists. " Oh? ".
" Yes. Like when you made me undress you".
" I thought I was being rather generous that day. I was offering you something I was certain you desired, after all ".
Regina decides she likes it even more when Emma is flustered than when she is smiling. Especially when she also glares defiantly like that. She stubbornly refuses to say anything, which just makes Regina goade her more. She leans in, lowers her voice slightly. " You could not control your eyes. And you were even more flustered than you are right now".
" Well, I remember a certain person nearly falling into the bathtub"
Regina's annoyance is fake: she actually enjoys the way Emma's eyes and voice get when she is teasing. " That is preposterous".
" No, really. You were uncharacteristically ungra- " Emma only barely manages to hold her hand in front of her mouth when she yawns. It is only now that Regina remembers Emma is still wounded, and possibly exhausted. I will rip that fairy's wings off, and that will be the nicest thing I will do to her.
" Return to your chambers, princess" she orders, though not unkindly.
" Can't I sleep with you?" .
Regina chuckles. " I am certain you need more energy for that, dear".
Emma rolls her eyes. "Actual sleeping".
She tries very hard to hide how every part of her wants to pull the blanket back, and pull Emma against her. Possibly tangle her legs around her. And quite certainly never let her go.
" If you insist".
Emma rolls her eyes again, and smiles like she knows Regina is only pretending this is not something she really wants as well. She lifts the blanket, and Regina can't stop a fond smile at how careful Emma is, like any motion could break Regina. " I am not that fragile, Emma".
" No, but you're wounded" she simply says.
" I am fine".
" No one is 'fine' after a knife ripped open their stomach"
Before Regina can lie, she adds " turn around".
" Why?".
" Because you have an injury, and I am going to hurt you if we sleep like this"
" I am certain I will survive" Regina says, but she obeys anyways. It is not like she objects to being by Emma- even if she won't admit it. In fact, she discovers it is incredibly enjoyable to be held by Emma. She is soft and warm, with the exact right amount of firm muscle.
Regina cannot help the content sigh that slips out. Fortunately, Emma does not comment- which allows Regina to relax further in the embrace. Her eyes start to flutter, and she sighs again. Emma's lips are slightly dry, and as warm as the rest of her when she kisses Regina's neck.
" Sleep well " she mutters , and Regina mutters something back that could be anything. They're both asleep barely a minute after that, tangled together, Emma's nose pressed into Regina's neck and her arms around the smiling brunette. Regina looks younger like this, and the anger that is always present is no longer just subdued but replaced by a content smile. Emma looks calm and happy like she never does.
The wound beneath their entwined hands slowly starts to heal, rainbow light visible through the cloth keeping it from sight.
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