#or jail or whatever
hinamie · 1 month
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god, i wish i knew you back when i was a kid / but when you stare into me now, it feels like i did
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dosthoeyevsky · 2 months
in light of recent news, one of my favourite tiktokers is here to slap some sense into every american with progressive leanings and a pulse.
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newgroundstier · 7 months
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untapped humour potential with these guys i think
holy fuck ref 4 the unaware ⬇
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mutualcombat · 20 days
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did i miss magistrate astarion week again
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beanghostprincess · 1 year
me: all sanji fics are the same! it's always sanji having a breakdown over liking a man and going into an identity crisis and a spiral of internalized homophobia-
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dovewingkinnie · 10 months
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hero thats on her way to kill every single villain on earth most powerful villain thats scared shitless because he knows he'll be next one day
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
The worst part about playing rdr2 again is knowing who's going to die, how they're going to die, when they're going to die, and not be able to do a single thing about it
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ghostforwhat · 1 year
i think will should have gotten to see hannibal in his stupid little speedo at least once
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segretecose · 8 months
we haven't discussed enough the fact that call me by your name celebrated monologue is taken almost word for word from mr giorgio bassani's garden of the finzi-contini 1962
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I Absolutely love this.
Fugidove got captured by Ronin and nobody bats an eye at that and people only noticed the slight bond between them in Crystallised.
That caused a butterfly effect aka the Fugidove effect, whenever a person meets Fugidove have no choice to be slight friends. As we see this happens with Jay, Ultraviolet and killow, maybe pixal and Ronin and The mechanic. And the entire Ninja. Plus Sora and Arin
Dunno I’m just rambling on about Fugidove.
He’s the butterfly effect.
God. I’m going to make somebody’s heart bleed from the wholesome implication..
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sailormoonsub · 11 days
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"My loyal friends never fail to help me in my hour of need" she said to a room full of people she met 2 days ago
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rynfloros · 3 months
i love how jwcc makes all the characters flawed in some way or form. none of them are perfect, and that's ok. my issue is is how unfair the characters are to each other when they fuck up. darius and kenji are always at each other's throats and frankly im getting tired of these two like NO it's not darius' fault brooklynn's dead and NO it's not kenji's fault for being manipulated and abused by his father, jesus christ. have some fucking empathy
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i-lavabean · 8 months
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"I will give you everything"
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bibuckagenda · 6 months
Buddie posts I think deserve immediate jail time. 7/?
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agentc0rn · 6 months
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"Get the key back. It should not be used. Everything will vanish again. Do you want to know unending pain…like I have?"
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snogards · 6 months
I think it's insane that after the final Agni Kai, Zuko was able to tank a hyper-powered lightning bolt (I mean, tank in the way he was still moving after getting hit, even if it was just groans of pain and slight twitching). He just got healed by Katara for about 5 seconds and was A-OK afterward.
When Aang got struck by lightning, he was in a coma for like what? Almost a month? And you're telling me Zuko gets struck by lightning, and 5 minutes later, is walking around like it never happened? Sorry, I can't believe that.
But Sno, you say, Aang was in his most fragile state. Of course, he was in a month long coma after he basically died. Okay, and I think that Zuko being hit by a lightning bolt 100x more powerful than the one Aang got hit by would also put Zuko in a coma; especially because Katara doesn't have the spirit water to bring him back to life. Unlike Aang, Zuko only gets regular water, not magic water, to heal him.
"But, but Zuko redirected it," you say. Uh no, Zuko wasn't grounded, so that shit still hit him like a damn truck. He redirected some of it, but not all of it. I would probably say that it burnt him from the inside out. It's a miracle that in LOK, that man is still kicking it and being a badass in his early 90s. He should have serious heart issues, if not have died in his 70s at the absolute latest. The man should not be kicking ass in the poles. He should be on bed rest.
In conclusion, Zuko should have been in a coma for like at least a year (realistically he should be dead, but this is a kids show where the main characters aren't allowed to die, so I'll let it slide) and I will stand by that.
If you wanna read how the creators could have worked with comatose Zuko, read under the cut. If not, then I hope you enjoyed my little rant. This post got longer than I thought.
Here's how the creators could have dealt with comatose Zuko and the potential storylines our other favorites could have had at the end of book 3 and a majority of the potential and nonexistent book 4:
Aang is having to deal with the consequences of Ozai being left alive, as I'm sure the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes would not like that fact. As well as their newest Fire Lord currently being in a comatose state. They barely trusted Zuko. Are you telling me they're gonna trust The Dragon of the West? (More on this at the end) And maybe Aang would actually get some character development, unlike in season 3.
I don't think Sokka, Suki, and Toph would have storylines that center Zuko all that much, but they would also definitely be mourning the semi-loss of Zuko along with whatever storyline they get. Maybe Sokka and Suki can have conflict in their relationship now that the war is over and they might physically have to go their own ways. Toph can probably wonder where she can go from here. Will she try and reconcile with her parents again? Will she travel with Aang once Zuko wakes up? Will she stay in the Fire Nation and help Zuko sniff out traitors with her seismic sense? Needless to say, the 3 of them have endless opportunities.
Katara is now dealing with the guilt of not only having put Zuko in that position in the first place, but also not being able to fully heal him (even though he would have done that for anyone, not just her). And if you're a Zutara shipper, like myself, even realizing potential feelings and the conflict that comes with that. Or if we still wanna go through with the canon ending of Kataang, have her navigate her feelings about Aang properly and not whatever that original canon ending was. And if we wanna go the "Katara doesn't need a man" route (my personal favorite despite my shipping tendencies), she could try and navigate where she goes from here, like Toph. Obviously, she'll go back to the Southern Water Tribe and help out there, but what comes after they've recovered? She's not the type to stand by and settle when there are other people who need her help. Will she go to the Earth Kingdom and help rebuild there? Go to the Fire Nation and help out there? Become an ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe to help better relations with the other nations? (My personal favorite) The possibilities are endless for her.
But you know who would be affected the most? Iroh. Not only did he (kinda) lose his nephew, who was his second son, but he now has to deal with the diplomatic repercussions of his past as a general of the Fire Nation. Like I said before, the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes barely trusted Zuko; no way in hell are they gonna trust the man that laid seige to Ba Sing Se for nearly 2 whole years, regardless if he's the reason the city was freed from Fire Nation control. The pressure Iroh would feel from advisors regarding the fact that his only heir is comatose would increasingly get worse as the months go by. We know that Zuko will wake up, but Iroh and the rest of the cast don't. Iroh is dealing with the fracturing Fire Nation and pressure from the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes, all while his son is in a coma. He could see what he was going to have Zuko face by himself with no support around him. What would he do with Ozai? Would be a major question throughout the season.
Of course, in the end, Zuko wakes up because we want a happy ending for them all. But the turmoil we could have gotten in the end would have been *chefs kiss*
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