#or maybe putting in guards against corruption in the Judicial system
haldenlith · 1 year
Seeing that Feinstein finally kicked the bucket, and, her accomplishments aside, I have to agree with the sentiment I'm seeing around.
"Why was a 90 yr old still in Congress?" I legit can't think of a time when she wasn't a congresswoman.
(I just checked, and I see why -- she's literally been a senator almost my entire life, since 1992. I was born in 1988.)
Seriously, that right there is why we honestly need either age limits or term limits, or both. (I'm personally in favor of term limits so that we can stop getting career politicians that are increasingly obviously only in it for the paycheck...)
I saw a take, however, that said that term limits would only "make things worse" as it'd lead to more aggressive lobbying and less getting done (because they'd only have limited time to get motions passed, ie during their term). I say two things to that:
Presidents only have limited terms, and they somehow manage to get shit done (or undone...), so... I'm failing to see the point.
If you're worried about lobbying, then maybe we should, I don't know, finally deal with the lobbying problem? I suggest flaying them, but I'm sure someone more civilized than myself has a better approach.
It just seems like the failings in our "great and wonderful system" keep becoming more and more obvious as time goes on. I wish people would stop going "but this is how it's always been!" and start going "yeah, maybe there's a problem, and we should try fixing it."
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