#or smaller tittles
papercorgiworld · 7 months
You're uninvited
Draco Malfoy x Potter!reader
When tensions between your brother and Draco rise, your friend advises you to go talk to Draco since he'll listen to you. However, some meddling by Mattheo and Theodore complicates things.
For this story Iris (a cameo by @amongemeraldclouds ) will be your friend and Enzo's girlfriend.
For the darling who requested this, I hope you like it. I find that it misses something, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's the lack of brother sister interaction, I don't know. I did my best. Also shittiest tittle ever, but zero inspiration. I had struggles with this one. Anyways Happy readings!
“Fifty points from Slytherin because you went crying to Mcgonagall, I’ll get you for this Potter!” Draco snarled as he walked past your brother, you frown as you approached them. Draco raises his eyebrows as he passes you as well. “What did you do?” You snap at your brother as his eyes still follow Draco’s figure. He ignores you and Hermoine frowns. “He looked seriously pissed off.” Harry shrugs. “What can he do-“ Ron raises his eyebrows at his friend. “He can break your nose again.” Your brother can see the horror in your eyes at Ron’s suggestion. “Don’t worry, (y/n). Most of the time he’s all bark, no bite.”
You walk with your brother and his friends in the direction of the great hall. Once there you spot your friend, Iris, waving at you from the Slytherin table and you make your way over to her. “Your brother lost us 50 house points.” She complains and you sit down next to her. “I know.” You sigh. “In how much trouble is he?” You question sheepishly and her eyes quietly move opposite of her to where her boyfriend is sitting. Enzo smiles, not really bothered by the loss of points. “I think we can all get over the 50 points lost, but Draco getting a week detention… yeah he’s definitely out for revenge.” Your eyes widen at Enzo. “A week’s detention?” Enzo and Iris both nod and you lose your appetite, remembering how bad Harry looked after Draco broke his nose. Iris’s brown eyes carefully watch you as you stare at your plate. Knowing that you’re probably worried about another fight she offers some advice. “Why don’t you talk to Draco and explain that your brother is just an idiot, I’m sure he’ll listen to reason… at least if it’s coming from you.” Enzo looks at Iris through his laches, knowing very well what his girlfriend is hinting at. “Yeah, he’ll definitely listen to you.” He tries to sound serious, but you notice a hint of mischief in his tone and frown. Iris narrows her eyes at her boyfriend for being obvious and for a moment you think about asking what’s going on, but you decide against it and just nod. “You guys are probably right. I can just talk to him and encourage a peaceful solution to the endless tension between the two.” 
Blaise takes a seat at the Slytherin table and his eyes immediately land on you. “Come on, Potter, sitting at the slytherin table after what your brother pulled, he lost us fifty points, you’re ballsy sitting here!” You know he’s only joking, but you notice the whole slytherin table looking at you and feel yourself get smaller. “Back off Blaise, you’ve probably lost Slytherin more points.” Iris snares at Blaise and he laughs. “Excuse me! I don’t lose us points. You must mistake me for your himbo boyfriend over here.” Enzo goes from smiling to dead serious in a split second, turning to Blaise. “Are you calling me stupid?” Blaise rolls eyes. “Yesterday you said a mandrake was a fruit.” Lorenzo narrows his eyes at Blaise. “In my defence she was sitting next to me and you can’t expect me to listen to Sprout when… you know, I was focussed on other things…” Enzo points at his girlfriend, blaming her for being distracted during class. You can’t help but smile, happy that for now everyone has forgotten about Harry. With the tension at the table gone your mind wonders what you’ll say to Draco to convince him to make peace or at least not get into another fight with your brother.
After class you spot Draco gathering his books while scowling at Mattheo who’s clearly trying to be funny. When Mattheo spots you he smirks and quickly leaves the classroom, you slowly approach Draco who’s still focused on organising his notes. You start fidgeting with your fingers as you notice everyone’s left and it’s just you and a very frustrated Draco who can’t seem to find a certain page. Just when your courage to talk to him sinks you spot a piece of parchment laying on the floor and reach for it. “Is this what you’re looking for?” Surprised, Draco circles around to you and frowns at your presence. You immediately notice how hesitant he is towards you. “I just saw it on the floor and I thought it might be yours.” You try to sound casual, but since the two of you rarely talk your words sound forced and awkward. “Thanks.” Draco whispers curtly and snatches the paper from your hands. When you don’t turn around to leave he watches you with a questioning look. 
After a bizarre moment of silence, he raises an eyebrow and turns back around to gather his notes. Sorry, Harry, but I’m doing this for you. “My brother’s an idiot.” The blond slytherin turns back to you. “He never thinks about the consequences of his actions.” Draco snorts at your words. “I don’t think he thinks at all.” You narrow your eyes at Draco. Don’t push it Malfoy, he is still my idiot brother. You look down and Draco notices that was not the best approach. You were different from Harry, but he was still your brother. “I heard Blaise gave you a hard time during lunch.” Draco tries to change the subject as he stuffs his notes into his bag. You nod and smile at him. “He was only joking, I know that.” Draco and you move towards the door. “I told everyone to leave you alone, I know you’re not a moron like you brother. Are you sure you’re family?” You chuckle at his question. “Yes, I’m sure Malfoy.” Your smile and he slows down his step, adoring your beauty, before his eyes lock with yours. There’s this soft moment between you two and you notice how Draco’s cheeks heat up, making him look away and walk a little faster than you in an attempt to hide his flustered face. 
“You don’t need to call me Malfoy, just because he does.” You're surprised by the gentle tone of Draco’s voice and a sweet smile tugs on your lips. “I know, but it’s not like you and I are friends or anything.” He stops and suddenly the two of you are standing way closer than either of you had intended. “Yeah, that’s probably why I hate him so much.” You frown, not really following and a soft chuckle rolls over Draco’s lips. “Your brother I mean… I like to think that if it wasn’t for him- maybe, I don’t know- maybe we would be friends or something.” Draco’s confession has you flustered and you press your lips into a line while avoiding his gaze at all costs. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Draco who suddenly even feels brave enough to take one step closer to you, leaving barely any space between the two of you as you stand there in an empty hallway. “Tomorrow before the Ravenclaw party, there’s a little pre-drink at the astronomy tower, rather exclusive, but Enzo and Iris will be there… You should come.” Your shiny eyes meet Draco’s as you nod. “I would like that.”
Unfortunately, the sweet moment between you two is mocked by Draco’s friends. “I bet that girl is willing to do all kinds of stuff now.” Theodore snorts at Draco’s confused face and Mattheo grins like a maniac. When Theodore notices that Draco’s getting rather annoyed he explains himself. “She’s worried about you hurting her brother, that’s why she’s suddenly being nice to you.” Draco’s eyes go emotionless at Theo’s suggestion and Mattheo licks his lips, mind still filled with dirty thoughts. “Enjoy it while it lasts, it should be fun. Pretty girl trying to gain your favour. I wouldn’t waste that opportunity.” Draco wrinkles his nose in disgust with his friends. “Keep your filth to yourself, Riddle.” With those words a furious Draco leaves the common room passing Iris and Enzo who immediately judge Theodore and Mattheo for whatever they had done this time. 
Draco spots you walking alone in the courtyard on your way to your friends. When you notice him walking in your direction, you smile and slow down so he can catch up with you. “Hi-” You’re immediately cut off. “You’re uninvited.” Draco snaps at you with a scowl on his face. That’s all you get, because he immediately turns away. Your smile falls when you watch him walk away. His anger makes you take a step back, but even regardless of his anger, you are really disappointed that you couldn’t go tonight. You looked forward to spending time with him, because you liked him. It was your most guarded secret, you liked him a lot and now you couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken. Maybe your brother and his friends were right, maybe he really was just a horrible person and all those nice things he had done over the years were just a bizarre way of mockery. You stood still in the middle of the courtyard, feeling like a fool.
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However, Draco was about to feel like an even bigger fool, because when he returned to the slytherin common room he overheard Enzo and Iris lecturing Mattheo and Theo. “I can’t believe you guys would say something like that.” Iris says, shaking her head at Mattheo and Theodore. Lorenzo lets himself fall on the sofa, grinning. “Really, you can’t believe that dumb and dumber ruined or little plan, because I’m not surprised.” Iris sighs and Mattheo and Theo frown. “Draco and (y/n) have been crushing on each other for years.” Enzo explains and both slytherin boys look shocked. Iris stares at them for a moment not believing that they hadn’t noticed the obvious signs, before her boyfriend tugs her hand urging her to stop stressing and join him. “Iris and I have been looking for an excuse to get them to talk again, hang out more, so this seemed the ideal opportunity.” Softly stroking Iris her black hair to make her relax, Enzo explains their plan and Draco’s eyelids fall close as he curses himself. She had a crush on me?! After all those years of Harry ruining my chances, I know fuck it up myself.
Holding his friends equally responsible for his screw up, Draco hexes Theodore and Mattheo, leading to total chaos in the slytherin common room. 
Lorenzo and Blaise take Mattheo to the astronomy tower to cool down and Theodore pours himself a glass of firewhiskey as his dead eyes watch Draco hold an ice pack against his jaw. “Does it hurt?” Iris asks and Draco nods. Theodore snorts. “Good.” Draco grits his teeth, glaring at Theodore and Iris scowls at Theo, who decides to keep quiet and take a sip from his drink. “Iris, you need to help me fix this with (y/n), please.” Draco begs with heartbroken eyes and a bruised jaw.
The weekend ended up being miserable for everyone. Draco even decided to skip the party, knowing that you wouldn’t talk to him at all; there really was no reason for him to be there. Feeling heartbroken and not in the mood to talk to anyone you hide in your room as well.
As instructed by Iris you wait for Draco in the hallway after potions class. “Again, Enz? 20 points.” Blaise sighs and Enzo raises his hands in defence. “I got distracted.” Mattheo sighs. “You spent every night with your girl, how can you not focus for one hour? I mean Theo doesn’t get distracted by staring at Ella.” Lorenzo frowns at Mattheo’s argument. “Theo always skips class.” 
You hear the sound of bickering between the guys ebb away into the distance and it makes you wonder what’s keeping Draco. He hadn’t left the classroom, so your eyes peek through the open door as you lean against the wall opposite of it. To your horror you spot Harry and Draco talking and instantly your heartbeat quickens. You push yourself off of the wall and take a step closer, studying the two as they talk. Draco seems unusually calm and Harry just nods a lot, when your brother’s eyes accidently land on you he gives you a soft smile and for some reason you immediately return it without knowing what it’s about. 
The next moment the both of them part and you take a step back, acting like you had just been obviously staring at them. “See you later, sis.” Is all Harry says and with confused eyes you watch his back. “Your brother and I made peace… for now at least.” Draco pulls you out of your thoughts and you look up at him. After a second you look down, remembering how he had snapped at you the other day and uninvited you for no reason. “Good.” You nod and force a smile. An awkward cough from Draco, before he puffs his chest a bit announces his apology. “About the other day, how I snapped at you- it was wrong. I- Theo and Matt, they said- No, it doesn’t even matter. I should’ve known better and shouldn’t have uninvited you. I guess, I just want to say I’m really sorry.” Now your forced smile turns genuine and your eyes light up. A soft laugh escapes Draco as he sees you smile at him with sweet eyes. “What did they say to get you so upset?” You ask and Draco snorts, remembering his own stupid overreaction. “Stupid things, I should’ve known better. I guess my insecurities got the better of me.” 
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You press your lips together and nod understandingly at his honest confession. “I’m glad we’re good again.” You tell him as your eyes lock with his and Draco can’t help but drown in your eyes, as he nods once in agreement. “I was… wondering-” Draco takes a deep breath as he searches for his courage to finish his sentence. “if, maybe you want to go to Madam Puttifoot with me?” A soft laugh rolls off your lips. “Puddifoot’s?” You question not believing you heard him right, the blond slytherin nods and you can’t hide the giddy smile on your face. You feel yourself blush madly. Puddifoot was a place for couples so it was obvious to you that Draco malfoy had just asked you on a date. With a flustered face you meet his eyes. “I would love that.” You whisper, afraid that if you said it any louder your excitement would be embarrassingly obvious. 
“Malfoy?” Ginny asks you for the 10th time and you sigh. “Yes, I’m going out with Draco Malfoy.” Her eyebrows knit together. “Malfoy?!” You groan and push her onto your bed as you walk past her to get your cutest jacket and finish your outfit. You check yourself out in the mirror and Luna speaks up. “I don’t think he's that bad.” Ginny frowns and even you don’t understand why she’s sticking up for him. When she sees Ginny’s judgy eyes, she explains herself. “I think blonds should support each other.” You laugh at her logic and turn around showing off your outfit. “What do you guys think?” Luna smiles. “Absolutely perfect.” Ginny crosses her arms. “Too pretty for a guy like him, but okay if you like him I’ll support you.” You laugh at her reluctance to say those last words. 
The date was perfect, you had enjoyed every second with Draco. The awkward walk to Hogsmeade when you were both still nervous. The first order at Madam Puttifoot’s when you finally relax and opened up more to each other. That last order had you feeling you had been friends since forever. The most magical moment, however, was when you left the cute cafe and Draco reached for your hand, gently holding it in his own hand. You meet his eyes and simultaneously you both lean closer towards each other, shoulders bumping as you walk together. Suddenly, your mind can’t help but wonder back to what got him so upset. “What did Riddle and Nott say?” Your question has Draco frowning and he bites his lip for a second as he struggles to confess. “They had me convinced that you were only being nice because you were worried about your brother, that you didn’t actually like me.” He says it in one breath and immediately looks away. You stop walking and Draco stops as well. Still looking away he squeezes your hand as he fears that you’re mad at him for thinking like that. He fears your hand will slip away and he’ll never hold it again. You take a step closer to him and he finally looks at you, meeting your soft eyes. “Don’t ever think something like that again, Draco, because I really really like you.” Your voice is just above a whisper and Draco feels himself fall in love with you even more. 
When you lean in, lips getting dangerously close, Draco feels himself heat up and almost freaks out, but manages to pull himself together at the last second and meets your lips with more passion than you had expected. When the kiss ends you stay close to each other, smiling like love struck fools before Draco leans in for another even more intense kiss. However, your kiss is cut short when you hear someone call for you. “Ey! Ey!” You turn your head to see Harry, followed by Hermoine and Ron. As soon as you look at him his anger seems to subside and turn into something uncomfortable. “You… can do… what you… want… to do, but not where I can see it.” Draco’s first reaction is to get annoyed and grit his teeth. Then you better look away Potter. But when a soft giggle escapes you Draco relaxes. “Fine, we’ll just go back to the castle.” You look up at Draco, whose voice is calm but still has a frustrated tone to it. “G-Good.” Harry answers hesitantly. Hand in hand you and Draco walk away and Harry hears you laugh as Draco whispers something. Hermoine and Ron join Harry as he watches you. “Are sure it’s such a good idea to leave them alone.” Hermoine wonders out loud. “Why?” Harry asks, oblivious, and turns around to his friends. Ron gives him one obvious glance with raised eyebrows. “Because you know what people who are in love do when they're alone.” Panic fills Harry’s eyes as he sees Draco sling his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him.
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kinkyk1ttenbabygirl · 2 months
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redheadloverr · 1 year
Asking them to be “flings”
i have no other way to really tittle this idea but heres the concept;
randomly hitting genshin boys up (separately ofc!) saying you want a ‘fling’ and you end up confessing to them!
gn!reader x anemo boys!
quick A/N! I’ll check grammar/misspellings later, also trying a new style to my blogs so pls let me know if you like this style better! <3
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at first he thought you were joking. he completely laughs in your face, unaware that this would be something you’d actually want.
“you’re funny, y/n.” he says with a chuckle, ignoring you and going back to his work. after he realizes you’re serious, he looks up at you examining your expression.
“you’re serious?” he asks, still examining you. you nod at him and he continues. “we’ll, I’m not opposed to that idea. I never thought you’d be the type to ask something like that, though. so tell me, what’s your motive?”
you stare at him shyly, not knowing what to say. you couldn’t just tell him you had a crush on him this whole time and that you only want to hook up because you’re too scared to get rejected by him.
he notices your long pause and continues, trying to tease you. “don’t tell me you have a crush on me~”
you stiffen. you know he’s teasing you yet the thought that he may or may not know is eating you up inside. you’re unable to speak, your cheeks turn a light pink.
“is that the case?” he asks you firmly, trying to read your face before continuing.
you weakly nod and wait for his reaction. he closes his eyes, thinking for a moment.
“if that’s the case, I don’t want to be ‘flings’.” he says, finally looking at you. “if you want to date, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
you two smile at each other before setting up dinner plans for later that evening. you feel so happy you could die!
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“no.” he says seconds after you ask him, completely crushing you.
you awkwardly turn to leave the room when he reaches for your hand.
“wait-“ he pauses, “don’t ask anyone else, though.”
“I won’t, I only wanted to do it with you” you’re immediately shocked that you’d even confess something like that to kazuha of all people. you cover your mouth, turning away from him to hide your embarrassment.
he turns his head, confused at you. “what do you mean, Y/N? why only with me?”
you take a deep breath before speaking. “I like you kazuha, I’ve liked you for a while now. I didn’t know how to tell you so I thought maybe I would just ask if you’d want to hook up and maybe something will happen out of that..” you were rambling at this point.
he silently nods while listening to you, his expression not changing once. when you finish talking, he smiles at you. “you should’ve said that from the beginning. I don’t do those ‘flings’ but I’d be more than happy to take you out for dinner and see where things go from there.” his smile is warm and genuine. he gently pats your head before he speaks again. “are you free this weekend? I know a spot.”
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he drops what he’s doing and gives you a death stare, sending shivers down your spine. “excuse me?”
you flinch a little at his words, not knowing what else to say. “repeat yourself.” he says firmly. you tell him again, in a smaller voice.
“I thought that was what you said.” he said with a sigh. “what’s your reasoning? you’re not the type that usually asks me for such a.. request.” he looks you up at down trying to read you.
“well.. I just.. I like you.” you say shyly, almost scared.
“what?” he stares at you again, but he stares at you a lot softer.
“I like you, I’ve been trying to confess to you for a while now but you just never got the hits.. I know you hook up with people casually so I thought maybe I could try that route instead.” you go on, rambling.
“stop.” he says, and you tighten up. “you like me?” he asks. you shyly nod. “are you sure?” he says, more so asking himself.
“of course I’m sure!” you say, wondering why he would even ask that. he takes a moment to process everything.
“I like you too.” he says, now shyly. “I didn’t think you’d like someone like.. someone like me.” he says.
you chuckle, “of course you’d say that! you’re far more than just your title and your past, scara. I want to get to know every side of you.”
he shyly moves closer to you, holding your hands, looking at them. “thank you.” he says before he looks up at you and smiles.
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venti giggles at you, shaking his head. “oh Y/N, I know you’re way too innocent to ever want to have a ‘fling’ with someone randomly.” he holds your hand, looking into your eyes. “so, why all of a sudden have you asked for such a thing?”
venti was so good at reading you he knew, he didn’t even have to look at you to know this isn’t the type of thing you’d ever do. you felt like you had no choice but to be honest with him. making up a lie wouldn’t help this situation.
you take a deep breath, “venti, I have a crush on you.” you look at him, waiting for a response before continuing.
he nods, waiting for you to keep talking, so you do. “I didn’t know how to bring it up, I thought this would be the best way to ease my way in..”
he sighs, placing his hand on your shoulder. “oh Y/N. you should’ve just told me, it would’ve been a lot less more embarrassing on your part and a lot easier.” he walks towards a tree, patting the ground next to him, hinting you sit next to him.
you take a seat next to him as he continues. “I have no clue why you decided to ask me that of all things, but I’m glad it wasn’t the reasons most people ask others for such a thing.” he smiles at you, holding your hand. “with that being said, I like you too. I don’t know when I started liking you, but I did and I still do. you amaze me everyday, even now. If I had to spend the rest of a lifetime with someone, you’d be my first choice.” he looks at you, waiting for you’re response now.
your cheeks turn a deep red shade. he chuckled at your reaction. he leans over saying “I hope we can be more than friends after this” before moving your head towards him, kissing you.
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xiao has no words, he just stares at you. dumbfounded. he couldn’t believe you had just said that, and he couldn’t believe he was blushing because you said that. he blinks before asking you “can you say that again? I don’t think I heard you right?”
you shyly nod, repeating the same request you had asked him just a couple seconds ago. he covers his mouth, looking around to see if anyone was around.
“why? who put you up to this?” he seems a bit angry, annoyed. he grabs your wrist, and takes you to a private area.
“no one put me up to this!” you tell xiao as he continues to pull you along with him. “I’m the only one who made myself say that, and now I regret saying anything at all.” he stops walking and looks back at you.
“why did you say it then?” he says eager to know the reason. “I like you, xiao. I didn’t know how to tell you so I thought maybe this could help me a little? It was dumb I know but..” “It’s not dumb!” he cuts you off, “I think it’s kind of cute, and I’m flattered you would.. like me” he says the last part shyly
“of course I like you, xiao. I’ve liked you for a while now, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me..” you say shyly
he smiles, “and you’re the best thing that’s happened to me as well. but please, don’t scare me like that again.” you both chuckle.
“would you like to go out later today?”
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redamoureux · 1 year
:00 if you could, maybe a yandere! hank x s/o who used to be an A.A.H.W agent? when they meet again, instead of s/o trying to kill them like they’re always have, reluctantly - they just flee?
─ Bad Blood
Yandere Hank J. Wimbleton Headcanons/short
↳ content warning: yandere themes, obsessive behaviour, stalking, shooting, violence, mild blood, murder, forced/dubious relationship, intimidation, hank's oddly kind of a soft yandere here
• genre: romantic
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Working in an agency that's literally built to merely hunt one specific criminal is never an easy job. But with little place to work and protection around, you were obliged to accept the policy or you wouldn't get to see another day.
Auditor, the leader of the faction can be described as rather a cruel and vicious boss. Even though you've never met him directly, just by hearing whispers and tittle-tattle around the place never fails to make you falter.
So it doesn't suprises you when news about a massacre occured in one of the many base around the city reached auditor, he simply told his henchman to call up the janitors and clone even more grunts.
You were annoyed by this behaviour of him. Not only did he let his employees work in such poor condition, he also can't respect the values of lives. You thought the idea of this whole ordeal is just pure stupid. And most of the remaining mortal grunts like you also agreed, but your resentments are clearly silent, for the most part.
And the last but not least of your problems, Hank J. Wimbleton. Pratically being the root of the apocalypse happening nevada, he brings troubles or death for basically anyone he comes across. Heck, you were suprised that this man manage to even have a team in the first place.
One day, you were casually just sitting at the passenger seat of the agency's truck delivering supplies to another base that supposedly located not far away.
And the next thing you knew, another smaller vehicle drove right next to you, a hook suddenly emerges from the back of it and flew up above the truck's roof. While you and the driver were momentarily distracted by it, a bullet hits the window and shot the driver. Your startled state turned into panic and you immediately jumped out of your sitting position to grab the steering wheel, trying to control the truck while your leg tries to hit the brake.
Then something hits you on the head, knocking you out thus losing control over the truck and making screeching sound before crashing, almost rolling it over.
While you lay unconsciously on top of the driver's body, the smaller car's wheels halts just feets away from ths truck and two men comes out. The black figure near the broken window stares intensively at the two body before a voice behind him called.
Gaining your concious back by the throbbing pain in your head, you groan lightly before you took a glimpse at your surroundings and heard distant talking just outside the truck. Keeping yourself to shut up from the pain, you took the weapons stocked up under the seats and loaded it. Bracing yourself, you pushed the door open, getting the attentions of the men before you emerged and shot all around them immediately.
Fortunately, you were succesfully able to shot one of the guys and distracting the other, leaving only one familiar face to fight. Hank J. You gulp, wishing you really don't have to deal with him─ but you know your chances. And you're not dying without a fight atleast.
You kept on shooting, but he was be able to miss most of it and so you quickly changed guns when it ran out of bullets, before jumping out and running behind the truck. He followed closely and looked behind the truck, ready to kill, to find noone. A sound of car engine starting up makes his head perk up and he turns around to find the team's car moving forward at him at a fast speed, to which he quickly dodges. You kept speeding up until eventually they goes out of view.
With your heart pumping fast with adrenaline, you looked the rear mirror, seeing your ruined and blood stained form, you took deep breaths and have set one final plan in your mind.
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Walking in the empty street, your footsteps clicks against the rocky road as you tinkered around with a broken tablet in your hand in attempt to turn it on. You bit the insides of your cheek as you remixed the wires again and pressed the power button.
Your attempt were proven fruitful when the tablet made a startup sound and the logo flashes up. You smiled at your succesful try as you happily looked at the screen. Suddenly you heard a short scream coming from an alley nearby which you stopped on your tracks.
You looked around to see where the sound may have came from─ when another long scream was heard once again, and this time you were be able to sense that it was coming from one of the alleys behind you. You ran towards the source of sound as a sound of bone cracking and a scream was suddenly heard again which made you hold your breath and lean against one of the closed stores.
You exhale and turn to take a peak, your eyes widen in horror as you gaze landed at the dead bodies on the ground, blood splattered almost everywhere as you saw a strong arm dropping down an ripped off arm. You mind screamed at you to run, and you were about to do so, when you heard pained whimpers. Squinting your eyes slightly, you saw a horribly injured grunt flump on the ground, staring at the tall shadow before them in terror and fear of their life.
You felt a sudden urge to save the grunt as you took out a syringe filled with some muscle relaxant drug and stared at it. You knew this has the high chance of possibly risking your life instead, but you're willing to try. Without a second thought you closed your eyes and sneaked up towards the man quick enough before he finishes off the grunt.
You stabbed the taller grunt with the syringe in the shoulder which made them to turn around and you punched him in the face. He let out a slight groan and buried his eyes in his hands to recover for a moment. You took this chance and helped the stunned grunt to get back up. As you're doing just that, you saw the taller grunt getting back his senses, so you whispered to the grunt you've helped "go!" With no hesitation, they nodded and ran.
Your relief was short-lived before you feel yourself being grabbed by the throat and thrown back harshly into the wall of the dark alley.
Groaning, you slump down the wall, feeling immense pain through your whole body from the impact. You merely looked up fearfully as the shadowy grunt slowly approaches you with shining, cracking red goggles. You swallow the knot in your throat and closed your eyes, preparing for the worst.
But nothing came.
Confused, you looked up and was taken aback with the grunt staring deeply into you, leaning in much closer than before. "Uh.." then all of a sudden, he pulled you up and carried you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. You immediately tried to retaliate, kicking your boots and yelling but it was hopeless.
Eventually you gave up, feeling annoyed. You weren't even sure what or where he's planning to do or go, yet you were too tired to think so you eventually slept. Then you were rudely woken up when you were plopped down a hard chair.
You shook your head a little before the view of your surroundings fully came in. A few grunts walks around in what seems like a factory some sort doing their works and a grunt wearing sensor goggles and mask. He's looking at his computer sits infront of you before glancing up at you. "So this is the one that you wanted to recruit?" He questions, you turned to your side to see the grunt from before nodding. Now that you were able to see his full form, now did you realize that it was Hank. Being next to him, you began to sweat.
"Welcome in the team then."
Well, getting recruited and a decent payment with the unexpected help of a criminal certainly is not an everyday thing.
Your now employer, 2BDamned, or doc for short, saw your repaired tablet in your bag and asked if you were able to demonstrate more of your skill. You did. You fixed some machine there that broke down. Which was also the reason how you're landed a job as an engineer in the team.
It was fairly.. normal you could say. The other grunts there were pretty nice to talk to, some would be fearful when seeing you though, and you weren't really sure why. The work condition is definitely better than what in AAHW provided. One small problem though. Hank.
I mean sure, it's expected, hank is hank, doing hank things. But something is just off about how he behaved around you. He would just stand next to you, saying nothing while watching you do work. One time you were rushing to go down the stairs to meet doc but you slipped and fell down. You heard heavy boots approaching fastly and within seconds hank was by your side, offering a hand to you. You took his hand and stood up with a little struggle before thanking him and tried to let go of your hand but he wouldn't budge. So the entire meeting with doc was tad awkward with him just holding your hand.
He also likes to appear out of nowhere. You were just casually shopping at the remaining stable grocery shop in the city when suddenly there was a shadow cast over you and the cashier trembling and sweating looking up behind you. Which would result you to sigh, knowing that it's him.
You weren't sure how to respond to any of this behaviour of his, so you kind of just let it happen. Sometimes he can be pretty creepy sure yet, you're just grateful that he's not suffocating you to death and letting you live a fairly normal life. So the least you could do is tolerate his behaviour. Hoping that it just wouldn't go worse.
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cookeybg · 6 months
Gotham Possesses
Tittle: Gotham Possesses
A cryptid Batfamily AU in which Gotham is the main character and follows its journey to consciousness as it follows its Bat and Birds. Chapters are short and a bit gloomy.
Main Characters: Gotham, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth (more characters pop up later, will add them then.)
No romantic relationships
Stuff to know: Cryptid Batfamily, grim, Melancholic mood (let me know if I should add more tags)
[Here's my table of contents]
Chapter 3 - Gotham Loved Time passed and it was only aware of it because the man, who was now known as the Bat, kept track. He was meticulous and thorough and he cherished it. No. He cherished HER. The Bat called Gotham, she. He was her Bat and Gotham was his. His city. He had settled within her caves, amongst the real bats, closer to her embrace. He embodied her shadows and she followed where he went, helping when and where she could. The Bat moved silently and the shadows further muffled his steps. If his cowl broke the shadows darkened around him so that his enemies couldn’t recognize him. She wasn’t sure if he knew, if he was aware of her but it did not matter for she was always with him and he never stopped thinking of her. She knew of the buildings that were built on her, their foundations digging into her and so she took them as part of herself like the jewelry that glittered on a human’s body. These buildings helped her Bat and so she let them stay. She knew of the beings that lived and bred on her. That swarmed and devoured each other for the meager possessions they could get their hands on. Object or flesh made no difference to these beings, like aphids they crawled, infesting and multiplying without end. She knew that some had very little while others had too much and the warmth of both soaked her streets. Her Bat was one of the few who had too much, but he used it to try to cure her. During the day he dressed in his human form, his clothes a mask to conceal the truth and at night he flew over her and with flesh and bone he cleansed her. Still, the vermin would not stop and some even grew stronger. Despite the infestation the Bat would not stop. Under the anger, under the sorrow, under the pain, a strange glow flickered within him. It glowed whenever he help those in need. It warmed her whenever he succeeded on solving one of his cases. It lit like a firework when a smaller being showed him trust. Gotham cradled that glow. She watched. She listened. She knew. Gotham was filled with love.
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redheadspark · 1 year
I am so excited for the new prompt list!
Can I please request Druig from MCU Eternals with #12 w/ #13? I didn’t know if you were okay with both prompts being requested together, but it’s alright if only one of them is written out!
Happy summer!
A/N - Very perfect for Druig! Thanks for requesting this, dear! And also, this is for you @basicrese since you requested this too :)
Summary - Druig is shown your safe haven
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Warnings - Just some fluff :D
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“Where are you takin’ me, luv?”
“You’ll see,”
Druig chuckled as you were tugging him along out of the Domo and down its ramp.  The cooler summer evening was such a relief compared to the recent heat wave that came through the area.  The small wind that swept in and touched the trees made being outside more bearable.  You had to wait until the temperature was low enough to finally be outside again, though heat and cold was nothing to an Eternal.  Still, the place that you wanted to show Druig would be better in a cooler temperature and without the sun beating down along your backside. 
Out near one of the major cliffs that overlooked the ocean, you were walking along a well worn path that you helped create with your constant walks.  Druig has never been in this area before, he mostly stayed near the village and by the Domo.  It wasn’t that he hated nature, he was more prone to being around humans and helping them out.  You on the other hand loved being out in nature, amongst the tall trees and breathing in the sea salt air.  Nature was in your blood, everyone else on the Domo knew that and never defied it.  You’re even made your own little safe haven near the ocean and away from prying eyes.  
Now you were taking Druig to see your haven, which was a big step no doubt.
After going on a few smaller hills, there was a small tittle clearing that was nestled along the cliff walls that had an amazing view of the ocean.  Druig was shocked to see the glittering waters of the oceans reflecting off the cliffs behind them, the cooling colors of the sand and grass, and what seemed to be a few large logs that were perched in a semi circle facing out to the ocean and its calming waters.  
Druig thought of it looking like a small slice of heaven.
“It’s the one place I go to to escape, or just have some alone time mostly,” You explained as you guided him over to the two large logs that were almost embedded in the loose dirt and sand beneath your feet. Druig was still looking around with wide eyes and in amazement, thinking of it as perfect for you in every way.  You were never one to be showy wit trinkets or gifts, not like Kingo.  Nor were your pompous in your powers and wished to have it be seen far and wide, not like Ikaris.  
No, Druig knew you were more humble and you loved to be hidden in the background with your own ability and personality.  Druig loved that about you, along with your shyness and your kindness to be helpful and have a service heart.  You two were so in sync with how you wished to be helpful and considerate to the humans, you were his own shoulder to lean on when he felt unheard by the others.  There was no doubt in his mind that you loved having your own time away from everyone else.
This place was perfect for you.
“I wanted to show you since I can tell you’ve been needing a place to clear your mind,” You explained to him, seeing him plop down on the log and smiled widely at you, “I know the Domo is to the ideal place for you to think and to be alone—“
“This place is wonderful,” Druig breathed to you, seeing your eyes going wide and a small smile on your lips.
“Really?” You asked, seeing him nod and squeezed your joined hands together.
“It’s the perfect place for you, and I feel honored that you are letting me see this,” Druig explained as he saw the look of relief on your face. Of course you were nervous to show Druig your sacred place, knowing that it was your own place for solstice and for meditation.  Sometimes being an Eternal was a bit too much for you, the pressure on your shoulders and the feeling of not doing enough to be up to par with the others.  Stumbling on this place a few years ago when you were on a solo walk, you thought of it as a place that you could run to or simply hide away in when things were a bit too much.
Apart from the company of Druig, this place brought you peace.
“You can use this place, if you need to.” You reasoned with him, seeing him smile and scoot a bit closer to you to wrap an arm around your waist, “It might be good for you to get some fresh air in your lungs.  Plus, you can bring your snacks here,”
“I would love to use this space, if that’s okay with you.  But I would love to use this space with you next to me,” Druig reassured him as he pecked you on the cheek, “And I know the perfect kind of snacks to bring.”
“Oh really, what kind?” You had to ask, Druig chuckling and shrugging his shoulders.
“I can’t really say, but Ikaris should keep an eye on his snacks that he cherishes,” Druig said in a snort as you smacked his arm with your own smirk on your face.
The End
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August Prompt Session
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Hell Bent For Leather Part 1
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader, Minor Steve Rogers X Natasha Romanov
Summary: You're on the run from your old motorcycle club and abusive ex-boyfriend. You run into a man with the most beautiful blue eyes who somehow finds out who you're running from. He offers you protection and reunites you with someone who you thought was dead.
Tags/Warnings: Biker AU, Paste Abusive Relationships, Dialogue Heavy, Brock Rumlow is a dick
A/N: There is little reader descriptions--only things mentioned is that reader is smaller than Bucky and has hair long enough to braid and be put in a ponytail. Tittle and chapter titles come from the song Hell Bent For Leather by Judas Priest.
Chapter 1:  Seek him here, seek him on the highway
You had ridden out of there as fast as your motorcycle could take you in the early hours of the morning, unsure where the roads would take you. How could you know? You were never allowed off of the property of the clubhouse unless it was for work or if he��was with you. After months of slowly saving up money from your job, you had enough to finally get out.  
Two years. Two long years you had been in that damned club. 
Two years since you had lost the only family you had left. 
The road seemed to have stretched on for miles. You wanted to get out of the territory of the club and at least a few towns over. But you needed to stop, you were getting tired. The sun was beginning to set.  
The sun had gone down when you had finally found a place to stay. An old motel right off the road right before an intersection. The sign by the road read ‘Maximoff’s Motel’ in big red painted letters. The open sign out front had flickered slightly as you pulled into the nearly empty parking lot. 
The boy behind the counter eyed you suspiciously. He looked you up and down a few times. You eyed him back. He was small but lean; his bleached hair looked almost silver under the lights. He looked young, too young to be running a motel alone late at night. 
 “How can I help you, ma’am?” He finally spoke after looking at you so intensely. 
His Eastern European accent shocked you a bit. You were used to the country and southern accents and the dialog that came from your old club that made you think that they were uneducated. Most of them probably were. 
“One room, just for the night,” Your voice came out harsh from not speeching all day. You grunted a ‘please’ at the end. 
He asked if you wanted a single or double bed, to which you replied with single. Your voice still sounded harsh as if you were crying. Which you had been hours ago when you first left. 
He handed you a room key after you paid him for the night. You thanked him and he nodded in reply. He was pressing numbers on an old telephone as soon as you turned around to find your room.  
You were unable to sleep. The fear of him finding you and dragging you back prevented you from sleeping for more than about three hours. 
He would not have noticed that you were gone until he got back from work a little after 4 PM. Even then, he usually did not come to find you until later in the night when he wanted physical intimacy from you. Only then would he notice that your motorcycle was gone. That had given you enough time after he left in the morning to get as far as possible without leaving any clues in which direction you had gone in. 
He would not send the entire gang to go find you. He would have done it himself. But he only had so much time outside of the club.  
You finally turned over to look at the time on the analog clock after refusing to look when you first awoke. 5:47 AM. After groaning and changing into the only other change of clothes you brought, you left to go back to the check-in. 
 There was someone else behind the counter this time. A young woman with auburn hair now sat in the boy's place. She looked roughly the same age as the boy, maybe younger. She looked more lively than the boy looked last night. You did not blame him though considering how late it was. 
She greeted you with a friendly hello in the same Eastern European accent and asked if you needed anything. You asked for another night in your room, in which she happily allowed after you placed the cash on the counter. After some hesitation, you asked her where the nearest town was to find a job. 
You must have caught her by surprise because she blinked a few times before answering, “Turn left at the intersection. There’s a small town about 5 minutes down the road. The diner is still requesting help.” 
You thanked her kindly. Her face seemed to have softened before replying with a you’re welcome and a sweet smile.
True to the young woman’s words the diner had been looking for hires. The older waitress who you had talked to looked wearily at you. Everyone in the diner had seen you roll in on your motorcycle. Hell, the entire town had seen you come in. 
You must have looked desperate because the woman had given you the job and uniform and asked you to come in the next day. 
You were unable to sleep again that night. Whether it was the jitters to have to start a new job or the fact that he could have caught up to you by now, you were unsure. 
The clock beside you told you that it was a little after five in the morning. You were not going to get any more sleep and you had to be at the diner at six. 
You relished under the hot water in the shower for a long time. The water at the clubhouse was always cold and the men never seemed to have minded. You never had time to enjoy showers anyways, you did not trust the men in the club when you were most vulnerable. 
You rushed to get ready, unaware of how much time you had accidentally spent in the shower. 
Stopping by the check-in again, both the young woman and the young man were there. They had been conversing with one another before you had stepped in. You asked for another night and you thanked the girl again for recommending the diner. 
She beamed at you and the man’s facial expression seemed to have softened when he saw the look on her face. 
Working at the diner was not too hard. You had worked at a bar when you were back at the club; bartending was not too different from waitressing. Most of the customers were elderly and did not seem to have minded if you made a mistake with their order. Despite this, they still tipped you well, which you greatly appreciated. While you for thankful for the job, it was not the best pay. 
You had been working at the diner for about a week. You rode in on your motorcycle every morning and returned to the motel every night. The routine made you forget what you were running away from. It had not bothered you because you knew that he would have caught up to you by now.
Instead of asking for another night every morning you had asked for another week at the motel, paying with the tips you saved up from the week before. The young woman gave you a deal since you were planning on staying for a while. You thanked her endlessly and she gave you another one of her bright smiles. 
It was suspected to be like any other day at the diner: clock in, prepare for the day, take orders, and do your job. What you had not expected was the man that rolled into the diner with a scowl.  
“Who’s bike is outside?” His voice roared over the quiet chatter of the customers, silencing them all. 
You turned around and were met with a gruff-looking man. His bright blue eyes swept over the diner, undoubtedly looking for someone.  
“Mine.” You answered. You knew by now that you were the only person who owned a motorcycle on that side of town. 
His eyes stopped on you. The scowl on his face disappeared. You knew you were not who he was expecting. He stalked up to the counter you were standing behind. He asked in a softer tone this time. “You in a club, sweetheart?”  
You frowned. That was not the type of question you were expecting. Hell, you were not sure what you were expecting when he came in and started yelling about your motorcycle. And the use of a nickname at the end made you frown deeper. 
“Not anymore.” You replied truthfully with a frown still adorned on your face. 
“And why is that?” He asked, leaning forward on the counter and frowning as well. 
Another question. “I got out.” He gave you a weird look, “For a good reason.”
“What’s a good reason, huh?” 
His continuous questions were starting to piss you off. He had no business to ask you these questions in the first place. It was not a topic that you wanted to discuss with anyone. Let alone a stranger. You were trying to forget your past and the man at the counter in front of you, who you still have yet to learn the name of, would not leave you alone. 
“Do you consider kidnapping me and killing my sister a good enough reason?” You answered in a low tone, but the anger in your voice was evident. 
His eyes widened and he leaned off the counter. He was silent for a moment, thinking before speaking. 
“Shit, honey I’m sorry.”  
He looked genuinely sorry. It took you by surprise. He backed off and walked out without looking back at anyone. 
You ignored the nickname and watched him leave. There was a motorcycle parked next to yours. You watch him as he swung his leg over it and rolled out of the parking lot. 
Your manager who had watched the entire encounter told you to have the rest of the day off after that.
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rosedragonblast · 1 year
Kinktober/Voidtober, Part 2
Theme 1: Knifeplay. Ship: Knifecrow. Warning: Kink, blood, aggressive show of affrection.
Daud spins the knife in his hand, looking at how the light plays on it's sharp edge. Corvo always compares Daud to this instrument. Deadly, elegant, durable. Yet, in the right hands, it can be used for many different things. Cooking, carving wood, even healing. Something that is used to cut those wounds into people can also help to tear the fabric into smaller pieces, making it easy to cover the injury. Ironic, if you consider what has become of Daud in those last few months. New promotion, reputation. Even tittle, along with respect among those who usually despised him for his low place of birth on society. Daud feels like a knife that got a new handle, was sharpened and got the respect it deserves. Daud knows he should feel proud and relieved. But he feels more nervous than anything else. He sighs, puts down his pen and goes towards the window. Hearing somebody entering, he doesn't even react, knowing all too well who this is. — Corvo, you can stop trying to scare me. I know you're here. He turns, but sees nothing. His knife is missing. Daud thinks for a second that he is mistaking, but when his own blade touches his neck, royal spymaster has no doubt. — You are such a dick sometimes. — Come on. You love it, — Corvo presses on the blade, making Daud swallow out of nerve and excitement. Corvo slowly drags the blade upwards, almost cutting through the skin. Daud feels a tiny drop of blood going down his neck and carotid artery. He is not afraid for his life. Attano likes to play with Daud like he is a dog. And Daud lets him. His reasons are his own. But this sense of belonging is too great to give up just yet. Theme 2: Assassin. Ship: Emily/Male!Wyman. Wyman is a trustworthy ally. Emily knows about it well. Too well, infact. Many people also know this, and this is quite natural for them to try and get rid of her lover. He doesn't face any murder attempts until today. Good thing that Emily is prepared for it. When a shadow cases slight movements in candle's flame, Wyman already stands guard. Feeling that someone is stalking him through the halls, he prepared his knife when he enters his room. He knows that he is all alone. Guards have been taken care of. He has to face him alone. Or, that is what he thinks. Wyman sees how the assassins charges, pressing him to the door. The noble is no stranger to combat. He fights back, punching a hired killer in the face. This second is enough for him to gain the upper hand. Assassin flips them over, trying to make the last blow. But he freezes, gasping for air. A scarf, tightly wrapping around killer's neck, gives him almost no chance to fight. He gets one single blow to the head before collapsing. A not-so-mysterious figure ties him up, pushin an unconscious knife for hire aside. — I owe you yet again, your majesty. — Wyman gently holds Emily's hand in his, kissing her wrist that is wrapped in a cloth. — Shut up, mister royal, — young Kaldwin laughs and puts her hand on Wyman's cheek, rubbing it against his soft skin. — How did you know it was me? — Only a deadly assassin can go unnoticed by another deadly assassin.
— You think i'm deadly? — The deadliest woman for me, my little sparrow. Emily smiles, winks at Wyman and leans in for a kiss, wrapping her hands around his strong neck, not forgetting to put away an unsuccessful killer in the heavy wooden closet until morning.
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
Hi, I just wanted to say that I found your rot monster au literally 10 minutes ago and I needed to say that I LOVE shit like that. It's amazing! I was also wondering if Shinobu ever find out that it was Sanemi who killed her sister. I imagine that being an interesting conversation.
Im so happy more ppl like it!!
But yes! Shinobu finds out about it since the corps kept it a secret from everyone to not taint the tittle of the warrior angels. Kanae’s death was blamed on Douma so Kocho made it her mission to find this demon until she faces him face to face.
“You kelpies don’t give a fuck about who you guys even eat? Gluttony should be your biggest sin” The young moth fairy yelled at the albino, slendered kelpie centaur as he approaches her towering over her small body.
Douma leans with a creepy smile, his eyes were widen, pupils were now smaller expressing hatred through his eyes. “I don’t like you…. But I hate even more when ppl claim false accusations against me, what’s her name? How did she looked like?” Douma asked pointing out he remembers every and each one of his victims.
“Her name was Kanae Kocho, she was the fairy queen, she looked just like me just with longer hair and pink butterfly wings attached to her eyes and ears…” the short woman replied to the kelpie and he immediately lets out a “No. I never killed your sister. I never killed a fairy even less the fairy queen.” Douma replied as he backs up walking back to his pond.
Shinobu started investigating the death of her sister since all this time it was a lie but much later on she finds out it was Sanemi but Sanemi had to leave the corp years ago to protect Genya.
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
It's really sad that Pokemon and Game Freak just ignore the numerous spinoff series that could make them just as much money if they properly marketed them, Ranger and Mystery Dungeon especially, but they're so dead set on the main series that they don't even give anyone a chance to breathe after a new release. I thought that DLC might have been a good chance to stretch out the time between new gens but clearly they didn't think that way
Anonymous asked: The problem with Pokemon's development cycles is that why would Nintendo/Gamefreak/TPC change it if it would seem that no matter what they release it will sell within minutes? Despite of the issues the game was the fastest selling Pokemon tittle to date. Unless it starts hitting them on their wallets they won't change jackshit.
Whatever happened to Mystery Dungeon, man? I think we got one remake a few years ago but that's weirdly it?
But, yeah, oh my God: for all GameFreak knows 'we could put Pokemon on anything and make millions', there are so many smaller-scale projects they could do to keep cashflow coming in while mainline titles are being developed.
I mean, let's address this little nugget of OBVIOUSNESS: Make a series of games in the same vein as Stadium/Stadium 2. You could have each game only focus on the Pokemon from two regions so they wouldn't have to worry about the 'oh, but there's 800+ Pokemon and there's no realistic way for all of them to be in one game' debacle.
People probably wouldn't mind too much as long as they put in a minuscule story-mode and what was the biggest draw for the Stadium games? The Mini-Game Corner!
Or, hell, make a Mario Party clone! Even Animal Crossing had their swing at a board-game... It was an ungodly abomination of 'buy our plastic shite', but if we live in a timeline where Amiibo Festival and Sonic Shuffle exist, then there's no reason for Pokemon not to have one.
PokePark could use a new game. A return to the Colosseum/XD formula would be appreciated. Hell, Pokemon: Conquest! With how popular things like Fire Emblem have gotten in recent years, I'm surprised that GameFreak hasn't said 'Hm... Let's give Conquest another shot but make it less Japanese and more vaguely European fantasy'.
I'm not trying to say 'oh, big game companies should stop wanting to make money' but GOD, there are so many ways to go about this that DON'T result in 'sandwich minigames that make WarioWare look like Final Fantasy XV'
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thelreads · 2 years
L: "I liked when Koichi was focused on the unseen side of doing good, helping people, keeping the street clean, you know, things that didsn`t necessarily involved fighting giant exploding monsters while building fell from the sky and all that." Furuhashi: "Got it, something about fighting giant exploding monsters, let's gooooo!"
That's probably how the brainstorm meeting went. Which is a shame, because when Vigilantes did focus on smaller-scale things it was actually quite interesting. Stain, the Queen, drug distribution in low income neighborhoods, even that football thief- all the things that would fly under the radar of regular heroes and where the vigilantes could show their true colors. They were supposed to be helping the common folk without the need for recognition and the restraints of law, but as it went they are just regular heroes that don't have a license, which sure might be a way to interpret their tittle, but, meh
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
The Extravagant Sea Club I
There will be a pattern in this tittles :3
Here's the start of the 2nd Palace of the series.
What we will cover:
-Palace exploring
-discovering about the victims
-theorising why Floyd was tied in with all this bullcrap
-chasing a bird :3
The last one is just for funsies :3
Or is it? >:3
Smol warning: even if it's uncomfortable for me too, I will have to allude to more... 18+ themes... But not on the violent side... -3- y'all know what I'm talking about...
I'm talking about the real birds and bees thingie... ;-;
Also! I forgot to drop Ace's codename... ;-;  so we will drop it in here on the go...
Now onto the chaos!
So... A nightclub...
Ace voices everyone's concern about it, saying that in what on earth's name did they stumble upon? Vil is the level headed one who notes that for now, they seem to be seen as guests, since they aren't in the thief attire. Nonetheless, they should proceed with caution.
So stepping in, it was notable the excesive amounts of neon bulbs that still weren't on, as it was day. Display glass where, apparently, nothing was displayed into.
It wasn't a singular building, there were more smaller bars and clubs, all around small dark streets that seemed to be patrolled by security cameras and bodyguards at the doors. The people that were passing by in a hurry were almost akin to the daytime Tokyo: Busy with their own work. The difference was the hats/cloaks or hair that covered their faces, which also had masks. There were small stalls where the owners seemed to sell drinks and food.
Which was wierd. Why was everything looking so normal?
Using the sign instructions, the group headed towards the 'town square'. In there it was a more circular aera, with a fountain, which had above a big sign with a program:
Free days and Holidays: Day
All day-errands & taxes
Monday-Saturday: Night
10-11- Settling in
11-12-display start
12-13-bar start
21-22-Closing hour
It was a program... And they so happened to go on the 'day' program.
So walking around peacefully, a few things were to be noticed: the lack of apartments or spaces to live, the fact that most people seemed to wear coverings for something underneath, the tax system, which seemed to be extremely strict and monotone.
But they didn't fund any safe room. All the buildings were off limits and guarded. Not even the 'locals' entered any building. They would just stay outside.
So they had no other option than to leave, not without putting a reminder: the palace was off limits on days when school isn't in session.
Returning to the real world, it was necessary now for them to gain an inside person from Kosei high. Vil does know a guy: Rook Hunt. Rook was an exchange student from France, mostly recruited for his archery talent. So since he was staying at the dorms, Rook was easy to get to meet with.
And BOI... Vil only had to press 'dial' for Rook's number and the blonder was already there. Like damn... What did this one eat?!
So meeting Rook Hunt! The French exchange student of Kosei high!
After the short intros, Vil did ask Rook about possible rumors regarding his principal. The blonde seemed a bit too extra with his way of speech, but Ortho thankfully spoke that kind of extra language and so he squeezed out of the whole poem just a few things.
The Kosei principal had a favourism amongst students. Especially female students and teachers along with quite wealthy ones. Coming from a wealthy family as well, a lot of people, even from outside Kosei, try to be on his good side.
It was enough for our group to confirm that indeed, there had to be a hierarchy system in Kosei, one that in order to climb up, you had to do some dirty work.
With that, the group had to go each to their home, so they said goodbye to Rook.
Unbeknownst to them, the blonde had yet another meeting with someone. One in which conversations lead to dropping one pelicular name: the Phanthom thieves.
Back at Leblanc, Ortho and Riddle were meet with a cage on the counter, one in which an Ash grey and white birb was chirping.
Ortho recognised it as Chonky, Idia's bird. Riddle was curious about it, to which Ortho explained that Chonky was Idia's bird for a long time. Idia took great care of them and usually Chonky would fly around the older brother's room when Idia was in there. If Chonky was at Leblanc, it meant that either Idia was cleaning up his room, which was rare, or Idia was out for the day and asked Futaba to change Chonky's food.
The birb seemed to be awoken as it rose up. It was small and round, more like a fluff ball, with big, beady eyes and a small beak when sleeping, but when up, it was more or so slender looking, with big wings and a long tail. It was a parrot. :'3
Maybe Idia picked the name when the birb was sleeping. Because that one was surely anything but 'chonky'. :'3
Futaba also returns from the kitchen when the birb finished looking around. And suddenly, Chonky started to stirr around and chirp. The woman told the 2 that she still is surprised how Idia manages to handle such an energy ball of chirps and screeches, but it was more Idia's attachment to the birb and vice-versa than anything else.
Luckily, Idia came in a bit later. When asked about where he went, he revealed that Vil holded him a bit more in the shopping district and that the trains got delayed. Chonky seemed to recognize their owner as it chirped to attract Idia's attention.
Futaba told Idia that it isn't allowed for chonky to fly around the cafe, because their feathers will spread around and cause a mess. Idia did only stick his hand in to pet the quite eager for affection birb.
Ortho tells Riddle that Idia got chonky before entering 2nd year at high school, after he won at a science contest with his invention. He plans on participating this year too, but this time he didn't yet reveal the invention to the other students/public, but Ortho knew what it was and he swore to secrecy.
Idia mentioned how the next week, he will have to go and so some errands. So before Riddle could have a say in it, Ortho offers for both of them to watch over Chonky.
Riddle never had a pet before, so this will be... More like a free trial. :'3
The next day, school was in full swing. Unfortunately for Riddle, Jade seemed to have 'fallen behind' with the lesson, so Mr Vanrogue assigned Riddle to show Jade and help him understand the subject. So Riddle planned a bit later at Leblanc. :3
So with that out of the way, our group immediately had to hurry after school and get to the metaverse.
This time, the whole floating club city was at night (despite still being day in the reality). A lot of colorful neon lights, suggestive adds and little to none people brimming on the streets.
But even so, those people wore either more night clothes fit for the club, or sparkly bath suits, that were meant for anything except taking a bath.
Still, our group was not seen as enemies.
Now still with the bodyguards at the entries, it was noticeable a few signs: Entry fee, VIP entry and Free entry. So far, only one building had the free entry, being the largest one of them all.
The tallest one was a tower like club, which had a sign out of pink hue neon, spelling 'the office'. That one had to be where the treasure was hidden.
It was clear they had to climb the hierarchy and gain access to the more VIP clubs in order to get to the treasure.
The first club was more or so simple. With a bar connected and people on the dance floor. And unfortunately, at the bar, everything was varieties of alcohol.
They needed to find a more easy to pocket shadow and get from them a pass to the higher level clubs.
So setting their target onto one which looked more defenseless, Vil was the one who passed around and pretended to be interested in dancing, only to pickpocket the shadow and escape. Unfortunately, he got caught when the shadow pocketed themselves and realized that the card was missing.
Cue changing into the thief attire... And a club fight. :3
Spade somehow got his hands on a bottle of alcohol, so he slammed it in the barman's head, knocking them out before they could pound the alarm and therefore gaining access behind the counter for Flame, who was trying to rummage through it and deactivate the alarm sistem.
And also steal sum money. They are thieves after all. :3
Heart(Ace) joins in stealing the money, Poison throws a table, Spade punched a bunch of people and Rose set on fire the couch. We do not ask how... It just happened to be flamboyant. U-Ub
But they had to get out quick and return to the reality.
Unfortunately the stolen money were fake ones. They could only use it in the metaverse or make a money shower to be a bit of gremlins. :'3
But Riddle is in time to LeBlanc, a bit before Jade also comes for their 'remedial studies'. Riddle was a bit suspicious, especially when Jade showed to have understood the subject already. Riddle was highly suspicious when Jade actually understood, but insisted that he still didn't really grasp the subject entirely and that it would be better is they Could also study another day. Riddle scheduled him on Friday, so he wouldn't have to deal with him for a few days.
The next day, it just so happened for the Kosei 2nd years to have more shorter classes. So when our Gang got our of school, Floyd was waiting for Jade at the Shujin school gate, along a few other girls, talking in between them. All of them were from Kosei high, if it wasn't obvious from the uniforms.
And unfortunately, the very first person Floyd spots and approaches immediately is 'Goldfishie'.
Yeah... Riddle is currently carving again death... Not only Ace looked more than ready to add fuel to the fire, but Floyd managed to attract attention as well. Thankfully, Vil had a bit of student council work, so he wasn't going to be out soon to witness this clownery.
Since 'goldfish' is Jade's classmate, it meant that he must've know where Jade was. That's Floyd's logic, although Riddle made it clear that Jade was gathering up his stuff and probably talking with someone on the hall... But also... Pls... Floyd... Stop poking Riddle... He's already way too red.
Well the bothering gets stopped when Jade, the man of the hour, comes by. It seems like he sure did expect Floyd to be out this early, therefore he nudged his brother to go to their mom together, along the rest of the girls from Kosei that happened to have the same road as them.
Ace, the lil shit™, tho said outloud that Deuce has the same road home and also that today, they decided to study at Deuce's place. Riddle wanted to loudly protest, but Ortho slammed his mouth shut and confirmed Ace's statement.
Meanwhile Deuce panicky texted his mom that apparently today he had guests over out of the blue. Bring out the fine cute panda China... U-U/✨
On their way tho, Ortho noticed something strange. All of the girls, Floyd included, seemed to have bruises and/or bandages. One of them didn't talk at all, but also Floyd's gesticulating was in a certain pattern, his hands often making some way too controlled movements to be random. He even stood a bit to think before proceeding with the speaking and gesticulating. It seemed like the girl had a similar gesticulating.
So when each of the girls was safely dropped to their homes, the next on the list was the Nijima residence.
But it seemed like both the twins and our group was headed to the same apartment. Both parties were all like 'why are you going in here?' 'no, why are YOU going in here?'.
Deuce clears out that he just goes home, proving his point when he opens the door with his house keys.
And surprise surprise! It seemed like a group dinner was commencing. Yusuke, Haru and Makoto were in there. Add to that aunt Sae came also.
Deuce 'Let's go study elsewhere' Nijima, everyone!
But yeah... It was awkward, except for Floyd who was all like 'Hello, mama!'. Of course Haru was just smiling and greeting her son.
But in the end, the study group retreated in Deuce's room. To 'study'.
Yeah, Ace got a good laugh when he saw the big baby chicken plush on Deuce's bed. Rip annoying ginger, you probably will be missed. U-Ub
But Ortho pulls out the 'invisible ink notebook'. And they start to brainstorm on it. They also were texting on the gc with Vil to keep him updated on their strategy. They needed somehow to create a link in between the club buildings. Ace Brought up the possibility of a fire exit. Every modern building in a big city has a fire exit. Vil suggested vents as well, so in the end, the group decided to fashion a special ropeway in between the buildings roofs. But for that, they need to secure a route, explore the buildings and deactivate the security sistem for each of them so that whenever they return, to not be in danger of a fight, or the palace ruler to figure out their little plan.
Unfortunately, they are cut short from the brainstorming by Makoto, who asks them to get the twins as well in their little 'chat'. It was awkward even for the woman, so it was clear it was meant to distract anyone and let the 'adults to talk'.
And boy was it awkward o-o;
Thankfully... For what it felt like an eternity, Yusuke comes to pick up Ortho and Riddle. Ace makes as well an excuse to leave, much to Deuce's dismay.
The next day, Deuce comes to school very much scared. When asked about it by the group, the bluenette said that the twins interrogated him until their mom had to pick them up. And they were scary af.
It was clear... The twins were onto them.
Fortunately, they had the high ground at Shujin. But since they were investigating Kosei, that's where the twins had the advantage. So they chose a not so suspicious spot to meet up and go to the metaverse.
As the world wrapped around and showed the Extravagant palace, the group of thieves looked in between them. "Let's go... We need to secure a route to the next club..." Poison declared, the group hurrying through the streets and entering the first club they previously got the security down.
But unknown to them, a few steps were heard.
"What do you say?" "I must admit... I didn't expect something so grand out of them... You did well..." "Merci! Now, monsieur mastermind... What might your mind plan next?"
One of the 2 smiled a bit, covering their mouth with their gloved hand.
"We will look around, dear Hunt-senpai..."
Meanwhile, our group managed to get to the roof of the first club via stairs and slaughtering the staff before they could report anything... :'3
So much for gentleness... TwTb
But in the end, here they were, on the roof, with a rope, a bow and a grapple arrow. They needed to pass over the street to the other club, so now Heart was going to shoot it, while the others made sure they weren't seen.
Fortunately they zipline across quickly to the next club, but since it was taller, they landed on the fire exit stairs. So by this, they entered through a window and took out a guard.
Fortunately they were close to the security room. So a nice sneaky sneaky and fighting and they were in, with Flame entering in the system and deactivating the alarms.
But that's when they noticed the fact that the clubs had a connection in security. Mainly they discovered that apparently the other clubs could send a signal for more staff to the nearby clubs. It wasn't under the alarm section, but it could get more security as well.
And in their first cleared club, it was called for more security, cause being 2 intruders, both seemingly armed.
Oh Riddle was sure throwing a casket about it once they counted heads and realised that no, they were all in there. The adults promised to keep out of this (due to mostly their schedules and the possibility of police getting back on their tails), so while it was a fair chance of being them, it was also a chance of someone else.
So by deactivating the staff call function in here, the thieves returned to the first club, to deactivate the other staff call function.
And boy did they witness a show.
It was none other than Rook and Jade who were wrecking havoc, the 2 trying to get out. So the thieves come in to rescue them and drag them off from the scene, not after Ortho disabled the 'call staff' function.
In the 2nd club, they find a safe room.
That's where they decided to disarm both Rook and Jade (the bow, arrows and a pocket knife) and interrogate them over it.
Rook immediately rats out that it was all Jade's plan. He was just a mere pawn. Again, where is this man's loyalty??? Jade spills out that Rook agreed to go by his orders in the first place to snoop on Vil.
Yeah... The interrogation turned into both trying to rat each other out. Smh teens... -3-
Heart is the one who decides to out a stop to it, by demanding for them to shut up for God's sake. U-U9
So Poison explains that they are in a cognitive world, one in which they will die if they aren't careful. It seems like both Rook and Jade were quick to understand and not make a whole goddamn scene(like our residents one braincell duo). So at least there was that reassurance.
'Getting in the next club would be easy' they said. 'you just gotta make another zipline' they said.
Not really, cuz the 3rd club had no roof entry and it was one of those 'entry fee' kind of club. Thankfully Heart and Flame's gremlin energy assured that our boyos got the money to enter.
So what was in that club? First of all, a bigass dance floor. Second of all, a stage for performers. 3rd, a bit less of people, as most were looking at the performances displayed in there.
Rook immediately realised who those performers were: Kosei female students. Jade is as well taken aback by this, since this was how the director perceived the poor students.
And it only made both to start and boil with rage.
Poison warned that... Unfortunately... It meant that something similar would undergo in the real world, but less drastic than this. As an example, Flame only gave out Neige's Palace, where students were perceived as either prisoners or loyal knights.
Wierdly enough, there was an observation room, where you could see if certain security points in the aera were on or off... There were also 2 tunnels to other 2 buildings.
So to get things faster, they split into teams. Flame stood in the observation room, managing communications for now.
Team 1- Rose, Spade and Jade
Team 2- Poison, Heart and Rook
With team 1:
Jade seemed to be quite silent, but nonetheless, he did make it clear that he would want to know why they were looking into his brother. It wasn't that hard to realise what Jade really implied.
Jade wanted to know why the Phanthom thieves wanted to initially target Floyd of all people.
Well, Rose explains (since Spade would rather keep his lips tight around the twins) that initially, Floyd was requested on the Phan Site, under the pretext that he was a very dangerous delinquent. Of course, when his name didn't get any kind of hits on the app, they rose a brow and had to look more into it.
Jade seemed to be quite reassured by the fact that his brother did not have any rotten desires.
Although, Rose does ask why didn't Floyd transfer schools or anything similar. Jade is quick to respond that Floyd got in there based on a scholarship, as he is labeled as a 'genius'. And another motive was a bit weirder:
That Floyd was against the idea of a transfer.
So the only way Floyd would change schools, would be if he gets expelled. Jade does note that by now, it seems his brother would poke the limit, but not enough to cross it. The thieves already knew that he actually meant Floyd had beef with the principal.
In the end, they reach towards the security room. It was on a hall, guarded. So to not trigger them up, the trio found a vent they used to sneak in the security room.
Of course they had to ambush and silently take the shadow from inside, but for now, Rose and Spade were making sure no one noticed the fact that they were in there instead of the guard, while Jade was trying to turn off the security from Flame's Intel. He isn't a skilled hacker after all. :'3
But suddenly, the alarm blared, because of the building near them demanding 'more staff'.
So now the guards entered the security room and noticed the trio. And ofc they called on more back-up. Bc things can never be easy now... -3-
Why did the alarm go off tho?
Welp... Team 2 has the answer to that... :'3
~~~~(Tw for blood)~~~~
"Let's hurry!" Heart demanded as he and Rook were shooting at the shadows that tried to get in, while Poison was trying to turn off the security system and the 'staff call' function.
"there! Let's go!" Poison demanded as Rook and Heart followed in tow, the blonde thief making a few blind shots with the gun, in hopes of distracting the enemies.
After a bit of running up the halls, the 3 took a drastic turn, hiding in a dark room. "Where did we end up?!" Heart wheezed. "I think there has to be a lightswitch..." Poison mused.
"Wait..." Rook halted. "It oddly smells like perfume... Perhaps a Mugler..." He mumbled. "A who?" even in the darkness, it was obvious that Heart was tilting his head. "A designer... European fashion..." Vil cleared out, using his fingers to feel around. "I found the sw-"
A gigantic hall with changing rooms and vanity tables on the sides. Glass cases on which swimsuits with different motifs were displayed, under them different labels. The smell of perfume came from the bottles stocked on the tables, from designers all around the world.
"This... Is messed up..." Heart mumbled, containing in a gag. "Let's go until the guards break the door." Vil mused. Even if he locked the door, he could still hear bangs on it. So they had to hurry.
But only 2 pairs of footsteps were heard.
"Rook?" Poison turned around, to see the blonde boy frozen in his place, his eyes taking in all of the room's pervy glamour. "Rook! Snap out of it!" Poison grabbed the hunter by the arm, but Rook took it out immediately, starting to walk towards the other end of the hall.
"Alright, ya wierdo... We gotta buy time!" Heart demanded, pushing in front of the door a vanity table.
But Rook kept walking, looking only at the end of the hall, where one big glass box was, in it a trophy resembling a Martini glass instead of a bathsuit. The gigantic glass was made out of diamond, sparkling as it wasn't filled with anything yet. The only thing that said anything about it, was a golden plate at the top of the case.
'Archery Club Medalist: Mikan Takashi's prize'
Rook opened his mouth, only a breath getting out before he closed it again. The blonde's eyes were as big as plates, hand moving slowly as it touched the glass box gently, feeling it cold against his gloved hand.
"Damnit!" Heart cussed as the shadows entered in. "Get the guns!" Poison demanded as he pulled out his own gun, one hand getting to his ear to press on the ear piece. "Flame! We are in a bit of trouble in here~" the blonde mused. "Oh yeah... Kinda sucks for y'all..." The other was heard. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" "Shooting some guys down and stealing money... Why?" "FLAME GET HERE!" "Funny, Rose called me to them too... But again... There are sum dudes here that are blocking the entri-"
"The comms got down!" Heart summoned his persona, trying to keep the shadows away.
Wosh! Splat!
An arrow pierced through the air, stabbing a shadow right in the head. On the arrow, a glove was tied. It was silence, as everyone looked towards the direction of the arrow.
If... He considers our passions... And our futures... As mere toys for entertainment...
Rook groaned, hands letting go of the bow and arrows, the weapon falling on the ground. The blonde gripped onto his face, yelling in pain.
I am thou... Thou art I... Beauty is a luxury... And the price for a rotten soul is ugliness...
"It is time..." Rook breathed out, fist up as he slammed it into the glass case.
Crack... Crack... CRASH!
The glass box shattered as all the shards fell over Rook, cutting him as the blood dripped off in some more severe cuts.
"To purge these unsightly desires!"
Ripping off the mask, all the blood ignited in blue flames, raising up and creating gushes of wind that pushed everything aside. The shadow with the arrow in their head rose up wobbly.
Another arrow, this time in flames, shot right through it, splitting up the first arrow and successfully killing the shadow for good. As the flames cleared, Rook stood there, arm pointing towards the mass of shadows as behind him, his persona which holded a bow, being the one who shot the arrow.
(Explanation format :3)
Yeah... That was what blared the alarms first... Team 2 was quite aggressive, but returned first to Flame who tried to free off the entries.
Now back to our team 1.
Rose and Spade were holding off the guards while Jade was hurrying on the security panel. The communications fell down mid way, so the last they knew of Flame was that his entries of access towards them were blocked.
And if you asked Rose, this meant that the palace ruler already knew of their intentions and set them in a trap.
A clever trap that could have been avoided if only they didn't split up...
~~~~(Yet another blood TW)~~~~
"Jade! Hurry up!" Rose demanded, summoning one of his personas to shoo off the shadows. "It's useless on my end... They are resistant to ice!" Spade noted, entering a defence position as his moves were limited.
The tall boy ducked in time a stray attack, before looking again at the screens. Everything was going well until the communications were cut off. Now he didn't know what to do next. For all that is known, he could activate the alarms and do much worse.
He needed to understand... He wanted to know why his brother always got in trouble. He wanted to see why everyone was so secretive about everything regarding Floyd.
Secrets... They are the bane of safety...
Jade felt an unbelievable shot of pain through his head. It was as if his skull was split open as he could helplessly gasp for air. His legs became weak, the only available support being the table from the security room.
Isn't it unfair? How the ones you care about the most... Suffer in silence? How they lie to you and tell you sweet nothings just so you wouldn't find out the truth?
Jade let out a choked sob, right hand trembling as it grabbed onto his head, nails digging into his own skin as the left hand digged painfully in the metal of the table. He grunted and breathed laboriously as he rose his gaze to look at the screen. If only he could push a bit more. He had to think, to figure it out.
But the sounds around Jade started to be drowned. He found himself in absolute silence, eyes closed shut as he tried to hear something.
Knowledge is an expense... Are you willing to pay for it?
"I... Will pay..." Jade breathed out.
Very well... I am thou, thou art I... The price for your desires will come back for you... The contract is sealed. Now use me to fulfill your greed for the things your dear ones never told you!
Rose and Spade were quick to stop in their tracks once they heard a blood curling scream. Looking behind them, they only saw Jade standing tall and steady on his feet, something in his hand as the head was raised up, tilted so his golden shining eye could be seen properly as he just showed a terrifying smile, face all covered in blood.
Then he laughed like a lunatic.
As if it was a chain reaction, Jade's laughter ignited the blood into blue flames that instead of crawling onto his body, spread across the room, raising up in a wall of blue embers that separated Jade from everyone else.
The embers swirled before they opened like some theater curtains, dissappearing. Behind, the now dressed in other clothes, Jade something akin to teather stage personified. The boy in question rose his hand, pointing towards the shadows.
"I advise you... To consider me a threat..."
The persona immediately summoned in the said aera a debuffing spell, before raining attacks on the shadows as they disappeared. All this time, it seemed like the persona was holding onto Jade's hands, the boy also holding some puppet wooden crosses, meant to control it.
(UWU explanation format OwO)
It turns out Jade's persona was a support one, a Navi for short. But those kind of attacks tiered Jade way too much, that now Spade had to summon Chariot and carry the other 2 back to the others.
And because they were busted for now, they had to go back to the real world.
After that, Rook was more than down to take the principal of Kosei. Meanwhile, Jade said that he needed a bit more time to consider helping them out.
Back at Leblanc tho, Riddle and Ortho notice a wierd costumer that was drinking some coffee and reading a newspaper as a small child was drawing on a paper at the table. They didn't put much mind to it as Futaba told them he was a just regular and his nephew.
Idia drops by, saying that he will go out and that someone need to watch a bit chonky whole he is gone. Ortho with Riddle offer to do so.
They accidentally left the bird to get out of the cage and the whole night the 2 chased it through the attic.
Meanwhile, at the Kurusu residence.
Jade groaned as he plopped on the couch from the living room, bag tossed at his feet. He was drained from energy, not only from the awakening, but from the overall physical effort he made today. Well his dad sure was right when he said he needs to take seriously PE.
"Neeee! Jade! Where were ya? I waited for ya before the subway had to leave! I missed the earlier train because of ya!" A voice whined as Jade creaked an eye towards the one who said it.
Floyd just came in, his schoolbag over his shoulder. From the bag, a fur covered head popped up. The cat looked at Jade expectantly, but the boy was way too tired for that as Floyd set down the cat.
Morgana was the family cat. And Floyd always took the pet with him everywhere. Jade usually had Morgana nudge him when he was doing homework. Rarely he got the cat outside on a walk like Floyd does on a daily basis.
"Woder what did this one do to get tired? Floyd seems to never run out of energy..."
At the new voice, Jade immediately snapped out of his sluggish mood. "Woa... What has gotten into ya out of the sudden?" Floyd asked. "I... Nothing... I just thought I heard someone talk..." he grumbled, before raising as he grabbed his bag. "I'll be in our room... Doing my homework..." he declared, heading towards his room.
Although Jade glared at Morgana. He knew that cat talked. And that he wasn't going crazy. But as if his glare was picked up by the cat, Morgana returned the glare as well, while Floyd holded the cat on his shoulder, gently scratching Morgana's nape. "Let's go and see where mama is!" He mumbled, although in a sudden sour mood, as he left the room as well, towards the kitchen.
Jade was definitely not going crazy. He shook his head as he tried to concentrate onto finishing his homework, but his mind kept going elsewhere. With no other option on hand, Jade grabbed his phone and dialed a number.
Ring... Ring...
"Oh! Jade-senpai!" Ortho's voice was heard from the other end as on the background Jade swore he heard yelling and screeching of a bird. "Riddle-San is currently a bit busy at the moment..." the boy added. "No worries... I just have a small question regarding the... Metaverse..." Jade mused. "Shoot it..." it was a small pause.
"Do... You suddenly understand what cats say after a first trip to the metaverse?"
And here we finish it with this first part! :3
Now Floyd might think his brother is going nuts... :'V
But we have 2 more members! :D
But for now! I leave y'all to theorise on what might be going on in there :3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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infinitymyth · 2 years
Guess who’s back! This is an october prompt list that i decided to do! 
(Tags at the bottom)
- blood
-deadly plants
- cursing
- restraints
-guns/shooting ( though not stated.) 
Overall just a git gory.
“ This a bit unorthodox, don't you think?” Villain asked, sighing. hands pinned behind his back. Hero smiled, watching as sweat fell down the villains face, small pools puddling at his feet.
Hero grabbed a bit more garbled wire, his hands stinging from the thorns pricking at his fingertips. 
“ No. I think the only “unorthodox” thing here is that stunt you pulled on the news, villain.” Hero stated, the newly tinted green wire wrapping itself around villains hands, tangling into his hair and holding his head backwards.
Villains eyes widened, his hands struggling to pull against the newly found weight on his fingertips. Hero smiled, his eyes flashing green as the wire coiled tighter, biting deep into the villains flesh. “ No use trying to rid of those. It’s magic. I’m controlling them.” 
Villains eyes twitched, his teeth grinding together. 
Hero left the room for a moment, his footsteps lightning tapping against the hardwood floors of the warehouse.
Villain grew agitated as he yelled. “ Your mad because your not the only one in the lime light anymore!” Villain gritted his teeth as the coil dug deeper into his skin, making him feel sick and dazed with nausea.
“your not the only bitch with powers, hero! Just because you have a good tittle doesn’t mean-” hero teleported in front of villain, his eyes a dark red.
Villain swallowed as he felt something cool against his temple. 
A gun. 
“I had it all mapped out, villain. I worked hard for the shit i did and the shit i do.” Villain herd the click of the gun, his Mouth rapidly filling up with saliva that he tried to gulp down. 
“ You choose to expose me. Now I’m out here, hiding out in the very city that everyone thought i was protecting. I had a nice, luxurious life planned out for myself and you had to be a bitch about it.” 
Hero placed the gun right on villains temple, the gun moving in sync with his breathing pattern. 
Villain spat on hero’s feet, his bloody saliva seeping into hero’s socks. 
“ Life doesn’t work out like how you planned, hero. Your just a fucked up guy who wants attention.” Hero grunted, villains mind swirling a rush of green before Villains eyes exploding with stars, his head feeling heavy on his body. 
“ Y-you, fucker-er” villain said aloud, trying to watch as the garbled wire took effect on his body.
“ say goodbye villain.” Hero said, a wicked smile on his face as he cracked the gun against villains head. 
Villain woke up in a cage, his leg bleeding and pants sticking to his wound. Villain looked up to see the green coil still around his body. His hands suspended behind his back and his body thrown into the corner of the room.
“ Wow, I have the luxury of being your Pet?” Villain said sarcastically, the garbles twisting with his movements. 
Hero stayed silent, cleaning the underside of his nails with a rose covered blade. 
Villain swore under his breath, his leg feeling unbearably warm and hot, his eyes drooping as the pain started to trickle in slowly. 
“ Life isn’t linear hero.” Villain said, starring at the rapidly growing plants spiraling around him. 
“ You think some flowers are going to keep me caged.” Villain asked in-dubiously. The petals slowly slithering their way into villains leg wound. The cage shifting smaller and smaller as more garbled wire tried to make its way inside the gunshot wound on villains leg. 
Villain screamed as the first petal dug in, the almost tentacle like plant wiggling its way inside the hole, splitting it open as blood pooled out onto the ground. His leg shock with pain as the tentacled wiggled. Villains hands pounding harshly at the ground and plants around them. 
Villains voice broke with screams of pain, his head hurting from the force.
Villains vision started to black out as more thorns and tentacles entered the wound, opening it more and tugging at the bullet still inside. 
Villain looked up to see hero smiling, his hands nonchalantly sharpening his blade on the table.
“ did i tell you that they’re attracted to blood?” 
Villain wailed unmercifully, his vision filled with stars as he blacked out, his head cushioned by plants stacked up behind him.
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britesparc · 6 days
Weekend Top Ten #655
Top Ten MCU Actors Who Could Join the New DCU
It feels like it’s been a big moment for superhero TV recently. Two new shows have just started based on both DC and Marvel characters – The Penguin and Agatha All Along, respectively – and there’s increased jibber-jabber about upcoming programmes too. Creature Commandos – the first proper, official, for-realsies production from James Gunn and Peter Safran’s new DCU – starts in December. And there’s been some interesting casting tittle-tattle about what’s probably the biggest show they’ve got on the docket, Green Lantern series Lanterns, which is going to feature both Hal Jordan and John Stewart.
We already know what one Green Lantern looks like, at least, thanks to paparazzi shots of Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner on the set of next year’s Superman. But Gardner is always, really, the other Lantern; too much of a dickhead, and possessed of too terrible a hairdo, to really be considered the main event. Hal and John, on the other hand, could both be considered the “proper” Lantern, and so it’s going to be really interesting to see them share the screen in what appears to be a sort of buddy-space-cop crime drama.
Anyway the really interesting thing about all of this is the names apparently in the mix to play Hal. I think we already knew (or assumed) that Hal was going to be the older character, more of a mentor-type figure to a younger John, and this has been borne out in some of the actors they’ve either been looking at, talking to, or who’ve already turned the role down. These include Ewan McGregor, Chris Pine, Timothy Olyphant (who, of these names, would be my choice), and Josh Brolin. Now, three of these have already played comic book characters before; both McGregor and Pine are in prior DC films. But Brolin was, of course, an absolutely huge part of Avengers, playing interstellar bad guy Thanos across a number of films (if Brolin had taken the role, he’d have been not one but four characters in Marvel and DC: Thanos, Cable, Hal Jordan, and Jonah Hex – so maybe he thought it was a bit much).
If Thanos can cross the floor, so to speak, to take a major role in a DC show, then – of course – nothing’s off the table. Heimdall himself, Idris Elba, is also DC’s Bloodsport; and there have been a number of smaller-scale roles cast with actors who’ve had a foot in both ponds. I think Thanos being Green Lantern might have been the biggest deal, however; we may have to contend with everyone’s favourite emerald space cop being a major Star Wars character instead.
This has inspired my list this weekend, which is all about actors who’ve had (moderately) significant roles in the MCU, who could now jump ship and appear in a DCU production. I’ve done a few casting suggestion lists over the years, so I’ve tried not to repeat myself – as such I’ve avoided even speculating on truly major JLA-type roles, so there’s no “Chris Pratt for Batman!”-type stuff. Some of these I think would be truly excellent suggestions; others would just be amusing.
Have at it, Jim and Pete! Take your pick!
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Pom Klementieff as Zatanna: Klementieff brings a certain other-worldliness to her roles; she always feels at a remove, can project a kind of oddness that’s either adorable and endearing (Mantis) or strange and threatening (Paris). I think this, plus her great comic timing and natural ability, would be perfect for backwards-talking magic-user Zatanna. And – hey – I kinda feel like magicians should be French, I don’t know why.
Edward Norton as Clayface: Norton is, I guess, only technically part of the MCU, but he still counts! He’s got a reputation as a super-serious actor; this would make him perfect to play Basil Karlo, a vain and fading actor who ends up becoming a shape-shifting goo man. He could play him like his character from Birdman, but, y’know, in clay. And he’s got form with CGI characters! Sort of! Anyway, it’d be funny.
Frank Grillo as Slade Wilson: Grillo was great as the super-gruff Crossbones in Winter Soldier and Civil War; he was tough but charismatic, and held his own against Captain America. He’s been public about wanting to carry on the role, despite being killed off, so perhaps jumping into DC waters would be cool. He looks the part for Slade, and can do the action stuff, and as the character is meant to be a bit older and more experienced, I think he’d bring a good sense of hard-earned wisdom to the role.
Dave Bautista as Dr. Will Magnus: I definitely think Bautista will pop up in the DCU. I’d like to see him in a role that was less physical; he’s a terrific actor, capable of bringing out humour, tragedy, and pathos. So it’d be good to see him as a scientist; there are plenty to choose from. Magnus is great because I guess he’s essentially a good guy, but also a bit morally dubious, and has a history of both mental health issues and slightly dodgy relationships with some of the robots he builds. So there’s lots there for Bautista to get his teeth into.
Sylvester Stallone as Wildcat: I don’t know what the plans are for the Justice Society, and obviously casting a guy in his seventies isn’t really going to allow you to make a decade’s worth of intense action movies. But Wildcat was a boxer before becoming a crimefighter; he’s tough, he’s a fighter, and (depending on continuity) trained Batman. The Society are usually presented as older anyway, the previous generation of heroes. Do I need to explain why Stallone is perfect for this role?
Benicio del Toro as Sinestro: Sinestro is, basically, a corrupt cop who really breaks bad – I wouldn’t be surprised if he cropped up Lanterns, as he’s really the big Green Lantern bad guy. Rather than making him a moustache-twirling British guy, I think having del Toro bring both a bit of the grit and strength he has in films such as Traffic, as well as the charm and humour he naturally possesses, would really make the character stand out.
Sam Rockwell as Ralph Dibney: I don’t know what their plans are for these characters, and maybe Rockwell’s too old if The Elongated Man is supposed to be a contemporary of a (presumably mid-thirties) Flash. But come on: a light-hearted, wisecracking detective who can also stretch his body? Don’t tell me his wouldn’t be a fantastic role for Rockwell. I’d want him front and centre of every Justic League film, though. Maybe they could also bring across Rachel Weisz as his wife Sue?
Jenny Agutter as Granny Goodness: Agutter has been really underused in the MCU; after Winter Soldier, I was hoping she’d keep popping up as a sort of British version of Nick Fury. So casting her entirely against type as an evil, cruel, vicious general and leader of the Female Furies, working for ultimate big-bad Darkseid, would be really cool. The only downside is Goodness is usually presented as a plus-sized woman, and it’d be a shame to lose some of that representation (Amanda Waller, for instance, has had a significant weight loss in recent years).
Jeff Goldblum as The Riddler: I’ve tried to limit both the number of former Guardians cast members and also the number of specifically Batman-related characters (sorry, Karen Gillan as Poison Ivy). But we’re back in Gotham for this utterly perfect casting. Goldblum is great at three things: appearing smart, projecting hidden darkness, and a wild eccentric charisma. Making the Riddler an older guy looking for a legacy – a would-be genius out to prove he’s smarter than everyone else one last time – would make him really different from both Jim Carrey’s utterly manic turn, and also Paul Dano’s weird serial killer (who, I’m sorry, is great, but is not the Riddler).
Samuel L. Jackson as Darkseid: is this on-the-nose? First base? I was basically thinking about the voice; who has the best voice for this? Well, to be honest, the answer is the sadly departed James Earl Jones, but Jackson also has a fantastic baritone. Also, if he were to appear in a more human guise, I like he image of a taciturn Jackson randomly appearing in someone’s front room to threaten or tempt them. Jackson is excellent at projecting menace, but also great at delivering elaborate soliloquies. And he’s very funny.
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emmachine22 · 11 months
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22/10/23 - Editing the Letters
I was not happy with the way the I looked, therefore I made the tittle smaller which worked better.
I then wanted to change the C as it wasn’t distinguishable from the E. I first made the interior lines right angled, but this wasn’t enough difference so I changed the shape entirely. When I didn’t connect the lines to the red grids, it created a sharp angle between the C and H, which did not fit in with my aim of having all the letters connected at a single point.
I had to work on having the line connect at the grid somehow, but also keeping that negative space in the middle where the exterior lines did not pass.
I think the final C was very successful as it keeps in theme with the other letters and hits the aim of connecting to the grid. It had to go into that negative space a little bit just so it could flow into the next letter without that sharp gap.
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myfeeds · 1 year
Nanophotonics: Coupling light and matter
Science News from research organizations 1 2 Date: June 23, 2023 Source: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Summary: Researchers have developed a metasurface that enables strong coupling effects between light and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). Share: advertisement FULL STORY LMU-Researchers have developed a metasurface that enables strong coupling effects between light and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). The interaction of light and matter on the nanoscale is a vital aspect of nanophotonics. Resonant nanosystems allow scientists to control and enhance electromagnetic energy at volumes smaller than the wavelength of the incident light. As well as allowing sunlight to be captured much more effectively, they also facilitate improved optical wave-guiding and emissions control. The strong coupling of light with electronic excitation in solid-state materials generates hybridized photonic and electronic states, so-called polaritons, which can exhibit interesting properties such as Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity. A new study, published in the journal Nature Materials, presents progress in the coupling of light and matter on the nanoscale. Researchers led by LMU physicist Dr. Andreas Tittl have developed a metasurface that enables strong coupling effects between light and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). This novel platform is based on photonic bound states in the continuum, so-called BICs, in nanostructured tungsten disulfide (WS2). The simultaneous utilization of WS2 as the base material for the manufacture of metasurfaces with sharp resonances and as a coupling partner supporting the active material excitation opens up new possibilities for research into polaritonic applications. An important breakthrough in this research is controlling the coupling strength, which is independent of losses within the material. Because the metasurface platform is able to integrate other TMDCs or excitonic materials without difficulty, it can furnish fundamental insights and practical device concepts for polaritonic applications. Moreover, the concept of the newly developed metasurface provides a foundation for applications in controllable low-threshold semiconductor lasers, photocatalytic enhancement, and quantum computing. advertisement Story Source: Materials provided by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Note: Content may be edited for style and length. Journal Reference: Thomas Weber, Lucca Kühner, Luca Sortino, Amine Ben Mhenni, Nathan P. Wilson, Julius Kühne, Jonathan J. Finley, Stefan A. Maier, Andreas Tittl. Intrinsic strong light-matter coupling with self-hybridized bound states in the continuum in van der Waals metasurfaces. Nature Materials, 2023; DOI: 10.1038/s41563-023-01580-7 Cite This Page: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. “Nanophotonics: Coupling light and matter.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 June 2023. . Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. (2023, June 23). Nanophotonics: Coupling light and matter. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 24, 2023 from https://ift.tt/FZxdesi Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. “Nanophotonics: Coupling light and matter.” ScienceDaily. https://ift.tt/FZxdesi (accessed June 24, 2023).
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