#only to find out its this random blonde mf
sprinklethetangerine · 9 months
I can't believe they did this
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sirenfm · 4 years
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❛ ✶ ( MAIA MITCHELL, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) spotted ! LORELEI GUNTHER was spotted singing along to GHOST by AWKWAFINA in hilton grove. you’ve heard of them right ? they are a TWENTY-TWO year old MUSICIAN who has already amassed a net worth of 30M. you should really follow them on insta @STARR, they’re about to hit 6.5M followers. the tabloids have been calling them the ISOLATO because they are known for being + OBSERVANT but also a bit - RECLUSIVE. though most people recognize them by THE RINGS OF SATURN, THE DIZZYING NEON OF THE DANCE FLOOR, SILVER STITCHED INTO WEIGHTLESS CHIFFON & BEING A SUPERNOVA SO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE FORGET YOU’RE A DYING STAR. — ooc info (alys. 22. est. she/her.)
hellooo!!!! woke up this morning to see hilton will probably be opening today so i realized i better write my intro. i’m ally, i have Depression and too much time on my hands, and those are two things i have in common with my muse, lorrie!!!!! she’s like a hannah montana/lady gaga type pop star. pls like this post for me to hyu on discord !! 
(cc/vc: lorde) 
background. (tl;dr at bottom)  
born to a lower class family in boston, ma, into the gunther name which were once great musicians back in austria. her father took this very seriously and so named her brothers after composers (johann and wolfgang) and herself after the siren of the rhine. 
he wanted very badly for them to be successful in music and in life, so lorrie had a lot of pressure from the outset. also, her parents went through a very messy divorce early in life.
she developed severe anxiety by the time she was in first grade, and was diagnosed selectively mute. the only people she would talk to for years were her brother wolfy, and her oma, who lived with them. 
did manage to get some treatment and eventually recovered, mostly thanks to her oma, who taught her how to express herself, mostly through music. 
her oma died two years later, when lorrie was thirteen. since then, she’s basically had a mental breakdown every three months at least. 
even then, she dedicated herself to her music, even though her father had long since given up on her. but johann, while diligent, proved not to have the passion required, while wolfy, who had the passion, refused to be diligent, and eventually left the family on bad terms. 
lorrie also, strangely, found some confidence in drama class; it was easier to be someone she wasn’t than the person she was. after her first time onstage without bursting into tears, her friends convinced her to try out for the school talent show, knowing she was a singer-songwriter. 
she managed to get through her audition, but at the actual show? she froze. she couldn’t stand to be herself in front of everyone. 
slowly, she realized she could be somebody else. a few months later during a sleepless night, the kind where she’d usually cut her hair or redecorate her entire room, she went to the local walmart and bought every glittery thing she could find. she wouldn’t sing as herself, she’d sing as someone else, even write as someone else.  
and when one of her classmates had a filmography project and wanted to do a music video, the fifteen year old lorrie offered her song. 
that video was called starr - “royals”, and within a few days of it being uploaded, it went viral. 
it wasn’t until a universal rep knocked on the gunthers’ door that lorries father even acknowledged her success. and acknowledge it, he did. 
lorrie hated how affectionate her father had become all of a sudden, but someone had to accompany her to los angeles to record her ep. 
she hated los angeles, not only for what it did to her father, but what it did to herself, too. starr was how she presented herself to the public, she became the crutch lorrie used to get through these schmoozing conversations. where lorrie was awkward and nervous, starr was graceful, mysterious, intriguing. 
also, drugs. way too many drugs. 
by the time her first album went platinum, she realized that her father was wasting her money on all kinds of things. they had a blowout fight one night and, even though she was only seventeen, she emancipated herself and locked her father out of all of the accounts. she also left la. 
(this is probably around the time she started dating her melodrama ex, after she left la). 
after her second album, she settled in hilton grove because it was quiet, far from california, and a place where nobody batted an eye at a famous figure, let alone a famous figure out of costume. 
tl;dr heiress to a musical legacy overcomes social anxiety via faking until making, goes viral, becomes a teenage pop star, sues own father for control of her estate, leaves la and tries to remember how to be herself.
shes…. aloof. reclusive. a bit of a weirdo. she either doesn’t want to talk to you or, if you’re close to her or catch her in the right mood, she will literally talk your ear off.
doesn’t really ever access her emotions, or at least doesn’t acknowledge them.
she really is a whole mess. all of her songwriting is done during white nights of random inspiration.
she’s better when she has, like, a schedule, but she’s still kind of a mess its a thing.
loves conspiracy theories will talk about them forever. also big into astrology and divination.
aquarius sun scorpio moon pisces rising so like………… she has no chill
an excellent mimic but out of character her voice is very monotone and flat, doesn’t really smile all that much. shes probably a robot.
so sarcastic someone tell her to shut the fuck up
queer as hell
moves like an mf cat. can very easily sneak up on you. someone get her a fucking bell
she went to rehab on the deep deep dl and now really only smokes weed and drinks socially. its one of her proudest accomplishments.
definitely moving away from the starr character as she gains more confidence in herself. also finds it stunting her musical growth.
kind of terrified to love because it means being Known.
her finsta/private insta is @lorilies 
also she has bleached blonde hair but i’ll be using brunette maia for like gif icons and snap icons bc there’s. not enough blonde maia pics.
you know ya girl included some tik toks for lorrie
her default when alone in her house
she cute when she’s high as a kite
her manager won’t let her have a tik tok bc she’s do shit like this
her philosophy, nay, her religion
wanted connections. 
ex-lover. yknow the one she wrote melodrama about. she’s highkey clingy and bad in relationships So. open to all genders. (1/1) 
best friend.  self explanatory; there through thick and thin. (1/1)
enemy. a rival artist? a neighbor with high standards? idk lets get creative lets get spicy (0/3)
confidante. tells them things she doesn’t like to admit. bonus if they will smoke weed with her (0/1)
good influence. someone help her get her life together (0/1)
bad influence. she used to be a party girl, so. its not Hard. (0/1) 
flirtationship. a general will they won’t they; i need some romance y'all. (0/1?)
pls anything talk to me i’m so lonely 
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spooky-skz · 5 years
hyunchan ➳ fallenangel!au
Warnings: none
Genre: angst
Pairing: hyunchan x gender neutral reader
A/N: hello!! this will contain multiple parts & WILL have romance so be prepared, hehe. this was inspired by the supernatural tv series. I ALWAYS APPRECIATE FEEDBACK!!!
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it’s been a decade since I’ve posted an au hAH
so please enjoy!
In heaven, the main purpose of this particular rank of angels is to guide and protect humans through their everyday lives and they consistently report to their superiors who’re in charge of maintaining the influx of souls. 
This makes each human have two angels!
aaaand you’ve been blessed with having hyunjin and chan as your designated feather boi’s ଘ( ♡ᗜ♡)
chan and hyunjin are in the protection division and were quite frankly the best in their league! all of their humans have been well guarded till their time ended. They almost never leave their person unattended because hey! If something happened to you, it’d be on them & neither could live out his eternal lifespan knowing that he foolishly let you get hurt. The only time they HAD to go is if their superior demands a word… even till then, these boys would stall as much time possible. The longer they’re away from you, the more prone you are to an untimely death & that would make them a horrible angel.
It all started when the superior was once again, hollering in their ear for a brief summary of the progress and ordered to be met with in the park downtown. 
It was chan’s turn to meet up & he asked hyunjin to be extra careful with you in his absense, only to be waved away by the younger angel, saying something along the lines of you scrolling on your phone won’t bring any danger other than radiation probably. 
Chan rolled his eyes and left as fast as possible so he could return soon because indeed, one angel was strong as heck but hyunjin couldn’t defend you completely from other beings trying to interfere with your fate. (⚆_⚆)
*cough cough: demons, fairies, etc.*
Chan swooshed from behind a massive oak tree, catching sight of his superior immediately, seated on a bench with his finger impatiently tapping his knee. A small, 5’0 blonde man with icy blue eyes wearing a daunting scowl that never seemed to leave his porcelain complexioned face. 
“Hello, brother.” Chan greeted the elder angel with respect.
“Details. Now,” ordered Dongmin, the feather boi’s superior older brother. ( •̀ω•́ )σ
Chan chuckled and said, “Always so eager for stats, huh?” 
His brother clenched his fist and barked, “I have others to check up on, y’know! Mind not wasting my time with your jokes?” 
chan just couldn’t help but giggle further at the angry face of dongmin. It was just so hard to take him seriously with his lil angry face.
but nevertheless, chan gave his report of how your life is going, the numerous times your stupid decisions might’ve caused some serious consequences but hyunjin saved you, & all the possibilities you could’ve died but chan was always there, keeping you safe!! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
dongmin jotted all of it down in his log book & as soon as he shut the leatherbound journal, chan whisked it out of his grasp and flipped to random pages, commenting about how nice the handwriting was.
dongmin was nearly losing his head, jumping for the book and shouting at how chan can’t read other angels’ report bc it was a violation of the heavenly act #34, section 23, on page 489. mans is rlly detailed… 
chan easily towered over him and held the journal high above min’s head while teasing.
once he saw how close to tears the older angel was, he handed the book back again. 
“cheer up, donkey! don’t be so uptight all the time.” chan said as he watched dongmin dust off the book with a handkerchief as he muttered to himself.
“i told you not to call me that!” he huffed. 
“go back to your human!!! we’re done here.” dongmin added while waving chan away. 
chan laughed one more time, and sauntered to the oak tree, just about ready to swoosh back to your apartment when he heard min talking to another angel, his fellow superior sister, who arrived just as chan got behind the tree so either angel couldn’t see him still there.
subin was her name and she was just as uptight as dongmin was, but wasn’t as expressive about her ideas. 
she sat calmly on the bench, staring in the direction of some children playing on the swing while speaking, “the numbers aren’t sufficient, dongmin.”
the smoll angel plopped beside her, that ever-so-famous scowl plastered on his face once more. “i know. not enough humans are dying.” he said.
subin’s hazel eyes drifted to meet the blue ones of dongmin. “is the plan going accordingly?”
a satisfied grin creeped its way to the male’s face as he nodded slightly. “yes. i’ve convinced alot of angels who’ve agreed to let their humans get in harm’s way so their souls may go to our home, increasing our divine power.”
WHAT (๑・`▱´・๑)
chan was extremely surprised by what was said. was dongmin being serious?! 
brief background info: human souls are like ounces of fuel. they’re a power source for all sorts of beings, which is why it’s so important to collect as many as possible in order to maintain strength and authority. the angels and demons have been going at these humans for so long, accumulating more and more power for their respective groups. but, as of recent milleniums, the demons were getting more juice than the angels bc people weren’t dying fast enough but they sure were sinning! (`・ヘ´・ ) so the angels are playing dirty by letting their people die early so they don’t sin enough and in return, the angels get their fix. 
subin softly smiled and replied, “good. but, how about chan and hyunjin? they’re the best protectors according to the data, and with them in the same boat as us, we’d be unstoppable.”
min felt his fists tighten, remembering the teasing of his tall sibling. 
“they’re oblivious to the plan for now and i think it’ll be hard to convince them but we’ll find a way.”
the two superiors vanished with a swoosh & chan was left flabberghasted behind the oak tree. 
hyunjin ofc reacted in the same manner once chan told him all about the meeting. 
they knew that the whole plan was wicked & everyone couldn’t possibly be on board with it right? they had to do something about it! ( •̀ω•́ )σ
the duo waited till you were fast asleep when they used their abilities to send an urgent message to hyeonjeong, one of the eldest angels known of creation. he had bigger authority over any angel that they knew of. they knew he’d never submit to such a cruel method & could do something to stop subin & dongmin from causing further damage to the lives of billions of people.
all seemed to be working well and they shortly received a reply from an angel that gave a location to meet at. 
when they swooshed, both boys showed up to an abandoned warehouse that was muddy and rundown. 
they looked around for any sight of hyeonjeong- his long silver hair, white suit, or even his colossal sized wings, but nada.
“greetings, brothers.” they heard a familiar voice from behind.
it was hyunwoo. a sketchy mf
behind him emerged two more others, armed with angel-killing blades. 
chan and hyunjin were now in defensive mode bc not many things could kill an angel but those blades could literally do the job in one stab. 
“where’s hyeonjeong?” chan asked with gritted teeth, eyeing the closest enemy angel. 
hyunwoo clapped his hands together as he answered, “he’s on a mission elsewhere… but, don’t worry! i caught your message & was ordered to deliver you upstairs. with force, if necessary.” he seemed a little eager at the last bit.
hyunjin wasted not a second longer, and punched the angel closest to him, managing to steal the blade, and jabbing it straight through the chest. 
chan was able to take down the other angel, but he felt a sharp tip pressed against his shoulder blade.
looks like hyunwoo brought his own weapon.
he shouted to hyunjin, “what a pity! i sort of liked those two,” he nodded his head at the corpse of the dead angels. “but, enough games for today. let’s go before i get bored.”
in one snap, chan & hyunjin were bound and sat in a conference room. they knew they were in heaven with the numerous clouds that fluttered past the windows. dongmin, subin, hyunwoo, and a handful of other angels surrounded them. 
“hi, dearest brothers.” subin greeted them peacefully with her hands folded on the table. 
“w-what is this?” hyunjin questioned, eyes scanning the upset crowd of their siblings, all wielding a blade in each hand. 
dongmin piped up, “oh, you don’t see it as we do? it’s a small get-together between brothers and sisters. a small, friendly chat.” 
hyunwoo looked so ready to stab someone istg
chan wasn’t buying this a single bit. 
two simple words left subin’s lips. 
“join us.” 
“whatever you’re doing, we’re not taking part in any of it!” chan stated loudly. 
seemed like subin’s peaceful demeanor was vanishing little by little. 
“and why not? don’t you like being powerful?” she questioned aggressively.
“being admired?” dongmin added with a small smirk.
“being the authority,” hyunwoo smugly smiled.
hyunjin furiously shook his head in decline. “Unlike you, we like doing our jobs the honest, noble way.”
“oh, c’mon! they’re just humans! in case you’ve forgotten, dad’s been popping them out for milleniums & you’re getting soft now? they won’t even know who you are once they’ve died!” hyunwoo hollered.
subin sighed and nodded to dongmin, whose eyes lit up like a christmas tree. “we tried to give them a chance. do it.”
chan felt his heart skip beats once he saw dongmin approaching them with a strange vase, sprinkling its powdery contents on him and hyunjin while the other angels chanted some sort of ritual.
they coughed and writhed in pain, the power seemed to be burning at the contact of their skin. 
“what are you doing?” chan asked desperately in between coughs.
as dongmin placed the vase back to it’s spot on a shelf, he answered over the heavy chanting, “we’re stripping you of your wings!”
wide-eyed and panicked, hyunjin and chan struggled to try and get out of the angel-binding ropes that tightly pinned their arms behind their backs. 
“y-you can’t do that!” hyunjin protested, feeling weaker and weaker as the chanting continued and the powder burned hotter. 
hyunwoo, with the help of subin, placed a hand on the boys’ head and backsides.
“you’re hereby relieved of your duties as protectors for committing the sin of sloth for not helping us and diminished to live as those puny humans you were once defending.” they said in unison. 
chan and hyunjin screamed in pain as they felt the majority of their angelic grace slowly leaving their bodies.
(grace is what grants an angel it’s powerful abilities. you can take another angel’s grace through ritual or cutting them open.)
after a sudden bright flash, both boys were flung back to earth, causing a crater-like impact on the ground that they landed on. 
(now we get to you!!!)
your peaceful slumber was cut short when the sound of the impact startled you awake. 
you crawled slowly to the window, afraid that a burgular was breaking into your home. 
imagine the surprise on your face when you see two bodies covered in dust laying in your backyard.
your mind kept telling you to go back inside the bedroom but you were already opening the back door, mustering all the possible courage you had to tell them to go away or you’d call the cops. 
they hadn’t moved in the slightest when you approached them & you feared the worst. ( >д< )
... are they ded??
you stepped closer.
chan was the first to recover from his unconscious state and he slowly sat up, clutching his throbbing head. 
hyunjin woke up a few seconds after, groaning about his back. 
their attention was swept in your direction after you cleared your throat, and squeaked, “YO, G-GET THE HELL OFF OF MY PROPERTY!”
aaaaand holy crap you could s E E them?!
^^^ that’s exactly what they asked you at the same time.
...are they high or something????? you asked yourself
“listen, i don’t have time for this! leave now or i’ll call the cops!”
hyunjin & chan exchanged a look of confusion. 
“we’re not robbers, or anything like that.” hyunjin reasoned out. 
before you could respond, chan chimed in, “you’re (y/n), right???”
*cue you giving him the side-eyes.*
you asked how he knew your name.
“because we’ve been watching over you for a long time.” he answered. 
you scoffed. 
hyunjin waved his hands in decline. “not those either!” 
“then what?”
*they tell you that they’re your guardian angels.*
pfffft, you ofc didn’t believe them. what, next thing they’re gonna tell you is that your fairy godmother will be coming over shortly too?
hyunjin motioned around the impact sight, telling you that no other being could’ve made this sort of hole in the ground except angels. 
you rolled your eyes and replied, “listen bud, i don’t know when the area 51 raid happened, so if you’re some alien creature loose from my stupid neighbor’s house, just jump the fence and don’t come back here.” 
but then, chan started explaining things, and as did hyunjin
things that were so personal about you and even about your relatives that not even the best stalker could find out.
… maybe… just maybe… these dudes were telling the truth.
you motioned for them to follow you inside the house and sat yourselves down in the living room area.
“...say that you WERE somehow my angels… why are you.. visible?? & not showing wings or like… a halo or sumn?” you asked.
it took some time to explain but chan & hyunjin gave you the whole story about hyunwoo, dongmin, and subin. 
You: :o
while you left to get them some water (bc they’re a lil more human now, they’re getting thorsty), hyunjin worriedly told chan, “we have to find hyeonjeong or the other elders. it’s possible that they could stop what’s going on upstairs and we could even get our wings back!”
chan sighed and frowned. :(
“even if we could, we’d need grace from other angels just to get some of our powers back. whom, i assume are aware that we’re banished from going upstairs.” he reasoned out.
“i can help”
both boys looked up to the sound of your voice standing behind the couch, holding two cups of water.
“i mean… i’m no, ‘super hero,’ but i’ll do what i can to assist you guys in saving people & becoming angels again.” you continued.
*chan & hyunjin shook their heads to say no*
after you asked them why they won’t let you, they said that the whole ordeal will be dangerous & they don’t want you to get hurt. 
angels weren’t all fluffy feathers & halo’s.
they’re extremely powerful beings who will stop at nothing to get their desired results, even at the expense of others.
you respond with, ‘i know how to handle myself. besides, think of this as a token of gratitude for always protecting me & making me the person i am today.’
hyunjin, set down his emptied cup and said, “we were just doing our jobs. there’s no need to thank us, (y/n)!”
you leaned against the backside of the couch, standing in between them.
“you’re gonna need all the help you can get to find other angels, y’know. three is better than two.” 
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benchwpjgs · 6 years
6 paragraphs of satyr
Totally xenomorphed:  a fan fiction by Michael Bench
(narrated silent movie with goofie drama music and vox actor cameos) 
Ripley began taping the satellite radio and the ham radio together. The freight elevator was shaking like a mf and Newt was somewhere in the core of this atmospheric processor. By jove it was time to find her. The tracker was beeping incessantly; Its numbers were moving up, moving down; the little lights flickering and panning.  Its like a goddamn squaredance going on somewhere down there. If Bishop had turned on the correct channel by now we'd have this; if this alone; to shoot the breeze.
In a previous encounter <swipe> the alien worker had served her refreshments   in informal attire but courteously.. The tea was mediocre and the worker forgot to wear an apron. Who do she think she’s serving , commoners? Ripley had some time to look around but the queen was out. A type of cork message board indicated she’d be out awhile to abduct a young blonde blue eyed space colonist. The reference seemed vague. To the workers credit the Queen alien was surely moody about her choice of 80s music playing on the dining hall radio. It seemed to be the center of her muttering and tongue stabbing random articles as if punching walls. <screeen text>“Ripley knows 122 xenomorph words and alot of them deal with labor rights.”
 The worker gimped around the egg and meal hall dusting and doing random tidying. All the egg host body parts are all stored in one section like kimchee ripening day by day.. This worker had a Sony Discman surely confiscated from one of the many space tourists ripped to shreds by her cousins, nieces, step nieces,  nephew-in-laws (hyphenated). This tea Is awful. What is this? Ooolong but like OooGross. <Swipe present> They’re only 11 generations behind us on personal entertainment devices. 
The elevator reached the bottom. “It's time to get my Newt back” Ripley yelled into empty alien sinew corridors. A static cracked on the ham radio, the only radio we had for local communication. “Bishop here!”(played by Bobcat Goldthwait as Zed from Police Academy).  “Bishop, I've found her vulnerability! It's 80s music”.  Bishop quickly responded “ She has other vulnerabilities, Ripley. Bullets,  and pulses; the things you left here on your pacifism crusade all on account of bad tea.'. Ripley began reading off a list of songs Bishop was to assemble into a playlist. She had limited wattage in the personal speaker but maybe, just maybe, there was enough of a voltage in this atmosphere processor melt down to broadcast over the emergency PA. Only idiots would stay around here this long. 
There was an androids arm laying along the path. (screen text) “an androids arm! Oh lucky day, it has the access codes to use the emergency PA”.. (narrator) Bishop better have that song list ready or Ripley's going to need to break her pacifism vow and start whacking that alien queen with her stack of radios. “ Ripley reached the egg chamber/cafe she and the worker had bonded over lousy working conditions.
The queen was sleeping. Boy, she was going to have a rude awakening..<Screen text> “Bishop, I need that music now!” The radio crackled” our subscription ran out on XM. I didn't want to tell you. We have a Skynyrd cassette or a Megadeth Cassette  both known to ball out into the machine.” “I'll take Megadeth!” The queen woke to this choice.  <screen text> “ I love this song, I'll trade you the girl for the album”. <Swipe to> Episode of  Lets make a deal
The “Alien” ,Aliens franchise characters and “Xenomorph” are property of Fox entertainment & HR GIGER  and all rights and usage of their characters for profit are hereby cited attributed to its originators etc etc .
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