#or until they start detonating the bombs at random
bunnypotions · 26 days
every 'lonny lives' au path i make runs through a dirt path covered in pins
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One order of Satoshi lives au, please! I’m like the angst of this au. It gets my fic writing juices flowing.
Order Up!
So I actually have two ideas for a Satoshi lives au, the first being my Lin Kuei Satoshi au and the second being based on the mortal kombat legends movies.
Lin Kuei Satoshi AU:
Satoshi is as stubborn as his father, even as a child so when the Lin Kuei took him he kept talking back and trying to run away. He was always caught and punished but it never stopped him.
Kuai Liang would always sneak into wherever Satoshi was being held to pass along food and medicine for any wounds he received, even giving him tips on how to escape better next time, which Satoshi was always suspicious of but the tips kept working, with him getting caught based on other mistakes.
Kuai Liang does this bc he and Bi-Han had tried to escape as children and it hadn't worked, so if he can save someone else, then he will, he doesn't think this is any place for a child.
Satoshi does stop trying to escape eventually, when one of the Lin Kuei who was part of the attack shows him one of his mother's hair pins and gloats about killing her and everyone else. He attacks the Lin Kuei over it and is sent back to the cells, but the Lin Kuei ends up scarred for life by it.
When he's in the cell, Kuai Liang comes to see him and confirms that all the Shirai Ryu are dead (though he had not know the Lin Kuei were responsible until now) and tries to comfort him over it. Realizing that he has nowhere to go, Satoshi throws himself into training with the goal to bring the Lin Kuei down from the inside out.
He gets his wish as the Cyber initiative starts up, planting bombs in the cyber bodies they plan to use that detonate when the cybers are activated, causing a lot of chaos and allowing him to disappear into the night.
Kuai Liang thinks he's dead based on the security footage he sees showing Satoshi in the room as the bombs go off, but really Satoshi is alive and has ended up wandering Europe aimlessly, helping who he can as he can.
Satoshi eventually hears that the Shirai Ryu have been refounded, and decides to investigate, angry that an imposter would dare. Upon discovering that it is his father, alive and well and raising another child, he's even angrier.
He makes a plan to attack and keeps going after the Kombat Kids, who are understandably confused by this random masked warrior who fights like a demon and doesn't talk and keeps trying to kill them. Eventually Frost brings it to Kuai Liang's attention, and he tells Hanzo about it, the two trying to figure out who this person is and why they want the kombat kids dead.
Satoshi eventually attacks while Kuai Liang is present and falters. He had been apprenticed to the cryomancer for most of the time he was within the Lin Kuei, and Kuai Liang had gone as far out of his way to protect the boy and treat him with kindness as he could while keeping them both alive. Unable to face him, Satoshi runs.
Kuai Liang tells Hanzo who the attacker is and that Satoshi had been Lin Kuei, something he had not told him for fear of causing him more pain (How do you tell someone their kid lived only to be put through hell and then die anyways?) which leads to them fighting.
Satoshi attacks the Shirai Ryu directly and tries to kill his father, convinced that he must be a sorcerer or shape changer wearing his face. Hanzo doesn't defend himself, making it so that Kuai Liang has to intervene, eventually getting the two to talk (mostly the trouble is getting the two to listen)
The MKL AU tho:
After getting separated from his father during the attack, Satoshi runs as far and as fast as he can, headed towards the hiding place he was always instructed to go to in the event of an attack.
Hanzo sees an illusion that Quan Chi conjures, thinking his son dead.
After hiding for a few days, Satoshi leaves, trying to find his father in the wreckage of his home. Finding nothing but corpses, he stays to bury everyone, not knowing how to leave or where to go.
The food runs out a bit after he has buried the last body, so he packs up and heads for the nearest village and through a series of shenanigans, ends up on Raiden's boat heading for Shang Tsung's island.
He may be a child but he is still Shirai Ryu, so he is able to stay hidden pretty easily.
most of his time on Shang Tsung's island is spent hiding and getting food where he can as he tries to find a way back to his home. But then, he runs into Kuai Liang, and is terrified.
Kuai Liang is confused at why a child is so afraid of him, so he pulls out every trick he knows to calm Satoshi down and prove that he isn't a threat. After a while he gets the full story out of Satoshi about the attack and suddenly understands why Scorpion killed his brother (though he knows that Bi-Han is innocent bc he was with his brother on the day of the attack, so he knows something's up)
Knowing that there is a child involved (and remembering the death of his own father) Kuai Liang realizes that he cannot take vengeance for his brother's death, at least until Satoshi is old enough to fend for himself (though he knows deep down he never will, he has a soft spot for kids and families seperated by the Lin Kuei, after all, he was too)
Thus embarks a journey to reunite Satoshi and Hanzo, leading to a Very different meeting at the temple of the elements
I'm really tempted to flesh the second AU out more, so lemme know if that's interesting to anyone
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snappedsky · 3 months
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies infiltrates Tediore's war HQ and finds and interesting artifact.
New Tales From the Borderlands Part 6
Skies scales the mysterious building that, according to eyewitnesses, came down from the sky during the Tediore invasion. The front door is an out- nobody trying to break in goes through the front door- and the only windows are over five floors up.
The finger blades on her right hand and a large knife in her left dig into the metallic wall as she pulls herself up, her boots pressed up against it. As soon as she’s reached a window, she lets go of the knife and tries to open it with her left hand, but its sealed. She tries to smash it with her right hand, but it doesn’t even crack.
Huffing with annoyance, Skies grabs a mine from her coat and plants on the glass. She shimmies over a safe distance and detonates the bomb with a remote, completely destroying the window and leaving behind a small hole.
Skies smiles victoriously until she sees the hole start to close itself with a vacuum seal. She gasps, scrambles over, and throws herself inside before its completely closed off.
Skies gets up off the floor, panting with relief as she looks around. She’s in a meeting room, empty and dark. The window has completely sealed up again with a vacuum seal, the kind large ships and space stations have in case of hull damage. Skies eyes it suspiciously before turning away.
She opens the door and enters a large, brightly lit corridor. To her, it looks more like the interior of a ship than a normal building, which might explain a lot.
The corridor is empty and quiet, with no sign of anyone nearby. Skies looks up and down the hall before marching down a random direction.
Her boots echo off the metal walls with each step. The silence makes her skin crawl, but she tries to stay focused on the task at hand. She has to find Susan Coldwell.
“A big boss like her would have her office on the top floor, I’m sure,” she mutters to herself, breaking the silence. “I need to find stairs or an elevator. But maybe I shouldn’t be out in the open for too long. I don’t want to alert the soldiers I’m here.”
As if to prove her point, the sound of voices is heard approaching from down the hall. Skies stops and quickly looks around before diving into a random room.
She presses her ear against the closed door as she hears a pair of Tediore soldiers walk by, talking about what they’re going to do over the weekend. She sighs with relief when they fade away and looks around. She’s in another meeting room just like the first one.
“I definitely need to find a more covert way of moving around,” she declares and spots a large air vent at the top of the wall. “That’ll work.”
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indigosabyss · 10 months
Randomized One Word Prompt: Strike
“Listen, you don’t want to do this.” Sam tried to talk down the blue-haired girl. He hovered in mid-air, edging closer to her.
“You stay back!” Cursed Cass screamed, jumping away from him. Her hand tightened around the detonator of the bomb strapped to her. All of the Champions backed off immediately.
Might laughed loudly from the sidelines, “You’re gonna let her win, just like that? Cowards.”
“We’re in a crowded metropolitan area.” Amadeus warned, “There are innocent people who will die if you do that. Please, just let this go, and put down the bomb.”
All around them, people were starting to gather at what they imagined to be a safe distance, whispering to each other and pulling out phones to film the altercation. Kamala shifted uneasily, the weight of the world’s gaze on her shoulders. The Freelancers had a way of operating that always ended up with the Champions coming out of it looking like assholes.
And it pissed her off to no end.
The other Freelancers didn’t look the least bit concerned, because of course they didn’t. They had been flown here from California. They didn’t have to commute to work and school. They didn’t rely on the trains to keep running. They wouldn’t be affected at all when this place was thrown into disarray.
“Come on, Cass! Finish the job so we can head back home!” Hotness yelled.
“We’ll stop you. But we don’t want it to come to that.” Miles told them carefully. He was bluffing. These guys had them up against the wall and everyone knew it.
While Cass had a detonator for the bombs on her body, the whole thing was actually just a trigger for the bigger explosion rigged around the bridge. Viv was working hard to secretly disconnect the contraption so that the worst of the damage didn’t happen, but until then, they had to stall. No matter what. Even if she just really, really, really wanted to bash their faces in.
“Do it, do it, do it…” Panic began to lead the chant, and the other Freelancers followed along, gleeful for bloodshed.
A vein pulsed in her temple. And Kamala stopped reasoning with them.
Her fist launched forward at a speed which she normally couldn’t reach, knocking the detonator out of Cass’s hands, and expanding her fist to throw Cass to the ground.
One fell swing to the side, and the other Freelancers were ploughed over too.
She was seeing red. Wanted to bash their heads in and bring them to justice. But she couldn’t. She had made a vow, and she had to stand by it.
So, Kamala glowered at them, and let that single strike speak for itself. The others were stunned for a few moments, before rushing to apprehend Might and Cass, the only ones still conscious after the attack.
“Sheesh, didn’t expect her to Hulk out, of all people.” Amadeus shuddered, “That was terrifying as fuck.”
“What about the plan?” Scott asked, looking between Kamala and Viv, who materialized in front of them.
“Fuck the plan.” Kamala growled, biting back the urge to scream like a child, “I hate these guys.”
[A/N: Might make a series out of this. Like, 500 word snippets based on randomly generated words]
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 11 months
part 10... the finale! hope you like it!
A massive, bloodstained axe carves through the metal doorway with little effort, and rips the door entirely out of the wall.
Scout watches in terror as a massive, rotting human with a flaming pumpkin for a head enters the locker room, and stares down at the mercs.
The mercs stare back for seconds that feel like hours.
Until the zombie looks at Scout, and the pumpkin's mouth twists into a sick smile.
"YOU" It roars in a deep, shaking voice, and raises its axe.
"RUN!" Sniper screams at Scout, and Scout quickly jumps into action, scrambling off the bench as the axe smashes into the wood next to where he had been sitting, and sprints out the door.
Behind him, gunfire and an angry roar erupt from the room.
Adrenaline fills Scout's blood, and he runs faster than he ever has before despite his wounded leg.
But thundering footsteps behind him make it painfully obvious that the zombie is catching up. Glancing over his shoulder, Scout's eyes widen in horror as he sees the zombie gaining on him with ease.
A second pair of footsteps join his, and he looks to see a second red Scout running alongside him, but this one has icy blue eyes.
It's Spy, disguised as him. "Go left ahead. I'll go right." The Frenchman mouths. Scout looks ahead to see a T-intersection hallway, and nods.
Scout goes left. Spy goes right.
The zombie falls for it and chases Spy.
Watching the two disappear down the hallway, Scout's legs nearly give out from relief.
"The hell are you doing?! We gotta help Spy!" Sniper's voice snaps Scout back to reality, and the Australian roughly grabs Scout's arm and pulls him along with as the mercs follow the zombie's trail of destruction.
Spy's brought it outside, where he easily dodges its messy swinging attacks. The rest of the team joins the battle, and Scout grins as it starts to become unable to fight back.
Until the fire turns green.
Scout's eyes widen at the sudden green glow, and then there's a deafening scream that erupts from deep within the zombie.
Scout covers his ears, a mistake that leaves him unable to defend himself. The zombie's axe connects with his right leg, crippling him, before the zombie grabs Scout by the neck and lifting him into the air.
Air. Socut needs air. He can't breathe, he can't see, he just needs air.
There's a war cry, and suddenly he's falling, and he opens his eyes to see Demoman with the eyelander, his eyes glowing green. The arm of the zombie disintegrates, but a new one growd back just as fast as it had been cut off.
A hand on his neck as he gags and coughs, Scout watches the rest of the team fight.
But they're losing.
It's not a fair fight, with everyone injured and the zombie able to heal instantly.
And then he realizes why.
"DESTROY THE PUMPKIN! TARGET THE HEAD!" He cries out, and the others quickly follow his command.
But that only makes the zombie mad, and the flames suddenly extend to the axe. Laughing wildly, the zombie starts swinging at random, driving the team back.
Scout can feel himself loosing consciousness. Too much blood loss. The last thing he sees is Sniper getting knocked back by an attack before his vision goes black and he sinks into unconsciousness.
Spy's mad.
This thing has hurt his son. And it's hurting his teammates. He has to kill it. He grabs Demoman's discarded stickybomb launcher and starts running towards it.
8 bombs should be enough to kill it.
It's enough to save everyone.
Spy cloaks and starts running towards the zombie. He can feel it in his pocket. He'll be fine. Probably. He grabs onto its cape, and starts to climb up it, holding the stickybomb launcher to the back of its head.
Only to realize the detonator's with Demo, who's too busy battling the beast to notice his stolen launcer.
Spy's gonna have to use the trigger while he's still on the zombie's back.
There's nothing else he can do. Closing his eyes, he prepares himself.
And pulls the trigger.
Sniper shields his eyes at the sight of the explosion as he stands, and when the light fades, he looks to see the zombie just standing there.
But the pumpkin's been destroyed.
They won.
"Good work, Demo!" Engi calls.
"That wasn't me, lad." Demo replies. "I've brrn usin' me sword."
"What?" Sniper looks at Demo, then at Scout, who's lying in the ground still, and jogs over. Scout's starting to regain consciousness as Medic heals his leg.
Scout doesn't look at Sniper. He looks at something else.
Spy. That's all Scout can focus on. Shoving Medic away, he stumbles to his feet and limps towards the limp body of Spy.
"Spy?" He calls. The Frenchman doesn't get up, and Scout moves closer, only to see so much blood.
It's on Spy. It's pooled around Spy. Everywhere. Scout drops to his knees in shock and horror, ignoring Sniper's concerned questions, and stumbles to his father's side, and rolls Spy onto his back.
He's dead. His chest has been blown open entirely.
Spy's the one who set the bomb off. He'd saved everyone but himself.
"Dad..." Scout whispers. Hot tears start to flow down his face, and his grip on Spy's body tightens. "Dad.. please... no.."
There's no point in begging. Spy's already gone. As quickly as his father had come into Scout's life again, he had left it. Forever.
"I forgive you." Scout whispers as tears start to stain Spy's bloody suit. "Please... Just stay... with me..."
Scout's wails echo through the air. Not even the comfort of his team can fix this.
In the distance, a figure watches Scout cry. It watches the team cry with him. It drops something on the ground as it turns and disappears; a golden pocketwatch with french inscribed on it: La sonnerie morte.
OUGH I LOVE IT ANON!!! This was such a good series :)
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Resident Evil - G Virus
Code Name: Golgotha Virus/ G Virus
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-ABE are contained in 6 separate vials placed within a biohazard box and stored in the biohazard storage area of Site-AO. The biohazard box is stored within a freezer locked by a 6 digit passcode, hidden inside the freezer a necrosis venom gas bomb that will detonate if the wrong passcode is entered. The vials are sealed tight enough to protect the samples but whoever tries to steal them will be unable to survive the necrosis gas. This trap is also to be relied on during containment breaches. Any testing with SCP-ABE must be approved by at least three Level 5 Clearance staff members or the director of Site-AO.
Description: SCP-ABE is a highly mutagenic virus that is much more volatile than it’s predecessor SCP-AAY, both of which were created from the same progenitor. Once SCP-ABE infects a host whether alive or dead, they will begin to mutate almost immediately. Only once has a host been seen infected with SCP-ABE they will not rot like with SCP-AAY hosts or suffer minor mutations but instead suffer major mutations with no signs of stopping. 
Infected hosts are to be known as SCP-ABE-Alpha, during the first stage of infection, the host still has memories of who they are, but their movement becomes jagged and their minds clouded. Though already in the beginning stage of infection, the SCP-ABE-Alpha instance will have incredible regenerative abilities and strength. However, as the SCP-ABE-Alpha host sustains damage the mutations will progress faster and faster. The second stage of mutation for SCP-ABE-Alpha is the most damaged part of the body, typically a limb like the arm, growing in mass and developing a mutant eye. This stage of infection typically lasts the longest and unfortunately is the most stable form. From this point on the mutations happen faster with outside damage only making things much worse. 
Once the SCP-ABE-Alpha host has sustained a certain amount of damage or lived for a certain period of time it will start to mutate into the third stage where it will use the biomass of its old body to start to grow itself a newer and larger body. This new body will lose most if not all of its previous humanity as the body starts shifting, changing, and growing. Either in this stage or the next one, the head of the host will be absorbed by the body as a brand-new head grows. This resulting new form is much stronger and faster as well as flexible almost as if it is an entirely new organism. During this stage, the SCP-ABE-Alpha host will be completely taken over by desire of reproduction and consumption.
If an SCP-ABE-Alpha host continues to live for an extended period or receive extreme amounts of damage it will start to mutate even further into more feral forms to resist and combat all potential and current dangers. From this point on the mutations will only grow more random and vicious until the SCP-ABE-Alpha host becomes an ever-growing gelatinous mass of mutated flesh. At this point the only way to kill it is complete incineration of every cell in the body, high yield explosives and acid have yielded the best results.
As stated before SCP-ABE-Alpha hosts will be driven by the desire to consume and infect others regardless of which stage of infection they are in. However, infection is much more volatile when transmitted from an SCP-ABE-Alpha host and not the SCP-ABE virus. Instead, when an SCP-ABE-Alpha infects a human, they will start to grow parasitic cells in their body that greatly resemble cancer growths. This is known as the development stage of SCP-ABE-Beta infection. 
When a host is infected with SCP-ABE-Beta they will visibly become sicker as their skin starts to pale and one of their eyes will become red with vein-like growths spreading over their face. Normally after 1 to 5 hours of infection their internal organs will start to break down rapidly as they are devoured by the cancerous parasite inside them known as the SCP-ABE-Beta instance. Once it has reached the correct size within the 1 to 5 hours it will burst out of the stomach and quickly retreat to any area that is secure and/or is a wet environment. These will be called SCP-ABE-Beta Child.
Once an SCP-ABE-Beta Child has found the right environment it will start to grow freely into its adult form. An SCP-ABE-Beta adult typically has the appearance of a gigantic semi-humanoid monster with cancerous and uneven proportions all over the body. When left alone the SCP-ABE-Beta adult will create nests out of biomass where they sleep, wait for prey, and asexually breed more SCP-ABE-Beta child instances. DNA testing has shown that SCP-ABE-Beta infection is the result of incompatible DNA between the Beta host and Alpha host. The only way to counter this flaw, is for the Alpha host to find a blood relative to infect.
If a SCP-ABE-Alpha host is able to infect a blood relative whether it be a distant family member or even their own child; the host will become sick like with SCP-ABE-Beta infection but the result will lead to an entirely new organism. Like an SCP-ABE-Beta child, this new organism will burst out of the host however it has no infant form as it is already an adult upon birth. The body structure will resemble the gender of the host but be covered entirely with pure white flesh with no visible eyes, ears, hair, mouth, nails, nipples, anus, or genitals. Instead, the sole physical characteristics of this new organism will be the random pulsating red veins all over the body. These new organisms are nothing like their predecessors and are to be known as SCP-ABE-Omega instances. 
SCP-ABE-Omega instances are essentially apex predators; they are fast learners, being able to gain vast intelligence only moments after birth. Furthermore, they can control the mutations within their body, able to instantaneously adapt and combat any threat they come across. SCP-ABE-Omega was only discovered after testing SCP-ABE at Site-AO. It was quickly declared that during any new testing no SCP-ABE-Omega instance should live for any longer than a single day due to [data expunged] incident during testing at Site-AO. Please see Addendum X-15 for details.
SCP-ABE was discovered in 1988 when Foundation forces were moving into the now destroyed [data expunged] city for Operation Acid Rain. The purpose was to take down and obtain all anomalous items owned by Group of Interest: The Umbrella Corporation. However, internal conflict within the main building owned by the GoI, caused SCP-AAY and SCP-ABE to spread into the city. Furthermore, as the chaos grew the Umbrella corporation unleashed its private military and several SCP-AAY-5 instances, leading to an all-out war between the Foundation and the Umbrella Corporation. Please see Addendum X-8 and Addendum X-12 for details.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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silliott · 9 months
Lockwood and Co.
Massive Spoiler warning
I don’t even know where to start. I’m doing all five books at once but who cares. I know this series is for like 12 year olds but I’m allowed to enjoy younger literature sometimes!!!!
My friend, Ryn, introduced me to this series. It follows a ghost hunting girl named Lucy Carlyle and her friends/co workers who work together at London smallest ghost hunting agency: Lockwood & Co.
It’s a little bit spooky and a lot bit interesting, there’s mysteries to solve through all five books and one main mystery… “what’s the cause of The Problem?”
spoiler warning!!!!! I recommend reading the books before going any further (if you’re curious as to what I rated it: 10/10 GO READ THEM!!)
The Problem is what they’ve named three outbreak of ghosts across England, it started 50 years ago and is only getting worse. Ghosts are attached to a “source”, and item that has enough significance to them, it ties them to the living world, preventing them from leaving.
Lucy’s job is to get rid of the source so the spirits don’t attack living humans. She’s a listener, someone who can hear snippets of dialogue from ghosts, or other sounds associated with them.
There’s 2 definite types of ghosts, Type 1s, which are mostly tame and mostly disconnected from the living realm, and Type 2, ghosts who are more violent and more attached to the living realm.
Most ghosts can’t hold real conversation, but Marissa Fittes, the founder of Fittes agency has claimed she’s encountered a Type 3 ghost, a ghost that is so attached to the living realm that it is fully conscious and can hold conversations. Type three ghosts can only speak with certain people, the strongest of listeners.
Most people are skeptical of this, Lucy included, until she encounters a Type three. Skull, she ends up nicknaming the ghost, because it’s attached to its skull. The skull is kept in a jar that her colleague, George stole from Fittes when he got fired.
The skull is my FAVORITE character. He plays a major role in all of the books except the first one (she finds out he can speak at the very end of book one) and he’s comical and sarcastic.
Lockwood and Co has a Show adaptation, but it only covers the first two books. I don’t enjoy the show as much as the books, they remove all of the character from Skull, he’s just some random ghost basically. And they even KILL. HIM. OFF. In the end.
They ended up canceling the show, which sucks, but I don’t know how they could have continued it after killing off Skull, because he’s the reason Lucy comes back to Lockwood after she leaves to save him from herself. (A weird ghost told her he would die because of her and Lucy is head over heels for Lockwood). He’s the reason they find out Tom Rotwell (The owner of another huge agency) was doing sketchy shit and causing an upwelling of ghosts in a small town by trying to enter the Land of the Dead, he’s the reason Lucy got out of the land of the dead when she and Lockwood entered that realm to escape Rotwell when they were almost getting caught, he’s the reason they figured out Penelope Fittes (the current owner of Fittes) was actually Marrissa Fittes POSSESSING PENELOPES BODY. He’s the reason Lucy and Lockwood left the Fittes building alive after Marissa attempted to kill them by detonating a big ass bomb to kill all three of them.
Skull is INCREDIBLY under appreciated in the show, they make him just some old dude who can be killed off by some stupid mirror instead of the funny, sarcastic, Lucy’s age, ghost friend he was who saved their asses more times than I can count.
Jonathon Stroud is a fucking god. I don’t care that these books are directed towards a younger audience they will always have a place in my heart. I HIGHLY recommend you read them, even after being spoiled by this review.
I think Joe Cornish could have done so much better with the show, and I hope someone revisits the idea of some sort of visual media, show or movie, for these books in the future
I give this series a 10/10 total, it was so fucking good.
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updatecrazy · 1 year
Super Animal Royale update 1.26 (1.9.1) is now available for PS4 and PC players. According to the official Super Animal Royale 1.26 patch notes, the latest season 9 update adds new Super Caracal, Super Blobfish, Super Komodo Dragon, and Turnip Boy. Apart from this, the Super Animal Royale patch 1.26 also includes a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, since the last update, players are experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Super Animal Royale patch 1.26 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below. Super Animal Royale 1.26 patch notes - September 26, 2023 https://youtu.be/aY5X5bcai1c New characters introduced in this update include the Super Caracal, Super Blobfish, Super Komodo Dragon, and Turnip Boy from the game "Turnip Boy Robs a Bank." The Party Animal Pass offers 49 tiers of festive rewards, including animated gun skins and a Mini Croc pet. Season 9 Starter Pack DLC is available, featuring Japanese folklore-inspired items like the Super Kitsune Miko Outfit. Twelve new breeds of Super Animal species are introduced, such as the Super Caracal and Super Blue Poison Dart Frog. A 2-week collaboration event with Turnip Boy allows players to earn Turnip Boy-themed cosmetic items through challenges. Quality of Life Improvements A soft matchmaking system has been implemented in the SAW vs Rebellion game mode. At the start of a match, teams are balanced based on player level for an improved and more balanced experience. This means you won’t get your helmet until the match begins and your team is assigned. Scout I’s skunk bomb count has been reduced to 1, and Scout II’s to 3. Teammates in the SAW vs Rebellion mode no longer trigger friendly Lucky Cat Mines. This will allow them to be more useful, as players often found them being accidentally detonated by allies in large-team modes. The Wave emote is now a milestone reward, achieved by playing 20 team-based games. The legendary BCG’s max damage has been lowered from 76 to 72. This will make it typically still able to two-shot players wearing level 1 armor, but now fairly unlikely to two-shot players wearing level 2 & 3 armor. Common magnum damage at the muzzle has been increased from 51 to 53, and uncommon magnum damage has been increased from 54 to 55. This keeps them more in line with the rare magnum. Up and down melee swings have been adjusted to occur within 40 degrees of north and south aim (previously, this was 30 degrees). Throwables now make a sound while traveling mid-air to better alert players of their presence. Sparrow trackers can now apply to Giant Emus. Removed local rollback upon death, so higher ping players don't feel like they are teleported after dying. While dead, the chat field will now show a message about not being able to type (and block text input) for all-chat. Added creep (walk) and creep (idle) to the photo booth. Exclamation alert badges that notify about Photo Booth Scenes that are earned now appear on the main menu and the Photo Booth tab. Added a support code option for email-linked players in Manage Account. Bot Tweaks Many changes have been made to the game’s bots to improve the player experience, especially for newer players. Bots aim more smoothly, making them more realistic in how they look around, and with fewer abrupt snaps. Bot aim has more randomization now. Pursuit range, aim, and vision have been reduced against lower level players (below level 40). Fixed hunting rifle bots shooting too quickly. Bots will roll less while pursuing players under level 20. If targeting a downed player, bots will look for new enemies in line of sight that are not downed to prioritize before the downed player. Lowered attack speed of bots slightly. Zip-and-Go Improvements Carry/place limit is now 4 (6 with bandolier). Zip-and-Go throwables now spawn in the world as packs of two rather than individually. Deployment animation has been lowered from 0.50s to 0.39s.
Drone speed is 30% faster. Increased minimum exit time after riding, to reduce spam [E] clicks causing accidental exit. Server predicts exit position and waits based on player ping to avoid players seeing themselves stuck in water. New Private Match Host Functions Private match hosts now have a /weight command: This command can be used to regenerate the loot table with various weapon spawn weightings, while in lobby. Valid weight types include ‘all’, any gun class, any gun ID, and any grenade ID (with values from 0.0 to 5.0). Priority is given to the most specific type, for instance ‘/weight all 0 gunhuntingrifle 1’ will allow for a match with only hunting rifles. It is important to note that the weight value is a multiplier on the original weapon weight, so the minigun is still zero spawn chance in the world, even with a 5.0 weight. Mole crates are not affected by weight but a weight of zero will stop a weapon from being in the drops. Weight does affect rebel caches as well as grenades/bananas from grass and breakable crates. For mystery mode, weights are applied after any mystery mode specific modifiers. The command ‘/weight reset’ can be used to reset all weightings. Private match hosts can also enter a ‘/mystery #’ command to change the Mystery Mode type in the lobby. One minor thing to note is that if picking Western mode, all player hats will change to a cowboy hat, but changing to another mystery type will not undo the hat. Other functionalities have been added for private match hosts, as well: Added ‘/kill all’ command for private match hosts. Added ‘/nade’ command for private matches, to spawn grenades. On PC, ‘/netdata’ command now shows packet loss. Map Updates Added animated jellyfish & water to some of the tanks at the Super Sea Land aquarium! Added posts to many boardwalks around the map, especially at Super Sea Land. Updated the shape of the sand islands at Super Sea Land. Improved collisions at the aquarium by removing the rocky corals and removing collisions from tube corals. The Sea Legs Restaurant’s side hut has been revamped. Stage seating was updated at Super Sea Land so players can walk between rows. A barrier has also been added at the water's edge. Improved rail visibility around the Super Sea Land stage. Widened some door openings around Super Sea Land and added patios. Adjusted Super Sea Land stage lights and added markings where the stage TVs fell in the animated YouTube short. Crates near the broken saw mill line that blocked collisions abnormally have been moved. Fixed some construction walls at Beaver HQ that were able to be hidden behind. Fixed a corner of the houses at S.A.W. Villas that could be seen through. Bug Fixes Fixed upward melee swings not able to hit fences if right against them, and fixed downward swings sometimes not playing tree-hit sound. Fixed phantom mole crate pulse appearing on the map if viewing it after the mole has left. Fixed map being openable while the report panel is active. Fixed the water at Nautitorium stage not being treated as water for throwables such as bananas. Fixed z-order on Nautitorium rails especially with zip-lines. Fixed pets sleep sound playing repeatedly in the fruit press if you died there at the end of the conveyor belt with a pet. Fixed being able to board teammate emus through walls. Fixed a bug where changing emus and eating a second speed mushroom would add the stacked effect to the second emu. Fixed giant emu and your own mushroom speed boost timer getting mixed up when dismounting/remounting an emu while both boosts are active. Healing emus no longer incorrectly contributes to the healing stat & milestone. Fixed sparrow tracker position on player when riding a giant emu. Sparrow will also match the direction the player and emu are facing. Fixed a bug where grenades and other throwables being tossed while becoming a Zombie Joe would end up stuck on the map. Phantom respawn timer in the Bwoking Dead should be fixed now.
Fixed Zombie Joes spawning in the fruit press. Might have to recall those last few batches of juice… Fixed a bug where changing to MP4 in the photo booth didn't do transparent checkbox toggling in one case. Fixed friends in the Photo Booth not having their proper gem level after being duplicated. Fixed gem emote flipping the gem upside down in the photo booth. Fixed controller bug with navigation on the Customize emote tab not showing an emote when using dpad-left. Fixed random vertical flickering for controller users when drinking or taping. Can no longer change the fill toggle while matchmaking (prevents desync bug). Download free Super Animal Royale update 1.26 on PS4.
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noobsquasher · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing, can u do something with y/n being jealous of a girl (idk maybe gwen stacy?) cause she is being very “closer” to peter and then y/n gets angry with him for being so beautiful and hot so she flirt with other random boy and he is like: i only love u, and then he fuck$ she so hard to remember she that she only for him
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: unprotected classroom sex, fingering, edging, degrading, Dom Peter, swearing, etc
Summary: Filled with envy, you decide to rebel and flirt with someone in front of Peter.
Notes: Peter Parker x Female Reader
All characters in this story are 18+.
The word jealousy was never in your vocabulary until Peter Parker came into your life.
You’ve been dating him for quite some time, the two of you growing close in an instant. The love you two shared was everlasting, and you were sure nothing could stand in between.
Except when the name Gwen Stacy pricked your ears.
Gwen and Peter met in advanced chemistry class and ever since, the two have been a little too close. You felt like twisting her neck whenever you saw the pair together.
You were sure you’d punch her in the face when you saw them together in the library during your free period.
Eavesdropping, you heard them conversing about stupid covalent bonds and dumb elements.
What the hell is so funny about chemistry? Why is Peter finding her so hilarious?
“I use chemistry puns, but only periodically.” Gwen spoke, getting a chuckle from Peter.
“Hm… I don’t trust atoms, they make up everything.”
They busted out laughing making your blood boil. You glared at them, hands balled into a fist.
You huffed, having enough of their banter. Your feet molded into the tile below as you made your way towards them.
“Hey, baby!” You expressed a slick smile on your face when you immediately caught a kiss onto Peter’s soft lips, practically attacking his mouth as you guys made out in front of Gwen. You prayed she felt uncomfortable, wanting her to know that you marked Peter as yours.
You finally left his lips, Peter’s face stained in rosy blush, his honeyed orbs all flustered.
“Oh- sorry Gwen, didn’t see you there.”
She glared at you, jaw clenched.
“Hey, Y/N. How are you?” You hated how innocent she tried to act, how the high tone of her voice hid how she actually felt.
“I’m great. You?”
“Never better.” She smiled at you as if you couldn’t see right through it.
You reciprocated one back, trying to relieve the underlying tension.
“Peter, baby… you're coming over today after school, right?”
Before Peter could answer, the spawn of Satan opened her gates of hell.
“Actually- Peter’s coming over to study with me. We have a test tomorrow for chemistry.”
Your eyes sharpened once you looked at her, it took Odin above to hold you back from throwing a library book at her stupid face.
“Isn’t that what you're doing right now? Studying for chemistry?” You pointed to the chemistry hardback on the table as if it wasn’t completely obvious.
“Yeah, but our test is very… intensive. Studying is required.”
“Well Gwen, if Peter needs to study, he can study with me.” You spoke strongly, wanting Gwen to know that your boyfriend was going home with you and you only.
Her eyes held acrimony as she played with her hands, glaring at you.
You put back on a smile, gazing at Peter.
“Petey, I'm having a hard time with my homework, could you help me out?” Your voice was craving, lashes batting at the still flustered, curly-haired boy below you.
“Uh… well- I was um… helping Gwen. I can help you when I’m done with her if you still want it?” He spoke as if he tried not to set the ticking time bomb inside you, but it was no use.
You held your composure as the explosive detonated within you, starting mass destruction. Your mind burst into flames, your veins flooding with black ash as your heart began to dissolve.
Yet, even as the structure within you fell, you still kept a smile on your fragile lips.
“That’s fine. I’ll see you in lunch.” You left him without your usual goodbye kiss, your steps leaving a trail of negativity behind.
Your stomach rumbled as you waited in line for lunch. You wondered where your boyfriend was, hoping that he wasn’t still with Satan.
Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Turning, you were met with the pearly whites of Brad Davis.
“Hey, Y/N! Don’t mind if I stay with you? The line is long and I’m dying for some food.” His tone held much charm, his onyx orbs, and six-foot-tall stature making you feel obligated to let him slide in front of you.
You shot him a smile,
“Sure, Brad.” Slightly moving so he could squeeze in.
“Thank you so much, your too kind.” His eyes twinkled as he gazed at you. You wondered how he was able to be so persuasive with just the bat of an eyelash.
Suddenly, you spotted Peter walking through the cafeteria doors, making his way towards the line you were in.
Evil bit your mind, a devious plan unfolding between your teeth.
A delicate hand was placed on Brad’s firm bicep as your tantalizing orbs met his gaze.
“Anything for you, Brad. You know I can’t deny that pretty face of yours.” You stepped closer to him, teeth indenting between the corner of your bottom lip.
Slight shock bit Brad’s face once your flirtatious act imprinted on him, his head tilting as a slick grin stained his lips.
“My pretty face? Have you looked into the mirror lately, beautiful?” He managed to move closer to you, body’s practically about to mold into each other.
Before another word could slip your mouth, Peter appeared from the blue, rage splattered across his apple cheeks and dark chocolate eyes.
“Who the fuck are you calling beautiful, Brad? I know you are not talking about yourself.” Peter seethed, jaw clenching at the sight of you two together.
You backed away from Brad, stepping towards your infuriating boyfriend. You could feel the ire radiating off his soft skin, some sort of sadistic satisfaction forming within you.
“Sorry dude didn’t know you two were a thing.”
“You didn’t know? What, do I gotta tattoo my fucking name on her forehead for you to understand that she’s mine? Back the fuck off before I shove your face into the school lunch, asshole.” He forcefully grabbed your hand, pulling you from the line as you stumbled behind him.
This was one of the few times you’ve seen Peter blow up like that in public, especially when it involved you.
Although Peter was practically turning crimson with fury stained on his face, you loved seeing this possessive side of him, wanting him to announce to the entire city of New York that you were marked his, and his only.
As he dragged you towards Odin knows what, he spewed venom through his teeth along the way.
“You don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself, huh? I gotta do it for you? Shit…”
“I was just-“
“I don’t wanna fucking hear it! I know what I saw and what I saw was you being a fucking slut to the entire cafeteria!”
“Don’t- don’t Peter me! What happened to my sweet, innocent, girl? You know I don’t like it when you act out like this, turning into a goddamn whore for someone else! The only person you're a whore for is me!” His steps molded into the concrete, harsh voice ricocheting off the walls throughout the hallway.
You wanted to defend yourself, but you knew he wouldn’t let you get another word out.
Finally, you arrived at the destination, an empty classroom that was reserved for the decathlon club.
Peter nearly busted through the wooden door, rushing you inside before slamming it shut, immediately webbing the handle.
You gulped, knowing where this was leading.
“Peter- what if someone sees or hears us? This is too-“
“If you can be a slut to everyone in the damn lunch line, you can most definitely be a slut here.”
He then suddenly picked you up, hands grasping your ass firmly as he moved swiftly, placing you onto a sturdy table.
“Naughty girls like you deserve a little punishment to keep them in line.” He tore off your skirt, revealing your soaked panties underneath.
Peter groaned, inhaling your sweet aroma.
“Who did this you? Was it Brad?” Fingers quickly hooked to the thin straps of your underwear, pealing them off.
“No! No- it was you. All you, baby.” He spread your legs, cock piercing through his jeans as your velvety folds stared at him.
“How can I trust I did all this to you? For all I know, it could’ve been any guy in the fucking line.” His thumb circled your throbbing, bundle of nerves, a yelp escaping your lips.
“Can’t- can’t you see how wet I am for you? Shove your fingers inside me, feel it yourself!” Your head tilted back as his movements increased, the swift motion on your clit frying your nerves.
He shot you a slick grin, knowing he was gonna do a lot more than just shove his fingers inside you.
His lips caught yours as his long digits dipped inside your slick folds, you groaned against him, deepening the kiss.
His hand wrapped around your neck while his fingers curled within you, immediately hitting that sweet spot of yours.
“I hope you ate something because you are mine for the entire lunch hour.” He pumped you smoothly with his fingers, nearly moaning when he took a peek at his drenched digits.
“Gosh! Pete- Peter! I’m close! Oh fucking- OH!” Your hand gripped onto the table below, toes curling as you were about to reach your end, but it was ceased when Peter’s thick fingers slipped out of you.
You gasped, missing the intense feeling.
“Only good girls get to come when they want to.” He stopped your expected cry with a tender kiss before his saturated fingers were shoved back inside you.
You whimpered against his gentle but harsh lips, wanting nothing more than to cum on them.
“Mm- Peter! I'm sorry! I’m really- I’m sorry. I won’t- I won’t do it again, I swear!” He already had you tripping on your words.
“Why’d you even do it in the first place, huh? Do you like seeing me pissed off? You want me to tease you like this, edge you in the middle of a classroom?”
You whined, head falling back once his fingers grazed your treasured spot.
You regretted ever pulling that wicked scheme on Peter, feeling embarrassed to admit that envy and spite was the leading cause of this entire situation.
“You- you and… you and Gwen! You spend so much fucking time with her, that you sometimes completely forget about me!”
His coffee orbs softened on you, his fingers escaping your clenched cunt, making you mewl.
“Me and Gwen? She’s just my friend, baby. What did you assume we were?” His entire demeanor shifted, a soft hand petting your cheek.
“I hate to admit that I’m jealous of you two… how you guys are so close. I despise her.” You couldn’t look him in the eye, head falling into his gentle hand.
“Oh, Angel… I didn’t know you disliked her. You should’ve told me, I would’ve done something about it.” His thumb sweetly brushed against your face, his other hand caressing your backside.
“I’m sorry… I should’ve. Instead, I flirted with Brad to make you jealous out of spite. I’m truly sorry, Petey. Forgive me.” Your glossy orbs marked his, Peter’s lips turning into a line.
“I forgive you, I do. Gosh, baby, next time just let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable with any situation that arises, we’ll fix it together. I love you.”
You gave him a small smile,
“I love you, too.”
The sentence is secured with a tender kiss, tongues dancing, lips making sweet, rhythmic love.
“Now, lemme show you how much I love you so everyone, even Brad, knows your mine.”
You exhaled, hoping the walls were thick enough to cloud the impending moans coming soon.
“PETER!” His candied syllables echoed throughout the classroom, firm slaps, rubs, and squeaking of the table below you adding to the erotic symphonies.
“Shit, princess! Fuck, you feel so good!” Peter’s head fell back as he thrust harshly inside your tight folds, his eyes rolling back to how easily you wrapped around his thick cock.
His mind started to get lost in the insane pleasures you offered him, babbles starting to escape through his teeth.
Your legs bound around him, pulling him closer, deeper, within you.
“Mm… my good girl, oh my fucking Angel! Know your mine, baby… all fucking mine. Nobody else can ever have you.” He leaned forward, your harmonious moans slipping into his ears before he silenced them with an everlasting kiss, sealing you off.
Peter could never get enough of how you sound whenever he’s inside you, how your pretty little mouth releases the sweetest of mumbles and whimpers to keep him going for hours. You were irresistible.
Your hands moved to his shoulders as he sped up his pounds. You wondered what would snap first, your thighs, or the squeaky table below.
“Peter! Oh- fucking gosh- Petey!”
His shaky hand moved to your swollen clit, rubbing quickly.
“Cum- cum on my cock baby. Let me feel you.” He moaned in your ear before kissing your sweet spot just below your earlobe.
You started to crumble below him, moans turning into cries and babbles. Your incoherent sounds informing Peter that the coil within you was about to burst.
“Pet- Peter! I- oh!” You couldn’t even finish your sentences.
“What is it? Use your words.”
You cried, knowing you were too mind-fucked to even speak.
“Don’t go all cock-drunk on me now, beautiful. What is it?”
You groaned, head nearly slamming into the table below as your walls clenched forcefully around Peter, your orgasm hitting you with a rippling surge of pleasure.
Your back arched, hold tightened, lips open as you let out deep cries, not a single care in the world as your entire body shook vigorously to the rhythms of your high.
Your state was enough to make Peter come, hot-white strands painting your aching insides, whines, and babbles leaving his throat as he came undone.
When the high ended, he softly fell onto you, smoothly slipping out as heavy breathing filled the classroom.
Exhaustion washed over you as you held onto Peter’s shaky body, mind about to pass out.
He placed a loving kiss onto your sweat-stained forehead, making his way to your nose, and then your soft lips.
“I love you more than everything, baby. Nothing could ever come between us, know that.” His toffee orbs sparkled, a sweet smile on his delicate lips.
“I love-“ suddenly, the table below you collapsed, the legs giving out after you and Peter abused what was left of its stability.
Peter immediately picked you up, holding you tightly so you wouldn’t go crashing along too.
“Holy shit!” He backed away, placing you gently next to him as you two gazed at the broken wood.
“Fuck… you think anyone heard-“
Copyright © of noobsquasher 2024
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kouomi · 3 years
Counting Down To You
Summary: When meeting your soulmate is a matter of life or death, is it possible to beat the clock and find them in time? (F!Reader x Sakusa Kiyoomi)
Warnings: talking about death, some sadness, fluff at end, sad to happy
Word count: 3,010
A/N: sorry for not posting in a while! Pulled this out of my drafts, there might be a lil sequel/separate ending to this later!
Posted: April 27th, 2021, 5:30 PM EST
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Everyone had countdowns from the moment they were born. It was a ticking time bomb within every person that would be lethal to not only them, but their soulmate as well when it detonated. The whole system of having a soulmate was a double edged sword; sure, if you managed to escape it you met your soulmate, but the slightest slip up could lead you to a grave.
The timer started when you or your soulmate was made aware of the other, such as hearing their name for the first time or seeing a picture. Everyone’s timer was set at different times, most people having a couple decades while some of the lucky ones have a hundred years, or the unlucky only a few years, months, weeks, or even days. When the timer starts it’s simply your soulmates initial and a date on your wrist, but when it got to the last 7 days, the timer turned into one that looked like a clock, slowly ticking off the seconds until left you had to meet them or die.
The death wasn’t immediate, it was more like a sickness. It wasn’t able to be cured even by meeting your soulmate, for as soon as the timer ran out, so did your chance of survival. Once the last second ran out the timer disappeared and was replaced with your soulmates name as if it would be any help at that point. Three days was all you were given after the timer ran out. Three measly days to say goodbye to everything and everyone you knew.
There were other ways other than seeing someone’s timer to tell if their time was running out. Once it turned from a date to hours the person started to become “sick” their body weaker and more noticeably a cough. It was horrible to watch but an even worse feeling was it happening to you.
When your timer started, you were given exactly a year. It felt like a cruel joke that at the age of fifteen you were only given a year to find your soulmate or die, but the date on your wrist was a constant reminder it was reality. You tried for almost that entire year to find him, to find the one with a matching timer and who matched the initial on your wrist but it was useless. Even if you managed to find them you’d have to kiss them to stop the timer and you couldn’t go around kissing every stranger who’s name happened to start with K. By the last two weeks you’d given up, finally coming to terms with the fact you were going to die and there was nothing you could do about it.
You were in Tokyo for the national volleyball tournament as you were accompanying the team you managed, happy to at least be in a beautiful city for your last few days on earth. A gentle breeze picked up your hair and blew it around your shoulders, a few stray strands waving in front of your face as you stared at the quiet city streets below. It was oddly peaceful, a sense of a calm before the storm blanketing the night and preserving the moment around you.
“Y/n/n?” A familiar voice asks from behind you, “What’re ya doin out here, it’s freezing.”
Turning around you see one of your closest friends, Miya Atsumu walked out on to the balcony where you stood, leaning on the railing. You’d noticed the freezing air nipping at your bare skin but hadn’t paid much mind to it, your mind to focused on other things to care about the cold.
“Waiting.” You answered, returning your gaze to the sky as he walked over to stand next to you.
“Waitin for what?”
You glance at your phone screen, seeing it read 11:59 before moving your arm up so it rested underside up on the metal railing. Just as you did so the date on your wrist disappeared and was replaced with a timer, the seconds slowly ticking away.
“That.” You sigh, taking notice of the way the normally positive atmosphere that followed Atsumu had faded, “167 hours, 59 minutes, and 47 seconds left.”
“Hey, maybe we’ll find them here!” He exclaims, a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes crossing his face, “There’s thousands of people!”
“I can’t go around kissing thousands of random people, Tsu.” You chuckle, pushing off of the railing and walking back to the door, “Come on.”
“I have an idea!” The blonde gasps before rushing inside, making you give him a quizzical look as he frantically looks around the room.
“Why are ya yelling at midnight?” An authoritative voice asks, making Atsumu freeze momentarily before he turns around.
“Kita! Yer name starts with K right?”
“Do I really need to answer that?”
“Atsumu, I know what you’re thinking and no.” You say, watching as his shoulders droop.
“Why not?!”
“Kitas timer hasn’t even started yet.”
“It’s worth a shot! He has the right initials, doesn’t he?”
Both you and the captain blink at him before glancing at each other and shaking your heads.
“They’re backwards.” Kita states, Atsumus face falling at the realization, “Hers say S.K. mine are K.S.”
“Thanks anyway Tsu.” You smile, your hand resting on his shoulder as you walk past him and down the hall, “Don’t worry about it. I still have a week to watch you guys win. Good night.”
The two boys watch you leave, a sad feeling encompassing the room as you disappear down the hallway. The silence hangs in the air as if saying it’s own piece to the drastic weight of the situation, the weight pulling down on the two making their shoulders visibly slump as they continue to stare where you once stood.
“Stop looking at ‘er like she’s already dead.” Kita says, making Atsumu jump. “Yer just gonna make ‘er feel worse.”
Almost as soon as you’d slipped through the door of your room you collapsed on to your bed, an empty feeling filling your chest as you pulled your blanket over your head. Sure, you’d come to terms with the fact you were going to die, but it didn’t stop the horrible feeling that weighed down your heart as it set in that this was your last week. In another week you’d probably be in a hospital bed with all of your friends giving you sad pitiful looks as you slowly withered away, left with nothing other than the name of the soulmate you’d failed to meet in time.
Were they panicking as well? Were they doing everything they possibly could to find you so you could both survive? This was the greatest chance you had to find them seeing as you were in the city and at a large event, but what were the chances of them even being there?
Your worries and questions followed you into your sleep, dried tear tracks staining your face as you fought to get any rest.
Even in your dreams you found yourself on the brink of death, a man standing just out of reach. He was so close, you could feel the fabric of his jacket just barely brush past your fingertips. He was so so close, yet so impossibly far, you found the last slivers of hope you held for finding this stranger in time slipping away just as he began to walk out of your view.
3 hours 26 minutes and 17 seconds
They’d lost. You watched with a hallow expression as the boys dressed in orange and the entire stadium cheered for Karasuno and their victory, while your team was almost frozen in time in disbelief at the final score. After what felt like hours you all walked off the court, silence haunting the group as they all sulked.
“I’m sorry Y/n.”
You turn around and see a few of the boys standing in front of you almost at the brink of tears, their sad gazes only getting worse as they fell upon you.
“Ya said that you’d be watching us win until...” Atsumu continues, his hand clenching into a fist as he trails off, “But we lost. Sorry.”
“Stop being so dramatic, Tsu.” You say, making his expression turn to one of surprise as he and his brother look to you, “Just being able to see you guys play like that was good enough. Especially seeing that quick attack. Man, that was cool!”
They both smile slightly and so do you, walking closer and hugging them both with one arm. You close your eyes for a moment and relish in the hug, imprinting the feeling on your mind as one of your favorite. They squeeze you to themselves though you don’t mind, the three of you standing there for what felt like hours. You wished you could stay there for hours, stand in the arms of the people you considered family. You wanted to stay with them, with the whole team and make more memories, to keep living with them. Your heart ached for the wish as you knew it was an impossible request, knowing this most likely would be the last time you could hug them. If only there was more time, just a few more days. But the timer on your wrist continues to tick, the seconds going by and your time running out.
After a while you finally let go and walked out with the others, the air not as heavy as it previously was though the discord in your head running wild.
0 hours 10 minutes and 43 seconds
“Hey Y/n, are you coming?” Aran asks, standing on the first stair of the bus and looking to you.
You look down at your wrist and read the numbers, feeling a pull at your heart.
“I’m gonna take a walk really quick, can you guys wait a few minutes?” You ask.
He nods, hiding his worry for you behind a slight frown before he climbs into the bus, the doors shutting behind him and the engine starting as the bus waits to leave.
You sigh as you turn around and start walking down the sidewalk, a cough racking your sore body as you did so. Everything hurt and your legs resisted every movement, but you refused to spend these few minutes stuck in the bus.
0 hours 2 minutes and 24 seconds
Finally you came across a bench where you collapsed, a grunt leaving your body as you finally relieve your legs of your weight. Your head was thrown back on the back of the bench and you stared up at the cloudless sky, the stars seeming to laugh as they stared at your disheveled state.
“Could you not sit so close?”
You turn your head to the side and see another person on the bench next to you. With a sigh you scoot over, wincing at the burning sensation in your arms as you do so. The stranger hunches over himself and you hear the all too familiar sound of coughing, their fit lasting almost an entire minute before they straighten themselves out again.
“Are you okay?” You ask, turning your gaze away from the sky to look at them.
“Fine.” He mumbles though another cough gives away his lie, “There’s not enough time for me to care.”
You give a light laugh, a cough of your own stopping it short. “Time’s a bitch, huh?”
0 hours 0 minutes and 53 seconds
“What’s your name?” You ask after a few seconds of silence.
“... Sakusa. Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
Your heart seems to stop as you hear this, the world around you suddenly coming to a halt as you blink at him.
“You’re joking right?” You ask in disbelief. Surely this was some kind of messed up prank, it wasn’t possible.
“Why would I be joking?” He responds, “Who’re you?”
“Y/n. Y/l/n.”
You see his eyes widen as he turns to face you, his once defeated appearance gaining new life though the exhaustion is still visible in his droopy shoulders and bags under his eyes. Despite the mask covering half of his face you could tell he was attractive, dark brown eyes that bore into yours slightly obscured by long curls. There were two moles on his forehead that were hardly visible in the low light, his intense expression almost forcing you to look away.
0 hours 0 minutes and 32 seconds
“Are you...” He starts, eyes glancing down for a moment, “Your wrist.”
0 hours 0 minutes and 27 seconds
You read the number in your head as you held out a shaky arm for him to see, a small gasp leaving your lips as he holds out his own for you to see a timer in sync with your own and your initials just below it.
0 hours 0 minutes and 20 seconds
“I’m... we’re not gonna die.” You breathe, your eyes moving up and meeting his again, “I know we just met but I don’t think there’s enough time for us to spare.”
He blinks at you, almost too shocked to respond.
0 hours 0 minutes and 16 seconds
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, anxiously waiting for his response.
0 hours 0 minutes and 13 seconds
Sakusa doesn’t say anything, his other hand unsteadily reaching up to pull his mask off.
0 hours 0 minutes and 8 seconds
Almost in slow motion he leans closer to you, his body almost towering over your own as he rests on one of his hands.
0 hours 0 minutes and 5 seconds
You see your breath in the cold air as you tilt your head up to look at him, fighting back the cough in your lungs as everything around you seems to be slowly clicking into place.
0 hours 0 minutes and 3 seconds
You lean closer to him, his breath dancing on your lips. Just before you meet your body seems to give out beneath you, this small slip up seeming as if it’s been waiting to rip away your last few seconds to save your life.
0 hours 0 minutes and 2 seconds
Sakusas other arm shoots out and hooks under your back, holding you up and closer to himself.
0 hours 0 minutes and 1 second
As soon as you were supported in his grasp you leaned up and pressed your lips against his, your eyes fluttering shut as you put all of your hope and fear into this one moment. The kiss is short but it felt as if something you were missing all your life, your body feeling reenergized and the air escaping your lungs as you pull away.
You blink at each other for a moment before you both look at your wrists, joy filling you both when you see the timer stopped at one second. Below it where there was once only two letters is now each other’s names, the sight making butterflies fly through your stomach.
Realizing his arm was still around you, a light blush dusts your cheeks as you suddenly acknowledge how close you were to each other.
“Y/n?” You hear Atsumu yell from down the street, Sakusas arm pulling away from you as he approaches. “We were lookin all over for you, are ya okay?”
“I’m okay.” You smile, “And you don’t need to find a replacement for me just yet.”
“Huh?” He asks, finally noticing the boy next to you, “Oh hey Sakusa, what’re ya doin- wait.”
“Hi.” He says, cringing as Atsumu seems to explode.
“Y/n, you and Sakusa?!” He exclaims, “I can’t believe this!”
“Why are you yelling so much Tsu?” You ask though give him a smile, “Why were you looking for me?”
“Oh yeah, Coach wants to leave.” Atsumu answers, “And ya were gone a while, we got worried.”
“I’ll be there in a second.” You say, nodding for him to leave. He gives a loud “ohh” when he finally understands what you were implying, giving a thumbs up before jogging back the way he came.
“I should probably head back too.” Sakusa says, standing from the bench and stumbling slightly.
“Sakusa?” You ask, standing as well. He turns around, pulling his mask back over his face and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Kiyoomi.” He says in an almost shy tone.
“Kiyoomi.” You repeat, smiling slightly at his name, “Can I get your number?”
“Y/n yer back!” One of the boys yells as you climbed on to the bus, taking one of the free seats.
“Yep.” You grin, all of them giving you a strange look before you hold up your wrist, the once gloomy atmosphere turning joyful as you’re practically tackled out of your seat and into a giant mess of a group hug.
“Yer not gonna die?” Osamu asks in a whisper, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“No, I’m not.” You respond, your arms wrapping around all of them and squeezing. “Now can you all stop crying? You’re gonna make me cry.”
There’s a small series of laughs as you’re somehow held tighter, the tension the last thing on your mind as you close your eyes. What had once felt bittersweet now brought joy to you as you relished in the feeling of being with the people you considered family. Finally, after a year of living your life as if it was your last moments, you were able to stop; to take a moment to breathe. That one kiss had freed you of the chains of a ticking clock and given you the thing you’d only ever dreamed of: more time.
As you all were forced to pull away by your coaches telling you to get in your seats your mind wandered to the boy who’d made this possible. Sakusa Kiyoomi, though he was still a stranger to you, had made a spot for himself in your thoughts as well as bringing butterflies through your stomach. Maybe with the extra time he’d given you, you could spend it with him.
Kiyoomi. You thought, thanks for being my soulmate.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
@galadrieljones on Morphic Resonance - Part 2
Read part 1 HERE
I totally forgot to post this yesterday and posted some asks instead.  😄 Oops. Here’s part 2:
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This kind of thing is explored in lots of modern TV shows, like Twin Peaks, in which David Lynch basically attempts to trace the root of all evil to the detonation of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico, and how, ever since that first occurrence, which broke a seal of sorts, evil has cycled through mankind in increasingly devastating but sadly repeatable patterns all over the world these past 80 years.
Morphic resonance would hold, however, that the detonation of the bomb, and its introduction of some new evil into the world, is not itself spontaneous, but a product of a similar pattern of human behavior that pre-exists the bomb even further.
So, essentially, the cycle of evil is endemic in mankind, traced all the way back to the Bible. It will continue until, well, probably forever. Or until the cycle can be broken in some way, explained through the Christian lens by Christ’s return to judgment and Revelations.
Another big thing that came out of this for me was the thing I initially mentioned, and it’s related to something @twdmusicboxmystery talked about yesterday: the way we think about “codas,” ie: how the same patterns of events seem to be happening again and again and again in TWD, beginning with the pattern of events that first emerged in season 4.
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Like, I think it’s very clear that’s what’s happening. What happens in season 4 is like the original emergence of the new pattern, the Big Bang, the original coda, and once it begins, everything seems to happen very quickly and all at once. I’m mainly talking about the events that begin with the Governor’s attack, then the cycle of 4.9-5.8. The Governor, himself is a good example of morphic resonance, as he can’t seem to break the pattern of behavior that leads him to the same exact conclusion time after time after time. He keeps failing, and his daughter keeps dying. The cycle only breaks for the Governor once he’s finally killed.
Anyway, the pattern that starts in season 4 and culminates with Beth’s death is repeated a myriad of times over the seasons, with various characters, who we usually refer to as proxies, and amid various arcs we refer to as templates. I don’t think I need to bring up any examples. We’re all pretty clear on these.
The morphic “field,” or population of people through which these patterns seem to resonate, is widespread across TWDU, but it mainly applies to characters in TWD, and even then, it often most obviously applies to Daryl (ie: his experiences with Denise and Leah, who are OBVIOUS Beth proxies). But even when it applies to other characters, like Michonne, it’s still a repetition of that same pattern, over and over again.
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So morphic resonance holds that this “pattern,” which begins in 4.8, did not emerge from nothing. It was anything but random. Its causality may be hidden from us, needing to be investigated by looking backward at everything that happened before, every little root, nook, cranny, branch, leaf, and blossom that precipitated its eventually “ripening” or formation in season 4, ie: the things TD does basically every day. Because if we look back, we can see little echos of this pattern that go all the way back to the pilot.
I’d like to say that this works on two levels: the micro level, which is predicated on specific character choices that are made in seasons 1-3, and then the macro level, which focuses more on human tendency in general, greater battles between good and evil, survival and compassion, etc. Like the monomyth, or hero’s journey, human patterns of behavior that repeat over and over again as part of a shared memory or consciousness. In some ways, it’s a tale as old time. Man emerges into conflict, man loses something important, man struggles to get it back, man makes a mistake, and fails.
In Blair/Gina, however, we learn that these destructive patterns can be broken, and in the ensuing outcome, lives can be saved. The hero can win and reap their reward. This is huge! 
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The presentation is very obvious, using the Groundhog Day trope, which is in and of itself a product of a kind of resonance, as its roots go as far back as “A Christmas Carol,” and maybe even further, priming the audience to believe such a trope without question. The basic gist is that a hero is given one or more second chances to make a major change to their past choices, which in many ways saves their life, either spiritually or physically, and in some cases, the lives of others.
Now, onto how this could affect Daryl and Beth, and some speculation: I’ve thought a lot about this in the past. I’ve always wondered if perhaps TWD would do, with Daryl, a kind of “It’s a Wonderful Life” episode, or like the Smallville episode “Lexmas.” Probably Daryl would be unconscious, having a near-death experience, and in this would have a detailed hallucination or “dream” about what his life would be like if he had done something differently in his past and been able to save Beth’s life.
This something would be the key to breaking the cycle, like how Blair/Gina learn that they must work TOGETHER to make it to 5 o’clock. Through this hallucination, we’d see what really happened during “Coda,” plus the missing 17 days, and somewhere inside of that memory would be the thing Daryl did differently in order to save her. It’s possible even that the thing he has to change takes place BEFORE the “Coda,” like in “Alone,” for example. Maybe we don’t have those missing 17 days because the outcome is still…undecided!
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In either case, the hallucination would then fast forward to the present tense, in which Beth is alive, and the two of them are together, probably married with kids, living the happy life he has always dreamed of. TWDU did this in “In Dreams” with Grace, so I don’t think it’s out of the question. They have also done alternate reality dreams before in TWD, like Rick’s “old man” dream, and Michonne’s drug-induced hallucinations in “What We Become.”
Seeing that shot of him and Judith lying unconscious in the trailer has increased my interest in this possibility, but of course, it’s really just headcanon or wishful thinking at this point, one possible choice tptb could make among zillions.
If something like this were to happen, then I feel it would motivate Daryl to try and implement the same change from his near-death experience in reality. Possibly, this change would result in his being able to save JUDITH, our final Beth proxy. We already know he bridal carries her while she’s unconscious, like he does with Beth in “Coda.”
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In the end, I feel there would be some grand parallel back to Grady, which would teach us about the CRM’s involvement. Like perhaps he would hand Judith off to a doctor in a helicopter. I know that someone from our group has speculated this could happen before, I just can’t remember who. I think it was maybe Ann who also speculated that it could be BETH on that helicopter who takes her away. So the reward here is both cosmic, literal, and thematic. By finally fixing whatever he failed to do the first time around with Beth, and saving Judith’s life, he breaks the thematic cycle, ie: the causal structure that causes her to keep dying and dying again and again, and is then rewarded with the knowledge that Beth is actually alive, and this would, I expect, propel him in some way on his journey deeper toward the CRM.
This would be a dream come true, of course. Again, I reiterate, as you all well know, it’s just one way it could go, of zillions. BUT. Even if the details are wrong, it doesn’t feel out of the question, in terms of how Beth could conceivably return at this point. For example, maybe Beth isn’t on the helicopter, but after Daryl hands Judith off, or Judith is taken, etc., then he will, in some setting, somewhere quickly thereafter, discover evidence that Beth could still be alive. Like, maybe he goes back to Grady. Idk.
I mean, there was evidence that TWD filmed there recently. So in a kind of parallel story to Michonne’s, he then must go to find her, or at least pursue the lead that she could be alive more closely. If he brought anybody with him, it would be Carol. Maybe she initially is going to go, but then something happens, maybe with Ezekiel, and she can’t. This would be a recall to “Consumed” and then a replay of “Diverged.” Daryl would honestly probably then go alone, since most of the people who are left have somebody by now that they need to stay behind and take care of.
I also think that while they may not show us in TWD, he may end up on his trip with characters from World Beyond—ie: Hope and Leo Bennett, and maybe even T. Brooks Ellis, and members of the Primrose Team. Or maybe he’ll be straight up abducted by Jadis. I have no clue! Lol. OKAY. That's all! I'm so sorry for all the writing here lol. Clearly this episode is blowing our minds in many ways. I didn't expect Tales of the Walking Dead to be so fruitful but I’m really loving that it is!!!!
I won't lie and say that I can totally wrap my mind around this, but I get the gist of it. Thank you so much for your research and explaining it and my lack of being able to comprehend all of it has nothing to do with your ability to explain it. You did a great job. While I was reading, I started thinking about the episode Coda.
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We have come to realize that we're seeing Coda through Rick's perception. I'm thinking that all of TF in that hallway were affected by how Rick perceived the situation and them sharing the same perception which might not and probably was not true. Mainly that Beth was not shot dead but simply shot. To some degree we've always suspected that but with tptb introducing these concepts to us they're confirming to us that overall, we're understanding what it is that they're laying down story-wise, at least to a certain degree.
By the way I am the one that has a head cannon about Daryl handing Judith over in the helicopter and it being Beth.
Thanks! I totally agree this is something to do with Coda. I am also interested in the Folie a Deux reference which refers to shared psychosis. I think it also might have something to do with Coda. I have notes on that too which are far less…. expansive. Lol. And I also agree it is no coincidence that tptb are most casually introducing these rather fringe topics.
Loved all your thoughts! I echo @wdway in saying, thanks for researching and explaining this. It made sense to me. It’s definitely a very abstract concept, and the fact that it’s intangible always makes it difficult to wrap one’s brain around. But I have a background in particle physics, which can be equally brain-bending, and a lot of the concepts you lay out here are at least similar to particle physics concepts.
Another thought I had—and not necessarily related to TWD; or, what I mean is, I’m not saying this is exactly what the writers are going for; rather, just another way to explain some of what you said above—has to do with the concept of fate.
Concepts of fate and destiny have been around for a very long time. They were big in ancient Greece, and even long before. But most people also now know that we create our own realities and our own problems. So, if people kept ending up at the same crossroads, or the same bad things keep happening to them, they label them as destiny. But in the age of information, most people also recognize that it’s more that the person is doing it to themselves.
And often it’s not at all their fault. It’s done in ignorance, or they have some kind of trauma they haven’t dealt with and therefore can’t break out of.
Because I write fiction, and I do have some time travel fiction, I’ve been asked about my philosophy on time travel before. Like, do I think it’s possible to have people go back and change the past in order to alter the present, Back to the Future style, or not so much?
And my answer is always the same. I don’t have a problem with people changing the past. Time travel doesn’t negate free will, and you can write a story lacking free will if you want, but that’s a whole other ball game. If we’re still in a free will universe, then they kinda have to be able to change the past. 
But I also don’t think it matters overly much. They might be able change single events, but they’ll still end up at the same crossroads if they haven’t truly learned the lesson.
So, my philosophy of time travel is that, sure, they can change things, but all roads lead to the same destination. UNTIL they learn and change themselves. 
I was just thinking you could apply that to the circular arcs in TWD, as you explained so well above. They’ll keep reliving the circular arcs until they fix things. Until they hit the one that will help them survive long term. Until they realize neither Beth nor Rick truly died. Anyway, as I said, just my swirling thoughts after reading your above thoughts.
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Finally, while reading what you said about Daryl and Grady and such, a new head canon formed, with him handing Judith off to a helicopter as it’s jumping off point. You know how when an ambulance picks someone up, especially in the movies, the people who don’t ride along tend to say, “what hospital are you taking them to?” I was thinking, what if someone takes Judith and when Daryl asks where they’re taking her, they tell him to a hospital in Atlanta. Maybe that’s why Daryl goes back to Grady: looking for Judith. Who knows what he’d find there, but maybe, much like Michonne on the boat with Rick’s stuff, Daryl finds some evidence there that Beth was alive and well at Grady long after TF left Atlanta.
Wouldn’t that just be crazy? And amazing? And heart wrenching? And all the things? Anyway. As I said. Just more head canons forming. Loved all your thoughts and research!
@twdmusicboxmystery, I enjoyed reading your thoughts above and love your Atlanta/Grady head canon. Guys, didn't Greg N. say a few years back that Grady blow up or burned down or something like that, was destroyed. I don't know that that was an official approved statement or if he was just winging it to move on to another question and the official status of Grady is still open ended.
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A little side note about the time of Rick's interview when TF first arrived at AZ, the time of 3:37. That episode was s5e12 Remember. I was just thinking how much of a coincidence it was that that particular time is brought up in the Tales episode. Remember, was the same episode where the long discussion at Comic-Con was brought up about the armadillo that Daryl was cleaning on the porch. I wonder how many people went back to check it out because they remembered it as being a possum. In doing so watched scene with the time given of 3:37. I always enjoy these little coincidences. Just a thought.
Yeah, good point about Remember. They do seem to be pointing back toward the reset after Beth a lot lately. 
Yeah, Nicotero did say something like that. But it was also a “probably” statement. Someone asked what happened to the people left behind at Grady. And he said something like. “Oh, they’re probably gone. Yeah, I think they’re probably dead by now.” It always made me chuckle. Good job, Greg. Wait to be convincing. And I’m not even saying it’s not true. “By now” could mean Grady fell at some point before the present, and it doesn’t mean Beth isn’t alive. His reply just sounded somewhere between planned and flustered.
What do you think about our discussion Morphic Resonance? Any thoughts?
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
seadhne boss fight (bonus perhaps, + sitheach :3c)
Okay, so I FINALLY remembered I had bossfights in here left!
Welcome to Seafarer's Course, Raid Wing 8! You chase the ship of pirates who, apparently, have something that could destroy the world, or so claim the Lion Guard. After damaging their ship you corner them in their fortress of some ancient ruins, located on a remote island. You can get achievement Priory Consultant for finding all the scripts and murals.
The Pirate Queen must be protected, says the crew. Before meeting with her you must first defeat her crew, including two big bosses: Cannoneer Erin and First Mate Abraham. On your way to each boss you will have to fight pirate ambushes. Same goes for Seadhna, obviously. After defeating the last ambush, Seadhna comes out of hiding.
"Can't believe the famous Pact Commander came after some lost cash and a bunch of weapons," she says casually, before sighing and telling you she can't just let you kill those who remain.
The thing about this fight is that the timer does not start immediately as you enter combat.
Seadhna's mainly uses a sword and applies multiple stacks of bleeding. She also has a gun and she will randomly choose a player and shoot them. If the player is too close, they get a stun debuff and a knockback. If they are in the stack, 3 random players from around them share the debuff. The person who is chosen sees a mark over their head, so they can get out of stack and dodge the bullet (literally).
Her special mechanic is calling for aid, first time at 80%. She will call for her crew to put big bombs in the chamber. The timer starts now: Time until the ruins are blown: 10 minutes. The bombs will detonate every now and then, they cannot be destroyed. At 75% Seadhna will tell you that the captain will go with her ship and her fortress, but she won't let you harm others. She will call for aid again, this time smaller bombs will be placed randomly. They can be dodged or picked up and thrown at Seadhna to deal damage to her, CC her and apply confusion
At 50% Seadhna will call for aid again and tell you that most of her crew are out by now and you will never catch them. She will protect her own. Bomb mechanic again. She will also call for Sitheach, who will spawn on a platform above (you can get there by stairs that have a few holes in them so be ready to jump).
Sitheach has an open CC bar for most of the time. He will shoot players from above, you want to dodge that or you're dead, full stop. Just like Sabetha's flame wall, except focus is on a randomly selected player. Skills such as guardian's Sanctuary or any reflecting skills will protect the player. Reflecting skills will deal small amont of damage. At every 25% of his HP Sitheach will teleport to a different spot on the platform. In close combat he uses dagger and a pistol.
Seadhna will call for aid again at 25% but nothing will happen. Her crew is out, there is nobody to help her anymore. She will run to the nearest big bomb and have a CC bar while she tries to set it off herself. If you CC her then she gets a debuff "alone" - skills have major cool down, similarly to the player in LWs3 during the fight with self doubt. Seadhna will attempt more than once to detonate the bomb, each time you can CC her.
After she dies you can finally destroy the bombs or you can look for an exit. The escape route depends on the big bombs' initial layout.
Phew, that was a lot! Thank you for asking! i love me some pirates <3
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laora-ryn · 3 years
Since you have the "talk about fic in my askbox" thing, I want to reiterate how much I love the OC and more-developed canon characters in your Dylandy-centric fics. Owen and Lyndsay are fantastic, and so are all the classmates and community members you created for 'the ending of stories that never got to be told.' If you want to, I would love to hear any random facts/headcanons you have for these characters that didn't make it into the fics.
Omg I got so many of these thank you all 😭😭😭 prob be answering them over the next few days
(the fic in question)
Lyndsay and Owen are. So good. Idk I'm trying to make them into the kind of parent I'd want to be? Like willing to work with you on this, not going to dismiss you or fly off the handle, Concerned About Your Life Choices (looking @ u, neil) but not entirely? Condoning them? Idk they definitely have Mixed Feelings on Celestial Being when they inevitably appear, like they absolutely understand why he felt like he needed to join the last time, but now with his family here they don't understand why he needs to do it again
Also Lyndsay is a goblin and Owen is a worrywart and so sometimes they clash on things, like nothing serious but idk I have fun w them :D
Stella, the girl from the hotdog stand, has probably been in my head the longest out of all the ocs in that fic. I've always kind of imagined her as really? Sarcastic, and cynical after the bomb. She used to have super long hair that she took a lot of pride in, but once the grill she was pinned to burned it off at her shoulders, she never grew it long, and kept it around that length. She's of Chinese descent, skinny and reasonably tall, and comes from a decidedly working class family that can't afford to get her the "elective" treatment after the bomb that would gain back her quality of life
Her partner, Shen, is an OC I've only made recently but I'm kind of in love with? They're enby and Black, I've decided deliberately not to choose an assigned gender for them but they're very tall, much taller than Stella, and heavier set. They're about Stella's age, 19-20 at the time of the bomb, and worked in one of the retail stores at the mall. They got off shift barely fifteen minutes before it detonated and were caught in the fringes of the blast on their way out the front door. Their store was maybe halfway back from the epicenter, but several people they knew, and a couple of their coworkers, were killed or seriously injured in the blast and they carry some guilt that they were lucky enough to have gotten off shift early
Stella and Shen met soon after they opened the park that they planted over the mall's lot. They were both there to try and get some closure and ended up talking with each other way longer than either of them anticipated haha
I kind of accidentally love Benji??? Like he wasn't supposed to be that big of a character, just one of Lyle's closest friends, but then he developed an anxiety disorder by fault of Laura Projecting Onto Shit and then I grew attached, haha. I don't really have a clear idea of what he looks like unlike the others, in my head he's been vaguely of South Asian descent? Average size and average height, just a normal fourteen year old kid whose best friend lost his entire family to the bomb. Since it's not like he's *best friends* with Neil, but he was around the dylandys' place enough that they were friendly, at least, and he's terrified of the changes he sees in Neil after the bomb. He keeps in contact with lyle, mostly online, until he vanishes without warning to start building katharon in azadistan, and he's worried at his abrupt absence but doesn't have anyone to ask except Lyle's aunt, who just tells him he went to work in the middle east. So he tries to convince himself for years, just like Kathryn and Teresa do, that lyle isn't dead. And then a few years later, he pops up back online out of nowhere, and says that his brother is dead, and posts details for his memorial service if anyone wanted to attend to honor his memory. And Benji reads between the lines in Lyle's speech just as well as everyone else, and he snags him by the arm before he manages to disappear again, after the service, and pulls him into a suffocating hug, and lyle just kinda grins crookedly as Benji demands he keep in touch, this time
And and and this is getting so long omg but! Anna! Amy's best friend, whose scene made me sob hysterically while writing bc. God that was so hard 😭 she's the oldest of 7 kids in a working class family, so she has to watch her siblings a lot and envies Amy sometimes for being the youngest in a more affluent house. She's white, very tall for her age, and has long, fine dirty blonde hair that Amy loved to braid and play with. The two of them were in the same preschool and have been fast friends ever since. They're in the same dance group, Anna introduced Amy to it when they were small and Amy *loves* it and begs her parents to sign her up. Neil and lyle join for a few years too, but they both eventually drop out to go shooting, instead. Anna has never dealt with death or grief before the bomb - her grandparents are all still alive and no one else she really knows has ever passed away. So when she finds out about the bomb on the news, and then Amy isn't at school on monday, she panics, and when Amy's aunt calls her mum a week later and tells them they found Amy and their parents, she's inconsolable. It kind of shapes her entire life, and she keeps in touch with lyle for years after, once he's moved to Dublin. She hears about the memorial for Neil and attends too, because even if she didn't see Neil's downward spiral as much as the others, she knows Amy loved both her brothers, and if nothing else Anna wants to honor the memory of her friend. And, I just decided just now that when she's grown, she names her first daughter Amelia, and visits the dylandys' grave and the bomb memorial even decades later
And. Idk if you expected/wanted an entire frickin essay but there you go, I hope that's what you were looking for 😂
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hisredhysteria · 3 years
"But you already bought a ticket and there's no turning back now."
Note: This might not make sense to anyone but me, that's okay though since I enjoyed writing it...There's a few plot holes in this, I'm sure. I tried my best to work with it and rewrite some of it, but I don't think it takes away from the general gist I was going for— This write was inspired by Alice in Borderland and of course, Carousel by Melanie Martinez. The game here is entirely made up too, it does not appear in Alice in Borderland.
TW: This is a little on the heavy side and may be confusing. It mentions the thought of suicide, explosions, guns, and death. And possibly the worst of all, numbers/math. Moreso on my part, I just thought I'd warn that there'll be some numbers that might be confusing if you look into it too deeply—
Summary: You and Hacker come across a heart card and are tasked with shooting targets on a carousel ride until one of your horses eventually explodes and kills either you or him.
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The night was dim, in fact, thinking about it, the night was always dim. There was never a star in the sky, however this time there wouldn't need to be. Blinding lights of a stagnant carousel placed right at the front of you was perhaps the prettiest thing you'd witnessed in this forsaken world of endless survival games. Drowning out the grim atmosphere, it showcased quite the cheery mix of colors too. The signature red and white combo at the top of the tent surprised you less than the moody choice of reddish violet fairy lights underneath. Footsteps— your own and his, made their way to a rather delicate looking table, passing the laser grid that would now trap you both in. Vacant the table was, all except for a pair of antique looking guns just waiting for the participants unfortunate arrival.
Two phones suddenly buzzing in sync killed the tone set by your rather eventful view. Looking down in your hand at the screen, the image of a card flashed at you.
The 3 of hearts.
It wasn't at all what you'd hope to read, anything written with heart in this game did not conclude an ending one could favor. However, did any of the others end well either?
Your friend never looked up to acknowledge you, only continuing to read the phone screen crowded with its cruel words. Underneath the card was a paragraph or two that explained the game oh so tenderly set in stone for you. The RULES Hacker had been diligently scanning read as the following:
The timer starts now at 20:00.
Participants are each given one laser gun. They are to strap themselves in by a sensory chain onto a horse of their choosing amongst the carousel. Both their ankles and waist must be secured for the ride to start.
Targets are posted to the pole each horse is on. The participants are to shoot at the targets. Each target shot at results in a random horse on the carousel to detonate, leaving just its target left behind— if not already shot at. Eventually, it will come down to one player left sitting with their chains still in tact. Only once there is one chain left bucked will there be a winner. If there is not one belt left buckled after the game starts, all remaining horses detonate and the carousel follows suit.
"Interesting." Hacker piped up with a finger to his chin. "It's kind of like battleship."
"Battleship ..?" You inquired, seeing little resemblance.
"Well ....minus the ships of course. And I suppose we know where we're shooting. We just don't know which of the horses is gonna explode when we do—"
"So, like a roulette..? That's...nothing at all like battleship?"
Tired and hungry, your legs already ached from all the walking it took to get to such a strange setup. You had been ready to give out before the timer even began to count down, but Hacker seemed all too unfazed. That is, if he felt anything at all from the rules of this game.
"Alright then. Well....since there's just two of us that would mean one of us needs to...."
"Shoot a target that sets off one of our bombs. That way the game recognizes there's only one chain left buckled. That is of course...if someone's looking to win." He explained further.
"Are you thinking about losing?"
"That's an obvious question. Of course not." Hacker's confident hand reached for one of the two laser guns set neatly pointed across from each other on the table. Picking it up, he inspected the glowing number that settled at the top facing him all while ignoring its seemingly dainty aesthetic.
"8." Hacker's eyes narrowed, then glancing up he noticed that the amount of horses seemed to be about double the number that blinked back at him. "This should be fun then."
The smirk on his lips meant nothing to you but brewing trouble. Even the way he seemed so carelessly ready to participate in this game haunted you. Gambling with whoever's life would take this loss was not something you were eager to do.
"Hacker?" You called out in distress, watching him stride over to the statued horses so soon. "Are you really not anxious about this at all? What if one of us dies..?"
"Anxious? That's the point though...I've played worse too, you know. We'll get out of here fine, just grab the gun. It doesn't look like we have much of a choice anyways." His eye darted over to the large countdown screen. The red digits that read 18:59 were perhaps the most intimidating part about this entire game.
You took a deep breath, grabbing the gun off the table as you did so. Sweaty palms couldn't have accounted for how quick the handle would slide out of your hands though, and as it hit the ground a loud thunder like crack spilled out from the metal. A sharp beaming highlight of blue nearly blinded you, calling for Hacker's attention immediately. He turned towards your direction before he'd even been able to step onto the platform of the carousel. Your mistake was careless, but if you were lucky, it wouldn't hinder you too badly.
"What's the number read now?" Hacker asked, more so curious than startled by the din of inconvenience.
"7" You said, kneeling down to pick it back up. Surprisingly, there was no smoke or anything to indicate that it had just shot off towards the green grass.
"Hm... we'll just have to hope that we get one of our horses to explode before your gun runs out. That shouldn't be too hard. There's 17 horses from what it looks like."
"I guess they didn't give account for one of the horses?" You asked, eyeing them down now that you'd been somewhat comfortable enough with the rules of the game. "If my gun still read 8, then between you and me that would only be 16."
"Well, that would make sense. There's supposed to be one winner, which means an extra chance to shoot would be meaningless in the off chance the game actually lasts that long."
The clock read 17:14 before you'd realize that this was no time to banter with your friend. A heart raced faster than the horses on this carousel surely would and soon enough the belt of Hacker's choice to be seated already clicked into place. First were his ankles, then his small waist. Shaky breaths left your mouth while you grasped what the two of you had just gotten into. Someone on this fatal carousel was going to die and as reality set in, you noted that Hacker seemed almost excited.
At first, you fumbled with the decision of picking a horse closer to his side or further from him. In comfort, it would have been the best choice to sit as close to him as possible, but because you'd been so unsure how he felt about it, you began to step onto a horse opposite his direction.
"You're gonna sit over there?" He called out.
Surprised by him asking such a question, you nodded. "You got any better ideas?" It was half a joke in your giddy state. Anxiety was approaching you like an angry bull as you felt your foot nervously bounce up and down on the stirrups.
"Suit yourself, I just thought you'd pick one next to me." He shrugged.
A sigh left your lips in response and you continued to sit up on the one you'd already picked. No way could you sit next to Hacker after he said something like that. Your adrenaline would pump even harder next to him anyway, making it impossible to perform. Sitting where you chose wasn't half as bad of a choice as it could have been. You shifted to get comfortable on the cold hard metal underneath your thighs while Hacker's gaze was impatient at your restless stance.
"You sure you don't wanna sit closer?" He attempted one last time, causing suspicion to well up in your already heightened mood. Looking at your surroundings, you contemplated it. Maybe sitting close to him was something you had to do. It would be your very last time to be so close to him, why let feelings get in the way of action? Hopping off your original choice now, you moved and sat on one next to Hackers instead.
Through a nearly suffocating swallow, your fingers worked to pull the chains around your ankles and waist. A few subtle clicks filled the air before carnival like music began to trickle from a music box at the bottom of this doomed ride. Suddenly, everything around you began to slowly spin. Hesitant to even aim your gun at the red bullseye's posted across the poles on each horse, you looked to Hacker for comfort. His glance too, was on your frame the entire time.
"You're nervous, aren't you?" He asked you.
"Is it obvious?" You choked out, pretending to laugh despite the butterflies in your stomach that were pounding at the sides for release.
"A little, but don't be. The less you think about it, the more exciting it'll be." His eye seemed to look up towards a specific target, centering it just right with his gun pointing at it.
"Count for me!" His voice called out, all too soon and all too content. Was he not just trying to sympathize with you..?
"Hacker, what if it's your horse that explodes? Or mine..."
"That's the thrill, isn't it—? Hurry and count already..!"
Your eyes widened from the almost faint and hopeless feeling built up in your stomach. Again with the butterflies that couldn't be satisfied. You wouldn't deny him or he'd shoot it anyways, so you played along in hopes to win a few heartstrings of his before losing him forever.
A loud pang hit the bullseye dead on and from behind you an ear splitting explosion interrupted the peaceful carnival music. Heavy metal fell to your side, tumbling to what would now be dead grass. Your head turned back to get a better look and you understood that if it was any closer to you, death was almost a definite.
"Woah- ha... What an exhilarating ride...!" His laughter would be piqued and a smile relentlessly tugged at your lips. Despite the explosion that roared not moments ago from behind you, his joy was a useful distraction. The situation was unfortunate, but his laugh never seized to spark some sort of feeling. Adrenaline.... perhaps? Empathetic, though, you'd feel his thrill as much so as he did at times.
The ride didn't stop as Hacker encouraged you to take the next target. His eye was bright and intent as it carefully watched you lift your trembling arm at a target opposite of you. Your finger shook as it attempted to pull the trigger and it took a few tries before successfully pulling down on it, which would result in another ear piercing shot. Your aim wasn't exact, but close enough as your luck would have it. This time, the explosion ruptured just two horses away from Hacker's and it only seemed to light his already fired up gaze more. It'd been a relief it wasn't as close to you this time around, but it alarmed you somewhat to watch the joy on your opponents face increase with each explosion.
"Hacker...!?" Your shouting voice grounded him as he was already in the pursuit of another bullseye, posted at the top of your horse. Just what was he thinking? You knew there'd been a time limit, but there was no need to rush this.
"You're really gonna aim for mine...? What if it explodes?"
Hacker looked at you with his gun still tightly wrapped within the confines of his fingers. Then a gentle shrug followed. Your eyes wide at his response once again, not only could your jaw have unhinged straight to the ground, but your heart too.
"Don't you d—!"
It was too late though as the loud pang blew up the target. Your body shivered with anticipation and right as you thought you were about to die, a horse directly behind Hacker threw itself into pieces instead.
"Huh...so it really is that random. I should have guessed." He noted, your body still recovering from the distant shock.
The pieces fell and hit the platform the horses were attached to, making an uncomfortable scraping noise as they slid across the ground. Unscathed however, Hacker inspected the number dwindling on his laser gun.
"I don't wanna play this game anymore..." You called out, tears threatening to spill. You jolted your hips up, only to be brought back down to the saddle by a chain you'd bounded yourself to not long ago. The lullaby of the carousel had become distorted with unfamiliar sounds and the crazed growing look on Hackers face made you feel like you would be better off simply shooting the laser gun at your very own head.
"We're already this far..! We've gotta play until someone wins or else there's no point."
He wasn't wrong, but there would be no way you could easily shoot the gun you held even one more time. The number read "6" and it was simply a reminder that there were just that many turns left to go around.
"I can go again if you don't want to.." He offered and it was quite innocent from the face you'd been met with earlier on. You shook your head slowly, the spinning carousel begging to make you feel dizzy. "Someone has to go, or else we'll both die strapped to these things."
You let in a heavy inhale, your eyes rolling up in despair. You bit your lip on the exhale, dazed at the dread you felt for the next horse to shatter into a jumble of orange sparks. This time, you aimed your laser gun to shoot at a horse in front of Hacker's.
For the fourth time, you would be lucky that neither yours, or his horse had gone up in flames. It was one further away from him, and closer to you, but not close enough to set too much more panic in. A sigh in relief left Hackers lips though, and you caught it admist the loud crackling. Smoke had eventually filled the air around you two and the smell was nothing like a cigarette. It was like an array of firecrackers were set off at the ground and only now did you feel your ear begin to ring from it all.
It was Hackers turn once more, and knowing him he wouldn't hesitate to set everything up in flames if he could watch it all burn from afar. Your weary gaze met his and it was awkward to notice that he'd been intently watching your reaction to the last shot.
"Yeah...?" You managed to breathe out.
"It's nothing. I just didn't expect to make it this far." He said in a somewhat raised voice to accommodate the loud sound of metal sparking at the ground. Reality slowing began sinking into him as well.
"In all honesty, I thought you'd come up with another genius plan to get us out of this." You perked up, teasing him one last time.
"Heart cards aren't exactly a Hacker's fortè." He admitted. And, as such he was right. Hacking wasn't an end all be all for any situation and you couldn't have expected it to get you out of everything. Especially games that require their players to relish in the mentality of it all.
"It's okay, it was fun being with you while it lasted I guess..."
Hacker's expression read gloominess. You both knew that sooner or later, you'd have to lose each other along this journey, but he wasn't exactly ready to do something so heart wrenching.
"You know....we could just ....wait until the timer runs out..." He suggested. It was so very unlike him, but your eyes glanced to the big red digits another time.
"We could...but like you said, that's pointless. One of us should live."
He let out a sigh, your answer was as good as useless despite it being the same practical one he'd given you too. His eye glanced down at the chains of his belt. Killing himself would have been no good either, for the game only ended once one chain was unbuckled, meaning it had to be destroyed. "There's no rule that says we can't find a way to break these chains ourselves, is there?"
He was right, and as such you nodded. "They wouldn't make it that easy though, would they? The laser probably deflects and they're locked with no key." You responded. "Our shots are also limited."
It took a moment for Hacker to think before lifting his head in your direction. "My drones could probably do the trick."
You gave him a dumbfounded gaze. Either he was testing your intelligence now, or he'd been bored enough to play along with this stupid game the entire time.
"So then why didn't you say that earlier..? I thought heart games weren't a hacker's fortè."
Hacker glared back at you, a devious grin wiped onto his features. "I just wanted to see if you had anything to say to me. You know, any last words...? I thought you'd have said something sooner, but I guess playing around wasn't too bad either.... getting to see the look on you face was amusing, I'll admit that."
You could have laughed in relief and said something stupid like I love you, but instead you shook your head.
"After something like that, I'm not saying anything."
"It's not like you thought about it either, and I'm the one with the drones. The timer will run out if you don't say something quick you know..."
Your mouth agape, you read the timer. 7:48.
"If I must...then ..I guess I should tell you that, well.." Your voice dipped out and Hacker was listening almost too intently.
"I'd hurry you know...the timer isn't going backwards—" He nearly taunted you.
This time, your voice wasn't quiet and you were set on making sure he heard every word you threw at him. "You're a god damned idiot."
A smirk still rested on his face as he knew the feeling of security in this grim situation was all too good.
Too good to even be true.
"Not exactly what I was looking for, but....maybe it's also a good time to tell you that I don't exactly have the ability to call my drones to me once a game starts."
Convenient, you thought. So he was testing your intelligence. "Are you saying you just lied to me..!? We don't have time for your games right now and it's not funny."
So very good at toying with you, he shrugged and allowed his smile to fade. "I thought it might make you feel better....even if it was just for the moment—"
You could have shot your gun at him, but the hard to describe feeling of total loss and despair washed you clean once more. At least he was trying to make you feel better.
"Now what?"
"Well....we continue to shoot the targets and one of us lives ....or ....we both die." Hacker explained once again.
Met with another difficult decision, you had absolutely no time left to sit on it. As a result, you would choose the option that would ultimately take both of your lives in the end.
"Then let's keep shooting. It's your turn."
Hacker's eyebrow tilted, surprised by you to say the least. Your butterflies were beginning to rip his stomach apart too, but with a limit heading you both a warning, he surveyed the array of horses that had targets still left.
"5." He called out, letting his intuition guide him to whichever target he felt would let you be with him the longest.
Finally, Hacker's gun would read 1, yours was left with 0. Seemingly, from the shot you'd accidentally let off when you first picked up then dropped the gun. The horses that started as 17 dwindled to just 3 and the targets were down to just 3 to match. Neither of your own horses had exploded yet, and as the game went on you'd actually begin to feel a little invincible.
With just his shot left, Hacker aimed the gun at a target on a pole that had long been detached from it's horse. Fire was to drown the both of you into a hell like oblivion if he didn't pull the trigger soon.
"On the count of 3...?" You asked him.
"On the count of 3." He reassured you.
It was a gamble, and by far the chances would not stay in your favor or his. With your eyes closed and his dead set on this target, your ears rang one last time at the sound of a beam panging against the red bullseye's mark. Your life flashed before you and when your eyes were still able to flutter open, you realized you'd lived long enough to hear the last horse disintegrate to pieces. Which meant one of two things.
"Hacker...?" You timidly called out, not sure if hearing his voice would be a relief or just enough to startle you.
Your attention darted to your side and a sigh of weariness left your lips. It was like candy not to have seen his mangled corpse rip and burn into flames. At the same time, this was exactly the outcome you wished for. Pretending you hadn't to appease the standard of life— to keep living, your lips slightly parted from themselves.
"This means...."
"Neither of us live." He kindly ended your sentence, calm as tears built up in your eyes.
"Hacker..." You called to him one last time.
With no words at first as he watched the countdown screen finally fight to reach 00:00, he turned to you with a smile. "At least this way we don't have to live without each other?"
His statement could have caused you to sob if only you had the time, but instead you forced a weak smile back. "I actually do have something to tell you .."
His eye darted back to the countdown as if to say you had to hurry.
Nothing came out, despite the unbearable urge. You took a deep breath in to set yourself up for the explosion you two would endure after this. Without wishing to see or hear his reaction to what you really had to say, you ignored Hacker's plea for you to speak up sooner rather than later. But, when the clock hit just 15 seconds was when it finally spilled.
"Kiss me."
Eyes wide at your words, it was do or don't. He seemed hesitant, but the clanking of chains moving would prove otherwise. With your bodies fighting against the constraints, he rewarded you for your wish despite how bad it hurt to try and lean in close. His lips connected with yours and for a second it was as if the flames around you two were nothing but a heavenly glow. Neither of you would live long enough to hear the chime of the clock so quickly hitting 00:00, but in the end it proved to matter the least.
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heartofsnark · 3 years
Can You Feel The Sun? (Chapter Seven): Flying Towards An Early Grave
Notes: Still posting my little backlog, I will warn in advanced, the next chapter is the heist (finally) AND IT IS A CHONKER, but for now have a little appetizer with some fun times, smut, and foreshadowing!~
Word Count: 10860
Chapter Warnings: heavy foreshadowing, food, blowjobs, groping, protected vaginal sex, car sex
If you haven’t yet, you can read the previous chapter here!~
V’s body is heavy as she gets to her apartment door, ready to curl up into bed and call it a day. She’s exhausted with adrenaline gone. She presses her thumb to the panel. The little intercom doorbell is also the lock, scanning and searching for SID validation. It takes a moment to scan, it seems to be lagging more lately. 
The intercom says it’s calling, why is it calling? She can hear the automated ringing and her lights inside are probably flashing. It only does this if the SID doesn’t match the apartment owner’s, assuming them a guest. V presses again. 
She presses harder. 
She tries her entire hand.
She kicks her door, a heavy sound as her boot collides with it. That doesn’t help with the lock, but it makes her feel a little better. Just what she needs; bloody, sore, and locked out of her apartment for who fucking knows why? Her stomach growls as she pulls up the number for building maintenance. 
“Megabuilding Maintenance, how can I help?” 
“I’m locked out of my apartment,” V signs, her choker translator on. 
“What do you mean?” 
“The lock isn’t recognizing my SID.” 
“Can I get your name and apartment number?” 
V gives them the details and they say they’re sending a maintenance guy. All of the services floor is nearly shut down at the late hour, her stomach growling. No doubt the maintenance guy will take his sweet fucking time, so much for getting some decent sleep. She gets a burrito, a Nicola, and a little thing of ketchup from the machines. Sitting on the ground near her door, dumping ketchup on her burrito as she eats it. 
By the time the guy arrives she’s finished eating, drinking, and is a little unsure what’s dried blood versus dried ketchup on her shirt. She hops to her feet when she sees the guy walking up, a massive case of resting bitch face. V doubts he wanted to be dragged out at three am to help unlock a door, but it’s not her fault the tech fucked up. 
“You V?” he asks, voice gruff and annoyed. 
“Hard day?”  His eyebrow raises, gaze focused on her blood stained flesh and chrome. 
“Ah… I see,” he nods, “so, what's the issue with your door?” 
Night City is one of the few places where one can just admit to being a mercenary for a living, even if it did earn her an odd look. V presses her hand to the lock button again and it once again initiates a call. 
“Doesn’t recognize my SID.” 
“Hmm, you are V, right?” He raises an eyebrow. 
“Who the fuck else would I be? The building has a picture of me on file for fucks sake.” 
“Hey, hey, nowadays with enough eddies anybody can look like anybody.” 
“If I had an identity worth stealing, you really think I’d be living here?” 
“Fair enough, let’s check something,” he pulls out a holo tablet, jacking it into the bottom of the intercom lock, “this will show what the lock is reading it as, try again.” 
V keeps an eye on his tablet as she presses her hand back to the lock and the projected information starts to show. And for a moment she sees herself; her face, her name, her information, and all the shit Vik had to set up for her to have SID. Then in a blink of an eye it glitches out and the information shifts. She watches her nearly mugshot like photo shift into that of a man, with short dark hair and dark eyes. V [REDACTED] becomes Robert John Linder. Birthdate shifting from November 12th, 2056 to November 16, 1988.  Birthplace shifting from Seven Devils, North Carolina to College Station, Texas.  
Who the hell is this old man? 
“Looks like it’s reading your SID chip as someone else's, strange, any chance you’ve been spiked by a ‘runner?” 
“No, even if I was, not sure why they’d want to make my SID register to some senior citizen.” 
“Weird, can’t think of how else this would happen? Seems like it starts to read your chip and then changes to this guy’s. Do you know him?” 
“Don’t hang around old folks homes too much, actually. Just some random dude to me.” 
“I can promise you, I’m not a ninety year old cowboy man.” 
“Somehow I noticed that, actually… looks like the guy is dead.” 
“Mmhmm, scroll down a bit and there’s the date his death certificate was issued,” the guy shows her, “you’ll probably need to have your SID looked at, see what’s wrong with it. For now, I can unlock it for you and have them add whoever this guy is to registered owners, so, you won’t be locked out until you fix it.” 
“Fine, I guess.” 
“But that does mean if this guy’s ghost decides to pop in for a visit, lock won’t stop him,” the man jokes, offering the first smile since he’s been here. 
“Somehow I’ll handle it, thanks for the help, and if it’s not too much trouble can you forward me the details of that SID info?” 
“Sure, no problem,” the maintenance man’s eyes glow and she can feel the very soft warmth and whirr of her neuroplant as it accepts the file. 
She gives one final thanks as he unlocks her apartment and she’s finally able to step foot inside. Thankfully her door locks behind her and she makes a beeline for her shower, scrubbing blood and sweat from her skin; finding bruises, cuts, and flesh wounds she hadn’t noticed in the midst of fighting. 
It takes her a little longer than expected to wind down for the night, the merc putting in her optic contacts and playing with the bot. Looking through its eyes, she has it twist and climb all throughout her apartment, making herself dizzy until she falls out of  bed and bangs her head against the floor. Finally, putting the cute spider looking tech away when she feels the knot starting to form on her head. Then, setting her alarm and sleeping for the night. 
V is still tired when her alarm vibrates beneath her pillow, waking her up as the sunlight streams in from her large window, warming her skin. She checks her phone, double checks the time and that Dex hasn’t sent the car for her yet. The young merc rushes through her morning routine; showering, brushing her teeth, dressing, and taking her medication with some Chromanticore in hopes of getting some energy back. 
She’s out the door and has her  mask on in a matter of minutes, phone buzzing with the message that Dex’s car is waiting for her. As she comes down the steps of her building she sees the same limousine and bodyguard waiting outside of it. But this time when he opens the door for her, there is no Dex, nobody. Chills creep their way up her spine, but she gets in nonetheless, sinking into the leather backseat as Dex’s guard starts to drive them away. 
The guard is quiet, doesn’t explain where they’re going or why, V has a feeling he wouldn’t tell even if she asked. So, she doesn’t. Only the radio drones on, a mixture of news and occasional pop music from bands and singers she doesn’t know or care to know; an anouncer coming over the radio to speak somberly. 
“Today marks the fifty-fourth anniversary of the attack on Arasaka Tower. Fifty-four years ago a group of terrorists stormed Arasaka Tower and detonated a bomb, which forever changed the history of our dear city. Devastating the lives of millions; thousands dying in the initial attack and more perishing in the aftermath as well. Today we ask for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in this senseless act of violence so many years ago….:” 
A beat of silence, barely a moment, then the high energy voice returns. 
“Now, after this short music break, we return with the heartwarming story of Stumpy, the three legged puppy who’s gone viral after the use of  veterinary cyberware has given the pup a new lease on life!~” 
V rolls her eyes, sounds about right, barely a moment for something so somber. No real grief or empathy, time to move on to a cute puppy because that keeps people happy and listening.  She watches the city around her change, spotting the Valentino graffiti starting to cover the buildings and that they’re entering Heywood.  She sends a heads up text to Jackie, letting him know they’re not far from his house. 
A short moment after,  the driver is parking outside Jackie’s garage and she watches the older merc walking out. The guard opens the limousine back door and Jackie relaxes when he sees V, climbing into the seat next to her. 
“Hey, V, you figure out what’s going on?” 
“Was sort of hoping you had…” 
“Asked T-Bug, said it’s a surprise.” 
“Not sure I like Bug’s idea of surprises.” 
“Hey, hombre,” Jackie calls out to the guard as he starts to drive them away, “mind telling us where we’re headed?” 
They’re met with silence, because of they are. V nervously wrings her hands as she watches for signs of where they’re going based on the passing scenery. 
“Has to be something to do with prepping for the job, just wish I knew what.” 
“Speaking of which, you got the bot on you?” 
“Yeah, brought it just in case and if Bug’s there she’ll want to take a look. Wonder if there’s any chance of keeping the Flathead after this?” 
She knows Dex said it’s a single use toy, but...who knows, maybe she could somehow keep it afterwards. 
“Why’s that?” 
“Its cute.” 
“You think a military grade combat bot is cute?” 
“It's a little spider.” 
“You find the weirdest shit cute, I swear.” 
“It is cute!” 
“It’s-” Jackie looks out the window, “shit are we in Corpo Plaza?” 
“Maybe we’re just passing through?” 
As if only to prove her wrong, the limousine parks outside a store on Senate Avenue, the bright sign says Jinguji. Even looking through the window, it looks entirely like a place that her and Jackie do not belong. Brightly lit, immaculately clean with fancy designer clothes on display. 
“We’re here,” the guard tells them and the doors open with the press of a button. 
V and Jackie share a look before getting out of the limousine, standing before the Jinguji store like deers stuck in headlights. 
“Dex can’t be serious, Jinguji?” Jackie says, scratching at the shaved underneath of his hair. 
“Looks…. Fancy.” 
“Corp store, designer; a sock in there will cost you a few thousand eddies.” 
“I know he says we need to play corpo, but… I don’t know, it feels weird.”
“I’m sure Dex knows what he’s doing. But, uh,  you gotta take off the mask, chica.” 
“What, why?” 
“‘Cause its fucking Jinguji, they’re not gonna let you through the door looking like that.” 
“You’re one to talk, you got a ketchup stain on your shirt.” 
“Firstly, that’s blood. Secondly, you’re a wearing a jacket you stole off a dead guy last week.” 
“Not like he needs it!” 
“Jackie, V!” A voice yells out, drawing the merc’s attention into the doorway of the store, T-Bug in realspace, wearing a black netrunning suit, “would you gonks stop bickering and get in here?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the mercs speak and sign in unison, falling the netrunner into the corp store.
There’s a large lit up advertisement at the back of the store. Gold decor dripping down from the ceiling, plush white couches, and an ice bucket with champagne. To her surprise, there’s no other shoppers within the store. A man in a tailored designer suit sits at the desk, greeting the two mercs as they walk in. 
“Welcome to Jinguji, an oasis of elegance!~” 
V gives an awkward nod and wave. She’s not sure what else to do. She doesn’t belong here; she knows that much. A dirty black leather jacket under the bright lights and old raggedy boots on shiny polished floors.  The merc wants nothing more than to run out of the store, some of the clothes she sees displayed are nice, if she’s being honest. A few bit tacky for her taste, but others are cute or sexy with dramatic flair, but nothing she would ever really have a reason to wear. 
“Mind telling us why the fuck we’re here, Bug?” Jackie asks and the netrunner chuckles. 
“To get into Konpeki, you two will have to look the part. Rather than blindly guessing what will fit, Dex is flitting the bill and getting you both some corpo threads,” T-Bug explains, taking a seat on on of the couches. 
“Where is everyone?” 
“Store is rented out for the next couple hours, discretion. V, did you bring the bot?” 
“Got it in my bag.” 
“Lemme see, got to make sure it’s in working shape.” V puts the bot down on the table, T-Bug opening the case and looking over the bot, running diagnostics that the merc can’t begin to understand,
“Right this way, you two, I’m sure we’ll find something perfect for both of you,” the man who greeted them, grabs their attention again, “but it would be easier,  if I have a full idea of your features, miss.” 
“Told you,” Jackie taunts and V elbows him in the side, slowly taking off her mask and she feels bare. And she knows people have seen her face before, but this is work and it just feels… wrong. 
“Wonderful, so we’ll begin with the gentlemen, I think you’ll find we have a wonderful array of fine suits in our men’s department.” 
The man, who’s fancy name tag says Zane, shows them a vast collection of suits. They range from slick classic black ones, deep navy blues, florals, brights, embroidered, and every color she can imagine. Its hard to imagine the big merc in any of them. She’s always seen him in muscle shirts or his favorite red and black jacket. His eyes seem to land on a red suit with gold detailing. 
“Point is to blend in, not stand out, Jack,” T-Bug calls out, scolding him without having to even look at him or his choice in suit. 
“Just black then.” 
“Wise choice, sir, our tailors will get your measurements and get the perfect fit for you.” 
Another employee guides Jackie to a fitting room and V feels the sudden urge to sink into the ground, Zane’s attention now solely on her.  She scratches at her cheek and flips on her choker translator. 
“Now, what about you? We have plenty of formal options in women’s fashion as well. A more androgynous business suit or perhaps a dress?” 
She’s shown mannequins dressed in tight body con dresses with various necklines, materials, colors, and a few well fitted pants suits. Her eyes are drawn to the dresses, if she’s being honest. She has a rather small collection of skirts and dresses, for off days, but she never has a chance to wear anything more formal than a sundress or mini skirt over leggings. These dresses are dramatic, gorgeous; some with mesh inlays or cut outs. 
But, like Bug said;  they’re there to blend in, not stand out. This isn’t an outfit for fun but for work and if something goes wrong, the last thing she needs is this going to shit and having to battle in a tight constricting dress or too high of heels. 
“I think a pants suit in black would be best; keep it simple.” 
V taken to a fitting room, given the chance to put on the ready to buy pantsuits in privacy. A stark white button up blouse, black blazer, and black slacks. And she knows immediately it will need to be tailored to suit her; the pants longer than her legs and the shirt loose around her chest. The tailor comes in after a moment and begins measuring, marking where things need to be taken in and raised. V left trying not to get embarrassed each time the measuring tape is wrapped around a part of her.
“Is there a way to make the blazer sleeves easier to roll up?” She signs once her arms are done being measured. The material is stiffer and harder to get tight around her elbows when trying; she wants her Mantis Blades easily used.
“Hmm, lets see, maybe it’d be best to use it more like an accessory rather than wearing it properly?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, you could just wear it over your shoulders like a cape,” the woman drapes it that way across V’s shoulders. 
“Not my thing.” 
“Then you can carry it, like this,” the woman shows  holding the jacket back over her shoulder with her fingers hooked in it’s collar. It looks alright, casual enough, though having a jacket and not wearing it still reads as strange to the merc.
“I’ll consider that.” 
“It can also help keep you cool. Now, lets talk about makeup, hair, and shoes.” 
V listens and nods as the woman gives recommendations; getting V a pair of low heeled black synthetic leather shoes. Then going into advice on hair; recommending french twist, a bun, or a low ponytail depending on how formal V wants to go. The woman recommends simple classic makeup styles and a few other tips for the merc to meet her full corpo potential. Finally, with measurements, adjustments, and everything marked; V is allowed to change back into her street clothes. She leaves the room, seeing Jackie already in his regular clothes again and sitting next to T-Bug. 
“We have all the measurements down and will begin altering the clothes immediately.” 
“Good,” T-Bug confirms with Zane, “remember we need them finished and delivered to The Afterlife by five.” 
“I assure you, our tailors are already on it.” 
“V,” T-Bug calls out when she sees the short merc, “got something for you.” 
V sits down on the couch, watching as T-Bug sets out a pair of white hearing aids. They’re designed like her normal ones, just more boring. 
“Hearing aids? I already have those.” 
“These are special, optic camo. No corpo worth their salt has anything less than top of the line phonic implants, with press of a button or a thought, these will go invisible.. They’ll work just like your regular ones, but look like you’re wearing nothing. Try them out.” 
She switches her blue hearing aids with the new ones, they fit well and she pushes the thought of turning the camo on.  V catches her reflection in a mirror in the store, she can feel them, but see nothing. 
“Perfect, no one will be any the wiser. This also means no signing or translator.” 
“Oh, I see.” 
“I know its not ideal, but it’s just the reality of it. Corpo types like this; lose your hearing, new implants. Vocal chords fried, get a new set in gold. Get paralyzed, new legs or entire nervous system. Go blind, new optics. They see you signing or using hearing aids, you’ll stand out like a sore thumb.” 
“I get it.” 
“No sweat,  I’ll do the talking, V,” Jackie comforts her and then turns his attention to Bug, “So, what now?” 
“We’ll go over the full plan this evening at The Afterlife, you two need to be there by five. We’ll talk with Dex and you’ll be in Konpeki by eight tonight, relic in hand before midnight strikes.” 
“So we get to kick back and relax until five?” 
“As long as you’re there by five and ready to go, I couldn’t care less what you do, Jack.” 
“Said this place was rented out, right?” V asks, noticing a dramatic purple dress that reminds her of a certain tarot card reader’s favorite color.
“Yeah, why?” 
“How much longer is this place reserved?” 
“Another hour, maybe two and again, I ask why?” 
“Ow, hell that for, chica?” Jackie looks up when V kicks him in the shin. 
“Call Misty, dumbass. Buy her something nice, make a date out of it before we go on the job.”  V tells him, remembering Misty’s concerns from the other night. It might ease her mind a bit to have a nice afternoon with Jackie, dress shopping and a fancy lunch in City Center. Just a chance to enjoy themselves. 
“Dex is nice V, but sincerely doubt he wants to pay for Misty a new dress.” 
“Oh no, if only one of us had scammed ten grand off of Militech, oh wait,” V says, pulling the Militech credchip from her bag and sees the twinkle in Jackie’s eyes. 
“You serious, V?” 
“Should get her a hell of a nice dress, maybe you a suit, and a nice fancy lunch; play corpo for an afternoon.” 
“Shit, V,” he takes the credchip from her fingers, “what’d I do without you?” 
“You two are going to make me puke,” T-Bug says, rolling her eyes while Jackie is already calling up Misty. 
“Just wait until Misty gets here and the constant pet names start,  you’ll really lose your lunch.” 
“Ugh, more reason to get out of here, I’ll be taking the Flathead with me to keep in working shape.” 
“Can I ask you something before you go?”
“Got more code you need me to check?” 
“Not quite, had an issue with my SID chip last night, was wondering if there was a chance I was hacked?” 
“You get spiked, jaina?” Jackie asks when he finishes chatting with Misty. 
“Don’t know, couldn’t unlock my door last night, reader thought I was some old dude.” 
“Hmm, SID hacks are tricky, we’re going to be using one for your covers in Konpeki. But they usually only alter your ID a bit and die after so many hours. Thing is, that wouldn’t really benefit anyone.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, I don’t think anyone would get much out of pretending I’m some ninety year old dead fuck.” 
“I can jack in, see if I find anything in your soft.” 
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” 
V shifts her back to T-Bug, sweeping her hair off the nape of her neck and showing her neuroports. The netrunner pushes some loose strands out of the way and slots her personal jack into V’s biomon. A few moments pass and V can feel her cheeks flushing a bit, a weird feeling to having T-Bug directly touch her and jack in to her tech. This is the first time they’ve met in person, may even be the first time Bug has seen her face. 
“Everything looks clear to me, SID is registering as yours, no signs of a hack,” Bug explains, jacking out. 
“Weird, maintenance guy showed last night it was showing as some dead guy.” 
“Strange, must be some sort of glitch.” 
“Or you’re being haunted.” 
“Haha, very funny, Jackie.” 
“Hello… “ 
A soft voice calls out and V lights up seeing Misty poking her head into the fancy luxury store, looking every bit as nervous as V had been. Jackie is up and rushing towards Misty in a heart beat, pulling her into a hug and twirling her around, kissing her head. 
“You’re here, mi carina.” 
“Babe,” Misty says, giggiling as she’s put back down on her feet, then steps up on her tip toes to kiss Jackie’s lips. 
“Gonna puke,” T-Bug comments low under her breath and V tries not to laugh. 
“V, Bug,” Misty smiles at the two, “glad I got here before you two left out.” 
“What’s up?” 
Jackie walks Misty over closer to them, large hand on her hip as she rummage through her purse. After a moment, she pulls out three beaded bracelets. A mixture of beads in black, gold, and blue mottled with gold. T-Bug is already raising her eyebrow and V’s not sure how well Misty’s spiritualism will go over with the runner. 
“These are protection bracelets. Lapis lazuli, black tourmaline, and gold sheen obsidian. They’re all meant to help with creating a protective spiritual barrier, it should keep you all safe from negative energies and frequencies.” 
“Ay, you still in knots over this, mi alma?” 
“It would just make me feel better knowing you have a little more protection, babe.” 
Misty slides the biggest of the bracelets onto Jackie’s wrist and he gives her a soft smile, kissing her temple before starts to give the others to V and Bug. The young merc slides it on with a smile and T-Bug takes it in hand, with a less enthusiasm. 
“Thanks, Misty, I appreciate it,” V tells her and elbows T-Bug in the side, earning her a glare, but the netrunner plays nice. 
“I know it’s not much, but a little protection is better than none and should keep energies bright.” 
“Well,” V cuts in before Bug can say anything else, “we’ll be getting out of your hair, have fun you two!~” 
“Thanks again, V, see you two at The Afterlife.” 
Jackie waves them off, Bug packing up and V putting her usual hearing aids in their case, away in her pocket. The runner and young merc leave the store, Dex’s guard already left a while ago, so V will have to either call her car or use the public transit. Come to think of it, she’s not sure how she’s going to kill time until its game time. 
“V,” Bug stops her outside Jinguji before they go their separate ways for now, “gotta ask, you really believe in that spiritual crap?” 
“No, but she does and it makes her happy, so, why not?”
“I guess, if she really thinks a bracelet is going to save us from Arasaka.” 
“Won’t kill you to accessorize a little, Bug.” 
“Whatever you say.” 
They say their goodbyes and V is left thinking again about what she wants to do to pass the time. She could do a few short gigs, but her mind is preoccupied with the heist. Ultimately, V finds herself taking the NCART to El Coyote Cojo. Mostly just because she’s bored and maybe something or someone there will occupy her time.  The bar isn’t too active at the early hour and she doesn’t see Mama Welles around. 
“V!” Pepe greets her when she walks through. 
“Hey, what’s up?” 
“Same old, same old. Jaquito is still out, Senora Welles is out shopping, but Jake is taking out the trash in the back if you want to say hi.” 
“I think I might go and do just that.” 
Playing grab ass with one of her go to lays seems like a solid way to waste her time. V walks through the bar and out one of the backdoors that open to the alley with the dumpster. Sure enough, Jake is there tossing away a trash bag. He’s around 6’5 about as tall as Jackie, muscular, with a head of ginger hair shaved down on the shades and a thick beard. 
She throws her arms around his waist, feeling the muscle underneath his shirt. He teases his fingers over her forearms, the chrome of his Gorilla Fingers cyberware sending a soft chill through her skin. 
“Hey, V, new chrome?” He runs over the chrome patterns in her arms. 
She hums against his back in response, not wanting to move. But, he twists in her arms. He cups her face in chromed fingers, for a moment, his browns furrow in confusion. 
“No hearing aids?” 
She pulls away, enough space for her to sign. 
“Camouflage ones, it and the blades are necessary for the gig.” 
“Oh yeah, Jackie’s been talking everyone to death about this heist you two got planned. He better be damn glad no one here’s got loose lips.” His hands drop from her face and loosely wrap around her waist, fingers starting to graze over her ass. 
“Can’t blame him for being excited.” 
“Hmmm and you?” 
“Figured as much,” he squeezes her ass, “you looking for a distraction?” 
“If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be letting you grope my ass in broad daylight, now would I?” 
A low dry chuckle echoes in his chest and he dives in for a kiss. It’s quick and rough, his beard scratching over her skin before he pulls away. She can’t help but giggle as he pulls her back into the bar, hand still shamelessly on her ass. 
“Pepe! I’m going on lunch break!” 
“Yeah yeah, go on.” 
“C’mon,” Jake guides her out of the bar, “lemme at least buy you lunch first.” 
“You actually trying to be nice today?” 
“Something like that.” 
V settles into his passenger side seat as Jake climbs behind the wheel. They pull away from El Coyote Cojo, driving around Heywood and finding a drive in to go through, Burgers, fries, and pop bought; Jake finds a relatively empty place to park meanwhile V has already begun taking the pickles off her burgers. 
“So, you wanna actually talk about it?” Jake asks, taking a bite of his burger. 
“Not much to talk about,” she signs with salt covered fingers and a mouthful of fries, “biggest job of our career. Nerves are natural.” 
Not to mention the shady client, the fact they’re robbing Arasaka, the fact they’re robbing Yorinobu specifically, the fact they have to play corpo, that V will have to force herself not to sign, and that every fiber of her being is screaming that something  is going to go wrong. Then she has the weirdness of her SID chip fucking up on her mind as well. 
“Yeah, but you overthink, so I know that little brain of yours is spinning in a billion directions.” 
V shrugs, “No more than usual, so,  what’s been going on with you?” 
“Not much, been thinking of quitting the bar.” 
“Yeah, get to work the day shift so I can pick the twins up from school and spend some time with them. But, day shift in a bar basically means staring at a wall and waiting for Senora Welles to cut me a paycheck.” 
“You don’t like getting paid to sit around and look pretty?” 
“Not gonna lie, it’d be hard to find a boss as forgiving as Senora Welles.” 
“Not every boss would let you take an hour or longer lunch just to play grab ass with me?” 
“Eh, pretty sure if she knew what I was doing with her precious adopted daughter, she’d already have me fired.” 
“Oh please, she’s known you longer than me.” 
“Yeah, but she likes you more, you’re basically her kid and I’m her employee,” he pauses watching V roll her eyes, “you know, she’s been worrying a lot about you and Jackie, lately. She knows things are getting riskier with the merc work and-” 
V quiets him with a kiss, not wanting to hear another word of this. She comes to him for a distraction. The kiss is messy and he tastes like greasy fast food, but she’s sure she’s not any better, pushing her tongue into his mouth. She cups his jaw with one hand, scratching over his beard and as he deepens the kiss, she drops her other hand into his lap. He’s already half hard in his jeans, pressing into her touch as she gropes him through the denim. Jake curses against her lips, breaking their kiss. 
“You talk too much, honey,” she chastises him, a soft smile on her lips as she undoes his belt buckle, he lifts his hips, allowing  space to pull his pants and boxer down just enough to get his cock out. 
She pulls her legs up into her seat, on her knees so she can fully lean over the center console into his lap. V pushes hair back behind her ear and takes his dick into her mouth; not bothering to tease, swallowing around him. The taste of him on her tongue causes a heat in her center to stir, getting slick between her thighs as she bobs her head up and down. He groans as she strokes and sucks him, teasing her tongue ring along the head of his cock. The bitterness of his precum and the salt of his skin making her dizzy with need. 
His chrome fingers slide across the expanse of her back, reaching out to grab her ass. He gropes and fondles her through her pants, the rough feeling of her jeans and panties being pressed against her sensitive wet folds. Jake curses as V alternates between sucking, licking, and taking him as deep into her throat as she can. 
He tugs on her hair, bleached strands wrapped around chrome, pulling her mouth off him. Drool covering his cock and her lips. She pouts at him for stopping her, cheeks flushed and breathing heavy.  He gives her a swat on the ass, barely hard enough to sting. 
“Want inside of you.” 
That’s all the explanation he gives and she pulls away, thankful that the windows of his car have steamed from body heat, she begins to quickly strip off her clothes. Its clumsy as she tries to strip down in a car seat, throwing her jacket off into the back, kicking off her boots, before yanking her pants and panties down in one fluid movement. She curses herself for not wearing a skirt or something with easier access. A part of her mind recognizes how stupid she must look, still in her shirt, bra, and her socks staying on after tugging off her pants. But lust has killed her ability to think, just wanting him inside of her. Jake has rolled a condom on, but otherwise has simply watched the flustered merc strip down. 
V’s easily able to jump into his lap, straddling him and having her back to the steering wheel. She steadies herself with one hand on his shoulder, the other lining his cock up with her entrance, sinking herself down onto his dick. She’s slick enough that she takes him all in one movement, both cursing out at the feeling. The stretch of his cock inside of her and the tightness of her cunt around him. Jake digs his nails into her hips and bounces her on his cock, fucking up into her. He takes complete control, setting a brutal pace that leaves V reeling with every thrust. All she can do is wrap her arms around his neck and moan against his sweaty skin, accepting each harsh movement of him inside of her. 
The tension inside of her grows tighter with every thrust, every smack of skin against skin like a strike of a match trying to grow a larger flame. She can’t think, can’t focus, every thought consumed with pleasure and a desire to be pushed over the edge. Bruises form on her hips where he hold her, where he uses her for pleasure. The chair of his cheap car creaks with each bounce and a few thrusts slams her lower back into the steering wheel, but she doesn’t care, couldn’t if she tried. She whines and whimpers against his skin, feeling her end nearing. 
And then the tension snaps, orgasm hitting her fast and hard, she digs her nails into his skin, squirming and writhing as she moans out her pleasure. Mind a haze as she’s overwhelmed with her pleasure. He thrusts a few more times and she nearly chokes at the continued stimulation, the feeling of him fucking into her already sensitive cunt. Then he curses, bringing her hips down fully to meet his own one last time before he cums, spilling his seed inside the condom. 
V rolls off of him and back into the passenger seat, hating the empty feeling  Her skin is sweaty and flushed, as much she hates it, she needs to get her clothes back on. Fumbling to get her pants and panties out of the passenger side floorboard. Pulling them on and shoving her feet in her boots. V waits as Jake ties off the condom and adjusts his jeans, opening the car door and tossing the condom away into a nearby dumpster. 
The Night City air feels cool compared to the heat of the car after fucking, she watches him light up a cigarette outside of the car and grimaces. He climbs back into the driver's seat, keeping the window rolled down and she makes a gagging sound as the smoke hits her nose. 
“You coming back to the bar with me?” He asks, blowing smoke out of the window. 
“No,” she signs, thankful the choker translator can survive sweat, “I’ll catch the train back to Watson.” 
“Let strangers see you sweaty and fuck-dazed?” 
“Well, it’s a good look for me.” 
“Can’t really deny that, now can I.” 
She rolls her eyes and grabs her jacket getting out of the car, walking away on still slightly wobbly legs. V takes the train back to Watson, fiddling with her holophone the entire way. The merc gets off at the stop closest to her megabuilding and makes her way to her apartment; lock recognizing her on the first try. 
V checks the time and decides to get ready to go to The Afterlife. Those nerves she had managed to fuck away for a moment creep up on her all over again. She shakes her head not wanting to focus on her anxieties, she strips down and grabs a shower, cleaning off the sweat from her liaison. 
The merc pulls her hair back in a small low-set ponytail and does her makeup to the recommendations of the stylist. She gets dressed and uses the new camouflaged hearing aids, she takes her mask with her too. Though she knows she can’t wear it into Konpeki, she’ll still be walking into The Afterlife. That thought alone twists her guts into nervous knots. 
The Afterlife is the go to bar for the top of their game, Major Leagues mercs and fixers. It’s where the biggest deals are made, the easiest place to catch a drink and a job, but only mercs or fixers of a certain standard are allowed through its doors. Jackie brags about the place like it’s heaven for mercenaries. If they’re going to become regular fixtures of the bar after this, then she’d prefer to maintain her usual level of anonymity for fixers moving forward. She’ll drop the mask when they’re finally in corpo threads. 
V slides on Misty’s bracelet as well, fiddling with the beads meant to provide some form of protection. Her mind goes back to Misty’s tarot card reading, while she doesn’t put much weight on it, her friend’s fortune telling often sticks with her. The Wheel of Fortune is sticking out to her; she could care less if the cards thinks she’s stupid or if she’s about to fall in love, the latter of which so ridiculous she can’t help but dismiss it. But the idea of conflict sticks out, fear of the heist going wrong has been heavy on her mind. Something always goes slightly wrong, no job is perfect. But this has the highest stakes she’s ever encountered. 
V has new cyberware, the best possible tech and upgrades from Vik. She has Jackie, her best choom and partner in crime who’s never let her down. There’s T-Bug, her friend and brilliant netrunner who could bring half of Night City down if she wished. Their fixer is Dex, one of the best in regards to his job, he has everything to gain by having their backs covered. They have military grade tech and an inside look into Konpeki. They are going in under the best possible circumstances. 
She has to remind herself, review this again and again, that if something goes wrong someone there should be able to take care of it. But, those nerves don’t fade even as she leaves her apartment. 
The Afterlife isn’t far from V’s apartment, practically a hop and skip downtown. Barely five minutes pass before she’s under the roofed alley, nearing the club. Vivid cyan and purple graffiti across the wall, trash along the way.
“Porque ya tengo planes para esta noche!" 
The voice is familiar, Jackie’s and V pressed her back to the side of the vending machine, he’s telling someone he already has plans for tonight. He sounds frustrated, like he’s on the verge of pulling his hair out. 
“Virgen Santsima, ma! Te vas a enterar mañana,” a beat of silence, “también te quiero, ma."
The conversation ways on her, he’s talking to Senora Welles. Remembering Jake talking about her feelings, that the matriarch has been worrying herself half to death. And it sounds like Jackie has been on the receiving end of that worry for a while.  V pulls her mask on and rounds the corner past the vending machine, stepping in front of the main entrance of The Afterlife. Her friend standing in the doorway under the harsh green light. 
“Heh, about time, chica,” he greets, tucking his phone into his pocket, she catches the blue of Misty’s bracelet mingled with his usual gold ones. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Ehhh, y'know. She's worried about me - whatever. Can't help herself, y'know - checkin’ to see if I'm not rottin' in some dumpster… like most of the Welles boys. Been worse lately.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“Started climbin' our way up. Got more an' more knives out there, waitin' to stab us in the back. Higher stakes, higher risk. She can see that.” 
“Look like you’re about to keel over.” V reaches out, touching the red blotches on his skin, stress and sweat inflaming his skin. 
“Years of merc work, and yet,  still sweat like a roasted pig when I talk to my ma. It's really startin' to wear on me. More tell her everythin's OK, more I feel like I'm straight-up lyin’.”
“Well, hopefully you had a nice date with Misty at least.” 
“Went about as well as talking to my ma right now,” he scratches at the back of his neck, “for two women who don’t get along, they sure agree when it comes to worrying about me.” 
“They worry because they love you, worse things in life than people giving a damn about you.” 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t matter none. Not anymore, Afterlife, here we come, baby!” 
Jackie changes the topic and she can’t really blame him for it, rubbing his hands together and practically cheering in excitement. This is everything they’ve talked about, everything they’ve said they want. So, why does she still have a lump in her throat? 
“Afterlife… we’re really here.” 
“Does not get any higher, choom. And you know somethin' else? We fuckin' earned it, chica!” 
“No point in standing around then, is there?’ 
“Ready to get your cherry popped?” he laughs leading her into the club, “Yeeeah! Come on!”
“Little late for that one, Jack,” she teases as they make their way down the stairs, a pair of double doors opening up for them. A short step down into a small hallway with mercs and fixers alike talking under the green glow of a sign bearing the club’s name. 
“Place used to be a morgue - you believe that?”
“I know, right? Way before our time, that. When proper burials were still a thing.”
They come to another set of doors, through the small window V can see the true club main room beyond them. But a man stands guarding them, around Jackie’s height and a similar bulky build. Cyberware indented along his jawline and nose. His face is stony, eyes sharp when Jackie and V stop before him, then he puts a large hand out in front of him. 
“And who might you clowns be?”
“Jackie and V,” the taller of the mercs says with a grin, “Dexter Deshawn is waitin’ on us.” 
The bouncer gives them a look and V is glad for her mask helping hide her emotions. His expression is dismissive, looking down on them, making her feel all at once that she has not earned her place in this club. A baby merc, new to the city, barely six months under her belt and she’s standing at the Afterlife. How the fuck did she get here? 
“Yo, Dex. Got two live ones sayin' they're here to see ya,” his optics glow as he calls Dex, “Yeah? All right, then. Says he needs a second or two. Go get yourselves drinks or somethin'.”
The doors open to a green and cyan lit club. Music louder as the barrier breaks away, people fill the room. Some sipping on alcohol and other’s puffing away on cigarettes; the smell of nicotine and booze wafting from the bar. 
“Way ahead o' you, viejo,” Jackie laughs and leads the way in. 
V follows him around the corner; the large bar coming into full view. It’s lit green, the same neon sign reading Afterlife at the top of it. A bartender in a blue button up slings drinks to the patrons. Floor to ceiling columns, like tubes, are places around the club each filled with water with a dancer twirling around inside with strategically place chrome clothing covering the most private parts of them. Everything is basked in that green neon light, despite being surrounded by mercs like her, she feels so completely out of place. 
Jackie marches proudly across the bar floor, stride confident and unwavering. 
“This is it… The heart o' Night City! That's it right there - beating. Hear it?” he proclaims as they pass by rows of half closed off booths, “Can you imagine? Susan Forrest, Boa Boa, maybe even Morgan Blackhand… All sat on those stools, fell asleep on that same bar.”
Jackie sits in one of the barstools, beaming and brimming with excitement. His eyes wide as he takes it all in, the place he’s dreamed of for all his years. V climbs into the seat next to him, placing an elbow on the bar, leaning her head onto her hand, as she shifts to face him. 
“Doubt that puts us in the same league as them,” V teases, Morgan Blackhand brought down Arasaka Tower. They’re stealing a biochip, hardly the same thing. 
“Oh, but we are. They just don't know it yet,” Jackie tells her with a wink and she can’t help but roll her eyes. 
V drops her hand when she realizes Jackie’s attention has gone elsewhere, an older woman walking past the two. She’s nothing unusual, older looking than most of the crowd here, sure but nothing immediately stands out to V. An older woman with long gray hair shaved on one side and a bright yellow cropped sweater, She marches her way across the bar and into a blue lit booth, moving past a guard.  
“'Ey. See that old lady there?”
“Yeah, didn’t know grannies were your type,” V taunts him again, he’s always given her shit for her taste in older people, yet he’s ogling some grandma? 
“Fuck off,” he playfully smacks her, but nearly knocks her from her chair, “that’s fuckin’ Rogue, best fixer in all o' Night City.” 
“Thought Dex was the best?” 
“Pff… Rogue was linin' up jobs when Dex was still shittin' in diapers, heh. Place belongs to her.”
“What can I getcha?” The bartender cuts in, hands down on the bar in front of them. She’s a woman with long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail and a soft round face. 
V doesn’t drink on the job, something she’s always stuck to. But, this is Jackie’s dream and she knows how he likes to celebrate. If nothing else, their banter has failed to undo her nerves, maybe booze will do the trick. 
“You order,” she signs to Jackie and he grins. 
“You drinkin’?” 
“Special night, pick me something nice.” 
“Two Tequila Old Fashioneds with a splash of cerveza and a chili garnish.”
“A duo of Johnny Silverhands, comin' up,” the bartender starts to put the drinks together, “somebody did their homework.” 
“Guessing the dog ate mine,” V signs, confused because what the fuck is a silver hand?
“Age-old tradition. Drinks're named after our regulars,” she explains, putting the drinks down in front of the mercs. 
“What’d I have to do to get a drink named after me?” 
“Snuff it,” she grins, “ In mind-blowingly spectacular fashion, Mid-op'd be best.”
“Aah, what a beaut of a tradition!”
“Steep price for a drink, not going to lie,” V signs, letting her nerves speak for her, if only for a moment. Her guts are in knots, she can only hope the alcohol will untangle. All of the merc’s usual stress relieving tactics other than a weed brownie, have failed to do much of anything.
“Hey, everyone's gotta go sometime, right? Why not in style? Death’s nothing but the final flourish!” 
“To hitting the major leagues,” she signs, holding her shot in the other hand.
“To becoming legends.” 
She pushes her mask just up above her mouth, careful not to smudge her lipstick and  they throw back their shots. Smooth but strong booze with a kick of spice from the garnish, a burn in her throat. Not her style, but she’s had worse. She pushes her mask back down, regarding the bartender, her nametag says Claire. 
“So, who else can I drink here?” She still has no idea who Silverhand is, but maybe there’s a name she does recognize, reading the posted drink menu. 
“All on the menu…”  
“'Cept there's a spot missing. Morgan Blackhand, right?”
“Heh,  true. Morgan's yet to make up his mind he's dead or still kickin',” Claire tells Jackie and V rolls her eyes. 
“Think he’s still alive? It’s been years,” Jackie asks Claire. 
“No way he’s still alive,.” The radio was just talking about the devastation of the tower going down, if that many folks were killed who were just near it, then there’s no way someone who was in the tower survived. 
“Why not? Look at Rogue. Peeps from that era - a species unto themselves.”
“And one day we’re gonna be there too,” Jackie probably proclaims, “speaking of which, name’s Jackie Welles if you want to write down my recipe.” 
“Sure.” There’s a playfulness in her tone, just going along with Jackie’s whims. 
“Shot of vodka on the rocks, lime juice, ginger beer… oh, and most importantly - a splash of love.”
“Haha, I'll remember that.”
“Gag,” V signs just to see the glare Jackie levels her way, the playful smack of her arm. 
“Okay, what’s your drink then?” 
“Literally, the only thing I drink is like cherry cola with a splash of bourbon.” 
“You know those are usually supposed to be reversed, the bourbon and coke.” 
“Maybe so, but, and hear me out… cherry cola tastes better.”  
“Heard you were Dex’s latest finds,” Claire tells them. 
“Just biz, no big deal.”
“How'd you know?” V raises an eyebrow behind her mask. 
“My job to know. Look around - how do you think meres earn their reps? Through gossip rivaling that of schoolgirls, that's how.”
“Mr. DeShawn see you now,” a booming voice rings out behind the mercs, turning around she sees Dex’s bodyguard. The first time she’s heard his voice. 
“Love to hang, imbibe the vibe, but we got an important meeting,” Jackie tells Claire, getting up from his seat and V following suit, throwing some cash down on the bar. 
“Break a leg.” 
“This way,” the bodyguard tells them and the mercs falls in line behind him. He leads them around the bar, past the crowd and through a door towards the back of the club. The lighting shifting, more blue than green as they walk past another vending machine. 
“Damn, holmes, you're huge... Work out?” Jackie asks, unable to stand the silence. 
“Hmm.” A vague grunt as they pass through another door, the music fading as they get further from the main bar. But V can just hear the starting beat of some old dad rock, something about losing another day to pointless drudgery. 
“Same here, y'know, in the ring. You do some kinda exotic shit? Kempo? Ninjitsu?”
Nothing as they turn another corner. 
“Think you could take me, drop me?”
“Jackie…” Why must he sound like he’s picking a fight with the guy?
“In here,” the guard says, stopping and standing in front of another door. 
"Este pinche tipo..."
The door opens and they’re greeted to the first room with warm lighting, though it just seems to be a storage corner. With a cabinet and vending machine. But to the left are barely see through walls of a booth that takes up half the room, through them V can just see T-Bug’s outline and leather couches. 
They walk around, the front of the booth opened. A wrap around black leather couch goes around the back wall and left side of the booth. Dex sat on the back portion, talking into a holo about Excelsior and cold hard eddies. T-Bug sat to side, a table in the center of the room with the Flathead, Jinguji boxes, and shards placed on neat little index cards. There’s a small disconnect leather seat in the right corner, next to the door. 
“Gotta bounce,” Dex hangs up, “well, if it ain’t Miss V.” 
“Whole family in one place! Hah! Finally!”
“That’s one way to put it,” T-Bug teases and a shine of blue catches V’s eye, the netrunner wearing Misty’s bracelet. She can’t help but smile. 
“A’ight, then… Set your butts down comfy,” Dex tells them. Jackie plops himself onto the larger couch next to T-Bug, comfortably spreading his arms over the back of it while V takes the smaller seat, putting her at an angle to see everyone.  She stifles a laugh, seeing Jackie’s leg excitedly bounce up and down. 
“Sweet booth, is it soundproof?” 
“Jackie…” T-Bug scolds and V stifles a laugh. 
“Now, now, Mr. Welles is right. We gon' be goin' over some sensitive material. But if it's all right with y'all, I'd like to start with a question for Miss V… Evelyn Parker - how'd you fare?”
All eyes on her, stomach still twisted in a vise, this is her chance. She’s got to tell him, but she doesn’t want Evelyn hurt. Some fixers will go to any length to get revenge on a client or merc who does them dirty. But, he’s got a right to know the shit she pulled. 
“Intel was good, brain dance was exactly what we needed….” 
“So, she just wanna see wha'ss good, or was there somethin' else?”
“Wouldn’t ask for anything else, Miss V.” 
“She’s high risk as far as clients go. Shady as fuck, naïve as all hell, and genuinely thought she could make me another offer.” 
“Another offer?” Dex’s brow raises about his sunglasses. 
“Wanted me to cut you out for more cash, told her no, of course. But, wouldn’t do business with her again, if I were you.” 
“Cut me out… shiiiit, now that’s rich,” Dex laughs, Jackie nervously laughing along, “Clients... never learn, do they?” 
“You’re not pissed?” 
“Lived in NC too long to blow my top every time some amateur thinks they can take me for a ride. Parker ain't the first and sure as hell won't be the last.”
“Fair enough,” V lets out a sigh, thankful if nothing else that Dex doesn’t seem prone to getting too mad at Evelyn. Maybe she’s being too kind, but she can’t help but think Evelyn is more naive than malicious when it comes to the offer. A stranger to the merc world. 
“I do appreciate you sharin' this info, though, Miss V. You see, trust… …is essential in any partnership that's to be long-lasting and fruitful.”
“Figured you had a right to know, so, what’s the plan?” 
Dex gestures towards the shards on the table, V takes the one in front of her and slides it into her shard slot.  UI and graphics lighting up her mask, a map pulling up on the tech. 
“Me and Dex've already covered the fine detes. Ops wise, should be a stroll on the beach.”
“Elaborate, I wanna hear it.” 
“A Delamain'll drop your asses at the front door of Konpeki Plaza,” a picture of the hotel shows,  then two names, “You'll stroll right in thanks to your false identities. Then, with Bug's help, you'll breach the hotel's subnet…”
“Mine and the Flathead's help.” Images of the hotel’s interior and the bot flash by. 
“Last but not least, you slip into Yorinobu's penthouse and klep the Relic,” his words bring up images of the heir and his suite.
“Goes without sayin' we do this on the hush - ideally no bodies, not a one.” The shard shows them The Relic and then blips out. 
“You'll have T-Bug on comms for the duration. Time for your burnin' questions.”
“What’s our cover?” V asks, they’ve been told a thousand times they’ll be acting like corpos, but that’d be hard to do if they have no idea what their story is suppose to be. 
“Hello, Ramón Victorino,” T-Bug looks at Jackie and then to V, “and you’re Hannah Conwell.” 
“Ramón - yeah, OK. What do we say we're there for?”
“Biz as usual. Corpo arms deal. Case anyone asks, you there for a bogus meetin' with Arasaka's defense rep - Hajime Taki. Anything else?”
“How do we get in the penthouse?”
“Yorinobu's got barely any muscle. Hardest part'll be penthouse security. If we wanna disable, we'll need to neutralize Konpeki's dweller - elite ‘runner monitoring the hotel's subnet twenty-four seven. Only catch is there's no way to get in the dweller's den from the outside.”
“Hold on, how you want us to get inside a room you can't get into?”
“Trust me when I say whatever hitch you think up. T-Bug's solved it already”
“This is where the Flathead comes in. You'll have to get him in the ventilation shafts, guide him to the dweller and force the dweller to… take a break. Flathead'll stay there, jacked into the dweller, but thanks to that I’ll be able to roll out your red carpet into the penthouse.”
“Anything else?”
“Transports a Delamain?” She has no idea if the company has an ASL sign like most other corporations and doesn’t have time to think of one on the fly. 
“Preemest cab company in all Night City… Nada mal,” hackie tells her. 
“DeShawn don't ever work with anyone but the best. I consider Delamain just that.”
“Yeah, who needs creepy, nosy cab drivers when you've got a clean AI to get you from point A to point B in style?”
“And how he bags a permit to operate every year's still a mystery.”
“If everythin' goes as planned, Delamain'll drop you back here. If things get sticky, he'll head for the safe house.”
“Which is?”
“The No-Tell Motel. Quiet, no questions asked. Make our next move from there. But I'm flat certain that won't be necessary. Though, there is one more consideration for if it does.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Hate to put you on the spot, Miss V,” Dex explains, “but if shit goes sour, I’m gonna need to know who I’m letting into the hotel. Mask can’t go with to Konpeki, so I’d sure feel a hell of a lot better if I knew what was hiding behind that thing.” 
“Oh… yeah, that makes sense.”  
Even if she’d have Jackie with her when shit goes down,  Dex is trusting her with this heist. The least she can do is trust him to see her face and not write her off or sell her out to The Herd if the chance arised. Not that she can see that happening anyway… 
“Don’t even know why you wore the thing in, V,” Jackie teases. 
“Well, there are other fixers here, didn’t want to give away my face…” 
V carefully pulls off her mask, feeling exposed all over again, a new set of eyes on her face. The merc knows how she looks; five feet with a head of bleach blonde hair and big gray eyes. Not the picture one conjures in their mind when they think of a capable, strong, badass merc. Sprinkle in her disability and the reactions to her deafness; most people think she’s not a threat, weak. 
“That what you’ve been hiding behind that mask? All that fuss, for what?” Dex laughs. 
“Hard to take,” she stumbles over her English trying to sign at the same time, “be taken- seriously sometimes when you’re five foot nothing, deaf, and look like…” 
“Gutterpunk Barbie,” Jackie cuts in to tease, earning him a sharp kick to the shin. 
“Fuck off.” 
“Trust me, Miss V, you pull off this job; ain’t nobody in their right mind gonna underestimate you” 
“That’s the hope...”
“Any other questions?” 
“I got a question. When do we get to the real reason we're all here?” Jackie asks, shooting a wink V’s way. 
“Now's a good a time as any. Fresh talent gets thirty percent always, but I'm willin' to make an exception in your case. I'ma cut you a nice, juicy forty as a bonus for your honesty, V.”
“Much appreciated.” 
“Ka-ching baby!~” 
“Last thing, Konpeki's got a strict no-iron policy. Security gates, the works. So you dawgs'll leave your lead-spitters in the ride, take the Flathead inside in its case.”
“Got your suits from Jinguji on the table.” 
“Thanks, Bug.” 
“So, not to count chickens, but when'll we see our eddies?”
“All depends how Ms. Parker unrolls herself or her role, but a week, two tops is my guess.”
“And what do we do in the mean time?” 
“You sit tight, heads down, 'cause ol' uncle Arasaka be watching. Now, as that ol’ Greek dawg says, life's a banquet - so don't go thirsty, but don't get drunk, either,” he tells them as he leaves the booth, “Your chariot awaits outside.”
“My cue to delta, too. Gotta prep to jack in, be there when you come on comms. Any other issues, now's your chance,” T-Bug tells them, shifting her feet and something catches V’s eye. Delta V emblazoned on the netrunner’s boots, was that there before?
“Plan - your take?” V shakes the thought from her head, must be a brand or a runner thing V doesn’t know.
“Enough, I hope, to put me in a luxury Creton Villa from which I'll never set foot in cyberspace again.”
“Send me a postcard?” 
“No offense, but I'm gonna burn any and all bridges - need a clean break.”
“Gonna take Misty’s bracelet with you?” Jackie teases, grinning because he caught it too. 
“Shut up,” she tells him, rolling her eyes. 
“Uh, just realized something, what’s gonna happen to our clothes? I don’t want to lose my mask…” 
“No worries, put them in the boxes, we’ll have ‘em sent back to your places.” 
“Alright then, lets get this show on the road.” 
“Let's get to work, go ahead and get changed, Delamain is parked out front, uh, okay-”Bug starts to trip over her words when the two mercs start taking off their jackets, “you can use the bathrooms.” 
Jackie and V shrug their shoulders, the outfits are right there. Not much point in dragging them out to the bathroom. The pair shared a bedroom for the better half of six months, a room with one bed. They’ve seen each other naked plenty, boundaries destroyed a long while back. 
“Why do I bother,” T-Bug rolls her eyes and leaves the booth, letting the pair change. 
V kicks off her boots and takes off her socks, Jackie tugging off his jewelry first. 
“So, you’re nerves still going crazy?” Jackie asks her as she tugs off her shirt, his own tossed off. 
“What do you mean?”  She tugs off her pants, both mercs soon standing around in their underwear. 
“Can’t hide that shit from me, chica, been giving me twice as much hell as usual. You’re freaking out.” 
“High stakes, Jack, of course I’m a nervous mess. Means I give a shit.” 
She pulls the slack on and tugs on the white blouse, buttoning it up. The two of them putting on the corpo clothes, similar in look. Black slacks, white button up tops, black suit jackets, and Misty’s beaded bracelets for protection. Each perfectly tailored for their body types. 
“Don’t sweat it so much, V, we got this.” He sticks his fist out. 
“Sure fuckin’ hope so.” She bumps her fist to his. 
Their street clothes are packed away in the boxes, V puts in her optic contacts and slide on her heels, then they start to make their way out of the booth. But, Jackie stops her with a hand on her shoulder and he taps his throat. She catches on taking off her choker translator, neck feeling bare and odd without the tech. With that they leave out through the club, Jackie carrying the Flathead case and the smaller merc keeps her head down as best she can. Her stomach still in knots as they spot the Delamain in the parking lot. 
Her life is about to change forever; hopefully for the best. She’s on the cusp of having everything she’s wanted since she’s come to the city. The verge of earning the respect of everyone in this city and finally feeling like she’s someone, like she’s done something. 
So, why does she feel like she’s about to puke?
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Dick Grayson Dating Someone Who Knows Things About Everything:
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• You were book smart and just kinda knew things about subjects all around • You’re the kind of person to have 50 Wikipedia articles open at once • None of them are related topics • If you like reading books, none of the genres or topics are anywhere near the same yet some -how they are perfectly organized • You are probably able to speak a bunch of languages which is really helpful during missions and analyzing data • Might be a writer with all of the information you know • You could get away with the perfect murder or solve a crime and all that ASAP • Sometimes you forget you know something until it’s mentioned and then everything just comes out • May or may not know how to make an atom bomb • When Dick met you, you were joining the team • You were outspoken and outgoing and he thought that that was cool • You guys are nerds together even then flirting would make sense to no one but you two • Sometimes you’ll just be watching a movie or video together and you’ll just start rolling your eyes or have this look of disgust in your face • Dick will pause the movie or video and just let you rant about what’s wrong • “Are you alright Y/N/N?” • “This is absolutely stupid and doesn’t actually work. You can’t make a bomb like that! It won’t detonate.” • *shook* • Even if it’s something over makeup or something really girly, you just know about it • “You can’t use that on your skin because it’ll irritate and ultimately damage skin cells and outer pore region and the treatment to fix it is hundreds of dollars, you can use this instead” *pulls out entire kit* • He’s really impressed with you and sometimes admits that you know more of something than him • He also will pick things up from you and if you recommend something, he’ll just start doing it • Villains h a t e  when you two tag team on missions • They just know when Robin and Y/S/H/N team up, they should just surrender • You’ve helped with tons of cases before, some that even shocked and maybe concerned Batman • Like how do you know this much about weapons of mass destruction or foreign governments? • They don’t teach that at school, do they? • Dick really loves you a lot • You guys just go off on the most random conversations and he’s never really had anyone that he can just do that with other than maybe Wally • You’re really fun to go to galas with and actually kind of freak out some of the business people there • Bruce will let you make deals with people for W.E. • You also just hang out at the Batcave or cave computers and do case work together • You know like every vine • Your room is also really ✨aesthetic✨ • It’s clean but kind of messy in an organized way and just a nice place to chill out • He found out that when you met him, you went and actually researched the circus and all of the things related • *falls hard* • You’re also a just chill person • Really lo-key • That doesn’t mean that you can’t be totally crazy but it just means that most of the time, you’re not running around like a chicken with its head cut off • He will never not love you for just being a chill nerd
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