#other 4 days so I'm getting paid for 7 days. i can afford the uber.)
audiovisualrecall · 6 months
I screwed up I was supposed to call a customer on Sunday and didn't and the day they were interested in picking up plants is tomorrow so I'm gonna have to lie and say I thought I called and left a message last week but realized today that I dialed the number wrong last time. I don't have more of the plants she wanted anyway so hoping she went with something else since she didn't hear from me, otherwise I'll be happy to give her whatever we have left of that plant but I definitely would suggest she call some of the other nearby wfm stores (and/or check trader Joe's if she needs to) to see if they have any of that plant too. Anyway so berating myself over forgetting to call that customer back in time is only One of the things I screwed up at work.
The other is that on Sunday I started drafting what the daily orders should be for the week as an email to send to my boss and remind him when those are due. I am suddenly certain that that email is still sitting in my drafts folder in my work email. I didn't remember till last night that it probably wasn't sent. And since I had other things to think about I didn't check in with my boss or anything or even think about work beyond worrying about inventory today and getting home afterwards.
Which means that it's likely that no one did daily orders this week and including for in-store tomorrow, which means our sales are going to suck and our displays are going to look terrible. Right before Easter when we should be doing really well on sales and keeping every display full and beautiful. At least (hopefully) the outdoor came in yesterday and more coming tomorrow so we will get the sales from that...even tho it's gonna really suck to count this evening especially if it's raining later. Ugh. And I Have to have to have to order stuff for in-store Saturday, Im in at 10 tomorrow and the order is due by 9 but luckily I can also order it after 3pm today, so as soon as I find out how bad we are on flowers and/or if my boss and his new order writer managed to do my daily orders at all without me there, I will place the order for Saturday.
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b3balancedsims · 2 years
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Alright I don't own the game yet. I might need to buy a windows computer. I use Linux. I want it to work via steam.
I played simcity long ago along with the sims 1 and 2 in college. I had children started a few businesses, got a divorce. Just life stuff. A few months ago my 13 year old son discovered he could get the sims 4 on his 11 year old brothers Xbox.
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Down the rabbit hole I leapt. It is winter so not much to do but watch YouTube. I started with my old fave pleasant sims because we have similar play styles. I was thinking I might have build wars with my son.
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After watching sims 4 videos for like two hours I was over it. I was more interested in the sims 3 open world. I vaguely remembered being excited for its release. But then I got married and had some kids. You know, I got side tracked.
In the beginning:
I played an uberhood in sims 2. I loved how all the playable families got to know each other plus I didn't have to marry too many townies. My goal was to get everyone related by the tenth generation. I made it to six before real life.
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Sims 3 seemed so perfect except no open for business, as I loved interacting with the customers, it was my favorite part of the game. Hey I am a home based business owner in real life so it was the best in sims 2 hands down. Granted sims 3 has a less hands on version, which will allow more time to do other things, I think I will love Sims 3 more.
Hail great modder simstatedude.
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I initially wanted to go back to sims2 but the open world was calling me. Story progression is awesome from what I can see. All the mod creators have outdone themselves. Now I can afford to pay you all. EA is not worthy
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So after going back and forth between should I go back to the Sims 2 or should I play The Sims 3 I finally landed on I want the open world in The Sims 3 bugs be damned. Plus of course I haven't had a Windows computer in about 15 years so I just realized that my ultimate collection through origin won't launch anymore and I really don't feel like going through all of that to make it work. Maybe one day long long in the future when I decide that you know, since I paid for that game like six times, I want to play it again.
I have all the files!!! And discs!!!
I'll just play The Sims 3. But I need my uberworld. I have searched high and low on the internet and I have not discovered an Uber world that comprises all of The Sims2 hoods. I found large custom worlds that had all of the terrain that would allow me to have all of the hoods in one place but they didn't actually look the way that I wanted them to. Then I found Tedhi's Tumblr after I looked at one of her YouTube videos and as a construction manager myself, I really enjoyed her architectural style. We have similar ideas on planning builds and worlds. When I saw her new pleasant view video, it was just like she was in my head and added a few things, like her pool I never thought of, that's what I wanted.
Now when it comes to the Sims 2 world and having all of the premade Sims, Pleasant Sims was in my head. I don't think I will have the time to recreate them all but I want a place for all the Sims 3 versions to move to in order to play out their stories.
I took pleasant Sims idea on how the military base is up on the ridge and I was like oh this is perfect that's where I can have strange town, veronaville, and riverblossom hills. You know Verona ville is a mythical town so it would be perfect to have it up there next to strangetown as if the aliens terraformed the area created some test tube Sims and let them grown as they observed them. Riverblossom hills has the bridge that connected to the top of another mountain and I was like oh my goodness Blue water village has that large mountain at the tip of the peninsula that it sets on and my brain just went crazy as the map puzzle pieces fell into place. I was like oh my goodness I could literally have all 7-8 hoods, to some degree, in one place. Obviously I'm not going to make them as big as they were initially meant to be because I don't want to have like 80 billion lots in one Hood but I could have that feel of all of those lots like Tedhi did. she made pleasant view with a couple of extra lots in it but she had the most important ones so I want to have the feel of those neighborhoods like the strange town crater and have it be like arid and desert cuz it's going to be on top of a mountain obviously and then Verona ville is going to be where the fairies live cuz I mean they were honestly fairies in the first place. I don't have any idea what it's going to look like in CAW but right now I think I'm going to have the two Bridges I'm going to have what I'm going to call crater falls coming from strange town crater through veronaville since it has that River and it's going to go past River blossom hills to make the waterfall between the two Bridges.
I was initially going to call it SimCity but then I figured that would be copyrighted so I decided well two Bridges and a waterfall - Twin Bridge Falls.
I did a search online and I haven't found anything that says twin bridge falls so I was like let me put this up here on the internet as public notification of copyright, before somebody comes up with it and then my world will be lost forever to oblivion. This Tumblr is going to document my foray into building Two Bridge Falls for The Sims 3. My Uber world homage to The Sims 2.
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tittyinfinity · 2 years
Rant below
Gonna have to set some boundaries with ANOTHER neighbor....
I'm known as the Babysitting Neighbor™️ since I don't currently work which is totally cool, I get paid and it distracts my son, but we're having another case of them not telling me the full plans until they're dropping their kid off
Like this is the first time I'm watching this kid, he's 5. His mom texted me saying "it'll only be for 6 hours, 8:30am-2:30
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Guess what time they showed up? 7
And then she tells me "I'm off at 2:30 so it'll be about 4 when I'm back"
And im like....girl that's a whole 3 more hours
Anyway I was too tired to say anything about it this morning, she said she had to get an uber bc her tires got low due to the negative temps outside & that's why she was leaving early, she had to get going, I wasn't gonna make her late. But next time she asks me to babysit I'm telling her she needs to tell me the exact times
Like idk honestly I almost feel like I should ask for $10 more than she's already paying me just because she made me wake up an hour earlier on a day where there's no school. Plus I mean. She's asking me to babysit 50% longer than originally stated. But I can't just randomly ask for more money from a single mom who just told me that she can't replace her tires because she's so broke she can barely afford rent. Ugh. Yeah, yeah, not my problem, I'm broke too, whatever. But I've been a single working mom making like $60 a day paying $20 a day for a babysitter (granted it was a teenager watching my kid) and that was a whole third of my income. I don't feel like I should be asking for more money whenever I used to pay that much for a sitter for a toddler, ya know? Typing this out just made me think that through lol I know I'm not being consistent
Everyone's always telling me to stand up and demand the compensation I deserve, but look man, I don't really have to do much when these kids are over. I mean, there's always more than 1 kid here so they entertain each other. In fact, I can get even more stuff done bc it means my son isn't constantly asking for my attention. So again I don't feel like asking for more is necessary
And I know I complained about this exact thing with my other neighbor, but after confronting her like, 3 times, she finally started communicating with me better and paying me more.
I'm not really looking for advice (just posting this for myself for reference, sadly it's easier for me to find and reread a tumblr post of mine than it is to find something in my own notes on my pgone)
I'm just complaining that I have to say anything to this woman in the first place after already having to set this boundary with another neighbor. Its getting fucking exhausting
Side note, this kid has the thickest, silkiest black hair I have ever seen on a child in my life, and I am so jealous of his natural hair
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