#ooc :: this is juicy thank you so much
aventvrina · 5 months
was talking with ren (also thank you terios for sending that post as well) about this and i'm gonna say while i would love for Ena to be Gaiathra since it'd be excellent world building, I'm not inclined to believe that they are the same entity
while they all share the Sigonian eye coloration and have heavy similarities, there's also a lot of contradictions separating them.
the similarities are as follows:
tricolor eyes
triclops/triple faced
resurrection/life cycle themes through the three stages of live
" the silent and unassuming Gaiathra Triclops, with HER immense and weighty torso, quietly encompasses all the living and deceased in Sigonia " (same imagery as Ena)
these by themselves are solid enough evidences to assume they're the same entity, even more if you consider Sigonia as a planet who was under the Order's protection and fell into ruin after their absorption by Xipe, since it's said that every civilization that was under the Order went through calamity after their disappearance. In texts when referring to Gaiathra, she's written as HER much like when one refers to Aeons as THEY.
however that's mostly where the similarities stop. and while we can argue that the themes are similar, since Gaiathra employs martyrdom to her people as a way to tune for their sins. Gaiathra practices are not the same as Ena's, neither are her blessings.
Gaiathra represents fertility, trickery, and travel, themes that aren't related to Ena. There's also the second name of Gaiathra, Fenge Biyos which seems to be related to Baba Fingo, a male deity that comes out during the Kakava to protect the Romani people. The themes of Baba Fingo and Gaiathra actually merge since to Avgin's, Gaiathra is seen as a mother goddess, protector and guide to her people. There's also the mention that Gaiathra does not need music to sing her praises, while Ena is all about the harmonious choir.
and I know that it could all be part of the Enigmata/Mythus doing by mythologizing Ena on Sigonia but I don't think that's the case.
however there's no denying that Gaiathra and Ena are extremely similar and for that i offer you some ideas of why that might be without implying that they are the same entity:
Gaiathra could be of the same species as Ena ( some Aeons like Orobos and Long share species with those who follow their path, it's entirely possible for Gaiathra to be the same situation)
Gaiathra is an older entity than Ena (we just assume she's younger cause Ena is considered part of the Old Aeons but Gods aren't under the same category as Aeons in HSR so it's possible She predates Ena and her path (which also could give way to thinking of Ena being a descendant of Gaiathra/a Sigonian who ascended))
Gaiathra is an original Emanator of the Order who perished (Emanator's might just as well be Gods whose to say there isn't somewhere out there worshipping an Emanator instead of an Aeon?)
as a final note i want to talk about Aventurine's eyes since they are the main factor at play here. In game, Aventurine's eye are enough to get him recognized as a Sigonian but not as an Avgin. Thus it's safe to assume that everyone in Sigonia-IV will have the same characteristic. however, his sister implies that his eyes are blessed, a proof of Gaiathra's blessing which leads me to think that his pattern might be unique. sadly we can't confirm this without seeing what another person from Sigonia might look like to understand just how unique Aventurine's eyes are in comparison. supposedly there should be Sigonians spread throughout the cosmos as many migrated due to the harsh conditions so we may run into some along the travels but we never know.
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zaunseye · 9 months
"You never left that river." - Vander
[agitate my muse -- ACCEPTING]
Silco's face soured at the sound of his voice, and the scowl steepened when the words filtered through his mind. He turned to face Vander, or the shadow of the man that once was Vander, and stared daggers into his eyes. "You can't possibly imagine where I went after you put me under that water, lover. The things I saw. The whispers I heard. The gentle pull of death, welcoming me home."
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"It was beautiful, for a moment. Dulcet tones of the unknown, slowly luring me into the depths." He ran his fingers along his scarring, staring past Vander with a hollow reverence. Flashes of memories played without permission within his mind. Cold. Wet. Burning. Can't breathe. He let none of it show on his face. "I was about to give in to it, you know. I was prepared to let you have me. To have the rebellion."
He clenched his open palm into a fist, pointing with the other hand. "But I walked away from that night. I walked away from you." He let out a tense, slow, and measured sigh. "I am not the weak man you killed. I am the monster you created."
He looked at his pointing hand, noticing that it was clutching his flask, now empty. He looked back to Vander, seeing the cast iron statue looking out and over him, its steel gaze aimed out toward the urban valleys of the Lanes. He lowered his hand as he realized what he'd been speaking to, and closed his eyes. Vander was gone. And Zaun needed his focus to be elsewhere. With slightly inebriated steps, he began to walk back toward the Last Drop.
"Goodbye, Vander."
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vitalphenomena · 1 year
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way? (harris & cass)
HARRIS. first of all, as @bluedprints said:
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so i won't assume these are fans of harris assume - moreso fans of the narrative he exists within. like, fans of the harris family (unfortunately named), but harris just happens to be there and they have opinions on him.
i say all this and then know that this abusive, prejudiced, complicated, and, yes, very attractive man would 100% have fans i just dont like any of them or want to interact with them. he is the bad guy!! he is so bad, only bad things should happen to him. the good things that happen should infuriate and make the bad things more satisfying.
CASS. love-hate for sure, i think as a symptom of mack being the main protagonist of the narrative and mack/cass's goals clashing from time to time. but ultimately cass is a really enjoyable character - they're honest, refreshing, blunt, and get what they want, but they work really hard for it.
i think cass is also really easy to lust after in a lot of ways that ultimately have unfortunate social implications, implications ive considered before. but it's also not entirely, inherently wrong or bad i think? and to me cass has a lot of agency within her narrative and makes a lot of strong choices.
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
The Deal
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: When Pope needs some extra cash, he takes up the opportunity of helping others with their studies. However, things take a turn when he decides to help out a known troublemaker.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
CW/TW: Typical OBX warnings, teasing over virginity, (Y/N)'s kinda an asshole, mentions/implied JJPope (should've been canon), implied bisexual JJ, Pope is bisexual and possibly ooc,
Super short but felt like doing something with sweet ole Pope
(Y/N) watched with a lazy grin as Mrs. Heyward shuffled into the room with a charcuterie board in hand, her smile big and warm and utterly welcoming as she carefully set the food down on an empty part of Pope's desk. Her son rolled his lips into his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut at her presence, his fingers rubbing into his forehead in pure embarrassment that only made (Y/N) snort quietly. Mrs. Heyward leaned back and clasped her hands together, her eyes crinkling when she faced them.
"There you go, sweetie. Eat as much as you want. You boys let me know if you need anything, 'kay?"
"Okay, Mom, thank you." Pope practically groaned, giving Mrs. Heyward a tight-lipped smile and watching her leave his bedroom while (Y/N) quietly snickered under his breath, his knuckles pressing into his lips to muffle the noise before it could reach the kind older woman's ears. Pope exhaled heavily and stood up to fully shut his door, ensuring to lock it before he returned to his bed and softly cleared his throat. "Sorry 'bout that." He muttered, swallowing down the mortification that'd filled him when his mother had strolled into the room.
"That was cute, Heyward." (Y/N) laughed, picking up a juicy apple slice and taking a bite from it, a bit of juice dripping off his bottom lip. Slowly chewing on the crunchy apple slice, he watched Pope retrieve some notebooks and flip through them until he reached his desired pages full of biology notes and some poorly drawn scribbles. He popped open the cap of his highlighter and took a peek through the pages of (Y/N)'s science notebook, unsurprisingly finding them mostly blank.
"Okay, so, uhm," Pope cleared his throat. "You know what monomers and polymers are, right?"
And right on cue, (Y/N) promptly zoned out and fully allowed his attention to shift onto the surprisingly semi-cluttered room of Pope 'Golden Boy' Heyward. He eyed the posters and drawings on the wall, some movies he recognized whilst others were characters from anime series with bulky muscled men and petite women.
(Y/N) shoved the rest of the slice into his mouth and squinted as he looked at the Polaroid pictures pinned to the wooden wall near him, recognizing a younger Pope with his parents in a few but JJ, Kiara, and John B were the subject of half of the pictures stuck around the walls of the room. 
Scooting his chair closer to the wall, he felt the corners of his lips curl up into gleeful mischief when he took note of the way Pope looked at Kiara in most pictures; softened adoring eyes, a gentle smile, the look of knowing written all over JJ's smirking face in each photo. Pope liked Kiara, (Y/N) realized, and spun the swivel chair around to look at him. He'd never seen Pope flirt properly before, only ever spewing random weird facts that had chicks furrowing their brows and walking away when they got the chance. 
"-dehydration synthesis is actually pretty cool if you think about it. Basically what happens is-"
"Heyward." (Y/N) purred, slowly rising from his chair and plucking another apple slice from the board. Pope's eyes darted away from his notebook to look at him questioningly, his body perking up and shoulders squaring as if awaiting (Y/N)'s question about whatever he'd spent the last few minutes blabbering about. (Y/N) popped the apple slice into his mouth and nudged the notebooks off the bed, letting them slip and fall onto the floor with soft thuds. "You're a total virgin, right?" 
Pope blinked at him, his mouth flying open and then slamming shut. He visibly gulped, his adams apple bobbing and eyes flickering away to bounce around different objects in his room. "N-No, I've... I've- I've-" Pope stuttered roughly, his grip on the notebook in hand tightening and crinkling the paper. "I'm- I-"
"Wow," (Y/N) snickered, snatching the notebook from his hand and dropping it onto the floor with a soft thud. Pope's hands were forced to rest over his thighs, fingers flexing and curling into fists. "Never even kissed anyone, have you, Heyward?" 
"Okay, what if I am? Virginty- Virginty is a construct."
"Sure, if it helps you sleep at night knowing even Routledge of all people has gotten laid before, it's totally a construct." (Y/N) laughed again, albeit more cruelly, and plopped down on the bed beside Pope's crossed legs with his head cocked to the side. "You can't leave high school a virgin with a face like that, Heyward. Besides, girls like guys who know what they're doing, trust me; I'm kind of an expert on this shit."
Pope grimaced. "Yeah, I've heard." He'd seen the pouty, sullen looks on the classmates he'd snatched up and then dropped once he bored of them. He'd even seen the occasional fight with a Kook when he slept with a taken rich girl. "It's- It's fine, I don't care. Peer pressuring someone to lose their virginity is something straight from an early 2000s movie."
"I'm not peer pressuring you, Heyward. I'm making fun of you." The shit-eating grin on (Y/N)'s face reminded him all too much of JJ. "But, because I am such a nice guy-"
"That's debatable."
"-I'm going to help you, Heyward." The grin grew at the bewildered look on Pope's face, his brows knitting tightly together and lips pulling into a line. Pope stared at him, his fingers rubbing into the fabric of his jeans, the contemplation clear in his eyes. "You think Kiara has time to teach someone how to please her?" 
"W-What? I-I don't like Kie! She's like- I-"
"I can teach you how to kiss someone properly. I've had plenty of practice since middle school." (Y/N) pressed the bottom of his sneaker into the heel of the other, pushing until the shoe fell onto the floor before ridding himself of the other one. He dragged himself further onto the bed and arched an expectant brow at the stammering boy until Pope shut his mouth and swallowed again. 
"I..." He trailed off, his eyes jumping toward the picture wall, his lips pressing together. 
"Come on, you wouldn't be the first of Routledge's minions I've made out with." (Y/N) revealed and Pope's considering gaze turned into surprise as his wide eyes darted back to him. "J and I make out drunk all the time. You should try it sometime when you're wasted and bored."
Pope would've been lying if he claimed he'd never thought of kissing the chaotic Maybank. Hell, sometimes he wondered what it'd be like to kiss John B; especially on lazy days when they lounged on the boat after a swim and the setting sun warmed John B's skin, making it glitter from the droplets of water while he stared off into the distance. With JJ, the thoughts emerged more often. JJ cared little for personal space, his hand or arm somehow managing to always press against one of the Pogues, and Pope often found his space invaded by the blond. He assumed it to be natural thoughts, but he wondered if his curiosity expanded past innocence. 
His skin simmered with heat, his hands curling into fists and his back straightening with determination. If JJ trusted him, so would Pope. He gave (Y/N) a firm nod and braced himself, his eyes squeezing shut and cheeks flaring with heat when (Y/N) giggled.
The bed shifted and creaked with movement, his eyes parting immediately when he felt hands grasping at his crossed legs and pulling them apart. (Y/N) hardly gave him time to question before pressing their lips together, his hand slipping toward Pope's hip and squeezing lightly; the scent of cigarette smoke clinging to (Y/N)'s clothes filling Pope's nose.
"Relax." He murmured into Pope's mouth, half-lidded eyes finally shutting and lips pressing harder against Pope. 
Slowly, Pope forced himself to relax, his body slumping back against the pillow that began pressing into his back when (Y/N) pushed him into lying back. His lips felt soft, if not a bit chapped and sticky from the apple slices, and Pope felt a surge of insecurity bubble in his stomach at his blatant inexperience. His hands awkwardly fumbled around until he pressed them against (Y/N)'s sides, finding himself fully unsure of what else to do besides pressing back into his lips. 
"There you go," (Y/N) cooed and the way his heart skipped a beat at the praise made Pope want to bury his face into his pillows. The top of (Y/N)'s thighs pressed into the bottom of Pope's, his knees sinking into the mattress as he began adjusting his position. He moved fully on top of him, propping his upper half up by bracing himself against his elbow. His fingers took Pope's chin and lightly squeezed. "Open."
With a face set ablaze, Pope meekly parted his lips and shut his eyes again. (Y/N) kissed him again, his lips wrapping around Pope's bottom one and teeth digging lightly into him, an action that shot heat down his spine before he mushed their lips further together. Their teeth almost clacked together as Pope weakly began mimicking (Y/N)'s movements, a muffled noise leaving him when their tongues collided and he tasted the apple juice on his tongue. 
(Y/N) pulled back after a minute or two, a short string of saliva connecting them and quiet panting leaving them both. Pope's fingers dipped under the hem of (Y/N)'s shirt, carefully massaging his flesh as he attempted to ground his spinning, light-headed brain. He stared up at the ceiling of his room, chest heaving with pants and lips slick with salvia. 
"Did- Did you know-" He paused to catch his breath again. "-that kissing releases a multitude of chemicals in your brain-"
"Oh, Jesus, Pope." (Y/N) dropped his head down onto the soft pillow beside Pope, his breath fanning against Pope's ear and making goosebumps rise along his arms. "If you want to nerd out, use it as a segway into kissing."
"I'm surprised you know what segway means."
"Fuck you." (Y/N) laughed, light and breathless. "I'm not dumb; school is just boring."
Pope traced the lines in the slanted wooden ceiling over them, his hands squeezing (Y/N)'s sides when an idea struck him. "Yeah? What if... what if it wasn't boring?" Pope tilted his head to look at him, their noses brushing against each other and a smile spreading across his lips. "I can teach you something about biology and in return, you can teach me something I can do to- to... to my future girlfriend, or something." 
"Mm," (Y/N) grinned, a quiet chuckle leaving him. "You've got a deal, then."
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btdemaru · 1 year
hiiiyaaa! just found your blog, and im already obsessed 🤭 the theme is so cute too like wtf 🔛🔝 anyways i was wondering how the obey me brothers would react to an mc who’s very very good at giving massages! idk what it is but im very good at giving them so i wonder how they’d react to that 😭 again, super obsessed with ur blog and ur work <3
Obey me! Mc giving good massages to the brother's
note : thank u omg i just love pink tbh and i couldn't find any soft pink theme but im so glad you love my theme now 💕. AND THANK U AGAIN for suggesting this cause i need more idea juices for them [lipbite].... Gn!mc.
Warning : oiled up (not all), Might be ooc, if there's a misspelling/typo's I'm sorry, but mostly fluff cause idk if u wanted smut or not so enjoy
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He will definitely resist it at first- the avatar if pride? The eldest?? A massage??? Do you think he's tired and overworked ?? [Yes]
But eventually gives in and lays down on the bed, i think he'd prefers clothes on or maybe just a t-shirt so that when you're done giving him the massage he can get back to work again
He's wrong 💀. Five minutes into the massage Lucifer's eye was starting to get droopy and heavy but he tried not to sleep
I think his back has alot of knots especially around his shoulder
If you knead/massage that part he'd probably slip out some groans or at least a satisfied noises
"i have no time for that, it'll only waste my time and i need to finish a few more-" before Lucifer could finish you tug his arm trying to drag him to the bed. He looks at you before sighing "fine, but i don't need this." Proceeds to lay down on his chest while he buried his face into the pillow.
You gently pressed your palms against his juicy broad shoulders before putting pressure on the tight knots "haaah.." he accidentally let out a satisfied sigh "oh? Seems like you're enjoying this after all!" Hearing you say that Lucifer went silent but still enjoys it, slowly drifting to sleep.
When you're done he's already too relaxed and knocked out at this point "hello? Earth to Lucifer! Were done here.. much better right?". No response at all from the mighty prideful demon below you, slowly with struggle you move him so he's laying on his back to find a peaceful look on his face as it was evident that he's definitely tired.
Probs after you massage him once he'd want more some other time
Barges into your room after a 'tiring' day of having complaints and being chased for his debt just to ask for a massage
If you say no he'd look at you with puppy eyes while whining and pestering you about how shitty his day was
You (ofcourse) give in and he starts to take his jacket off leaving him in his white shirt smiling sheepishly at you before his back faces you
Mammon sighs in content as he immediately melts and relax into your touch, leaning more and more as he's starting to get a little too greedy for your touch. You pulled away only for him to gasp and turn over dramatically "hey why'd you do that? I thought the massage was-" you quickly cut him off "oh hush and let me do it properly and stop leaning all your weight towards me or lay down!" You spoke as he pouted and lay down on your bed.
He talks and talk about his day while you apply pressure on his muscles
Slowly he yawns and at the end of the session he sits up and thanked you before his eyes closes... now you have a sleepy eepy mammon
You cant tell me that he's not playing his video games most of the times or watching stuff to the point where his posture is BAD
And him sleeping in a bathtub doesn't help at all
He secretly has been wanting to ask for a massage from your for quite awhile but never really got the courage to ask even if you're close!
If you suggested it tho he wouldn't decline at all and just let you do your thing
You should probably tease him to take his hoodie off and just go shirtless to see how red he can be
"are you sure about the.. shirtless part?" He's still unsure but does it anyway since you're more experienced. What he didn't expect was a massage oil dripped onto his back from his shoulders all the way to his hip as you softly rubs it, making him jolts out of shock. "Wait wait wait w-what even was that?!" He looks at you "it's just an oil, relax."
He struggled to relax as he kept moving and wriggling slightly made you a little bit annoyed before gripping his waist and sits on his ass area so he doesn't move.
Levi's eye fluttered as your hand works magic on him, from his neck slowly moving down his shoulders and so on.
After you're done his face was less flushed as he thanked you and asked if he could ask for more in the future
He would probably droop himself over your shoulder fully dropping his whole weight onto your back
Nuzzling Into your neck before finally asking if you can massage him as his back was hurting from reading
If you accepted he'd happily lay down next to his cats (the one where he totally didn't sneak in)
He dimmed the light in the room and lays back down while he impatiently waits for you to begin
"just for a couple of minutes.. my back is killing me already" he said as he lays on his chest while slowly stroking the sleeping cat next to him "fine fine" after you spoke, you started to do your massage.
Satan couldn't help but melts and groans at the pleasure as the pressure on his back was slightly going away from your delicate but precise hands
Let's say 20 minutes has passed and you pull away thinking that satan is asleep and that you can stop, but as you do that his arms pulled you in again wanting for more "just ten more minutes- it feels so good.." well ten more minutes it is! (I cant say no to him)
He's the one who sets up all these heart candles with flowery smell and assorted massage oil for you to choose
Asmo lured asked nicely for you to give him your perfect and heavenly massages
He'll even ask to give you a massage in return (it'll turn into more)
Loves the way your hand roams around and all over his body
Oh and asmo probably will go butt naked only with a towel to cover his ass
You gave in to him since he made the efforts of already setting the mood with pretty scented heart candles and bought the massage oil
When you start to carefully massage his neck, he's going to be loud and wouldn't mind if anyone outside his room hear him, slowly working down to his back Asmo is amazed of how good you are "where did you learn this? It feels so good~" he nuzzle back to his pillow after talking.
After you're finish, he'll insist to give you a massage in return so if you accept that then don't be suprised if his hands roam around places on your body slightly squeezing it (he'll ask tho) and perhaps more than just a massage
You'd give him massages a few hours after his workout sessions
Loves the way your hands move all over his muscular body and would be a happy boy if you provided small snacks after
This is just a guess of mine but i think it'll be kinda hard? Like you'd need to put more pressure on him than the other's cause his muscles are hard
Aside from the back side, feel free to give him arm massage as well
Beel will stare at you when you're kneading his sore arm muscle, a small smile was shown on the corner of his lips and he leans back.
"you brought snacks..right?" He looked around the room and on the bed to find anything he van chew on "I'll give it to you after the massage so be patient." Beel actually did what you said and waited til the end of the massage
Gently rub his arms with a warm towel after pls he likes it.
After that he'd probably embrace you while he's eating the snacks and just enjoy how fuzzy n relaxed he feels and glad that you accepted his cuddles
He wouldn't ask for it in words, belphie would just tug your shirt and pat his back signaling he wants you to start massaging him
Loves LOVES when you give him scalp massages and gives his face kisses afterwards
Eventually will fall asleep but who's suprised atp lmfao
You better give him snuggles and cuddles when you're done cause i like to think he's abit clingy
Belphie pats his back as you guys were watching a movie "you want a massage like- right now?" You said while only getting a nod from the demon next to you, quickly gets in between your body and lays on your stomach as he waits for you to start "...hurry" belphie kept nuzzling his head on your hands as you sigh and starts to gently massage his head
Working your way across his scalp to cover all areas. Trying to massage his scalp using your fingertips for at least 5 minutes before small snores are starting to come out of belphie's lips, he would say it from time to time about how good of a massage you give and how much he enjoys it.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Summary: Leona is used to people talking about him. Yuu must believe the rumors, right?
Word Count: 1.3k
Note: sequel to “Love at First Fight,” royal au, fluff, light angst, cameos for a future fic
Warning: fem Yuu reader, not beta read, and possible ooc characters
Masterlist: here, Series Masterlist: here
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"I wonder why the King agreed to this?"
"Did you hear? Prince Leona once murdered someone with his magic?"
"I hear the Princess has been avoiding Leona lately. She must believe the rumors too…"
"If only he was like his brother."
All Leona heard were whispers no matter where he was. 
Leona had heard it all of his life, and he grew used to it. He knew there was no way he could be king.  Leona did not blame the Princess for not wanting to interact with him. She must have seen herself as his key to becoming a king. Yuu's interactions with him were kept to a minimum if they were obligated to be in the same room.
Leona made his way to the garden, the same garden where he met Yuu, ready to rest under a tree with a pillow and some snacks on the side. He honestly had a small hope that Yuu, the woman he arranged to marry, would see him differently and not what he was known for. He remembered when they first met and how she caught him off guard. He never expected her to have similar strength as the women back home. 
Leona respected that. Too bad the feeling was not mutual. That was when he made his decision. 
If Yuu chose not to get close to him, he would honor that, even if it hurt him. He would not force her to initiate things with him when it was his brother's and her father's choice to be stuck with him. 
Despite that, Leona at least tried to be with Yuu indirectly. Sometimes, he noticed how stressed she looked, so he convinced the King that he would handle her duties for her to give her a day off. Other times, a gift would "magically" appear in the air when Yuu felt down that day, making Yuu smile again.
If Yuu smiled, then Leona would be content with it. 
He can spend the rest of his time giving up on the hope he had and break the engagement later on. Yuu deserved to be with someone she loved. His unrequited crush did not matter. 
It was better to break the plant by the bud. 
Leona navigated his way through the quiet garden with Yuu in his mind. He was not worthy to stand beside her. Yuu would be a good queen, and he saw so much potential in her. Her kindness, strength, and wisdom would make her kingdom flourish. Leona sighed as his eyes landed on his favorite tree. 
He must be hallucinating because he could swear Yuu was currently napping in his spot. 
She looked peaceful, like she would not be a queen one day. Her face was relaxed, and her breathing was rhythmic. She lay on a blanket, and a medium-sized basket was nearby. Yuu stirred as if she sensed Leona nearby. 
"There you are. I've been looking all over for you." Yuu said while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. 
Leona leaned against the tree. "How did you know I would be here?" he raised a brow. 
Yuu gave Leona a look that explained it all. Leona's eyes widened a fraction, and he knew. Oh, he figured it out.
Yuu giggled at his reaction, her eyes filled with glee. "You should be lying on a blanket and not the grass. Plus, you deserve to eat something after going out of your way to ensure I'm well."
Leona smirked. "Well, aren't you a smart herbivore?"
"Thanks. A future queen has to be. That reminds me." Yuu shifted to grab the basket and placed it in front of her. "I know our first few interactions were rough, and I apologize. This is my peace offering to you." Yuu opened it, and Leona's eyes widened.
"No way…" His eyes landed on a beautiful steak that made his mouth water.
"It is. This steak is very rare. The cattle it comes from can only be found in a village hidden in the Shaftlands. Only a few people can get their hands on it. Luckily, I knew someone with enough connections to get me one."
Leona could smell the steam coming out of it. And the juiciness from where he stood. The meat itself looked medium rare, just the way Leona liked it. "Did you wait long for me?"
Yuu shook her head and looked at Leona with earnest eyes. "Not really, but the weather is so nice today that I could not help closing my eyes." she laughed, warming Leona's heart as he watched her smile.
"Well, I don't want your gift to go to waste." Leona sat down beside Yuu as she unpacked the basket. Yuu placed two plates, utensils, snacks, and drinks out for Leona. Leona said as he picked up the meat. After opening it, he grabbed a fork and a knife to cut it into small pieces. He picked up one piece and held it up to Yuu. "Eat." 
Yuu blushed, but her heart raced at the gesture. "This is for you. You should have the first bite."
Leona's mouth curled up slightly. "And when was the last time you ate?"
Yuu rolled her eyes. "You got me." She leaned forward and ate her share. Leona watched her face melt as he began to eat, too. "This is really good," Yuu said as she grabbed another bite, but Leona beat her to it by holding it out again. 
"Let me feed you, herbivore."
Yuu blushed and accepted the food right away. "Just this once because I'm feeling generous." 
Leona smiled victoriously as he and Yuu continued their meal. The two made some small talk but spent most of their time enjoying the cool breeze blowing around them. 
It felt nice, and they both felt like ordinary people. Not royals who will be married soon. 
"The meat was good, but I am tired." Yuu yawned as Leona packed up their things back in the basket. She lay down on the ground and closed her eyes. 
"You can sleep here then. I can do some things for you back in the castle." Leona began to stand up until something grabbed his arm and pulled him down. His back landed on the blanket, and Yuu wrapped her arms around him. 
"Sleep with me. My father would not mind us missing for a day." Yuu mumbled and laid her head on Leona's chest. 
Leona blushed as Yuu succumbed to her drowsiness. With strength like that to pull the prince of Sunset Savanna down, Yuu must have come from there in her past life. There was no way he could leave with Yuu's grip on him. Leona sighed and closed his eyes, succumbing to feeling loved by the woman who refused to let him go. 
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"Ah, young love! Merveilleux! Magnifique!" A blonde-haired, green-eyed hunter swooned while watching the sleeping couple from his spot on the tree.
A lavender-haired boy sighed at the tree's base. "Can we leave now? I want to eat our share of the steak."
"Hush, Epel. You can get some after your lessons." Another blonde said, scolding the boy. He briefly frowned as he watched his friend sleep beside the infamous prince and ignore the other boy's muttering. He needed to address that in his next lesson. 
"I don't understand what Yuu sees in him. She used to dislike him, and now she is bugging me to get a steak for her. She deserves more than that potato."
The hunter jumped and gracefully landed next to the man. "It is her love for him, Roi du Poison. It grew with time."
The hunter chuckled knowingly. "You'll understand when you find a femme one day."
The man scoffed. "That won't happen to me. Not with these women throwing themselves at me for a title." He turned to Epel. "Come, Epel, let's go back to the carriage." The man walked away with Epel following behind. 
Meanwhile, the hunter watched his friend and smiled at the sleeping couple before leaving, "You never know, Roi du Poison. Love can come to you unexpectedly."
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©: These stories belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
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azullumi · 2 years
can I request fatui!scara with a preg s/o ^^
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summary — to become something you never had; he was going to be a father and though how unbelievable it may seem, it is actually happening and he is there for you.
pairing — fatui!scaramouche/fem!reader
tags — fluff, might be ooc, not proofread; headcanons
word count — 700+
note — i hate school so much anyways, here it is anon! ^^
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Him? He's going to be a father? A parent? Surprised and shocked, he doesn't believe it all at first, not until he sees the small bump forming on your stomach and it is when everything will sink in.
Inexperienced and clumsy, he doesn't know how to be a parent for he never had one in his life, however, one thing's for sure, even in the small acts and moments that you'll never know nor see, he will do the best that he can.
Protective. extremely protective. over the top protective. Everything about him is screaming protective because each of his actions aims to safeguard you just so nothing bad would happen to you or the life that you are carrying inside your belly. If he's already protective before, just expect that he'll be more than that once you're pregnant.
If he could, he would just keep you forever in your home to ensure your safety—having guards installed all around you and everything—he'll restrict you from going out, especially when he couldn't be there. His work as a Fatui Harbinger hinders his chances to be with you at all times as he gets called on missions that he can't turn down nor abandon so the majority of your term, he's not present.
"I will be back, wait for me."
"Please return safely."
Of course, you couldn't help but be emotionally stressed and depressed because for one, he's not there, two, he's always putting his life at risk by willingly venturing yourself himself into danger and three, you'll never know what is happening to him until he sends a letter or on the day he returns—who knows, he might be turning himself into a godly being. You've always worried for him and now that anxiety has doubled as your emotions feel like on a rollercoaster once you're pregnant. 
However, scaramouche—despite having difficulties with it—reassures you every time before he leaves and would embrace you into a comforting hug that lasts for so long once he returns. At those instances, he lets his soft side come through as he relaxes and for once, thanks himself that nothing happened to you and to him.
He tries to be gentle as much as possible, breaking down the rough and cold demeanor he has put up with the way his voice softens, his gaze becoming gentler, and his tone tender when he speaks to you—of course, there's still the mean and blunt side of him. It's just that he wishes to show that he genuinely cares and cherishes you.
A name? Even though he reasons that the two of you could just think of one once the child is born, he actually has a set of names inside his head.
Whenever he's home, he spends most—not most as it's actually every minute you. He follows you around, accomplishing tasks for you—he leaves the chores and such to the servants—and tending to your being. He scolds you if you ever try to lift a finger to do something that he could just do for you.
"Didn't I tell you not to do that on your own? Give me that, let me do it."
He was never patient to begin with but he has to be in understanding your cravings and mood swings, he's there throughout all of it. You want an apple but it has to be from a tree that grew in Mondstadt? He'll call for a merchant from that nation who sells it. What else? You want some soup but also not soup so you want something that is soft or juicy but it also has to be meat? He doesn't know what in the goddamn skies that is but he will look for it for you.
When you want to go out to talk a walk for some fresh air because sometimes it can be suffocating to stay inside, he'll be the one accompanying you instead of the usual guards or maids and it's really only just you and him. It's not like you hate it though because you rarely get time alone with him.
At times when you're asleep and he's still up, he actually tries to talk to the baby but he tries to keep his voice as low as possible as to not wake you—you never knew how he have conversations with the child nearly every night and how he whispers to himself that he'll become a parent he wish he had, loving and caring in his own ways.
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sarafangirlart · 27 days
So because i am not so interested in watching the kaos series. Can you describe how Ariadne and Dionysus are portrayed there?
Dionysus isn’t a drunkard (thank god) but he’s a lot meeker here than he is in mythology, like you’ve seen before, it’s like he’s repeating his arc from mythology all over again except worse, Zeus is physically abusive to him (which tbf is accurate to how he treats his children) Hera bullies him which I feel is a bit ooc bc she’s perfectly capable of moving on from her anger and bury the hatchet, she’s done it with both Heracles and Dionysus. However Dionysus being annoyed at Zeus for calling Hera his mother is pretty in character I think. He has weirdly homoerotic chemistry with Orpheus which is hilarious since I’m pretty sure the maenads killed him in mythology. He carries a kitten around which is adorable, then Zeus kills it to prove a point ig. Don’t the Maenads tear animals to shreds tho? I guess this traumatized Dionysus bc he genuinely liked that cat.
Ok now Ariadne, they make her Glaucus’s twin, for some reason the “Minotaur” isn’t Asterion. Minos tells Ariadne and Pasiphae that as babies, Ariadne fell asleep on top of Glaucus and suffocated him to death. Which obviously traumatized them. Idk why they did that, ig it’s to ease her mind bc she has a prophecy that she would kill her brother? Minos later says it’s to make her stronger which like… ok ig.
Glaucus for some reason isn’t actually a Minotaur but a feral man. Y’know it pisses me off bc making Ariadne and Asterion twins could be hella interesting bc imagine them being linked like real twins and for her to FEEL him getting killed in the Labyrinth by Theseus, that juicy juicy angst. Pasiphae forces Daedalus to make wax figures of her son that she thinks is dead, and makes Ariadne stand in as reference, then complains that Glaucus doesn’t have a big nose like Ariadne, I imagine some girls out there can relate to having mothers being overly critical of their daughters ethnic features (not me tho my mom is great).
She’s in her thirties and helps her father maintain his dictatorship (idk much about modern Greek history but I have to imagine it might be insensitive since Greece was under a dictatorship in the past) but she believes that it’s for good and asks her dad to make Crete a democracy like Athens and that ppl would vote for him bc they love him, obviously Minos shoots this idea down. The Trojans low key feel like stand ins for modern MENA refugees which is HELLA insensitive for a multitude of reasons but the one that stood out to me the most is that they use yt British and American actors for the Trojans which really rubs me the wrong way, to use poc suffering for entertainment. Theseus is Astyanax’s bf (but you already knew that) and sides with the Trojans and he “tricks” Ariadne into coming to “Troy Town” (argh which is segregated btw) and they corner her and ask her to free their Trojan prisoners, otherwise they’d keep her as a hostage, which she does then she has the audacity to be mad at Theseus for this when he is completely justified in what he did. Imagine making Theseus more right than Ariadne lol
I don’t understand making Theseus a bodyguard/ rebel spy and removing him from the context of Athens, and why would you write him as supporting Trojans? Didn’t his sons fight against Troy in the Trojan war? Also I think Theseus was killed by the Minotaur? Idk only 7 corpses were shown and he was supposed to be the eighth of this group but he doesn’t show up again.
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trailblazethegalaxy · 11 months
Photos of Our Love ~ *Welt Yang*
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Summary: Welt is trying to find the best way to propose to you. Eventually he decides on photos of the two of you. Hopefully you see just how much he loves you and will accept his proposal.
Pairing: Welt Yang X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1130
Warning: Welt might be OOC?
Welt isn’t the most sentimental person in the world, but he had his moments. Like right now, as he was looking through photos of the two of you, he couldn’t help but get a little bit misty-eyed as he reminisced. He couldn’t believe he found someone so precious and so wonderful such as yourself. And he was glad you made transitioning to the next step in your relationship much easier.
“Hey, Welt? I have the package you asked for. It’s the best we could find on such short notice.” Himeko said as she handed him a small bag.
March peaked into the room as well, narrowing her eyes at the two of them. “So are you going to tell us what was so special that Himeko had to make a special stop?”
He sighed, knowing he couldn’t keep this a secret from the most nosey member of the Astral Express. He pulled out the small box from the bag and opened it. “I plan on proposing to Y/n tonight.”
His crewmates eyes widened in surprise before March started cheering. “Wow! That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for the two of you! Congratulations!”
“Easy March, no one’s said yes yet.” Himeko chuckled before smiling at Welt. “Either way, I’m happy for you both as well. This is a big step for you.”
He nodded. “Yes, this is a very important milestone in our relationship. I just hope Y/n feels the same. I don’t want to catch her off guard.”
“So how do you plan to pop the question?” March asked eagerly, leaning in close to hear all the juicy details.
He nodded to the photo album he was flipping through earlier before Himeko delivered the ring. “I plan on using that to help convey my message.”
March clasped her hands together and giggled. “That is SOOO romantic! I have more candid shots if you need them!”
“That’s a great idea. I’m almost surprised you were the one to come up with it.” Himeko chuckled behind her hand.
Welt frowned. “Are you trying to tell me something, Himeko?”
She sighed and waved off his question. “Nevermind about that. Is there anything you need from us before your big proposal? I’m sure you want us out of here tonight so you two can have some alone time.”
“I plan on proposing to them in my room. It’s more intimate there without the possibility of anyone walking. However, if you can keep March away, that would be great. And if you would like to help, March, I have an idea that could use a few extra hands.”
Well, Welt was right that many hands make light work. Before too long, everything was ready. Both Himeko and March wished him luck and he thanked them sincerely. March tried to get him to allow her to listen outside of the door, but Himeko made sure to keep her distracted. Looking around his room at everything, Welt let out a puff of air and gave a self-satisfied nod. Everything looked perfect.
However, for the first time ever in his life, Welt Yang was anxious.
Proposing was a big deal and a decision one shouldn’t take lightly. But he knew it was the right decision to make. He knew he loved you enough to jump into this new life and not look back at his old one. He just hoped you were too.
Your soft voice shook Welt out of his thoughts. You looked amazing, all dressed up to perfection just like he asked you this morning. He felt his heart flutter in his chest and his smile widen. He was practically overflowing with love for you. He just hoped he could get through all of this without messing up.
You gasped, a hand over your mouth and he beamed at your reaction. All the pictures he loved of the two of you were hanging from the ceiling by glittery thread and shining in the candlelight. He had written about each event on the back of the photos, where and when it took place and all the precious memories he had about it. He was proud of the idea and he was happy you were reading each of the stories as you traverse the memory labyrinth he set up, with help of course. However, he couldn’t wait until you got to him.
When you saw him, you had tears in your eyes. Welt was frozen in place, knowing you’d reach him eventually so he could wipe your tears away. You smiled so brightly his heart beat louder. He really did love you, didn’t he?
“Welt, you did all of this, just for me?” You sighed. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself the same thing everyday.” He answered with a laugh. After using the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears he held your face for a moment longer. “You look absolutely exquisite tonight.”
“Thank you. You look dashing as well.” You nodded to his outfit. “What’s all of this for? We already had our anniversary…”
He took a deep breath. “It’s for something far more special.”
And with that he sank down to one knee. You gasped and he took one of your hands. “Y/n, I love you. I love you so much. You have opened my eyes to what real, true love is and I will never stop thanking you for that. You have made my life so much more vibrant. I couldn’t imagine a single day without your ever present sparkle. You are everything and more and I want to keep telling you how much I love you for the rest of our lives, for the rest of time. Please, will you marry me?”
“Oh, Welt.” You cried, nodding. “Yes! Yes absolutely! A hundred thousand times yes!”
All of the air in Welt’s lungs whooshed out of him. He couldn’t believe it. He could and he couldn’t at the same time. He was finally engaged to the love of his life.
Slipping the ring onto your finger, he stood and kissed you, slow and deep, just the way you deserved. When he broke for air, you pressed kisses all over his face, whispering an I love you after each one.
He gently pulled away to look you in the eyes. “No, I love you.”
You shook your head with a laugh. “No, I love you and no one will ever love you more than I do.”
“I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to love me more than you. But I love you more than anyone will ever love you.” Sighing, he held you close and kissed you once more. “I really can’t wait to keep telling you how much I love you for the rest of our lives.”
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utilitycaster · 4 months
Hi! This might be a bit of a weird ask (and a rambly one - sorry!) but you're one of the most level-headed and rational fandom members I know and I might need you to slap some sense into me, so to speak, especially considering you've been vocally critical of Marisha's choices for Laudna before. Now I loved the episode and the inner-party conflict in this episode. It was so fun and investing and tbh I've never been as interested in Laudna as a character as during last episode (she just doesn't work for me on several levels) and I do think Marisha did a stellar job RP wise. But something grated against my nerves about how she said OOC that Laudna hasn't lied. Because Laudna has lied. By omission, deflection or otherwise. It cannot all be attributed to Delilah being the pushing force of that. And I feel weird about Marisha (afaik) not acknowledging that. If she said "Laudna feels like she hasn't lied" it would probably be different but the "I still maintain: Laudna hasn't lied. It wasn't Laudna." at the end of the episode after Laura calls Laudna out for the direct lie about the harness feels kinda trying-to-have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too in this regard. I know that Marisha can make decisions that I don't gel with and make characters that can get under my skin in specific ways (and I enjoy that about her!) but idk maybe I have difficulties putting my trust in her with this because I didn't like a lot of her choices for Laudna so far. Anyway. Maybe I just need to hear from you that I'm being stupid about this and that Marisha is going to handle this in a differentiated way. (also highly unrelated but to end on a more positive note I'm excited for you to catch up on fhjy!)
Hey anon! Thank you for all the kind words, and good news! On CR Cooldown Marisha does clarify she means this as "Laudna is not lying because, whether or not it is correct, this is what she believes". I'm going to talk more below, but hopefully that helps.
For what it's worth, I tend to not put a huge amount of emphasis on things the cast says OOC as compared to what's happening in game, for a number of reasons, and advise others do the same. I think it's really easy for those statements to become outdated or outright contradict the text (remember when people kept bringing up Laura on like, one of the first 4SD episodes saying Imogen tries not to read people's minds and it's like. ok but in canon, she does this ALL the time so this is a useless argument?), the cast is working off more information than we are slash might deliberately be hiding info from each other, and also anything said right after they break is often a really emotional statement that they, as Marisha did here, will immediately either clarify or recant after a few minutes to, well, cool down.
The lies of omission thing is also incredibly rich as a source of conflict here, particularly between Imogen and Laudna, which, as someone who's been very frustrated with a lack of conflict on that front, is very exciting. What happens when you have someone who, in classic warlock fashion, hews to the law of lying (I didn't say anything literally false!) and not the spirit (lying by omission that Delilah was the cause) and who also makes promises she's unable to keep; and she's in a relationship with someone who is exceptionally sensitive to lies by omission, lying in general, and kind of has trouble with people simply not revealing their true intentions? I think Laudna is so suggestible that she's a liability, and the party just found out, and that's the dangerous thing - if she were malicious and lying maybe they could pick it up and this would have an easy fix, but she really does believe it will be different this time and Delilah isn't misleading her for power (Delilah is 100% misleading her for power), and that makes it much more complicated. It's very juicy.
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nikos-oneshots · 1 year
Hey can I request some romantic headcannons for Vera oberlin x gn!reader who is rather quiet and reserved around everyone but her
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Vera Oberlin x Reserved! Reader
Warnings: Might be a little OOC. Word Count: 0.6K Pronouns: They/Them | Second person POV Notes: Back from the dead to drop a little headcanons post!! Thank you monster prom person for requesting this!! :D
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She never really noticed you around spooky high, well, until she did. She saw you around either the library or the field, usually surrounded by a small group. When one of those people got on her nerves, she decided to reign hell on everybody associated with them.
She got everybody except you. There was no information on you since you didn't go around telling people anything, your social media history was either bare, uninteresting or somehow hidden from her and she never saw you do anything noteworthy. You were completely reserved.
She finally decided to talk to you head on when she realized that she wasn't getting the results she wanted with just observing, so she interrupted you when you where buying something from Valerie's store.
She starting asking what your deal was, trying to make accusations at you to finally hit a nail in the coffin, but none of that was working. You just gave her a blank, calm stare. But then, you decided to give her something that she might want more instead.
Since you're so quiet around everybody else, nobody notices you, you get all the details on the juicy stuff everybody is talking about. So you tell everything she might want to hear to her to try to get her to leave you alone, because you have some of your own secrets that you don't want her pushing into.
She likes how you aren't immediately afraid of her, how you can keep level headed and how you are willing to rat out your classmates too her. She doesn't have time to focus on EVERYTHING, so she keeps you around.
Now you're basically Vera's hub for blackmail information because nobody would be caught DEAD spilling their secrets in front of Vera. She has too much power.
You are also basically immune from Vera's wrath. If you stay on her good side that is.
The more you two hang out (Basically you telling her things that can be used as blackmail.) The more you start to warm up to her. You never really had somebody be this interested in you, especially somebody this socially powerful. You stop acting reserved around her, starting to show your real personality.
She notices the change quickly, but doesn't make any comments about it. She is starting to warm up to you too, but still convinces herself that she only keeps you around so that she has extra ears out on the school.
Her snakes begin to warm up to you too. You fed it a piece of your lunch one time (with permission) and it nuzzled up to you afterwards. Vera was embarrassed about that, but she would never let you know it.
The other charismatic classmates know of your existence now because they all see you with her, but they never really dig deeper into it because she tells them that you're just an asset.
The only person who doesn't believe that is Polly, which is determined to figure out who you are to Vera. Whenever she remembers you're existence, she goes to find and talk to you, but she either never finds you, or you only respond with one word answers which kills her mood. So she gives up.
Vera loves how you being reserved around other people is a way bigger advantage than she first realizes, demonstrated with the Polly situation. She used to confuse your quietness for shyness and label it as a weakness, but the more she gets to know you, the more she realizes that you're just in tune with your surroundings.
You know Vera fully is comfortable around you when she starts spoiling you. Her love language is gift-giving 100%, and she wants to let you know how helpful you have been. She disguises it as a completely transactional thing, but deep down, you know she has a thing for you ;)
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Thank you so much for the request! So sorry i have been dead, motivation has been kicking my ass. Not going to say that im 100% back, i'm just taking things at my own pace :)
Lots of Love -Niko
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elite-amarys · 9 months
//ooc hey lads! I genuinely really appreciate all the asks and pelipper gifts, like really and truly. But I'm getting a lot of pelipper mail that is pretty much the same, and I'm worried that reading Amarys say "wow thanks for the jewelry." Is going to get old fast.
Again, don't wanna discourage y'all, but if I don't answer your ask that's why! I will say that, as someone who has played mostly non canon characters before this, they seem to get wayyyyy less attention than canon characters. Go send some of these gifts and attention to @blueberry-blastoise @boo-berry-gremlin @bee-bee-kyuu @mira-annabelles-poke-kitchen @skyfire-the-pokemon-biologist , who are just some super fun non-canon characters I know of! Other non-canon characters feel free to reblog this, so that these lovely anons can also find y'all in the notes if they want.
You are all very sweet I am sorry I cannot reply to every single ask 😘
As an addendum, if you sent me a nice juicy lore ask about BB Academy or Amarys' team and I haven't responded, it's because I am waiting until I have the spoons to do a GOOD reply. Love those juicy asks, those aren't going anywhere.
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pilot-boi · 1 year
So I know that your favorite one is obviously Arkos, but what are your thoughts on the other Jaune ships? The ones I have in mind are Lancaster, White Knight, and Arculus Rift (Jaune/Penny, ik that one's not used much because there's no basis in canon but they're so funky in my head and I think they would have the absolute funniest interactions), but as The Jaune Enjoyer Ever™️ your insights on any ship would be based beyond mention.
Gonna state right off the bat that I’m not much of a shipper. I like characters being in close platonic relationships rather than romantic or sexual ones. That’s just my personal preference
While I’m not a shipper, I’m pretty chill with people shipping to their hearts contents! As long as the characters are made wildly OOC, as can happen ESPECIALLY with my boy. But you seem chill, so it’s all good
So as “The Jaune Enjoyer Ever” I will do my best :]
I do adore Arkos, it’s true. They were perfect and precious and CRWBY why do you have to keep tormenting us
After V9 White Knight has honestly been growing on me. They’ve both come a long way since Beacon, and they’re obviously close friends, so if it progressed from there that would be super cute
I like the whole knight aesthetic they’ve both got going on, and their dynamic is excellent. So yeah I’m on board
Lancaster is cute. It squicks me a bit personally, since they act more like siblings than any other pair of mains other than the LITERAL sisters
Don’t get me wrong, I can see why people ship them. They’re very close and deal with very similar problems. And there’s nothing like shared trauma for bringing a relationship together
But just me personally, I’m not a fan. Strictly platonic for me, thanks
Arculus Rift is a cool name, first and foremost
Secondly, I know it’s a crack ship but I could only see this relationship happening from when Penny comes back in V7 on. Not during Beacon. I’m not sure they even KNEW each other then
They would be adorable though, don’t get me wrong. They’re both such dorks, after all. It would be HELLA angst material though, given that Jaune’s former partner/first girlfriend KILLED Penny
And ya know. The fact that Jaune kills her at the end of V8. That’s some JUICY angst right there
But yeah, those are my thoughts! Hope they were fun to read, if not very insightful lol
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ask-lute · 5 months
[OOC] Don’t worry, I’m fixin to wrap this bit up here soon so we can get to the next juicy one hehe
[Sadie] *She opens her eyes, and they go just about as starry as the sky she’s looking at. She’s absolutely blown away by the masterpiece that is somehow simultaneously already in front of her, and constantly still being painted. It’s such a beautiful sight that she almost gets a little choked up. She clears her throat before speaking* Wow. This is… I… I don’t know if I have the words. *She squeezed Lute’s hand* Thank you so much for sharing this with me.
[Lute steps in front of her.]
Sadie, I'm happy to share all of this with you. You looking at this for the first time is how I feel looking at you right now. I'm in awe of you, surprised you even approached me in the first place. But you've made this day amazing, you're already special to me.-🗡
[She leans in and kisses Sadie deeply wrapping her arm around Sadie's waist.]
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prince-liest · 11 months
Hi!! I am always in awe at how you are able to translate a character’s voice into the narrative of your writing, not even just in dialogue. Do you have any tips on how to write a character with a personality that’s too different from yours and still keep them from sounding OOC? For example, I struggle a lot to write characters who are shown to be really wise or have a strategic mind since it doesn’t come naturally to me, and sometimes it’s not something I can just google.
Hello! First of all, thank you so much for your lovely words - that's a really lovely compliment and I seriously appreciate it, as character voice in narrative is both one of my favorite things to write and one of the things I find most important to communicate in my writing! Second of all, I'm sorry that it took me over a month to get back to you. OTL Life's been lifing!
As for your question: I have a writing advice post here from 2020 that I think addresses a large chunk of it, so you should go check it out just so that I'm not rewriting a portion of it!
But to expand on it a little further, particularly regarding what you mentioned about characters that differ from your personality: I totally feel you. Particularly with traits that are lauded by society (being smart, being wise, etc) that you feel like you don't have to the same degree as a character, it can make you a little anxious to write them. Honestly, I think a chunk of my ability to do this comes from 27 years of learning how to mask.
However! You have playing field advantage! A really great way to make a character seem particularly skilled at something is to manipulate their situation and environment in a way that highlights their talents. I don't mean this in a "make a problem only they can solve" kind of way - like, as much as I love Legally Blonde, Elle Woods solving the case by knowing how perms work didn't make her look smarter or more skilled when I was so acutely aware that it was total chance that that little factoid happened to be relevant at all and her knowing it has nothing to do with her considerable skill as a law student.
I mean more that you as the writer are the one who knows exactly how a conflict or mystery ends or is answered or can be overcome, so you can give your character the skills or insight to be the one to figure it out. Manipulate things such that whatever skill you do have that fits into the required skillset is sufficient, and then add some pizzazz and emotion to obfuscate! Maybe give other characters compelling reasons they weren't able to do the same, to better highlight the achievement.
Additionally, I think there's a lot to be said for just... skimming over things. Like, you don't need to write every single detail of a character's cleverness or ability to be a manipulative little gremlin or scientific know-how. The trick oftentimes is to write just enough (often by sprinkling in a couple of key facts/comments) that it seems like they know what they're doing and then just showing the results without elaborating further. By doing that, you've shown evidence that the character has that skill, without having to possess it yourself.
As long as you do this with flavor, with emotional reaction, and with personality, it really, really does not read like telling instead of showing. In fact, I would argue that for technical know-how like being a war tactician or office bureaucracy or whatever, showing instead of telling can often be much more boring than quickly saying what a character did and then moving on to the actual juicy character interaction bits.
For example: I am not a horse person, I will never be a horse person, and I know extremely little about horses. I have been on a horse a number of times that I can count on one hand and all of them were more than a decade ago. However, having been on a horse at least a couple of times, and being in possession of a few interesting facts about horses from a friend that really likes them (hey Axo), I can make Geralt of Rivia seem like a competent horse owner without ever having to describe the process of... idk, whatever you call it when you get a horse ready to ride or put it away after. See, I don't even know that much.
I do it by strategically sprinkling in the few key horse facts I possess. Geralt is riding a horse. What do I know about riding horses? I know the basics of what it feels like to ride one, particularly what the different standard gaits feel like. Cantering is super bumpy and it sucks. Galloping is a weirdly smooth ride that almost feels like it's going backwards. That's enough substance for Geralt to have internal opinions on (or for Jaskier to complain vividly about) to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about when his internal narration touches on the process, and I didn't need more than a couple of facts to achieve it.
I employ this HEAVILY whenever I write modern AU Jin Guangyao because I've never been in a corporate office in my life and it fucking shows. I just give him strong opinions on other peoples' competence and pray that people don't notice that I've barely even defined what the company does. Characters having Opinions on something is an easy way to make them seem familiar with and competent at that thing.
Anyway, to summarize:
manipulate the story circumstances to highlight the character
sprinkle in (ACCURATE) key facts and otherwise gloss over the topic you're unfamiliar with
give characters opinions on whatever they're doing
I hope that helps!
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extremely curious what's ya stance on strixxie and striker himself nowadays!
Woooo boy! Well I've written an over 130.000 words fanfic on Strixxie and a sequel on the works plus a couple of smaller ones on the side so you can safely say I'm still very much OBSESSED with the pair!😍
I love all of the nemesis tropes they have in canon! Their antagonistic chemistry is top notch and I stan all flavors of enemies to lovers that have the potential to come with it! I love the mutual canon animosity and constantly challenging each other vibes that I can be delulu with and interpret as thick sexual tension!
Some darker problematic stuff is honestly still a big part of the appeal to me as much as mushy stuff could be depending on execution and aaaaaah I just adore ships that can have such range!
Plus it gives me stuff to grab onto in canon like Striker fucking drooling in their last encounter like hello???? And also of course Moxxie being a little badass and pulling that glorious uno reverse on him that had me weak fahscahfagafavavsfksfs!😫💞
As far as Striker goes he's still my fave character! But I do think the harvest moon festival had him at his peak and some elements got a bit messed up with Western Energy. They didn't completely ruin him tho. The only parts I couldn't stand were some jokes I thought really didn't work for him like that god-awful statue and a couple of random outbursts of anger I found ooc.
If they kept those away along with the questionable decision of having Stella call him off for that reason and him revealing all his cards as an assassin so publicly prior, honestly the rest I don't mind at all. The entire Stolas torture scene in a vacuum is absolutely flawless, along with the fight with M&M. Those were some good shit. Especially with Moxxie hehe😏 I really loved how they showed much of Striker's character via that fight, like being cunning and badass and reveling on the challenge. Very fun villain stuff to see!
And I enjoyed him in Oops even if the plot to bring him there was contrived. He was handled a lot better I think. Again excluding some questionable logic like why would Fizzarolli's performance ever distract everyone like that. But eh comedy is subjective and all.
Speaking of which I really hope the team up with Crimson wasn't an one off thing cause wooo boy is that plot point fascinating!!
Both of Moxxie's majorly thematically villains teaming up is just ripe for juicy drama. I am wishing for a follow up on that so badly!!!!
So yeah overall still love Striker a lot while choosing to ignore some elements of his character that the writers added and that annoyed me and that's the tea. Well that's my general experience with hellaverse in general anyways. Along with the pacing that messes some stuff up.
I can't wait to see him again! And more Strixxie scenes too!
Thanks a lot for the ask!!
Getting the chance to gush over all this is always very fun!😃❤️
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