#or to bring up Ancient Drama
dearestagony · 5 months
— ✿ i'll bring you to life i'm a holy fuck. › jillian's main verse.
— ✿ she’s dropping out of school ‘cause she don’t need the grades the colors in her hair don’t seem to fade. › jillian's high school verse.
— ✿ and all you wanted was somebody who cared. › jillian's yugioh gx verse.
— ✿ you say i'm complicated that i must be out my mind. › yugioh 5ds verse.
— ✿ i’m your biggest fan i’ll follow you until you love me. › jillian's rockstar verse.
— ✿ step right up to watch the freak go crazy. › jillian's naruto verse.
— ✿ she's a novice a beginner i'm the sexorcist the sinner. › jillian's noragami verse.
— ✿ what's wrong with being confident. › jillian's ohshc verse.
— ✿ oh please let me warn them don't you come here don't bring anyone here. › jillian's ancient egypt verse.
— ✿ jillian nakamura. › in character.
— ✿ came from the trauma stayed for the drama. › jillian's aesthetics.
— ✿ i can guide you i can teach you honey this is just a preview. › jillian's headcanons.
— ✿ try to be sexy but don't be too sexual. › jillian's appearance.
0 notes
hclyfvckcd · 11 months
— ✿ tag dump. › JILLIAN NAKAMURA.
— ✿ i'll bring you to life i'm a holy fuck. › main verse.
— ✿ she’s dropping out of school ‘cause she don’t need the grades the colors in her hair don’t seem to fade. › high school verse.
— ✿ and all you wanted was somebody who cared. › yugioh gx verse.
— ✿ you say i'm complicated that i must be out my mind. › yugioh 5ds verse.
— ✿ i’m your biggest fan i’ll follow you until you love me. › rockstar verse.
— ✿ step right up to watch the freak go crazy. › naruto verse.
— ✿ she's a novice a beginner i'm the sexorcist the sinner. › noragami verse.
— ✿ what's wrong with being confident. › ohshc verse.
— ✿ oh please let me warn them don't you come here don't bring anyone here. › ancient egypt verse.
— ✿ jillian nakamura. › in character.
— ✿ came from the trauma stayed for the drama. › aesthetics.
— ✿ i can guide you i can teach you honey this is just a preview. › headcanons.
— ✿ try to be sexy but don't be too sexual. › appearance.
0 notes
ventique18 · 25 days
You know how cats kinda shut down when you pick them up by the nape? What if baby Malleus was also like this; he was such a problematic, destructive little shit but when Lilia or his grandma grabbed him by his lizard head he just automatically went no thoughts head empty?
He didn't realize this was deeply ingrained in his instinct, so when he goes berserk in his dragon form in Book 7, Maleficia just flies close to him, transforms into a dragon, and bites him on the head. And he just. Shuts down.
So the entire conflict just gets resolved by a huge ancient dragon dragging an equally huge dragon by the head. The whole world sits by and watches as the older dragon brings the other to a "corner", which is hardly a corner when everyone can see you due to how gigantic you are, and then repeatedly bops him on the head like how a cat hits something it's pissed at. Dragon features hardly show obvious emotions, but you can swear the younger one's absolutely humiliated by how flattened the fins by his jaws are against his skull and how tightly his tail is wedged between his hind legs.
The biggest (literally) family drama of the century.
476 notes · View notes
kckt88 · 1 month
A Dragon's Heart.
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Viserra Targaryen's marriage to Borros Baratheon was nothing more than a duty, a strategic alliance forged to prevent the dragons from dancing.
Yet the wife did her duty and bore her husband a son.
Borros was ecstatic that he finally had a son, and if he noticed that the boy looked nothing like him then he didn’t comment on it, for how could he when it could be argued that Rhaegar simply favoured his silver haired mother in looks and did not bear an entirely coincidental resemblance to the Lord Commander of the City Watch.
Warning(s): Angst, Arranged/Unwanted Marriage, Swearing, Family Drama, Dragons, Infidelity, Uncle/Niece Incest, Smut, Kissing, Fingering, P in V, Breeding Kink, Attempted Blackmail, Conspiracy.
Word Count: 11K
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Tag List - @jasminecosmic99 @kaelatargaryen @yesterdayfeelings-blog @immyowndefender @0eessirk8 @darylandbethfanforever9
Viserra soared high above Blackwater Bay, the wind whipping through her hair as she rode atop Vermithor. Her two-year-old son, Rhaegar, was securely strapped into the saddle in front of her, his delighted squeals mingling with the dragon's powerful roars.
The colossal dragon cut through the clouds with ease, the sun glinting off his bronze scales, creating a dazzling display against the blue sky.
As they approached the Red Keep, Viserra's keen eyes caught sight of a carriage emerging from the Kingswood. The Baratheon banner, with its distinctive crowned stag on a gold background, was proudly displayed.
A groan of frustration escaped her lips; her husband, Borros Baratheon, was arriving earlier than expected. She had hoped for a few more days of freedom before he made his presence known at the Red Keep.
Directing Vermithor with a firm tug on the reins, she guided the dragon to land near Vhagar’s nesting spot. The ancient dragon, let out a huff of annoyance as Vermithor’s landing shook the ground.
Viserra couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the grumpy dragon being disturbed from her slumber.
Detaching herself and Rhaegar from the saddle, she slid down Vermithor's side with practiced ease, landing gracefully on the ground.
Rhaegar, still giggling with excitement from the flight, clung to her as she made her way over to the waiting guards. They bowed respectfully before escorting her and her son back to the Red Keep.
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Viserra sank into the warm bath in her chambers, letting the soothing water wash away the smell of dragon. The sounds of Rhaegar's giggles floated through the air, bringing a smile to her face.
Her son was playing with his dragon hatchling, Karnax, who was growing rapidly. Soon, Karnax would need to be moved to the Dragonpit to join the other dragons.
A transition that Rhaegar was vehemently opposed too, as every attempt to move Karnax had so far had been met with stubborn refusals and tantrums from the young prince, and bursts of flame from Karnax who would not be parted from his bonded rider.
As she finished bathing and began to dress, Viserra heard a methodical tapping on the wall. Recognizing the signal, she excused her maids, who curtsied and left the room.
After making sure the door was locked, she went over to the portrait on the wall and gave it a push. The hidden door swung open, revealing Aemond emerging from the secret passageway.
Without hesitation, Viserra flung her arms around his neck and kissed him.
Rhaegar, noticing Aemond, beamed with excitement. "Kepa!" he shrieked, running towards him with outstretched arms (Father).
Aemond scooped Rhaegar up from the floor, holding him close. "Byka zaldrīzes," he murmured affectionately (Little dragon).
Aemond set Rhaegar down gently and turned to Viserra, his expression serious. "I see Lord Borros will be arriving earlier than anticipated," he said, his voice low and measured.
Viserra nodded sadly, her heart sinking. She had hoped for a few more precious days with Aemond before her husband's unwelcome presence disrupted their world.
Her marriage to Borros was nothing more than a duty, a strategic alliance forged to prevent war, with no love to bind them. She understood why Borros had come; his recent letters had made it clear. He wanted another child. They had one son, but another was needed to secure their lineage.
"He’s been writing to me-" Viserra said quietly, her eyes downcast. "He wants me to give him another child. One son is not enough for him."
Aemond's jaw tightened. "He comes here for that-"
"Yes," she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness. "He often complains about me living in the Red Keep instead of Storm's End. I remind him that as heir to the Iron Throne, I need to learn how to rule. He usually relents, believing he will one day be King Consort. But this visit-he will use it as an opportunity to paw at me at every given chance." The thought made her stomach churn.
Aemond reached out, taking her hands in his. "Issa jorrāelagon-” (My love).                                                                                                                
Viserra looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and sorrow. "-Nyke dōrī jeldan syt bisa. Nyke jaelagon ao, mērī ao” (I never wished for this; I want you, only you).
Aemond pulled Viserra into a tight embrace, holding her close as she clenched her hands in the material of his golden cloak.
“Ao jāhor va moriot emagon issa” whispered Aemond (You will always have me).
“Nyke vēdros bisa” muttered Viserra, pressing her cheek against the cold material of Aemonds armour (I hate this).
“So do I” said Aemond softly.
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Viserra stood with Rhaegar in her arms, waiting as Borros’ carriage came to a halt. The door swung open, and Borros stepped out, his presence as commanding as ever.
"Wife!" he bellowed, marching forward with heavy strides. He grabbed her by the shoulders and planted a rough kiss on her cheek.
"My Lord," she greeted him with a forced smile, her tone cordial yet distant.
Rhaegar looked up at Borros with wide eyes, startled by the man's booming voice. Before he could react, Borros snatched him from Viserra's grasp, lifting him high into the air. Rhaegar cried out in surprise, his small hands flailing.
"Look at my handsome, sturdy son!" Borros declared proudly, his voice echoing across the courtyard. "He will make a fine King one day!"
Rhaegar struggled against Borros's grip, his cries growing more desperate. Viserra's heart ached at the sight, and she glanced around, catching sight of Aemond hovering nearby.
His hand was wrapped tightly around the hilt of his sword, his eye dark with barely restrained fury as he watched Borros manhandle Rhaegar.
Discreetly, Viserra shook her head at Aemond, signalling him to stand down. She then stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "Husband, Rhaegar is not used to such-enthusiasm. Let me take him."
Borros looked at Rhaegar, who continued to struggle, and with a huff of irritation, he handed the boy back to Viserra. "Very well, take him. But he must grow accustomed to it."
Viserra held Rhaegar close, soothing him with gentle words. She met Aemond's gaze one last time, their silent understanding passing between them. Borros, oblivious to the tension, demanded, "You and the boy will accompany me. There is much to discuss."
With a final look at Aemond, Viserra nodded and followed Borros inside the Red Keep, Rhaegar still clinging to her.
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Viserra stood in the guest chambers of the Red Keep, her son Rhaegar playing quietly at her feet with his wooden toys. Borros paced before her, his imposing figure casting a long shadow across the stone floor.
"Wife, we must discuss the matter of another child," Borros began, his tone brooking no argument. "Rhaegar is a fine boy, but as the first born, he belongs to the throne. We need another son to inherit Storm's End."
Viserra took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Could one of your daughters' sons be named heir instead?"
Borros stopped his pacing and turned to face her, his expression stern. "None of my daughters are currently wed, a matter which I plan to discuss with the Queen. By birthing me a healthy son you have proved that you are fertile. There is no reason why you cannot give me more sons."
She nodded slightly, knowing that he would not be swayed. "Very well, my Lord."
Borros's gaze softened just a fraction "I will call upon you tonight, and I expect you to come."
Viserra's heart sank, but she kept her face impassive. "I will provide you with another son,"
Borros nodded, satisfied with her response. "Good. We must secure the future of House Baratheon and House Targaryen of course-"
As he turned to leave, Viserra glanced down at Rhaegar, who looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes.
She forced a smile for his sake, though her heart ached, she had begged her mother not to follow through on the betrothal, but her hands were tied.
The support of Storms End had been crucial in squashing the war before it truly began and Viserra had no choice but to marry Borros.
On the morning of her wedding she had shed many tears, praying to the gods that her intended would be struck down with some sudden illness that would mean the wedding would be rearranged or even cancelled, but alas the gods stayed silent, and Borros remained hale and healthy.
Her only semblance of solace was the fact that she had allowed Aemond to fuck her before the ceremony, his cock had felt glorious as he pounded inside her with a series of deep penetrating thrusts, his fingers gently caressing her pearl as she peaked calling his name.
It gave her a sense of twisted satisfaction that she did not clean herself and as she wed her husband, she could still feel Aemonds seed staining her small clothes.
Even as she spoke the vows, she had positioned herself in such a way that her gaze never left Aemond’s, and she could imagine that it was him she was pledging herself to and not Borros Baratheon.
The celebration after the wedding had been somewhat bearable given the ample supply of wine, which Borros indulged in, and of course discreetly slipping a little something into his cup also helped.
So much so that he found himself unable to perform his husbandly duties and after he had passed out on the bed, Viserra detangled herself from him and spent the night being fucked into the mattress by Aemond.
She had lost count of the amount of times that he had made her come using his mouth, fingers and cock, he was ravenous and unrestrained that night and she was more than happy to indulge him.
After she had returned to her chambers, Borros was snoring and drooling in his sleep, she had cut herself and wiped blood on the sheets, as proof of her lost innocence.
Climbing back into the bed, she laid as far away from Borros as she could, not wanting him to touch her, and in the morning, he had woken groggy but easily convinced that he had done his duty, especially when he saw the blood.
Throughout the day he was clapped on the back and offered wishes of congratulations on his wedding and successful bedding and Viserra was forced to endure the laughing innuendos from the Lords who had lingered after the celebrations.
Luckily, she didn’t have to endure many of Borros’ attempts to bed her as not too long after the wedding she discovered that she was with child, which was no surprise given how many times Aemond would spill his seed inside her.
The realm rejoiced when the news was announced, even more so when she entered the birthing bed eight moons later and delivered a son.
Rhaegar, her sweet little dragon. He was perfect, with his silver hair and amethyst eyes, the very image of his father.
Borros was ecstatic now that he finally had a son, and if he noticed that the boy looked nothing like him then he didn’t comment on it, for how could he when it could be argued that Rhaegar simply favoured his mother and grandmother the Queen in looks.
Nevertheless, the Iron Throne had its future heir in Rhaegar and now Borros was demanding one for Storms End, and Viserra would do her duty as before and provide her husband with another heir.
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Aemond paced angrily around his chambers, his movements agitated and relentless. His brother, Aegon, lounged on a chair nearby, watching with a mix of amusement and annoyance.
"Sit down, brother," Aegon said, his voice slurred slightly from the wine. "Your constant pacing is making me sick."
Aemond shot him a withering look. "It's the amount of wine that you've poured down your throat that's making you sick."
Aegon laughed, a deep, carefree sound that echoed in the chamber. "True enough." He lifted a cup and offered it to Aemond. "Join me, then brother. It might do you some good."
Aemond hesitated, his jaw clenched with barely contained fury. But then, with a sudden, decisive movement, he snatched the cup from Aegon's hand and downed the contents in one go.
Aegon raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You’ve never been much of a drinker. What's wrong?"
Aemond's face twisted with anger. "Borros is in the Red Keep. He has demanded that Viserra provide him with another son."
Aegon scoffed. "Not like the first one is his anyway."
Aemond's glare could have melted steel. "Watch your tongue."
Aegon shrugged, unfazed. "Come now, Aemond. We both know Rhaegar is your son, not his."
"Keep your mouth shut," Aemond hissed, stepping closer to his brother, his eye blazing.
Aegon raised his hands in mock surrender. "Calm down. I promise to keep it quiet."
Aemond narrowed his eyes. "How do you know, anyway?"
Aegon chuckled. "I'm not the idiot everyone thinks I am. I see how you look at Viserra, and Rhaegar-he looks nothing like Borros. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out."
Aemond clenched his fists, his mind racing with the implications of his brother's words. They had always been careful, always discreet. But the truth was clear to anyone who looked closely enough.
"She deserves better," Aemond muttered, more to himself than to Aegon as he traced the scar on his palm.
Aegon nodded, surprisingly sober. "She does. But this is the game we play, brother. We all have our roles."
Aemond sank into a chair, his anger momentarily spent. He looked at his brother, seeing the truth in his words. "What do I do, Aegon?"
Aegon poured another cup of wine and handed it to Aemond. "You play your part. You protect Viserra and Rhaegar as best you can, fuck another son into her and pray that Borros has a painful yet rather unfortunate accident in the near future”
“Don’t tempt me-” muttered Aemond.
Suddenly Aemond and Aegon's conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Viserra, who stepped through the secret passageway.
She paused, surprised to see Aegon but quickly recovered, greeting him warmly. "Aegon, I didn't expect to see you here."
Aegon grinned, raising his cup in a mock salute. "Viserra, always a pleasure."
Aemond immediately moved to her side, concern etched on his face. "Are you ok?" he asked, pulling her into a tight embrace.
He pressed his nose into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent, a mixture of lavender and something uniquely hers.
Viserra nodded, holding him close. "Yes, I'm fine."
Aegon watched the tender exchange with a slight smile before standing up. "I think that's my cue to leave. I'll see you both later." He winked at Aemond and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.
As soon as they were alone, Aemond pulled back slightly to look into Viserra's eyes. "Did Borros have his way with you?" His voice was laced with concern and barely restrained anger.
Viserra shook her head, a faint smile playing on her lips. "He tried, but he found himself unable to perform. Sleep has claimed him."
Aemond let out a sigh of relief, his tension visibly easing. He cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs gently brushing her cheeks. "Thank the gods."
“Hopefully what I slipped into his wine will last the night”.
“Here’s hoping” replied Aemond.
Viserra's expression grew serious, her eyes searching his. "-I refuse to lay with that man, and I will not bear his children. If he’s so insistent on me providing him with another son, then I will do it on my terms, I want you to give me another babe”
“Viserra-” whispered Aemond.
“I want your seed to take root inside me again”
“Hmmm” rasped Aemond.
“Please raqiarzy. I need you” whispered Viserra, as she untied and removed her robe (Beloved).
Aemond's breath hitched as he caught sight of her nipples through the fabric, and he quickly nodded. “Yes”
Viserra held her breath as Aemond took hold of her, his hands traveling up and down her body, slowly, like he was memorising every inch of her.
“If I get between your legs tonight then I am going to make you fucking beg for it, issa dōna and I’ll only fill you up when you’ve been a good girl-” (My sweet).
Viserra shuddered at the way the muscles in his forearms flexed as his hands explored her body, dipping under the cotton shift she wore.
“Aemond, that feels so good-don’t stop” groaned Viserra, as his hand inched higher.
“Fuck, Viserra-” growled Aemond. His lips continued their journey as he took hold of the shift and pulled it over her head, exposing her naked body.
As soon as she was bared too him, Aemond bent his head down and began sucking on one rosy nipple, then the other.
Her hands were now in his long silver hair, pressing his mouth deeper into her chest and her head fell back on a groan.
“Aemond, you need to touch me-” whimpered Viserra.
“Not yet-let me play some more”
Viserra let her hands travel down to lift up his shirt. He broke away from his feast on her breasts for just a second to let her take it off.
The feeling of his skin against hers only added to her want. He continued his assault on her nipples, and it was driving her fucking insane.
His tongue flicked out across her nipple and she mewled at the contact, her core tensing in anticipation of what was to come.
Needing any kind of relief, Viserra pressed herself against him so she could find some sort of friction to help with the ache in her core.
This seemed to snap something inside of him, because Aemond had hauled her off the floor and then carried her to bed, her legs around his waist.
After he placed her on is bed, Aemond pressed a quick kiss to her lips before he paused to untie his breeches and pull them off.
He then crawled back on the bed, positioning himself between her legs.
“So fucking good” mumbled Aemond against her lips as he pulled her hips flush against his.
Slowly, one of his hands started to make its way down her body and she held her breath when she felt his finger start to inch inside of her stretching her out, readying her for more.
“So, fucking wet,” He mumbled against her. “-If you’re good, I’ll let you come like this-” whispered Aemond hotly. “I’ll let you come around my fingers before I give you my cock.”
Then he added a second finger inside of her heat and crooked his fingers in just the way he knew how to.
“Oh shit-“ Viserra panted out, clinging onto his shoulders.
“That’s it-” groaned Aemond as he slowly moved his fingers inside her.
“Fuck, Aemond-” whined Viserra, she was so turned on that she could already feel her peak approaching.
“I know your close-I can feel you clenching around my fingers. Let go-come for me”
“Yes-yes. Right there” moaned Viserra as the heat shot across her abdomen and she exploded.
“I want to play a little game with you” whispered Aemond against her ear, his fingers still stroking her pearl lightly and she bit her lip, only able to nod as her answer came out softly.
“Yes” whispered Viserra against his lips, and before she knew it, Aemond had picked her up around the waist, sat her on top of him and was pressing his cock against her entrance with a feral look in his eye as he watched himself pressed against her folds.
“I fucking love watching myself inch inside of you-” he told her in a low tone, the hand at her back sliding down to grip her arse and then she felt the head of his cock at her entrance.
“Aemond-" Viserra managed to pant out, gripping at his shoulders as he entered her from below.
Out of all the positions they had tried since their relationship began, this was one of his favourites.
Viserra loved it for her own reasons, she loved feeling close to him and loved the look of wonder on his face as he watched her breasts bounce up and down— she knew how much it turned him on, even more so after she had birthed Rhaegar and her tits were swollen with milk.
Aemond loved nothing more than sucking on her nipples, tasting her mothers milk as he sheathed his cock inside her.
Another groan erupted from her when Aemond finally moved his hips, pushing into her.
Viserra felt a fist in her long hair and her face was brought so close to his that their noses were touching.
"Do you feel that?" panted Aemond against her lips and flexed his hips into her again, the tip of his cock reaching that place inside of her that could make her explode if the right pressure was applied.
"I'll give you all of me," whispered Aemond, a small grin on his lips as his forehead rested against hers as he continued to press into her with his cock. "If you can be good girl for me and not move an inch, I’ll let you have it-I’ll put another babe inside of you” He grinned wickedly at her. “But let's see how much self-control you really have, first"
And then without giving any warning, he rocked into her so painstakingly slowly that she felt her legs start to shake involuntarily.
"Don't you dare fucking move" said Aemond against her lips as his grip tightened on her arse cheek and the one in her hair kept her pressed tightly against him. “I’ll let you come when you’ve kept still for me.”
Viserra managed to keep her hips still, but only just. He was turning her on too much for this torture to last long.
He raised a finger and traced her bottom lip, and then the top before pressing his finger inside her mouth. She never broke her gaze as she licked his finger before sucking it deep into the wet heat of her mouth.
But then Aemond reached out and pinched one of her nipples.
“Oh, Aemond-”
 “Shall I keep playing with your nipples, or are you aching for me to touch you somewhere else?”  groaned Aemond pinching her other nipple.
Viserra wanted his mouth on her skin, not just on her breasts. She wanted to move.
She needed more.
Putting everything out of her thoughts, instead, she ran one hand down her stomach and rubbed her pearl slowly as she looked him directly in the eye and bit her lip.
“I want you here” whispered Viserra, smiling as she heard the feral sound that was almost like a growl erupt from the back of his throat.
He leaned forward and ran his tongue along her throat, revelling in the musky scent and taste of her.
“You’re fucking unbelievable-” rasped Aemond flexing his hips again into her and making her groan loudly again.
Keeping eye contact and merely tracing down her body with his hand until it met hers, the seam of her slit was then encircled by his fingers and his cock was hard as steel inside of her.
“Don’t look away from me, I want to watch your face when you move on my cock.” He told her as his lips grazed along her jawline.
His hips moved into her again, stretching her out and hitting the place she needed him.
“Oh, shit-“ panted Viserra breathlessly against him.
“Right there, Viserra. That’s where you want it, isn’t it?” His cock kept pushing to the back of her, making her legs quake with the effort to keep her body still.
She wanted to beg him for more and have him moaning her name as he came deep inside of her. She wanted all of that.
But she could only have it if she was his good girl-she had to obey, first.
Aemond’s fingers began to focus on her pearl.
As soon as his digits made contact with her slick, hard nub, Viserra moaned and tightened her thighs around his waist.
“Stay still, or this will only take longer” growled Aemond roughly against her ear and his free hand grabbed at her hip, squeezing her to keep her still for him.
Viserra instinctively tried to raise her hips again, but he held her down and squeezed them to keep her in place.
Then he bit her over her pulse point. Hard. She cried out and Aemond rumbled in approval at how loud she screamed for him.
“Such a good fucking girl.” His tongue licked where he had just bitten down. “You always make the sweetest sounds for me-”
Aemond loved biting her, he always had.
Viserra moaned at the continuous touch of his fingers on her pearl and Aemond moaned with her, feeling her muscles squeeze and release around his cock as she tried to keep herself calm and controlled for him.
Aemond growled as he took her mouth in a rough kiss.
Opening to him, she savoured the feel of his tongue against hers.
“Be the fucking death of me” Aemond panted against her and his hips flexed in and out of hers so slowly that he was shaking himself with the effort to not just fuck her hard.
“Aemond, please” begged Viserra.
“Shhh-can you take a little more for me?” asked Aemond as he grabbed her hair and pulled it.
“I-I’ll try-” was all that she could say as she tried to keep her hips from rocking.
“That’s my good girl-” He rocked his own hips right into her, making them both hiss. “So, fucking tight-all mine”
“I need more” whimpered Viserra
Moving back up to her face, Aemond took her lips against his roughly as he finally thrust his hard, long cock right into her.
“That enough for you, sweetheart?” asked Aemond as he brought her hips back into his again, causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head.
“Yes-more-” breathed Viserra, her nails digging into his shoulders as the sensation of him filling her.
Growling, Aemond quickly moved their positions so that Viserra was laid underneath him.
“Need to fuck you like this” mumbled Aemond into her hair before looking down at her as she clung to him, her legs wrapped around his waist.
As his pace picked up, she gripped his shoulders for dear life and moved with him, never taking her eyes from his.
“Keep going,” She panted against him. “Just like that-just like that”
“You like that?”
“Yes-yes Aemond” replied Viserra.
“I fucking love you-I love you so much” moaned Aemond, every thrust of his hips was forcing her further towards the headboard.
“Come for me, Aemond-fill me up-Oh, God!”
“Gonna come right where you need it – Right there – fuck! – Fucking going to love seeing you round with my child-“ He rotated his hips as he spoke, his forehead against hers.
Viserra scrawled her nails down Aemond’s back hard enough to leave marks making him growl in approval and fuck her harder into the mattress.
“Mark me fucking harder” ordered Aemond as Viserra scored her nails down his back again.
“So, fucking good for me-Oh, shit-yes-” moaned Aemond, his hips crashing into hers, babbling to himself and hitting all the right spots for her.
“Aemond I’m close-let me come, please-“ begged Viserra. She was so close, just a little more and she would be there.
“Making me come-give you another babe” said Aemond against her lips as his thrusts started to become erratic.
“Aemond, yes-yes, give me another babe”
“FUCK!” roared Aemond, the heat spreading across his abdomen as he exploded, spilling rope after rope of seed inside her.
“Oh shit – Aemond!” shouted Viserra as she clutched Aemond’s shoulders to ride the wave of pleasure that coursed through her body.
Aemond collapsed on top of her, and Viserra hugged his body tight.
“You are mine. Do you hear that?” whispered Aemond against her into her ear. “Everything about you.”
“Yours Aemond. Always yours”
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Aemond and Viserra lay together in the afterglow, their bodies intertwined. Aemond's hand rested gently on Viserra's stomach, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on her skin.
"I wonder if my seed has already taken root," he mused aloud, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Viserra giggled, the sound light and musical. "It's a bit soon to tell"
He smirked, his hand continuing its tender exploration. "I think I put it a good bit of effort there”
Viserra laughed, a playful glint in her eyes. "Yes-you did"
“I wish we could stay this way forever”
“So do I” replied Viserra quietly.
Soon, Aemond fell asleep, his breathing steady and peaceful. Viserra watched him for a moment, her heart swelling with love, but reality soon re-surfaced and she knew that she had to get back to her husband.
Gently, she pressed a kiss to Aemond's lips, a silent promise of her return. She slipped out of bed, gathering her nightdress and robe, putting them back on.
With one last lingering look at Aemond, she made her way back through the secret passageway and into the chambers Borros was occupying during his stay.
The room was dark, and Borros was still sleeping soundly. She climbed into bed next to him, moving with practiced ease.
As she settled, Borros mumbled in his sleep and draped an arm over her. The weight of it felt suffocating, a stark contrast to the tender embrace she had left behind.
Carefully, she picked up his arm and moved it off her, shuffling to the edge of the bed. She lay there, staring into the darkness, the feeling of Aemonds seed sticky between her thighs.
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Aemond stood at the gatehouse of King’s Landing, his imposing figure clad in black armour and a sweeping gold cloak, his hand curled around the hilt of his sword.
The clinking of metal and the soft rustling of his cloak were the only sounds that accompanied him as he observed the comings and goings of people through the city gates.
Carriages rolled by with lords and ladies, their attendants following behind on horseback, while smallfolk ambled along on foot, their faces a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
The distant roar of Vhagar reached his ears. His old dragon’s roar was a reminder of the weight he carried, a silent acknowledgment of his own unrest.
Becoming the Commander of the City Watch had never been something Aemond envisioned for himself, yet here he was, having accepted the post granted to him by Rhaenyra.
The position had been a necessary concession, a way to atone for his part in the attempted repudiation of the Iron Throne.
Four years had passed since Rhaenyra had taken her place as Queen, and while they had made some measure of peace, true unity remained elusive.
His thoughts turned to his family’s current situation. His mother roamed the Red Keep freely, enjoying the gardens and the Sept as she pleased.
Aegon indulged in his vices, drinking and whoring his way through the Streets of Silk, living his life as he wanted.
Helaena found solace in motherhood, embracing her role with quiet grace, collecting her bugs and flying through the skies with Dreamfyre as often as she wanted.
Daeron was currently residing on Driftmark with Jacaerys and Baela, enjoying his freedom, away from the constraints of Oldtown and thriving with Tessarion.
His grandsire Otto and Criston Cole had been amongst those executed for treason and his Uncle Gwayne only visited the Red Keep occasionally.
Aemond caught sight of Lucerys walking arm in arm with Rhaena, as they laughed along with one another, the two of them would soon be married so no doubt this was some courting nonsense.
Aemond felt a surge of jealousy in the pit of his stomach, he never imagined he would ever want to take a woman to wife.
He knew as a second son he would have no choice but to marry, but actually having that desire to tie himself to someone for the rest of his life was foreign to him.
Until he saw Viserra again.
Rhaenyra and her mix of strong bastards and true borns had descended upon the Red Keep to defend Jace’s status as heir to Driftmark.
He’d not seen his half-sister’s oldest child since he’d lost his eye after claiming Vhagar, he could still remember her attempts to press a torn shred of her nightgown against his maimed face and her anguished pleas for help.
Ever since he was a child, he always thought her beautiful but when she stepped into the training yard alongside her dark haired brothers, he was sure his heart had stopped.
Her long silver hair flowed like liquid moonlight, cascading down her back with an ethereal grace. Her light amethyst eyes, that seemed to sparkle in the sun made his cock stir.
All through the petition he couldn’t stop himself from imagining all the ways in which he would please her, he wanted to feel her lips against his, he wanted to caress her soft pale skin and he wanted to hear the pretty noises she would make as he sheathed his cock inside her.
He’d been hard as a rock, his cock throbbing with desperate need, and soon as the petition was over, he’d excused himself and returned to his chambers, unlacing his breeches to take himself in hand and sate his desire by fucking his fist.
At the meal, she had chosen to sit next to him, her proximity and the scent of her on the air made the arousal stir within him once again, even more so when she offered him a cup of wine and their fingers briefly touched as he took it from her, throughout the meal they kept exchanging curious looks, her cheeks tinged pink when their gaze connected.
After his final tribute, he had stormed through the corridors of the Red Keep only to find himself standing in front of her chambers, he was about to knock when she opened the door, they exchanged no words as she slowly stepped back and allowed him entry.
As soon as the door was closed, he was on her.
Never had he felt such desire before, he’d been with the madame Sylvi when he was thirteen, he did not enjoy a single second of it and vowed never to return.
It was just after his sixteenth name day that he grew more curious about matters of sex.
He wouldn’t break his vow and return to the brothel, and he didn’t want to mess around with the maids, so he decided on taking a few older widowed noble ladies into his bed, and he was grateful for the experience as they taught him the importance of a woman’s pleasure.
When he took Viserra to bed for the first time, he remembered everything he’d learnt and he took Viserra’s maidenhead that night, and all those pretty noises he imagined her making became a reality.
He spent ample time devouring her cunny as he teased her fold with his fingers, delighting in the way she whimpered his name as she peaked, he placed his cock at her entrance and eased in slowly, not wanting to cause her any pain, but when she squirmed impatiently and moved her hips against his, begging him so sweetly to fuck her harder he lost it.
He knew before he even spilled his seed that he wanted her to be his wife, that previously foreign desire had roared to life inside him and he couldn’t ignore it.
He wanted to ask for her hand in marriage, his mother and grandsire would try to contest it, but his mind was made up, Viserra had returned to Dragonstone the next day and Aemond decided he was going to ask the King.
But before he could even form the words in his mouth, the King was dead, and his drunken wastrel of a brother was crowned instead of Rhaenyra.
The next time he saw Viserra was at Storms End, he was supposed to choose one of Borros Baratheon’s daughters to wed to secure an alliance, and even though the thought turned his stomach he had to lock his true heart’s desire away and do his duty.
But she was angry with him, as she believed the words he whispered to her as he took her maidenhead were false, that he had used her for his own pleasure and she out manoeuvred him and offered herself to Borros who happily accepted.
He had been furious, and when she had been offered a room for the night to wait out the weather, he had demanded the same, then he went to her and they argued fiercely, hurling insults at one another until the passion erupted between them and he spent the night fucking her into the mattress.
With Storms End firmly under Rhaenyra’s yoke, his brother’s reign as King was over, but his own affair with Viserra continued.
He couldn’t let her go, even on the morning of her wedding he fucked her, and it gave him a twisted sense of satisfaction to know that his seed was still dripping from her as she said her vows.
There was the expectation that she would do her duty an provide an heir for Borros, and not too long after the wedding she announced that she was with child.
Willingly siring a child on another man’s wife wasn’t something Aemond ever thought he’d do, but it was what they both wanted, and it would ensure that Borros left her alone.
When she was almost eight moons into her pregnancy, they went to Dragonstone under the cover of night and spoke the words to one another as they used dragon glass to cut their lips, painting each other’s foreheads with the symbols of fire and blood, the identical cuts to their palms, their blood mixing together as one as they pressed their palms together, reciting the ancient words of their forebears.
She might be with wife of Borros Baratheon in the eyes of the seven, but in the traditions of old Valyria she was his.
They day she birthed their son he had wanted so desperately to be by her side, but men were not allowed in the birthing room.
Borros had sequestered himself far away in another part of the Red Keep, drinking wine whilst he waited to hear news of the babe once it was born.
Aemond had remained stationed outside the room with Daemon, who of course knew about Viserra and Aemond’s relationship but chose to say nothing because he would have no harm come to his daughter.
After she had given birth, and the Maester’s had done what they needed to do with regards to things called the after birth and some other stuff Aemond did not need to hear about, there was a moment where he was allowed into the room.
Rhaenyra had commanded that there be no immediate announcement, so there was time for Aemond to meet his child.
She had just birthed their babe and Viserra had never looked more beautiful, Aemond was in awe of her as he approached the bed, in her arms there was a little silver haired babe.
“A son-” muttered Viserra as she held out the tiny bundle.
Aemond sobbed openly as he took his son in his arms. Then Viserra blessed him with the greatest gift in the world when she allowed him to name their son.
“Rhaegar” whispered Aemond as he pressed a gentle kiss to his sons forehead.
Of course, news of Rhaegar’s birth would soon spread, but Aemond was grateful for that moment given to him by Rhaenyra and Daemon, and aside from Viserra he was one of the first that got to hold his son and one of the first to look into those little amethyst eyes.
Deep down he knew that what they were doing was wrong, but he couldn’t stop, and he didn’t want to.
As Lucerys and Rhaena disappeared from sight, the jealousy lingered. Why did those bastard strong boys get to openly marry for love, when he and Viserra were the only ones made to sacrifice their true heart’s desire for the sake of an alliance.
It wasn’t fair.
The thought of Borros, that portly, illiterate swine, being married to his beloved Viserra, filled him with disgust.
He hoped that his seed would soon take root, as the confirmation of another child would mean that prattling pig would scurry back to Storms End and carry on with whatever took his fancy, which was usually a woman, as his taste for mistresses was no secret.
People would look at Viserra with sympathetic eyes, but she gave no shit for her husband’s indulgences, as they often kept him occupied.
But until there was confirmation of another child, here he was in the Red Keep, boasting to all who would listen about the night he spent with his lady wife which he was certain would result in another child.
Aegon's suggestion about Borros suffering an unfortunate accident flickered through his mind, a dark idea that was becoming more and more tempting as time passed.
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“I’ve told you before that what your doing is dangerous” warned Rhaenyra.
 “Do you not remember how I begged and pleaded with you not to make me marry Borros? I admitted to my love for Aemond, that surely a marriage between us would have better served our family’s interests-” said Viserra, her voice tight with emotion.
Rhaenyra’s expression hardened, her royal composure slipping just a fraction. “-I do remember. But you must understand, I did not want to be labelled an oath breaker. The marriage to Borros was a strategic move, necessary to prevent the Greens from securing an alliance with Storm’s End.”
Viserra’s eyes narrowed, her frustration boiling over. “A hasty offer made in desperation! There was no binding agreement between me and Borros—. You, as Queen, could have found any number of reasons to avoid the marriage. But no, you forced me into it just as your father did to you”.
Rhaenyra’s face flushed with anger. “That is not fair, Viserra.”
“Isn’t it?” Viserra scoffed. “Wouldn’t things have been much easier if Viserys had allowed you to marry Daemon or even Ser Harwin? But instead, he demanded that you marry Laenor-to make up for him choosing to marry Alicent instead of Laena, and look how that turned out.”
Rhaenyra’s eyes flashed with hurt. “You have no right to judge me. I made mistakes, yes, but—”
Viserra cut her off, her voice rising. “And you have no right to judge me for my choices. You had an affair and birthed bastards. That’s different, you say, but it always is when it comes to you.”
“That’s not the same,” Rhaenyra retorted, her voice rising in defence. “Laenor was aware of my involvement with Harwin. He himself had intimacies with others. Borros has no idea of your involvement with Aemond.”
“You yourself have been complicit in covering up my involvement with Aemond, just as my father has-so don’t lecture me” said Viserra.
“I would not see you harmed for it-you’re my daughter. But you need to be careful” replied Rhaenyra.
Viserra’s expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. “I’m trapped mother-I’m married to a man I do not want”.
Rhaenyra sighed heavily, the weight of her daughter’s words sinking in. “I did what I thought was best for the realm”.
Viserra’s anger surged, her face flushed as she struggled to control her rising emotion. “The realm,” she spat, her voice trembling with fury. “It’s always about what’s best for the realm! Jace got to marry Baela, Luke is soon to marry Rhaena. Why is it that I am the only one who had to sacrifice my own heart’s desire for the sake of the realm? It’s not fair!”
Rhaenyra’s expression softened with a mix of guilt and sympathy. She reached out to her daughter, her own heart aching at the sight of Viserra’s distress. “Viserra, please-I know it’s been hard.”
Viserra wiped at her tears, her voice pleading. “Mother, there must be something you can do. Surely there’s a way to fix this. I can’t bear the thought of being stuck in this marriage when my heart is with Aemond.”
Rhaenyra took a deep breath, her face etched with sadness. “I wish I could offer you a solution, but there is no grounds for an annulment. As far as everyone is concerned, the marriage has been consummated and you have borne a son. Rhaegar is officially the son of Borros Baratheon. It doesn’t matter that he is really Aemond’s—what matters is how it appears to the realm.”
Viserra’s shoulders slumped, the weight of her mother’s words hitting her like a physical blow. “So, there’s nothing we can do?”
Rhaenyra shook her head, her own eyes filled with tears. “No, Viserra. The marriage is a matter of public record, and any attempt to dispute it would be disastrous. The realm sees Rhaegar as Borros’ son, and there’s no way to change that without causing further chaos.”
Viserra’s tears fell freely now, her voice a mere whisper. “I just wanted to be with Aemond. To have the life I dreamed of, not this-this cage.”
Rhaenyra embraced her daughter, her own heart breaking at the sight of Viserra’s pain. “I’m so sorry, my love. I wish I could undo everything and give you the happiness you deserve. I truly do.”
Viserra clung to her mother, the tears continuing to flow as she whispered through her sobs. “Then why does it feel like I’m the only one paying the price?”
Rhaenyra stroked Viserra’s hair gently, her own tears mingling with those of her daughter. “Because sometimes, the sacrifices we make for the realm come at the highest personal cost. I never meant for it to be like this for you, but I know that doesn’t make it any easier.”
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In the dimly lit chamber of Maester Gerardys, Viserra sat on the edge of a cushioned chair, her expression a mix of apprehension and hope.
The maester, a man of great experience and gentle demeanour, went about his examination with practiced ease.
“Very well, Princess,” Maester Gerardys said, adjusting his spectacles. “Let’s start with some questions to assess your condition. How long has it been since your last monthly bleeding?”
Viserra took a deep breath before answering, “It has been over two moons.”
Gerardys nodded thoughtfully. “Have you experienced any tenderness in your breasts?”
“Yes,” Viserra confirmed.
The Maester’s face broke into a reassuring smile as he finished his examination. “Based on your symptoms and the examination, I can confirm that you are with child again.”
Viserra’s eyes brightened with a mixture of joy and nervousness. She nodded, absorbing the news. “Thank you, Maester Gerardys.”
“As you’ve already given birth before,” Gerardys continued, “you are familiar with what to expect. Nonetheless, I advise you to take things easy. Ensure you maintain a good balance of fruit and meat in your diet. It is important for both your well-being and the health of the child, but you also need to be more mindful of pregnancy related sickness”
Viserra thanked him once more before leaving his chambers, her mind already drifting to the prospect of sharing the news with her family.
As she walked down the corridor towards Helaena’s chambers, her steps were light, her heart buoyant with the news.
When she entered Helaena’s room, a warm scene greeted her: Rhaegar was playing happily with Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor.
The children’s laughter filled the room, creating a pleasant backdrop to the unfolding moment.
Helaena looked up from where she was sitting, a serene smile on her face. “Viserra, is everything alright?”
Viserra’s smile widened as she approached, her eyes sparkling with the joy of her news. “Yes, everything is wonderful. I’m expecting another child.”
Helaena’s face lit up with genuine happiness. “That is wonderful news! Congratulations”
“Thank you” replied Viserra
However, Helaena took Viserra’s hand, her expression grew more serious. She leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Stags attack if threatened”
Viserra squeezed Helaena’s hand gratefully. “I’ll keep that in mind”
“The dragon grows restless-” muttered Helaena wistfully.
Viserra turned to Rhaegar, who was still engrossed in his play. “It’s time to go, my little one.”
Rhaegar looked up, his face lighting up as he bid farewell to the other children. “Bye-bye, Jaehaerys! Bye-bye, Jaehaera! and Bye-bye, Maelor!”
Viserra lifted him gently into her arms, feeling the familiar weight of him against her chest.
As she carried him out of the room, her heart swelled with affection for her son and the little dragon currently growing inside her.
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The grand hall was abuzz with excitement as Borros Baratheon boomed with loud, boisterous cheer.
The announcement of Viserra’s second pregnancy had stirred a flurry of congratulations and celebrations among the lords and ladies.
Borros, unable to contain his delight, put his arm around Viserra’s shoulders, pulling her close in a gesture that bordered on possessive.
“Another child!” Borros declared, his voice carrying over the crowd. “I’m sure this next one will be another boy. My wife is a fertile woman-I shall see you always round with my child-”
Viserra recoiled slightly, her face flushed with discomfort. She reached down to grasp Rhaegar’s hand tightly, her fingers entwining with his.
As the crowd continued to congratulate Borros, the atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a cutting voice.
“Let’s hope this one actually favours our father more than the last,” came a sharp, disdainful tone.
Viserra turned to see Borros’ daughter’s hovering by the entrance, their expressions twisted with barely concealed disdain.
Cassandra and Floris' lips curled into sneers as they took in Viserra’s presence. She greeted them politely, though their unspoken contempt was not lost on her.
As Borros enthusiastically accepted congratulations from passing lords and ladies, he reached for Rhaegar, who had been standing shyly by his mother’s side. “Come here, Rhaegar. Greet your sisters.”
Rhaegar squirmed in Borros’s grasp; his small face flushed with unease.
As Borros tried to force the boy into a more social posture, Rhaegar began to cry. The sight of his distress only seemed to provoke Borros’s irritation further.
“ENOUGH-” bellowed Borros.
“No-No-Nooooo” wailed Rhaegar.
“Husband-please, he doesn’t want to” urged Viserra as she tried to intervene, ignoring the looks of disdain from Cassandra and Floris.
“Nonsense, the boy will do as he is-”
“-What’s going on here?” asked Aemond as he appeared in the doorway, his eye narrowing as he watched Borros’ rough handling of Rhaegar.
“I’m merely celebrating the good news that my wife is with child again-but as usual my son is being a spoilt brat-” said Borros, with an air of annoyance.
He put Rhaegar down, who immediately ran to Aemond, wrapping his tiny arms around his father’s legs.
Aemond looked down at his son, his heart aching with a protective instinct.
Though he wished he could offer more comfort in public, he settled for gently stroking Rhaegar’s hair, trying to soothe him.
Floris, her cheeks tinged pink, greeted Aemond shyly. “My Prince,” she murmured, her tone softer than her earlier disdain.
Aemond responded with a brief, polite nod, his attention returning to Rhaegar’s tear-streaked face.
“Remarkable isn’t it-how much Rhaegar looks like Prince Aemond,” said Cassandra, ignoring Floris who shook her head slightly.
“Most Targaryen’s favour each other in looks” replied Viserra.
“Remind me again where your brother got their dark hair from?”
“Princess Rhaenys’ mother was a Baratheon, no doubt they inherited it from her” said Viserra.
“Yeah right” muttered Cassandra lowly as she folded her arms over her chest.
Sensing the tension in the air, Aemond quickly lifted Rhaegar into his arms “-Perhaps I should escort Princess Viserra and the young Prince to their chambers,” Aemond suggested, his voice firm but considerate.
Borros waved his hand dismissively. “Very well-I shall you at dinner wife”
“Yes, husband” replied Viserra as she followed Aemond out of the hall, her gaze lingering on Cassandra who was now talking to her father.
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Once Aemond had escorted Viserra and Rhaegar back to her chambers, he carefully set Rhaegar down on the soft rug in front of the fire.
The boy, now calm began to play with a se of small wooden dragons.
Aemond turned his attention to Viserra, his heart aching with concern for her.
He crossed the room with purposeful strides and drew her into his arms. The comforting weight of his embrace enveloped her, and he gently stroked her stomach, his touch tender and reassuring.
“Forgive me for not coming sooner,” Aemond murmured, his voice low and earnest. “I was waylaid by news of thieves causing trouble in the city”
Viserra buried her face into Aemond’s gold cloak, drawing solace from the familiar scent of him. “It’s alright,” she whispered, her voice muffled but warm.
Aemond’s brow furrowed slightly as he thought of the earlier encounter. “I did not like seeing Borros’ hands on you or the way he was treating Rhaegar”.
Viserra’s arms tightened around him as she leaned into his embrace. “Now that I’m with child again, he’ll likely return to Storm’s End. He may be less inclined to remain here if he feels secure in the continuation of his line.”
Aemond nodded, holding her closer, his hope mingling with the weariness in his voice. “I hope that is true. I wish for you to be free from his grasp for as long as possible”
“So do I” replied Viserra as she closed her eyes.
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Viserra sat at the table, her posture stiff and her fingers barely touching the food on her plate.
The grand dining hall was filled with the sounds of conversation and clinking cutlery as the guests enjoyed their meal.
Borros sat beside her, a heavy hand resting possessively on her arm. Despite the festive atmosphere, Viserra’s mind was clouded with unease.
Rhaenyra, seated across from her, noticed Viserra’s discomfort and leaned in with concern. “Are you alright, Viserra? You seem unwell.”
Viserra forced a faint smile, though her eyes betrayed her discomfort. “The child I carry unsettles my stomach”.
Rhaenyra nodded sympathetically. “I remember that feeling well. When I was pregnant with you, my stomach was very delicate. Only lemon cakes dipped in meat gravy seemed to agree with me.”
“Quite a combination Your Grace” laughed Borros.
“A dragons tastes are known to be capricious my Lord” replied Rhaenyra.
As the meal continued, Viserra’s gaze wandered around the table. She noticed Floris’s eyes firmly fixed on Aemond, who was deeply engaged in conversation with Aegon.
Helaena stared intently at her fork, muttering about how "The beast will devour-"
Lucerys and Rhaena giggled quietly, their mirth a stark contrast to the tension Viserra felt.
Daemon held Rhaenyra’s hand, whispering something into her ear, and Alicent was engrossed in conversation with Cassandra.
Viserra, trying to maintain her composure, leaned towards Borros and spoke discreetly. “Will you be returning to Storm’s End soon?”
Borros’s face lit up with a satisfied smile. “Yes, but I wish for you to accompany me. Now that you’re expecting my second child, it’s only right that the child be raised where he will one day rule.”
Viserra’s eyes widened in surprise. “But surely, I need not come so soon. There’s no immediate need for me to leave the Red Keep.”
Borros’s expression hardened. “You have been away from my side for far too long. It will also do Rhaegar some good to experience life outside of Kings Landing”
Viserra’s gaze shifted to Aemond, who was staring intently at Borros, his hand gripping the fork with visible tension.
“I also have high hopes that the Queen will grant my request for Floris to marry Prince Aemond” said Borros.
“W-What?” asked Viserra, her heart pounding in her chest as looked over at Floris who was smiling.
“As I said my Lord, the decision lies with Aemond” said Rhaenyra, her gaze flickering to Viserra who had gone very pale.
“I do hope you consent to the match Aemond-the Lady Floris is a good choice” said Alicent happily.
“Yes it would be nice to see the Prince with a wife of his own” said Cassandra smirking as she took a sip of wine.
“W-Well I-I-” muttered Aemond awkwardly.
Floris’s expression was hopeful as she took Aemond’s hand and said, “I will be a good wife to you my Prince and provide you with as many children as you desire”
The words were like a blade to Viserra’s heart. Her vision blurred as nausea overwhelmed her.
Before she could stop herself, she leaned over the table and vomited, the contents of her stomach splattering across the fine linens.
Panic and embarrassment surged through her as she looked around, the room now filled with shocked gasps and murmurs.
Ignoring Rhaenyra’s frantic calls and the concerned looks of the others, Viserra stumbled to her feet and fled the dining room.
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Viserra fled through the corridors of the Red Keep, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls as her breath came in ragged gasps.
She burst into her chambers; the heavy wooden door slamming shut behind her. Without hesitation, she flung herself onto the bed, the soft fabric doing nothing to cushion the weight of her despair.
Viserra buried her face in the pillows, her sobs wracking her body. The thought of Aemond marrying Floris was a knife twisting in her heart, a cruel mockery of her dreams.
She felt suffocated by the expectations and the secret she could no longer bear to keep.
The idea of being taken to Storm’s End gnawed at her with a relentless ache. The Red Keep was her home.
It was where she had made memories, where Rhaegar had been born where he had learned to walk and talk.
She couldn’t bear the thought of uprooting her life, of moving to a place where she would be miserable.
It would also mean tearing Rhaegar away from Aemond, who had been a steadfast presence in their lives.
Viserra’s tears soaked the pillows as she clutched them tightly. The weight of the lies, the secrecy, and the constant deception felt insurmountable.
Her heart ached with the realization that she had become a mere piece in a game she had never chosen to play. The facade she maintained was crumbling, the strain of it all too much to bear.
The soft click of the secret entrance behind the portrait barely disturbed the silence in Viserra's chamber.
The portrait swung open with a muted creak, and Aemond slipped through the hidden passageway.
Seeing Viserra crumpled on the bed, her shoulders shaking with the weight of her sobs, his heart clenched in response.
Aemond approached the bed and sat down gently on the edge, his movements deliberate and tender.
Without a word, he reached out and enfolded her in his arms. His hand moved soothingly up and down her back, the touch a silent promise of his unwavering support.
“Shh, Viserra,” he whispered softly, his voice a calming balm to her frayed nerves. “It’s alright. I’m here.”
Viserra’s sobs gradually quieted as she leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his presence. She clung to him, her tears slowing as she felt the strength and steadiness of his touch.
“I will not marry Floris,” Aemond murmured, his voice filled with a deep, resolute certainty. “There is no one else who will ever compare to you. You have my heart, Viserra. Always.”
Viserra’s breath hitched, her heart aching with the intensity of his declaration. She tilted her head slightly to look up at him, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears.
“You have mine” whispered Viserra.
“I will never forget the vows we spoke to one another on Dragonstone,” he said softly. “The dragon glass, our blood joined together as one, the cuts on our palms. Our night beneath the stars, making love as husband and wife in the ways of old Valyria.”
Aemond’s fingers traced gentle patterns on her back, his touch conveying the depth of his emotions.
The memories of that night, the sacred promises they had made, the bond they had forged, were all rekindled in his words.
The night had been a testament to their love, a moment of unity and passion that had forever intertwined their fates.
Viserra felt the weight of his words and the sincerity behind them. Her tears had slowed to a soft, steady stream as she absorbed the reassurance in his voice.
In his embrace, Viserra found a moment of peace, a respite from the chaos that had threatened to overwhelm her.
The gentle rhythm of Aemond’s breathing, the steady beat of his heart against her cheek, provided a soothing counterpoint to the storm of emotions that had consumed her.
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Aemond returned to his chambers with a heavy heart, the weight of his earlier conversation with Viserra still pressing upon him.
He was eager for solitude, for a moment to collect his thoughts away from the pressures and expectations of the court.
But as he opened the door to his chamber, he was met with an unexpected sight.
Floris was lounging in his bed, her form draped casually beneath the sheets.
“What are you doing here?” Aemond demanded, his voice sharp and commanding.
Floris stretched languorously, her expression a mix of amusement and defiance. “I’ve been waiting for you,” she purred, her voice smooth and inviting.
Aemond’s irritation flared. “Get out,” he ordered.
Unperturbed, Floris slowly rose from the bed, revealing her naked body. Aemond quickly averted his gaze, his jaw tightening.
“I’ve wanted you ever since you came to Storm’s End seeking a marriage, when you had us all line up-I knew you were going to choose me” Floris said, her voice a sultry whisper as she moved closer to him.
Aemond’s face hardened. “That was then. This is now. Things have changed” he said with a steely resolve.
Floris’ eyes glinted with a mixture of challenge and seduction. “Are you not tempted by me?”
“No,” Aemond replied, his tone clipped.
Floris stepped closer; her gaze fixed on his. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not tempted.”
Aemond turned to meet her gaze, but before he could respond, Floris closed the distance between them and kissed him.
The touch of her lips was insistent, but Aemond’s reaction was immediate. He pushed her away, his expression a mix of frustration and anger.
“I said get out,” he repeated, his voice firm and unyielding.
Floris stumbled slightly, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and indignation.
Aemond grabbed her gown from where it lay discarded on the floor and threw it at her, the fabric landing with a soft thud at her feet.
“Get dressed and leave my chambers,” he ordered with steely determination.
Floris, visibly shaken but maintaining her composure, quickly dressed.
As she was about to leave, she shot Aemond a venomous look. “I know about your involvement with Viserra,” she said, her voice dripping with malice. “Perhaps you should consider that while you’re turning me away.”
“How?” asked Aemond.
“Oh please-I’m not blind. You can’t keep your eye off her, and your always hovering around one another” replied Floris as she came closer.
“That doesn’t mean anything” snapped Aemond.
“Of course it does, not to mention Rhaegar is identical to you, he has your sharp features-” said Floris as she reached out and ran her fingers along his chin.
“What do you want in return for your silence?” Aemond demanded, his voice low and tense as he moved away.
Floris, her demeanour cool and calculated, met his gaze with a hint of amusement. “What makes you think I intend to keep it quiet?”
Aemond’s jaw tightened. “If you were going to tell your father, you would have done so already. You clearly have some intention of using this information to get something you want.”
Floris smiled, a sly, predatory smile. “You’re correct.”
“So, what do you want?” asked Aemond.
“I want you” replied Floris.
Aemond scoffed, clearly irritated. “I’m not interested.”
Floris’ eyes narrowed, but her tone remained steady. “In exchange for my silence, you will agree to the marriage.”
Aemond’s face hardened. “I refuse.”
Floris raised an eyebrow. “Then let me warn you. If my father finds out about Viserra’s affair and the fact that Rhaegar isn’t his son but yours, what do you think will happen to them? Not even the Queen could save her whore of a daughter and her bastard grandson.”
Aemond’s rage erupted. He seized Floris by the throat and slammed her against the wall, his grip vice-like. “You dare threaten my wife and son?”
Floris’s eyes widened in shock. “Wife?” she managed to croak out, her voice strained.
“Yes,” Aemond said, his eyes burning with intensity. “Viserra is my wife in the ways of old Valyria.”
Floris laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. “And yet my point still stands. You either agree to marry me or I will tell my father everything.”
“Why would you want to marry a man who’s heart belongs to another” snarled Aemond.
“I’m not interested in your heart-” muttered Floris her gaze shamelessly moving over Aemond’s form.
“I wouldn’t touch you, not even for all the gold in the Iron Bank” said Aemond.
“If you want me to keep my mouth shut you will” replied Floris.
"I'm not interested and I never will be, why would you bind yourself to me-"
"You are a Prince, by our marriage I would be a Princess-" said Floris.
"Seven give me strength-this isn't some dreamy fantasy straight from the pages of a novel, where you think that if we get married then I'll some how fall in love with you and everything will all be sunshine and rainbows" snapped Aemond.
"That's not-"
"-Of course it is. Get it through your head. I don't want you and I never will. I don't know how many more times I have to say it before you listen" retorted Aemond.
"I-I w-will-t-tell" stammered Floris.
Aemond’s expression twisted into a dark smile as he leaned in close, his cheek brushing against hers.
“If you breathe a word of my involvement with Viserra to anyone-” he whispered, his voice a deadly promise, “-I will kill you and I will have Vhagar burn Storms End to the ground,”
Floris shivered under his threat, her eyes wide with fear and realization. She nodded quickly, her bravado faltering under the weight of his ominous vow.
Aemond released her, stepping back and letting her stumble away from him. “Leave,” he commanded coldly. “And remember what I’ve said.”
Floris, her composure shattered, turned and fled the room, leaving Aemond alone with the echoes of his promise and the grim determination to protect his family at any cost.
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The next morning, Aemond found himself pacing in the shadows of a secluded corridor in the Red Keep, waiting for the one man he could confide in.
Daemon eventually strode into view, his usual swagger tempered with a slight tilt of curiosity.
"Out with it, nephew. You didn’t ask me to meet you here for pleasantries."
Aemond took a deep breath before he began. "Floris knows about Viserra and me. She knows Rhaegar is my son and she tried to blackmail me into marrying her in exchange for her silence."
Daemon’s eyes darkened slightly, his hand twitching toward the hilt of Dark Sister. "Go on."
"I refused and I did threaten her. But I don’t trust her to keep her silence. If Floris tells her father-" Aemond’s voice wavered, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
Daemon was silent for a moment, thinking, his expression hard and unreadable. "-We can’t risk that," he said, his tone decisive. "I will not have Viserra’s name tarnished, or Rhaegar being declared illegitimate. And I won’t stand by and watch my daughter suffer any longer."
Aemond’s eye flashed with surprise at Daemon’s words. It was rare for his uncle to speak so openly about his affections.
"I regret ever letting her marry Borros," Daemon continued, a note of bitterness in his voice. "I knew she didn’t want it. I knew she loved you, not him. I allowed it for the sake of alliances, but no more. I want my daughter to be happy, and that won’t happen as long as she’s shackled to that fat oaf." He paused, a cold smile playing on his lips. "Perhaps it’s time Viserra’s marriage to Borros Baratheon comes to an end."
Aemond frowned, his gaze sharp as he considered the implications. "I thought there was no way to annul the marriage."
Daemon let out a low chuckle, his eyes gleaming. "Annulled? Perhaps not. But there are other ways to rid oneself of an unwanted spouse."
The meaning behind Daemon’s words sank in quickly. Aemond’s lips parted in realization. "You’re not suggesting—"
Daemon held up a hand, silencing him. "I’m not going to soil my own hands with it. But rest assured, Borros won’t trouble Viserra for much longer." His voice was calm, almost casual, as though discussing the weather. "Leave it to me. I’ll handle it."
Aemond, though still conflicted, nodded slowly. "And what am I to do in the meantime?"
"Make sure you’re seen," Daemon replied smoothly. "Tend to your duties. Be where you’re supposed to be and let no one have reason to suspect anything unusual”.
Aemond hesitated, his concern for Viserra momentarily overtaking his thirst for vengeance. "Are you sure this is the only way?"
Daemon’s smile was all teeth, a glint of menace in his eyes. "I told you, nephew. I won’t watch my daughter waste away in misery any longer. Borros Baratheon has outlived his usefulness."
With that, Daemon turned on his heel, his cloak swirling behind him as he made his way down the corridor, leaving Aemond standing in quiet contemplation.
Aemond clenched his jaw. For the first time, he felt both hope and unease twisting in his gut. Borros’ days were numbered.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 3 months
Dani x Jason Prompt
(Because i dont see enough of these two together. Also, this is another prompt i found in my fic files that i never did anything with.)
While Danny is in Amity Park protecting the ghost portal, Dani explores the world. Danny might be powerful enough to put down any threat, even Ancients, but she isn't as lucky. Her best defense against Vlad or the GIW is to never be in the same place two days in a row. Not to say she isn't powerful in her own right - she's yet to meet a ghost in her travels that she couldn't utterly crush, and even if she had, she's got the most loyal dog in both this world and the next to have her six.
Dani has discovered a great deal of beauty throughout the world in her few short years of life, but also unfathomable evil and undescribable corruption. She does what she can in every place she passes through, her ghost powers the ultimate cheat code for investigation and subterfuge, bringing to light the things that once hid in the dark.
But while scoping out yet another child trafficking ring, she crosses paths with a spirit of vengeance. At least, that's the only explanation she can come up with for how he's able to turn his shock and horror into pure rage at the flip of a dime.
Until she realizes that he's a baby halfa. If he doesn't learn how to mediate his emotions, he's going to burn out one of his halves.
Maybe she can help him stabilize into a proper spirit of justice and keep him from following the path that Vlad went down - oh shit, he doesn't even know that he's undead. Well, this is going to be a project and a half. But Dani is nothing if not resourceful - she's more than willing to put in the work if it means making an ally of the fourth known halfa.
Dani and jason are about the same age (16-17ish)
They run into each other during jason's LoA-sponsored world tour, investigating the same trafficking ring
Cujo is there too
Dani totally helps with the crime lord grand plan, but also wrestles jason down from the more messed up family drama stuff he did, like attacking tim, and knocks some sense into him and finds a better solution for dealing with the joker
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seniaasaysstuff · 1 year
hopelessly devoted; ryomen sukuna (og form) x fem! reader.
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not culturally accurate; will have aspects from both chinese culture and japanese culture tho it is based in heian era where sukuna was at the height of his power.
smut next chapter🤭
Ryomen sukuna, the king of curses. This name was known all around and was reasonably feared. People worshiped the man as if he was the second coming of Jesus. Those who were trying to curry favor with the man sent him beautiful women, including many of their daughters as concubines for sukuna.
Sukuna gladly accepted them and frequently visited the beauties. The beauties were all focused on pleasing sukuna and wished to birth him a son and elevate their status to a consort. Sukuna was like a deity to them and they believed pleasing him would bring their family luck and glory.
Now on the day, your parents were about to send you off to emperor sukuna’s palace as a concubine, your vicious sister born from concubine fed you poison in the guise of a nourishing soup.
Your concubine birthed sister thought if you were killed she would take your place and become emperor sukuna’s concubine. She didn’t anticipate that you would wake up and act like nothing happened.
In the modern world, You were drunk and ran out of the club. You didn’t expect to run onto the road in your drunken stupor and get hit by a truck.
When you woke up, you were assaulted with memories of the body you were inhibiting. You felt enraged at the way that low-birth sister and that wretched concubine pei treated you.
Since you were from the principal line, the rest of your concubine-born siblings were envious of you. You received love from your parents, and grandparents and it made them filled with jealousy.
You hated the way the body you were inhibiting was so naive. She treated the siblings like they were all birthed by the same mother. She gave away her clothes, her hairpins, and everything they wanted. You made up your mind that you were about to make these ugly bastards suffer.
You were about to enter the palace as a concubine today and you made up your mind you were going to grab the emperor’s golden thigh and make all that made the previous owner of the body suffer face a fate worse than death.
First, you had to see what kind of golden fingers you had. Since you were a gen z kid who read ancient-era novels and watched anime and Asian dramas you knew you could stir some shit up and wreak havoc.
When you heard from your parents that the man you were being gifted to as a concubine was sukuna who had quite a monstrous appearance it felt like you had hit a jackpot.
Ryomen sukuna was someone you were quite familiar with. Considering the simping you had done when the original designs of his body were released, you were very excited to see the man in the flesh.
Night time was approaching and it was time for you to be sent off in a carriage to your new home with your entire family seeing you off. Your parents and grandmother had tears in their eyes while your grandfather looked sad.
You could tell all of them didn’t want to part with you but this was something that had to be done and you understood that. The carriage reached the palace and you were ushered off to your tiny estate. You brought five dowry maids along with you. You were bestowed with two eunuchs and a maidservant.
You were given a rosewater bath and the maids dressed you up in a sexy negligee and put a huge ass wedding dress on top of that. A huge veil was placed, making you unable to see anything. The maids then left you alone in the room.
The room was dark and the only glimmer of light was from the candles.
You were squirming in excitement. You were about to meet one of your favorite anime characters even though his fraudulent behavior was questionable at times you loved him.
You yawned, feeling bored out of your mind.“When is sukuna coming? Like this is so boring. Been waiting for that guy for so long for fuck sake,” You grumbled loudly. You weren’t aware of your surroundings and failed to listen to the footsteps of someone approaching.
A deep chuckle was heard. “Did I just hear someone calling out for me?” The voice crooned, making you squeak.
“Aww is my concubine shy?” Sukuna spoke in a low voice. You shyly nodded.
“Words love.” He softly said. “M’not shy,” you replied, your face covered in a red hue.
Sukuna removed the veil from your face and gently caressed your cheek. “Your father didn’t lie when he said you were beautiful.” He whispered as he softly tilted your chin upwards.
You gasped, “You think I’m beautiful?” Hearing one of your favorite characters say that you’re beautiful was just sending butterflies down your stomach.
You huffed, “Look at you. You're hotter than anyone on this planet well… except Toji but he doesn’t exist right now.”
You added as a second thought, “Well if you have two dicks and we can count that stomach mouth of yours then you are the best man alive.”
Sukuna let out a deep chuckle. “And pray tell how do you know about my body anatomy?”
You cursed, you should stop babbling. “I have dreamed about you a lot actually.” “Well, shall we make your dreams a reality?” Sukuna teasingly spoke. You nodded your head.
Sukuna wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled your face close to his. He rubbed his thumb on your lower lip. You were feeling a bit mischievous so you stuck your tongue out and licked his thumb.
“Sweetheart just say the word I can give you another thing to lick,” He smirked. “Oh I’d love that,” You winked at him.
“You minx,” He growled. He picked you up and sat you down on his lap, so now you were facing his humongous chest.
His stomach mouth decided to be cheeky and licked your hand, making you jump. “Pfft-” Sukuna chuckled. “Hey! It wasn’t funny!” You whined, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.
Sukuna kept looking at you with that enamored look in his eyes, it made you feel shy and it made you want to run for the hills. It felt like the man was slowly getting obsessed, and if that obsession grew even deeper? You wouldn’t be able to escape, not that you wanted to.
You caressed his cheek. “You’re a beautiful being sukuna ryomen and being able to meet you was a pleasure,” you whispered.
“C’mere you sweet sweet vixen,” he spoke as he grasped your chin, tilting your head upwards so that you could look at him. His one pair of hands gently ran all over your body. You ground your body against his thigh, a feeling of bliss washing over you.
You gasped as his hand brushed over your waist, slowly and steadily making his way towards the inner of your thighs. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against your lips. His tongue brushed yours, he tasted like sweet sake.
“My sweet girl, you are a treasure,” Sukuna breathed out as he broke away from the kiss, a smile etched on his face as he glanced at you.
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abbyfmc · 6 months
Yandere Emperor! x Opera artist! reader Headcanons:
Warning: I will use the Chinese imperial harem system, plus it will be set in a kind of forbidden city (yes, I have seen Chinese palace dramas, XD). Topics to talk about: Mention of kidnapping, abuse, possible manipulation and murder. Although I use elements of ancient China or imperial Asia, I am not describing any emperor in particular; instead, I'm making up my own.
Enjoy it!
1. Yan Li was about 29 years old when he became emperor, and at that time he had an empress whom he loved very much, but she died in childbirth with the first prince due to her poor health, and from then on he became very sad and depressed.
2. You were a beautiful street opera artist who sang and danced at different events. You ran away from home after your noble parents planned to marry you to a man of not very good intentions.
3. You suffered a lot the first few years, but slowly you gained a group of artist friends, and among them is this girl from a humble class named Lili.
4. On the other hand, you had met a young blacksmith named Zhou, with whom you had a secret romance, which only Lili knew about. You and Lili had become confidants.
5. Due to your escape from home, you were also able to avoid the mandatory imperial selection for a long time. In this selection, girls from certain clans were taken to the palace to be selected to be consorts or concubines of the emperor or princes present.
6. You had lived happy and free, without problems until that fateful day…
7. Yan Li's mother, the Empress Dowager, saw how depressed her son was, so she convinced him to organize a trip to the southeast of the country to distract himself, and after a while, Yan Li agreed. After this, the townspeople and ministers organized all kinds of spectacles for Yan Li's arrival.
8. You and your group of artists were hired for those shows, and you were the main actress, not knowing that that would put you in hell.
9. When he arrived at the town where you were, everything started well until the show started and you started acting, dancing and singing. He was captivated by your beauty and your voice, a quality that his wife also had.
10. For him, it was like seeing his wife back. He watched you do similar dance moves, and he remembered his wife doing these same dances for him in the past.
11. He was very impressed with you, which made him come to the conclusion that he wanted to have you.
12. After the performance, you sensed that something was wrong, so you told Lili and your group, and then fled through the darkness of the night to a neighboring town.
13. Yan Li finally set out to find out about you and your whereabouts, and was not at all amused to find out that you were gone.
14. You began to flee with your group of friends from Yan Li's clutches, and you even met with your beloved Zhou and told him about your situation. Yan Li on the other hand, was already getting impatient for not finding you, so he gave the following order:
--Look everywhere for her, and if anyone is hiding, kill them and bring her to me!-- 15. The guards questioned each villager to find out about you, and thanks to that you were located and caught trying to escape with your friends at night.
16. Yan Li walked up to the scene, walking with a smile as his men captured you and your friends. You were very scared; Yan Li holds your face lightly by your chin, making you look at his face. Seeing the situation you put your friends in, you began to beg for their lives.
17. --I…I will surrender to you, but please let them live, your majesty-- You begged Yan Li. He was surprised that you didn't resist him, so he just ordered them to put you in his carriage. Lili tried to do or say something, but Yan Li told her to stay out of all this.
18. Yan Li had you put into his carriage and tied your wrists and ankles and then Yan Li got in, sitting next to you and that's how he ended up taking you to the palace.
19. He talked to you the whole way and although he seemed kind, it didn't take away your fear of what he might do to you. Basically when you arrived at the palace he locked you in a palace that he had prepared just for you.
20. After investigating your past, he discovered your bad relationship with your parents and what you did after running away from home. You seemed magnificent to him and in a way… bold and brave.
21. When he let your parents know that you would be his consort from now on, they agreed. You weren't expecting anything good from them, but this last one definitely hurt you, since they sold you to him just like that.
22. The wedding took place, and Yan Li conferred on you the imperial title of "Noble Lady", and immediately had your green label prepared. The green labels are labels that contained the names or imperial titles of an emperor's consorts, which turned the label of the concubine with whom he wished to sleep.
23. Yan Li spent his free time with you and explained to you personally what things were like in the palace, something he had not done with any other woman, in addition to emphasizing that he would take care of you and love you.
24. When your green tag was ready, Yan Li immediately turned it over and sent word that you would sleep with him that same night. He sent for you with eunuchs and everything. When you were locked in his room, you were wearing fine silk pajamas that Yan Li loved. It was a beautiful dream to see you like this; you wanted to run, but he held your hand tightly, reminding you of what he was capable of doing to your friends, innocent people, and possibly your loved one, so you ended up submitting to him.
25. He did this every time he wanted to get you pregnant, which is why you ended up having six children with him; four princes and two princesses, while your first son, the "third prince" was the eldest of all the princes. You had to rise through the ranks and use Yan Li's hands to protect yourself and your children from palace intrigues.
26. Thanks to Yan Li, you have gone through the following ranks: Noble Lady, Imperial Concubine, Consort, Noble Consort and so on until you reach the empress.
-End of part 1. Have a good night :3
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
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What a year this was for our Bobo, before crossing into 27 we saw him go through so many things and i’m proud to see him rise above it all with grace. We met Chen Shuo, Yang Zhen and Wei Ruolai. Each characters showing his strength as an actor and how versatile he is. Allowed fans to see him and interact with the Yibo they only see on screen. With the films, he has established himself as a stable actor who can pull in box office numbers and still deliver quality. Wei Ruolai, truly introduced him to a new set of audience and fans and proved that he is someone that the industry should watch out for in terms of talent. No matter the drama that came after, what i’m thankful for is that no one can take away how much this role showcased what he is capable of. if there is anything we know of WYB, absolutely no one can question his acting skills anymore. We saw him dance for the Asian Games, combining both modern and ancient — later on, we found out that WYB himself pulled in resources to make the promotions work.
He went to different parts of the world to promote his partnerships with Chanel, Lacoste and Loewe ; establishing himself as an international influence. He attended various events towards the end of the year and wowed us with his presence — picking up awards, the most important one being nominated for a Golden Rooster Award. He gave is 2 amazing songs : Bystander & Everything is lovely, which showed his versatility as an artist. Amazing magazine covers. Valuable partnerships with brands. Excellent stage performances — special mention to his SDC hiphop stage.
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A definite highlight would have to be him being an Olympic Torchbearer, bringing pride to his fans and his country. Finishing the filming of Mermaid/Intercross, Doing the Pangolin Documentary, Starring in a discovery channel documentary, racing cars, learning to play tennis and whatever else that he does that we don’t know. There is really no stopping him. Despite the noises bringing him down, in true wang yibo style, he will always shut them all up once his projects are out.
He deserves every bit of recognition he is getting and i can only hope that in the next couple of years — more people will see the side of Wang Yibo that we all love. I’m so grateful to be celebrating yet another year of life with WYB, and i shall remain for as long as I can. it’s tripping me up so much how fast time has gone by that he is already 27. But one thing is for sure, he is still the same WYB. He is still that sweet, earnest and hardworking yibo we have come to know.
Yibo, my only wish is that you can continue to do the things you love and try whatever it is that takes your interest — Also that you remain healthy & energetic. This world is so much better with you in it. ✨✨✨
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Blade x fem!reader fanfic, all chapters masterlist
contains wholesome stellaron hunters dynamics, taking care of Blade's wounds and massaging his hands, political drama in the background, smut with Blade at the end, slight doting Kafka x reader and my complete obsession with Blade . Also we are besties with Firefly and Silver Wolf. Found family trope.
Also reader x secondary character at the beginning for the sake of plot.
Slight differences from cannon possible, english isn't my first language and it's my first fanfic so I will be grateful for criticism
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CHAPTER 1 - In turning divine we tangle endlessly  (in this chapter we accidentally get entangled in political drama, Blade appears in second chapter but this one is very important for the story. Reader discovers her special ability that she will use a lot in next chapters, slight romance with side character.)
CHAPTER 2 - The night falls down like heaven (Reader has to run away from all the fractions trying to utilize her gift for their own gain, Stellaron Hunters come to our rescue and save us tho not without their own political motivations)
CHAPTER 3 - Tangled up like branches in a flood (Reader learns to live with stellaron hunters, slowly becomes one of them and has deep connections with her coworkers, Blade being girl dad for FF and SW and Kafka doting on us)
CHAPTER 4 - If your wings won’t find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone (Our first mission for Staellaron Hunters goes wrong, we have to patch Blade up)
CHAPTER 5 - will come out soon
CHAPTER 6 - will come out soon
CHAPTER 6 - will come out soon
+18 chapter - All of Eden’s vices running through my veins (This snippet contains mostly spice and massaging Blade's hands for him, reader knows Blade for a long time already and they have close relationship)
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reagansragepage · 3 months
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Was able to make a refsheet for Shaoxing!! here have some info about him:
Huli Shaoxing, the mischievous fox spirit of the celestial realm, renowned for his wit, charm, and unabashed sassiness. Shaoxing has dwelled in the celestial realm for centuries, where he struts around in his human form, often causing trouble just for the sheer thrill of it.
Long ago, Shaoxing was just an ordinary fox roaming the earthly realms until he stumbled upon a celestial gate and, in his typical boldness, decided to sneak into the heavenly realm. Impressed by his audacity, the celestial beings allowed him to stay, albeit begrudgingly. Shaoxing quickly adapted to his new celestial surroundings, using his cunning and wit to carve out a place for himself.
Shaoxing is the epitome of sassiness. He's quick-witted, sarcastic, and always ready with a snarky comment. He sees rules as mere suggestions and takes immense pleasure in bending them whenever he can. Nothing brings him more joy than outsmarting his celestial counterparts and mortals alike.
- Mortals: Shaoxing has a knack for meddling in mortal affairs, often playing tricks on them just to see their reactions. Mortals have grown wary of him, though some have fallen victim to his charms, albeit temporarily.
- Other Spirits: Other celestial beings and spirits view Shaoxing with a mixture of annoyance and disdain. His antics often disrupt their harmonious existence, earning him more enemies than friends.
- Celestial Beings: Even among celestial beings, Shaoxing's reputation precedes him. While they tolerate his presence, they do so with gritted teeth, always waiting for the next prank he'll pull.
Love Affairs:
Shaoxing has had countless mortal lovers over the centuries, drawn in by his charisma and allure. However, his relationships are often short-lived, as his mischievous nature tends to sour things quickly. He finds amusement in the mortals' fleeting affections and rarely takes anything seriously.
Fun Facts:
- Shaoxing sees the entire world as his playground and takes every opportunity to stir up trouble.
- He once stole a sacred relic from the celestial palace, only to return it days later with a cryptic message written in ancient runes, much to the frustration of the celestial guardians.
- Once convinced an entire village that their mayor was a disguised demon just for the fun of it.
- Tricked a powerful dragon spirit into giving him control of the weather for a day, leading to a hilarious storm of chaos.
- Played matchmaker to mortal couples, only to mix up their affections just to see the drama unfold.
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seospicybin · 1 year
These are purely works of fictions. There is now way it represent Stray Kids in any way.
* S for smut. F for fluff. A for Angst.
Appetizer. (s,f) Lee Know made you help him cooking for your dinner date but first, appetizer!
Knit. (s,f) Something flickered inside Minho the second he saw you wearing his clothes.
Pillowtalk. (mild smut, f) Even after a great sex, would Lee Know be able to answer some of your most existential questions?
Cake. (f, suggestive) Minho let you have a taste of his birthday cake and unwrap his gift.
Impatient. (s) Part I / Part II You and Minho just couldn’t keep your eyes and hands off of each other.
101. (s,f) Knowing that his best friend just got a new girlfriend, Lee Know feels the need to teach him how to properly ‘touch’ his girlfriend with a help from you.
Peach. (s,f) Lee Know thinks that certain smell brings back certain memory, but what is it that reminds him of you?
Midnight Blue. (s,f) Part I / Part II / Part III Despite feeling like you were destined to meet each other, your relationship with Minho was doomed from the very beginning. But when another chance comes knocking, Minho is willing to go against all odds to make you stay.
Blueprint. (s,f) Part I / Part II You never worked with a partner before but when it involves the importance of your future, you willing to put up working with Minho.
Strangers. (s,a) Part I / Part II It’s no surprise that Minho treats you like a stranger, especially to you who have just joined the company, but you know there’s more it and you try to find a way to change that.
Cutscene. (s,f) ACT I / ACT II This will be the first time you play a main character in a drama but the problem is Minho will be your co-star. People would consider it lucky to play alongside such famous, talented actor, except that you’ve been secretly holding a grudge against him.
The Crowd. (s,f) Wrong Crowd / In The Crowd / Crowded. You meet Minho again at the high school reunion, the kid who used to sleep in class turns a tattoo artist.
Don't They Know It's The End Of The World? (s,a) Part I / Part II Making a contact with an ancient object, you meet a demon who takes form of the man you desired and forces you to commit terrible acts to stop the world from ending.
Too Hot Too Handle. (s) You and Lee Know become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle.
One Bite. (s,a) A part of One Series. There’s nothing more enticing than the forbidden apple and Minho’s forbidden apple takes in the form of you, a girlfriend of his close friend but all he only needs is one bite. But does one bite will ever be enough?
Two Truths and A Lie. (s)
R1 / R2
Let's play two truths and a lie, and here goes the first thing about you: You want to fuck your roommate's boyfriend, Minho.
0325. (s,f,a) skz x reader. SIDE A A series of short fics inspired by Stray Kids songs.
Viewfinder. (s,f,a) Seungmin x reader x Lee Know. Part I / Part II An accidental reunion sets the sparks fly between you and Seungmin, but the relationship takes a turn at the end of the summer and you seek help from your frenemy, Minho.
The Equation. (s,a) Seungmin x reader x Lee Know.
Seungmin trusts nothing but numbers and dating you slightly changes that notion until Minho comes and mess the equation.
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ghostflowerdreams · 11 months
Audio Drama Recommendations, Pt. III
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Click here for part one and here for part two. Recently, I've been drawing a lot, which gives me plenty of time to listen to audio dramas and podcasts. These are the ones I liked the most and found entertaining enough to recommend to others. This is not in any particular order, either.
The Green Horizon – is a sci-fi comedy drama created and written by Paul Walsh. It is sponsored by Faustian Nonsense, an indie entertainment network. It currently has three seasons, with each episode being about 20 - 30 minutes long, but later on it increases to 30 - 40 minutes. A fourth season is said to be coming out soon as well.
It is set in the year 2261, and it focuses on a ne'er-do-well Irish space captain and his rag-tag crew, as they traverse a war-torn Galaxy in search of fame and fortune. [ONGOING]
It was a little chaotic and rough at the beginning, but it does smooth out and become more polished. I can definitely tell that they up their game with the improved sound effects and production quality. The voice actors and the writing for the audio drama does an excellent job at bringing their characters to life, which made it very fun to follow along.
If you like Firefly, Red Dwarf, Orville, Cowboy Bepop, and so on then I think you may enjoy this too.
DERELICT – is a sci-fi narrative audio drama from award-winning science fiction author J. Barton Mitchell, and produced by Night Rocket Productions. It currently has one season titled FATHOM, which consist of 10 episodes with each one ranging from 40 mins to an hour, mostly the latter.
Something has been found at the bottom of Earth's ocean. An ancient artifact that can only be described as a giant door, inset into the sea floor. It becomes known as the Vault. A gigantic enigma, buried and forgotten...nineteen thousand feet down.
To study the artifact, the galaxy's most powerful corporation, Maas-Dorian, has built a massive, self-contained, secret laboratory base surrounding it, named FATHOM. It's objective: unlock the secrets of the artifact and discover what it holds.​ But some mysteries should remain buried. And some doors should never be opened... [ONGOING]
DERELICT started as the first project set up as a kickstarter. They produced one episode to entice backers, but then the pandemic happened, and they didn’t raise enough money for the rest of it. Instead, they worked on a prequel season called FATHOM. It's where the story really starts, and I highly suggest you listen to it before listening to "DERELICT E1 - Through the Gate."
I hope they redo the DERELICT's first episode because there's a bit of disconnection from it and FATHOM. For example, Sarah and Agent Blayne already know each other. She mentions it to the others, but the conversation they have with each other doesn’t make it seem that way.
Never mind. I apparently confused this Sarah with the Sarah in FATHOM. Can't blame me for thinking that when I heard the name Sarah and that she was already familiar with Agent Blayne.
Deviser – is a sci-fi horror audio drama created, directed, acted and produced by Harlan Guthrie. The same creator of Malevolent. It's a 7-part limited series, with each episode being about 20 mins long.
Son wakes up aboard a spaceship bound for earth in an effort to recolonize. What he discovers, however, will change everything he knows about his world and himself. [COMPLETED]
It's not for everyone, so please do not ignore the content warnings because there's graphic description of violence, self harm, body horror, gore, animal death/being hurt, and what not.
Victoriocity – is a detective comedy audio drama written by Chris and Jen Sugden, directed by Nathan Peter Grassi and produced by Dominic Hargreaves. It is an entirely independent production. It has two seasons, containing 13 episodes in total, and each one is about 30 to 45 minutes long. There's also a feature-length special and a up-coming third season with the help of a kickstarter.
It is 1887 in Even Greater London, an alternate steampunk Victorian London, where Queen Victoria reigns even after being assassinated eleven times, thanks to the wonders of modern science.
In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions. [ONGOING]
It's put together so well, and I see why people say it gives off strong Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett vibes to it. So if you like their works, then I wouldn't be surprised to hear that you like this too.
Impact Winter – is an apocalyptic vampire audio drama created and written by Travis Beacham (Carnival Row, Pacific Rim). It has two seasons containing 22 episodes in total and each one is about 17 to 30 minutes long.
“They came after the impact and the firestorms. When the sun went dark. Like they’d been there all along. Just waiting.”
In the British countryside, a band of survivors forms a resistance in the fallout shelter of a medieval castle. Darcy is a battle-tested vampire hunter who is at the front line, leading the charge to save humanity. Meanwhile, her younger sister Hope wants life to return to normal so she can go above ground and know what it’s like to live again. And she just might be willing to risk it all. [ONGOING]
It has a stacked cast led by Holliday Grainger (Cinderella, Great Expectations), Esme Creed-Miles (Hanna, The Legend of Vox Machina), Liam Cunningham (Games of Thrones, Hunger), Himesh Patel (Station Eleven, Tenet), David Gyasi (Interstellar, Carnival Row), Caroline Ford (Carnival Row, Nekrotronic), Chloe Pirrie (Emma, Carnival Row), and Bella Ramsey (Games of Thrones, The Last of Us).
This reminded me a lot of the film 30 Days of Nights (2007) with a little bit of Reign of Fire (2002), which were both fun films to watch. I think if you like those two, especially the former, you'll enjoy this or at least be entertained by it.
A Voice From Darkness – is a scripted paranormal horror audio drama. It is written and produced by Jac Rhys. It currently has two seasons, containing 20 episodes in total and each one is about 20 to 30 minutes long. It also has 7 bonus voicemail episodes and 15 Patreon exclusive episodes which are longer than the main episodes. A third season in the works as well.
Join parapsychologist and radio broadcaster Dr. Malcolm Ryder as he helps those who suffer the supernatural, paranormal or otherworldly problems on his call-in radio show. It is also interspersed with segments, one of which is called 'Today In Odd America' that delves into the origins of a holiday, local traditions, and history. [ONGOING]
If you like Welcome To Night Vale then I think you'll like this too. A Voice From Darkness is a bit more serious and not as long-drawn as Night Vale was, with a perfect mix of storytelling and lore. It also reminds me a bit of The Magnus Archive too.
How i Died – is a mystery audio drama that brings a "new twist on the true crime genre." It is an Audiohm Media original production, co-starring Vince Dajani as Jon Spacer and Shaina Waring as Sheriff Fran Crowley. It currently has three seasons with 39 episodes in total, not including bonus episodes. Each episode is usually about 20 mins, give or take a few minutes.
Bodies are piling up in the strange town of Springfield, and forensic pathologist Jonathan Spacer intends to find out why. But, Jon isn’t without his own secrets… He can talk to the dead, for starters. [ONGOING]
Ooo, a character that can speak to the dead? It's always so interesting to see what they'll do with their ability and where the creators take them. This has been entertaining, but at times I do think they can do better in developing their characters a bit more. For example, I can count on one hand the number of times Crowley doesn't get angry. Though to be fair, Jon isn't an immediately likable character, but that does change the further you go...sorta.
The Amelia Project – is a comedy fiction audio drama created, written, directed, produced and edited by Philip Thorne and Øystein Ulsberg Brager for Imploding Fictions and The Fable and Folly Network. It currently has four seasons, with a fifth one on the way. There's about 72 episodes, not including prologue, special, and BTS episodes which would up the total to 122. Each episode also varies in length from 20 to 45 minutes long.
The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand-new identity. A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1. [ONGOING]
It was fun to listen to while I was drawing or washing the dishes. I could also follow along without becoming too distracted by it, either. I was worried it would be one of those that take a while to get to the main overall story, but thankfully it did not. It will definitely keep you entertained and interested to know what will happen next.
Community Cat News – is a neighborhood news show done from the perspective of cats. There's currently 13 episodes so far and each one varies from 5 to 12 minutes long.
Local News: The human is opening the fridge! Will we get a taste?
Foreign Affairs: What are those squirrels up to now?
Traffic: WHY is the bathroom door shut again?
Every episode is sponsored by Meow Meow Puffytail, Feline Rights Attorney, who is ready to sue your human for even the slightest inconvenience. [ONGONG]
It's cute, light-hearted, and funny. I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did. It even uplifted my mood without me realizing I was feeling low.
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TTEOTM Easter Eggs Part 3 - Costume and Makeup Details
I love beautiful costumes, but even more when they tell a story! Here are a few of my observations. Did you spot anything else? (Spoilers!)
(1) The two outfits Ye Xiwu gifted Tantai Jin are both quilted. The purple costume is particularly unusual in that it's constructed like a blanket. In contrast, all his clothing in the hostage prince arc are not quite thick enough for Sheng kingdom's harsh winters. Ye Xiwu is literally bringing warmth to his life.
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(2) TTJ and YXW wear similar costumes in their two love scenes - (1) Ep 2 - YXW's imagination of the drugged affair which led to their marriage and (2) Ep 39, where they finally consummated their marriage on screen. YXW wears the same pink costume. TTJ in different but identical-looking mustard yellow costumes.
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(3) Some viewers have criticized Ye Xiwu for not taking off hair accessories before going to bed, chalking it up to lazy filmmaking. This is not necessarily the case. In ancient China, upper class women did sleep with their hair-do and manage to keep elaborate designs in tack. How? By resting her neck, not her head, on the pillow.
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Ye Xiwu / Li Susu does go without hair accessories in a few occasions: when she is traveling, ill, depressed, and in mourning. It is most likely a creative choice to create a contrast between moments where her character is in control and powerful vs. vulnerable.
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(4) All of Tantai Jin's female lieutenants wear red, from Pianran (after she starts working for him) to Siying and Monu. In fact, so does Tantai Minglang's lieutenant Fuyu. Red appears to be the career woman's color in this world!
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(5) After Mingye falls in love with Sangjiu, he adds the red waist scarf belt that's part of his wedding dress on top of his normally blue outfit.
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(6) The costume that Cang Jiumin (left) wears when refining the Dragonheart Shield echoes Mingye's costume (right) through the red/blue colors and collar design, reinforcing the connection between the two characters.
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(7) The costumes in Bo're dream hint at the characters' true forms:
Mingye (dragon): dragonscale armour & patterned clothing
Sangjiu & Sangyou (clams): pearls & shell motifs
Tianhuan (snake): gold serpent hair crown & bracelets
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(8) Throughout the drama, only characters in the Upper Immortal Realm go full Dunhuang Feitian style, characterized by bandeaus, scarves, layers of drapery, sleeveless (similar to Indian clothing).
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The style is used in formal occasions or to confer power or godliness. For example, Sangjiu goes Dunhuang with sleeveless draping outfits at her wedding and after she goes dark.
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Similarly, when Susu and Tantai Jin become gods at the finale, they also take on a new Dunhuang-style outfit. In fact, the multi-color drapery of Tantai Jin's outfit seem to be an amalgamation of the fabric used in the twelve gods' outfits.
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(9) Members of the Moon Tribe all wear long wavy hair, chunky metal and coin ornaments, and hair braiding.
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Tantai Jin follows the dress code when he stays with the Moon Tribe before entering the spiritual dimension.
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Guess who also loves his wavy hair, metallic accessories, and leather? Of course it's the Ancient Devil God, again reminding viewers of his connection to the tribe.
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Bonus: Luo Yunxi mentioned in an interview that his characters (hostage prince, emperor, Mingye, Devil Gods) all have different hairpieces/wigs. He had to take off and reglue his hair between scenes.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Creepypastas of your choice with a mysterious reader that has been with slender man the longest/was the first creepypasta
eyeless jack, laughing jack, slenderman, and jeff x reader who was the first creepypasta/has been with slenderman the longest!
NOTE that jeffs part is written as platonic since im still not comfortable writing romance for him, but the other two can be seen as either or! eyeless jack was chosen thanks to the admin personally hcing that eyeless jack and slenderman have beef over living in the same woods, laughing jack was picked because haha funny clown who is also old as shit reader is implied to be nonhuman, to explain how theyve been around for so long so! admin headcannons that zalgo was the one who made all the non-human creepypastas and they may or may not come into play here that aside, hope you enjoy!
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now he doesnt want to control who you hang out and who you dont hang out with... however ej isnt all the keen on the fact that you sometimes hang out with the tall lanky forest demon.. but he holds his tongue. their basic beef is that they mostly fight over space; slenderman is possessive over his woods, and ej fled to the woods after he started eating flesh to live as a hermit... is a little suspicious on how you seem to know so much about the curse-thing that turned from from a human to a man eating monster.. though lets up if you open up about things (cough cough zalgos role in everything cough cough) soooo.... as for actual relationship stuff? honestly as long as you dont bring slenderman around you guys have a pretty solid relationship! especially since you know so much of whats going on you kind of fill him in on a bunch of stuff.. like how people fill in the new guy at work about the drama and lore of the workplace, you know? is a relieved that youre not exactly human, so a lot of his worry of accidentally attacking you while in one of his feral blood frenzy things is minimal... sits.. tension in the beginning that melts as time passes and explanations are given, you know?
honestly hes just happy to have someone whos not super young compared to him/was there to see what was going on at least a century ago.. or more (fandom wiki says origin story takes place in 1800s, jack is OOOOOOOLLLD) so its nice having someone he can talk to about stuff from the past. and to joke about stuff from the past... and to have someone actually. GET IT. you know? really strengthens your bond, as well as reassures him that youre likely not going to die anytime soon due to your mortality... i always think about that stuff for immortal characters/characters who can technically outlive everyone, especially for jack since i feel he has abandonment issues... shrugs... you guys probably exchange tips and tricks for loads of things. just two old people in love but they both act like reckless young adults (assuming reader matches his energy). has no huge thoughts or opinions on slenderman since i dont think they would interact often :0
i mean i think it would be a given that you guys, against all odds, have stuck together and grown close. slenderman is reclusive, very much so. i mention that eyeless jack is a hermit, so naturally ej doesnt connect with many people. but slenderman takes that to a whole new level. i mean he barely even interacts with his proxies (still dont know how im going to write toby, masky, and hoodie. esp masky n hoodie since... theres the creepypasta/marble hornets thing.. shrugs... thats a problem for future admin)
so consider this a huge victory that he hasnt gotten rid of you in some way and has instead let you into his.. well i was about to say heart but i dont think zalgo considered giving him one when it was creating him.. though.. it is nice to have someone just as ancient as him, makes it easier to relate to people AND youre also a creature like him, made from zalgo? even more ability to relate to you.. though its a very quiet dynamic, slenderman isnt much of a talker so i hope you dont mind carrying conversations!
pushing once again that this segment is strictly platonic since admin isnt comfy with writing romantic for jeff so they just had an interesting idea for him!
very similar to eyeless jacks bit where you fill him in one a bunch of lore and how things work, as well as filling him in on the teeny tiny detail that demons and monsters exist. jeff is a little different in admins au/hc, since he kind of just. exists rather than being created explicitly to cause issues + hes new to the being a creepypasta thing (if you can call being on the run and being off the grid for the past decade or so new, admin is working on timeline stuff </3) (new in comparison to the other characters hush hush) so a lot of your dynamic is filling him in on things as well as perhaps even offering some sort of guidance in how to actually go about interacting with these creatures that he know.. just has access to.. torn between dad slenderman because hes not TOTALLY evil and cold in admins interpretation, but also that one jeff the killer vs slenderman fall out boy video lives rent free in his head. the beef would be insane, honestly... jeff doesnt have much of a sound idea outside of you being more of a guidance figure for him... person with their nonhuman guide my favorite trope that needs to be in more stuff especially in horror media where the characters are antagonists and shit
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detectivereads · 3 months
Delicious in Dungeon vol 6 by Ryoko Kui
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This post is for fan entertainment, I’m not being paid.
Dungeon Meshi Thursday!
Ok part 2 of the Red Dragon Arc, we need answers of what happen with Falin. I do have a lot to say about certain characters so this might be long.
I may rehash a rant that I had in Vol 5, just because it shows up a lot in here. I will get into it when it’s in full swing. But I also have some thoughts on what Laios did as well. I would like to apologize if I tend to go on a tangent about Shuro. This volume has a lot of drama.
Ok, Vol 6 it picks up where Laios’s group meets up with both Shuro’s group and Kabru group, after some friendly-ish banter between everyone, and getting a meal ready to eat.
I have issues with Maizuru, yes, I can see her as the brains of their group, however I don’t like how she comes off as superior towards Senshi. (I don’t like people being mean to Senshi. Senshi is a precious bean.)
With that aside, I did like Chilchuck in this volume, thinking which of the two people Laios and Senshi he needs to stick by in order to do damage control if they irritated someone of in the new groups, he picks Senshi. I can see with his enthusiastic nature towards dungeon cooking.
However, Chilchuck picked the wrong person to keep an eye on, because while that was happening Laios had given a play by play to Shuro on what happened, how Falin was brought back from the dead. Shuro freaks out, and when looking at the method of using old magic when it has been forbidden a non-magic person would freak out about.
I can see both sides.
Laios wanted his sister back and Marcille could do a spell that could bring her back. Now, Marcille knew what she was doing, and even said that the spell was nothing nefarious.
While Shuro being a non-magic user hearing this and obeying the law of black magic is outlawed, would immediately end relationships with Laios and Marcille.
This is the start of Laios being moved down in my favorite character tier. Laios was almost expecting Shuro not to tell anyone top side. Granted, I understand that Laios told Shuro out of respect towards the man.
Ok more drama happens with Chimera Falin entering the fight and totally whoops everyone, but at one point she retreats.
With a good chunk of the group dead, they bring back the magic users, but refuse to allow Marcille’s help fearing that she would cast black magic again.
Ok new rant time
Shuro had traveled with Marcille I want to say a for a while. Shuro should know Marcille by now she would cast powerful magic only when she needs it too. Marcille also probably could also read the room that everyone is on edge about the ancient magic she casted to bring Falin back.
I also understand since Shuro is not a magic user he and the other non-magic users have more of a reason to be a bit wary.
I am sorry, Shuro is one of my least favorites at this point when he does get into a fist fight with Laios. Shuro complains that Laios was unbearable to be around that he never takes the hints that Shuro wanted to be alone.
This is another thing that bothers me, again traveling with Laios and the rest of the group before the first red dragon fight. Shuro should have picked up that Laios to put it bluntly is not the brightest blub in the box.
My friend made a nice comparison, that when Chilchuck is getting annoyed with Laios he will tell Laios without beating around the bush. Laios then understands and backs off. Shuro doesn’t voice his issues with Laios. Some people may not pick up the hints that person A wants to be left alone, you have to be direct about.
Ok, rant over.
After the fight and some planning Shuro and Kabru’s group are going topside to tell the lord that there is a more powerful monster in the dungeon.
While Laios’s group is going to defeat the mad mage of the dungeon.
Laios group runs into some shapeshifters, that have taken on the form of the group. As the whole group agrees that Laios is Laios, they locked up the fake Laios and some very obvious fakes of the 3. Everyone agrees that Laios should be the one that figures out who is real and who is fake.
Now we meet a new character, a beast person named Izutsumi, ok I will tell you know I really didn’t like her when I first met them. She is demanding and she threatens the group if they don’t help Izutsumi, she will murder/hurt them.
Izutsumi wants Marcille to take the beast part of her curse off and keeps threating if they don’t help, she will kill them.
 Senshi being the generous soul that he is, makes her some risotto.
But Izutsumi is not really well versed in how to whole eating utensils, having issues holding a spoon but is still shoveling the food down quickly. I can overlook that no one is perfect, but Izutsumi doesn’t like mushrooms (Ok, I don’t care for mushrooms either.) But she lets them fall to the floor.
Senshi has the patience of a saint, but it looks like Senshi patience has run out (psyche! Senshi is a sweet bean) But then Izutsumi’s curse is activated and a Japanese looking ghost (I’m sorry the name of the ghost with a oni looking mask and craving knife escapes me at the moment.)
So, once again Senshi giving so wise wisdom and being a bad ass taking down the ghost/demon, why using utensils a certain way will maximize the usage.
However, Marcille breaks the news to Izutsumi, her curse is not going to come off. Which crushes Izutsumi. (Or Marcille is unfamiliar with the process of the removal, she also goes into detail about the different types of ancient magic. While she specializes in one type she doesn’t know this type.)
The last chapter, I got newfound of respect for Marcille.
Marcille is facing a nightmare and Laios goes into her dream and tries to help. Through his adventure, Laios understands the fear that Marcille faces being part elf.  I will leave it at that.
Ok I know I had some rants throughout this volume, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t like it. I have my favorite characters (if it’s not obvious) while throughout the journey I get new respect for others or others are moved down on my favorites list.
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ppomumgranatum · 17 days
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forgotten legacy. [chapter 1]
available on Ao3
pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
tags: multi-chapter, Auror Sebastian, drama, romance, murders, major character death, original female character, possible 🔞 in upcoming chapters. (more tags on Ao3)
word count: 4.8k
Summary: Eleven years after Ranrok’s goblin rebellion, Sebastian Sallow, now an Auror, finds himself neck-deep in a string of unsolved murders. Things get personal when the trail leads him to Aderyn Pembroke, his old flame and Keeper of ancient magic. Forced to work together, the former lovebirds have to decide just how far they're willing to sacrifice for the world they both swore to protect.
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RUTH SINGER MURDERED: AURORS LAGGING BEHIND By: Cressida Bloom, Special Correspondent  The wizarding world has been left reeling after the brutal murder of Ruth Singer, Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol. Singer was found dead in her own house after she failed to report to work. The identity of the perpetrator remains unknown, adding to the growing list of unsolved murders that have cast a dark shadow over the wizarding world in recent month. This latest tragedy follows the shocking murders of an Astronomer Amit Thakkar, and a fellow Officer, Natsai Onai just a few weeks prior. Speculation is mounting that the recent string of murders may be the work of dark wizards, as troubling evidence emerges from the investigations. Traces of Unforgivable curses have been found in the bodies of the victims, including Ruth Singer. This revelation has intensified fears within the wizarding community and raised concerns about a possible resurgence of dark forces targeting prominent figures within the wizarding world. This string of unsolved murders has sparked criticism of the Auror Office, which has so far failed to make any significant progress in identifying or apprehending the killers. Despite their reputation as the wizarding world's elite dark wizard catchers, the Aurors seem to be lagging in providing answers or bringing justice to the grieving families and colleagues of the victims.
Sebastian scoffed as he aggressively folded the newspaper and slammed it into his bin. He shook his head at the outrageous news— Aurors Lagging Behind? The once-respected Daily Prophet had clearly lost its way since the change in their Editor in Chief– whoever the fuck they are now. Sebastian couldn’t care less. Instead of quality journalism, it seemed their sole mission was to criticise the Ministry at every turn. 
The first murder was just two weeks ago. Amit’s assistant found his body in his office when she came in the morning. The perpetrator appeared to be searching for something in his possession as things were scattered about. Despite the obvious signs of a struggle and the apparent motive to find something specific, there was frustratingly too little of something.
Just one week after, Natty was found at her home. The scene was messier. Jer wand was found next to her hand, and scorch marks marred the walls of her living room— evidence that she put up a fight before her life was brutally taken.
And just yesterday, Ruth Singer was claimed as the latest victim.
These unsolved cases had been haunting him every second of every day. The lives of three people he knew were taken. The only consistent thread between these murders was the state of the crime scenes and the traces of Unforgivables found on each victim. But other than that, the lack of evidence and motives made it almost impossible for him to walk into anything promising.
As the lead Auror in this case, it made him truly want to quit his job. With the press and the public breathing down his neck, demanding more answers, surely didn’t make anything easier either.
Sebastian sat slumped in his chair while the office bustled around him with the sound of typewriters and chatter. Another day of dead ends and unanswered questions had left him feeling drained.
Lost in his own frustrations, he was suddenly brought back to reality by someone sitting on the chair beside his desk. He looked up to see Andrew, his partner, just came back from Singer’s estate.
“Anything new?” Sebastian asked, though he wasn't holding his breath for a miracle.
Andrew’s eyes were reflecting the same frustration Sebastian felt. "Just more questions." He leaned back in his chair, exhaling deeply. "The traces of Unforgivables are undeniable but it still doesn’t lead us to who did it.”
Sebastian noticed how the blonde was looking equally worn out. His usual charming demeanour was looking rather dishevelled. Andrew is his trusted partner, any weighing cases Sebastian is bearing on his shoulder, Andrew would share the same amount.
“I’ve met with some of the patrol officers to ask if Singer and Onai might have been tangling in a case together that could lead to this, but nothing peculiar.” Andrew continued his report, “None of their past nor on-going cases are related to Amit either.”
At this rate, Sebastian was just collecting frustrations like they were chocolate frog cards. Every lead they followed seemed to evaporate into thin air, leaving them with nothing but the same nagging questions. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache that had been his constant companion for days now.
"Well, their deaths must be connected somehow. It has to be." Sebastian repeated, more to convince himself than Andrew. He looked at the photographs of the victims pinned on the evidence board, each face staring back at him, demanding justice, “It’s too convenient of a coincidence that two of our former classmates and her boss were murdered in just the span of weeks.” 
Meanwhile, Andrew's gaze fell upon Sebastian's bin, where the slightly crumpled newspaper lay discarded. With a curious tilt of his head, he reached down and plucked it from the pile. His furrows formed on his forehead as he scanned the front-page article.
“This is fucking bullocks. Are they writing comedy now?” He shook his head as he scanned the article further.
“Utter rubbish is what that is. You should’ve kept it where it belongs.” Sebastian replied with irritation crippling into his voice, “Stirring up panic and public doubt as if this case isn’t dreadful enough without the pressure.” His words dripped with exasperation as he watched Andrew toss the newspaper back into the bin, “Anything else?”
“Oh.” Andrew exclaimed like he just remembered something, “We found one thing.” He rummaged through his suit pocket and put an evidence bag on Sebastian’s desk, “Before I take this down to evidence— maybe you know something about it.”
Inside it was a small item, a crest– a maroon shield with a gold letter R in the middle. The shield is decorated with two crossed quills and a thistle, and he’s seen this before, “This.. this is the Rookwood family crest.”
“You mean the same Rookwood that wanted to attack Hogwarts eleven years ago?” Andrew asked, just as puzzled, “I thought their leader died?”
“He did.” Furrows etched across Sebastian’s face.
His mind raced with questions as he pondered the potential connection of current incidents to the Rookwood family. The possibilities seemed to be far-fetched because their organisation was destroyed not long after Victor Rookwood was dead. But then again this was the only solid evidence they have come across so far.
“The Rookwoods are known for their dark connections. If they're behind these murders.."
"It could explain the traces of Unforgivable curses.” Sebastian found the end of Andrew’s sentence.
"But why now? What could they possibly gain from killing an astronomer, a patrol officer, and the head of the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol?" The blonde remained sceptical.
"It could be a power play? Or maybe they're after something specific that each of these victims had access to.”
Andrew was quiet for a moment before he continued, “Didn’t Natty get involved with the Rookwood Gang back in school days? And if I remember correctly, Singer was an active officer in that case. Could that be it?”
“But we’re still missing Amit’s involvement.” With a sigh, Sebastian realised that answers wouldn't come easily. If there was any lead to be found, he knew Andrew was the one who could help him with it, “Larson, find what you can on Victor Rookwood. Any living relatives, offsprings, address, whatever it is I want everything.”
Andrew nodded, “On it.”
Sebastian watched as Andrew briskly made his way to his desk and his mind already calculating the best approach to the task. Sebastian poured over mountains of case files and reports over the last eleven years on Rookwood’s organisation, trying to find any link to the murder case. 
Minutes turned into hours and his hair was tousled while countless cups of coffee had been devoured to keep him focused. There was practically nothing. No new activity, no fresh reports— they’d gone dormant for years.
Times ticked by and Andrew finally returned to his desk with his result, “Okay, there wasn’t much on our record about the family apart from their obvious criminal ring. Eleven years ago, most of the Rookwoods seemed to flee the country to avoid being connected to it but one– Agnes Barebone, née Rookwood. She was Victor’s aunt.”
Andrew handed a file containing Agnes Barebone’s information. There wasn’t much, though.
“Before settling down, she was reportedly the financial advisor for Rookwood's organisation during Victor’s father's reign until she married an American pharmacist, Oliver Barebone, and changed her last name. They settled down here and she's been under the radar ever since. They both died a year ago in a car accident but they still have an address in London.” Andrew pointed to the information stated on the paper, “The estate now belongs to their twenty-six-year-old son, Leopold.”
Sebastian quickly wrote down the address on his notes and kept it back in his pocket. He gave a pat on Andrew’s shoulder as he stood up to put on his coat, “Great job, mate.”
“Do you need backup?” He asked, referring to himself.
“No.” Sebastian fixed the collar on his shirt and then coat, “You keep on looking for any links between the murders and Rookwood. I’ll be fine.”
“Be careful.”
Sebastian gave Andrew a nod before disapparating from the office.
When Sebastian apparated back into the street a block away from the estate, he was greeted by the steady patter of raindrops. A curse escaped his lips as he felt the chill of the rain seeping into his clothes. With a resigned sigh, he retrieved the note containing the address from his pocket and set off down the street.
Jogging through the rain-soaked pavement, Sebastian scanned the area, eyes darting from one house to the next in search of the address. His clothes were slightly drenched and his vision was obscured. So he quickened his pace, desperate to get out of the rain.
When he reached, the house was quiet and shrouded in darkness. At first, he assumed nobody would be home, but when he spotted a small crack in the front door, he knew someone had either recently left or entered.
Cautiously, he moved forward, drawing his wand from his pocket and cast Lumos. His senses were on high alert as he checked every corner for signs of life, listening intently for any sound that might indicate someone’s presence.
The house looked well-maintained. The furniture was polished, and the floors were clean, Leopold must’ve been living there. Despite the general upkeep, some areas appeared quite messy. Drawers were left open, books were scattered across the floor, and papers were strewn about. 
It reminded him exactly of the three crime scenes.
He moved deeper into the house and stumbled into a room that appeared to be a study. The first thing he noticed was the big paper of a floor plan pinned to the wall.  He could notice it from anywhere— it’s Hogwarts. The map was meticulously drawn, with intricate markings pointing to secret passages, hidden rooms, and other notable features of the castle.
On a large desk beneath the map, there were numerous documents and notes. Among them, Sebastian found information on Ranrok and his loyalists. Most of them were information regarding their agenda in 1890. 
Sebastian took a moment to mentally catalogue everything he had come across so far. So Leopold or someone had been here and digging up information about his family's involvement with Ranrok. Was he possibly looking for something related to Hogwarts? But where had he gone, and what was he seeking?
Speculating could only lead him nowhere, he needed to look for something more— something that would bring the pieces of the puzzle together. But his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of wood creaking just outside the room. His senses sharpened, and he proceeded slowly toward the source of the noise.
As he stepped into the hallway, a figure flickered in the corner of his eye. Instinct kicked in—Sebastian drew his wand and aimed it straight at the person, ready to stop them from bolting. “Don’t even think about it!” he ordered, “Turn around. Slowly.”
The figure hesitated but eventually turned. The dim glow of Sebastian’s wand revealed their face, and his heart nearly stopped when he realised who it was.
“Aderyn?” he whispered, disbelief and a myriad of emotions flooding his voice and demeanour.
It was Aderyn Pembroke.
The hero of Hogwarts— and more importantly, his ex-girlfriend.
Sebastian had been prepared for anything—dark wizards lying in wait, the bodies of another unfortunate victims, clues to lead him deeper into the tangled web of dark magic— he was ready to confront any danger head-on and the last thing he expected was to find was his ex-girlfriend.
In that instant, everything seemed irrelevant. The case, the danger, the unanswered questions, all of it was overshadowed by the unexpected presence of someone he never thought he'd see again.
She was present at a site filled with a treasure of evidence the Ministry had been dying to come across for weeks. Being ever the good authority, Sebastian had no choice but to detain her for questioning.
Sebastian took his shot in sixth-year. He remembered how nervous he was, mostly because he was holding so much pent-up emotions for the past year since Aderyn arrived at Hogwarts. He didn't want to hope, but when she laughed and told him that it took him long enough, he was relieved. Life felt like a fairy-tale, but happily ever after only lasted five years before she decided to end things, leaving Sebastian to piece together a life without her.
And that was five years ago.
“We found this on her coat.” Andrew snapped Sebastian out of his haze and placed a folder on his desk.
Sebastian opened the folder, revealing a series of documents that immediately caught his attention. There in black and white, were detailed records of suspicious transactions and clandestine meetings over the past year in Victor Rookwood’s name.
The records showed Rookwood’s name cropping up repeatedly, involved in secretive dealings that seemed to be supporting dark magic operations. Each entry was meticulously documented, indicating a pattern of activity that pointed to a significant and covert presence in the dark magic underground. 
“These are all dated after Victor Rookwood’s death. Whoever did this must have used his name and reputation to fund and gather men for some dark magic op. The Rookwoods are definitely in on this, and somehow your friend is, too.” Andrew reminded him of the bitter potential, "Are you sure you don't want me to handle this?" He offered after noticing Sebastian’s distracted look.
Sebastian flipped the pages and there were reports on the murder victims. Each report contained personal information, their known associates, and recent activities. 
Sebastian shook his head, "I'm good. I just need a moment," he replied. Though he was grateful for his partner’s concern.
Sebastian took a deep breath, pushing himself up from his chair and heading toward the interrogation room. He stopped just outside the door, peeking in through the small window. Aderyn sat there, hands bound, her hair a wet mess from the rain, and a blanket draped over her shoulders—probably the only bit of comfort the staff bothered to offer her. She looked exhausted like she’d been caught in the middle of a storm in more ways than one. But still beautiful as ever.
Seeing her like this—rumpled, vulnerable—hit him harder than he expected. It was a far cry from the woman he used to know, the one he once cared about more than anything. It felt strange, almost unreal that after five years of no contact and she became a criminal with accusations hanging over her head. 
Yet there she was, sitting in the cold impersonal room waiting to be questioned.
Sebastian walked in, closing the door behind him. Without saying a word, he pulled out the chair and sat down across from her, trying to keep his expression neutral even though a thousand questions were running through his mind. 
“Ms. Pembroke, would you care to explain why you were at the Barebone’s estate?” He kept his tone light, trying to ease into the questioning without coming off too harsh. When there was no immediate answer, Sebastian repeated his question with a firmer tone, “Ms. Pembroke, what were you doing at the Barebone’s estate?”
Instead of a straight answer, Aderyn’s lips curled into a faint smirk. “You cleaned up good.” She was dodging his questions on purpose, and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Ms. Pembroke, please answer my question.” He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. But Aderyn’s eyes flicked over him again, taking in his appearance like she was sizing him up.
“And you’ve been working out.” her gaze tracing the lines of his broad shoulders, lingering on the rolled-up sleeves that showed off his muscular, veiny forearms. “Looks like those Auror training sessions really paid off.”
Sebastian's jaw clenched as he was firmly holding his gaze trying not to show any hint of vulnerability, “Answer my question.”
“You don’t have to assert your power over me, Sebastian. I’m not one of your criminals.” She snarked. Sebastian used to find it charming, but in this moment it was kind of annoying especially when he just wanted to get this job over with.
“That’s up for debate.” He shot back coldly,  Sebastian sifted through the layers of documents he was carrying and unfolded the part regarding transactions and meetings under Victor Rookwood’s name. He flipped and slid it across the table towards Aderyn, “What’s this, then?”
She didn’t even bother to look at the file in front of her, “Abnormality.”
“Victor Rookwood’s dead.”
“Hence, the abnormality.”
Sebastian's frustration mounted at her nonchalant response. "Well, you must know something because it led you there.”
Aderyn remained silent, her eyes fixed on Sebastian’s. The tension in the room thickened while Sebastian’s patience was wearing thin.
“This isn’t a game. People have died.”
“You don’t think I know that?”
“Then why are you at the Barebone’s?”
“I’m innocent.”
“You’ve been avoiding my questions and you expect me to believe that you are innocent?” Truly, he was on the brink of losing his poise. He’d forgotten how stubborn she could be, "I think you are with the Rookwood gang.”
Aderyn’s expression hardened at the indictment, "That's outrageous. I  was against Rookwood. I protected Wizardkind from a war that could’ve been the end of us. You think I’d turn my back on the very people we bled for? You bloody know me better than that." 
“Well, I used to. But that was years ago—how can I possibly know who you are now when I haven’t seen you in five years?”
Sebastian was clearly losing grasp of his grit and grace for making it sound so personal. Years of training— painful training was in vain. He’s a damn Auror for Merlin’s sake, perhaps the best of his generation, but one woman showed up and he was on the brink of falling apart. 
With a deep breath, he steeled himself and went back on the offensive, his tone colder, and more focused this time, “Where were you the night Amit, Natty and Ruth Singer were murdered?"
Her eyes flickered for a moment but she managed to mask it quickly, “I was at home.” 
“Is there anyone who can confirm your alibi?”
She hesitated, “No.”
Sebastian’s expression hardened, and he leaned back, crossing his arms, “Well that’s convenient, isn’t it?” He didn’t even try to hide the sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“I didn’t do it.” She sounded genuine. 
“Well then let me repeat my first question, what were you doing at the Barebone’s?” His tone grew icier with each word and it was a sight of Sebastian she never witnessed before.
“I am not with Rookwood, Sebastian.” Her voice grew strained.
“So you were just trespassing on a private property?”
“No, that’s not—”
“Or were you just busted on a crime scene trying to cover up the murders you’ve committed?”
Aderyn slammed her fist on the table, “How dare you.” She seethed,  “Natty was my friend.”
Not a single muscle in Sebastian’s body flinched at her outburst. He noticed the way her hand trembled slightly. There was fire in her eyes, a mix of anger and something else—something that bordered on desperation. But Sebastian couldn’t afford to let himself be swayed by it. Not now.
Sebastian leaned forward, “Then act like it. Stop hiding behind half-truths and start giving me answers.”
Then Aderyn fell silent. Her initial tense and rigid shoulder slowly relaxed as she leaned back on her chair. A heavy sigh escaped her lip and her defiance melted away.
And Gods, those looks in her eyes— suddenly he couldn’t believe his own bitter accusations that he’d been bluntly throwing at her. Every tension and anger fell away and all he could see was the woman he once cared for so deeply.
Never once in his life had he seen himself playing bad cop with Aderyn.
"Look," Sebastian's voice was soft, almost like he was pleading, “If you really aren’t a part of this you’ve got to stop fighting me and tell me what you know so I can help you.”
She was quiet, but he could see the wheels turning in her mind, the way she bit her lip, the way her fingers fidgeted—he remembered every subtle tell.
“Aderyn,” He said softly, “Let me help you.”
She took a deep breath, her shoulders slumping as if the weight of it all was finally too much to bear on her own. 
“About three days after Amit’s death I was stopped by two men demanding me to follow them if I want to prevent another friend from dying.” She began.
“What happened after that?”
“They blasted the Killing Curse on me when I refused.” She continued, “I bested them but there was no way of identifying who they were. I’ve had some help to trace their wands. But they’re untraceable. Possibly illegal modifications or some cursed enchantments.”
Sebastian frowned, the pieces of the puzzle still not fitting together. “Did they say anything? Give any clues as to why they targeted you?”
“No, but I knew immediately that they were talking about Amit. I just couldn’t figure out what they wanted. And only a week after that—” Aderyn swallowed the lump that seemed to be growing in her throat, “Natty happened. From there, I began to speculate and took my shot at Rookwood. I reached out to my contact to look deeper into their family background. By the time I found out about the only Rookwood known to be living here in Britain I was too late and Ruth Singer was murdered.”
“So their deaths are in fact related?” Sebastian asked and Aderyn nodded, “How?”
“Do you remember in the fifth year when I told you about how Natty and I took down Victor Rookwood’s right-hand man?”
“Theophilus Harlow.” He nodded, “Andrew guessed it. And he mentioned that Singer was the Patrol Officer on duty around Hogwarts at that time.”
“What about Amit?”
“He helped me infiltrate a Goblin lair and translated schematics that revealed the drill Ranrok and his loyalists were constructing.”
“So what? This is some payback act for destroying his family’s plan years ago?”
“It’s not just a payback, Sebastian. I was at that house for the same reason you did, looking for Leopold Barebone. There was a detailed map of Hogwarts, revealing every corner and every room of every floor. He’s looking for something and I think I know what it is.” Aderyn opened up her palm when suddenly a brown wand with golden and translucent blue crystal spirals along its length began to appear on her hand. She took a moment to grasp it, feeling its weight, and stroked it gently with her thumb before placing it on the table with care. 
Sebastian knew exactly what it was. “The Keepers’ wand.”
“I think he wants to take the repository– to finish what Victor Rookwood couldn’t.” Aderyn confirmed with a solemn nod, “He must’ve been tracking down anyone who might know how to gain access to it.”
“But if he’s after you too, how come there aren’t any reports about you in his file?” Sebastian asked, eyes narrowing as he tried to make sense of everything. “If Barebone’s tracking down everyone connected to the repository, you’d be at the top of that list. So why is your name missing?”
“I truly don’t know. But you have to believe me, Sebastian. I am not with Rookwood.”
Sebastian studied her, searching her face for any sign of deceit. Her eyes met his but beneath that brave front, he could tell she was scared—scared of what Leopold was capable of, scared of being misunderstood, and scared that Sebastian, of all people, wouldn’t believe her. There was a raw honesty in her words, a desperate plea for him to trust her.
“And if he’s digging into connection to the repository, then your life is in as much danger as I am.” Her voice softened, “I told you everything back then—every detail, every secret the Keepers left behind. You know as much as I do. It’ll be just a matter of time before he tracks down everyone connected to me and the repository.”
Sebastian’s jaw tightened, memories of their fifth year flashing before him— the battles, the secrets they uncovered, the sacrifices they made.
“Who else knows about it?” He flipped open his pad and began taking notes.
“The Ministry shouldn’t be a problem,” Aderyn said,  “We kept everything out of the public record. The secrecy the Keepers maintained for centuries, we carried on. The official reports were scrubbed clean of any mention of the repository.”
Sebastian nodded, still scribbling in his pad. “And outside the Ministry?”
“There’s Poppy—she and I worked together to disrupt Rookwood’s poaching operation.”
“Where is she now?” His quill paused, hovering over the paper.
“Her latest letter came to me just last week. She’s heading to Arizona, studying Thunderbirds,” At least one name will be far from danger for a moment.
“Who else?”
“The professors—Sharp, Onai, Ronen, Hecat, and Weasley. They’re all aware of the location.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “And Ominis. I told him everything, too."
“What about your contacts?” He asked.
“They should be fine. I never give away the important details.”
“I still need their names, Aderyn” He pressed, “Whoever helped you track down the wands and Rookwood’s background— They clearly know a lot.”
“They’re fine, Sebastian.” She insisted, “Trust me. They’re not a threat nor are they in danger.”
“Please.” She pleaded with that same desperate look, “You have to trust me.”
Sebastian sighed heavily, “I am taking a big leap here with you.”
“I know.” She replied softly, “That’s all I’m asking.”
Sebastian leaned back and stared at the ink that wrote the list of all the familiar names.
For weeks, he’d been chasing leads, only to find himself circling back to the same empty conclusions. And like some sick twisted game that life is playing on him, somehow his ex-girlfriend had to be the one bearing the pieces of the puzzle he's been trying to solve.
Every name on that list was more than just ink on paper— they’re friends, mentors, and allies who had fought to protect the wizarding world. His stomach churned at what's at stake. He could feel the weight of responsibility settling onto his shoulders and it left a queasy knot in his stomach that made his head swim. It was up to him to bring everyone together and put an end to this once and for all, and the pressure of it all was almost suffocating.
He needed a moment to think, but every second was slipping away faster than he could grasp. As he exited the room, Andrew anxiously stood waiting. Sebastian wished he could spare him the truth, keep him out of harm’s way. Dragging him in meant putting another name on the list. But there was no avoiding it now, this was the life they’d signed up for, and there was no turning back.
“Do you trust her?” Andrew asked.
There was no immediate answer. But Sebastian's hesitation didn't come from a place of doubt. If anything, he trusted every word that came out of her mouth and it bemused him. After all the years of being apart—years spent trying to bury the pain and erase the memory of the night she walked out of his life—he still trusted her.
“With my life.” He replied.
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