#or Ashmedai would've had to kill whoever was asking
eponymoussquared · 1 year
15 questions tag.
Thank you to @duckingwriting for the tag! Sorry for the late response. I do try to respond to every tag game I get, assuming it isn't the same one multiple times in a row, but I do get sidetracked...alot. Nonetheless, I do appreciate being included.
Rules: Answer the 15 questions as one of your OCs, or as yourself. Tag up to 15 people.
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I'll be using an, as of current, not-yet-introduced character: Ashmedai, the the king of Sheidim. You may know a bit of him already, but I'm excited to show you my take on him nonetheless.
tagging: @doikayt @dogmomwrites, @mariahwritesstuff, @creating-with-words, @writernopal, and anyone else who'd like to do this, because it is alot of fun.
Questions below the cut. Template can be found in the post linked at the top.
1 - Are you named after anyone?
"No, I am not."
2 - When was the last time you cried? "Rather rude of a question. An I was crying, it would be reasonable to ask, but otherwise? I prefer not to answer."
3 - Do you have any kids?
"No. Some of my subjects are like children to me, and I am responsible for all of them, but I have no biological children. We are all born from the same mother, after all."
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
"My words, when spoken in Even Chanting, can cause great destruction if left unchecked. It is better for me not to play word games."
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
"The feet. Its a habit, but when you can shapeshift any part of the body save for your own feet, it can be disorienting seeing feet that aren't that of a chicken."
6 - What is your eye color?
"...My eye is composed of multiple colors. My sclera is red, my iris's are yellow, and I my pupils are also yellow. or I suppose I should say second iris, as they are not really inside the first."
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
"Why not both? Fear is necessary for relief to have any true value."
8 - Any special talents?
"I am excellent at being contradictory. Being a king requires you to be tolerant and strict, both compassionate and cold, both merciful and merciless. I would say I manage it quite well."
9 - Where were you born?
"In the dreams of people long dead and forgotten."
10 - What are your hobbies?
"Studying. Yes, I know you may find it boring, but I find learning quite fulfilling. I mostly learn Talmud, but I occasionally dabble in other philosophy as well. Human views on life are fascinating."
11 - Do you have any pets?
"No, and I have never understood the appeal of taking an animal from its native home and forcing it to become dependent on me for food and sustenance. Nor the lure of doing this on such a large scale that they cannot survive anywhere else. It is truly interesting where an individual mind chooses to draw the line between moral and immoral, yes?"
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
"Well, I made sport of that old fool Shlomo till the day he died, but I do not think that was what you meant."
13 - How tall are you?
"You are asking this question to a king of a race of shapeshifters. I suppose the closest answer I could conceivably give would be my maximum height, which I have not measured. I can confirm that I can become large enough to block the sun from reaching an entire castle. Yes, castles are different sizes, but the biggest one you can think of, I'm sure I can match."
14 - Favorite subject in school?
"I never went to school."
15 - Dream job?
"A Rabbi." "What? Surprised? Being king is a necessity, but if I could relieve myself of it to someone who I knew could do it well, I would retire to my mountain and happily do nothing but study the words of wise men and women long dead for the rest of my days."
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