#otto is just a multi dimensional being like his mom and all his siblings
pamesjatterson · 2 years
not me changing the entire original basis of the time trippers story but shhh it's okay.
#otto isn't a time traveler anymore just percy and his best friend kathleen are#otto is just a multi dimensional being like his mom and all his siblings#Percy's time traveling starts messing up the universe and starts glitchinf around#without meaning to. and messing stuff up#otto lives in the middle zone (which he made to get away from his mom and brothers)#with Janus (who instead of having found her WITH percy. after their fateful meeting#which happened after percy accidentally went to the end of his universe and ended up in the middle zone#she was made and percy vanished back to his time)#percy dedicates himself to not only his time travel work but trying to find otto again#in the meantime Mr universe is sent by Ms universe to ask otto to fix the broken timestream#since it's in the universe he's supposed to watch over.. and he sets off trying to find percy by also travelling#AND AT THE SAME TIME. 0tto was attempting to settle down with perci! but the timeline messing up on Percy prime#sends him into the void (separate from the middle zone)#which sends 0tto SPIRALING#and he blames otto#0tto is joined by Atto who actually got kicked out by ms universe for being so mentally messed up#and together they're trying to hunt down otto#all of this culminating in a genuine race against time before the multi universe itself implodes. taking out the whole#universe family. percy is unaware of this for most of the plot#ough. will be writing when I finish my homework#vinyl gabs#time trippers
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masterserris · 5 years
Long (and tragic) story time! This may have art later dedicated to certain scenes, but this is one of the defining events for Neo Mysterio! Let’s begin!
Characters: Neo Mysterio (Quentin Beck), Doc Ock (Otto Octavius), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Alexandria Beck (Alex), Maria Beck, Sandman (Flint Marko), Chameleon, Electro, Rhino, Terrax the Tamer
Warnings: Explicit gore and death, violence, mentions of past abuse, mental illness, physical illness
It was a restless night at the Sinister Six headquarters on the coast of New York. Usually after successfully robbing a fellow crime lord of his ill-gotten earnings, they would celebrate their spoils with Mysterio putting on a show.
However, Beck was in no mood for anything of the sort.
He drifted up to the rafters of the warehouse-turned-super-villain-base and huffed an irritated and altogether unhappy sigh. Rhino, Electro and most of the others paid no mind to Beck as they cracked open a cold one to toast their score. It was not altogether uncommon for Quentin to sulk for no apparent reason. He needed his space sometimes, or so many of them figured. But Doc Ock was keener than most and could spot an emotionally distraught Mysterio from a mile away.
Otto shot a glance to where Mysterio liked to hide. His cloaking device engaged, Octavius could not physically “see” Neo per-se, but he knew exactly what was going on.
Deciding not to bring attention to it, Otto sat at his workbench after sorting and splitting up their spoils. He was not one to party all that much, but he did enjoy the fact that his Sinister Six could perform like a well oiled machine. With another victory under their collective belt, it strengthen their morale. This would be key in the later phases of his Master Plan. But all of that was for another time.
Eventually, the other four went to their quarters to rest easy for the night. Only when Octavius knew for a fact that they were asleep did he speak.
Doc Ock: “Beck. Come down, will you? Talk to me.”
Neo Mysterio slowly de-cloaked and stood on the girder he was perched upon. With a heavy sigh he gently floated to the ground before Otto.
Doc Ock: “...”  “Listen, I... Understand we have been through much together. You know that I can tell when something is bothering you. I also know that you rarely wish to talk about it. And finally, you know that I can keep this strictly between us. If you are feeling ready, please. Talk to me.”
Mysterio merely stared at the ground before his feet for a minute. His expression is hidden, but his body language tells all. He is struggling with depression, as he always has, but this time it is different. Something is eating at him more than usual.
After a moment passes, Doc remains motionless. He is patient. However, Beck does something rather unexpected. In a rather quick motion, he pulls off his helmet and lets it clatter to the floor with a soft “thunk.” 
The expression on Beck’s face is that of pure loss, grief, and despair. Something Doc had not at all expected. Here, a super villain was on the verge of tears before him after they had successfully completed one of their greatest heists.
Beck had balled his fists, trying desperately to contain himself, but he couldn’t any longer. Instead, he shamelessly broke down crying in front of the seated Octavius, who in turn was bewildered by the sudden outburst. 
Neo was knelt down, wiping the tears from his face in between quiet sobs. It was a rather pointless effort and eventually he just gave up. Doc was unsure of what to do or say. He hesitantly reached one of his metal arms over to Quentin, but let it hang motionless a few inches from his shoulder. As if a single touch could detonate a bomb. 
Eventually, Mysterio shakily got to his feet and let his hand slide across the arm gently with yet another sigh as his sobs faded away. Soon, he found his voice at last, albeit with a cracking tone.
Quentin: “I...... I’m sorry... I just... I....” 
He takes a deep breath and continues.
Quentin: “I didn’t mean to startle you with that... I just... I don’t know if I can do this anymore... It’s not that I want to quit. I just don’t know how to live with myself or what to do...”
Octavius: “An existential crisis of sorts...?” He said while rising to his feet to stand next to Mysterio.
Beck nods a bit and continues.
Quentin: “You know my sister, right?”
Ock: “Yes, I am familiar.”
Quentin: “You know my will, right?”
Doc frowns.
Ock: “Where are you going with this?”
Quentin shakes his head.
Quentin: “It’s not what you think. In my will, I leave everything to her so that she has all that she needs from me. But... I just... I Found out that she has contracted breast cancer... Our mom.... she died from cancer as well and I just... I want to be there for her... But I can’t. For all the power I claim to have... There is nothing I nor anyone can do but hope she can pull through. I wanted closure. I wanted to die first. I wanted to know she and her kid would live a fine life in the end instead of this! I just... I just I don’t know how much more I can lose before I feel nothing at all!!”
The last bit Mysterio screamed, breaking his voice partially. Silently, the pair of them were glad for their reinforced walls deafening all sound from each of the rooms.
Otto rested his real arm on Beck’s shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Mysterio quietly let it happen and sobbed into Octavius’s large chest. He didn’t care how miserable and pathetic he looked. He was in true pain and if anyone dared to mock him for it, neither he nor Doc would hesitate to shatter their teeth for it. Otto lost both his mother and his awful father at a young age, and while he did not have any siblings, he understood what the pain of losing a close family member felt like. 
After Mysterio composed himself, he and Doc talked it out some more. Nothing would quell his inner turmoil, however Beck did feel better being able to vent to someone who understood him. 
A new day rung out about a week later. Spider-Man was following the lead on the Sinister Six’s last major outing. At last he has picked up the trail of none other than Mysterio.
It is a bright morning around 10am when a loud crash rung though the R&D warehouse of Horizon University. 
Neo Mysterio: “Good morning, architects of tomorrow! I would congratulate you all on your historic achievement in building the world’s first functioning multi-dimensional collider, however, I am in need of a few things from you all.”
Tossing out some of his fear gas grenades, Mysterio coated the room in noxious fumes, forcing everyone to leave in a panic. Floating to the ground, Mysterio approached a machine and began to disassemble it for it’s specific mechanisms. However, he is soon interrupted by a second crash, this time at the hands of the Amazing Spider-Man!
Spider-Man: “Hey bowl head! I thought you and your gang we up to pilfering from fellow street thugs! Why are you picking on some pencil pushing nerds? I though you were a fellow loser, Beck! Not a bully! But I guess I was wrong! Oopsie me!”
Mysterio: “Always with the mocking, Spider-Man....” He grumbled as he hurled more grenades in Spider-Man’s direction.
Being the agile super hero he is, Spider-Man easily dodged them and swung his way down to clothes-line the villain with a left-handed hook to the head.
Mysterio being only human went clattering to the ground with a grunt of pain. He snapped his fingers and projectors shifted the room into a dizzying mirror maze. He tried to fly away to a better vantage spot, but Parker managed to land a web on his leg and smashed him into the floor.
At this point, Mysterio’s helmet shattered open, revealing the truth. It had been a robot double this entire time. In fact, the true Neo Mysterio had been busy still pulling apart the mechanisms of a recent invention. Seeing this, Parker lunged for Beck and in his disorientation from the rooms transformation, he hit the control panel for the collider, setting it off.
Before any of them could react, it overloaded, sending them both tumbling into the world between worlds.
It is here where the world came apart at its seems and shattered irreparably for them both.
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