#ophelia mi amor
smileflowcr · 1 year
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"Déjame ver mejor, espera... ¡Ah! ¡Crystal y tú son las más hermosas del mundo, tesoro!!"
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
What if y/n is friends with Ajax and they get high together. Wednesday doesn't mind but isn't a fan but one day Ajax gives y/n weed but in the form of chocolate... Dark chocolate and without thinking just leaves it in Wednesdays dorm "y/n is always in here, they'll find eventually".. but that's Wednesday favourite chocolate.. she thinks it's a lovely gift from her lover...
"Thing.. what's wrong with me?? I feel weird"
Clingy and cuddly Wednesday Addams 😌
Your POV
You coughed as the burning sensation spread from your throat to your lungs.
"Damn that's harsh." Ajax laughed as you passed the blunt back to him.
"Pussy." You flipped him off glancing to your watch.
"I gotta go meet Wednesday, you got my chocolates?" The stoner nodded as Kent shivered next to him.
"Seriously I don't know how the hell you can date Wednesday Addams that girl is scary." You smiled fondly at the thought of your girlfriend.
"I know." You snatched the candy from Ajax placing it in your book bag waving to him and Kent as you made way to Ophelia Hall.
You ran knowing your girlfriend would kill you if you were even a second late. You knocked on the door in quick succession as you were met with your favorite scowl.
"Hey baby."  She just stood and looked at you assessing your current state. No doubt seeing your bloodshot eyes and smelling what you'd been up to.
Her nose crinkled, an action you always found adorable as it'd always remind you of the trail of freckles on her face.
"You know I abhor that nickname. You're inebriated." You laugh softly.
"Very much so yes." Her scowl just deepened further as you stepped into the room. "I'll go brush my teeth, and make sure to get the smell off my clothes. Why don't you get the movie ready? I bought some of your favorite snacks in my bag."
You quickly give her a kiss as you head to the dorm locker room to do your usual routine for Wednesday. You started by putting in some eye drops and throughout brushing your teeth even scraping your tongue and adding mouthwash to appease your straight laced girlfriend.
Wednesday began to take the items from your bag when she'd found a bag of dark chocolates. She had taken a few pieces without thought as she continued to ready the room for your movie night. Blankets placed on her bed, laptop opened and ready to be played. She felt her head begin to swim as she looked to see Thing tapping repeatedly on her desk.
Are you ok?
The goth looked to the appendage.
"Of course I am why wouldn't I be?" But even the words she said felt false. Her head began swimming as she felt her cold heart speed up. Thing tapped again but the girl ignored him going to sit on her bed for a moment.
"Alright Ness let's get this movie night going yeah?" The pigtailed girl was quiet as she nodded. Internally trying to determine what was wrong with her. She began to grow cold and started shivering catching your attention.
"Wen?" She said nothing as she sat closer to you, her arms wrapping around your waist. You felt your eyes grow wide in alarm. Wednesday never initiates cuddling she would usually shy away from it. At the feeling of your warm body the girl moves closer straddling your lap and laying her head on your shoulder. You look to Thing who taps the desk. "Are you ok?"
The goth just sighs as she begins stroking the back of your neck. You shiver at the light touch.
"Mi amor, mi vida te quiero mucho." You wrap your arms around your girlfriend looking around the room before they land on the bag of dark chocolate Ajax had given you. You blanched at the sight of the bag being half empty.
She's gonna kill me.
Wednesday pulled back slightly stroking your cheeks and leaning in. Soft plush lips touching yours for a moment.
"Te deseo." She whispered before her lips crashed to yours once more.
Maybe I'll enjoy this for just a little longer.
Taglist: @alexkolax
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joy to my world
summary: wednesday is oblivious that you're trying to steal a kiss from her under the mistletoe that you've hung on her door
You could hear bells chime in your ears as the clock struck at 12 midnight. You happily tossed and turned in your bed before getting up and dragging your lazy feet to the door, grabbing the newly purchased mistletoe ornament before heading out. You ran as quiet as you could, to Wednesday’s dorm with the intention of hanging it there and trying to steal a kiss from her.
Once you arrived, you couldn’t help but hear the faint typing coming from her dorm. Oh shit, you thought. This was never part of your plan – you expected Wednesday to be soundly asleep by now, but looks like she stayed up for the happiest time of the year. Not for her, at least. She was probably too indulged in her typewriter to be bothered by the fact that it was Christmas day.
You tried to be as silent as a rat on the chase, as you hooked the ornament on her dorm door. You knew one tiny misstep and you might as well be dead, so you tried to make as little sound as possible – but all your dreams shriveled away just as you were finished.
A certain area in the floorboard had creaked just as you tried to step away. More creaks came when you tried to run away – oh, you were so done for. Not even 5 seconds in and you could hear the door swing open and the ravenette looking through the corridors of Ophelia Hall just to narrowly see your oversized pajamas duck behind a wall.
“y/n, come out. There’s no point in hiding from my plane of vision,” Wednesday said, as curt as ever. You headed to her obediently, blowing a quiet raspberry as you knew you had been caught red-handed. “Sorry” was all that came out of your mouth as you hanged your head down, refusing to make eye contact with the raven.
“y/n, I know that we’re each other’s, but what exactly are you trying to pull off this time?” she sighed, following your gaze up to the mistletoe that hung on her door.
“What ev-” you interrupted Wednesday’s question by pulling her to you by the middle of her striped cardigan, but her highly sensible reflexes had her pull away when her lips were inches before yours. Although you were way taller than her, she somehow managed to avoid your attempted kiss.
You saw many people kiss under the mistletoe whether it was in shows or in real life, and you wanted to so desperately try it on your partner.
“y/n? Are you alright, mi amor? Are you quenching so much for my attention that your little furball of emotions tried to pull me into lip-to-lip contact? Is that what you’ve been craving so bad?” Wednesday lifted her head to look at your flustered expression.
“No, it’s just that- nevermind, you can figure it out yourself,” you broke free from the eye contact, color still dusted across your cheeks. You were sad that Wednesday rejected your kiss, let alone not know what all this was all about.
The next few days continued with Wednesday being oblivious as ever; whenever you said goodbye to her at her dorm, you would always try to lean your face into hers, but always to no avail. Fortunately, Wednesday has been noticing you jumping around in some sort of frustration whenever she gently nudged you away from the attempts.
 And she was determined to find out why.
“Enid, what’s so special about a mistletoe?” The ravenette asked the blonde girl sitting across her on the bed.
“You’re so silly, Wednesday. y/n has been complaining to me about you not being able to take a hint, like seriously? You don’t know what it’s all about?” Enid giggled, pulling out her phone to search for something.
“I think you missed the part where you’re supposed to enlighten me,” Wednesday threw her sarcasm at Enid, who completely ignored it and showed her a scene on her phone. There was a couple and a mistletoe hanging right above their heads, identical to the one you hung on their dorm.
After throwing some lovey-dovey words at each other, the couple pulled into a passionate kiss, the mistletoe yet to disappear.
Wednesday squinted harder at the small screen and had a eureka moment.
All this while, you were just trying to show your undying love for her – but only for her to fail to realise it.
That same evening, she patiently waited for you to come to her dorm. At this point, it has become a habit, and you refused to give up, not until Wednesday understood. When you arrived in your fleece jacket and black skinny jeans, she was already eyeing on your gorgeous lips, like a predator waiting to pounce on its prey.
Now it was Wednesday’s turn to pull you in by your gold necklace, which took you by surprise. It was also her turn to blush, a shade of pink splattered across her freckled features. “I’m glad I finally understood. Merry Christmas, y/n.” She placed a chaste kiss on your lips, smiling warmly.
“Merry Christmas, Wednesday,” your once hopeless eyes had lit up in happiness as your body overflowed with joy.
You’ve never felt more happier with her by your side.
happy new year guys thank you for all the support :))
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youwouldntlietopapa · 5 months
Keys to Change - Chapter Three
Rating: 18+
Features: Secondo x OC (Ophelia)
Tags: domestic fluff, developing relationship, anxiety, talking like grown-ups
(Also available on AO3)
Secondo sat in his quarters alone. Too lost in his thoughts to even hear the soft music playing. The key in his hand had been cold when it picked it up, but he’d been holding it so long, it had almost disappeared from his focus. Almost. The weight of it still felt heavy against his palm. Not just a key, but the weight of expectation and worry and change. Even knowing it was what he wanted, needed, and the least she deserved. Change was change and it always felt uneasy and uncomfortable. 
And what if she says no? The vindictive voice at the back of his mind hissed no matter how many times he tried swatting it away. It buzzed in his ear like a mosquito again and again. She has a safety net now, a place to run away from you. Why would she give that up when you keep giving her reasons to flee? 
“Silenzio.” He growled at no one, scrubbing his face with his hand. It had been going like a broken record all afternoon and it was giving him a headache. Secondo grabbed his glass and drained the last of his drink in the hopes it would dull the refrain. Not that the two before it had. 
He frowned, considering whether or not to brush his teeth before Ophelia turned up. Caught between hating the way it felt like a lie and hating that she’d know as soon as she stepped inside and worry. She carried enough worry already without him adding to the pile and he tried not to consider how much of the pile had already come from him. Every time he got close to the thought he could feel the anxiety prickling under his skin, like a thousand white hot needles, and he ended up tugging at his already loosened collar still feeling like it was choking him. 
Are you really so broken that you can’t manage to be happy for this? That your first thought isn’t of the joy but the possibility of failure? There will be no hiding it from her, you know… Secondo opened his mouth to snap another pointless order for silence when a knock at the door stopped him dead. 
Standing, he straightened his clothes and tucked the key into his pocket. Forcing his face into something that almost passed for relaxed. 
“Buonasera, amore mio.” The smile came easier as she stepped past him. Moreso when he closed the door and she slipped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. Secondo wrapped one arm around her, combed his fingers through her hair, and kissed the top of her head. Keeping his voice quiet as if there were anyone to overhear. “Stai bene?”
“I’m all right.” She answered softly but sincerely, burying her face in his chest for a long moment and breathing in the familiar smell of him. “Just a very tedious day spent wishing I was here, with you. Or anywhere with you, really. Preferably as far away from my inbox as I can get.”
He chuckled, gently leading her to the living room. “Sono felice di sentire che mi classifichi così in alto.”
“Mmmm… yes, much higher than yet another email from Bishop Fawkes asking about the status of the manuscript I told him would be ready in two weeks.” She followed him gladly and climbed into his lap the moment he was sitting. “Come un uomo possa essere un tale rompicoglioni senza nemmeno aver bisogno di essere lì di persona, non lo saprò mai.”
“You want for me to threaten to kill him?” Secondo smirked, ducking down to kiss her neck. “Or just kill him?”
“Oh, that is tempting. Let me sleep on it?” She teased. 
His hands found her hips and pulled her a little closer. “Of course, amore. Tomorrow.”
Ophelia’s hands cradled the back of his head, pulling him into a proper kiss. No rush, just the quiet peace of their private time with no clock to watch or people to worry about. It felt like something… normal. Or as close as Secondo was sure he’d ever really gotten. 
No matter how much he hated it, no matter how much he was hated in return, he was Papa’s son. And people knew it. There had never been any hiding it. Never any real chance to just be… Secondo. To be normal. He’d been carrying the weight of expectation and the training to lead for as long as he could remember. And the knowledge that he was not wanted or cherished for longer than that. So long that he’d been sure that it had eaten the heart out of him decades before. 
But there he sat, looking at the person he’d handed his entire heart to, felt safe enough to relinquish control over it to. Wondering what he’d ever done to deserve even a fraction of it all. The key in his pocket feeling lighter just having her there. 
She leaned closer, kissing the deep lines between his brows. Carved by too many years frowning.“Hai intenzione di dirmi perché tuo fratello era davvero nel tuo ufficio oggi? E' lo stesso motivo per cui hai bevuto?” She didn’t sound upset. Asking as if she expected not to get a real answer. Too familiar with the way he processed things. 
“I don’t know that I call it drinking, tesoro.” He sidestepped the question. “You worry too much.”
Everything about Ophelia’s expression screamed I do?!? But, instead, she simply asked, “Another day like yesterday?”
“No, no.” His hands drifted from her hips up her sides, under her sweater. Running his fingers so softly over her skin, it bordered on tickling. The corners of his mouth turned up watching her squirm until she swatted his hands. “Terzo comes only to talk. No business. Only family, si?”
“Now I know something must be wrong.” She smirked. 
Secondo laughed. Tipped his head back and laughed. “We talk sometimes! I swear to you! We talk and not fight, once or twice maybe a year.” 
Ophelia laughed with him, relaxing again and stealing a kiss. “Of course. The annual civility day. I’ll mark that in my calendar, shall I?”
“Mmm… is hard to predict. The stars align just right and Terzo is not a pain in my ass for once.” He nodded seriously. “On my life, Ophelia, there is nothing to worry for. I tell you when there is, no?”
“You do. I know you do.” She hugged his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. “So what were you two talking about? Or is it a private brother conversation?”
“Not so much.” Secondo’s voice dropped into something much softer. His hands wandering up under her sweater again. Savouring her warmth and the opportunity to be close. The uncomplicated intimacy of it. “We talk about you.”
Ophelia sat back and blinked at him, looking uncharacteristically shaken. “About me?”
“With Terzo?”
“Is it something I did?” 
Her look turned worried and Secondo’s smile vanished immediately. Cupping her cheek and kissing her softly. “Perché ti amo, Ophelia. Ti amo e voglio dirlo a tutti quelli che ascolteranno.”
She stared back into his mismatched eyes, so close her nose nudged his. “Mi stai mentendo?”
“I don’t lie to you. You know this. I talk to Terzo and it comes down to this. Maybe more words, but it means the same.” His lips brushed against hers again. “I talk to him because I think this morning that I don’t treat you like I should.”
“Secondo-” She started to protest, but he cut her off with another kiss. 
“No, is true. I promise before that I do better. And still I need to do better. Last night, you remind me. Again.” He stared at her with an intensity that always made her feel as if he could see right into the depths of her soul. 
“I told you, I want to take care of you.” Ophelia insisted. “And you do take care of me. Always. I don’t want you beating yourself up over something that isn’t true.”
“Listen to me, si?”
She stopped and sat still, giving him her full attention. 
“Ho bisogno di te qui, Fay. Con Me. Non voglio chiederti se verrai qui o se resterai qui per la notte. Voglio venire a casa da te. Voglio sapere che sarai qui perché è il tuo posto. Voglio... voglio una casa, non solo un appartamento dove vivo. E mi sto rendendo conto che non c'è casa senza di te.” His hand found hers. Pressing something metallic and warm into her palm, closing her fingers around it.
She stared into his eyes while he spoke, not interrupting. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to if she tried. Not with that damnable lump in her throat. 
“Ho bisogno di te, amore mio. Ti voglio qui. Permanentemente. Vieni a vivere con me. Ti prego. Rinuncia ai tuoi alloggi e fai di questa la tua casa. La nostra casa.” 
Ophelia opened her hand and looked down at the freshly cut key, trying to blink away the tears. Thinking back to the man who’d told her once that he wasn’t sure if he could ever give her more, if there was a future, who was so afraid to say the word love out loud. 
“Mi vuoi qui, anche se questo significa spostare le tue cose? Risistemare? Cambiamento?” She asked softly, eyes locked on the key. 
“Si.” His hands rested, still as stone, against her skin. Trying to keep himself anchored. 
“Anche quando i nostri programmi non sono allineati? Quando stiamo combattendo? Quando hai voglia di tempo da solo?”
“Soprattutto allora.”
For a moment that felt like forever, she searched his face. Looking for any sign that he was hesitant or unsure. But there was nothing. Only a certainty that didn’t leave any room for doubt. Her hand caught his and she stared down at his fingers. Trying to swallow the urge to cry. “You… would do all that… for me?”
Secondo’s voice was soft when he spoke again. His hand giving hers a gentle squeeze. “Look at me, Ophelia.”
She took a breath and looked up at him again. 
“There is nothing I don’t do for you. I don’t tell you I think change is easy. But… I want you here more than I need to stay the same.”
Her hands cupped his cheeks and she kissed him again. Deep and passionate. The sort of kiss he still hadn’t quite gotten used to, even after all their time together. To be met with love like that, that wasn’t in advance of a need or a demand. But because she meant it. Secondo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against himself. Until he could feel her heart pounding against his own. 
“You still don’t give me an answer, amore.” He whispered. 
Ophelia pressed her forehead to his. “Of course I will. You know I will. Without a second thought. Because there is nowhere I would rather be.” She smiled and kissed him again. “Is that what you were so worried about? That there was even a possibility I might say no, vecchio?”
“You sound like Terzo.” He grumbled, though it only got an amused smile from her. “I don’t think is so crazy to worry you maybe come to your senses and run from here.”
She smiled a little wider. “Now? After this long? Oh no, my love. No. I am yours. Even before I am His.” Her head tilted toward his personal altar. “I am yours. Completely. And I wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world.”
“I am yours. Always, Fay.” He smirked. “Don’t ask me to say before His.”
“I would never.” Something in her grin turned wicked and her hips rolled against his. “But we should celebrate, don’t you think?”
Secondo’s chest rumbled, his hands getting a grip on her ass, already moving to stand. Taking her with him, not that she protested. “Si. I think we use our bed the first time for something more than sleep.”
“Buonasera, amore mio.” = Good evening, my love.
“Stai bene?” = Are you all right?
“Sono felice di sentire che mi classifichi così in alto.” = I'm happy to hear you rank me so highly.
“Come un uomo possa essere un tale rompicoglioni senza nemmeno aver bisogno di essere lì di persona, non lo saprò mai.” = How one man can be such a pain in the ass without even needing to be there in person, I will never know.
“Hai intenzione di dirmi perché tuo fratello era davvero nel tuo ufficio oggi? E' lo stesso motivo per cui hai bevuto?” = Are you going to tell me why your brother was really in your office today? Is it the same reason you've been drinking?
“Perché ti amo, Ophelia. Ti amo e voglio dirlo a tutti quelli che ascolteranno.” = Because I love you, Ophelia. I love you and I want to tell everyone who will listen.
“Mi stai mentendo?” = Are you lying to me?
“Ho bisogno di te qui, Fay. Con Me. Non voglio chiederti se verrai qui o se resterai qui per la notte. Voglio venire a casa da te. Voglio sapere che sarai qui perché è il tuo posto. Voglio... voglio una casa, non solo un appartamento dove vivo. E mi sto rendendo conto che non c'è casa senza di te.” = I need you here, Fay. With me. I don't want to ask if you are coming here or if you're going to stay the night. I want to come home to you. I want to know you'll be here because it is your place. I want... I want a home, not just an apartment where I live. And I am realising that there is no home without you.
“Ho bisogno di te, amore mio. Ti voglio qui. Permanentemente. Vieni a vivere con me. Ti prego. Rinuncia ai tuoi alloggi e fai di questa la tua casa. La nostra casa.” = I need you, my love. I want you here. Permanently. Move in with me. I beg you. Give up your quarters and make this your home. Our home.
“Mi vuoi qui, anche se questo significa spostare le tue cose? Risistemare? Cambiamento?” = You want me here, even if it means moving your things? Rearranging? Change?
“Anche quando i nostri programmi non sono allineati? Quando stiamo combattendo? Quando hai voglia di tempo da solo?” = Even when our schedules don't align? When we are fighting? When you want time alone?
“Soprattutto allora.” = Especially then.
"...vecchio” = old man
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Part 7: Ace of hearts
Commander Tysess x Ophelia Zubira (OFC) Words: 2K Summary: Tysess has been fighting with something over the last weeks and can't hold it in anymore Warnings: Talk about sexual activities (nothing graphic or so, just talk), coming to terms with identity A/N: This was kind of inspired by this post from @zierzim. I have wanted to write something along those lines for quite some time and finally got the needed inspiration, so thanks for that
Body Language Masterlist
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Lost in thought, Ophelia sat on the small armchair she had pulled in front of the ship's porthole to watch the stars go by. Two weeks. For two weeks she had been trying to convince Tysess to ask the Admiral for a transfer of quarters so that they could move in together.
They had both talked about it before and her partner had seemed willing to take the next step, but something seemed to have happened. She didn't know if Tysess had changed his mind or not, but for the past fortnight he had been avoiding the subject whenever she dared mention it.
In general, Tysess seemed to be withdrawing lately and Ophelia didn't know how to react. On the one hand, she was convinced that it would be best to give him his freedom and the peace and quiet he seemed to need. On the other hand, she feared that he might fall back into old patterns, something she wanted to avoid at all costs.
Sighing, she rose and wandered to her little kitchenette, hoping a cup of coffee would help her, when all at once her doors slid aside to reveal a rather stiff-looking Andorian. "Tysess!"
A warm smile graced her lips as he entered her quarters, his hands clasped behind his back, standing tall with a nod of acknowledgment. "Ophelia," he greeted softly.
Stepping forward, she enveloped him in a tight embrace, though she sensed him tense at her touch. After a moment, she released him, concern furrowing her brow. "Are you alright?" she inquired gently. Tysess avoided meeting her gaze, sidestepping her to approach the porthole she had occupied just moments before.
 "Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" His voice sounded pressed, and his antennae seemed a little too much to the rear for her taste.
Noticing his unease, she cautiously reached out to touch his shoulder, causing him to flinch reflexively. Pulling back, she regarded him with growing worry, stepping around to meet his eyes. Tysess averted his gaze, his expression tinged with something akin to shame.
"I don't want to be a pain," she murmured in a calm voice, hoping to put him at ease as well. "And if you just need some you-time, that's totally fine. But I'm beginning to worry about you, Tysess. I'm truly concerned."
Tysess remained silent, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on the scene outside. After a few moments of heavy silence, Ophelia turned away with a resigned sigh. "We can just keep quiet, if you prefer, mi amor. Just let me get my tea quickly, then-"
"Are you expecting us to have sex?" The question sliced through the air, causing Ophelia to spin around to face him, her expression a mixture of confusion and surprise. "I beg your pardon?" Taking a deep breath, Tysess turned to squarely meet her gaze, his eyes piercing. In that moment, Ophelia felt as if she were staring not at her boyfriend, but at her stern commanding officer. "Do you expect us to participate in sexual activities?"
His tone was matter-of-fact, professional, reminiscent of a Vulcan's demeanor, leaving Ophelia unsure how to react. "What ... what makes you think that?"
"It’s irrelevant." Ophelia, caught off guard by the abrupt question and the sudden shift in his demeanor, found herself fumbling with her words and her arms. "I... no idea. Maybe I do? I don't know how-"
"Do you think our relationship will fail should we not be able to be sexually intimate with each other?" The question hung heavy in the air, leaving Ophelia speechless as she gaped at him, her silence seemingly confirming something to Tysess. With a palpable sense of disappointment, he turned away, his expression etched with resignation."I knew it."
"Woah, give me a break," Ophelia interjected, running her hands over her face in bewilderment. "No one's breaking up with anyone here, alright? Just take a breath, Tysess. I'm struggling to keep up here."
"It was a simple question,“ Tysess countered.
" That came out of nowhere," she argued, reaching for his arm. "Please, Tysess, where the hell do you come up with this now? And why does it seem so important? We are not even at that step yet."
"And perhaps we never will be," Tysess wheeled around and stared down at her. With any other person, she would have flinched, maybe even taken a few steps back, but not with him. Not with her Tysess. All she saw in his eyes was fear, exhaustion and frustration.
"Mi amor," she murmured and tentatively tugging on his hand to pull him onto the sofa next to her. "Breathe in and out and start again. Please, I can't follow you."
Tysess sat down on the sofa and ran her fingers wildly through her hair so that the white strands were sticking out in all directions. Under other circumstances, it would have looked pretty cute.
"I... I'm not able to feel these things, to give you these things. These... sexual urges," he spat out the words in disgust, "are beyond my understanding. I... I don't know what exactly is broken with me, but I... I just can't. I'm... I'm sorry, my love, please forgive me." Ashamed, he buried his face in his hands, and to her shock, she realized his shoulders were shaking with sobs after a few moments.
"Hey, hey, Tysess, mi amor," she said softly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and drawing closer to him. "That's no reason to cry. And certainly no reason to leave you. What makes you think that?" He mumbled something she didn't understand and when she asked him to repeat himself, he just spat out a "Nada". Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and an uneasy, foreboding feeling spread through her stomach. "Lieutenant Nada? What's he got to do with it?"
 "We were talking, please don't ask me how it came about, I don't know myself, and he asked me if we were both ... one step closer. He was drunk, which is probably why he dared to do it in the first place. When I said no, he said..." Tysess's voice broke off, but Ophelia didn't let up and urged her to keep talking in a stern voice. "He said that if I wasn't able to satisfy your ... needs, you'd find me inadequate and seek someone else."
"Oh that motherfucker!" Ophelia shot up from her seat, her anger boiling within her like a cauldron. "I'm going to kill him!" The mere thought of the Cardassian planting such poisonous ideas in Tysess's mind made her blood boil. How dare he meddle in their relationship? How dare he speak about it in such a disrespectful manner? He had absolutely no right to interfere.
As she made her determined stride toward the door, a firm grip seized her wrist, halting her in her tracks. Still seething with fury, she spun around to find Tysess, still seated, his expression a mix of confusion and exhaustion.
"Let go of me! That bastard has no right to talk to you like that! Who does he think I am anyway? A fucking broodmare?!“
 "Ophelia..." Tysess attempted to interject, but she cut him off.
"No!" Kneeling down next to him on the sofa, ensuring they were at eye level, she gently took his face in her hands, forcing him to meet er gaze.
"He has no right to talk like that! Absolutely no right! Especially because he couldn't be more wrong, mi amor." She gently ran her thumb over his prominent cheekbones, watching as a glimmer of reassurance returned to Tysess's eyes.
"You don't think I..."
 "Tysess," she murmured, feeling like her heart was breaking into a thousand tiny splinters. He didn't deserve to be put to the test over and over again, to doubt himself until it drove him to ruin. He might be grumpy and his aura was usually not really inviting, but she knew the man beneath that layer.
A man who was kind and loving and possessed a heart of gold that had been broken and betrayed far too often.
She gently stroked a few white strands from his face, her fingers brushing against his courtship ring.
"I'm not interested in such things." Her fingers lovingly caressed his cheek until he closed his eyes and surrendered to the feeling. Ophelia felt him slowly relax beneath her.
"I don't need anything like that. Then we won't have sex, who cares? If you can't feel sexual feelings, mi amor, I'm hardly going to force you to. Do I really seem like someone who judges you for the way you are?" Tysess opened his eyes slowly, ashamed, and shook his head
"Ah, ah, ah!" She tapped him lightly on the chin. "Let's not even start with that. Blaming ourselves accomplishes nothing. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault for anything here because it's a normal thing. There are a lot of people who don't feel sexual feelings. My best friend at school wasn't just asexual, she was also aromantic and it never posed any issue. The only person to blame for anything is Lieutenant Nada."
Tysess frowned and his eyes darted back and forth, as if he was looking for an answer to a question he didn't yet know himself.
"But..." he hesitated and his gaze dropped. Ophelia placed her fingers under his chin and lifted his head, an encouraging smile on her lips. "Yes?"
 "What if you want to have children later?" This question surprised her almost more than his question about sex, and somewhat taken aback, she dropped onto her bum. Meanwhile, Tysess's cheeks turned a delightful shade of lilac. "I know, I know, it's way too soon, but... it's still something to consider." His tone seemed firm and now it was he who looked her firmly in the eye.
"Ophelia, correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding of the situation is that we're both ready to take this relationship a step further." She nodded tentatively, indicating for him to continue talking. "
We've been together for over a year and a half, been through quite a bit and made it through and both decided that living together permanently is something desirable."
He took her hand and squeezed it gently before beginning to draw patterns on the back of her hand with his finger.
"I don't want to put pressure on you, nothing is further from my mind than that. However, it is something to keep in mind. Especially now that we're both ready to enter into a more committed, serious relationship."
Ophelia mulled over his words for a moment before offering a nod of agreement. As always, he wasn't wrong. "I understand you, Tysess. Your concern is valid, though it's unnecessary. Even if you were able to feel sexual feelings, that wouldn't guarantee children. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be against children, but we have to keep in mind, mi amor: We are not the same species. Andorian and human physiology differ significantly, if memory serves from my Academy biology classes. The chances of our species producing offspring... well, they're virtually non-existent."
She pressed her forehead against his. "I love you, Tysess. That's something that can't be changed. Whether you're asexual or not, whether children are possible or not —it doesn't matter to me. All I want is to be with you, right here, right now. It's okay to think about the future, it's even necessary. But please don't let it spoil the present, mi amor." A tranquil silence settled between them, not uncomfortable, but rather a moment in which everyone could sort out their thoughts.
"All right." Ophelia smiled and leaned in to give him a brief, tender kiss. Tysess smiled narrowly and, in an unguarded moment on her part, he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
"By the way," he murmured, "didn't you mention speaking to the Admiral about our quarters arrangements?"
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🔥En el mágico viaje de las Llamas Gemelas, cada instante se convierte en una canción de amor, cuyas emociones danzan al ritmo del amor universal 🌌✨ Sentir el suave roce de su piel es como sumergirse en la calidez del sol, una experiencia que se graba en el corazón como un recuerdo eterno.
🔥Su voz es la melodía que resuena en lo más profundo de mi ser, creando armonías que solo dos almas destinadas pueden entender. Cada palabra pronunciada es una conexión directa con el alma, una danza espiritual que nos eleva a planos divinos.
🔥En los momentos de separación, cierro los ojos y permito que la imaginación sea mi guía. Visualizo su presencia, siento su energía envolviéndome, y nos encontramos en ese espacio mágico donde las almas se entrelazan en un abrazo etéreo. La conexión espiritual que compartimos trasciende las barreras del tiempo y el espacio.
🔥En nuestra unión, descubro la magia de lo eterno. El amor que compartimos es una llama que arde con intensidad, incluso cuando la distancia física intenta desafiar su resplandor. Cada encuentro, cada separación, es parte de la danza cósmica que une nuestras almas en un abrazo celestial.
🔥Así, en este viaje de amor y espiritualidad, celebramos la belleza de estar junto a nuestra Llama Gemela. Unidos por un lazo que va más allá de las palabras, nos sumergimos en la profundidad de un romance que trasciende lo terrenal 💖🔥✨
Ophelia Sharuh!❤️❤️❤️
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
Hi, I asked for your Belios thoughts and I wanted to do so again for another villain. Who is Ophelia and what are your thoughts on her ? Go as visceral as you want
**cracking fingers** Lets see-
Odalia is a very good representation of a narcissistic parent (IN MY OPINION) not only because she is a clearly privileged woman with a great self-image, but because it is the only thing that matters to her.
Narcissistic parents usually make their children have to EARN their affection, which is precisely what Ofelia does with Amity, either with good grades or advertising their products (which is more like being on their "good side" but it is equally abusive), Ofelia makes this look like something "fair" with her typical phrase that "a Blight always keeps his end of the deal" which is just a way of justifying his horrible way of parenting, based on negotiations, rewards and PUNISHMENTS .
deal- good grades, do what I tell you, be the best
Reward - you have my favor and love
punishment if you fail - can range from breaking your property (like the tamagochi Amity had to talk to Luz), directly/indirectly harming people who make you reveal yourself (expulsion from Hexside, using Luz for the test), etc.
It is honestly DISGUSTING how she even forces Amity (a 14 YEAR OLD girl, her DAUGHTER) to look like her by dyeing her hair, removing a trace of her important identity just so she can live through her. Although this is more obvious (and said as is in the series) with her obsession with the emperor's coven, a dream that she could never fulfill, so she forces her daughter to fulfill it for her, she lives through her.
This already makes her a character worth hating, but if we go deeper, for example, her toxic relationship with her husband Alador is even worse, since she practically has the man so obsessed with his work and so IDIOTIZED and accustomed to her controlling way, that the poor man lacks a real personality since he has been with Odalia (when he was young he seemed much happier, although in general being with a narcissist drains all your energy).
(even more flavor if we consider the theory that Darius and Alador were friends but because of Odalia they broke up).
overall I'm glad she wasn't redeemed, because NO abusive parent/partner deserves a happy ending or to be forgiven for what they did, other than in character, they are VERY unlikely to change.
In general, Odalia is made to be hated, and she succeeds. I like their concept and how they worked it so well despite their few appearances.
Ofelia es una muy buena representación de un padre narcisista (EN MI OPINIÓN) no solo porque es una mujer claramente privilegiada y con una gran imagen de si misma, sino porque es lo unico que le importa.
los padres narcisistas suelen hacer que sus hijos tengan que GANAR su afecto, que es justamente lo que hace Ofelia con Amity, ya sea con buenas notas o hacer publicidad a sus productos (que es mas bien oara estar de su "lado bueno" pero es igual de abusivo), Ofelia hace ver esto como algo "justo" con su tipica frase de que "un Blight siempre cumple su parte del trato" que es solo una forma de justificar su horrible forma de paternidad, basada en negociaciones, premios y CASTIGOS.
trato- buenas notas, haz lo que te digo, se lo mejor
premio - tienes mi favor y amor
castigo si fallas- puede ir desde romper tu propiedad(como el tamagochi que tenia Amity para hablar con Luz), dañar directamente/indirectamente a gente que te haga revelarte(la expulsion de Hexside, usar a Luz para la prueba), etc.
Es sinceramente DESAGRADABLE como incluso obliga a Amity(una niña de 14 AÑOS, su HIJA) a parecerse a ella mediante teñirse el pelo, quitandole un rastro de identidad importante solo para poder vivir atravez de ella. aunque esto es mas obvio(y dicho tal cual en la serie) con su obsesión con el aquelarre del emperador, un sueño que ella nunca pudo cumplir, asi que obliga a su hija a cumplirlo por ella, vive atravez de ella.
esto ya la hace un personaje digno de odiar, pero si vamos mas profundo a por ejemplo su relación tóxica con su esposo Alador es aun peor, siendo que prácticamente tiene al man tan obsesionado con su trabajo y tan IDIOTIZADO y acostumbrado a su forma controladora, que el pobre hombre carece de una personalidad real desde que esta con Odalia(cuando era joven se veia mucho mas feliz, aunque en general estar con un narcisista te drena toda la energia).
(aun mas sabor si consideramos la teoria de que Darius y Alador eran amigos pero debido a Odalia ellos se separaron).
en general me alegra que ella no fuera redimida, porque NINGUN padre/pareja abusivos merecen un final feliz o que se les perdone por lo que hicieron, aparte de que en personaje, es MUY poco probable que cambien.
en general Odalia esta hecha para que la odies, y vaya que lo logra. me gusta su concepto y como lo trabajaron tan bien pese a sus pocas apariciones.
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
Btw, i will take longer than expected with the Request bc i will adopt a new dog soon! But i think i'll be able to publish something this week. Love ya ❤️
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akumadart · 2 years
La Revolución de Las amapolas. Prólogo. (Fragmento)
Unos pasos metálicos procedentes de las espaldas de Odette, captaron su atención. Sin llegar a girarse aún, y por mero instinto, llevó la mano al mango de su envainada arma.
—Veo que sigues aquí. - Una voz femenina, joven, pero con una tonalidad ruda. — Como no. –
Aquella voz pertenecía a su prima, Rose Redflower. La hermana menos de la señora del feudo Ophelia Redflower. Rose era conocida en todo Targoviste por ser una luchadora prodigio. Con tan solo doce años, destacaba en su destreza con la espada y el control del escudo. Rápidamente fue adquiriendo la fuerza y presencia necesaria para guiar a sus compañeros, quienes, con el 18 cumpleaños de Rose, se convertirían en sus subordinados. Era conocida por ser de palabras recias, y extremadamente pragmática.
—Nuestra señora solicita una audiencia contigo.
Odette asintió ante las palabras de su prima, sin esperar que justo tras girar, se encontraría la espada de ella tendida apuntando directamente hacia su cuello. Desenvainó hasta la mitad su arma dando un ligero paso hacia atrás. El rostro de Rose estaba firmemente clavado en ella, sin un ápice de duda. No, ella jamás dudaba. Así como tampoco apuntaba a nadie de su propia familia.
—Rose, mi entrenamiento ha terminado. Guarda tu espada.
—Tus palabras rebosan el miedo y la duda, Odette. ¿Realmente eres merecedora del título de leviatana que nuestra señora te concedió? ¿O no es más que una herencia injusta?
Odette apretó los dientes. Su rostro intentaba luchar por mantener pasividad ante aquella circunstancia, pero en sus ojos celestes se apreciaba como si de un libro abierto, cada uno de sus pensamientos. Rose esbozó una media sonrisa, su cuerpo no había cambiado de posición siquiera un ápice, la espada seguía tendida hacia ella.
—Fui nombrada leviatana por la mismísima Ophelia Redflower. Dudar de su palabra, es dudar del feudo entero, Rose.
—Mi hermana, aunque justa y noble, aún es joven, y su amor por la familia le ciega. Yo no soy como ella. Veo más allá de la sangre y los lazos que unen a esta. En la batalla de nada sirve el amor a la familia. De nada sirve un título inmerecido. Pues cuando el enemigo ataca, solo queda la muerte. Ahora, Odette, termina de desenvainar tu arma y lucha contra mí.
Como si una llama se encendiera en lo más profundo del corazón de Odette, un impulso le hizo sacar su espada, sin un ápice de la duda anteriormente sentida, asestando un golpe directo contra la hoja del arma de Rose. Apenas haciendo un rápido giro sobre sí misma, desvió el arma, asestando un golpe con la parte roma de la hoja al lomo de Odette, con tal fuerza que la hizo desequilibrarse. Odette volvió a girar sobre sí misma, lanzando un golpe hacia las piernas de Rose, sin embargo, la velocidad de ella no había sido suficiente. Pasaron varios minutos enzarzadas en batalla hasta que finalmente, Rose asestó varios golpes en las piernas a Odette, dejándola tumbada en el suelo. Odette miraba hacia la techumbre la diáfana sala, mientras escuchaba los pasos de Rose alejarse de ella.
—Eres un fracaso. Una mentira. Ophelia no tardará en darse cuenta y elegir lo mejor para proteger a la familia. Recuérdalo.
Apretó los puños con tanta fuerza que casi clavaba las uñas en las palmas de sus propias manos. No dejó pasar demasiado tiempo para volver a ponerse erguida. Aún veía la espalda de su prima alejarse en dirección al centro de la ciudad.
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boba-hijueputa · 4 months
Mmm o sea que se podría decir que solo te parece atractivo?
Jajaja de the neighborhood a Aventura hay mucha diferencia
Y de Fernando Pessoa me gustan sus poemas 9/10
Él es muy atractivo, pero es lo de menos, porque es una gran persona. En él he encontrado algo que nunca en otro hombre y es que experimenta la vida desde la sensibilidad, quizás no lo haga de manera consciente pero a mí me parece bellísimo. Ha estado en momentos en los que solo quería llorar y me llamaba, así fuera por alguien más. Creamos un lugar seguro, que no va a transcender a algo más por decisión de ambos, creo que buscamos personas diferentes. Puse que él era The Neighbourhood porque tienen vibes muy parecidas, hot, triste, amor. Aventura es el amor de mi vida desde que era pequeña.
Cartas a Ophelia de Fernando Pessoa 😍
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belzzzie · 1 year
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ONYX | T AMOOOO LOCAAA mi más npc en este grupo jajakskfl
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tempestainmare · 1 year
Nuovo taglio di capelli 💇
Tomorrow: July the7
July the6 today: sale!
Destinazione 🏠 #DINASTY
Trascorsa una settimana all'insegna del divertimento allo status puro nel favoloso villaggio della fatina più dispettosa che ci sia, tempo di bagagli e di nuove adventures. #nessundorma e quella strana domanda della #Turandot. O tu principessa, quanto tempo impieghi per fare il giro dell'isola? Isola? Muraglia not island bonita. Ti comprendio, bonita. Dopo estati e villaggi d'Italia, lo scarpone vecchio amico della gallina, ti confermo che dopo 5 giorni stanca la routine. Gente assai distinta gli abitanti di Trilly Valley. Dedici a quella cosa pubblica che stato non è 72/72 ore, 365/364 giorni annuali. Effecly, anni di sedute non potranno mai colmare il vuoto della #costacrociera vacation.
Eppure, mi viene chiesto di ritornare ancora in quel bosco incantato, stesa su un letto di fiori ad aspettare il bacio del vero amore. Sono trascorsi sette lunghi anni. Il principe ha sposato Grimilde, bellissima e potentissima. Ophelia continua a lavorare ai servigi del padrone di turno, Regina è imperatrice di un Regno. E la tipa stana? Non ha più un acquario, non possiede un regno ANCORA, è una single day e non indossa una taglia 42.
L' AMORE è anche questo, libro di storia pagina 98.
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opheliablackmoon · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤㅤ         ᴇxᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ  ❚  mount marcy        new update  ﹫  ophelia & aaron         h. 12.45, october 26th, 2022             ❪      🌑      ❫ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Grazie per avermi portato qui a Mount Marcy. »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « Mi auguro che faccia una cosa veloce. Ho anticipato il viaggio per questa messa in scena. »   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Non essere così brutale, non sappiamo ancora che cosa sia successo. »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « Le solite scenate di ragazzine che stanno male per amore. Tu lo capirai benissimo. »   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Giusto, tu non ci arrivi perché sei troppo focalizzato su te stesso. Ma esistono anche gli altri oltre te stesso, le persone accanto a noi. Comprendo il dolore, ma non comprendo un gesto tale. Se Gladys soffrisse, tu rimarresti impassibile? »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « Gladys è una Fleming. Ti basta questo come risposta. Il dolore. Sofferenza. Persone come noi sono temprate. Non hanno tempo per queste sciocchezze. »   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Gladys è una giovane donna, e come persona ha dei sentimenti anche se tu non li prendi in considerazione. E’ temprata, è forte, ma capita a tutti di soffrire. Tranne a te ovviamente. Sono preoccupata per Lylo. »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « Per questo ti ho accompagnato. Per evitare i tuoi soliti comportamenti fuori luogo. Se devi metterti a piangere, fallo almeno durante un funerale, non prima. »   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Che gesto gentile, quasi non ti si addice. Infatti ti ho perfino ringraziato, ma guarda un po’. Non mi metto a piangere, tranquillo, ma non stiamo andando a nessun funerale, ci preoccupiamo delle persone accanto a noi, dei nostri amici, delle persone a cui vogliamo bene. E Lylo è sempre stata gentile. Dispiace che il suo dolore l’abbia costretta a fare un gesto tanto brutale. Non sappiamo nemmeno che cosa l’abbia spinta a tanto, né se è stato intenzionale. Non saltare alle conclusioni. »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « La conclusione è che è debole. È semplice. Punto. Non potete aspettarvi nulla di meno da una che parla con le piante, lancia pensieri alla luna e  tutta la sequela di cose insensate che combina. È solo l'ennesimo fastidio, non previsto sul planning delle cose da fare questa settimana. Quindi lascia perdere le tue manie da Madre Teresa che vuole ascoltare e capire. Entra dentro lo chalet, saluta ed esci fuori. Hai quindici minuti per "lasciar libero" le tue care emozioni. E non guardami con quell'espressione accusatoria disegnata in volto. »   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Solamente perché ha ceduto ad un momento, la consideri debole? Cosa sappiamo se l’ha fatto per davvero o è stato un incidente. Non ti sto guardando in nessun modo, le emozioni non hanno un tempo prestabilito, e se non vuoi entrare non farlo, ma non dirmi quanto tempo devo impiegare. Domani torneremo a casa, ma credimi sono l’ultima persona che si può chiamare Madre Teresa. Lylo è mia amica, un concetto che a te evidentemente non sovviene. »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « La lezioncina da professoressa di terza media a scolari selvaggi e incontrollati, puoi evitarla. Anche perché è il solito modo che hai di "rispondere" e non lo ascolto più da mesi. Sai renderti terribilmente - noiosa. Sai cosa considero? L'uguaglianza che avete e che vi accomuna. Ed è surreale credere che non vi renda ciò che - francamente siete: donnuncole che vivono in continua funzione di altri. Ah - chiudi la portiera quando esci. Ho un' importante chiamata di lavoro, sicuramente più interessante di questo spettacolo da piano bar del venerdì sera. »   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Sei incredibile. Avanti, guru, come dovrei comportarmi di fronte a un’amica che non sta bene? Dovrei voltarle le spalle? Dovrei criticarla per aver fatto un il gesto che ha fatto? Dirle che è stata sconsiderata? Ti ascolto. Fai un gesto che mi spinge a pensare che tu possa essere gentile, e invece il momento successivo ti comporti da stronzo. Ma non nei miei confronti, ma nei confronti di Lylo. »   ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ « Finito? Ottimo. Dimitri accompagna fin dentro lo chalet la / mia / colomba. Assicurati di farle rispettare i  quindici minuti. Non ammetto ritardi. Sorridi tesoro, stai per piangere inutilmente. Fai attenzione a non rovinare il tuo bel trucco. »     💭 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑔𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒.   ᴏᴘʜᴇʟɪᴀ ᴀᴜʀᴀ « Ho finito le lacrime, non ti preoccupare. »
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memoriasamatae · 2 years
Gli Amori di Delilah
Raccontati, ovviamente, da Jihye.
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Crush Culture : The overall societal consensus that everyone needs to be in a relationship or like someone. Piccola parentesi che non riguardano i miei pensieri riguardanti un Certo-Nessuno, bensì per parlare degli amori che son arrivati prima di questo qui.
Ophelia. Seppur non il tipo d’Amore che avete tutti nelle vostre perfide e malate cape, il mio Amore per Ophelia può esser pari a quello di un innamorato verso la dama che vede passare ogni dì sotto casa propria, la guarda finché non gira l’angolo. È stata una fortuna aver vissuto ogni mia vita passata con Ophelia, poiché questa l’è la mia ultima. *Sir. Jeune! Durante la mia prima vita, ho incontrato questo giovane, nei miei sogni appare coi capelli biondicci tipo grano e raccoglieva legna per suo zio, parlavamo seduti sui tronchi dei boschi del Canada. È stato un amore fugace, nonostante l’anima ne porti un buon ricordo. Era un’anima triste, quasi malinconica e lo ricordo silenzioso che sussurrava delizie alle mie orecchie. *Il fu Marzio, che prima di chiamarsi così si era Eden non perché l’avesse scelto lui, ma perché era una stella nelle nostre vite assieme. Marzio me lo ricordo come un ragazzo più grande, spalle larghe e il naso affilato come una lama, un giocoliere, mentre io piccola ed ignara della vita fuori dal circo, ero il pagliaccio. Un amore genuino, che ci ha portati a fuggire assieme. *Kawan, anche soprannominato Il Capitano. Ci siamo incontrati in un sogno, mai ci siamo realmente incontrati, oserei dire. Era bassotto, eppure aveva con sé una aura spaventosa, terribile per chi si metteva sulla sua strada. Sono entrata in un suo sogno per sbaglio e mai lo lasciai, in mezzo al mar di stelle, scoprì la verità del mondo. Uccisa dalla sua lama, il nostro fu un’amore passionale. *Sophia! Dolce e Tremenda! Aveva lo sguardo da furbetta, non sono mai stata la sua prima ragazza, passavamo le nostre giornate in spiaggia con il sole cocente sulla pelle e le risatine da ragazzine. Ricordo che un pomeriggio mi chiese un Bacio, così per provare com’è! Bugiarda, eppure emozionante era sentirmi le sue mani addosso, tra le mie gambe, sorrideva sapientemente. *Fayette, ninfetta dei boschi e furba ladra di cuori! Me la ricordo con i capelli biondissimi contrastanti coi miei; la mia vicina di casa, dai vestitini corti e le gambe sempre di fuori. Ci quietavamo sul dondolo davanti alla sua casetta e ci tenevamo per mano, gemelle d’aspetto. Alle prime scoperte quindicenni, quando sì! Ci divertivamo a parlare di ragazzi, ma chiuse nella mansarda della mia stanza, la lingua ficcata nella sua bocca, e le mani sotto ai vestiti sprovviste di protezione, scoprivamo cosa voleva esser Donne.
*Niamh, la ricordo vivida, che quando andavamo a scuola ci tenevamo la mano, intrecciate come lucchetti e nascondevamo sorrisi sapienti dietro sguardi innocenti. *Noél dalla vita breve, siamo durati da Natale a Santo Stefano, dove giuravamo di amarci per sempre, e come Romeo e Giulietta siamo periti assieme in una sparatoria negli anni Cinquanta o giù di lì. Un bel ragazzetto più piccino di me, e passavamo il tempo nelle sale da ballo. *Cherry & Selina le sorelle da diverso padre con cui ebbi la mia prima fuga di casa, in quei momenti non ero né donna né uomo, ibrido tra cose cui non riesco a scegliere e tenevo i capelli corti come Matilda Leon, e scappavo come una Ladra in una vita da città pari a quella di Oliver Twist.
Di tutti gli amori che potevo tenere nella vita, e di cui niente rimpiango è l’affetto profondo per Ophelia che in ogni vita mi ha tenuto la mano ed ha affrontato con me la vita nelle maniere più difficili e disparate. Un tempo una strega, cui nome fu Sabrina! Malcontenta! Cassandra e chi-più-ne-ha-più-ne-metta(!) ci ha sigillato assieme facendo sì che ogni vita non fosse mai come la precedente, eppure sempre assieme. È stato questo gigantesco amore che mi ha permesso di continuare a vivere, e a scoprire cosa esiste dentro di me. Grazie a questi amori ho scoperto al cartomanzia che ha previsto ogni mio futuro meno questo. Men che questo così da farmi aggrappare ai futuri nulli della vita.
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youwouldntlietopapa · 5 months
Rating: 18+
Features: Secondo x OC, fluff, domestic fluff, comfort
Word count: 956
Note: Just a slightly fluff, slightly angsty one off feat. Ophelia. Italian by Google Translate.
Two cigarettes and a lighter were missing. Secondo knew without even having to think about it. Not that he was upset they’d been taken. He knew who it must have been. The reasons, however, he liked considerably less. Ophelia wasn’t a smoker. Not really. The only time his cigarettes went missing was when she was stressed or upset.
At least, he considered, he was reasonably sure where he’d find her.
He set his mitre on its stand and shed his robes, hanging them carefully in the wardrobe. Rolling up his sleeves, he tucked the cigarette case in his pocket and walked out into the yard. The warmth of the day already giving way to the cool breeze of the evening. Judging from the faint smell of tobacco, she wasn’t far.
Ophelia sat on the grass, leaning back against the stone wall of the Abbey. A half finished cigarette dangled from her fingers and, though she stared out at the sunset, seemed to see nothing of it. Too lost in her own thoughts. Broken only by an occasional sniffle. Secondo watched in silence for a long moment, trying to come up with the right thing to say and mentally making a list of anyone who might have upset her so much. But the longer he watched, the less important it all seemed.
All that mattered was that she was sitting there. Alone. Upset. And looking so very small.
Without a word, he walked over. Trying to ignore the old man noise he couldn’t stifle as he lowered himself to the ground next to her. “Bad day?”
“Bad day.” She confirmed in quiet monotone.
Her arm slipped through his and she leaned against his side. Resting her head on his shoulder as she continued to stare out at nothing. Some of the tension she’d been holding finally started to let go and Ophelia melted into his warmth. Secondo let out the breath he’d been holding, worried he’d misjudged or his presence wouldn’t be welcome. That he might be intruding on a private moment. But she held onto him like a lifeline and his fears drifted away.
He kissed the top of her head and they sat, together, in an easy silence. Now and then, passing the cigarette back and forth. When the first had burned down to almost nothing, he took another from the case and lit it off the last. They sat until the sun went down and the stars came out. Until the cool air made her shiver. 
“Fay?” Secondo asked quietly. 
“Mmm?” She tilted her head enough to look up at him. 
A small smirk curled up the corner of his mouth. “Amore, I think you need to help me up from this. I can’t feel my ass anymore.”
Ophelia snorted and buried her face in his shoulder for a moment. “Ti amo, vecchio mio.”
“Dice che mi ama e poi mi prende in giro!” He lamented to the stars. 
“Forgive me.” She giggled, shoving herself up, ass equally numb. Kissing his cheek before standing and offering him her hands. “We’ll go inside and I’ll see if I can’t rub some feeling back into your poor bottom.” 
Secondo was, admittedly, much bigger than she was and helping him up proved to take a lot more effort than expected. By the time he got to his feet, Ophelia was laughing helplessly. Even he couldn’t help but chuckle. Cupping her cheek and looking down at her, eyes glittering with happy tears, smiling right back up at him. 
His pride was no match for that look. Reputation and appearances be damned. There was nothing worth more to him in that moment than seeing the dark clouds part and for his Ophelia to look at him like that. Secondo leaned down, claiming her mouth, and letting his fingers slide back into her hair. Reveling in the feel of her pressing up against him. 
“Vale la pena sembrare un po' sciocco per vederti sorridere di nuovo, amore mio.” Secondo said quietly, earnestly. His nose bumped softly against hers and he stole another quick kiss.
“I’m sorry.” Ophelia’s smile softened, anyone else might have missed the guilty look in her eyes. “I should have just come to your office and talked to you. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
His expression hardened into something more stern. Or as stern as he could muster with her. “No. No sorry. No should have. What do you tell me, ah? Take a walk.Go outside. Breathe. We talk when you are ready, not before. Si?” 
“Si.” Her hand cupped his and she nuzzled into his palm. “I’m still sorry you had to get all the way down on the ground.” 
“Non scusarti neanche per questo.” Secondo slipped his arm around her shoulder, tucking her against his side. “You are needing dinner, I think. And wine. I cook for you, you tell me who upset you so.”
She didn’t resist. Wrapping her arm around his middle and following his lead. Ophelia rested her head against his shoulder and silently thanked the Dark Lord for blessing her with the best of his servants. Ready to be back in the warmth and safety of their quarters. “Will you promise me one thing first?”
“Any retribution waits until tomorrow. Wine and food are very good, but what I really want? What I really need? Is you.”
He paused to open the door, kissing the top of her head. 
“On my life, Ophelia. I am yours. Only yours. Tonight and all other nights.”
“Ti amo, vecchio mio.” - I love you, my old man.
“Dice che mi ama e poi mi prende in giro!”- She says she loves me and then makes fun of me!
“Vale la pena sembrare un po' sciocco per vederti sorridere di nuovo, amore mio.” - It's worth looking a little silly to see you smile again, my love.
“Non scusarti neanche per questo.” - Don’t apologise for that either.
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cuencasvacias · 7 years
Viernes de fanfiction (en domingo)
Hola!! Tenemos un nuevo capítulo de la venda sobre los ojos. 
Ojalá les guste, lo posteo con mucho cariño. 
La venda sobre los ojos: capítulo 10
“El amor existe para el ahora, para este único momento. Ustedes dos pueden rehacerse si logran comprenderse”.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Prompt list: Songs
To celebrate how loving and supportive all of you are I decided to create this prompt list based on the lyrics of some songs I really love or inspire me to write.
See all the songs on Spotify
The rules are easy:
Only 1 prompt per person so we don't mix songs (I can make an exception if the prompts are from the same song)
You tell me the number and the driver you want me to write it about. Also if you have any idea about the background (I prefer if you do).
Nothing too angsty, please.
You can check the people I write about and other guidelines here.
I won't repeat ideas that are too similar or with the same driver and prompt, they will be written as one.
I don't follow a particular order of writing, I do it depending on the inspiration I have.
The last four are in Spanish but I will translate them when I write your story.
The most important thing: Be nice 🌺
If only you could see yourself with my eyes, you'll see you shine. Lost by Dermot Kennedy.
Guess all the good things come to an end. Hold me closer by Cornelia Jakobs.
I give in so easily. And no thank you is how it should've gone. I should stay strong. Weak by AJR
Hold me closer, although you'll leave before the sunrise. Hold me closer by Cornelia Jakobs.
No matter who l love and no matter who I touch, I'm afraid there isn't much without you. There isn't much by Emeli Sandé
Lay me down and kiss me deeply, show me everything I missed. The heart is a muscle by Gang of youths.
I'm about to lose the best I ever had. Hold me closer by Cornelia Jakobs.
Wasn't it love as soon as we knew each other properly? For Islands Fires and Family by Dermot Kennedy
In a full room, I'm the only one she's smiling at. For Islands Fires and Family by Dermot Kennedy.
Even when there is no star in sight, you will always be my guiding light. Guiding light by Mumford and Sons.
I let bad love betray me once (...) and I guess I fear the same results. The heart is a muscle by Gang of youths.
When I see you, the whole world reduces to just that room. And then I remember and I'm shy. Don't delete the kisses by Wolf Alice
You've been on my mind girl like a drug. Ophelia by The Lumineers.
But if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first one who ever did. Cinnamon Girl by Lana del Rey.
This could be the end of everything, so why don't we go somewhere only we know. Somewhere only we know by Keane.
I don't gamble, but if I did I would bet on us. Dead sea by The Lumineers.
I just want to hold you tight without holding back my mind. Tompkins Square Park by Mumford and Sons.
I'm standing on your porch screaming out. And I won't leave until you come downstairs. Stubborn Love by The Lumineers.
Oh babe, I really wish you would not cry, I only ever told you one lie. Tompkins Square Park by Mumford and Sons.
I looked for love in things that were not love. Hunger by Florence and the Machine.
I've been getting used to waking up with you. Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy.
You remind me that is such a wonderful thing to love. Patricia by Florence and the Machine.
We were stuck out in your car. You were rubbing both of my hands. Blood bank by Bon Iver.
I like you, and I'll never let it show. And you won't wait, and maybe I won't mind. Don't delete the kisses by Wolf Alice
What if the love you deserve is the love you'll never find. Lost by Dermot Kennedy.
You are the reason that I feel so strong. Mess is mine by Vance Joy.
Cuando dos polos opuestos sienten más que una atracción es amor (When two opposite poles feel more than an attraction is love). La Mujer cactus y el Hombre Globo by Rayden.
No quise quererla pero acostumbré a mis manos a tenerla cada noche (I didn't want to love her but I got my hands used to having her every night). Rara bien by Rupatrupa.
¿A dónde hemos llegado? Si tú me querías ¿Por qué estás llorando? (Where have we arrived? if you loved me Why are you crying?) Bajo la Piel by Alice Wonder.
Te irás con el alba (...) Fue bueno saber que pensabas en mí. (You will leave with the dawn (...) It was good to know that were you thinking of me.) La espina de la flor en tu costado by Xoel Lopez.
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