#otp: i'll guide you through
simmeons · 1 month
another 10 of the OTP questions with scones
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11. Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?)
McCoy likes packing Scotty lunches more since it was a routine when he was married and took care of his kid, but he's not much of a note writer. Scotty is though, and on the days he packs McCoy a lunch he would write something simple; "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not good at rhyming, I love you"
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren't interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real].
i can't explain how bad McCoy is at texting back. horrible. he's constantly forgetting to reply. Scotty worried a lot in the beginning of their relationship because he would think McCoy is mad at him or something, but they cleared it up. both prefer calling now
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
definitely stay home. screw going out and looking your best when you can stay home snuggled closely to ur human heater of a boyfriend
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Scotty. he's really bad about it. McCoy purposely picks movies HE wants to watch so he avoids getting sad when Scotty falls asleep
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
if the movie isn't actually sad, i don't think either of them would cry. McCoy definitely cries more during sad animal movies though
16. Who hogs the covers?
Scotty. Scotty so Scotty. he already warms run so he doesn't even need the damn covers but McCoy always finds them wrapped around him. he's tried hogging them back, but he learned now that you just have to wiggle yourself into the bundle of warmth and melt completely against Scotty (these are the nights McCoy sleeps the best- get him warm and he's out like a light)
17. Who is more competitive?
both. they try to act like they aren't but when it comes to board games it comes out in full force
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
ive never gotten drunk before (thank god) and never really been around someone who is drunk IRL (also thank god) so NO ONE look at me for this one. but i think Scotty would be very giggly and McCoy is overall just a bit calmer. when they're together though it's a fucking mess. Scotty is getting them into shit and McCoy is progressively feeding into it by coming up with his own drunk ideas of stupid shit to do
When one of them is drunk and the other isnt; they're used to this. they'll gently guide whoever it is through getting sober, since i don't see either of them getting drunk without the other unless they're going through something and alcohol is the only way they see to cope about it. it's an unspoken rule- if you're drunk without me, you're lost. i'll be there when you're sober to talk about it, no judgment
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
i already answered half of this one, so ill answer the other half. i'd probably say after the episode Empath. McCoy gets FUCKING TORTURED GUYS. Scotty is scared and worried for McCoy, but he's constantly playing it off. Scotty isn't exactly mad at the beginning, but he gets progressively more frustrated when McCoy won't open up about it and let him help. he just wants to help- why is McCoy being so stubborn? it admittedly blew up into something bigger than what it needed to be, but fear can make you act irrationally. thankfully they came together with Scotty apologizing about trying to pry too much and potentially babying McCoy, while McCoy apologizes for pushing Scotty away and not being open and honest about things
20. Who randomly brings home a stray puppy/kitten to adopt?
Scotty. he brings home injured animals and looks to McCoy for help, constantly forgetting he's a DOCTOR not a VET. McCoy still tries to help as much as he can
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cool-thymus · 5 months
can i get uhhh no3 and a no10 for the nart questions pls? (hi thymus!!)
Hiiii, Ard! thanks for being interested in my opinion xD I'll start with THE question hehe
10. OTP Who could that be...? 🤔😅 I'm going to use this opportunity to finally make a verbal statement about why i love my otp so much. I started watching Naruto as an experiment in 2022 (at the ripe age of 28) and the land of waves arc got to me: Haku's death (and the way Zabuza used him -yes, i have beef with that guy) got my empathy involved, and Kakashi-sensei charmed me by being incredibly cool AND mysterious. The mysterious part about the origin of his sharingan intrigued me the most: what do you mean "a friend gave it to him"??? who is this friend? where is he? are they still friends? All those questions needed answers. So i learned about Obito Uchiha (mostly through fanart). Then i cried my eyes out watching Kakashi Gaiden and stalled the war arc as long as i could because i knew what was going to happen, and by then i’d already fallen in love with them beyond reason.
Before anything else, this ship is so powerful because separately Kakashi and Obito are incredibly well-written characters. Yes, they complete each other and share their arc till the end, but nevertheless, each of them is autonomous, believable, complex, and deep. They are both the main dish. So the dynamic, the bond they establish between them feels true and natural. One has this sunshine personality, is kind, caring, tenderhearted, and fun; the other has too much to deal with for his age: being a genius will mess with your pride and sense of worth, but not with your tiny, pure, brave heart. Kid Obito and kid Kakashi are so precious, you wanna shield them from everything that is wrong with the world. And then tragedy №1 and tragedy №2 happen that push these two boys to realize they were supposed to be each other’s lifeline. Obito got a head start over Kakashi though. When Kakashi finally sees Obito for who he really is, the sacrifice is already made, leaving Kakashi attached to his lifeline that goes nowhere. 
Tragedy №3 crushes their souls one more time and marks the beginning of the horrendous paths they take: Kakashi drowning himself in guilt and the violence of ANBU missions; Obito being groomed, brainwashed and manipulated into a gruesome conspiracy that perverted his ideals. And despite everything that happens next, they still hold on to their lifeline (the shared sharingan serving as the visualization). They are loyal to each other in their own ways. Kakashi lets his memory of Obito guide him and help him live, while Obito never seeks vengeance or takes the eye back. He even goes beyond imaginable and saves Kakashi’s life one last time. 
They were written to be tragic, but they were also meant to be special. If only Kishimoto had more sympathy and allowed Obito another chance. Those two precious boys could start all over. And this time, post war, their respect, longing, sorrow, adoration, grief, regrets, hopes would be shared, and the love that had struggled to grow for so long would finally be in full blossom.
(and they’re both hot af)
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3. Favorite villain
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(No worries, sweet anon, i don’t consider Obito a villain xD) The key villains like Madara or Danzo remind me of middle-aged men who get hung up on conspiracy theories and start believing that they have the world figured out. So they are more annoying than scary to me. And a villain should be frightening, i think. In the ninja world this would be Orochimaru. He’s an egomaniac, a sensible madman, who is deceitful, merciless, and cruel. We were shown such atrocities, so much abuse, torture, and physical pain inflicted on innocent people. And for what? I’m not sure i fully understand his motives: was it out of fear of death? Or is this just him doing what he loves? He IS the worst, and yet, by the end of shippuden he turns into a comedy bit?! Seriously?! This is all kinds of wrong xD But the facts remain, he is a good villain, creepy and scary.
To lighten up the mood i'll attach this scene from Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals that shows the funniest wtf-ish way to defeat Orochimaru xD (now i wonder what else Kakashi can do with his water jutsu ..)
the nart questions
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streetkid-named-desire · 11 months
Hi you can call me ratstick, I'm an autistic trans nonbinary 30-something (they/them)
Asks and DMs are always open!
Feel free to ask about any mod I'm using, where/how I took a shot, or anything else about my VP/mods!
Pillowfort for nsfw VP/VP I'm afraid will get bonked by Tumblr. I'll always post a safe version with a link to the full photoset.
Summary of how I dealt with the Relic in their post-canon fix it AU and why Bea has quest VP and stuff (contains fic spoilers)
Bea's cyberware: FlexxSys
Rat's Quick and Dirty Guide to Refitting for Flat Chest
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[IN PROGRESS] A Streetkid Named Desire: Definitive Edition:
Johnny Silverhand has been dormant inside Vincent Guerra's brain for two years, leaving him lonely and rudderless. V fills the black hole in his chest with meaningless sexual pleasures. Meaningless…until he stops at a strip club named Doll Parts and meets Bea, a Solo secretly working for Arasaka. Watching her dance, he realizes something is different about her. She's not just a stripper, there's more to her. And V needs to know everything.
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[ONGOING] Heart-Shaped Reliquary fic link masterpost: Collection of short stories and one-shots including backstory fics!
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[ONGOING] From Dogtown with Love photostory masterpost: Post-canon AU: Judy helped V create a BD video game to help him process the trauma of everything. V takes Bea through his time as a spy for the FIA.
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Vincent (V) Guerra
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Batsheva (Bea) Cohen
Henrietta (Honey) Martinez
Nate (Rat) Flick (they/them or he/him)
#emotional support imagination playground fic updates/brainstorming
#OC: Vincent Guerra
#OC: Bea up to 11/4/23, switched tag to her full name
#OC: Batsheva
#OC: Henrietta Martinez
#OC: Nate Flick
#OC: Sally Spiegelman
#OC: Sandy Sanders
#OC: Miriam Cohen
#otp: love at first bark Sally and Nika Yankovich
#otp: cat and mouse Bea and V
#otp: saka suckers Rat and Takemura
#otp: toxic yuri Honey and Maiko
ship: no apology Kerry/V 2077-2078
ftp: net critters Rat and VG
ftp: touch grass (VG and @ totentnz's VS)
#quest vp for exactly what it says on the tin
#cyberjew for all the Nomad Jewish lore and posts about V and Bea being Jewish
Ship Playlist
Last updated: 08/18/2024
This will be updated as needed/when I feel like it/when I'm at my desktop
Bea with her iconic HJKE Yukimura by @kjetll!
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Cat and Mouse by @nananarc!
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Sketch by @heywoodvirgin
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By NukaVex
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franollie · 6 months
you said you were looking for asks so i thought i'd jump in with: 3 (or 5, whichever you'd prefer) favourite comics ever? if you're feeling fancy, two lists, one in terms of quality of the actual comic, and one in terms of character moments etc
Ok so i'll make a list of my top 10 and say why (i'm also not exclusively doing DC comics but they are the majority):
Batgirl (2000): do i even have to explain this one? the art and visual storytelling makes me ill, the way it explores cass's character through her relationship with established characters like bruce and babs, the way cass is so fucking unhinged, the mother-daughter comparisons with shiva&babs vs the father-daughter comparisons between cain&bruce AASSFHFKSDF. ILL.
The New Teen Titans: this one holds a lot of nostalgia for me because it was one of the first comics I read! They were the first team i really latched onto and by extension the first characters i really felt strongly about. Rereading it as an adult and seeing how it still holds up is soooo incredibly satisfying (dickkory was baby's first otp)
Spinning by Tillie Walden: technically cheating because this is a graphic novel but I'm counting it because it's included under the umbrella of sequential art. it's a autobiographical graphic novel about tillie walden's experience growing up a lesbian in the south (of the US) through their relationship with figure skating. i really relate to it and it's a massive inspiration for me and i think everyone should read it
Impulse (1995): ...i'm audhd...it hits a very special and specific place in my heart...but in all seriousness i love the shape language and the character dynamics. god the cast is soooo fun
Robin & Batman: i love introspection and this whole comic is just Dick Grayson introspection. The way it covers Dick's emotional state post his parents death and how Bruce didn't really know how to help Dick outside of guiding him in channeling his grief into being a vigilante makes me insane...also the alfred characterization in this...the implication that he thinks he made the wrong choice by enabling Bruce and wanting to rectify that by not enabling Dick...
Spider-Gwen (2015): The art and concept is what drew me into this comic. I've been a spiderman fan since I was a little kid and the idea of gwen stacy being the spider person...AND SHE WAS A DANCER.. i was hooked. I love gwen as a character on a meta level and in general; she's my girl
Convergence Batgirl: listen...the implications this comic has about steph and cass's relationship...the "what do my eye's say" scene...lovers. teeny tiny baby run but im still counting it as a comic
...Is it cheating to say Young Justice 98? Imma say Young Justice 98: it was a gateway to me finding a bunch of characters that are now my faves. It shines a spotlight on characters we don't see all that often (like Cissie, Cassie, Anita--girl i miss you) I think about this comic constantly
Tea Dragon Society: another graphic novel! this is a comfort read for me! it's cozy it's sapphic it's a low-stakes
Batman/Huntress Cry for Blood: again this feels like kind of cheating BUT its my list so this is what I'm going with. This was my introduction to Helena and omg the feelings i have about her because of this comic...she makes me bonkers...the things i'd do for this woman
Bonus: JLI (i have not ever finished this one but i've started it many times and i love it i just need to actually finish it)
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Mufasa (The Lion King)
Favorite thing about them: What a wonderful king and father he is. So benevolent, so wise, knowing when to be stern, when to be gentle, and when to be lighthearted and playful, so brave and fierce as a fighter, yet "only brave when he has to be," and so warm and loving to his son and willing to fight with his life to protect him. In him, the filmmakers made sure to create a character we would love and admire, for himself as well as because he's Simba's beloved father – it's no wonder that his death is possibly Disney's most heartbreaking moment.
Least favorite thing about them: Hmmm.... I guess I'll say his letting Simba practice his pouncing on Zazu, when Zazu clearly finds it uncomfortable and humiliating, even if it is funny.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I try to respect all creatures.
*I can be lighthearted and playful, but at other times serious and spiritual.
*I have long, thick hair.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a parent.
*I don't have a murderously jealous brother.
*I'm human.
Favorite line:
"Before sunrise he's your son."
"Everything the light touches is our kingdom."
"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king."
"Simba, let me tell you something my father told me. Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars... So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I."
"Remember who you are. You are my son and the one true king. Remember who you are... Remember..."
brOTP: Simba, Zazu, and Rafiki.
OTP: Sarabi.
nOTP: Simba, Nala, or Scar.
Random headcanon: Before Simba was born, Mufasa and Sarabi had trouble conceiving, and/or had another cub who died in infancy. They seem older when Simba is born than Simba and Nala are when Kiara is born, and Mufasa seems too wise and secure in his role as king to have newly assumed the throne. So my guess is that Simba was a "miracle baby." This is also fitting because the production team admitted that Simba's journey was influenced by the Bible story of Joseph, son of Jacob, and Joseph was also born after his mother was barren for many years.
Unpopular opinion: I'm not opposed to his new backstory in the upcoming prequel. I know that some Lion King fans are up-in-arms at the idea of Mufasa having been an orphan who came from nothing, because it contradicts all the well-established fanon about his childhood and Scar's too. But first of all, this prequel will only be canon for the 2019 remake, not for the original 1994 film or the Broadway musical. Secondly, none of the popular fanon details about Mufasa and Scar's childhoods (e.g. that their parents were named King Ahadi and Queen Uru, or that Scar's original name was Taka) were ever official canon. They came from an early spinoff book that Disney has always ignored. Third, it's clear that with this "commoner orphan cub" backstory, Disney is trying to address one of the complaints often aimed at The Lion King. Namely that it glorifies hereditary monarchy and conservative power structures, with the "rightful kings" who were born into privilege and power as the heroes, and vilifying the underdogs who try to change the status quo. I've personally never minded that aspect, because the original Lion King has the feel of a myth; it's not a political tract for humans. But I do understand the complaints, so I don't mind the fact that Disney is trying to answer them by portraying the young Mufasa as an underdog who rose to kingship through his own merit.
Song I associate with them:
"They Live in You" from the stage musical.
Its reprise, "He Lives in You" (also heard in The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride)
Favorite picture of them:
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cevans-is-classic · 2 years
ABO thoughts on my top two OTPs.
Steve sleeps with a shield agent, someone he thought would be safe to explore in the 21st century — who has no hand in the Avengers and doesn't know him.
Someone safe.
Not safe enough.
He's nearly 10 weeks when he finds out — and Tony is the first to notice and the first to be there for him.
Steve is terrified. A baby? He's Captain America? He's an Avenger! How is supposed to have a baby?
"Hey," Tony kneels in front of him, the suit keeping him at eye level. Steve can't stop looking at the shine of the reactor, the glint of the setting sun on the red across his helmet, "Breathe okay? That's all you have to do."
"I can't do this, Tony. I — this — I can't do this."
Tony nods, keeping his hands floating around Steve in a flutter of confusion, "Then don't."
Steve jerks his head up sharp, "I don't want to get rid of it-"
"Hey that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying right now you don't have to do anything. Let me do it. What do you need?"
Whiskey brown eyes follow his, guide Steve through the swell of panic in his chest and the acid that burns his throat, "Help me."
The fingers of the Iron Man suit are always warmer than Steve think they'll be. When they brush his jaw, tilting his chin to look Steve directly in the eye — he melts into it. Into the warmth, the strength, Tony's calming presence.
"Whatever you need, Honey, anything."
Steve reaches out, his own fingers carding through Tony's dark hair, "Thank you."
Castiel has been at the bunker full time for a year when Dean stumbles into the war room with wide frightened eyes. His brow is sweaty, lips bitten red and there's a white stick clutched in his fist.
"Dean!" Castiel jumps up, rushing to the hunter and catching him as Dean's knees seem to give out on him.
"Where Sammy?" His voice doesn't shake. It's steady, solid even as his body seems to shiver in Castiel's hold.
The two of them moved towards a chair, Castiel helping ease his friend down to rest, "He went out. Dean? What's wrong? What happened?" There's no blood, no obvious wounds and when his hands run over him he can't find a lingering spell.
The white stick in his fist cracks when he tightens his hold.
"I'm pregnant."
Castiel feels ice trickle down his spine, skin going tight, throat constricting around a rise of bile he's never tasted before.
"Okay." Dean is pregnant. Castiel nearly forgot that Omega males could carry a child. It's rare, something that few people talk about or hear of in their lifetimes — well, Castiel has lived alot of lifetimes.
Dean glares at him, "Okay?"
"Do you know who the Alpha is?" Another glare, flash of green eyes before Dean knocks Castiel back as he jumps to his feet.
"Okay? I'm pregnant, Cas! Who cares who the fucking Alpha is? I can't be pregnant — I just can't be — everything is finally settling down, Jack is safe, Sam is safe and you... I'm a hunter Cas. I can't be pregnant." His voice drops at the end, a tremor shaking the words put in breath.
Castiel touches Dean's shoulder briefly, squeezing once before he steady his hand on Dean's back and pulls him into an awkward hug.
"Yes," Castiel starts, keeping Dean close to him letting the hunter wrap his arms around his own person, "You are pregnant and no the alpha does not matter. Yes, you are a hunter and things aren't easy in this life, but you can do this. If you choose."
He steps back, momentarily smiling to melt the ice he sees forming in Dean's eyes, "You aren't doing it alone. Ever. You have Sam, Jody, Eileen, Myself-" He pauses, "Maybe even Rowena."
Dean let's out a shaky laugh, "Jack would make an amazing big brother."
"He would." The two of them go silent.
"I have you?" The words are low enough that Castiel thought he'd missed them, "It's a baby, Cas."
Castiel moved his left hand from Dean's arm to his chin, brushing his thumb across the hunters pink bottom lip, "It's a part of you, Dean. I'll always be here."
They're tears in Dean's eyes when he locks eyes with Castiel, "Thank you. Fuck Cas, thank you."
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lana7779 · 18 days
Hi there! I come to you with another one of those Pandora Hearts asks, I hope you don't mind :] I was thinking about the idea of pairing up Xerxes Break and Kevin Legnard and you have interesting OTP takes all the time, so I wanted to ask you about it! They may be the same person, but they also act so differently and have different designs too >.< I'm sure in the canon it could happen with some time travel magic
Receiving asks like these is such an honour, because it's like, 'somebody wants to hear my opinion on something???'
Also "interesting OTP takes all the time" is so amazing to hear, because to me it just seems very basic, very standard, 'they are in love, your honour,' but now I'm curious which takes and which OTPs have sparked your interest to say such kind words! <3 (maybe send another Ask with your own thoughts? O:) )
But back to the show!
Fair warning, selfcest is not my area of expertise, so I'm not sure which direction exactly you want to take this in (or if you even mean selfcest at all), but this was a really fun Ask to think about, so I hope I'll be able to provide you with some food for thought!
So let's take a walk!
First of all, you're right, though Kevin and Break are the same person, they're SO different, that they might as well be two different people, from their character traits to visual design. That's why I never really gave Kevin much thought, and I don't even like him that much compared to Break. But thinking about this Ask, I came up with the idea that I'd go as far as to argue, that not only Kevin and Break are different, but the Kevin pre Abyss and post Abyss, are two different people as well. So, in fact, I think we're dealing with three different characters here.
I'll explain better what I mean.
When I think about Break travelling back in time to meet post Abyss Kevin, I think their relationship would be of a hurt/comfort type. I think Break would pity Kevin and treat him like a wounded animal that just needs love and tenderness to heal. Their relationship reminds me of those therapy gimmicks where it's like, "if you could talk to your 8 year old self, what you say to her?" or "you must caress and hold your inner child." This is what this relationship reminds me a lot of.
So if Break was to meet post Abyss Kevin, he'd want to take his hand and be gentle with him and guide him, and hold him while he cries over his remorse. Of course, Kevin would just be confused and maybe even lash out at Break, which is where the 'hurt' in 'hurt/comfort' would come in, because he'd be wrecked and broken after realizing how much he fucked up and would push away any attempt at comfort, thinking that he deserves his pain. However, Break, who has lived through that pain, knows that what Kevin truly needs is just someone to tell him that things will be alright, that there is hope for the future and a different path to salvation.
So their relationship would be all soft kisses and gentle touches as Break helps Kevin heal and shows him the light again.
Now, as for pre Abyss Kevin and Break... They're honestly so different. I think this one would be just fun and adventure. Because I can see Kevin getting intrigued by Break, from his attire to the way he acts. Think about it this way, Kevin is just a regular dude on his way to work, doing whatever knightly duties he's got going on. He's living a pretty standard average life. When suddenly, a man in a white coat, a purple undershirt and a blue cravat walks by him, making Kevin turn his head as they walk by.
I also like to think that Break is something Kevin wishes to be, or just wishes he had more in his life. Because remember, the man is just working a standard 9-5 with nothing exciting really happening. Yeah, he's taking care of the Sinclair family, and he has fun with the kids and stuff, but I'd imagine he's yearning for some sort of adventure to add some spice to his life. Break is that spice.
So if they were to meet, I think Kevin would be most intrigued by Break and follow him around on whatever adventures Break decides to take him on. (Cue, 'I can show you the world' from Aladdin.)
Break would gladly provide those fun times because he's not one to live a dull life and would never wish that upon anyone. So their relationship would be all fun and games and mischief, in which Break teaches Kevin how to loosen up and to live a little.
So.... yeah! These are kinda my thoughts on them! :D
If you do end up writing about them, I'd love to read what you've got! I've only ever seen one other fic for this pair (on FFN, I believe?), so it's definitely an unexplored avenue that could be fun to venture into!
Best of luck to you, and feel free to keep sharing your thoughts and asking questions! <3 :D
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ben1d · 1 year
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Check Your CIBIL Score for a Personal Loan
Are you considering applying for a personal loan? One of the most crucial factors that lenders consider when evaluating your loan application is your creditworthiness, which is reflected in your CIBIL score. Your CIBIL score gives lenders an idea of how responsible you are with credit and helps them decide whether to approve your loan and at what interest rate. In this post, I'll walk you through the steps to check your CIBIL score before applying for a personal loan.
Step 1: Gather Required Information Before you begin, ensure you have the following information ready:
Personal Details: Your full name, date of birth, gender, and permanent address.
Identity Proof: A valid government-issued photo ID like Aadhar card, passport, driver's license, or PAN card.
Contact Information: Your email address and mobile number.
Step 2: Choose a Credit Bureau In India, there are multiple credit bureaus that provide credit scores. The most widely used one is CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau India Limited). You can also check your credit score from other bureaus like Experian, Equifax, and CRIF High Mark. For the purpose of this guide, we'll focus on checking your CIBIL score.
Step 3: Visit the CIBIL Website Go to the official CIBIL website (www.cibil.com).
Step 4: Navigate to the "Get Your CIBIL Score" Section Look for the section on the website where you can request your CIBIL score. This is usually prominently displayed on the homepage.
Step 5: Fill in Your Personal Information Provide the required personal details accurately in the online form. Make sure your information matches the official records.
Step 6: Verify Your Identity You'll be asked to upload a scanned copy of your identity proof. Ensure that the document is clear and legible.
Step 7: Authenticate Through an OTP Once you submit the required information, you'll receive an OTP (One-Time Password) on your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP on the website to verify your identity.
Step 8: Review and Accept Terms Carefully review the terms and conditions provided by CIBIL. Accept the terms to proceed.
Step 9: View Your CIBIL Score After completing the verification process, you'll be able to view your CIBIL score. This score typically ranges from 300 to 900. A higher score indicates better creditworthiness.
Step 10: Download Your CIBIL Report You may also have the option to download your complete CIBIL credit report. This report provides detailed information about your credit history, including your credit accounts, repayment history, and any outstanding debts.
Remember that you can check your CIBIL score for free once a year. If you need to check it more frequently, you might need to subscribe to a credit monitoring service provided by CIBIL.
Having a good CIBIL score is crucial for securing a favorable interest rate and terms on your personal loan. If your score is lower than expected, consider taking steps to improve it before applying for a loan. Regularly checking your CIBIL score can help you stay informed about your financial health and take proactive measures to maintain a positive credit profile.
Disclaimer: This post is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always consult with a financial advisor before making any financial decisions.
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blossomsutonium · 7 years
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cousyfest 2k17, day six — crossdressing
the rocky horror picture show, starring phil coulson as dr. frank n. furter and daisy johnson as rocky horror
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mimisempai · 3 years
It doesn't matter where you're going, it's who you have beside you
Loki, who can't resist a challenge from his brother, finds himself having to manage both driving and navigation... Mobius observes all this out of the corner of his eye as they pass the same tree for the third time...
30 days OTP challenge
Day 1: getting lost together
As always I like to confront Loki with the realities of life and see how he handles it, with the help of Mobius of course and a little fluff too...
1130 words - Rating G
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Seeing that they had just passed the same tree twice, Mobius wondered if he should say something to Loki and especially how to say it without hurting his pride.
They were taking a little road trip on earth for their vacation.
From the beginning, Mobius had been both the driver and the co-pilot, planning their stopovers, Loki willingly letting himself be driven and having no desire to read the GPS.
Their last stop had been New Asgard, where Thor was also spending some days.
Although Mobius was still happy to see the two brothers together now that they had rebuilt their relationship, he regretted encouraging Loki to accept his brother's challenge.
Thor, having learned that Loki did not drive, had challenged him to get behind the wheel and drive home without Mobius' help.
Mobius saw the gleam in Loki's eye, and under Thor's thunderous laughter, they got back into their car and headed for the place where they would open a timedoor to go home.
As for the driving, Loki was doing pretty well, the clutch had squeaked a bit but now he was managing well. On the other hand, in terms of orientation...
Seeing the tree pass for the third time, Mobius could not hold back from saying something.
"Hum Loki, don't you want me to guide us?"
Seeing his lover's stubborn expression, Mobius knew there was no need to insist.
He just heard Loki mutter to himself, "I'm a god, it's not something as simple as reading an electronic map that's going to resist me anyway!"
Mobius found it hard to keep from smiling.
Even though Loki was sometimes stubborn in the extreme, Mobius liked to see him determined like that.
They passed a meadow where a few cows were grazing, then a clearing where a few deer were running and now the sun was very low on the horizon and night was beginning to fall.
Mobius looked again at Loki, who was holding the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white and whose gaze was passing quickly between the road and the GPS.
Nevertheless, Mobius could not help admiring his profile, which was cut out in the light of the setting sun, which made his eyes shine with a particular brilliance, throwing glittering light into them. His lips were tight from concentration, and his black strands that fluttered from the wind that penetrated through the open window of the car.The trip would have been very pleasant if it weren't for the fact that they were trying to get home.
"Damn it!"
Mobius snapped out of his reverie at Loki's interjection.
By the time Mobius' gaze returned to Loki's face, his expression had changed from determined to annoyed.
"We missed the junction!"
Despite or because of the tension of the moment, Mobius couldn't hold back a laugh and said to Loki, "Loki, admit that we're lost and that the junction had nothing to do with it, sweetheart.
"I guess we are... lost..." Loki replied with a sheepish look that made Mobius want to hug him.
But he held back and said to Loki, a forgiving smile on his lips, "Pull over to the side of the road over there, and I'll set the GPS."
Loki grumbled, but did as Mobius had just suggested.
After they parked, Loki immediately got out of the car, slammed the door, and walked briskly toward the field they were parked next to, and stood with his arms crossed looking out at the horizon. Everything about his attitude spoke of annoyance and disappointment.
Mobius thought the GPS could wait and walked over to his dejected lover.
He embraced him from behind, putting his head against his back.
"Loki, don't get angry for so little, there is no harm in not getting it right the first time."
While placing his hands on Mobius' hands crossed on his chest, Loki grumbled something incomprehensible.
"What did you just say?" asked Mobius.
"Thor won... that's what pisses me off the most, I'm sure he'll gloat."
"Ah that..."
Mobius tightened his grip and spoke against Loki's back, "Sweetheart, what if I told you that you made me happier than you made Thor? Do you believe me?"
"Hmph! I don't believe you." replied Loki with a scowl.
"Well, I love that you and your brother rebuilt your relationship, I love that you weren't afraid to take on the challenge, that your sense of direction added to your lack of knowledge of the gps allowed us to spend more time together and extend his vacation a bit more... should I continue?"
Loki turned in his arms, a slight smile on his lips and replied, "No, I think I get it. But-"
Mobius cut him off and stood on his tiptoes to embrace him and finish calming Loki's frustration, showing him better than words how much he was enjoying the moment.
When they separated to catch their breath, Loki had a fake pout and growled, "But I'm still pissed that I lost to Thor."
Laughing, Mobius took his hand and pulled him behind him to the car.
"You'll get your revenge, one day or another, Sweetheart." He paused for a moment before continuing, "You want to keep driving?"
"Yes, since that at least I seem to have it under control."
"Well, we'll just split the duties."
They sat again in the car, Loki behind the wheel and Mobius leaning over the GPS.
"Um... Loki?"
Turning on the car, Loki turned to Mobius.
"You know you have to put in a destination for the GPS to give you directions?"
Seeing Loki's expression, Mobius knew immediately what the answer was and could not hold back his laughter.
Loki leaned over and banged his head on the steering wheel, repeating, " What an idiot, but what an idiot!"
Mobius caught his breath after his outburst of laughter and then lifted Loki's head and turned it toward him, "But you are my idiot and I love you."
"I don't know how you manage to love me, but I love you too, just for that." replied Loki before kissing him, losing himself in the kiss rather than thinking about how he had just made a fool of himself.
A little later, they were on their way again, Loki at the wheel, Mobius at the gps, a perfect team to get home safely.
Until they reached their destination, their smiles never left their faces, Mobius' hand never left Loki's knee and Loki's hand only left Mobius' shoulders to change gears.
As always, no matter what direction they would go, no matter what detours, no matter what backtracking, no matter what forced stops they would make, they would always arrive at their destination, because they were doing it together.
Together. For all time. Allways. ________
Series of Oneshots : Together, for all time, always
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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I broke tumblr before by trying to upload the writer bingo so I'll upload that in a minute but whilst I'm here...
There's a box that says "Can't write smut to save their life" and it gave me this great idea for a crack fic where, like, the OTP are in a Fuck Or Die scenario or Aliens Made Them Do It and they're like "Well, guess we have to do this" and nothing happens. And they have to break the forth wall to beg and plead the author into writng them have sex and they start to gently guide them through writing it and it starts to go well, but then there's an awkward sentence and they're like "You want us to do what? You want my leg where??? Did you just lose track of what body limb is where or something??? DO YOU WANT US TO DIE? AUTHOR GOD DAMN YOU GET IT TOGETHER"
And you don't see the author but you get the feeling the author is sweating and crying and shaking, and they were not built for smut.
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my-robot-heart · 3 years
Well, I feel obliged to add my Lizzington song rec, too)
Now, it may be a little cheesy, but I've been a fan of Modern Talking (amongst many other bands and singers, of course, but this band holds a special place in my heart) ever since I was a little girl and it's become sort of a shipping routine for me to find MT songs that fit my OTPs.
But I'm getting sidetracked... The point of this ask is that I think that Modern Talking's song "You're my Heart, You're my Soul" fits Lizzington rather well, especially from Red's point of view.
I mean, even if we just look at the title (which is simultaneously a line of the chorus) it's a well-known fact that Lizzy is Red's heart and, to a degree, soul (or, at least, the light that guides his soul through the darkness his life has become).
As for lyrics? Well, I can copy them all, to be honest, but the parts that really stand out to me are:
"Deep in my heart there's a fire burning hard
Deep in my heart there's desire for a start
I'm dying in emotion, it's my world in fantasy
I'm living in my, living in my dreams"
and, of course, the chorus:
"You're my heart, you're my soul
I keep it shining everywhere I go
You're my heart, you're my soul
I'll be holding you forever, stay with me together"
Oh my gosh, thank you for this one Di - the lyrics are definitely perfect Lizzington. Honestly I don't bother classifying songs as cheesy because if they speak to you then they speak to you, you know? So no need to worry about that lol.
I love that line too-
I'm dying in emotion It's my world in fantasy
What could be more Reddington than that, indeed? Basically he's just a lovestruck guy with a heart that beats for Lizzie, and can we fault him for that? No. Haha.
Thanks again for sending this one for us to enjoy :-)
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shi-daisy · 5 years
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Hello everyone! We're on day two of Ulquihime Week, and I'm super excited! Why you ask? Well because I absolutely love the prompts for this day in particular 😏 (a.k.a and excuse to write fluffy smut of my OTP) Nah, but joking aside, I've been wanting to write a Honeymoon scene with these two for a while and now I get to, which is neat. I hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week - Day 2: First Glance/ Desire
"You don't have to do this, you know." Orihime chuckled as her husband carried her through the door of the suite.
"It is a human tradition for husbands to carry their brides this way." Ulquiorra protested. "I intend for this vacation to be perfect and that includes following the aforementioned traditions. Now, I want you to relax and unwind. You must be tired from greeting everyone."
That was partially true. While the wedding and reception had been close to perfect, Orihime was still a little sore from walking in heels all day.
"I'll take a rest on the bed then. You should take a bath, after all, I wasn't the only one who had to run around greeting everyone."
Ulquiorra nodded and obeyed. Leaving her with the room to herself.
Orihime quickly put her plan into motion, setting up candles, rose petals and carefully taking off her wedding dress. Underneath it she was wearing a white skin tight lingerie set, it had a simple pattern and transparent socks, still, she felt self-conscious wearing it.
'Maybe I shouldn't have let the girls talk me into doing this. What if Ulquiorra doesn't like It? What if I get stuck in this? Maybe I ate too much cake...! What if-?!'
Orihime was so distracted she didn't notice Ulquiorra had come out of the bath. He was blushing profusely, his eyes were glued to her, and he was still slightly wet from the bath.
"This is certainly a surprise." His voice was deep and laced with lust. "I didn't know you had such tastes, Mrs. Schiffer."
She shivered at the mention of her new last name. Ulquiorra walked towards her, crashing their lips together in a heated kiss. Orihime let him lay her softly down on the pillows.
The silk sheets were soft against her bare back, still, she was getting goosebumps wherever her husband touched her.
Ulquiorra's hands wandered through her legs, then her sides, her chest, and even her neck, eventually his fingers stopped at her lips. "Are you nervous?"
"A little. I know this isn't the first time we've done this but...it is our first night as husband and wife. I want it to be perfect. Is that silly?"
"Not at all. I understand how you feel. It's been stressful having to deal with the wedding and all the planning. But we are together now, and every moment with you it's perfect. Just relax my dear, let us enjoy this night."
Orihime smiled and answered with a kiss.
Soon all the lace garments were on the floor, the only light in the room came from the candles, and their heavy breathing was the only sound heard in the room.
Ulquiorra's eyes looked as if they were glowing, she was always mesmerized by that gaze.
"Did you always look at me this way?"
Ulquiorra chuckled. "From the first glance, I've kept my eyes solely on you."
"Good. I want both your eyes and your hands solely on me."
"Getting impatient, aren't we? Then I suppose I must satisfy you."
Ulquiorra was always gentle, which was something she loved, but tonight Orihime wanted more intensely.
"Ulquiorra, is it okay if I take over?"
He was surprised by the request but immediately agreed. "Very well. You're in charge now Mrs. Schiffer," he whispered.
Orihime's heartbeat was racing as she positioned herself on top of Ulquiorra. He was still staring at her with the same piercing gaze.
"Do whatever you like with me," Ulquiorra told her. It was enough to stir her lustful instincts.
She started with his neck, making sure to leave marks wherever her lips touched. Orihime could hear her husband gasping softly whenever she touched him.
'That's why he likes it when I'm loud.' she thought.
Feeling more devious than usual she took and of his hands and guided it towards her entrance.
"Can you feel how drenched I am? This is your fault, my dear. I crave you badly."
"Then you shall have me."
Ulquiorra kissed her deeply as his fingers prepared her. Orihime didn't worry about being loud, not for the time being.
"I'm ready. Take me now."
Ulquiorra placed his hands on her waist, slowly pushing her down on his length. Orihime moaned, grasping the sheets tightly.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed. Keep going."
They both settled on a fast pace, which grew more frantic over time. Ulquiorra let his lips wander all through his wife's body, taking pleasure in all of her reactions.
"Ulquiorra, please. I'm close."
"Me too." Ulquiorra pulled her close, their foreheads were touching and their breaths were mixing. "Let out your voice for me Orihime. I want to hear it."
She obeyed, not holding back any moans or gasps, Ulquiorra didn't remain quiet either, as they both succumbed to pleasure.
Orihime let herself fall on the fluffy pillows, her tired body finding comfort in the soft material. Ulquiorra was still holding onto her, resting his head on her chest.
"You seem to have a special fascination with my chest." Orihime joked. "Whenever we do this, you place your head there."
"Not just your chest, but rather your heart. You were the first person to ever offer me such a thing."
"You know my heart is yours, all of me is. I love you Ulquiorra."
"I love you too."
Another deep kiss followed, along with sweet touches and flirty words. Hours passed before both of them were fully satisfied.
Exhaustion began to take over until Orihime felt her husband carrying her.
"Ulqui? What are you doing?"
"I've prepared us a bath. So we can sleep better."
Orihime smiled, the bath was filled with warm water, bubbles, and some flower petals. She was fully soothed just by laying there.
Ulquiorra took care of washing her, careful not to disrupt her relaxation. Orihime returned the favor, running her hands through his hair and shampooing it.
"You always look cute in the bath." She giggled.
"I think that's just your drowsiness talking."
"No, I'm sure it's not." she playfully kissed his forehead. "Thanks for such a wonderful night. I'm so happy to be here with you."
"Likewise, my dear."
Their 5 weeks of Honeymoon had passed and the couple would soon return to Karakura.
Ulquiorra hated to admit it, but he would miss the beach and the pastel sky. This alone time he had with Orihime had been pure bliss, and a part of him didn't want it to end.
"Ulqui, I need to tell you something before we go back home."
He turned to look at his wife. She was smiling but he could see the worry in her eyes.
"What is it, dear?"
"Um, how do I put it...I think that I might be pregnant."
He was surprised for a moment, but that turned to joy very quickly. "You mean to tell me we'll have a new addition to the Schiffer family?"
"Yes. I'm going to take more tests when we get back home, but I'm almost certain we'll be having a baby."
It didn't happen often, but Ulquiorra felt some tears streaming down his face.
"Oh honey, you're going to make me cry too." Orihime's silver eyes were watering as well.
Ulquiorra pulled her into a soft kiss, and then bent down to kiss her tummy.
"We'll be waiting for you, little one. I can't wait to see you."
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mianmimi · 4 years
Welp. As the world’s in quarantine, might as well rec a few songs that remind me of strordo, because music heals <3
  First, Gravity by Sara Bareilles. Putting it under the strordo lens, the lyrics to me are all Mordo’s POV post-DS with Mordo examining his relationship with Stephen, how Stephen changed him and saw through him just like he saw through and changed Stephen, and deciding his love for Stephen makes him weak :(
  [Verse 1]
Something always brings me back to you
It never takes too long
No matter what I say or do
I’ll still feel you here until the moment I’m gone
You hold me without touch
You keep me without chains
I never wanted anything so much
Than to drown in your love and not feel your rain
Set me free
Leave me be
I don’t wanna fall another moment into your gravity
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I’m supposed to be
But you’re on to me and all over me
  [Verse 2]
Oh, you loved me ‘cause I’m fragile
When I thought that I was strong
But you touch me for a little while
And all my fragile strength is gone
  [Verse 3]
I live here on my knees
As I try to make you see
That you’re everything I think I need here on the ground
But you’re neither friend nor foe
Though I can’t seem to let you go
The one thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down
  You Belong to Me by Sue Thompson is for Mordo doing his soul-searching/Eat-Pray-Love thing around the globe (doing whatever to sorcerers but Stephen doesn’t know that ssshhhh), from Stephen’s POV.
  See the marketplace in old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember when a dream appears
You belong to me
  As Much As I Ever Could by City and Colour gives me those Mordo subconsciously wanting Stephen to find him vibes.
  Bring me your love tonight
No I am not where I belong
Bring me your love tonight
  No I am not where I belong
So shine a light and guide me home
  Hold You in My Arms by Ray LaMontagne
  My Jinji by Sunset Rollercoaster.
  Dare Me by the Pointer Sisters for that vintage flavor and to end on a fun and danceable song ;)
Ah yes sweet Nonny! Gravity is one of my favorite songs. It just matches incredibly well with my various otps through the years hehehe. It’s such a perfect song for Morod still being in love with Stephen and struggling with said love and his desire to be free of it. It’s such a tragic fate and the song encapsulates it all so well.
But you’re neither friend nor foe
Though I can’t seem to let you go
One thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down
Ughhh that part in particular hurts hard. That’s the strordo angst in a nutshell. Though the song is heavy with Mordo’s pov, I feel like this part matches them both. Neither can truly let go of the other, and both know that the other will restrain them. When I say restrain I mean like...keep them from going too far in their plans. Mordo will have a limit, as will Stephen. And that limit is each other. Also just the concept of being each other’s gravity is super interesting considering that their relics are ummm....anti gravity XD The Cloak of Levitation that allows Stephen to fly, and the Boots that allow Karl to essentially walk on air. If those represent their powers and abilities, then gravity would be weakness. Idk Nonny, it just seems like perfect for them and I’m glad you shared it!
As for the song “You Belong to Me,” I can totally imagine it playing while we get a montage of Karl traveling around the world to do some soul searching interlaced with Stephen waiting worriedly by the window and looking at maps. I just love vintage songs so this reallt made me smile listening to it ^^ Fits well playing in a Sanctum too! Just imagine Cloak sway to the song. So sweet!
“As much as I Ever Could” was a new discovery for me and boy am I glad you recommended it. It’s such a haunting song dearest nonny. So melancholy and full of longing and homesickness. I feel like this what Karl truly feels but he’s still in the denial stage. Perhaps it’s what he’s feeling when he’s still at that fine between between running back home or continuing on his new path.
When you kissed my lips, with my mouth so full of questions
My worried mind, that you quiet
Place your hands on my face
Close my eyes and say
Love is a poor man's food
With no proper side
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
Those lyrics tear me up like crazy omg! Sounds like something Karl would write down in a letter he’ll never send ;____; Karl baby please come home ;____; Stephen needs you. You need Stephen. Even the last supreme said so!
“My Jinji” has a very easy going sound doesn’t it? Very comforting, gentle, but also sexy. Tbh I imagined them having some make up sex while listening to the song. And of course the time theme fits very well with them. I just want Stephen to tell Karl not to cry ;___;
My Jinji don't you cry
This world out of time
Of time out of mind
My Jinji please don't cry
In this world out of time
Time out of mind
(Out of mind)
It’s just sweet and sexy and I totally subscribe to that vibe for strordo.
“Dare Me” has such powerful vocals doesn’t it? And also...a super flirty feel! I can really imagine Mordo singing this too. Chiwetel’s got some mad singing skills folks, so Mordo’s gotta have some of that too hehee *hard winks* This song makes me think of him just wanting Stephen to make a move already. Like I know you want this, come and get it already.
I hope that lean hungry look means what it's saying
'Cause I'm just sittin' on ready, ready and waiting
Baby, make your move
Step across the line
Touch me one more time
Come on, dare me
I want to take you on
I know I can't lose
I'll be loving you if you just dare me
On a light note I just wanna imagine Karl playing this in the background while he works out in the courtyard giving Stephen the most intense come hither eyefucking. Go on Stephen....you know want some hehehe.
Thanks so much for this sweet nonny! I had a lot of fun!
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