#opm 171
opmedits · 2 years
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"Who the hell is he..”
One Punch Man Cover 172
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
Timeline for the A-Class Caped Baldy
I’ve seen a few people confused about what exactly happened when in the recent OPM chapters.  I’ll use the chapter numbering from Cubari (https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/).  Viz numbering will run 2 numbers behind, and neither will correspond with the final printed numbers.
We learn in chapter 171 that Saitama has been living at his new flat in the HA headquarters for three days. 
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Chapter 171 continues where Chapter 170 left off, with Saitama and Genos digging up what had been their apartment.  Genos goes off to sort out something at the Hero Association which is how Black Sperm managed to approach Saitama without being incinerated (will come back to this later).
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Chapter 172 continues where 171 left off with Saitama coming back to his place and wrecking the robots that try to get rid of the monsters he’s brought back with him. We find out he’s a Class A hero then.
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Chapter 173 *starts* where Chapter 172 leaves off, with Metal Knight reviewing the footage of the robots’ destruction.  His review of Saitama gives us the information that not only is Saitama a Class A hero, but has been one for two days. It THEN flashes back to a meeting that Genos attends, where he gets to tell everyone about Saitama... in frightening detail.
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Just in case there’s any confusion, Amai Mask’s review of Saitama’s record after he leaves the meeting clarifies that at the time of the meeting Saitama was still a Class B hero:
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So the time line is:
1. 3 days ago, Saitama moves in. He’s still a Class B hero.
2. 2 days ago, Genos attends a secret meeting with a few other heroes and makes a huge fuss about Saitama. Saitama is promoted to Class A that day.
3. Today, Forte and pals go hunting for Saitama, Saitama goes hunting for his old house, and Dr Bofoi gets a huge headache.
Given that only A-Class or S-Class heroes can live in the HQ, it must mean that Saitama moved in as a B-Class hero.  Why the exception?  It’s not possible to know definitely why, but I suspect that his losing his house as a result of the Hero Association’s operation against the Monster Association made giving him free temporary accommodation there compelling... and cheap, given that we know they’ve massively overbuilt and have a lot of vacant flats.
And the thing Genos left for in chapter 171? We still don’t know what it was.  Who knows? Maybe Blast caught up with Sicchi and the latter told him about Genos’s ‘crazy story’ and decided that he wants to have a meeting with the guy. Wouldn’t be the maddest thing to happen.
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Hope that’s clearer now!
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beileil · 2 years
OPPAI Calling Card - Final
So it occurs to me that I never actually posted a calling card for OPM Bingo once the Monster Arc was officially over...which was what, two months ago? Whatever, here it is now.
The bingo cards came out on June 20th, so this covers everything from Chapter 165 on. That's not a lot of chapters to work with, so we're going to be uh...a little liberal on some of these so that you can cross off more spaces. I'd still be kinda surprised if anyone got a bingo. (But please let me know if you did! And please post your final cards if you like!)
Thanks again to @scary-senpai and everyone who submitted suggestions! This was a ton of fun!
Yet another character ends up naked
Tsundere Garou
A Really Gay Moment™ (a couple SaiGenos and one of Tanktop Al Dente looking respectfully at Zombieman, as pointed out by @no1monstersimp)
Something BAD™ happens to Genos' core or skull (WHO SUGGESTED THIS ONE. I'm not mad. I just want to know.)
Garou's physical body collapses because he's exceeded the Recommended Daily Amount of Enlightenment (gotta be honest, wasn't expecting to be able to cross this one off!)
Metal Bat vouches for Garou
God takes Garou's power away and Garou fucking DIES
Blast and the Interdimensional Justice League show up
Zombiedad being protective of Isamu
Black Sperm is up to no good. Again. *
Pig God uses a Special Attack *
Rover lends an unexpected assist * (Rover also lends an unexpected assist to my mental health with these panels)
*Happened in the aftermath of the MA Arc in Chapter 171 or 172, not in the arc itself, but screw it, we need a win.
Arguably Canon
BDSM if you squint (I didn't know which panel to link here. I just feel in my heart of hearts that a lot of the Saitama and Garou fight gave off vibes. But if you prefer, here's a shot of Strange Binding Shell hiding out by Bomb. Surely his entire existence counts as BDSM!)
Saitama does/says something controversial yet again (Take your pick.)
Tank Toppers band together to do a special Tank Top Attack
Metal Knight shows up, takes some data, leaves. (Didn't say he couldn't take everyone with him!)
Someone shows up with a magic radiation cure (bonus: it’s bananas) (Science is magic, right?)
Amai Mask tries to kill Manako again (It's not a proper attempt, but he would have if Flashy hadn't stepped in)
It's a stretch, but whatever
Amai Mask spotted in Monster Mode (same panel as the last. do the neck veins count as "Monster Mode"?)
“Are you there, God? It’s me, [Blorbo].” (Probably not the original intention of whoever suggested this one, but here's Bang screaming at God to give Garou back.)
King says/does something clever that buys the heroes some time
God rage quits the arc
God takes Garou's power away and Garou survives because he's just That Cool (God did take Garou's power away, and Garou did survive, but it certainly was not because he was cool!)
Psykos shows back up and everyone admits they completely forgot about her
Look, you can't prove it's not canon
King has the power of God (no ID) and anime on his side
Yet another character loses an arm (Zombieman doesn't count)
Iaian gets his face stomped on
A single panel of Watchdog Man minding his own business in City Q
BDSM if you *don't* squint
Murata breaks the fourth wall to explain the re-draws
Sonic comes out of the bathroom
Garou kicks Genos (just because)
Psykos tries to take a hostage
God (no ID) takes something Psykos can't afford to lose
Metal Bat and Tareo have a moment
Mizuki pole vaults over something
Flashy Flash uses the Sun Blade
Saitama offers Garou a banana
Bang advertises his dojo
Garou gets a hug
Somebody speaks to God's manager
Garou copies The King Engine
Mumen Rider attacks Garou…with forgiveness! (And definitely not his bike.)
Sekingar calls his wife and/or she shows up to the battlefield
Kama and Bushidrill flirt again, Iaian deadpans in the corner
Tank Top Master and Mumen Rider pine for one another
Badd tells Zenko that it was just a really long bathroom break and she hits him again
The Blizzard Group protects Tatsumaki
Atomic Samurai's disciples protect him
Someone uses an impractical household object as a weapon
Fubuki + Psykos = Lesbians
Charanko shows up late
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taki79 · 2 years
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HOMIE IS JEALOUS.., over a fricking dog 💀
why would he be pissed off about it? >:)
Jealous Genos Jealous Genos Jealous Genos
He looks so mad/upset over what saitama said tho- ITS OK GENOS ITS OK LOLOLOL we know u love him we know
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
171 Spoilers
The boys are here!!
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The way he pulls down his shades has me dead
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Butterfly DX drawn in his current style is 👌he's so pretty.
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I love his improvement!
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Please this is so cute I can't!
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"That's a huge dog!"
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His little hop is so cute!
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Tiny Evil Natural Water really went off
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grimalkhiindi · 2 years
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Am I interpreting this wrong or does Genos look insanely jealous here?
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theomnicode · 2 years
Saitama is legit just showing off to Genos how much he can lift here.
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Since he immediately puts it down and checks out his handiwork and neither is interested in investigating what was below the building.
Is this some kind of macho mating ritual I'm seeing? xd
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snownyann · 2 years
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CH 171 Coloring!
Saitama, Rover and Black Sperm!
Saitama now has pets 😍😍😍 how adorable!
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acidproofnotebook · 3 years
Update 171 (previously 170). Changes between online and print versions
Murata has taken advantage of the revisions he's doing for volume 25 to make a few small but important changes to update 171.
Amai Mask calling for help
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No excuses, just a straight out plea for help. Which isn't forthcoming
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No further changes noted.
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opmedits · 2 years
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"What a nice dog”
One Punch Man Cover 171
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tomatostyle · 7 years
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365 day drawing challenge day 171 One punch man Puri-puri Prisoner
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over70isolation · 4 years
Day 171 The Sunrise
Health Secretary under fire from MPs over Covid-19 testing `mess´
The recent lovely weather has had me back out on the terrace with my book. Can’t seem to enjoy reading in the house, other than soaking in a hot bath. But it’s all different with the sun on my face. Finished the Sports Wrtiter by Richard Ford and thoroughly enjoyed the read. So much so that I looked for other work by him. Up popped Independance Day, a novel that won the Pullitzer Prize. Mrs Ebay had a copy for £3.99 (including postage) and that should arrive next week.
Meanwhile, I picked up The Sunrise by Victoria Hislop. A tale based around the abandonment of Famagusta. It reads a bit like Crossroads meets Eastenders, but I’ll give it a try because of the Cyprus connection and interest.
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Victoria H is the wife of Ian Hislop, the editor of Private Eye and panellist on Have I Got News For You. 
The day job for OPM had me drafting the narrative report to accompany the 2021 budget numbers. Not difficult, but took my time to get the correct tone. 
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helga-dancing · 7 years
Get To Know Me
Rules: tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @darloongeek, thank you! ^^
Nickname: Helga,, a lot of people have called me Mulan if that counts
Zodiac Sign: Cancer 
Height: 171 cm or 5′6″
Last thing you Googled: el amante nicky jam lyrics
Favorite music artist: this is tough but I have to say Flëur
Song stuck in my head: Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
Last movie you watched: The Fate of the Furious (I loved it)
What are you wearing right now: jeans and a sweatshirt
Why did you choose your url: Helga is my favorite name and “dancing” is just the first thing that came to my mind haha
Do you have any other blogs: including but not limited to tumblr I have a few blogs I’ve abandoned,,, also I have an art blog (here on tumblr)
What did your last relationship teach you: I haven’t been in a relationship and tbh? I’ve been getting less and less sure if I even want to
Religious or spiritual: hm. spiritual
Favorite color: blue and purple
Average hours of sleep: 9 because it’s the average of 4 and 14 ;;;
Lucky number: 13
Favorite characters: I have a lot of favorite characters but my absolute faves are Envy from FMA, Byakuran from KHR, Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, Saitama from OPM, and Nagai Kei from Ajin
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1
Dream job: no idea;;;;;;; but probably something creative, maybe related to animation or filmmaking
Who I’m tagging: if you find this entertaining and wanna do it, then - @liorlen, @origami10, @humlors, @farbsturz, @hehearse, @omg-satou, @kelpie-hearts, @actually-izumi
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gaminghardware0 · 5 years
Resident Evil 3 remake gives Carlos his own “interesting section to play through”
We’ve already seen a whole new look for Carlos Oliviera in the upcoming Resident Evil 3 remake, and it seems his appearance on the game’s cover art is indeed indicative of an expanded role in the game itself. In a new interview, Capcom teases that Carlos will have a more substantial part to play in the remake.
“Carlos will have an interesting section to play through,” according to producer Peter Fabiano (in OPM UK #171). That’s all the detail we’re getting right now as Capcom tries to avoid spoilers around the remake changes, but it looks like we’ll get to control Carlos directly during some portion of his time in the Raccoon City outbreak.
While that’ll be a new addition for the remake, a few features from the original will not be back. There will be no more ‘live selection’ system - those little choices during cutscenes that would take the story in slightly different directions. Similarly, there’ll only be a single ending this time around, which at least means there’ll be no more debate over the canon ending to the game.
View the full site
from https://www.pcgamesn.com/resident-evil-3/remake-carlos
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zipgrowth · 6 years
Massive Online Courses Find A New Audience With Continuing Medical Education
Applications are surging for New York University’s School of Medicine after the university announced last year that its medical program would be tuition-free for all students.
But NYU isn’t the only school trying to offer free medical training. Dozens of colleges and universities are taking courses in healthcare and medicine online—and making them free or low-cost—with massive online course platforms.
Coursera, a company that hosts massive online courses and degrees, is the latest entrant among a growing number of online education providers that are entering the medical space.
Today, the Mountain View, Calif.-based company announced it will be adding an entire healthcare vertical with 100 new courses and 30 new “Specializations,” or what the company calls its paid bundles of courses that students can earn a certificate for.
It is also announcing two new online degrees: a Master of Public Health from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and Master of Public Health from Imperial College London.
“In terms of the existing [medical] workforce, there is clearly a shift in the skill set that is necessary,” says Daphne Koller, co-founder of Coursera. “The digitization of healthcare with more data and machine learning has created a skill set that many people didn’t study in school.”
To be clear, Coursera and edX are not competing with MDs or traditional medical school, which typically lasts four years before residency and can cost more than $200,000 at public universities. Instead, MOOC providers see an opportunity in helping medical professionals keep their knowledge and skills up to date after they graduate, a field also known as continuing medical education (CME).
“CME represents a significant market opportunity and we are exploring how we can meaningfully address this space,” Koller said. “We have as many as six partners as part of this launch who are CME accredited, and as we further evolve our health content, it seems like a natural next step for us.”
More than a dozen universities are offering Coursera’s new healthcare courses. The six accredited CME partners launching Specializations are: Columbia University, University of California at Davis, University of Minnesota, Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai, University of Pennsylvania and Emory University.
There’s much hype around the need for re-skilling workers for a changing economy. But in health and medicine, workers are more strictly obligated to complete CME credits, often every two years or so, in order to maintain their medical license.
Courses in healthcare and medicine have been available online for years. But this field has recently grabbed the attention of an array of online education providers and program managers. Lambda School, an online coding bootcamp, raised $30 million this month to begin offering courses in nursing and medicine. And Grand Canyon Education, the for-profit company that oversees online courses and programs at Grand Canyon University, recently purchased Orbis Education, an online program manager that specializes in healthcare.
EdX, a nonprofit MOOC platform, has similarly been offering courses from universities trying to reach a wider audience of medical professionals looking to satisfy CME requirements. Doane University, one of those partners, offers 24 courses in topics such as Healthcare Organization and Delivery Models and Principles of Health Law and Regulatory Issues. The courses are free but cost $99 for students who request a verified certificate after finishing.
Doane also recently began offering two MicroMasters, or a series of graduate-level courses designed by the university for credit, in Healthcare Administration and Certified Lifestyle Medicine, which cost around $1250 and $1340, respectively.
The school began offering its continuing medical education courses on edX two years ago. Since then, Butler claims the school’s edX courses have enrolled about 66,000 students from 171 countries. Similar to Coursera, which splits revenue from Specializations 50-50 with its partners, edX shares revenue from its paid offerings with the universities that create the certified courses.
Doctors or nurses looking to fulfill CME credits can attend conferences, in-person classes other existing online CME courses. The draw to host these courses on MOOC platforms, Butler says, is the chance to reach a wider audience.
Coursera has its sight set on a global health audience as well. Koller believes what will set MOOC-based CMEs apart from existing trainings is that “it provides access to a much larger and global audience base,” which could be attractive to both a provider looking to recruit more students, or students who can’t find trainings easily.
“Most offerings will put [a course] on a website and a small group can find you,” she says. “We have an audience of 38 million learners worldwide.”
MOOCs, The New OPM?
As more MOOC providers offer paid degrees in partnership with universities, industry analysts say they may soon compete with other online program management (OPM) companies, which schools can hire to help create and manage online courses and degrees.
“MOOCs are focused primarily on monetization and moving beyond free and open courses. The common thread tying these messy transitions together is the move to become new forms of Online Program Management (OPM) providers,” education writer Phil Hill projected last year on his blog, e-Literate.
Today’s announcement shows Coursera is not shying away from degrees in its business plan. But the company says it’s pursuing a different kind of business than other OPM providers like Orbis or even 2U. For one, the cost of these online programs can be on-par with their in-person counterparts. (A year-long Master of Public Health at George Washington University online costs around $74,700, for example, and nine months at the school's in-person MPH is estimated to cost $60,900.)
Koller holds that Coursera has “deliberately gone in a different direction and is aiming at a larger audience.”
Massive Online Courses Find A New Audience With Continuing Medical Education published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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netmyname-blog · 7 years
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