#otp; upon us all a little rain must fall
ladypyb · 4 years
Rating: T
Relationship/s: USUK
Note: I missed writing fanfics for my otp... I hope you like it!!!
Arthur is aware the duke was his neighbor. But that didn't give the blue-blood an excuse to summon him so suddenly in the morning! Even if, this has been happening for a few months... or that he's got a little crush on the man.
Something wet dripped onto his left hand as he reached for the scrambled eggs. Alfred paused for a moment, slightly irked at the wet circle on his skin before continuing on. Plop! Another dropped on his mango juice, noticeable ripples rocked against the glass. Okaaay, he was not imagining that. The young man looked at his breakfast, suspicion rising. And fear. He knew he was a sought-after bachelor (often an asshole), but no one would go that far as to--
He felt it again on his hair, wet and large. 
Alfred slowly placed his fork and knife with such gentleness and quietness that even the dowager queen would have raised a brow as nothing about him was ever that gentle and quiet (Now, that wasn't true!). He watched as a droplet fell on his barely eaten breakfast. The duke thought, 'Well, shit', and braced himself before looking up.
As he raised his head, he realized it wasn't some sort of monster or demon creeping on him from the canopy of his bed. But he still wasn't relieved when he noticed an angry cloud above him. Slowly swirling in a stormy gray as big wet drops began trailing down on him, his bed, and his breakfast. 
The frightened duke shoved aside the breakfast tray. Standing up and away from the bed, he watched as the little angry cloud followed him. "Toris!" 
The cloud got bigger and bigger as Alfred tried to cover himself from the rain inside his own bedroom. He looked at his now-soaked breakfast forlornly before yelling again for his butler. "Toris!" Alfred heard quick steps and an anxious "Sir?--"
"Toris, help!"
A brunett opened a door to a flooding room of Alfred shielding himself with a pillow from a storm inside his bedroom. Toris back away from the door as Alfred began running out of his drenched chamber with his equally soggy pajamas. "Sir, what's--?"
"No time! Call for him!" He narrowly avoided crashing down on his butler before regaining balance.
"Sir--! I'm sorry but did you mean--?!"
The duke bolted down the corridor, the large raining cloud was following him. Alfred noticed it immediately and flung open a window that faced the gardens. "Yes, him!" He threw his legs over the window, "The wizard in the backyard!" Alfred gripped the window frames, preparing for it as the rain pattered on him.
And the duke fell. From the window on the third floor.
Sir Arthur,
The Duke of Sableon is currently under a situation that can only be relieved by your powers of such caliber. I wish to ask for your time to identify the cause and, hopefully, cure such troubles that have befallen the lord of the house. 
I hope for you to come visit today or at your earliest availability.
Head Butler of the House of Sableon,
Toris Laurinaitis
Arthur gave the soldier that had given him the letter with a long bleak stare. The dark-haired man avoided his eyes. The wizard scoffed as he threw the letter on the pile of leaves beside him. Arthur was just having a peaceful morning watering and tending to his quaint garden of herbs and flowers when a soldier rudely interrupted his conversation with a little dryad. The soldier had shoved it to him with such 'urgency' he scared off Arthur's new friend!
He had to give some credit to Toris. It wasn't often a butler could write a letter with more formality and propriety than his master. Though, formality and propriety aren't exactly what Duke Jones is recognized for. Handsome? Yes. A gentleman? Arthur was dubious. But polite and refined? Ha, no!
He snapped his fingers and the pile of leaves with the letter was on fire. The soldier audibly gulped when the burning pile crackled. The bright red flames didn't spread nor did it smolder the grass beneath.
"Wait here," Arthur commanded the other with a finger pointed to the ground. Daring the man to follow him to his house.
Arthur took his sweet time looking for his satchel. After all, he was requested (more like ordered) to go solve another person's problems so suddenly without much thought to whether or not he was busy himself. Well, he wasn't really busy as the wizard had nothing to do except restocking a few not-really-needed potions here and there. But he was curious as to what mess the manchild of a duke had gone up to. Sighing, Arthur hopes it was not as worse as the curses he was afflicted before.
When he heard the loud yell of his name from the other side of the hedge, Arthur was tempted to peek in and sneer at who dared to scream the wizard's name so early in the morning. And, perhaps, curse the fellow that ruined the peace. The incident was strange, but he refused to break a personal oath of being someone a bit more 'proper' than his previous years.
From what was implied in the letter, it may have been the young lord that had caused him to over-water his Forget-Me-Nots.
As he locked the front door, he couldn't help but not deny himself of the satisfaction of delaying the summons to the estate that was just beside his little cottage. Just out of spite (and anxiousness to what problem Alfred had gotten himself into). So he turned the keys ever so slowly it rivaled that of how the hour hand of a clock moved. He saw the soldier shifting his feet with impatience in the corner of his eye. Click!
"Well then," the wizard grumbled as he adjusted the satchel over his shoulder, "Lead on."
Arthur has been inside the mansion of his neighbor a few times, which was a lot more than he would have liked. He can practically draw a map of the whole mansion on the back of his hand. The wizard liked the interior though, who wouldn't with such wonderful and meticulously planned furnishings, he didn't like the owner just as much as the aesthetic that seemed to vary but connect each individual room. He liked the duke's ability to connect such different pieces much more than he'd like to admit himself.
The green-eyed wizard was led to a corridor that only led to the most beautiful garden of the Sableon Fief. Huh! Arthur doesn't agree with that sentiment. 
The soldier nodded at him to proceed to the hallway. The familiar face of Toris greeted Arthur as they neared the glass doors to the gardens. Once again, the brunett's face was the same nervous mess Arthur had seen the last, what, thirteen times during this month only? And it was only the third week! The duke certainly had a less-desirable streak with curses, didn't he?
"Sir Arthur!" The butler's face was of pure relief when he turned to see the wizard calming treading down the hall. "I'm sorry that I interrupted your morning again but--"
Arthur waved his hand. "Oh, that's alright. Is it still the same case of dog slobber?" Ugh, that one was a fairly common curse. Easy to brew, difficult to make the afflicted person drink. 
The butler shook his head. Arthur drolled on. "Frog Vomiting? Blue Dues? Vampirism? ..."
"Err, nothing that has happened before actually." Toris tugged at his collar. The wizard's presence was always heavy, though it was perhaps the overly-large cloak. 
"A new one, then?" Arthur sighed in annoyance, "Was it severe enough that you had to move him outside his room?"
"No, definitely not as serious as the one from last week, though, " Toris reached for the doorknobs, "It's as equally messy-- It's better for you to see for yourself." 
The stained glass doors opened to a garden with such colorful vibrancy and a drenched man sitting on the chair under the roofed table set. A man who was... rained under the roof of the outdoor terrace. Arthur barely restrained an amused whistle. Now that was new.
The rain was falling freely from the sloped ceiling to the visibly upset man in front of Arthur. The stormcloud was a familiar sight. The wizard can't help but smirk at the soggy mess his employer had gotten himself this time. "So, " Arthur wheezed to control himself from outright laughing, "Who did you piss off this time, my lord?"
The duke pouted like the man-child that he was, not at all happy but used to the curses inflicted upon him. "How 'bout you guess, Arthur? I'm sure it won't be that hard with all the rain on me!" Alfred locked his eyes on the wizard's daring the other to even chuckle at his predicament.
Arthur coughed to hide the laughter that found its way to escape from his lips. He was getting paid a handsome amount if he was civil, after all. Still grinning in hilarity, he chided the young duke, "I take it you didn't heed my advice to not attend the party held by the Kirklands then?"
Alfred huffed, denying another mistake he made, "Your sister doesn't exactly take losing in an argument well." Thunder rumbled from the stormclouds as if to grumble along with the cursed aristocrat.
The wizard thanked Toris as the butler offered a seat and excused himself. The green-eyed man sat across Alfred with a humph and a cringe. "Half-sister. We share only the same father and the name 'Kirkland'. Nothing else."
"You forgot the eyebrows."
"Yes," Arthur hissed, "Be that as may, at least I know the right potion to help your drenched arse." The wizard vaguely gestured to the flooding side of the patio. "Lady Aisling often used the same rainstorm curse on those that pissed her off. Often enough for me to memorize its breaking potion."
The duke perked up to Arthur's statement. The man's blue eyes were filled with tired relief. Arthur understood that; he was once victimized by his older sister by the same curse years ago. The rain and thunder were very uncomfortable. And freezing his bollocks off.
Huh, this was the first time he had seen Alfred without his glasses. The duke was starting to turn red from the cold water. He must be going under a fever, too. But that wasn't his problem! Not at all. Not even when his companion's golden complexion seemed to turn gray under to the constant raining on him. Nor when the younger man almost died from last week's curse. Arthur thinks that Alfred may as well have been cursed to be cursed almost every waking moment. At least the wizard has a reason to see the duke now and then if only to remove or break said curses. Arthur will keep that to himself.
"I'll come back this afternoon with the breaking potion."
"Oh thank the gods. I don't think I can handle being wet any longer."
The wizard scolded himself to not think about something that would rather like to be wet in the presence of a sculpted young man. "Hm. Oh!" Arthur looked around to the multitude of flowers and plants in the garden recalling that he didn't have a particular ingredient that was needed for the removal but was present behind Alfred, "You don't happen to mind if I ask a Kiss or two from you, my lord?"
Alfred suddenly slipped in his seat and spluttered in surprise, "Wha-what! ...I think I, uh,  misheard you... ?"
The wizard rolled his eyes, "A Kiss. I'd need one for the breaking to work." Arthur raised a regal brow at the flushing and squeaking man in front of him. The rain was pouring buckets now. At this rate, Alfred is definitely going down with a cold. 
"Uh, I- Wha..." The duke adjusted himself on his seat. Alfred was being difficult again, was he stingy about plucking a single flower? Arthur admires a person that takes care of their garden but this is actually important!
"I only need one Kiss."
"Now?! As in, right now?"
Arthur pursed his lips. "No, it's alright if I take one when I'll come back in the afternoon."
The other was silent as if his life depended on the choice he'd make. Arthur watched as his companion took a deep breath and raised a finger, face, and neck a flattering shade of pink. Oh, he wasn't actually furious, was he? 
"One kiss... Just one."
"Yes. Kiss-Me-Quick and nothing else. Just that." Arthur gathered himself and stood up. "I expect it to be vibrant and not messy this afternoon, my lord. I'll see you then." He turned and walked his way back to his cottage, reminding himself to not forget to put a few sunflower seeds this time.
The wizard was completely unaware of the crimson mess he'd left the duke in. Muttering and covering his face with his wet, wrinkled hands.
"... He, he actually...! Expecting me to--! A kiss! ... My first...!"
The wizard speed-walked his way to the back garden, absentmindedly shaking the contents of the bottle in his nimble fingers. Today's problem was easier to break compared to the other curses. Granted it was because it was Aisling's most-used spell. And that he had lived in the same household as her for over half of his life. 
Nonetheless, an early breaking meant early payment. And a saved blond blue-eyed hunk of a duke. Though, Alfred really should his mouth shut half of the time. If Arthur wasn't living nearby, the aristocrat would have a hard time finding a competent magician and herbalist in the area. The fief was known for its industrial strength, not a heavy reliance on magic. The young Duke of Sableon was both lucky and unlucky at the same time.
Arthur twisted the stained glass doors open. Alfred was there, standing near the multitude of flowers. As the wizard got closer, he saw the duke pluck a bundle of Kiss-Me-Quicks from its bushes. 
A large cloud was still situated atop the golden hair of the lord of the house and almost half the overly-huge beautiful garden. Arthur watched the big and hurried way the droplet hit the sun-kissed skin, now turning a pale tan due to the cold rain, and on his nearly-transparent shirt. Even in the distance, he could make out the other man's musculature. The wizard felt the tips of his ears heating up and Arthur was sure it wasn't because of the three o'clock sun.
He marched over to the cursed duke, pulling the hood of his cloak as he did so. The cold drops of rain were cold as it began to soak through the think fabric of his cloak. "Good afternoon, my lord. Are you ready?"
Arthur didn't mean to be near soundless when he made his way but the younger man flinched at the sound of Arthur's voice, dropping the flowers in his hands before facing his neighbor. Arthur groaned as he bowed to pick up the bunch. He plucked a single flower and mixed it inside the potion in his hands.
"Uh-Um, Arthur... ?" Alfred had said it so quietly, Arthur could have not have heard him if it weren't for their close distance. When the green-eyed wizard rose and looked back up, he was greeted by a wonderfully cute side of Alfred. Flushed and soaked with rainwater from the tips of his hair to his bare feet on the ground, twisting the fabric on the edge of his sleeves. Blue eyes that not shrouded by his thick glasses were staring back into his own greens. 
For a moment, Arthur stood there blinking and unmoving as Alfred fumbled with his words. Suddenly, he couldn't hear the words from the lips of the other man but only the pitter-patter of the rain on the grass beneath their feet. And then, under the unforgiving storm on their heads, Arthur heard a: "If-If you won't, then I will!"
Strong arms had gripped his waist and shoulder and he was promptly pulled into cold but soft lips. 
Wha- What...
It took him the whole kiss to process that Alfred, the duke who was also his neighbor and employer was kissing him in the middle of the gardens where cursed rain was pouring down on both of them. And he responded by leaning onto the drenched form of the taller man. Arthur wasn't sure when he closed his eyes but when those cloud-soft lips left his own, his grip on the glass bottle of the potion slackened. Its dull thud on the grass went unnoticed to him and Alfred as his hands reached to the nape of the other's neck to cut the little distance between them for another touch of those sinfully sweet lips. Their teeth knocked into each other but both neither gave a damn. The wizard titled his head and their kiss deepened. 
For a moment, they just stood under the cursed storm cloud, kissing, and just feeling. The fact that the rain on their bodies was a curse and the potion to break it was on the wet grass was ignored. Eyes half-lidded and lips covered by the other, Arthur wouldn't have this kiss from the man he'd wanted for months any other way.
Something wet and rough suddenly swiped across his bottom lip. Arthur jolted in the realization that he was kissing the Duke of Sableon and pushed the other away.
Oh. Oh, Alfred kissed him. He kissed Alfred.
"... Arthur?"
The wizard back away from the duke, mumbling, and crimson red from the events. 
"Arthur, what's wrong?"
Arthur crouched and reached for the potion he dropped earlier and shoved it to Alfred's hard chest. He kept his eyes on his rained-on sleeves as he shouted in embarrassment. "Here! Drink! You idiot!"
The wizard turned away and ran faster than he ever did in his whole life.
That stupid git! Kissing him out of the blue, he really was a player. He shouldn't have let his guard down. Arthur took out a handkerchief and wiped his nose as he exited the sprawling estate. 
Confused and embarrassed and still feeling tingly all over from the kiss, he wonders what was going through Alfred's head when he was about to give him the potion.
Certainly, it wasn't because the other felt the same-- No. Arthur shook his head, there was no way Alfred would. Perhaps it was because of the Kiss-Me-Quick flowers? The name must have confused him! Yes, that was probably it.
Inside, he hopes it wasn't that at all.
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 3x18 Bleeding Through
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Spoilers for ‘Once Upon a Time Red’s Untold Tale’, which I’ve just started reading. Ruby wore a cross around her neck, suggesting that she might somehow believe in Jesus or a Jesus-like character. Peter was a blacksmith’s son. Granny and Ruby’s relationship is AMAZING! Anita was Granny’s only daughter. I wonder why Red and Granny got to keep there last name ‘Lucas’. A Priscilla was apparently an old school friend of Ruby’s! Ruby was 16 when she’d already had ‘started a family’. I wonder if this was Jefferson’s wife. If it was, it might be possible to work out Red’s age when the curse was cast, and assuming she’s around the same age, Snow’s too. If Grace was around 10 when the curse was cast and Pricilla had just started her family when Red was 16, that would suggest that Red was, at most 26 when the curse was cast (that is if it’s the same Priscilla). Red and a Peter were so cute, playing about in the water. Otp!! They’d know each other since they were at least 6! Makes it all the more tragic! He was one of 4 boys. He had at least 2 younger brothers. He was Red’s only friend by the time she was 16. The other villagers were cruel to her! It must have been great to have finally met Snow! And why would Granny say “What the Dickens” in the EF?
Back to the rewatch.
I love this episode! I needed more Cora flashbacks in my life!
I looooove Zelena’s outfit at the beginning of this episode! I think it’s my favourite of hers. A close second is probably her outfit in 3x14.
Zelena and Regina’s freaking dynamic! I love it so much!  
Lol at Zelena picking up Regina’s stuff without her permission.
No! Not Roly! Don’t hurt little Roly!!
At least her heart was in a bag this time.
Why did Rumple let that arrow go so close to Roly? Poor kiddo!
You can protect your heart from being controlled? Sounds like something everyone should do!
Belle to Regina: “Why on Earth, or any realm would I help you; the woman who imprisoned me in a tower in her castle, then put me in an asylum for 28 years, who’s done nothing but mentally and physically torture me ever since we’ve known each other?” Belle must have been keeping that in for a long time. It did need to be said. I don’t think I could ever forgive someone if they did all that to me.
Belle: “Does she just want it (Regina’s heart because your sisters?” Yes. Perfectly normal sisterly behaviour xD!
So the candle that was used to kill Cora can only be used once?
It seems Cora and Jonathan knew each other for a week before baby making commenced. I always thought they’d just met for some reason.
Jonathan was such a cunning douche. Definitely a Slytherin. As was Cora. And I think Zel is Slytherin too.
Cora, don’t fall for his charms!
Oh my God. I know where Zelena gets her extra-ness from. This dude pretended to be a Prince, faked a whole proposal, pretended to be in love and came up with a whole elaborate story just to get in Cora’s pants!  
Oh, so that’s where she got the idea to turn straw into Gold from!
It seems as though in the EF, people were expected to be married before doing the do.
Is that monkey jealous that Zelena’s going on a date with someone else??! Are all the monkeys in love with her?? Cause, I mean, same.
Zelena: “Get Dressed.” Rumple: “I’m not your doll.” Zelena: “Aren’t you?” Buy a Rumple baby doll, only £8.15 at a store near you! It eats and pees and everything! Brush it’s hair! Dress it up! And If you squeeze it’s tummy it says “I wuv you, Deawie.”
*Everyone freaks out* Hook: “Sorry love. I crossed my legs and bumped the table.” Lmao!
Dude just left Cora waiting for God knows how long in the rain!
What a jerk!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jonathan is from a long line of magic gardeners with the curse of turning green if envious or perhaps they’re nymphs. They’re pretty much the only explanations for how Zelena could have magic since birth and how she turned green with envy.
Oh my God! Pushed her down when she’s carrying his child! This dude is something else!
I wonder if Zelena ever found Jonathan and I wonder if she hurt him if she did find him. I don’t think she would have. I wonder what would have become of him if she’d gone back in time to where she wanted.
Come to think of it, Zelena seems to know about Cora, Jonathan, Leopoldo and Eva’s past. But how could she? Is she able to somehow see the past?? Oh wait! The magic she used to watch Regina also let her see Cora abandoning her. So she could see into the past! That’s how she knows why she was abandoned!  
Cora hears the word Prince from ten miles away and she freaking zoooooms over to meet them.
Uh oh, doors gone!
Cora: “There it was, my oldest night dress. The boys tied it to the top of the windmill, it’s flapping in the wind for the whole village to see, And I am the maddest little eight-year-old you ever saw.” It’s nice to hear more about Cora’s past. I wonder what she was like as a kid! I needed a flashback of her as a kid! I need to know how she developed her obsession with becoming royalty.
Leopold: “You’re wonderful.” Dude is smitten already. I can’t believe he ends up marrying her daughter. Ew. And I’m surprised he did after knowing she tried to steel from him and lie about her pregnancy.” Unless of course, he didn’t recognise her when he proposed to Regina.
Cora has chemistry with goddamn everyone!
Woah! That’s creepy!
Why is Cora’s spirit so young? Shouldn’t she be the same age she was in the underworld?  
Emma’s having so much fun with her magic! I’m glad she’s seeing the fun side of it!
Grumpy Killian is grumpy.
Okay, Jesus! Zelena looks hot as hell! That freaking hair is glorious. My mum and I spent a good 5 minutes talking about how good her hair was last night.
I saw the S3 and s4 Zelena scenes so many times when I used them for inspiration for playing Zelena in a role play group quite a few years ago. But I never get bored of them! Could watch her all freaking day. *Sighs*
Don’t you know how lucky you are Gold! If I was kidnapped by and forced to go on a date with Zelena, I would simply thank her. Sorry Gold but I’m different.
She made him meat pie and everything! I’d have to refuse the meat pie, of course, being a vegetarian.
Zelena broke the freaking fundamental laws of magic! My bby is so powerful!
Cora just threw Regina aside like that, wow.
Don’t hurt Snow!  
That is so creepy, oh my god.
I think Zelena looks quite a bit like Jonathan.
Regina to Snow: “But if she wants to kill you, she’s gonna have to go through me!”
Regina: “What did you do to Zelena!” The way she shouts it! She genuinely wants to know what Cora did to her sister despite how she feels about her in the present.
Cora, will you stop pushing Regina out of the way! I wonder if Cora remembered doing any of this when Regina saw her in the Underworld.
She done possessed Snow!
It sounds like Leopold would have married Cora even if he’d known she was with child. If only she hadn’t lied and stolen.
Oh gosh, poor MM! Possession does not look fun.
It’s interesting that Snow says Cora didn’t want to give up Zelena. That could well be true. She was probably gonna pass the baby off as Leopold’s if she had married him.
Do not just leave your baby in the woods! She could have at least had the heart to drop her off at an orphanage!
So freaking cruel!
The poor baby’s crying like anything!
Zelena really wants Rumple, huh?
It’s a family show, can’t you tell?!
Eva didn’t have that much darkness in her path. She just told the truth!
Really enjoyed that episode!
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thatpastaguy · 5 years
Warm: An Alphyne Short Story
This is a gift fic as part of the @undertalesecretsanta event that happens every year! This year was my first year participating and I had a lot of great fun working and hanging out with all of the people involved. Anyway, this specific fic is for the wonderful @shedpuns who had the request of me writing an Alphys X Undyne fic. She wasn’t super specific with her request so I decided to do what I always do when I have the chance to write about my OTPs. Write an angsty hurt/comfort fic that has so much emotional pain in it that it makes people wonder if I even like the two characters involved.  Now without any more stalling let us begin and I hope all of you reading enjoy and have a Merry Christmas! 
Warm: An Alphyne Short Story
One of the things that Undyne hated most about the surface was that it couldn’t make up its damn mind about the weather. 
She was, of course, used to living in the underground, a place that was nice and segmented when it came to its climate. Snowdin was cold, Hotland was well...hot, the capital was temperate, and Waterfall her home was rainy and cool. 
But upon the surface, the place was ridiculous. It was sweltering some days but on others, it was freezing. She couldn’t understand how humans or anyone could live like this. In a place where it seemed like a dice roll what type of weather it would be. 
And apparently, it was warmer now than it was supposed to because of some dumbass human stuff that she wasn’t even going to try and understand. Something about a bunch of gas trapping in heat or something like that. Which somehow Alphys and monster magic was going to help fix? It was all confusing as hell to her.
The only saving grace to any of this was that as Frisk had told her there were things called seasons. Certain periods in the year where they could most of the time rely on the weather being relatively similar. Winter for cold, spring for cool to warm, summer for hot, and fall for cool to cold. There was at least some sense to it. 
However, she still had to wait out the seasons she didn’t like. Summer was a definite challenge with her baking in the sun. But winter was definitely the worst. It was so damn cold all of the time making her feeling as if she’d freeze on the spot.
Undyne hated winter above every other season. It was the one that she always waited through with annoyance, begging for spring to come as fast as it possibly could with the sweet warm rain that it brought. 
But even if she did loathe winter there were some upsides to it. She did like the holidays that came around that time along with the general sense of togetherness it brought. It always reaffirmed that she had great family and friends. 
She also looked back on the chilly days of winter with fondness because of what happened between her and Alphys the first year they were on the surface. It was one of her most cherished memories and always brought a warm toothy smile to the monster’s face.
Alphys and she had been dating for a couple of months and had grown closer with each other. The two of them were, of course, friends before but now had grown into something much more. Into something deeper with more affection. They were more than just friends, they were now lovers and above all else partners. 
However, one aspect that had been slow to progress in their relationship was physical intimacy. The two of them had held hands and kissed but the supposed “next step” in their relationship hadn’t come from them. The closest thing they had done to that was share a bed a few weeks prior and that had only happened after some protest from Alphys. 
Undyne didn’t really understand why Alphys was so hesitant. She knew she was shy and awkward and would probably take time to get used to doing romantic stuff with her. However, Undyne also thought that a shut-in nerd like her would jump at the chance to get it on with someone awesome like her.
But Alphys just didn’t want to take that step no matter how much Undyne wanted. That is until one brutally cold night in the middle of January.
The two of them had planned a big date to celebrate the first six months of their relationship. Alphys and she had planned a whole evening out with each other. They were going to go out to an anime and manga shop then afterward would go out to eat at this expensive authentic ramen shop in the city. 
Undyne was super pumped for it. She didn’t even care about how cold it was going to be. All she cared about was that she was going to spend an amazing night out with the monster she loved. 
The former captain of the royal guard was putting on her outfit for their date. It was composed of a cool blue dress shirt with a black jacket over it. She had long suit pants on with stylish black boots. 
Undyne had just one of her arms through one of the armholes of the jacket when she heard a knock at her front door. “One minute!” she shouted from her room.
She put on her jacket and then straightened it out before heading out her bedroom. She quickly headed down the stairs and ran right up to the door. Undyne put her hand on the doorknob and opened the door. 
Her eye widened as she saw Alphys on the other side of the door. Undyne opened her mouth to say hi but she stopped herself when she saw the state Alphys was in. 
Alphys wasn’t dressed in any sort of way for the date. She wore an expression of somber sorrow on her face. Her eyes were red and there seemed to be tear stains on her cheeks. She had been crying and from the evidence on her face, it had been only a short time ago. 
Undyne stared at her with wide eyes for a moment, not sure what to say. “...Alphys, are you alright?” she asked while still in shock. 
“C-Can I...c-come in?” she shakily asked.
“Yeah, come on in,” Undyne replied. She then moved slightly to the side to let her in.
Alphys slowly walked inside into Undyne’s living room. She quickly slipped out of her winter coat revealing that she was wearing a rather conservative sweater with long pants. She sat down on Undyne’s couch with her head down.
Undyne stared at her wondering what could’ve caused her to be this way. She knew Alphys was sensitive but she hadn’t seen her face like this in a long time. Not since she first met her staring at that dark endless pit in Waterfall.
She down next to Alphys and place a hand on her back. “Alphys, what’s wrong?” she gently asked. “What happened? Did someone make fun of you or something? Oh I know it’s those damn human brats from the next neighborhood over isn’t! I know it must be them! When I see those little bastards again I’m going to kick their asses so damn fast-”
“I-It’s not t-that.” Alphys meekly answered. 
Undyne’s temper quickly cooled as soon as she said that. “What is it then Alphys?”
“I-I...I saw o-one of t-the amalgamates t-today.”
Undyne’s blood ran cold. Alphys hadn’t uttered the words amalgamates in a very long time. 
“I-I was out t-today d-doing some errands a-and I saw S-Snowdrake’s mother w-with her family,” Alphys explained. She then paused for a second trying to hold back tears. “...T-They said that she w-was doing well. They told me t-that they weren’t h-having any t-trouble adjusting t-to daily l-life on t-the surface. A-All of them seemed h-happy but I-I could t-tell by l-looking at h-her face that she…”
Tears dripped down Alphys’ face as her emotions overtook her. “She was in so much pain!” Alphys exclaimed with her face falling into her hands. “I-I saw that look o-on her f-face and I could see how m-much suffering a-and pain s-she was still in a-all because o-of me! S-She wouldn’t b-be like this if it wasn’t f-for me. I-If it wasn't for my sick e-experiments with d-determination.” 
“Hey Alphys, it’s okay,” Undyne said while placing a hand on her shoulder. 
“N-No it’s not,” she said with her voice trembling. “I-I’ve caused s-so much pain and e-everyone is just t-trying to t-treat it like it isn’t a big d-deal b-but it is. I-I’m horrible! I shouldn’t e-even be on the s-surface! I-I shouldn’t be with you o-or with anybody! I-I should just be l-left somewhere to rot.”
“Stop that!” Undyne suddenly shouted. 
Alphys head turned up as she recoiled slightly from shock.“S-Stop what?” she asked feeling slightly scared. 
“Stop...Stop saying that your worthless or you don’t deserve me.” Undyne explained. “You do deserve me! You do deserve to be here! You’re amazing! You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met! Or hell most amazing person I’ve ever met!” 
The two of them stay silent for a moment. Both of them just stared into the other’s eyes. 
Undyne then sighed. “Look I’ve told you that I’ll never stop telling you how much you deserve this. I’ll keep doing that because it’s the truth and always will be.” she warmly told her. A big toothy grin then formed on her face. “And if words won’t convince you I think I know what to do.” 
“And what’s that Undyne-” Alphys suddenly stopped talking as she felt Undyne’s warm lips on hers. Everything stopped at that moment. Time itself froze as she felt Undyne start to kiss her deeply. 
Alphys didn’t move for a second but soon to her surprise she was kissing her back. Both of their lips were locked firmly on each other. Nothing else mattered anymore, all that mattered was the passion between the two. 
Undyne pulled Alphys in closer to her. She then pressed her tongue up against Alphys’ mouth and she was quickly given entrance. The two of their tongues invaded the other’s mouth. Their tongues mingled in their mouths.
The two of them clung to each other just enjoying the sweet sensations of one another. They then pulled apart. Both of them gasping for breath. They both panted, filled with so many different types of emotion and energy. 
Undyne looked down at Alphys and knew what they were going to do tonight. She knew what Alphys needed. She needed to be embraced by someone that truly loved her. 
“W-Wow Undyne, t-that was incredible,” she said through a few quick breaths. 
“We’re not stopping there Alphys,” Undyne told her in a warm smooth voice. 
“W-What do you m-mean?” she asked confused.
Undyne smiled. “I want you Alphys. I want to be with you more than anything in the entire damn world.” Undyne explained. She then leaned in closer to her and began to kiss her. Her hands then found their way to the bottom of Alphys’ sweater and began to tug on it. 
“W-wait...Undyne, please s-stop.” Alphys suddenly told her.
Undyne quickly pulled away from her. She looked up at Alphys and stared right into her eyes. “What’s wrong?” 
“U-Undyne, s-should we really b-be doing this?” she meekly asked with a blush on her face. “I-I’m not sure if I-I’m ready for this k-kind of stuff.” 
“I know it’s a big step and stuff but I know we’re ready Alphys,” Undyne answered while looking straight into her eyes. “Because I know when we're together there’s nothing we can’t do. I know that sounds cheesy as hell but it’s true. When we’re together it’s amazing...”
The two stayed silent for a moment. Undyne could tell Alphys was thinking hard. Trying to figure out what to do next. Questioning if this was even right. 
“A-Alright I think I’m r-ready.” 
“That’s great!” Undyne excitedly exclaimed. 
“B-But can we n-not do it here?” Alphys asked. “I-I mean this c-couch is comfy and a-all but I t-think it’d be better i-if we were in your b-bed.” 
“Alright let’s get upstairs then.” She said with a nod. 
Suddenly Undyne jumped up. She then scooped Alphys and began to carry her bridal style. This caused Alphys’ cheeks to turn a bright scarlet red which made Undyne smile. 
She then quickly walked up the stairs to her room. Undyne opened the door and walked through it into her room. 
Undyne gently laid Alphys down onto her bed. She slipped off her jacket and placed both of her hands onto the bottom of her shirt. She then took off her shirt revealing her muscular torso that laid underneath. The only thing covering her chest her black silk bra. 
Alphys’ face was now a bright red as stared up at her from the bed. Her eyes quickly darted around noticing her large biceps and her perfectly segmented abdomen. 
“Heh like what you see?” Undyne asked with a smile. 
“U-Uh...yeah…” Alphys replied, embarrassed.
“Good. Because you’re going to be seeing a lot more of it.” she confidently told her.
Undyne then slid off the shoes she was wearing and unbutton her pants which quickly fell to the floor. She took off the band that was holding her hair up with her red hair falling to her shoulders. She then got onto the bed and stared down at Alphys.
Alphys stared at her feeling a mixture of both excitement and embarrassment. She had seen her like this before but she was still somewhat flustered. Flustered from seeing what she had only dreamt of.
“Now then let’s get you out of this sweater.” Undyne sensually told her as one of her hands got to the bottom of her shirt. 
Alphys squirmed slightly as Undyne quickly pulled her shirt off of her. Undyne then quickly pulled off her pants, trying to get her to the same level of undressed as she was. 
Undyne stared down at her. She admired her amber yellow scales. Alphys was slightly chubby do to her poor diet from when she was still underground but it was cute. 
Alphys, however, looked down at herself and let out a sigh. “Look at me,” she said staring down at herself. “I’m nothing compared to you.” 
“What are you talking about?” Undyne suddenly asked. Alphys’ eyes widened. She then looked straight at Undyne. “You’re beautiful.” 
Alphys stared up into Undyne’s eyes and realized something. Something that she had realized a long time ago but hadn’t really fully comprehended it until now. 
Undyne loved her. She loved her more than anything, even with all of her flaws. She didn’t care about all of the bad things she had done in the past. She loved her for her no matter what. 
As soon as she realized that that was when she was ready to give herself completely to her. Her mind, body, and soul all to her.
Alphys suddenly locked lips with Undyne. For once instead of thinking she just gave in to the emotions flowing through her. Letting her experience something more amazing than anything she had ever felt before. 
Undyne and Alphys laid there on the bed wrapped up in its covers. The two of them were tired but also happy. Alphys was snuggling into Undyne’s chest enjoying the warmth coming from her. 
Undyne then looked down at her with a small smile on her face. “How do you feel?” she quietly asked Alphys. 
“Warm,” Alphys replied. 
“Good,” Undyne said to her with a smile. She then laid a gentle kiss on her lips. 
The two of them then laid there for a moment, not saying a word. They just enjoyed the warmth of their naked bodies up against each other. 
“You know I was so scared about this.” Alphys suddenly spoke up. “B-But now looking back I-I have n-no idea why I t-thought that because t-this was amazing.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Undyne happily told her. 
“I-I want to thank y-you Undyne. I-I don’t think I c-could have been able to build u-up the courage if it w-wasn’t for you.” Alphys quietly thanked her.
“No problem Alphys,” Undyne replied. “I just wanted to express how much I loved you and make you feel good.”
“Heh, you s-sure did that,” Alphys told her with a quiet laugh.
“Hell yeah, I did. I kicked your dream version of me ass when it came to screwing you.” Undyne told her with a proud smile on her face.
“I guess y-you can say that,” Alphys said while smiling back at her.
The two of them then began to slowly drift off to sleep. Alphys fell asleep against Undyne’s chest. Undyne sleepily looked down at her with her eyes half-open. She gently caressed the top of her head so happy to be with her like this. 
Even though most of Undyne’s memories of winter were of the cold and the dark this one she’d only remember how warm and happy she was.
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compilation of my favorite otp prompts 5
cute weather/seasonal AUs your OTP [x]
when it rains
who wears the designer raincoat/umbrella set and who is wearing oversized polkadot rainboots and a huge yellow duck raincoat
going for a walk in the rain and splashing in puddles
which one seduces the other into standing under a tree before shaking the branch and soaking them
gOING SWIMMING IN THE RAIN and making out maybe 
fall (aka autumn)
who buys mulled cider, who buys hard cider
who wears the really intense halloween costume, who wears a sheet with holes in it 
Who builds the snowman, who eats the carrot nose bc they weren’t paying attention (”OH THATS what the carrot was for, my bad”)
oh no we stayed out too long and need to warm up better share the shower/hot chocolate to conserve resources
person A burying person B in snow and then kissing their forehead and walking away (“YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE” “I love you too I’ll be back!” “EXCUSE ME”) 
imagine your competitive otp [x]
making ridiculous bets on whose wind-up toy will win the race (may include sabotage)
having a food competition (with a food both of them hate)
having a cake-baking competition
sabotaging each other in mario kart
Some height difference things for your OTP [x]
The taller one sitting on the floor between the shorter one’s knees as the shorter one braids/plays with their hair. 
The shorter one tackle-hugging the taller one when they come home from some sort of trip, hoping that they’ll both fall to the floor in a pile of limbs and cuddles/kisses, but unfortunately the shorter one isn’t strong/heavy enough and they both remain standing. 
Bonus: to compensate, the taller one decides to pick the shorter one up. 
The shorter one having to sprawl like half their body across the taller one whenever they ride the bus/train so as to give the taller one all the leg room.
Or, the shorter one sitting down and immediately noticing that their feet don’t touch the floor, becoming embarrassed by this, and then pretending that they’d rather just snuggle up super tight with the taller one.
Bonus: the taller one realizes exactly what’s going on but says nothing. Or teases them endlessly about it, up to you.
The shorter one physically sitting in the taller one’s lap.
The taller one standing behind the shorter one and putting their arms around their shoulders, then resting their chin on top of the shorter one’s head. 
Bonus if they’re watching the stars/sunset/ocean together.
Imagine your OTP: Orchestra edition [x]
‘I didn’t bring my music but you gave me your extra copy and I blurted out that I loved you, and we could have awkwardly moved past that but then you accidentally said that you loved me back’
‘I was in the very back row of your concert so I could barely see the stage but I was so impressed with your performance that I decided to hang around and see if I could meet you, and it turns out that you are actually very cute holy shit’
AU List #3 (Theme: Jobs/Work) [x]
“You stood up for me against that really rude costumer who almost made me cry, thank you.”
random aus to consider though [x]
we pulled an all nighter trying to play monopoly and i think i may have confessed some weird shit
Hospital OTP Prompts [x]
I’m a bit loopy on the drugs they gave me for the pain and I told you that I love you and it’s the only thing I remember afterwards AU
The doctor is constantly telling you off cause you keep making my heart beat go faster when you’re talking to me AU
Things I need to be written [x]
person B is a half mermaid and person A orders the salmon for the both of them
Who wants some AUs? [x]
“‘You’re gonna get a cold if you stand out in the rain!’” AU
“I’m on the swings at the park and looking real depressed why did you come over to talk to me?” AU
Weird OTP Prompts for all your fanfiction needs [x]
You’re colourblind, and I managed to get you glasses that will let you see all the colours, but instead of being amazed, you’re just really offended by the colour purple, and you’re yelling at me for wearing a purple shirt.
“Do you masturbate?” “I–I’m sorry, do I know you?” “No, now answer the question.”
I’m colourblind, and you gave me these really awesome glasses that let me see colour, and I’m pretending to really hate the colour purple because I want you to take your shirt off. But really, purple is a fucking ugly colour.
Some of my actual experiences in musicals/plays... [x]
hey we’ve never talked before so now we’re playing love interests how about that AU
hey we’ve been good friends for years so now we’re playing love interests how about that AU
I play a police officer and at one point I get to arrest and drag your character offstage and I’m having a little too much fun with it AU
Did somebody say OTP PROMPTS? [x]
Person A dips Person B (like the dance move, but then get distracted and drops them).
A walking in on B absolutely killing it at Just Dance.
Person B wins Person A a gigantic stuffed animal at the fair.
Person B reading to Person A on the couch to help them fall asleep.
A and B having no mercy on each other in Super Smash Bros.
Person A playfully teasing Person B about how cute they are.
your otp finding each other annoyingly endearing [x]
you’re so stoic or deadpan most of the time but when you get flustered your face lights up red like a beacon and it’s so cute.
you have no idea what personal space is and it’s really distracting when your face is two inches away from mine, what if i turn my head and accidentally kiss you
you don’t like snuggling or a lot of touching but when you’re asleep you’re a cuddler for better or for worse
MORE AUs for you [x]
you’re a magician and you pick me to be your assistant for a trick but the real magic is how you managed to slip your phone number to me while you were sawing me in half au
I made my thousandth paper crane and wished to find my soulmate and the next day you move in next door to me what does this mean au
AUs based (loosely) on things that have happened to me recently [x]
I just watched you fill up a container with dry dog food biscuit by biscuit what the hell are you doing
76 OTP prompts list [x]
Person B is reeaaaaaally tired, but Person A is super, super energetic and loud. Trying to get Person A to shut up, Person B kisses Person A.
Imagine person A of your OTP relentlessly flirting with B in public, just to see B blush.
Imagine Person A of your OTP seeing Person B with bed hair for the first time, and being totally blown away by how cute/hot/etc. they look with their hair being a huge mess. Bonus: if Person A gets flustered when Person B pokes fun at them for liking it.
Imagine your OTP getting in a fight and one of them yelling that they love the other one and then it gets really quiet.
Imagine your OTP cuddling under a blanket on a cold winter night. Person A gently wrapping their arms around Person B and lightly kissing down their neck making Person B shiver from something other than the cold outside.
Imagine your OTP running into each other under the mistletoe. Person A blushes and goes to suggest that they don’t have to kiss but Person B cuts them off with a kiss.
Imagine person A walking out of the bathroom after a shower, half-naked and wreathed in steam, and B immediately dropping whatever they were holding. Bonus if it’s an animal which gives them the stink eye before slinking away.
Imagine your OTP living in a dorm. Person A thinks that person B is kinda cute, but otherwise doesn’t feel much for them. Person A goes to borrow a textbook from person B and walks in on person B in their pajamas with their hair all messed up and person A thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
Imagine person A of your otp is reading a book late at night and person B can’t sleep so they ask person A to read to them so person A starts reading out loud and a few minutes later person B is completely knocked out and person A gives them a kiss on their forehead.
Being on the brink of admitting their feelings for each other but then getting interrupted.
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
OTP Prompts [x]
Imagine Person A seeing Person B and just having the most powerful, undeniable urge to have sex. Just out of the blue with no provocation except for Person B’s existence. Bonus if they’re having conflicting feelings about acting upon the urge because they’re in public.
no title [x] 
‘i keep bumping into you everywhere and you’re starting to get weirded out but i’m not stalking you it’s just a string of coincidences i swear no wait let me explain’ au
Random OTP Prompts [x]
Everyone I talk to mentions you at some point and I didn’t get it but now we’ve met and I do. I definitely do.
We knew each other when we were like 2 years old because our moms are friends and we haven’t seen each other since but now your family is visiting and you’re a lot hotter than you were when you were a toddler.
Everyone thinks I have a crush on your friend but actually I like you which is even more embarrassing.
Reunited AUs [x]
“we’re texting for the first time in forever and i told you about some stupid thing i did and sent a sarcastic ‘you must really miss me, huh’ and you just replied ‘yes’ and i think my heart just broke” au
Spoopy Halloween AU’s for ur OTP!!! [x]
we were supposed to go on a double date to this horror movie but neither of our dates showed up and it’s really just our friends trying to get us together 
we both got dragged to this stuffy Halloween party by our parents wanna kiss in the corner? 
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otp theme songs
I was tagged by @apostatetabris and @biserker-kadan for this lovely meme and heck it’s going below the cut because I am a goddamn sucker for this stuff. A helpless little goblin.
I’m gonna tag: @ariela-of-aedyr, @dirthara-mama, @watcherofsouls, @acepavus, @dickeybbqpit, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul, @sulevinblade, @wicked-eyes-and-wicked-hearts, and anyone else who wants to do this! Go for it!
Darva Lavellan/Dorian Pavus: when it comes to us-- frances + RITUAL
I turn tables and speak too softly I don't make much sense, I don't make much sense You're unable to calm down lightly You're so intense, yeah you're so intense
You and I, we're one too many worlds apart It really shouldn't work but it does x2 And side by side, we're different but somehow the same It really shouldn't work but it does x2 When it comes to us
You're too playful, and never serious But I love you that way, yeah I love you that way I'm too careful and always in a rush But it's all okay, yeah it's always okay
This song is my big jam for them--it’s where their otp tag comes from--because it’s such a big thing for their relationship. The dueling sort of choruses with Darva being the first one and Dorian the second one have this vibe of them being very different people, but they have these sort of commonalities that cross over between them. Their insecurities, their hopes and wishes, their experiences. They’re very different people, but they have a lot in common which sort of pulls them together and binds them all up in a glorious sort of mess they are.
Dimitri Enallasani & Iron Bull: rain clouds--the arcadian wild
I’m being followed by the rain clouds My clothes are soaking up the pain that keeps pouring down Too much more and I may drown I’m being followed by the night sky It stole away my sight, it seems I have lost my way I need someone to be my guide.
Listen to my voice Close your frightened eyes Hide behind my love for you ‘Cause fear’s only a choice, One that we all must make someday So know you’re not alone in this
I’m being frightened by the people who look on me like I’m a scar upon their perfect skin, perfect to only them. I’m being shadowed by my past, reminding me of what I was and what I could become. My sins should stay where they belong.
This is my HECKING jam for them. Like it’s that whole idea of embracing trust--something they both struggle a lot with--and especially trust in each other. That act of hiding in not a fearful way, but in a way of protecting each other. The listening to the voice to ground and hold fast. How they both have to chose to feel the fear in the paths laid before them and in the path their relationship can take and taking it for what it is; it’s a choice they are going to have to make, but the thing is that they don’t have to make choices like that alone anymore.
And the verses have that same dualism in them in their lives, especially with Dimitri as the first one and Bull as the second verse. Like how they have that separation and they’ve had it for so long and born their burdens alone, but they have each other to help share that load. “So know you’re not alone in this.”
Aoife Fawcett & Aloth Corfiser: you are the moon--the hushed sound
You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe
I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky You will see your beauty every morning that you rise
Oh this song is so short, but like it gets me for the two of them. Like they are these two people with really strong self doubt of themselves and their abilities from having been raised in a world/existing in a world that doesn’t like them or want them around. Like the idea of being taught you don't have worth--like light or beauty (beauty in Aoife’s case. But they come together and they both see the beauty and worth in each other. Like it starts even back in the Dyrwood when they were just friends and being a kind and genuine support to each other which just grows and evolves into this beautiful sort of support, affection and love they have for each other. That always showing each other the light and beauty and warmth they still have and can learn to give again.
Ethalia Tabris & Alistair Theirin: this is gospel--panic at the disco
This is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues Conspire against the odds But they haven't seen the best of us yet If you love me let me go (Oh-oh-oh-oh) If you love me let me go (Oh-oh-o-oh-oh-oh) 'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars The fear of falling apart And truth be told I never was yours
This is so much of their jam for me because their romance is so utterly tragic in how it comes to an end and this is song, particularly the chorus, embodies that. It’s having to make a choice and the choice Eth makes and how she choses to break Alistair’s heart so he can live in a world free of Blight. Like if he truly loves and cares for her in the deepest sense and how much he swears he does, he will let her go to do what it best and to do what is right, regardless of how much it will hurt. It will leave scars and it will have pain and that all encompassing feeling of they were truly and utterly be apart. But if they love each other, they will let each other go.
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dorms-fic-archive · 6 years
EreAni 30 Day OTP Challenge -  NOT SFW REBOOT [2/30, trial and error in miniature]
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin, because I hadn’t seen anyone else attempt this with the pairing. [Ao3 | FFNet.]
a/n: I literally only did this to see if I could make it feasible. I’m not sure whether it was a mistake, but it was pretty fun to write. Titan!Eren is a nightmarish monstrosity, so turning him into something more familiar was the challenge here.
edit: changed rating on tumblr to mature to fight the tumblr bots. This does not mean the chapter is anything below a pretty hard r. Tread lightly.
.02 – Half-Dressed, New Position
Rating: Mature
The fight has ended, and Annie Leonhardt claws her way from the remnants of her own crumbling shell into silvery light. The morning sky is a gloomy grey where it's not obscured above the mesh of gigantic trees, and the air carries a chill; ideal conditions for a Titan transformation.
Stumbling to her feet is an act that rends countless threads of reddish sinew, quickly disintegrating. Her head tilts back as rain impacts in little pinpricks up and down her skin. Steam emits from the body discarded and permeates beneath her clothes, drawn into her lungs with each breath.
She's left a boot and her jacket behind—a rookie mistake—and she scowls; but these are replaceable.
She is not alone for long. The shadow of the beast looms overhead, offering a hand. Annie clambers into the outstretched palm without hesitation or fear, lifted up to eye-level, shielded from the elements by a mass of dark, shaggy hair.
"I can get out on my own, you know."
Though her voice is stable, she's shivering involuntarily from exposure, and quick to collapse.
The Titan makes a worried noise. Its fingers close beneath her, like cupping water.
"I'm fine, Eren," she insists, hand raised in an attempt to dissuade him. "Just—give me a moment."
The Titan's expression has taken on something like concern. When you've hung around a bunch of Shifters for years, emotion becomes easier to discern—never-mind the fact that Eren couldn't be more obvious if he tried, Titan or not.
"How are you holding up?" she calls. The Titan huffs, emitting a little puff of steam through flat teeth. Annie allows herself a tiny smile, but he probably can't see from here.
She makes an effort to relax as they start moving. That's never something she's managed to get used to—at twelve or sixteen, it still unnerves her to feel the weight of each thunderous footstep, lurch by lurch. She draws her knees up to her chest and bows her head, breathing in, out.
The Titan's skin is like a pyre that does not burn. Her manoeuvre gear weighs on her frame, the metal shockingly cold, the straps digging into flesh, and the pallor of the sky and the verdant trees contrast visually, disorienting her further.
But Annie isn't in any immediate distress, merely incommoded. (There is some vague recollection in her mind that Reiner and Bertholdt would oftentimes look out for one another after their transformations, but they were already close; she would never tolerate that nonsense….)
Her grip on her sleeve tightens. Through the thin cover of her rain-drenched clothes, there is a misconception of nudity; the harness constrains her while heat spills out beneath the skin. Unable to stand it any longer, she unbuckles her remaining boot before making an effort to remove the harness.
This is hardly simple, given the constant movement, compromising her dexterity. She grits her teeth, searching for the buckles. Her fingers scrap leather, then the metal framework, and in about a minute she has managed to free her arm, only to be thrown off-balance by the ODM gear weighing her down. Annie refuses to be discouraged, and sets about unbuckling the other arm. She's gotten all the way down to her abdomen before she realises they've stopped moving.
When she raises her head, the Titan is watching her curiously. It makes another sound, like a croon, lower than animal or human.
"It's hot," she says bluntly, but her voice comes out uneven. "I can't stand it."
Annie is aware she has never complained about this before. She must sound idiotic, and besides, the Titan holding her is not truly Eren. But Titans don't look at people the way it—he?—is looking at her; alarm giving way to puzzlement, perhaps intrigue.
(Commander Hanji would probably have a field day with this notion, but Annie decides to stop reflecting what Hanji would or would not do from this point onward, before she completely loses her nerve.)
She's already freed from her shirt, currently working her trousers down her legs until the straps impede her progress. Annie curses, trying to pull them back on, but between her soggy clothes and the restriction of the half-discarded harness she can only really reach her knees. She's not going anywhere.
"I guess I'm stuck for a bit," she admits, slightly abashed. Then she looks up at the Titan, smirking, and adds, "Don't take that the wrong way."
The Titan continues to gaze at her steadily. Relax, she tells herself. He's not an Aberrant, he's just….
Abruptly, he tilts his hand just-so and she finds herself curled on her back, still tangled up. The metal canister and its framework dig uncomfortably into her shins.
"The hell are you doing?" she spits out, trembling for a couple reasons.
The Titan grunts, the expression on its face somewhere between abashment and concern. Perhaps he's forgotten his strength? That seems unlikely.
Annie tries to regain her composure. "I don't suppose you're going to take advantage of this situation?"
The Titan snorts as though offended. Annie relaxes, though she doesn't show it.
"That's good." She pauses. "But… we don't have to go back yet, you know."
The Titan blinks. Suddenly Annie is far too aware of how vulnerable she has made herself.
"I mean, you're—" she exhales, flustered. "Maybe I want you to take an advantage sometimes, you know?"
There is a period of silence where Annie sorely wishes Eren was not currently fifteen metres tall, and he could respond verbally rather than watch her stumble around words, self-conscious.
She's about to call her own bluff when the pad of a massive finger ghosts over her abdomen with far less pressure than she was anticipating. Trying to vocalise her terror, she can only emit a muted gasp.
A telling glint affects the Titan's eyes. Pressing her down again with the same finger—demonstrating a disconcerting amount of control—only to travel up her belly and breasts, stopping just short of her chin. She tilts her head away with a shudder, utterly confused when he draws back.
"Have you changed your mind?" she grouses.
Titan makes that crooning noise again and Annie remembers whom she is dealing with.
"Fine…" she mutters, laying down in an effort to quell the jumble of emotions building inside of her, "I guess I trust you not to kill me."
There is a pause, while Eren studies her with an indiscernible expression.
"Just—just bring me over to you," she continues, sitting up and reaching for him.
The Titan emits another plume of steam, thicker than before. It presses its head forth slightly, like a great cat, and descends. Annie jolts at the movement, catching hold of its face. Tentatively she leans up, pressing a kiss to his nose.
"I'm not sure what you're waiting for…" she says, falling prone against his palm, "unless—" she smirks despite the nerves, "—you'd like to watch?"
His attention comes back to her face, albeit a little hazily. It's bizarre to recognise these familiar quirks upon the Titan's otherwise grisly features.
Killing faceless soldiers seems like a much easier task to what she's about to do. Yet Annie's fearless—ostensibly—as her legs fall open and her hands wander. Already slick to the touch, unsure what she wants from him. The eyes are more like twin searchlights, and it's a little unsettling; but as she arches up, head lolling, the Titan makes a strange keening sound, like a groan.
The sound reverberates through the air and within her chest, her bones. She figures it must be torture to be stuck in there, wrapped-up seamlessly inside layers of stifling, bloody tissue, maybe with a hard-on and nothing to do about it; the idea is so ludicrous that Annie wants to laugh. She instead offers a rare grin, drawling: "Did you need something else?"
The Titan growls, eyes narrowing. About half-a-metre's worth of tongue unfurls from the flat and lipless maw, closer to grey than pink. Annie stops, unable to breathe.
"Jesus. A-are you—?" She can't finish the thought. The Titan draws back slightly as though gauging her reaction. Without taking her eyes off his mouth, she stresses: "Come here. Slowly."
The Titan bows and extends a few more metres of tongue. Instinctually Annie shies away, but there's really no-where for her to go. She reaches out in a panic and touches the thing. It's slimy, hot in the tolerable sense—probably too large to offer anything besides messy frotting.
This relieves her, somehow. Annie sits back, legs folded, and fingers herself for a bit, morbidly intrigued at how wet she is.
The Titan gets her attention with another low noise, closer to a growl.
She looks up at it and reminds herself that it's only Eren in there, and yes, this is probably a little fucked up, and never mind that an ordinary human would be lucky to walk away from this with severe burns, let alone survive—
"So, what are you going to do with that?" she blurts before she can think twice.
The Titan's ears perk. But he does not advance until she bids him to. Contact is searing and sinuous, causing Annie to yelp. The tongue moves like it's got a mind of its own, frighteningly powerful. He somehow misses her face—trying to be careful, she's sure—and the rest of her front is quickly daubed in saliva, which is… not as appealing as she thought it would be half a second ago.
A frustrated groan escapes her throat, and then his finger pushes her down and she prays to God he doesn't accidentally kill her before he eases her legs apart.
Annie knows in her head what he's about to do without fully accepting it, petrified until they lock eyes and the intent, the eagerness, is unmistakeable in his expression. Her cunt throbs. She bites back a groan.
"O.K. Let me—" fumbling at her chinos again.
All of a sudden he dips his head and there are teeth snapping a hair's breadth from her body, and before she can ask what the hell he thinks he's doing he draws away, baring her to the elements. Well, one leg is bared, anyway.
"Goddam it, Jaeger," she hisses, because she only has a couple pairs of trousers and one harness, but at least she's free, and the Titan is remarkably content as it lowers its head again.
The heat alone is almost too much stimulation to process, and there is so much of him, all-at-once against her legs and belly and—she mangles a cry, hips jolting pre-emptively; he pins her without effort. Before he can pull away a third time, she gets fists in his shaggy hair.
"No," she groans stubbornly. "Don't leave me like this…."
The Titan emits a new sound, jagged and chirpy. Laughter?
Annie tugs at him, every inch of her fraught with tension. "Just do somethi—ah!"
Her voice cracks. Eren merely rumbles as though amused, or aroused. It's a little hard to discern. Annie feels it reverberate all the way up her spine from the point of contact and almost comes despite her lingering terror.
"Fucking hell," she hisses, fist rapping clumsily on his head with nowhere near enough force to harm him. "Be careful with that—" cutting off once a good half-foot of muscle surges against her. Shaking, she closes her legs around it in the vain hope of regaining control.
Eren must sense her unease, because he pauses before retreating. Annie whines at the loss, but he huffs, prodding her cunt again.
"Don't fuck with me," she growls, having somehow surpassed fear and now just exasperated.
The Titan grunts, muffled by trailing tongue, and jerks its head slightly, pointing first to her and then beckoning upward. Light-headed, Annie tries to stand and nearly falls on-all-fours, catching herself upon his palm in the nick of time.
The Titan makes a concerned noise. She bites her lip, face-to-face with the beast. This is like trying to fuck a wall. Or being fucked by—why is she trying to rationalise this?
Annie pushes her forehead against him, convinced she's going to fall again before he slips between her knees. In a fleeting moment of weakness she begs: "Slowly."
He obeys, but he won't let up with her, manipulating the organ so she's perched on her toes to remain upright, slanted against the face.
Then he starts to undulate. She cannot stop trembling even as he croons against her, trying to keep some sort of pace with her hips, fist pressed hastily to her mouth while the other hand curls against the plane of skin that is his cheek.
"E-Eren!" she gasps, shocked at how close she is already. "I—" Her fist impacts him without harm and she cries out hoarsely.
Half a minute later she's still coming down; her nerves are frayed, and the Titan is the only thing keeping her upright.
She feels the tip of the tongue shift under her knee, realises with a start that Eren's turning her around, perhaps trying to accommodate her. She panics, slouching back, her elbows knocking his teeth as he starts to push.
He can't get inside, but it soon becomes apparent he isn't trying to once the tip of the tongue slips upside her belly, poking at her breasts. Annie is emotionally overwhelmed, already sensitive to the point of overstimulation. She can't speak and instead bucks against the muscle, gets two fists in his hair as he meets her halfway.
"Fuck, that's it," she grits, shaky on her feet, "that's a good boy…."
The Titan makes an elongated, jagged noise like a sigh, panting with her.
Pretty soon her legs give out. He's still pushing her, and Annie reckons that maybe he aims to make her bend before she breaks.
"Jaeger," she shudders. "I can't. Not again."
The Titan laughs, slowing pace, propping her up with a swell of the tongue as if to say: Once more.
"You're goddam stubborn, d'you know that?" she breathes.
The Titan snorts, blasting her with breath that is torrid and scentless, making her whimper involuntarily.
"Prove—prove me wrong, then," she croaks, wriggling about in his clutches, "make me come for you."
The tongue flicks and they're back at square one. He's hardly precise, but he doesn't need to be when she's doing most of the work.
It takes twice as long for her to come. She's built up a tolerance to the sheer heat of him; even so, it's a fine line between pleasure and discomfort after a couple rounds, but Annie is unable to articulate much past helpless little noises.
It's a violent sort of relief when she finally does spend, mewling hoarsely, dizzy with heat. As soon as the Titan revokes its tongue Annie crumples to the ground, and Eren is there to hold her.
She's drifting now, the air full of steam, rain-fall a perpetual, subtle hiss in her head. Delirious, Annie raises the back of her hand to brush his jaw. "Said I trusted you," she mumbles.
Relief floods its grim visage. Annie can't help but laugh.
"Oi," she breaks off somnolently, almost shy, "d'you think you can come out of there now?"
The Titan blinks. She grins sleepily.
"Put me up somewhere," she mutters. "I'll wait."
He puts her up in one of the nearby trees. She's cognisant enough to gather what remains of her gear and clothes before settling against the rough bark. Her heart is still thudding along, but her limbs are lead-heavy.
She closes her eyes for a second, unable to fall asleep but still delirious, and concentrates on conserving energy. She can probably Shift one more time without fainting. They're not so far away from camp….
Abruptly, she feels a hand on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, Eren comes into her vision, wide-eyed and sticky with gore. "Oi. You awake?"
She blinks a few times, raising her head. He looks relieved, and says: "That was pretty dangerous, y'know." Annie nods vaguely to show she is listening. "You had me worried for a bit," he mutters, brushing her hair from her face. "Did it—I mean, did I hurt you at all?"
"O.K. And—shit, sorry about the mess, I…" he trails off as though flustered.
"I think I'll manage," says Annie evenly. "Besides, I didn't know you were so dexterous." Eren looks conflicted with himself. Annie snorts. "Anyways, I can't go back looking like this."
"Hunh? Oh, shit, your clothes!" As if just now realising their situation.
She'd be annoyed, any other day. But there's something so ridiculous about Eren fretting over her when he's covered in blood and clad in gear, as though on the battlefield.
"I guess you owe me, then." She catches his shoulder. "You can explain this—" she motions to herself "—to the other soldiers."
He shrugs. "Yeah, all right." His apparent lack of concern intrigues her. He backs away from her, peeling off his cloak, which is still warm, a little bloody (she's surprised he managed to preserve it), and offers it to her. "Put this on, for now. We can tell 'em you burnt through your clothes or something."
It's such a transparent lie that she chuckles before accepting the cloak. "You can tell them. I wasn't the one who took advantage of the situation."
Eren looks indignant. "You said you wanted me to!"
"Yeah. What about it?"
He shudders a little. "Can we get back to the base first?"
"Fine. But how do we get down from here?" She notes he still has his gear, and hers is right beside her. "Unless you plan to wait around for someone to come bring us down, I suppose one of us will have to transform again. I don't mind." She knows he's about to protest and catches his hands on her shoulders. "You can't carry two people with your ODM gear. I can handle this."
He searches her face for a long time, frowning. Annie remains stoic. Squeezing her lightly, he departs with a sigh. "All right. We'll go when you're ready."
a/n: I hope this wasn't too overboard. I'm not entirely convinced, but I did have a lot of fun seeing what I could touch on. Next chapter will be much less outlandish.
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ollyee · 6 years
Pretty.Odd Ryden theory
Okay, so I decided to put all songs from Pretty.Odd together and make one, big Ryden theory from it. I know this ship is almost dead, but I believe something had to be between them. If you have some theories, feel free to send them to me! I will always have time to read about my OTP. And by the way: sorry if I made some mistakes, english isn’t my first language. Anyway, enjoy, folks!
Ready? Here we go!
Nine in the afternoon (SW: everyone)
“Your eyes are the size of the moon.”
Totally don’t know whom this verse refers to, but I’ve written it down because of the “moon” thing. Still searching who is who!
Do you know what I’m seeing? (SW: everyone)
“I know it's mad, but if go to hell, Will you come with me, or just leave? I know it's mad, but the world were ending, Would you kiss me, or just leave me? Just leave me.”
Okay, so maybe it’s just me and I’m misunderstanding the lyrics, but... This may be about Brendon questioning himself if Ryan would go with him no matter what, no matter when. But since this song was written by everyone, those are just my crazy theories.
That Green gentleman (SW: everyone)
“Little deaths in musical beds. So it seems I'm someone I've never met.”
Same as in the previous one. Just a theory, because everyone wrote this song, BUT. Yes, that’s a big “but”. Leeet’s see what Wikipedia has to tell us:
According to Wikipedia: La petite mort (French pronunciation: ​[la pətit mɔʁ], the little death) is an expression which means "the brief loss or weakening of consciousness" and in modern usage refers specifically to "the sensation of orgasm as likened to death".
So, maaaybe it’s a tiny reference to ryden having sex near the ocean JJJ
“Things have changed for me, and that's OK. I feel the same, I'm on my way, and I say.”
This is reaaaally crazy theory and don’t take it seriously, okay? I feel like Brendon is trying to say here: “Things have changed for me (I’m gay), and that’s OK (because I have Ryan by my side)”
I have friends in holy spaces (SW: Brendon)
Aaaand that’s where things get interesting. Since this song was written only by Brendon, we can start making theories!
“You remind me of a former love that I once knew”
He could be talking about Ryan here.
 “We were holding hands walking through the middle of the street It's fine with me, I'm just taking in the scenery”
So, IF he is talking about Ryan, then I interpret this verse in this way: Brendon and Ryan were walking through the street and holding their hands. We all know it’s not usual to see two men holding hands, right? But he says: “It’s fine with me, I’m just taking in the scenery”
“You remind me of a few of my famous friends Well, that all depends what you qualify as friends”
Ryan might remind Brendon about some of his famous friends. And of course – Ryan IS his friend. But, well, it depends what you qualify as friends.
“I'm not complaining that it's raining, I'm just saying that I like it a lot More than you think, if the sun would come out and sing with me”
So now it gets pretty intense. And I’m going to talk more about it in the Northern Downpour. Some of you may know, that after Ryan’s 21st birthday party, Ryro flew to Seattle, just to see with Brendon. And Seattle is rainy. So my theory is that they met in the street, while it was raining. But, of course Brendon wasn’t complaining it was raining, he was happy. And what about this “sun” part? It’s my first argument for Ryan being sun. As we know, Ryan was originally a singer in the band, but then everyone agreed Brendon would suit for this job better. Ryan has some backing vocals, but has never sung in some kind of duet or something. So I think in this verse Brendon is trying to say: “Hey, Ryan, come out and sing with me!”
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Yes, it was in Seattle. And yes, those are the same clothes Ryan had on his birthday party.
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It is believed, that this event is an inspiration to Northern Downpour. Because, you know... Seattle is in the north, and it’s rainy. Also, the fan said he has seen Ryan and Brendon in a restaurant together. Oh, and by the way: “One day we’ll settle in Seattle.” – Ryan Ross in his livejournal, Feb. 6, 2006
 So, now let’s move on to the Northern Downpour! Ryan said in one of the interviews:
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I’ll say more about it later.
“If all our life is but a dream Fantastic posing greed Then we should feed our jewelery to the sea”
Being gay is not something normal. And if Ryan ever loved Brendon, it’s obvious this feeling was really bizarre at the beginning. If I loved my best friend, which is also a girl, I would consider my life being a never ending dream. And sea... As I mentioned already, this album has a lot of references to the sea/ocean (they were there while writing this album) and there’s a theory that Ryden had sex there.
“Hey moon, please forget to fall down Hey moon, don't you go down”
This could have two meanings. First: Ryan flew out from NYC to Seattle in the middle of the night. So he didn’t want the night to end, he wanted to keep that moments with Brendon forever. And second: Here’s my argument why Brendon is “moon”. Ryan doesn’t want to lose him. He want to be with Brendon forever.
“I missed your skin when you were east You clicked your heels and wished for me”
So, yeah, Seattle is in the east, and NYC in the west. Brendon missed Ryan for sure, that’s why Ryro flew all this way to him.
“I know the world's a broken bone But melt your headaches, call it home”
And here we have the line, Ryan told Brendon to pay special attention to. The meaning of this is that the actual world sucks and there’ll be always bad things happening. (Like, most of the society doesn’t accept people being homosexual) That’s why Ryan tells Brendon not to worry about it. Moreover, you remember in previous song, which was written by Brendon, he said: “if the sun would come out and sing with me” So, Northern Downpour is the first song in this album, where Ryan sings WITH Brendon, not just doing some backing vocals. Also, I have to mention that Brendon, when performing Northern Downpour in 2011, he stuttered in this peculiar moment. And in the end, he was almost crying. Here is this video.
When the day met the night (SW: Ryan)
“When the moon fell in love with the sun All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night”
So, as we know, Ryan and Brendon are considered to be Sun and Moon. But there are a lot of problems in identifying who is who.  
“In the middle of summer All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night”
Panic! Was writing Pretty.Odd since March, 2007. So, they were working on the new album in the summer too. And this album has a lot of references to summer/dreams and love. I also think, that if Ryden was real (and I’m more willing to say it was, after reading so many theories), the best period for Ryden was in summer 2007.
“Well he was just hanging around Then he fell in love And he didn't know how But he couldn't get out Just hanging around Then he fell in love”
I know some people say, that Ryan is the Moon, and Beeboo is the Sun. I think it’s in the opposite way. Because, well, this song was written only by Ryan. So the lyrics are more about Ryan, not Brendon, who only sings it. This song contains two major characters: he – Sun, and she – Moon. Here, Ryan refers to him as the Sun, saying that one day he unwillingly fell in love with the Moon – Brendon.
But all of that is complicated, because in some songs it feels like Ryan is the Moon and Brendon is the Sun.
Behind the Sea (SW: Ryan)
“The men all played along To marching drums And boy did they have fun Behind the sea”
And another song written by Ryan, that refers to the sea and probably summer. In addition, this song is more deep, when you hear it really closely. In the background there are plenty of things said by Ryan and Brendon, but as I said you have to listen very closely. Here: https://reiventbeebo.tumblr.com/rydenconspiracies is the full explanation. Excellent work, girl!
Folkin’ arodun (SW: Brendon)
“Allow me to exaggerate a memory or two Where summer's lasted longer than Well longer than we do When nothing really mattered Except for me to be with you”
And yeah, another song about summer and... relationship with someone. (Probably Ryan)
“Your melody sounds as sweet As the first time it was sung”
I think here Brendon wanted to say he fell in love with Ryan’s voice. (well, since he has lots of singing parts in this album)
She had the world (SW: Ryan)
“She held the world upon a string But she didn't ever hold me Spun the stars on her fingernails But it never made her happy”
She - Moon (I think it is about the moon, because of the “spun the stars” part). Ryan is sad, because the Moon never noticed him.
“The sun was always in her eyes She didn't even see me”
 And that’s... Kind of problematic. In this part Ryan can’t be the Sun, because he wasn’t noticed, right? But maybe... (again, don’t take it seriously, it’s just my crazy theory) Moon has been always looking at the Sun (Ryan), but didn’t ever noticed him. You know, Ryan and Brendon were friends from the band, and Brendon was seeing Ryan almost every day. But he has never seen Ryan as something... more than a friend.
 Mad as Rabbits (SW: everyone)
 “We must reinvent love. Reinvent love Reinvent love”
 Here gets pretty interesting. In one of the interviews Ryan claims, those lyrics were inspired by homosexual French poet Arthur Rimbaud, who has written: “I do not love women. Love has to be reinvented, we know that.” (Another Rimbaud reference was in „She’s a handsome women” too. In the line “I wasn’t born to be a skeleton”.) Also, Ryan even had a T-shirt with this quote.
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If anyone made it through to the end... Congrats.
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