#other crafters projects
renthony · 18 days
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Buy some beeswax candles from a household of disabled queer crafters!
Hey everyone, there are some changes happening with the Etsy shop I run with my husband @kryptidkhaos!
For one, we've rebranded! When I first opened the shop, I was handling everything on my own, but Aiden's taken over a significant amount of the labor while I work on all the other projects I have going at any given time. The shop's original name, "Ren's Curio Shop," didn't quite fit now that it's not just mine anymore, hence...Candles and Cantrips!
The candle part should be obvious from the photos at the top of this post, but why "cantrips"? Because I'm starting to make dice and other tabletop gaming related crafts again! Over the next few weeks I'll be working to add new listings for dice, dice accessories such as bags, trays, and storage boxes, and a few more fun things you'll hear about once I make more progress.
Until that's all ready to list, we still have a wonderful selection of unscented, all-natural beeswax candles--including three brand-new listings for votives and mini tapers.
The prices on a couple of our listings have gone up slightly, adjusted to accommodate higher beeswax prices and cost of living in the second half of 2024. We haven't raised them too terribly much, though, so if you're in the market for beeswax candles, I hope you'll check out our shop! Each candle is made by a couple of disabled queers in our crappy little apartment kitchen, and each purchase supports our little queer family as we try to survive the capitalist hellscape we must exist in.
Candles & Cantrips on Etsy
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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theyarnwizard · 5 months
PSA for crafters:
It's okay to not want to do your craft, just because you are a creative person doesn't mean that you need to be constantly creating and making!
Putting down a project that is driving you nuts and playing Skyrim for a week is OKAY!
Needing a break from your project is natural, even if it's just to pick up another one of your other hobbies.
The point of doing something you love is to enjoy doing it, so if you're not vibing, just take a break! It doesn't make you "less" of a knitter or crocheter or whatever. Be kind to yourselves, take a break and drink some water! 😚
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aquaquadrant · 2 months
hey miners and crafters 🗣️ tomorrow evening i will post the final chapter of ‘from eden’
writing this story has been an amazing journey, and it ain’t over yet. i’ve got plenty of future oneshots planned for the HTP au, which will surely not turn into elaborate multi-chapter projects. surely. my next goal is to get the fic (and all my other mcyt stuff) uploaded to A03 so y’all can keep track more easily 😂
howEVER, i’m about to start my final year of vet school, which means nonstop clinical rotations AND my board exam, so i can’t promise when that will come. all i can say is i’ll continue to write as long as i’m inspired, same as mel will continue to make art, and we’ll still reply to asks and tags as we receive them. so it may be slow(er) going, but there’s still lots to look forward to ✌️
(P.S. y’all might wanna make sure you’ve got plenty of time when u sit down to read it. this one is a doozy.)
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vroomvroomcircuit · 5 months
From all four corners of the world comes my love 4 you
(A/N): This has been written with the inspiration @foreveralbon brought me. I love you and your incredibly mind, honey
Summary: Lando's girlfriend is a seamstress working at a tailor shop. She is repairing his clothes, he is cutting holes into his sleeves. Together, they release the cutest merch
Pairing: Lando x fem!reader
Warnings: None, this is so fluffy, I'm crying myself to sleep. I need a Lando like this
Wordcount: 2.9k
🏎Masterlist🏎 __________________________
(Y/N) thinks she is about to go crazy. Manic even.
Over and over again she patches up holes in her boyfriend’s long sleeves.
And over and over again new holes appear. It’s like this is her Sysiphus task. Just repairing Lando’s clothes day in and day out.
Don’t get her wrong. (Y/N) does this for three different reasons.
The first being that she is a seamstress, working in a tailor shop. This craft is how she pays her rent and food.
The second reason is that she really can’t have her boyfriend go out looking like he just got picked up at the side of the road begging for a warm meal and shelter.
The third reason may be less obvious than the previous ones. Acts of services is (Y/N)’s love language. She is not particularly good at letting people around her know of the appreciation she holds for them. Verbally at least. It’s not the way she grew up. She learned that actions speak louder than words can. So patching up her boyfriend’s clothes gives the young woman the opportunity to prove how much she loves him. She just hopes that Lando understands the meaning as it is intended.
Little does (Y/N) know, Lando really appreciates her patching up holes. What he isn’t a big fan of is when she repairs those that are intentional. The ones in his long sleeves are put there on purpose.
While (Y/N) is meticulously sewing, Lando goes snip snip in the other room with a pair of scissors. He just loves having sleeve paws, but it’s annoying when his thumbs are jailed in.
“Lando, have you seen my scis- What are you doing there?!” He turns around, looking at his girlfriend like a child being caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Freeing my thumbs?” He tries to explain in a small voice, scared that she is about to go off on him for ruining his clothes.
(Y/N) sits down next to him on the ground. “If you have told me you want thumb holes, I could have done it for you. I would hem them for you, so they won’t fry. If you want me to, can I take some of your shirts to the shop tomorrow and work on them during slow times?” The way Lando’s eyes light up makes her wish for a camera to keep the memory of it.
(Y/N) not only fixes the holes in his sleeves.
“Love, would you put another patch on my jeans?” Lando saunters into her little crafting room. When she moved into his apartment in Monaco, he insisted on transforming a guest room into her own sewing cave. It was only fair. He got his gaming room as his hobby room, so his girlfriend needs her own territory too.
The room is filled with different sewing machines, one wall is decorated with threads of all kinds, colors and thicknesses. Several shelves are overflowing with different fabrics of any kind imaginable. Every shade, pattern or reflection that any crafter would kill for. Lando really spoils her and happily let’s (Y/N) run loose in a craft store, draining his credit card to her heart's fullest content.
(Y/N) would feel bad, if it wasn’t for the big difference in salaries they sport. Also, it is Lando’s way of treating his girl. Instead of flowers or a bag he buys her a new Bernina B 325, which is not something she is exactly complaining about. They share most of their expenses, but still, working at a tailor shop will never make you a millionaire.
Currently working on her own project of making a quilt out of scrap fabric for Max’s upcoming birthday, (Y/N) barely looks up to her boyfriend. “Yes, of course, sunshine. Just put it over there and I’ll have a look at it in a bit. Do you have any preference for the new patch? I ordered city themed ones a few days back and they arrived today.”
Without having to be pointed into the direction, the Brit already goes through the drawer that is solely dedicated to the patches (Y/N) accumulated during the last few years.
If he is being honest, that kind of work of hers is his favorite. Lando is just amazed by the different shapes, colors and themes her collection entails and how her delicate efforts bring a new individual mark to his favorite pair of jeans.
“I think I want to go with this one,” he mumbles after sifting through the drawer. Lando places a small rose next to the currently used sewing machine for her to not have to search for it in the midst of the chaos that is going on on the several desks in this hobby room.
He actually loves spending some down time here, especially when his girlfriend is working on her own projects. Lando hides under one of the desks, sometimes scrabbling away on pieces of paper for the next helmet sketch, sometimes answering some important emails on his laptop and other times he lies down between different piles of fabric and takes a nap. Having (Y/N) hack away with the machine, occasionally cursing under her breath when she pinches herself sewing something by hand or the music playing on a low volume brings Lando great comfort.
Spending quality time this way is secretly Lando’s happy place that he visits mentally during stressful patches when he is away.
A couple days later the door to the tailor shop (Y/N) works at rings the bell, alerting her of a new customer. “I’ll be with you in a second!” She calls from an adjoining room, cleaning up her work space from the trims that have been left by the jeans she just shortened.
“How can I hel- LANDO!” The young woman exclaims, rounding the register to jump into his arms. “I thought you’ll return from Australia tomorrow”, she murmurs into his shirt. The thumbs are, of course, able to escape through the holes she recently cut and hemmed like promised.
He laughs into her hair. “I wanted to surprise you and pick you up from work like the good boyfriend I am. I also got you something from ‘Straya.” Out of thin air (his back pocket actually) Lando procures a small stack of Australia themed patches.
“Oh, honey, they are perfect. Thank you so so much!” She kisses him all over the face until finally putting her lips onto his. “Just let me close the shop and we can go home and enjoy our evening.” Lando presses another kiss onto her lips, “Hurry up, I can’t wait holding you in my arms again.”
While (Y/N) packs her things up, Lando goes through a stack of different fabrics. One in particular catches his eye.
“Hey love, where did you get this heart patterned fabric? What do you have planned with that?” (Y/N) pops her head in to see what her boyfriend is pointing to. “Oh, that one. The owner was negotiating a deal with a new supplier and wanted to check out the quality. We wanted to see if this one is durable enough to make shirts out of it.”
An idea is forming in Lando’s app, that he quickly puts down in the notes app on his phone.
She emerges from the side room with her back and something else. “Would you try this on for me?” (Y/N) asks innocently, handing Lando a jean jacket. It is a bit oversized on him, just the way he likes.
“It’s pretty nice. What do you need me to model this fo- This is one of the patches I just gave you!” Lando admires the kangaroo that looks like it’s taking a jump on the sleeve. “I thought this would be a fun little project for the season. After every race I’ll put a patch from that country on the jacket. I can also stitch some additions onto it as well for when you get a podium or win or are voted as driver of the day and so on. Just, I thought this could be something cute.” (Y/N)’s face heats up the more she talks about her idea.
Lando pulls her into his arms, squishing his girlfriend as close as possible to his body. “Thank you, you don’t know how much I appreciate the work and thought you put and are putting into this.”
Like the proud trophy boyfriend he is, Lando loves modeling whatever his girlfriend sewed, patched up or created and pimped up in some other way while entering the paddock. Just as he predicted mentally, the fans are going crazy about his jacket online as he wears it on Wednesday for media day.
“I see, (Y/N) loved the patches you bought her. At least dragging me through every craft store in Melbourne that I know of has paid off for you”, Oscar remarks dryly as he watches Lando hanging up the jacket in the hospitality.
“Yeah mate, she sewed it on immediately. It’s her newest project, putting on a patch for every country we race in during this season after the race. She also wants to add a bunch of things for special occasions during the races.” Lando explains fondly the thought process behind the jacket.
As he is leaving the paddock later that day and signing several cards, caps and other merch, some fans ask him where he got the jacket from. “Oh, that old thing? I’ll gatekeep this one. Good luck on finding the store.” He answers a young woman while putting a bracelet she handed him on his wrist.
He hasn’t gone public with his girlfriend yet. The people know that he is in a relationship with Lando having started an already several months long soft launch, that includes their socked feet during movie nights and her backside in beautiful sunset scenes. So nobody knows what she does for work and the two of them want to keep the little bubble of secrecy they have so far going for a bit longer. Out of the public eyes without the pressure of fans and media.
It felt like a scavenger hunt going online and seeing fans and other media outlets trying to find Lando’s particular jean jacket. For the two of them it becomes their evening entertainment, reading up how everyone and their mother are losing their minds from not being able to detect where it is from.
“The chat is asking about that dumb cloth again. Just tell them where you got it.” Max groans, even his own chat during the stream isn’t safe from the assault. Lando, who chills on his bed while waiting for a message from his girlfriend about her being done with work, just smiles. “Come one, please lift the secret. I can’t even roll my eyes often enough times, that is how annoyed I am by this whole thing.”
The Brit loves the suspension around the subject, but gets up and saunters over to the monitors. “Ok Chat, I will only say it once and never again. Get your pens and papers out and write it down. So, this jean jacket with the patches is a designer piece. You can’t get it anywhere else, it was custom made and no, the designer doesn’t want to go into mass production with that one. But I am cooking something up. Just be patient, I feel like I will be able to make a deal for you. I just need to work my magic, but that takes time. My name is not Tinkerbell.” 
His little sass tirade is broken up by the ping of his phone, making Lando scramble for it to see his love’s text. “Chat, do you see how down bad that man is for his girlfriend?” Max ridicules Lando, giving him payback for all the teasing against himself.
While the chat is going insane, with the certainty that this moment has been clipped and will be used for edits by the fans, Lando just smiles at his phone, shooting a quick reply of picking her up. After that he packs his stuff and throws a quick goodbye to Max and the stream, onto the way to the tailor shop.
There she stands, his love in all her glory in front of the closed store. “Didn’t I tell you to wait in the building for me? It’s dangerous to be out alone, especially for such a beautiful person like you!” Lando scolds her lightly when he reaches her, taking her bag from her shoulder, throwing it onto his own back.
But (Y/N) presses a kiss to his lips, trying to soothe him. “It’s all ok. When I saw the headlights of your car, I stepped out and closed the shop behind me. I knew that my Tinkerbell was close by in case I needed saving.”
Lando wants to reciprocate the kiss, but stops mid air when he processes her words. “You watched the stream?” That shocks him a bit, because (Y/N) usually keeps out of this part of his life. It’s not really her world, streaming and gaming. So that’s one of the hobbies they don’t share, being the healthy couple, without a horrible codependency, they are.
“No, a friend sent me that clip a few minutes earlier”, she snickers, “Were you talking about me? About wanting to work a deal out?” Lando throws his arm around her shoulders, leading the young woman into the direction of where he parked his car. “I did. Originally I planned on woohing you by a nice candle light dinner and after that I wanted to ask you if you were open with making a few designs for LN4. The fans are going crazy over the pants and jacket. You also have the eye for the details that I love on clothes. It would make me so happy to hold something in my hands that we both worked on, to know that people in the whole world will wear it.”
(Y/N) looks up at her boyfriend, watching his side profile while he is rambling about the meaning of a collab between the two of them. How he can’t stop smiling over the excitement of the prospect of their merch line together, the way his eyes light up, his free hand gesturing while explaining a few ideas he has saved on his phone. She can’t help but press another kiss onto his cheek, effectively quieting him down.
“I will make that collab with you happen. I already have a few things drawn out in a notebook, I was just too scared to show you the sketches, not wanting to intrude or impose myself onto your business.”
Instead of saying anything, he just picks her up and throws them in a circle. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He repeats over and over, both laughing about his childish antics.
A couple of months, several trial and errors as well as creative differences later, they stand in a studio, overseeing the photoshooting with the new collection.
“Wouldn’t this be the perfect way to launch our relationship to the public? With your face visible in the pictures?” Lando muses out loud while looking over a rack with hoodies. (Y/N) throws him a shocked look. “I mean, we can take a couple of pictures together with a few articles and also take a few of you individually too. The world needs to know the mastermind of these designs. You need to take credit for all the hard work you have done.” He explains, taking her hand and gesturing to the set up with the other.
She lets the idea rummage a bit in her head. It would be the perfect way to go public, especially since this is the first time her designs are commercially sold. (Y/N) breaks out into a smile, nodding rapidly. Lando can’t help but also smile, getting infected by his girlfriend’s happiness.
Weeks after that the new merch drop gets released to social media. The press and fans are eating up the couple's pictures, finally having a face to the woman, who is able to fluster Lando through text messages alone.
The clothes itself also get the best feedback.
A variety of the jean jacket and patched pants are now available for fans to buy, being able to kind of replicate Lando’s paddock look, coupled with a heart patterned hoodie from the collection.
But nothing gets close to the original with the many hand sewn details on Lando’s jacket, even when fans try to imitate them. A nice side effect is seeing other people picking up the craft of hand sewing and stitching.
Many people swoon over the long sleeves with cut out thumb holes. They especially love the heart shape of the holes.
It’s a perfect detail to the name of the new line.
‘From all four corners of the world comes my love 4 you’ is printed in one way or another on every piece.
Because no matter the distance between Lando and (Y/N), they can feel the love for each other over any distance.
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doe-prince · 6 months
Do you have any lore about the things with faces stuff you've been putting out? I adore all their designs (especially the siblings you posted most recently) and would love to know if you have anything going on w them
The things with faces is something I like to play with in-between all the comic making, something just for me. Of course I'm itching to make it into a comic but with the workload I have now, I don't think it's something I can do.
I've been drawing exclusively animal comics for years now, and sometimes I really would want to work with something that doesn't need to be so wholesome all the time. I wanna draw people.. . . holding hands... kissing.... I miss expressing the wonders of humanity in the way animals can't, but one BIG problem! Drawing humans! It takes so long, oftentimes I get no joy from it. Even putting faces on these things has me weeping three tears at minimum, but at least they can kiss now, and it makes sense for them to have fully human minds. I feel this is the furthest I can go before the joy sours.
I've been building a little world where the denizens are all sphinx-like things who are more animal-bodied humans than human-faced animals. Animal-faced creatures are feral, used as livestock and game. This universe has likely been formed by scraps from other universes merging, bringing weird magic, involved gods and humble humans together and molding them into something new. Humanity is sought after feature. Maybe they have a statue of it somewhere.
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There's different kinds of sphinxes. Some can grow and morph their horns, some are born with hands (respected crafters and medics), wings (harpies, traditional sphinxes), third eyes (the most in tune with magic, can switch eyeballs with others), and more. These two are the horned kind, heirs to a throne. The horned kind is believed to be the best and most just leaders, were it just for their natural crown or some event proving it in the past.
I have a little story in mind for them, but like I said, I likely won't have the time and energy to juggle a third project by myself. And I don't wanna draw castles or play with 3D, human faces are hard too. 💔
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kit-williams · 5 months
Husbandry Angron part 2
Part 2 to this fic
For @egrets-not-regrets for helping me here is your reward for helpin me.
@liar-anubiass-blog @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Thank you @squishyowl for the dividers
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Dozens of apothecaries and human brain surgeons were there in the large surgery room in the base, curtesy of the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists making it in such a short amount of time. Waiting in the wings were flesh crafter sorcerers as there was little chance for failure as this was a primarch. They had to try their best as they were going in blind.
With his skull cap removed they could see the mess... "Jesus Christ." A surgeon said looking at the mess... a mess of wires and brain matter barely holding together.
"Um, is... is his skull cap growing back?" Another human said noticing how the bone was slowly stitching itself back together and regrowing.
"Yes it is." the head apothecarian said walking up and taking a look as he was in full armor, "Get the flesh crafters on standby." The chaos space marine ordered as why he was head surgeon? He had worked with the consortium.
The humans were the ones who were mostly going to be working on the primarch given their small deft hands could be delicate in this situation. Hours dragged on and metal was removed leaving gaping holes in his brain to which the sorcerers and his own natural healing factor worked hard to repair. This meticulous surgery pushed the limits of what was thought possible for both humans and Astartes... they were dealing with a Primarch and whatever genetic monstrosity it meant to be a primarch curtosey of the Emperor. Several powerful sorcerers sat around the building all pooling the warp and keeping it stable so that the flesh crafters could utilize it with ease.
Apothecarians all communicated on the private vox channel when the humans would pause having to remove the regrowing skull cap or when they were stumped on how to remove a particularly tricky nail. Oh there was one from each legion, minus the World Eaters, sometimes there were even two from the same legion; one a traitor and the other a loyalist. But, outside the building were gathering war hounds and world eaters... they gathered like lost dogs just limping their way here... all there and all silently hoping...
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Angron opened his eyes as he could hear the gentle click of knitting needles and a calm beat of a heart he knew over the white noise that the dozens of medical machines had become. He sat up looking toward the click of the needles...
"Welcome back." Your soft voice greeted his ears as there was a gentle smile on your lip, "It's been a few days and in that time, let me tell you, I've met more space marines than I've ever seen." You say as you put down your project. You wait a couple of beats and your smile falters as Angron continues to sit there, "They..." He could hear your swallow, "They said there might be..." again you swallow doing your best to stay strong, "unknown side effects." You finally walk closer, looking up at him as your tiny hand rests on his, "Angron?" You say softly.
For Angron... he was overwhelmed by the fact that there was no longer any pain... his mind rushing trying to think of how to react and interact when there was no pain at the base of it all. He picked you up and held you close, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, as large tears rushed down his face. Words... oh so many of his brothers were good with words in any occasion by here words would do him little good. As Angron wept in joy... joy... he could finally feel another emotion again without pain after so long.
The devourer of worlds... the warlords of madness and bloodshed... so many of them subjected themselves to the nails but now... so many of them came to get them removed. Feral Astartes came to get them out. As once more they came to him like a dog to follow their father. A legion of beaten dogs they were... but they were dogs who could still wag their tails.
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ineffectualdemon · 9 months
I saw a post awhile back that's beem stickingnin my craw
It was a post about how recycling and reusing isn't that valuable to helping the environment or reducing waste because it will still ultimately end up in a landfill and and it doesn't cause reduction in that the thing being produced
And some of the examples given bugged me
First one "if you reuse the plastic container into a plant pot it does nothing in reduction and still ends up in a landfill"
Okay but- What if you recycle that plastic pot but next time you buy something made glass and you use that glass jar for storage for a long time. Reducing the need to buy more storage meaning there is less demand for it and if you do recycle it glass is better for actually recycling into new things and you can find projects and artisans who work to create a closed cycle of recycling glass where they crush it up and make it into something new that can then be crushed and made into something new again
Another example of this kind of thing. I have soany different types of tea. I mostly store them in old jars which is better than buying fancy container for them which is what I would do if I did not use old jars
That is a reduction
Second one: "I made things out of old pieces of clothing but I'm not reducing anything because if I didn't I just wouldn't have them"
Maybe that's true for that person. But as a crafter if I don't recycle old bits of fabric or clothing or go to scrapstore I would still want and need to create and would buy new fabric
Reusing or making use of scrap stores is lessening demand for new
Is it a drop of water in the sea? Maybe
But where I am and my situation in the world that's what I can do. I can do my best to buy things I will reuse again and again rather than discard quickly
And maybe thats not a lot but it's something and I don't think it's useless to encourage people to reuse and recycle. I don't think it's useless to try and be as environmentally sound as we can as an individual. Because people do those things out of hope, and the more hope they have the more they feel able to engage in other actions to help the environment such as protesting or working together in groups or anything else you find more effective
By telling people that what they are doing is "useless" or "pointless" or "won't help" you're just killing any drive they have to try and change things.
No me reusing a honey jar to store tea or taking a old shirt and reusing it to make something new is not going to save the planet. But it's a positive choice that I can do in my own home that gives me a small feeling of control that I can than take and apply to the bigger issue and the corporations making the biggest problems
Also how is people not caring and just creating more and more waste rather then trying to shrink their own footprint better?
Why do you think it's useful to drive people into apathetic despair?
Idk I just get frustrated
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moonfeatherquill · 2 months
Make a pamphlet
Tons of people are realizing that you can make books at home, a fact that totally floored me two years ago when I found out about it. Is that you? You should make a pamphlet!
Sometimes, people show up to the bookbinding community and ask something like, “I would like to bind a 100,000-word fan fiction into an heirloom object/gift. Where do I start?” You should start by making a pamphlet.
I think some of them don’t like hearing that, and I think I understand why. They are not approaching bookbinding as a hobby to learn and explore; they want a DIY project that will result in An Object. But this isn’t like when I painted my shutters, and all I needed was a paint sprayer, some fasteners, a chisel, and YouTube to get me going. For most folks, it’s more like if you wanted to design and build a shed from scratch, and you’d never held a saw. Why not draw up and make a little firewood shelter out of cheap lumber first?
Why not make a pamphlet?
Now, if you are coming from a strong crafter background, and especially if you already do a lot of papercraft or chipboard box-making, you can admittedly skip the pamphlet phase. But should you?
Pamphlets are cheap! Quick! Fun! Pamphlets and other simple bindings let you play with tools, materials, and techniques without expending excessive time or precious materials. You probably have everything you need already. Bookbinding is a craft with dozens of best practices and rules of thumb and recommended materials, and each one is negotiable. If you truly understand the importance of a given recommendation or standard, you can decide how much it’s worth to you and your projects. If you’re a novice crafter, you’ll quickly figure out if this fussy paper-bending nonsense is enjoyable for you at all–without buying a bunch of tools you may not use again. If you’re experienced, you’ll have a quick win, get to play with new kinds of paper, and see how different materials work together.
And you can explore how to decorate books! 
So please, if you’re even curious about bookbinding, make a pamphlet.
I’ll even tell you how. With pictures!
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alongthewayfanzine · 2 months
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Submissions are officially open!
We're looking for 9 writers and 27 artists (crafters and cosplayers welcome!) from the Linked Universe community to feature in Along the Way, a nonprofit charity zine. We're also looking for 5 artists to design merch!
Last day to submit is August 29, 2024.
Writers, apply here.
Artists, apply here.
Merch artists, apply here.
Submission requirements are listed below the cut. For more information, check out our FAQ. Feel free to send specific questions to our askbox!
General Requirements
All contributors must be 18+
Contributors must be willing and able to meet all deadlines, including two progress checks/edit rounds. You can find the full project timeline here.
Contributors will be asked to provide their email and their Discord information in the application. Discord is not required, but contributors are expected to check emails for official communications.
Experience working with zines is preferred, but not required.
All applicants must submit 3 examples of their work for review. All submissions should be of the quality you intend to deliver.
Writer Requirements
Submissions must be prose.
Works around 2,000 words are preferred, with 3,000 maximum.
At least one submission must demonstrate how you write the Linked Universe Links in a canon-adjacent setting.
Writing will be evaluated by the mods based on the following criteria:
Structure (does the writer use appropriate page structure, and understand textual compositions?)
Grammar/Punctuation (does the writer use correct grammar/punctuation?)
Characterization (how does the writer portray and develop the characters to further the story?)
Plot (can the writer tell a complete narrative within the word limit?)
Writers: apply here!
Artist Requirements
Submissions should be of the medium you intend to deliver.
We accept digital art, traditional art, cosplay, craft photos/collages, and other types of visual art. Artists will be asked to specify what kind of art they want to contribute in the application.
For visual artists, please attempt to submit full compositions with backgrounds, color, and at least one character.
High quality photographs are required for all physical works.
Art will be evaluated by the mods based on the following criteria:
Basics (does the artist understand basic anatomy/perspective?)
Composition (how does the artist fit narrative elements on a page?)
Color (does the artist understand how to use color?)
Creativity (is the work unique and interesting?)
Tone (does the work match the zine's theme and goals?)
Craftsmanship (for physical works only)
Artists: apply here!
Merch Artist Requirements
We're looking for artists to design 3 stickers, 1 bookmark, and 1 keychain.
An artist can apply to be both a zine artist and a merch artist, but we will prioritize separate merch artists so that we can have as many artists participating as possible.
Experience designing merch is preferred, but not required.
Merch art submissions will be evaluated based on the same criteria as zine artists.
Merch artists: apply here!
If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, feel free to send an email to [email protected]. The submission form closes on August 29th at 12:00 UTC. Applicants will be notified of acceptance/rejection on August 31st.
Thank you so much for applying, we can't wait to see your incredible creations!
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
First, I adore you and your brain. Second, I have a silly little ankle tattoo of a doodle (it’s a lemon man) my sister made and fully love poorly drawn lil things so Eddie’s octopus is my favorite. Third! I picked up crochet during the pandemic (the first bit lmao where I got laid off and super depressed) and it’s so therapeutic when i need to just shut down and focus on one thing because I’m stressed or overwhelmed. I’m working on coasters right now, and god they’re so much easier than the first coaster pattern I tried (that one put me off for a while). I just had a funny thought though, of when Steve gets fully into it and does what a lot of us crafters do and stocks up on yarn for future projects.
I bought a big ass show organizer for all of mine and have to restrict myself to just what fits in there
(Also I’m picturing Eddie in a wonky hat like the one I just tried to make for my sister’s cat but he’s still wearing it super proud)
At the start of the pandemic, I got a new job where I was working half in the office and half from home. I also moved out of my parents’ house so I suddenly alone all the time and to kinda cope with that, I picked up knitting. I originally tried crochet but I just couldn’t get my hands to work right, but I’ve gotten it down (at least enough to do the second row), and I agree with you. It is very therapeutic and I’m happy that it was able to help you through a rough time.
And lol, but all of us crafters are the same because I have a whole shelf dedicated to yarn I bought for future knitting (and now crochet) projects.
It’s not Steve’s intention.
He is just trying this hobby out so he can tell his physical therapist that he gave it a go and it didn’t work. Steve is not crafty or creative like Eddie, so he doesn’t need to buy all this stuff.
But he did need to buy melting chocolate, so he agreed to go when Robin asked if he wanted to go to Michael’s with her. And yeah, maybe he did pick up a new crochet hook but that’s because there’s clearly something wrong with his. What other explanation is there for why he keeps skipping stitches?
And maybe he did get a new skein of yarn, but he’s just being practical. If he’s going to make Eddie a hat than he is going to need a color that compliments Eddie’s complexion, right? He might as well get this blue too. It’s a pretty color and there’s only like, five skeins left. It could disappear forever.
Then he bought a bowl to hold his yarn but it was cute! It was shaped like a sloth. And yeah, he got the yarn winder thing. That’s just practical. And okay, well. Joann’s has magazines with patterns in them so Steve’s going to need that.
And it all kinda just snowballs until, “Babe, what the hell did you buy for a hundred and fifty dollars at Michael’s?”
Steve, surrounded by yarn in each color, “Nothing.”
Also, Eddie absolutely wears anything that Steve makes him. A fan took a picture of him buying cigarettes in a lopsided hat. Another fan took a picture of him at show where his guitar strap has a single crochet chain wrapped around it. There’s a Tiktok where Eddie is pulling his hair up with a crocheted scrunchie.
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puppy-fae · 11 months
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The goal of Craft Cafe is to give a safe space to fat, neurodivergent, and lgbtq+ people that do art. It’s also a place to help you learn and grow in your craft/art by talking to other creatives!
We have all different channels that will help you create amazing projects!
Whether your a visual artist or a crafter, you’ll fit right in💕✨
☁️⋆˙✧☁️⋆˙✧☁️⋆˙✧☁️⋆˙✧☁️⋆˙✧☁️ **DISCLAIMER** I have changed the name to Creator Cafe to be more inclusive to all artist!
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intermittentstitcher · 4 months
List of Online Embroidery/ Sewing / Needlework Resources
Hello my name is Cleo and this is my masterpost full of resources and information that will help you in your stitching journey.
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Intermittent Stitcher Recommends
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Cats of Craftblr
My Perchance Generators
Random Things to Stitch
Needle Type generator
Random Textile Craft and Technique generator
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC .
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC Colour Variations
Embroidery Website randomiser
Embroidery Hoop Size randomiser - in inches
Embroidery pattern Design Prompts
Random Embroidery stitch Generator
Aida Fabric Count generator
Embroidery Styles
Embroidery Project Generator
Other resources that I have made
My Goodreads book recs
Needle Organisation System
Embroidery Organisation Bingo Card
My Embroidery Pinterest board
Songs to Stitch To - my Spotify playlist for when I’m crafting
Orchestral Crafting Music - for when you really want to focus on your projects.
Crafting Acronyms - a list of acronyms used in the crafting community.
Videos to embroider to - videos that I like to put on in the background whilst I’m stitching.
Other Resources that I have found
Threadcolors.com - colour matching for DMC threads
Thread - Bare Stitching - tools and calculators
Flossmaxx - colour conversion for major floss brands
Needle N’ Thread - blog with useful tricks and tips.
Royal School of Needlework Stitchbank - has a wide variety of modern and historical stitches.
Sarah’s hand Embroidery Tutorials - a visual dictionary of embroidery stitches
StitchLifeStudio - an Etsy store that sells custom frames for embroidery hoops
Colour Scheme - good for helping you to select fabric/ thread colour palettes for your projects.
Color Designer - a website that has a wide variety of tools that can help you develop colour palettes for your projects.
List of colours ( alphabetical)
List of colours by shade
List of Crayola crayon colors
The symbolism of flowers
Sew What Podcast - A podcast where the host Isabella Rosner talks about historical embroidery and interviews a wide range of guests
Sarah Homfray Embroidery - YouTube channel
Antique Pattern Library
Bernadette Banner - Historical recreation YouTube channel
Sewstine - a historical recreation YouTuber that specialises in machine embroidery
Danielle Clough - A South African embroidery artist who produces beautiful pieces with bright colours. I have linked her Instagram.
Quilter’s Paradise - free online quilting calculators
ImageColorPicker - allows you to pick colours from photos
Loose Ends Project - This allows crafters to sign up to finish the craft projects of those who have passed away or have become disabled.
DMC - A well known embroidery supply brand. They produce high quality stranded cotton as well as a litany of kits and free patterns.
The DMC Youtube channel- has lots of tutorials and information. 
Sylko thread colour inventory list - for those who have inherited their grandmother’s thread stash
Omni calculator - allows you to convert various lengths
Thread colour palette generator - allows you to generate colour palettes to use in your projects
Stitchpoint - allows you to write phrases in 7 different cross stitch fonts
FlossCross - a free online cross stitch pattern maker
Hours Tracker - the app I use to keep track of the hours I spend stitching
r/Embroidery - the embroidery subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
r/CrossStitch - the cross stitch subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
Code Crafters Quilt Generator - allows you to generate a random quilt design
Freebloss - a Amazon store that produces kits for many crafts including embroidery and they are affordable and high quality
prettycolors - a Tumblr blog that posts random colours along with the hex code and this can be a helpful resource for fibrecrafters when they are trying to pick a colour for their project(s).
colour-palettes - a blog that posts user submitted colour palettes and I think that this blog can also be used as inspiration for fibrecrafters when selecting colours to use in their project(s).
Swatches - this app allows you to swatch colours from photos as well as being able to swatch colours in real time.
John James Needle Guide - a guide to different types of needle and their uses.
Cable Patterns - allows you to make your own cable patterns for knitting
RSN collection and archive- photographs of objects in the Royal School of needle work collection. The first 100 objects have just been digitised and put online.
Hand exercises for knitters- these can also be used by other crafters in general
Things that I suggest you buy
I have not received anything in exchange for recommending these products
A colour wheel - this will enable you to choose the best colours for your projects
Multicoloured cases - this box filled with multicoloured cases will help you to organise your threads ant to easily take them on the go.
Plastic embroidery hoops- I find that plastic hoops are able to maintain tension and keep your projects drum tight.
Embroidery Floss Organisers- these help you to keep all of the various colours that you are using in your projects in one convenient place.
Pellon Stick-N-Washaway Embroidery Stabilizer - allows you to trace or print out your design and stick it onto your fabric, stitch over it and then wash it off once you’re done.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
A not so quick thought I've been dying to shareeeee ahhhhh
Omg- so yk how Mc has that long table in their room??? Imagine setting up a craft station each week for the boys to do a lil craft.
Beel, Asmo, Dia, Simeon and Luke are super excited for crafting. Barbie, Mamms and Levi are excited too even if they won't admit it. But Luci, Satan and Belphie need a little bit of convincing. They're not children! But after your first successful chaotic crafting session they start to like it.
𖥸 Luci is surprisingly artistic. Even if it seems silly, this little crafting session is very relaxing and it gives him time to bond with his brothers. He likes to follow the model closely first before experimenting a little bit with his technique and style
𖥸 Mamms + Levi are trying to 1 up each other the whole time. They will hate on each other's projects and will fight over supplies. Mammon will swipe the scissors from Levi mid-cut even though there are 5 other pairs currently not being used. Then Levi will try to get them back and a fight will break out. Mc has to use "stay" before Levi summons Lotan.
𖥸 Satan bbg I'm so sorry. He will make something beautiful that he's proud of but it will get ruined. He'll just be putting the finishing touches on his craft when Levi and Mammon's fight will cause something to ruin it. A paint cup got knocked over and now there's paint water soaking his hard work. Or the glitter got spilled and now there's sparkly bits clinging to the undried glue. Mc is gonna have to use "stay" again to keep him from wringing his older brothers' necks.
𖥸 Asmo's crafts can be described in one word. Shiny. He's using all the glitter, gold leaf and sequins available to him. He especially likes those gold and silver detailing pens. But don't mistake sparkly for tacky because even if his crafts are sparkly they are still tasteful.
𖥸 Beel + Belphie will make adorable little projects but Beel will try to eat the supplies duh. Please for the love of Dia get the nontoxic supplies. He can't help it though. That shade of pink looks just like a poison strawberry tart and the colors Simeon mixed look exactly like Madam Scream's Macarons! He just wants a little taste. Belphie will be busy trying to stop him from drinking paint. If he keeps a few extra snacks on hand then it will keep Beel at bay.
𖥸 Diavolo is just absolutely enamored by all the cool crafts. Like woah you made that little scarecrow!? And you made a pom pom pumpkin? He's so excited to try out all the crafts and is that one weirdo that is absolutely covered in 8 different colors of paint somehow even though he only used white.
𖥸 Barbatos will also create the most gorgeous crafts. Like excuse me sir, you're telling me you made that out of construction paper, pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks???? There ain't no way. 100% the chillest crafter at the table but he will snap Mammon and Levi's necks if any of the mishaps of their fight ruins his project.
𖥸 Simeon and Luke will probably work together on a craft. Like Asmo's projects, Simeon and Luke will add lots of pastel colors and shiny bits to their project mostly in the form of gold flakes or those metalic paint pens.
𖥸 Solomons crafts are similar to his cooking. They never end up being what was intended. Like today we're making kites and - Uhhh Solomon made an abstract Mona Lisa with construction paper shapes?? Alright then... You do you man
HIIII CHERRY!!! Omgg okay- this is all so cute <3 finally giving that silly table a good use too jsjsjsj besides homework 💀
Lucifer being good at everything doesn’t even surprise me anymore- but he’s genuinely very into it and it’s nice to see him try to relax and do something with his brother that’s just for fun!!!
Mammon + Levi- I wouldn’t expect anything else honestly- those two can’t stop for five minutes and they almost ruin it for everyone. (Until MC calms them down and fixes everything) also the fact Levi’s better at traditional drawing them Mammon is probably another reason they fight hskshsj
Poor Satan. Tho depending on how annoying Levi & Mams have been it might be fine to let Satan smack them up a bit- jkjk bad idea ik- MC needs to help him calm down and maybe start a new project together? (That’ll at least perk Satan up and piss off Levi ‘n Mammon which again will make Satan feel better :))
The first thing Asmo used was a pick glitter gel pen and his artwork is absolutely gorgeous~ (definitely something super shiny!!! but still gorgeous and he’s careful to stay at the other end of the table away from Levi and Mammon helpsjsj)
All the supplies have to be non-toxic and absolutely no one can try drawing or making anything resembling food- Also just imagine Belphie taking the paint water away from Beel and putting it by his drink….so a little later sleepyhead accidentally drink some instead lolol also anything Belphie actually makes looks like it’s out of a horror movie while Beel’s is just…abstract :)
Diavolo’s feels like a callout as the kid who was always covered in paint but he’s so happy with his little somewhat lumpy pompom and little painting!! Just look at his sweet smile!!!
Barbatos doesn’t even need to threaten Mammon or Levi- they take one look his way and see that smile and know they better knock it off and behave- also how??? Sir it’s gorgeous but how??? Hell he probably made a fully functioning little model of MC XD
Simeon and Luke are adorable as always!! It’s definitely something sweet, yet a little more simple, but still very cute! The shiny bits are perfect and they definitely made it with the intention of gifting it to MC when they’re done <3
Solomon……Solomon wtf why?….you could’ve drawn a stick man and it would’ve been better that…uhhh that- But he’s happy!! Also very, very proud of it and when you ask what it’s supposed to be he looks a little offended-
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I know Amazon isn't very punk–but given its chokehold on everything, kind of unavoidable at this point, especially if you're disabled and/or immunocompromised–and Etsy has its own set of problems, but if you need denim for patches and things or other types of fabric for crafting but you feel squeamish about cutting up perfectly wearable pants and such from the thrift stores, you can get fabric scraps from both sites for fairly cheap, even sometimes on prime. They tend to come from left over factory waste or independent fabric crafters and would otherwise be thrown away, so you're saving dye and sometimes synthetic/plastic fibers from leeching into a landfill and the environment. And Etsy claims carbon neutrality (an iffy claim in general, regardless of who's making it), and some Amazon shops also claim environmentally friendly.
You can also get leather scraps on both sites, which I have done for bookbinding projects. The only problem with that was that it was a grab bag of a pound of randomized embossed upholstery fabric, some in fairly equal sizes but some truly scraps. About two thirds of it was suitable for bookbinding, but out of that only half wasn't ridiculously ugly lol. Shouldn't be too hard to get fairly uniform denim scraps tho, especially if you're embroidering them into patches
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ersetu-gazette · 2 months
Seeing a post talking about how STEM majors in different conferences respect each others kinds of work while fearing it gave me an idea of how Zorian's reputation after the time loop could manifest. Imagine you're at a spell forge conference/convention. Everyone is giving talks, pitches, and grant requests for their very niche work in spell formulas. You've got advanced warders, golem crafters, training sphere designers, etc. And then this new kid comes up to present, an academy graduate that started his own spell forge in Cyoria with the dirt cheap property costs. He starts pitching his spell formula that allowed you to communicate both telepathically and verbally over vast distances. The specifics fly over your head, it's not your specialty, but you think you understand the broadstrokes. And it makes sense for him to be good at this, you heard he is friends with some telepathic spiders or something. And then throughout the event you see him talk animatedly with other experts in their own fields and keeping up with whatever they say. You think you also hear him pitch his own improvements and suggestions that those experts seriously consider. And then he comes to you, at your little golem booth. He compliments your design, makes an inside joke many golem crafters make, and asks you detailed questions with an obvious knowledge base of the field. You have an opportunity to ramble so you take it and the kid asks you questions that allow you to talk more without betraying any secrets. You try to return the favor but you still don't get some of the fundamentals of what his project is about, but he helps you better ask the gist of what you're curious about. Eventually you ask how he knows so much about golem crafting. He waves off the question with "Oh I have a friend who's a real nerd about it. Anyway if you make some space around the inside of the golem's joints you can inscribe a separate animation spell formula which gives it a better range of motion. Good luck with your work!" And then he leaves, not seeming to care he just solved one of the roadblocks your team has been struggling with for weeks. Talking to your other friends you find that they had similar experiences with the kid. What the fuck is he?
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vampire-meta-knight · 9 months
Goth DIY: Altered Clothing part 1
Since some of you crafty goths were interested in seeing the clothing I've altered, I decided to compile it all in one place! I hope I can inspire your creations,give you ideas, and teach you new techniques. This will be a long post, since I've been making alterations to my clothing since high school, which also means some of these projects aren't as polished as others, since they were made when I was newer to DIY and have mistakes I've since learned from, but that's okay! Goth doesn't have to be polished and perfect, and don't let the fear of mistakes stop you from creating!
I've already done posts about the shorts and pants I've gothified, so part 1 will focus on t-shirts, camisoles, and button-up shirts. Part 2 will have sweaters, skirts, and dresses. Some alterations are as easy as adding safety pins or lace trim, and others involve more sewing. Lots of these are very beginner-friendly projects and take less than an hour. All of these items were completely plain when I got them--anything metal, lace, embroidered, or painted that you see was added by me. I'll add more about each garment in the image descriptions. As always, feel free to message me if you want better or more thorough instructions or DIY advice. I'm here to be a resource to my fellow crafters! <3
(Also, please pardon the cat hair and my hair on the clothes--I don't take perfect pictures. A couple pics are also old since those shirts are in storage so I could make room for my winter wardrobe, so you'll notice a change in backdrop and a dirty mirror.)
Let's start with t-shirts and camisoles! Use an old shirt, a thrifted shirt, a shirt from Walmart, etc.! I like to get plain unisex t-shirts from Walmart and paint on them using freezer paper stencils, bleach them, shred them, and/or add safety pins to them. The camis also came from Walmart, and I changed the necklines and added lace trim to make them cuter.
To make a sweetheart neckline on a cami, you can cut it, or you can just pinch the middle and sew it into place (I did that for all of them except the black and white one--that one ended up a little lower-cut than I meant it to, so I decided to stick with the pinching method). The lace trim I used on the black camis isn't stretchy, but still works just fine, as long as you pin it into place while you're wearing the shirt and stretch the shirt a bit as you sew to maintain stretch in those areas. Stretchy lace, like I used on the pink and red camis, works a bit better, but is harder to find. I still like pinning the lace while I'm wearing the shirt to get the placement down, but if you wear a bra, make sure you're wearing the one you plan on wearing with the shirt while placing the lace. I found it doesn't sit right with bras that fit a little differently than the one I based the placement on.
The long-sleeved Emily the Strange shirt has a neat detail, albeit a wonky one because my placement is a bit off sometimes. You'll notice two little striped triangles at the bottom. I cut slits in the shirt and added triangles of striped stretchy fabric, then sewed zippers over top of them to hide the seams and add extra detail. I also sewed the zippers on with red thread for contrast.
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My button-ups are a bit more involved. I treat them like how I treat shorts--patches, lace, embroidery, pins, grommet tape, D-rings, charms, chains, oh my! The pink one is my most recent, and I'm so proud of it. All of the patches came from ToothxNail on Etsy, except the Rat King patch, which came from Katiewhittleart on Etsy. The flowers on the collar were buttons that I glued onto flat-back pins from a craft store (I used E6000 glue). Made super quick collar pins that I can remove when washing the shirt or put on something else when I want.
The orange button-up was by far the simplest. I just added lace trim to the cuffs and cropped it (it had been high-low, but I wanted to wear it tucked into a skirt and the long back was annoying me). I also added collar clips with a chain that I got at a craft fair, but that's more like styling an accessory with it than altering it, since I can just un-clip them.
The leather jacket is old and doesn't fit well, so I don't wear it anymore, but I kept it because it was my first leather jacket. Adding the sew-on studs and faux-fur trim on the neck took the longest. You'll also notice that a mouse chewed a hole in the outer shell on the pocket.
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Part 2
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